april prince rupert-non-enrolling

The Appie Session Non-Enrolling Staff Prince Rupert April 2013 Faye Brownlie

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An after school session focusing on co-teaching, the challenges and the promise. Samples from a grade 8 co-taught science class, schools focusing on Allington and Gabriel's 'Every Child, Every Day' principles, Birchland's results.


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The Appie Session Non-Enrolling Staff

Prince  Rupert  April  2013  

Faye  Brownlie  

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Gr. 8 Science with Kerri Christie, Qualicum – co-planned, co-taught •  Essen:al  Ques:on  •  Learning  Inten:ons  •  What  do  you  remember  about  cells?  

•  Cell  dic:onary  – 2-­‐3  words,  image  

•  Model,  partner  (3-­‐4  words),  individual  choice  for  2  words  

•  Exit  –  what  I  learned  that  I  will  remember  

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Essential Question

•  What  role  do  cells  play  in  our  bodies?  

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Learning Intentions •  I  know  the  different  types  of  cells  –  (plant,  animal,  bacteria)  

•  I  can  describe  the  structures  and  func:ons  of  organelles  –  (shapes  and  jobs  of  cell  structures)  

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The Pluses •  rela:onship  –  kids  loved  the  teacher  and  worked  hard  to  make  her  look  good  

•  experienced  EA  who  was  oRen  with  the  students  

•  co-­‐planning  science  with  Robyn,  experienced  science  teacher,  and  Barb,  experienced  resource  teacher  who  is  teaching  science  8  too  this  year.  

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The Challenges •  7  students  on  IEPS  •  curriculum  new  to  CT  

•  brand  new  RT  •  busy,  boisterous  class  •  very  diverse  

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24  words  in  total;  6  to  begin  

•  Cell  wall  •  Cell  membrane  •  Cytoplasm  •  Vacuole  •  Nucleus  •  Chloroplast  *Prokaryo:c  cell  *Eukaryo:c  cell  

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A Key Belief

Interven:on  is  focused  on  classroom  support.  

Some  students  may  need  addi:onal  support.  

Flexibility  counts.      

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No plan, no point

•  Flexible  •  Adaptable  •  Is  this  ge]ng  us  what  we  want?  

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A Possible Framework… “Every  Child,  Every  Day”  –  Richard  Allington  and  Rachael  Gabriel  

In  Educa:onal  Leadership,  March  2012  

6  elements  of  instruc:on  for  ALL  students!  

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Every Child, Every Day – Allington, Gabriel

1.  Every  child  reads  something  he  or  she  chooses.  2.  Every  child  reads  accurately.  3.  Every  child  reads  something  he  or  she  

understands.  4.  Every  child  writes  about  something  personally  

meaningful.  5.  Every  child  talks  with  peers  about  reading  and  

wri:ng.  6.  Every  child  listens  to  a  fluent  adult  read  aloud.  

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Building Independence •  Build  criteria  with  your  students  – What  do  good  readers  do?    

•  No:ce  when  the  students  are  using  the  co-­‐created  criteria  

•  Ask  the  students  “What  should  I  no:ce  about  what  you  are  doing  when  you  are  reading?”  

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Questions to increase comprehension

•  What  happened  in  the  story?  •  What  do  you  wonder  about  in  the  story?  •  Where  does  the  story  take  place?  •  What  do  you  think  is  the  problem  in  the  story?  •  How  does  the  problem  get  solved?  •  If  you  were  …,  how  would  you  solve  the  problem?  •  Describe  3  things  about  the  characters.  •  What  would  you  do  if  …?  •  How  would  you  feel  if  …?  •  What  does  the  story  remind  you  of?  •  If  you  could  change  the  ending,  what  would  you  write?  

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•  Read  something  he  chooses  •  Talks  to  a  peer  about  his  reading  

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Strategy Cards – Catching Readers Before They Fall (Johnson & Keier)

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•  Reads  accurately  •  Reads  something  he  understands  

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•  Listens  to  an  adult  read  fluently.  

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Pull In Questions •  Who  •  What  

•  Why  

•  When  

•  Where  

•  How  

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Goal:  to  support  students  in  working  effec:vely  in  the  classroom  environment  

to  provide  the  most  effec:ve  learning  environment,  9-­‐3  –  engagement  for  all  learners  for  the  majority  of  the  day  

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By  sharing  our  collec:ve  knowledge  about  our  classes  of  students  and  developing  a  plan  of  ac:on  based  on  this,  we  can  beier  meet  the  needs  of  all  students.  

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Not  Yet  Ready  vs  Not  Yet  Mee.ng  A  conversa:on  around  shiRing  our  beliefs  about  learning  

and  support  in  the  early  years  Birchland  School,  Coquitlam  

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The  Vision  

A  Remedial  Model  

‘Fixing’  the  student  

Outside  the  classroom/  curriculum  

To  shiR  from...  

An  Inclusive  Model  

‘Fixing’  the  curriculum  

Within  the  classroom/  curriculum  


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Year  4  (2010-­‐2011)  Self  Regula:on  

Ongoing  District  Support  – Release  :me  “Strong  Schools”  ini:a:ve  

Instruc:onal  ShiR  – Project-­‐Based  Learning  – Writer’s  Workshop  

Highlights...  Deepened  level  of  Engagement...  



Ownership  of  Learning  

Resource  Support  shiC  to  

co-­‐teaching  approach  Learning  

Environment  Topic  


Self-­‐Regula.on  of  Learning  

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Pull-­‐out  Support  /  Physical  “Inclusion”  

– Remedial  model  –  to  make  kids  fit  –  In  the  class  but  on  a  different  plan  

True  Inclusion  – Classroom  Teacher  as  central  support  – Resource  Teacher  –  Co  teaching  model  

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•  Crea:ng  the  Future  –  Partnerships  in  Inclusive  Learning  

•  UBC,  July  15-­‐19,  3  credits  

•  Villa,  Thousand,  Hingsburger,  Kunc,  Miranda,  Beairsto,  Hoyano,  Udvari-­‐Solner,  Van  der  Kilt,  Rothstein,  Schnellert  

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Team Planning •  What  will  you  do?  •  Who  will  you  work  with?  •  What  ar:facts  will  you  collect  from  the  students  to  provide  evidence  of  how  they  are  learning  –  i.e,  student  samples  for  your  porsolio?  

•  Reflect  on  the  ques:ons:  – What  are  we  doing?  – How  is  it  going?  – What  next?