astronauts and robots 2015: scott gaudi, ohio state

Scott Gaudi The Ohio State University JPL Distinguished Visiting Scientist The Golden Age of Exoplanets. AAS Meeting May 13, 2015

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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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1. Scott Gaudi The Ohio State University JPL Distinguished Visiting Scientist The Golden Age of Exoplanets. AAS Meeting May 13, 2015 2. 20+ Years of Exoplanets. 3. Exoplanet Exploration Program 4. The Exoplanet Zoo.(or, Mother Nature is Way More Imaginative Than We Are.) 5. Hot Jupiters 6. Super Earths 7. Tatooine Planets 8. (Clanton&Gaudi2014a,b) 2.00.5 planets per M dwarf 9. Planets, planets everywhere. Planetary systems are ubiquitous and diverse. The majority of stars host planets. Vast range of eccentricities, inclinations, masses, atmospheres, stellar types, architectures. Neptune and sub-Neptune mass planets are much more common than giant planets. Many stars host compact systems of Neptune and sub-Neptune mass planets. Free-floating and/or wide-separation gas giants are common. 10. M V E M J S U N P Keplers Search Area 11. What are Exoplanets Like? 12. Transiting Planets 13. Knutsonetal. 14. Is there life out there? 15. The Future of Exoplanets.