arabidopsis (fisch. (makino) shimizu

The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics NII-Electronic Library Service The JapaneseSociety for Plant Systematics ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytotax. Geobot,56 {2): 163-172 (2005) Arabidopsis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh andA. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana (Makino) K. Shimizu & Kudoh, New Combinations KENTARO K. SHIMIZUi・2', SHINJI FUJII3, KAROL MARHOLD4・5, KUNIAKI WATANABE6 and HIROSHI KUDOH6 iDepartment ofGenetics, IVOrth Caroiina State Uhiversity, 3513 GanherHdt4 Rateigh, IVC 27695,[JSA; 2Department ofBotanM thcul4] ofSlrience, 1<),oto U}iiversic" SZikyo-ku, Rbpoto 606-8502, .Jku)an; 3Division of Htiman Environmunt University ofHiiman Environments, Mbtojukzt, Ohazaki, Aiehi 444-3503, .L4RtlN]' 4institute of Botatzy Slovak Acadenry qfScience, DiZbvavskd cesta 14, SKL845 23 Bratistava, SlovakRepublic; 5Dqpartment of Bota,zM Chartes UitiversicM Bendtskd 2, CZ-128 Ol Praha 2, C2ech Republic; tiDepartment ofBiology Facutty of Sbience,Kbbe-Uhiversipt ?Vdda-ku,Kbbe 657-8501, Japan New combinations fbr twe taxa, ArabidQpsis hamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh and A, hamchaticasubsp. kawasaldana (Makino) K. Shimizu & Kudoh, are proposed. The lectotypes of bothnames werc choscn, The fbrmertaxon was previously recognized as either Arabis kamchatiea, Catddminopsis kamehatiea or an infraspecific taxon undcr Avabis lyrata or Arabictqpsis lyrata. The lat- terwas previeusly recogriized as either Arabis ha}vasakiana, Arabis lyrata subsp. hawasantana or a syn- enym ofAfttbitmpsis 4viuta subsp. kamchatica.We hcrc rcport the bivalcnt naturc of mciotic chromosomc ofA. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana, n = 16ii and 2n = 32. We also proyidc a molecular evidence of allotetraploidy using a nuclear ChalconeSynthase (CJIS) sequence. In coajunction with fbrmer chro- mosomal and morphological studies, we considered that bothtaxa should bc placcd undcr thc gcnus Arabidopsis but distinct fi:om Arabidqpsis lyrata, Arabidopsis kanichatica will provide a unique oppertunity for the molecular genetic analysis of genome duplication, by utilizing the genetic and genom- ic infbnnation on a mode] species Anabidopsis thaliana. Key wordsi Ambidopsis, Avabis,bivalent chromosome, lyrata, tetraploid Cketzinminopsis, Cms, hamchatica,hawasakiana' Arabidopsis thaliana (L,) Heynh. has been exten- sively studied as a model organism for genetic and genomic research. Recently, other species of the genus Arabidopsis (DC.) Heynh, have also been studied as model systems fbr evolutionary and eco- logical studies. The wide array ofnatural variation in morphology, phenology, and physiology found in these species can be a rich source for molecular genetic studics, given the huge amount of infbr- mation already available for Arabidepsis thaiiana (Alonso-Blanco & Koomneef2000, Mitchell-Olds 2001, Meyerowitz 2002, Shimizu 2002, Weigel & Glazebrook 2002,Shimizu& Purugganan 2005). Arabidopsis lyrata (L.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz subsp. Ly'rata and subsp. petraea (L.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz are often used as reference taxainevo- " corrcspondcnce should be addressed (email: [email protected])

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Page 1: Arabidopsis (Fisch. (Makino) Shimizu

The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics

NII-Electronic Library Service

The JapaneseSociety for Plant Systematics

ISSN 1346-7565 Acta Phytotax. Geobot,56 {2): 163-172 (2005)

Arabidopsis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh

andA. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana (Makino) K. Shimizu &

Kudoh, New Combinations



ofGenetics, IVOrth Caroiina State Uhiversity, 3513 GanherHdt4 Rateigh, IVC 27695, [JSA;


ofBotanM thcul4] ofSlrience, 1<),oto U}iiversic" SZikyo-ku, Rbpoto 606-8502, .Jku)an; 3Division

ofHtiman Environmunt University ofHiiman Environments, Mbtojukzt, Ohazaki, Aiehi 444-3503, .L4RtlN]'

4institute of

Botatzy Slovak Acadenry qfScience, DiZbvavskd cesta 14, SKL845 23 Bratistava, SlovakRepublic; 5Dqpartment

of Bota,zM Chartes UitiversicM Bendtskd 2, CZ-128 Ol Praha 2, C2ech Republic; tiDepartment ofBiology Facutty of Sbience, Kbbe-Uhiversipt ?Vdda-ku, Kbbe 657-8501, Japan

New combinations fbr twe taxa, ArabidQpsis hamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K. Shimizu & Kudoh and A,

hamchatica subsp. kawasaldana (Makino) K. Shimizu & Kudoh, are proposed. The lectotypes of

both names werc choscn, The fbrmer taxon was previously recognized as either Arabis kamchatiea,

Catddminopsis kamehatiea or an infraspecific taxon undcr Avabis lyrata or Arabictqpsis lyrata. The lat-

ter was previeusly recogriized as either Arabis ha}vasakiana, Arabis lyrata subsp. hawasantana or a syn-

enym ofAfttbitmpsis 4viuta subsp. kamchatica. We hcrc rcport the bivalcnt naturc of mciotic chromosomc

ofA. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana, n = 16ii and 2n =

32. We also proyidc a molecular evidence of

allotetraploidy using a nuclear Chalcone Synthase (CJIS) sequence. In coajunction with fbrmer chro-

mosomal and morphological studies, we considered that both taxa should bc placcd undcr thc gcnus

Arabidopsis but distinct fi:om Arabidqpsis lyrata, Arabidopsis kanichatica will provide a unique

oppertunity for the molecular genetic analysis of genome duplication, by utilizing the genetic and genom-ic infbnnation on a mode] species Anabidopsis thaliana.

Key wordsi Ambidopsis, Avabis, bivalent chromosome,

lyrata, tetraploid

Cketzinminopsis, Cms, hamchatica,hawasakiana'

Arabidopsis thaliana (L,) Heynh. has been exten-

sively studied as a model organism for genetic and

genomic research. Recently, other species of the

genus Arabidopsis (DC.) Heynh, have also been

studied as model systems fbr evolutionary and eco-

logical studies. The wide array ofnatural variation

in morphology, phenology, and physiology found in

these species can be a rich source for molecular

genetic studics, given the huge amount of infbr-

mation already available for Arabidepsis thaiiana

(Alonso-Blanco & Koomneef2000, Mitchell-Olds

2001, Meyerowitz 2002, Shimizu 2002, Weigel &

Glazebrook 2002, Shimizu & Purugganan 2005).

Arabidopsis lyrata (L.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz

subsp. Ly'rata and subsp. petraea (L.) O'Kane &

Al-Shehbaz are often used as reference taxa in evo-

" corrcspondcnce should be addressed (email: [email protected])

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164 APG Vbl. 56

lutionary and population genetic studies of A,

thaliana (Bustarnante et al. 2002, Shimizu et ai.

2004). Arabidopsis suecica (Fr.) Norr1. is allote-

traploid and studied as a model for speciation by

genome duplication (Madlung et al. 2002). Because

of the extensive use of diverse Arabidopsis species

in ecology, evolution and genetics, additionai taxo-

nomic and phylogenetic infbrmation about the

species in Arabidopsis is critical. For examp]e, phy-logenetic infbrmation is necessary to choose the

accession or species to be used in interspecific

crosses fbr genetic analysis.

However, the taxonomy and phylogeny of

Arabidopsis species is still unresolved. Like other

members of the Brassicaceae, the paucity ofinfor-

mative rnorphological characters in this genus has

hampered its taxonomic analysis. Based on molec-

ular information, major revision ofArabidopsis,

Arabis L., CZirdt2minopsis (C. A. Mey.) Hayek is

underway (O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz 1997, Koch et aL

2000, 2001). In this article, we propose new com-

binations for two tetraploid taxa ofArabidopsis

that were originally described as Arabis lyrata var.

kamchatica Fisch. ex DC. and Avabis kuwasakiana


Taxonomic History

The taxon corresponding to Arabis lyrata var. kam-

ehatica is a perennial distributed across eastern

Eurasia and northernmost North America (HoffLmann 2005). Since its original description, it has

been treated either as an infraspecific taxon of

Arabis lyrata L., or as a distinct species, Candolle

(1821), Hopkins (1937), Hulten (1928, 1937, 1968),

Ohwi (1953), Kitamura & Murata (1961), Kitagawa

(1982), Lan (1987), and Ro]lins (1 993) consideredit as an infraspecific taxon ofAizbis lyrata, In con-

trast, Ledebour (1841), Busch (1939), and Mulligan

(1995) treated it as a species, Avabis hamehatica

(Fisch. ex DC.) Ledeb. Schulz (1936) treated this

taxon as a species of Cardaminopsis, C, kamchati-

ca (Fisch. ex DC.) O, E, Schulz [note that the genusCtirzinminopsis is based on Arubis L. sect, (;tinhmi-

nqpsis C. A. Mey. in Ledeb. Fl. Altaica 3: 19

(183 1)], Both diploid (2n =:: 16) and tetraploid (2n ==

32) chromosome numbers were reported from taxon

correspending te Arabis lyrata var. katnchatica

(Ihara 1976, Zhukova & Petrovsky 1984, Rollins

1993 , Dart et at. 2004), as well as from samples rep-

resenting other varieties and subspecies ofArabis

lyrata (Arabis lyrata by Mulligan 1964, Arabis

lyrata van lyrata by Rollins 1993, C. peuaea and CL

lyrata by Berkutenko et aL 1984, Arabidopsis lyra-ta subsp. petraea from Austria by Dart et al. 2004,

which seems to be autotetraploid with tetrasomic

inheritance shown by Mable et al. 2004),

Mulligan (1995) reexamined the specimens

used in previous studies. Based on the results, he

proposed that Arabis hamchatica is a tetraploid

species (2n = 32), which can be distinguished mor-

phologically from other diploid taxa. We agree with

his conclusion.

Close relatedness between the genus CtiidZimi-

nopsis and the genus Arabidopsis was pointed out

by Hylander (1957) and Ball (l993) based on mor-

phology, It is also supported by the finding that the

taxon treated as C. suecica (Fn) Hiitonen ex Hyl. is

an allotetraploid species derived from Arabidopsis

thaliana and C aienosa (L.) Hayek [Arabidopsisarenosa (L.) Lawalree] (Hylander 1957).

Recent molecular analyses have strongly sup-

ported the idea that the taxon originally described as

Arabis lyrata var. kamchatica should be placedunder the genus Arabidopsis (Miyashita et al. 1998,

Koch et al. 2000, 2001, Savolainen et al. 2000,

Hoffmann 2005), as propesed by O'Kane & Al-

Shehbaz (1997). O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz (1997) rec-

ognized three subspecies underAnabidopsis lyrata,i.e., the North American subsp, lyrata, the European

subsp. petraea (L.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz, and the

Far East f North American subsp, kamchatica

(Fisch. ex DC,) O'Kane & Ai-Shehbaz, However,

the molecular matkers used in those studies were not

Page 3: Arabidopsis (Fisch. (Makino) Shimizu

The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics

NII-Electronic Library Service

The JapaneseSociety for Plant Systematics

August 200S SHIMIZU et al,: Ncw combinations ofArabidopsis

suitable to analyze polyploid taxa. Herc, we proposea new combination Arabidopsis hamchatica (Fisch.ex DC.) K, Shimizu & Kudoh as foIlows in the

nomenclatural summary, based on chromosomal

data and molecular phylogeny using a nuclear gene.

Pepulations corresponding to Arabis ka wasaki-

ana represent a winter annual growing on sandy

seashores or lakeshores of Western Japan ([[bkai,Hokuriku, Kinki and Shikoku districts). Kitamura &

Murata (1961, 1962) treated them as Arahis lyratasubsp. kawasakiana (Makino) Kitam. They con-

sidered that the taxon was derived frem a Far-East

taxon Arabis lyrata subsp. kamchatica (Fisch. ex

DC,) Hult6n and adapted to southcrn climate,

because of its morphological similarity with this

taxon and with a North American Arabis lyratasubsp. lyvata. As we report later in this article, the

taxon corresponding to Arabis kawasakiana has a

chromosome number of 2n == 32 and n = 16ii.

Moiecular analyses supported the idea that the taxon

corresponding to Arabis kawasakiana should be

placed under the genus Arabidopsis (Miyashita et al.

1998, Savolainen et al, 2000). In the treatment by

O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz (1997), i,e,, transfer of

Arabis lyrata and its subspecjes into the genusArabidopsis, they considered that Arabis kawa-

sakiana was a synonym ofAnabidopsis lyrata sul]sp.

kamchatica. However, the former is distinctive as an

annual occurring on low-altitudinal sandy shores,

while the latter is a mountain perennial, as it has

been pointed out in Makino (1913), Kitamura &

Murata (1961, 1962) and other Japanese Floras

(Ohwi 1953, Kitagawa 1982). Therefore, we pre-

posc here a new combination Arabidopsis kam-

ehatica subsp. hawasainana (Makino) K. Shirnizu &

Kudoh as fbllows in the nomenclatural summary.

Materials and Methods

Chromosome numbers ofArabidopsis kamchatica

subsp, kaveasakiana were counted for specimens

collected from four localities [Tbyama-shi, 1foyama


ol ol

Prefecture, Japan (137 16 E, 36 47 N, alt. 2 m); ' ot

[lakashima-shi, Shiga Prefecture, Japan (136 04 E, ot35

27 N, alt. 85 m); Hikone-shi, Shiga Prefecture,

Japan (136Q1O'E, 35014'N, alt. g5 m); Meiwa-cho,


alt. 2 m)]. Reot tips were treated with cold water at

OOC fbr 24 hrs, fixed in 3:1 (in volume) ethanolf

acetic acid at 5"C fbr 1 hr and stained in 1 9'6 acetic-

orcein. For meiotic chromosome counts, young

flower buds were fixed in the same fixative for 1 hr

and the pollen mother cells were stained in 1%


Plant materials for phylogenetic analysis were

collected at fbllowing localities: Arabidopsis haileri

subsp. gemmijZira (Matsum.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz

at Inagawa-cho, Kawabe-gun, Osaka Prefecture,

Japan; A, lyrata subsp, lyrata in Wilkes County,

North Carolina, USA; A. hamchatica subsp. ham-

chatica at Kamikochi, Azumi-mura, Minarniazumi-

gun, Nagano-Prefecture, Japan; and A. kamchatica

subsp, kawasaldana at Tttkashima-shi as described

in the material for chromosome observation.

Genomic DNA was isolated from jeaf tissues

by using the Plant DNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen,Vtilencia, CA, USA). Primers were designed fbr

the homeolog-specific arnplification of Chalcone

Synthase (CHS) nuclear gene, The reverse primerCHSRI (5'-AGAGGAACGCTGTGCAAGAC.3,)was designed in the conserved sequence near the

end of the gene, and forward primers in the pro-rnoter region were designed fbr homeolog-specific

amplification. CHSgemFUI (5'-GAAMCTCCG-TAGTCCGTATGGTG-3') was used for the specifi

ic amplification ofhalleri type homeolog ofboth

subspecies ofArabiclopsis kamchatica. CHSFUI


CHSIyrFUI (5'-TGGGAAGTGAAMCTCCT-TATGGTG-3i) were used to arnplify the lyTata typehomeolog of subsp. kamchatica and subsp.

kawasakiana, respectively. The CILg genes efA.

lyrata subsp. lyrata andA, halteri subsp. gemmijleTawere amplified by the primer CHSFU1. Polymerase

Page 4: Arabidopsis (Fisch. (Makino) Shimizu

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166 APG

chain reaction (PCR) was canied out using an ABI

9700 (Applied Biosystems). DNA fragments ampli-

fied by Ex[laq (TaKaRa) were purified with the

QIAquick PCR Purification and Gel Extraction kits

(QIAGEN) and sequenced directly, or amplified by

high-fidelity PfuUltra polymerase (Stratagene) and

cloned in the case ofA. Iyrata subsp. lyrata. DNA

sequencing was conducted at the North Carolina

State University Genome Research Laboratory with

a Prism 3700 96-capMary automated sequcnccr

(Applied Biosystems). All singletons were visually

confirmed, and the sequences were visually aligned.

The alignment of 1403 sites includes part of the

promoter region, exon 1, intron 1 and most ofexon

2. Neighbor-joining trees were generated with

MEGA 2.1 software (Kumar et al. 2001) using the

Kimura 2-parameter model with the option of com-

plete deletion of gap positions (1385 sites wcre

used). Bootstrap values of 1000 replicates are shown

on the nodes of the branches. The CIIS177714 gene of

A. thaliana Col-0 accession (Genbank accession

no. ABO05230) was included as an outgroup


Results and Discussion

Chromosome numbers ofArahidopsis kamchatica

Nlo1. 56

subsp. hawasakiana were counted in the plants cot-

lected from four localities, All plants had a chro-

mosome number of 2n = 32 and n

=:16iT (Fig. 1).

The bivalcnt naturc of thc chromosome suggests

that the taxon originated by allotetraploidy and is

d{stinct from the diploid species A. lyrata, To obtain further evidence that the two taxa

represent a species distinct firom Arabidopsis lyra-ta, the nuclear gene Chalcone Synthase ((]flS? was

sequenced. Consistent with the tetrapleidy, two

copies of Cms were amplified from both subspecies

(Fig. 2). One ofthe copies was highly homologous

to the CltS gene ofA, haUeri subsp, gemmijlera

and then named halieri type, and the other copy

was similar to A. lyrata subsp. lyiuta and was named

lyrata type. In both subspccies, the divergence

between the halleri and lyrata type was O.O14

(20fl391 sites). These molecular data, together with

the morphological and chromosomal study by

Mulligan (1995) and with the presence efbivalent

chromosomes, indicate that A. kamchatica is an

allotetraploid species and is distinct fromA. lyrata. The neighbor-joining tree (Fig. 2) suggests

that plants similar to Arabidopsis halleri and A.

lyrata are the candidate parental species of the

tetraploid A. kainchatica. Further analyses using

population samples are necessary to reveal the

:wy.w.,,,.,,,fi,lt:il .

-,, ww


FIG. 1,

meiotic metaphase, n= 16u (B)

AMitotic and meiot{c chromosomes in AFubidopsis kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana. Mitotic metaphase, 2n = 4x =: 32 (A) and . Scale, 2 yrn.

Page 5: Arabidopsis (Fisch. (Makino) Shimizu

The Japanese Society for Plant Systematics

NII-Electronic Library Service

The JapaneseSociety for Plant Systematics

August2005 SHIMIZU et al.New eombinatiens ofArabidopsis

parental origin, since gene flow between European

subspecies of the two species, namely A, lyratasubsp.petraea andA. halleri subsp, halleri is pos-sible (Macnair et al. I999, Ramos-Onsins et al.


Furthermore, our analysis suggested that

Arabidopsis kanichatica has unique and attractive

characteristics for future molecular genetic analysis.

Since it belongs to the same genus as a model

species A. thaliana, the huge amount of genetic

and genomic inforrnation available fbr A. thaliana

can be readily exploited (Mitchell-Olds 2001,

Shimizu 2002, Shimizu & Purugganan 2005). While

statistical methods for tetravalent inheritance are

still primitive (Wu et al, 2001), the observation of

bivalent chromosome ofA. hamchatica subsp. hawa-

sakiana means that the mapping methods devel-

oped for diploid species can be readily applied, As

a tetraploid species in the genus Arabidbpsis, A.

kamchatica, aleng with another speciesA. suecica

(Madlung et al. 2002), will provide an opportunity

to study the evolutien and speciation by genomeduplication from a molecular genetic vi ewpoint.

Nomenclatural Summary


Arabidopsis kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC.) K.

Shimjzu & Kudoh, comb. noy.

i [Basionyrn] Arabis lyrata var. kamchatica Fisch,

ex DC., Syst. Nat. 2: 231 (1821), Ind. Ioc.i `Cin

KamchatkS". Lectotype (designated here):

Kamtschatka, Rsher s. n. (G-DC, IDC Micro-

fiche Candolie Herbarium 68f1!).

! Arabis kamchatica (Fjsch. ex DC.) Ledeb., FL

Ross. 1: 121 (1841), "kamtschatica".

i Arubis lyrata subsp. kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC,)

Hulten, Fl. Aleutian Isl. 202 (1937), "kam-


ii Ctirtlaniinopsis kamchatica (Fisch, ex DC,) O, E,

Schulz in Engl, & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam.,

ed. 2, 17b: 541 (l936), "kamtschatica",

!i Arabidopsis lyrata subsp, kamchatica (Fisch. ex DC,) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz, Novon 7: 326

(1997).=Arubis ambigua ( [var.] glabra DC,, Syst. Nat. 2:

231 (1821). Ind. Ioc.: "in

Kamchatka et insulis

Kurilensibus". Lectotype (designated here):



- O.O05

FiG, 2. Neighborjoining tree ofChalcone Synthasc (CInS) gene. halgem: Arabidqpsis halleri subsp, getnmijlera collected at Inagawa-

cho, kamH: halleri type allele ofA. kamchatica at Kamikochi, kamL: lyrata type allcle ofA. kamc'hatica at Kamikochi, kawHi

halleri type allele of A. kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana at Takashima-shi, karnL: lyrata typc allcle ofA. kamchatica subsp.

koTvasaldana at Thkashirna-shi, lyrlyr: A, lyrata subsp. lytuta collected at Wilkes Co,, USA, tha/ A. thaliana Col-O. Bootstrap val-

ucs of 1OOO replicates are shown on the nodes ofthe branches, Bar, e.Oe5 substitutions t' site.

Page 6: Arabidopsis (Fisch. (Makino) Shimizu

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168 APG

Kamtschatka, fisher s. n. (G-DC, IDC Micro-

fiche Candolle Herbarium 67!2 1 !)iii Arabis lyrata var. gtabra (DC,) Hopkins,

Rhodora 39: 93 (1937).=- Arabis kamchatica var. glabiu (DC.) N. Busch, Fl. Sib, Orient. Extrem. 4: 468 (1926),



- Avabis ambigua B [var.] intermedia DC., Syst.

Nat, 2: 23i (1821). Ind. Ioc.: "in Unalaska".

Holotype: Unalaschka (G-DC, IDC Microfiche

Candolle Herbarium 67!22!)!ii Arabis lyrata var, intermedia (DC.) Farw,, Annual Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. Rep. 256

(1917).i Arabis kamchatica var, intermedia (DC.) N.

Busch, Fl. Sib. Orient. Extrem. 4: 468 (1926),


=:, Arabis lyrata var. occidentaiis S. Watson in A.

Gray, Syn. Fl. N Amer, 1: 159 (1895). Ind,

loc.: "From

Alaska to British Columbia and the

eastern side of the Rocky Mts. in Brit.

America; Point Pelec on Lake Erie, Maeoun.

(Kamtshchatka, maight.)", Type not designat-


! Arabis occidentalis (S. Watson) Nelson, Univ.

WYoming Pub. 3: 111 (1937).

Aibmenclatural notes: (1) The specimen fromherl)arium LE from Fischcr's collection was chosen

as a lectotype of the name Arabis lyrata var. kam-

chatica Fisch, ex DC. by Mulligan (1995). We haye

seen only a photograph ofthis specimen (thanks to

Giselc Mitrow, DAO) as it is, at least fbr the time

being, lost. After being on loan in DAO herbarium

it was sent back to LE in 1991, but most probablynever reached LE herbarium in St. Petersburg, or if

it did it was misplaced after an;ival, The specimen

undoubtedly comes from the Fischer's collection,

but was not annotated by Candolle, which would

make it part of the original material. There were

multiple specimens identified as t`Arabis


ica" collected by Fischer in herbarium LE (includ-

Nbl. 56

ing fbur specimens sent te DAO fbr loan and now at

least temporarily ]ost) and there is no proof that

particular[y the specimen selected by Mulligan

(l995) is a duplicate ofone ofthe three specimens

sent by Fischer to Candolle and deposited now in the

Candolle's herbarium in Geneve (G-DC), Therefbre,

according to our opinion, specimen selected by

Mulligan has no standing as original material of

the name Arabis lyiula var: kamchatica [see Art, 9.2,

Note 2 ofthe Code, Greuter et al. 2000] and there-

fore was not legitimate for the choice of lectotype.

This, together with the fact that the aforementioned

specimen selected by Mulligan (1995) is at least

temporarily lost, led us to the decision to select a

new lectotype, The true original material of the

name Arabis lyrata var. kamchatica in the herbari-

um of Candel]e (G-DC) consists of three plants

(three plantg on the right in Fig. 3A). There are

two labels on the three plants, written very likely in

Fischer's hand, with annotation by Candolle "Mis[it]

Fischer 1819" on the sheet. In addition, the speci-

men is annotated by Candolle as "Arabis kamchat-

ica Fisch. 1 lyrata var, DC." As this seems to be the

only extant original material connected with this

name we fbrmally designate the second plant from

the right side of the sheet as a lectotype (arrows in

Fig. 3A and 3B). The particular plant had both

fiowers and siliques, and is consistent with the

description by Candolle (1821) "P

A. Kamchatica.

Eischerf in litt. Var, B in posterum fbrsan dis-

tinguenda difTert flore minore, petalis nempe calyce

duplb nec trip]6 Iongioribus et siliquis longioribus

crassioribus7' There is another plant on the same

sheet in addition to the three plants, but it is appar-

ently a different collection because it was collected

in 1820 and net by Fischerjudged from its lahel (theplant at the far left in Fig. 3A).

(2) Al-Shehbaz & O'Kane (2002) include the

name Sisymbrium tilesii Ledeb., Mem, Acad. Imp.

Sci. St. Petersbong. Hist. Acad. 5: 548, 1815, in the

synonymy of the name Arabidbpsis lyrata subsp.

hamchatica. Ifthis werc true, then the epithet "tite-

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August 2oo5 SHIM[ZU et al.: New combinations ofArabicippsis 169

sii" would have priority at the species level for this

particular taxon. We have checked the original

material (most probal)ly helotype) ef this name in

herbarium LE (S nlesii mihi, In Carntchatca ...,

Tilesius [18] 13). Although the plants were collect-

ed early in the fiowering season and so characteris-

tics of mature plants such as silique width cannot be

analyzed, the petals of the specimen were larger

(up to 7.3 mm) than the range of the petal size of

Arabis hamtschatica (4.0-5.5 mm) described by

Mulligan (1995), In addition, Ledebour himselg

who described S tilesii, later considered the mate-

rial as a variety ofArabis petraea (P. floribusmq]'oribus) (Ledebour 1841). Thus, it seems most

likely that this specimen belongs to another taxon,

namely Arabidopsis lyrata smbsp. petraea.

(3) The original material of the name Arabis

ambigua cr [var.] glabra DC. in the herbarium of

Candolle (G-DC) consists of three plants. Each

plant has its own 1al)el. All the three Ial)els were

wr:itten very likely in Fischer's hand, with aii anno-

tation by Candolle "Mis[it] Fischef'. in addition, the

sheet is annotated by Candolle as "Arabis


a DC." There seems to be no locality for the left-

hand plant. That of the middle plant was "E

2ou ins.

Curil" and that of the right-hand plant was"Kamtschatka?"

We fbrmally designate the right-

hand plairt as a lectotype. The panicular plant is the

FJG, 3, Lectotvpe epecimen, (A) Specimen sheet including the lectotype ofArabi`krpsis hamchatica shown by aii arrDw, (B) Reverse side of the two plants in the center in (A). [[he lectetype is again shown by an arTow.

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170 APG Xld1. 56

only one with rosette leaves, which app

description by Candolle (1821).eared in the

Arabidopsis kamchatica (Fisch. ex

Shimizu & Kudoh subsp. kamchaticaDC.)


Jbpanese name: Miyama-hatazao

Distribution: EAST ASIA (Far East Russia,China, Korea, [[hiwan, Japan) andNORTH AMER-

ICA (Alaska, Canad4 Nonhwestern United States),

In Japan, the subspecies occurs in montane, sub-

alpine, and alpine habitats,

Arabidopsis kamchatica subsp. kawasakiana

(Makine) K. Shimizu & Kudoh, comb. nov.

i [Basionym] Arabis kawasakiana Makino, Bot,

Mag., [Ibkyo 27: 24 (1913). Ind. Ioc.: "Prov,

Ise: Ybl<kaichi". Lectotype (designated here):

Japan. Prov. Ise: Ybldcaichi, Umaokoshi, June

1905, ILt Kdrvasain s, n. (MAK 1 18231 !).

i Arabis lyrata subsp. kawasakiana (Makino) Kitam. in Kitam. & Murata [Col. Ill. Herb,

Pl. Jap. 2: 181 (1961), nomen] Acta Phytotax.

Geobot. 20: 201 (1962).!! Arabispetvaea var. nmponica Makino in Iinuma,

Somoku-Dzusetsu (ed. 3), 3 (12): 10, pl. 11

(1912), "ntm,onicum",

Ind. Ioc.: `fAbundant

in the vicinity of rice fields near the eastern

coast of YOklcaichi [in Japanese]". Lectotype

(designated here): Japan. Prov, Ise: Ybltkaichi,

Umaokoshi, June 1905, M Kdwasaki s. n.

(MAK 1 1823 1 !).

]Vbmenclat"nal note: There is one sheet col-

lected by M. Kawasaki in 1905 in herbariurn in

MAK annotated as `Xrabispenaea

va:" As cited in

the original description, Makino had tentatively

used either Arabispetraea var.? [Bot, Mag., T[bkyo

11: 157 (1897)] or Avabis pet,uea var. nmponica

Makino [Iinuma's Somoku-Dzusetsu ed, 3, 3 (12):10 (1912)] fbr Arabis kawasakiana prior to the

original description. As the specimen collected by

M. Kawasaki in 1905 seems to be the only extant

original material connected with this name (no orig-inal material was found in TI) and in the al)sence of

evidence that any other original material existed at

the time where the description was prepared, we for-

mally designate this specimen as a lectotype, Three

more sheets that were collected by M. Kawasald in

1913 were found in the survey ofthe heifbarium in

MtxK (MAK118230, 116251 and 116298), but they

were collected during the fiowering season in 1913,

apparently after Makino published the description inFebniary 1913 and thus they have no standing as the

original material ofthe name.

Jtipanese name: Tachi-suzushirosoh

Distribution: Western Honshu (Tokai,Hokurikn, Kinki and Shikoku districts), Japan. The

subspecies grows in sandy open habitats along

seashores or the shore ofLake Biwa.

We would like to thank Hidetoshi Nagamasu and

Purugganan laboratory members for crritical reading of the

manuscript, Hideki Nakai for the discussion, Masumi

Keno for the sample collection, and Kiyotaka Okada and

Michael D. Purugganan fbr the experimental support.

We thank the curators and collection managers of G, LE,maK, TI and KYO fbr their anangement in examiningspecimens and to Alexander N, Sennikov (St. Petersburg)for providing the image of the original material of thename Sisymbrium tilesii. We appreciate also advice of

Werner Greuter CBerlin) in respect ofthe new typifieation

ofthe name Arabis lyrata var. kamchatica. This study is

partly suppQrted by Research Fellowships of the Japan

Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fbr Ybung

Scientists and for Study Abroad to K. K, S., by the

Ministry of Education, Science, Sperts and Culture,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 15570017, 2003

to H. K., by the project no, O021620828 ffom the MinistryofEdncation, Ybuth and Sports of the Czech Republic toK, M,, and by the Japan Society fbr the Promotion of

Science - Slovak Academy ef Sciences CooperativeProgramme to H. K, and K, M.


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