autora: nÚÑez lizano marÍa alejandra.i autorización de la autoría intelectual yo, maría...

i UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR FACULTAD DE FILOSOFÍA, LETRAS Y CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO “La técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva en los estudiantes del nivel B1 Pre-intermedio del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Uniandes.” Informe de Investigación presentado como requisito parcial para obtener el grado de Magister en Lingüística y Didáctica en la Enseñanza de Idiomas Extranjeros. AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA. TUTORA: M.Sc. Mónica Alejandra Flores Herrera QUITO-ECUADOR 2017

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Page 1: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada





“La técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva en los estudiantes del nivel

B1 Pre-intermedio del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Uniandes.”

Informe de Investigación presentado como requisito parcial para obtener el grado

de Magister en Lingüística y Didáctica en la Enseñanza de Idiomas Extranjeros.


TUTORA: M.Sc. Mónica Alejandra Flores Herrera



Page 2: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual

Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada

sobre“La técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva en los estudiantes del nivel 3 (Pre-

intermedio) del Centro de idiomas de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes –

“Uniandes”, periodo marzo-agosto 2017”, por la presente autorizo a la UNIVERSIDAD

CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR, hacer uso de todos los contenidos que me pertenecen o de parte

de los que contienen esta obra, con fines estrictamente académicos o de investigación.

Los derechos que como autor me corresponden, con excepción de la presente autorización,

seguirán vigentes a mi favor, de conformidad con lo establecido en los artículos 5, 6, 8; 19 y demás

pertinentes de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual y su Reglamento.

Quito, a 27 de octubre del 2017.


María Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

CI: 180414469-7

Telf: 0995856834

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Informe de aprobación de la tutora

En calidad de tutora del trabajo de grado: “LA TÉCNICA “DICTOGLOSS” EN LA




licenciada María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, cédula de ciudadanía 1804144697, previo a la


DE IDIOMAS EXTRANJEROS, considero que dicho trabajo ha concluido y reúne los requisitos,

méritos suficientes para ser sometido a la presentación pública y evaluación por parte del Tribunal


Firmado en la ciudad de Quito a los 27 días del mes de octubre del 2017.


MSc. Mónica Alejandra Flores Herrera


C.C. 1714412952

Page 4: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada



Este trabajo está dedicado a Dios, luz de mi camino quien me

proporcionó fuerzas para seguir adelante; a mi familia; de manera especial

a mi esposo Roberto quien fue soporte para llegar al final con el éxito

anhelado; a mi pequeña Amy, quien con su inocencia esperaba el pronto

regreso de mamá; a la reina del hogar mi madre y su esposo - Martha y

Hermes que con sus bendiciones protegían cada paso dado en todo este

proceso y también a Erik quien siempre apoya y brinda cariño a su manera.

Con este logro devuelvo a ustedes lo que un día me proporcionaron: amor,

fe y confianza en mí misma.

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Al alcanzar una meta más en mi vida profesional, agradezco a

Dios por la protección y bendición derramada en mí y en mi familia; a la

Universidad Central del Ecuador que me permitió fortalecer mis

conocimientos en sus aulas; a mis amigos y familiares que su granito de

arena han sido protagonistas principales para alcanzar esta importante

meta educativa.

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Índice de contenidos

AUTORIZACIÓN DE LA AUTORÍA INTELECTUAL ........................................................................ I

INFORME DE APROBACIÓN DE LA TUTORA ................................................................................II

DEDICATORIA ...................................................................................................................................... III

AGRADECIMIENTO ............................................................................................................................. IV

ÍNDICE DE TABLAS .......................................................................................................................... VIII

RESUMEN ................................................................................................................................................. X

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................. XI

INTRODUCCIÒN ...................................................................................................................................... 1

CAPÍTULO I.- EL PROBLEMA .............................................................................. 4

1.1 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA ............................................................................ 4

1.2 FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA ............................................................................... 6

1.3 HIPÓTESIS ................................................................................................................ 6

1.3.2 Hipótesis Nula (Ho): .................................................................................................................. 6

1.4 OBJETIVOS ............................................................................................................... 7

1.4.1 Objetivo general. ........................................................................................................................ 7

1.4.2 Objetivos específicos. ............................................................................................................. 7

1.5 JUSTIFICACIÓN. ........................................................................................................ 7

CAPÍTULO II.- MARCO TEÓRICO ..................................................................................................... 10

2.1. ANTECEDENTES DEL PROBLEMA ............................................................ 10

2.2 FUNDAMENTACIÓN TEÓRICA ....................................................................... 12

2.3 “DICTOGLOSS” ....................................................................................................... 14

2.3.1 Que es la técnica “Dictogloss” ................................................................................................. 15

2.3.2 Aspectos importantes del dictado en el aprendizaje de inglés como segunda lengua. ............. 16

2.3.1. Variaciones de la Técnica “Dictogloss” .................................................................................. 17

2.3.2 Etapas de la técnica “Dictogloss”. ............................................................................................ 20

2.3.3 Características de la técnica “Dictogloss” en el aprendizaje del Idioma Ingles. ...................... 23

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2.4. COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA ..................................................................................... 26

2.4.1 Proceso de comprensión del discurso oral ................................................................................ 26

2.4.2. Actividades de promueve el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva. ...................................... 28

2.4.3 Internalización del mensaje. ..................................................................................................... 30

2.5 MARCO LEGAL ...................................................................................................... 31

2.6 CARACTERIZACIÓN DE VARIABLES......................................................................... 32

2.6.1 Variable Independiente ............................................................................................................ 32

2.6.2 Variable Dependiente ............................................................................................................... 33

2.7 DEFINICIÓN DE TÉRMINOS BÁSICOS ........................................................................ 33

CAPÍTULO III.- METODOLOGÍA ....................................................................................................... 35

3.1 DISEÑO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN ............................................................................... 35

3.1.1 Enfoque de investigación. ........................................................................................................ 35

3.1.2 Modalidad de trabajo. ............................................................................................................... 35

3.1.3 Nivel de profundidada. ............................................................................................................. 36

3.2 TIPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN ......................................................................................... 36

3.3. POBLACIÓN ........................................................................................................ 36


3.5 VALIDEZ Y CONFIABILIDAD DE LOS INSTRUMENTOS .............................................. 37

3.6. OPERACIONALIZACIÒN DE VARIABLES ............................................................... 38

3.6.1 Variable Independiente: Técnica “Dictogloss.” ......................................................................... 38

3.6.2 Variable Dependiente: Comprensión auditiva ........................................................................... 39

3.7. TÉCNICAS PARA EL ANÁLISIS Y PROCESAMIENTOS DE DATOS. ............................ 40

CAPÍTULO IV.- RESULTADOS............................................................................................................ 42

4.1 PRESENTACIÓN DE RESULTADOS ........................................................................... 42

4.1.1 Resultados de la variable dependiente; la comprensión auditiva. ............................................ 43

4.2 ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS..................................................................................... 48

4.2.1 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo Experimental. ................................. 49

4.2.2 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo control. ........................................... 49

4.2.3 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del Post- Test Grupo Experimental ............................. 50

4.2.4 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del Post- Test Grupo Control ...................................... 50

4.3 ANÁLISIS Y PRUEBA DE HIPÓTESIS ......................................................................... 51


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4.5.1 Ubicación del puntaje Z en la campana de Gauss. ................................................................... 63


4.7 TOMA DE DECISIÓN ESTADÍSTICA ........................................................................... 64

4.8 DISCUSIÓN DE RESULTADOS ................................................................................... 64

CAPÌTULO V.- CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES. ......................................................... 67

5.1 CONCLUSIONES ...................................................................................................... 67

5.2 RECOMENDACIONES .............................................................................................. 68

CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 69

RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 70

CAPÌTULO VI.- PROPUESTA ................................................................................................................ 1

WORKBOOK “DICTOGLOSS”............................................................................................................ I

ANEXOS ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

REFERENCIAS ....................................................................................................................................... 100

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Índice de Tablas

Tabla 1: Descripción de la población......................................................................................................... 15

Tabla 2: El uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva ..................................................... 15

Tabla 3: Los pasos de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva. ........ 16

Tabla 4: Las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp ayudan en la comprensión auditiva individual del

mensaje. .............................................................................................................................................. 16

Tabla 5: Las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp aportan en el desarrollo del trabajo colaborativo. . 17

Tabla 6: Las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp influyen en la competencia comunicativa ............. 17

Tabla 7: Las actividades de Picture Dictation motivan a realizar la versión grafica del texto oral en base

a información detallada. ..................................................................................................................... 18

Tabla 8: La búsqueda de información específica se incrementa a través de las actividades en base al

Cloze-dictation. .................................................................................................................................. 18

Tabla 9: Las variaciones del “Dictogloss” aporta en la construcción del significado. .............................. 19

Tabla 10: Las actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten desarrollar en los estudiantes sus micro

habilidades en relación a la compresión auditiva. .............................................................................. 19

Tabla 11: El proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” influyen significativamente en la comprensión auditiva.

............................................................................................................................................................ 20

Tabla 12 :Resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo experimental ..................................................... 20

Tabla 13: Resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo experimental ..................................................... 21

Tabla 14: Resultados de la aplicación del post-test grupo experimental. .................................................. 21

Tabla 15: Resultados de la aplicación del post-test grupo control. ............................................................ 21

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Índice de Gráficos

Grafico 1: Resultados Pre-test, grupo Experimental y Control. .................................................................................. 43

Grafico 2: Resultados Post – test, grupo Experimental y Control. ............................................................................. 44

Gráfico 3: Resultados Pre-test y Post- test, grupo Control. ........................................................................................ 45

Gráfico 4: Resultados Pre-test y Post- test, grupo Control. ........................................................................................ 46

Gráfico 5: Resultados Pre-test y Post- test, grupo Control. ........................................................................................ 47

Gráfico 6: Uso de la técnica “Dictogloss”en la comprensión auditiva. ...................................................................... 53

Gràfico 7: Pasos del “Dictogloss” en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva. ........................................................ 54

Gráfico 8: “Dicto-comp” aporta en la comprensión individual del mensaje. ............................................................ 55

Gráfico 9: “Dicto-comp” aporta en la comprensión individual del mensaje. ............................................................. 56

Gráfico 10: Actividades Dicto-comp aportan en la competencia comunicativa. ........................................................ 57

Gráfico 11: “Picture –dictation” motiva a realizar la versión gráfica del texto .......................................................... 58

Gráfico 12: “Cloze-dictation” incentiva la búsqueda de información específica. ..................................................... 59

Gráfico 13: “Dictogloss” aporta en la construcción del significado. .......................................................................... 60

Gráfico 14: “Dictogloss” permite desarrollar micro habilidades en la comprensión auditiva. .................................. 61

Gráfico 15: El proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” facilita la comprensión auditiva. ................................................ 62

Índice de cuadros

Cuadro 1: Formulas de medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. .......................................................... 48

Cuadro 2: Media aritmética y desviación estándar del pre-test. ................................................................ 49

Cuadro 3 : Media aritmética y desviación estándar post-test. ................................................................... 50

Cuadro 4: Promedio global Pre- test / Post-test grupo Experimental. ...................................................... 51

Cuadro 5: Resultado global Pre- test / Post-test grupo control. ................................................................ 52

Índice de Anexos.

Anexo 1:Certificacion de la aplicación de la propuesta. ............................................................................... 1

Anexo 2: Instrumentos y validaciones .......................................................................................................... 2

Anexo 3: Encuesta ...................................................................................................................................... 10

Anexo 4: Ficha de validadores.................................................................................................................... 12

Anexo 5: Tablas .......................................................................................................................................... 15

Anexo 6: Plan de Intervención.................................................................................................................... 23

Anexo 7: Resultados Pre-test y Post-test grupo experimental y control. .................................................... 94

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TÌTULO: “La técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva en los estudiantes del nivel 3 del

Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad “Uniandes” – periodo académico marzo – agosto 2017”

Autor: María Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

Tutora: Mónica Alejandra Flores Herrera


El presente trabajo investigativo es de tipo cuasi-experimental, el mismo que se desarrolló con

estudiantes de la modalidad regular del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad “Uniandes” del nivel

3, para el efecto se establecieron dos grupos: grupo control constituido por 8 estudiantes y el grupo

experimental constituido por 16 estudiantes. Previo a la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” para

el fortalecimiento de la comprensión auditiva los estudiantes de los dos grupos realizaron un pre-

test, los resultados reflejan homogeneidad en ambos grupos. Posteriormente se realiza la aplicación

de la técnica en el grupo experimental mientras que el grupo control se trabaja con el proceso

común. Finalmente se aplicó el post-test tanto al grupo control como al experimental; luego del

análisis de los resultados del post-test se demostró que la técnica “Dictogloss” influye

significativamente en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva en el aprendizaje del idioma Ingles.



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Title: “Use of the “Dictogloss” technique in the listening comprehension skill in level 3 students

of the Language Center at “Uniandes” University".”

Author: María Alejandra Núñez Lizano

Tutor: Mónica Alejandra Flores Herrera


The present work was a quasi-experimental type, it was developed in level 3 pre-intermediate

students of the regular course at the Language Center at "Uniandes" university; two groups were

established: the control group consisted of 8 students and the experimental group made of 16

students. Before applying the "Dictogloss" technique to strengthen the listening comprehension

skill, students of both groups performed a pre-test and the results showed homogeneity.

Subsequently, the technique was applied in the experimental group while the control group worked

with the common process. Finally, the post-test was applied to both groups the control group and

experimental group and after analyzing the post-test results, it was shown that the "Dictogloss"

technique influences significantly in the development of the listening comprehension in English

language learning.



Page 13: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada



El aprendizaje del idioma Inglés como lengua extranjera requiere de una buena

recepción para que las destrezas productivas sean eficientes. Bajo este argumento es importante

que los estudiantes de un idioma extranjero desarrollaren la capacidad de la comprensión

auditiva. Comprender no es solo oír sino discernir, entender y ser capaz de reconstruir un texto,

un párrafo, es decir el mensaje inicial.

Buscar y aplicar estrategias metodológicas, técnicas o actividades que ayuden a los

estudiantes a potenciar la habilidad de comprender el mensaje, permitirá el desarrollo no solo

de esta destreza sino también un aprendizaje significativo integral del idioma.

En esta investigación el objetivo es determinar la influencia de la técnica “Dictogloss”

en la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes del nivel B1 Pre-intermedio del Centro de

Idiomas de la universidad “Uniandes”, para que esto sea posible se ha estructurado un plan de

acción que contempla la aplicación de una propuesta basada en los principios de la técnica

“Dictogloss” y sus componentes. Previa a la aplicación se ha determinado la existencia de dos

grupos para la investigación: el control y experimental, a los cuales se les aplicara el Pre-test

como el post-test. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán comparar, analizar y determinar

científicamente la influencia de la técnica.

La aplicación consiste en desarrollar la comprensión auditiva a través de la técnica

“Dictogloss”. “Dictogloss” es una técnica de dictado la cual permite desarrollar las primeras

habilidades de la comprensión auditiva, puesto que el docente es la primera fuente de escucha

de los estudiantes. Esta técnica no solo permite el desarrollo de la capacidad auditiva; sino

también que el estudiante consciente o inconscientemente detecte sonidos, acento y entonación

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en el mensaje inicial y lo reproduzca potenciando también así el desarrollo de la comunicación

y el aprendizaje general del idioma.

El presente proyecto de investigación se lo ha dividido en seis capítulos, detallados a


CAPITULO I.- Principalmente presenta el planteamiento y formulación del problema a

investigar, descripción de las variables e hipótesis de la investigación, justificación, objetivo

general y específicos.

CAPITULO II.- El marco teórico se constituye por todas las investigaciones realizadas

previamente, mismas que fundamenta la parte legal y filosófica de la presente investigación.

En este capítulo se sustentará y argumentará las dos variables de estudio, se identificará la

hipótesis y se explicará claramente cada una de las variables dependiente e independiente.

CAPITULO III.- La metodología de la presente investigación se focaliza en el enfoque a

utilizar más la modalidad y tipo de investigación que se lo llevará a cabo durante el proceso.

Población, cuadros de operacionalización de las variables, técnicas e instrumentos para la

recolección de datos y finalmente el análisis y procesamiento de datos se los detallará y

describirá en el presente capitulo.

CAPITULO IV.-El análisis e interpretación de los resultados serán tabulados y analizados a

través del programa Excel, los cuales serán utilizados para comprobar la hipótesis mediante el

cálculo del puntaje Z de ± 1,96.

CAPITULO V.- Se constituirá por las conclusiones y recomendaciones, las cuales se las

establecerá después de la tabulación y análisis de resultados obtenidos.

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CAPITULO VI.- Se constituirá por la propuesta: “DICTOGLOSS” WORKBOOK.- El

“Workbook” diseñado contiene actividades realizadas en base a tres variaciones de la técnica

“Dictogloss”; “Cloze dictation”, “Dicto-comp” y “Picture dictation”, cada una de las

actividades cumple con el proceso de la técnica, introducción, dictado, reconstrucción, análisis

y corrección. El contenido del “Workbook” está dirigido a estudiantes del nivel Pre-intermedio,

consta de seis unidades, dos evaluaciones, sección de respuestas y sección de recursos.

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1.1 Planteamiento del Problema

El uso y aprendizaje del idioma Inglés en el campo educativo se ha convertido en un

aspecto relevante para enriquecer el conocimiento y desarrollar competencias para así tener

acceso constante a información y teoría en el campo académico, por lo tanto los estudiantes

de las Universidades del Ecuador, han hecho conciencia del beneficio de estudiar, aprender y

dominar un idioma extranjero, en este caso el idioma Inglés que ha pasado de un postulado en

el aula de clase a una exigencia personal en busca de mejores condiciones de vida, siendo una

ventaja a nivel personal, profesional y académico.

Frente a esta necesidad la realidad ha demostrado que la calidad del aprendizaje del

idioma en cuanto a la habilidad comunicativa es regular, requiriéndose así un sistema de apoyo

y ayuda al estudiante además del material complementario requerido en el aprendizaje. El

conocimiento del inglés incrementa en los estudiantes las posibilidades de autoconfianza en

sí mismos, lo cual, les proporciona motivación para aprender el idioma y sentirlo como una

herramienta fundamental para la vida y así tener la oportunidad para encontrar más rápido un

buen empleo. Son estos los motivos para concientizar en la comunidad la gran importancia de

estudiar y aprender el idioma inglés, como una alternativa paralela a la carrera universitaria y

a la vez sentirse satisfechos con el aprendizaje del mismo.

Las técnicas o estrategias metodológicas utilizadas por los docentes en el proceso de

enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma Inglés son limitadas y tradicionales en algunos casos y esto

afecta el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva en los estudiantes. La dificultad en la

comprensión auditiva se evidencia en los estudiantes de la modalidad regular del nivel 3 B1

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Pre-intermedio, puesto que es difícil que ellos desarrollen las actividades propuestas en

relación a escuchar.

La dificultad en la comprensión auditiva no permite el desarrollo e integración de otras

destrezas del idioma. Vandergrift (2007), afirma que la comprensión auditiva es una habilidad

que se la considera difícil de desarrollar y adquirir, pero a la vez, es una herramienta

indispensable y fundamental en el proceso de aprendizaje del idioma Inglés. Es así que se

propone el uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” con tres de sus variaciones para que el estudiante

desarrolle la comprensión auditiva ya sea tomando notas de palabras clave, completando un

texto o creando la versión del texto oral en un gráfico.

Sin embargo, la falta de técnicas y estrategias innovadoras en el proceso de enseñanza

aprendizaje por parte del docente para el fortalecimiento y desarrollo de la comprensión

auditiva, provoca que los estudiantes sean oyentes pasivos es decir solo escuchan mas no

entienden. Es labor del docente de inglés utilizar y aplicar estrategias o técnicas nuevas y

motivacionales para fomentar la predisposición e interés por aprender el idioma, a la vez

fortalecer cada una de las destrezas fundamentales y de manera especial la compresión auditiva.

Para el desarrollo de la misma los estudiantes del idioma Inglés como lengua extranjera,

necesitan mucha práctica real de escucha del idioma, adquiriendo así estructura y vocabulario

inmersos en el contexto del aprendizaje. Por lo tanto es responsabilidad del docente de Inglés

brindar a los alumnos un sin número de oportunidades de escuchar el idioma en el proceso de

adquisición del mismo.

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1.2 Formulación del Problema

¿Cómo influye la técnica “Dictogloss” en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva

de los estudiantes del nivel B1 Pre-intermedio de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del

Centro de Idiomas de la universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes” en el

periodo mayo - junio 2017?

Variable independiente: Técnica “Dictogloss”

Variable dependiente: Comprensión auditiva

1.3 Hipótesis

1.3.1 Hipótesis Alterna (Ha):

La técnica “Dictogloss” influye en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva de los

estudiantes del nivel B1 Pre-intermedio de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del Centro

de Idiomas de la universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes”.

1.3.2 Hipótesis Nula (Ho):

La técnica “Dictogloss” no influye en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva de los

estudiantes del nivel B1 Pre-intermedio de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del Centro

de Idiomas de la universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes”.

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1.4 Objetivos

1.4.1 Objetivo general.

Analizar los resultados obtenidos para determinar la influencia de la técnica

“Dictogloss” en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes del nivel 3 B1

Pre-intermedio de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del Centro de Idiomas de la

universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes” provincia de Tungurahua en el

periodo Marzo – Junio 2017.

1.4.2 Objetivos específicos.

a) Evaluar la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes de la modalidad regular del

idioma inglés del Centro de Idiomas de la universidad Regional Autónoma de los

Andes “Uniandes” a través del uso de la técnica “Dictogloss”.

b) Contextualizar la técnica “Dictogloss” como herramienta metodológica para el

desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva.

c) Diseñar una propuesta de actividades dirigido a docentes del idioma Inglés basado

en la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” para el desarrollo de la destreza auditiva

de los estudiantes del Nivel B1 Pre-intermedio.

1.5 Justificación.

El presente trabajo de investigación se realizará debido a que existe mucho desinterés

en el aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés ya que los estudiantes de modalidad regular quienes son

parte de cada una de las carreras de la universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes

“Uniandes”, lo consideran un requisito en su carrera universitaria y mas no lo miran como una

herramienta fundamental para la vida y así hacer del idioma inglés parte del diario vivir. Dentro

del aula clase en el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje los estudiantes son oyentes pasivos y no

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activos, es decir escuchan pero no entienden ni comprenden el texto oral lo cual se puede

evidenciar por la baja participación dentro del aula de clase.

El propósito principal de este trabajo de investigación es conocer la efectividad de

utilizar la técnica “Dictogloss” para el fortalecimiento de la destreza auditiva en los estudiantes

del nivel B1 Pre-Intermedio de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del Centro de Idiomas

de la universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes” de la ciudad de Ambato y que

los mismos tengan la capacidad de convertirse en oyentes activos, capaces de entender,

comprender y comunicar el mensaje.

Esta investigación es de gran importancia ya que sin duda se han creado y aplicado

un sin número de estrategias metodológicas para el fortalecimiento de la destreza auditiva, sin

embargo el utilizar la tres tipos de actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” será de gran apoyo

para docentes y estudiantes en el área de inglés en el Centro de Idiomas de la Regional

Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes” con la idea de mejorar notablemente el rendimiento

académico de los estudiantes desarrollando cada una de las destrezas comunicativas

promoviendo autonomía, cooperación y así fomentar en ellos un aprendizaje real para la vida

y en un futuro tener el deseo de continuar fortaleciendo el mismo. Considerando así lo

importante que es manejar un segundo idioma y tener la capacidad de entenderlo y transmitir

ideas por medio del mismo.

Este trabajo de investigación está en relación con los fundamentos pedagógicos,

metodológicos y curriculares del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en articulación con el sistema

nacional de educación como línea de investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía de la

Universidad Central; y en lo particular con el desarrollo de recursos y metodologías destinados

a potenciar las destrezas lingüísticas, requeridas en la enseñanza aprendizaje de idiomas

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extranjeros como línea de investigación del programa de Maestría de Lingüística y Didáctica

Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Idiomas Extranjeros.

El uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva, es

factible para docentes y estudiantes del idioma inglés del Centro de Idiomas de la universidad

“Uniandes”. Los docentes aprenden sobre la técnica “Dictogloss” y en ella encuentran una

nueva forma de desarrollar la comprensión auditiva a través de actividades nuevas y

motivadoras; los estudiantes trabajan la compresión auditiva con el uso de actividades

adecuadas a sus necesidades de aprendizaje, nivel y contexto, las cuales son posibles de adecuar

y desarrollar.

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Al revisar investigaciones anteriores sobre las variables “Dictogloss” y comprensión

auditiva se encontraron los siguientes temas.

Mayorga V.2017 en su tesis “El uso de la técnica de los dictados para recordar

“Dictogloss “ para el desarrollo de la destreza auditiva del idioma ingles en los estudiantes

del nivel B1 del curso regular del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Técnica de Ambato”,

observo la percepción de docentes y estudiantes frente al uso de la técnica “Dictogloss”. De la

encuesta realizada el investigador pudo determinar que a pesar de los beneficios de la técnica

en la compresión auditiva, la técnica no es utilizada en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del

idioma inglés.

Pocos docentes de inglés como idioma extranjero en nuestro contexto conocen los

beneficios de la técnica “Dictogloss”, esto impide la aplicación y por tanto sacar provecho de

la técnica en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva del idioma inglés, sobre todo en los

niveles inicial e intermedio.

Portocarrero, M. & Gamarra, K. (2015) estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de San

Marín Perú observan como la comprensión auditiva en su tesis “Influencia del taller Listen up

en el desarrollo del habilidad de escucha del idioma inglés…” La estrategia que se utiliza son

los videos subtitulados con el fin de discriminar sonidos en diálogos y canciones, fueron 26

participantes que estuvieron expuestos a la actividad durante 8 semanas. La media aritmética

del Pre-test fue de 7 puntos y del Post- test 15 puntos es decir la comprensión auditiva mejoró

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en 8 puntos, la tabla número 4 del estudio hace referencia a la discriminación de sonidos,

comprensión global y comprensión de elementos específicos con los siguientes datos

respectivamente: discriminación muy bueno 0%, comprensión global 58% y comprensión de

elementos específicos muy bueno el 69%.

Debido a la importancia de la compresión auditiva en el desarrollo de otras destrezas

es importante combinar actividades que permitan el aprendizaje integrado del idioma inglés

en todos los niveles, puesto que el aprendizaje en general se ve fortalecido así lo demuestra

esta investigación en la cual se observa un comprensión global y de elementos específicos fue

muy alta.

Romero A. & Zapata A. (2015) y su tesis “Enriquecimiento del proceso de aprendizaje

del inglés a través del “Dictogloss” de la Universidad Libre de Colombia, luego de un mes de

investigación demuestran que los estudiantes tuvieron un buen desempeño en las habilidades

de lectura y escritura, en la habilidad del habla no tuvieron mucho éxito, sin embargo en la

habilidad de la escucha mejoraron notablemente. Con este antecedente observaremos en que

destreza del idioma la técnica “Dictogloss” es más efectiva.

La técnica “Dictogloss” permite el desarrollo e integración de varias destrezas; sin

embargo por la estructura y procedimientos, esta técnica afecta mayormente en la comprensión


Gutierrez J., Gutierrez A. & Montes M. (2013) en su tesis “Inclusion of Dictogloss to

promote listening”, manifiesta que la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” ayuda a los

estudiantes a desarrollar la comprensión auditiva durante el proceso de desarrollo de las

variaciones que ofrece la técnica “Dictogloss”, ya que las mismas permiten un trabajo

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cooperativo entre los estudiantes y aumenta en ellos el interés por aprender un nuevo idioma,

y al docente una alternativa diferente de enseñar y fortalecer la comprensión auditiva a través

del diseño e implementación de actividades significativas.

Jacobs, G, & Small, J. (2003) en su artículo “Combining Dictogloss and Cooperative

Learning to Promote Language Learning”, indica que la técnica “Dictogloss” es parte de las

técnicas de enseñanza de un nuevo idioma, la misma que está acorde al paradigma actual de

educación basada en el aprendizaje cooperativo y a la vez presenta variaciones que permiten

al docente desarrollar actividades creativas que proporcionar un ambiente motivador para que

los estudiantes sean protagonistas y responsables de su propio aprendizaje.

La técnica “Dictogloss” aporta con actividades significativas, cooperativas para que

el estudiante desarrolle la comprensión auditiva desde el inicio del aprendizaje hasta el manejo

real del idioma.

De los antecedentes revisados, se puede observar que la técnica “Dictogloss” está

enfocada no solo a la comprensión auditiva sino al aprendizaje integral del idioma inglés. Las

actividades creadas en base a los requerimientos de la técnica con sus características de

identificación, interpretación y reconstrucción del mensaje permiten el desarrollo y de la

comprensión auditiva como el aprendizaje del idioma inglés en general.


La a aplicación de la técnica del “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva se fundamenta

en el constructivismo como modelo de aprendizaje porque se enfoca en la calidad de la

recepción y por ende la calidad de la producción. Es decir el estudiante recibe el conocimiento

lo internaliza y luego es capaz de producir nuevas ideas (Williams and Burden 1997). El

constructivismo enfatiza que el aprendiz está directamente involucrado en el proceso de

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aprendizaje y al realizar las diferentes actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” los estudiantes

serán capaces de entender, reconstruir y generar nueva información, demostrando así la

comprensión auditiva como parte del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés.

La mayoría de actividades de la técnica son constructivistas porque son realizadas

exclusivamente por los estudiantes de manera individual o en grupo el constructivismo

fundamenta el aprendizaje no solo en la recepción del conocimiento sino en la elaboración e

internalización del mismo a través de la práctica y el rol del docente es hacer un seguimiento

para una posterior evaluación es decir el docente se convierte en tutor o guía,

Las actividades "Dictogloss" están alineadas al modelo constructivista de aprendizaje,

ya que el conocimiento se lo adquiere mediante procesos activos; donde el aprendizaje

significado se lo desarrolla en base a experiencias y conocimiento previo, el trabajo y

aprendizaje colaborativo proviene de compartir múltiples perspectivas mismas que ayudan a

los estudiantes a ser protagonistas principales de su propio aprendizaje. (Jibir-Daura & Inusa,

2012). Las actividades del “Dictogloss” son elaboradas y desarrolladas en base a los

conocimientos previos, donde el objetivo principal es reforzar destrezas y sub destrezas a través

de la audición.

Mientras se desarrollan las actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss”, el aprendizaje se

desarrolla bajo el enfoque comunicativo del aprendizaje del idioma inglés, ya que no es

una actividad de dictado aislado, más promueve que los estudiantes identifiquen los

fonemas, palabras y frases adecuadas para una comunicación eficiente. La meta principal

del método comunicativo es la producción e interacción del idioma, y con el uso de la

técnica “Dictogloss” el estudiante no solo escucha sino construye las bases para hablar y

escribir. Al usar correctamente los fonemas, palabras o frases dentro de las actividades de

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complementación en un texto los estudiantes de inglés como segunda lengua relacionan sus

notas para dar sentido al mensaje. La técnica del “Dictogloss” no solo busca completar

oraciones o párrafos sino crear ideas ordenadas y con sentido generando así la


Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva a través de la técnica “Dictogloss” se adhiere al

enfoque “Content based learning”, ya que el docente busca o genera textos para el dictado

basados en los contenidos previos. La función del enfoque basada en contenidos es potenciar

el conocimiento del estudiante sobre los contenidos trabajados con anterioridad, mismos que

pueden ser, gramática, vocabulario o propósitos del silabo, es decir los textos para el dictado

son necesariamente relacionados a los contenidos previos.

Al combinar la técnica “Dictogloss” y la compresión auditiva en el proceso de

enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera se busca un aprendizaje integral de la lengua meta;

el fortalecimiento de la audición, mejorará el desarrollo de la pronunciación, la gramática y los

contenidos. (Ahmadi Seyedeh, 2016) manifiesta que con el apoyo de los docentes y a través

del uso de materiales y actividades de aprendizaje apropiadas y diseñadas acorde al nivel y

necesidad de los estudiantes es más fácil alcanzar la metas comunicativas establecidas.

2.3 “Dictogloss”

El aprendizaje del idioma ingles se ha constituido en un factor de gran importancia en

los contextos sociales, educativos, políticos y otros porque este idioma se ha convertido en base

fundamental para la comunicación alrededor del mundo por eso su categoría de lengua franca.

La categoría que ha alcanzado el idioma inglés ha hecho que personas involucradas en todos

los niveles de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma busquen estrategias que permitan un

aprendizaje significativo apegado a la comunicación.

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Para lograr una producción eficaz de un idioma extranjero es muy importante la

calidad de la recepción; el estudiante necesita comprender lo que escucha y lee en la lengua

meta. La técnica “Dictogloss” es una de las estrategias metodológicas que propone aplicar una

variedad de actividades de dictado para ayudar a los estudiantes a mejorar la comprensión

auditiva del idioma inglés como segunda lengua. (Molina, 2014).

2.3.1 Que es la técnica “Dictogloss”

Es una actividad de enseñanza aprendizaje de un segundo idioma basada en el dictado

dentro del aula de clase, durante la aplicación de la técnica los estudiantes deben reconstruir el

mensaje, a través de escuchar un texto completo, tomar nota de palabras claves, hacer

actividades de complementación de ideas o simplemente dibujar mientras escucha lo que el

docente provee con la lectura. (Waynryb, 2015). Esta técnica permite que los estudiantes de un

idioma extranjero detecten unidades de los contenidos anteriores a través de la audición, que

no es solo oír, es escuchar atentamente para alcanzar un objetivo.

El “Dictogloss” es una técnica utilizada en la enseñanza de un idioma extranjero que

se diferencia del dictado tradicional, con procedimientos y objetivos absolutamente distintos.

El proceso general de esta técnica se lo puede resumir así: el docente busca, adecua o genera

textos basados en los contenidos ya trabajados con los estudiantes para el dictado; una vez

realizado el dictado los estudiantes realizan varias actividades de acuerdo al propósito, por

ejemplo: actividades de complementación instantánea; complementación de información

usando las palabras de sus notas; otras veces no es necesario tomar notas porque el docente

provee variedad de palabras incluyendo aisladas o sin sentido; o simplemente construir un

escenario a través del dibujo que incluya las característica del texto oral. En fin el objetivo es

el mismo: permitir que los estudiantes reconstruyan la versión original del texto trabajando de

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manera individual o en grupo. La técnica “Dictogloss” trabaja también el desarrollo del


2.3.2 Aspectos importantes del dictado en el aprendizaje de inglés como segunda lengua.

El dictado no es solamente una herramienta antigua de aprendizaje en base a la

comprensión auditiva o a la escritura, según Oller (citado por Surth,2012) el dictado es una

herramienta que apoya al estudiante a filtrar, organizar y monitorear el texto que percibió.

En una actividad de dictado dentro del aprendizaje de otro idioma se consideran las

tres etapas anteriores de la siguiente manera: El filtro es percibir la información a través de la

audición y erradicar la información inapropiada; al organizar los datos se procesan de manera

automática y aun en esta etapa persisten los errores; finalmente, en la fase de monitoreo los

estudiantes editan de manera consiente y responsable todo lo escrito.

En la técnica del “Dictogloss” la fase de monitoreo es la verificación o reconstrucción

del mensaje, actividad que puede ser hecha por el estudiante, el estudiante y sus compañeros o

por el tutor. Una vez obtenidos los datos de la reconstrucción se puede detectar las falencias,

fonológicas, contextuales, gramaticales o semánticas y concentrarse en ellas a fin de mejorarlas

para la correcta adquisición de la lengua meta.

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2.3.1. Variaciones de la Técnica “Dictogloss”

En la técnica “Dictogloss” existen variaciones es decir diferentes maneras de desarrollar

el dictado dentro del aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera; estas variaciones fueron establecidas

por (Jacobs and Small, 2013), las mismas que pueden ser acopladas al nivel de aprendizaje,

contenidos y necesidades de los estudiantes. Las variaciones tomadas del artículo “Inclusion

of “Dictogloss” to promote listening” y adecuadas a los temas y contexto de los estudiantes del

nivel pre-intermedio son las que se detallan a continuación: “Cloze Dictation”: Para el desarrollo de esta variación los estudiantes reciben

una versión escrita del texto en la que se omiten varias palabras o expresiones que fueron

sujetas de aprendizajes anteriores. Para completar la información el estudiante debe escuchar

con atención el material oral y llenar los espacios en la versión escrita. El desarrollo del “Cloze

Dictation” como una estrategia en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés, permite que los estudiantes

se conviertan en oyentes activos y participativos ya que la misma requiere de la atención y

concentración para cumplir con el objetivo de la actividad es decir completar la información

para conseguir la versión original del texto oral a través del texto escrito.

“Cloze dictation” or “Deletion activities”, requiere que el estudiante de un segundo

idioma despliegue la capacidad de escuchar, comprender y replicar el contexto oral, utilizando

palabras claves para así identificar el mensaje correcto. Una vez completados los espacios el

estudiante debe observar si las palabras utilizadas generan sentido al párrafo reconstruido. El

propósito de esta variación es que el estudiante identifique y use palabras apegadas al contenido

del texto. Todas esas palabras fueron parte de los contenidos de la enseñanza –aprendizaje

anterior. Con esta actividad se busca internalizar no solo la pronunciación, el significado o

traducción aislada del vocabulario sino el uso del mismo en un contexto; con la variación

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“Deleted dictation” el estudiante identifica palabras, refuerza también vocabulario y otras

competencias lingüísticas en el proceso de escuchar y reconstruir el mensaje oral

A la par con el desarrollar las competencia auditiva, la variación del “Cloze dictaction”

puede ser considerada para todas las etapas de la lección: el diagnostico, el desarrollo y la

evaluación de los contenidos del aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera. Usar la técnica

de “Cloze dictation” permite identificar las falencias y explorar el vocabulario o gramática

antes de iniciar un nuevo syllabus, tema o contenido gramatical. En la aplicación del

conocimiento esta técnica admite que el estudiante sitúe de manera práctica y contextualizada

la información adquirida. En la etapa de la evaluación la técnica puede ser aplicada en test y

exámenes para identificar el nivel de conocimiento alcanzado por el estudiante, lo cual

permitirá que el tutor decida reforzar falencias o trabajar nuevos contenidos. “Dicto-comp (dictation –composition)”: En este método el docente lee un

texto corto dos veces a una velocidad normal y de acuerdo al nivel de los estudiantes. La

primera vez los estudiantes escuchan sin tomar apuntes para así familiarizarse con el tema, la

segunda vez los estudiantes escuchan y toman apuntes, luego los estudiantes trabajan en grupos

y comparte ideas para así reconstruir la versión del texto que han escuchado. Las actividades

de “Dicto-comp” promueven el trabajo individual y el aprendizaje colaborativo permitiendo a

los estudiantes ser protagonistas principales de su aprendizaje es decir aprenden de sí mismos

y de sus compañeros, fortaleciendo así el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa.

La realización de actividades de “Dicto- comp” aporta significativamente al aprendizaje

en general. En torno al aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero, la aplicación de esta variación

permite que el estudiante desarrolle la habilidades de escuchar y tomar notas por tanto su nivel

de concentración aumenta significativamente.

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Aprender una lengua meta es más significativo si las actividades dirigidas al

aprendizaje se lo realizan de manera participativa. Luego de tomadas las notas, los estudiantes

tienen la oportunidad de trabajar en grupo para la reconstrucción del mensaje. Este segundo

paso permite la interacción de los estudiantes y uso frecuente de las palabras o frases registradas

por lo tanto se internaliza el uso y significado de las unidades apegadas al constructivismo


El perfeccionamiento de las destrezas de un segundo idioma se realiza de manera

integral. Las actividades del “Dicto – comp” contribuyen tanto a la comprensión auditiva como

al desarrollo de la escritura, la lectura y la producción oral. Luego de escuchar el estudiante

completa el texto y para verificar el sentido del mismo debe leer de esta manera fortalece la

semántica. La lectura lo puede hacer de manera individual o participativa exponiéndose a una

mayor y mejor producción oral. “Pictogloss”: Como el nombre lo indica “Pictogloss” se relaciona con pintar

o dibujar la información del texto oral. Esta actividad consiste en crear un dibujo en base a la

información que se escucha, para luego compararlo con la versión original. El estudiante debe

en lo posible crear un gráfico tomando en cuenta los detalles como cantidad, características,

escenario, personas, etc.

“Pictogloss” es una técnica innovadora de observar la comprensión auditiva de un

estudiante de inglés de como lengua extranjera. El desarrollo de actividades “Pictogloss” crea

un ambiente motivador para el aprendizaje del idioma Ingles, en el cual los estudiantes tienen

la oportunidad de desarrollar su creatividad en la versión de la imagen del texto oral en base a

la escucha en detalle del mismo. Esta actividad no solo permite la interpretación del mensaje

de manera asertiva y creativa sino también permite la relajación del estudiante y el entorno.

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Está claro que los estudiantes mejoran su capacidad de aprendizaje si existe la combinación de

actividades que reduzcan el filtro afectivo.

Mediante la verificación de los contenidos gráficos del estudiante, se produce una

interacción con el docente, por tanto el “Pictogloss” aporta también para otras actividades como

conversaciones, utilizando preguntas de compresión o preguntas abiertas. Adicionalmente el

estudiante hace la reconstrucción de mensaje y a través de la expresión oral. En la expresión

oral se puede evaluar la conexión de ideas, la pronunciación, entonación y otros factores.

Luego de la revisión teórica y la aplicación de la técnica se puede concluir que los

aportes del “Dictogloss” son están enfocados en exclusivo a la comprensión auditiva. Si en

primera instancia aportan a esta destreza, también son material de apoya para el desarrollo de

otras destrezas del aprendizaje de una lengua meta.

2.3.2 Etapas de la técnica “Dictogloss”.

Para la aplicación de la técnica de dictado “Dictogloss”, (Wajnrylb 1990) manifiesta que se

requiere seguir un proceso mínimo de actividades para la consecución de los objetivos de

aprendizaje. Estas actividades en orden de tratamiento son: Preparación: Una vez seleccionado o creado el texto a dictarse, el docente a

modo de warm- up o presentación, introduce el vocabulario que el estudiante encontrará

inmerso en el contexto del párrafo para el desarrollo de la actividad. El objetivo de esta

presentación previa es que el estudiante familiarizarse con el tema; de esta manera el docente

se asegura que los estudiantes sepan que tienen que hacer en cada uno de los pasos de la técnica.

Finalmente el docente organiza el ambiente del aula que para que los estudiantes puedan

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trabajar de manera individual o en grupos dependiendo de los contenidos y objetivos de


La preparación es indispensable y en esta etapa el docente debe asegurar que las

instrucciones a seguir así como los materiales sean del total dominio de los aprendices. Para

confirmar que el estudiante sabe cómo proceder es recomendable un espacio para la

observación del material. Jiménez and Pérez (2012) Dictado: Es la etapa en la cual, el estudiante escucha el fragmento de texto. La

velocidad del dictado depende del nivel de aprendizaje. El estudiante hace la precepción y toma

notas para la elaboración del mensaje original posteriormente. Como un procedimiento

estándar los estudiantes deben escuchar dos veces: la primera vez para obtener una idea global

del texto sin tomar apuntes, la segunda vez que escuchan los estudiantes deben tomar apuntes

o realizar el dibujo dependiendo de la variación aplicada.

El docente debe incentivar a los estudiantes a tomar apuntes de palabras de contenido,

gramática o de información para que estos sean útiles en el proceso de reconstrucción del texto.

El dictado no se lo debe realizar de la manera tradicional en el cual se divide la oración en

palabras sueltas, el agrupamiento semántico en esta actividad es la oración completa. Entre

frases las pausas deben ser ligeramente más largas que de costumbre facilitando así la toma de

apuntes de los estudiantes. El objetivo de la técnica del dictado no es copiar textualmente cada

unidad; es entender el texto a través de la toma de notas de los aspectos esencias que permitan

la comprensión y reconstrucción del mensaje original. Kondo et al (2012)

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22 Reconstrucción: Para Smith (2011) / Nakamura (2008), cuando el estudiante

reconstruye el texto en base a los apuntes y fragmentos del paso 2. Tan pronto el proceso de

dictado ha terminado los estudiantes proceden a trabajar en grupos para agrupar sus notas y

trabajar en su versión del texto. Los estudiantes Ayuda a dejar a los estudiantes analizan y

opinan sobre cada una de las ideas propuestas por cada uno de los integrantes del grupo, la

versión final del texto emerge de la discusión y puntos de vista en grupo. Finalmente los

estudiantes revisan el uso de la gramática, cohesión textual y el sentido lógico del mismo.

El papel del profesor durante la reconstrucción del texto es monitorear la actividad mas

no proporcionar ayuda alguna, el profesor debe animar a los estudiantes a estar seguros de los

patrones gramaticales y el vocabulario utilizado en la etapa de reconstrucción del texto.

Wajnryb (1990). Análisis y corrección: Esta es la cumbre de la aplicación de la técnica. Es aquí

donde los estudiantes trabajan de manera individual o en grupo. Si la corrección lo hace de

manera individual el estudiante tiene la oportunidad de una autoevaluación de su desempeño;

trabajando en grupo los estudiantes comparten ideas, analizan y corrigen la versión final del

texto, es labor de los estudiantes recordar el contenido del mensaje.

Al respecto de la etapa final (Jarrin V. 2011) manifiesta que cuando los estudiantes

analizan y corrigen la versión del texto, la ayuda del docente es un factor importante, los

estudiantes comparan sus versiones con las de otros grupos para finalmente compararla con la

versión original de mismo. El docente en esta etapa es quien trabaja con la verificación, la

motivación y corrección; al mismo tiempo tiene la oportunidad de identificar fortaleza y

debilidades de los estudiantes frente a la compresión auditiva. La verificación y corrección de

la versión original del texto debe ser una actividad con la participación de todos los estudiantes

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y que a la vez se sientan motivados por el trabajo realizado y persista el interés de alcanzar

mejores resultados en una próxima actividad.

Para alcanzar la efectividad en desarrollo de las cuatro etapas de la técnica “Dictogloss”

se necesita de un trabajo cooperativo, en primera estancia entre el docente y los alumnos, en

segunda estancia el trabajo se lo realizará colaborativamente entre los estudiantes, ya que

respetando varias ideas y diferentes puntos de vista llegarán a construir la versión final del

texto oral, motivados así a ser responsables de su propio aprendizaje.

2.3.3 Características de la técnica “Dictogloss” en el aprendizaje del Idioma Ingles.

El uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” provee a los estudiantes del idioma Inglés como

lengua extranjera ventajas para el fortalecimiento de la comprensión auditiva. Trabajo individual

Una de las variaciones de la técnica “Dictogloss” que promueve el trabajo individual

en los estudiantes permitiéndoles ser protagonistas de su propio aprendizaje es el “Cloze

Dictation”, ya que esta actividad requiere de la concentración y de la participación activa del


(Stella Bullock, British Council) menciona que la técnica “Dictogloss” implica el uso

de la memoria y creatividad de cada uno de los estudiantes al desarrollarla como estrategia para

fortalecer la comprensión auditiva, siendo las ventajas las siguientes:

• Ayuda a los alumnos a escribir un texto cohesivo.

• Explora conocimientos de gramática, vocabulario, ortografía y puntuación.

• Integra habilidades.

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• Aumenta el conocimiento de la lengua - el lenguaje de los aprendices.

• Alienta la autonomía del estudiante - corrección de errores, pruebas de lectura y

habilidades de edición.

• Integra pruebas y enseñanza del lenguaje.

• Presenta la gramática en contexto.

• Tiene el factor experiencial - los aprendices aprenden mejor al participa activamente

en tareas diseñadas para usar un lenguaje específico.

• Los estudiantes se convierten en aprendices independientes. Aprendizaje colaborativo

Una característica indispensable de las tareas de aprendizaje es el trabajo colaborativo

de los participantes. En el desarrollo de la técnica “Dictogloss” se combina n actividades

grupales de manera efectiva. Desarrollar actividades cooperativas permite que los estudiantes

aprendan de sí mismos y la vez de sus compañeros de esta manera el aprendizaje se convierte

en un reto donde todos los participantes buscan y logran el mismo objetivo. La técnica del

“Dictogloss” en las clases de inglés como idioma extranjero motivan a los estudiantes a realizar

cada una de las actividades de manera efectiva. Al respecto de lo citado anteriormente (Brown,

T.H. 2005) manifiesta: La variación del “Dictogloss” que permite este tipo de interacción de

los estudiantes son las actividades “Dicto-comp”, la misma que a más de un trabajo en equipo

promueve también la construcción del significado.

Al respecto de la sustentación de Brown; no solo el “Dicto-comp” promueve la

interacción, si el docente realiza una correcta planificación y desarrollo, las otras variantes del

“Dictogloss” también generan trabajo colaborativo.

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25 Desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa.

El desarrollar la competencia comunicativa es tener la habilidad de entender y transmitir

el mensaje, ya que el escuchar es una destreza activa y no pasiva. Cuando el estudiante escucha

desarrolla una serie de procesos mentales que le permiten comprender el texto oral para luego

poder interpretarlo y transmitirlo.

Desarrollar la comprensión auditiva es necesario no solo para entender el discurso oral,

sino también para alcanzar la eficiencia en la pronunciación de la lengua meta. Los aprendices

logran discernir y entender los sonidos, el acento, entonación que es usado en un discurso.

Mientras el estudiante escucha, aprende a imitar sonidos y entenderlos en contexto.

La primera fuente de donde el estudiante aprende a escuchar es el profesor del idioma

extranjero porque es el quien modela aunque también es necesario que el estudiante este

expuesto a otras fuentes de donde escuchar sonidos, palabras, frases y discursos que le permitan

desarrollar la competencia auditiva (Harmer,J. 1995).

Con lo manifestado anteriormente de que el profesor es la primera fuente de donde el

estudiante recibe la información oral, la técnica “Dictogloss” expone al estudiante a una de las

primeras etapas de la comprensión auditiva, el estudiante identifica sonidos, palabras, y frases

que le permiten completar, adecuar y representar el mensaje original.

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2.4. Comprensión Auditiva

Escuchar es comprender el mensaje, para lo que es imprescindible activar un proceso cognitivo de

construcción de significado y de interpretación de un discurso oral.

La destreza auditiva es parte de la competencia lingüística ya que se la considera como

una destreza activa cuya actividad primordial es la interpretación, considerándola así una

destreza activa fundamental para la comunicación, es decir los estudiantes de un nuevo idioma

ahora podrán diferenciar entre oír y escuchar, es por eso que (Wipf, 1984, p. 345) define a la

comprensión auditiva como un proceso mental invisible difícil de explicar ya que quien

escucha debe discriminar entre los diferentes sonidos, comprender el vocabulario, estructuras

gramaticales, interpretar el énfasis y la intención del mensaje, y así como resultado final retener

e interpretar toda la información, demostrando así haber estado preparado para decodificar y

transmitir mensajes dentro de un contexto inmediato así como también en un contexto socio-

cultural más amplio.

La comprensión auditiva abarca un proceso completo de interpretación del discurso,

ya que se inicia en la decodificación y la compresión de la cadena fónica y su culminación es

la interpretación y la valoración personal para transmitir el mensaje final estableciendo así

comunicación, razón por la cual (Gary Buck, 2001) en su artículo “Assessing Listening” define

la comprensión auditiva como un proceso complejo cognitivo, individual e inferencial, siendo

así una destreza vital para el aprendizaje del idioma inglés.

2.4.1 Proceso de comprensión del discurso oral

La comprensión auditiva es una de las destrezas lingüísticas, la que se refiere a la interpretación

del discurso oral. En ella intervienen, además del componente estrictamente lingüístico, factores

cognitivos, perceptivos, de actitud y sociológicos. Es una capacidad comunicativa que abarca

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el proceso completo de interpretación del discurso, desde la mera descodificación y

comprensión lingüística de la cadena fónica (fonemas, sílabas, palabras) hasta la interpretación

y la valoración personal; de modo que, a pesar de su carácter receptivo, requiere una

participación activa del oyente. La imagen mental que tiene el hablante en el momento de

transmitir una determinada información y la que se va formando el oyente, a medida que va

procesando el mensaje. La comprensión auditiva empieza de hecho antes que se inicie la

conversación, con un conjunto de estrategias de pre-comprensión. Instituto Cervantes, (1997-


Escuchar es una habilidad lingüística importante en el aprendizaje de una lengua

extranjera, ya que el desarrollo de esta destreza implica el oír con atención y la

comprensión y transmisión del discurso oral. Por lo tanto la compresión auditiva según

Cassany, Daniel; Marta Luna; Glòria Sanz (2008): cita a Giovannini (1996-7-8) desarrolla las

siguientes micro- habilidades: Anticipar: Activar toda la información del texto oral, anticipar lo que se va a

decir a partir de lo que ya se ha dicho y así preparar la comprensión del mismo. El desarrollo

de ésta micro habilidad despierta el interés del estudiante de una segunda lengua porque busca

la información previa para relacionarla con la actual. Reconocer: Identificar sonidos, palabras y expresiones, discriminarlos y

diferenciarlos unos de otros y así comprender la forma y organización del discurso. En esta

habilidad el estudiante procesa de manera más asertiva su conocimiento previo y lo relaciona

con el contexto.

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28 Retener: Determinados elementos del discurso, guardarlos en la memoria a

corto plazo para poderlos utilizar para interpretar otros fragmentos subsiguientes del discurso,

y reinterpretarlos nuevamente. Los datos más generales y relevantes quedarán almacenados en

la memoria a largo plazo y podrán ser utilizados para comprender nuevos textos. El proceso de

comprensión, por tanto, está relacionado con otros procesos cognoscitivos generales, como la

atención y la memoria. Inferir: Es saber determinar detalles importantes del texto oral y el contexto

comunicativo e interpretarlo para así poder cumplir con el proceso comunicativo. Inferir es un

proceso más profundo que permite al estudiante pensar de manera crítica poniendo atención a

los detalles implícitos en el texto oral. Interpretar: Según nuestros conocimientos de gramática y nuestro

conocimiento del mundo, atribuimos un sentido a las formas lingüísticas que hemos

identificado y seleccionado. El estudiante es capaz de transmitir el mensaje correcto en base a

lo que escucho pero usa sus palabras de esta manera se producen una mayor y mejor producción

oral o escrita.

Estas micro habilidades deben trabajarse explicita y progresivamente tomando en

cuenta el contexto, la edad y nivel de los estudiantes de un idioma extranjero; ya que la

adquisición de estas micro habilidades se las desempeña progresivamente.

2.4.2. Actividades de promueve el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva.

Dentro del aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera, la comprensión auditiva

fomenta técnicas o actividades que contribuyen a la comprensión y recuerdo del texto oral,

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estas estrategias se clasifican por la forma en que el receptor procesa e interpreta la información

que recibe.

Escuchar es comprender el mensaje, para lo cual es indispensable activar el proceso

cognitivo de construcción del significado y de interpretación del discurso oral. Este proceso

requiere de un papel activo y participativo, el oyente basa la comprensión del significado en la

combinación de sonidos, palabras y gramática, para Douglas Brown, H. (2004), dentro de este

tipo de estrategia se encuentran inmersas las siguientes actividades de comprensión auditiva: Escuchar información específica: Para escuchar de forma específica el

estudiante recibe la instrucción y se enfoca en escuchar y comprender ideas relevantes o

específicas del texto oral en situaciones comunicativas variadas.

La comprensión auditiva se basa específicamente en el receptor, ya que el mismo posee un

dominio cultural que de alguna manera lo nutre de conocimientos previos al tema, es decir

situación, contexto e idioma. De esta manera el oyente podrá interpretar lo que escucha y

anticipar el mensaje a transmitir. Escuchar ideas principales: El desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva

adecuadamente, es decir poniendo atención al contexto de los estudiantes permite que ellos

puedan identificar ideas de orden superior y detalles de apoyo para reproducir el mensaje y

reconocer el contenido general del texto. Identificar ideas principales hace que el estudiante

refine su capacidad de escuchar y se enfoque en buscar la información relevante.

2.4.2. 3 Escuchar en detalle: Desarrollar esta destreza permite la identificación de

detalles dentro del contenido del texto oral para que la reconstrucción de mensaje sea eficiente;

la variante que permite verificar si el estudiante es capaz de identificar esos detalles es la técnica

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del “Pictogloss”. En el grafico se percibe la capacidad del estudiante para escuchar y plasmar

la información.

2.4.3 Internalización del mensaje.

El artículo “Estrategias para desarrollar la comprensión auditiva en inglés”, UNID, menciona

que la internalización del mensaje es algo más que escuchar, es asimilar, entender y poder

reconstruir el mensaje original utilizando las notas, o los gráficos. De esa manera el estudiante

demuestra haber comprendido el mensaje oral y estar en la habilidad de transmitir ideas del

mismo, el interactuar en la comunicación oral lo desagrega de la siguiente manera: Construcción del significado.- El proceso de construcción del significado en

la comprensión auditiva es un proceso interactivo, consciente y estratégico que los estudiantes

utilizan para mejorar su eficiencia en el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas en la

lengua extranjera. Interpretación del discurso oral.- comprender la intención y el propósito

comunicativo, comprender el significado global, el mensaje, comprender ideas principales,

discriminar las informaciones relevantes de las irrelevantes, comprender los detalles o las ideas

secundarias, relacionar las ideas importantes y los detalles.

Cuando se habla de comprensión auditiva se habla de una escucha activa la misma

que muestra la capacidad de recibir, entender interpretar, responder y transmitir el mensaje

demostrando así la comprensión del mismo. El entender, comprender y transmitir el mensaje

permite desarrollar micro habilidades en la comprensión auditiva para así comprender la forma

y los detalles del texto.

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2.5 Marco Legal

La presente investigación toma en cuenta los siguientes preceptos legales y

constitucionales para su desarrollo.

Ley de Educación Superior

Art. 350. de la constitución de la República del Ecuador.- El sistema de educación

superior tiene como finalidad la formación académica y profesional con visión científica y

humanista; la investigación científica y tecnológica; la innovación, promoción, desarrollo y

difusión de los saberes y las culturas; la construcción de soluciones para los problemas del país,

en relación con los objetivos del régimen de desarrollo.

Art. 30. del Régimen Académico del Consejo de Educación Superior.

Aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera.- Las asignaturas destinadas a los aprendizajes de la

lengua extranjera podrán o no formar parte de la malla curricular de la carrera. Sin embargo,

las IES garantizan el nivel de suficiencia del idioma para cumplir con el requisito de graduación

de las carreras de nivel técnico, tecnológico superior o sus equivalentes y tercer nivel o grado,

deberán organizar u homologar las asignaturas correspondientes desde el inicio de la carrera.

La suficiencia de la lengua extranjera deberá ser evaluada una vez que el estudiante haya

cursado y aprobado el 60% de las asignaturas de la carrera; tal prueba será habilitante para la

continuación de sus estudios, sin perjuicio de que este requisito pueda se cumplido con


Para las carreras de nivel técnico y tecnológico superior, se entenderá por suficiencia

en el manejo de una lengua extranjera el nivel correspondiente a A2 del Marco Común Europeo

de referencia para las Lenguas.

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Para las carreras de tercer nivel o grado, se entenderá por suficiencia en el manejo de

una lengua extranjera el nivel correspondiente a B1 del Marco Común Europeo de referencia

para las Lenguas.

Fundamentación Filosófica del CTT de Los Andes Language Center con el aval de la

Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes “UNIANDES”, tiene como propósito

potencializar el aprendizaje de idiomas extranjeros, principalmente el idioma Inglés teniendo

en cuenta las exigencias del mundo globalizado y de nuestras leyes de educación cuyo estándar

es el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas extranjeras con el fin de garantizar

a la comunidad una formación integral y un futuro lleno de oportunidades

2.6 Caracterización de variables

2.6.1 Variable Independiente

La técnica “Dictogloss” es parte de las estrategias motivadoras e innovadoras en la

construcción de un aprendizaje significativo a través de actividades de dictado y las diferentes

variaciones que esta técnica ofrece, facilitando a los estudiantes la comprensión del texto.

“Dictogloss” es principalmente una actividad en las que se combinan las destrezas de escuchar

y escribir; el maestro lee un texto breve por primera y los estudiantes sólo escuchan; el maestro

lee de nuevo y los estudiantes escriben notas de lo escuchado. A continuación, el maestro lee

una tercera vez y, el estudiante toma notas adicionales. Posteriormente el estudiante compara

y comparte sus notas con sus pares y juntos trabajan para desarrollar una reconstrucción exacta

del texto. Finalmente el maestro lee de nuevo y los estudiantes evalúan su comprensión


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2.6.2 Variable Dependiente

-Comprensión auditiva es el proceso de escuchar y comprender el discurso oral,

requiere de procesos cognitivos para dar sentido a lo que se escucha. Es una habilidad receptiva

en la cual la participación activa del oyente es un factor fundamental.

El desarrollo de la compresión auditiva es un aspecto relevante en el aprendizaje de un

idioma extranjero, el proceso auditivo implica escuchar el texto oral y el conocimiento previo

del oyente en la reconstrucción del mensaje, para luego emplear estrategias cognitivas para

lograr la comprensión del texto y poder transmitir el mensaje del mismo.

2.7 Definición de términos básicos

-Cloze Dictation.- Es una actividad de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la cual el docente

entrega a los estudiantes una versión escrita del texto en la que ciertas partes no están, los

estudiantes deben escuchar a su docente leer el texto y llenar los espacios en la versión escrita.

-Comprensión Auditiva.-Es una de las destrezas lingüísticas, la misma que hace

énfasis a la interpretación del discurso oral, en la cual intervienen factores cognitivos,

perceptivos, de actitud y sociológicos.

-Dictogloss- Es una técnica de dictado en la cual los estudiantes escuchan a su docente

leer un texto corto, a una velocidad de acuerdo al nivel de los estudiantes, toman apuntes para

luego en un trabajo colaborativo reconstruir la versión original del texto.

-Dicto-comp.- Actividad de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la que el docente lee un texto

corto dos veces, la primera vez los estudiantes escuchan para familiarizarse con la información,

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la segunda vez los estudiantes escuchan por segunda vez y toman apuntes para luego en grupo

compartir ideas y reconstruir el texto.

-Inferir.- Proceso en el cual el sentir del hablante al momento de comunicar ideas es

relevante, para ello se requiere de proceso cognitivos para poder deducir información.

-Interpretar.- Proceso en el cual comprendemos la intención y el propósito

comunicativo, ideas principales, secundarias ideas importantes y detalles.

-Pictogloss.- Esta actividad que consiste en un dictado en el cual los alumnos en vez

de escribir textos realizan un dibujo de cada frase dictada.

-Reconocer.-Proceso en el cual identificamos sonidos, palabras y expresiones de la

lengua en la que nos comunicamos.

-Reconstrucción del mensaje.- Es una tarea ardua en la construcción del significado

recibir, entender, interpretar y responder a los mensajes del interlocutor.

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3.1 Diseño de la Investigación

3.1.1 Enfoque de investigación.- La presente investigación tiene un enfoque Cuali-

cuantitativo. Cualitativo puesto que busca la comprensión o descripción de los fenómenos

sociales, está orientado a la formación de hipótesis, es holístico, es decir busca la verdad y no

supuestos para así determinar cuál es la influencia de la técnica “Dictogloss” en el desarrollo

de la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes del nivel 3 de la modalidad regular del Centro de

Idiomas de la Universidad “Uniandes”. Así mismo Cuantitativo porque determina los datos

mediante procesos numéricos o estadísticos, los mismos que van a ser tabulados para valorar

los resultados. Para obtener estos datos cuantitativos se aplicaron los instrumentos: la encuesta

y los test( pre-test / post – test), tanto a docentes como estudiantes de los niveles pertinentes

del Language Center de la Universidad “Uniandes”, mismos que arrojaron resultados

numéricos que luego pudieron ser tabulados y así probar la influencia de la técnica

“Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva.

3.1.2 Modalidad de trabajo.- La investigación presenta una modalidad cuasi experimental

debido a que este diseño contempla la identificación de un grupo experimental y un grupo

control. La medición es cuasi experimental debido a que se aplicó una propuesta al grupo

experimental para en base a los resultados finales del grupo control y el grupo experimental se

determine si hubo influencia o no de la variable independiente.

La propuesta que se aplicó en el grupo experimental fue la técnica “Dictogloss” en el

fortalecimiento de la comprensión auditiva.

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3.1.3 Nivel de profundidad.- La presente investigación es de tipo descriptivo y correlacional.

Descriptivo ya que cuenta con dos variables de estudio: la técnica “Dictogloss” y la

comprensión auditiva, se describen a través de la teoría y correlacional porque luego de la

aplicación de la técnica se analizó la influencia de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la compresión


3.2 Tipo de investigación

De acuerdo al tipo de investigación el presente fue un trabajo cuasi-experimental con la

identificación de un grupo experimental y otro de control en el Centro de Idiomas de la

Universidad “Uniandes”, con la aplicación de un pre-test y post-test cuyos resultados

permitieron hacer un contraste de ambos grupos.


Población La población de la investigación está constituida por los estudiantes del

nivel 3 de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad

“Uniandes”. El grupo experimental está formado por 16 estudiantes, y el grupo control lo

constituyen 8 estudiantes. En total de la población es de 24 estudiantes. Se trabajó con esta

población debido a que en la institución educativa el número de estudiantes es limitado, en el

periodo académico Marzo – Agosto 2017 me fueron asignados dos grupos de nivel 3 B1 Pre-


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3.4.Técnicas e Instrumentos para la Recolección de Datos

Las siguientes técnicas e instrumentos a utilizarse en el presente trabajo investigativo

ayudaron a la recolección de información necesaria para resolver el problema planteado.

Para la variable independiente se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta a través de una escala

de actitudes, la misma que fue aplicada a los docentes de inglés como idioma extranjero del

centro de idiomas de la Universidad “Uniandes”.

Para evaluar la variable dependiente se utilizó instrumentos, mismos que serán

aplicados tanto en el grupo control como el experimental para su análisis y comparación.

3.5 Validez y confiabilidad de los instrumentos

La validez de los instrumentos se realizó con la revisión y aprobación de expertos en

el área de la didáctica de idiomas extranjeros.

La confiabilidad se obtuvo aplicando el estadístico alfa de Cronbach, el mismo que

fue aplicado a los test de 15 estudiantes del grupo piloto obteniéndose una resultado de 1,0.

(Anexo Tabla 16)

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3.6.Operacionalizaciòn de variables

3.6.1 Variable Independiente: Técnica “Dictogloss.”


La técnica “Dictogloss”

es parte de las estrategias

motivadoras e

innovadoras en la

construcción de un

aprendizaje significativo

a través de actividades de

dictado y las diferentes

variaciones que esta

técnica ofrece, facilitando

a los estudiantes la

comprensión del texto.

“Dictogloss” es

principalmente una

actividad en las que se

combinan las destrezas

de escuchar y escribir; el

maestro lee un texto

breve por primera y los

estudiantes sólo

escuchan; el maestro lee

de nuevo y los

estudiantes escriben

notas de lo escuchado. A

continuación, el maestro

lee una tercera vez y, el

estudiante toma notas


Posteriormente el

estudiante compara y

comparte sus notas con

sus pares y juntos

trabajan para desarrollar

una reconstrucción

exacta del texto.

Finalmente el maestro lee

de nuevo y los

estudiantes evalúan su

comprensión auditiva.

Variaciones de

la técnica


-Cloze Dictation

-Dicto-comp (Dictogloss)

-Picture dictation









3, 5


Etapas de la













-Trabajo individual

-Aprendizaje colaborativo

-Desarrollo de la







Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

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3.6.2 Variable Dependiente: Comprensión auditiva

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.


Comprensión auditiva

es el proceso de

escuchar y comprender

el discurso oral, requiere

de procesos cognitivos

para dar sentido a lo que

se escucha. Es una

habilidad receptiva en la

cual la participación

activa del oyente es un

factor fundamental.

Identificación de

fonemas, silabas y

palabras y su


comprensión e


Actividades de



- Escuchar







- te

st /


- T



- Escuchar




- Escuchar en



Proceso de


del discurso




- Anticipa


- Reconoce


- Retiene


- Infiere





del mensaje


de significado



del discurso



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3.7.Técnicas para el análisis y procesamientos de datos.

Para iniciar la investigación se aplicó un pre – test en ambos grupos para diagnosticar

la variable dependiente, cuyos datos fueron tabulados y analizados en el programa Excel. De

esta manera se podrá tener una idea clara del nivel de comprensión auditiva en la población de


Se aplicó también una encuesta dirigida a los docentes de inglés del Centro de Idiomas

de la Universidad “Uniandes” misma que será tabulada mediante el programa Excel, en base a

los resultados obtenidos se analizó la percepción de los docentes sobre el uso e importancia de

la misma.

Al finalizar se aplicó un post – test en el grupo control y experimental para evaluar

los resultados sobre la variable dependiente, de igual manera los datos serán tabulados y

analizados en el programa Excel, mismos que servirán para verificar si el uso de la técnica

“Dictogloss” fue eficiente en el fortalecimiento de la comprensión auditiva.

Para comprobar la efectividad del programa implementado se trabajará a través de puntaje

Z, con un error del 5% y aceptación del 95% y con un Z teórico de más menos 1,96

A continuación, se presentan los lenguajes a través de los que se comprobará la validez

de las hipótesis.

Lenguaje Lógico:

Ho: La técnica “Dictogloss” no influye en el fortalecimiento de la comprensión

auditiva en los estudiantes del nivel 3 del Centro de Idiomas de la universidad Uniandes.

Hi: La técnica “Dictogloss” si influye en el fortalecimiento de la comprensión auditiva

en los estudiantes del nivel 3 del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad “Uniandes”.

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Lenguaje matemático.

H1: Si influye

H0: No influye

x̅e = x̅e 𝑝𝑟𝑒 − 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 + x̅e 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 − 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡


H0: 𝑥𝑒 = x̅c H1: 𝑥𝑒 ≠ x̅c

Lenguaje estadístico

H0: - 1.96 ≥ ZT ≤ 1.96

H1: ZT > 1.96

H2: ZT < 1.96

Adicionalmente para comprobar la relación entre las variables se aplicó el índice de

correlación de Pearson, se aceptaran puntajes que oscilen entre ± 0,4 y ±1.

. Fue necesario crear un cronograma y un programa para aplicar él método o la técnica para

llevar a cabo dicha información. Este programa fue aplicado durante 6 semanas (120 horas).

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4.1 Presentación de Resultados

Después de la aplicación de los instrumentos de evaluación, tabulada y organizada la

información, se presentan las medidas descriptivas obtenidas en Excel, distribución de

frecuencia, porcentajes, media aritmética, desviación estándar y varianza.

El procedimiento se lo realizo de la siguiente manera:

1. Análisis y organización de puntajes obtenidos en el grupo experimental y el grupo


2. Proceso de la información en Excel y elaboración de tablas de frecuencia.

3. Análisis de datos obtenidos en términos descriptivos, con el fin de interpretarlos y

responder a los objetivos planteados en la investigación.

4. Realización de la prueba estadística de distribución normal Z. Para la prueba de

hipótesis, esta distribución se denota con Zt al valor crítico de rechazo y aceptación de

la hipótesis nula.

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4.1.1 Resultados de la variable dependiente; la comprensión auditiva.

A continuación los gráficos y la interpretación de los resultados en relación al pre- test

y post de los grupos experimental y control, los resultados de las dimensiones e indicadores

de la variable dependiente luego de la aplicación de la estrategia en el grupo experimental.

Grafico 1: Resultados Pre-test, grupo Experimental y Control.

Fuente: Resultados Pre-test (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

La investigación se inició con una media de 4,38/10 en el grupo experimental y

5,38/10 en el grupo control. En base a los resultados obtenidos la comprensión auditiva tanto

en el grupo de control como el experimental son bajos, sin embargo en el grupo control la

media tiene un puntaje mayor.




Resultados Pre-Test

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Grafico 2: Resultados Post – test, grupo Experimental y Control.

Fuente: Resultados Post -test (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Luego de la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” se obtuvo los siguientes resultados:

el grupo experimental alcanza una media de 8,94/10 y el grupo control obtiene una media de

6,25/10. Es importante mencionar que los dos grupos mejoran su desempeño en la comprensión

auditiva, sin embargo en el grupo experimental la media sube en 4,56 puntos, y en grupo control

la media se incrementa en 0,87.

Tomando en cuenta el resultado de la media aritmética de los dos grupos en el post

test, el resultado se incrementa significativamente en el grupo experimental, no así en el grupo

control; por tanto la influencia de la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” en el fortalecimiento

de la destreza auditiva es positiva.




Resultados Post -Test

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Gráfico 3: Resultados Pre-test y Post- test, grupo Control.

Fuente: Resultados Pre-test y Post -test (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El grafico N ° 3 presenta los resultados del pre test y post test del grupo control. Entre

el pre test y el post test hay un incremento de 0,87 puntos en el fortalecimiento de la

comprensión auditiva. Es evidente que si se considera la media sobre 10, los resultados

obtenidos son bastante bajos tanto en el pre test como en el post test.




Resultados grupo Control

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Gráfico 4: Resultados Pre-test y Post- test, grupo Experimental.

Fuente: Resultados Pre-test y Post -test (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El grafico Nª 4 presenta los resultados del pre-test y post-test del grupo experimental.

Entre el pre-test y post-test hay un incremento de 4,56 puntos en el fortalecimiento de la

destreza auditiva luego de aplicada la técnica “Dictogloss”; el resultado de post test es bastante

alto en relación al el resultado del pre test, si se considera que la media es sobre 10, el resultado

de la media se lo puede considerar satisfactorio en la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” en

el fortalecimiento de la destreza auditiva.




Resultados grupo Experimental

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A continuación se analizan de manera detallada los resultados obtenidos luego de la

intervención del uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva en el grupo


Gráfico 5: Resultados Pre-test y Post- test, grupo Control.

Fuente: Comparación de resultados Pre-test y Post -test (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El cuadro anterior muestra los avances alcanzados con la aplicación de la estrategia. Se

detalla entonces los resultados del pre test y post test de los indicadores evaluados.

El indicador escuchar incremento en 3,6 puntos, el escuchar ideas mejoro en 3,6 puntos,

escuchar en detalle pasa de 5,2 a 9,4 puntos en el post-test, anticipar incrementa en 5,9 puntos.

El indicador de reconocer pasa de 5,2 a 9,4, retener aumenta también en 5,9 puntos, inferir pasa

de 6,7 a 8,3 El indicador de la interpretación mejora en 4,2 puntos, en cuanto a la construcción

e interpretación del mensaje los estudiantes mejora de 1,9 a 8,5 puntos.

5,6 5,6 5,22,7



1,9 1,9

9,2 9,2 9,4





8,5 8,5










Gráfico comparativo Pre-Test / Post Test Grupo Experimental

Pre-Test Post -Test

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De lo expuesto se evidencia la influencia del “Dictogloss” y sus variantes en las dimensiones

e indicadores de la comprensión auditiva.

4.2 Análisis de Resultados

A continuación se realiza el análisis detallado de los resultados obtenidos del

desarrollo de las tablas de frecuencia. Dentro de cada tabla se registra el proceso y resultados

del cálculo de la media aritmética, la varianza y la desviación estándar. Estos cálculos fueron

realizados en el programa EXCEL. Los datos obtenidos en cada una de las tablas fueron

utilizados para los promedios globales de los resultados de la investigación así como para el

cálculo del puntaje Z que ayudó a determinar una hipótesis.

Los cálculos de la media, varianza y desviación estándar se obtuvo aplicando las

siguientes formulas:

Cuadro 1: Formulas de medidas de tendencia central y dispersión.

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Pre-Test Grupo Experimental

4.2.1 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo Experimental.

La tabla 11 muestra las puntuaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes del grupo experimental en

el pre- test. Considerando que el puntaje más alto sobre 10 es 6, el mismo que ha sido obtenido

por 2 estudiantes de una población de 16, se concluye que en su mayoría los estudiantes

demuestran dificultad en la comprensión auditiva.

Pre-Test Grupo Control

4.2.2 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo control.

La tabla 12 muestra las puntuaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes del grupo control en el pre-

test. Considerando que el puntaje más alto sobre 10 es 8, el mismo que ha sido obtenido por 2

estudiantes de una población de 8, se concluye que en su mayoría los estudiantes tienen

dificultad en la comprensión auditiva.

Cuadro 2: Media aritmética y desviación estándar del pre-test.

Fuente: Pre- test cálculo de la media aritmética y desviación estándar ((Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Pre-test Grupo Control

N 8

MEDIA 5,38



Pre-test Grupo Experimental

N 16

MEDIA 4,38



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El cuadro 2 muestra el promedio obtenido por los dos grupos en el pre-test. El grupo control

tiene una media mayor al del grupo experimental. Se observa también los resultados de la

varianza y desviación estándar en ambos grupos.

4.2.3 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del Post- Test Grupo Experimental

La tabla 14 muestra las puntuaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes del grupo experimental en

el post – test. Es importante mencionar que el 25 % de los estudiantes, superan el puntaje más

alto del pre-test.(6/10)

4.2.4 Análisis de resultados de la aplicación del Post- Test Grupo Control

La tabla 15 muestra las puntaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes del grupo control en el post-

test. Es importante mencionar que 3 estudiantes obtuvieron un puntaje de 7/10, en comparación

al pre-test 2 estudiantes obtuvieron 8/10, se observa que los estudiantes del grupo control

presentan dificultades en la comprensión auditiva.

Cuadro 3 : Media aritmética y desviación estándar post-test.

Fuente: Post- test cálculo de la media aritmética y desviación estándar ((Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Post- test Grupo Experimental

N 16

MEDIA 8,94



Post- test Grupo Control

N 8

MEDIA 6,25



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El cuadro 3 muestra el promedio obtenido por los dos grupos en el post-test al final de la

aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss”, la cual demuestra un incremento considerable en la

media del grupo experimental, el mismo supera con 2,69 puntos al grupo control. Se considera

entonces que el grupo experimental se destaca positivamente al utilizar la técnica “Dictogloss”

en el fortalecimiento de la comprensión auditiva.

4.3 Análisis y prueba de hipótesis

Hi: ce xx

A1: ce xx

A2: ce xx

Ho: ce xx

Cuadro 4: Promedio global Pre- test / Post-test grupo Experimental.



N 16,00 N 16,00 32,00 16,00

4,38 8,94 13,32 6,66

VARIANZA 0,32 VARIANZA 0,13 0,45 0,23

DESVIACION 0,56 DESVIACION 0,35 0,91 0,46

Fuente: Instrumentos de evaluación

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.



N 16,00




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Cuadro 5: Resultado global Pre- test / Post-test grupo control.



N 8,00 N 8,00 16,00 8

5,38 6,25 11,63 5,82

VARIANZA 1,63 VARIANZA 0,27 1,90 0,95

DESVIACION 1,28 DESVIACION 0,52 1,80 0,90

El cuadro 5 presenta el resumen de los resultados obtenidos en el pre test y post test

del grupo experimental y el grupo control así como el resumen global. Estos resultados fueron

utilizados para el cálculo del puntaje Z.

El promedio global del grupo experimental es de 6,66/10 y el grupo control tiene una

media de 5,82/10, lo cual demuestra que la media del grupo experimental es mayor en 0,84.

La media global del grupo experimental afirma la influencia positiva de la técnica

“Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva.



N 8,00




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4.2 Resultados de la variable independiente; la técnica “Dictogloss”

Para tener una percepción sobre la técnica “Dictogloss” de los docentes de inglés en

el Centro de Idiomas de la universidad “Uniandes”, se procedió a socializar electrónicamente

las ventajas y uso de la técnica “Dictogloss”, luego de lo cual se aplicó una encuesta en la que

se considera el punto de vista de los docentes.

A continuación se presentan los resultados sobre la percepción de los docentes de

inglés de la institución.

Pregunta 1: Uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva.

Gráfico 6: Uso de la técnica “Dictogloss”en la comprensión auditiva.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 1 hace referencia al uso de la la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión

auditiva. El 5% de los docentes afirman haberla utilizado. El 85% de los docentes no han

utilizado la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva. Se concluye entonces, que los

docentes no están familiarizados con el uso de esta técnica y se recomienda iniciar la aplicación

de la misma en el fortalecimiento de la comprensión auditiva.




Uso del "Dictogloss" en la comprension



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Pregunta 2 : Pasos del “Dictogloss”, en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva.

Gráfico 7: Pasos del “Dictogloss” en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 2 hace referencia a los pasos de la técnica “Dictogloss”, los mismos que

permite el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva. Gran parte de los docentes afirman que la

técnica “Dictogloss” siempre permite el desarrollo de la compresión auditiva. El 5% de los

docentes manifiesta que a veces los pasos de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten el desarrollo de

la comprensión auditiva. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran el uso del

“Dictogloss” una técnica útil que permite el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva por lo que

se recomienda una aplicación constante en las actividades de escucha para el aprendizaje del

idioma inglés.


5% 5%

Pasos de la tecnica"Dictogloss" permite el

desarrollo de la comprension auditiva


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Pregunta 3: Las actividades relacionadas al “Dicto-comp” aportan en la

comprensión auditiva individual del mensaje.

Gráfico 8: “Dicto-comp” aporta en la comprensión individual del mensaje.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 3 hace referencia al uso de actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp, mismas

que ayudan en la comprensión auditiva individual del mensaje de cada estudiante. El 85% de

los docentes afirman que el uso de las actividades en base a la variación dicto-comp siempre

ayudan en la comprensión auditiva individual del mensaje, mientras que el 5% considera que

rara vez son útiles. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran el uso de actividades

relacionadas al Dicto-comp como un recurso útil en la comprensión auditiva individual del

mensaje en cada uno de los estudiantes, se recomienda realizar actividades de Dicto-comp que

aporten a la comprensión auditiva en cada estudiante.



Variacion dicto-comp aporto

comprension individual del mensaje


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Pregunta 4: Las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp son útiles para el desarrollo del

trabajo colaborativo.

Gráfico 9: “Dicto-comp” aporta en la comprensión individual del mensaje.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 4 hace referencia al uso de actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp, para el

desarrollo del trabajo colaborativo. Gran parte de docentes afirman que las actividades en base

a la variación dicto-comp siempre aportan significativamente en el desarrollo del trabajo

colaborativo. El 15% considera las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp a veces aportan en

el desarrollo del trabajo colaborativo. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran el uso

de actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp aportan en el desarrollo del trabajo colaborativo en

los estudiantes, se recomienda la aplicación de la variación Dicto-comp para el aprendizaje y

desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva.



Actividades de la variacion Dicto-comp aportan en

el desarrollo del trabajo colaborativo


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Pregunta 5: Las actividades relacionadas al “Dicto-comp” aportan en la competencia


Gráfico 10: Actividades Dicto-comp aportan en la competencia comunicativa.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 5 hace referencia al uso de actividades relacionadas al “Dicto-comp”,

mismas que influyen en la competencia comunicativa. El 70% de los docentes manifiestan que

las actividades en base a la variación “Dicto-comp” siempre aportan a la competencia

comunicativa. El 5% las considera no útiles. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran

el uso de actividades relacionadas al “Dicto-comp” aportan en la competencia comunicativa

de los estudiantes, se recomienda la aplicación de las mismas, no solo para la competencia

auditiva sino también para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa.




Dicto-comp influye en la competencia



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Pregunta 6: Las actividades de “Picture –dictation” motivan a realizar la versión

gráfica del texto oral en base a información detallada.

Gráfico 11: “Picture –dictation” motiva a realizar la versión gráfica del texto

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 6 hace referencia al uso de actividades relacionadas a la variación “Picture-

dictation”, mismas que motivan a realizar la versión grafica del texto oral. El 75% de los

docentes afirman la utilidad de las actividades en base a la variación dicto-comp, las mismas

que influyen positivamente en realizar la versión grafica del texto oral, mientras que el 25%

las considera poco útiles. . Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran que el uso de

actividades relacionadas a la variación “Picture-dictation”, son motivadoras. Se recomienda

el desarrollo de la variación Picture-dictation para motivar la reconstrucción grafica del texto





"Picture- dictation" motiva a realizar la

version gràfica del texto oral.


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Pregunta 7: La búsqueda de información específica se incrementa a través de las

actividades en base al “Cloze-dictation”.

Grafico 12: “Cloze-dictation” incentiva la búsqueda de información específica.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 7 hace referencia al uso de actividades relacionadas a la variación “Cloze-

dictation”; estas ayudan a la búsqueda de información específica. El 70% de los docentes

afirman que las actividades en base a la variación “Cloze- dictation”, influyen

significativamente en la búsqueda de información específica, mientras que el 25% las considera

poco útiles. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran el uso de actividades

relacionadas con la variación “Cloze –dictation” como un recurso útil en la búsqueda de

información específica, se recomienda el incremento de actividades “Cloze-dictation” para

identificar información específica.




“Cloze-dictation” incentiva la búsqueda de

información específica.


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Pregunta 8 : Las variaciones del “Dictogloss” aportan en la construcción del significado.

Gráfico 13: “Dictogloss” aporta en la construcción del significado.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 8 hace referencia al uso de actividades en base a cada una de las variaciones

del “Dictogloss”, las mismas que aportan en la construcción del significado. El 80% de los

docentes afirman la utilidad de las actividades en base del “Dictogloss”, las mismas que aportan

significativamente en la construcción del significado, mientras que el 20% las considera que

son poco útiles. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran el uso de actividades en

base al “Dictogloss” son un recurso útil en la construcción del significado, se recomienda la

aplicación de las mismas para que los estudiantes tengan un conocimiento amplio del contexto

del texto oral.



Variaciones del "Dictogloss" aportan en la

construccion del significado


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Pregunta 9: Las actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten desarrollar en los

estudiantes sus micro - habilidades en relación a la compresión auditiva.

Grafico 14: “Dictogloss” permite desarrollar micro habilidades en la

comprensión auditiva.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 9 hace referencia a que las actividades en base a cada una de las variaciones

del “Dictogloss”, permiten desarrollar las micro habilidades auditivas en los estudiantes. El

70% de los docentes afirman que las actividades en base a la técnica “Dictogloss”, permiten

desarrollar micro habilidades auditivas, mientras que el 30% de los docentes considera que a

veces las variaciones del “Dictogloss”, permiten el desarrollo de micro habilidades auditivas

en los estudiantes. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran que el uso de actividades

en base al “Dictogloss” aportan en la construcción de las micro habilidades auditivas.




Variaciones del "dictogloss" permiten

desarrollar micro habilidades auditivas


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Pregunta 10: El proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” facilita la comprensión auditiva.

Grafico 15: El proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” facilita la comprensión auditiva.

Fuente: Encuesta (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

El ítem N° 10 hace referencia al proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en el desarrollo de

la comprensión auditiva en los estudiantes. El 85% de los docentes afirman que el proceso de

la técnica “Dictogloss” aporta siempre en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva, mientras

que el 15% considera que el proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” a veces aporta en el desarrollo

de la comprensión auditiva. Se concluye entonces, que los docentes consideran el proceso de

la técnica “Dictogloss” es un proceso relevante para el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva,

se recomienda poner atención al proceso de aplicación de la técnica para que este sea eficiente

en la comprensión auditiva.


11% 0%0%

Proceso la tecnica "dictogloss" facilita la

comprension auditiva.


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4.5 Comprobación de Hipótesis en base al cálculo estadístico.

Para demostrar que el programa sirvió para mejorar la variable dependiente; es decir

aceptar la hipótesis nula se aplicó el estadístico puntaje Z con un error del 5% y aceptación del

95% y con un Z teórico de ±1,96.

El resultado se obtuvo luego de la aplicación de la siguiente formula.

El resultado de esta operación fue de 2,3 por lo tanto se acepta la hipótesis alterna la

“Dictogloss ” si influye en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva en el idioma Ingles.

4.5.1 Ubicación del puntaje Z en la campana de Gauss.

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El puntaje obtenido del cálculo del puntaje Z es de 2,3 el cual se ubica en la zona de rechazo

de la hipótesis nula, por tanto se acepta la hipótesis de investigación: el “Dictogloss” si influye

en la comprensión auditiva del idioma inglés.

4.6 Comprobación de hipótesis en base a los resultados de la media aritmética

Una vez realizado el promedio global de la media aritmética del grupo control y del

grupo experimental se procedió a aceptar la hipótesis alterna porque la media del grupo

experimental es mayor que la media del grupo control.

Xe > Xc; 6,66> 5,82

Por tanto la técnica “Dictogloss” si influye en el fortalecimiento de la comprensión

auditiva del idioma Inglés como lengua extranjera.

4.7 Toma de decisión estadística

Al comparar el valor de Zc (2,3) y el valor de Zt (1,96). Se observa que el valor de Zc, se localiza

en la zona de rechazo de la hipótesis nula (Ho), lo cual nos lleva a aceptar la hipótesis de

investigación. Por lo tanto, la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes del grupo experimental,

en el cual se utilizó la técnica “Dictogloss”, supera en gran medida al grupo control, grupo en

cual no se utilizó la técnica previamente mencionada para el fortalecimiento de la comprensión


4.8 Discusión de resultados

La intervención realizada en seis semanas con los estudiantes del Centro de Idiomas de

la Universidad “Uniandes”, fue el uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva.

Se inició la propuesta aplicando un pre-test al grupo control y al grupo experimental. La

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información obtenida del pre-test ayudo a determinar las dificultades que los estudiantes de

ambos grupos presentan en la comprensión auditiva.

En el grupo experimental se aplicó la técnica antes mencionada más en el grupo control

no se la realizo. Al finalizar la intervención del uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la

comprensión auditiva se aplicó un post- test en ambos grupos.

Al comparar los resultados del pre-test y post test en el grupo experimental se observa

un desempeño mayor en la comprensión auditiva al utilizar la técnica “Dictogloss”. El

resultado se lo demuestra estadísticamente realizando el cálculo de la media aritmética en el

pre-test (4,38 /10) y en el post test (8,94 /10), la misma que arroja un incremento de 4,56 puntos.

Por otro lado, los resultados obtenidos del cálculo de la media aritmética del grupo

control en el pre-test (5,38 /10) y el post- test (6,25/10) reflejan una diferencia de 0,87 puntos,

diferencia que demuestra que las dificultades en la comprensión auditiva siguen siendo latentes

debido a la no utilización de la técnica “Dictogloss”.

En el cálculo del promedio global de la media aritmética del pre- test y post- test, se

obtuvo los siguientes resultados: el grupo experimental obtuvo un promedio global de 6,66

puntos; y el grupo control un promedio de 5,82 puntos. La diferencia obtenida entre los dos

grupos permite mencionar que en los estudiantes del grupo experimental el uso de la técnica

“Dictogloss” permitió mejorar significativamente la comprensión auditiva.

La hipótesis de investigación Ha: la técnica “Dictogloss” influye en el desarrollo de la

comprensión auditiva se la acepta debido al resultado obtenido en el cálculo del puntaje Z (2,3)

con su respectiva representación en la campana de Gauss, resultado que se lo ubica en la zona

de rechazo de la hipótesis nula Ho.

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Los resultados positivos obtenidos en el grupo experimental y la aceptación de la

hipótesis alterna destacan que el uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva es

de gran ayuda, ya que el “Dictogloss” acoge procedimientos de enseñanza convencionales tales

como la explicación previa y familiarización de vocabulario específico, construcción y

reconstrucción del texto con un nuevo tipo de actividad de escucha basada en el significado y

aprendizaje cooperativo.

El uso y correcta aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss”, promueve la participación

activa de los estudiantes y ofrece como desafío el sentido de logro y responsabilidad de ser

protagonista de su propio aprendizaje, convirtiéndose el mismo en experiencia gratificante.

Una clase de escucha de “Dictogloss” incorpora varios principios importantes del

aprendizaje de idiomas, como la autonomía del estudiante, la cooperación entre los alumnos,

el enfoque en el significado y el auto y la evaluación por pares. El proceso es igualmente

importante como el producto. El procedimiento implica tanto la descodificación del lenguaje

(dictado) como su codificación (reconstrucción) y, como resultado, mejora las habilidades de

escucha y comunicación de los estudiantes. Empuja a los estudiantes a producir un texto

significativo y preciso y a reflexionar sobre sus opciones.

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5.1 Conclusiones

Realizado el estudio y análisis de la fundamentación teórica y los resultados de esta

investigación, se llega a la toma de las siguientes conclusiones:

1.- Luego de realizar la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” y en base a los resultados

del pre- test y post- test se observó que la media global del grupo experimental es mayor en

0,84 en relación al grupo control por lo que se concluye que la técnica “Dictogloss” si influye

en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva por que las actividades como tomar nota, completar

y graficar mejoraron la comprensión del texto oral.

2.-Los resultados del pre-test y post test del grupo experimental permiten concluir que

la técnica del “Dictogloss” fortaleció la comprensión auditiva de los estudiantes de la

modalidad regular del Centro de Idiomas de la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes

“Uniandes”, puesto que la media se incrementó en 4,56 puntos.

3.- Se concluye que la propuesta didáctica basada en actividades de la técnica

“Dictogloss” está diseñada para un desarrollo eficaz de la comprensión auditiva por que estas

se adaptan al nivel 3 -B1 pre - intermedio.

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5.2 Recomendaciones

De los resultados alcanzados en base a la aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la

comprensión auditiva se recomienda:

1.- A los docentes, identificar y aplicar actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” que

contribuyan al desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva, ya que esta destreza afecta al aprendizaje

integral del idioma.

2.- A los docentes realizar una evaluación continua de la destreza auditiva, lo cual

permitirá utilizar diferentes actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” para el fortalecimiento de la

comprensión auditiva.

3.- A los docentes, utilizar con frecuencia las variaciones “Cloze-dictation”, “Dicto-

comp” y “Picture- dictation”, en actividades de comprensión auditiva para el nivel 3 B1, pre -

intermedio, estas variaciones permiten un desarrollo diferente y eficaz de la destreza auditiva.

4.- A los docentes, tomar en cuenta las actividades sugeridas en el libro de trabajo

“Workbook English Dictogloss” para el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva, puesto que las

mismas fueron significativas durante la aplicación de la técnica del “Dictogloss”. Estas

actividades pueden ser replicadas o modificadas por los docentes dependiendo de las

necesidades de los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera.

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The following conclusion are set after the end of this study and a thorough analysis of

the theoretical framework as well as the research results.

1.-After applying the "Dictogloss" technique, the results of the pre-test and post-

test showed that the overall average of the experimental group is 0.84 points , higher than the

control group. So, the “Dictogloss " technique has a strong influence in the development of

the listening comprehension skill because taking notes, completing and doing the picture

version of the comprehension of the oral text, help students to strengthen the listening

comprehension skill.

2.-The results of the pre-test and post-test of the experimental group allowed us to

conclude that the "Dictogloss" technique strengthened the listening comprehension skill in

students of the regular course at the Language Center of the "Uniandes" Universidad, since

the average increased by 4.56 points.

3.- The didactic proposal based on a set of "Dictogloss" activities of the technique

is designed for an effective development of the listening comprehension skill, these activities

can be adapted to the B1 pre-intermediate level.

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The following recommendations for teachers and students are provide based on the

gotten results.

1.- To the teachers: identify and apply activities based on the "Dictogloss" technique

to contribute in the development of the listening comprehension skill, because this skill

affects the integral learning of a language.

2. - To the teachers: do a continuous evaluation of the listening skill, which will allow

using different "Dictogloss" activities to strengthen the development of the listening

comprehension skill.

3. - To teachers: use activities based on "Cloze-dictation", "Dicto-comp" and

"Picture-dictation", which are three important “Dictogloss” varaitions in a frequent way, ito

develop the listening comprehension skill activities for B1 pre-intermediate students, these

variations allow a different and effective development of the listening comprehension skill.

4. - To teachers: take into account the activities suggested in the workbook

"Workbook English Dictogloss" for the development of the listening comprehension skill,

these type of activities were significant during the application of the "Dictogloss" technique.

These activities can be used or modify by teachers depending on the needs of English as a

foreign language students.

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“Workbook English “Dictogloss” to develop the listening

comprehension skill”


TUTORA: M.Sc. Mónica Alejandra Flores Herrera.



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“Use of the “Dictogloss” technique in the listening comprehension skill in level 3

students of the Language Center at “ Uniandes” University".


1.1 Executive summary

Teaching and learning a second language look for communicating the learner’s

ideas with the target audience, reading and listening are important skills that allowed

students to receive, understand, interpret and reconstruct the messages. Reading let the

learners take their time to understand and comprehend but listening requires the

development of some sub-skills for mastering it. If learners are not able to understand

what they listen other communicative processes are affected. Sometimes the lack of

listening comprehension dismiss the student’s oral production as well as the language


Using the “Dictogloss” technique helps students to develop supportive listening

skills, they let students have scaffolding in order to comprehend, rented, interpret and

reproduce the message. Students who master the listening comprehension skill are better

language producers and communicators. Therefore, this proposal tends to increase the

listening comprehension abilities in English as a second language studetns.

This project will be applied to young adult learners who attend level 3 (pre-

intermediate) of the Language Center at “Uniandes” University. The “Dictogloss”

technique is a great methodological tool; there are methodological strategies to let

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students improve their listening skills abilities, however implementing the “Dictogloss”

technique will be a great support for teachers and students in the English area, to increase

the English language learning performance of students.

1.2 Research and validation

The “Dictogloss” technique was applied at the Language Center at “Uniandes” University

with level 3 students ( pre-intermediate), during the academic period March-August 2017.

Teachers who have mastered in English teaching processes validated the instruments and

the purpose of this research. The “Dictogloss” technique could be applied in many other

different contexts paying attention to the students’ needs and level. Teachers who want

to use this technique in listening comprehension activities need to select, plan and follow

the “Dictogloss” steps.

1.3 Proposal description.

1.4 Type

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1.4 Type

English “Dictogloss” to develop the listening comprehension skill, is a workbook where

learners are required to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting down key words,

and then these ideas are used for the reconstruction stage. A technique is a set of specific

sequenced actions to achieve a specific objective. The “Dictogloss” pays attention to the

cloze dictation, dicto-comp and picture dictation activities to develop students listening

comprehension competence. This workbook with a set of “Dictogloss” activities to be

applied in the first term to let students get familiar with the use of this technique.

1.5 Schedule

The first 2 days of the week “Cloze dictation”, the third day “Dicto-comp” and the last

day “Picture dictation”.

In the cloze dictation activity students listen to the teacher twice and complete the short

text with the missing words, then students share, compare and correct ideas with their

group work.

In the dicto-comp activity students listen to the teacher for the first time without taking

notes just to get familiar with the text, students listen to the teacher for the second time

and take notes (key words) useful to reconstruct the text, after listening for the third time

students get in groups and share ideas to reconstruct the text. Finally, students compare

their final version with the original text.

In the picture-dictation, activity students listen to the teacher and take notes (specific

details) to create a picture based on their key notes.

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The three “Dictogloss” variations follow the requirements of the technique: preparation,

dictation, reconstruction, analysis and correction. In the preparation stage teacher

introduces the vocabulary section that students are going to find out in the short text, in

the dictation stage students listen to the teacher and take notes (key words), useful ideas

for the reconstruction stage. In the reconstruction stage, students get in groups and use

their notes to reconstruct their version of the text; finally, students check and correct their

version while the teacher reads the original version.

The contents to use in each variation are aligned with the insides of the book (Life 3 by

Paul Dummett, John Hughes and Helen Stephenson). (Anexo: Tabla 16: Período de

aplicación de la técnica “Dictogloss”.)


One Two Three Four Five Six

Days 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4




selection of












to get and




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2.- Justification

Due to the importance of understanding the message of the target language, the

“Dictogloss” technique is a worthy set of activities that strength the students listening

ability. Students in the classroom seem to be passive listeners and not active ones, this

problem could be a consequence of the listening misunderstanding and the use of the

same activities and techniques by the teacher that is why the aim is focused to the

listening comprehension competence.

The main purpose of this research is to use the “Dictogloss” technique to

strengthen listening skills in students of Level 3 (Pre-intermediate) of the regular courses

at the Languages Center at “Uniandes” University.

This dictation technique allows students to be responsible of their learning,

students work on their own then creativity; cooperation and interaction between their

classmates are the key part of using the “dictogloss” technique inside the classroom.

Listen involves being able to receive, retain and understand what is being heard,

to identify sounds, grammatical structures and the context where message is carried out

with the idea to establish a constant communication to express ideas, feelings,

experiences, reasoning and judgments, so helping students to master this skill is going to

benefit them in the leaning process. Joseph Wip (Rost)

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3. Objectives

Develop students’ listening comprehension competency using a variety of

activities based on three variation of the “Dictogloss” technique. (Cloze dictation,

Dicto-comp and Picture dictation), during the first partial.

Do research, and select the adequate "Dictogloss” activities that suits students’


Build students’ awareness on the importance of understanding spoken messages

in the language learning process.

4. Theoretical framework

The “Dictogloss” technique is an interactive method, which shows that cooperative

learning promotes the development of the listening comprehension skill involving

autonomy, cooperation among learners to be responsible in their own learning experience.


Presenting an active and interactive learning environment is part of the

constructivism theory, allowing learners to construct and discover knowledge by

themselves. (Merriam & Capparella, 1991 in Radin,2009).

Constructivism claims that learning is a process in which the learner constructs

new ideas or concepts based on existing and previous knowledge or experiences that

means “learning involves constructing one's own knowledge from one's own


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Active learning, discovery learning and knowledge building principles of the

Cocnstructivism theory drives learners to apply concepts, rules and general knowledge

in practical and real context. (John Dewey, Marie Montessori, and David Kolb)

The “Dictogloss” activities are aligned with the constructivism learning method,

it is known as a personal interpretation of knowledge using active processes; where

meaning is developed base on experiences and it is important to mention that the

conceptual growth comes from the negotiation of meaning, the sharing of multiple

perspectives and the changing of our internal representation through collaborative

learning. (Jibir-Daura &Inusa, 2012)

-Communicative method

Involving learners in real communication, allowing them to develop natural

strategies for language acquisition and learn to use the language is the aim of the

communicative method providing activities that engaged learners in more significant and

authentic language use.

The communicative competence provides realistic interaction allowing learners to

use meaningful and contextualized language involving the spoken and written skills.

Learning an integrated language let students to become more self-directed and more

independent to participate actively in the communication process. (Richards & Rodgers,

2001, p.159).

That is why using the “Dictogloss” technique to strengthen the listening

comprehension skill is part of the communicative competence based on interaction,

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cooperation and being an active participant providing real communication while learning

a new language.

-Presentation, practice and production.

When finishing a lesson and realized that students have achieved the established

aim, showing that they are able to produce language in a meaningful way, it means that

applying the PPT method was successful and effective, so the teacher feels that learning

has really taken place through three simple steps. Presentation is a phase controlled by

the teacher by modeling the situation, during the controlled practice phase, learners

practice language through different activities that allows the teacher to provide positive

feedback to students and at the same time to correct errors or mistakes modeling correct

forms. When learners have the ability to produce language without mistakes, they are

allowed to move on the free production phase, learners are able to find out and correct

their mistakes by their own; accuracy is not the aim the main aim is fluency being able to

produce language naturally. (Harmer, J. 2009. The Practice of English Language



According to (Anthony 1963), defines technique as various activities that teachers

or learners perform in the classroom, that means all tasks and activities consisting of a

number of techniques, some of them teacher-centered and some learner-centered.

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-The “Dictogloss” technique.

Dicto-gloss is an activity that naturally incorporates the elements of a text read

cooperative learning, it is " a classroom dictation activity where learners listen to a

passage, note down key words, and then work together to create a reconstructed version

of the text " (Vasiljevic, 2010, p, 41). In fact, it is a model that embodies the current

language teaching method for its learner autonomy, cooperation among learners,

curriculum integration, focus on meaning, diversity, thinking skills, alternative

assessment and teachers as co-learners (Jacobs & Farrel, 2001).

The “Dictogloss” technique is a technique that allows students to reflect on their

own output (Wajnryb, 1990), the required steps are the following:

• Preparation: The “Dictogloss” technique allows the teacher to choose a text

based on the interest, level and student`s needs with the idea to let students get engaged

in the teaching process.

• Introduction: The idea in this second step is to introduce the topic and the

vocabulary in context through a warm up activity.

• Dictation: In the dictation step the teacher reads the text three times, taking into

account the right speed that is needed, students in an individual way take notes on main

ideas from what have they heard. The idea is take notes on key useful words to the

reconstruction step.

• Reconstruction: The reconstruction step is based on cooperative work, students

work in pairs or groups sharing and comparing their notes to write their version of the

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oral text. Students pay attention on accurate punctuation, spelling and relevant ideas to

have their final product and communicate the message.

• Analysis and correction: During analysis and correction in the “Dictogloss”

technique students continue working in a cooperative way, the time to compare and share

the reconstruction version of the text allows students to discuss different ideas respecting

other`s opinion.

5. Key concepts

-Technique. - The definition for technique related to education is the group of

methods and activities to accomplish a specific aim previously planned and organized by

the teacher, focused on an authentic learning environment providing meaningful language

communication in the classroom. (H.D. Brown 2017.)

-Presentation, practice and production. - is a methodology for English as

second language teachers who believe in “I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to

provide the conditions in which they can learn”. (Albert Einstein)

Natural contexts, interests, prior knowledge and experiences are taking into account when

using PPP in teaching English, the aim to reduce student`s learning passivity and let them

engaged in the process. PPP is divided into three phases, moving teacher`s control

towards greater learner freedom, in other words progression from presentation, through

controlled practice, to free production, that is why the “Dictogloss” technique go by hand

by the PPP asking students to work on their own then sharing ideas to reconstruct their

final product being responsible of their learning. (Marvin Wacnag Lidawan, 2017)

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-Listening comprehension. - is one of the most important communication skills,

it is the different processes of understanding the spoken language, including speech

sounds, comprehending the meaning of individual words, and understanding the syntax

of sentences.(Nading,2013)

The listening comprehension is an active process in which the listener constructs meaning

based on cues from contextual information and from exiting knowledge, this is

understand what is heard and have the ability to repeat the text to produce communication.

(Hamounda, 2013)

-“Dictogloss” technique.- The “Dictogloss” technique is a new innovative way

of dictation, this technique allows students to listen to the teacher, note down key words

and then work together to create a reconstructed version of the text as a result of a

cooperative work.

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Workbook “Dictogloss”

Ma. Alejandra Núñez. 2017.

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The “Dictogloss” technique is an innovation of the traditional

dictation activity. (Ruth Wajnryb, 1990)

“Dictogloss” is a classroom dictation activity in which students

reconstruct a short text by listening and noting down key words,

useful words for the reconstruction version of the text.

“Dictogloss” variations: Close dictation, Dicto.comp and Picture

dictation follows the main steps that this technique requires:

preparation, dictation, reconstruction, analysis and correction.

“Dictogloss” allows students to be active listeners inside the

classroom and at the same time let students get learning through

a cooperative work being responsible of their own learning. Using

this innovative dictation activity, English teachers have the

opportunity to strengthen the listening comprehension skill.

(British Council)

“Dictogloss” allows the teacher to select or design materials taking

into account the previous contents. It is the opportunity to select

materials according to the level, strengths and weaknesses of


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Develop students’ listening comprehension competency using a variety

of activities based on three variation of the “Dictogloss” technique. (Cloze

dictation, Dicto-comp and Picture dictation).

-Cloze dictation: An activity where students are given the written version

of the text with some missing words.

-Dicto-comp: An activity that demands students to listen to the teacher

take notes on key words and use them to reconstruct their version of the

oral text.

-Picture dictation: An activity, which allows students to listen to specific

details about a character, take notes and use them to create the picture



The “Dictogloss” technique is an interactive method, which shows that

cooperative learning promotes the development of the listening

comprehension skill involving autonomy, cooperation among learners to

be responsible on their own learning experience.

This “dictation activity” wants learners to reconstruct a short text by

listening to the teacher, taking down notes and sharing ideas. The notes

are used for the reconstructing step. Students do it as a cooperative way

of learning: sharing ideas, respecting others ‘opinion to finally get t1he

written version of the oral text.

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Teachers who…

-want students to be active listeners.

-try students to be engaged in the teaching process.-

-like students to be working in pairs or groups.

-want students to learn in a cooperative way.

-want students to be in charge of their own learning.

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WORKBOOK “DICTOGLOSS” .............................................................................................................. I

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... I

OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................................................ II

METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................ II

TEACHERS WHO… ...................................................................................................... III

UNIT 3 THE ENVIRONMENT.................................................................................................................. 11

UNIT 4 STAGES OF LIFE ........................................................................................................................ 16

UNIT 7 WORK ........................................................................................................................................... 19

UNIT 5 WORK ........................................................................................................................................... 20

UNIT 6 TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 25

DICTOGLOSS QUIZ 1 ............................................................................................................................... 30

DICTOGLOSS QUIZ 2 ............................................................................................................................... 34

ANSWER KEY UNIT 1 .............................................................................................................................. 39

ANSWER KEY UNIT 4 .............................................................................................................................. 40

ANSWER KEY UNIT 5 .............................................................................................................................. 40

CLOZE DICTATION SECTION. ............................................................................................................... 43

ANSWER KEY QUIZ 1 .............................................................................................................................. 45

ANSWER KEY QUIZ 2 .............................................................................................................................. 46

RESOURCES .............................................................................................................................................. 47

WEEK 1 UNIT 1 TRANSPORTATION ..................................................................................................... 47

WEEK 2 UNIT 2 ADVENTURES ................................................................................ ...49

WEEK 3 UNIT 3 THE ENVIRONMENT .......................................................................... 50

WEEK 4 UNIT 4 STAGES IN LIFE. ................................................................................ 51

WEEK 5 UNIT 5 WORK. ............................................................................................... 53

WEEK 6 UNIT 6 TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................... 54

QUIZ 1 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................. 56

QUIZ 2 RESOURCES... ....................................................................................................................... 58

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1Unit 1 Transportation


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Part 1: You are going to hear the names of some means of transport. Decide which group they belong to and write in the boxes of the diagram below.


Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the text about Transport in a city. Write ONE word in each gap.

My name is Mohamed Hamad. I live in Lakemba. I 1._________from Syria seven years ago. I came on a

2.__________ I am 3.__________ English at AMES Bankstown. I get to school 4._________ bus every day. I

can 5.__________ now. I have a red 6.__________. I drive it for shopping. I also take my 7._________ out in

the car on the weekend. I do not like driving in 8._________. There are too many cars on the road. It is difficult

to find 9.__________ too, so I usually take a 10._________to the City.




Exercise 1: Listen and classify the means of transport in the right category.


Means of Transportation

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Part 1. Read the definitions and find out the right option in the puzzle.

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

Commuting by car or by 1___________ ___________ is a daily necessity. People with their own cars use it to 2.-___________ to work, to go shopping or to take the family out on

weekends For those who cannot drive or afford to buy their own vehicles, public transport 3___________these

commuters with their only means of transport. However, it seems that it will not be too long before our 4.__________will have to resort back to the horse

and buggy cart era if our politicians do not build better 5._________ or resolve the on-going oil crisis.


Exercise 1: Read the definitions and find out the word in the puzzle.

Exercise 2: Listen and complete the sentences with the missing words.


1.- machines with engines to transport people.

2.-travel to work or to school everyday

3.-people traveling to work or to school at the same hour.

4.-a lot of vehicles on the road.

5.-road maintenance

6.-a place to fill your car with gas

7.- maximum speed you can drive

8.- people walking in a city.

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Part 1. Complete the following sentences.

-Name any two- land transport that have only two wheels. __________________________ ___________________________ -Name any two-land transports that have only three wheels __________________________ __________________________ -Name any three animals that are used to carry loads. __________________________ __________________ ________ -Name any two means of transport that does not caused pollution. __________________________ ___________________________

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), and then write a paragraph about Animal transportation.

Use your notes and write about Animal transportation

Taking notes section.












Animal Transportation.












Exercise 1: Read and write two words in each idea.


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1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary) (5 points)

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Exercise 1: Listen and draw about the characters.


Taking notes section.


























Taking notes section.






















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Unit 2 Adventures

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Part 1: Find out the right definition to each word.

______1.- survive A.- look for something or someone carefully. ______2.-desert B.- a person or animal that finds other people. ______3.-cross C.- no more living ______4.-camping D.- somewhere you stay for a short time in a tent. ______5.-gear E.- being alive after a dangerous situation. ______6.- search F.- equipment ______7.-trackers G.- a large area of land, without water, rain, trees ______8.- stop H.- suspend something ______9.- dead I.- move or travel to the other side of it. Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the text about Lost in the Australian Desert. Write ONE word in each gap.

Lost in the Australian Desert In 1999, an 1._________ tourist survived for 43 days in the 2.___________ desert without food or water. 33-year-

old Robert Bogucki 3.__________ to cross the Great Sandy Desert. His plan was to 4.__________his bike and walk.

He started on 11 July 1999, taking very 5.__________food and water with him.

On 26 July, 6._________ found his bike and some of his camping gear, only about 35 kilometres from where he

7._________. The police immediately 8.__________a search for Bogucki, using trackers, planes and four-wheel-drive

9.___________. They stopped the search after 12 days, because they 10.__________ that Bogucki was probably dead.

Exercise 1: Match each word with the right meaning.


Exercise 1: Order the letters and find out words about Bogucki`s story.


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Part 1. Unscramble the letters to find out words related to Bogucki`s story.


Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

Found Alive

Bogucki’s parents believed their son was 1._________ alive, so they got a team of trackers from America. They brought 2.___________-trained dogs, the team found new signs of him, including an empty water

bottle, his notebook and his 3._________. On 23 August, a helicopter found Bogucki near his last camp and 4._________ him to hospital. Doctors said he was in 5.__________ good health Bogucki said he finished all his 6._________ a few days after he started. He stayed alive by 7.__________ plants and flowers.

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Part 1. Find out nine verbs in the Simple Past.

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about Bogucki`s story.

Use your notes and write about Bogucki`s story.

Exercise 1: Color nine verbs in the Simple Past.


Taking notes section.











___________________________________________________________________ Bogucki`s story. _____________________________________________________________________________











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1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Exercise 1: Listen and draw about the characters.


Taking notes section.


























Taking notes section.



















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Unit 3 The environment

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Part 1: Complete the crossword with the words missing in the sentences.

Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the following conversation. Write ONE word in each gap.

Julie: Tell me about this new recycling project in your area. Did 1.___________residents come to the meeting? Elisa: Oh yes, there were 2. ____________of people. Most seemed excited too. The idea is to recycle rubbish we now throw away, mainly because we think it is not recyclable. Julie: Stuff that is not plastic, glass and paper? What, then? Give me 3. ___________examples. Elisa: Well, 4.___________food leftovers like vegetable peel, coffee, eggshells and so on can easily be recycled. Even used tea bags are good for making compost! Julie: Mm – I do not drink 5.__________coffee or tea at all, but I see your point. Isn’t it difficult to do this every day, though? Elisa: Not at all! All it takes is 6.___________time and effort. Have a look at this leaflet – it’s all in there!

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the missing words and then solve the crossword.


Down 1.-This campaign is helping to raise AWARENESS of recycling. 3.-Our company must produce more eco_________products in the future. Across 2.-They make all their furniture from good quality _________ .4.-Skin from cows is used to make __________for clothing. 5.-These drinks cans are ___________of aluminium. 6.-Pollution in the Pacific Ocean kills birds, fish and other___________ life. 7.-I buy most of my clothes from ___________- hand shops. 8.-You should___________ all your waste paper.


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Part 1. Circle the correct option. (Environment) .

1.-I do not need so much / so many plastic bottles.

2.-There is a little / a few money left.

3.-I put a / some water in the fridge.

4.-We do not have some / any recycling bags.

5.-There is a lot of / many air pollution in our city.

6.-How much / many plastic is recycled?

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

-There are many 1._________ problems nowadays, mainly because of 2.___________.

-It is the 3.___________ of air, water and soil by different materials that interfere with human 4.__________

and quality of life.

-The emissions form 5.__________ and 6.__________, including cars, are big causes of air pollution.

-Using 7.___________ have bad effects on the ozone layer, which protects life on Earth from ultraviolet


-Water is also 9.____________ from pollution by domestic, municipal and industrial waste.

-We all should be 10.____________ friendly!

Exercise 1: Circe the right quantifier in each sentence.

Exercise 2: Listen and complete each sentence with some missing words.

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Part 1. Complete the definitions with one word from the box.

-die through submersion of water -collapse or disintegrate -increasing in power or influence -to stop living -covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems

-have the same opinion -a city located in Arkansas, United States -high temperature -low rainfall over the land -an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about the environment.

Use your notes and write about the environment.

Exercise 1: Complete the definitions with one word from the box.


banks ruined. drown floods die droughts warmer rising global warming agree

Taking notes section. _________________________________________________________________________________













The Environment. __________________________________________________________________________________













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1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Exercise 1: Listen and draw about the characters.


Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Unit 4 Stages of life

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Part 1: Find eight words related to celebrations.

Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the following paragraph about an Alien blog. Write ONE word in each gap.

The other day I stopped in front the door of a very tall 1___________, which looked very old. Suddenly, nicely dressed people started to 2___________ and enter the building. Everyone got excited when a car arrived and a smartly dressed man got out. The man went into the building, 3__________, and waited. After about half an hour a white car arrived. It was full of flowers and 4___________. A woman in a very big white dress got out. (It was so big that she needed the help of two children to walk.) She also carried a 5____________of flowers and her face was covered with a white 6___________. When she arrived, everyone got very excited and they started to play 7__________ inside the building. The woman went into the building 8____________ the arm of a man who was in the car with her. After a while, the woman 9____________out again, but this time she was holding the arm of the other man. They were very happy and when they left the building, everyone threw 10__________ at them. I think it was uncooked.


Exercise 1: Find out eight words related to celebrations in the puzzle.

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Part 1. Write the adjectives next to the subjects they can describe. Sometimes, more than on adjective is possible.

Food: ___________________________________________________________ Clothes:_________________________________________________________ Feelings:_________________________________________________________ Place:___________________________________________________________

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions.

For ceremonial meals and 1__________ occasions, extra meat is added to stews depending on a family's financial ability,

2__________ceremonies such as burials, reburials, circumcision, tomb building, first hair cutting, and the coming out of the house of a newborn often involve the sacrifice of at least one zebu, a local breed of humpback cow.

Many families will serve one of several local 3__________alcoholic beverages such as palm wine, grain alcohol, rum, or beer.

Family and friends participate in some aspect of 4__________ ceremonial preparations. A person or family's adherence to 5___________ protocol pays respect to one's ancestors. The ultimate show of prestige is the 6___________to provide sacrificial cattle for ceremonies. The number

of cattle slaughtered indicates the level of prosperity and the intent of honoring ancestors.

Exercise 1: Find out adjectives to describe the nouns.

Exercise 2: Listen and complete the text about Food customs at ceremonial


beautiful colorful disgusting dull excited great historic massive miserable tasty

traditional wonderful

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Part 1. Find out the following words in the puzzle and use your dictionary to find out their meaning.

KNOT _________________

RITUALS _________________

TRADITIONS ______________

VEIL _________________


Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about wedding rituals.

Use your notes and write about wedding rituals.

Unit 7 Work


Taking notes section.














Wedding Rituals
















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Unit 5 Work

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Cloze Dictation section

Part 1: Find out seven words related to jobs and workplaces.

Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the crossword with the missing words from the sentences.

Down 1. His job is tiring because of the long _____ hours. 3. This job offers you 20 days`______ per year. 4. He will get a _____ when he retires. 6. They will pay her a much higher _____ if she becomes an assistant manager.

Across 2. The company gives _____ to new workers. 5. She gets on well with her _____ in the office. 7. ______ is essential when you work in a group.


Exercise 1: Find out seven words related to jobs and workplaces in the snake.

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Part 1. Look at these sentences and complete them with the following action verbs.

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

Letter of application

I would like to 1._________ for the post of Personnel Officer with Anglia Bank, as 2.__________ in the Daily News on 10 October. I have a BA in French from the University of London. I am following a part-time 3.__________ in Personnel Management at the Oxford College of Management, and I hope to pass the Diploma in Personnel Management at the end of December. When I left university, I 4._________ for a year in a computer company near Cambridge. Then I 5._________ back to London to work as a French teacher in a large school, where I stayed for two years. During this time, I did some part-time work as a language 6._________ with factory managers, which I very much enjoyed. Three years ago, I 7.___________ Carter’s Bank, where for the past year I have worked as Assistant Personnel Officer, dealing mainly with complaints from members of staff. Having worked in a similar organization to yours, I feel I am fully 8.____________ for the challenges of this job. Yours faithfully Angela Varley

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Exercise 2: Listen and complete the sentences in the letter.

advised assisted designed represented supervised

planned and organized 1.-I __________ the manager with some offie duties. 2.- As a student counselor I __________ students in planning future career paths. 3.- I am good at designing websites, so I _________ a new website for the company. 4.- I _________ travel arrangements. 5.- I did lots of trade fairs so I __________ the company at trade fair events. 6.- At the company I _________ a team of four.

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Part 1. Classify the words in the box in the right group FOR/SINCE.

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about

Use your notes and write about Albert a lifeguard.

Exercise 1: Classify the words in the box in the right group FOR/SINCE.


Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________

























2011 26th August a long time days I was born June several weeks

three years

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1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Exercise 1: Listen and draw about the characters.


Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Taking notes section. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Unit 6 Technology

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Part 1: Unscramble the letters to find words related to inventions. What is the hidden word?

Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the sentences with the missing verbs.

1.- Robots can`t __________ bored with their jobs.

2.- These machines are programed to __________ instructions.

3.- This software helps you to ___________ problems easily.

4.- You need a creative mind to be able to __________ things.

5.- I will ___________ my computer so I can check my emails.

6.- This word processor will notice when you _________ a spelling mistake.

7.- If you search the web, you should be able to _________ solutions to your problem.

8.- You have to __________ the button on the side of the torch to turn the light on.


Exercise 1: Unscramble the letters to find out words related to inventions.

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Part 1. Match these verbs with the correct phrases.

1. _____________________ online gaming 2. _____________________ with your username and password 3. _____________________ photos to a social networking site 4. _____________________ the web for something 5. _____________________ a blog about your interests 6. _____________________ to a weekly podcast 7. _____________________ a new email account 8. _____________________ music from an online store

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the paragraph with the missing words.


In little more than a 1.__________, mobile phone 2.__________ has changed a great deal. The smartphones of today are 3.___________ like the mobile phones of ten years ago.

First of all, 4.__________ are not just phones. For example, you can 5.__________information on them as well as send emails and 6.___________ the internet. Furthermore, they 7.__________ and MP3 player and a camera. In other words, they can be used for many different things.

On the other hand, smartphones are much more 8.___________ than ordinary mobile phones. As a result, it is much worse to 9.___________ a smartphone than an ordinary mobile.

To sum up, smartphones are very expensive. However, they are also very 10.___________.

do download log on search set up subscribe upload


Exercise 1: Match the verbs with the correct phrases.

Exercise 2: Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the paragraph with the missing


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Part 1. Complete the paragraph with some words from the box.

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about Lisa.

Use your notes and write about Lisa

MP3 player Sending device services cheaper

messaging Videos mobile phone

Taking notes section. ____________________________________________________________________________________












A mobile telephone or cellular telephone (commonly, (1)________________ or cell phone) is a long range, portable electronic (2)____________ used for mobile communication. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, current mobile phones can provide many additional (3)______________ such as SMS for text (4)_______________, e-mail, packet switching for access to the Internet and MMS for (5)______________ and receiving photos and (6)____________.

A mobile phone is more than just a phone for most teenagers: it’s also an (7)_______________ and a camera. Text messaging is (8)_____________ and more private so they use it a lot more than phoning.

Exercise 1: Complete the paragraph with some words from the box.

Exercise 2: Listen, take notes, and reconstruct the text about a job experience













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1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Taking notes section. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 1: Listen and draw about the characters.


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Dictogloss Quiz 1 Units 1 - 3

Transportation – Adventure- The Environment

Unit 1 content: Transport nouns Cloze - Dictation section 1.- Read the definitions and find out the word in the puzzle. 1.-It travels under the sea and a yellow one was made famous in a Beatles' song and it's called a ____________ 2.-The person who flies an airplane or helicopter is called a _____________ 3.-A bike with three wheels is called a ______________ 4.-A bike with one wheel is called a _______________ 5.-A car, which has a roof that can be opened and folded always, is called a _____________


2.- Listen and complete the sentences with the missing words.

Bob is1.-___________ to most commuters. He 2.-__________ his car at home overnight so it is 3.-___________ for the 4.-___________ rush hour. If he needs more electricity, there is a “charging station” in the 5.-___________ car park.

Sonia`s car 1.-___________ about 30 kilometres on a full battery so it is 2.-____________ for short trips such as going to the 3.-___________ or visiting friends nearby. The car also has its own 4.-____________, which tells her if there are traffic jams or road works on the 5.-__________ ahead.

10 points_______


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Unit 2 content: Survival stories.

-Dicto-comp section

3.-Match each word with the right meaning.

A:-Camouflage B.-Survive C.-Fur D.-Blends E.-Prey F.-Environment G.-Season H.-Spring I.-summer J.-Grow

_____.The season between winter and summer when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to grow again. _____ Something that is hunt or catch to be eaten.

_____The thick and soft hair that grows on the bodies of many mammals.

_____Ideas, policies, or styles, you use them together in order to achieve something.

_____ Being alive after a dangerous situation.

_____Particular natural surroundings in which you live.

_____ The increase in size and change physically over a period of time.

_____ Things such as leaves, branches, which are used to make it difficult for an enemy to see

______The season between spring and autumn when the weather is usually warm or hot.

_____ The main periods into which a year can be divided and which each have their own typical weather conditions.

10 points________

4..- Listen to your teacher, take notes and write about a Survival story.

Taking notes section. _________________________________________________________________________











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Use your notes and write about a survival story.

10 points________

Picture dictation section

5.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary) (5 points)

Picture 1.

Your picture

5 points________












Taking notes section.


























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Unit 3 content: The Environment

-Cloze dictation section

6.- Look at the pictures and solve the crossword puzzle. (Household items)

7.- Listen to your teacher and complete some missing words in the text.

The 1.-__________ panda is a well known species that is being driven to 2.-__________ by habitat loss. It has 3.-__________one of the most endangered 4.-___________ in the world, with only 1,600 of them left. Although they have been 5.-__________ from hunting and on the Endangered Species list since 1984, pandas are 6.-__________disappearing.

Their 7.-_____________ is complex. The giant panda 8.-___________ bamboo and only 9.____________. They eat 13 to 36 10.-_______________ of bamboo a day.

10 points___________
































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Dictogloss Quiz 2 Units 4-6

Stages in life - Work -Technology Unit 4 content: Stages in life -Cloze dictation section. 1.- Look at the pictures and label them. Use ideas from the box.

2.- Listen to your teacher and complete the paragraph with the missing words.

Teenagers today are undergoing lots of 1.-__________. They are between the ages of 13 to 19. Many of them are undergoing physical and 2.-___________ changes.

The 3.-___________ life is full of happiness, sadness, enjoyment and it can be 4.-___________ too. This is because in the teenage 5.___________ that a teenager is subjected to physical growth, hormonal changes and even dilemmas. They may be in a 6.-___________ of conflict like undergoing puppy love.

The teenager should 7.-___________ life by making friends with peers and 8.-___________ in healthy activities such as 9.-____________, picnic, kayaking, swimming and so on. Through friends, a teenager learns to joke, laugh and play to release 10.-___________ and tension.

10 points_________

adult teenager newborn elderly toddler

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-Dicto-comp section

3. - Circle the best choice to complete the statements below

-In birthday parties people … a- quarrel with each other b- enjoy themselves c- take care of themselves

-The person who celebrates his/her birthday receives a- gifts b- congratulations d- invitation cards

-A birthday cake is decorated with… a- flowers b- balloons d- candles

-In birthday parties people eat… a- barbecue b- fruit salad c- pieces of cake

4 points_________

4.- Listen to your teacher take notes and reconstruct the version of the oral text.

Use your notes and write about a birthday party invitation.

6 points_________

Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________





















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Unit 5 content

-Cloze dictation section.

5.- Look at the picture and chose the right option TRUE or FALSE.

12 points________

There aren’t any people in the office. True/False There are four chairs in the room. True/False There are two pictures on the wall. True/False There is a plant on the desk. True/False There is one chair on the right and three on the left. True/False There is no door in the room. True/False There is a waste basket under the desk. True/False The desk has four drawers. True/False People probably sleep in this room. True/False The walls have striped wallpaper. True/False The desk is probably made of wood. True/False True/False

There isn’t a desktop computer on the desk. True/False

There is a sofa in the office. True/False

This is probably the manager’s office. True/False

The office is new and modern. True/False

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6.- Listen to your teacher and complete the paragraph with the missing words.

Every day Brad 1.-_________ at 6:00 o’clock, but he 2.-__________ at 6:10. Then he goes to the bathroom and shaves, after that he has a shower. Then he 3.-__________ his uniform and after gets dressed. At 6:30 he 4-__________. He eats fruit with yoghurt and granola, bread and butter with some ham and cheese. He 5.-__________ coffee and some orange juice. He 6.-__________the house at 7’oclock. He goes to work by car. It takes him 30 minutes to get to work. He7.-___________ work at 7:40. When he arrives at the station he has another coffee while he gets updates of the previous night. He 8.-__________his e-mails and passes the report to the radio station. After that he checks his equipment to start work in the streets. At 12 o’clock he 9.-__________. After lunch he goes out to the roads to work. There he monitors the roads, help people in accidents, writes tickets and 10.-_________ thieves.

10 points_________

Unit 6 content

-Dicto-comp section

7- Listen to your teacher take notes and reconstruct the version of the oral text.

Use your notes and write about technology.

Taking notes section. _________________________________________________________________________






















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-Picture dictation section

8.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary) (5 points)

Picture 1.

Your picture

Taking notes section.


























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Answer Key Unit 1

Cloze dictation section.

Part 1.- by land : bus, car, riding a bike

by water : boat

by air: plane

by rail: train

Part 2.-

1. Came

2. Plane

3. Studying

4. By

5. Drive

6. Car

7. Family

8. City

9. Parking

10. train

Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-vehicles


3.-rush hour

4.- traffic jam

5.- road work

6.-gas station

7.-speed limit


Part 2

1- public transport

2- commute

3- provides

4- society

5- roads

Dicto-comp (dictogloss) section.

Part 1 (answers will vary)

1.- bicycle, motorcycle


3.- horse, donkey

4.-bicycle, scooter

Part 2 (Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section (Students

version of the characters)

A. I have four legs. I have a long tail. I`m usually

black with small white spots. I am a mammal.

I live in the fields. I eat grass. I give you milk. I

make moo-moo.

B. I have four legs. I am the dirtiest animal. I am

small and pink. I have a curly tail. I eat


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Answer Key Unit 4

Cloze dictation section.

Part 1.- 1.-E



4.- D

5.- F





Part 2.-




4.- ride







Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-parents



4. - signs

5. - helicopter






Part 2

1. Still

2. Specially

3. Tent

4. Took

5. Surprisingly

6. Food

7. eating

Dicto-comp (dictogloss) section.

Part 1

Part 2 (Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section (Students

version of the characters)

Answer Key Unit 5

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Cloze dictation section.

Part 1

-down 1.-awareness



2.- wood

4.- leather

5.- made

6.- sea



Part 2




4.- a lot of


6.-a little

Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-many

2.-a few


4. - any

5. – a lot of


Part 2

1. environmental

2. pollution

3. contamination

4. heath

5. industries

6. engines

7. aerosols

8. radiation

9. suffering

10. environment

Dicto-comp (dictogloss) section.

Part 1










-global warming

Part 2 (Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section. Teacher`s ideas

describing the pictures.

(Students version of the characters) pic-environment02-jpg

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Cloze dictation section.

Part 1

Part 2



3.-and stood

4.- bows







Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 -Food: traditional, tasty, disgusting

-Clothes: colorful

-Feelings: excited, dull, miserable

-Place: wonderful, great, historic, massive

Part 2

1. special

2. traditional

3. great

4. historic

5. ceremonial

6. ability

Dicto-comp (dictogloss) section.

Part 1

Part 2

(Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section (Students

version of the characters)




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Cloze dictation section.

Part 1








Part 2




4.- pension




Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-assited



4.-planned and organized



Part 2 1.-course






Dicto-comp (dictogloss) section.

Part 1 -since




3.-I was born

4.- June


1.- a long time

2.- 10 days

3.-several weeks

4.-three days

Part 2 (Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section (Students

version of the characters)

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Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-braile

2.-vending machine

3.-light bulb


5.-memory stick

6.-wind turbine



Hidden word: Internet

Part 2




4.- invent

5.-switch on




Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-do

2.-log on





7.-set up


Part 2 1.-decade









Dicto-comp (dictogloss) section.

Part 1 1.-mobile phone






7.-MP3 player


Part 2

(Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section (Students

version of the characters)

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Answer Key Quiz 1

Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-submarine





Part 2




4.- morning







Dicto-comp section.

Part 1











Part 2

(Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section (Students

version of the characters)


Cloze dictation section

Part 1 (answers in the same activity)

Part 2











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Answer Key Quiz 2

Cloze dictation section.

Part 1 1.-newborn





Part 2




4.- interesting







Dicto-comp section.

Part 1




4.-A - C

Part 2

(Students version of the text)

Cloze dictation section

Part 1




4.- TRUE









Part 2

1.-wakes up 2.-gets up


4.-has breakfast





9.-has lunch


Dicto-comp section

(Students version of the text)

Picture dictation section (Students version of the


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Week 1 Unit 1 Transportation Cloze Dictation section

Part 1 Transport options vary by region and travel distance, so your student may be using the train, taking a bus,

flying by plane, driving a car or riding a bike. Each form of transport opens the door for unique vocabulary and practical English language learning. A lesson on driving by car could include information on visiting a mechanic, with students learning the words for flat tire and oil change. Traveling by plane can lead to an extensive lesson on the airport, including everything from finding parking to buying a snack and to go around you can take a boat to work.

Part 2

My name is Mohamed Hamad. I live in Lakemba. I came from Syria seven years ago. I came on a plane. I am studying English at AMES Bankstown. I get to school by bus every day. I can drive now. I have a red car. I drive it for shopping. I also take my family out in the car on the weekend. I do not like driving in city. There are too many cars on the road. It is difficult to find parking too, so I usually take a train to the City.

Part 3

For many people, commuting by car or by public transport is a daily necessity. People with their own cars use it to commute to work, to go shopping or to take the family out on weekends. For those who cannot drive or afford to buy their own vehicles, public transport provides these commuters with their only means of transport. However, it seems that it won't be too long before our society will have to resort back to the horse and buggy cart era if our politicians don't build better roads or resolve the on-going oil crisis.

Dicto-comp section

We generally walk for shorter distance and take any transport for longer distance. In olden days bullock-carts, horse driven cart and boats were only means of transport for commuting from one place to another. These means are still used in villages to travel and transport things. Animals like donkeys, bulls, mules, camels, and asses are used to carry loads for longer distances.

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Picture - Dictation section

-I have four legs. I have a long tail. I`m usually black with small white spots. I am a mammal. I live in the fields. I eat grass. I give you milk. I make moo-moo. -I have four legs. I am the dirtiest animal. I am small and pink. I have a curly tail. I eat everything.

Resources taken from: Ideas created by the teacher

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Week 2 Unit 2 Adventures Cloze Dictation section

Dicto-comp section

Picture Dictation section

Resources taken from:

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Week 3 Unit 3 The environment Cloze Dictation section (Part 2)

-There are many environmental problems nowadays, mainly because of pollution. -It is the contamination of air, water and soil by different materials that interfere with human health and quality of life. -The emissions form industries and engines, including cars, are big causes of air pollution. -Using aerosols have bad effects on the ozone layer, which protects life on Earth from ultraviolet radiation. -Water is also suffering from pollution by domestic, municipal and industrial waste. -We all should be environment friendly!

Dicto-comp section (Part 2)

We all need water. The problem is there is often too much or too little. In addition, there are other problems, when it rains a lot the level of the rivers rises. The water runs over the banks. People drown. Their cars and houses ruined. Animals drown, too. Many big cities in Asia, Latin America and Europe often have floods. Sometimes it does not rain for a long time. Plants die. Animals die, too. People have no food .Many countries in Africa have problems with droughts. Every year these droughts get worse and worse. The world is getting warmer, so water levels are rising. Climates are changing. Some countries are becoming hotter and drier. This affects agriculture. People want to control global warming, but they cannot agree about the best solutions.

Picture Dictation section

Resources taken from: pic-environment02-jpg

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Week 4 Unit 4 Stages in life. Cloze Dictation section

Alien Blog

The other day I stopped in front the door of a very tall building, which looked very old. Suddenly, nicely dressed people started to arrive and enter the building. Everyone got really excited when a car arrived and a smartly dressed man got out. The man went into the building and stood and waited. After about half an hour a white car arrived. It was full of flowers and bows. A woman in a very big white dress got out. (It was so big that she needed the help of two children to walk.) She also carried a bunch of flowers and her face was covered with a white veil. When she arrived everyone got very excited and they started to play music inside the building. The woman went into the building holding the arm of a man who was in the car with her. After a while the woman came out again, but this time she was holding the arm of the other man. They were very happy and when they left the building everyone threw rice at them. I think it was uncooked.

Cloze Dictation section Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions.

For ceremonial meals and special occasions, extra meat is added to stews depending on a family's financial ability, Traditional ceremonies such as burials, reburials, circumcision, tomb building, first hair cutting, and the coming out of

the house of a newborn often involve the sacrifice of at least one zebu, a local breed of humpback cow. Many families will serve one of several local great alcoholic beverages such as palm wine, grain alcohol, rum, or beer. Family and friends participate in some aspect of historic ceremonial preparations. A person or family's adherence to ceremonial protocol pays respect to one's ancestors. The ultimate show of prestige is the ability to provide sacrificial cattle for ceremonies. The number of cattle slaughtered

indicates the level of prosperity and the intent of honoring ancestors. Dicto-comp dictation section

. Wedding Rituals

Tying the knot in any culture comes with a laundry list of traditions and rituals, including the old rhyme, "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue." Some wedding traditions from around the world that go beyond the white dress and veil.

-The English believe a spider found in a wedding dress means good luck. -Rain on your wedding day is actually considered good luck, according to Hindu tradition. -Ancient Greeks and Romans thought the veil protected the bride from evil spirits. -The tradition of a wedding cake comes from ancient Rome.

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Picture Dictation section.

Resources taken from:

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Week 5 Unit 5 Work. Cloze Dictation section Day 2 (Part 2)

. Letter of application I would like to apply for the post of Personnel Officer with Anglia Bank, as advertised in the Daily News on 10 October. I have a BA in French from the University of London. I am following a part-time course in Personnel Management at the Oxford College of Management, and I hope to pass the Diploma in Personnel Management at the end of December. When I left university, I worked for a year in a computer company near Cambridge. Then I moved back to London to work as a French teacher in a large school, where I stayed for two years. During this time, I did some part-time work as a language trainer with factory managers, which I very much enjoyed. Three years ago, I joined Carter’s Bank, where for the past year I have worked as Assistant Personnel Officer, dealing mainly with complaints from members of staff. Having worked in a similar organization to yours, I feel I am fully prepared for the challenges of this job. Yours faithfully Angela Varley

Dicto-comp section (Part 2)

My name’s Albert and I’m a lifeguard. I’ve worked here for 4 years and I really love my job. I’ve saved

some lives and that’s really rewarding. It’s nice to know that my job is important to keep people safe while

they’re resting and having fun at the beach.

I also like to know that my advice is useful to keep people free from being assaulted, injured or even

sunburned. I work from Tuesday to Saturday, from 9 to 5 and rest two Sundays a month. Twice a month

I work from 9 to noon because while people rest I have to do my job.

My friends think I should quit and have the opportunity to rest and go out during the weekend, but I can’t

imagine doing anything else.

Picture Dictation (resources) (Day 4) /Teacher ideas based on the picture.

Resources taken from:

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Week 6 Unit 6 Technology Cloze Dictation section Day 1 (Part 2)

Cloze Dictation section Day 2 (Part 2)


In little more than a decade, mobile phone technology has changed a great deal. The smartphones of today are nothing like the mobile phones of ten years ago.

First of all, smartphones are not just phones. For example, you can store information on them as well as send emails and browse the internet. Furthermore, they include and MP3 player and a camera. In other words, they can be used for many different things.

On the other hand, smartphones are much more expensive than ordinary mobile phones. As a result, it is much worse to lose a smartphone than an ordinary mobile.

To sum up, smartphones are very expensive. However, they are also very useful.

Dicto-comp section (Part 1)

MP3 player Sending device services cheaper

messaging Videos mobile phone

A mobile telephone or cellular telephone (commonly, (1)________________ or cell phone) is a long range, portable electronic (2)____________ used for mobile communication. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, current mobile phones can provide many additional (3)______________ such as SMS for text (4)_______________, e-mail, packet switching for access to the Internet and MMS for (5)______________ and receiving photos and (6)____________.

A mobile phone is more than just a phone for most teenagers: it’s also an (7)_______________ and a camera. Text messaging is (8)_____________ and more private so they use it a lot more than phoning.

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Dicto-comp section (Part 2)

Lisa is in her room doing her homework. However, homework is just one of the things she’s doing while her eyes are fixed on the computer screen. As well as studying for her Biology exam, Lisa is also listening to music, chatting with her best friend online, downloading songs and occasionally texting people on her mobile phone. “My parents keep telling me off for multi-tasking while studying but they don’t understand that it helps me concentrate.

Picture Dictation section

Resources taken from:

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Quiz 1 Resources Units 1-3 content.

Transportation – Adventure- The Environment

Cloze dictation

Bob is similar to most commuters. He charges his car at home overnight so it is ready for the morning rush hour. If he needs more electricity, there is a “charging station” in the office car park.

Sonia`s car travels about 30 kilometres on a full battery so it is good for short trips such as going to the shops or visiting friends nearby. The car also has its own computer, which tells her if there are traffic jams or road works on the road ahead.

Dicto - comp section

Part 1


Part 2

Camouflage is one way animals adapt to survive. Deer, for example, have brown fur that blends in with the trees, so it is harder for predators to see them. This saves them from becoming prey to a larger animal. Some animals can actually change colors to match their environment. Some rabbits’ fur will change colors depending on the season. Their fur might be brown in the spring, summer, and fall to match the trees, but the brown fur will fall out and white fur will grow in the winter to blend in with the snow.

Picture dictation section (Teacher`s ideas while describing the pictures)

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Dicto –comp section Unit 3 The giant panda is a well known species that is being driven to extinction by habitat loss. It has become one of the most endangered mammals in the world, with only 1,600 of them left. Although they have been protected from hunting and on the Endangered Species list since 1984, pandas are still disappearing.

Their problem is complex. The giant panda eats bamboo and only bamboo. They eat 13 to 36 kilograms of bamboo a day.

Resources taken from:

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Quiz 2 resources Units 4-6

Stages in life - Work -Technology

Cloze dictation section (Part 2)

Teenagers today are undergoing lots of changes. They are between the ages of 13 to 19. Many of them are undergoing physical and emotional changes.

The teenage life is full of happiness, sadness, enjoyment and it can be interesting too. This is because in the teenage life that a teenager is subjected to physical growth, hormonal changes and even dilemmas. They may be in a stage of conflict like undergoing puppy love.

The teenager should enjoy life by making friends with peers and participate in healthy activities such as camping, picnic, kayaking, swimming and so on. Through friends, a teenager learns to joke, laugh and play to release stress and tension.

Dicto comp section (part 2)

We would like to invite you to the coming birthday party of our son Francis John Waltz Jr. as he is celebrating his first birthday. The said party will be on the date and place mentioned above. It is a great honour for us to see you with your family at the party. Please

do confirm your attendance before the event in the given number so that we will arrange the service accordingly.

Cloze dictation Unit 4

Every day Brad wakes up at 6:00 o’clock, but he gets up at 6:10. Then he goes to the bathroom and shaves, after that he has a shower. Then he irons his uniform and after gets dressed. At 6:30 he has breakfast. He eats fruit with yoghurt and granola, bread and butter with some ham and cheese. He drinks coffee and some orange juice.

He leaves the house at 7’oclock. He goes to work by car. It takes him 30 minutes to get to work. He starts work at 7:40. When he arrives at the station he has another coffee while he gets updates of the previous night. He checks his e-mails and passes the report to the radio station. After that he checks his equipment to start work in the streets. At 12 o’clock he has lunch. After lunch he goes out to the roads to work. There he monitors the roads, help people in accidents, writes tickets and arrests thieves.

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Dicto –comp section Unit 6

Nowadays there are millions of apps for your mobile phone. Most of them are very useful. We have applications for many different uses such as checking the weather, manage your shopping list, meet people or organize your day. You can even use them to learn English by downloading dictionaries or games like the ones from the British Council, Duolingo or Babbel and compete with your friends. The advantages of these programs are many: you can use them everywhere, they are attractive for teenagers, and they are very easy to use.

Picture dictation section (Teacher`s ideas while describing the pictures)

Resources taken from:



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Anexos 1Certificacion de la aplicación de la propuesta.

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Anexo 2: Instrumentos y validaciones

Pre –test



Objetivo El presente instrumento tiene como objetivo medir el grado de comprensión auditva estudiantes del nivel

B1 Pre-intermediate de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del Centro de Idiomas de la universidad Regional

Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes” provincia de Tungurahua en el periodo Mayo – Septiembre 2017.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the instructions carefully before answering them.

1.- Listen to your teacher for the first time and take notes about Anita`s journey to work.

2.- Listen to your teacher and complete the text about Jack`s routines . Write ONE word in each gap.

Jack, age 18 From Monday to Friday, Jack is a very 2.1._________person. He studies all day, and works in a restaurant in the 2.2__________. At the weekend, he usually relaxes at home with his family, watching 2.3._________ films on Tv, listening to 2.4.__________ music CDs, and reading. He`s 2.5._________ an old Volkswagen Beetle, and he sometimes drives 2.6.__________ the mountains with his girlfriend Jo, and they go . 7.__________. Jack has to get up 2.8.___________, so he goes to bed early, too – usually 2.9.__________ his parents or his 15-year-

old 2.10.__________ Amanda.

Subject: English Date:

Level: Level 3 Pre-Intermediate Room:

Teacher’s name: Lic. Ma. Alejandra Nuñez Academic period: May-September 2017

Student’s name:

Taking notes section.












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3.- Listen and choose the right answer to some question about Jack`s routines.

3.1.-Jack is … a) a doctor. b) a student c) a musician

3.2.-Jack enjoys… a) watching Tv , listening to music and reading. b) relaxing at home and driving a car. c) going to the mountains and visiting his girlfriend.

3.3.-Jack usually gets up early so … a) he goes walking with Jo. b) he goes to bed before his parents and sister. c) he watches Tv until mid-night.

4.- After listening about Kate`s routines, answer the following questions.

4.1.-Where does Kate go during the day? a) goes to school b) studies c) walks

4.2.- Does Kate live near the center? a) No, she doesn`t. b) Yes, she does. c) perhaps

4.3.- How often does Kate watch Tv? a) always b) never. c) sometimes

5.- Listen to Anita`s journey to work again and answer some questions, you can use your notes on exercise

5.1.- Where does Anita live? Anita lives in ___________ 5.2.-What does Anita do at 6.15? Anita ___________ 5.3.-What time does the train leave Bath? The train leaves Bath at __________ 5.4.-How does Anita get to her office?

Anita get to her office by _________

5.5.-How much does a return ticket cost?

Anita pays _________

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Pre-Test Resources

Jack and Kate`s routine.

Anita`s journey to work.

I live in a small village near Bath, in the west of England, but I work 180 kilometers away in London. I usually go to work by train. I get up at 6.15 every morning, get dressed and have a quick cup of coffee, and at 6.45, I get in the car and go to Bath station. The train leaves Bath at 7.15, and it arrives at Paddington Station in London just after 8.30. Then I take the underground to Piccadilly Circus, and I usually get to the office at about 9.15, so the whole journey takes about two and a half hours, and it`s the same in the evening. I usually get home at about 8.00. It`s quite expensive, too, a return ticket costs about $75.

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Post –Test



Objetivo El presente instrumento tiene como objetivo medir el grado de comprensión auditva estudiantes del nivel

B1 Pre-intermediate de la modalidad regular del idioma inglés del Centro de Idiomas de la universidad Regional

Autónoma de los Andes “Uniandes” provincia de Tungurahua en el periodo Mayo – Septiembre 2017.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the instructions carefully before answering them.

1.- Listen to your teacher for the first time and take notes about A night to remember, pay attention to some

specific details.

2.- Listen to your teacher and complete the text about My country Ecuador . Write ONE word in each gap.

Ecuador celebrates a2.1._________ tradition on the last day of the year. Ecuadorians

2.2__________mummies, called Años Viejos (Old Years) that are created to represent 2.3.__________

__________from the past year. Often these include political 2.4.__________or leaders that the creator of the

dummy may have disagreed with. The 2.5.__________are made of straw, newspaper, and old clothes, with

papier-mâché masks. Often they are also stuffed with 2.6.__________.. At midnight, the dummies are lit on

fire to 2.7.__________. burning away of the past year and welcoming of the New Year.

Subject: English Date:

Level: Level 3 Pre-Intermediate Room:

Teacher’s name: Lic. Ma. Alejandra Nuñez Academic period: May-September 2017

Student’s name:

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Other rituals are performed for the health, wealth, 2.8.__________. and protection of each member. These

rituals are the following: Twelve grapes: Each person eats twelve grapes before midnight, making a wish with

each grape.

Yellow underwear: One of the most popular traditions, yellow underwear are said to 2.9__________positive

energies for the New Year.

Suitcase: Walking around the block with the suitcase will bring the person the 2.10.__________ of their


3.- Listen and choose the right answer to some question about Changing your life.

3.1 They intended to do …… on the weekend.

a) work hard b) something fun c) something boring

3.2 They realized they wanted to …

a) save money every month.

b) have time to spend with friends.

c) stop working and travel.

3.3Colleagues and friends said…

a) like their idea.

b) their decision is difficult to understand.

c) it`s a good decision.

4.- After listening about Ann from Romania , answer the following questions.

4.1 What is she talking about?

a) people in a place b) best experience in life c) people

4.2 How is Wales?

a) expensive and clean b) big country c) green with lots of welcoming people

4.3 Catrin`s family was really nice so Ann is going to …

a) come back soon b) miss them c) buy a new ticket

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5.- Listen to a night to remember and answer some questions, you can use your notes on exercise

5.1- What was the reason for the event?


5.2-Where the event was?


5.3-What were people wearing?


5.4-What happened at the event?


5.5-How I felt at the end?


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Post - Test Resources

My country : Ecuador

Ecuador celebrates a unique tradition on the last day of the year. Ecuadorians elaborate dummies, called Años

Viejos (Old Years) that are created to represent people and events from the past year. Often these include political characters

or leaders that the creator of the effigy may have disagreed with. The dummies are made of straw, newspaper, and old

clothes, with papier-mâché masks. Often they are also stuffed with fire crackers. At midnight the dummies are lit on fire to

symbolize burning away of the past year and welcoming of the New Year.

Other rituals are performed for the health, wealth, prosperity and protection of each member. These rituals are the

following: Twelve grapes: Each person eats twelve grapes before midnight, making a wish with each grape.

Yellow underwear: One of the most popular traditions, yellow underwear are said to attract positive energies for

the New Year.

Suitcase: Walking around the block with the suitcase will bring the person the journey of their dreams.

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Changing your life

Rich and Amanda Ligato were professionals with successful careers. Every week, they worked hard.

They often intended to do something fun and exciting on the weekend but there was never time. One

day they asked themselves, “Is this all there is?”

They realized that they wanted to stop working and travel, or as Rich said, “buy our freedom”. First

they needed to save some money, so every month they lived on Rich`s salary and saved Amanda`s .

Then they bought a camper to travel from the tip of South America to Brazil. From there they hoped

to get to Africa on a container ship.

Colleagues at work found their decision difficult to understand. Even their closest friends thought they

were crazy, but finally the day came. They left home and started to live their dream.

A life changing experience

This has been one of the best experiences in my entire life. I think Wales is a very beautiful country

because it’s full of welcoming people and it’s very green. I had a lot of fun at school with the students

and with Catrin’s family. Her family is very friendly and I’m going to miss them a lot. This experience

has been more than I expected it to be and I will come back (soon hopefully)

(Ann from Romania)

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Investigador: Lic. Ma. Alejandra Núñez. Objetivo: Saber el criterio personal de los docentes en cuanto al uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva. Instrucciones: Leer detenidamente cada uno de los ítems y elija la mejor opción de respuesta.


1 Conocía sobre el uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la compresión auditiva del idioma Inglés como lengua extranjera.

2 Los pasos de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva en el aprendizaje del idioma Ingles.

3 Las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp ayudan en la comprensión auditiva individual del mensaje de cada estudiante.

4 Las actividades de la variación dicto-comp aportan en la comprensión auditiva al momento de realizar un trabajo en equipo.

5 El desarrollo de la técnica Dicto-comp influye en la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes.

6 Las actividades de Picture Dictation motivan a realizar la versión grafica del texto oral en base a información detallada.

7 La búsqueda de información específica se incrementa a través de las actividades desarrolladas en base a la técnica Cloze-dictation.

8 El desarrollo de las variaciones del “Dictogloss” aporta en la construcción del significado.

9 Las actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten desarrollar en los estudiantes sus micro habilidades en relación a la compresión auditiva.

10 El proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” influyen significativamente en la comprensión auditiva.

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Técnica “Dictogloss”

“Dictogloss” es un nuevo procedimiento en la enseñanza de un idioma extranjero, se lo diferencia

del dictado tradicional ya que el procedimiento y objetivos son absolutamente distintos. “Dictogloss”

es una actividad de dictado en el aula de clase, un actividad en la cual los estudiantes deben reconstruir

un texto corto a través de escuchar y anotar palabras clave mientras escuchan, palabras que luego

servirán como base para la reconstrucción del mismo. Al final de la etapa de dictado, la mayoría de los

estudiantes tendrá un pequeño número de palabras aisladas sin sentido, sin embargo luego de esta etapa

los estudiantes se reúnen en grupos y unirán cada uno de sus recursos para así lograr reconstruir la

versión original del texto. Finalmente todas las ideas serán analizadas y comparadas entre cada uno de

los integrantes del grupo para así después de diversas versiones, puntos de vista, análisis y comparación

los estudiantes estén conscientes del lenguaje que han utilizado.(Waynryb R.)

Variaciones de la Técnica “Dictogloss”

-Dictogloss- Es una técnica de dictado en la cual los estudiantes escuchan a su docente leer un texto

corto, a una velocidad de acuerdo al nivel de los estudiantes, toman apuntes para luego en un trabajo

colaborativo reconstruir la versión original del texto.

-Cloze Dictation.- Es una actividad de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la cual el docente entrega a los

estudiantes una versión escrita del texto en la que ciertas partes no están, los estudiantes deben escuchar

a su docente leer el texto y llenar los espacios en la versión escrita.

-Dicto-comp.- Actividad de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la que el docente lee un texto corto dos veces,

la primera vez los estudiantes escuchan para familiarizarse con la información, la segunda vez los

estudiantes escuchan por segunda vez y toman apuntes para luego en grupo compartir ideas y

reconstruir el texto.

-Pictogloss.- Esta actividad que consiste en un dictado en el cual los alumnos en vez de escribir textos

realizan un dibujo de cada frase dictada.

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Anexo 4: Ficha de validadores.

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Anexos 5: Tablas

Tabla 1: Descripción de la población


Control 8

Experimental 16

Total 24

Fuente: Registro secretaria - Language Center.

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 2: El uso de la técnica “Dictogloss” en la comprensión auditiva

Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 1 5 5 5

A veces 2 10 10 15

Rara vez 9 45 45 60

Nunca 8 40 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Page 174: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Tabla 3: Los pasos de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten el desarrollo de la comprensión auditiva.

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 4: Las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp ayudan en la comprensión auditiva

individual del mensaje.

Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 17 85 5 5

A veces 2 10 10 15

Rara vez 1 5 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 18 90 5 5

A veces 1 5 10 15

Rara vez 1 5 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Page 175: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Tabla 5: Las actividades relacionadas al Dicto-comp aportan en el desarrollo del trabajo


Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 17 85 5 5

A veces 3 15 10 15

Rara vez 0 0 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 6: Las actividades relacionadas al “Dicto-comp” son útiles para la competencia


Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 14 70 5 5

A veces 5 25 10 15

Rara vez 1 5 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Page 176: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Tabla 7: Las actividades de “Picture Dictation” motivan a realizar la versión grafica del texto

oral en base a información detallada.

Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 15 75 5 5

A veces 5 25 10 15

Rara vez 0 0 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 8: La búsqueda de información específica se incrementa a través de las actividades en base

al “Cloze-dictation”.

Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 14 70 5 5

A veces 5 25 10 15

Rara vez 1 5 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Page 177: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Tabla 9: Las variaciones del “Dictogloss” aporta en la construcción del significado.

Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 16 80 5 5

A veces 4 20 10 15

Rara vez 0 0 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 10: Las actividades de la técnica “Dictogloss” permiten desarrollar en los estudiantes sus

micro habilidades en relación a la compresión auditiva.

Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 14 70 5 5

A veces 6 30 10 15

Rara vez 0 0 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Page 178: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Tabla 11: El proceso de la técnica “Dictogloss” influyen significativamente en la comprensión


Ítem Escala Frecuencia Porcentaje Porcentaje válido Porcentaje acumulado


Siempre 17 85 5 5

A veces 3 15 10 15

Rara vez 0 0 45 60

Nunca 0 0 40 100

Total 20 100 100

Fuente: Encuesta docentes. (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 12 :Resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo experimental


x f (xf) (x - (x - fr

3,00 3,00 9,00 -1,38 1,90 18,75

4,00 6,00 24,00 -0,38 0,14 37,5

5,00 5,00 25,00 0,62 0,38 31,25

6,00 2,00 12,00 1,62 2,62 12,5


∑ 16,00 70,00 -3,90 5,06 100,00

Fuente: Pre-test cálculo de frecuencias (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Page 179: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Tabla 13: Resultados de la aplicación del pre-test grupo experimental


x f (xf) (x - (x - fr

3,00 2,00 6,00 -2,38 5,66 25

5,00 3,00 15,00 -0,38 0,14 37,5

6,00 1,00 6,00 0,62 0,38 12,5

8,00 2,00 16,00 2,62 6,86 25

∑ 8,00 43,00 0,48 13,06 100,00

Fuente: Pre-test cálculo de frecuencias (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 14: Resultados de la aplicación del post-test grupo experimental.


x f (xf) (x - (x - fr

8,00 4,00 32,00 -0,94 0,88 25

9,00 9,00 81,00 0,06 0,00 56,25

10,00 3,00 30,00 1,06 1,12 18,75

∑ 16,00 143,00 0,18 2,01 100,00

Fuente: Post -test cálculo de frecuencias (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Tabla 15: Resultados de la aplicación del post-test grupo control.


x f (xf) (x - (x - fr

5,00 1,00 5,00 -1,25 1,56 12,5

6,00 4,00 24,00 -0,25 0,06 50

7,00 3,00 21,00 0,75 0,56 37,5

∑ 8,00 50,00 -0,75 2,19 100,00

Fuente: Post -test cálculo de frecuencias (Excel)

Elaborado por: Ma. Alejandra Núñez.

Page 180: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Tabla 16: Tabulación de resultados prueba de confiabilidad.

ITEMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0,21

2.1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0,26

2.2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0,26

2.3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0,26

2.4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0,21

2.5 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0,24

2.6 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0,27

2.7 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0,27

2.8 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0,24

2.9 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0,27

2.10 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,12

3.1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0,21

3.2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0,27

3.3 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0,21

4.1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0,27

4.2 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0,26

4.3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0,24

5.1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0,26

5.2 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0,24

5.3 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0,17

5.4 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0,27

5.5 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0,27

16 14 14 12 13 13 14 15 13 15 11 11 9 17 14

K 22

VI 8

VT 0,27


Page 181: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Anexo 6: Plan de Intervención.

Week 1 - Day 1

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 1 Transport

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 1

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of students: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice means of transport.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary about means of transport: by land, by water, by air, by rail.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: flat tire, oil change.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about Transport, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Lic. Ma. Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

Life 3 - Unit 1 Transportation


To describe animal transportation using comparatives and give opinions about it. To develop critical thinking by describing ancient transportation in the world. To identify differences about journeys and transportation. To write notes and messages to develop quick communication.

To discuss about Indian railroads by describing people’s transportation, Cloze Dictation section (Day 1)

Part 1: You are going to hear the names of some means of transport. Decide which group they belong to and write in the boxes of the diagram below.


Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the text about Transport in a city. Write ONE word in each gap.

My name is Mohamed Hamad. I live in Lakemba. I 1._________from Syria seven years ago. I came on a 2.__________ I am 3.__________ English at AMES Bankstown. I get to school 4._________ bus every day. I can 5.__________ now. I have a red 6.__________. I drive it for shopping. I also take my 7._________ out in the car on the weekend. I do not like driving in 8._________. There are too many cars on the road. It is difficult to find 9.__________ too, so I usually take a 10._________to the City.




Means of Transportation

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about transport and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short


Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to

complete a chart about means

of transport.

Teacher reads a short text

and students are going to

classify transport in the right


Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

the written version of the text

with some missing words.

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words

Teacher reads students a

short text about Transport in

a city.


Students to pay attention and

complete the text.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


Teacher asks students to read

their text and correct the

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for

reconstruction stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


Page 184: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 1 Transport

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 2

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about transportation nouns.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary about transportation nouns: rush hour, commuters, speed limit, pedestrians, traffic jam

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: commuting, afford, buggy cart.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about Transport, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Day 2 Part 1. Read the definitions and find out the right option in the puzzle.

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

Commuting by car or by 1___________ ___________ is a daily necessity. People with their own cars use it to 2.-___________ to work, to go shopping or to take the family out on

weekends For those who cannot drive or afford to buy their own vehicles, public transport 3___________these

commuters with their only means of transport. However, it seems that it will not be too long before our 4.__________will have to resort back to the horse

and buggy cart era if our politicians do not build better 5._________ or resolve the on-going oil crisis













DEFINIONS 1.- machines with engines to transport people. 2.-travel to work or to school everyday 3.-people traveling to work or to school at the same hour. 4.-a lot of vehicles on the road. 5.-road maintenance 6.-a place to fill your car with gas 7.- maximum speed you can drive 8.- people walking in a city.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires

concentration and

analysis. During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about transportation

nouns and prepare them

with some new

vocabulary ideas they

will hear by solving the

“Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to solve a

puzzle about transportation


Students read the definition

and find out the right word in

the puzzle.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

the some sentences, each

sentence has some missing


Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words.

Teacher reads students a

short text about the use of

public transport.

Students to pay attention and

complete the sentences.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


Teacher asks students to read

their sentences and correct

the students’ versions if they

are not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


Page 187: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 1 Transport

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 3

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about animal transportation.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the text.

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary about animal transportation: horse, camel, elephants, bulls, mules, asses.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: bullock-carts, bulls, mules, asses.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about animal transportation, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and




activities involves

listen to the teacher,

take notes, share

keywords and

reconstruct the

version of a short

text. It requires

concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and reconstruction


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to

reconstruct the text.

Finally, t students

get in groups, share

ideas, opinions, and

the teacher check

answers to analyze

the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about animal

transportation and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to get familiar with

the topic and the second

time to take notes on


Specific words to

reconstruct the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to solve a

puzzle about animal


Students complete some

sentences with specific ideas

about transport.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(Text reconstruction section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text three times, the first time

to get familiar with the topic,

the second time to take notes

about it and the last time to

check ideas.

Teacher reads students a

short text about the animal


Students to pay attention and

take some notes.

Teacher asks students to

share their notes with their


Teacher asks students to read

their version of the text, and

then teacher corrects

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


Page 189: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


(Day 3)

Dicto-comp (Dictogloss) section.

Part 1. Complete the following sentences.

-Name any two- land transport that have only two wheels.

__________________________ ___________________________

-Name any two-air means of transport.

__________________________ __________________________

-Name any three animals that are used as transport.

___________________ __________________ ________________

-Name any two means of transport that are cheap to use.

__________________________ ___________________________

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about Animal transportation.

Use your notes and write about Animal transportation

Taking notes section.












Anita`s journey to work.












Page 190: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Day 4

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 1Transport

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 4

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about transport.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the text.

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary about animal transportation: cow, pig, milk, grass, pig, dirtiest animal, everything

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as:

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about Transport, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and



Picture dictation

activity asks students

to listen to the

teacher, take notes

and draw the


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and the drawing


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to draw a


Finally, t students

get in groups, share

pictures, opinions,

and the teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about transport and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to take notes and

the second time find out

specific details about the


Specific details about

the character.

Let students share

pictures and compare

their versions, discuss

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by giving students specific

details about the characters.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(drawing section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

twice, the first time to take

notes, the second time to take

be sure about specific details

about the character.

Teacher reads students a

short text.

Students to pay attention,

take some notes, and draw.

Teacher asks students to

share their pictures with their


Teacher asks students to look

at their drawing version of

the text, and then teacher and

students look at the original

version of the picture;

students correct their

versions if they are not


5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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(Day 4) Picture dictation section.

1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary) (5 points)

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Taking notes section.


























Taking notes section.
























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Week 2

Day 1

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 2 Adventures

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 1

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice verbs and vocabulary ideas about adventures.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary about adventures: survive, desert, cross, camping, gear, search, tracker, stop, dead

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: camping gear

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about Australian Desert, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Lic. Ma. Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

Life 3 - Unit 2 Adventures


To describe adventures and personal qualities by using the simple past tense. To use the past continuous tense in order to talk about survival stories.

Cloze Dictation section (Day 1)

Part 1: Find out the right definition to each word.

______1.- survive A.- look for something or someone carefully. ______2.-desert B.- a person or animal that finds other people. ______3.-cross C.- no more living ______4.-camping D.- somewhere you stay for a short time in a tent. ______5.-gear E.- being alive after a dangerous situation. ______6.- search F.- equipment ______7.-trackers G.- a large area of land, without water, rain, trees ______8.- stop H.- suspend something ______9.- dead I.- move or travel to the other side of it. Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the text about Lost in the Australian Desert. Write ONE word in each gap.

Lost in the Australian Desert In 1999, an 1._________ tourist survived for 43 days in the 2.___________ desert without food or water. 33-year-old Robert Bogucki 3.__________ to cross the Great Sandy Desert. His plan was to 4.__________his bike and walk. He started on 11 July 1999, taking very 5.__________food and water with him. On 26 July, 6._________ found his bike and some of his camping gear, only about 35 kilometres from where he 7._________. The police immediately 8.__________a search for Bogucki, using trackers, planes and four-wheel-drive 9.___________. They stopped the search after 12 days, because they 10.__________ that Bogucki was probably dead.

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Day 2

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 2 Adventures

Name of the teacher:

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 2

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will practice vocabulary ideas related to Bogucki`s story.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: parents, fogs, helicopter, found, hospital, health, time. Plants.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: believed, team of trackers, empty, camp,

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills and reinforce

listening comprehension at the same time.


Short texts about Bogucki`s story (Found Alive) a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires

concentration and

analysis. During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to u

Students read the definition

and find out the right

scramble some letters to find

out verbs and nouns related

to Bogucki`s story.

Teacher monitors the activity

and checks student`s


Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

some sentences, each

sentence has some missing


Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words.

Teacher reads students a

short text about bogucki`s


Students pay attention and

complete the sentences.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


Teacher read the short text

for the third time and

students checks their ideas.

Teacher asks students to read

their sentences and Teacher

corrects the students’

versions if they are not ri

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction


Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage.

Teacher/ student


Page 197: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


(Day 2)

Part 1. Unscramble the letters to find out words related to Bogucki`s story.


Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

Found Alive Bogucki’s parents believed their son was 1._________ alive, so they got a team of trackers from America. They brought 2.___________-trained dogs, the team found new signs of him, including an empty water

bottle, his notebook and his 3._________. On 23 August, a helicopter found Bogucki near his last camp and 4._________ him to hospital. Doctors said he was in 5.__________ good health Bogucki said he finished all his 6._________ a few days after he started. He stayed alive by 7.__________ plants and flowers.

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Day 3

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 2 Adventures

Name of the teacher:

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 2

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will practice vocabulary ideas about Adventures and Verbs in Past.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the text.

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: Simple past verbs (found, believed, got, brought, took, said, was, finished, stayed)

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: team, trained dogs, signs, tent.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.


Short texts about found alive , a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and




activities involves

listen to the teacher,

take notes, share

keywords and

reconstruct the

version of a short

text. It requires

concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and reconstruction


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to

reconstruct the text.

Finally, t students

get in groups, share

ideas, opinions, and

the teacher check

answers to analyze

the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about adventures and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to get familiar with

the topic and the second

time to take notes on


Specific words to

reconstruct the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students find out

nine verbs in the simple past.

Student share ideas.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(Text reconstruction section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text three times, the first time

to get familiar with the topic,

the second time to take notes

about it and the last time to

check ideas.

Teacher reads students a

short text about Found Alive.

Students pay attention and

take some notes.

Teacher asks students to

share ideas with their

classmates and create a

version of the text using their


Teacher asks students to read

their version of the text, and

then teacher corrects

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction


Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage.

Teacher/ student


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(Day 3)

Dicto-comp (Dictogloss) section.

Part 1. Find out nine verbs in the Simple Past.

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about Bogucki`s story.

Use your notes and write about Bogucki`s story.

Taking notes section.











Bogucki`s story. _________________________________________________________________________________










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Day 4

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 2 Adventures

Name of the teacher:

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 4

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to create the picture version.

Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the character

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the picture.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their picture.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while sharing different pictures.

• Students must follow instructions to solve the activity.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: helicopter, SOS, mountains, on the right, on the left, above, tourist, lost, big, shorts, bag,, hat

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.


Short texts about asking for help, a lost tourist, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and



Picture dictation

activity asks students

to listen to the

teacher, take notes

and draw the


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and the drawing


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to draw a


Finally, t students

get in groups, share

pictures, opinions,

and the teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

to prepare them with

some new vocabulary

ideas they will hear by

solving the “Dictogloss”


To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to take notes and

the second time find out

specific details about the


Specific details about

the character.

Let students share

pictures and compare

their versions, discuss

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by giving students specific

details about the characters.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(drawing section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

twice, the first time to take

notes, the second time to take

be sure about specific details

about the character.

Teacher reads students a

short text.

Students pay attention, take

some notes, and draw.

Teacher asks students to

share their pictures with their


Teacher asks students to look

at their drawing version of

the text, and then teacher and

students look at the original

version of the picture;

students correct their

versions if they are not

similar to the original one.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction


Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage.

Teacher/ student


Page 203: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


(Day 4) Picture dictation section.

1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Taking notes section.


























Taking notes section.


























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Week 3

Day 1

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 3 The Environment

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nùñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 1

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas related with the environment.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary related with the environment: recycle, wood, second, friendly, sea, made, leather

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as residents, recycle, recyclable, leftovers, eggshells.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about the environment, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about the environment

and prepare them with

some new vocabulary

ideas they will hear by

solving the “Dictogloss”


To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to solve a

crossword puzzle by reading

the definitions provided by

the teacher. Teacher and

students checks and share

ideas to find out right


Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

the written version of the text

with some missing words.

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words

Teacher reads students a

short text about Recycling.


Students to pay attention and

complete the text.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


Teacher asks students to read

their text and correct the

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for

reconstruction stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


Page 206: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada




Lic. Ma. Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

Life 3 - Unit 3 The Environment


-To identify environmental issues in order to express thoughts and opinions according to the B1 C.E.F. Level. -To develop listening skills and talk about recycling by using vocabulary related to household items and quantifiers. (Day 1) Cloze Dictation section

Part 1: Complete the crossword with the words missing in the sentences.

Down 1.-This campaign is helping to raise AWARENESS of recycling. 3.-Our company must produce more eco_________products in the future.

Across 2.-They make all their furniture from good quality _________ 4.-Skin from cows is used to make __________for clothing. 5.-These drinks cans are ___________of aluminium. 6.-Pollution in the Pacific Ocean kills birds, fish and other___________ life. 7.-I buy most of my clothes from ___________- hand shops. 8.-You should___________ all your waste paper.


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Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the following conversation. Write ONE word in each gap.

Julie: Tell me about this new recycling project in your area. Did 1.___________residents come to the meeting? Elisa: Oh yes, there were 2. ____________of people. Most seemed excited too. The idea is to recycle rubbish we now throw away, mainly because we think it is not recyclable. Julie: Stuff that is not plastic, glass and paper? What, then? Give me 3. ___________examples. Elisa: Well, 4.___________food leftovers like vegetable peel, coffee, eggshells and so on can easily be recycled. Even used tea bags are good for making compost! Julie: Mm – I do not drink 5.__________coffee or tea at all, but I see your point. Isn’t it difficult to do this every day, though? Elisa: Not at all! All it takes is 6.___________time and effort. Have a look at this leaflet – it’s all in there!

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Day 2

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 3 The Environment

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 2

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about quantifiers / the environment.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary about quantifiers / environment / recycling: : much, many, some, a lot of.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: recycling bags, pollution, soil, ozone layer, industrial waste

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about the environment and the use of quantifiers, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the


Page 209: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada



Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires

concentration and

analysis. During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about the use of

quantifiers with some

with some new

vocabulary ideas they

will hear by solving the

“Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to read

some sentences about


Students find out the right

quantifier according to the

noun in the sentence.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

some sentences, each

sentence has some missing


Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words.

Teacher reads students a

short text about recycling

Students pay attention and

complete the sentences with

the missing words.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


Teacher asks students to read

their sentences and correct

the students’ versions if they

are not right or some words

are wrong.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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(Day 2)

Part 1. Circle the correct option. (Environment) .

1.-I do not need so much / so many plastic bottles. 2.-There is a little / a few money left. 3.-I put a / some water in the fridge. 4.-We do not have some / any recycling bags. 5.-There is a lot of / many air pollution in our city. 6.-How much / many plastic is recycled? Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

-There are many 1._________ problems nowadays, mainly because of 2.___________. -It is the 3.___________ of air, water and soil by different materials that interfere with human 4.__________ and quality of life. -The emissions form 5.__________ and 6.__________, including cars, are big causes of air pollution. -Using 7.___________ have bad effects on the ozone layer, which protects life on Earth from ultraviolet 8.____________. -Water is also 9.____________ from pollution by domestic, municipal and industrial waste. -We all should be 10.____________ friendly!

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Day 3

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 3 The Environment

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 3

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about environmental problems.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the text.

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: ruined, drown, floods, die, droughts, warmer, global warming

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: submersion, collapse, rainfall, average, atmospheric

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts an environmental problem in a city located in Arkansas, a worksheet with the activities prepared by

the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and interaction



activities involves

listen to the

teacher, take

notes, share

keywords and

reconstruct the

version of a short

text. It requires

concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s


knowledge on the



provides students

a worksheet with

two sections,

taking notes

section and



Then students

listen to the

teacher and take

notes to

reconstruct the


Finally, t students

get in groups,

share ideas,

opinions, and the

teacher check

answers to

analyze the

students’ listening





Analysis and


Teacher introduces

the activity by giving

students clear and

short instructions

about the activities

they are going to

solve and at the same

time solving the

warm-up activity

refresh student`s

knowledge and

prepare them with

some new vocabulary

ideas they will hear

by solving the

“Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill

in learners, teacher

asks students to take

notes, and then

teacher reads the text

twice, the first time to

get familiar with the

topic and the second

time to take notes on


Specific words to

reconstruct the short


Let students share

ideas and compare

their versions, discuss

answers and correct

possible mistakes.

Teacher introduces the

topic by asking students

read some definitions and

find out the right word,

choosing one word from

the box.

Teacher monitors the

activity and checks right


Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet

with two parts, section 1

(Taking notes section),

section 2 (Text

reconstruction section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read

the text three times, the

first time to get familiar

with the topic, the second

time to take notes about it

and the last time to check


Teacher reads students a

short text about the


Students pay attention

and take some notes.

Teacher asks students to

share their notes with

their classmates and

reconstruct their version

of the text.

Teacher asks students to

read their version of the

text, and then teacher

corrects students’

versions if they are not


5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student interaction.

Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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(Day 3)

Dicto-comp (Dictogloss) section.

Part 1. Complete the definitions with one word from the box.

-die through submersion of water -collapse or disintegrate -increasing in power or influence -to stop living -covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems

-have the same opinion -a city located in Arkansas, United States -high temperature -low rainfall over the land -an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about the environment.

Use your notes and write about the environment.

Taking notes section.














The Environment.
















banks ruined. drown floods die droughts warmer rising global warming agree

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Day 4

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 3 The Environment

Name of the teacher:

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 4

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to create the picture version.

Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the character

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the picture.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their picture.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while sharing different pictures.

• Students must follow instructions to solve the activity.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: hand, plant, land, green leaves, between, world

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.


Short texts about the environment, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and



Picture dictation

activity asks students

to listen to the

teacher, take notes

and draw the


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and the drawing


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to draw a


Finally, t students

get in groups, share

pictures, opinions,

and the teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

to prepare them with

some new vocabulary

ideas they will hear by

solving the “Dictogloss”


To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to take notes and

the second time find out

specific details about the


Specific details about

the character.

Let students share

pictures and compare

their versions, discuss

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by giving students specific

details about the characters.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(drawing section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

twice, the first time to take

notes, the second time to take

be sure about specific details

about the character.

Teacher reads students a

short text.

Students pay attention, take

some notes, and draw.

Teacher asks students to

share their pictures with their


Teacher asks students to look

at their drawing version of

the text, and then teacher and

students look at the original

version of the picture;

students correct their

versions if they are not

similar to the original one.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction


Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage.

Teacher/ student


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(Day 4) Picture dictation section.

1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Taking notes section. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Week 4

Day 1

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 4 Stages in life

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 1

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas related with stages in life and celebrations.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary related with celebrations: music, candles, parade, costume, mask

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as : excited, building, holding, threw

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about an Alien blog, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Lic. Ma. Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

Life 3 - Unit 4 Stages in life. Objectives: To analyze life events stages in life celebrations in order to invite, accept and decline invitation

according to the B1 C.E.F. Level.

(Day 1) Cloze Dictation section Part 1: Find eight words related to celebrations.

Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the following paragraph about an Alien blog. Write ONE word in each gap.

The other day I stopped in front the door of a very tall 1___________, which looked very old. Suddenly, nicely dressed people started to 2___________ and enter the building. Everyone got excited when a car arrived and a smartly dressed man got out. The man went into the building, 3__________, and waited.

After about half an hour a white car arrived. It was full of flowers and 4___________. A woman in a very big white dress got out. (It was so big that she needed the help of two children to walk.) She also carried a 5____________of flowers and her face was covered with a white 6___________. When she arrived, everyone got very excited and they started to play 7__________ inside the building. The woman went into the building 8____________ the arm of a man who was in the car with her. After a while, the woman 9____________out again, but this time she was holding the arm of the other man. They were very happy and when they left the building, everyone threw 10__________ at them. I think it was uncooked.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of the

text with the missing


Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-up

activity refresh student`s

knowledge about the

environment and prepare

them with some new

vocabulary ideas they

will hear by solving the

“Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to find out

eight words related to

celebrations in the puzzle.

Teacher and students checks

and share ideas to check right


Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

the written version of the text

with some missing words.

Teacher explains students that

she is going to read the text

twice and they have to find

out the missing words

Teacher reads students a short

text about an Alien blog.

Students to pay attention and

complete the text.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


While teacher reads the text

for the third time, students

checks their ideas.

Teacher asks students to read

their text and correct the

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for

reconstruction stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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Day 2

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 4 Stages in life

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 2

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about adjectives to describe food, clothes, feelings and places.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary related to adjectives: beautiful, colorful, disgusting, dull, miserable, tasty, traditional, wonderful

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: ceremonial meals, stews, burial, reburial, circumcision, newborn,

sacrifice, humpback, beverages, prestige, cattle, ancestors.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about Food, customs at Ceremonial occasions, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the


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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires

concentration and

analysis. During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about the use of

quantifiers with some

with some new

vocabulary ideas they

will hear by solving the

“Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to write

the adjectives next to the

subjects they can describe.

Students find out adjectives

to describe food, clothes,

feelings and places.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

some sentences, each

sentence has some missing


Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words.

Teacher reads students a

short text about Food,

customs at ceremonial


Students pay attention and

complete the sentences with

the missing words.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


While teacher reads the text

for the third time, students

check their answers.

Teacher asks students to read

their sentences and correct

the students’ versions if they

are not right.

5’ for preparation


Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


Page 222: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


(Day 2)

Part 1. Write the adjectives next to the subjects they can describe. Sometimes, more than on adjective is possible.

Food: ___________________________________________________________ Clothes:_________________________________________________________ Feelings:_________________________________________________________ Place:___________________________________________________________

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words.

Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions.

For ceremonial meals and 1__________ occasions, extra meat is added to stews depending on a family's financial ability,

2__________ceremonies such as burials, reburials, circumcision, tomb building, first hair cutting, and the coming out of the house of a newborn often involve the sacrifice of at least one zebu, a local breed of humpback cow.

Many families will serve one of several local 3__________alcoholic beverages such as palm wine, grain alcohol, rum, or beer.

Family and friends participate in some aspect of 4__________ ceremonial preparations. A person or family's adherence to 5___________ protocol pays respect to one's ancestors. The ultimate show of prestige is the 6___________to provide sacrificial cattle for ceremonies. The

number of cattle slaughtered indicates the level of prosperity and the intent of honoring ancestors.

beautiful colorful disgusting dull excited great historic massive miserable

tasty traditional wonderful

Page 223: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


Day 3

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 4 Stages in life

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 3

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about wedding traditions.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the text.

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: knot, rituals, traditions, veil, rhyme

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: culture, laundry list, old rhyme, borrowed, white dress, veil.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short text about wedding rituals, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and




activities involves

listen to the teacher,

take notes, share

keywords and

reconstruct the

version of a short

text. It requires

concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and reconstruction


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to

reconstruct the text.

Finally, t students

get in groups, share

ideas, opinions, and

the teacher check

answers to analyze

the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to get familiar with

the topic and the second

time to take notes on


Specific words to

reconstruct the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to find out

knot, rituals, traditions, veil

and rhyme in the puzzle. Ss

use their dictionary to find

out the meaning of the


Teacher monitors the activity

and checks right answers.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(Text reconstruction section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text three times, the first time

to get familiar with the topic,

the second time to take notes

about it and the last time to

check ideas.

Teacher reads students a

short text about the


Students pay attention and

take some notes.

Teacher asks students to

share their notes with their

classmates and reconstruct

their version of the text.

While teacher reads the text

again Ss check their version.

Teacher asks students to read

their version of the text, and

then teacher corrects

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


Page 225: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada


(Day 3)

Dicto-comp (Dictogloss) section. Part 1. Find out the following words in the puzzle and use your dictionary to find out their meaning.

KNOT _________________

RITUALS _________________

TRADITIONS ______________

VEIL _________________


Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about wedding rituals.

Use your notes and write about wedding rituals.


Taking notes section.













______ Wedding Rituals __________________________________________________________________________________















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LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 4 Stages in life.

Name of the teacher:

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 4

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to create the picture version.

Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the character

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with their classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the picture.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their picture.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while sharing different pictures.

• Students must follow instructions to solve the activity.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: computer, brain, desk, chair, in front of, couple, white dress, black suit, holding hands, heart

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.


Short texts about the environment, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

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(Day 4) Picture dictation section.

1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Taking notes section.


Taking notes section.


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Week 5

Day 1

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 5 Work

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 1

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas related with jobs and workplaces.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary related with jobs and workplaces.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as retires, workers, assistant, essential.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about a job, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about the environment

and prepare them with

some new vocabulary

ideas they will hear by

solving the “Dictogloss”


To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to find out

seven words related to jobs

and workplaces in the snake.

Teacher and students checks

and share ideas to check right


Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

the written version of the text

with some missing words.

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words

Teacher reads students a

short text about a job.

Students to pay attention and

complete the sentences to

complete the crossword with

the missing words.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


While teacher reads the text

for the third time, students

checks their ideas.

Teacher asks students to read

their text and correct the

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for

reconstruction stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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Lic. Ma. Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

Life 3 - Unit 5 Work

Objective: To analyze and compare what involves a job in order to express thoughts and opinions according to

the B1 level of the C.E.F.

(Day 1) Cloze Dictation section

Part 1: Find out seven words related to jobs and workplaces.

Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the crossword with the missing words from the sentences.

Down 1. His job is tiring because of the long _____ hours. 3. This job offers you 20 days`______ per year. 4. He will get a _____ when he retires. 6. They will pay her a much higher _____ if she becomes an assistant manager.

Across 2. The company gives _____ to new workers. 5. She gets on well with her _____ in the office. 7. ______ is essential when you work in a group.

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LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 5 Work

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 2

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about action verbs for a resume.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary related to action verbs: advised, assisted, designed, represented, supervised, planned and


Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: part- time work, factory management, pass, assistant, complaints.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about a letter of application, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires

concentration and

analysis. During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about the use of action

verbs in some sentences

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to

complete 6 sentences with

the action verbs given.

Teacher provides Ss a

worksheet with some

sentences, each sentence has

a missing word.

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words.

Teacher reads students a

short text about a job


Students pay attention and

complete the sentences with

the missing words.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


While teacher reads the text

for the third time, students

check their answers.

Teacher asks students to read

their sentences and correct

the students’ versions if they

are not right.

5’ for preparation


Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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(Day 2) Part 1. Look at these sentences and complete them with the following action verbs.

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the sentences with the most suitable words. Letter of application

I would like to 1._________ for the post of Personnel Officer with Anglia Bank, as 2.__________ in the Daily News on 10 October. I have a BA in French from the University of London. I am following a part-time 3.__________ in Personnel Management at the Oxford College of Management, and I hope to pass the Diploma in Personnel Management at the end of December. When I left university, I 4._________ for a year in a computer company near Cambridge. Then I 5._________ back to London to work as a French teacher in a large school, where I stayed for two years. During this time, I did some part-time work as a language 6._________ with factory managers, which I very much enjoyed. Three years ago, I 7.___________ Carter’s Bank, where for the past year I have worked as Assistant Personnel Officer, dealing mainly with complaints from members of staff. Having worked in a similar organization to yours, I feel I am fully 8.____________ for the challenges of this job. Yours faithfully Angela Varley

advised assisted designed represented supervised planned and organized

1.-I __________ the manager with some offie duties. 2.- As a student counselor I __________ students in planning future career paths. 3.- I am good at designing websites, so I _________ a new website for the company. 4.- I _________ travel arrangements. 5.- I did lots of trade fairs so I __________ the company at trade fair events. 6.- At the company I _________ a team of four.

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Day 3

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 5 Work

Name of the teacher:

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 3

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will practice vocabulary ideas about experiences in a job.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the text.

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: classify specific ideas with for / since

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: lifeguard, rewarding, assaulted, sunburned, quit.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.


Short text about ,Albert a lifeguard, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and




activities involves

listen to the teacher,

take notes, share

keywords and

reconstruct the

version of a short

text. It requires

concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and reconstruction


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to

reconstruct the text.

Finally, t students

get in groups, share

ideas, opinions, and

the teacher check

answers to analyze

the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to get familiar with

the topic and the second

time to take notes on


Specific words to

reconstruct the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to classify

the words in the box in the

right group. (For / Since)

Teacher monitors the activity

and checks right answers.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(Text reconstruction section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text three times, the first time

to get familiar with the topic,

the second time to take notes

about it and the last time to

check ideas.

Teacher reads students a

short text about Albert a


Students pay attention and

take some notes.

Teacher asks students to

share their notes with their

classmates and reconstruct

their version of the text.

While teacher reads the text,

again Ss check their version.

Teacher asks students to read

their version of the text, and

then teacher corrects

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction


Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage.

Teacher/ student


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(Day 3) Dicto-comp (Dictogloss) section. Part 1. Classify the words in the box in the right group FOR/SINCE.

Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about

Use your notes and write about Albert a lifeguard.

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 7 Work.

Taking notes section. _________________________________________________________________________________


























2011 26th August a long time days I was born June several weeks three years

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Name of the teacher: Title of the unit: Unit 5 Work

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 4

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to create the picture

version. Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the character

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with their classmates to check right


• Students will reconstruct the picture.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their picture.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while sharing different pictures.

• Students must follow instructions to solve the activity.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: suit, tie, briefcase, glasses, moustache, beard, sign.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.


Short texts about people wearing casual clothes for a job, a worksheet with the activities prepared by

the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and



Picture dictation

activity asks students

to listen to the

teacher, take notes

and draw the


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and the drawing


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to draw a


Finally, t students

get in groups, share

pictures, opinions,

and the teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

to prepare them with

some new vocabulary

ideas they will hear by

solving the “Dictogloss”


To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to take notes and

the second time find out

specific details about the


Specific details about

the character.

Let students share

pictures and compare

their versions, discuss

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by giving students specific

details about the characters.

Before reading, teacher

Provides Ss a worksheet with

two parts, section 1 (Taking

notes section), section 2

(drawing section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

twice, the first time to take

notes, the second time to take

be sure about specific details

about the character.

Teacher reads students a

short text.

Students pay attention, take

some notes, and draw.

Teacher asks students to

share their pictures with their


Teacher asks students to look

at their drawing version of

the text, and then teacher and

students look at the original

version of the picture;

students correct their

versions if they are not

similar to the original one.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction


Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage.

Teacher/ student


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(Day 4) Picture dictation section.

1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1. Your picture

Picture 2. Your picture

Taking notes section.


Taking notes section.


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Week 6

LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 6 Technology

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 1

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas related to inventions.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text.

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary related with inventions and technology terms.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as : bored, programmed, software, creative mind , word processor,

button, torch.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about inventions and technology, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about inventions and

technology to prepare

them with some new

vocabulary ideas they

will hear by solving the

“Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to

unscramble the letters to find

out words related to

inventions. Teacher and

students checks and share

ideas to check right answers

and find out the hidden word.

Teacher provides Ss a

worksheet with the written

version of the text with some

missing words. Teacher

explains students that she is

going to read the text twice

and they have to find out the

missing words Teacher reads

students a short text about


Students to pay attention and

complete the sentences.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


While teacher reads the text

for the third time, students

checks their ideas.

Teacher asks students to read

their text and correct the

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for

reconstruction stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


Page 242: AUTORA: NÚÑEZ LIZANO MARÍA ALEJANDRA.i Autorización de la Autoría Intelectual Yo, María Alejandra Núñez Lizano, en calidad de autora del trabajo de investigación realizada




Lic. Ma. Alejandra Núñez Lizano.

Life 3 - Unit 8 Technology Objective: To show the importance of learning technology in order to describe its importance and

characteristics according to the B1 level of the C.E.F.

(Day 1) Cloze Dictation section

Part 1: Unscramble the letters to find words related to inventions. What is the hidden word?

Part 2: Listen to your teacher and complete the sentences with the missing verbs.

1.- Robots can`t __________ bored with their jobs.

2.- These machines are programed to __________ instructions.

3.- This software helps you to ___________ problems easily.

4.- You need a creative mind to be able to __________ things.

5.- I will ___________ my computer so I can check my emails.

6.- This word processor will notice when you _________ a spelling mistake.

7.- If you search the web, you should be able to _________ solutions to your problem.

8.- You have to __________ the button on the side of the torch to turn the light on.

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LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 6 Technology

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day: 2

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about technology terms.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to complete the given text

• Students will get in pairs to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another pair of students.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary related to technology.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: download, search, set up, subscribe, upload, username, password,

blog, podcast, .smartphones, sum up.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short texts about a letter of application, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and


Cloze dictation:

Cloze dictation

activities demands

students to listen to

the teacher and

complete a short text

with some missing

words, it requires

concentration and

analysis. During the lesson,

teacher firstly omit

some words in the


Secondly, provide a

written version of

the text with the

missing words.

Then students listen

to the teacher and

complete the text.

Finally teacher

check answers to

analyze the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge

about technology terms

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to read the short

text first, and then

teacher reads the text

twice while they are

focusing in missing

words from text.

Specific words to

complete the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to match

some verbs with the correct


Teacher provides Ss a

worksheet with the written

version of the text; each

sentence has a missing word.

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text twice and they have to

find out the missing words.

Teacher reads students a

short text about


Students pay attention and

complete the sentences with

the missing words.

Teacher asks students to

share their answers with their


While teacher reads the text

for the third time, students

check their answers.

Teacher asks students to read

their sentences and correct

the students’ versions if they

are not right.

5’ for preparation


Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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(Day 2)

Part 1. Match these verbs with the correct phrases.

9. _____________________ online gaming 10. _____________________ with your username and password 11. _____________________ photos to a social networking site 12. _____________________ the web for something 13. _____________________ a blog about your interests 14. _____________________ to a weekly podcast 15. _____________________ a new email account 16. _____________________ music from an online store

Part 2. Listen to your teacher, take notes and complete the paragraph with the missing words.


In little more than a 1.__________, mobile phone 2.__________ has changed a great deal. The smartphones of today are 3.___________ like the mobile phones of ten years ago.

First of all, 4.__________ are not just phones. For example, you can 5.__________information on them as well as send emails and 6.___________ the internet. Furthermore, they 7.__________ and MP3 player and a camera. In other words, they can be used for many different things.

On the other hand, smartphones are much more 8.___________ than ordinary mobile phones. As a result, it is much worse to 9.___________ a smartphone than an ordinary mobile.

To sum up, smartphones are very expensive. However, they are also very 10.___________.

do download log on search set up subscribe upload write

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LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 6 Technology

Name of the teacher: Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 3

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners: Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective: Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives: • At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives: • Students will practice vocabulary ideas about technology terms.

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to solve the activities prepared by

the teacher.

• Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the text.

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with the classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the text.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their reconstructions.

Attitudinal objectives: • Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while listening to different opinions.

• Students must follow instructions and answer some questions made by the teacher during the lesson.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: MP3 player, messaging, services, sending videos, cheaper, device, mobile phone.

Some new vocabulary ideas in context as: computer screen, chatting, downloading , texting, , multi-tasking.

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.

Materials: Short text about mobile phones and Lisa, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the teacher.

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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and




activities involves

listen to the teacher,

take notes, share

keywords and

reconstruct the

version of a short

text. It requires

concentration and


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s

previous knowledge

on the topic.

Secondly, provides

students a worksheet

with two sections,

taking notes section

and reconstruction


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to

reconstruct the text.

Finally, t students

get in groups, share

ideas, opinions, and

the teacher check

answers to analyze

the students’






Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

up activity refresh

student`s knowledge and

prepare them with some

new vocabulary ideas

they will hear by solving

the “Dictogloss” activity.

To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to get familiar with

the topic and the second

time to take notes on


Specific words to

reconstruct the short text.

Let students share ideas

and compare their

versions, discuss answers

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by asking students to use the

words in the box to complete

some missing words in the


Teacher monitors the activity

and checks right answers.

Tteacher provides Ss a

worksheet with two parts,

section 1 (Taking notes

section), section 2 (Text

reconstruction section).

Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

text three times, the first time

to get familiar with the topic,

the second time to take notes

about it and the last time to

check ideas.

Teacher reads students a

short text about Lisa.

Students pay attention and

take some notes.

Teacher asks students to

share their notes with their

classmates and reconstruct

their version of the text.

While teacher reads the text,

again Ss check their version.

Teacher asks students to read

their version of the text, and

then teacher corrects

students’ versions if they are

not right.

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction

stage. Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage. Teacher/ student


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(Day 3)

Dicto-comp (Dictogloss) section.

Part 1. Complete the paragraph with some words from the box.


Part 2. .Listen to your teacher, take some notes (key phrases), then write a paragraph about Lisa.

Use your notes and write about Lisa.

MP3 player Sending device services cheaper

messaging Videos mobile phone

Taking notes section. _________________________________________________________________________________



























A mobile telephone or cellular telephone (commonly, (1)________________ or cell phone) is a long range, portable electronic (2)____________ used for mobile communication. In addition to the standard voice function of a telephone, current mobile phones can provide many additional (3)______________ such as SMS for text (4)_______________, e-mail, packet switching for access to the Internet and MMS for (5)______________ and receiving photos and (6)____________. A mobile phone is more than just a phone for most teenagers: it’s also an (7)_______________ and a camera. Text messaging is (8)_____________ and more private so they use it a lot more than phoning.

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LESSON PLAN FORMAT Title of the unit: Unit 6 Technology.

Name of the teacher:

Ma. Alejandra Nuñez

Length of lesson: 20 minutes Total number of lessons: 4 Day : 4

Institution: Uniandes University

Class: Number of learners: 16

Average age of learners: Between 18 and 20 years old.

Level of learners:

Pre- Intermediate (Level 3)


General objective:

Reinforce students' listening comprehension using the “Dictogloss” technique.

Communicative objectives:

• At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

• Understand the message of the text.

• Understand in detail the ideas of the narration.

• Reconstruct the message using previous ideas

Procedural objectives:

• Students will listen to the teacher and find out specific information to create the picture version.

Students will write down keywords to reconstruct the version of the character

• Students will get in groups to share their keywords with their classmates to check right answers.

• Students will reconstruct the picture.

• Students will share their reconstructions with another group.

• Students will compare and contrast their picture.

Attitudinal objectives:

• Students share ideas with their classmates.

• Students will be friendly and respectful while sharing different pictures.

• Students must follow instructions to solve the activity.

Description of Language : Students are going to practice:

Vocabulary: bird, tree branch, cellphone, desk computer, hat, paint brush, painter palette, keyboard,

mouse, happy face, big smile

The “Dictogloss” listening activity presented will help Students to integrate the four skills.


Short texts about birds using technology, a cartoon computer, a worksheet with the activities prepared by the


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Variation of




Aim: Procedure:

Teacher and student


Time and



Picture dictation

activity asks

students to listen to

the teacher, take

notes and draw the


During the lesson,

teacher firstly

refresh student’s


knowledge on the


Secondly, provides

students a

worksheet with two

sections, taking

notes section and

the drawing


Then students listen

to the teacher and

take notes to draw a


Finally, t students

get in groups, share

pictures, opinions,

and the teacher

check answers to

analyze the

students’ listening





Analysis and


Teacher introduces the

activity by giving

students clear and short

instructions about the

activities they are going

to solve and at the same

time solving the warm-

to prepare them with

some new vocabulary

ideas they will hear by

solving the “Dictogloss”


To activate listening

comprehension skill in

learners, teacher asks

students to take notes,

and then teacher reads

the text twice, the first

time to take notes and

the second time find out

specific details about the


Specific details about

the character.

Let students share

pictures and compare

their versions, discuss

and correct possible


Teacher introduces the topic

by giving students specific

details about the characters.

Teacher provides Ss a

worksheet with two parts,

section 1 (Taking notes

section), section 2 (drawing


Teacher explains students

that she is going to read the

twice, the first time to take

notes, the second time to take

be sure about specific details

about the character.

Teacher reads students a

short text.

Students pay attention, take

some notes, and draw.

Teacher asks students to

share their pictures with their


Teacher asks students to look

at their drawing version of

the text, and then teacher and

students look at the original

version of the picture;

students correct their

versions if they are not

similar to the original one

5’ for preparation

stage Teacher/Ss interaction

5’ for dictation stage

5’ for reconstruction


Student/ student


Teacher/ student


5’ for analysis and

correction stage.

Teacher/ student


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(Day 4)

Picture dictation section. 1.- Listen to your teacher and draw about the characters. (Take notes if it`s necessary).

Picture 1.

Your picture

Picture 2.

Your picture

Taking notes section. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Taking notes section.


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Anexo 7: Resultados Pre-test y Post-test grupo experimental y control.




















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Anexo 8: Student`s Examples.



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