assisgment sheet 2- muhammad afiq bin mohd zimahdi

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  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    Assisgment Sheet 2

    Code / Course :-

    KFC 2144 / Network Fundamental

    Lecture :-

    !"# S"$K%& '&N $"AA# "$S&N

    (ro)lem 1

    Host IP Address Mask of subnet bits 8 BitsNumber of subnets 28! 25" Subnet

    Number of Host bits Per Subnet 25#Number of usab$e Hosts %er Subnet 28&2 ! 25"&2 ! 25# Host Per SubnetSubnet Address for t'is IP address address of (irst 'ost on t'is subnet Address of )ast Host on t'is subnet*ast Address for t'is subnet

    Ste% 1 + ,rans$ate 'ost IP Address and subnet mask into Binar- natation

    172 30 1 33

    IP A/SS 10101100 00011110 0000000100100001

    Subnet Mask 11111111 11111111 11111111


    255 255 255 0

    (irst )ist don t'ese a$ue of Numbers.

     ,ake t'e Host IP Address and Start it' t'e (irst 4*tet * 1+2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    1+2 / 2 . . / 2 40 40 / 2 21 121 / 2 1 11 / 2

    / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 172 is 1111 *onerted to Binar-


    2 4*tet * 0 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-0 / 2 1

    1 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number 0 is 1111

    3 4*tet 6 1 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 1 is 1

    # 4*tet * 00 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-00 1. 1

    1. / 2 / 2 4 4 / 2 2 2 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number 00 is 11

    So t'e IP Addressof 1+20100 'as its binar- form euia$ent of +


    Su)net ask 

    /e%eat t'e same %ro*edure used for t'e IP Address to *onert t'e subnet Mask

    into Binar- notation.

    1 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 1

    12+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 1

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    01 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    2 4*tet * 2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1

    + / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    3 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 1

    1 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    # 4*tet * , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar- / 2 / 2 / 2

    / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2

    Binar- notation for t'e number  is 6 sin*e t'ere is no number to

    subtra*t for  so automati*a$$- t'e anser is .

     So the &( Addresso3 222 has its )inar 3orm e5ui6alent o3 :


  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    Num)er o3 Su)net 'its :-



    Num)er o3 "ost :-


    Num)er o3 "ost 'its 7er su)net :-


    Num)er o3 usa)le "osts 7er Su)net :-

    28 : 2 ! 25" : 2 ! 25#

    &( Address o3 8rst host on this su)net :- 10101100 00011110 00000001 11 10101100 00011110 00000001 1

    &( Addresso3 Last "ost on this su)net :- 10101100 00011110 00000001 00000001 10101100 00011110 00000001


    'roadcast Address3or this su)net :-

    ;se 8 Number of )ast Host 10101100 00011110 00000001 10101100 00011110 00000001


  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    (ro)lem 2

    Host IP Address Mask of subnet bits 1# BitsNumber of subnets 22! # Subnet

    Number of Host bits Per Subnet #Number of usab$e Hosts %er Subnet 22&2 ! #&2 ! #Host Per SubnetSubnet Address for t'is IP address address of (irst 'ost on t'is subnet Address of )ast Host on t'is subnet*ast Address for t'is subnet

    172 30 1 33

    IP A/SS 10101100 00011110 00000001


    Subnet Mask 11111111 11111111 11111111


    255 255 255 252

    (irst )ist don t'ese a$ue of Numbers.

     ,ake t'e Host IP Address and Start it' t'e (irst 4*tet * 1+2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1+2 / 2 .

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    . / 2 40 40 / 2 21 121 / 2 1 11 / 2 / 2 2 1

    2 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 172 is 1111 *onerted to Binar-


    2 4*tet * 0 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-0 / 2 1 1 / 2 + 1

    + / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number 0 is 1111

    3 4*tet 6 1 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 1 is 1

    # 4*tet * 00 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-00 1. 1

    1. / 2 / 2 4 4 / 2 2 2 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number 00 is 11

    So t'e IP Addressof 1+20100 'as its binar- form euia$ent of +


  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    Su)net ask /e%eat t'e same %ro*edure used for t'e IP Address to *onert t'e subnet Mask

    into Binar- notation.

    1 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 1

    1 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    2 4*tet * 2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    3 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

    2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    # 4*tet * 22 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-22 / 2 12. 12. / 2 .0 .0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- notation for t'e number 22 is 111111 6 sin*e t'ere is no number to

    subtra*t for  so automati*a$$- t'e anser is 111111 .

     So the &( Addresso3 22222has its )inar 3orm e5ui6alent o3 :


    Num)er o3 Su)net 'its :-



    Num)er o3 "ost :-


    Num)er o3 "ost 'its 7er su)net :-

    21#991" 38#

    Num)er o3 usa)le "osts 7er Su)net :-

    22 : 2 ! # : 2 ! 2 Host subnet

    &( Address o3 8rst host on this su)net :- 10101100 00011110 00000001 11 10101100 00011110 00000001 1

    &( Addresso3 Last "ost on this su)net :- 10101100 00011110 00000001 0010000

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi

    9/32 10101100 00011110 00000001 0010001

    'roadcast Address3or this su)net :-;se 8 Number of )ast Host 10101100 00011110 00000001 1 10101100 00011110 00000001 111

    Su)net Address

    Perform a bit&ise AN 6 $o

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    1" > 8 > # > 2 ! 0

    0rd !ctet





     ,'erefore t'e subnet Address is 1+20102

    etermine 'i*' bits *ontain netork information and 'ost information

    aor #i6ide * #, Su)net #i6ide

    * S# ,

    "ost &(


    10101100 00011110 00000001 00100001



    11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110



    10101100 00011110 00000001 00100000

    ra t'ema?or iide 6 M. Asa a*- $ine 'ere t'e 1@s in t'e ma?or

    netork mask 6 t'e 1" $eft&most Bits nd and t'e subnet diide 6 S. as

    a Strai

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    First "ost 11111111111

    12 .4 02 1. 4 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    (or t'e 1st !ctet

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1+2 / 2 . . / 2 40 40 / 2 21 121 / 2 1 11 / 2 / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    2 4*tet * 0 , IP Address Ansers Binar-

    0 / 2 1 1 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    3 4*tet 6 1 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 1 is 1

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    # 4*tet * 00 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-00 1. 1

    1. / 2 / 2 4 4 / 2 2 2 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

     ,'erefore t'e (irst Host Address is 1+20100

    Last "ost 11111111111

    12 .4 02 1. 4 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    1 1

    (or t'e 1st !ctet

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1+2 / 2 . . / 2 40 40 / 2 21 121 / 2 1 11 / 2 / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    2 4*tet * 0 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-0 / 2 1

    1 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    3 4*tet 6 1 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 1 is 1

    # 4*tet * 04 ,IP Address Ansers Binar-

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    04 / 2 1+ 1+ / 2 1 / 2 4 4 / 2 2 2 / 2 1

    1 / 2 1 ,'erefore t'e $ast Host Address is 1+20104

    Broadcast Address 10101100.00011110.00000001.00100011

    (or t'e 1st !ctet

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1+2 / 2 .

    . / 2 40 40 / 2 21 121 / 2 1 11 / 2 / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    2 4*tet * 0 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

    0 / 2 1 1 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    3 4*tet 6 1 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 1 is 1

    # 4*tet * 0 ,

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    IP Address Ansers Binar-0 / 2 1+ 11+ / 2 1 / 2 4 4 / 2 2

    2 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

     ,'erefore t'e Broad*ast Address is

    (ro)lem 0

    Host IP Address 1F2.1F2.10.23#Subnet Mask of subnet bits 8 BitsNumber of subnets 28! 25" SubnetNumber of Host bits Per Subnet 25#Number of usab$e Hosts %er Subnet 28 & 2 ! 25" & 2 ! 25# Host Per SubnetSubnet Address for t'is IP address 1F2.1F2.10.0IP address of (irst 'ost on t'is subnet 1F2.1F2.10.1IP Address of )ast Host on t'is subnet 1F2.1F2.10.25#Broad*ast Address for t'is subnet 1F2.1F2.10.255

    Ste% 1 + ,rans$ate 'ost IP Address and subnet mask into Binar- natation

    1F2 1F2 10 23#

    IP A/SS 11000000 11000000 00001010


    Subnet Mask 11111111 11111111 11111111


    255 255 255 0

    (irst )ist don t'ese a$ue of Numbers.

     ,ake t'e Host IP Address 1F2.1F2.10.23

     and Start it' t'e (irst 4*tet * 1;2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1;2 / 2 ;. ;. / 2 4 4 / 2 24

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    24 / 2 12 12 / 2 . . / 2 0 0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 1;2 is 11 *onerted to Binar-from.

    2 4*tet * 1;2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1;2 / 2 ;. ;. / 2 4 4 / 2 24 24 / 2 12 12 / 2 . . / 2 0

    0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 1;2 is 11 *onerted to Binar-


    3 4*tet 6 1 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1 / 2 / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 1 is 11

    # 4*tet * 204 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-204 / 2 11+ 11+ / 2 1 / 2 2; 2; / 2 14 114 / 2 + + / 2 0 1

    0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1 1

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    Binar- Natation for t'e number 204 is 11111

    So t'e IP Address of 1;21;21204 'as its binar- form euia$ent of +


    Su)net ask 

    /e%eat t'e same %ro*edure used for t'e IP Address to *onert t'e subnet Mask

    into Binar- notation.

    1 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 1

    12+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    2 4*tet * 2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    3 4*tet * 2 , 

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 1

    1 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    # 4*tet * , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar- / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2

    / 2 / 2

    Binar- notation for t'e number  is 6 sin*e t'ere is no number to

    subtra*t for  so automati*a$$- t'e anser is .

     So the &( Address o3 222 has its )inar 3orm e5ui6alent o3 :


    Num)er o3 Su)net 'its :-



    Num)er o3 "ost :-


    Num)er o3 "ost 'its 7er su)net :-


    Num)er o3 usa)le "osts 7er Su)net :-

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    28 : 2 ! 25" : 2 ! 25#

    &( Address o3 8rst host on this su)net :-

    1F2.1F2.10.23# 11000000 11000000 00001010


    1F2.1F2.10.1 11000000 11000000 00001010


    &( Addresso3 Last "ost on this su)net :-

    1F2.1F2.10.1 11000000 11000000 00001010


    1F2.1F2.10.25# 11000000 11000000 00001010


    'roadcast Address3or this su)net :-

    ;se 8 Number of )ast Host

    1F2.1F2.10.0 11000000 11000000 00001010

    1F2.1F2.10.255 11000000 11000000 0000101011111111

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    (ro)lem 4

    Host IP Address 172.17.FF.71Subnet Mask of subnet bits 1" BitsNumber of subnets 21" ! "553"

    Number of Host bits Per Subnet "553"Number of usab$e Hosts %er Subnet 21" ! "553" : 2 ! "553# Hosts Per

    SubnetsSubnet Address for t'is IP address 172.17.FF.0IP address of (irst 'ost on t'is subnet 172.17.FF.1IP Address of )ast Host on t'is subnet 172.17.FF."553#Broad*ast Address for t'is subnet 172.17.FF.255

    Ste% 1 + ,rans$ate 'ost IP Address and subnet mask into Binar- natation

    172 17 FF 71

    IP A/SS 10101100 00010001 01100011


    Subnet Mask 11111111 11111111 00000000


    255 255 0 0

    (irst )ist don t'ese a$ue of Numbers.

     ,ake t'e Host IP Address and Start it' t'e (irst 4*tet * 1+2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    1+2 / 2 . . / 2 40 40 / 2 21 121 / 2 1 11 / 2

    / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 172 is 1111 *onerted to Binar-


    2 4*tet * 1+ , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1+ / 2 1

    / 2 4 4 / 2 2 2 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number 1+ is 11

    3 4*tet 6 ;; 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-;; / 2 4; 14; / 2 24 124 / 2 12 12 / 2 . . / 2 0 0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 1 is 1111

    # 4*tet * +1 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-+1 / 2 0 10 / 2 1+ 11+ / 2 1 / 2 4 4 / 2 2 2 / 2 1 1 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number +1 is 1111

    So t'e IP Addressof 1 'as its binar- form euia$ent of +


    Su)net ask 

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    /e%eat t'e same %ro*edure used for t'e IP Address to *onert t'e subnet Mask

    into Binar- notation.

    1 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

    2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    2 4*tet * 2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1

    .0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    3 4*tet * , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar- / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2

    Binar- notation for t'e number  is 6 sin*e t'ere is no number to

    subtra*t for  so automati*a$$- t'e anser is .

    # 4*tet * , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2

    / 2 / 2 / 2

    Binar- notation for t'e number  is 6 sin*e t'ere is no number to

    subtra*t for  so automati*a$$- t'e anser is .

     So the &( Addresso3 222 has its )inar 3orm e5ui6alent o3 :


    Num)er o3 Su)net 'its :-



    Num)er o3 "ost :-21"

    Num)er o3 "ost 'its 7er su)net :-


    Num)er o3 usa)le "osts 7er Su)net :-

    21F : 2 ! "553" : 2 ! "553"

    &( Address o3 8rst host on this su)net :-172.17.FF.71 11000000 11000000 00001010


    172.17.FF.1 11000000 11000000 00001010


    &( Addresso3 Last "ost on this su)net :-

    172.17.FF.1 11000000 11000000 00001010 1

    172.17.FF.25# 11000000 11000000 00001010


  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    'roadcast Address3or this su)net :-

    ;se 8 Number of )ast Host

    172.17.FF.0 11000000 11000000 00001010

    172.17.FF.255 11000000 11000000 00001010 1



    Host IP Address 1F2.1"8.3.21FSubnet Mask of subnet bits 8 Bits

    Number of subnets 28! 25" SubnetNumber of Host bits Per Subnet 25#Number of usab$e Hosts %er Subnet 28 & 2 ! 25" & 2 ! 25# Host Per SubnetSubnet Address for t'is IP address 1F2.1"8.3.0IP address of (irst 'ost on t'is subnet 1F2.1"8.3.1IP Address of )ast Host on t'is subnet 1F2.1"8.3.25#Broad*ast Address for t'is subnet 1F2.1F2.10.255

    Ste% 1 + ,rans$ate 'ost IP Address and subnet mask into Binar- natation

    1F2 1"8 3 21F

    IP A/SS 11000000 10101000 00000011


    Subnet Mask 11111111 11111111 11111111


    255 255 255 0

    (irst )ist don t'ese a$ue of Numbers.

     ,ake t'e Host IP Address 1F2.1"8.3.21F

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


     and Start it' t'e (irst 4*tet * 1;2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1;2 / 2 ;. ;. / 2 4 4 / 2 24 24 / 2 12 12 / 2 . . / 2 0 0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 1;2 is 11 *onerted to Binar-


    2 4*tet * 1. , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

    1. / 2 4 4 / 2 42 42 / 2 21 21 / 2 1 11 / 2 / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 1. is 111 *onerted to Binar-


    3 4*tet 6 0 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation (or t'e number 0 is 11

    # 4*tet * 21; ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-21; / 2 1; 11; / 2 4 14 / 2 2+

    2+ / 2 10 110 / 2 . 1

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    . / 2 0 0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number 21; is 111111

    So t'e IP Address of 1;21.021; 'as its binar- form euia$ent of +

    11 111 11 111111

    Su)net ask 

    /e%eat t'e same %ro*edure used for t'e IP Address to *onert t'e subnet Mask

    into Binar- notation.

    1 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    2 4*tet * 2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 1

    0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    3 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 1

    12+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number  is

    # 4*tet * , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar- / 2 / 2 / 2

    / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2

    Binar- notation for t'e number  is 6 sin*e t'ere is no number to

    subtra*t for  so automati*a$$- t'e anser is .

     So the &( Address o3 22 has its )inar 3orm e5ui6alent o3 :


    Num)er o3 Su)net 'its :-



    Num)er o3 "ost :-


    Num)er o3 "ost 'its 7er su)net :-

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi



    Num)er o3 usa)le "osts 7er Su)net :-

    21" : 2 ! "553" : 2 ! "553#

    &( Address o3 8rst host on this su)net :-

    1F2.1"8.3.0 11000000 10101000 00000011

    1F2.1"8.3.1 11000000 10101000 00000011


    &( Addresso3 Last "ost on this su)net :-

    1F2.1"8.3.1 11000000 10101000 00000011

    000000011F2.1"8.3.25# 11000000 10101000 00000011


    'roadcast Address3or this su)net :-

    ;se 1" Number of )ast Host

    1F2.1"8.3.0 11000000 10101000 00000011

    1F2.1"8.3.255 11000000 10101000 00000011


    (ro)lem .

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    Host IP Address 1F2.1"8.3.21FSubnet Mask of subnet bits 5 BitsNumber of subnets 25! 32 SubnetNumber of Host bits Per Subnet 32

    Number of usab$e Hosts %er Subnet 25

    & 2 ! 32 & 2 ! 30 Host Per SubnetSubnet Address for t'is IP address 1F2.1"8.3.0IP address of (irst 'ost on t'is subnet 1F2.1"8.3.1IP Address of )ast Host on t'is subnet 1F2.1"8.3.25#Broad*ast Address for t'is subnet 1F2.1F2.10.255

    Ste% 1 + ,rans$ate 'ost IP Address and subnet mask into Binar- natation

    1F2 1"8 3 21F

    IP A/SS 11000000 10101000 00000011


    Subnet Mask 11111111 11111111 11111111


    255 255 255 22#

    (irst )ist don t'ese a$ue of Numbers.

     ,ake t'e Host IP Address 1F2.1"8.3.21F

     and Start it' t'e (irst 4*tet * 1;2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1;2 / 2 ;. ;. / 2 4 4 / 2 24 24 / 2 12 12 / 2 . . / 2 0 0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 1;2 is 11 *onerted to Binar-


  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    2 4*tet * 1. , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-1. / 2 4 4 / 2 42 42 / 2 21 21 / 2 1 11 / 2 / 2 2 12 / 2 1 1 / 2 1

    So no e kno t'at a e*ima$ Number 1. is 111 *onerted to Binar-


    3 4*tet 6 0 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-

    0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1 1Binar- Natation (or t'e number 0 is 11

    # 4*tet * 21; ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-21; / 2 1; 11; / 2 4 14 / 2 2+ 2+ / 2 10 110 / 2 . 1

    . / 2 0 0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1 1

    Binar- Natation for t'e number 21; is 111111

    So t'e IP Address of 1;21.021; 'as its binar- form euia$ent of +

    11 111 11 111111

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    Su)net ask 

    /e%eat t'e same %ro*edure used for t'e IP Address to *onert t'e subnet Mask

    into Binar- notation.

    1 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    2 4*tet * 2 ,

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1+ / 2 0 1

    0 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

    3 4*tet * 2 , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-2 / 2 12+ 112+ / 2 .0 1.0 / 2 01 101 / 2 1 11 / 2 + 1

    + / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1

    Binar- Notation for t'e number 2 is 11111111

  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    # 4*tet * , 

    IP Address Ansers Binar-224 / 2 112 112 / 2 . . / 2 2 2 / 2 14 14 / 2 + + / 2 0 10 / 2 1 11 / 2 1 1

    Binar- notation for t'e number  is 6 sin*e t'ere is no number to

    subtra*t for  so automati*a$$- t'e anser is .

     So the &( Address o3 222224 has its )inar 3orm e5ui6alent

    o3 :

    1111111111111111 11111111111

    Num)er o3 Su)net 'its :-



    Num)er o3 "ost :-


    Num)er o3 "ost 'its 7er su)net :-


    Num)er o3 usa)le "osts 7er Su)net :-

    25 : 2 ! 32 : 2 ! 30

    &( Address o3 8rst host on this su)net :-

    1F2.1"8.3.2 11000000 11000000 0000001111111

    1F2.1"8.3.1 11000000 11000000 00000011


    &( Addresso3 Last "ost on this su)net :-

    1F2.1"8.3.1 11000000 11000000 00000011


    1F2.1"8.3.255 11000000 11000000 00000011


  • 8/20/2019 Assisgment Sheet 2- Muhammad Afiq Bin Mohd Zimahdi


    'roadcast Address3or this su)net :-

    ;se 8 Number of )ast Host

    1F2.1"8.3.0 11000000 11000000 00000011

    1F2.1"8.3.255 11000000 11000000 00000011
