april chimes

APRIL 2016

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Chapelwood United Methodist Church Monthly Newsletter


Page 1: April Chimes

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11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024Phone (713) 465-3467

Fax (713) 365-2808www.chapelwood.org

Chapelwood’s Mission is to embody God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it.

The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community. While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.


A Word from Luis

A New Beginning Sermon Series

The Release






APRIL 3, 10, 17, 24SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. * Easter Service see page 3

CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICEMeditation, Communion,and Healing Prayer8:45 a.m., Chapel

THE BRANCHFamily Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road

UPPER ROOM11:30 a.m., Upper Room *

* Services are broadcast live on the web.

SATURDAYAPRIL 2, 9, 16, 23, 30MERCY STREET5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *

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Pathway to Purity

Spring Sing


GROW Opportunities

Life Groups


12-Step Programs

Adult Sunday School Opportunities


Fair Trade Coffee

Sewing for a Cause

Girl Scout Gold Award

Good Steward

Houston Food Bank

Rebuilding Together

Teacher Appreciation

A Trailer Park Way Worse Than Mine


Chapelwood Foundation

Foundation Dinner

New Members

Shuttle Parking

Staff list

Joys and Concerns











08 21 10, 11




SUMMIT 2016 article on page 7


13 16





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You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to.Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:5-11

This is one of my favorite passages of all time. I have dwelled and wondered on these verses on and off throughout my adult life. These words are central to our faith as followers of Christ. Every Lent I tend to come back to this passage. I can’t escape it. It’s a reminder that everything Christ has asked us to do, He has done it first.

We are able to love because He first loved us. We are able to forgive because He forgave us. We can be generous because He is generous. We are able to be obedient because He was obedient. We are able to die because He died for us “While we were still yet

sinners.” We could go on and on - the bottom line is that we can’t do the

things He has invited us to do on our own strength. We need the indwelling of His Spirit. This is where Pauls’ words ring so true for me, “It’s no longer I, but Christ in me.” Christ is in us by way of His Spirit.

I believe that Christ’s Spirit helps us lament. If laments are raw prayers and pleas directed to God, then only the Spirit can help us lament. We can’t even lament very well in our strength.

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” - Romans 8:26-27 [NIV]

The series The Cry has created a sacred space to be humble, yet bold and completely honest with God and those around us. This unbridled honesty is not about “letting it out” or some kind of Spiritual therapy - it’s about getting in touch with the pain and doubts that lie deep within us. It is there, in light of who He is and despite our circumstances and anguish; that we come to know who we are. We surrender not to a spirit of defeat or to overwhelming circumstance; we surrender to the One who hears our cry. If you are fully alive you will lament - sooner or later. It’s a part of life.

If Christ has done everything first, then when did He lament? You see, if He lamented, then we can lament. Jesus’ lament was greater then His words on the cross, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” - Psalm 22 and Matthew 27:46. I believe Jesus descended into the deepest, widest, darkest, filthiest, most desperate lament of all for our sake. He asked the questions we dare not ask; He wrestled with the anguish and fear we dread to face; He encountered the wretchedness of death in a way that no human ever will. He not only lamented, He became a lament so that we could be glorified with Him. In keeping with The Cry, He became our “plea and our praise!”

As you lament and lament with those around you, know that Jesus too lamented in unimaginable ways for us. May the Spirit continue to give us the courage and spaces to lament.

Luis PalomoWorship Community Pastor, The Branch


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THE RELEASE is 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we “LET GO" of our burdens, sins, stresses, and worries with uplifting music, explosive praise, and transformational prayer. Come and experience spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical breakthroughs!

For more information please contact Genesis Mitchell at [email protected].

Childcare will be available so bring the family.




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PATHWAY TO PURITYSunday, April 3 and 10, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Empowering your child to victory in today’s sex driven culture.

As a father of three girls, I concluded early on that I simply do not have the insight and wisdom to give my girls the tools they need to face today’s many challenges. However, the perspective and wisdom provided by my Christian faith has equipped me to deal with the challenges of parenthood. After five decades of life, I have concluded that God’s wisdom is the only true wisdom. My primary job as a parent is to impress this truth on my children, such that it becomes a self-evident principle, guiding their own spiritual growth. Deuteronomy 6:6-8 tells us, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” -Tom Dickinson

The most important person or persons in a child’s life when it comes to overcoming the pressures of today’s culture is his or her parents. The foundation put down in the home directly affects the child’s ability to overcome today’s cultural and sex-related pressures.

Pathway to Purity sessions are designed to equip parents to teach God’s wisdom concerning living a pure life. Parents will be given tools to:

• Connect to your son or daughter’s heart before he or she enters the teen years;

• Create heart-to-heart time allowing the discussion of intimate issues;

• Teach your children about sexuality;• Understand grace and forgiveness in your own life, so your

past failures do not keep you from equipping your child in this area.

All parents will meet in the Chapel and be led in a session by Linda Withers and Laura Gallier. Fourth and fifth graders will meet in the Fireside Room, while sixth graders will meet in the Smith Scout Building.

For more information, contact Linda Withers, [email protected].



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THE RELEASE is 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we “LET GO" of our burdens, sins, stresses, and worries with uplifting music, explosive praise, and transformational prayer. Come and experience spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical breakthroughs!

For more information please contact Genesis Mitchell at [email protected].

Childcare will be available so bring the family.



I was a first-timer and I was worried. Worried I would not have enough energy to make it through the week with a group of seventh and eighth graders. Worried I would not get enough sleep. Worried the family members left at home would be lost without me. Worried about what I was going to eat all week since I have a gluten intolerance.

That is how I felt as SUMMIT 2015 got underway. And maybe that is how you feel as you consider being an adult leader for this year’s SUMMIT.

Let me assure you, there is nothing to worry about on this adventure. Pretty much any problem you can come up with has already been thought of by the Student Ministry staff, and a solution has been put into place. It is a well-oiled machine that just needs adult leaders to put it into action.

My SUMMIT team of seventh and eighth grade girls and boys and I started out the week driving to Bulverde, Texas, together, getting to know each other with games and music provided by the Student Ministry team. I could tell right away my team was fantastic by the way they did not make fun of me for getting lost. Or for singing really loud to all the fun music provided for us.

We arrived at Bulverde UMC, our home away from home, and got settled in. This is where the middle school group stayed, while the high school group stayed at Bracken Christian School. Everyone brought air mattresses or cots, and the girls stayed in the classrooms at the church, while the boys stayed in the fellowship hall.

We enjoyed our meals together in the gym and had a fantastic kitchen team taking care of our every need, from hot coffee in the morning to evening snacks during our adult leader “face-time” meetings each night.

The worksites ranged from community-relations work, such as running a Vacation Bible School for underprivileged kids in the area, to more hands-on work, like removing rotten siding on a house and replacing with new siding. It was all very fulfilling and important work, guaranteed to make you sleep well each night.

And after each full day of hands-on, fulfilling, and important work at the client sites, it was time to clean up for dinner. You may be thinking that most churches do not have showers that a huge group of middle school and high school kids, and their leaders, can use. Leave it to the Student Ministry team to set us up at a nearby school that had plenty of showers in their locker rooms. There was hardly ever a wait, and there was always plenty of nice cold water to cool you down after a hot day of laboring. Yes, really!

Each evening, the Student Ministry team had something fun planned before dinner. At dinner, there was never a shortage of food for the hungry kids. Afterwards, all the high school and middle school kids joined together for some incredible worship at the beautiful Riverside Church. If you have not witnessed over 200 kids bouncing, singing, swaying, and experiencing true worship, this is the place to do it. God was definitely at work in these kids.

The week wound down with a dinner for our “clients” where we socialized and learned more about them. We also took time to share where we saw God working during the week. And amazingly enough, while were we all working to help these people in Bulverde, Texas, God was at work in each of us. For myself, God gave me a patience I didn’t know I had, energy to work all day and still play nine-square later, and a love for quirky middle-schoolers who like to paint themselves with oil-based paint.

Expect all of this and more when you join in the fun on this year’s SUMMIT trip June 19 through June 24. There is a place for you at SUMMIT, even if you have never lifted a tool in your life. You will be blessed beyond measure as you help our Chapelwood kids help others.

If you have questions about being an adult SUMMIT volunteer or think you might be interested, please contact Sarah Pattillo, [email protected].

Becca Howard

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DISCOVER THE DREAMS GOD HAS POURED INTO YOUHave you ever struggled to understand who God is calling you to be and what God is calling you to do? If so, then plan on attending "The Only One Standing in Your Way is You."

The two-day seminar will be offered Thursday, April 21 – Friday, April 22, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in LC214.

If you want to change the way you are, you need to change the way you think. This seminar uses Biblical and psychological concepts to teach individuals how to change their thinking to achieve dreams previously unimagined or thought to be impossible.

The way you think carries over into all aspects of your life. Participants will learn concepts that will improve their effectiveness as leaders, individual performers, and team players; and help them to become better spouses, parents, and friends.

Who will benefit from “The Only One Standing in Yout Way Is You”?• Those who find themselves asking, "Am I missing something?

Is this really the life God has for me?"• Those in transition or experiencing significant life changes,

such as an empty nest or retirement• Those who feel personally, professionally, or spiritually “stuck”• Those who would like to improve relationships with spouses,

children, and friends

Fred Lowe and Sue Howe, both members of Chapelwood, will be teaching “The Only One Standing in the Way Is You,” which has been popular for more than a decade.

The cost for the class is $30, which includes lunch on both days and a workbook. Space is limited. Register online at chapelwood.org, keyword TOOS. For more information, contact [email protected].

Who I Am

Change Purpose


Significance Doing



Calling Choices

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Chances are, if you’re the Chapelwood parent of a teenager, you know all about Life Groups. Parents of older elementary students take note. Life Groups are an invaluable resource for your kids, as they’re approaching the time in their life when they desperately need exactly what this program provides. Don’t have kids? Keep reading – and be inspired by the thoughtful approach to teenagers and their needs that Chapelwood supports.

“There are trials in middle school and high school,” said Marla Riedel, mom to a sophomore and a seventh-grader, and one of the leaders of the Eighth Grade Girls group. “Trouble in school, teacher problems . . . (Life Groups) is a good way to be close to a group that has the same beliefs as you do.” Sundays at 5:30 p.m. is when everything kicks off. All age groups from sixth grade to twelfth grade gather in the Game Room for 45 minutes to an hour, where they eat dinner, hang out, visit with each other, and enjoy some unstructured time. Beginning around 6:15 or 6:20, the groups break off and go to different rooms in the church to start their group time, which is the heart of the program. “It’s more interactive than just being a part of the big crowd in a Sunday School listening to someone teach. We want to hear from them what’s going on,” said Patrick Richard, who helps lead the Senior Guys group. “To me, that’s what sets Life Groups apart from the other events that happen during the week.”

“Life groups are divided by grade and then gender,” said Meredith Valach, co-leader of the Tenth Grade Girls group. “It gives them a safe space to vent, or even just talk in general, because sometimes they don’t get to be heard in their everyday lives because there’s just too much going on.” Each group helps work out its own plan for the year. For the younger kids, it might include sharing “Highs and Lows” of the week, while by the time they’re seniors, they may have decided to spend some time digging into a particularly interesting book of the Bible. Of course, if a group chooses to focus on a selection of topics relevant to their lives, the group leaders are certainly willing to make that happen. “Effective ways of coping with stress” might be one topic, while “Gossiping” and “Forgiveness” might be others. The Senior Guys group members are all facing their departure for college, which provides plenty of topics for discussion. Fortunately, they’ve got leaders who saw this moment coming four years ago. “When I started with them, I really got interested in talking to them about developing Christian character,” said Patrick. “I thought these guys are going to be out of the house in four years and there’s going to be nobody looking over their shoulder. ‘Who are you when no one’s looking?’ That’s what I try to impress on them, as far as the choices and decisions they make.” From deciding which college to attend to facing the challenges associated with breaking away from the daily oversight of Mom and Dad, these guys have developed a bond among themselves and with their leaders that provide a firm foundation for the next stages of life.

Parents who volunteer as leaders are always placed with a group that does not contain their child. That’s deliberate. And confidentiality is key, as the discussions and questions in Life Groups are often of a personal nature. “Whatever’s said in Life Group stays in Life Group,” says Patrick. “We really want them to feel like it’s a safe place where they can say anything and we’re there to listen.”

The bonds that develop in Life Group can last beyond high school – the bonds among students, and their bonds with the leaders. Meredith can testify to that. As one of the earliest students in Life Groups when they started, she can look around the room at dinnertime and still see adults who were group leaders when she was in high school. “Fred Gibson – he was around when I was going through the youth program, and I love him even more now,” she said. “The great thing to me about Life Groups – especially from a leader’s perspective – we start with a grade and continue with them. If we’re with the eighth grade one year, we move with those same kids to the ninth grade, and on to tenth grade the year after that. You really get to see the development of each kid, and as a group, you get to bond over time.” The continuity is good for the kids, too. The knowledge, understanding, and trust built over years with their group leaders, who range in age from older college students to grandparents, is not something easily found. In most cases, the leaders of a group vary in age, so each group benefits from the perspective of both younger and older adults.

Both of Marla’s kids attend Life Groups. In fact, Marla became a Life Group leader because of her daughter’s participation. “She went once and said, ‘I have to go back!’ She started going to Summit, then Choir Camp, and things took off. And the more I heard, the more I thought, ‘My son needs to come, too.’”

Patrick draws a historical parallel. “The early church grew because the people came together and saw the importance of community.” Community is what Life Groups are all about, whether it’s sharing feelings, searching for solutions, venting frustrations, or interacting with each other. “We’ll have sharing time at the beginning, then we’ll dive into the book we’re studying. There’s definitely a lot of interaction.”

So what do kids (and their parents) need to know? Marla sums it up nicely. “You need this. You don’t think you need it, you might not know you need it. But you’re going to need it when you’re going through trials and problems in high school. It’s a great way to connect to your peers at the church, your group, and to bond with them and to all be accountable to each other about what’s going on.”

Students are welcome join their Life Group at any time. Students or parents who have questions are encouraged to contact Sarah Pattillo, [email protected].

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SAVE THE DATE! Sunday April 24 - Chapelwood Singles Potluck with Maude DawsonMaking Good Choices and Finding Good Friends

MARK JODON BOOK SIGNING Day of the Speckled TroutSunday, April 3, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Bookstore

Stop by the bookstore where Mark Jodon will be signing his book of poetry titled Day of the Speckled Trout. There will be a reading by the author at 11:15 a.m. in the Bookstore. For more information, contact Kris Jodon, [email protected].

LUNCH WITH THE PASTORS Sunday, April 24, 12:15 p.m., Fireside RoomThe Connect ministry will host a Meet the Pastors lunch on Sunday, April 24. The lunch is designed for visitors; especially those who wish to explore church membership.

John Stephens, Josef Klam, and members of the Connect Ministry will be on hand to visit and answer any questions folks may have. Those who desire will have the opportunity to join the church at the end of the lunch.

The lunch is free of charge, and children are welcome. There will also be a nursery available. To reserve your spot or get more information, contact Kristin Lewis, [email protected].

THE CHAPELWOOD CLASS FOR VISITORS AND NEW MEMBERSMost visitors and new members know what they enjoy most about Chapelwood, but few can explain how our mission, vision, and values line up with the Methodist Movement founded by John Wesley in eighteenth century England.

That's why the Connect ministry is hosting the Chapelwood Class for Visitors and New Members on Sunday, April 10, and Sunday, April 17. The two-session class is free and will be held from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room.

The class will provide a brief overview of Methodism and explore the beginnings of Chapelwood. It will also help participants identify the next step they would like to take on their faith journey as we grow in grace together through worship, small groups, and service.

To reserve your spot or ask questions, contact Kristin Lewis,


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UNITED METHODIST WOMEN INVITE WOMEN FROM ALL COMMUNITIESWomen from all of Chapelwood’s worship communities are invited to attend and join in United Methodist Women (UMW) activities and small groups. Through UMW, small groups participate in book studies; support service and mission work with a special emphasis on women, youth, and children; and share in mission activities and partnerships all over the world. Following is a description of the April circle (small group) meetings. If you would like to know more and are interested in becoming a member of UMW, please contact Membership Chair Dawn Powers, (281) 888-4324, [email protected]. Come join in grace with us.

Tuesday, April 19Moms on the Grow will meet 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Linda Withers will continue leading the program schedule. Nursery care can be provided if needed by e-mailing [email protected] by April 12. Contact: Sally Towe, [email protected].

Priscilla Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Church Parlor. Mary Lou Strange will give the program on Justice for our Neighbors. Contacts: Rockie Deboben, (713) 871-9043, and Marian Murray, (713) 973-8254.

Vivian Osburn Circle will meet at 11:45 a.m. in YB100 for lunch provided by the Kitchen Ministry and program given by Rev. Tammy Heinrich. Contacts: Vicki Jud, (281) 496-9127, and Carol Hill, (713) 278-2266.

Martha Circle will meet at 12:00 noon in the Fireside Room. Gregg Taylor will give the program on Houston: Revision. Contact: Katie Fields (713) 932-9891.

Lydia Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in W203 for a light supper and program TBA. Contacts: Susan Johnson, (281) 682-3031, and Marie Mathieu, (713) 467-3841.

Sarah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Liz Oliphint. Program TBA. Contact: Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720.

Deborah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in YB100 for Session 3 – Double-Portion Friday, from their study book Breathe – Making Room for Sabbath, by Priscilla Shirer. Contact: Nancy Durrschmidt, (713) 939-0944.

UMW Sew Sociable will meet Tuesday, April 12 at 9:30 a.m. in W202 to work on Linus Blankets for children in area hospitals, and other special projects. Contacts: Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720, and Judy Glasford, (713) 468-8908.

Save the date for the next women’s book club discussion, on May 3 at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor prior to the women’s luncheon. The book is titled Please Look After Mom, by Kyung-Sook Shin. It can be purchased in the Chapelwood Bookstore. At 11:30 a.m. the women’s luncheon will be held in the Fellowship Hall celebrating the success of the 2016 Spring Thing Market and will include the introduction of our Chapelwood babies born during the past year. To register please go to www.chapelwood.org/womensluncheon.


Chapelwood launched its first-ever evening women’s Bible study in October 2015, and the response has been tremendous. More than 80 women, ranging in age from their 20s to 70s, have participated for one or more of the three-week sessions. A new three-week series begins Wednesday, April 6, with a study of the story of Hannah from I Samuel.

GEMS is designed to offer women a mid-week time of refreshment, acceptance, and fellowship. Wynter Patterson, Linda Withers, and Teresa Rossy share the teaching with engaging Biblical storytelling. So far we have encountered Ruth and Naomi, Queen Esther, and the Samaritan

woman at the well. The table decorations, safe and encouraging sharing, experienced table facilitators, journaling, and contemplative prayer time all contribute to a spirit-filled atmosphere. We invite all women to try GEMS for the month of April.

For more information, contact Teresa Rossy, [email protected] or (713) 354-4407. GEMS meets Wednesdays, April 6, 13, and 20, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the East Room. Dinner is served in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:30 p.m., and childcare is available by reservation to [email protected].


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Alcoholics AnonymousDay: Tuesdays and ThursdaysTime: 8:00 p.m.Place: W202

Men’s Big Book StudyDay: WednesdaysTime: 8:00 p.m.Place: W201

Al-AnonDay: MondaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: W201

Day: TuesdaysTime: 8:00 p.m.Place: W201

Gamblers AnonymousDay: SaturdaysTime: 10:30 – 12:30 noonPlace: W104

OA – HOWDay: SundaysTime: 1:00 p.m.Place: W203

OA – CEDay: SaturdaysTime: 1:00 p.m.Place: W103

SLAA – MenDay: MondaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: W204

Day: ThursdaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: W201 & 205

SLAA – MixedDay: SaturdaysTime: 7:30 p.m.Place: W103

Day: SundaysTime: 1:00 p.m.Place: W104

Borderline Personality Disorder Family Support Group

Day: MondaysTime: 6:30 p.m.Place: W202

COSA ParentsDay: WednesdaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: W205

TAFS, Parents 12 Step Al-AnonDay: TuesdaysTime: 7:30 p.m.Place: LC212

Depression Bipolar Support & Recovery

Day: TuesdaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: W103, W104, W204, W205

11th Step Prayer MeetingDay: TuesdaysTime: 6:45 p.m.Place: COF4

Narcotics AnonymousDay: SaturdaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: East Room

Spirituality and RecoveryDay: SaturdaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: W101 & 102

P85Day: SaturdaysTime: 7:00 p.m.Place: Fireside Room


"All I can tell you

information about 12-step groups 18 years ago was one of the most fortunate things that ever happened to me." Jerry L

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*Rev. Bob Johnson will teach The Genesis Project to Candlelighters, A Place for You Singles and Women’s Perspective Class, April 3- May 8.

THE GENESIS PROJECTRev. Bob Johnson has written The Genesis Project and is teaching it to his Wednesday night Bible study and several Sunday School classes this year. The basic assertion of The Genesis Project is this: “God, in the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis, has revealed his original will, purpose, and intent for all human beings. That will, purpose, and intent never changes throughout all that happens in the Bible – good, bad, and ugly. And that will, purpose, and intent remain in effect today”. Join Bob and the Candlelighters, Pathfinders and Women’s Perspective classes for this uplifting, energizing class that helps us connect the dots between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The classes will meet together Sundays, April 3 – May 8, at 9:45 a.m. in W101-102.

9:45 a.m. 4/3 – 4/24 5/1 – 5/22

A PLACE FOR YOU SINGLESFireside Room, Becky Kenny, [email protected]

Bob JohnsonThe Genesis Project*


ACTS 2CB208, Meredith Sealy,[email protected]

Linda WithersKeep Your Love On

Linda WithersKeep Your Love On

BIBLEW104, Helen O’Keefe,[email protected]

Karyl WhiteGod Was Here and I Was

Out to Lunch

Wick StuckeyStages of Faith Development

CANDLELIGHTERSW101, Bob Bening,[email protected]

Bob JohnsonThe Genesis Project*

Elaine ScottPainting the Stars

CHOIR FELLOWSHIP9:30 – 10:30 a.m.Bell Room, David Barra,[email protected]

Al HoppeIslam

David BarraGuardrails

CONNECTIONSCB209, Scott Funk & Joel Lambert, [email protected], [email protected]

Scott Adams Family 101

Scott Adams Family 101

DISCOVERYCB200, Janet and Jeff Lovelady,[email protected]

Ed JensenDare to Dream


ENCOURAGERSLC214-215, Connie & Cal Dalton,[email protected]

Mark GreekWhen Christians Get It Wrong

Tammy HeinrichParables as Subversive Speech

FELLOWSHIPLC202-203, Jim Ledbetter, [email protected]

Bill BaileyI Will Lift Up Mine Eyes

Al HoppeRevelation

FOUNDATIONSLC211, Bobby Carter, [email protected]

Class LedThe Wired Word

Class LedThe Wired Word

GENESISEast Room, Anne & Steve Pouns, [email protected]

Various TeachersBible Study

Various TeachersBible Study

GOOD NEWSConference Room, Lonna Turner,[email protected]

Kent TwiningCovenant Friendship

Carl SandlinWhen Christians Get It Wrong

PATHFINDERSW203, Jim Maddox, [email protected]

Bob JohnsonThe Genesis Project*

Sue HoweTBD

SINGLES JOURNEYW205, Tom Crimi, [email protected]

Noël Denison and Mary Lou Strange

10 Commandments

Carleton ColeHazardous Saints

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE W202, Sara Bonario, [email protected]

Class LedTBD

Class LedTBD

WOMEN’S PERSPECTIVEW103, Roberta Haeckel, [email protected]

Bob JohnsonThe Genesis Project*

Laurie GraefGod Was Here, and I Was

Out to Lunch

11:00 a.m. 4/3 – 4/24 5/1 – 5/22

BRIDGES CB201, Kyle Guest, [email protected]

Class LedTBD

Teresa Rossy Overcoming Emotions That

Destroy, 4/24 – 5/22

COMMON THREADLC212, Andrew Hooper,[email protected]

Josef Klam Becoming Perfect

Patty Cordrey When Christians Get It Wrong

COVENANTConference Room, Ty Hoffer,[email protected]

Teaching Team Bible Lessons

Stephen Boutros, Kaisi Cunningham, Andy Cunningham

Teaching Team Bible Lessons

Stephen Boutros, Kaisi Cunningham, Andy Cunningham

FAITH AND LIFELC214, Peter Radowick,[email protected]

Mark Greek When Christians

Get It Wrong

Elaine ScottPainting the Stars

OtherSunday Studies

The Chapelwood Class, Before or After Becoming a MemberApril 10 and 17, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m., Fireside Room

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FATHER DAUGHTER DANCEFriday, April 15, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Upper Room

Fathers, dads, granddads, daughters, granddaughters, godfathers, and friends of all ages are invited to join us for a night of snacks, music, dancing, laughter, memories, and so much more. Cost is $20, keepsake photo

included. To register go to www.chapelwood.org/dance.


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FAIR TRADE COFFEE AND CHOCOLATE!Purchase your Fair Trade products the second Sunday of every month. Items are on sale outside of the Fellowship Hall from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Purchasing fairly traded products allows farmers to earn a fair price for their crops while delivering quality products to consumers. In addition, Fair Trade prohibits the use of child labor and encourages the adoption of safer, chemical-free farming methods. Contact Vicki Jud, [email protected], if you would like to volunteer at the Fair Trade table.

SEWING FOR A CAUSEImagine a World where every little girl owned at least one dress!What if that dress were made by you?

Help us change a life by sewing a simple pillowcase dress for a girl in need.

Making a difference in the life of a girl whose eyes light up just to own a new dress inspires Chapelwood members and friends. For the past six years, Chapelwood has hosted a biannual Sewfest where sewers and volunteers get together to work for a greater cause. They utilize their sewing and organization skills to contribute to the “Dress A Girl Around the World”(www.dressagirlaroundtheworld.com) sewing campaign. We will be hosting our Spring Sewfest on Saturday, March 26, from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the W101-102 to sew pillowcase dresses. These dresses will be sent to impoverished girls around the world. We are looking for volunteers to join us for Sewfest and/or donations of new pillow cases. You don’t need to sew to participate. For more information, please contact Jacqueline Wright at [email protected] or (713) 464-6708.

GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARDGirl Scout Troop 16117 will be collecting professional clothing for The Women's Home. This is to help the girls earn their Gold Award. They will be collecting on Sundays in April. Help support the girls by bringing your professional clothing donations to the Fountain Hallway table Sundays in April.

Contact: Debra Everitt(281) [email protected], April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

GOOD STEWARDLooking for a great way to serve on a Saturday morning? Good Steward Global Initiative is your answer! Good Steward’s mission is to send books to developing countries for student libraries. Mark Cotham, Chapelwood member, started this organization in 2010 to collect books to send to Africa to help raise their education levels. It started in Chapelwood’s basement and grew so large that he had to move it to the Houston Food Bank. Our church invited volunteers to spend the morning there in late February sorting and packaging books, and we had a great time! It is a wonderful family-friendly serving opportunity and great for classes and groups to do together! Contact Mark Cotham at [email protected] for more information.

HOUSTON FOOD BANK VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITYWednesday, April 20Spend a day serving at the Houston Food Bank Keegan Kitchen with fellow Chapelwood volunteers. The van leaves Chapelwood at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 12:30 p.m.

REBUILDING TOGETHER HOUSTONSaturday, April 23, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., site to be determinedRebuilding Together believes in a safe and healthy home for every person. We believe that disabled and aging homeowners should be able to remain in their homes for as long as possible. Join other Chapelwood volunteers for this one day of service to help repair the home of an elderly Houstonian in need. All skill levels are welcome!

For more information, contact Matt Fuqua, [email protected].

SBISD TEACHER APPRECIATION LUNCHEONSMonday - Friday, May 2-6Join us in showing Chapelwood's appreciation to the teachers and staff members of Spring Oaks Middle School, Panda Path Pre-K, Academy of Choice High School, Spring Branch Elementary, and Northbrook High School. We will be serving lunch to one school a day and need volunteers help to serve and/or to provide desserts. If you’d like to participate, contact Nancy Wiech at [email protected]



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Cathy Bradley, a member of Mercy Street, shares with Janine Roberts about her first mission experience to a children’s home in Tapachula, Mexico.

For me, I knew from the beginning that it was a God thing because someone approached me and said, “I want YOU to go to Tapachula.” Sometimes God speaks through other people. My heart was stirred immediately as my friend Betsie talked about the children at Mission on the Move Children’s Home. She explained that some of the children had been living in prison with their parents who struggled with drug addiction, and instantly I knew I was supposed to go and share my story with them.

The people I work with were very supportive from the beginning. Everyone was counting down the days and joining in the journey with me. I knew it was God because the process was not complicated. Nothing was forced. I applied for my passport ahead of time, and even though there were some issues to get it on time, I was never anxious. I heard God saying, “There will be other mission trips,” so I felt a peace that if this one was meant to be then I would go. If not, there would be other opportunities in the future.

I loved the team meetings to prepare us for the trip. We had a chance to get to know a little about other members each time we met. I was interested to see how it all came together and found that each person brought something different to the team. Our leader, Kathie Luther, provided structure but was open to being flexible. I am passionate about leadership and want to empower and encourage women to be in leadership. Sometime this is in quiet actions behind the scenes. I noticed the heart and passion each of our team members had, and that our individual quirkiness and heart for the mission added something special.

I gave my testimony the third night we were there. One of the boys later asked someone to translate so he could talk to me. He shared his own experience and owned up to some of the things he had done wrong in the past. He thanked me for feeling safe enough to share in front of people I didn’t even

know. God had placed the words in my heart to share without being paralyzed by fear or shame of my past. That was one of the purposes I had on this team. I am able to share in a group setting without feeling judged, and as I saw the tears falling as people were translating my words, I realized that this is what it is all about.

Another boy made eye contact with me from the very beginning and seemed to have a special spiritual connection. He would constantly be watching everyone and how we interacted with each other. I could see pain in his heart, but also a smile and gratefulness. He had the biggest dimples and gave the biggest hugs. It was amazing to have such a connection with the children even without being able to communicate directly.

I was most impressed by a walk the children took us on around their neighborhood. This helped me to see life outside of where the kids live. In the childrens' home there is structure, healthy food, routine, spiritual guidance, and a family-style atmosphere. It is all about the kids, and the emotions the staff felt when talking about where the kids came from was genuine.

But walking past so many shacks that day on our walk through the neighborhood brought me back to the trailer park where I grew up. I thought my life was difficult growing up, and I didn’t want the hand I was dealt. It really put things into perspective to be invited into a home and feel the presence of God in their invitation. They weren’t overcome by self-pity, but instead were full of hospitality and smiles, even though their “trailer park” was way worse than mine. They never asked us for anything, but instead invited us in and it was so powerful.

Coming home, I am now so appreciative of clean water straight from the tap, which is something I had never considered before. I have spent a lot of time reflecting and being grateful for the opportunity to see how other people live and realizing that is their normal. I loved being part of a team and hope I will have the opportunity to serve in this way again in the future.


Page 18: April Chimes

Gary KapplerGary Olander

Pat WaldropBrook Broesche

Josef KlamCandlelighters Sunday School Class

Rachel Thorn Judy and Roy Sharp

Margaret BedellKatherine Bedell

Larry WhaleyChris Wadley

Pam MooreNancy and Ken Wiech

Leah and Bonsall WiltonJane and Ken Page

Marilyn CaulTeresa and Clayton Cannon


Jane and Jim Wise (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund)Janet Sims (Scholarship Fund)


Mary ReevesKaren DixonAmy Cagle

THE CHAPELWOOD FOUNDATIONYour gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an

endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or [email protected].


John A. Mills, Jr.Gisela Hopkins

Marty and Roger EthridgeNita and Terry Holland

Mary Kay and Richard MoenSusan and Stephen Floyd

Donna DawsonJanice Cowley

Betty and Bill GilmoreCharlene and John Storms

Lisa and David MillerShawn Mowles

The Tim Goudeau FamilyNancy and Joe LibertyGina and Don Hoyt

Roberta and Charles LemasterBeverly and Lynn ConineJane and Elwin Peacock

Joyce CameronJoella Perkins

Christine and Jim ByerlyMr. and Mrs. D. Stephen Slack

Wayne PaynePhilomena Howell

Donna and Mark GreekMr. and Mrs. Robert Davenport

Carrie and Ron WoliverKerrin and Rob Phillips and Family

Sue MarshallMarilyn and Larry Harman

Lisa and Gary ClaytonDavid HanksNancy Gibson

Janet and Jerry DierksSandra Shiplet

Lou and Mark HouserBrenda and Scott Harrison

Susan and Tracy LittleJann and Stephen Wiesenfeld

John A. Mills, Jr. (cont.)Joan and Kevin Hodges

Charlotte and Larry WhaleyDebbie and John HarrisJanis and Randy Henry

Helen and Dennis Crowe

Jim MinerIrene and Robert Bening

Marilyn RoachFranklin PerkinsPamela MoorePeople’s Bank

Laurie and Todd McKeeMarie and Mat Mathieu

Charlotte and Larry WhaleyNancy and Ken Wiech

Bob MooreJean and Bill Harwell

Marie and Mat Mathieu

Bill JensenMarie and Mat Mathieu

Maribel McClearyAnn Kelly

Mary Jane MillerCharlotte and Larry Whaley

Annie Rae WhislerLisa and Gary Clayton

Ardis Lucille LedbetterFellowship Sunday School Class

Pete DaltonErin and Matt Roorda

Judith EndressNancy Batt

Seniors Living Through Loss GroupCharles Miller

Judy and Roy SharpTeresa and Clayton Cannon

Paul McGarryPamela Moore

Liza KutnerMarilyn and Mark Green

Jean StorsethHIHTRT Book GroupCathy and Ron RamseySheryl and Doug Bech

Barbara NagaoBible Sunday School Class

Candy SmithMarcia Hudgens

Frances GerdesBeth and Paul Gerdes

Naomi OwenMarie and Mat Mathieu

Ellen KurioNancy and Ken Wiech

Teresa and Clayton CannonRobyn and J.D. Joyce

Barbara BakerTom Baker

Mark Benjamin RobertsDavid Hanks

Jan and Robert BenjaminJudy and Dan McClure

Lynn Stanley and Ron WebsterKay and John Crockett

Jane and Paul Plummer and FamilyJacki Lammert

Dorothy BlodgettHelen Beeler

Lou and Mark HouserJulie and Casey Doherty

Catherine and Stephen CarriganMary Kay and Bob Burtner

Lisa and David MillerDiane and Charles Ofner

Susan and Tracy LittleCarrie and Ron Woliver

Charlotte and Larry WhaleyMarilyn and Richard CodyGatha and Neil Singleton

Donna DawsonDonna and Rick McDowell

Shirley FlowersDenise Wilhite

Carol and Stan CoddouLucy and Michael KuhnRev. Andrew Noel and

the Honorable Katie KennedyGail Nichols and Ron Dawson

Corbin DillJanis and Randy HenryAudry and John Jackson

Helen and Dennis CroweDiane and Brent Rager



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Mark your calendar and plan to join us Tuesday, May 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall for the 2016 Foundation Dinner. This year’s theme is Legacy of Life and will feature Ricardo Barnes, the Executive Director of the Spring Branch Family Development Center, as the keynote speaker. The inspiring worship band from The Branch will provide memorable entertainment.

At the dinner, we will celebrate how God has worked through the Foundation to spread His love, mercy, and grace to those in need. We are so grateful for the generosity of this congregation, which enables the Foundation to continue to bless others. Last year, the Foundation awarded over $290,000 to charitable ministries in our community and around the world. You won’t want to miss this special night filled with inspiration, hope, and fellowship.

Invitations will be mailed in early April, and you can purchase tickets online at www.chapelwood.org/foundation by clicking on “Purchase Foundation Dinner Tickets.” You may also purchase tickets by mail by sending a check for $40 per ticket to: Chapelwood UMC Foundation, 11140 Greenbay St., Houston, TX 77024. Tickets are sold on a first-come basis. For more information contact Teresa Cannon, (713) 354-4485, [email protected].

Page 20: April Chimes



Ashley and Travis Landers(Will & Cate)

Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Tammy Heinrich, [email protected], or (713) 354-4446.

Catherine and Andrew Little (Michael)

Denise and Todd Turner(Miles, Caroline & Claire)

Becky and Brett Fenn(Natalie, Drew & Mark)

Taren Adams(Kynlee Adams-Hail)

Melinda and Bob LivingstonPrice and Macy Livingston

Pictures not available: Win and Cindy Eastman

Jacqueline Smith

Katie Essary (husband, Jordan, already a member)

Sara and Adam Miller(Vivian, Charlie & Max – not pictured)

Kimberly and Dan Gartner(Chandler, already a member)

Allen Reid

Laurie and Scott Davenport(James)

Catherine and Seth Tate

Karen Lopes

Page 21: April Chimes


WILL YOU GIVE FIVE MINUTES A WEEK TO CHAPELWOOD?Did you know that it takes about five minutes to ride from one of the Shuttle Bus stops to Chapelwood on Sunday mornings?

We currently have two shuttle stops: one at Kinkaid High School and the other at Spring Branch Middle School. Every Sunday, there are four shuttles at each stop that travel back and forth to campus.

If you have never given the shuttles a try, would you consider riding one on the regular to open up more parking spaces for our visitors?

Once a week – five minutes on your part – will really benefit the continued success of our Sunday morning worship services and ministries. (See map on back cover, page 24)

SHUTTLE NEWSChapelwood’s shuttle buses have a new look! To make it easier to determine from a distance which buses go where, each bus will have at least one magnetic sign on its rear bumper indicating either “Spring Branch” (in orange) or “Kinkaid” (in purple).

In addition to the magnetic signs, there will be tall banners indicating the drop-off and pick-up points for each route at the church, and banners at each shuttle location. Same fast and friendly service, of course – nothing’s changing there.

If you haven’t tried a shuttle before, head to Kinkaid or Spring Branch Middle, look for the orange or purple sign, and hop on. We think you’ll be pleased.

Page 22: April Chimes


Baptisms: Ellis Morgan Andrews, son of Nesi and Greg Andrews,

on February 14, 2016 Spencer Leigh Bellow, daughter of Rory and Beau Bellow,

on February 14, 2016 Brady James Canlas, son of Lauren and Bern Canlas,

on February 14, 2016 Sutton Anderson Canlas, son of Lauren and Bern Canlas,

on February 14, 2016 James Follin Davenport, son of Laurie and Scott Davenport,

on February 14, 2016 Kalleigh Cristal Joslin, daughter of Gaby Joslin and Tim Termeer,

on February 14, 2016 John Ryan Ludeke, son of Lynn and Jason Ludeke,

on February 14, 2016 Reece Elizabeth Trotter, daughter of Karen and David Trotter,

on February 14, 2016 Berklee Ann Wischoff, daughter of Jaime and Scott Wischoff,

on February 14, 2016

Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Lake and family on the death of Libbi’s

mother, Mrs. Annie Rae Whisler, on January 29, 2016; Mrs. Tammy Mills, Morgan and Dillon Mills on the death of their

husband and father, Mr. John A. Mills, Jr., on February 3, 2016; Ms. Kathy Hennington on the death of her mother,

Mrs. Jean Hennington, on February 7, 2016; Mr. and Mrs. David Deaton and family on the death of Bonnie’s

mother, Mrs. Jean Hennington, on February 7, 2016; The family and friends of Mr. Kase Velasco, who died on

February 7, 2016; Ms. Marsha Haas and family on the death of her father,

Mr. Jack Tucker, on February 11, 2016; Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Roberts and family on the death of their son,

Mark Benjamin Roberts, on February 11, 2016; Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Clark and family on the death of Mary’s

father, Mr. Johnny Ackerman, on February 15, 2016; Mr. John R. Banks, Jr., on the death of his father,

Mr. John Robert Banks, Sr., on February 15, 2016; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walker and family on the death of Lisa’s father,

Mr. Terry Yetts, on February 15, 2016; Mr. Kevin T. Nagao and family on the death of his mother,

Ms. Barbara Hill Nagao, on February 18, 2016; Mr. and Mrs. Mark White and family on the death of

Belynda’s mother, Mrs. Ellen Kurio, on February 24, 2016; Mr. Mark Kurio and family on the death of his mother,

Mrs. Ellen Kurio, on February 24, 2016.



Recently Hospitalized: Nancy ElsnerErica Frost Nancy Parker Celestino Rivera

Vicki SharpTom SiglerNancy Weich

John Stephens – Senior PastorBob Johnson – Executive Pastor/Worship Communities PastorBob Lindsey – Business Administrator/Manager of Music Ministry

ADULT DISCIPLESHIPAndy Cunningham – Pastor, Grow MinistriesTammy Heinrich – Pastor, Connect MinistriesGinny Itz – Ministry Director, Connect MinistriesJosef Klam– Directing Pastor, Adult DiscipleshipJanine Roberts – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Global and National Serving)Teresa Rossy – Ministry Director, Grow MinistriesAmy Taylor – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Local Serving)

FAMILY DISCIPLESHIPKaren Lopes – Ministry Director, Special Needs MinistryCarolyn Park – Administrator, Chapelwood School for Young Children Sarah Pattillo – Ministry Director, Student MinistryCason Sicking – Ministry Director, Recreation MinistryHeather Sims – Directing Pastor, Family DiscipleshipBetsy Sutherland – Pastor, Children's Ministry (Interim)

PASTORAL CARE & REACHINGScott Endress – Pastor, Pastoral CareBill Stell – Assistant Pastor, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey – Coordinating Pastor, Pastoral Care

WORSHIP COMMUNITIES AND MUSICRichard Gandy – Ministry Director, Worship and Arts, Mercy StreetMelissa Maher – Community Pastor, Mercy Street Luis Palomo – Community Pastor, The BranchStephen Roddy – Ministry Director, Adult Traditional Music and the ArtsChristian Washington – Community Pastor, Upper RoomWayne Watson – Ministry Director, 9:45 Contemporary WorshipJerry Webber – Community Pastor, Contemplative Worship and Directing Pastor, Center for Christian Spirituality

OTHER MINISTRIESTeresa Cannon – Ministry Director, Chapelwood FoundationToby Dagenhart – Managing Director, Technology for MinistryKaren Firenza – Ministry Director, Marketing and CommunicationsIvan Rhone – Ministry Director, Kitchen Ministry

11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808www.chapelwood.org



Page 23: April Chimes




30Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Children and Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pmMen's Ski Trip, March 30-April 3



2Mercy Street5:30 pm

3 Mark Jodon Book Signing, 9:30-11:30 am, BookstorePathway to Purity, 11 am - 12 pm


5 6 Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Children and Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

7 8Church Under The Bridge

9Free the Captives Freedom Run, 7:30 am, Mason ParkMercy Street5:30 pm

10 Second Sunday ChickenPathway to Purity, 11 am - 12 pmThe Chapelwood Class (See page 10) Spring Sing, 5 pm, ChapelPEG24T Golf Collection, Fellowship Hall



13 Preparing for Middle School, 12 pm, YB200Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Children and Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm


15 Father Daughter Dance, 6:30 pm, Upper Room

16Caregiver Equiping Series, 9:30 am, Williams 101Mercy Street5:30 pm

17 The Chapelwood Class (See page 10)


19 UMW Circles (See page 11)

20 Food Bank, 8:30 am, BookstoreWednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Children and Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

21 The Only One Standing In Your Way Is You, 9 am, LC214

22 The Only One Standing In Your Way Is You, 9 am, LC214Break-Thru, April 22-24

23Rebuilding Together (See page 15)Mercy Street5:30 pm

24 Singles Potluck with Maude Dawson, 9 am, Fellowship HallLunch with Pastors, 12:15 pm, Fireside Room



27 Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Children and Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pmThe Release, 7 pm, Upper Room



30Mercy Street5:30 pm




Page 24: April Chimes

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Vol. VI, No. 4

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7:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.