aruna zizek 4.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 aruna zizek 4.pdf


  • 8/14/2019 aruna zizek 4.pdf


    bible/ o! t%e anti-"lobali'ation &ove&ent. I o(ld ar"(e t%at t%is va(nted #osition o!

    leaders%i# in le!t-in" t%eoreti$al $ir$les is no s%i!tin" 0i! not already $olete4 to t%e

    !i"(re o! Slovenian so$ial and #oliti$al t%eorist Slavo ie3.

    ie3, %oever, is no sin"le-&inded t%eorist o! radi$al #oliti$al &ove&ents or

    so$ial e&an$i#ation in t%e tradition o! Empire, b(t instead one %o borros "enero(sly

    !ro& vario(s t%eoreti$al so(r$es in an attet to ill(&inate t%e nat(re o! s(be$tivity,et%i$s, aest%eti$s, and #oliti$s today. )ost readers o! ie3 are !a&iliar it% %is

    a##ro#riation o! #o#-$(lt(re, a&(sin" #ersonal ane$dotes, and et%ni$ and dirty o3es to

    ill(strate lessons !ro& 6e"el or +a$an, b(t a less !a&iliar as#e$t o! %is t%o("%t,

    es#e$ially #ro&inent in %is later ritin"s, is %is re-or3in" o! t%e #osition o!

    0se$(lari'ed4 C%ristianity and :(dais& in $onteorary #oliti$al t%eory. %at is, ie3 ;

    an avoed at%eist ; s(""ests t%at e $an learn iortant lessons !ro& so&e o! t%e

    !(nda&ental #%iloso#%i$al insi"%ts o! t%ese to traditions. )ore s#e$i!i$ally, it is ie3/s

    reor3in" o! t%e $ate"ories o! #arti$(larity and (niversality ; at t%e level o! s(be$tivity ;

    it%in a s#e$i!i$ally Christian #%iloso#%i$al $onte*t, t%at $ontrib(tes &ost to %is

    t%eori'in" o! #ro"ressive #oliti$s.

    In t%is $onte*t, a lar"e #art o! ie3/s or3 is a #ointed $riti#ost-se$(lar? o#tions in

    $onteorary #%iloso#%y as an in(n$tion to >sti$3 to t%e (ni

  • 8/14/2019 aruna zizek 4.pdf


    o! a!!airs in t%e abstra$t %ile aitin" !or $%an"e to (st %a##en./ In ie3/s o#inion, t%e

    :eis% #%iloso#%i$al #osition is so&et%in" a3in to t%is= ander aro(nd in t%e desert ;

    stateless and &iserable, b(t %ave !ait% t%at redetion ill $o&e, and %ere %e

    $ontin(o(sly invo3es ena&in/s $ate"ory o! divine violen$e/ as t%e #oliti$al e*#ression

    o! ne"ative )essianis&. In $ontrast, %e #er$eives C%ristian t%o("%t as $ontainin" t%e

    radi$al #otential !or a #ositive #oliti$al #roe$t, #arti$(larly in t%e !i"(re o! St. a(l.orroin" %eavily !ro& Alain adio(, ie3 reads a(line #oliti$s as= I %ave itnessed

    t%e Event o! r(t% ; %i$% is C%rist ; and !ro& %ere e b(ild a Co&&(nity, a

    Fevol(tion, a C%(r$%. In abstra$t #%iloso#%i$al ter&s, t%is #osition is e*#ressed as

    itnessin" a #arti$(lar Event %i$% is t%en raised to t%e stat(s o! a (niversal tr(t% and,

    in t(rn, in$or#orated into a #oliti$al &ove&ent, or"ani'ation, or instit(tion.

    W%at ie3 is attetin" to de&onstrate it% t%ese $lai&s is not%in" less t%an

    t%e overt(rnin" o! a basi$ ass(tion o! le!t-in" Continental t%o("%t t%at, %e ar"(es,

    be"an it% Adorno and $(l&inates in t%e et%i$s and &et%odolo"y o! +evinas and

    Derrida. W%et%er it is non-identity or di!!Gran$e, t%e do&inant a##roa$% to $riti$al

    #%iloso#%y o! t%e #ast t%irty years %as been one based on abstra$t ne"ation and t%e

    re!(sal to rei!y t%e $on$e#t(al or t%e si"n in ot%er ords, tr(t% 0as an abstra$t $ate"ory4

    &(st be a##roa$%ed ne"atively. or ie3, %ile t%is #%iloso#%i$al &o&ent as

    ne$essary to over$o&e t%e do"&atis& o! ort%odo* )ar*is& it is, in itsel!, de!ined by a

    &ode o! t%o("%t t%at (nittin"ly $ontrib(tes to t%e #er#et(ation o! $a#italist so$ial

    relations t%at noadays is !(elled by t%e "lori!i$ation o! di!!eren$e and ot%erness.In t%is arti$le, I e*#lore ie3Hs ree$tion o! se$(lari'ed :eis% Continental

    #oliti$al t%o("%t in an attet to ill(strate %o %is $riti

  • 8/14/2019 aruna zizek 4.pdf


    s(blated tr(t% o! t%e :eis% #osition= t%at a $ertain divinity/ e*ists in &an and t%at it $an

    be s%on or re#resented in t%e !i"(re o! C%rist. It is !ro& t%is t%eoreti$al startin" #oint

    t%at ie3 $onstr($ts %is &odel o! t%e revol(tionary s(be$t !or $onteorary ti&es.

    inally, in an attet to t%in3 ie3Hs t%esis in a %istori$al $onte*t, I t(rn to eter ronHs

    or3 on t%e %oly &an/ o! 9t% Cent(ry y'anti(&. It is &y $ontention t%at t%e %oly &an

    !its al&ost #er!e$tly ie3Hs &odel o! s(be$tivity, and de&onstrates in a &ore eiri$al&anner so&e o! t%e #%iloso#%i$al ra&i!i$ations o! %is #osition, #ri&arily t%e ay in

    %i$% it $%allen"es t%e do&inant (nderstandin" o! %o $onteorary Continental

    t%o("%t val(ates t%e #arti$(lar and t%e (niversal in relation to tr(t%. Instead o!

    (nderstandin" t%e #arti$(lar as t%e e*$l(sive site o! tr(t% and #ositin" t%e (niversal as

    t%e site o! !alsity, t%e %oly &an de&onstrates t%at tr(t% e&er"es only %en t%e #arti$(lar

    and (niversal e*ist $onteoraneo(sly in t%e sa&e obe$t.

    Iconoclasm! The +e(ish &osition

    W%ile ie3/s #roe$t o! re$overin" t%e revol(tionary #otential o! C%ristian t%o("%t is,

    #er%a#s, &ost $o&&only asso$iated it% %is or3 on St. a(l as t%e !i"(re %o

    #oliti$i'es and instit(tionali'es C%ristianity in t%e !or& o! t%e C%(r$%, a to#i$ t%at %as not

    been ritten on e*tensively is %is #e$(liar analysis o! t%e :eis% Se$ond

    Co&&and&ent a"ainst i&a"es and t%e C%ristian trans$enden$e o! 0or trans"ressiona"ainst4 t%e sa&e. Des#ite t%is o&ission in t%e literat(re on ie3, t%ere e*ists a

    relatively lar"e body o! s$%olarly or3 dealin" it% t%e Se$ond Co&&and&ent !ro& a

    distin$tly Jewish#ers#e$tive. or e*ale, a &ini-ind(stry e*ists t%at e*#lores

    Adorno/s a##ro#riation o! t%e Se$ond Co&&and&ent %i$% %e (ses to de&onstrate its

    ne"ative #%iloso#%i$al tr(t%-$ontent.3 or Adorno, t%e i&a"e is (ntr(e be$a(se it

    attets to re#resent t%at %i$% is (nre#resentable in !i"(ral !or& it rei!ies od as !inite

    and it%o(t e*$ess or, in %is on verna$(lar, it &a3es od >identi$al? to itsel!. %(s,

    t%e e*#li$it #ro%ibition o! $reatin" t%e i&a"e o! od and, in t%e abbalist tradition, even

    naming od is a #ro!o(nd tr(t% t%at in!or&s bot% Adorno/s #%iloso#%i$al &et%odolo"y

    ne"ative diale$ti$s/ 0in %i$% a $on$e#t never !(lly $a#t(res t%e tr(t% o! its obe$t4, and

    %is aest%eti$s in %i$% tr(t% a##ears only to t%e e*tent it disr(#ts t%e identity o! t%e

    s(be$t. %(s, !or Adorno, t%e i&a"e is alays t%e site o! !alsity and its e*#ress


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    #ro%ibition is t%e only ay to e*#erien$e tr(t% 0Adorno 2J= 274. %is is e*tended

    !(rt%er in %is treat&ent o! #arti$(larity and (niversality. @n Adorno/s readin", t%e

    #arti$(lar is alays, by de!inition, t%e site o! tr(t% be$a(se it is (nderstood as (niin%(&an? is e*elary.

    +yotard $elebrates t%at %i$% is >in%(&an? in t%e %(&an as a nor&ative startin" #oint to

    t%in3 $onteorary s(be$tivityas an (n$ontainable #aro*ys&al !or$e t%at %i$%

    $onstantly attets to brea3 t%ro("% t%e so$iali'ed barrier $alled t%e >%(&an? 0+yotard

    19914. W%at is interestin" %ere is t%at one $an tra$e +yotard/s !or&(lation o! t%e

    in%(&an ba$3 to anot%er readin" o! t%e Se$ond Co&&and&ent, na&ely ant/s. In The

    Critique of Judgment ant !a&o(sly observes t%at t%e Se$ond Co&&and&ent is t%e

    >s(bli&est #assa"e? in t%e ible be$a(se it re$o"ni'es in od an obe$t t%at $annot be!(lly $a#t(red by t%e i&a"ination 0ant 197= 1274. It is t%ro("% t%e >(n#resentability? o!

    t%e i&a"e o! od t%at +yotard, (lti&ately, (nderstands %is nor&ative $ate"ory

    >in%(&an?= t%e (nso$iali'ed e*$ess o! %(&an s(be$tivity t%e s(be$t o! t%e novatio

    s(bli&e. It is it% t%ese #%iloso#%i$al develo#&ents in &ind ; Adorno/s readin" o! t%e

    Se$ond Co&&and&ent and +yotard/s $onstr($tion o! t%e in%(&an ; t%at one s%o(ld

    sit(ate ie3/s atteted re$overy o! a se$(lari'ed Christian readin" o! t%e ibli$al

    I&a"e ro%ibition as so&et%in" t%at $an $ontrib(te to t%e t%eori'ation o! an over$o&in"

    o! t%e $risis o! abstra$t ne"ation and (nde$idability t%at %as a$$oanied t%e

    as$endan$e o! se$(lari'ed :eis% #%iloso#%y it%in le!t-in" Continental t%o("%t and



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    iek an% the Image &rohibition

    In t%e $onte*t o! t%e Se$ond Co&&and&ent, ie3/s #ri&ary interest is to re$onstr($t

    t%e traditional (nderstandin" t%at t%e &ove !ro& #a"anis& 0ree3LFo&an4 to :(dais&

    is #rin$i#ally a #ro$ess o! >de-ant%ro#o&or#%i'ation.? ie3 $lai&s t%at it is $o&&only

    ass(&ed a&on"st &ost Continental #%iloso#%ers today t%at %ile t%e #a"an "ods o!antilate?4 +a$an4, %en t%e s(be$t enters into t%e Sy&boli$ @rder 0%en it be$o&es

    s(be$t/4, it e*#erien$es t%is &o&ent as a tra(&ati$ renderin" aay !ro& %oleness.

    %ere!ore, t%e s(be$t e*#erien$es s(be$tivity as a !(nda&ental la$3. %is la$3

    &ani!ests itsel! as a lost obe$t/ 0objet petit a4 %i$% t%e s(be$t $onstantly strives to

    re"ain by #(rs(in" s(rro"ate obe$ts in an iossible attet to !ill t%e la$3 0t%e attet

    is iossible/ be$a(se t%is la$3 is t%e ontological condition of subjectivity4. %is la$3,


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    #arado*i$ally, e*ists as an e*$ess/ !or t%e s(be$t, be$a(se it is e*#erien$ed as a never

    eno("%/ 0t%(s, la$3 Q e*$ess4. %e #leas(re one see3s in t%e #(rs(it o! t%is obe$t 0or to

    !ill t%e la$34 is $alledjouissance0t%e li&it #oint o! enoy&ent %ere #leas(re and #ain

    be$o&e indistin"(is%able4. %e $at$% is t%at %ile all s(be$ts see3 t%is lost obe$t or

    t%e satis!a$tion o!jouissance, it is an iossible endeavo(r be$a(se it o(ld be


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    Sy&boli$ @rder, it $an only a##ro*i&ate %oleness or %(&anness by re$o"ni'in" its

    la$3 ; its in%(&an $ole&ent ; t%e yanin" "a# beteen t%e Sy&boli$ and t%e Feal.

    ie3 arti$(lates t%is #oint &ost $learly in %is $ontrib(tion to t%e boo3 The Neighbor,

    %erein %e de!ines t%e %(&an bein" as >t%e di!!eren$e beteen t%e %(&an and t%e

    in%(&an e*$ess t%at is in%erent to bein" ; %(&an? 0ie3, et al. 27= 1754.

    ie3/s +a$anian readin" o! t%e I&a"e ro%ibition ill(strates %is "eneral(nderstandin" o! t%e si"ni!i$an$e o! :(dais& and C%ristianity as diale$ti$al &o&ents in

    t%e %istory o! #%iloso#%y. e$a(seie3 ar"(es t%at it is t%e imageo! &an, and notits

    absen$e, t%at #oints to its tr(t% $ontent, t%e in%(&an e*$ess o! bein" %(&an &ani!ests

    itsel! in its concrete representation. In t%is re"ard, :eis% i$ono$las& $an be

    (nderstood as a %esitan$y to re$o"ni'e the divinity in man. or ie3, t%e &ove !ro&

    :(dais& to C%ristianity is a3in to a &ove !ro& %at &i"%t be $alled an i&&anent

    diale$ti$,/ in %i$% no #ro"ress or trans$enden$e o$$(rs, to a "en(inely &aterialist

    diale$ti$, in %i$% a divine obe$t is !(lly s(blated into t%e #%eno&enal orld, be$a(se

    C%ristianity #osits t%e dire$t identity o! &an and od.6 In ot%er ords, as %e #(ts it,

    >:(dais& and C%ristianity are related as In-itsel! and or-itsel! ; :(dais& is C%ristianity

    in itsel!,/ still in t%e !or& o! #a"anis&, arti$(lated in t%e #a"an %ori'on. ithin t%is

    %ori'on 0o! i&a"es, se*(ali'ed rit(als, et$.4, t%e Ne $an only assert itsel! in t%e "(ise

    o! a radi$alprohibition= no i&a"es, no sa$red or"ies? 0ie3 21a= 1294. :(dais&, in

    s%ort, re#resents a disavoal o! its on tr(t%-$ontent by #ro%ibitin" its #ositive

    #resentation 0be$a(se its revelation o(ld destroy t%e :(dai$ Sy&boli$ @rder4.%ere!ore, ie3 reads t%e ro%ibition as a &o&ent o! diale$ti$al s(blation, b(t

    not as a full s(blation. or ie3, t%e $oletion o! t%e diale$ti$al (n!oldin" o$$(rs one

    e#o$% later $%ara$teri'ed by t%e C%ristian overcoming o! t%e Co&&and&ent 0i.e.,

    alloin" t%e i&a"e o! od4. ie3 o!!ers a radi$al inter#retation o! t%e relations%i# o!

    t%e i&a"e to t%ese to reli"io(s traditions be$a(se, on %is readin", t%e nor&ative

    dis$o(rse s(rro(ndin" t%e relations%i# beteen t%e #arti$(lar and t%e (niversal ; in

    bot% t%e :eis% and t%e C%ristian traditions ; is re-arran"ed. %e ne relations%i# %e

    des$ribes beteen t%e #arti$(lar and t%e (niversal does not sily reverse t%e& it is

    not t%at t%e (niversal be$o&es t%e site o! tr(t%, %ile t%e #arti$(lar is !alse be$a(se it is

    not !(lly s(blated. @n t%e $ontrary, %at %e is des$ribin" is an obe$t in %i$% t%e

    #arti$(lar and (niversal are indistin"(is%able. I! one ere to des$ribe it in Adornian

    ter&s, t%e #arti$(lar, %i$% is tr(e, is !ir&ly sit(ated in t%e i&a"e o! &an, %i$% is also


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    t%e site o! t%e (niversal. @n &y readin" o! ie3, be$a(se t%e i&a"e a##ears to

    $a#t(re bot% t%e %(&an 0as a $onstr($t in t%e Sy&boli$4 andt%e in%(&an e*$ess 0t%e

    la$3 $alled t%e Feal4, seein" t%e i&a"e is tanta&o(nt to a &o&entary e*#erien$e o! t%e

    Feal be$a(se it is $olete ; t%e #arti$(lar and (niversal a##ear to be &o&entarily

    re$on$iled. %e $ontent o! t%is i&a"e #oints to t%e ne$essary dissolvin" o! t%e Sy&boli$

    @rder !ro& %i$% an A$t $an e&er"e. %iloso#%ers li3e Adorno o(ld ree$t t%isreadin" be$a(se it #osits a non-e*istent redetion 0or re$on$iliation o! s(be$t and

    obe$t4. %e 3ey #oint to re&e&ber, !ro& a ie3ian #ers#e$tive, is t%at t%e i&a"e does

    not si"ni!y a re$on$iliation t%at re&ains it% t%e s(be$t or redee&s t%e orld, b(t a

    re$on$iliation t%at t%e s(be$t instantly 0or s%ortly a!ter4 be"ins to brea3 a#art or divide in

    order to $reate a ne Sy&boli$ @rder. %ere!ore, t%ere is no re$on$iliation %ere in

    Idealist ter&s. %ere is only a dissol(tion o! s(be$tivity as s($% t%at allos t%e

    #ossibility o! a ne, b(t by no &eans redee&ed, ay o! bein" a s(be$t 0one re&ains

    alienated !ro& t%e Feal4 b(t in a ne Sy&boli$ @rder. %is is sli"%tly a3in to Adorno/s

    $ate"ory o! aest%eti$ e*#erien$e, b(t t%e &aor di!!eren$e is t%at, %ile a s(be$t

    obtains a %i"%er level o! $ons$io(sness a!ter an aest%eti$ e*#erien$e, it still !inds itsel!

    in t%e sa&e alienatin" and totali'in" orld. or ie3, %ile t%e !(ll satis!a$tion o!

    desire is an ontolo"i$al iossibility, it is #ossible to learn to live ... better, in a ne

    Sy&boli$ @rder o! t%e s(be$tHs $reation.

    o t%is e*tent, t%e Feal o! &an ; t%e "a#in" and terri!yin" void at t%e $ore o!

    s(be$tivity ; be$o&es in%(&an,/ and t%e #ro#er diale$ti$al obe$t o! #%iloso#%i$alinvesti"ation. %e Feal &(st be disavoed !or s(be$tivity to e*ist as s($%, b(t it is also

    t%at %i$% &(st be !a$ed !or "en(ine #ro"ress to be rendered #ossible 0s(be$tivity

    &(st be dissolved !or a ne !or& o! s(be$tivity to e&er"e4. or ie3, t%e "reatest !la

    it% &ost &odern and $onteorary Continental t%eorists o! s(be$tivity is t%at t%ey do

    not a$3noled"e t%e in%(&an $oonent o! %(&anity. It is %is $ontention t%at it%o(t

    $o&in" to "ri#s it% t%is ontolo"i$al !a$t o! bein" %(&an, #%iloso#%ers ill never !(lly

    (nderstand %istori$al &o&ents o! %(&an br(tality and terror, nor ill t%ey be able to


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    ter&s o! t%e relations%i# beteen t%e #ositional val(e o! t%e #arti$(lar and t%e (niversal.

    or t%is, I o(ld li3e to e*#lore a %istori$al &o&ent in %i$% virt(ally t%e entire

    $onstellation o! $ontested t%eolo"i$al and #oliti$al #rin$i#les $onstit(tin" t%e debate over

    i&a"es arose= t%e i$ono$last $on!li$t o! 9t%$ent(ry y'anti(&. W%at is &ost a##arent in

    st(dyin" t%is $on!li$t is t%at t%e se$(lari'ed :eis% inter#retation o! t%e I&a"e

    ro%ibition is severely !laed, i! not $oletely &ista3en. I! t%e #oer o! t%e i&a"e o!t%e divine d(rin" t%is #eriod is re#resented #ri&arily by i$ons and t%e %oly &an 0as a

    C%rist-li3e !i"(re4, it as &ani!ested

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    %e y'antine Eire e*isted !ro& B to 1J5 CE and, at t%e %ei"%t o! its

    #oer, s#anned !ro& so(t%ern S#ain to t%e Syrian Desert and nort%ern Italy to so(t%ern

    E"y#t. It enoyed its "olden a"e,/ (nder t%e rei"n o! Eeror :(stinian I, beteen t%e

    years 527 and 5B5. D(rin" t%is ti&e t%e Eire e*#erien$ed a #eriod o! relatively

    (ndist(rbed #ea$e 0in ter&s o! its relations it% nei"%bo(rin" eires4. %e i$ono$last

    $risis/ itsel! be"an %en t%e stability o! t%is #eriod as s%a3en in t%e late 7t% $ent(ryd(e to a series o! s($$ess!(l in$(rsions into y'antine territory by t%e Arab Eire.

    %ese raids and !orard advan$es #ro!o(ndly de&orali'ed t%e #o#(la$e be$a(se (# to

    t%at #oint y'antine s(be$ts %ad been $on!ident t%at od #rote$ted t%eir borders.


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    %is t%eori'ation o! t%e s(be$t as t%e >in%(&an.? In t%is res#e$t, I !ollo t%e lead o!

    ie3 %i&sel! %ose or3, at ti&es, !lo(ris%es t%ro("% al&ost ane$dotal readin"s o!

    #%iloso#%i$al ideas divor$ed !ro& t%e s$r(tiny o! t%e se$ondary literat(re t%at $o&&ents

    on t%e&.

    ron $%ooses to !o$(s on a #arti$(lar #la$e and ti&e ; t%e Syrian $o(ntryside

    in t%e 9


    $ent(ry ; be$a(se t%e $%an"in" so$ial dyna&i$s o! t%e #o#(lation$%ara$teristi$ o! t%is %istori$al &o&ent $an best ill(strate %y i$ons and %oly &en ere

    bot% revered and reviled by di!!erent de&o"ra#%i$ "ro(#s. As %e s(""ests, st(dyin" t%e

    $ontroversy s(rro(ndin" t%e (se o! i$ons in 9 t%$ent(ry y'anti(& is an e*er$ise in

    e*#lorin" t%e so$io-#oliti$al and #sy$%olo"i$al di&ensions o! Syrian li!e d(rin" t%is

    #eriod 0ron 1982b= 19-24. It s%o(ld be stated !ro& t%e o(tset t%at, in t%is re"ard,

    t%e i$on #ro#er ; t%e #ortrait(res o! saints ; #layed a se$ondary role to t%at o! t%e %oly

    &an/ %o $a&e to serve as an inte"ral so$ial instit(tion in t%e !or& o! arbiter,

    #%iloso#%er, $o(nsellor, and #oliti$al advisor. In !a$t, t%e i$on itsel! as only $onsidered

    a s(!!i$ient s(rro"ate i! no %oly &an as available !or $o(nsel 0ron 1982a= 2B94.

    %(s, it is to t%e %oly &an t%at one !irst &(st t(rn to (nderstand t%e si"ni!i$an$e o! t%e

    i$ono$last $risis t%at ro$3ed t%e y'antine Eire in t%e 9 t%$ent(ry.

    ron be"ins it% a very sile assertion= t%e rise o! t%e #o#(larity o! i$ons and

    t%e in!l(ential #osition o! t%e %oly &an o(ld not %ave o$$(rred i! t%e s(be$ts o! t%e

    y'antine Eire did not believe t%at %(&an bein"s $an dire$tly intervene in divine

    a!!airs and, t%ere!ore, in!l(en$e orldly #%eno&ena 0ron 1982a= 2B94. In ot%erords, t%e C%ristian #o#(lation o! late anti

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    %ere is, t%en, a #arallel beteen t%e i$on and t%e %oly &an. or ron, t%e

    i$on $an be (nderstood literally as a #%ysi$al obe$t t%at e*ists si&(ltaneo(sly in bot%

    t%e eiri$al and &eta#%ysi$al real&s= >%e i$on as a %ole in t%e dy3e se#aratin" t%e

    visible orld !ro& t%e divine and t%ro("% t%is %ole t%ere oo'ed #re$io(s driblets !ro& t%e

    "reat sea o! od/s &er$y? 0ron 1982a= 2B-14. %e &ira$les t%at o$$(rred at t%e site

    o! i$ons ; t%e a$t(al e&anation o! &atter 0tears, blood, &yrr%4 !ro& venerated i&a"es ;ere to be (nderstood literally as %oles beteen t%e do&inions o! t%e %oly and #ro!ane.

    In a si&ilar !as%ion, %oly &en ere #er$eived literally as $ond(its o! t%e &ira$(lo(s. or

    e*ale, it as idely believed t%at sily (#on seein" a %oly &an, a believer $o(ld

    e*#erien$e s(#ernat(ral #%eno&ena or deeds si&ilar to t%ose %i$% i$ons #er!or&ed,

    in #arti$(lar, t%e &ira$le o! %ealin". or t%e 9t%$ent(ry y'antine s(be$t, t%is #oer

    $learly de&onstrated t%e in%(&an/ $%ara$ter o! t%e %oly &an. As ron ar"(es= >W%y

    t%e %oly &an over ot%er #ossible &ediators %e bearer o! t%e obe$tivity o! so$iety? 0ron 1982b=

    1J4.%e se$ond $%ara$teristi$ o! t%e %oly &an t%at needs to be e*a&ined is %is role

    as #oliti$al &ediatorL$o(nsellor. D(rin" t%e 7t%and 8t%$ent(ries, t%e Syrian $o(ntryside

    as $%ara$teri'ed by a ra#id in$rease in bot% #o#(lation and ealt%. As is t%e $ase in

    all so$ieties itnessin" a "rot% in so$ial $ole*ity, &ediators ere re

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    s#e$ial #la$e in t%e eyes o! t%e villa"e #o#(la$e be$a(se %is $lients ere able to avoid

    t%e debilitatin" %(&iliation t%at a$$oanied t%e a$$r(al o! debt t%at as $%ara$teristi$

    o! relations it% t%e #atron. As a saint and C%rist-li3e !i"(re, it as t%e %oly &an >as

    #atron, and not %is %(&ble $lient, %o%aTd already ta3en on %i&sel! by as$esis t%e !(ll

    load o! %(&iliation? 0ron 1982$= 1B14. In t%is re"ard, to t%e e*tent t%at t%e %oly &an

    as a site o! #oer, t%e #oer t%at de!ined %i& as o! a non-$oer$ive sort be$a(se no$lear &aterial &otivation !or %is inter$essions e*isted 0ron 1982$= 1B24. In s%ort, t%e

    %oly &an as a !i"(re t%at trans$ended e*$%an"e relations. @stensibly %is interest lay

    not in #ersonal #ro!it ; as as t%e $ase it% t%e #atron ; b(t in so&e ot%er real& and,

    t%ere!ore, %e a$ted as t%e so$ial #arti$(lar in an Adornian re"ister. W%et%er t%is

    &otivation as a sort o! ri"%teo(s $%arity or sily t%e s%eer e*er$ise o! #oer, is


    So e be"in to see t%at t%e %oly &an as an in!l(ential #oliti$al a(t%ority in %is

    $o&&(nity. o t%e e*tent t%at %e $an be (nderstood as a site o! #oer ; bot% divine

    and #oliti$al ; t%is as a lo$ali'ed #oer it%in t%e "reater $onte*t o! Eire, %i$%

    in$l(ded, o! $o(rse, a %eavily %ierar$%i'ed $%(r$% 0in!ra4str($t(re. %(s, t%e %oly &an

    e*isted side by side an ordained #riest ; t%e o!!i$ial re#resentative o! t%e C%(r$%. 6is

    in!l(en$e as not easily $%allen"ed by t%e $ler"y d(e to %is s#e$ial #osition as so$ial

    o(tsider. or t%e C%(r$% and Eire, a!ter losin" t%e Eastern #rovin$es to t%e Arab

    in$(rsions, t%is s%arin" o! #oer be$a&e (ntenable. In res#onse, a s(stained attet

    to eradi$ate t%e in!l(en$e o! t%ese de facto#oliti$al a(t%orities as #(rs(ed alon"sidet%e destr($tion o! i$ons. %is as #layed o(t by #(r"in" &onasteries and individ(al

    %oly &en. (t &ore ill(strative o! t%is #ro$ess as t%e re&oval o! t%e i&a"es o! lo$al

    saints to be re#la$ed it% &ore (niversal sy&bols o! C%ristendo&, e."., t%e Cross and

    t%e E($%arist. %e intent be%ind t%is as to !oster a ne !or& o! ierial #atriotis&,

    one t%at re!erred ba$3 to C%ristianity as t%e $ore o! y'antine identity, and to

    dis$o(ra"e s(be$ts !ro& identi!yin" it% t%eir lo$al $o&&(nity and t%e saints t%at

    #rote$ted t%e&=

    I$ons s(!!ered, in #art, be$a(se t%ey ere t%e sy&bols o! a style o! #oliti$al li!et%at as o(t o! date. %e y'antine Eire $o(ld no lon"er a!!ord t%e l(*(ry o!re&ainin" a $o&&onealt% o! $ities/. Sel!-%el# %ad #roved to be eit%ertreasonable or ine!!e$tive. %e Eeror %ad to be o&ni$oetent, and to beseen to be o&ni$oetent. or t%e $olla#se o! t%e $ity le!t a void in &en/s vieo! t%e Eire. A ne #atriotis& %ad to be $reated. %e void as !illed by &ore


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    $on$rete e%asis t%an ever #revio(sly on t%e y'antines as a #eo#le o! od,%ose #oliti$al i&a"ery as borroed !ro& t%e @ld esta&ent 0ron 1982a=294.

    ron ar"(es t%at by atta$3in" i$ons t%e C%(r$% as indire$tly $%allen"in" t%e

    #oliti$alLs#irit(al a(t%ority o! t%e %oly &en, #artly by attetin" to (nder&ine t%e

    #er$e#tion o! t%eir in%(&anity. %is as de&onstrated by Constantine %o or"ani'ed#(bli$ s#e$ta$les desi"ned to %(&iliate %oly &en and to #rove t%at t%ey ere not%in"

    &ore t%an &ortal %(&ans. or e*ale, %e o(ld &a3e %oly &en ear &arria"e

    "ons d(rin" #(bli$ #ro$essions in t%e 6i##odro&e to de&onstrate to t%e $iti'enry t%at

    t%ey ere tied or &arried to t%e orld. And as s($%, >Tt%e s$ene in t%e 6i##odro&e o!


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    &elan$%oli$ s(bli&e. 6oever, t%is is not to say t%at ie3/s readin", as it relates to

    eiri$al-%istori$al #%eno&ena, is alays tr(e, b(t &ore t%at t%e relations%i# o! t%e

    #arti$(lar to t%e (niversal as it #lays o(t in real #oliti$al events ill alays be $onte*t-

    de#endent 0i! not alays bo(nd (# $onteoraneo(sly in t%e sa&e obe$ts or events4.

    In ot%er ords, i&a"es &(st be inter#reted in t%eir s#e$i!i$ #oliti$al and %istori$al

    #ositions o! en(n$iation in order to deter&ine %et%er t%ey a$t in t%e na&e o! t%e#arti$(lar, t%e (niversal or, in so&e $ases, bot% si&(ltaneo(sly.

    At !irst "lan$e, ron/s des$ri#tion o! t%e in%(&an %oly &an !its ell it% ie3/s

    a$$o(nt o! t%e 0in4%(&an, be$a(se %e as (nderstood as a livin" i$on. %ere!ore, %is

    #arti$(larity 0as a site o! t%e divine on Eart% and so$ial o(tsider4 as lo$ated in %is on

    #%ysi$al i&a"e, and not in its e*#ress #ro%ibition. In an Adornian re"ister, %e as

    in%(&an to t%e e*tent t%at %e trans$ended e*$%an"e relations d(e to t%at ine!!able tra$e

    o! t%e divine t%at $o(ld not be $a#t(red, or be$a(se %e as non-identi$al/ to %i&sel!.

    6e as, in ot%er ords, a &aterial &ani!estation o! t%e #arti$(lar t%at $%allen"es t%e

    #oer and a(t%ority o! t%e (niversal or $on$e#t(al 0b(t, a"ain, t%ro("% t%e #oer o! %is

    on i&a"e4. 6oever, le!t as is, t%e above $lai& o! an identity beteen ie3/s

    in%(&an and t%e %oly &an $ertainly la$3s s$%olarly ri"o(r, and needs to be e*a&ined

    &ore $losely to $on!ir& its validity. It ill be s%on t%at t%is relations%i# is so&e%at

    &ore $ole* %en e a$t(ally loo3 at ie3/s 0in4%(&an in a &ore detailed &anner.

    iek"s In-)uman

    In t%is $on$l(din" se$tion I o(ld li3e to e*#lore ie3/s (nderstandin" o! s(be$tivity

    it%in t%e $onte*t o! ron readin" o! t%e %oly &an. %e

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    #rin$i#le/4. %is too &($% o! li!e/ is one ay to tal3 abo(tjouissance, t%e #oint beyond

    enoy&ent= t%e #leas(re so("%t to !ill t%e la$3 at t%e $ore o! s(be$tivity.

    As &entioned earlier,jouissanceitsel!, is (nattainable, b(t it is ass(&ed t%at t%e

    @t%er %as it 0be$a(se e are never satis!ied4. o t%e e*tent t%at t%e $a(se o! t%is

    sear$% !orjouissance is objet petit a, and it is t%e @t%er t%at %asjouissance, t%en t%e

    @t%er $an be (nderstood as objet petit a. A!ter or3in" t%ro("% t%e lo"i$ o! t%is t%eory,one $an t(rn to a #assa"e t($3ed aay in The !ublime "bject of #deology=

    W%at e !ind in C%ristianity is so&et%in" o!

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    e!!e$ts in t%e Sy&boli$ @rder. %is is %y %e $an $all t%e saint objet petit a, t%e

    none*istent $a(se o! desire, be$a(se in t%e i&a"e o! t%e %oly &an e itness t%e

    $on!lation o! t%e Feal and t%e Sy&boli$. In t%is ay t%e %oly &an $an be (nderstood as

    t%e %in&humanbe$a(se %e $ontains bot% t%e Sy&boli$ and Feal $oonents o!

    s(be$tivity in an avoed !or&. %e %(&an is t%e set o! sy&boli$ attrib(tes %i$% e

    a$3noled"e in o(rselves, %ile t%e in%(&an is %at e disavo 0b(t bot% are alays#resent in t%e s(be$t4. It is (n$lear %at s#e$i!i$, #ositive $ontent $onstit(tes t%ese

    sy&boli$ attrib(tes, b(t in a liberal so$iety 0a Sy&boli$ @rder de!ined by t%e tenets o!

    liberalis&4, one o(ld e*#e$t it o(ld $orres#ond to $lassi$al liberal (nderstandin"s o!

    s(be$tivity= t%e %(&an as a rational, et%i$al, and re!le$tive a$tor, %o is in t%e

    #ossession o! !ree ill. @n t%e ot%er %and, %at e disavo is o(r tr(e desire t%at

    leads (s to a$t (nder t%e "overnan$e o! t%e deat% drive, t%at (n$ons$io(s ierative

    %i$% leads (s to re#etitive be%avio(r in t%e iossible sear$% !or jouissance. In t%e

    $lini$al $onte*t, t%e tas3 o! t%e analyst is to %el# t%e analysand re$o"ni'e t%is drive and

    learn to live it% it, or re-$oordinate it in a less destr($tive &anner. or ie3, in %is

    #%ylo"eneti$ a##ro#riation o! +a$an !or #oliti$al t%eory, t%e s($$ess!(l re-$oordination o!

    desire is e

  • 8/14/2019 aruna zizek 4.pdf


    i&a"ine #ossible a$tions or events. Si&ilar to ron, %o s(""ests t%at as a reli"io(s

    e#o$% +ate Antit%e locuso! t%e s(#ernat(ral as t%o("%t

    o! as restin" on individ(al &en? 0ron 1982b= 1514, $onteorary ti&es !or ie3 are

    de!ined by t%e banality o! &ira$les, i.e., t%ey %a##en all t%e ti&e be$a(se t%ey are

    sily s($$ess!(l re-$oordinations o! t%e Sy&boli$ @rder.

    Wit% t%is in &ind, e $an add to ie3/s !or&(lation o! t%e ne C%ristian (niverseas a !(lly s(blated #a"an one, i! e $onsider %is or3 on a(l. In a #oliti$al re"ister, !or

    ie3 it as not C%rist b(t a(l %o as t%e tr(e revol(tionary C%ristian !i"(re. %is is

    be$a(se %e instit(tionali'ed t%at %i$% only e*isted in an ideal !or&, or as ie3 says=

    >there is no Christ outside of !t' (aul in e*a$tly t%e sa&e ay t%ere is no a(t%enti$

    )ar*/ t%at $an be a##roa$%ed dire$tly, by#assin" +enin? 0ie3 21b= 24. It is, in ot%er

    ords, a(l %o !o(nded t%e C%ristian +a t%at e 3no today, and t%(s it is %e %o

    $o&&itted t%e ie3ian A$t 3non as C%ristianity/ 0ie3 21a= 4. +et (s, !or a

    &o&ent, $onsider t%e %oly &an in t%is $onte*t. I!, as stated above, t%e %oly &an is t%e

    site o! bot% t%e #arti$(lar and t%e (niversal b(t also o##osed to t%e C%(r$%/s (niversal,

    eit%er t%e C%(r$% &(st %ave #rod($ed t%e %oly &an as its in%(&an e*$ess or 0and

    #er%a#s it is t%e sa&e t%in"4 t%e %oly &an is a tra$e re&ainder o! t%e ori"inal &o&ent o!

    C%rist %i&sel!, or t%at %i$% re!(ses identi!i$ation it% C%ristianity as an instit(tion.

    In t%e $onte*t o! t%is arti$le, t%e reason %y t%e $lai& t%at t%e %oly &an $an be

    (nderstood as analo"o(s to objet petit ais %istori$ally relevant is t%at, li3e C%rist, %e is

    an embodied !or& o! t%is non-e*istent obe$t. In ot%er ords, %e rein!or$es t%e $riti

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    In $on$l(sion, t%e ne !or&(lation o! s(be$tivity t%at ie3 #rod($es on %is re-

    readin" o! t%e I&a"e ro%ibition $ontains &any o! t%e $%ara$teristi$s t%at de!ine t%e

    saint or t%e %oly &an. %is $an be (nderstood !ro& to #ers#e$tives= 14 t%e %oly &an

    as t%e s(be$t and 24 t%e %oly &an as an obe$t o! desire !or t%e s(be$t. ro& t%e

    #ers#e$tive o! t%e !or&er, t%e s(be$t %as t%e ability to #er!or& &ira$les,/ b(t only in a

    banal se$(lari'ed !or&. In ot%er ords, even t%o("% t%e s(be$t is enslaved by itsinability to !(l!ill its desire, it $an still act. %is sily &eans t%at t%e s(be$t $an identi!y

    and alter its obe$t-$a(se o! desire so as to #rod($e so&et%in" ne. As to t%e latter

    #ers#e$tive, t%e %oly &an re#resents t%e desire o! t%e @t%er. %e s(be$t &is#er$eives

    t%at t%e @t%er %as t%e ability to satis!y its desire. y re$o"ni'in" t%e !alsity o! t%is

    #ers#e$tive, t%e s(be$t learns so&et%in" $r($ial= all s(be$ts are bo(nd by t%e sa&e

    universal $ondition t%at #revents !(ll satis!a$tion o! desire. oliti$ally, t%is over$o&es

    t%e $on!iden$e o! )ar*is&, in %i$% t%e satis!a$tion o! desire is not only rendered

    attainable, b(t also ass(red and !(rt%er, it $%allen"es t%e #ost-&odern ne"ation o! all

    desire as ill(sory or so$ially $onstr($ted. In t%e $onte*t o! le!t-in" #oliti$s, ie3/s

    $%allen"e is to t%eori'e a illin" $o&&it&ent to a (niversal #osition, t%e a#tit(de to

    identi!y it in t%e #arti$(lar, and t%e $o(ra"e to !ail.



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    1%ese t%eorists in$l(de, b(t are not li&ited to= Slavo ie3, )i$%ael 6ardt and Antonio Ne"ri, Alain adio(,:a$se$(lari'ed :eis% t%o("%t,? asbein" bot% slo##y and overly "eneral 0i.e., :eis% t%o("%t is not &onolit%i$4. W%ile I s%are t%ese $on$erns,

    t%ro("%o(t t%is arti$le I attet to (n#a$3 t%is ter& in order to ill(strate t%e $o&&on tenets ie3 asso$iatesit% s#e$i!i$ >:eis%? t%in3ers li3e Adorno, ena&in, +evinas, and Derrida. y doin" so, I %o#e to (sti!yie3/s (se o! t%e ter& >se$(lari'ed :eis% #%iloso#%y,? i! only to ill(strate an iortant $on$e#t(al insi"%t inie3/s or3. A#art !ro& t%is "oal, t%e ter& itsel! still re&ains #roble&ati$.

    3See !or e*ale= rit$%ard 0224 o$% 01994 a(!&ann 0199B4 a(!&ann 024 Webb 0294.

    4ased in #art on t%e or3 o! :a$early? and >later? or3o! +a$an in relation to s(be$t !or&ation and desire. or ie3 t%e earlier +a$an e%asi'es t%e role o! t%e!antasti$ relations%i# to t%e Sy&boli$ !or &aintainin" t%e $o%erent s(be$t. %e later +a$an, by $ontrast,stresses t%e iortan$e o! t%e Feal in bot% t%e #rod($tion o! t%e s(be$t, and %o it is s(stained t%ro("%drive. In !a$t, as Fobert Sa&(els s(""ests, ie3 ta3es t%e Feal and sit(ates it !ir&ly in t%e Sy&boli$ as t%eli&it #oint o! intelli"ible si"ni!i$ation, &ani!ested by t%e $onstant !ail(re 0drive4 to si"ni!y 0Sa&(els, 28, #.54. It is t%e Feal, t%en, t%at deter&ines t%e s(be$t and not t%e Sy&boli$ 0as t%e >#ost&odern? readin" o!+a$an o(ld %ave it4. %is a##roa$% to (nderstandin" +a$an is es#e$ially #rod($tive !or over$o&in" t%e#roble&s asso$iated it% so&e #ost&odern and #oststr($t(ralist #oliti$al t%eory as it #rovides a !o(ndation!or #oliti$al a$tion 0t%e A$t4 t%at is #re&ised on t%e destr($tion o! t%e Sy&boli$ @rder.

    5>%e !les% ass(&ed by 6i& is &ade divine and end(res a!ter its ass(tion M %ere!ore I boldly dra ani&a"e o! t%e invisible od, not as invisible, b(t as %avin" be$o&e visible !or o(r sa3es by #arta3in" o! !les%

    and blood? 0:o%n o! Da&as$(s, 198, #.1B4'

    6I need to a$3noled"e &y $ollea"(e Dr. A&y Si!!en !or brin"in" t%is idea o! i&&anent diale$ti$/ 0a&on"ot%er ie3ian and +a$anian $ate"ories4 to &y attention and e*#lainin" t%e& in #atient detail.


    Adorno, . 02J4Negative )ialectics. Ne Oor3= Contin((&.

    ron, . 01982a4 >A Dar3 A"e Crisis= As#e$ts o! t%e I$ono$lasti$ Controversy? in !ocietyand the *oly in $ate +ntiquity. er3eley= University o! Cali!ornia ress, ## 251-1.

    ron, . 01982b4 >%e Fise and (n$tion o! %e 6oly )an in +ate Antion, illa"e and 6oly )an= %e Case o! Syria? in !ociety and the *oly,##. 15-1B5.

    Cornell, D. 019924 The (hilosophy of the $imit' Ne Oor3= Fo(tled"e.

    :o%n o! Da&as$(s 019894 "n the )ivine #mages, trans. D. Anderson, Crestood, NO= St.ladi&ir/s Se&inary ress.

  • 8/14/2019 aruna zizek 4.pdf


    ant, I. 01974 Critique of Judgment' @*!ord= @*!ord University ress.

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