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  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




    Market Analysis and Sales Development of Paras Milk In Lucknow City

    Prepared for and presented to


    UNDER T#E GUIDANCE OFMr. Saura! Sa"ena

    Area Sales Mana#er

    Paras Dairy Lucknow




    AS$IS$ %&MA' MIS$'A'(LL )(* +,+,-//00

    I)S1I1&12 (3 C(4(P2'A1I52 A)D C('P('A12 MA)A62M2)17'2S2A'C$ A)D 1'AI)I)67

    ,+8-97 'I)6 '(AD7 I)DI'A )A6A'7 L&C%)(:4,,9/+9

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    Inst%t&te of Co'operat%(e ) Corporate Mana*e+ent, Resear- and Tra%n%n*

    467, Sector-21, Ring Road, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226 016

    ULV-V/01V(23d2s(2%4sfVo ,.Md2%2s54sVeS&stesUV6 f47p5 ,.M V8sf&a9

    467] lsD!"21] #!a$!ks%] 'n!ku$!] ()ku*"226 016


    This is to certify that Mr. Ashish Kumar Mishra,a student of Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Programme (Batch 2012-14) at this Institute has undergone a Summer Training in the V.R.S. FOODS LTD.,Paras

    Dairy Lucknow.15 .06.2013 to 31.07.2013 and carried out a study titled Market Analysis and Sales

    development of Paras Milk In Lucknow City

    He has prepared a report on the study carried out by him in the organization.

    (Dr. Namita Srivastava)

    Associate Professor/ Faculty mentor


    ;Prof. A

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    I, AS$IS$ %&MA' MIS$'A 7 Roll no 1212470033, a student of MBA III semester from ICCMRT

    !C"#$% &ere'( declares t&at I &a)e successfull( completed m( summer trainin* pro+ect report on

    Market Analysis and Sales development of Paras Milk In Lucknow City

    from -R-.- /$$. T-, Paras dair( ucno-

    I &ere'( declare t&at all t&e information pro)ided in t&is pro+ect report are true to t&e 'est of m(

    noled*e and it 'ear no resem'lance to an( ot&er ritten material &atsoe)er- In t&e e)ent

    of an( information pro)ided in t&is report 'ein* found incorrect or misleadin*, I s&all 'e lia'le

    to t&e outcome-

    Place* L&C%)(:

    Date* ;AS$IS$ %&MA' MIS$'A=


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    PR /AC

    T&e M-B-A pro*ramme is ell structured and inte*rated course of 'usiness studies- T&e main

    o'+ecti)e of practical trainin* at M-B-A le)el is to de)elop sill in student '( supplement

    to t&e t&eoretical stud( of 'usiness mana*ement in *eneral- Industrial trainin* &elps to *ain

    real life noled*e a'out t&e industrial en)ironment and 'usiness practices- T&e M-B-A

    pro*ramme pro)ides student it& a fundamental noled*e of 'usiness and or*aniational functions

    and acti)ities , as ell as an e5posure to strate*ic t&inin* of mana*ement-

    In e)er( professional course, trainin* is an important factor- Professors *i)e us

    t&eoretical noled*e of )arious su'+ects in t&e colle*e 'ut e are practicall( e5posed of

    suc& su'+ects &en e *et t&e trainin* in t&e or*aniation- It is onl( t&e trainin* t&rou*&

    &ic& I come to no t&at &at an industr( is and &o it ors- I can learn a'out

    )arious departmental operations 'ein* performed in t&e industr( , &ic& ould , in return,

    &elp me in t&e future &en I ill enter t&e practical field-

    Trainin* is an inte*ral part of M-B-A and eac& and e)er( student &as to under*o t&e

    trainin* for 6 ees in a compan( and t&en prepare a pro+ect report on t&e same after t&e

    completion of trainin*- urin* t&is &ole trainin* I *ot a lot of e5perience and came to

    no a'out t&e mana*ement practices in real t&at &o it differs from t&ose of t&eoretical


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    noled*e and t&e practicall( in t&e real life-

    In toda(s *lo'alie orld, &ere cutt&roat competition is pre)ailin* in t&e maret,

    t&eoretical noled*e is not sufficient- Beside t&is one need to &a)e practical noled*e,

    &ic& ould &elp an indi)idual in &is8&er carrier acti)ities and it is true t&at 95perience

    is 'est teac&er:-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    %it& immense pleasure , I ould lie to present t&is pro+ect report for ,-R-. /oods

    td- It &as 'een an enric&in* e5perience for me to under*o m( summer trainin* at

    -R-. /oods td-, &ic& ould not &a)e possi'le it&out t&e *oodill and support of t&e

    people around- As a student of 9Institute of Co4operative > Corporate Mana#ement7

    'esearc! > 1rainin#: , ucno2 I ould lie to e5press m( sincere t&ans to all t&ose

    &o &elped me durin* m( trainin* pro*ram-

    I ould lie to e5press m( *ratitude to all t&ose &o *a)e me t&e encoura*ement to

    complete t&is pro+ect- I ould lie to t&an m( colle*e aut&orities and Principal r.A Corporate Mana#ement7 'esearc! > 1rainin# for &a)in*

    spared &is )alua'le time it& me and for all t&e *uidance *i)en in e5ecutin* t&e pro+ect

    as per re>uirements- I ould lie to *i)e m( special t&ans to m( parents , t&eir lo)e ,


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    support and 'lessin* ena'led me to complete t&is Pro+ect or-

    ?oe)er , I accept t&e sole responsi'ilit( for an( possi'le error of omission and ould

    'e e5tremel( *rateful to t&e readers of t&is pro+ect report if t&e( 'rin* suc& mistaes to

    m( notice-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    I &ere'( declare t&at t&e folloin* pro+ect report titled 9MAR"T A#[email protected].

    .A. $PM#T $/ PARA. MI": at -R-. /oods td-,

    ucno is an aut&entic or done '( me- It is to t&e 'est of m(

    noled*e and 'elief- T&is is to declare t&at all m( or indul*ed in t&e

    completion of t&is Pro+ect Report suc& as researc& , competitor anal(sis and

    sales promotion is a profound and &onest or of mine-

    ate .i*nature

    Mr- As&is& "umar Mis&ra


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    B C$#T#T.



    .u'+ect Pa*e #o-

    1 DC!TI .!MMAR@ E

    2 I#TR$!CTI$# 13

    3 I#!.TR@ C$MPA#@ PR$/I 1E

    4 $BFCTI .C$P $/ .T!@ GE

    G R.ARC? MT?$$$;@ 60

    6 ATA PR$C..I#; A#[email protected]. 70

    7 $B.RATI$# /I#I#;. E7

    E IMITATI$#. H1

    H C$#C!.I$# H3

    10 .!;;.TI$# RC$MM#ATI$# HG

    11 BIBI$;RAP?@ 103

    12 A##D!R 10G


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    DC!TI .!MMAR@


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    T&e secondar( o'+ecti)e as to find customer response toards Paras mil- M(

    aim as to *o t&rou*& t&e customers to no t&e interest of purc&asin* usin*

    Paras mil- Basicall( t&e stud( as for t&e demand of Paras mil amon* t&e customers-

    And also to no t&e complaints on Paras mil-

    Researc& Met&odolo*(B

    Researc& t(pe as descripti)e- T&e researc& as done t&rou*& retailers- I &a)e

    collected t&e primar( data t&rou*& >uestionnaire &ic& as filled '( retailers, customers-

    uestions ere 'ot& open and close ended- T&e secondar( data as collected from e'site

    - parasdair(- com

    .amplin* Tec&ni>ue

    .amplin* done is nonpro'a'ilit( samplin*- T&e t(pe of samplin* met&od as Fud*ment



    In ucno re*ion t&ere are around more pla(ers in of li>uid mil e5ist- T&ose

    are lie Amul, Para* , Mot&er air(, ;(an, #amaste India , Paras, .udd&a, and man( ot&er

    local 'rands-

    As per t&e findin*s Amul is t&e Maret leader and &a)in* more maret s&are-

    Aareness of Paras dair( mil amon* t&e retailers as ell as consumers is a)era*e

    'ut acceptance is lo- T&e sale is totall( depends on t&e retailers-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    ata Anal(sisB

    T&e data anal(sis &as done area ise- It *i)es idea a'out t&e competitors of

    Paras dair( mil- It *i)es information re*ardin* t&eir maret s&are-


    It as concluded t&at Paras dair( mil i-e- /ull Cream mil and Toned

    mil &as a &i*& potential in t&e maret and it is t&e non to its customers 'ut

    still its acceptance is comparati)el( lo as ot&er competitors present in t&e maret,

    'ecause perception of customers toards t&e product is ron* , most of t&e consumer

    continuousl( usin* ot&er 'rand and t&e( do not ant to sitc& o)er ot&er 'rand-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    1-1 C$#TDT $/ T? T$PICB

    T&e dair( industries companies run mainl( on t&e factors suc& as a)aila'ilit(,

    ser)ice fre>uenc(, afforda'ilit(, taste and maretin*- A)aila'ilit( pla(s a )ital role 'ecause

    purc&asin* poer is depend upon a)aila'ilit( of t&at product, in case distri'utors and

    retailers ser)ice matter a lot- Retailin* includes all t&e acti)it( in sellin* *oods or ser)ice

    directl( to t&e customers or personal non'usiness use - A retailer or retail store is an(

    'usiness enterprises &ose sales )olume comes primaril( from retailin* -

    Retailers are t&e part of mil maretin* c&annels and perform t&e or of

    mo)in* *oods from producers to t&e customers- It o)ercomes t&e time, place and

    possession *ap t&at separates *oods and ser)ice from t&ose &o needs or ants t&em-

    Retailers as mem'er of maretin* c&annel perform a num'er of e( functions- .ome

    functions < p&(sical, title, promotion = constitute a forard flo of acti)it( from t&e

    compan( to t&e customersJ ot&er functions < orderin* and pa(ment = constitute a

    'acard flo from customers to t&e compan(- .till ot&ers < information , ne*otiation ,

    finance and ris tain* = in 'ot& directions-

    T&e pro+ect del)es into t&e orin*s from t&e distri'ution aspect of an /MC;

    or*aniation, in detail- PARA., 'ein* an /MC; compan(, attac&es a lot of si*nificance

    to t&e distri'ution aspect of its 'usiness- T&e distri'ution c&annel of PARA. &olds a

    lot of potential in affectin* t&e demand or sales of PARA. products t&rou*& deli)er( on

    time, deli)er( of )ariet( of products, t&e retailer friendliness of t&e policies 'ein* set

    '( t&e distri'utors and e>uita'le distri'ution of products to all t&e retail outlets in a

    particular re*ion, to name a fe-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    1-2 Promotion Tool !sedB

    T&e consumer promotion tools mean t&e promotion acti)ities, &ic& are

    'eneficial for consumers as ell as compan(- .uc& as price discounts, samples, cas&

    refund, premiums, pries, cross promotion and coupons etc- %e decided to use discount

    coupons- %e distri'uted it amon* customers and )alidit( ept se)en da(s from issued-

    T&e consumers are seduced to 'u( t&e product-

    It &elped to increase sales )olume-

    Consumer can *et *ood >ualit( of *ood in c&eaper price-

    It can attract t&e ne consumers and customers 'u(in* ot&er mil 'rands-

    Attract 'rand sitc&ers, &o are primaril( looin* for lo price, *ood

    )alue or premiums-

    Turn sitc&er to lo(al users,

    It induced to mae some su'se>uent purc&ases-

    ;i)e little permanent *ain in maret s&are-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    1-3 #eed of .tud(B

    Mana*ers are ala(s curious a'out t&e position of t&eir compan(s products in

    t&e maret &ic& lar*el( depend upon t&e compan(s *oodill, and t&e position of t&eir

    'rand- In order to ma5imie t&e sale and profit, compan( must deli)er outstandin*

    satisfaction to t&e retailers, &olesaler customers- .o maret sur)e( of retailers,

    &olesalers customers, c&art out t&e position of t&e compan( as compared to t&e

    competitors- It &elps t&e or*aniation to find out t&e 'rand 'ein* sold most '( t&e retailers

    alon* it& t&eir stocin* and also consumer 'u(in* preferences-

    1-4 .tatement of T&e Pro'lemB

    9MAR"T A#[email protected]. .A. $PM#T $/ PARA. MI" I# !C"#$% CIT@:

    It &elps to stud( all acti)ities &ic& can 'e used to influence lar*e num'er of

    customers so as to increase t&e sales of t&e Paras mil effecti)el(-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji





  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2-1 Industr( ProfileB

    2-1-1 T&e %orld air( .ituationB

    Accordin* to International air( /ederation

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    %orld dair( maret prices in 2010 and earl( 2011 reco)ered from t&e loer le)els seen

    in late 200E and earl( 200H- I/ reports t&at farm mil prices in t&e !nited .tates in 2010

    ere 27 percent &i*&er t&an (earearlier and increased 22 percent in #e Kealand and 1G

    percent in t&e uropean !nion-

    2-1-2 Indian air( Industr( A ProfileB

    !ttar Prades&, Pun+a', ?ar(ana, Ra+ast&an, ;u+arat, Ma&aras&tra, And&ra Prades&,

    "arnataa and Tamil #adu are t&e mil surplus states in India- T&e manufacturin* of mil

    products is o')iousl( &i*& in t&ese mil surplus .tates- 5ports of dair( products &a)e 'een

    *roin* at t&e rate of 2GL per annum in t&e terms of >uantit( terms and 2E L in terms of

    )alue since 2001- .i*nificant in)estment opportunities e5ist for t&e manufacturin* of )alue

    added mil products lie mil poder, paca*ed mil, 'utter, *&ee, c&eese and read(to drin

    mil products-

    India &as emer*ed as t&e lar*est mil producin* countr( in t&e orld it& present le)el of

    annual mil production estimated as H4-G million tonnes- %e e5pect a production le)el of 13G

    million tonnes '( t&e (ear 201G- India &as a lar*e li)estoc population 'ase constitutin* 27E

    million li)estoc includin* 1E0-G million cattle, E2-E million 'uffaloes, 4 million s&eep and H-2

    million *oats- T&e li)estoc population is pro+ected to increase to 322 million '( t&e (ear


    India, it& some 27 per cent of Asias population, accounts for more t&an &alf of t&e

    mil output it& enou*& *rot& potential to e5plore forei*n marets - In anticipation of t&e e5port

    opportunities and in )ie of t&e post ;ATT scenario, India is *earin* up to tacle t&e


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    demands of t&e international maret-

    Indian companies are preparin* t&emsel)es to meet international standards and ot&er

    nontariff 'arriers- Planners are tain* measures to meet t&e sanitar( and p&(to N sanitar(

    specifications prescri'ed '( $ffice International des piooties

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    L:;'L:R LI

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    MI" PR$C!RM#T


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    Milk Production in India

    Production in India

    Year Production (Million Tonnes)

    Per Capita Availability


    11!" 55.7 178

    1"!# 58.0 1821#!$ 60.6 187

    1$!% 63.8 194

    1%!& 66.2 197

    1&!' 69.1 202

    1'! 72.1 207

    1! 75.4 213



    78.3 217

    "!1 80.6 220

    "1!" 84.4 225

    ""!# 86.2 230

    "#!$ 88.1 231

    "$!% 90.7 229






  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2-2 T&e $r*aniation

    2-2-1 $)er)ie

    PARA.s &istor( reflects 'ac to 1H60, &en t&e procurement of mil started it& 60 iters of

    mil- T&e onl( fundamental t&at ored ri*&t from da( one is t&e >ualit(, &ic& *ot

    reinforced e)er(da( of pro*ress- C&- ed Ram, t&e founder and promoter of our compan( is

    one of t&e connoisseurs in t&e dair( farm industr(- ed Ram .ons started as our

    partners&ip compan( in April 1HE6- $ur first unit as esta'lis&ed in 1HE7 under compan(s

    name R. /oods imited and since t&en In tune it& t&e rapidl( c&an*in* tec&nolo*(,

    production units are ell armed it& t&e latest e>uipment- T&ese facilities ena'le us to cater to

    t&e needs of our clients '( sellin* o)er 2, G0,000 liters of mil per da( in el&i Metro-

    MI" *ets its uni>ue , *reat taste from dedication to monitorin* >ualit(, special care,

    and attention to detail in t&e processin* and paca*in* steps of production- T&rou*& our careful

    processin* and paca*in*, e &a)e 'een a'le to retain *reat taste- %ere still deli)erin* 'ri*&t

    and earl(- %&ats more, e stic to &at *ot us &ere ---ifelon* commitment to >ualit( and


    %e)e 'uilt a 'i**er, 'etter facilit(, e5panded our product line and opened retail stores-

    %&et&er e deli)er ri*&t to (our door, or (ou )isit one of our dair( stores , (ou can 'e

    confident t&at our >ualit( and ser)ice ill ala(s 'e T&e Best- %e 'elie)e t&at mil s&ould

    taste +ust lie mil pure and simple- %e dont 'elie)e in addin* an(t&in* to our mil-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    ualit( is 'elie)ed to 'e a d(namic process &ic& re>uires continuous monitorin* and

    up *radation - T&us it is our constant endea)or to mae >ualit( an inte*ral part of t&e entire

    )alue c&ain rat&er t&an t&e end point-

    At t&e &eart of t&e entire netor of Paras are &undreds of illa*e le)el collection centers

    co)erin* G000 )illa*es across %estern !-P-, ?ar(ana, Ra+ast&an, Ma&aras&tra and ;u+arat from

    &ere t&e mil is collected e)er(da(- T&e farmers are not onl( &elped in /inance 'ut also in

    'u(in* cattle, feed, pro)idin* )eterinar( ser)ices and ot&er infrastructure supports - T&e trust of

    t&e farmers &as *ron stron*er and so &as t&e netor-

    T&ere is continuous monitorin* and up *radation of >ualit(- T&e stress t&erefore is on

    ensurin* sanitation and &(*iene ri*&t from )illa*e le)el- T&ats t&e reason &( e)er( illa*e

    le)el collection center is e>uipped for field testin*, efficient c&illin* and speed( transport to

    processin* and manufacturin* facilities-

    $ur lar*e manufacturin* capacit( at G different locations across most part of India is

    'aced '( an impressi)e distri'ution netor, to ensure t&at our products find t&eir a( to

    e)er( &ouse&old in India-

    2-2-2 ision and alues



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    PARA. ill continue to *ro as an /MC; ma+or, deli*&tin* national and international

    customers it& >ualit( products and ser)ices-

    T&e alues %&ic& t&e $r*aniation li)es '( are





    ;rot& $rientation


    alue for Mone(

    Customers $rientation


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2-2-3 ualit( Assurance


    ualit( is an outcome of intelli*ent efforts and a stron* ill to produce superior

    and safe food articles of internationall( accepted standard -

    Customer satisfaction is at t&e focus of t&e latest international standards for


    ualit( as defined '( t&e international or*aniation for standardiation is t&e

    totalit( of features and c&aracteristics of a product and ser)ice t&at 'ears on its

    a'ilit( to satisf( stated or implied needs:-

    Paras fres& mil represents ;ood ?(*ienic ualit( at source of mil collection- Paras Mil is

    collected from mil s&eds of estern !P 'elt it& strin*ent >ualit( control t&at ensures clean

    &ands, clean utensils, clean &(*ienic sanitation at t&e time of milin* t&e milc& cattle,

    durin* stora*e and transportation to c&illin* centers, on a( to &itec& I.$ H001 and ?ACCP

    certified Paras Mil Plants at ;ulaot&i and .a&i'a'ad-

    T&e >ualit( is 'een certified '(.0

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    I.$ H001

    ?AA Assured


    /ood and Drug Administration

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    ?&ALI1@ (3 MIL%

    1- #utritional or compositional >ualit(

    /at .#/, protein actose, Minerals )itamin tc

    2- /ood .afet( ualit(

    Contamination due to feed, medicines, fertiliers, en)ironment etc- in t&e mil-

    Micro'ial >ualit(, &ic& is a function of *eneral &ealt& of t&e cattle and mil &andlin* practices

    su'se>uent to milin* t&e *eneral &(*iene of t&e farmers-

    3- .ensor( ualit(

    $ff fla)our, smell 8 fla)our &ic& consumer lie 8 dislies-


    T&e >ualit( of an food materials includin* mil mil products is influenced '( t&e

    manner in &ic& t&e ra material, producer, transporter, processin* , post production

    &andlin*, stora*e consumer and re*ulator( en)ironment interact eac& ot&er-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    ;ood processin* and &andlin* can onl( &elp to pre)ent or in&i'it furt&er deterioration in

    >ualit( 'ut can not off Nset t&e &armful effects of t&e deterioration in terms of to5ins

    and acids &ic& &a)e alread( 'een produced due to increased Bacterial Acti)it( in t&e

    ra mil-


    Porta'le ater and draina*e, approac& road and electricit( in C. )illa*es

    Aareness amon* t&e farmers resultin* in poor &(*iene, sanitation

    en)ironment condition-

    Inade>uate micro'ial >ualit( testin* facilities in dairies

    ?i*& am'ient temperature , particularl( in summer resultin* in faster *rot& of

    microor*anism in t&e mil-

    on*er time of stora*e transportation-

    Cold c&ain for ra and pasteuried mil-

    Maintenance of e>uipments at dair( 8cc lie can as&er, can scru''er, flo

    di)ersion )al)e etc-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    Mi5in* of mornin* e)enin* mil

    Milin* t&e animals in dirt( surroundin* it& co dun* animal urine

    .torin* t&e mil in t&e &ouse 'efore suppl(in* it to t&e societ(

    !se of Aluminum, plastic, ;I !tensils for main* t&e animals and carr(in* t&e



    Addition of neutraliers , form a lin and &(dro*en pero5ide in ra mil

    !se of plastic +err( cans at C. le)el for transportation of ra mil

    /at testin* '( ;er'er met&od is carried out in most of t&e C.

    ac of /armers participation-


    Mass aareness campai*n

    CMP aareness t&rou*& )illa*e le)el meetin*s, 'ooetlets, calendars posters

    $r*aniin* e5&i'itions 8 stalls at union 8 C. le)el


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    To pro)ide tec&nical support for &ot ater s(stem, as )essels etc

    #e tec&nolo*ical supports

    .anitiation of cans at C. le)el

    Coolin* of Mil at C. le)el

    Introduction of BMC

    Reducin* transportation time t&rou*& rationaliation of routes

    Incenti)es to C. for suppl(in* *ood 'acteriolo*ical >ualit( mil-


    Automatic Mil Collection .tations

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    ar*e adulteration it is used for 10 adulterants

    MIL% 12S1I)6


    C&ec colour , taste and fla)our of mil-

    %$ COB TEST:&

    Tae 2 ml of mil in a dr( test tu'e- Boil mil on flame of spirit lamp - /ormation

    of ppts - in t&e test tu'e indicate C$B test positi)e-

    '$ ALCO"OL TEST :&

    Tae G ml in a test tu'e - Add G ml

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    Tae 10 ml mil in 100 ml conical flas add 10 ml distilled ater and 1 ml

    p&enolp&t&alein solutions titrate it& #810 #A$? till fant pinis& colour appears-

    L TA Q 0-0H D ml- of #A$? used-


    Tae 2 ml mil rosalic acid

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    -$ STARC" TEST :&

    Tae 3 ml mil in a test tu'e , 'oil and cool under tap ater and add 2 drops of 1 L Iodine

    solution- Appearance of 'lue colour indicates starc& test positi)e-


    Tae G ml mil in test tu'e, add 1-G ml of 7L potassium Iodide- Appearance of (ellois& 'ron

    colour indicates &(poc&lorite test positi)e- If solution is clear add 4 ml dilute ?C uid confirms

    formalin test positi)e-



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    Tae 10 ml mil in a sterilied tu'e, add 1 ml MBR d(e solution plu* it& a sterilied cor and

    in)ert t&e tu'e to mi5 contents and incu'ate in a ater 'at& at 37 de*ree centi*rade- C&ec t&e tu'e

    for decolourisation first after 10 minutes, ne5t after 30 minutes and su'se>uentl( after e)er( &our-

    MBRT is counted deletin* initial 30 minutes of incu'ation-


    Tae 1 ml mil in a sterilied test tu'e, add G ml p&osp&atase d(e - Incu'ate at 37 de*ree

    centi*rade in a ater 'at&- $'ser)e t&e colour after 10 minutes, 30 minutes and finall( after 2

    &ours- @ello colour indicates t&e test positi)e perform control test also for comparision '( 'oilin*

    of mil sample-

    #+$ SALT TEST :&

    Tae 1 ml mil in a test tu'e , add 2 drop of 10 G potassium c&romate solution - T&e &ole

    solution turns canar( (ello in colour- #o add G ml #8100 .il)er nitrate and mi5 ell -T&e

    persistance of canar( (ello colour as suc& s&o t&e positi)e salt test-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    2-2-4 Milestone

    Paras is a stor( t&at &as tested success '( spreadin* aareness and economic empoerment in rural India-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    2-2-4 Milestone

    Paras is a stor( t&at &as tested success '( spreadin* aareness and economic empoerment in rural India-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2-2-G Procurement Process

    $PRATI#; PR$C!R $/ MI" PR$C!RM#T

    To meet out t&e mil re>uirement for manufacturin* different mil products, R. /oods imited

    procures *ood >ualit( mil from 3 sources

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    operatin* AMC!8PMC!, pricin* of mil, record eepin* and reportin* etc-

    uired to &a)e ade>uate space for collection and testin* of mil, &ic&

    can accommodate testin* e>uipments, mil collection and transportin* mil cans and

    eepin* records etc-

    ualit( of mil intact-

    ualified staff is deputed for proper *radin* and testin* of mil

    and as per norms, onl( *ood >ualit( of mil is accepted -

    ualit( of mil procured from t&e rural areas appro5imatel( 100 mil c&illin* centers

    ould 'e &ired in t&e area of operation < In t&e Gt& (ear of operation = so t&at it&in 2-30 &rs mil ould

    'e c&illed afterprocurement-R. /oods td- Is &a)in* its processin* units at .a&i'a'ad, ;ulaot&i,

    .andila and malanpur for pro)idin* mil and mil products to ur'an masses- T&ese dairies ill cater


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    li>uid mil and indi*enous mil products demand of nei*&'orin* districts- T&ese dairies are meetin* t&e

    demand of 'utter, *&ee, c&eese and e5port >ualit( mil products-

    /rom t&e dairies, mil and mil products ould 'e transported t&rou*& insulated )ans to

    nei*&'orin* districts so t&at >ualit( of mil mil products could 'e maintained as per prescri'ed norms

    and *uidelines-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    L=8 ;@:R< +L:NNIN> = %IL? +R=;'R%N;%%


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    226 +resence

    Do5estic %arket



    ?imac&al Prades&


    !ttar Prades&



    Mad&(a Prades&

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    %est Ben*al


    International %arket


    #ort& Coast





  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2.1 %ilk

    It is a)aila'le in t&e folloin* )ariants

    /ull Cream Mil

    Toned Mil

    ou'le Toned Mil

    .immed mil

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji





    2.4 ;ac

    A)aila'le in

    Paras C&ac&


    A)aila'le in

    400 *m Pasteurised Toned Mil a&i

    200 *m Pasteurised Toned Mil a&i

    H0 *m Pasteurised Toned Mil a&i

    H0 *m o /at a&i

    2.6 Dai +ouc

    A)aila'le in


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    400 *m Pasteurised Toned Mil a&i

    400 *m Pasteurised .immed Mil a&i ite

    200 *m Pasteurised Toned Mil a&i

    200 *m Pasteurised .immed Mil a&i ite

    2.7 +aneer

    A)aila'le in

    Paneer 200 ;ms

    Paneer 1 *

    Paneer Ma&ni 1"*

    2.9 >ee

    Paras desi *&ee is a)aila'le in

    Tetra Pac

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2-4 5port

    S After a stron* acceptance from t&e omestic maret Paras &as re*istered its presence in t&e

    International arena as ell- %it& modern dair( in*redient plants in tec&nical colla'oration

    it& %estfalia .eparator, A-;-;erman(, /ilteration n*ineerin* Inc,!-.-A- and

    Apple5ion,/rance- Paras &as ensured t&at its processin* capa'ilities and t&erefore its

    products are second to none-

    S Ma+or marets include

    !.A, ;erman(, *(pt, Fordan, i'(a, I)or( Coast, Af*&anistan, Ban*lades&, !A-

    S $ur product ran*e include

    .immed Mil poder

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    !?T Processed Mil

    %&ite !nsalted Butter

    3-G ?uman Resource

    Paras are 'uilt on fundamental ideals of ser)ice to emplo(ees, customers and communit(-

    T&e( commit t&emsel)es to recruitment, de)elopment and retention of t&e most competent talent and

    de)elop an et&ical or culture of trust, &ere e are transparent in our acti)ities, sincere in our

    communication and add )alue promises- T&e( de)elop, reco*nie and reard our emplo(ee for t&eir


    $' policy *

    ?R at PARA. offers e>ual opportunities to all emplo(ees and facilitate en)ironment con*enial to

    indi)idual corporate *rot& it& i*nit( of ?uman Bein*J Mutual Respect and Trust-

    :ork Culture*

    Transparenc( in interactions communication

    alue to Promise Commitment

    ision dri)en performance reards

    /reedom to e5periment

    Autonom( to or

    Promote creati)it( and inno)ati)eness

    Reco*nition of &uman resource as Critical Asset


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




    $/ T? .T!@


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    3-1 $'+ecti)es of Pro+ectB

    T&e main o'+ecti)e of t&e .tud( can 'e listed as follos

    A- Primar( $'+ecti)e

    1- To find sie of retail netor of Paras /ull Cream and Paras Toned Mil areas of

    ucno cit(-

    2- To find t&e ro'lems faced ' retailers in sellin and storin -3- To collect t&e information a'out t&e competitors-

    B- .econdar($'+ecti)e

    1- To or*anie sales promotional acti)ities to impro)e mil sellin*-

    2- To *enerate and secure consumer aareness-

    3-2 .cope of Pro+ectB

    T&e stud( carried out in ucno cit( so its scope is mainl( limited to ucno cit(-

    It *i)es information a'out t&e sie of t&e retail netor-

    It *i)es information a'out t&e ser)ices *i)en '( distri'utor to t&eir retailer-

    It *i)es information a'out t&e competitors products-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    It ill ser)e consumer in 'etter manner-

    It pro)ides su**estions to t&e compan( to impro)e t&eir products sales-

    It *i)es information a'out t&e sales promotion acti)ities to impro)e t&e mil sale-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji





  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    4-1 Researc& Met&odolo*(B

    T&e researc& as conducted from 16t& Fune, to 31st Ful(, 2012- T&e researc& includes

    meetin*s it& t&e retailers, consumers and dealers- It included preparation of t&e >uestionnaire to 'e

    ansered '( a'o)e people for noin* t&e competiti)e position of Paras in t&e mil maret- T&e

    )ies of t&e a'o)e parties ere recorded in t&e researc& as per t&e >uestionnaire set '( us-

    4-1-1 Researc& Approac&B

    T&e o'+ecti)e as to no t&e competiti)e position of Paras in t&e mil maret t&us in order

    to successfull( conduct t&e researc& t&e un'iased opinion of t&e a'o)e parties as desira'le- T&us

    e conducted t&e researc& as t&e representati)e of Paras compan( and sometimes t&e

    representati)es of t&e ot&er compan( lie Para* or Amul in order to &a)e an un'iased opinion of

    t&e concerned persons and it ored to ac&ie)e our *oal-

    4-1-2 Researc& InstrumentB

    T&e researc& instrument as t&e structured >uestionnaire formulated for t&e respondents-

    T&e >uestionnaire as different for t&e retailers and dealers and for t&e consumers t&ere as a

    different set of >uestionnaire- T&ere ere also t&e area maps-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    4-1-3 T(pes of uestionB

    T&e second important aspect in t&e desi*nin* a >uestion is to decide &ic& t(pes of

    >uestion are to 'e used- uestion can 'e classified in )arious a(s-

    uestionnaire contains folloin* t(pe information

    1- $penended >uestion

    2- ic&otomous >uestion

    3- Multiplec&oice uestion

    Bot& t&e >uestionnaire consists of all t&ree t(pes of >uestion- Mostl( all >uestions are multiple t(pe

    >uestions- ic&otomous >uestion are fe in num'er- T&ere is onl( one openended t(pe >uestion-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    4-1-4 P&rasin* of uestionB

    In >uestionnaire, I tr( to p&rase t&e >uestion in lo*ical a(- /or e5ample I arran*e

    >uestion in se>uence as personal information, aareness data, usa*e data, and finall( related to

    reason and satisfaction-

    4-1-G .amplin* PlanB

    .ample .ieB

    T&e sample sie as as follos

    .R- #$- R.P$##T T$TA #!MBR

    1- Retailers G0

    2- Consumers G0

    .amplin* Tec&ni>ueB

    A stratified samplin* tec&ni>ue as used- A different .tratum for different t(pe of

    respondent it&in e)er( stratum t&e respondents as selected as per con)enience 'asis-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    4-1-6 Met&od of .ur)e(B

    Personal Inter)ieB

    It is direct form of in)esti*ation, in)ol)in* facetoface communication it& free feed'ac

    information- It offers a sense of participation- It is more fle5i'le form of data collection- !se of

    unstructured, openend >uestions is possi'le- Rate of refusal is lo- ept& inter)ie is possi'le-

    Comple5 >uestions can 'e ased- T&e inter)ie can &a)e >uestions to secure more information-

    $'ser)ation approac& can 'e com'ined to )erif( a*e, income, status, standard information- isual

    aids in t&e form of catalo*ues samples etc- can 'e used to *et )ies, opinions, and attitudes of


    4-1-7 Tool and Tec&ni>ues

    Tools and tec&ni>ues &ic& used in t&is pro+ect are

    Measurin* scales

    #ominal scale

    ;rap&ics ratin* scale

    Maretin* researc& tools



    .tatistical tools

    Bar dia*ram

    Pie c&art


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    4-2-1 Product for %&ic& .ur)e( %as ConductedB


    ariet( /at

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    Produ6t S456i8i6ation:

    Paras mil meets t&e /ood and ru* Administration

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    4-3-1 Area of $perationB

    T&e areas of operation ere t&e researc& as done are as follos

    U #irala #a*ar

    U Ali*an+

    U Top&ana Cantt

    ?o t&e sur)e( conducted

    To approac& t&e outlets it& t&e folloin* re>uirements in mind

    At Approac&B

    U %&at t(pe of s&op it isV

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    Territor( e)elB

    U oes &e sell local mil or notV

    U %&ic& is t&e most sellin* mil in t&e maretV

    U %&o supplies mil to (our s&opV

    U oes t&e deli)er( of mil is on timeV

    U %&at is t&e mode of pa(ment credit or cas&V


    U T(pes of sc&emes *i)en to &im-

    U %&at are t&e uses of mil V


    U $utlets ma( include institutions, *eneral stores, mit&ai s&ops, super maret, canteens,

    +uice 'ars, icecream corners etc-

    U T&ese sectors ere c&osen 'ecause t&e compan( 'elie)ed t&at t&ese se*ments could 'e

    t&e 'est potential 'u(ers for t&is product-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    G-1 ata Anal(sis /or RetailersB

    1= #um'er of retailers stocin* Paras mil-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2= .ies of Paras mil pacets retailers preferred to store-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    pouc& of Paras mil as per t&e customer demand-

    U In case of G tr- Pouc& t&ere as no customers demand-

    U 1ltr pouc&es ere not a)aila'le to retailers

    3= Reasons for Paras mil not stored'( retailers-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    BRA#. R.P$##T.




    Mot&er air(2



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    U T&e a'o)e *rap& s&os t&at t&e Amul is most prefera'le 'rand in all-

    U .ome retailers also prefers Para* and ot&ers 'rands-

    G= .ourcesfrom &ereretailers *et Paras mil

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    U Almost all retailers said t&at t&e( purc&ased mil from Paras distri'utors-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    6= Retailers satisfaction it& Paras distri'utor-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    7= Aarenessamon* retailers a'out different .ales Promotional acti)ities for Paras mil-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    carried out, 'ut some respondents ere unaare a'out )arious acti)ities-

    U Most of t&e retailers ere aare a'out ad)ertisement and coupons sc&eme durin* festi)als-

    U Credit facilit( and free samples ere not pro)ided to sin*le retailers-

    E= Interest of retailers in &olesale distri'ution of Paras mil-

    Anser #o- of Percenta*e

    @es 14 27 L

    #o 36 73 L









  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    U ;rap& represents t&e interest of t&e retailers to start Paras mil distri'ution -T&e >uestions

    ased to increase t&e retail co)era*e-

    U Most of t&e retailers ere not interested-

    U $nl( 27L of t&e retailers ere read( to start Paras distri'ution-

    H= Retailerse5pectation from Paras mil-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    U T&e >uestion ased to t&e retailers &ere t&e Paras mil is 'ein* sale, and tried to collect

    feed'ac of customers a'out Paras mil-

    U More customers ere &a)in* complaints a'out t&e clear date of paca*in* and a)aila'ilit(-

    U .ome customers ere not &app( it& >ualit( of mil-

    10= Ratin*s from retailers for attri'utes of Paras mil-

    uestioned as t&e( 'u(in* Paras mil-=



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    ualit( ima*e A)aila'ilit( Paca*in* Mar*inRatin*

    er( *ood 3 0 17 4 0

    ;ood 10 6 13 2 0

    A)era*e 17 24 0 24 0

    Bad 0 0 6 0 2G

    er( 'ad 0 0 0 0 G

    Total 30 30 30 30 30

    /rom t&e a'o)e *rap& it can 'e concluded t&at

    U !AIT@ Most of t&e retailers ere satisfied it& Paras mil >ualit(-

    U BRA# IMA; T&e *rap& s&os t&at Paras is &a)in* A)era*e 'rand ima*e-

    U AAIABIIT@ Most of t&e retailers ere satisfied it& t&e Paras mil distri'ution-

    U PAC"A;I#; AT Most of t&e retailers ere not satisfied a'out not printin* of

    paca*in* date and t&e( ere facin* a pro'lem re*ardin* same-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    U MAR;I# All retailers ere not satisfied it& t&e mar*in polic( *i)en '( Paras-

    G-2 ata Anal(sis for CustomersB

    1= #um'er of customerspurc&asin* Paras mil-

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    2= Ratin*s from customersfor attri'utes of Paras mil-

    uestioned as t&e( 'u(in* Paras mil-=




    ima e A)aila'ilit( Paca*in* Price


    er( *ood 1E 2G 16 G 6

    ;ood H G H 2 13

    A)era*e 3 0 0 1G 11

    Bad 0 0 G E 0

    er( 'ad 0 0 0 0 0

    Total 30 30 30 30 30


    /rom t&e a'o)e *rap& it can 'e concluded t&at


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    U !AIT@ Most of t&e customers ere satisfied it& Paras mil >ualit(-

    U BRA# IMA; T&e *rap& s&os t&at Paras do not &a)e *ood 'rand ima*e-

    U AAIABIIT@ Most of t&e customers ere satisfied it& t&e Paras mil distri'ution-

    U PAC"A;I#; AT Most of t&e customers ere satisfied a'out not printin* of

    paca*in* date and t&e( ere facin* a pro'lem re*ardin* same-

    U PRIC .ome customers ere not satisfied it& t&e price *i)en '( Paras-

    2= Preference of Customersto mil'rand-

    BRA#. R.P$##T.




    Mot&er air(4



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    U T&e a'o)e *rap& s&os t&at t&e Amul is most prefera'le 'rand in all-

    U .ome customers also prefers Para* and ot&ers 'rands-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




    6-1 $'ser)ation /indin*sB

    6-1-1 RetailersB

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    t&em suc& facilit( t&e( ill 'e sale Paras mil-

    U T&e 1tr and G tr mil pouc& are no a)aila'le to t&e retailers for sellin*-

    U $n >uestion, &( retailers are not interested in sellin* of Paras mil, it is found t&e( ere

    not &app( it& mar*in, a)aila'ilit( and replacement of lea pouc&es-

    U Retailers ere sellin* different 'rands- Because t&e( ere a'le to recei)e more mar*in from

    non popularied as ell as popularied 'rand t&at t&e( could not from ell non 'rands-

    U All retailers *et Paras mil from compan( selected distri'utors-

    U All retailers ere familiar it& sales promotion acti)ities undertaen '( Paras- But more of

    t&e acti)ities ere not communicated '( distri'utors- .o it s&os t&at distri'utors are

    tain* t&e ad)anta*e of suc& acti)ities-

    U .ome >uestions ere ased it& )ie to con)ert retailers into distri'utors, 'ut due to lo

    mar*in t&e( denied t&at-

    U I found t&at customers ere complainin* a'out t&e paca*in* especiall( paca*in* date

    'ecause Paras do not print paca*in* date on pouc&-

    U %&en >uestion came to retailers ratin*s toards Paras mil ratin* most of t&e most

    respondents complainin* a'out profit mar*in and paca*in* date-

    U urin* campai*n it is found t&at t&e mindset of consumers toards Amul mil is )er( &i*&


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    and &ence it &as 'ecome a mil maret pla(er- As from t&e sales c&art it is clear t&at t&e sales

    of Amul pouc& mil is G0L more t&an Paras pouc& mil-

    U Retailers also demand for t&e replacements for t&e dama*e due to t&e spoila*e of mil t&at

    t&e( &a)e to 'ear &en t&e Paras mil *ets spoiled after t&e purc&ase-

    6-1-2 nd !sersB

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    U T&e aareness le)el of Paras mil in 'ul users is around H0L 'ut onl( 10L are usin* Paras


    U T&e preference of purc&asin* mil '( t&e 'ul users is mainl( >ualit(, price and

    timel( a)aila'ilit(-

    U T&e reasons for not usin* mil '( t&e 'ul users are

    1- ?i*&er price t&at is not meetin* t&e competitors rate as 'ul user are )er( price sensiti)e-

    2- In seet marts maa *eneration is less and t&ere is a complaint a'out cuddlin* of mil-

    3- In case of canteens contract some of t&em prefer credit purc&asin* &ic& is a*ainst

    compan(s norms and policies-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    7-1 imitationsB

    T&is report &ad to or under se)eral constraints and limitations- .ome of t&e e( limitation are

    1- T&e sur)e( is limited onl( for fi)e ards-

    2- Time period of t&e pro+ect as 6 ees, &ic& ma( not 'e enou*& to understand t&e

    &ole maret-

    3- Con)enient samplin* as used as t&e mode of conductin* t&e researc&-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    4- T&e sample sie of t&e taen as small, t&erefore it can 'e said t&at t&e c&osen sample is not

    t&e representati)e of t&e &ole population and t&is &indered >uantitati)e researc&-

    G- T&e ps(c&olo*( and temperament of a respondent pla( a si*nificant role- .ome

    respondents are more sensiti)e as a*ainst ot&ers &o are more tolerant- A c&an*e in t&e

    composition of t&e respondents can affect t&e ansers ad)ersel( or fa)ora'l(-

    6- Respondents ma( not &a)e 'een true in anserin* )arious >uestions and ma( 'e 'iased to

    certain ot&er >uestions-

    7- $ut of t&e &ole researc& and anal(sis, onl( t&ree to four ma+or 'rands could 'e &i*&li*&ted,

    lea)in* aside t&e ot&er nonpopular 'rands-

    E- T&e >uestionnaire mostl( contained multiple c&oice >uestions, t&erefore man( respondents

    did not *i)e a proper t&ou*&t 'efore up t&e >uestions, and some e)en ticed t&in*s, &ic&

    ere not applica'le- T&erefore, all t&is increased t&e 'ias-

    H- T&e sample sie of Retailers 8 %&olesalers as )er( small and t&erefore response from

    t&em does not reflect t&e e5act )ie 'ecause t&e( ma( to'iased-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




    As e no t&at Paras is )er( 'i* or*aniation in #e el&i and #CR- It &as Mil,

    /la)ored Mil, a&i, ;&ee &ic& are its main8core products- But in case of maret lie ucno

    t&e Paras mil is not a popular product as compared to ot&er mil 'rands- %it& t&e &elp of researc&,

    compan( can find out its ee points in Mil product and can increase its maret s&are t&rou*&

    rectif( mistaes- People &a)e 'elie)ed in Parass product and t&e( ill accept it also if effecti)e


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    actions ere taen-

    T5 sur;5< r5su7t5d into 8o77o=ing 6on67usions :

    Paras must come up it& ne promotional acti)ities suc& t&at people 'ecome aare a'out

    Paras Mil lie Paras /ull Cream Toned Mil-

    ualit( is t&e dominatin* aspect &ic& influences consumer to purc&ase Paras product, 'ut

    prompt a)aila'ilit( of ot&er Mil 'rands and a**ressi)e promotional acti)ities '( ot&ers

    influences t&e consumer toards t&em and also leads to increase sales-

    In comparison to Paras Mil, t&e ot&er pla(ers suc& as Amul, Para*, Mot&er air( and

    ;(an pro)ide a 'etter a)aila'ilit( and *i)e competition to t&e &ilt-

    People are mostl( satisfied it& t&e o)erall >ualit( of Paras Mil, 'ut for t&e e5istence in t&e

    local maret Paras must use a**ressi)e sellin* tec&ni>ues


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




    H-1 .u**estions RecommendationB

    T&e Mil products maret &as reac&ed Maturit( sta*e in India lar*e num'er of Cooperati)es &a)in* a

    )ariet( of product ran*e &as entered t&e maret, t&us t&ere is one a( for Paras to sustain t&eir mil

    'usiness in t&e maret '( deli)erin* outstandin* satisfaction to t&eir retailers, so t&at t&e( can tae

    interest in sellin* of Paras mil products- T&is can 'e done as follos

    U Paras &as a relati)el( *ood distri'ution netor, 'ut still compan( is not a'le to fulfill t&e


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    demand of outlet in t&e pea season &en demand is )er( &i*&- ?ere compan( s&ould consider

    on t&e suppl( of product in t&e pea season-

    U .uppl( s&ould 'e re*ular to all t&e outlets includin* t&ose t&at lie in t&e pocet roads and not

    +ust in t&e outlets &ic& lie on t&e easil( accessi'le routes-

    U 1tr ml mil pouc& s&ould mae a)aila'le to retailers for sellin*, 'ecause loer income famil(

    &as intention to 'u( small pouc& mil-

    U Pro)ide reasona'le Mar*in to retailers as compared to competitors, t&is moti)ates t&em to

    promote compan(s mil and mil products-

    U Impro)e deli)er( sc&edule to pro)ide products on time for t&e retailers a'out &o claimed t&at

    Paras mil is not a)aila'le to t&em on time-

    U Incenti)es sc&emes s&ould 'e *i)en to t&e retailers and some scrutin( s&ould 'e follo to

    c&ec t&e sc&eme *et 'ein* communicated properl( '( distri'utors or sales person-

    U Pro)ide consistent ser)ice to retailers as t&is ill &elp *ain compan( *oodill in t&e maret-

    U o not c&an*e distri'utor fre>uentl(, 'ecause &e is t&e onl( person &o act as a connectin*

    lin 'eteen compan( and retailers-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    U o not place more t&an one distri'utor in same maret area-

    U T&ou*& t&e customers are asin* for Branded mil is )er( fe 'ut Paras s&ould in)est more

    mone( in Brand promotion and maretin* in ucno, it ill 'e 'eneficial for t&e compan( in

    t&e lon* run as ell as in t&e s&ort run-

    U Also ad)ertisin* on t&e tele)ision, Radio Mirc&i and .ponsors&ip of t&e e)ents, Trade /airs

    ill 'e a 'etter c&oice-

    U T&e stud( of mil maret re)eled t&at t&ere is no Mer*ers and Ac>uisition in t&e mil

    industr(- -

    U M( researc& re)ealed t&at t&ere is no aareness amon* t&e consumers re*ardin* t&e Paras

    mil in ucno- .o it is ad)isa'le to t&e compan( to conduct )arious consumer aareness

    pro*rams lie distri'utin* of pamp&lets outside t&e 'i* s&oppin* malls, *i)in* presentations in

    sc&ools and colle*es a'out t&e Paras Mil '( tellin* t&em a'out t&e >ualities of mil- B( t&is e

    can a'le to reac& to a lar*e num'er of people at one time onl( as t&ere ill students alon* it&

    t&eir teac&ers and ot&er staff mem'ers of t&e sc&ool and colle*es-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    U Timel( )isit s&ould 'e *i)en to t&e retail s&ops-


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    PARA. .?$PP


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



    i- "otlar P&ilip 9 Maretin* Mana*ement :

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji




  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    3= If #o, %&(V

    a- A'sence of paca*in*

    date '- o mar*in

    c- #o replacement for

    leaa*e d- o distri'ution

    4= %&ic& is t&e most prefera'le 'rand of paca*ed mil t&at (ou stocV

    U Paras

    U Amul

    U Para*

    U Mot&er iar(

    U $t&ers

    G= /rom &ere do (ou *et Paras milV

    a= istri'utors11

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    '= $t&er suppliers

    6= Are (ou satisfied it& Paras distri'utorV

    a= @es

    '= # o

    7= o (ou no &ic& .ales promotional acti)ities does t&e compan( undertae for Paras


    E= Are (ou interested in distri'ution of Paras milV


    @es '=



    a= Price off d= /ree samples

    '= Credit facilit( e= Coupons

  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    3= o (ou re*ularl( *et t&e Paras MilV

    @es #o

    4= %&ic& 'rands mil do (ou lie mostV

    Paras Amul Para* Mo t& er



  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    Poor .atisfactor( 5cellent

    E= %&at a'out t&e price of Paras milV

    o A)era*e ?i*&

    H= ?o is t&e pacin* of Paras milV

    Poor ;ood 5cellent

    10- o (ou lie t&e &ome deli)er( sc&eme of Paras MilV

    @es #o

    11- ;i)e (our ratin*s to folloin* attri'utes of Paras mil-

    er( *ood ;ood A)era*e Bad er(

    'ad a= ualit(

    '= Brand ima*e

    c= A)aila'ilit(

    d= Paca*in*

    e= Price


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji


    12- An( su**estion a'out Paras mil


  • 8/13/2019 Ashish Bhai Ji
