arbeitsalltag im produktmanagement bewältigen mit hilfe des open product management workflow ™ -...

Arbeitsalltag im Produktmanagement bewältigen mit Hilfe des Open Product Management Workflow ™ Frank Lemser Open Product Management Workflow TM - Community Gründer & Ausbilder proProduktmanagement

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Arbeitsalltag im Produktmanagement bewältigen mit Hilfe des Open Product Management Workflow ™ - ProductCamp 2014 Nürnberg. Wo entstehen die Probleme der Produktmanager? Kann man diese durch eine methodische Arbeitsweise im Produktmanagement lösen? Am Beispiele Roadmap wir gezeigt, dass es wichtig ist für jede Zielgruppe wie Management, Kunden und andere Teams zu verstehen und spezielle Lösungen (Roadmaps) zu liefern.


  • 1. Arbeitsalltag im Produktmanagement bewltigen mit Hilfe des Open Product Management Workflow Frank Lemser Open Product Management WorkflowTM - Community Grnder & Ausbilder proProduktmanagement

2. Mr. Richfield 3. Roy Earl Starring 4. Ich habe eine tolle Idee fr das Produkt welche die Kunden bestimmt gut finden. 5. Wre es nicht cool wenn 6. Das ist die Zukunft der Technik. Die Kunden finden die Technik bestimmt ganz Super. 7. Eines Tages 8. Also wir haben uns gedacht Kunden mgen das. Wir denken, dass wird sicherlich ein tolles Produkt. 9. Wie viele Kunden haben das Problem? 10. Mist. Schon wieder. Ja also hh #? #! 11. Potential? Marktgre? Segmente? Strategie? Positionierung? Entwicklungszeit? Profit? 12. Keine Ahnung Groer Mist. Mmmppfff #... 13. WO SIND IHRE FAKTEN ?!? 14. Ausbildung vs. Produktmanager 15. Open Product Management Workflow A market-driven step by step model for developing and managing innovative technology products Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 16. Open Product Management Workflow TM Aus praktischer Erfahrung heraus entstanden Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung fr Produktmanager Entwickelt und verffentlicht von Frank Lemser Open Source, d.h. jedermann darf kostenlos nutzen & mitarbeiten Lizenz auf 17. Open Product Management Workflow STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 18. Open Product Management Workflow Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem 19. Open Product Management Workflow INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE MEASUREOPTIMIZEMEASUREMEASURE & OPTIMIZEMEASUREOPTIMIZE Product Lifecycle 20. INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE Strategisch Taktisch STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 21. Innovation Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 22. Ich habe eine tolle Idee fr das Produkt welche die Kunden bestimmt gut finden. 23. Innovation fr wen und was? Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 24. Strategie & Positionierung Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRAREGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 25. Anforderungen, Zeit & Kosten Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Requirements Rating Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 26. Interview & Identifizieren Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 27. Adrian Slywotsky The Art of Profitability Du wirst mehr lernen bei einem Treffen mit einem echten Kunden mit dem du eine Stunde verbringst, als das was du lernen kannst von fnfzig Studien oder Analysten-Reports. 28. Interview & Identifizieren Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem Buyer Persona Analysis INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET Buyer Persona Analysis User Persona Use Scenario 29. Nutzer & Kufer 30. Typische Vorgehensweise Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 31. Welches Eine? Welche Wenigen? Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 32. Hilfe bei Entscheidungen Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET 33. Zeit die man in Strategie investiert, reduziert die verschwendete Zeit fr Taktik. 34. Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGIE TECHNIK MARKETING 35. Leiter virtueller Teams Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET Technical Product Team Go-To-Market Team 36. Erfahrene Produktmanager wissen, dass sie kein Produkt managen, sondern dass eine sehr wichtige Aufgabe der Produktmanager darin besteht die virtuellen Produktteams zu formieren, zu informieren und zu managen. 37. Sprich die Sprache deiner Zielgruppe Time and Costs User Persona Work Package Definition Use Scenario Communication Strategy Product Roadmaps Positioning Sales to Buying Process Support Sales for Forecast Website Content Product Launch Plan Marketing Plan Marketing Efficiency Distribution Strategy Market Strategy Portfolio Strategy Requirements Rating Business Plan Price Strategy Go-To-Market Team Approval Review Meetings Prototype Technical Product Team Sales Collateral Sales Channel Training Sales Presentation Event Support Demos, Trial Versions Customer Maintenance Reference Customers Opinion Leader Innovation Identify Persona Interview Market SWOT Analysis Buy, Build, Partner Product Profitability Buyer Persona Analysis Technology Analysis Market Potential Competitive Analysis Win/Loss Analysis Competence Analysis Identify Scenario Identify Problem INTERVIEW IDENTIFY ANALYZE CHECK STRATEGY CONSOLIDATE BUILD TEAM DELIVERY CONTROL BUILD TEAM PLAN PREPARE STRATEGY, INNOVATION, BUSINESS TECHNICAL GO-TO-MARKET Product Roadmaps 38. Das Groartige an faktenbasierten Entscheidungen ist, dass sie die Hierarchie berstimmen. Jeff Bezos CEO Amazon Inc. Source: 39. Wir haben 30 Interviews gefhrt und 28 Kunden haben das Problem 40. Das klingt interessant erzhlen sie mir mehr darber. 41. Cool! Es klappt.