asynsis constructal press release-251113

asynsis Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | | ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised Hong Kong Spin – West Kowloon Cultural District – Zhong-- Phi- φ – A celebration of “One-country Two-systems” and symbolising the Asynsis principle-Constructal law of Design in Nature ASYNSIS Press Release | 8 December 2013

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Asynsis Principle presented @ Constructal Law conference Nanjing University of Science & Technology, 15 October 2013


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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Hong Kong Spin – West Kowloon Cultural District – Zhong-中- Phi- φ – A celebration of “One-country Two-systems” and symbolising the Asynsis principle-Constructal law of Design in Nature

ASYNSIS Press Release | 8 December 2013

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

The Asynsis principle – a transformative new optimal, sustainable design paradigm

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Nigel Anthony Reading RIBA LEED GA

Design Director ASYNSIS Architecture + Design

Hong Kong-Australian raised, London educated, ARB-UK registered Eurasian bilingual Senior Architect and Interior Designer with substantial Masterplanning & Landscape design expertise. 25 Years of experience with over a decade in the Asia-Pacific including 7 years in Shanghai & Hong Kong-Macau, with numerous consultant, industry and stakeholder contacts. Design, construction and operations optimisation method pioneer and sustainable design thought-leader. Designer for Shangri-La-Kerry Parkside, Grand Hyatt-City of Dreams & Galaxy Macau, Disney-Shanghai, InterIKEA-China, Tianjin EcoCity-Keppel Land, BBC World, NM Rothschild & Sons, Eden Project, London Overground, Westfield, Maitreya Buddha and Hong Kong Spin. Chartered member of the RIBA, founder member of RIBA-HK chapter and USGBC LEED GA accredited.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

ASYNSIS: Form follows Flow - Da Vinci's Other Code Da Vinci's Dynamical Divine Proportion - Optimally Sustainable Cosmomimetic Complexity in Time A transformative new optimal, sustainable and beautiful design paradigm for the built environment and beyond

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Why the Geometry of Nature is Fractal (in both Space and Time)

Form follows Flow: Is there a New Geometric Thermodynamics Law?

A Transformative new Universal Paradigm for Beautiful, Optimal & Sustainable Design

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Asynsis principle - an architect's transformative co-discovery of a new universal design, development and operations paradigm fundamentally related to canons of aesthetic beauty in art, architecture and design; for a more sustainable and optimal built environment that epitomises the Triple bottom line of People, Profit, Planet.

Nigel Anthony Reading RIBA LEED GA Design Director, Asynsis Architecture + Design via

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Constructal law is a new optimal, sustainable design law of nature & culture that shows our stakeholders exactly how to best emulate, then preserve nature while creating a more harmonious relationship with the planetary biosphere by mapping Constructal law rules and axioms onto our society. Those rules apply particularly to the design and construction industries.

Those rules show that nature innately evolves to facilitate all flows and the freedoms of those flows to morph and autonomously create new designs, often enhancing their beauty & complexity.

This law explains why the geometry of nature is fractal. It also explains why both nature and culture, animate and inanimate, follow these same evolutionary, complexity-enhancing flows.

Asynsis is the transformative, paradigm-shifting bridge of optimal, analogical Cosmomimetic design that unifies the arts and the sciences by best visualising the geometric signatures, the spatio-temporal architectures of the Constructal law, as established when Professor Adrian Bejan, Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Pratt Engineering School, Duke

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

University (in an unprecedented meeting between design leaders from both the sciences and arts), invited Nigel Reading RIBA, Design Director of Asynsis Architecture + Design to present the Asynsis principle at the Constructal Law conference, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, in Nanjing, China on October 14-15, 2013.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Design in nature is ultimately, a physics phenomenon that optimally facilitates anything that flows, be they currents of energy, matter, resources or information. So those flows, given freedom - morph and evolve systems towards greater power capacity, robustness and complexity by developing multi-scale modularity. The optimal geometries of those flows in space and in time, are self-similar at varying scales, and they are geometrically fractal because of Constructal thermodynamic behaviours, following the analogically optimal, Asynsis principle.

Crucially, these local currents always flow by consuming the least mass-energy whilst also producing the most global entropy for export. They are also computationally the most efficient feedback-led, self-similar geometries for processing and storing information and are therefore the most optimal and sustainable of processes in nature for allowing systems to evolve, learn and persist over time – despite their emergence within environments that are in constant flux.

So they are also optimally sustainable because they are the most stable, the most resistant to perturbations and the most robust whilst critically, consuming the least energy & resources, over

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

time, despite that flux. In geometric terms, Period 2 bifurcations are the lowest-energy dynamical behaviours that are possible, they are the epitome of the Asynsis geometries that Nigel discovered in his published peer-reviewed research at the University of Westminster and the British Library in London. es

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

These geometries also most homogeneously, robustly and adaptively distribute imperfections within dynamical systems and allow for the most irreducibly complex repertoire of states. In information processing terms, these innate geometries allow nature to self-organise, to design itself and optimally approach states that can perform universal computation for the least cost, in effect - allowing "order for free" in the right conditions of far from equilibrium dissipative processes, open systems which have the inputs of energy and outputs of exported entropy.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

The exemplary examples? Life & Human consciousness itself, and collectively – Human society.

These analogical, optimal geometric processes allow systems to lower their local entropies for finite, extended transient periods (by exporting it), just like certain classes of cellular automata, or artificial life simulations seen in computer models.

These processes are also entirely innate within nature, no external agency is required.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

“Broad boulevards of possibilities”, continual, finite multiscalar recursion yielding infinite creativity, inevitably results in the right circumstances - and those optimal geometries are Asynsis ones.

What we believe we have co-discovered then, is an innate, dynamical systems geometric constant that automatically codes for increasing local complexity and order in certain far-from equilibrium conditions as a natural collateral computational consequence of irreversibility within all known domains of the cosmos (despite the overall, global entropy-increase as dictated by the 2nd law of thermodynamics), hence the term: “Cosmomimetic” design, of which “Biomimetics” is a sub-set.

Asynsis geometries are therefore the analogical signatures of these thermodynamics-led, computationally optimal Constructal behaviours. They exist in both inanimate and animate nature whenever anything is flowing.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

You’ll find it in Black Hole spin-mass dynamics, Solar System orbital periods, Typhoons and the growth and structure of a Sunflower or Pinecone. Now we know why.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

So to conclude, to be sustainable and optimal is the only viable path for our civilisation, to do otherwise is sheer folly, because we would be hubristicly violating a fundamental physics law of nature and culture, a current rectifiable detour that is already inviting nature's nemesis upon us.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Since Asynsis geometries are also those of beauty and harmony in the arts, architecture and design, (they are remarkably, also the geometries of Leonardo da Vinci’s Divine Proportion, or Golden Ratio - but in time), we have a compelling new societal philosophy at hand, one that marries the arts and the sciences in one unified paradigm, one that confirms that when our civilisation is being environmentally sustainable, it is also being geometrically-aesthetically beautiful and elegant as we design ourselves a more viable, biospherically-compatible future for ourselves, our children, our society and our sole, beautiful planet, upon which all these living flows above completely depend.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

In transcultural “West meets East” philosophical terms, Constructal-Asynsis optimal analogical flow-facilitation is also analogous to enhancing the Qi-氣 (energy) flows and Li-理 (geometric) principles of Chinese philosophy. This synthesis has the potential to be a compelling transcultural paradigm shift. It can be a crucial tipping-point that assists China’s sustainable development drive.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Why? Not only will stakeholders be invoking aesthetic beauty when they are engaging in sustainable practices, they will be conforming to an innate “supreme ultimate” principle or universal law of nature (via Asynsis-Feng Shui practice, analogous to the Tai Ji -太極 philosophy of the Mencian philosopher Zhu Xi), so their life flows (individual and stakeholder), will also be more harmonious, healthy, lucky and wealthy!

Constructal law sciences and Asynsis principle arts, thermodynamics and geometry point the way to a new universal, transcultural civilisational paradigm for attaining sustainability and transcending crisis, be it economic, political or climatic.

Beauty, Optimisation and Sustainability are certainly anything but contradictory, on the contrary – they are actually profoundly synonymous.

To reinterate, in Chinese culture, through the lens of Feng Shui, to apply Asynsis-Constructal rules will also confer robust health, flowing wealth and great good fortune on the users.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

In poetic terms, Asynsis principle geometric beauty is now revealed to be the Ying to Constructal law’s Yang of scientific truth. Their Qi-Li (Tai Ji) synthesis reveals a Tao “hearts and minds” way to harmony with nature for the nascent global fusion civilisation.

The synergy of the two confers unprecedented uniquely symphonic world-beating power to our practice’s work as visionary designers, because our work is Form follows Flow, More for Less and “Design as (Art bridging to) Science” and “Design as Applied Philosophy”.

No other practice has this position in the global market, which allows us to provide transcultural, world-beating and exceptional added-value to our clients’ projects through our unique insights into fusion East-West culture & our global market leadership in optimisation, sustainability and beauty in design, construction & operations for the built environment.

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

So Asynsis Architecture + Design is committed to ensuring that our practice of architectural design, construction and operations in the built environment creatively and elegantly generates Li-designs to best provide for a global future that is both beautiful and sustainable via the right, appropriate projects, whilst also optimally enhancing our clients’ own Qi-flows!

Hong Kong Tourism Commission & Board endorsed, UKTI-supported design by Nigel Reading RIBA LEED GA for Hong Kong Spin – merging the Eiffel Tower & London Eye as a city-branding landmark icon for Hong Kong, lauded by the Britain is Great team as an example of “big ticket, high value” design (proposed in association with the original consultant team) – first published and publicly exhibited via the HKIA in 1997, republished in 2007, 2011 and again now in 2013. Zhong-中- Phi- φ – A celebration of “One-country Two-systems” and symbolising the Asynsis principle-Constructal law of Design in Nature & Culture

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Nigel Reading RIBA with Professors Adrian Bejan & Sylvie Lorente dining together recently in Hong Kong

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

Nigel Anthony Reading RIBA-LEED GA Design Director ASYNSIS Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Ideas Realised : Poetic Pragmatism Providing Transformative Leadership in Transcultural, Sustainable Design | | | | | | +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] More 4 Less. A new optimal design, construction & operations paradigm Asynsis Principle-Constructal Law Team @ ARUP Foresight & Innovation, London Friday 3 May 2013 Asynsis presents @ Constructal Law Conference, Nanjing University of Science & Technology Nanjing Tuesday 15 October 2013

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Architecture + Design Form follows Flow Shanghai | Hong Kong | London +86 159 0040 4248 | +852 9370 1841 | [email protected] | |

ASYNsis Architecture + Design Ltd Form follows Flow: More for Less | Ideas Realised

So Li means then the order of Qi flow, the wonderful dancing pattern of liquid, because Lao-tzu likens Tao to water:

The great Tao flows everywhere, to the left and to the right, it loves and nourishes all things. Alan Watts, Taoism

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