architect sen kapadia


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Page 1: Architect Sen kapadia



Page 2: Architect Sen kapadia


• Sen kapadia (b. 1936) received his diploma in Architecture from sir J.J. COLLEGE oh arch. in 1962.

• He worked with LOUIS KHAN for setting up his independent practice.

• He is a recipient of several awards for his architectural design and his work.

• His academic output lectures, seminars, exhibitions, writing and theoretical projects.

• He has been the director of the Kamla RahejaVidhyanidhi Institute for architecture in Mumbai.

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• South Asian architecture is largely located in far flung suburbs unlike the western world’s architectural heritage that is within cities and thus highly visible.

• Architectural characteristics of India. Sri Lanka and Pakistan are shaped by uniformity of geography, history and deep structures.

• Each project is an imprint of its culture and also the blue print of the dynamics of evolving economics.

• His projects embeds local materials responsive to environment forces that led to some potentially significant works.

• They attain a certain patina of local craftsmanship and assume a definite position in cultural milien specific to the decade and social history of its environment

• Main projects are water and land management institution and solar efficiency building.

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• The low rise instituionalbuildings, which merges with the landform, has used simple yet innovative passive solar techniques to reduce space condaitiong loads.

• This landscaper is being built on the conviction of providing maximum human comfort, without relying too much on conventional energy consuming system.

• WALMI was estabilishedin Bhopal, Madhya pradesh under the central government aid with a desire to increase the effectiveness of irrigation projects.

• The institute conducts both in built facilities and on fields.

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• The site is located on a flat top hillock adjoining the Kaliasote dam just 15 km away from the new market. The site offerens an undisturbed view of water body, down the northern slopes of this 30 km high hillock.

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Design,Materials and Techniques

• WALMI is viewed largely as an environmental planning apparatus.

• It is 230m long landscaper.

• The building exploits the north-south orientation for user comfort.

• The WALMI administration and hostels buildings follow the contours of the hill on which they sit, while the long horizontal plan ensures a rural character and simple construction.

• The long east-west axis determines an axial plan includes main buildings, hostels and area for residential units.

• This master plan is integrated with landscaping plan to provide a ‘Habitable Landscape’ rather than building roads and gardens.

• Usage of natural building material and indigenous plants ensures appropriate aesthetic.

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Trees are planted primarily to be effective for cooling, reducing the dust, sun glare and acting as natural shields against hot and cold winds.

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Water As A Microclimate Modifier

• Water is pumped up from Kaliasote reservoir and stored in overhead water tanks located on top buildings.

• Cascading water is extensively used to provide coolant air-conditioning rooftops and this water is recycled to landscape zones.

• All this has been detailed as a showcase for demonstration of a natural element in true harness and as an appropriate modifier of the micro-climate.

• The 25m7m Modular unit (laboratories, library and administrative )will combine to generate gently curvilinear building for spectacular view of lake.


Meandering pathways through different spaces aligned with flowering and fragrant shrubbery provide pleasant atmosphere while communting to different zones.

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Ventilation, Daylight And Roof Treatment

• The building is located on east- west axis. This allows induced cross ventilation and abundant natural light without any heat gain, as west side exposure is minimized and roof is also insulated.

• Appropriate tress are placed judiciously to cut the glare and heat gain, while built-in desert coolers ensures pleasant environment at a reduced energy use.

• Rooftops are fitted with water sprinklers that cool through evaporation.

• The roof is also insulated with 2.5cm layer of thermocole over R.C.C.shelland topped with stone tiles.

• The building has been designed to be ambient external temperature. The aim is to provide effective human comfort and reduce load on air conditioning

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1.Electrical Supply-Although electricity will be supplied at the site, investigating the use of PHOTOVOLTAIC based local generation of power is recommended. Buildings are planned to virtually eliminate electric lights during daytime.

2.SEWAGE MANAGEMENT- There is no municipal disposal on site and this is being managed by two GOBAR GAS PLANTS.

• PERFORMANCE:-Bioclimatic consideration of the building design along with thoughtful incorporation of passive measures would ensure thermal and visual comfort in the building round with minimal energy usage.

• CONCLUSION:-Plan and architectural details vastly differ from conventional plan only

to economize the expenses and create harmony with nature. The WALMI plan strives to answer physical needs with creative integration of planning, landscaping and appropriate technology. the resultant is cost effective and its aesthetic value are as consequence in this solar architecture.

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PROJECT DETAILS:-• Name-water and land management institution, Bhopal• Building type-Institutional• Year of start/completion-1983-87• Climate-compositeBuilt up ares-10800sq.m

DESIGN FEATURES:-• The building is oriented along east-west axis to have north-south exposure. This

reduces solar gain and maximize the usage of daylight.• Use of high bulk local stone walling adds to thermal mass.• Adjoining areas with soft ground cover and deep irrigation avoid all reflected heat

and gain.• The roof is insulated with 2.5cm layer of thermocole over RCC shell and topped with

stone tiles. additional water sprinklers on the roof allow cooling through evaporation.

• On the lower floor, the air is admitted through a built in water ensuring higher humidity and cool during hot summer months.

• The surroundings are suffused with dense planting of evergreen and water bodies.

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The design of energy efficient solar homes/buildingsdepends on climate, solar path and intensity, humidity,wind flow, and ambient temperature of a particular place.Design parameters of homes/buildings, therefore, vary withdifferent climatic zones of the country.>> Incorporating solar passive techniques in a buildingdesign and enhancing building material specificationsfor minimizing the load on conventional systems(heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting). Passivetechniques vary with climate, and simple techniques that are useful for new homes/buildings inDifferent climates of India are listed in booklet.>> Designing energy-efficient lighting and HVAC (heating,ventilating, and air conditioning) systems inhomes/buildings.

>> Integrating renewable energy systems, such as solarphotovoltaic systems and solar water heating systems,with buildings to meet part of their load.

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Orientation of building

We all know that the sun travels daily from the east to the west. Its movement from the northto the south and the south to north results inseasonal changes during the year. The orientation of a building in aparticular direction, therefore, can heat or coolthe building depending on the climatic zonein which it is constructed. Proper orientation

can help increase or decrease the heat load by 5%. For example, if the long sides of the building in the composite climatic zone facenorth and south and the short sides face east andwest, the heat load can be reduced.

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Suns hadesThese are installed at the top ofwindows/doors to obstruct sunrays that enter the building during summers but allow them to enter during winters. This helps protect the building from over heating during summers and keeps it warm during winters, thereby reducing electricity consumption which otherwise, would increase due to heavier use of room coolers/heaters.Window designWindows in a building allow light, heat, and air to come in. While day light and air are welcome in buildings in all climatic zones, heat may or may not berequired, depending on the climatic zonein which the building is constructed.Therefore, decision regarding location of windowsshould be based on the requirement of heat in thebuilding. The sizes of windows and theirshades also depend on the climatic zone.Double glazed WindowsInsulation helps reduce heat gain into, and heatloss from, a building. Double glazed windowswith air gaps can act as good insulation.

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The insulating air gap lowers the heat gain of the building. It should be used for air conditioned spaces. BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) hasrecommended specifications for glazing in air-Conditioned spaces, in the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007

Building insulationInsulation can be added towalls or roofs to reduce heat transfer. It also helpsin moderating indoor thermal comfort and iseffective in reducing temperature fluctuationsin non air-conditioned spaces. Some commonly usedinsulation materials are mineral wool, extruded/expanded polystyrene, PUF (polyurethane foam),and vermiculite, among others. Since roofs receivemaximum solar radiation, it is advisable to insulate Them using any of the above materials. Cavity wallsare an effective method of insulation. Fly ash-based aerated concrete blocks and cellular concrete blocks have good insulating properties and can be used for wall insulation. Suitable specifications can be provided by an architect depending on the climatic zone where thebuilding is to be constructed.

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summer and sunlight in the winter when their leaves fall. So planting such trees to the west and south-west of a building is a natural solar passive strategy. EvergreenRoof treatmentSome simple roof treatments, other thanroof insulation, for reducing the summer heat gain in buildings, are as follows. ¡ White washing the roof before the onset of the summer. ¡ Spraying water on the roof. Sprinkling water at regular intervals can reduce heat gain through roof. ¡ Using shining and reflecting material for the rooftop. Evaporative coolingWhen water stored in a water body evaporates into the

surrounding air, it lowers the ambient temperature. This phenomenon is known as evaporative cooling. The presence of a water body such as a pond, lake or sea near the building or even a fountain in the courtyard can provide the cooling effect. The most commonly used system is a desert cooler, which comprises water, evaporating pads, a fan, and a pump. External cooling through humidification can also be achieved By keeping surfaces of roofs moist using sprays or lawnsprinklers. Evaporative cooling is very effective in the hotand dry climatic zone, where humidity is low.

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At a depth of 4 m below ground, the earth’s temperature remains more or less constantthroughout the year. This temperature is nearly equal to average temperature of the place.For example in Delhi, the temperature in summer may go up to 45 °C during summer andfall to 4 °C during winter, but at a depth of 4 m below ground the temperature remains nearly26 °C round the year, which is averagetemperature of Delhi. The earth air tunnel takesadvantage of this phenomenon. Concrete humepipes are laid at a depth of 4 m below ground andare surrounded by earth.

Solar chimneys are tall, hollow structures that arepreferably located on the south/south-west portion of abuilding. These chimneys can help ventilate rooms andare ideal for hot climatic zones. They should, preferably, bedark in colour with lightweight construction (for instance, ferrocement). Spaces within a building have ventsopening into this chimney. The chimney heats up duringsummer days and the air inside the chimney rises creatinga low-pressure zone.

Solar chimney

LandscapingLandscaping provides a buffer against heat, sun, noise, traffic, and airflow. It is also effective in diverting airflow or exchanging heat ina solar-passive design.Deciduous trees, such as amaltas,champa, and similar varieties, provide shade in the

Earth air tunnel

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Wind tower

Wind towers are specifically designed to use prevailingwind to draw air out of a space and, sometimes, to push airinto the space. This helps circulate cool air in the building.When hot ambient air enters the tower through openingsin it, it cools, becomes heavier and sinks. Inlets and outletsin rooms induce cool air movement. In the presence ofwind, air is cooled more effectively and flows faster downthe tower and into the living area. After a whole day of airexchanges, the tower becomes warm in the evening.During the night, cooler ambient air comes in contactwith the bottom of the tower through the rooms.

The air from the rooms of the housethen replaces the escaping chimney air creating alow-pressure zone inside your home. This makes way foroutside air to enter the home naturally and cool it.

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ENERGY-EFFICIENT LIGHTINGLighting in a home is generally responsible for 20% of theelectricity bill.Efficient lighting reduces energy consumption, thereby,saving energy and money, without compromising on thequality of light. Lighting improvements are the surest wayof cutting energy bills. Using new lighting technologies

Solar water heating system


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A PV system can be incorporated in a building as part ofthe building's structure. In new buildings, PV systems canbe built-in at the design and construction stage. They canbe retrofitted on existing buildings as well. Photovoltaicscan be integrated in every possible structure—from busshelters to high-rise buildings.They can also be used aslandscaping elements.Incorporating PV in a buildingresults in the following valueadditions.>> Generating electricity at thepoint of demand withoutany extra use of land area>> Reducing the cooling loadof the building, as it alsoacts like a shading element>> Replacing building construction material, such asglazing elements, depending on the building designIn building integrated PV systems, PV modules are used aspart of the building envelope. PV systems can beincorporated in a building in three basic ways.

Building integrated PV system

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>> Façade-integrated photovoltaic systems Curtain walls,semitransparent PV windows, PV awnings, and so on>> Roof-integrated photovoltaic systems Atrium roofs, flatand tilted roofs, skylights, tiles, and slates among othermaterials>> Shadow-Voltaic PV systems that can be used asshadowing systems

Other renewable energy devices/systemsThere are various other renewable energy devices/systems, such as solar cookers, solar lanterns, solar homesystems, and solar inverters, which can be used forsaving conventional energy after the home/buildingis constructed.