artikel moronene

Masa Orientasi Siswa SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011 ‘’Suku Moronene’’

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Page 1: Artikel Moronene

Masa Orientasi Siswa

SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya

Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011

‘’Suku Moronene’’

Nama: Shaquilla Tarisa Nasmiarta

Kelas: Moronene

Bahasa Indonesia

Page 2: Artikel Moronene

Secara historis, wilayah Moronene di daratan besar jazirah Sulawesi Tenggara mencakup

sebagian Kecamatan Watubangga di Kabupaten Kolaka sekarang. Pulau Kabaena juga termasuk

wilayah Moronene, sebab penduduk asli pulau penghasil gula merah itu adalah suku Moronene.

Masyarakat adat dari etnis Moronene yang masih ada tinggal berjumlah 35.100 jiwa. Yang secara

geografis tinggal bermukim dan menyebar di bagian selatan wilayah daratan Sulawesi Tenggara dan

sebagian di Pulau Kabaena. Suku Moronene adalah komunitas tertua yang mendiami daratan Sulawesi

Tenggara. Namun dalam perkembangannya masyarakat adat moronene termarginalkan secara politik,

ekonomi maupun eksistensi budaya-nya, sehingga masyarakat adat moronene telah menjadi kelompok

minoritas di Sulawesi Tenggara. Masyarakat lokal dari etnis moronene , sebenarnya dari dahulu kala

dikenal memiliki karakter yang khas sebagai satu kelompok komunitas adat yang menjujung tinggi nilai-

nilai kedamaian, ketenangan dan kesederhanaan. Sehingga setiap ada perselisihan dengan pihak lain

mereka selalu memilih mengalah dan menghindar mencari tempat hidup yang lain. Cerminan atas

karakter yang dimaksud dapat disaksikan dalam kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya-nya sehari-hari;

(i) pola hidup mereka sangat sederhana dan senang bermukim berkelompok dalam jumlah yang sedikit

( biasanya satu rumupun ), (ii) rumah-rumah mereka lebih banyak dari bahan-bahan bambu yang ada

disekitar kebun mereka, (iii) sehingga saat mereka harus menyebar mencari tempat lain untuk

menghindari konflik ditempat semula, maka penyedian rumah di tempat baru bagi mereka tidak dijadikan

beban atau masaalah, (iii) umumnya komunitas adat moronene senang dengan kegiatan pesta keramaian

dengan menggunakan perlengkapan pesta di dominasi oleh warna-warna cerah. Walaupun belum ada

hasil penelitian untuk membuktikan, tapi mungkin saja ciri khas dan karakter komunitas adat etnis

moronene yang di gambarkan di-atas , menyebabkan tersingkirnya generasi-generasi komunitas etnis

moronene secara perlahan-lahan dalam percaturan kehidupan politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya dari

masa ke masa. generasi pertama dari rumpun etnis moronene-lah yang mempunyai peran, fungsi dan

posisi strategis dalam penghidupan masyarakat pada saat itu, disamping itu pastilah rumpun etnis

moronene yang memiliki kekuasaan tak terbatas atas wilayah serta sumber-sumber agraria/SDA yang

ada di jasirah Sulawesi Tenggara.

Moronene adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak kelompok masyarakat adat-dulu sering

disalahartikan sebagai suku terasing-di Sulawesi Tenggara. Moronene adalah suku asli pertama yang

mendiami wilayah itu. Namun, pamornya kalah dibanding suku Tolaki karena di abad ke-18 kerajaan suku

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Moronene-luas wilayahnya hampir 3.400 kilometer persegi-kalah dari kerajaan suku Tolaki. Kata "moro"

dalam bahasa setempat berarti serupa, sedangkan "nene" artinya pohon resam, sejenis paku yang

biasanya hidup mengelompok. Kulit batangnya bisa dijadikan tali, sedangkan daunnya adalah

pembungkus kue lemper. Resam hidup subur di daerah lembah atau pinggiran sungai yang mengandung

banyak air. Sebagai petani, peramu, dan pemburu, suku Moronene memang hidup di kawasan sumber

air. Mereka tergolong suku bangsa dari rumpun Melayu Tua yang datang dari Hindia Belakang pada

zaman prasejarah atau zaman batu muda, kira-kira 2.000 tahun sebelum Masehi.

Tidak diketahui kapan tepatnya suku Moronene mulai menghuni kawasan Taman Nasional

Rawa Aopa Watumohai. Tetapi sebuah peta yang dibuat pemerintah Belanda pada tahun 1820 sudah

mencantumkan nama Kampung Hukaea, yakni kampung terbesar orang Moronene, yang sekarang

masuk dalam areal taman nasional itu. Permukiman mereka tersebar di tujuh kecamatan, enam di

Kabupaten Buton dan satu di Kabupaten Kolaka. Di luar komunitas itu, orang Moronene menyebar pula di

beberapa tempat seperti Kabupaten Kendari karena terjadinya migrasi akibat gangguan keamanan dari

Darul Islam sekitar tahun 1952-1953.

Kampung Hukaea, Laea, dan Lampopala biasa disebut orang Moronene sebagai Tobu

Waworaha atau perkampungan tua bekas tempat tinggal para leluhur. Orang-orang Moronene masih

sering mengunjungi tobu untuk membersihkan kuburan leluhur mereka ketika hari raya Idul Adha tiba-

sebagian warga Moronene beragama Islam. Belakangan, setelah beberapa kuburan digali dan

dipindahkan oleh orang tak dikenal, orang-orang Moronene bermukim kembali di Hukaea-Laea. Di zaman

administrasi pemerintah Belanda, Hukaea termasuk distrik Rumbia, yang dipimpin seorang mokole

(kepala distrik). Rumbia membawahkan 11 tobu, tujuh di antaranya masuk dalam wilayah taman nasional.

Menurut Abdi, dari LSM Suluh Indonesia, jumlah orang Moronene di Sulawesi Tenggara diperkirakan

sekitar 300 orang, 95 persen di antaranya tinggal dalam kawasan taman nasional.

Seperti kebanyakan masyarakat adat lainnya, orang Moronene juga melakukan perladangan

berpindah dengan sistem rotasi. Tapi sistem itu sudah lama ditinggalkan dan mereka memilih menetap.

Suku Moronene juga dikenal pandai memelihara ekosistem mereka. Jonga atau sejenis rusa, misalnya,

masih sering ditemui di sekitar permukiman mereka di Hukaea, termasuk burung kakatua jambul kuning,

satwa endemik Sulawesi yang dilindungi. Namun, sifat asli suku ini, yang memegang tegung adat mosobu

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(pasrah dan tidak melawan), dan etos kerjanya yang rendah membuat mereka rentan terhadap

penggusuran. Kampung moronene berada di tengah Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumoha. Suku

moronene ditempati oleh 300-an kepala keluarga. Tetapi pemerintah melancarkan operasi pemusnahan

terhadap tatanan kultur adat suku Moronene. Untaian pesan Pak Disi, tokoh masyarakat adat Moronene,

sesaat menjelang ajalnya, akhir 1999, ternyata menjadi pil pendorong semangat bagi perjuangan

komunitas adat tertua di Sulawesi Tenggara ini untuk mempertahankan kampung halaman mereka dari

tekanan Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra), sampai hari ini. Lewat Operasi Sapu

Jagat (OSJ), Pemda Sultra memang merepresi masyarakat adat Moronene yang menempati Kampung

Hukaea-Laea, di Kecamatan Rarowatu, Kabu-paten Buton, Sultra agar hengkang dari tanah leluhur

mereka tersebut. Dalihnya, wilayah yang didiami ma-syarakat Moronene itu harus dikonservasi, karena

masuk kawasan Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai (TNRAW). Etnis Moronene terdapat dibagian

tenggara Sulawesi, sebelah selatan Gunung Mekonga. Bahasa mereka, yang dinamakan Moronene or

Maronene, merupakan rumpun Bahasa Austronesia. Secara linguistik, Moronene mirip dengan Tolaki.

Sedikit saja yang diketahui tentang gaya hidup dan budaya mereka, tetapi diduga bahwa cara hidup

mereka sangat mirip dengan etnis tetangga mereka, Pancana Bingkokak dan Muna. Bagi orang

Moronene, padi-padian yang tumbuh di ladang menjadi makanan pokok, tetapi mereka juga menanam ubi

jalar, tebu, aneka macam sayuran, tembakau, dan kopi. Rumah mereka yang umumnya berbentuk rumah

panggung tersebar diantara lahan-lahan yang telah dibuka. Rumah-rumah tersebut umumnya terbuat dari

daun nipa yang dianyam dan memiliki atap yang tinggi.

Perbedaan kelas sosial, dengan bangsawan atas, bangsawan bawah serta masayarakat biasa, masih

dipegang teguh oleh kebanyakan komunitas di Sulawesi. Tiap kelas sosial biasanya memiliki cara

bersikap mereka sendiri, diantara berbagai macam budaya dan tradisi. Wilayah dibagi menjadi desa, dan

hak pemanfaatan lahan diatur oleh lembaga desa. Akan tetapi, lembaga tersebut pada akhirnya

memegang kepemilikan atas lahan.

Tradisi perkawinan etnis Moronene mensyaratkan pembayaran kepada keluarga Si gadis pada saat

pertunangan dan perkawinan. Nilai mahar tergantung pada tingkatan sosial dari Si pemuda. Sebelum

perkawinan. Untuk menghindari persyaratan ini, banyak pasangan muda memilih kawin lari. Dahulu, para

budak dan turunan mereka tidak diperbolehkan kawin satu sama lain, meskipun mereka bisa hidup


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Juga, perempuan bangsawan tidak boleh menikah dengan orang jelata. Poligami (memiliki istri

lebih dari satu) umum terjadi antar bangsawan, tetapi sekarang sudah jarang dijumpai. Orang Moronene

diyakini merupakan suku tertua dan pertama yang mendiami dataran Sulawesi tenggara, saat ini mereka

umumnya bermukim dan menyebar di sebelah selatan Sulawesi tenggara dan salah satu kampung (tobu)

tertuanya adalah tobu HukaEa LaEa. Menurut sebagian antropolog asal usul nenek moyang mereka

berasal dari daratan Filipina yang diperkirakan mulai bermukim sejak tahun 1720. secara administratif

perkampungan Orang Moronene meliputi 7 wilayah kecamatan yang tersebar di kecamatan Kabaena,

Kabaena Timur, Rumbia, Poleang Barat, Poleang Timur, Rarowatu, Watubangga (di wilayah Buton) serta

1 (satu) kecamatan di wilayah Donggala. Ketujuh kecamatan tersebut dulunya merupakan wilayah

kerajaan Moronene yang luasnya mencapai 3.393,67 Km2. Taman Nasional Rawa Aopa Watumohai

pertama kali mendapatkan status dilindungi pada tahun 1990 namun, dan seperti biasa, masyarakat

adatnya terabaikan. Pada saat terjadinya ketidakstabilan politik tahun 1950an, militer memindahkan

penduduk Moronene dari tanah hutan mereka ke dekat ibukota propinsi Kendari, kemudian mendapatkan

ijin resmi untuk kembali pada awal 1980an. Masyarakat Moronene tidak pernah mendapatkan ganti rugi

maupun pengakuan atas hak-hak mereka walaupun sudah beberapa kali diajukan. Para pejabat menolak

untuk mengakui tanah kuburan leluhur, pohon buah-buahan dan tambak ikan sebagai bukti yang cukup

atas hak tanah turun temurun mereka. Wilayah daratan dan kepulauan Sultra didiami empat kelompok

suku dominan, yaitu Tolaki, Muna, Buton, dan Moronene. Suku Tolaki yang jumlahnya diperkirakan

sekitar 16 persen (termasuk di dalamnya subetnis Mekongga) serta suku Moronene adalah suku-suku asli

yang lebih banyak tinggal di daratan. Suku ini tersebar di Kolaka, Kolaka Utara, Kota Kendari, Konawe,

Konawe Selatan, Konawe Utara, dan Bombana. Ironinya, dari semua provinsi, suku Tolaki, Wolio, Muna

dan Moronene, yang juga merupakan suku asli di Sulawesi Tenggara (Sultra), tidak diakui Mendagri.

Kolom untuk Bumi Anoa, kosong tanpa suku. Yang parah, 4 suku yang berasal dari Sultra, yakni Muna,

Tomia, Wakatobi dan Wawonii "diklaim" sebagai bagian dari suku di Sulawesi Tengah (Sulteng). Dalam

sejarah Moronene, dikenal Dendeangi, adik kandung Raja Luwuk, Sawerigading. Oleh kakaknya,

Sawerigading ini, Dendeangi diminta ke bagian paling selatan di jazirah tenggara. Wilayah yang dirujuk

Sawerigading ini, dikenal saat sekarang, sebagai bentangan daratan yang memanjang dari bagian pesisir

teluk Bone (Kolaka, sekarang.), lalu menyisir berputar sampai ke bagian yang dikenali sebagai pesisir

timur (Konawe Selatan, sekarang.).

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Bahasa Inggris

People's Initiative, Local Initiatives Resistance Node Southeast Sulawesi, January-April 2005 Based on

2000 data from the ethnic indigenous people who still have a bond Moronene allied (geonologi) amounted

to 35 100 inhabitants live. Yang secara geografis tinggal bermukim dan menyebar di bagian selatan

wilayah daratan Sulawesi Tenggara dan sebahagian di Pulau Kabaena. Live lives that are geographically

and spread in the southern region of Southeast Sulawesi mainland and a party on the island Kabaena. In

the administrative government Moronene tribal communities are at 8 (eight) districts respectively 7 (seven)

districts in the area Bombana (previous Buton) and 1 (one) districts included in the region Kolaka Village

is a village of old tribal Moronene HukaEa and Laea (in this paper was written Hukaea-Laea) situated in

the districts of Buton Regency Rarowatu (the process of expansion since 2004 into the region of

Southeast Sulawesi Province Bombana. Rauf Tarimana (deceased), anthropologist first in Southeast,

underscores the Tribe bahawa Moronene is the oldest community who inhabit the mainland of Southeast

Sulawesi. However, in its development Moronene marginalized indigenous peoples in political, economic

and cultural existence, so the indigenous Moronene has become a minority in Southeast Sulawesi. Based

Page 7: Artikel Moronene

on 2000 data from the ethnic indigenous people who still have a bond Moronene allied (geonologi)

amounted to 35 100 inhabitants live . Live lives that are geographically and spread in the southern region

of Southeast Sulawesi mainland and a party on the island Kabaena. In the administrative government

Moronene tribal communities are at 8 (eight) districts respectively 7 (seven) districts in the area Bombana

(previous Buton) and 1 (one) districts included in the region Kolaka. Local people from ethnic Moronene ,

in fact from time immemorial is known to have distinctive character as a group of indigenous communities

high menjujung values of peace, tranquility and simplicity. So whenever there is dispute (read: conflict)

with the other party relented and they always choose to avoid seeking another place to live. is a reflection

of the character can be witnessed in the social life, economy and culture of his day-to-day: (i) the pattern

of their lives is very simple and happy to live in groups in very small amounts (usually one rumupun), (ii)

their homes more a lot of materials around the existing bamboo gardens, (iii) so that when they have

spread to find another place to avoid conflicts the original site, the provision of new homes in places they

do not become burdens or problems of, (iii) generally indigenous communities Moronene pleased with the

activities of the party crowd with party equipment is dominated by bright colors. Although no research to

prove, but it may be characteristic of indigenous communities and ethnic character in describing

Moronene the-top, causing her too singkir generation Moronene-generation ethnic communities gradually

in the constellation of political life, economic, social and culture from time to time. Very different from the

position and the existence of ethnic groups - the other major ethnic group in Southeast Sulawesi (such as:

ethnic Tolaki, ethnic Wolio / Buton, ethnic Wuna / Muna), which serves many of his generation, has a role

and have a strategic position on the various aspects of life in Southeast until now this. It is ironic, as

follows in his back in history as it has been parsed in the beginning, which is expressly and not-Moronene

is indisputable that the ethnic communities of the oldest indigenous people inhabiting the region southeast

sulawesi. Read the quantity of that historical reality, at least give firmness and signaled to us that the first

generation of ethnic clusters Moronene who has the role, functions and strategic position in public life at

that time, besides that it must have been ethnic Moronene family who has the power the region as well as

unlimited sources of agrarian / natural resources in Southeast Sulawesi jasirah. Because it is in fact so far,

none of the area or region who currently live in at-large majority of other ethnic-khsusnya Tolaki-Konawe

ethnic communities and ethnic Tolaki Mekongga and a party on the island of Buton and Muna, who argue

that the ancestors them something to do with ethnic geonologi Regions. Village parents (called Tobu

during the reign of customary) Hukaea-Laea, has a very important historical dimension to the

Page 8: Artikel Moronene

development community's existence and identity of the days-Ethnic Moronene the subsequent period,

especially in areas Bombana, Poleang and Kabaena Island which is the largest region in the south of

mainland Southeast jasirah. From the narrative-indigenous elders had experienced during the reign

Butonyang customary Buton sultanate era, testified that at about the year 1920, the Dutch make-Laea

Hukaea villages as the government center that oversees the district representatives thatched 11 (eleven)

other Moronene village. other supporting evidence, among others, can be viewed on a topographic map

made by dutch people in the 1920s when he first set foot in this area. The map suggests and showed that

around the year 1800 in the township people Moronene Hukaea-Laea (in the map called LAEA) already

exist and form the center of the spread of citizens is to become the forerunner in the surrounding villages

have been there. And the actual information obtained from documents the results of investigations

flambeau Foundation Indonesia illustrates that the township Laea (now Hukaea-Laea) has been inhabited

by at least 6 (six) generations. And the first generation or the first person to inhabit these settlements is a

common TABIHI capita Laea LAO building and surrounding villages with water buffalo herding and

farming as its main activity. The area of grazing buffalo and used their fields - in the culture of people

called walaka Moronene and waworaha - can still in witness to this. And until recently, still recognizable

one-Laea Hukaea citizens who represents the sixth generation descendants of TABIHI, namely Pak

BAKATI one of the elders of the indigenous people in Kampung Hukae Moronene-Laea now. Moronene

Ethnic History of Forced Evictions In 1953, community which are the villages in the district area including

the thatched-LaEa Hukaea evacuated to safe areas by troops IN IS / IT that makes their villages as a

logistics supply base for troops IN / IT (government called it "mob badik") and make Hukae-Laea village as

a base for hiding from attacks by the TNI (Indonesian National Army) which bermarkaz in Kassipute.

Around 1962, after the condition of the village has been deemed safe enough they then re-settled and

built their homes and restart their lives and socio-cultural ekomoni as before. But in 1968 the government

moved them back to the area that called langkowala (still under thatched districts) for no apparent reason.

But they did not survive living in Langkowala, and slowly and gradually settled in the community re-Laea

Hukae. In 1977, a quiet and peaceful life in the village-Laea Hukaea suddenly be shattered again,

because the government of moving them back into the thatch Another area called Tembe with reason-

Laea HukaEa village is very difficult to reach by means of transport and communications. During Hukaea-

old village resident was evacuated Laea, apparently secretly Southeast regional government unilaterally

set their lands as hunting Park without due process consultation with the community that is the legal

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owner of the area. In addition to hunting Park, they are also in the indigenous territories controlled by one

national company in the forestry sector, No. Barito Pacific Timber which controls an area of 37 000

hectares of land residents to serve as the location of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI). Next year in 1983,

Southeast Sulawesi governor to make recommendations, dated May 5, 1983 No. 522.51/1983 addressed

to the Minister of Forestry Cq. Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation on which

the determination of the conservation area Aopa Watumohai Swamp National Park through the Decree of

the Minister of Forestry of Indonesia No.756/Kpts-II/1990. Protest residents on annexation of their

customary rights unilaterally, not in consideration by the government and project leaders Aopa Watumohai

Swamp National Park. On 2 January 1997, residents who constantly intimidated by government security

forces and remained in that location was forced to send a letter to Vice President of the Republic of

Indonesia by attaching supporting evidence showing the existence of their customary rights over those

locations. Again - again these people do not get a letter a satisfactory answer from Vice President of the

Republic of Indonesia. On December 28, 1977 Local Government and the government of Buton in

Southeast Sulawesi Province is assisted by security officers from the Police and the Indonesian National

Army Company A rifle Kaesebo conduct forcible expulsion accompanied by the burning of houses.

Negotiation efforts undertaken by the previous resident was not appreciated at all by the local

government. As a result of Operation Sweep Jagad I referred, houses and crops grown citizens

destroyed by fire. Residents forced to flee into the forests surrounding their villages. after the security

forces and local government to leave the village which was destroyed by fire, the residents returned to

establish modest houses from bamboo and wood around the existing settlements. On October 23, 1998

Southeast Regional Government with security forces joined in Operation Sweep Team Universe II re-do

extrusion operation and the burning houses and crops citizens. In addition, 12 people Moronene

community leaders in the arrest and imprisonment for 1 year 15 days through an impartial tribunal. Any

losses suffered by the residents of 115 homes teridir burned and tens of hectares of crops ready for

harvest destroyed by fire. On 24 November 2000 Southeast Sulawesi, the local government assisted by

police from the Mobile Brigade unit in Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Police, Forest and Police Civil

Service Police again held Sweep Operation Universe III in LaEa and HukaEa. Counted 25 houses torn

down by using the chain saw. Attitude of the Local Government insists on this, according to the governor

at the time of the interactive dialogue based on the consideration that the public Moronene within the

region namely in Kampung Laea TNRAW-Hukaea endanger the conservation area (although without clear

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evidence) . In addition the governor also argued that the authority issue in the hands of the National Parks

provincial governments. In contrast to that, the information obtained from various sources say that in

National Parks are areas of HTI (Industrial Plantation Forest) covering 37 500 hectares owned PT.Barito-

Pacific Timber and other information also says that in the National Park area has long been a breeding

area father of Governor Laode kaimuddin buffalo. While some activists in this area believe that the

stubborn attitude of the Local Government to maintain the region of Southeast Sulawesi TNRAW is that

the area was included in the integrated economic development zone which is a national program in the

Southeast. Response Community Events experienced by indigenous peoples-Laea Moronene Hukaea ..

(operating a broom universe II) in 1998, three months after the fall of the New Order regime.

menghentakkan publik sulawesi tenggara. public stamped southeast sulawesi. Settled some community

groups do not even believe that when the State in situations of transition into the beginning of reform. In

the old village far adari access to information events and inhuman act of violence done by the

government, but some student groups, NGOs and CBOs, lawyers, professors and several organizations

protesting the government's actions. Campaign through local and national print media carried a few times.

Which was done by organized initially through the media press conference at Kendari Pos, Kendari

Express, Tabloid Autonomy, Daily Voice Sultra have done as much as 5 (five) times since the case was

sticking to the present. While through the national print media through the daily Kompas, Republika

newspaper, Daily Updates Voice, the magazine Forum, GAMMA Magazine, Tabloid Autonomy Business,

The Jakarta Post, Antara news agency and tabloids risen each of 2 (two) times by way of interviews about

this case in Jakarta.S Representatives of indigenous peoples have a meeting with Mr Moronene Marbun

SH and staff of Komnas HAM, Bapak Drs. Mangara Butar-Butar and staff of the Directorate General of

Regional Autonomy, Domestic Department, Ir. Widodo and staff director of Protection and Nature

Conservation Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure Ir. Erna

Witular in Jakarta.