asa wbdnbsdat, . oo^beb - 16, 1910. 3he1f fwfflsi [0 once

T W lI vdL a.irt). 161. . liiip FWfflSI 11^ Sayiage^igtitihg Continues ir tettish and Lith- ' Troops Oppose Teu- tAHc-Si^v: Inv^ers. e ||l:^ IE l; GOVERNMENI : '• v. r ■.- • ; Cosaacdc^Ar^. from . PiaUAoe ef Pet'ro^ad s T o a n r o x i i t (/F^^^-n>e' !boi'u'^ . 1UT9 bflgtm M.offoutTe «g«iBxt, tb*i iienB»ao^SBnl»H f*eM .ln. tie ‘ Bftltie redon. aoeor^ A oie»> 88«« r«cBlt«d'ti4n Mm. Bisa. Tbey ara re^ortad. to'~' l»Te c&ptored *. Kr-vxio. sixty' utlM norOnrest of . VlhtM, &fl«r tb«.£(oarlud twr^or. SAVAGE ITOHliNo'TOiBB ON ZN 0IT7 OF Bia^ rOPENIIAOEN, ffl»)-Bav«Ko fifllit injr Js Htm eolnc *'«'■ i« tl'- rity ni U1r« betwoon L«U*U (<a*l LUhutinlni tronra nnd Uio Orminnft-lluAiinn flnn\ wliich entered tho western part 0 / tin oltj- latt week. Reports reaching tilntw thnt «hi<lU-havi* fired n.>orUni ofthe towTJ ona timt jfrt'nl'damngc ha< *■ Ucen done Itft qo*jr« and lifttbtira. Mauj riviHnQB* bo^f* been kilipd - during; tb< hnttlo. ; • / DUpatchnt received' hero i«fnte tliai nil the priaonera takni l»}*^the Lott; hnvn beeil navarian^- , Britinh war &Hip* have beeomc In volved- is -ih e ha^Jna Iw^r * fired bpon .by the OerBinno-BniMlai ' fiuccs, and an cacoaflrmed topart' do • . clnrt'# a BritUh foree has boen Inndei' o in nr near .tho city. Blookade' mDUurcn arv aocmlnKl} l.i-lnjr riRidJj obforced Jn the Baltic kI x Oennan morchant ahipa haylat I'pen captured hy one Britlah deatroyar MOETHWE0TBW BTJBmAK , ABUT KSAE . BTOckHOL^I,^(/I>)^Tlll-^ norI&o.l cm Bmaidn-amiT-,UMmrte.d. hare t« * fTavo puahcd aomo 35 ntll-a beyom Y^bnrff, a>d to be wltliln twont) wUeii of Galchtoa, 30 milca eouthweai of Petrograd.' The taklp^ o f J,00( priannera u d nine'guna from the Bol •heviU la annoaneod. Confiileneo 11 exproascd amonR lho officers that Po troijmd win: fall before thla attack. In flghlliV i lho rod armjr ia mak injr uae of -mines to a jfiont extent blowisj; np tho roada over^here while rctrcAtlnR. An amorod train, named “ Ijonlno ' and Mveral . armored automobiles, oj - well at eijtty taOway eara wen among the material captored at Tam ______ DENESZra*8 Aim.BOLSHEVlS ABBC7 HOLM BAILWAT OENTES LOiroON, Dcncklne’4 nnti-Bolahovik arrnv haa ojiptured th< Im port^t ^ ity of .Orel,-together witt (CoBtlBned on Page M y<») SC IEOU IEV0TE : ONIEIKIIT \ _______ . Senators Agree on Fresent&tiox) of'8hftntimg Pioviaion lor . Dedaion " WASniNOTON, (/P>—A vote by thi • aenate late todny- on the Shnntnnj ainrndmenta to the peace treaty- w ii > republican leadera, with acqutcNcence, I l waa aald, o f the demo eratn. Oolt A p ln a t Amandmeots Adoption of. textnal amondmenti Would mean defeat the peaee treaty nnd would aecompHiSKyno practical ^ nnlt that could not b^yUronjiht aboi:| by reaerralioBt, the aen/le wat told to dar by'SenalAr r/>ublle»n, Bhodi Ialand. - ( RefetrlnK to the Shantunjc amend ment and that propoaed to eqoalixe rot incr poM r iA the league of nationa, th< V . BlM de'Talaal aenator declared tl>'') T - va.ud re-opea p»«e« negotiationa wbil« rM‘*r.-ationa woald ehange ita rrovu loi*^ only for the reaerrtilg nattan. It^jwonld 1^ Imfalr, be afgne^ tc laerroJM tho Voting power of the Unfl «>d Statea aa pnpeaed In tha amend a ra t of Senator Johnaon, republican (SkliforBia, aad leare tho other f{r«l claaa powera w ltk oaly one rote la th< Wonld Frotact Bgypt rreaervaUan of Egypt'a right c,l ••if-govrmm«at aad future, action bj the league of nationa ttf glre freedon \o all capable vnbject atatea wen ■propeecd ia laterprautlve reaohitloaj ^TM^ted hf 8 « » to r Owen, democrat Beth of the prai^oaala wera pnt l< a« meaettre* eatirely eeparat* fiOTi tke latlficatloa, Senator Owfte aa aMaeiac tkat ke kad aot ckaaged k i etaad for M^oanfiad acceptance ef tki tm\y. mOON PAPER iN IDA. T itto n i Named to , Represent Italiarti ' SOME, ' (Hav») FoTolgn ''irid^or Ti»»onl w ill rcpreaent Italy in the lenguo of noUona, ac* pordlnjJ to nn offleinl announco- lfl here. ' jj3 Brewers Aak Veto o f D ry Enforeemem WASHIKiSTONj {;i>-Tlip Unit- lu- cd State* Brcwera ajanclntlon to- dny petitioned Preaident Wilaon to disapprove tho prohibition enforce* . ment blU awaiting hla ^gnatQTo aad teeommende^ a new blU pro- viding fbr enforeement ot the pro* - . hibition cbnatltuUoBftl nmendment NT. 01 Early Date tor Pact Exchange Determinec tag J>AHIS, (Ilnvn..) (/P)—The «• change o f ratlfl«-atloaa «f thv' treaty of peace botwoen the allied and nsaociated powera nnd Oer. m«ny«wUl take_pTtvco i\t the'Frehrb 2 , foreign offie-e Fridny or Sftturdny. i -ntffording fo the Echo do Paria. The.eopj'.of tK»« Gemnn prnre tronty aJgned hy King George af- i . tur Ule ratification of tlio instru- . , mi'Ot by lhj 5 _J 0 i:ltUh pnTlinmt.'nt hn» • beon rwrivod in Pnrii'. the Pel/t • PnrlBleii - nnnouucwT-todny. :oA HOLDS SHANTUNG AWARD CERTAIN CAUSE OF WAF r>f --------- . lUn Noted Mlseloiury for 37 Yean ia Ohl nny . na Tells Plsclples of Christ of the thV Danger Ahead iiire ~— tlnii • CINCINNATI, O,, Tho Hliiir hn<( tung clauae-in tho penro trcutv wu auy loiloy uttackcd bj- Dr; W. tl. MnekUr tbe Motcil inlnalouar}', for 'M ycnra i Chinn, at tho intomational convcntlo; ;liat of lhe DlncliileB of Cltrl»t in- ntA^io otta here. lie tiaid thnt lir«lcn<l of eatnl lislilng pfnec the elouso would, if or In- foread> bring nbout nnnlht'r vtnr. ►e«n . "Chinn alrendy is wttging ‘ the trn(l lian war with Japan’ ” he aaid. '‘ 8 h do- will fIgUt when ahe is nble t» ilefcn dod her territory." ^ The report of the forcJgfi Chrintln igly uiiMloRtttV* noclety ahowed totnl • r« Itie, ei-ipta, 9737^10 during tho pnat vonr, -^Ing gain ot $1.11,69.1 over' reeelpta o f th yar. prccediug year. I IDABO WEATHEB ■AJO ---------- Tonight and TharMay fair. * eat- ________ 1 ,tO -------------r - J r. ------------ on.1 ^ --------------- i WORLD NE Bol- I --------------------------- ----------------- . - Po- BEELIN, (/P)— The freo of tmstee, has taken over ^^W ithin its juriBdlctlon. The hile erties are the imperial ship; artillery works. ren . LOKDON, west *°>’ j otuted the. Oerman' anthori I by a regieme headed by a B : I Scheidemann, according .to rER; here from Berlin. A state ie> ' Mitan. tho —^ ------ >- rith BtJENOB AIRES, (;P>~-7 views on the feasibility of ne ! under which all countries ' products. Foreign Minister I { once for tomorrow of all tb< Pan*American nations acore IT BETJSSELS, (flp>— Severa I ed.that Belgian delegates n< sontativeft of Holland relati' thb two ootmtries arising o the treaty of isco are abont . Holland in the form of a Be derstood that, in making tl tiiK give Holland m ilitary gnarax newspapers severely critioii ifH ' —, . — BURLESON TURNS UPON CRITICS OF HIS POLIO Postaactar Oeneral Calls Postal Ad mlBlxtratlon Near BClraenloos io 4;' Staadard of EffldtBeT ATLANTIC C iry, N. J.. (Jpy -Vigoi 'imIv to-n!ng nirnlnat hl« *‘n*.e* in tb I firat publie addreaa :ie has ilelivere alnee entering the cabinet, roatmaate Oeneral Barlenon «oiln:\- told the N* “J'T tional Hardware aa«>elallon and tb Ameriean Hardware Maaufaeturrra » eoeiarlon. In neaaiea here, that the po« ^ Ital adsiinUtration wa« “ remarkable 1 -**1 development, wonderful in organlxatlo “ “ I and .that ita ataadard of efficlenc bordera on tho mlracnlouiu’* ■An, Speaking of his policies and effbH V?* made to obtain a rereraal .the poat ^0 taaater general deelazad: Buffalo Commxadst by: Vote Falls Shon !oa ; ——— rere’. SM'VVW.O. N. T-. (;p)—Cbmplete r [oaal r<i*npi)ed .today on yealer^y rat,|manieipal primary shown that th 1 ------r>avVr. MDpearlng oa a ba la'lH-^r» te.tW S n t time aad nnnin lOm: n a plalform ealltag for the aovl* fcn-, nt gorernmeat, poUed aa avp irti* th»n 300 rotee for Sta thn the'flMdldataa. .The total rete e«ct-w« Aiuo CARRYING THE k TW IH FAXiLa, IDAHO, 3HE1F ,! COUNEHS TO ■^IKriSSOEl rnf - Cease Production at MIdnlghI October 31 Is Instruotjor 'I Sent. Out by International m Headquarters to Unions Z LEW IS W IRES ACCEPTftNCE OF CONFERENCE PROPOSAL AU Hope of Averting Tie-Up in ed - Bitnxninons Begiona Depends ix. .'Upon Sncoessfnl'Besnlt; oi Capital Meeting T pr. . ' ' ---------- . ^ rb j INDrANAPOUS, Ind., (;p)-Tho or ' <lcr Calling all union bituminnua coal > . I mlneni of the' country to "ct'nao pru- ro 1duction of eon) al rfildnight on Friday, rf- jOetobcr 31. iniO ” , wna iaaued from I the Internntliinnl headquarters of tlii' »» i Unitoa.;irinc Workora.of-Amcriea h w Jat iiuou lodny. The ordor la nlgnt'il by John h. Lowia, acting pr^aidojit-nnd Wni. Green, of Ilie J minora. ,»□ Safegoaifla Prepetty * Tho official strike call pcrniita loeni uniona to assign “ a aufficient numbi-r ^ * of men to rc*nmin at work to inaurp tho proper earo and protection of nU min- ing, properties, lu conformity with the I provisions of district ngri’cmeiita.’ ' It ^ ■ nlao urges thnt fullest co-operation bo kUn operator to provcnt Injury jn’ to property” nnd ftaserta that “ under itio'i clrcumstnnecH Khould this rulo be (sion aaldo by local untont.” itnb- Lewis Acoepts Appolntznent John L. Lewla, acting president, of rn(l(>L**“i Mlno WbrSora of Amoricft, igj.... Satiny wired Serrotary of l<nher Wilson fcr.ii that he would bo lu WnahlngtoH at 11 o’clock Pridny morning, Oet. 17, tot itinn 0 cunforenco'on tho biti^ininoHs. cofti • re* Vi\ln« aituation.' Ho announced, boW' ir, a over, that in the meantimo tho ord^t the rnlling on nil union bituminous' eonl inhma In tho go on strike Nov. 1, would bo i^aJled from the Inter- nationnl hcadquartera* in thJs city to ' the 4,000 local unions of tho organlxa- tJon. EWS EVENTS 10 city of Danzig In the capacity er national and .state properties he most iniportant of these prop- lipyards, the gun faictory and the . istem Rusaiai^ central ioimcil haa orities at Blitan, replacing them ,Bnssian governor general named to a wireless dispatch received te of siege has been declared at -For the pnrposo of exchanging negotiating international treaties s wonld r>emove tariffs on food r Pneyrredon has called a confer- the dipiomatic representatives of credited to Argentina. tral newspapers hero aro inform* negotiating in Paris witb repro* iitive to the controversy betwoen : out of the. proposed revision of int to conclude a comproniiBe witb Belgian>Dntch alliance. It is nn- : this arrwigement, Belgium will rantees. -Kationalist and Oatholio icise the plan. ! BELGIAN ROYAL PARTY CY I IS VISITING YOSEMITE j Leare San rnaciaco Where Warn « ' Wcleon* was oiren to Spead 58 Hettra la Slghtaaeisg Bl. 1‘O R T A L . CAU. (/P>-Afler • ered ' reeeplion in Saa Franel^o reaterda’ utcr i equaled in warmth any glvei Jf,. I »hrm in the tTniled fitatea, tho niler ^ ^ .o { Belgium came today to the Yoac I m'!®*** to'a 7 >end 38 honra In aightaeein;; 'W nm ily Hreaaed and rrfreahed by - t lelnilt® *^ night’s aleep, they anticipate: ition . enjoyed to the fnil aome of the ency I ****** magnificent aeenery ia the conn ' try. They w ill tpead. tbe night at th. Glacier Point hotel. Aa a finale te their visit to Su ' Frantlaco, King Albert and hla part' I went ta a cabaret .for n little whiV. I laat night and then viaited a vaoderill. [theater. They were^ gi-ren an ovatkii Ient er ed. e re-1 BX^SSXAn HOaTHWESTBBai ASatT REASXiro OATOHZWi the 1 ---------- bal-’ COPESHAOEN, The Baadai Biag I aofthwestem army has pnab"^ to 3Ti«t|point jnat oataJde nf the town .0 aver- Gatchina, the fall of*.whleh jraa cS thrM pe«ted to take pllTr'Tueaday aecordiai -wat fto a beUted Hclaingfor* report reach i lag her*, taday. I k//,L O A r . leased wl ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. CAPITALASKS [0 ONCE ONST ED ARBITRATK light Opposition of Employers to Pc itjon Surprising Developm ional dustrial Conference; Varioui Analysts of Causes of All Stri NCE labor delegate P iSAL APPLICATION TO rp in WASHINGTON, (/P)— Dem ~, posal for arbi^Ation of the stei issue in Aj)i,o national-iijdnstrial t; of the capital'^onpVihrbtrgbrits oh Y Bernard M. Bahich, chairman ol 1 . that action on tbe steel resolutit iiw m r’ 5 -EiPEeS iffl f <i'i' . President of American Podora- tlon of Labor Suffers Norv- loeni ons £xhaustion imbi'r 0 tbo WA8H1.NOTON, (/P)—Samuel Oomp- min- ers, preaident of llio Ann'tienii Feilora- II the tion of l.ulxir, iii e<in(iuiul to Uln riome It liero in n atato of norvnu:) exhiuiati.m. >n bo Ilia tomperniuVO tliia morning wna KM njury VU-^recs nml Ida pliysleiiut li;ia order'd under liim lo rcnmln in hod. lo be Announeomont n*" ,Mr. Gompors' »nt.” brcnkdowu wna made by hla aecretnry when tho nntionnl Indiintrint ennfi’ri-nii- eonvened today. ; BesoJt of Overwork aiBon Gnnipern' illneaa reaulta, labor JJ l<-ndern Miid, fn>m mniitlin nf unretrili- for work nt homr and nbrond in eon- ’ coftl portion with the peace trenty, the in- bow- lornntlohal labor congtean nt Amster- oriKf “ •‘■ '■I atrike. coal The veteran Inbor lender wna atrlek- itrlke t"o degree* and that h« M t gen- Inter- night nftor delivering nn nttnck in the ty to induatrlnl conferaneo on tho United mUa* Btn'f" rorpomtlw for It* rcfna- al to doiil with tho ateoj alrlke com- mittoe. llin friends, rccallod thnt the .... - t!ijy wna tliu {ir»l annlvcrasvry of the donth nf Ilia daughter nnd they aai.l S thia fnet pmbnbly nggrnintod hia eon-, dition. Thoao wlio hoard Mr. Gomp.Ta' lin-t • J paaainnod nddroait In the ronfiTonro | yeaterdny venUwd thnt he wna labor'. \j ing undor n tremendoua norvoua atraini nnd tho nniiouncomenl tif his illneaa dldf not eoroe.n« a aurptlav tn hla naaoelntci' 1- ' ill fhe lnl>or group. . , le . I Talk of.Successor ' ! Labor leaders said th^t if Mr. Gomp-^ ers' Illness proved ao serious aa to; ^3 mako it ImpoaaiMe for him lo dla-' _ chargo tho dutica of president of tho| fedoratloB for aoy considerablo tlme,^ Jd the cxecatWo council of the federation id [would bo cnlled to cTect n .temporary. . Isueeoasor. It wns said James Duncan,' lirat vico president.of.'the federation,! probably woold be designated to act.' ' A t jiooR Mr. Gompers iCcretdry an-1 IpT nounced that hla temperature had fall-| ® e ntwo dogrcea and that he felt gcn-l 5S ernlly nnifh better. Mr. Gomper*’ phy ! airlpn. however, rei)iie!iU‘>l thni lu* rt-l mnin in bed. Liitey .Mr. Oomtiera aent word fo[ >f . nieml>ers of lho Lilwr ilelegnllon th.i*» he would be pr<*annt- nt the eonferenee tomorrow. The. Induntrinl eonferenee by n ria- ing vote nt the niorrfihg aeaaion ndopt- 5* ed n resolution hy Hnrry A. ^^’heeler,; ehnirronn of lhe enpStnl jtroun, expreas-. ■- ing the eonferenee'a hone'for speedy; rocoverv of the labor leader. ( tb ' ' ------ ^ 1 Si LONGSilEMEN’S STRIKE I INNEWyORKISBBOKEfli Sukers Betnm to Work Al- though Dissatisfied with IITE Oompromise Warm NEW TORK, (/p>—The strike ol 38 longahorcmen and other harbor workera which haa paralyxed port aetivitles here for aeveral daya and threatened ter 4 a aerioua food shortage, waa broksn :erday foday when the tezr^ workers rcturnol girea !« work, nnd 15,00() of the fiO.OOO long- nilcra »!K>rcmen rei*umcd their labora. Union Yoac- lendera j>r«vlietrd fhnf bv Friday nil eeing. of the longahoremen would be at work, by - a The frrrrmen filed noilc“. nowoTcc. IpataJ that they were not.aatiafied with flat if He -inrreawe in wnffoa offered a» a eom- eena* promiee, amoua'inir to anj)rozlmate>r at tha -ten per cent. They had demanded aa inr»eaae o f 2.1 per eent. Sani The teamatera atrike remain* In partr'force. . — ......... .......... whilr: ----------- ---- lerill^: OEBKAKS TO TAKB PAET eatk>n . rW BLOOKADB OP SOVIET i BERUK, WV-The Kreu* Zcltuns *' laanu from "w ell informed quartern'' HZ2TA the (^remmeat will in all prabability agr«« to join in tbe blockade of sioviet aadaa Bosria propoaed by |be entente pewvn. ta a It is aald tbe goverameat w ill lav down a . of ecTtaia. conditioAa laaideot -trr-itB par- t* u - Uclpatloa aad “ win primarily, coa- ardiag dder Oermaar’a foreign political iater- rcach-lesta wbea reacblag s deciaioa as to ita ' ftaal attltade.” IRE REPORT OF TBE mm A ction at fEEL STRIKE ONPROPOSAL Postponement Previously Agrcec ment in President’s National In- us Groups Work on Exhaustive rikes PROPOSES PLUMB 7 OTHiBR INDUSTRIES mand that organised l&bor’s pro eel strike be made an immediau 1 conference was made today bj jhairman Harry A. ^K^eelor, oftei of the publio group; had proposeti ^ion be postponed until Thursday. ’ t Oomes as Sorprlso Postpoaemaot of actioa oa the rasQlatlon previously liad been agread to by the Ubor and public I ' Crotips and thA-eppodtloa of the employers came as a stirptlse. Sam- ■'*neL Oompers, chalnnan of the la- bor' group, who coadocted a vlgoc- ous flgbt yesterday against send- ing the arbltratloa resolatloa bade to tho committee of flfteea, waa detained by lUaen. He was rep- resented by Frank Blorrlson, secre- tary of. the Amerleaa FederaUoa o f I<abcr. On n ruIIng^ Uy Chnirmnn Lune timi t the nArucT>*niotlo« wua une of procotl u uro «)/« which individunl votcs'could hi 1 ennl, netiou un tho ateel feaolutioi I WHH pontponeil until next TUurailuy nnt Ihe I'onferenro rcccsaod....JU>til, ftfto: ' tinon. Tho publie nnd Inl'or groupi { etoat thrir ImUvitlunl vote* -“for thi !■ nnriieh motion, .ludge Elbert IT, Gar; boiiii! the only member o f thn puMli group tn vote with the employer hgninat it. ' '• Labor Agrees to Befer A-TpiTTffrrvV irgrcoiiient wna rcnelie. • w-lnTi'by tho h»l>or group, It waa uu • «lentttM>il, agreed thnt the ateel atrlki roanlutlou ahould bo. referred hack t< • 'lie rommittee to be brought iip on lh< floor of the eonferenee for netloi e Tliuraduy. 1 Mcimtinie tho varioua groupa wil I- work on tbe preparation of an exhftuat ‘‘ ive nnnlvHia of Hie enuaen u f all atrlkon c Cliairmitn- Lane-aaid,-and "prcprtre a'prn 0 grnm calculated to nmclloroio candi 1 tiona. This progrnni would be.preaeiit -|eil In' Ihe eonferenee aftor the alei- 'atriko reaolution la dlspoaed of. ^ I Greatest Single. Issue 'I CollortSve bargaining occupicd murl > i i htli-ntion in the group gathoriun to if tiny. Membera of nil giuupa aald i lj prolmbly wuuld bu the greutest slugl issue to eome beforu tho eonferenee 'The lnl>or delcgntea regard it na ovei jmore inii»rtant thnn tho aU'cl strik >• reaolution. . . "f A h « r the eoaference coavened. It. E. Sheppartl, head of the rail* *'{ way coadnctora brotherhood. Intro* daced a resolution proposing td- partlto control of all ladustrtes ex- ^ I Istlng by vlrtae of “ public grants and monopolies.” I t la similar to I’ , the Plnmb plaa for management of tha railroads fay the poblle, labor l'l aad capltaL ro r private indostry '1 ]£r. Sheppard proposod recognition ‘'I of a tight of tha workera to choose j ond third of tha board of dlrecton. ] John'Spnrgo, of the publie • group „ I introduced a rosolullon* declaring th i , I white the ‘ * ri(;ht lo strike should no be nlirognted or denied,'’ it ahould bi reatricted where atnppnge o l vital serv iscs nud guvcTnniontnl operutloKii nr . involved. Farmers Make Demands : A demand for greater ri-coguition 0 ' j llie nervirea of thu farmera was mod I lu a atatetnenl presented tb ro ^h tb I employera group. Charles 8 . Barre'l ; preaidi nt of the fanncrn co-operativ I union, Raid U wn% prepared by five |]feree», three in lhe employcra grou] [jlanil two in the-public group. Deelnring thnt the “ nel returns fo I labor, mnn.ngement nnd capital uaed I' . farming Is today anialler lhan the rc turn In nny other great Induatry” an thal this diaeouragemcnt baa reduce tho output of agricultural staples, tb statement aald tho eonclualona ol th conference eould -not Ix* permanent ui ^ leas th.'v provido for tho “ welfare 0 .Jl farmers,” ,{ “ Ajaerleaa farxoers employ more n laborers thaa any other sln^e la- dostzy,” aald ths statement.' “ The nnmber of operating farmers and n their hired employas Is greater thaa that of labomy la all Indos* c. tries combined. Aay adjestmeat r. ot lalnxtrlal wage .dlspatas to be - It foalameataUy aDtiad aad p«m** neat most glre fall eonsldarstlea to Che relation betwean wagaa oa a 'American farma and In other is* daatxlea. Te pay hlghar wagea oa n: tha farm laeriubly means higher prlcee for fana prodttctsj*’ T)ie priaeipal demanda were: ' First, sueh retonu aa w ill fairl; T'rompensnie them f«rr capital invent 'menl, for tbeir tecbaical aklll, tbei 7 'a»anageriat ability and tbelr maaxis ” j labor, nnd. a<‘eond. that they aad tbei yj families have aocial, «doeatk>aal. aa< 'tjpolitieal opportunities' aqaal to (bea s.|of p<Yw>aa engaged Is oiher aetlvllle) Agrlcattnre ea DecZtea *^'Failnre to meet these deaaada wG r -1 reault ia a coatinuance aad* aa aoael #C«at!mwa aeTeewTw") ^ E ASSffCiATED _________ • PBIOB n V E CBKTH : PEJCEPIICT IN i PHESENTPO i :ed Idaho Goverrtor Warns Against In- Acceptance of Proposals ive Which IHIght Contaminate Constitution - i-- '- DISCUSSES NEW POLICY ^ 55 IN STATE GOVERNIHENT ro- Asks Popular Verdict on Ad ministration in Light of Be- (gf suits Obtained Throngh Bus- sed iness lilethodfl ay. Aasertlng that tha' constltnttoa o f the ITBltod States had made po>- le Bible his own tlse from poverty and ,g obscnrlty to. his present position, . , Oovenior D. W. Davla, «r—*^"g last evening In thie Xjtverlng thea* tre h«r«, in respect to the proposed “■ league o f naUons, declared that be 'Z would never consent to any pro- X posal that “ might contaminate the ?: constltotlen,” and nrged hla heat' * era to-'Uhlnk and.thlak twice be- fore folfbwing off after any new ^ isia or new Idea that' might en- tangle tu In the fotore.'■I-- *' Oovornor DaVls anoice, for moro thnn " two boura,' and hold tho eloao ntton llm ljtlo n of hia ftudJenco of about COO per- cod- sons throughout, bia romarka frequeni- I bu[ljr evoking .applaotfo. He was-iatm tloi^nced by Shad L. Ilodgin, chairman of n n jm o ropublJcnn eounty central commit*, ftor-jteo, after Boy 0. Jones,-secretary nf )upa state and atato commissioner b f law tho enforoomeot, bbd diacnased briefly nja I<>ry work In tho latter capacity, declaring ‘Mlo^in eooelusion that ' ‘if over it were yera neooaaarj- lo net normally nnd thJnk ^ |atro” -'>* it i't in tho ven^ of 1J»19.” Pledr'a PDpTwrt to BeejamaUon Oo^tnTior Davia In his addrosa, dealt wjth four topics—rtclamntbn and th> «»• dovelopmeht of Idaho; operation of rik« t>,„ raulhee form of atate government-; ' t‘> tho menneo of un-American leaderahip, ll>o and tbo proposed loaguo of nationa. ■ llonl In referejiee to Idaho dovelopmcnl j projeci. Governor Davla' spoke' of 'hla will j work at Waahington in snpport of tho uiaf..!Jtlondeil bill and deeUred, ''Tdnho itf- ikoa.Tfcrda greater-opportnnitlee to her.p^>-_ prn-|*ple' tban any state I'khow o f." So ni- indl-- versified aro ber resourcea that sbn hn^ lent -room, not.-f(»r tbousonda, bnt for mJII- itei-l ions o f new eltlceaa. I believe nt thl 4 moment Wfl are oa tbe. eve of oa orn o f groat development. In the mattor of reclamation wo have vast areas Jn lurh tbo Bnake river valley, tosceptible of to- irrigation and the water in Bnakn I! river to irrigate them. It lr tho duty uglc ol ovory cltltcn o'f tho Bnake river re- nro. gion to put his shoulder to the wheel )r«.i oad osolst in overy poaaible way in thi* rikij project now pot forward; The bail4* In^ of the Amorican Falls dam is th.< d. ■ Mlotion of the reelamation problem In ul Idaho. It Is my intention to do cvcry- o. thlag In my power to brlng-tibout t*!'; li. btiilding of the American Palla re'acr. X‘ voir ao that the remainder of tbe Snake ts river valley may bloaaom aa tho Twin to Tails eonatry blogaoms.*-' 9f Ho considered It unlikely tbal the (Ooatiaoed oa Paga Plve) LmiiolMT £ I.W.iyFFlGEe IPropaganda Headquarters in a Ohicago Now Bears Warn, lode ing Placard the ______ , roll, CHICAGO, (/P>—An J. W. W. pro- >tivu pnganda hcadquartera >eeently open<-d in South Chicago loday bore n placanl roup “ stay away from South Chleago” anH waa empty of tbe literature It ha.l fo; housed. Two hundred men, Ineludlnii' d in a namber of diaeharged aoldiera, laal ' rc- night the hall, drove out an'l tbo aecretary and pitched tho bookv aa-1 ueed pamphleta into the street where gaao- tb,- line waa poured oa them and then art the afire. . un- ■“ ■ e of AJ.T.TOED BOUB MAKEB ____ STILL ELUDES ATTTHOBXTISa ire ____ i?* GARY, ixn., ypy-MUltary a-ulhn-l-^ tiea and federal agenta declared today that Alexander Ivanhoff, radiral lea<’- " «r and ch*«i»t formerly employed-lu ^ tbe local alert mllU aad alleged maker of the May <lay aad Chieago postoffiee ^ bombs, it not yet nnder atreal. He la ^ being aougbt aa tbo reault,of informa-." tlon «aid te hare b«» given tbe fed- eral authoritiea hr Aaton Ooraki, whn ®* H under aireat. Convinced that fvaahoff baa fled, frtwa Gary, the tederaV aatboritie* to-.-' day tranaferred tbelr aeareb fbr the* radical leader to Chicago, where dea- * lixly eas qf department «f re^t- tutors are .reported te foBowisg' ;beir dewai aual - Federal ageata backed _by ,_teoep«-; [heir MdT todar mad* £enr more raida «a aad oindfeaT leaden here U whieb. boie abont twenty peraona wara take*' jatt- «aatody. Six are being held. ’ H i*< aaid that farther evideaee waa-. taiaed la theae ralda e f tlM aBagaiT-.- wtB pjot for aa'sprisUir of aag fals la OMl- altbongb CoL W. 8 . Ifapea aad otEjk^ effidals da«}lMd.t0 dlaeosa the dataOd ^ - p t tk* MriSsMkSatf obtalM l. '. 1 _ ••

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Page 1: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE

T W lIv d L a . i r t ) . 161. .

l i i i pFWfflSI1 1 ^

S a y ia g e ^ ig t i t i h g C o n t in u e s i r t e t t i s h a n d L i t h -

' T r o o p s O p p o s e T e u -

tA H c - S i^ v : I n v ^ e r s .

e | | l : ^ I E l ; G O V E R N M E N I: ' • v . r ■ .- • ;

C o saa cd c^A r^ . fro m

. P ia U A o e e f P e t 'ro ^ a d

s T o a n r o x i i t (/F^^^-n>e' !boi'u'^. 1UT9 bflgtm M .o ffou tTe «g«iBxt,

tb*i iienB»ao^SBnl»H f* e M . ln . t ie ‘ B ftltie redon. a o e o r^ g .to A oie»>

88«« r«cB lt«d 'ti4n Mm. Bisa. Tbey ara re ^o rtad . to'~' l» T e c&ptored

*. Kr-vxio. s ix ty ' u t lM norOnrest o f . VlhtM, &fl«r tb« .£ (oarlud twr^or.


rO P E N IIA O E N , ffl»)-Bav«Ko f i f l l i t in jr Js H tm e o ln c *'«'■ i« t l ' - r i t y ni U1r« betwoon L«U *U (<a*l LUhutinlni tronra nnd Uio Orminnft-lluAiinn flnn\ wliich entered tho western part 0 / tin oltj- la t t week. Reports reaching tilntw thn t «hi<lU-havi* fired n.>orUni o f th e towTJ ona tim t jfrt'nl'damngc ha<

*■ Ucen done I t f t qo*jr« and lifttbtira. Mauj riviHnQB* bo^f* been k ilipd - during; tb< hnttlo. ; • ■ /

DUpatchnt received' hero i«fnte tlia i n il the priaonera ta k n i l»}*^the Lott; hnvn beeil navarian^-

, B ritinh war &Hip* have beeomc In volved- is - ih e ha^Jna Iw^r

* fired bpon .b y the OerBinno-BniMlai ' fiuccs, and an cacoaflrmed topart' do

• . clnrt'# a B ritU h foree has boen Inndei' o in nr near .tho city.

Blookade' mDUurcn arv aocmlnKl} l.i-lnjr riR idJj obforced Jn the Baltic kIx Oennan morchant ahipa haylat I'pen captured h y one B ritlah deatroyar


. BTO ckH O L^I,^ (/I> )^T lll-^ n o r I& o . l cm Bmaidn -am iT -,U M m rte .d . hare t«

* fTavo puahcd aomo 35 ntll-a beyom Y ^ b n r f f , a>d to be w ltliln twont) wUeii o f Galchtoa, 30 milca eouthweai o f Petrograd.' The ta k lp ^ o f J,00(

• priannera u d nine'guna from the Bol •hev iU la annoaneod. Confiileneo 11 exproascd amonR lho o fficers tha t Po troijm d w in : fa ll before thla attack.

In f lg h l l iV i lho rod armjr ia mak injr uae o f -mines to a jfion t extent blow isj; np tho roada o v e r^h e re while rctrcAtlnR.

A n am orod tra in , named “ Ijonlno ' and M vera l . armored automobiles, oj

- w e ll a t e i j t t y taOway eara wen among the m ateria l captored a t Tam



LO iroO N , Dcncklne’4nnti-Bolahovik arrnv haa ojiptured th< Im p o r t^ t i t y o f .O rel,-together w it t

(CoBtlBned on Page M y<»)


\ _______ .S en a to rs A gree on F resent& tiox)

o f '8 h ftn tim g P io v ia io n lo r . D e d a io n "

W ASniNO TO N, (/P>— A vote by thi • aenate late todny- on the Shnntnnj

ainrndmenta to the peace treaty- w ii > republican leadera, w ith acqutcNcence, I l waa aald, o f the demo eratn.

Oolt A p ln a t Amandmeots Adoption o f. textnal amondmenti

Would mean defeat the peaee treaty nnd would aecompHiSKyno practical ^ nnlt that could not b^yUronjiht aboi:| by reaerralioBt, the aen/le w at to ld to dar by'SenalAr r/>ublle»n, Bhodi Ialand. - (

RefetrlnK to the Shantunjc amend ment and tha t propoaed to eqoalixe ro t incr p o M r iA the league o f nationa, th<

V . B lM d e 'T a la a l aenator declared tl>'') T - va.ud re-opea p»«e« negotiationa wbil«

rM ‘*r.-ationa woald ehange ita rro v u loi*^ only fo r the reaerrtilg nattan.

It^ jw onld 1^ Im fa lr, be a fgne^ tc laerroJM tho Voting power o f the U n fl «>d Statea aa pnpeaed In tha amend a r a t o f Senator Johnaon, republican (SkliforBia, aad leare tho other f{r«l claaa powera w ltk oaly one ro te la th<

Wonld Frotact Bgypt rreaervaUan o f Egyp t'a right c,l

• •if-govrm m «at aad fu tu re , action b j the league o f nationa ttf g lre freedon \o all capable vnbject atatea wen ■propeecd ia la te rp rau tlve reaohitloaj ^T M ^ te d h f 8 « » to r Owen, democrat

Beth o f the prai^oaala wera pnt l< a« meaettre* eatirely eeparat* fiOTi tke latlficatloa, Senator Owfte aa aMaeiac tkat ke kad aot ckaaged k i etaad fo r M ^oan fiad acceptance e f tki tm \y .


T itton i Named to , Represent Ita liarti

' ■ SOME, ' (H a v » ) FoTolgn ' ' ir id ^ o r Ti»»onl w ill rcpreaent I ta ly in the lenguo o f noUona, ac* pordlnjJ to nn o ffle in l announco-

l f l here. ' •

jj3 Brewers Aak Vetoo f D ry EnforeememW ASHIKiSTONj { ; i> -T lip Unit-

l u - cd S tate* Brcwera ajanclntlon to ­dny petitioned Preaident Wilaon to disapprove tho prohibition enforce*

. ment b lU awaiting hla ^gnatQTo aad teeommende^ a new blU pro­v id ing fb r enforeement o t the pro*

- . h ib ition cbnatltuUoBftl nmendment

NT.01 E arly Date to r Pact

Exchange Determinecta g J>AHIS, (Iln vn ..) (/P)—The « •

change o f ratlfl«-atloaa « f thv' trea ty o f peace botwoen the allied and nsaociated powera nnd Oer.

■ m«ny«wUl take_pTtvco i\t the'Frehrb2 , foreign offie-e Fridny or Sftturdny. i -ntffording fo the Echo do Paria.

T h e .e o p j'.o f tK»« Gemnn prnre tronty aJgned hy K ing George af-

i . tur Ule ra tifica tio n o f tlio instru- . , mi'Ot by lh j5_J0 i:ltUh pnTlinmt.'nt hn»■ • beon rw rivo d in Pnrii'. the Pel/t

• PnrlBleii - nnnouucwT-todny.

:oA H O L D S S H A N T U N G A W A R D

C E R T A IN C A U S E O F W A Fr>f • --------- ’ ‘ .

lU n Noted M lse lo iu ry fo r 37 Y ean ia Ohl nny . na Tells Plsclples o f Christ o f the thV ‘ Danger Aheadiiire ~ —t ln ii • C IN C IN N A T I, O,, Tho Hliiir hn<( tung clauae-in tho penro trcutv wu auy loiloy uttackcd bj- Dr; W. tl. MnekUr tbe Motcil inlnalouar}', fo r 'M ycnra i

Chinn, a t tho intom ational convcntlo; ;liat o f lhe DlncliileB o f Cltrl»t in- ntA^io otta here. lie tiaid thnt lir«lcn<l o f eatnl

lis lilng pfnec the elouso would, i f or In- foread> bring nbout nnnlht'r vtnr.

►e«n . "C h in n alrendy is wttging ‘ the trn(l lian war w ith Japan’ ” he aaid. ' ‘ 8 h do- w ill fIgUt when ahe is nble t» ilefcn dod her te r r i to ry ." ^

The report o f the forcJgfi Chrintln ig ly uiiMloRtttV* noclety ahowed to tn l • r« Itie , ei-ipta, 9737^10 during tho pnat vonr, - Ing gain o t $1.11,69.1 over' reeelpta o f th yar. prccediug year.

I ID A B O W EATHEB■AJO ■ ----------

Tonight and TharMay fa ir. * e a t - ________1 ,tO -------------r - J r .------------on.1 ^ ---------------

i WORLD NEBol- I--------------------------- ----------------- — . -

Po- B E E L IN , (/P)— T h e f r e o o f tm s te e , h a s ta k e n o v e r

^ ^ W i th in i t s ju r iB d lc t lo n . T h e h ile e r t ie s a r e th e im p e r ia l s h ip ;

a r t i l l e r y w o rk s .

re n . L O K D O N , w e s t*°>’ j o tu te d th e . O e rm a n ' a n th o r i

I b y a r e g ie m e h e a d e d b y a B: I S c h e id e m a n n , a c c o rd in g . torER; h e re f r o m B e r l in . A s ta te ie > ' M ita n .tho — ------ >-

r ith B tJ E N O B A IR E S , (;P > ~ -7 v ie w s o n th e f e a s ib i l i t y o f ne

! u n d e r w h ic h a l l c o u n t r ie s ' p ro d u c ts . F o re ig n M in is te r I

{ o n ce f o r to m o r r o w o f a l l tb< P a n * A m e r ic a n n a t io n s aco re

IT B E T J S S E L S , (flp>— S e v e ra I e d . th a t B e lg ia n d e le g a te s n<

s o n ta t iv e f t o f H o lla n d r e la t i ' th b t w o o o tm tr ie s a r is in g o th e t r e a t y o f i s c o a re a b o n t

. H o l la n d i n t h e fo r m o f a B e d e rs to o d th a t , in m a k in g t l

tiiK g iv e H o l la n d m i l i t a r y g n a ra x n e w s p a p e rs s e v e re ly c r i t io i i

ifH ' — , . — —


Postaactar Oeneral Calls Postal Ad m lB lxtratlon Near BClraenloos io

4; ' Staadard o f E ffld tB e TA TLA N TIC C i r y , N. J.. (Jpy -Vigoi

'imIv to-n!ng nirnlnat hl« *‘n*.e* in tb I f ira t publie addreaa :ie has ilelivere alnee entering the cabinet, roatmaate Oeneral Barlenon «oiln:\- to ld the N*

“ J'T tional Hardware aa«>elallon and tb Ameriean Hardware Maaufaeturrra » eoeiarlon. In neaaiea here, tha t the po«

I ta l adsiinU tration wa« “ remarkable 1 -**1 development, wonderful in organlxatlo

“ “ I and .that ita ataadard o f efficlenc bordera on tho mlracnlouiu’ *

■An, Speaking o f h is policies and effbH V?* made to obtain a rereraal .the poat ^ 0 taaater general deelazad:

Buffa lo Commxadst by : Vote Falls Shon

!o a ; ———rere’. SM'VVW.O. N . T-. (;p)—Cbmplete r [oaal r<i*npi)ed .today on y e a le r^yra t,|m an ie ipa l prim ary shown tha t th

1 ------r>avVr. MDpearlng oa a bala ' lH - ^ r » t e . t W S n t time aad n n n in

lOm: n a p la lform ealltag fo r the aovl* fcn-, n t gorernmeat, poUed aa avp

irti* th»n 300 rotee fo r Sta thn the 'flM dldataa . .T h e to ta l re te e«ct-w«



3H E1F,! COUNEHS TO ■ IKriSSOElr n f — -

Cease Production at MIdnlghI October 31 Is Instruotjor

'I Sent. Out by International m Headquarters to UnionsZ LEW IS W IRES ACCEPTftNCE


ed - Bitnxninons Begiona Depends ix. .'Upon Sncoessfnl'Besnlt; oi

Capital Meeting Tpr. • . ' ' ---------- . rb j IN D rA N A P O U S , Ind., (;p )-T ho or

' <lcr Calling all union bituminnua coal >. I mlneni o f the' country to "ct'nao pru- ro 1 duction o f eon) a l rfildnight on Friday, rf- jO etobcr 31. in iO ” , wna iaaued from

I the Internntliinnl headquarters o f tlii' »» i U n itoa.;irinc W orkora.of-Amcriea h w

J at iiuou lodny. The ordor la nlgnt'il by John h. Lowia, acting pr^aidojit-nnd Wni. Green, o f Ilie

J minora.,» □ Safegoaifla Prepett y

* Tho o ffic ia l s trike call pcrniita loeni uniona to assign “ a aufficient numbi-r

^ * o f men to rc*nmin a t work to inaurp tho proper earo and protection o f nU min­ing, properties, lu conform ity w ith the

I provisions o f d is tr ic t ngri’cmeiita.’ ' I t ^ ■ nlao urges thnt fu llest co-operation bo

kUn operator to provcnt In juryjn’ to property ” nnd ftaserta that “ under

itio 'i clrcumstnnecH Khould th is rulo be (sion aaldo by local untont.”itnb- Lewis Acoepts Appolntznent

John L . Lewla, acting president, of rn(l(>L**“i Mlno WbrSora o f Amoricft,igj.... Satiny wired Serrotary o f l<nher Wilson fcr.ii tha t he would bo lu WnahlngtoH a t 11

o ’clock Pridny morning, Oet. 17, tot itinn 0 cunforenco'on tho biti^ininoHs. cofti • re* Vi\ln« aituation.' Ho announced, boW'

ir , a over, tha t in the meantimo tho ord^t the rn lling on n il union bitum inous' eonl

inhm a In tho go on strike Nov. 1, would bo i^aJled from the Inter- nationnl hcadquartera* in thJs c ity to

' the 4,000 local unions o f tho organlxa- tJon.

EWS EVENTS10 city of Danzig In the capacity er national and .state properties he most iniportant of these prop- lipyards, the gun faictory and the .

istem Rusaiai central ioimcil haa orities at Blitan, replacing them , Bnssian governor general named to a wireless dispatch received te of siege has been declared at

-For the pnrposo of exchanging negotiating international treaties s wonld r>emove tariffs on food r Pneyrredon has called a confer- the dipiomatic representatives of credited to Argentina.tral newspapers hero aro inform* negotiating in Paris witb repro*

iitive to the controversy betwoen : out of the. proposed revision of int to conclude a comproniiBe witb Belgian>Dntch alliance. It is nn- : this arrwigement, Belgium will rantees. - Kationalist and Oatholio icise the plan.


j Leare San rnaciaco Where Warn « ' Wcleon* was o iren to Spead 58

Hettra la Slghtaaeisg

B l. 1‘ORTAL. C AU. (/P > -A fle r • ered ' reeeplion in Saa Frane l^o reaterda’ u tc r i equaled in warmth any glveiJ f,. I »hrm in the tTniled fitatea, tho n ile r ^ ^ . o { Belgium came today to the Yoac

I m '!® * * * to 'a 7>end 38 honra In aightaeein;;'W n m ily Hreaaed and rrfreahed by - t

le ln ilt® * ^ n ig h t’s aleep, they anticipate: ition . enjoyed to the fn il aome o f the ency I ****** magnificent aeenery ia the conn

' try . They w il l tpead. tbe n igh t a t th. Glacier Point hotel.

Aa a finale te the ir v is it to Su ' Frantlaco, K in g A lbert and hla part' I went ta a cabaret .for n lit t le whiV. I laat night and then viaited a vaoderill. [theater. They were gi-ren an ovatkii I e n t e r e d .


the 1 ----------b a l-’ COPESHAOEN, The Baadai

Biag I aofthwestem army has pnab"^ to 3T i« t|po in t jn a t oataJde n f the town .0 aver- Gatchina, the fa ll of*.whleh jra a cS th rM pe«ted to take pllTr'Tueaday aecordiai -w at f to a beUted Hclaingfor* report reach

i lag her*, taday.

I k / / , L O A r .l e a s e d w l

A S a W BDNBSDAT, . O O ^ B E B - 16, 1910.

CAPITAL ASKS [0 ONCE ON ST ED ARBITRATKl i g h t O p p o s it io n o f E m p lo y e rs t o Pc i t j o n S u r p r is in g D e v e lo p mio n a l d u s t r ia l C o n fe re n c e ; V a r io u i

A n a ly s ts o f C a u s e s o f A l l S t r i

NCE l a b o r d e l e g a t e P iSAL APPLICATION TOrp in WASHINGTON, (/P)— Dem

~, posal for arbi Ation of the stei issue in Aj)i,o national-iijdnstrial

t; of the capital' onpVihrbtrgbrits oh Y Bernard M. Bahich, chairman ol 1. that action on tbe steel resolutit

i iw m r ’5 -EiPEeS ifflf <i'i' .

President of American Podora- tlon of Labor Suffers Norv-

loeni ons £xhaustionimbi'r0 tbo WA8H1.NOTON, (/P)—Samuel Oomp- min- ers, preaident o f llio Ann'tienii Feilora-

II the tion o f l.u lx ir, iii e<in(iuiul to Uln riome ” I t liero in n atato o f norvnu:) exhiuiati.m. >n bo I l ia tomperniuVO tliia morning wna KM n jury VU-^recs nml Ida pliysleiiut li;ia order'd under liim lo rcnmln in hod.lo be Announeomont n*" ,Mr. Gompors' »nt.” brcnkdowu wna made by hla aecretnry

when tho nntionnl Indiintrint ennfi’ ri-nii- eonvened today.; BesoJt o f Overwork

aiBon Gnnipern' illneaa reaulta, laborJJ l<-ndern Miid, fn>m mniitlin n f unretrili-

’ fo r work nt homr and nbrond in eon- ’ coftl portion w ith the peace trenty, the in ­bow- lornntlohal labor congtean nt Amster-

o r iK f “ •‘■'■I atrike.coal The veteran Inbor lender wna atrlek-

itr lke t " o degree* and that h« M t gen- Inter- night n fto r delivering nn nttnck in the ty to induatrlnl conferaneo on tho United mUa* B tn 'f " ro rp o m tlw fo r I t* rcfna-

al to doiil w ith tho ateoj alrlke com­mittoe. l lin friends, rccallod thn t the

•.... - t!ijy wna tliu {ir» l annlvcrasvry o f thedonth n f Ilia daughter nnd they aai.l

S thia fnet pmbnbly nggrnintod hia eon-, d ition.

Thoao wlio hoard M r. Gomp.Ta' lin-t ■ • J paaainnod nddroait In the ronfiTonro |

yeaterdny venUwd thnt he wna la b o r '. \ j ing undor n tremendoua norvoua atra in i

nnd tho nniiouncomenl t i f his illneaa d ld f not eoroe.n« a aurptlav tn hla naaoelntci'

1- ' i l l fhe lnl>or group. . ,le . I Ta lk of.Successor '

! Labor leaders said th^t i f M r. Gomp-^ e rs ' Illness proved ao serious aa to ;

^ 3 mako i t ImpoaaiMe fo r him lo dla-' _ chargo tho dutica o f president o f tho| “ fedoratloB fo r aoy considerablo tlme,^ Jd the cxecatWo council o f the federation id [w ould bo cnlled to cTect n .temporary.

. Isueeoasor. I t wns said James Duncan,' l i r a t vico president.o f.'the federation,! probably woold be designated to act.' '

A t jiooR Mr. Gompers iCcretdry an-1 IpT nounced tha t hla temperature had fa ll- | ® e ntwo dogrcea and tha t he fe lt gcn-l

5S ern lly nnifh better. M r. Gomper*’ phy ! airlpn. however, rei)iie!iU‘>l thn i lu* r t - l mnin in bed.

Liitey .Mr. Oomtiera aent word fo [ >f . nieml>ers o f lho L ilw r ilelegnllon th .i*»

he would be pr<*annt- nt the eonferenee tomorrow.

The. Induntrinl eonferenee by n ria- ing vote nt the niorrfihg aeaaion ndopt-

5* ed n resolution hy H nrry A. ^ ’heeler,;ehnirronn o f lhe enpStnl jtroun, expreas-.

■ - ing the eonferenee'a hone 'fo r speedy; rocoverv o f the labor leader. (tb ■ ' ' ------^ 1


Sukers Betnm to Work Al­though Dissatisfied with

IITE OompromiseWarm N EW TORK, (/p>—The strike o l 38 longahorcmen and other harbor workera

which haa paralyxed port aetivitles here fo r aeveral daya and threatened

ter 4 a aerioua food shortage, waa broksn :erday foday when the tezr^ workers rcturnol g irea !« work, nnd 15,00() o f the fiO.OOO long- nilcra »!K>rcmen rei*umcd the ir labora. Union Yoac- lendera j>r«vlietrd fhnf bv Friday nil eeing. o f the longahoremen would be at work, by - a The frrrrm e n filed no ilc“. nowoTcc. IpataJ that they were not.aatiafied w ith fla t i f H e -inrreawe in wnffoa offered a» a eom- eena* promiee, amoua'inir to anj)rozlmate>r

at tha -ten per cent. They had demanded aa inr»eaae o f 2.1 per eent.

Sani The teamatera atrike remain* Inp a rtr 'fo rc e . . — ......... ..........w h ilr : — ----------- ----

le r i l l^ : O E B K A K S TO T A K B PAET eatk>n . rW BLOOKADB OP SOVIET

i B E R U K , W V -T he Kreu* Zcltuns * ' laanu from " w e ll informed quartern ''

HZ2TA the (^rem m eat w ill in all prabability agr«« to jo in in tbe blockade o f sioviet

aadaa Bosria propoaed b y |be entente pewvn. ta a I t is aald tbe goverameat w ill lav down a . o f ecTtaia. conditioAa laaideo t -trr-itB par- t* u - Uclpatloa aad “ w in prim arily, coa- ardiag dder O erm aar’a foreign political iater- rcach-lesta wbea reacblag s deciaioa as to ita

' ftaa l a ttlta d e .”


m mAction at “fEEL STRIKE ON PROPOSALP o s tp o n e m e n t P r e v io u s ly A g rc e c

m e n t in P re s id e n t ’ s N a t io n a l In - u s G ro u p s W o r k o n E x h a u s t iv e

r ik e s

PROPOSES PLUMB 7 OTHiBR INDUSTRIESmand that organised l&bor’s pro eel strike be made an immediau 1 conference was made today bj jhairman Harry A. ^K eelor, oftei of the publio group; had proposeti ion be postponed until Thursday.

’ t Oomes as SorprlsoPostpoaemaot o f actioa oa the

rasQlatlon previously liad been agread to by the U bor and public

I ' Crotips and thA-eppodtloa o f the employers came as a stirptlse. Sam-

■'*neL Oompers, chalnnan o f the la­bor' group, who coadocted a vlgoc- ous f lg b t yesterday against send­ing the a rb ltra tloa resolatloa bade to tho committee o f flfteea , waa detained by lUaen. He was rep­resented by Frank Blorrlson, secre­ta ry o f . the Amerleaa FederaUoa o f I<abcr.On n ruIIng^ Uy Chnirmnn Lune timi

t the nArucT>*niotlo« wua une o f procotl u uro «)/« which ind iv idunl votcs'could hi 1 ennl, netiou un tho ateel feaolutioi I WHH pontponeil u n til next TUurailuy nnt

Ihe I'onferenro rcccsaod....JU>til, ftfto: ' tinon. Tho publie nnd Inl'or groupi { etoat th r ir ImUvitlunl vote* -“ fo r thi !■ nnriieh motion, .ludge Elbert IT, Gar;

boiiii! the only member o f thn puMli group tn vote w ith the employer hgninat it . ' '•

Labor Agrees to Befer A-TpiTTffrrvV irgrcoiiient wna rcnelie.

• w-lnTi'by tho h»l>or group, I t waa uu• «lentttM>il, agreed thn t the ateel atrlki

roanlutlou ahould bo. referred hack t<• 'lie rommittee to be brought iip on lh<

floor o f the eonferenee fo r netloie Tliuraduy.1 Mcimtinie tho varioua groupa w il I- work on tbe preparation o f an exhftuat ‘‘ ive nnnlvHia o f Hie enuaen u f a ll atrlkon c Cliairmitn- Lane-aaid,-and "prcprtre a'prn0 grnm calculated to nmclloroio candi1 tiona. This progrnni would be.preaeiit - |e il In' Ihe eonferenee a fto r the alei-'a tr ik o reaolution la dlspoaed of. I Greatest Single. Issue

' I CollortSve bargaining occupicd murl >i i htli-ntion in the group ga tho riun to i f tiny. Membera o f n il giuupa aald i l j prolmbly wuuld bu the greutest slugl

issue to eome beforu tho eonferenee 'T he lnl>or delcgntea regard i t na ovei jmore in ii» rta n t thnn tho aU'cl s tr ik

>• reaolution. . ." f A h « r the eoaference coavened.

It. E. Sheppartl, head o f the rail* *'{ w ay coadnctora brotherhood. Intro*

daced a resolution proposing td - partlto control o f a ll ladustrtes ex-

^ I Istlng by v lrtae o f “ public grants and monopolies.” I t la sim ilar to

I’ , the Plnmb plaa fo r management o f tha railroads fay the poblle, labor

l ' l aad capltaL r o r p rivate indostry '1 ]£ r. Sheppard proposod recognition ‘'I o f a t ig h t o f tha workera to choose

j ond th ird o f tha board o f dlrecton.] John'Spnrgo, o f the publie • group

„ I introduced a rosolullon* declaring th i , I white the ‘ * ri(;h t lo s trike should no

be nlirognted or denied,'’ i t ahould bi reatricted where atnppnge o l v ita l serv iscs nud guvcTnniontnl operutloKii nr

. involved.Farmers Make Demands

: A demand for greater ri-coguition 0 ' j llie nervirea o f thu farmera was mod

I lu a atatetnenl presented tb ro ^ h tb I employera group. Charles 8 . Barre 'l ; preaidi nt o f the fanncrn co-operativ I union, Raid U wn% prepared by five

|]feree», three in lhe employcra grou] [ jla n il two in the-public group.

Deelnring thn t the “ nel returns fo I labor, mnn.ngement nnd capital uaed I'

. fa rm ing Is today anialler lhan the rc turn In nny other great Induatry” an tha l this diaeouragemcnt baa reduce tho output o f agricu ltura l staples, tb statement aald tho eonclualona o l th

• conference eould -not Ix* permanent ui ^ leas th.'v provido fo r tho “ welfare 0 .Jl farmers,”,{ “ Ajaerleaa farxoers employ more n laborers thaa any other s ln^e la-

dostzy,” aald ths statement.' “ The nnmber o f operating farmers and

n th e ir hired employas Is greater thaa th a t o f la b o m y la a ll Indos*

c. tries combined. A a y adjestmeat r. o t la ln x tr la l wage .dlspatas to be - It foalam eataUy aDtiad aad p«m **

neat most g lre fa ll eonsldarstlea to Che relation betwean wagaa oa

a 'Am erican farma and In other is* daatxlea. Te pay h lghar wagea oa

n: tha fa rm la e r iu b ly means higher prlcee fo r fana prodttctsj*’T)ie priaeipal demanda were:

' F irst, sueh re tonu aa w ill fa irl; T'rompensnie them f«rr capital invent

'm enl, fo r tbe ir tecbaical ak lll, tbei 7 'a»anageriat a b ility and tbe lr maaxis ” j labor, nnd. a<‘eond. that they aad tbei y j families have aocial, «doeatk>aal. aa< 't jp o lit ie a l opportunities' aqaal to (bea s . |o f p<Yw>aa engaged Is o iher aetlvllle)

Agrlcattnre ea DecZtea *^'Failnre to meet these deaaada wG

r -1 reault ia a coatinuance aad* aa aoael#C«at!mwa a e T e e w T w ") ^


_________ • PBIOB n V E CBKTH

: PEJCEPIICTIN i PHESENTPOi:ed Idaho Goverrtor Warns Against In- Acceptance of Proposals ive Which IHIght Contaminate

Constitution - i-- '-DISCUSSES NEW POLICY ^

55 IN STATE GOVERNIHENTro- Asks Popular Verdict on Ad

ministration in Light of Be- (gf suits Obtained Throngh Bus­sed iness lilethodfl a y . —

Aasertlng tha t th a ' constltnttoa o f the ITBltod States had made po>-

le Bible his own tlse from poverty and ,g obscnrlty to . h is present position, ., Oovenior D. W. Davla, «r—*^"g

las t evening In thie X jtverlng thea*” tre h«r«, in respect to the proposed “ ■ league o f naUons, declared th a t be 'Z would never consent to any pro- X posal tha t “ m ight contaminate the ?: constltotlen,” and nrged hla heat'* era to - 'U h ln k and .th lak tw ice be- “ fo re fo lfbw ing o f f a fte r any new ^ is ia o r new Idea th a t' m igh t en-

tangle tu In the fotore.'■I-- *'Oovornor DaVls anoice, fo r moro thnn "

two boura,' and hold tho eloao ntton l lm ljt lo n o f hia ftudJenco o f about COO per- cod- sons throughout, bia romarka frequeni- I b u [ljr evoking .applaotfo. He w as-ia tm t lo i^ n c e d by Shad L. Ilodgin, chairman o f n n jm o ropublJcnn eounty central commit*, fto r-jteo, a fte r Boy 0 . Jones,-secretary n f )upa state and atato commissioner b f law tho enforoomeot, bbd diacnased b rie fly nja

I<>ry work In tho la tte r capacity, declaring ‘M lo^ in eooelusion that ' ‘ i f over i t were yera neooaaarj- lo net normally nnd thJnk ^ |a tro ” -'>* i t i't in tho ven^ o f 1J»19.”

P led r'a PDpTwrt to BeejamaUon ‘ Oo^tnTior Davia In his addrosa, dealt w jth fou r topics—rtc lam ntbn and th>

«»• dovelopmeht o f Idaho; operation of rik« t>,„ raulhee form o f atate government-;' t ‘> tho menneo o f un-American leaderahip, ll>o and tbo proposed loaguo o f nationa. ■

l lo n l In referejiee to Idaho dovelopmcnl j projeci. Governor Davla ' spoke' o f 'hla

w ill j w ork a t Waahington in snpport o f tho uiaf..!Jtlondeil b i l l and deeUred, ''Tdnho itf- ikoa.Tfcrda greater-opportnnitlee to her.p^>-_ prn-|*ple' tban any state I 'k h o w o f . " So ni- indl-- versified aro ber resourcea tha t sbn hn^ lent -room, not.-f(»r tbousonda, bnt fo r mJII- itei-l ions o f new eltlceaa. I believe n t th l4

moment Wfl are oa tbe. eve o f oa orn o f groat development. In the m attor o f reclamation wo have vast areas Jn

lurh tbo Bnake rive r valley, tosceptible o f to- irr ig a tio n and the water in Bnakn I! rive r to irriga te them. I t l r tho duty

uglc o l ovory c ltltcn o'f tho Bnake r ive r re- nro. gion to put his shoulder to the wheel )r«.i oad osolst in overy poaaible way in thi* r ik ij project now pot forward; The bail4*

In ^ o f the Amorican Falls dam is th.< d. ■ M lotion o f the reelamation problem In u l Idaho. I t Is my intention to do cvcry- o. th lag In my power to brlng-tibout t*!'; l i . b tiild ing o f the American Palla re'acr.X‘ v o ir ao tha t the remainder o f tbe Snake ts r ive r valley may bloaaom aa tho Twin to Tails eonatry blogaoms.*-'9f Ho considered I t un like ly tb a l the

(Ooatiaoed oa Paga Plve)

LmiiolMT£ I.W.iyFFlGEe

I Propaganda Headquarters in a Ohicago Now Bears Warn, lode ing Placardthe ______ ,

ro ll, CHICAGO, (/P>—An J. W. W. pro- >tivu pnganda hcadquartera >eeently open<-d

in South Chicago loday bore n placanl roup “ stay away from South Chleago” anH

waa empty o f tbe literature It ha.l fo; housed. Two hundred men, Ine lud ln ii'

d in a namber o f diaeharged aoldiera, laal ' rc- n ight the hall, drove out an'l tbo aecretary and pitched tho bookv aa-1

ueed pamphleta in to the street where gaao- tb,- line waa poured oa them and then art the afire . .un- ■“ ■


ire ____i?* GARY, ix n . , y p y -M U lta ry a-ulhn-l-^

tiea and federal agenta declared today that Alexander Ivanhoff, radiral lea<’ -

" «r and ch*« i» t form erly employed-lu ^ tbe local alert m llU aad alleged maker

o f the M ay <lay aad Chieago postoffiee ^ bombs, i t not ye t nnder atreal. He la ^ being aougbt aa tbo reault,o f informa-."

tlon «aid te hare b « » given tbe fed- eral authoritiea h r Aaton Ooraki, whn

®* H under aireat.“ Convinced th a t fvaaho ff baa fle d ,

frtwa Gary, the tederaV aa tboritie* to-.-' day tranaferred tbe lr aeareb fb r the* radical leader to Chicago, where dea- *

lix ly eas q f department « f re^t- tu to rs are .reported te foBow isg ' ;beir dewaiaual - Federal ageata backed _by ,_teoep«-; [heir M dT to d a r mad* £enr more raida «a aad o in d fe a T leaden here U w h ie b .

boie abont tw en ty peraona wara ta ke * ' jatt- «aatody. S ix are being held. ’ H i*< aaid tha t fa rthe r evideaee waa-. taiaed la theae ralda e f tlM aBagaiT-.-

w tB p jo t fo r aa 'sp risU ir o f aag fa ls la • OMl- altbongb CoL W. 8 . Ifapea aad o tE jk^

e ff id a ls da«}lM d.t0 dlaeosa the dataO d ^ - p t tk * MriSsMkSatf o b ta lM l. ' .

1 _ • ••

Page 2: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE


Propaganda Circulated at Gary Urging Workers to Establish Dictatorship Draws Rre in Senate

W ABHliJOTON, (/P)-R ovoiu llonnry propaganda clrcuIatcd In Onr.v, rn<l.v urRinjf atoel workora to revo lt and o9- tabMsh a dictatorship, drew f ire In thn sonato Tuoiday. Senator fhomaii', democrat. Colorado, aasortlnjr the atoel Btrikora had no griovanco in hia atato but woro fig h tin g fo r nationalization o t tho atoel Induatry.

Senator Tliomaa quoafioncd tho need fo r a .resolution by Sonator Poindox- ir r , republican, Waahlngton,. a*k!ng why. tho dopttTtTOcnt o f .iuaticp had nol proceeded agninat circulaeora o f pro* paganda fo r fo rcefu l overthrow o f tho Rovomnient.’ I f n iitjonn lirjition o f tho

'ntocl induiitry wn* deairnblr, he aaid, — it could bft aceompliahed a t tho poll/,

but i f nn inquirj* wna n-tidc It ahould nlso dotermino why tho I. W. W. wna not proceeded ngainat a t ita ineoption.

Menacgg B n t in Oountry Senator Poindexter deelarod.. thorc

wila ample proof thnt (Uo rovolntios* ary movement waa not confined to Onry; but menaced tho entiro countrj*.

“ I t hns ample funda,” ho aald, "a n d Byatomnfie organlzatton. I boHovo tho

- I'ovornment -ahonld take vlgorpua ac* Jion to auppreaa nnnrchy. I f tho gov* ornment conlinuM an nttitudo o t ml- pine Inaction thore la real danger thnt tho government w ill fa l l . "• Renator Pbmorene, democrnt, Ohi%

Knid hta .information waa tha t atriko lendera wero holding out the Inducfl- ment tha l tlio plants would aoos bo in the, employea hnnda aa a meana o f ge tting them to remnin in tho union*. '

Adda to L lv ln s Oetta Senator Poindexter luiul strik ing

longahoremori. a t ' Now -York had hold up food ‘ ‘ and ovorytliing else except Colonel Houao'^a baggago.” I f thoir demands wore granted, ho aaid, i t would give them abnnlute contro l' o f Iho ir employment, while ahipownorfl would havo u« volcc.

E ro ry atriice. ho ndded, ' inrreruiad iho eost n f liv in g fanter thnn the nt* (orney general eonld reduce i t .


Leaden e f Oonsdcctloiu Obiecton K aklB g Troabl« a t A le a tn s Bead '

Bi)>Ie u d Drop Taotles

SAN FBANCISCb. Ont., (A V -The find ing o f a pasaago in , the Bible rft- e to tly ted Frank £ Harris o f Deiir^V Colo., and Jesso F. Blake o f Pike Springs, A rk . ,to abandon a “ prison s tr ik e * ' a t the United States dladplin-

. a ry barracka on A lcatraz Island, San Prancisco bay, the federal priaon o f f i­cials aald.

Tho two men, aaid to havo been load­ers amonir a group o f “ conaclontlous objectors*’ confined on the island who bnd refused lo work, said they dropped (he lt tTouble-maklng tactic* wben they notod th ia passage In Bomana X I IL veraes 1 and S:' “ L o t every sout be subject unto tbo

higher powera. Por there la 310 power but o f Oodj the powera Ihat be are - o rdained 'o f God.

“ Whosoever therefore realateth tKe power, reaiateth the ordinance o f God; , and tbey th a l realat aball receive to ihcmselvca dtunnatioo*"


CHICAOO, (/P)r—Huit fo r divorce on ' the grounda o f crue lty and in f ld e liiv wns filo d yeaterdny ogainst . AdolpJ. Ucrmer fo r three yenra nnlionnl seere tary o f the social party, by .Mrs, Mabel l«a Ruo Germer. Germer recently rv Higned aa sccretarj*, saying ho boUex'cd he could be o f more aorxice lo th:* I’lir ty in tho rank and file . ,


WASHI.VGTOX; (Jp) - Secreta.-..- Ginas rotommeinled lo eon;;rcsa Tuen- j .Iny aa nppmprintion o f rJO.OOO.OOO fo j I'nabte the fe<icrnl l>oard fo r voeational fra in ing to carrj* out the puq>oses o f the v o n tio n a l trn in ing net.

Stndy the ad: Ihat .von mav know I "..•r^bsodising Taloes.

Choice Farn142 acres, 3-4 mile ea

Highway, all good l&nd, i ed th woven wire; in hi, aD in pasture and alfalfa wild oaU. Good five r< rdom house, one two i smoke house, granary, t deep well, eleetrio light i orchards.

a o o v T E & B IS T O T l




Story o f S«eond DlvlJdon S v r le e t O r erseM. Being CompUad; CO:toM

Senre ss M aettog Place

NBW YOBK, H istorians an

S very busy thoao daya « t '5 I2 F if th ave nuo, tfao newly-opcaofl he^qnartora oi the. Sttcon.d D lv la lo ti oasoeiatian, thal organization o t o x * (O g u ^ fo m ic rij commanded-by M a jo r Genoral John' A

icy Lcjeunc, w r itin g up u d illu s tra tin g IU 'figh ting rccord which, i t was announc

1311 ed today,, la to ftp|>ear in. book I ’orm . about January Lin Tbe officea yrete opened hero fo r the

addiUonat pncpoae,'It is-sa id ; o f on- !nblinir <he votcrana to 'keep in touch

• ' w ith tke lr old “ b u d d ie s " whoae flra t nry annual^ reunion w il l be held Tn Chicngo i<l-V In ■^oVo4ibeTr*"Captaitt Jamea Sharp 09* fo rm e rly ' o f the S3rd InfantTy, :ia u U19 ;^a rgo . General Lojenne ia praaldenl “>a> ;of tho organixation, B rigadier Genoii: Ofl Proaton Brown ia vice-president, and ato jtja jo r 0. Beekroaa Hoppin, o f 48 Wall Ion fllreol, is secretary. , , iESI mCGERS ST IKElidrnn .Lumber Workers of Northwest 1. Demand Minlmnm Wage of

■ flPOKANK, Wash., (/P)—Lumber ® W orkers’ Induatrin l Union No. 500, In- >'•, dustria l W o rke r* .o f tho Worid, bnve

cnlled. n s trike in logging camps in eastern Wuahingtoii, norihorn .Idnbo and western Montnna, according to nd- vlrea received boro.. The prim nry cnuso fo r tho ,»triko, U wns said, waa a raise lo »1.25 a liny Io r board;

I Other denmnda o f the lumbor work- era inuludo roleaso o f a ll '*elasa war prisouera,” Immediate w ithdrawal o f

. troop* from Russia, inlnlmnm 'wage f ncnle o f a day not ntoro than I I a

. - dny fu r board, e ight hours from camp lo cnmp, froo blanUcts, sheets n n d .p il­lows, bntli house, d ry roofn and wash- room be furniahed aovon days a. wook; rlgh^ o f froo spcocirT" froe jrrb rt and froe Afisomblnge, n il nien bo hired on

. f tlie job nnd not through employment officea uud nu dlserim inntiou ngnlnst

0* union .” A circular 'auonymously distributed . cnlled on tho tim ber workers to striko.

A workingmen’s hotel was picketed here today l>y memlors o f tho union nnd offorta were, mndo to provenl mcn

• leaving omployment offieos fo r jobs ii- tho Avoods.


Anerlcan Hember o f inter-AUied Oom- m latlon O oufen w ith Polk

PARIS, (/P>— Piorpont B. N’oyes; ^ member o f tho inier-allU’d

Bbineland-comn>i»si«n,-inoafMrod w ith ■ Fm nk L . Polk, liend o f the American

delegation lo. the ponce conference horo Tuesdav. Their conversation concerned

■ Ihe atatUR o f (bo occupied aroa o f Ger* mnny whirh may bo le ft w ithoul either e iv il or m ilita ry government whea tho

, form nl complotion o f the 'Vcrsnllba ' trenty w ithout American pnrtlelpatlon• brintrs the armistice ngreemmt to >1

eonelnsion. The BKinelnnd convention whlcIi creates a e iv il eommisaion w ith R ritiah, Frcnch, American and Belgian

*• member", sllpulotea thnf nil four na- tion* mual dcHlgnate their'members bA- forn the eommisaion rnn funrtlnn.

M ilitn ry government over the ter- ™ r ito ry must end w ith tho nrml.itice nnd

lbe peaee conference is encountering d iffie u ltle ii in devising nn.Interim gov

'» emment pending Amerienn rntifiention.

Slore advertiaing serves the peo}>ie who buy. I t is nol interesting, o f i ' self, to those who rarel.v buy anv-

B Ihing. It is not mereiv Int'erestint; hut v ita l to Ihe^s fo r tbe homo*. Kor It U a guljle nnd a servlee to them.

J. - -7 . ’ ----- ---- r =

: D E L C O -U G H T, T W Eteetiic LIgte «ad

.Pewvr.PUatSaves UmB-^lO to £0 honn par I woek on chorea alene.

D. 0. WATSON 00.Tw in Falla. Id a te

sg 8 s a = s ',.. r

in for Sale!]east of Bauson, on State i, fenced and cross feno- high state of cultivation; fa except forty acres; no room house,, good fonr

> room house, ooncretd , tool house, large bam, t and powcr, two family



J ra'lfllitI A . ' _______ ..

Tercpr Inspired by Rumor is orm Ascribed by Refugees to Viv- tbs id Memory of Cruelties Dur- ^ ing Balkan Wars ■Irs t ' ■■ '■ 'ago NAPLES, (flV-Tbousands o f A lb i* nrp nlans aro fleeing from Ihe lr homos In

^ fear o f tho ocenpation o f tbo ir land by [ent the Greeks, aeeording to*, lbe atatementa

o t refugcea who have rcachoil thia c ity and -^ay o f B rind is i, on (lio lr wny to

the Unitod Statea. iTse te rrito ry where tho oxodus is deaeribed as tak ing place is mainly, that o f southeasler'i Albania, near Kortcha, whoro tbo'Amoricnn mis­sionary, Pbinoaa B. Kennedy, resides, or K o r itu , whleh is a t present undor Krcneh r a i l l ta ^ control. The move-

» ment, howcvor, fs snid to be e rtcn d in j from tho Greek- border ns fa r oa Elbna-

* win. Somo weeks ngo I t was rumored _ that tho Greeks wore to-take po8 ios.iion

o f tb r eountry, and tbe resultant terror o f tbe Albaulnns is oseribed by tbo nifiigites lo the ir v iv id , memory o f tho Greek crucltles durlng tho Balkan wan.

The inhabitants nro moving iu two mnin stronma; ono townrda th e -Ita lb n

jjp f port o f Avlona>.:to the aouthwcst, and Jg. lho oUior northward towards Burazxo/

The mnrehanta, i t Is declared, have {„ closed thalr-sbopa aod factories^ and

tlio richcatJiave,joinod tho pdor in tho Q,j. panic to escape, the to ta l number

amounting -to tens o f thouaaods. Tho Tbo Amoricnn Bod Cross a t Avlona hna boon appealed td fo r aheltor by many o f the., refugcea, many n f whom

fa r ‘ inploro-Amoricnn Intorvenli'on in the ir o t I" '" !- -

BRITISH PREMIER’S WIFE Z WORKS FOR PROHIBITIONBh. ______,k- Mrs. David L loyd Oeorge Appeals to Q(] Glasgow Women to Make Campaign on Againat D rin k a Sqccom .

LONDON, ( ff)— M m . Dnvid U oy 1 Goorgo, w ifo o f the B ritish premier, ia :

, tnking n prominent hnnd in the pro'. b iU tlon eninpalgn, nddTcaslng n meet- ,.,i ing o f two thouaand women nl Gian-

“ KOW yesterday. . —® Dlnp.itcly.'* ructfived here «|Uote Mrs.' -Lioyd Oeorge as nnylng the ancceas of

llie oum)>nign depended upon women.1 “ I l ia the duty o f vromen -to help thi> vlctima o f aleoholisin fr^'home us

iP »t «vns lo help Ibe vIetims o f Prus- Hilvnlam In Belgium five yonrs ngo,"

“ ■ ^ d George in re]>)trted to hnvo :

"Scotland is on the uve o f u great 1 enmpalgn and next yenr Ihc eyes of. Icnipornnco reformers throughout the 1 world w ill be focused on Scotlrtnd. I f

l*b ScotUnd is won, the v ictory w ill be a , grent stimulus to tho worid to do Uk.- wine." ed _________>


CINCI.VNATI, O., </P>~Porelgn mis- sions w ill o c ^ p y the attention o f delc-

*' gates' to tbe 'ltnuua l eonvoDtlon o f the Disciples o f C h riit foday, the Rev. ArcbUmld MeLvan, p^^*ldent^ ivrrald-

"» In,:,’ '*■ Aside from the regular - convention,

members o f the board o f education o f 'the Disciples o f Chrlal, w ill meet to diseus* the inter-ehnreh world move- ment, nnd the plnn lo rniae a b illion dollnrs fo r the benefit o f n il miaslon-

*'■ nry, benevolent and educntioiml agm= eles- of Protestant eburches o f 'Atnerl- cn nnd its tcrrildTiee.

lie M 11 , ■i ' Vou mar rest assured o f this: t f kIV- merchant uses a fu ll page n f space inat; which lo le ll atore new* whleh could»»• have been told In n eoTumg, be fa ils«• either to serve or to p ro fit. ' Tf he_ uses s column wheti he nrede.t a pag*

be makes an fven greater blunder. '


I A S erv iiI to the ^

3 >S a v in g is no longe

o r fa m ily m a tte r— i t na tion .

The w a r has shov the re is o n ly so mnc w ool in th e w o r ld an

I these th in g s someon w ith o u t them .

I t is the same w it l sources. E ve ry d o lla i

I ban k goes to b u ild p ro s p e r ity fo r a ll.



: C0MPUCITT INRI0TS Ir . H e w ip e p e r- ,B a 5 G y T i*n t8 -Jn ',dell •

. wtiaa flbo«n '0 «a wittL tW d i Ha Is •L - ■ A lIe g ^ to 'HaTS 8 t t ^ • - • ' ^

* 1 O M AUA, Neb.» (/p jrrLeoaard, W«Cr' r n .ster, .advertishlg d e s ir in g a rtis t, ,ar*L S rested. Monday n igh t fo r inyeetlgatlon I . I in eonneetlon w ith 'th a ' lynehing o f

W ill Ditown, negro',.burning .o f the .

r - d^yn ch la g o f 1of, Septeaber I

28 , 'h a s eonfessed hla eompUeity, .a ^ cn v - -cordiog to the ch ie f o f de^etlvos. xl „ _ When shown.the gim w ith which he 1'U r - u alleged- to have s truck . thff mayor 1

over the head,: W «bstw -*ried “ Tha t's 1 it,'.* tben fa in ted in h t t eelL ; SeverilShota bad-been fire d o tit o f-th e gun t

i lM - -whicli . Webster ! • M ld . to h*T» con- 1f feased he fire d in the body o f tlio no* t

gro. . . *enta Webster la employed by the Ooab'a t

W orid-Herald and la alleged by pollee t' ^ to hava taken the gon from the. desk 'here ^ f anothor oapleyo o f tho paper. *iiiiB lw 'g BamOFENGtlSHNIEq!!-ed A d m ir a t io n E v o k e s B e c o n n tin s r p .lion o f C n ia ra o te r is t io A c ts a i id .

T h " ;, LONDON, V P H A t about the age o f .

two A dm ira l I x rd i^ re s fo rd whoso aud* don' death England la stUl mourning,

and 1 ^ ^ *’P Intoxleatlng drinks,“ Since I have given up wine, spirits and b o o r," he said sometime after* w a ^ , ."J ^ fln d I ean do as much work

, 1, . in* im>rc,"physically and mentally, than I eould when I waa 20. I laugh a t the

rm,« M owns' o f l lfo ooually w ith tho ‘ ups’ i r ® and always feel

hv "O u r C ha rile ," as Brltlshora affec- lom tionately referred to Uiolr spa hero,I t wasn’ t 0 prohibltionlat, hoWever. Ho

struck tho keynote o f Wa attitudo to ­ward prohibition whon, a t the age o f 28, lie mado his maiden apeech io tliU) nouso ot Commons, ' quoting the ro- fra in : ( .

“ Confound th e ir eyes . I f ovor they trios

,To rob a poor mnn o f his beer.” ;^ Askod when a boy what ho wuuld

- -llko to bo. bo said ho wanted to bo a n , Qy.l ndmirsl ‘ ' l ik e N e lson ." So a t 13 hoi . entered tho navy as a cadet -5, 0 .- ■ Ho was* a n 'a ll round sportsman and oot- erct^Ucnt b a « r . Onco whon a young

mnn ho bnd an argument w ith a cab. man. “ I ’l l f ig h t yoo fo r the fa rr

,fM. his lordship proposed. “ D ono," said I o f the cabby, climbing doWn w ith alacrity >n. from his perch. Lord Boroaford lelp vcrely bandied. I t developed thnt t h ­

an cabby was a former middle weight rus- ehathplon. ' • - •o , " Two years ago, a l a luncheon, Lord nve B^resford oxelnlmed, " U c re ’s a p rc tiy

atnto o f a ffa irs ." Ho pointed to an in-1 •oat scription on the under side o f hia plnte

of' which “read, '* Factory, Weldon, Gcr- the man.v.’ ’ • •I f ‘ ‘ Wo hnve actually, ’ ’ he cried, ‘ ‘ boen

c a dining o f f German p la te s l"Thore was a crash o t chinaware as

the diners, led by Beresford, smashed the ir plates on the. floo r and ground

j j g llio fragments under heel.

Bin. Lele-

^ P H ILLC Oion,

ofto w i l l d e l iv e r S b o x e s o r

iVii m o re o f o n lls a n y w h e re in th e c i t yen- ,

‘ 50c P e r Boxf . aid P le n ty o f D e t ic io u s O tiUs U ll.5: $ 1 .5 0 P e r Box

iceNationn g e r o n l y a p e r s o n a l — i t i s a s e r v i c e t o t h e

h o w n e v e r y o n e t h a t | r m c h w h e a t , m e a t o r a n d t h a t b y w a s t i n g

s o n e i s o b l i g e d t o g o ■

v i t h a l l m a t e r i a l r e - l l a r d e p o s i t e d i n t h i s j

i l d u p b u s i n e s s a n d1- ■ ■ f


|i .

:;s DAILYNEWS *enPEsripyiiiirHorses KiBed Sn Action Eagerly

Pounced Upon as Heat Supply

..P A B IS , (ff>^Aniorieaa..Bed Crosa relie f- men jna t re to rn ^ here f>om Budapest te ll a harrowing s to iy o f the extremes to which tbo c iv il population were reduced, when tbe Bolshevik and Bumanian armies- atmggled .fo r the inastery o f the c ity and staple food aupplies disappeared from the market.

As the troops swept 00 , leaving b«* hind them cavalry aad a rtille ry horses k ille d in action, men, and women from the' Bndapeat anborbS, made desperate b y priva tion , deseended npon the bat­tle fie lds and vied w ith one another fo r the meat aupply thus made available. They feU opon the carcasses, cutting a w a y chunks o f meat w ith ' posk'et* knives and..cloavors, and carrying them o f f wrapped in old pew ^p e rs .

Onl.r (.niperty wbb-li lit iindeslraMe o r too high prieed should ever<.bo tea- antlflM. Tenants nre .found Ihrough elasaifled adveriis ijig fo r aOOU HOUSES OR APAETMENTS, i ig W j : prired. r ‘

- BEAD TH E D A IL 7 N E W a

/m m •

JfDIIAMiH Br ^ England and H U mand for Diamon i l H of the supply. *

IB M So uncertain a:IV n Europe, ohanging| l l | | week,to week, th ■■Niln i l looked upon kindl;■■Um dium for Intemat;

■ M lW Diamonds Uve I H S m are easily carried;

verted into cash i fected by untfsua war or peace.


Buy a DIAMOND from ns> tod bring it back one year from dat< you paid for it in cash with fi


In the short apace of three moo ns. Why not select a diamond on it and we will hold it until O to jndge diamonds for the ask


~ KING-’S VISIT SIBNIFICANT, r T bp t o . P s A ' i l a y S s V e '-B w ti ig ’ on L F r o b d h S p s ^ VoneosB qnssUoa

'S>ABIS»: ( / i ^ I n y i«F oifr the present I - e a m ^ g n by the S pu iah«V Bettfemont o f the Preneh-Spanish, M.i

roeean qnestion, the eoming v ia lt 01* the k in g o f l^ a in to th is d t y ia w tu lu g considersblQ_£9mffi«ttt^ The fa e t (h n

„ former Premier .Bomanpnes, a rrived ia ! : Paris yesterday nlso is >:egsrded as sit;- - I® n ifle sB t.” WhUe K in g A l f o ^ la. coming i.i

France Ineognilo.'lt is pointed ;OUt thn ? the name o f 'f th e Dnke of- Ib le d o ”

tmder which he is traveling, ia an " o f - f id a l incogn ito ," , is : tha t name n

^ adopted ^ .the .Ikihg; whenever, be IJI; travels In .io re iffi wnntJiea.,ItnteIt* ! « ■ .


” ....., ^ ^ B fu c a n n s o /u n s in R iQ o n B B

> i..r f tnN ■■iisr«> a a g t .,) u ! C K


lONDSln d F ra n c e th e d e - ||H |1lo n d s is f a r a h e a d l ^ H


. a re c o n d it io n s ih .lHHIi g a s th e y d o f r o m . jlH It h a t i t is e a s y to I IMia m o n d s h o u ld be l l l l | | 'i d l y a s .a s a fo m e - J l B y ;la t io n a l S e c u r ity . l | B r |

e f o r o e n t t ^ e a a n d .f j ^ m l |d ; a re r e a d i ly c o n - Ah a n d a re n o t a f - H t K K t lu a l c o n d it io n s o f

NOT LO SEIPOSITION;o d a y , w e a r i t a w h o le y e a r , la te o f p u rc h a s e ; re c e iv e w h a t f iv e p e r c e n t a d d e d .

iEMYBliSINESS i. V WONDSlo n th s C h r is tm a s w i l l b e n p o n Qd n o w ; p la c e a s m a ll d e p o s it 1 C h r is tn m s . B o o k le t o n h o w J k in g .


- — ' ' " . - J

r , , •

;.-OTD»TO>fT,. l i t m m WtlMS.

Page 3: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE

B f f ir foiitaflInvestigatorof Shi uilding in ■ America, China and Japw

Sounds .Warning Note at

IO in )0 N ,.W V -8 1 f ScrbBrt Eowoll, P « ^ ™ t o M lio B r i l i .h Bhlp.

w inf to n A four-monthB'

to f l f .o f .tho; w m d „e u tc 6 , Japan and O U,,ln jr^«O Tto,..shipbuild ing in tho^e c o a n ty , says ho , Ib ' convinced

--< '‘*«>^ho,t G / ^ a t 'B r i t a i n h o l d its own• fo f

' l>romacy,6rily,*l^ oxehiog. every ounceo f iU energy aind l?roliuu

“ W blla In 'A m o r iu , " ho •a y « .,V I * ' foU in tho midat o f clrcum:

stoneeo which cdavey6d conelM voly to Biy mind n .roa l.iw tep tiaU tyLbo fb la ahipbtiilding and. ahlppWniag.' I can-

not diapol from my mlnd.tUo poMibiJ-• I ty o f ierloua, r iv a lry in tho futuro

wbon I nfctnra -tho tia iifo rm a tio n which h id taken place la Amerieo. •'

“ I w»s sarprUed to fin d tha t 8hlp~ « .build ing in China and Japan woa ao fa r

advanced.* Whea C hina. awnkeaa we ahall have another oorioufl r iv a l to face.

“ Japan,” he nya , “ haa not devol* oped her ahipboildlng induatry in ' tbo samo degree aa the United. Statea, ja q jr a a te f i i f '}# hof groateat noed oad d if ­f ic u lty ia ehipbuilding and, in addi* lion , 4he Japaneae have ao t gob com- n o r ^ eatarprlse ia the aame degno as the Americans. Generally apenking, the Japaneee w ill not riak tbo ir monry na the A tne tie tM J».>»


W in T a k e P la o e o n O rid U ro n f o r : F iT B t T im e in F i f t e e n

Y e a ra

SALT L A K E C ITY, UTAH , (/P>—A l­though not in tho Bool^y Mountain oon-

• forrnco. tho Mormon achoola o f Utah 'Will enter footba ll J^^ain,tbla yoar and what gamea they may p lay ' w ith the TJnlveralty o f Utah and U ta h 'A ^ c u l- tura l college teama promlao to bo bard

, ' touRht. .Thl» is tho f lra t t la o fo r 15 .vrnra the ; Mormon achooU hovo per' m itted footbnll playing, tho gamo hav­ing boon atoppca because o f Ua rough* ncna. Brigham 'Y oua jf -Unlvoralty .a t J*mvo and. Brigham Young collcgo nt Logan wUI put teama in tbe fio ld thia year and i t ia like ly a tonm a t tho La tter Day'Baints* eoUcRe, hore,-.HiU

-make Ua appearance.• • Vonr oulok roaponae to advantage*

oua nfferings earried in tbe a^a mokes {I possible fo r the nerchant to mak« trbro u d more o f thea .

A p to fiteer eoald not make adver­tis ing pay—no moro than a bnrglnr coutd popn la riu . his calling throogh ixh'crtis lx ig iL




. I




T v rb m ta velvet, tu r te u l> | bMver and i« rliaB > -ia -t«p -p ta iB r

■lorteAa. Caaer tvt^aaa aad t«r> tetta vkleh really a reat tv fe u a a t all. a»« la fait asd wl»-tar bat k h o ^ Abotm la ahowa i t m oC th* a a ^ ^ a l a r aedala, , (ha akacch a>ort%K • attek-«»

. whiab -adds K lg b t (o U * : -a h ttk r * w ai -ftalow to a

ChiT Tttra*.

.. T o d a y ^

fl B O P iii: viCKiiei

a t L e a d e r o t Y a n k s P a s t T w o S e * . .SODS t o B a v e O h o n o e A g a in ,

. , ■; i i H 9 a o ;

I fT O ■V pB K ;(Bp«rj.l)--M lM nr l i i g r in iaaa.^9 « the ’Vaitkvci

.In 1020, , 41 1 . nimocs. o f., a .posaib<>: m j ch o n ^ in tho. loadenhip of- the Nbw

York,Am ericans woro silenced .yeptor ^ doy.'pfifcn OoWnel.Jacob'tt'inport, pros- ^ idci>t%-f'ib'o.elub. %nnouu^od thkt*^i|ie ■II. i>opp«y'U ttle ’ manager hororo leaving jge for. Ilia Boimo la Cineinnnti las! Wed-

ncflSay, ia f l a lgnqd.o contract tb r next V'<i season. 'T h n i w m t1>o extmtt o f the iloj. aaaouneoa^ont, no mention being mado (q as to sU a iy and no word as to v/hcthor

tho,manager had discnssed any roiiteni- plated changes In, the iiorsonnol o f th r

(,jj. YonKeo team fo r next year. ' urc T h ird OhoncaIon I t wUi be M inor Huggins' th ird sea*

son na idildor o f 'th e local American ‘ P- Leagu<r team. He took np tho roina o f f^ r tnonagemeot in tho spriag o f 1918 and

Immediatoly negotiated sevoro] trades CO- tha t bronght D e rrill P ro tt, omong oth- oi" ers, to the club. P ta tt f ille d aerepta- t*” * b ly a apot in tho Yankee in flo ld th a t W had always been weak. Tho team look-

od liko a championship contender fo r -a < i* whllo bu t the pltehera fe ll o f f badly, m- whilo mauy o f the othor regulors were < 0 collod away in tho army d ra ft. I t was

no yoor iu which to judgo Huggins’ worth fo ir ly , nor tha t o f any other managoT, fo r tha t n a tte r , fo r tho w ar

. waS 'Znaking continuous inroads and breaking up a ll attempts a t team play.

V The Yanks finished fourth in the stand- O ing.

P ltc ie rs FoU ftr T ills season Huggins, favored by

atrong pitch ing and o healthy teain ap lrlt, carried tho club in to tho lead In the early aummer, but the «qua«l could not atond prosperity and began

11- to drop behind rapidly. ^ Bhowkoy and la- Thomahlcn, who h ^ 'b o e n pitching oh wonderful ba ll, lost effeetlvoncss sud- ad denly, and simultaneously Ernie Shore, he who hod been counted on heavily, prov­al- ed practica lly useless a lt season, and rd i t was a Juelcy thing fo r tho club thar

Jock Quina and Carl Moys were able sr' to hold the team in tho f irs t division. IV* In tho la tte r weoks 8 linwkoy and,Tbor- >n* mahlen recovered the ir oarly season ttt form and tho Yankees finished w ith o <}t 'surprising show o f strength, beating JW the Detro it Tigors out fo r th ird 1)1060. “ ® Huggins w in bo confrrtited noxtsea-

son w ith tbo tosk o f strengthening tho catching dopartmont, o f developing o

^ substitute fo r F rank lin Baker, who w ill g, probably moke good his threat to ro­l l , t ire from bosoboll, and o f discovoriag,.

purehoslag or dovelopiag aaother g o ^ outfielder. Tho pitching s ta ff, desplto

)r- o lapse th is aooson, looks strong, now nr tha t tho Yonkeos w ill bavo'Tho'sorvices {h o f Cori Mays to begin tho 1820 cam­

paign w ith .

“ B a s e b a ll G iv e s -Country P ro fit

W o r ld S e r ie s P a y s F o r tu n e in W a r T a x o n B e d S o x

' T ic k e ts

CHICAOO; (/P)~.S>oriy iu» mueh money was paid to tho United States oa war tax as accrued to tho club owners '•f cach o f lho teams thnt particlpatcJ in the rcccnt w o rld ’a aeries.

For tho eight games, $73,£39 was paid to the govornmrnl as wnr tax, .wUUe Charles A, Comlskoy o f tho Chi­cago White Sox, and Oarrj* Herm ann o f tho Cincinnati Rods, got approxi­mately #95,000 cach.

P rom .tha t amount, i t is stated, i t was nceessdry to deduct the vxpcn^erf

. o f precling temporary seats, players’ sal.'tries, the rosi n f trnn 'iporllng (hc>

. playefs from 'on" «*ifr 10 the-o th rr and the ir hotel b ills , leaving what th<s - clubs retained ..tu 't ubout ns much n< went to the government.^ P O B T B AO AINBT ADOPTION


LON|>ON, {/P>—The royal commis- . (ion which has been considering the

poMiblUty o f introducing the decimal , system ia to th is country has rrporled that i t would be unwiso to adopt the plan n f deeimallxing the sovereign. This, says the report, would lead to great disturbance in soclol and indus­tr ia l circles. I t added tha t a ll the schemes suggested would lead to the abandonment o f the sovereign' as a standard and working un it o f interna- titm al exchange, and therefore would be fraught w ith rbks.


I NEW VOKK, on board th.«Fabfp' line stcAmer Vcn-'tfa roport--!

I on f ire in mld-orrnn, hnv<- been res­cued b r the X in ra ra o f the Freafu

1 line and are oa Ihc ir wnv to Ilordean*.; France, nerordins to .-1 n-l.nved wirelewK ineiuiage reeolt-ed a t H.iUfaT nnd fr>r warded here.



EMPIRE AUTO SHOP ED. GEOBGE, P r o p r le lo r


1 7W-W TB W

910. . • ^

'S S p o r t i i l

'B r ie f B i ^ f S p o r t■ Over In Buhl thoy aro koeping prot-

j ^ l ty mum obout moro “ raaslia*', match-

m ^ U ^ ly ^ o n o

5- '^ Sim 'Smiley, sagobrush sage, soy»: ^ “ A in 't seen suoh a '^ s i lg ite d se t-o f

female Personages ia ono-pla«e alnce Carry Nation was tried in Butto fo r ahootin' up a saloon w ith o hatchet, aa is collected In Tw ia Falla righ l

ii-cs boautlfu l, to o ."1^''’ Harry McTaguo, I rb h middlowcrght •<>w boxer, baa been mntchod fo r a bout ‘ O'" w ith • Hnrry. Orcb. Tbo battio w ill ho roa- 15 rounds aad w il l he pulled o f f »;> |p o Dnyton, Ohio tonight.

'cd* A drastic changt hns been made in oxi thoomenlorship' o f the Grixxlios. Naf- tho’ t ig e r hns boea rolievcd o f tespomdbii- ado ity and George Donman w ill t ry and hor fotch tho eleven out o f despond’s eni- slough from tbia timo on. the . "

TKe change mny not holp n whit,' but there/la always a ehance. Team­

work, in addition to catabllshmont <>f 0®* rules o f tra ining tbo t must” no t, be

broken, w ill holp a lo t. M ateria l seems ^t&-Hfb tliero all righU

dos ~^^R nay Kilbane, champion foather- ith- weight, hos been offered a match )ta- w ith Joo Leonard o f Brooklyn. The bat porso is ISOOQ,

Hero's a chance fo r tho Ir ish tA J fig h t. A Now York ath le tic club baa I.M offered a porso io r a match botwoon

M iko O ’Dowd nnd Young M iko Dono- .


- V iM M B IlIJ lN C E :S t. P a u l Com eB B a o k a n d E v e n s

a™ U p S oore w i t h V e m o n f o r a<i O ro w n ,on ------^ jnd WASinNOTON P A B K , Loa ^n - j ng geles, {<¥)—St. Paul yeaterday ovcnoi id- up the scries w ith Vernon fo r tho wesl- ro, cm minor league championship, win->v- ning the sixth gnme, 5 to 0. D ic^ ind Niehnus pitched nn even gnme througn- ]lar out, nllnwlng Vernon oinv 0 scattered ,>le hits. Three hurlcrs, Finneran, Hom j>n. nnd Promme were upld by tho Tigers ,3f . ngninst the v is ito rs .V o rn o n fillo d the ,on teases in the sixth,.inning on two h its ')

and an error, but fa iled io «cor» ,Bg . ** ---ee- O B A K D O lK C U iT . ]50- ----------- ,ho ATLANTA, ■ OA., (ff»p-ye8torday '0 1

o grand circuit racing a t Lakewood i ’111 track hero waa signalised by a spec- I ro- tncular bnttlo between Co* and Mur-

P^y> piloting rospoctlvely McGregoir od tho Oreat and Mfttlondale, fo r a purse ( Ito o f 12,200 in tho 2:14 class tro ttin g 1 )w ovent, the tnaln one on tho card. Tho i :ea honors went to Cox in atraight heats, i m- Ooera started his Mamio Locke In ,

this race, hut his protege broke so badly near the ha lf mile post ir i tho 'f ir s t heat that she was distanced.

, Marlondalo made the Cox horso fig h t ^ [ f o r every inch o f ground. The he«t

timo o f tho mooting 00 fa r wns reade I— ia the second heat when McOrcgor 1“ clipped o f f the mile in 2:00 1-4.

Louis Oratton. driven by B. Flem­ing won the S:0:t pace In three slrnight heats, from a fie ld o f fou r starters.

;h second money going to S ettle Black- m, lock, piloted bv Wnlker. Best tim r r , 2:01) 1-4..J Tho other event today w as.n S:1A

class tro t in which only sonthem horses started and was won by H orry

X, 3 , an A tlanta owned chestnut horse, li- driven l?y Bartley. Best tim e 2:14 1-4.

‘1" OLUTTOK FOR F U N im M E N T1X18- ANOELF^. CAI^, (/P)—fltevo

j , ’ 'n1»bn defeated Johnny Celmara in a , four ronnd welierTr'’ ittht l« u l nt Ver-

non arena tonight. Pelton won through Miperior n^renijlh. He tnok ever>-thing

eonld give In the f irs t round nnd then pounded his opponent to the end o f the bout. Celmars was weak in the Inst round hut managed to hang on u n til the gong.

^ ''t,.««irtrd Ad* sre ehoap— effective.

I- ~


1. GOLD OR GOUGil?I- —

1“ " W h y , w hen D r . K in g ja N o w a D ia co re ry ao p ro m p t ly

c h ^ i t

r 'S nntnrnl you don't wnnt to be nireU'M* nnd le l t l i f l t olU cold o r cwiiKh drag on o r thn t n»*w n i-

inek develop wrlousJy. Not when vou m n get snrti n proved sucoi'k--*- ,

•1 rnl n*m «ly as Dr. K ing 's New DIs- s- «t)vcry.«» Cold, rough, grippe, croop cloca ». !-«*t n-slM tills srnndnni ro llover >K M-r)- lo ll*. Its qua lity is as high r • iday ns It alway* hns iMvn— nml

I S l>oon growing s te ju llly to pujm- ::ir lty fo r moro than f if ty y j-n r^

= OK-. and $‘120 a bo ttle a t a ll drus- ;;:»;s. Clvc i t o tria l.

Con»tipated7Here’aReIicJNot thnt often harm fn i. olwnya-

vlnlput nnd tempomo* help i lu jt n-mos in''-< lia rs ii purgntiveis but Hm* rumiorioblis. c m iifr tn g .: comx^ lh o n-culotlon o t stxibV>m bo'veis -.<) pnmoanccd In D r. K ln g i >cw U fc Plllo.-

Tonlc tn action, they promote I'llP flow, s tir ut> Um ts*y, tl.or-

o ir^ ily but Kentty ricnnso i l u - •■ •-tn o f u-asie uiali«.-r a iid f'Ttn*-:*..- ii.« foods, and cJ»e you k ^ n .-..r bortl wor;: nn.l tn -iiltb fu l rrcr-c-

.v d u tu A ll dnisglata-rijSc


ng News^GOMttN - HUS IM L

1 '" y ’ - S e v e n te e n ^C nskiea B e a d y f o r ,]Bce G r id ir o n B a t t le s o f S e a s o n

fo r , — O o o d in g T o d a y .

Sovoatooa mon dro-e lig ib lo to com- poso tho T w in Falla high school foot- DoIl toam, according to announcement modo by Oeorge B. Dcnmnn, coach o f

. tho moleskin weafcra. Thia coterie com-

. poses o lik e ly set o f lads fo r g rid to il,■ and from this timo on there should be '

somothing to show fo r the e ffo rts o f,0 5n the coach. 1 r^nf. Denman has -developed aome new! ai)il- styles o f p lay slnco tak ing charge o f. and the grid army, nnd w ill t ry out roost o.'j

nd ’s these against tho Oooding aggregationtills afternoon. I

W hilo Denman had not up to noou rh i:, de fin ite ly decided upon tho personnel: •am- o f the team to bo p itted against Good-' t o f ing i t is known that B ig Strobeck w ill,

lie .bo a t center. This ]02*pound buncti: ioms o f ner\-e and steel is expoetod to walk

through the defense o f tho opposiUou. Bailey ia sure to be n t tacklo, w ith .

her- Newman' at ono ond, and K in g and Itch E plor. quite certain o f baokfie ld posU The Uons.

Follow ing aro tho oligiblos fo r placo os tho olovoa: I

. Centoi'-~Strobeck, Putxier. ' jO uardo-Dcntan, Irw in . “

. Tack los-B o lley, Kuhns, Carter. » >“ 0- Plotcher.

Ends— Newman, F ix , Schwartz, H-ib-

Bac*^o ld—K ing , Epler, Phipps, Tar- ,1, lor, Watson.

Today’s k lc k o ff w il l be a t 4 o'clock. Z‘, p r Buhl recently defeated Gooding, nnd ~ [ | L Coach Denman is confident thnt the „

Oriexlloa w ill acoro an overwhelming.


BT. liO n iB , UP)— JM k ■ S ia rk V o t Now y o rk won tho nowmoper decision over K id Bogan, local bantamweight, in on eight round bout lost n ight. |

Dsl- OZFT f o b ' OOLISQBHANOVEB, N. H., M ^ - A g i f t _

lex $20,000 to Dartmouth college from R": Richard C. Campbell o f Denver, Col.,

was announced ton ight. Tho money is to be used to establish tho RIchnrd C. CampbeU Jr., fellowship in English, in .memory o f M r. Campbell’s son, a mom- bor o f tho class o f IDIO, who died o t Influenxa last winter.

On HnntJng T x i i^ M r . ond Mrs. tj.L- Broekenrldgo, M r. and Mrs. Baker o f Burley, Sidney Otoves, and B. M.

y ’s H o lt o f Coldwall,; le f t yosUrdoy morn- ood ia g fo r an eight- day hunting tr ip to >ec- tho Jackson Hole countiy.[ur- ' egoir No, yoa do not poy A N Y o f the c«i: irse o f aavertlMng. Tbo patrons o f n'>i) ing advertised stores nlwaya poy pennllie.^ rho fo r the old-fashioned policies o f tli-j ts. merehont.In

th ,, - I I - - ■ ■ - ■ ■ - . 4ed.

f i ■ o»degor

,h i i 1

fk- N' O

■Rh • , * ■ng m

Anx j j ^ m

ftS| .

1 p v ' IiBy nV .

! C o m o , in a s a l e t na d e m ­o n s t r a te th is w o n d e r fu l m a c h in e t o y o n .

f B u y 'o n th e e a s y p a y m e n t

, p ' “ - t; LOGAN; MUSIC CO.

O p p o s ite P e r r in e H o te l

‘ T w n f r A u . 8

I * ' - ■ ^ ^ > -I* ^


Sxperta'eredlt th<M two taan with having bean aa Important In (ha early world aeriea victorlea ef tba CIney Rada ' aa regtilar playara. atiu neither wore a R«d oalfona aor played ta Ute regn- lar aeaaon. I t U “ Chief" Bender, ratarBii Indlaa plicbar. and Johnny Bvera. lamoas old aecond baoenaa. both o f whom (rallad

< tha Whltai Sox fo r weeks, leara* <ng weak apota -of the taam aod reporting book ta the Rada


LONDON, ( f f ) ■— Bots do o yeoriy damage in tho Unitod Kingdom o f 1200,000,000, or nearly five dollars por head o f the population, according to I generally occeptod figures. Tho pre­war esUmate o f th is damage was >75,* 000,000. The soriousaess o f the situa­tion hoa resulted in tho inauguration o f a countrywide campaign, hooded by Iho board o f agriculture, fo r tho de­struction o f tbo pests.

I f you uwn a lot ond nMd son* money, find o buyer thmugb thr elas lifted.

Y O li are co rd ia the n e w ly arrive

. T h e T h re e P o in t C Suspension o f th i the m ost im porta i in r id in g qua lities duetion o f pneum


• © Jn .


Browning AuiSalUafct CHy* IHab „

Ogden, Ulah ' \

I ■ ■ _ . ■ ■■

Wheat Atwaya PrafanM pW d..^ W hile moro people ar« liv in g la tha . f i w orld today dependgntupoo rice, than .

opon wheat f o r ' nibaUteqce. a«d a greater number oC the hooian fam lly- llvd npon m ille t than any other eercal food,-wheat. Is- the preferred foo«l - nmong tbo higher clvlllced peop!e& .. Tho moro progreaslre peoplea. o f the enrth havo over boon wheat eatera. OmIns o f wheat havo been diacovered Id E©T)Han tomba o t th e f ln it dytioa- ty . doting bnck 4.000 R O . while broad o f wheat haa been excavnted from tho ruins o f tho prchlatorlc lake (iwftUera o f Wagner and Bobeohanaen in Swltoerland.

Values. ^Mrs. Ponrish iwys that, althouch ahe

would be the Inst to knock H r. Pcnv*Ish, aometlmes she feels , aa I f aho v c tild give twenty yeora o f m arried life fo r ten yean* In wldow'a weeda.— Dnllna News.

To mako advflrtising “ P ay” YOU, tako . quick advantage o f advortiso 1 nfforinga thot appeal to you.

} O pportunity is rare—never J le t i t go by


tr CXGAOCTTJ&So ffe r an opp o rtu n ity to en-

>f jo y constantly the finest ;ol to b a c c o under its m o s t

perfect fo rm . B l^ d c d to B- a p p e a l to tHe m ost cu l-

tu re d taste. A n incompa- »* rab le smoke.

I 0 / o r l 3 c* The John Bollman Co. B rim chI . Ma—fett— »

ia lly inv ited to see ved O verland 47 ': C antilever Spring b is ^a r'ir itro d u ce r^:ant im provem en t ;s since the in tro - m a tic tires.

o^p i.w o -*T 0ua iN 0 I *

A CHASSISrHRCC FOPITa 3 P R ir« i W i )eriS to r*



itomobile'CT » I i f i H s , l i U k S 11Idak* Fills. M|K-H '

Page 4: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE

TWIN FALLS DAILY NEWSinued ,«r«i7 «n«raooa. «xe«pt B nnay

Co.. Inc.

HOT A. a a A i> . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . . .P r * ^ « tIQHK C. HARVBT-....• •.. . ;-» T rw ra w r

C n im d u Mcona c la n maU n » tta f Aprit »; IM I. at th« poaurffjfl* a t Twto •^Ut. Idabo. under tbe Aot o t Mare^ *.

B U B B O B lP n O N K A T E S'** '• CarrljK15.00.................One rea r ...................M-#®ts.(0 .......... « Konlha .................^ 0 0

A dvertlilag Bates Upon

iicioB eobiDltted *or p u M c a t^ w ^ ^

•o n ^ A ^ W g r l J r k ^ A ^ Keator. W ll

U E U B E B OF ASSOOUlTED PBBSB Tbe Asaootated Preaa la exolualvetr en-

(liled CO (be w e <or republlcaUon of aQ ii«w« dUpatcbea crwUted to It. or not .jibsrwlM credited, in tbte paper, a ^ ■Uo the local aewa publlabed bereln. A ll righta or rMUbUawlon of apeolal dla. i« irhe« a»fwn are alao reaenfed._______Itemhef ABdIt Bweay o f OlroeleUene

TIME TO AOTAddroMlug a baaquQt gathering in

UmIiI, Monday uight Oorernor D. W. l>dvjs ' ur^od t l iii cxeluubn o t a ll ulk 'iia who do not conform to tbo tcrins of thu coo ititu tlon of.tbc Unltud titatca of Amcrica. . He urged :.carly oiul ilrnntlc moajmrca againat the rcvolu- llonary aoapbox orntor who pruacbo# tbo doctrinv o f revolution oud acdltlon, and declared thu rank and fito u f 8U{)- portora o tjo v o lu tlo n a ry movomente lo be b lind followors o f wbimalcol undu- airabloa through whuBo oratorical a b il­ity acntiuunt o f the ignorant ia awuy- vd (o tbe border o f dttatructiou u f the country ’s Industrial and coinnu'rclal fouiidntiona.

Oovornor Davia foarlusaly to ld hiu bearers tha t th ia-is. tbo timo to act. T lu it tbo atatomeuta of- th'o chiof /Jio- cutivc o f th is country have amplo basia in tho radical utterances is du lly being revealed in casturn troubles. Tbat tho “ B e d " olement ia n t the root a t most

• o f the reeont race' troublM . ^ dTsclosed in police findings during investigatlotia o f “ Kod” hoMquartera. •

For'lnstonee, solsurif <(f morb' tbau a ton o f eztremb radical or “ Bed’.' I ito r nture in tbe c ity o f Gary, Ind., ruvola* tions conecmlng tbo d ia trlbution o f tbe “ Kcd“ lito'raturo among negroea in and nround I'lttsbu rgb , Pa., os 'w ell aa A k ­ron, Uhlo; tho fa c t tba t many foreign “ ituds '* 'a ro . now av iJ itlng aa oppar- tun ity to land in Amoriea—these thinga sugi^cst th a t tbo time has,arrived fo r tbo federal authorities, iocloding eon- gress, to act. Secretary o f Statb Lans~ ing la alivo to tho aituation and bas re- quoated.. tho Houso. K o re i^ A ffa ira Cowmirtoe to extend fo r ono year o f. ter the eoaelnrion- o f peaco tbo war* time paasport regulntioDa.

Tho problem o f Americanism tron* aci-nils the question o f intem ationaliat^. Hack o f tbe prolonged debate ia the

' aouatc, back o f tbe induntria l confer. £neo now ia .a e a^n a t Washington, bark o f *lbe''« trikoa now wasting the money aad enorg>' b f the nation ia a atruggia to maintain and prc»er>'o pure

' Arocrlcaal«n. Riots, lynebings, disre­gard o f law and widespread discontent aru lo fse ly the result o f ua-Amorican* ism poiaoaing tho country.

Tbe-toHm o f W eirton, W. Va., has aet a good example fo r tbe romainder o f the eeuatry. From tha t pa trio tie town romee the roport tha t a squad o f heav­i ly armed deputy sheriffs gathered in 188 “ Reds” ,,aa id to bo 1. "W. W , BX- ponenta, and forced tbem to kneel dowa and kiwi the American flog. AU but e«'vcn werp rompellc'd to depart from the town. I t is a grent p ity tha t tho deputy sheriffii d id not possess the au­th o rity to sood the entire gang out o f the country—a step which the federal aa thoritira somo time m ar bo eompelled tn take.


Away baek in the foo rth c c n ta ^ ^ ^ a U ttle town in Syria, was boro one Joha Cbryaostom, better known to the present age as 8 t. Chryaortom.. He waa a gentleaaa o f uau tua llr high morals and u n u a o ^y high counige. He apent t fa years o f his early l ife ia the d e a ^ th in k in g things o re r ioad Chen emerged te - .^ a e m e« tronble / o r roya lty and

. the CboMh thaa haa siace been stirred ap by oay one ind irldoaL He /onght lle e a tie w e se and excesses o f every | cA a rac t^ ' ao fearlessly aad a te a d fa ^ y j

, t&at i t «BS aeeesaary on two oeeasioaa ^ t4 baaiab h ia tn m the a l ^ t aad bear- j

«f.aU M l . - n e sMdttd time he per- I t h i b r a t ^ t y o f hla gnanU -f [



hs P

n- , ^ ^ 'Itf , W.. > l» ^ .Jataet Thomas, leader b f B r it*

Uh rallwAymea la tbe. big •trllM U; which affected «00.000 n w . r»*

Tersed the order-of tbla«» In je t- _ ting to tbe top. Boo of a .Welsh sa laborer/ be worked nlffbta aa en- n- fine'Cleaner, edaa^las b lsue lt ta

t h e - d w t i m e . . -

^ I t waa A. D. 401' whon he died. Ho was thon slxty-two yoarS old.

** Thoro Were xualota ond puritans In Bt. Chrysostom’s days as thoro aro la onra. High-minded, eleau.lifed man

^ thnt h(.‘ wan, John Chrysoitotn hnd l i t ­tle patienco w itb these. P articu larly

^ obnoxious to hlm'Was tho nnrrow-'mind- ed, shortsighted elaaa tha t ^o u ld rom- ody a ll ovil by the simplo expedient of removlnjr tho cniisc«.of .evil.

A t till' iieight o f his carcor a t. Chry- J Htmtoni run amuck into a stroiif; prolii-

• b itlo it nidvi-itionl. .\a wnn his ruatoni llu-whi'ii th i'je wa» any k ih il o f l i n iw in

^ sight, lie juiitped 5nto the fig h t ~wT(h' )wth f( ‘ct nud made nome romarka that up- aeem particularly f it t in g fu r the prra-

cnt genorntlon to jwndcr. Among them was thU : • '

I hear mon cry whon theso deplor- able exeeaaoB hnppen: “ Would to Go’d thero waa no w in e ." W hat fo lly , what mndnonal When othor men -ain ^you find fo iilt w ith tho g ifts o f God.-What insanity is thlal la i t the wine that enuses thla abusef' No, i t is not tho wino but thb intompcranco o f tbo#o who take an ovil delight in it . B ut rather

'* * cr>' ou t: “ Wonld to Qod thoro woro no drunkenness, no In x o ry ." B u t I f you shout: “ WoaJa tbsre wero no w lne,“ you siiould addi'-V Wenld there wero no Iron beesttae o f ' the Borders, would

^ thore were' M a l]|b t >bebaaso o f tho a thlevba, « { i ^ l h m wero M lig h t bV

pr cause b if'tb e InTormers, would thore la- wero no wniMn^'vn account o f the ndul- be teries.nd l i j thia "way you might dcstr.\'- xve rt. k- tiling . This i i A devlliah way nf th ink F» iag.»r- . W * are not Indohtod to the A-Hm-Jo- gs tion Opposotl to Prohibition fo r this o r quotation. We d id not pluek i t from >n- tho leaves a f any jou tna l dovoted to the JS- ihterrnt n f beer, alea, winea or H<]unrs. re- We fin d l l in the Messenger, the month* ira ly j«rio<Iical o f tho Society o f S t John Lf' the Evaaggl}a(.{.n ......... ... -

Nature's Unchanging Rule.J,. La ten t genlns is bnt a ptmompUon.. k re ry tb to g tha t c»n . bc is boutid to* «ome in to being, and whnt never comea

“ « tn fo being Is nothing.— '

"• Optlmlitlo ThousM.TIiOM who -travel lead more thar

a one life .-

" BEAD TH£ CA ILT HEVa.«- ,I t ______________n-

I ^S

“ T h e S U R E S T R O i0

T h o o p p o r tu n i t y ia n o w k na ro o f f i n g t o o u r c o n s u m

7 % - k m \M v t P' o iIdaho Powe

$100 and Aeemed [1 A h ig h g ra d e in v e s tm e n t ix 1 io e is o n e v e r y d a y n e c e s s il I • o f ea ch a n d e v e ry o n e i n lh< t l es. I t s c o n t in u e d s u v c e s s

• | ' O O K S E S V A T IV :

IO a r S P E C IA L S A V IH a S I

I p la c e s th is ia v e s tz n e n t w i t l

I A s k a n y o f o u r e m p lo y e s io

' • T W IN F A L L !

T p d ^ - a l ^ i r K e t s

d ra in aad P ro iriitonsCHICAGO, (;p)—Unsettled woathar

and a prospect o f ffloro tended today to make the advaaeo. The bulls wero favored also b y word tha t th fl longBhotemuns' atrike bad'.boOa colled - o ff,. ' and by higher quotatioaa on hogs. .-Orders to-purehaw, howovor, woro not-numareus. Openiag priees,

~ "wldeh ranged fro m 'tb o same a a ':^8tor- day's fin ish to 3-8e higher, w ith Do* comber *1.21 3-4 to 1.22 1-4 nnd May #1.20 3f4 to 1.21 1-4, wero followed by moderato gains a ll around, and then something o f a reaction; '

Sub^oqnently, ta lk o f a rev iva l o f oxport demand fo r oats led to a fresh n«lvance in corn. Thb closo, novertbo* less, was unsettled, 3-8 to 3*4c not high­er, w ith Bdcember 11.22 8-8 to 1.22 1-2 and May *1.21 1-4 to 1.21 3-8. '

Later tho hog market bocome easier nnd proviaions also relaxed somewhat.

Oats hardoned w ith com. .A fto r op­ening unchanged to l-4c highor, iaclnd- ing December a t 70 1-8 to 70 l-4c, the

; morket scored a s ligh t fu rth e r upturn, etrength o f h o p aafl coreals helped

■ proviaions up grade. Most o f the buai* a s ' nesa was in la i^Ho ---------

Oash Qnotatlons OHICAGO, ( /P > ^ o rn No. 2. mlxod

In «1.37 to 1..17 1-2; No. 2 yellow «1.88 toin 1.30. , ---------- ^

Oats No. 2 whito 71 1-4 to 72c; No.3 whito 08 8-4 to 71 1-4.

l it - Kv.. No. 2 S1.30 1-2 to 1.37. ' trtv Bnrloy *1.18 to 1.32,

, Timuth'y S8.S0 to 11.25.Clover nominal.

Dm- Pork nominal. ' of I^ rd ♦29.30.

}{il>a »17.0.'5-to 18.75.

iry-_ Ohlcago L lvo rto fk, lil. CHICAGO, (yP>—Hog rccoii.ta 12,0f*0j

Htroni;: bulk ••1-J to I;!..’ " : ton 916.25; r” " ‘ heovy 414..'1() to H}:ht »H.2.> to

in heavy pneking howp, hin.. .th #12.7." •T(h to 14.40;/p n ck ing -sow v rouch #KT2.'>

fo 13.75; plga ♦13.J0 m IL.iO.Cattle retfeipta l.'S.'IOOi f irm ; beef

f***' ateera, mecHutn and heavy wtiRht, lem choii>' nnd prime sJicSVpTirifo'iS

♦ n.2.1 to 14.25; cffws *l-.85 tu 12..10; can- ners and cutters $S:to t! ; . \ ''jo l enlres

lor- SIC.BO to 17.50:*feodor ■.tore* S7 to 13; 3o‘d atorker steers |0.10; western rango beof I . , steera <i7.75 to 15.R0;' cows nnd h.ilfem

♦,’;.7r> to 12.. you Hiiuep reeoipts'^30,000; f irm ; lambs hat $12.2.'! to 1S.50; culls and common 48.>~0 . . to 12; owes, modlnm and choico M.2-5

to 7.50; culls and common 13 to 0; tho hrredlng- »C.7S. to 12.50. vho

Omaha Llvestoclf. OMAHA, Hog reccipta C.OOO;mnrket 35 to 60e lower; top #15.10;

rou bulk #13.75 to 14.25; heavy w e l» lit #14 to 14.60; lig h t weight #14.25 to 14.85;

' heavy packing sows, amooth #13,7!Ttu 14; parking sowa, rough #13.10 to

uid 13.75; pi£s' >19.00 to 15. the - ^<^<tle rcceiptfl 8,S00; steady to strong - on a il elwses; beef steors, medium and

heavy -weight, ehoiee and prime #1C to ore I7..';0; common #9 to 10.25; heifers #7 [yj. to l l j y j ; cowa #0.50 to 10.80; cannem’

and euttera #5 to 0.60; veal calvea #10.50 to 13; feeder steers #7.ffOUto

r t . 12.50;'Stocker slbers #0.75 to 10.25. ' ijIj, Sheep Tccclpts 20000; market slow,

steady; iambs 84 pounds down #13.25 to .14.75; culls and common #7.50 to 12.50;

ia- yonrling wethcpi #9 to 11; ewes, medi- um and ehoico #0.25 to 7.25; eulla and

"*• eommon #2.50 to fl.25;•nm:he - L ib e rty Bonds,r*. NKW YOKK, (>P)—L ib e rty bouda fi-

nal irt-ieea today were: 3 1-2’s #100.40; f i n t 4 ’s #03.20;'aeeond 4 ’a.#B3.04; f ir s t

ha 4 1-4’s #05.30; sccond 4 1-4’a #03.80; th ird 4 1-4‘a #95.30; fonrth 4 l>4>s *03.80; V ic to ry 3 3-4's #00.84; V ic to ry4 3.4’a #90.74.

ican»M . d t y Prodtica to KANHAfl C ITY, (i5>>—Butte r lc high-

er; extraa GOr; firs ts 58c; seconds 60e; parking unrhnngedr egx" and poultry un<-hnngeii. ' . .

Ohlcago Produce tar OHICAGO, ^ Butte r higlior,

ereamerj- 48 to 64c; egg receipts 4434 caaea; unchanged; poultry alivo on- ehanged.

s nV E :O A D T O S U C C E S Sk n o c k in g a t y o u r d o o r . W e jo m e rs

Preferred Slocl(--75^o fer Companyi Dnidead Per Slfare t i t t a c o m p a n y w h o s e s e rv * is i t y a n d v i t a l t o th e n e e d ^ th e t e r r i t o r y w h ie h i t s e rv - •ss i s i n e v i^ b le .

IV X A H D S A TE( P I 4A H o f e a s y p a y m e n u jI t U n th e re a c h o f aD.

i o e x p la in i t t o y o n . |n

D H ii it i ' S IRllGEtEIW.tba t • - ■ • • ■ • ‘ . •beoa L e a v e s S a l t L a k e o n B e tn miona J o n m e y < M -® w ro S t a r t B ,a ck’ices) T e r m in a l

* OHICAGO, (/P>— W th 350 miles o f M - - tho long trans'continental f l ig h t be- I hV h ind and a 'stre tch o f fa ir woathor im- t h - i mediately bofore him, L iouL B. ,W.

■ Maynard, leader in the a ir race, lo ft , B a ttlo M onataU , Nev:, on his wny to rr .h Mi»oola, N. Y., a t 7:33 this moming.

I f ho nmintains the. samo pace coming going he w ill'reach Sidney,

Nob., tonight and Chieago tomorrow ’ ^ night. A bo lt o f ra in slrotbbes from

. S o it Loko C ity, Utah to 'D es Moines,' * * • / -Iowa, however. L iou t, Maynard lofc • 'hat. Beuna V ista fie ld , Salt Lake, a t 12:£S

p. m. today. A lthotigh Oreen B ivor io the noxt control, i t is thought ho would contftiue on to BawUngs, weathor per-

n rn . m itting .Iped A t Mineola, N . Y „ M a jor Carl Spats, >uai. L iout. £ . p. K io l and Captaia L . H . '«

Smith, whb ran a nip and tuek raco through tho middle west on tho east* . I«und trip , were roudy tb a tart baek >

Ixod tbia morning. A t San Franciseo Ideu- > 8 to tcnanta Pearson and Mnnzolman and

.Captain Donaldson wero ready io tako : No. tho tra il nn M aynard's hoots todlay.

. Two - f lie rs ore near Mineoln, two apent the n i^ht u t Reno, Nov., only 187 miles from the westom goal, w jiilb the

.rest o f tho contestants are stretehod between Cloveland, Ohio and Beno. L ieut. W^. R. Taylor, the last went*

. bound flye r, le ft Cleveland a t 9:40 thU morning.


j ' l . ; M rM iO L A , X , Y „ ( f l l—a n io r Carl12.7." Stmtr., d riv ing n De. Ila v ll. 'tn d .“ bluo-iV'..’; b ii*d '' 2iirplnne, atarted on tho return• ‘ “ tr ip lo Rnn Pnmelaro h t 2:28:18 o ’clock beef **'*" n^ternoop. Cnptain Lowell J l.. I_j . Smlrh. in Ihe anme kind o f n mnchin-'l i f •r>I •‘♦nrtod o ir the return tr ip a few min-

utea Inter..Cnptnin Sm ith 's o ffic ia l startiag

“ rs® time was 2:31:50. . ‘ 1M ajor Spate had been on the- f ie M '

I f .since 10 o’ clork ih ls 'm orn ing but un-| fnvornble wenther reports from up-1 «Ute hnd (lelnved his getaway. W hile]

!!!■? he. wna considering whether to “ hopi Irt'or P " ” Captain Smith flew ovor tho

rt fio ld , having nacended from a neigh- ® boring /ie ld . M njor Spntx, th inking

thnt Captain Smith waa preparing fo f ita r t his ro tum jouraoy, summoned hia observer, Sergeant Emmet Tanner, b lJ

,000 ; his parents‘ *'good-byo“ and started K.IO; fo r Binghamton on the flrat leg o f Ihe #14 return journey.

1.85; Captnin Smith alighted on Roosevelt r r to fie ld , learned tha t M njor Spatz ha-l ) to atnrted, and^ immediately ‘ 'checked

o u t” nnd “ tn x ie d " aerosa the starting roug line thre^-m inutes a fte r Ma,}or Spotr., nnd Lieutennnt F ranrl^ W. Buggies w ni C to '•arried as a pha»enger''in Captain" s #7 S m ith ’s machine. ' acm’ Lteut, C .-W . K io l, the th ird -San ivofl Pmneiseo entrant, who completed the

jt jto ^ irs t h a lf .of the journey here, ia hav­ing hla mnehine ox’erhnuled nnd is no-, expcctcd to get awny u n til tomorrow.


. w m B tijid Two S m U Omisers and 82 Other .Warships Oommendoc K sx t

. t i-).40; TOKIO, (/P)— Aeeording to Japanese “ " t newspapers the government has decnJ- ••80; od to build two battlo cmlscrs and t-4 s tw enty 'tw o other warshipa commencing to ry the next fiaeal year, and tho estimates

fo r thoao ships w ill be submlttbd -to tho next seaslon o f tho cabinet fo r ap- pruvol. The bnttlo eniiseni w ill bo o f

jK**- the 40,000 ton class and the ir coflt o f “ P*! ronstruetion Is estimated a t 120,000,000 't r y (about #00,000,000). Ia addition,

fhere w iil be threo lig h t cmiecra,* six destroyora, twelve submarines and three rivo r gunboats.

,ior^ —I I • I ■43 4 I f YOU were a merehunt you woutd on- advertise. Patronize merchants wh»


W j150 y?to lake our 1

Tails Tl

Phone 49 and give num

I Doit now.

. ■ ■ ■ I . I-'

■ J- - ' T. . .s = a s s s s s s = s s = s = :


lu > m rro n D w S ° ‘ i a i ^ ^ot, Pbito a i^ , j . _ j ^

n n t A o e r u u d r i t o 4W ovpss her OensM bttabud aad ; UUe .

. Sbe WtU reelalB ker fw t t i iS i

M arian E tte r Bm ith h u rwpen»4 her studio in Oregg Bsstqess. College bu ild ing fo r pupils in violitf'an.<^Phone 88W4, , * ''''' A4v.

W C H tW .-

I:j . ' ■ ,

A horsei'on 3You daiTbuy a horse er fo r $250.00.

The f ir s t is a cheap s a hoVse on you in th last delivers your m- is a joy foreVei:.


I f you buy a cheap buy a good su it next and habits o f a ha lf s su it’s best advertisei

JUichaelsStern Fall Young Men—A ll 1

ored and Pet $30 t

I daho DepartMTWIN FA LLS .

^ N T IVutomo!Teacher Guests ti hursday at 3:30

4 if you will fur nber you can taki

. it’s ypur busir

U 'ee tiku id from .p a ir* OB«; .

'eration o f the decline In a p le u itn rc ,’ '

: “ The dcmaOd lo r fa n n . producta . should bo K le n tif ic a lly -satisfied. Ovor- p ro d n e tlo n M w e ll i s oindor-ptoduction lo c a t e s isdnstH sl «ad economic bal­ances,'.'aild 4a .the end results in eeo- nomle-'wa«te< . > • : • • •

; ««The oyesent.eost o f l l r ln g is not dne t o : m jarieee.teceiT^ b y the farm

, fo r U e '^ M tie te , as sbown by a-con.- Mtween fa m prices, foo.i’

prtafts,,and wage levels,*.^ .

*' C ity loans tlia t yon loss aad get van out o f debt, ozi completed proper- Uee and to assist in bnild ing.


R « id e « '^ Vstore 'adrertU lng tindsr*■ stand sart'svpreelete tbe fa c t tha t a

ewrchant, in snnboaclag price conce)- gioas, M iames a direct aad laesespable.

W wni pOTtff Un M . ofao. el al BU. ' educated aa to4v. Tahiee.


y o u I

3e fo r $26.00 and anoth—

p skate a f the s ta rt and the finish. whereM the message to Garcia and


R su it th is Fall, you’l l :t Spring, fo r the tricks E shoddy suit are a good jement.” '

M Suits fo r Men and iW ool-H cutdTaH - erfe'ctly Styled to $50

MENT S t o r e , L id .,S. ID A IIO rraenMhe

E D»bilesto Shoshone \ 9 p. m.

irnish a car ke.


^ .W E D S B flsA T . w o c m

Page 5: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE


- iESENTFOIIMiId^o Governor Warns Against

Acceptance of ' Proposals Which Might Contaminate Constitution ' bJ

--------- ' i l l ,' (Continued from I ’agr Otic.) Ug

f ^ o r i l Rovemml'iil ■ woulU ' uiidcrtaki*•.tliB buildlof; o f tho Bruneau roclama-

^ t lo n projoct, but naid tlmt government ' ’ jUPdatnnco in tbln work hml bcon prom- Th

liOlB«salU t lu OdtetloB b\m

Roferrinit to tho opcrotbn o f tho cabinet form o f government, Oovornor *] Dnvla Bflid tho buB incM of the state i j itn Uke thu t o f tho buninenn o f » rorpora* lor: tion but that i t hon not boon romluctod du' tha t way horotoforo. The cabinet' form prc hna mnaolidatcd 4« departments, cm boords and bureaus into uino depart- })ln mcnla^ tho exocutivo ponitiona in which nJc nrc fiUod. by oTcetod o ffirla ls , an- A

• BwoVoblo to the Rovcmor who a*«uni.ia, nui imdor thia arranRcmcnt, onliro rcapoiuh ib i l i ty fo r tb<j atate Kovernnicnt. Gov- , i om or ..Davia argued fo r n higher de- tn«>

, groo o f appreciation o f Individunl ro- Mo aponsibilily ia tho .govornment; aug- eoii gcated that, inatruetion in tho rniaing a I) nnd dispoaitlon o f t a i mouev nhouM ing bo olonontal in thp public arhoole, nn-l ing n&kod tba t tho prcaent atnto admin- ia; ix tra tion bo judged by tho renulfa i t obtainod. '

Oh&rgea ZocettdArlnn ’ ii r<-Doeloring fo r a policy o f dispo8l.ig

( if atalc lands nnd inventing Ihc mon- 1 cy in intcroat bearing Bceurtica, Oov- ly

, rrno r Dnvia argui-d thnt aucii a eour*-5 .would relievo tho atate o f firo riaka <•“ » a ^ l otber deatruetive ngi’ncien. Ko said l'»K tiSnt many o f tho foroat firca thia year worn o f incendiary origin, nnil atatc-l that much ia form alion conccrning tho I . ‘ W. W. tactiea had bcuu rovenled lo state offie ia la through membera o f that orguaitation confined In the atato Thr priaon. laat

“ Inconillarimn. rarb la tloa uu t ■’<'‘■1 rebolUcn baa been preachod I <bo throoghOQt tbe conntry,” Oover- nor Davla declared, "a n d many ‘ n'’'

... good dtlxens have onconaclotuty "int ^ absorbod ptopagaada.” . ‘ *Th» Oor

tUn« n iu ' am ® .” lie added, '•whoa ■sntiment In tho United SUtos yri<' most be erystallzed t y Americana

.. and not. by foreisaara who refoae natoralleatton and aUeglance to tbo

'■flag.**, . unrtOh Voa-Pdlltleal ««■<» erei

Launehing in to a dincuanlan o f the pro- ber poaod leagoe o f nntiona, Qoveraor Da- hcd vis ita tod th i\t ho proceeded in accord- anco w ith Preaideat W ihio-j's in junr- tion enunciated a t Coeur d'Alene, whoro t ^ president waa introdoeiid liy ihe govomor, tha t “ thia ia not a po- l it ic a l iaaue, bu t one io be «Har.uMPd bv the Am erica* people."- ’

Replying fo tho president'a challenge —- to “ pa t up o r ahut up,” Qovci'nur Da-

via aaid.he would pu t up t»io conatitu- ,i,,, tioA o f tbe United Statea und roHt-tha 0080 there u n til a better intorprotatiau o f tho league o f nationa covenant we'ro

i L d ^ g tbat tbo proaldont had asMTted u u t tbo coTonaat now eontalna a ll o f tbe proTlaloaa con- tempUtad In proposod XMorratlons,' bat tbat tboy ccold net onderttand It, Oovernor Davla asked “ Wby, - i „ . I f tbia la tXTU, eannot leaorvatlons be Inelttdod so tbat yon and I ean nnd«r«tand lt7 “Hranding tho Bhantung nirnrd aa “ an

outrage thia nation can never lire long enough to wipe ou t,” Governor Davia naid tha t thia award belied the Amerf- can principle o f protection fo r the weak and unarmed nntiona and created tbo enmity o f 400,000,000 jieople who Had heretofore always looked to the United Ntaten aa to on older brother fo r pro- vori tection. lie eharaclorixed the Jflpaueae i rcgimo in Korea aa miinlcraun anil pa r-: allelcd only bj» the Gt-rmnn mitragen in >'ranee and Belgium, and derlare<l tha t tbe Shantung award gavo over a great Chiueao province to a n-ginie of thia character.

Qnotea WUaon tion:Quoting I ’rraideut Wilaon'n dcclora- j„ ,„

tion th a t i f tho , trea ty anil cnvcnant were not ra tif ie d in the ir prcffont form i t would bo nocessary fo r American sol- diera again to engage in foreign warn. tJovernor Uavis predicted:

•* I te ll yon tbat I f tbo troaty n, and com ant ar* ratified In tbslr preaent form I t w ill maan tbat tbo boya In kbakl mmt be sent across tho s«a to poUca Enrope aa long aa tba coronant la in effect... Tbat - ,1,^ la aomatblng I n r m w ill consent ^ to.’ * whoOovornor Davia pointed out that d«*-

■j>itc tho peace confcrrnce arrangement, there are 23 warn uow in jirogri-a* in Kurope and he aaked wby the Ameri- ran government ia now calling for 50,- 000 American Boldicra fo r ncrviee in Kurope.i . A a 'a financia l arrangement, Gover­nor Davia characteritcd the proponedleague fo nations an an organiiation in ___which “ wo furnish the aawits aad thoy . furnish the lia b ilit ie s ,’ ’ and aaid thaf Ue failed lo »«e wherein tbo United ‘j Rtatca would be the beneficiary. ,

"Tba war la over,*' Ooromor Davla said In ccnclnilon. “ and X do not proposa to accapt any plan wbnaby wa may b« cbUgatad to y. pcUea Stnopa. I abonld Uka to Um diapoaltion a f tba eovanant l« ft

’ to tba boy* wbo croawd tba tea. ^ , in d I f I t wara la ft to ti«m I t wtmld noTtr ba ratifiad.'* iap<

“ I bav# yat to ta lk to an Amar- lean aoldiar wbo baa baan in ac­taal tarvlfa urar aaaa who is tn fav- aB I or of t ^ laagna of nati aaa a« i t la now propoaod.*' b r aM«d. — —

H e d s te m *n a w le e « e r U' In iatnataciaf OovarBsr Davia, Mr. kine HolgiB argsad that tba laagw of sa- the Ilona laaoB waa oaa to ba decided nn- rian der tte eoaatitstioa aad wMhont eoot- tane fUm or daealc. Hautiag artlala tan ef mas tJM> e«vaaaa(..ta dedM d. tbat by it

S iraD H B JnU X IMB.

^ o c i a l j ^ o i e a SChapter D-, I*.’ E. O. met a t tho home

o f Miaa Oraee Bryant, w ith Miaa Bry­ant and Miaa Edith Dygort, boats. Mrs. Ztmns Smith gave, nn* intercatlng re* port , o f tho'Bvprpmo chaptcr conv'en- tion a t Denver, Col., whleh she nttena- 1 ed; There were threl* visitors. Dain­ty refreshmentn wore nerved ftt the eloso o f the eveniag. Tho noxt -mwf-. . j i;ig w ill bo a B. I . Ll. p a r ^ a t tho ' ton home .o t tbe prl'sident, Mrs. D. ' Breckearidgc. ______ } £

Tlie reeeption and bnll given by tlie U"' businoss men’s committee fo r the v lv , ” it in g tcochcra lost evening waa a do- „ Ughtful a ffa ir, and attended by a very large number o f tho reprcscntatlvo people o f tho c ity.

■The Kplscopal Guild w ili meot mi

Thursday nftemoou a t 2:30 p. m. a t Uio Iiome o f M ra D. D. A lvord, 136 Sixth I'" nvcnuo north.

The Tweutibth Century elub hold ita fira t regular meeting ni tho pof- , lorn o f the Odd Pcilowa hall yenter* . day .afternoon. Dr. £ . H . Llndloy, preaident o o Ln lvers ity o f Idaho, guvo a v e ^ finu addreaa.. M r. Robert l .4 U lu ir, d irecto r o f muaic a t tho Tech- nicnl IiiH tltu te in I ’ocatello, and Mrs. ^ A . U . Peek sang: Thorc waa a largo f . . number preaent. |

Tho Businosn Womon'a asaoeiutijn met nl tho home o f Mra. I I . J. Younga Monday ovoning; A dolieloua two courac dinner won nerved, fo llo tfcd by . j, . a, buainean seasion a t which the follow- ing officera wore eleeted fo r the com- ing year: Preaident, Mrs.' I f.-B . Lew- j . , ] ia; vlpc prcnidykt, Mian Ruby'S ficar; n«*crotnry. J tr tT Alieo A b t; ' nnaiatant in'pii-tiiry, Mika Conntnucc I ’age; tren»- urer, .Mi«n Kllt-n Ooebel. f jy '

The liiid ti-s ’ I ’ionrer elub o f ICimliur- ly were eutertnlnort recently nt a Re- luy Dinner. Pive o f Ihe ladies wei- rumod ut tlie ir hoiucH gueata number- Er*** lng :j2. A ll the hnniea were bouuti* fu lly decorated ftir tho .occasion. Cut fl«.«-era nppenred I'li* profuniuu, eo'i- lainod III cul glass ren-ptncles. Th<.‘ RUPKta o f the dny were escorted in .lu- inmnbilea by the entertaining iiosts. ^ rhn dinner wnn di-lleioun. A fte r tho Inst courne nuvernl officers o f the elub ^ reapondud to toiintn. Muaic helped tn wer llio program b f entcrfaiument, Th-j rommittee iu chnrge n f tin- n ffn ir was onipom-d o f Mra. George Noble, as- " •

.inted by Mrn. Bob Kvana, Mrn. R. H. Tw i Denton, ntu<iatcd by, Mrs. L.C.Doly,Mrs, M IV. M. Vuii Houtcn.'asslnted by-Mra. Ul- fron •'ria Itnv. Mra. Glena .Inmiaon, Mm, to u rt. a . Wilnon, ncHlated l.y Mrn. 8. H. I 'ro rto r nnd Mrn. A. .1. W iW n, Mr*. ” fohn Hnrdin, aasiated by Mrs. Combs mrt Mm. Durham, A great deni o f -H rredit la duu Mrs. Georgu Noblo and this ier aasiatants who so carefully plan- » ted and carried out the enjoyablo pro- , cram fo r tbe pioneer women.- A t din- ler tho follow ing diahen were servod n eonmcn: F rn lt cocktnil, creamed ’ J. : lu i soup, veal loaf, cacalloped potA- aon nea, peaa and carrota, pickles, jp lly , inati e lcry, buna, marshmallow aalad, waf- q ra, nuta, icc crenm, candy, cake. ', ■ ------------------------ gpeovo would be obligated to underwrite *be ho boundary linea *nd exiating po litl- E( a l Indepcndcnco o f 31 member nationa. ent To iminted out tha t memberahip In tho fo r enguo meana a partnership w ith .E u - opc and auggeated that a better pol- ry would be to keep t ie United Statea ndcpcndent and a going concern to cnder oaaistance from ita aurplua. ‘ Ameriea'ootered tho war, not at the K'heat o f a leaguo o f nations,’ ’ he de- W II lured, “ but in order that Justice and ight m ight prevail. Whnt greater Prai ruarantoc doea ^ho world need than tha act that 200,000 o f tho bcat Americana ver reared gave up Ihe ir livea in tWa tm ggle and uow feat in foreign -ravesJ’ ’ he inqiiirod.

Spldamle o f Dynamita jDeclaring that the iaatie o f law cn-

orcemcnt in the biggeat lasuo now be- ore Amcrica, Secretary o f Stata Jonea - « ia ted oot that the eountr>- faeea n ■orr seriou* nituation' aa a rosult o f . caching o f dia loyaltr, “ Unleaa thia . ’ ituation in curbed now,’ ’ he aald, “ we ^ r r like ly thia w inter to be confronted, o t w ith an epidemic o f iaflucnsa, but f i t l i an epidcmlc o f dynamite.”

Auicriean sehoola eannot teach too ii irh -o f renpcet fo r American inntitu- ionn and o f the elements o f patriot- im, M r. Jonea declared. V i am aome- fhat o f the oplfiion,^’ hti a'ddcd, “ that .-e nre too prone to eulogize Julius Cao- in a sr when we ahould be atudying Abra- am L incoln.’ ’

Booking tba Boat Declaring that normnl netion and

tra lgh l th ink ing ia imperative, M r. ~ ^ onea pointed out aomo circumstance! - rhirh he characterircd oa “ rocking the oa t.” Among them ho enumerated bo merchant who chargea moro tban j

fa ir and juat p ro fit, the employer fho rofunea hia employe a p ro j^ r wage nd a proper aUndard o f liv ing, aod p jjt , he lat)oring mau who bcllnca. to the the . W. W. and uaes I . W. W. lactics to nort nforcc bia demands. heca


- that(Cootinoad from pag* on«) he h

tkonsaada o f priaoncra and enormous Crog uantities o f material, i t waa an- cordounced in advices received here to- froaay. T lTwo batteries o f Bolshevik a rtille ry apps

1*11 in to General Denekine’a handa. ahov--------- haa

Whilo Orel is 239 ' miles south o f thatloseow, ponscaaios- o f the c ity w ill Itchive Oeneral Denekino_ a secure hoM tow ia vast atrelrbes o f te rrito ry ia old west!ua*ia. aa tbe plaee is one o f the'mo«t Yamsportaat railway eetaem anuth o f t i e .reporesent Russian capital. patc

--------- ------ be BTtvfTm 01BCI.B CLO a m o Oi


LONDON. W ith Ganeral Dene- thein e ’a Coaaaek a m y advancing from diap be n o th aad tbe 'aartbwM Um Bos- TnIs ian forcea almoat w ith in s trik ing dia- r ik anea o f P a tro g rn ^ tfc * aoviet govara- tan, >aat.«f E n « la a p f M P> b« facing a twe*

. JV>tiheviK' baadqoairtera at m tl


F p r a e r P re a id e n t T a f t T e lia th o K m U n i t a r ia n s A m e r io a H a s B e - ,

la p s e d t o O ld ^ t a t u s

- BALTIM ORE. MD.', ( / I ^ T h e morul tone, tho aaeriflcia l sp irit of- a ll the jftonie w h irli was .distinctly elevated during the wur,. ban auffered n roae- .^ jji tiou dreliired former iircHldenl, Wni. Howard T a ft In hia addreaa us prcai- dent o f the Unitarian geuoral confer- • enco here todav, “ and wc nro bn-jk , t „ ngnin to the old region o f the Mol- drums' where progress to better thingn aoems na alow na i t was before tl»-

“ Wo n'lould not. be diacnuruKV'l, ’however,” M r. T a f; anld. “ I t ia Hie v___fra illy - o f human nature, i t is to b j -“ -r found In ita inabiU fy to maintain fo r long periods ita adherence to tho high­est ideals. Real progress in tho world ^ ia througfi a courae o f action and ro- ora, action. - Tlifa rcacnon'wHl bo'auccred- •way «d again by an onward and upward movement, aad we shall f in d tho world - better bocousc o f ita ancrificea and the fi*"** lesaona they taught. - Wo ahnll not *'<' » mako tho aamo progreaa thnt wc hoped Adx*. fo r, but wo shall atep up and un. i t ia tbo' doty o f a ll thoao whoae dianp- pointment In the present stago o f ax- r * “ raira is groat, to buckle on' their ar­mor and to push toward better thinga. to tako the ir plncea in -th o ranka o f thono wbo would s tir tho rbllgioun ap irit o f fhe eommunlty nnd who would preach aa pa rt o f their Uvea the fatherhood of*-Qod und fhe brpthi-r- hood o f mnn, und the willlnffiicna to uerifiee 'in order td promote jrea t nrineiplea o f xmitarian chrlatiuii- [ty. Le t na hope th a t thia nnnunl aieeting m il roune the Unitnrlnna o f lh« countrj* to a redcdlcntion o f thcni- titlvca to the fa ith which Chnnning uroached nnd to liv in g tho life which !7banning-lived.'/

P e i - . f o i i a . l j

Dr. and Mra. J . B*rcmatad o f HurK>>- vero Twin Falla vlaitora yesterday.

Miaa Agnea Barry and mother, Mra.!kl. Darr>* are spending Ihe week in rw in Falla.

Miaa Ruth Wnl^singtonTia" at •hom'’'rom Jerome, where nho in tenrhlujt. o u ttrnd tho institu te .

i l . K. Vogel o f Poentello In it biini- lesa vinltor in Tw in Falls.-H. V. Jonea o f Buhl was u vinitor i-i

his e lty ycatorday.Zelmu Laimore^ia liomu from Fuir-

'ietd, Idaho-where sho is teaching, to ittend the Inatitute. .

J. £ . Stuliba, principal A>f thu Uun- «n sehoola, la nttonding the teachers’ nstitute.

0. B. F 'ftz le r, president o f thu Ida- 10 Tocbnlcal .College at Pocatello, pent two o r three days in Twin Falln he f ir s t o f tho week,Ethol £ . Redflold,' atato auperlnteud-

nt o f public inatruetion ia in tho ci»y or the inatitute.

Thomaa C^atello arrived in Twin ^nlla yoafprday ftom Los Angelca to ook a fte r bla biudneaa Intereata in thin ounty. . . •

VILSON GETS GOOD REST>r«tfdant Oontlnuaa to abow Improve-

flMBt Daantto Haadacba'

W ASlnNGTON; (ffO — President V*ilaon had a good n ig h t’a reat and ontinu-'a to ahow improvement denpite

alight headncho, aaid a bulle liu to­n y b r hla phyaieiana.Tbo bu lle tin fo llowa:“ The WWt« Honao, Oct. 15, lOlD,

1:55 a. m.“ Tho president hnd a good night S

est, enjoyed his breakfast, and aside rom a alight headache, contlnties to jttko improvemcnK The ronilition rhich causcd the rcntlesnncns o f Mon- ay night and nbont which Dr.-Towler ran eonaultcd, gave no trouble during bo n ig h t

“ GRAYSON,“ R U FFIN , .“ S T IT T .”


>lttabnrgh Blan I.oat In tba Sawtooth Konntalns Slnea October 0; Ko

Traca Fonnd

H A IL E Y , ID A nO , ( j^ -F O rc s t rung- ra in thin d is tric t have been sent out • a an endeavor to locate Joa. Cnger, irominent athlete and hotel mnn o f *lttsbnrgh, Pn., whn h.m been loni in he Snwtooth mounlaias, 130 mile^ lortb o f here, since October 0. Unger >ecame.separated from hin companioin n a hunting tr ip on Float creek an l lenpite every e ffo r t to I'lrate him. nn race haa been found. I t is understood bal he no provlnlonn at thc-lim e e became separated.__

rogrnd were closed last Thursday, ac- ording to a dispatch to the Daily Mail rom Reval.The northwestern Ruasias army haa

pparently crashed fhroogh Ihe Bol- hovik <lne« over a wide front. as been cafttnred and It is believed hat the foreea under General Yodan- tch alao have laken the itaportant own o f Ixiga, a lwut mifca aou*h- rcst t ) f Petrograd. The capture o f 'amburg, 73 ta ilfa - fro m Petrograd, eported on Monday ;'and latest dls- atcbes Indicate tbe Ifn e 'tif advwce to « nearly ]25 miles In length.

Oa the aonth the Denekine ttoopn ppear to have approached quite new he town o f-Tu la , which is conniderod he key lo Moscow from that aide. A Ijspateh* received here, aaya tbat I f ?uta fa lU to the Coaaacka tht* Bolahe- ib commissaries w ill flee into Turkca- an. ta k ia r advantage o f a gap t>e- we«a tKe Deaekino and Kolchak fore-»s a tbe Volga valley.

’P inN FAiLiSDAl

I f. . ■

Edwnrd, two-year old ann o f M r. and Mrs. Mrn. Hal .Wnllington, died Sunday u t bavo the home o f Edward WalUngton, f^rm grandf.itber o f the child. Buria l waa , . . held hort> on Mondny. The bereaved ; To parents reaido a t Eden. A nnvore oold, C. W jr i t h other compllcationn, caused dcnth. nin, •<

a time :TO Discass LBAOUB

A t tho K im bcriy Melhodlat church , ■tonight tho nub^ect “ T lm t ' Congrc»« ‘ ahould R a tify the Lenguo o f Nntiona.” boon.' w il l be debated by teama composed o f Staey Sampson, E. C. Mnngus fo r the a ffirm a tive ; Ray Eubanks, J iiy Scott nnd Marcua Pomeroy for the nega-

■ i m ™, .1 meut.

I - Q l < l 5 a i f i e a . i_______________ I who ■

- ---------------------------- ----- nppen' vTao U t f tm .JaaiiifleattoB.’.

TOR SALE—Auto rualilona, seat eov- ors, and radiator covers in stock. Con- •woy Auto Top Shop, Twin Falla. npcndi.'D r. Evnnn, Ihc optician. In at hia of- Menloi

fice iu Tw in Fnlln thin wf.-k hnt w ill be nwnv next week a fte r Oi-luhe.’ 10.— (, Adv. ■


THE FAinvitesexamin

LoveI>i f

Our 1 duce(

• f l -.1 suitablej j y choose~a, to suit y</ / T ^ . sey,,Trie{ / fo rd to I

The LatestA ll the new Models fro! Plush Coats to the sm: Fur Coats are ready foi a ll the way from$18,75 0

LuxurianScarfs and MnffB~tn la tes t aha Bed, Brow n and B lack Fox. i

SampleA tfu ly wonderful line a suit. Newest fabric: trimmed w ith fur.

W e have an I Hats, Rlouse

U l


'AILYNEWS‘ " * ’ I ^ I « ie t3

o o o l g r f f v - i i i o j

---------------- -.--------------------------------- ; m S•avo Montana for' Id a b o -M r. ' and ; Enrl D. M lllo r of B u ffa lo , M on t,0 arrived to make tb e ir homo on a a near Curry.

0 W in to r on Opait-^Mrs. Dudley nom Watson le ft yCaterdny- fo r Califor-

whero sho w i}l r ^ a in - foV oome 1£ > fo r tho be n o fii'o f-h « . bwdtb. .

• -• - • anto:laaona to .U o a t—A'aooIal'Ronvncn- -wbei

o f Tw in Falls lodgo. N o .'45, has s ix i1 ealled for-7:30 to n ig h t ' W ^rk iu b y ] sccond degreo'U to’ ^ exemplified. y^U

i ta n u r h im T H o S u t^ iM r . ■ oml . W illo tt Hanoe, Jr., retnmod yos- 70 ay from ' Rochester, M inn., whorp menl . ■ Hqucc went, -fo^ medieni treat- alon

• ■' 'iaklng Pngrasa^Reporta bn ’ the litioH o f Mni. Tbomaa'Bnrrlngtonj - ^

Wiui operated up<)n Monday fo r - . i i i ‘ndlclUa, show satlsfaPtory rcaulra be opemtion. ' ' , ' t *Btoma f to m - K o itb —M r. and Mro. n P. Senioi- nre homo ah e r nn ob-0 o f aeVeral weeka, - M r . . ^ n io r _ , . i, iding tbe time In Canoda anJ Mra.or lu Boise v is itliig friends.ooting Sot Baek^^D pceount o f ^ ^ fonchera* Inatituce In aeaaion-thia

Ic the Preabyterian. Mlaalonarv 8<i-


tSHION:you to look- o \

le and t r y on i

> ^ Q a r m

OW on p isPrices are Cir<

;d T h is W eek Special Bene

HARMING DRfe fo r a ll occasions, are I a tailored dress or pne h four fancy in Tricolette, £ icotine or Velour, a t pric pay. ■

1 in Coats3m the elegant long la r t short -Plush or )r you. Prices range

o$135 \i Fursa p e s a n d s ty le s , in T a n p e ,

O th e r p e lts i f y o n d e s ire .» v '•-*

s Suits $39le o ^ a d ie s ’ Suits, well v :s, styles and colors; strii

Exceptionally Fine es, Sw eaters and Indergarments.

ION S iA L L S - B U R L .1

ie ty ^ M t if l f i r wiU 'tw'uu.-MMoy. afi.iraooB 'to -ff la t« r !d » W /v ,; ,^ ^

Ooing to!. O b ld a . a ta tf—M r;- . attd ’:>&^ I r a ^ v l d Brown; Mr. and Mra. l..Cburcbhm nnd M r. and M ri..a .: lt , ;-< :;5 limpaon lotivo .tomorrow monung.v by ■ uto fo r California,-whoro tb o - if ira t '. , - ' wo familiea w il l apood. the' w inter; - ' y £r. and Mrs. Slmpaon w ill remain a . - i lonth o r moro,

M aking A nto t r ip W « « t-M r. onJ ' Cri. Andrew Bogoraon aro leaving by . ntbmobilo fo r California tomorrow,'bero tbey focpoct to spend tha next iz months. They w il l l>o acc(Rni)ftniad y M r. and Mra. Olou Jenkins, who i l l spend, a month v ia itlng the pointa ^ . f Interest, nnd w il l return by rail. •To H o ld Annual Blectlon->Announec-

lent ia made o f an annual oleotiv« aoa- lon o f Twin Falla ebopter, Amozlcan J led Cross on Saturday, Oetober C5. be sosaion.w ill bo couducted a t- H ’clock in .obaptcr bouap a t Shoshono ad Th ird streota. A n executive board 111 bo held n t th is meeting. , -TakM A n A p ^a l~ ^ In . tho eourt o f

ustlee o f the Peace W. S. M allory yoa- jrday ovening W. W. I'c rry , a lineman, - as arraigned on cliiirgo o f bunting ithout bnving procured tho neeosMiry tate p e rm it Arrest was made Sun- ay t y Deputy Statft Gnme Warden J.: Fitxaimmona on Sunday. Defendant as prononneed gu ilty and hna entoroil otice o f appeal.


SHOP> v e r ; i ^ •- —•


len tssp layreat I y Re»; for Your efit.

IESSESJ here. You can highly trimmed

:, Silk, Serge, Jer- ••ices you can af-

).75I worth $50 to ?75 r ic t ly tailored or

le Line of I Dainty

h o b I

Page 6: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE

k ' . i a P F E i S l w 11 FOR MINe ilFf; ^ P e d o ra l D a i r y D iv is io n T e lb

B e t te r M e th o d s f o r . G ro w I 1 in g H e rd s

? Thu imj>ort&ucb~ o f providing cl. fo r RTowlng heifera-cfitl p ractl

' thorough cuMing;U br'oug;ht out b}[rrHults o f feeding oxpcrimcDtfl rbtc romiilotpd by the da iry d ivb ion , Un

/ t^tsto dcpnrtmoat. of ngrieulture..thcBo oxporimcnu groups o f calvca t fed from b irth to 1 y c * r n n d J . o f ago ond n rccord woa kept o f a ll iri)URuniDd< • ,1 .............

In 'o n o oxporim ont,-11 heifer ca wero raiBod to the'age o f 1 year, uvcroge amount o f food consotncd I'ttch ea lf was ofl fo llo trs : Hay, S jcuncls; grnln, 88C.6 pounda;-'ail: .1,003.1 pounda; m ilk, 110 poaoila; a: m ilk, 2,414 pouuils. Eatimating Imy a t $50 por ton, grain a t |0«, Bilago u t #8 n ton, m ilk a t * centa, nkioi m ilk a t 3-^ conta per pound, rost o f raising onch heifer to onu y o f ttgo waa 972.4?. ■

Fivo o f tho cnivea from, the f in t ' pcrimcnt wcro tbon fed fo r one m

year. During th is accond year o c a lf connumod on tho nvorago, 1,13

' jjotmds o f hay; l,2Cl.fl jwunda o f gray^021 pounds o f allage. Using the aa figures fo r computing tho cost o f

icoda consumed doHng th is aocond y; thfl total cost o f ra ia injf A hc ifo r f tr. b irth u n til two yeara 'Of nge i?; *167.06.-c jheao f lg n n w omphaaiaoC neeeaaity o f provid ing fo r boU

cheap food auch sa paature and aila g nud bring out tho importaaco o f cti fu lly culling the heifora to avoid nlj injrnhoao which w ill provo to be in<< io r cowa.

1 NORTHisSlEIIT j SHOWmBEi3 Im p r o v e m e n t is S h o w n i i L - ^ !! S h ip m e n ts f r o m S e a t t le a n df; ■ T a c o m a

O f the f i n t thouaand cnrs o f ni ' wheat received s t Seattle ond-Tacoc

~ thla year, 36.8 por ceat graded So.I as compared .to lfi.0 per cont o f la

year's receipts, the U nited States d {u rtm en i o f agriculture nnnouoci The f l^ r o a fo r laat yonr repruseat i ro ipts fo r tho period Ju ly IS, IDiS, February 1, 1019.

O f Uio nuw-cr6p*WMto Club recolp 50.4 per ccnt graded ^ o . 1 da oompan to Stf.63 per ccnt o f -tho roceipta <

. .. lust yvnr. O f tho Hard Hed Wiuti, 3(J.B por cent graded No. while U4.U pur re n t o f tnc< rocuipts < lusc yeur riTcivod a No. 1 grsdo. T l figurea fo r Common W hite wheata aho l l . d p iir ccut No. 1 thla yoar aa cos pared to per coat fo r 'la s t y « u

- . 'crop. These flgaroa wore , obtalnc from reports mado by liceosod inapo

, tors (o the Bureau o f U arketa o f tl: i departmunt.!: Aa increuav-is also ahoWu in tho pot coatogc o f the new crop grading NiC 2, 4C.1 p rr cunt fa llin g Into thia grndt as compared to 30.2 pei cent fo r I&iJ ycur. A Inrgo increaae ia shown i; Commou W hitir wheats, while slight di’ ' crouaos are shown ia wheats o f t t

. otUuf clwwwB. Oosnbinlug tho f ira l im grades, the figurea abow XO.O por cei

graded No. 2 o r better th ia year i compared w ith SD.2 per cent o f Ja. ye a r’s rueclpla.

A general increaae is noted ia t l averagr teat weight per bushel o f U vorioua claasca, and s marked - decreaj

i in the pvTtettlago o f ^he crop eany it dockage. Smut dockngo inereaae<l I the Coninion W hite snd W hite Clu wheats aud <lecreaaod in the Bk wheats.

A bout 8el«noe« and Retfgiooa.Tbo pblloaophlcal vdeaees de«l w iti

the geaeral principles, ]awB o r caoM tb a t fu rn ish (he ra tloaal ezplanatloi o f anyth ing : tho rationale by wfald

. th« facts o f any region o t knowi^dg lire explalne<L Tbe pbraae ta qm>< rooro particu la rly Id reference to thi otady o f oa tam l phllonophy o r phya lea. E m pirica l owthoda are tho» o f obaerratioo. I t ia a bcIcqco Iho gmwa oo t o f experience. Sach a ad

- entlat la Tersed. o r akUlod. la e n ll« t Ing facts nnd from those facta gener allzatlotui arc mode. Tbere a ro baa dreda o f rellglona.

Too Hasty.“ U r . Crawley, can you lend me*—

"No. s ir, I c a a tt Aod I f 1 coiJd 1 w o u ld n 't I haro been loodlog yoii .DKiaey fo r a year, and yoa maka oo effort to re turo Itl** “ B ut I wonld Ilka lo know I t yoa w otildn 'l lend me—^ "And I to ld yoo l)cforei hand 1 woo’t ” **Wcll. theo. don’ t I 1 waoted to borrow yoar foan ta lo pen to make oat a check fo r w bat I ev« yo n ; ba t I f yoo're In no b n rr r . IV n o t r ................. ....

«Trtn«h Laava.”Tbip erpre«sloo aroae la tho esrij

• pa rt o f the eHhteenth ccntary. throaict certain gneata. In tbe salona o f France not aware o f tbe h igher acta o f cour teay. learlog w lthont aayJnjf good-bj to tbe boat o r lieateaa. The practtc< i«>read to aociety la thla conntry Therefore. I f a maa le ft w ltboot n y fng g o o d ly to bia boat. I t wsa aald b* took “ Frooch leaT*.”

T u rtla Ufiatopa S««vw.T o opeo a atopped ap aewer ptp«,

r t u k W M o t Bicftmoad. I fb ^ (mogbt ft snail turtle aod cot • n a i l hole Is

. . . t t i a h d . l^ c a ha tied 4 a trtn t ttt •. .'tte te le and atarted tbe tttrtSe throogii

..-th* M v c r pipe- Wheoerer tfre tn r tl* atepped a polHm the atrtng atarted it

• dawing Its way tonrard agala imtU pipe vaa d w .



j i i s o f

cheat)‘CtieinK -


rs woro



Bkisi Ig tbo

' moru

d'yoar• from C U k V

wsa ^The wmr bronght fl>e*rma tol

lo i r w popolmr r a w a«alB tn the OiUta ■Uago, tiM , qgit ahoo

lag at ih« -enamy. crap^hoouc 1 rtis- u u>, new aport B to rkm a^ i >B «r- ettraeu women. Mra. a Q. Ba

c t Naw York knowa (hia and al iuk«a,h«r UTtng leaehtiig woom

rbow to ahooL She la an ezoaj wtth any kind flrearte. '

IJDE Whtn L a s lt lib m •7alr.>When a leg la la tor wiahea to be

nf>«« M Q tJkt_tbe tU ii9 ..w be ir an Import vote Is to be O k ra , he flnda aome m<

n » ber wbo intends to ro te on tbo o t aide o f tbe qdestlou aod a m oxm “ pali^' w llh him . That is. tbe « «

now n>gialator agroea to re fm la trom i icoma Ins. aa no accommodation to the fli ^0 . 1 Cbe act reau lt wheo uc ithe r vote ' last co ft Is tbe snmu aa I f both bad V6I a do- on oppoaite aides. B o lh leglalatora c

then bo absent I f tliey wiah \vlth( fl 'to c ithe r side.

BEAD THE O ^ tB S m m ) ADSlatod . y " * I — ■ ■

J"';; Reel Esiale Transfers:s o f' . ____________________ ___________Tho ------------ ---------T-----------------------------

,bow ' rantabad By tbe ¥w1d PUla T t com Ua «»d AbeCraet OoapanyOK '* ■_________llnod * ■■•P0«- Per.! K B Hoineeke to K B Toml

sou. E h f L ft B 2 Jones A-ld T. F.■ Uced J V Tennant to W Haynes

W h f SK 14 .IM 8 .1* Johnston to J 8 M cEllig i

(««♦ WOO Und h f L 31 and 32 B 11 F ile r „ Deed P Johnston lo same #300 U" h f L .11 nnd 32 B 11 Filer.‘ X . Deed C 8 Musser et a l to t l Han iw« ton ct al *30750 SW lO lO-lO.. . . Deed Ftocatetlo See T r Co lo A

, Kunkel et a l »202.'1 L 19 20 and 21 , " 15 Bluo Lskea Add ^Yeat T. P.

Deed Lavina H Date to D B Than #1 L 8 B 2» aad L 7 B 107 T. P.

f the Tl ri ireaso ■ying

“ SPECIAlfwith

i INSTITUTE Wl>dgei»cdthe V

hj»- Manufacturers’ L iiaosethot

I Coats, Ores - and Skirt!a I roa

n°a Only One Day Moi »!»■ avail yourself o f th i«-eli>“ usual opportunity.mrarm

Thursday is the lasl fu l line w ill be on c

<ri7.have purchased fro r

SJ sured us th a t they h OT. saving: on the ir w in t


SS • T

jl M i

rvycicj PA1.U

w nsnr'iEins" UIMMOKE^ H o n s e k o p o e rs o f F o r e ig n B i ^ G iv e n B e n e f i t U . S . O nU ' • n a r y S tu d y

Many o f tho fbrcignora who c io tboao shorua do' not know hon mako the best usu o f Ameriean fo In tho ir own land they havo bate fa ir ly woU-balaneed ra tion- In An: ca, duo tb lack o f knowicdgo o f,m o f our foods, tho ir d ie t is prond til' ron fiiicd to i i fow urticlcs and t(

' oiKi-aidcd. Thu homo-dcmonatra agents working under tho super^'ij of. lhe deportuittnl o f agricu ltu r» .

V I the stntu ngriaultural colleges aro ■ • denvoring to remedy tliis conditioa H to tench these people Amerieon m SB oda o f food noloction nnd preparntii K l St. Loula County, M inn., hus mMS Finnish people who hcrulofotc h

. viiU'u vv iy few vcgclables in the a tner nnd practienliy none -in the t tor. Tho hoine-demonstmtion agent Ihe eouuty spent much time Iftst *

3 B nier to juhing tho uao o / Amorican fi | n and vcgetoblcH to tbcao people. ■ S . Many mistakea wore mado by t l ^ 9 a t f ir s t boeauao o f tbe ir lack o f kno M | edge o f certain vcgotflblea ond tl

Uiiea. One Finnish gardener plan ■ V J squash in a solid ro ^ through tho c w y Barden andjcaa-aatonla '

and duTKUHtuiL th a t . the-Vines apn over moal o f hia 'smWI garden. “ M 1 w a it u n li l a eucumber' ia all yell beforo 1 oat i t , ” and “ W bat port >

equaah" arc typi u te d quoatioaa tho agent anawercd da lioot- l^m o Finnish communities have do

oped such a' lik in g fh r Amcrl- • g 'P plcklca tha t tho homo-domonatrat

ngent has da ily ealla fo r dlroctiona making thom. The recipea aro gl^ i f l ln 'ir reelplenta promise tho t o;

, Mie older members o f tho fam ily -them and tha t they learn how to p

_____ ^ puro carrota and groens fo t tho you--------— children. In most cases thoy comi

w ab< ''ounty fu ir this fa ll a hn

num bet_o£_foto lgtt— mem- hmmod to can woro Induced to

tor samplea o f tho ir worif. They wi o iner jo ligh ted n t receiving a numbor

I*®* • premiums. Tho Finnish women a mndo an exh ib it o f homemade soup a

Q vot* o f food producta peculiar to thoir coi J f l r s t try . Thia exhib it was given a prot ote ia. nent plnee, and the intereBt o f t V6ted crowd cauaod tho foreign women mu racan pri<lo and delight.

O nim lng 'o f CUM.W ith tbe exception o f black ones.

^ la said tba t to dream o f csta la oi locky. I f the animals acratcb, tb

— - dreamer most beware o f a riva l 1 love. To dream o f cbaslag o 'ca t mean

fS dlsappoiQtment' over .something.

” M>TRnanis ouy (n Uiv msiHsta^ i^a i a«rrt your Interval

»miin P O B T L A S D O A T T L ® L O A B F. ' O O H P A in r *ics ♦!


B n r s t H a U o s a l B a n k B ld « .

tomM BOBtBY-. IDAHO ? . __________________________ _____ _____

F O R ^ °(EEK!,

sses j|f^ ts I Iore to ■ ^ b V j [ _

ist day tha t th is wonder- 1 display. . Many people om th is line and have as- have made a substantial

nter garments.




LLS d jA lLY NfeWS. '■ B 4 " s t u ^ . p lV T ta lJanJ i u The ^om en o f the .Ieiirer

DKFRY and d o .(d l‘:s o r t f o t iabU n L I I I tea* and,nnwotnanl5 tmaka, aCTOrd!

to oor. American;Idea*.’ 'i ln . ta c t , 1 a B i r t h trave ler in I te ly l» ,«Uno«t {coavlo( f t - i i ’ th a t tbe woioen do a ll th e woik,. wb

tbe men do the talking... Ag» 1* oo b r le r to fem in ine actlvltsr, fo r oite <

. crone o.t leaat e l^ tT r to ':jod«e tnho como w rltik lca f a c e ^ * ‘ totteTto« irte

,*® was p h o tb g rn p h ^ 'a r ty ln ^ - ’ aa 1 basket o f fagots;, a l l aloi

0 Amcrl* ^ baaltM streets o f,m any Logano la Ita ly . •prone to -■ ’ ’ — - —nd to bo - inoempiat****Ti.

HoiriuaT«i»a la Uib lfu r iS a <»

aro en- *ot)th, m a tu rity and even old age ahtioa aad Bver reaching fo r tbe aomethlng el<xn meth- which they crave fo r tbe hottr.^whharation. seems to bo the essctitlnl need o f t lus many year while we t>cca8loDaIly meet ntc have tnrf?s ^xiio are bend’.ng «very fo rce .<

the auaj- d,p|p working years to t l io end o f attppnr'o f lulnlnK ««me great am bition, fo ilin g Jttst sum- " ‘ ‘ 'cf** ">■« *0 thero-ls bot a fractlottp;an f ru it Cohort Carroll.

liEATffM m IFBM HUB1 yellow - ■'’“ yp iS d a d a s B o f S a l ts t o F lwI du lly K id n e y s i f B la d d e r B o t h e r s ;e dovoi- Y o nLmerieaq 'latratiou E g ling meat regularly eTentually prioM fo r d u c e /^ d a e y troa.bla ta some form .

other, M ^s a weM knowa an thority , b i iw !!«» «®” »o “ ‘■Jc ■cJ'l excite* t l

10 D,« k i l l" '? * , "lioy •>««»“ • o v .rvo rke d i r n Vrt«nf clog «p and cause aU-8orta'(^.nw.115 distreas, particu la rly baekaehcr<aad ml corai'iy ory la the kidney re ^o a ; rbeamat

' j.twlngea, aevern hffadaehea acid ston“ W ^ a c h , constipation, torald , live r, alooj

‘‘^ “ ofl'Tctonesk't Madder and urinary ir r its t io . *® The n.>oment'your back harts or k libor^^ftf a re n 't acting righ t, or I f bladdt on sUn *’®*hera you, go t aboat /ony ouacea.e

from , aay good pharmacj lr ™ a tableapooaful in a 'g lu s o f w,J n m l te r before breakfaat fo r a few daj Je 7 ° ^ kidnoya w ill then act f is in much fw noot aalta is made from th

a c id ‘ o f grapea nad lemon juice,* eon bined w ith Hthia, sad hoa been use

. fo r generations to flush clogged kl^ iQes, I t stimulate theiu to n o rm a lltiIs on- aeulrali>u' lho adds 'h tho **'® lonjror irrita les, thu^ * ending bladder disorders.

cannot tn jnro aajono makes a de ligh tfa l efferreseent Hlhin

. water d rink whleh mlUlona o t »>en aai womon take now and tb 'ia .to keep ih

te 4 s & Iridnevft f^ d u rinary .organs elonn^ tha avoiding aerioua kidney dlaeasel--Ailv

O A K ^

A S IA ^ 1 / JMHHS ^

i g .

B o r f t 'v o u 'i

T ^ M A N C E i» a - t v Stnmge and » tT i r ^ e a r c t ) c c I c o o in 9 ’

o ff aod tee A e 's ro rh

Vcam to **parley P a re e . See th e To

J. I Bcmama. See anrf-i beach o f W m kild.

f ' Leam t i n lure, th[g the cniah and sw irl o

KB. E a t ^e tt—fiee; fr ttis le e p d e a n —frei

II a li s tra igh t in tbe F re n c h , C h in e s e , Spaniards. E gyp tia

• a l l fT M T ^ n ^ ^ p c

Cocxzet Be a rea worid. See tbe n v k

\ Shove off ]

V ' ' ' ■' I ;

. . e f Piintme CwiaL- ;sa in In I f i l i oa Atigast :%1the Eb«r ainal was. fo m a ll/ opesipd' to ' ibor>, world. The canal had l>ecn'--i

Jreata 4n . bnilding;.- T tf^ teta1--< ♦he 3f eonstrucdoc, ezdn^ve of .fojtUi

need tions, dv ll government ajId pnyiai rhfle to the republic o f FBAama, was appi bai^ Imately *85T,00p^. Hu? fltst;.p I old age after the formal oproloii of Crom canaf was made by tb e 's te a m ^ taps, Oolo&el Ooethnls, gbrenior of

itO‘ cannl xone, was on board. The’ i lose, aage.flrom CriMobai to Balboa, wa* I Id compllshed In nine oonra.

W hat A re Jhese MapleaT - W hat Are these znaplee and'beei

!o* and birches but odds and Idy l* lee! m adrljta ls; what- aro ibese.'plnee are fin i and sprocea bu t h o ly bytnni else Holmes.»lch -

posted nUxiii unoiTii. firKcs « opportimhlei* to Imv ihi’nttth «•*>

>-Of ih^ Wv, , ‘ •at- — K-'i''''

L— fH M M H H a M S B H a S H H n a H M a i

._J To weed out in fe r iC.-: supplant them w itl’J j To produce, ifchrou) uh| superior qua lity o f’ ! T h is r ^ u ire s ipro-' To create a financi

ther progress-.-^5 - To establish credil 'i,°l tion when needed— !m' This also reqi

time. . der Capital and credi

farm er’s and sto " , a reliable way

through an acco«)m- .

I Twin Falls BI'latQ. M e m b e r F edein'


ins ( - %

f U c r f r e^ o c U K T V

\ I \ s s ^

**Loofcl B Cora yoar

■ ■ I B C - starafaowiaeptcmbea tbe Svrao

want to see fcalling to you i the re d -b l sm iling foreign hard -p tey i r to you. Shove Navy.-Idl

Pay begy-voo” in g ^ On board b u U - f ig h ts in learning, -.riding on the skin, indust

T h ir^^ day . year w ith

h a t oomea w ith good. FSn o f the good salt n ished frei e; dress well— ' lim ited fo r ee; and look ’em can cnHst f : eye—Britiah, o a t broadei i , J a p a n e s e ,n n a , Algerian* Shove ofi

I f yoo*re bi tiie nearest

aJ TTI art 0 f the a ll tlto dets id . See^it w ith where i t is

- t

I'Join the ijt

. ' iv n D m r a

I --B ln f, • ' ■ •

IriiBcn- iE B O E R -O . B. llaae isoB soli TOeotJ* hU w h and kna bought the. Salmui iDOtttt- BI»ar . store a t Hollister. t^ a s » . M r.ia a d , Mra. Stephen H ills « d C

C.- B IIU have, gono to Everett, Waah Jn S t to to t a loes tlon r .^ tw - — M r*, d W. eimpaoa w il l leave th i

week fo r Boehcstif, M ina., to ente Wnyo BrolheraV hoapital fo r surgica .trt*tinen t. Tter ;aothcr, Mr8. Cavanew

■' i»lU aworapsujy hor. - • • ;. •There is 'n o sclin.o l tiere th is -^ e l

r ' • a i .thp teachers nte > tto n d in g insti } ^ ^ C * ^**^0 ^ i n Falls.-U and Prank Holloway recently-made a trl] ee and **•“ Bruneau valley in search o t i a j M ^ loeotlon.w . - • •

The woman who ' siil.HeS the' ad K.S'OWS th - rlght-now offeringa o f tbi

«-a an-.- siorM.' .Mite .Irv^t.’i . h n v m • »pea> rca.lint: hour* In •••hopplajT-*' She does>B*i

(luviiig (i n hoslaeasllke w ay ..'

' '____ ' .____ * ' III /In 11 ,,n.nmiMiMii

srior grades:of_stock and ith high-bred animals— ugh scientific methods, a j f c r o p s . ^

3 perseverance and tlm a icial surplus th a t Twll fu r-

l i t to insure accommoda-

quires perseverance and

id it are n e ce ss^ to the tockman’s s iicces^and T to build up both is ount here,

Bank S Trast Go.i d e r a l R e s e rv e S y s te m .

Here Is the gtobe apctad OQt f ia t tc . oar eye*. See those atara? Bvcry ewa w b o e a ir . a h ^ w M Miber 3adi 1919^ T im V te r r t m t e raDAsaa.

t i i e ' W » r i d 7

.b lo o d e d , hard-wofk iog, y ing men o f the U . S,

cgins Cbe day yon jd n . d ship a man is always

Trade sciKxtls d e v d t^ u s tiy and business ab ility , ays care-free holiday cach ' h fu l l pay. The food is 'ii3 t uniform o u tfit is fu r- ree. P ro m o tio o is un- o r men pTJaains. You t fo r twoWears and come jer,' s tn a ^e r end abler.

o£F—Join tbeTJ. S. N avy. ^ be tm e n 17 and 35 go tp

cst recruiting sta tion fo r ' stails. I f you'don’t know is ask your iwstmaster.


Page 7: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE

WT O M U A TV - 1 ^ . 1W>.

tW e j;la s s it it

« i Ota* O o tu n ^



O h A B S a m AATBSoue mwrtjoa, plsr ifor4_'__^.r— _ ._j>«o a t w*eli .(Dmtl7 aad W *«kl/)-------tOe•ioe oouth (P « ll7 u d W #«kiyj------19«

. M \s \B « n «bw s*' fo r u c h InMrUoa • f. 40 V r lu f i f le d «d, I f i eaatt. 4d* m u ll fun fo r ■ m tA d period o f timo.

- P H O i^ n .

. F o r B a le B e a l E s ta te

FOB a A I j j ^ ^ r i T B ickel addition! Toniu. A ddrou Box 116, B ji i le j, Ida.

l!X)B fiA L B — UnUsualiy . pretty cor­ner S room, modem bouse. Plione .3S7-.)'

POB ■ SALE—S ftcre homo, good botuo. A bargain.- Phoae orSCHBS.

FOB SA LE —CO ncrc* 1 milo north HiuiBeB. Torma to r i^h t pnrty. O. A . * Boll. i

POB SALE—6 room tiooM v i th ■leepinff porch. Two loU. Inqniro 786 4th Ato. W. ‘

POB 8AU£— 80 oeroi a uiUca duo •uutil o f Tw in Patia; one-third cftoii, ' iml«nc«' on 'ousx termk. i '. K. 0eani ‘ iiH'iier a t Wea%’cr rooms.

■ FOB S A LB r-P ive room modern * houae fo r quick sale; w itl tako #3000; 41JS0 eaih, baloueo |2o ]Hir munth. T iiio ia a bargain. Call or uddrcn 172 Adtuua atroot. » ,

FO B BBN T OB 6A L S -8 S 0 aerw, /uno mllo from Shoshone; Aboat *1SS iacrea in ooltlTatlon; 130 InehM old ^ ^ucood wator; L it t le Wood rlT«r p ri- :vate dam and ditch. Frod B. Trae, ' Box 827. Shoahone, Idaho.

f m BALl!^~120 ucruB ou liigbway botwflon JocQmu-to ShosUouc, bU m , rn ltiva tio n , 35 acrca a lfu lfn , balnneo n lo w : land. K pw 3 room house, goorl barn, wotob w ire, $150 per ocre, t *4000 caoh, balance to suit purclioscr, r Immediate |>osaosaion. W l\burn nn<l lia rtohom , Jorome.

FOB B A LS ^bM lB to ljr the ^ ^ e -o r th e tn o t 40 aere* d iiz r f u n . .A l l

ia bine |T«aa aad white eurer.. Fair bdildiafs. t mile* from Twltt Falla, c Also B2 head fiao Toimff haifera. Boot v an be froah la o p i i u . ^ 6t000 fo r Uad E aad eattle, 1-4 caa^ balanee good terma. Immediate jwaMaalea. l^ a ' t bother ms aaleH jroo eaa isiae $1,S00 i caab. Owaer, 601 Eaat. ^

—_________ _________________ _________P


- * 40‘ aorH, 4 m ilc i aoiitheast o f * „* Jorome. Stoek, raachineryj^.hay ** aU 80 w ith the place j « 8 0 per * ''* acre, *5000 cash, or would take ♦* c ity property on part payment. * ^* Buy from owuer. Addrew A- F. •* ^ y t fa , Jerome. Bouto 3, Idaho. * ^* ' • * ..............................* * ‘ >

FOB 8A I.B MISOBLLANEOUS" p o r SALE—Electric ra«ff.‘ ,' almoat *'

new. Phoae 513.K4. ' “>X>B SALE—N ew ^'^O ti^Spriagfio id

r iflo - 732 Snd Ave. W. ®

“ iim '^ l^ B -^ ^ C lw ic e ” ^ 'c ^ iu c d w fm it . 711 «th A t 6. E.

POB SALE—Lyon' nnd llea ly pinno SninhoBany case. Qall flS7. , rl

---- ----------blJ-'OB BALt>-01Jver lyp e w ritir , good n.

rondition, cash or terms. Phone «44R. "

Conway Aulo Top Shop have back curtain plale glaw window* il..*;© np.325 east. t j

Windshields, eot to f i t , put m. - • t Conwav Auto Top Shop, .122 Mam East. ■ ____________ ______________

POB 8 A LE t- 5,000 shares Glcnailon ^ M in ing Co. stock in the famous Park J5 C ity, Utah, m ining distrlet. W ill sell fo r cath or trade (or land. A . P. Bid;;o.

5 FOK SALK—lnime<llaj* .lelivery •TunK -lxJk '’ Orain Bins. >000 btuh»I pc

• apBciiy. Rigid and PorUble. D. ti. bo Waiaon Company, next to post offieo.

POB SALE—A t one dollar per aharis Cl

DOINGS OF TH E VA1>y ^ V U S TI ^A A M C g.! y fiu J a w /a O M B O F iT H C . W O W T /^ f« 4 < ^ T lN c ;, 6 K . '

you MVST HAMfi.

iied ads have lo u n d h o i

* any portton o f five bundrod aharis •>icTuu Oil Stoek. Production in famous , Toma and Oklahoma fie lds-Dresbach, S0» Sceurlty Bldg., Oklahoma C ity, Ok.

^ D B N IT U B E FOB B A L IJ -H Iks ; 2 dressers; iron bod, sjirings and linut- tress; bookcase; rockera; lib ra ry t* - ble; several smnU tables; h inge/Jee . box, dibscs. Call o t 227 -N inth ' avd. 'K

F o r S a le L iv e S to c k■ ____Is POK SALK—Teaa* o f horses, weight I. CtUO lbs., .1-4 mile ciist u f Curry. (1.

C. Vau»un.

POB S A LB -^oO d %-oung team nbout MOO lbs., nnd hnmes*. Phone 608J or '

^ ra il a t'H O Quinoy ' Stroot. , ;

^ F o r S a le A u to m o b ile s ^ i

I ' F 0 lT "sA LE -^r9 i r 5.pnaaen?ir "pokT . ■ nil 310 Tentb avonue east.d — I - — _______ ____

POR SALB-1018 Touring Pord* Phone 035W or oall a t 253 N in th north. |

h “ t o b S A L E ^ o t « i TroT t ra ilw 'a t ^ reaaonable price. App ly JohnsoB Aato

Salea Co. • jOne ton Ford truck, Model 1010 fo r

9 wit(* nh(>np or irndo on touring car. “ F- 1>. " riirn News. j

Q r o i t SALK nt Luo'a auction, Satur- I day, Octobcr 18th, Studebaker 4 tour- ,J Ing ear, in first-class shape. . ,

TOR S A L E -^ ld a m b H o eight, ai- * g most now. Prlcod low fo r <{ulck salo.. Idaho Auto and Supply Co. J

'• TOB S A LE -^U s^ Dodgo toumAg j c a r/ju a t overhauled, now top. A bar- . gain a t *700. .Johnson Auto Sales Co.

J / “ p O B 's A l^ ^ fh r c e ” used ' Bopubllc i Frucks in good condition; Cheap. A.

* M. W iker, 14g Maple Avenue. Phoii<-* I72J.. __________ _— ------------- ; ‘


f W A N T E D -^ ir l 'fo r general housed I ' work. C a ll'a t 219 7th Ave. E.3 . . . —I —I. ----- ... . . I '1 WANTED—Carpenters wanted; mast . be finishers. C. C.. Sparks, 8SS Bar- . ’• rison St.

W A N T E I^ E z p e r ie ^ tta rr ie d m u ' on ranch by the month. Oall a t Bey-

' nolds Bros.I . ........ --------- . ~ n

W ANTED—Firs t class laundroso to .i . call fo r and deliver small amount u f : work weekly. Pbone 220 W o r ’call 403 i Blue Lakes boulevard.

! W ANTED—Maa in ahoo repair shop .) a t Bohl. jJnion wagea and hours.

Steady work all year ronnd. Call phone 72. Joyce's Shoo Shop< u

’ W A N T ^ ’ T O B ^ T I,*

; ' W A I^tE D -^B y’ fam ily o f three, fu r J' , n i N h r d - 2 or 3 room honse. Best o f , , refrrenres. No. 14, care The News. ^

' £ 0 8 t ~ ~ ~ ^LOST—Hetwrcn my plnce, 8. Brooka,

naek o f Fonl toola. ’Leavo a t L ibe rty ••Markcil. J. C. Rny. • D. ______________________________________m

LOST—Hunch of koya on ring con- p]tain ing 'Yalo , Sargent, and other small ' keys. Koward. Return to News, •

.LO ST—Between 9th avenuo nortb and Kim Parky string ambor beads. B o -{ ' turn to 1-15 9th nvonuo nortb fo r re- j ward.

LOST—On Shoshono atreet bctwocu-K H trattoii Bren, nnd Kighth notlh, shell I ac rimmed gloMea w itb gold chain an-l I j , button. Return to 1-7 E ighth avenuo [g north. P|ione 5.'0J. ] Ci

W A N T ^ M lB O E L E J u iB ^ T '

*^A N T E I> ^ocond -hana ' Underwood typewriter. 'Will pay cash. Phono ^

_________________________________f;T o T r» d e j

F o iT T a A D E —loo acrca atate laad, ) a a ll improved, half . mile from Boy, I r Idaho; w ill trade fo r anto. Inauiro H, or DeW itt, loato 3, Tw in Falla, Idaho. tb

TATtBN TJP ~ T A K E N ~ D p '^ S S t r f ' 'B U U « S '■pony, aad 2 yoar old mole. . 1 1*S b O* Booth o f Tw in FaUa. Owaer t« pay " advertidag aad pastvrago.Clasaified aro ebsap—effectlv*.]8<

kN LOONS» H * v ^ ' / ^ M f i

* 7 f /A C e o M P tJ :V ^= $ e e g g ^-Z ----- W O N O S « S/ ' 'T G rt- t |V»E

pmes fo r ttiousandfe ■ I f

' . « . » -.» i .i . J a 0

s t e s OlRECtORYh

B u a n n s s s oabd baxxs ''Oae inaertion,. par Ua* - ......... , - ^One weak, per Utt* ------------------ 88e j,One montb. per U m --------------------76a _

tB o im aa ; ------ Sw n m o w m A S B

w im S O W 0 U L8 8 —A in eabJa.t work. Moon’■ Bliop, p b o i. ». b

” ' TSAHSrKE . ‘>• " 5 E 5 5 5 H i~ o o io A O T i !;J; l-hODO 5M. "

2 " p i S o T r i S & o ~ j ’

L fU D Q TD S IH O —Ploao 108.' LogiS? ................ T - . . -v-. . I^ ________________ i - i - ---------------------- -- f l

p r o f e a a l o i v a l >\

ATTOEHTOS !|'J ASHEB b T w i LSOV—U i^ e r . j,

B O U BB o T in iX S —B o ^ B o lld la T ”, B . V : LAB80K>>aeB«ral praetite. Co- f i r tiUIos BaU Bldg. e<!• . . . . ------------P<

TATZtOB O m oaN B »B abooek Uldg. pi ^ Probate aod c iv il practice. f<

>■ SWBBU3T h S W B B IS y~ -A tlom ey i i,, . a t Law. Practice la a ll Conrt*, TwinI Palla, Idaho. . .. to

■ Boom»'6 Ui4 "■ ; U. over Idaho Departmeat Store, Twia " .. Falls, Idaho. ^

J. HI WIBB—Lawyer. Fu lly organised Uolieetion Department. Offices—-

V Rooms 8 and 7. over Twia Falla Bank i t Trust IV.., Twin Falls, Idaho. “

iN o m iii T* ''* J , 0. P 0 E T B B F im 4 > -C iv li/H y d n u r co- ll<* and U in lag Kngincer. Tw ia FaUi, '<•

Idnhn. Phone IM-J^. Ci


e DB. T . a W A B S O k -^ ff ic e 110 1-B jo, • Main Avo. Norta., Oppodte Peniae

Hotel. Phone 745 J.. ......... TTI !■ I- Al

M B a P. W. MBECH ' w ill resume Icnsons in Frcnch to pri- _• vnto pupils. Phone 487. 255 Sixth

j iivennc north.—Adv.

‘ r M O N B T ^ LO A N ^TO LOAN—Private party haa money

lo luan. Address 6, care o f Newa.■ ,V e a a ^ » h e '7 iw r^ a 7 ^ T I lA T “ T O ^ o f

M .W KNOW A L L ABOUT IM M S D l In- ATB BUYINO O P ro B T U N m B tf. noII -*<urh knowledge has a eas!i*va]as on f - ------- -----------------— T»3 BEAD T B B D A IL T ITSW a ■ |>e


I You arc hereby notlfied 'thn t tho rcc- "fo ular nnnunl Stoekholders' inuetlng o f .i,,

' th f Tw in Fnlls Canal Co., w ill bo hold n t tho o fficc o f said c<rap^>y n t Twin

' Fnllfl, Idaho, nt 10 o ’clock A. M., Do- , ri-niber i»th, 1019, fo r the purposo of

r ic rtin g flv c members o f tlie Board o f Dir<«ctorH nad trsn inc tln * nuch other Iiusinefui nn mny come before anid meet- .

■ Cil , .Ml ]>rosicfl must be in the hands o f .• the Secri-tnr>- on .or before Thursday,

neeembiT 4lb, 1010, and each proxy.-fmuRt hnve a ten-cent Revcnu^ Btnmp

plaeed thereon. — “ fT W IN PALLS CANAL COMPANV. P'«

By W. 0 . TAYLOB,Secretary. '

NOTIOE TO OONTEAOTOBS .1 Notice is hereby given tbat tho Mny- Cllj or and Council o f the C ity o f Tw in o f

|;>'ntlft, Idoho, W ill roreive and connidor to'aonlcd bida and propoaala on tho S7tb fo ijday o f Octobcr, 1919, at tho hour o f Citi8 oVlock p. m. o f said day, a t ,tho pot! Council Clinmbeni in tho o ffice o f tbo felC ity Clerk b f «aid C ity, In tho Wntor pr<Works Building, n t tho corner o f Soc- fu lond Aveouo North and Bccond Street np<N orth in aaid C ity, fo r tho work and pn

' furnishing the mnterial in.the constmc- botlon o f a condvit to conduct tho waters theo f the Cannl o f tbo Twin Falls Canal ahiCompany in Sth Avenuo East and Sth Cit

) Avenue North in tho C ity o f Tw in tyI Falls, Idnho, from Blue Lakes Avenue aa[ on the Southeast to Addison Avenue on im]the Northwest. . ' ' w il

The data as to the exact location o f nmthe said work and the plans and speci- mofira tionn o f said conduit can bo aacer- Cittained from the C ity Engineer o f the onsaid C ity o f Tw in Falla, at his offiee da;in tho Water Worka BuiWing n t the un'rom er' o f Second Avenno North and poiSecond Street Nortb in the said C ity, ret

" T i f f ' s W H I L ^, VVAS i n )’JirL r J 'Twc

j |

^ : ^ = ^ = ^ i : = = = I f you are looking fo r a

Copies o f .'the plans.And.speeifleations nni o f said obtainod fro-n am

. ta ld ' ea^aeer bjr.'-applicattoa tberefor 1 and tho deposit o f tfie sum o f ten dol- rig la rs/ which sum w ill be retarsod upon

>v tho return o f th f said plans and apeei- fications. . ' A tl

Tho person, firm or. corp«eation so- . curing tho contract fo r the doing said •2® work and fum lsh in^-tho said mater- •— " la l w ill bo required to commcneo the ^ porformonee o f the terms and condl- ‘

tlons o f tho said contm cl by him or i t "" to be performed at once upon entering

Into aaid contract, aad must pursue ^— performance o f tho torma nnd condi- J;*®

tion* o f s ^d contiast by him or i t tobe performed w ith dispatch nnd d ill- {.“ ’gcnco un til eompiotion. •?”

Each bid nud proposal must bo nc- ~ companied by a certified check upon

soUKf reliable bank, payable to the C ity ’ o f Tw in Falls, or ordor, In nn amount

"* equal to ten per '<ent o f tho amount dejbid. In tho event lh a t tho suceesafii “ *»

^ bidder doc* not enter into a contract w ith ..thju'C ity o f Tw in Falls fo r the

^ pcrf0m a n ^ - 0(..thD said work nnd-tfie furn isLlhg o f the said material tho said eheek w ill bo retained by tbo C ity a'hdIhft iM^d bld^lor shall fo rfe it the same ^to tho City. The chocks o f tho unauc- ^cessful biddoro w ill bo returned lo ^thom nt tho tim o .o f tho_ rojo'clion d f ^their bida nnd proiwanls. ,

■" ■ The pi'raon, firm or corporation ob- ^_ tn iiiing tho contract' fo r eonstrocting ,

tho anid conduit w ill bo required to jj^ furniah the C ity w ith a good and auf- p0- f l t lc n t bona lo some rollablv surety j

eompany in an nmount equal to s ix ty y per cent o f th r nmonnt o f tho contract t

g- price, conditioned fo r tho fa ith fu l .per- g formanee o f a ll tbo terms and condi- jj

— tlons o f tho contrael by him or i t to OR bo performed nnd eonditioned fu r th o r ‘ o p

® fo r tho fa ith fu l porformaneo o f thi* i LO terms mid provisions o f tbo statutes o f S

~2 the Blate o f Idaho, in such caso made Fui: ' and provided. tnl<

, Payments upon said contract w ill be fur< _ mado OS followa: 90 per ceut o f the nlle J C ity Enginoer'a cstimnto o f tho abiount Idn ^ ^nrn«<V under sal^.contrael dttrlngtfncb thn' ]( calendar monUi Will bo paid on the j sui)

■first Tucnday a fter the f irs t Monday thei _ o f tho follow ing month ond so on each No.

month; fho 10 per ccnt enrned during levfi _ cach month w ill be rotnined u ii l i l thoiIoH J. completion o f the contract and tho «c-| . T g ci’iitnni'e o f the work bv tho C ity En- ‘ Sho ' ginoer. Said conduit w ill bo enclosed : Nor

» nnd the mnterial used In its construc-, tlon w ill bo concrete.

Tlie Council reuerves the righ t to re |B je r t nuv or nil bida. • | “ -'y-e C. B. CHANNEL,

Acting Mnyor.= A ttest: . iu , „

I W. A, .MINNICK, l ” .,'”

' ' NOTJOE TO OONTBAOTOESNotico is hereby given that the thO

Mayor and C ity Council o f the C ity lx>e. „ o f ' Tw in Falls, Idaho,, w ili, on tbe K ^ 27th dav of Octobcr 1910, a t tbo hour Bou ^ o f 8 o'clock P. M. o f aaid day, at tbei Sou U offico o f tbe C ity Clork o f aaid C ity Icnp1- in the .waterworks build ing n t tho cor- pro] ?. ner o f Sccond Avenuo North and See- >n»t

ond Streot. NorlT i":n tho aald C ity o f J»an Tw in PalU, rccclvo scaled bids nnd pro- iioaals fo r the work o f perform ing the

. labor and. furnishing tho material fo r• the construction o f a flvo foot In w id th

concreie sidewalk, upon thb sidewalk space in front o f the lots embraced la ^ ,

’■ Local Improvement D is tric t No. 30 of , tho said Oity o f Tw in Falls, which lots ,“ nntl the boundaries of which d istric t p '* am mentioned and set fo rth In Ordin-

ance No. 271 o f tho said C ity o f Twin i ! Falls, paased September 8tb, 1919.Z, Plans and sj>eciflcations o f nnid side- .: walk can bo seen nnd obtained nt tho .q ,

o fficc o f tho C ity Engineer o f said . C ity o f Tw in F*ll». >n tho waterworks g]

bu ild ing /it the locntion>hereinbefore ’ described. Tho said work must be p commcncc'd n t once upon tbe le tting i‘ o f tho contrnct nnd prosecuted to com-} ------

pletion during the fa ll o f 1919, There ■ must b« accomi'anied w ith •each bid n l *

. co rtlflcd check upon somo reliable | bank^ in an 'am ount equal to teu peri cont o f tbo amount o f th'o,bid, w h ic li]

- chock shall bo. made payable to the• C ity o f Twin Fnlls, or order. In cnar ;1 o f the fa lluro o f tbo succcasful b idder! r fo enter into, a contract fo r the p o r-,J formanee o f said w o rk .w ifh fhe said jr C ity u^wu the terms o f his bid and p ro -; ' A posal, then the said check shall be for- i i B fe lted to tho aaid C ity and’bocome its i . r property. Tho checkTJr tho unsucccss-1 •- fu l bidders w ill he returned to themt npon the rejcetioti o f tb c ir bids and | I propoaala. Payment fo r said w ork w ill ^- bo made in the warrants or bonds o fs the said City, wbicb warrants or bonds 1 1 shnll not bo a general obligation o f tbe ;X C ity but w ill be a lien upon tho proper-: I 1 ty benefited by the said Improvement , « ; as shown by the nsseasment fo r said ^> improvement. Payment fo r said work {

w il l be aa follows: 00 per cent o f thef nmount eamad during any calendar- month, ns shown by the estimate o f th r- C ity llngineer o f said C ity, w ill bc paid> on th r 1st Tues<lay a fte r fhe 1st Mon- J day o f the follow ing month, and so on 6 u n til the work is completed. ' The 10 1 por cent withheld each montb w ill be. retained ( u t i l tbe work Is completed ^

X / ^ f W o I ^^5 =i n ) [ A r r O N C E . ; U i J i C n f l i

t J I JJ V H A -T d o Y O u / < ^ n O ^ M E A N * fv .

i b e tte r place to live ,

nd ncccpted, a t whieh time tbo whole t lmount due w ill be p*id . ' ecTbo M snor and ^ n n c l l rvserve-the &'

ight to r ^ c c t any and n il bids. ai. C. B. CHANNEL, sj

A cting Mayor. f ikttc#t: • t«

W . A. M IN N IC K , W C ity Clerk.

NOTIOE TO o b S r a ^ r o E a ' ”Notico is hereby givon tba t sealed u

dds w ill be received up to and In- nluding 'October 27th, 1919, a t 8 n ’Clock F. M., by, W. A. M lnnlck, C ity t lle rk , a t tho Water Works Warehouse t iluUdlng, 1.60 2nd Avc. N orth ,-fo r the f ium lslilng o f materials and construe- scion o f a fivo-roora bungalow fo r the t lVatcr Worka F iltra tio n Operator a t ollio Water Worlis F ilte ring Plant. ei‘■iMana ond apoeifieation's may be ob- o<ained o t tbo C ity Olerk'a O ffico liy t topoaltlng *1.00. Bane to be refunded h'n tho return o f plans. ei

W. A .-M IN N IC K , 03Oity Clork. M

---------------- --------------- ----------------- -------- JKLEOAJt ABVBBTZBBHBNTB w

OEDINANCT N O . c t Ln Ordinance declaring the in ten tion «t o f tho O ity o f Tw in Falls, Idaho, to tb Orade, Pave. Curb a a i Boxface D ra in certain streeta a n l parts c f streets u w ith in the C ity o f Tw ia Talia. tbe ts expense thereof* to be paid by special in anesament levied agalast tha abott- p< lng property. To'establish fo r th a t la purpose Local Improvement D is tr ic t al No. 37, in, said Oity, fix in g tbe tim e to when protests w ill be recQlved agaloat di the making o f aald proposed Improve­m ent PI » K IT ORDAINED BY TUB M AY- J f R AND COlf.VCIL OF. THIS C ITY in F TWJN FALLS, IDAHO, AH FOL- o f fi^VS: - ed m x -T lt fN 1. T ill. C ity o f TwJn .iti nils, Idaho, docs hereby dcclare lt« in iientlon to grnde, pave, curb and sur- os Ice drnlu cortnin parts o f strcots and' or leys w ith in the tUty o f Twin Falls, tie Inho, beroiim ftcr Hpecificd, and fo r mi ift l pnrpom' to vrente nnd rstablleb In bo lid . C ity o f Twin Falls, na n part )>« lereof, Lncfll Inipnivement P U trle t \V o. 37, ronstlfu ting the streeta nnd al- gti vn or parts o f streets'nud nlloys ns th illows: . n . Th ird Avenue North, quo block, fro>n of lonhoiio Street, to Second Street ea orth, -IOO feot In length, 10 fou l iu ee idth, mnking said propo.ied improvo- Hi ent 50 feet In w idth instend o f 40 vii et, ns provided by Ordinance No. iO- 1-2 o f tho C ity o f Twin Fnlls, t/iblishlng l<n<-iil .Improvement Dis- lef N j. 34. >■ 'Th ird Avenuo Hast, one h W k . fro u inshoiio Htreet to Second Street Euat, ij) ll) fe i't in length, 10 foet In w idth. | ^ nklhg s.iid proponed Improvement 3>» er c t la wUUh Inntead o t 40 feet, ns Fb ovided by Ordinnnco No. 250 1-2 o f nii 0 C ity o f Tw in FaUa, establiahing dk )cftl Imnrovi'm cnf D intrie t No. 34. hoi K im berly Bond, from Blue - Lakes pn lu leviud nnd Bluo Lakes Boolovnr-l, on luth, 10 Kunt C ily Llm ita, 132'^'fe'et’In m> Qgth, 17 foet* In w idth, making Miid re< opdsed impfovement 35 foet In w idth fl« Mead o f i f t feot, na jirovided by Ordi- ince No. 250 1-2 o f the C^ty o f Tw in Tv ills , catablishing T.ocnl Improvomont Oe is trict No. .14. W ith Curb.Sccond Street North, ono bibek f r ^ o f cond Avenuo North lo Mnin Avonue Oc orth, 270 feet In length, 10 feet In [dth, 5 fee l on eneh side o f Iho pro* t pavement, making said improve- A'l i!nt 40 feet in w idth Instead o'f 30 et as now constructed.Second Streot West, ono block, from ^ ain Avenue West lo Second Avenuo — est, 270 feet in length, 10 feel in dth, i) feet on encb side o f tho pr>«.s- t pnviinvnt, mnking nstld Improvement ' feet in 'w id th instend o f :iO feet'na iw constructwlv- —*-V ' ‘SKC. 2. The propertj-Silo bc In- jded lu nnid d is tric t'and iiasessed ks re inaftor provided, shall 'Include 'i l l

A L B E ^ R T A5 3 0 ,0 0 0 Ory and I

L a n d s a ro lo c a te d i n S o n th o i th e b e s t i n t h a t fa m o u s d is t r ic u n d e r I r r ig a t io n . \,Yi^ t iJ a n c e i: R o w in g .

T h e la n d s a re b e in g p a t o n t im e a n d th e c o m p a n y is lo o k i; A l l la n d s w i t h in a r a d io s o f te n p o in t .

D ry lands are being sold a t *1S t»«3( *6 0 pet aere, whleh inclndes water r i{ charge *L50 per irrigable aere per yea r-

A lfa lfa , grala. fie ld peas, potatoea ai growo.

W rite direet to tbe company fo r fa

Canada Land & IrrigalL e th b r id g e

Alberta, Oi

I t w y n ’t a3 Imposfl

I N C - ^ ^ ____________ ---------------------

- ; := S = S = S = = S = = S S S S S : '

?, use thiBin. athe proporty fron ting or a b u tt la t '^ a , eontfguou* or, tr ilm ln ry . to the streets,. avenues nnd n llo ya 'to Vo Improved, and' betweon lho- points ' b'ordobefore spoclflcdl und to the distanco bM k from nuch streets: and-alleys, I f plat* -' tod in blocks to tho 'con te r o f the bkick; I f plattod In -lots to tbo center o f tbe lots; and I f n o t platted to tho distanco o f 125 feet.

SEC. 3. The gonoral cbaraotor ,o f said Invprovemrat shall bo tho grading, ' surface -draining and paving o f the roadways o f snid streoU and alleys, to the w idth hereinbefore se f 'fo r th , be- . twoen tho points hereinbefore speil* fied , and said paving to consist o f some suitablo pavements‘ accordiog to the general plans ttbw on f i lo In th j o ffice o f tho c ity onglnoor and the e i^ clork, nnd tho eonstrucilon o f n eoneroto curb nlong tho eldo o f - tho •aid portion o f tho snid atroola as hereinbefore apeclfied whero a con- ereto curb ia not already conatruoted, extending tbo eoneroto -easbe which* are already eonslructcd atong tho said portion o f tho said streets downward whero thoy aro found to bo not doop enongh fo r the purposo o f paving, ex­cept across roadways or- ialersBetlng streeta. Said Improvomont is a fu r ­ther and addillonal improvement.

SEC. 4. The cost nud oxpenao o f . said proi>oaod Improvement shail lo taxed and assesacd upon a ll proporty in sold improvoment d ia trie i in pro­porUon (o Ihe number o f fool o f auch lands and iots fron ting thereon, or nbutling, contiguoua or tribu tn ry thore- lo, and in proportion to tho bonoflts derived by said improvement.

AU the proporty w ith in said Im ­provement i>lsLriet. to bo iisaossod as ofocosald fo r the cost o f said proposod improTemcnt except ih n t tho oxpenau o f the 'im jrovem cnt-in 'the apaco form ­ed b y the jun litlon o f two or mnro itre e ts 'o r whero ono main atroet term­inate* «t crosses anothor main street, and nlso a ll noeoasary slreot crossings or erost-waya o t comers nnd intorsoo- tiona o f atreets, nnd tho expense ot' making and repairing'sowers, shall not bo Inbluded lu said assossment b u t shall bo paid by tho C ity o f Tw iu Falls. When work ia done on ono side o f tho street; on' ono' aido o f the ccntor lino - tbo property on thnt sido only shall bo assessed. Tho total cost nnd oxponso of said improvemenf, neeording tJ) the - eallmato rrlurned by the C ity Engin- eer ia the sum o f Seven Thousand Throe Huudred*F\>rty (*7,!t40.00) Dollam, d i­vided :in follows:

Foot, frontage ................... *5,640.00-IntetW ctlons ............. ....... 1,7.00^00 «— ■

TotuI ...................... ........ .*7',340.00SKC. 5. The 27th day o f Octobor;

li>|{), n t H o'clock P. M., is hereby dos- Ignnted ns the dale on which tho M iu'-

[o r nnd i^iuneil o f said C ity, o f Tw in Falls, w ill recrlvp'protests nga lns t,tbo m ilking o f tbe said proposed improve-

Im ent nnd n il persona nffected b y ,th o laome iirc hereby no llfcd to filo the ir I protentA in w riting w ith the C ity Clork ,011 or before or nt tho time o f said .meeling. Pluco where protest w il l be rereU'ed and hc.ird w ill bo o t tho o f­fiee o f .tho C ity Clerk o id CUy. .

Pasfli'd by the Council o f the C ity o f Tw in Palls, Idaho, tb is I3 th day o f October, 1019.

Approve<I by tho Mayor o f tho C ity . o f Tw in Fnlls, Idaho, th is 13th day o f October, lOlO.

C. R CHANNEL,• Acting Mayor.


C ity Clork.

\ L A N D SI Irr ig a b le Acres it io m A lb e r t s a n d 'o r e a m o n g r io t , 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 a c re s w i l l be

is b o in g s o ld f o r g r a in j

Dn th e m a r k e t f o r th e f i r s t >k lng f o r b o n a f id e s e t t le r s .:en m ile s o r le ss t o s h ip p in g

^ 0 per acre— irrigable land j *40 t» righ t— operatioa aad aaiateaaaee

ar~-easy paymeata aad low ia te rw t.I and root crops eaa be mnrssafnlly

fo il particnlars aad pamphlets.

;ation Company, Lid.M e d ic in e H a t

O a n a d a_________________:____________ J

Bsible as I t seemed^ H O h ^ C k f T ^

Page 8: ASa WBDNBSDAT, . OO^BEB - 16, 1910. 3HE1F FWfflSI [0 ONCE

l i mWECDii

S ta te O b m in is s io n e r to A t t a c I H . 0 . L ; ^ o n g h StiJ© o fI S t r e a m D e n iz e n n *

It A b a njDAua both o /. aiding in t l-j: reduction o f tho L l jh coBt o t Uvia'i uad o t conwrvi&K trou^ « t ro a ^ o f t lj' Atiito, tho sU to tla li and game dep&r

Hitftjt, according to the unnooaoomei. ' mndo horo yostorday b j Qoorm I|{ Isanc, Btuto fU h coinmiBtionor, is pnI tin e on tho morUct nnd Bupplying t i‘ peoplo o f Idaho w itb an Idabo prodni; in tli9'Bhapo o f frosh muUot afid w U tI fiah. ‘ A fra a h c in o a ts fo r E upp ly iog tb

i T w in P u iia dem and w i th .thoflo l i f lr . w o r r mndo vos t^rdn y b y M r. laaac, aa I th o f i r a t Bhipm ont waa roeoivod toda j1 S a po rio r Q o a lttjr! ' K a pe ricn co han ahonm th a t tho fi» ; n f /c ro d nro f a r auporio r to m oat i i i ii b ro u g h t fro m the coast bocaoso t i p1 n ro d e live red nb»o luto ly fresh f r o i

i froD tho nounlaSD atroai&»,'Ur. Xaaa liaid. **Eat more fish ,” is tho ttdvle •lie eomtniwiionor r Iv cb . * ‘ W o>avo A nbundant supply and preiudlro ngain:

j uso o f thoBo particular Btccles is foo! iah,” ho ndilji, asking thot tho pro<I uct bu.given n tr ia l aod promising thn

the prico w ill bo much lowor thnn pn va iling prieos fo r othor fioh.

Idaho m ullol nnd tfhUotlsh aro bi ing aorved now l»y the Oregon 8hoi L ine on iis dining cura^nnd rostauranl

[ nnd nro pn)iiounce'«r' excellent, M[ l« ia c fitttted.I Holpa A ll Aroand

Thu fis h being' d is tr ib u te d b y th ' a ln tc are ta ken fro m tho B lo ^ fo b

refler^-o ir nnd from , the BJg flprin jj aeetion o f tho upper Snako r iv o r va le y , wTrttre th e y aro so num erous tha th e y p ra e tie n lly f i l l the Btrcama who licadga to fl a re shu t dow n, and are ta li

' ea o u t w ith fo rk s b y crcwa '-under th NuperviBiun o f tbe eommiasion.

Rebuilding o f tho fish batehery o Hay Spur baa boen.oomplolod, trcbUm its eapncltyl M r. Isnnc stated. DronU

.o f tho past neaaon drying up man; atroama has destroyed mueh o f Ui parent niork o f trou t, the eommisaloA er said, and e ffo rU nro now being pti fo rth to replace brood alock and to ta ereaao the cnpaeltiea o f the - sevora hntchorioa na the atoek la TCMlvrod.


S fa o k H a r la n , o f P e r r y , M a k e a F i r s t S e le c t io n a t th e B n h l

D r a w in g

A mnn from Ic^wa drew number 1 In the Onroy act land drawing yeator dny n t Buhl. Tho lucky man Is U m A Ila r lu n o f Perry, Iowa. R« .m»de in m edifttr aoleetion and hat takes 10( Qcrofl in tho very hoart o f the projeet M r. Harlan deelaroa ia tontion o f lm' m edlntelly a rranging-for cu ltira tion ol tho property next year.

Bad Lottw D»7 .Yesterday waa a red-lotter oeeasioa

in tbo hiatory o t Bubl, tho town Im ing crammed w ith land-sookers fro n a ll over the country. They camo from south, east, west and from te rr ito r} ', too. Boforo the .d n w ia j opened acorea made tripa o f iaapootioi o f tbo landa under 'the projoot ia preparation fo r aoleetion fiucaso oi Buecesj at the lottory.

A numbor o f thoae soceoaafal wore equipped w ith ioformatlon coneortila^ the land involved, aad bnmodl«t« se-

. lection was made. Othera, bowerur, ».-ent over the project during thf» a f­ternoon to make ehoice o f quarter aee- tiona to. which (hey had drawn title . A ltogether nearly 10,000 acres were taken up yesterday.- Preaident P. C. M eredith o f the Idaho Farm Dcvplop- meat company, was prominent a t the drawing, nnd devoted h is ‘ear aad per- aonal aervicea to persoas who had t in iw n ' U ni\ In v iew ing the tract for aelections.

BwandMB la Oharge Draw inc numbers wn.< eharge o f

Warrea G. Bweailsen, state eeoimla*■ jfioner o f reclamation, tJie a ffa ir being

eondurted in (he Brown Planing eom* pany p la n t . There were 250 peraona preaent, ."IO numbers being tnken from thn ja r by IluM W. A llred.

Fbilow ing are (be firs t 10 success- ful,p«>ninns a t the lo tte ry :

Maek IlaiHand. Cbarlea I!. Davia, E l­mer K irb y , WilUam M. Arnold, Oeorgo If . Mnreellna. Elmor Cormey, Jamea A .I n rine r, Wellington W. Campion, J. A rth u r Meredith, laabel Meredith.

The Jdaho Farm Development com* pany project eompriaea aOBe 000/XK) aerea located w ith ia a ahort dialaaeo o f BnbL I t la a aagebmah traet, tho noil l>eiDg volcanic aah carrying all

• the prodoelas q«kUtlt« o f the \a&d the Tw in Falta diatriet, according to g*H>logi*ta who hare made anrreya o f the aoil. A b irrigm iloa system has been aet up, w itb storage. reservoirs im pounding the water flow e f a aam h r r n f streams iB the territo ry . A r- ra n fn ^ ( ‘nta have bora aade fo r watar- in g the eatire traet, naa t o f whiok. U is expected, wUl be w d e t e a lt i- ra ^ a in the apriag. S«ade hare beea cm structed th rongkM t the eatire t r fa t.

TEMFliASfl ABB MLBETIVUA t 1:30 o'cloek thia afteraooa-Twla

' Folia Command^ Ko. 10, Kaiffhta Templar; weat Jat« epeeUl oaaaUre £»r Ihe ptsrpeae of Maferriag Templar d»> i r rm OB three e n« U a M . I k * tcraooB work w ill te emnUd * • te 0 e'eloek thea the aesaioa w ill be aka- peaded fo r dinmer, wkfeh is fa be •erred ia the fe a i^ diBiajr hall. .The fisa l pbaaes o f txetewal be heM

. fra a 7:30 oa.veoTd e a n 'th a t nerehast. na*.

ealr w t * fa & 4 * • -««TerUae a» ' ^ • r - lac e f rra l the' edc. <

^ ; , . * : . a B i » ' 5 S x S 5 B 5 B a m

K ' ' ' PAOB .

•• •• / ■

a r INTEREp GHIlWttI! I' B e s id e n ts o f O u t ly ii ig : S e p t io i

S e e k M e m b e r B h ip In O o m - m e ro e O lnb

, The Hplrlt prevailing anmog thopc plo o f outlying farm ing rommunUl townM the o rgn& iution o f a chnmb

the o f commered fo r^Tw in Fnlla Ib -obc ' H»e Bou^caa, o f-m o s t gratification

; tha the promotors o f tho baostcr scbcm part* neco^ ing 'to Prosident B. Amabnr meat The ln t(e r to lU o f mapy gratuitous a

U . plications fo r memborahip In tbo o p n ^ g a n iu tio n coming from the fannoi

; the In town eommlttcos aro operating a •daet alduouaiy In an enrolling ennvnso at rh lte ntakiag da ily reports o f aucccss. Tl

boord o f dircctora mbola overy day i the noou fo r <onslderaiioa o f Qrgaalu).ti<

lis h pinna and mattora portnlning to co aad ‘luct o f tho institu tion . Tho bonrd h.

.day. Inserted udv«rtlB?mer.t» in eentrnl nr I'asterh trade journals for n ai-cretor

flvh tn d haa received n number o f appIic fiiih ^lou« fo r thn position,; neeoramend they tlon< hnvo been reqiicatod from vnrloi (rom s im ila r inatitutlonn in n.'ar-by e ltir Mae .A nutabet o f rooma fo r qunttetH a Ivloo under oonrtderation.


bo-ihort T w in F a lls P e rs o n s In te r e s te

in P la n to B u y O u ye K S p r in g e H o s te lr y

the Tho poaalblo purcbnao o f tbo Ouyi ;fobt Hot. Springa hotol proporly by Twi 'inga Falla p a rtie s .w itb the idea o f oatal va !' lishlng a roaort club fo r the aummc th a t aoaaon la foroabadowod by a meotin rhen which wiui held thia mnrning a t whic tok* B. W. Hhubcrt,,manager o f the In s 'ltt the. tion outlined n plan fo r tbo orgiin lu

tion o f nn assorintion In (uke over tli ' o t jiru |ierfy, .>llng M r. Bhubert dwelt at k-ngth on Ih ju lh- ndvantagea o f tho hotel as il r c w jt fc lany Tw in Palla pooplo and othora in- am the rounding towna who might caro to jo i

iloA* the movemest aad * U t« r meoting p tit be held to dotormino upu<i Ihu feasihll I ia- ity o f the project. The pnpoaiton wa oral wvl] recoived und i t Ih nnt unlikely tha

active atops w ill ho undertakon to*cni ry- out the plan.

The resort la ono o f the best kuowi : Jn the Btate and 'w lth th'o advent* o

‘better road conditiona should dovoloj in to one o f tho moat popiilflr resorta ii

4 the west.I The m atter haa not yet progrexsed ti I a point where any o f thoao presont w jr i I w illing to discuss the like ly outcoun

allhough It ia fe ll tha t lho plan Is ices o°o-


^ I n f o r m a t io n B e a c h e s T w in F ftH i ees. o f 2 0 F o o t V e in a ti*? i . J a r b i ig e

Nows o t a a trike in tho S tarligh claim ia tho group o f clnima a t Jai bldge; Nevada, owned by the Uugge;i beim intereata o f a -0 foo l v d u o f gol benring oro w ith a value o f $33 per to ia brought to Tw in Fulls by JCenned; I'Acknrd who returned.inst evening at

U*® ter apendlng two weeics in fho Jarbidg dlstrie t. - ~ ~ r

The atrike ia declared- to bo oue J ia the biggest in tho annals o f gold mia o f in(«', nnd one thu l is certnin (o mok

fo r uaduring importane\\ o f the Jm '»*» bidgo d is tr ic t

The, a triko waa made on the 27o fno level, M r. Packard stated. Tfnr[«"fee

rirf, o f the ort' l>ody-haa n gold benriit; * f* vnlue o f #-101 per ton, lie reportn.

»oe* A lw u l l!00 men are empteyed in thi tie. nluea .tud m ills o f the dintriet n t 'hi ore prcM'ul fiiiie , M r. Parkard Rtntes, bu C. jwnulation o f the rnmp \Vill be in

lop- rreaied largely in view o f the recen; the dlseovo-y, he predicts nnd adviaca thni wr- u Is to the interests o f Twin Fnlls tf ^ look closely to tho developinrat in pro fo r (jreas there in respeet to its relalior

to ihiB territo ry .

£ STEEL SliEOTTION i NOTMHItRILyilLTEfiEOsa- ‘ O p e ra to rs C la im s o f In c re a s e d

P ro d n c t io n M e t b y S t r i k - n e rs * L e a d e rsA. I

CHICAGO. {/P>— Aside from the s it­untion at Gar>*. Ind., where d ise lo in ir^

B . o f Red arrests and revelations o f the 00 dJseovery o f anll-Ktjvemmenl plots by ie« federal authorities yestenlay attracted he nation-wide attention, the* indaatrUI

conditioaa la the Chicngo steel d ls trie t today abawed tu> tnaleria\ change Is

(« the paat twenty-four hours, o f From maay o f the huge plaati

Ii u tferanghout tbe d U tric t came reporti lirs o f increasod production w ith man« n t . s tr ik in g employes returning to wori At- a fte r aa absence o f.m ore thaa thrO(

weeks., U Q trlks leaders issued the usual state

menta tha t the s trike had aot beei M . a ffected by the mea who had re tm ed. ______


P IT T B B U B O H .'w !, M V d is tr ic t ateel m ills are o{Mrs(iag n o n

a f . (a lly today than a t any time aino , g the aatioB-wide strike o f steel worken 4a. begaa more thaa three weeks ago, ae.

cording to reports from reprvaeautiro i o f the employers. The Utest sUt«-

Im meat ttm m . the rarioaa eompaniea in. ; dicAted th a t h&adreda e f nea are re

— tnrmiBg to ie rk djJly. . .. ___a-J The claims o f ihe e«mpaaiea were tr- met b y nsioa leader*-ted jjr J tith-'U io

statement tha t (h> 'h (r{k *n iue <Blala< crotw d eteadfly and tha t so deeertlo&a hare l*eea eeported. -

iRICiRilEKI® OTBIGE1- . •'

M r s . W i l l i a m W a g n e r , :

P f S h e n e b e r g e r , T e l l s o f

i n C a l i f o r n i a C i t y B

in w M i s s i n g M a n W e l licmo, ■'■J'' •- . bnry. That tlib Into J. .Bichmond, rua np- putad accident victim", v ia tho drown0 or- lng routo w ith tho Tw in Falls wnlo; more, works reaervoir na the seoai’ o f th' Ig ns- trngpdy la not dend at nil but vorj1 and iiiueli alive would, aceni to bo ostni)

Tho llNtted through tho receipt o f n lottoly a t in Tw'in Falls wbich tolls o f n couvor ation nation w itb Mr* Richmond on tin COM- streets o f Long Bonch, California w ith

i has iu tho past two weekB or so. ' nn i Mra. Knrl J . Shenobergor is tho re

torv, c ip lcnt o f tho letter. Tbla la dated a [ilicn- Shreveport, I>a., Octobor 10 'and wu L-nda- w ritten by -Mrs. W illiam Wtignor wiw rlon>« w ith hcr_i>v»bnnd. le ft here Bo;no twi Ulna, or threo months ngo nnd went to Lom k nT Bcncli. They nrrived nV Bhrovcport :

fow days p rio r to the w ritin g o f thi le tte r referred to. This la tho wn; Mra. ,Wagner refers to lho mooting:

“ D id I te ll you thnt I aaw old

w SltHTlFfflBS m iJ f 'S ii®

S h e e p h e rd e r , F a l l o f A d m ira - t io n , U u U c d a n d F in e d

!ia!" " f ” ' DrunKonnessomor — '>tlng Tom Murpby is a'ahoophorder whf •hich comes to U w a a t iufrequout inlorvala I'ltti- Ho roauis w ith shoep floeka in romott nlra- d istrlcta, and tho mnlbi rcacb h im onl) - the rarely. In fact, so rarefy thn t ho cnu

not,-«nd doea nol protond to kcop .ni the w ith progreaa or tide of pnblic things

L fo r And th a w ha l got him In to trouble aur- yesterdny.join- , . -M urpby hos no jvoatofflri' addn-se—

that bo 'adm its , though he saya he ibU- worka In tho Buhl diatrict. Ho herd* was sheep bocauso lie got Into that businesi tha t early in life . He knows the gamo (hor- enr- tu g b ly and— well, anyway, this is a

fcheep-rnising cou'utry. Thero aro many own l) le a tiiig herds and somebody hns to t* o f ^eiid them. Tom does it. olop E a rly thio w'eok Murphy roamed Into 4 in Tw in Falla to h it tfao whito way and

■watch lighl-bcartod aad hapjvy aebool d to m n’oma tr ip hither, (hlthor ant^ yon. v jro Doing (hia Murphy became intoxicat- ouie ed—fu ll i)f admiration ho anya, and is n while bo reeled from tbe “ fullncas of

d e lig h t” tho atrong arm o f tho .low - la id hold upon him. Tom woa filled

w itb Vxuborant sp irit whon h ^ waa . i)la tl'd bnvk o f n aet o f atcel bara, oui

o f sight o f tho inaplring medium which l l i r > d to hia delight dobauch, but a fto r o l l l f ; ; ’ n ig h t’a repoao on a counly couch o f

com fort bo vlowed mnttors ond things ' In a more sober Ilgbt.

a lls In tbo polieo court tbis morning M or­phy ndm llted bo found othor mediums, borides ^ o o t l u ’am* •tbot helped in bia baeehanalioa burst, and promised

, . to come baek and psy an impost o f Y *50 fo r tbo law in fraction ahould tbo

c ity mpgiatrato feel juatlfled in plocing confldenco In the wonl o f honor o f a true Clnn a Gool.

i ^ v ' magiatrato did, and Murphy ii* now aupjKiaed to bo on hia way baek t»

idge *"* lambs.

i' jt Going A fte r Car ” ko Shortage FactaJnt- - —

u t i l i t i e s O o m m is s io n o r S w o e lQ y W iU V ia i t th o P o in t *

. A f fe o tp d

(he ■ BOISK, (Special.)—For tlic pur|K>v rhe o f nl>tniuiog informntion hy obse/X'n. but 'lf>» n« to the r : . ' needs o f shippers, Jn- m d iv ith n view .n lbe sti<«pdr ending;

-ent o f Iho re frig i'M tor svrtnge, Commis- Ihnt •iOner E. M. Sweeley, o f the U.tllillrs I to department, lodny stnrte I on n tonr o f pro- fru it sUippiuR points in w u lherti and lion sniiOiwrsrern sections o f Idnho. Dnt:i

rn lhcrc fl w ill form the bnsis for fix inT » eorreelive scheme fo r the preaent

I trouble.Commissioner Sweeley w ill make tho

lour fo r the state n fiin ies eommiasion r n -nnd w ill travel the >^ng-h o f the Boi«e; r i j valloy. down Me Sn^ke river to Weis-'

er. lookine fiver the sUnntion in Pny-' . c ite and Fruitland, nnd later w ill In-j

e f l spect the Pave(te valley;*‘ Wha( we w ill tn y lo d o ," Qim-I

mlssioner Sweeley -said Tuesday. “ »«. to get esrs where Ihey are needM w it 'i i the ml-Jmum aniount o f time. This j ins(>ec(lon tr ip w ill fflre us Informn-j tion as to where the ears are needed. 1

the From other »o»ree* w e'w iU be able Jol by locaU the eara. Then we w in have th-., *•*“ ears aent where th t shippers nee.1 ■l«l them moil-” r l r t — f


ItaWaa T tra lg n M in ia ter oa 'Way to 0 ^ Paris w ith Poetfbie Sohmea o f

A d ria tic JDlspnU

Rte- PABIS. 0P>—‘Smaaso T itto n i. (he Ita lia n foreign miniater w ill reach

. Paris th i* afternoon, i t wa* annoaaced

.'here today. He le ft Rome MaadAy 1 fo r a conference w ith K ln;r V ic tw

;.„> E m m a a n *\ a t the royal ahootlng lodRo ' “ “ ja t Ran Boaaore oa the way here.

I t U nnderatood tha t Foreijra Mlnis- lo re .tp r T itto a l ia brlag lag to the peaee

I conference a aow prepoW by Ita ly fo r the aettlemeat o f tbe Adria tic dispute.

*® *[The project as i t has beea w tlln ^ d ' ■ " • I create* a bn ffe r state o f Flame aad

1 prcac»CT..„that lU ly ahall_aaaex 4he I d ia trie t a f^P e loeea.- Jyia* betwe«nj I Finme aad T r i est, la order (o eaUH- lITsE 'a je la t boHBdarr between

4 h *-« U t# -« rf-F h ttif lr i------------------—ia g l . Tea*r«i waited la th * hone ifaat rh« a&a|pHre wtraM h» hnreretf. T nda r’a n.V

!m * r hHoff T»o the Mdlnc*,' ,

' 'V

i f f lE i i i ier, in Missive to Mrs. Earl J .

3 o f Seeing Lost Newsdealer y Recently—W rite r Knows

d, ro* M r. Richmond In Loug Beoehf lrown-> The ono:-who dlfiippunrod laat atnn- walo^ mer, but did not mention his sud- f thi> den d e p o rtu ro t" . .-

very M r. and Mr#. Wngnor knew M r. ostaA- Richmond well. To them be was " D a d ” lo tlo r Bichmond nnd .thoy nover lost an op-

Duvor- portun ity o f dropping a friend ly word I tUo to him 08 they pnaaod his ata&d. Thurcv w ith ' .would soom to bo no posaiblliry o t m is­

taken identity. Pre^unmbly, a week or ho ro 't tw o prior t ' l OcfQber ]0 Mrs. WoKntr ted a t ! talked w ith M r. Richmond in Ihe fles'i 1 wus on-thc streota j f Long-Beach. J• w iw ,;. Whether or not tho mystery o f tho0 tw o j dlsappenmnco o f Rlchmoud cnn bo Lou»£ j clcnrod up throujjh the incident rc

;>DTt 3)m nlna to bo seen, aUliough there .nr:- ) f the now few In Tw in F nllls who aelualh ) w u y io lin g to tho notion that ho wns n vie lng: I tim o f cceldent n t the T a te rw o rk s /i oltl j nnywhefa olao.


a ira -

omotet only . __


ri'sa— f t he herds siness (hor-

'c l io o l' ,yon. I BartbelotDe, fataoos Preach •cicni- ectslptor'won aadytng tame la, and tbe modellag of a atatae. “To tl>«ss o f Dead,*' wblcb itaada la tb« oa>

lo w ' tiooal cemetery at Paria. Thefilled Oalted Sttaea hta aew hired bim

was ^ Biake % replies otubta *tat«i«t-out to be pUeed'VMr (the kutae o f

^Mch U b w ty U u N e * h ^ r . tor a - ^ =— - - -

ELECTRICiS’ STRIKE ;nl UMPORHRILySEnLEttniaed ---------at o f O u ts id o U e n A c c e p t C o m p a n y1 the . W a g e O f fe r a n d . B e tn m

t o W o r k

hy i * ’ <1018P:, (Speeinl.)—Tompornrj- aot- ek tn tlpmcnt o f dlfferencea hna been mndo

bolween outside elcctrielnns nnd .the Idnho I'tower company, nnd fo r tho present th cstrike, inaugurated a woek ago. Is off.

c t s According to o ffic ia ls o f tbo coai-

Sony and tho E lcctrlcn l W orkers' ITii- in , a temporary ogroement has been ® *^ y ' reached, and a ll men have ,been or-

I dered baek to work.I Aeeording to W. B. Putnam, vice { president and generni manogor o f tbo • iKiwer coDijmny, lbe affreemenl—a ver-

l*'’ ' ‘* jh a l om*—-w ill run 1- months. Howovor, ‘‘ " ’ th is W.IS denied by H. F. Clyne, aee- '•l^” \ r o ln r y o f the O ectrica l W orkera’ Uti-

io ii. 'M k Clyne said the men reserved I'-Ti ' , ‘ be righ t fo atriice or mnke demandi

at any time.“ *' ' Hnrmony prevailed throujrhout tne

aeriea o f conferencea botween repre- . , ; senatlves o f tbe compnny and the un- '* ‘ "7 , Ion nnd o t no time wos tho situation

: fn r from adjustment. The men hod I asked fo r tv 27 per eent increnscr Ivir

' .® ) decided lo accept the compony's offes “ *®” ,o f 12 per cent a fte r the Mondav Blgli*

Employes on a ll line throui^h so«itr.* "J'’ | em Idaho .controlled by the Idaho Pow' •“ ■ 'er company nre off<‘eted bv (he new : . n , - -

jit;;; BETTER BUSINESS ™‘ i CLERK REPORTS■^ed. 1 —— _[ ' ' " j In c r e a s e in F e e s E a m e d S h o w n n,yvi! i n ^ i f f g in a ' S ta te m e n t f o r

j Q u a rte r

I i Beport, jn s t completed by tb« eoun 'A l ^ collceted by his de-> A L partzaeat duriag the quarter conclud­

ing October 11, tbbws aa increaae o f y to ♦562,S.’» over (he preceding quarter, sad o f S078.40 over the co rrespoA ^g perio I

last year.& • mraoA i —$, aaeerdlBg to this

(he report, were; Becortler $SilS4.&5; dark, ‘each $1A53.S0. . •meed Expeasee fo r the qh«rt«r were

-arfpreme eoort f i l in g fee. #24; ic to r department o f commerce aad labor, #2; MRO to the <onaty treaaurer, *4,110.70.

rin i,. OVB8T OP B S L A H V B 8>eaee D. B. Bearer o f ^e w Y ork , a brother f fe r e f J . H . and A. K . Bearer, ia tbef>ute. gQeat e fthe latter hsra. Mr. Aca ver IhM -, xpeeta |e make Twia Falh his hoow. aad I ^ i. ■■

w l i f i - W * W » »rtAh-l A t a~«eetiar e f 4h»=^®>trtit aeh«H4

boardt .rreeatlT -Vld.-^ thr-"»»lgaatioa — V. It . Decker waa reeeived aniTsc-

eepted, K r. Decker explaining that he rh- weold be'tbeest froo Twla Palls mos- n.V ef the wiater moatba. E .^ . Plaeh w ^

, aaaed (o take hla aest. ' ^

,Lsi D A liv Y wiEWS

- Mamsetli^ Mau f ' ^ 6fo Wftere-rfte» •- j Please—Smileg

A K IN Q i« u c « l t k Iko ' I . Nowa* weathor od ltor on * the ,Que«lio,n .x)f' erubeacent

• cducatora‘ ‘ jayw a lk iB g !’ |0 n buai- [• neaa seotioa-croastnga; Bim Bmiley,

sago bniah 8agc;'Baya: " A in ' t j i p j . 3 cull to critldaertireae p ru tty ))od*.'

ndgonicfl, or- whotevc^ you eaU. ’em, knse ther ain,,'t enough raom - fe r em n il on th’ ’ a ldpw ilka 't» '' thia horo'town'^or a ll 6 ’.eni, A a ’ besides, dldaH BiU Taylor , aa*'. Bob Oraham g i ' 'em lb ' k o y i'to

. , th ’ c l t y f ” ■ • ,r. And having thua been properly •’ ' called dowa the weather od. sub* p- aides aod saya Jot tbe onidito d onea gol run o ve r.lf tbey -want to.

Anvhow I t la . '^ ln g to bo “ fa ir s- • toulght and Thursday,’ ''o n d p o r- ' >r anibulntiac Is be oao .of . .r the prioelpul and moat, entertaln- I'l ing o u td o o r . i^ r ts fo r the mam-

sellca during The next diurnal po*10 si od. . . . .>0 not p ri'tty Thilly fo r tho tcndo.* t shoots who aro ottondihg the in-

" 'itn to last night, though, being n 2D dogrcoa fo r low. Xeaterday'a I* I ' I r I i waa 01..

XJOXprSBD TO WSD 7 A marriage license waa laaued th i

morning to W lllla Qlen Sm ith and Bni I ma Stcmhagen, both rcsldonta o f Twi-


■ f iB A i^ C T B m J u ta u fjim ) a d 8


D O N ’ T Wt

'Brokeii Con— S T A ]

GLADYS K“ The G irl of a Tho

A P h o to p la y in o f W m T n g a - a t


on Soi

THE GEMB ■ '‘ ‘ T O D A Y A N I


i “ManhattaiN e v e r ^ th e G re a t A r t i s t

B e e n S e e n to 0

Adventure, th rllla and a bo/flin las Fairbanks' great Triangle phot s ta in and down, Into secret closota, trapdoor* into dungeons, io and om plot takes tho hero u n til the wholly to hero, heroine, plotters and counte. whea ho g c tr to going, and in * 'M i uaually good.

Young Douglas Fairbankf In a ll the wide world his i In ' ‘ Manhattan Madness”

, To save a Strange O ir l w t

f At the CnA n E n te r ta

_ “Vamps amA T w o - P a r t '

a ' B A H N E B

U s n a l A d m is s io n - - - K r e n i i i f S h o w

I T H E G EM----------------- :----QUAX-ITT I

~ Watch fo r ) » fiS E ltE D .

iliiy iiiiS -' - y .

L in d le y a n d S in ^ S p e a k o n S n b - . n je o ts o f - Im p o r ta n c e a t th e . . . .J I t , iB S t i t n teJ- , •r* The ■Training o f Emotions,'* wn>r

< tbo •abjeot'ofeah .Uitere.ating and vita l II addreaa ,pireacnted'1 ir'D». 'E . '1 I. L in d - ' i, loy,-president o f the TTblroralty - o f

Idaiho, “before ' tbe oonclavo o f achool teaehers at. the high ^ h o o l th is mom- iag .".Tho addreaa-woa rc4.undant With

' '' . oxeeilont featorc pointa thn t m ight be adopted fo r applleation In a ll school

I ■ Toonie w ith anecca*.f . l a addition to tho ta lk given by.tlu>.« Jicad. c f the Idaho univoraity, D r. By-0 roa-W . K ing , o f K ing 's C o lle ^ o f Ora;rI I to ry , i» lttabnrgh ,' gare a leetnre '.:#n r. “ The StBdy o f P o e try ,"i f ■ This'ttftem ooa D r. L lad ley m k e o j ) ^

::n* T ^ ^ a te rta ln m o n t featuro o f the In- -

s titu te day is a football gnme b'otweon.>•* tho Twin Skills GHzslles, and the Good-.1- ihg teama, on 'the local’ fie ld _, . ! ,'Jf During tbo d«y thero , woro- tho usual'• special aesaiona fo r atudy of. educa­

tional thoorlea' and practlcea,' nnder dl:• roctlon o f oxperta,' In various bronch.»a

o f training. Games and cxerclaes were engaged in daring roccaa periods 'and

thia varioua committeo eeaalona wero held. • Bni- Tomorrow nftornoon tho ontertalu- ^ l u ino featuro w ttl be an nntoHrlp to.Sho-

shone fMls.

t BEAD T H E D A IL Y N B W a . ,


mmandincnts’P A E B IN Q —

I f iO C K W E L Lkousan4 Expression^* rIn w h io h B v e r y F o o t ta t th e H e a r ts t r in g s

■ATDF.AI IVL adTiR8DAFSaJldCOi^fl?^»F•' ( U R e £ i U



in Madness”Bt o f S p o k e n D r a m a a n d S c re e n

G re a te r A d v a n ta g e r.

f lin g mj-sterj’ arc* the keynotes o f Doog- hotoplay,'VManhttttau Mailness.” , Dp- ita, oyer tho roof, up e«ro pipes, t h m i^ out o f windows, the absorbing bystery.

lily unexpected denouement brings peacn nter-plottrni. Nothing phases Fairfaaaks 'M anhattan Uadneaa" tho going is nn- .

k f has come oul o f Ihc w c fl;Is ner>-e Is tho best s ” be U kM o f f hia restwho inv ite* him aa gneat. —

ross Roads”r t a i t t in g S c e n ic

nd Varieties”x t ' O o m e d y B io t


- - • - 1 0 . 1 6 a n d 3 6 c 7 t i n H

I THEATRE Ir r o T o r u t x a — -------- -----------------

Naztmova in 9 i,A N T E R l^

^n n a » B n > A T ^ p ^ B r o . . M , i t t t .