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  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2010

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010








    Dr. Alin-Gheorghe GAVRILESCU - Lector universitar

    Catedra de Drept Facultatea de tiine Juridice i Litere

    Universitatea Constantin Brncui din Trgu-Jiu

    Abstract: Regarded in its finality, that of

    assuring the material conditions to fulfill the child's growth, education and professional training liabilities, parent's obligation to support him represents one of the specific duties that give a form to the judicial institution of parental care. Specific requirement of children support by parents or adopter is that the state of need of the minor is determined by the particular situation in which it is found, being placed in a period of training following a school and is preparing for a profession or occupation, which prevent him from achieving income from work even if according to the law he would be able to work. Until otherwise provided, the minor is supposed to be in need, unlike the major creditor of the support obligation, which, contrary to evidence, it is assumed not being in need, considering that, with capacity for work, he has means of support.

    Keywords: obligation, child, parent's, debtor,

    creditor I. Obligaia de ntreinere dintre

    prini i copil n reglementarea Codului familiei 1.1. Noiuni introductive. Reglementare

    Privit n finalitatea ei, aceea de a asigura condiiile materiale pentru ndeplinirea







    PhD Alin-Gheorghe GAVRILESCU University Lecturer

    Law Chair Faculty of Juridical Sciences and Letters

    Constantin Brncui University of Trgu-Jiu

    Abstract: Regarded in its finality, that of

    assuring the material conditions to fulfill the child's growth, education and professional training liabilities, parent's obligation to support him represents one of the specific duties that give a form to the judicial institution of parental care. Specific requirement of children support by parents or adopter is that the state of need of the minor is determined by the particular situation in which it is found, being placed in a period of training following a school and is preparing for a profession or occupation, which prevent him from achieving income from work even if according to the law he would be able to work. Until otherwise provided, the minor is supposed to be in need, unlike the major creditor of the support obligation, which, contrary to evidence, it is assumed not being in need, considering that, with capacity for work, he has means of support.

    Keywords: obligation, child, parent's, debtor,

    creditor I. The Supporting Obligation

    between Parents and Child in the Regulation of the Family Code 1.1. Introductory Notions. Regulation

    Regarded in its ending, the one to provide the material conditions needed in

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2010

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


    sarcinilor de cretere, educare i pregtire profesional a copilului, obligaia prinilor de a-l ntreine reprezint una din ndatoririle specifice care dau coninut instituiei juridice a ocrotirii printeti.

    Obligaia prinilor de a ntreine copilul i are izvorul n art. 86 alin. 1 Codul familiei care arat c obligaia de ntreinere exist ntre prini i copii, ns, datorit aspectelor specifice pe care aceast obligaie le prezint atunci cnd copiii sunt minori legiuitorul se refer la ea i n capitolul I din Titlul III privitor la ocrotirea minorului, stabilind n art. 107 Codul familiei c minorul este ntreinut de prinii si.

    1.2. Debitorii i creditorii obligaiei Debitori ai obligaiei de ntreinere

    sunt prinii, indiferent dac sunt din cstorie, din afara cstoriei sau din adopie. n cazul copilului din cstorie obligaia de ntreinere a acestuia revine ambilor prini, chiar dac sunt desprii n fapt1, iar n cazul celui din afara cstoriei aceasta cade numai n sarcina printelui fa de care copilul i-a stabilit filiaia2. n situaia n care copilul este adoptat drepturile i obligaiile printeti trec la adoptator. Acest efect al adopiei rezult din prevederile art. 51 alin. 1 din Legea nr. 273/2004 care stabilesc c adoptatorul are fa de copilul adoptat drepturile i ndatoririle printelui firesc fa de copilul su. n consecin, n cazul adopiei, printele firesc nu mai datoreaz ntreinere copilului adoptat, debitor al ntreinerii fiind adoptatorul. Excepie face situaia n care copilul este adoptat de ctre soul printelui firesc. ntr-un atare caz, art. 51 alin. 2 din lege prevede c drepturile i ndatoririle printeti se exercit de ctre adoptator i de ctre printele firesc, ambii avnd, aadar, calitatea de debitori ai obligaiei de ntreinere. n cazul n care adopia nceteaz ca urmare a declarrii nulitii acesteia, art. 59 alin. 2 din lege arat c dac instana nu decide instituirea tutelei sau a altor msuri de protecie special a copilului, n condiiile legii, drepturile i ndatoririle printeti sunt redobndite de ctre

    order to accomplish the tasks to raise, educate and professionally train the child, the parents obligation to support him or her represents one of the specific duties that define the juridical institution of the parental protection.

    The parents obligation to support their child has its source in art. 86, paragraph 1 of Family Code that shows that the supporting obligation exists between parents and children, but, due to the specific aspects this obligation presents when the children are minor, the legislator also refers to it in chapter I of Title II regarding the minors protection, establishing in art. 107 of Family Code that the minor is supported by his or her parents.

    1.2. Debtors and Creditors of the

    Obligation The debtors of the supporting

    obligation are the parents, even if they are from the marriage, outside the marriage or from adoption. In case of the child from the marriage, his or her supporting obligation belongs to both of the parents, even if they are actually separated57, and in case of the one outside the marriage, the obligation belongs only to the parent who has established a filiation with the child58. If the child is adopted, the parental rights and obligations belong to the adopter. This effect of the adoption results from the stipulations of art. 51, paragraph 1 of Law no. 273/2004 that establish that the adopter has for the adopted child the natural parents rights and duties for his or her child. As a consequence, in case of adoption, the natural parent does not have to support anymore the adopted child, the adopter being the debtor of the support. The exception is represented by the situation when the child is adopted by the husband of the natural parent. In such a case, art. 51, paragraph 2 of the law stipulates that the parental rights and duties are exerted by the adopter and by the natural parent, both of them having thus the quality of debtors of the supporting obligation. If the adoption stops as a consequence of declaring its nullity, art. 59, paragraph 2 of the law shows that, if the court does not decide the institution of the guardianship or of other

  • Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2010

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2010


    prinii fireti, care redevin debitori ai obligaiei de ntreinere iar adoptatorul nu mai poate fi obligat s plteasc adoptatului ntreinere ct timp este minor.

    Printele sau, dup caz, adoptatorul, are calitatea de debitor al obligaiei de ntreinere i n situaia n care a fost deczut din drepturile printeti (art. 110 Codul familiei prevede c decderea din drepturile printeti de nu scutete pe printe de ndatorirea de a ntreine copilul), precum i n cazul n care a fost pus sub interdicie3.

    Dei obligaia legal de ntreinere dintre prini i copii are caracter reciproc, n majoritatea cazurilor creditor al acestei obligaii este copilul minor fa de care exist drepturile i ndatoririle printeti, ntruct acesta se afl n imposibilitatea de a realiza venituri din munc i nu are, de regul, nici alte mijloace materiale pentru a-i asigura cele necesare existenei. n ipoteza n care copilul ar avea bunuri nsemnate sau ar realiza venituri din munc, el ar putea avea i calitatea de debitor al obligaiei de ntreinere dac printele su s-ar afla n nevoie din cauza incapacitii de a muncii.

    Copilul minor are dreptul la ntreinere indiferent c este din cstorie, din afara cstoriei sau din adopie.

    1.3. Condiiile de existen ale

    obligaiei de ntreinere Prin excepie de la regula general

    instituit n art. 86 alin. 2 Codul familiei, aceea c este ndreptit la ntreinere numai cel aflat n stare de nevoie determinat de incapacitatea de a munci, legiuitorul a stabilit n art. 86 alin. 3 Codul familiei c descendentul, ct timp este minor, are drept la ntreinere, oricare ar fi pricina nevoii n care se afl. Aadar, n reglementarea Codului familiei, specific obligaiei de ntreinere a copilului de ctre prini sau adoptator este faptul c starea de nevoie a minorului este determinat de situaia special n care acesta se gsete, el aflndu-se ntr-o perioad de formare ntruct urmeaz o coal i se pregtete pentru o profesie sau meserie, situaie care l mpiedic s realizeze

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