avenir next brochure

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Post on 12-Oct-2015




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  • Avenir If the future is a perspective, we should start designing it today.Wenn Zukunft eine Perspektive ist, dann sollte man in der Gegenwart damit beginnen, sie zu gestalten. Lavenir est une perspective? Alors commenons ds aujourdhui le concevoir.

    by AdrianFrutiger

    136+ 24

    Go for the Olympic spirit 13.8. 29.8.


    The source of the originals


  • Alles was wir heute tun, ist Grundlage Avenir Next Ultralight Condensed

    Everything we do today Cest aujourdhui

    Right from the beginning, I was convinced that Avenir is the better Futura.I share your opinion, but some weights have been missing to make Avenir an all-purpose typeface. You mean the condensed weights ?Yes, with this extension Im sure Avenir will then be able to cut its own path. Then we should get to work putting Avenir onto that path . . .Yes.

    Together with Akira Kobayashi, Type Director at Linotype, Adrian Frutiger has completely reworked the Avenir typefamily.

    Adrian Frutiger ber-arbeitete komplett in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Type Director der Linotype, Akira Kobayashi die Avenir Schriftfamilie.

    En troite collaboration avec Akira Kobayashi, Type Director chez Linotype, Adrian Frutiger a intgralement revu lAvenir.


    Akira Kobayashi

  • Alles was wir heute tun, ist Grundlage Avenir Next Condensed

    Adrian Frutiger Von Anfang an war ich davon berzeugt, dass die Avenir diebessere Futura sei. Akira Kobayashi Das sehe ich ebenso, aber es fehlen Schnitte, die die Avenir universeller einsetzbar machen. Sie meinen die Condensed Schnitte ? Ja, ich glaube schon, dass die Avenir mit dieser Erweiterung ihren Weg gehen wird. Dann machen wir uns an die Arbeit und bringen die Avenir auf den Weg . . . Ja.

    Adrian Frutiger Ds le dpart, jtais convaincu que lAvenir tait meilleur que le Futura. Akira Kobayashi Je suis daccord avec vous. Mais il manque des dclinaisons qui feraient de lAvenir un caractre multi-usage. Vous pensez aux dclinaisons troites ? Oui, avec ce complment, lAvenir devrait trouver sa voie plus aisment. Alors, quattendons-nous pour mettre lAvenir en route ? Rien !

    2 l 3 Avenir Next

    Right from the beginning, I was convinced that Avenir is the better Futura.I share your opinion, but some weights have been missing to make Avenir an all-purpose typeface. You mean the condensed weights ?Yes, with this extension Im sure Avenir will then be able to cut its own path. Then we should get to work putting Avenir onto that path . . .Yes.

  • fr morgen. Alles Gegenwrtige ist Avenir Next Medium Condensed

    is a foundation for tomorrow. que nous jetons les bases de lavenir.

    While Adrian Frutiger has created such famous typefaces as Univers or Frutiger, another matter has remained very close to his heart the design of his linear sans serif the Avenir.

    In 1988, the Swiss typeface designer first presented Avenir to the public, which already at that time marked an excellent alternative to other well known typefaces such as Futura or Avant Garde. Compared to the mere metric construction of other typefaces, Avenir was convincing because of its optical construction which lent it a more humane appearance, as seen, for instance, in the classically drawn a .

    Avenir was originally released with 6 weights for which Frutiger had carefully selected the increments in line thickness. In typographical practice, however, this proved to be a limiting factor, along with the missing bold weights. Hence, the true potential of Avenir as a contemporary typeface failed to be recognized.

    The love of linear symbols

    Adrian Frutiger has completely reworked the Avenir type family in close cooperation with Akira Kobayashi, Type Director at Linotype. The result is the Avenir Next with harmoniously incremented weights and matching condensed versions.

    Avenir Next comes in 4 typeface sets, Regular, Italic, Condensed and Condensed Italic, each equipped with 6 different stem weights. All 24 weights include true small caps and old style figures.

    Avenir Next thereby now offers an optimal balance of harmony and contrast. With the addition of the condensed variants, Avenir Next represents a full-fledged contem-porary grotesque, providing professional graphic designers with the greatest degree of typographical flexibility and optimal legibility.

    Obwohl Adrian Frutiger so berhmte Schrif-ten wie die Univers oder Frutiger schuf, lag ihm der Entwurf seiner Linear-Grotesk besonders am Herzen: die Avenir.

    1988 prsentierte der schweizer Schrift-gestalter die Avenir: schon damals eine hervorragende Alternative zu bekannten Schriften, wie beispielsweise der Futura oder der Avant Garde. Neben dem klassisch gezeichneten a berzeugte die Avenir von Anfang an durch ihre optische Konstruktion, die ihr ein humaneres Erscheinungsbild verlieh als es die rein metrisch konstruierten Schriften hatten.

    Die Avenir hatte damals 6 Schnitte. Ihre Strichstrkenabstufung wurde von Frutiger sehr fein gewhlt, was sich neben der fehlenden fetten Ausprgung als Hemmnis im typografischen Einsatz erwies. Die Avenir als zeitgenssische Schrift und ihr wahres Potenzial wurden verkannt.

    Die Liebe zum linearen Zeichen

    Adrian Frutiger berarbeitete komplett in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Type Director der Linotype, Akira Kobayashi, die Avenir. Entstanden ist die Avenir Next mit 6 harmonisch abgestuften Schnitten und den passenden Condensed-Versionen.

    Die Avenir Next ist mit 4 Garnituren in jeweils 6 verschiedenen Strichstrken ausgestattet: Regular, Italic, Condensed und Condensed Italic. Alle 24 Schnitte enthalten echte Kapitlchen und Medivalziffern.

    Die Avenir Next bietet nun ein Optimum an Harmonie und Kontrast. Mit der Erweiterung um die Condensed-Variante prsentiert sich die Avenir Next als eine moderne Groteske, die anspruchsvollen Designern ein grtmgliches Ma an typografischer Flexibilitt bei optimaler Lesbarkeit bietet.

    The Beautiful Strangeror why theres now an Avenir Next

    Die schne Unbekannteoder warum es eine Avenir Next gibt

    Avenir 35 LightAvenir 45 BookAvenir 55 RomanAvenir 65 MediumAvenir 85 HeavyAvenir 95 Black

    Avenir 35 Light ObliqueAvenir 45 Book OliqueAvenir 55 ObliqueAvenir 65 Medium ObliqueAvenir 85 Heavy ObliqueAvenir 95 Black Oblique

  • fr morgen. Alles Gegenwrtige ist

    4 l 5 Avenir Next

    Avenir Next UltralightAvenir Next RegularAvenir Next MediumAvenir Next DemiAvenirNextBoldAvenir Next Heavy

    Aprs avoir cr des familles trs renom-mes tel les Univers et Frutiger, concevoir une linale gomtrique tel lAvenir, tait un projet qui tenait particulirement cur Adrian Frutiger.

    Cest en 1988, que ce crateur de caractres suisse a prsent lAvenir, reconnu ds lors comme une parfaite alternative aux carac-tres Futura et Avant Garde. Outre le a de structure traditionnelle, lAvenir avait convaincu ds le dpart par son aspect plus humain et son quilibre optique; moins prsents dans les linales gomtriques habituelles.

    Conu ds le dpart en 6 sries, Frutiger avait choisi une graduation trs subtile des graisses. Malheureusement, dans les applications typographiques, cette qualit devint une limitation. Cette limite naida pas la reconnaissance du potentiel de lAvenir comme caractre contemporain.

    Lamour du linaire

    Adrian Frutiger a maintenant compltement retravaill lAvenir en troite collaboration avec Akira Kobayashi, Type Director, Linotype. Le rsultat est une famille offrant 6 graisses plus contrastes de lextra maigre au noir ainsi que leurs dclinaisons troites.

    LAvenir Next comprend 4 sries de base dclines dans 6 graisses: romain, italique, troit, troit italique. Chacunes des 24 graisses intgrant de vraies petites capitales et des chiffres minuscules dit elzviriens.

    LAvenir Next offre maintenant une excel-lente balance entre harmonie et contraste. Avec ses dclinaisons troites, lAvenir Next reprsente la linale gomtrique contemporaine par excellence. Sa flexibilit et sa lisibilit plaira aux graphistes les plus exigeants.

    Un bel inconnuou la raison dtre de lAvenir Next

    Avenir Next Ultralight ItalicAvenir Next ItalicAvenir Next Medium ItalicAvenir Next Demi ItalicAvenir Next Bold ItalicAvenir Next Heavy Italic

    Avenir Next Ultralight CondensedAvenir Next CondensedAvenir Next Medium CondensedAvenir Next Demi CondensedAvenir Next Bold CondensedAvenir Next Heavy Condensed

    Avenir Next Ultralight Condensed ItalicAvenir Next Condensed Italic Avenir Next Medium Condensed ItalicAvenir Next Demi Condensed ItalicAvenir Next Bold Condensed ItalicAvenir Next Heavy Condensed Italic

  • auf der Erfahrung aus der VergangAvenir Next Demi Condensed

    Everything in the present Le prsent repose sur







    SEBASTIAN HAD HIS LETTERS.He carefully took out the large, white envelope thatIT WAS A COLD, WINTRY MORNING IN DEC ember and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, he

    IT WAS A COLD, WINTRY MORNING IN DEC ember and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, he

    IT WAS A COLD, WINTRY MORNING IN DEcember and Sebastian of 29 Tumble down cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch,


    THE 364 nEW LETTERS are unattended. Feed them sparingly but a

    IT WAS A COLD, WINTRY MORNING in December and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up

    IT WAS A COLD, WINTRY MORNIN in December and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive

    IT WAS A COLD, WINTRY MORNIN in December and Sebastian of29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the


    Avenir Next Ultralight

    Avenir Next Regular

    Avenir Next Medium

    Avenir Next Demi


    12 pt 7/9,3 pt

    Avenir Next Heavy

    24/26 pt 9/10,6 pt







  • auf der Erfahrung aus der VergangAvenir Next Demi Condensed

    Everything in the present Le prsent repose sur

    6 l 7 Avenir Next

    7/9,3 pt 24/26 pt 9/10,6 pt 12 pt

    It was attached to the lid, opened it and read the note inside of theseIt was a cold, wintry morning in dec ember and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, he

    It was a cold, wintry morning in dec ember and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, he

    It was a cold, wintry morning in dec ember and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, he

    It was a cold, wintry morning in December and Sebastian of 29 Tum bledown cottage was eagerly awai ting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it

    Water them all ver well. Clean all that 4 characters thorough

    It was a cold, wintry morning in December and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive

    It was a cold, wintry morni ng in December and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up

    It was a cold, wintry morni ng in December and Sebasti an of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up

    It was a cold, wintry morn ing in December and Sebasti an of 29 Tumbledown cottag was eagerly awaiting the po st. He was already on his thi rd cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walkin







    Avenir Next Ultralight Italic

    Avenir Next Italic

    Avenir Next Medium Italic

    Avenir Next Demi Italic

    Avenir Next Bold Italic

    Avenir Next Heavy Italic







  • enheit aufgebaut. Alles ZuknftiAvenir Next Bold Condensed

    is built upon knowledge from the past. nos expriences du pass.

    12 pt 7/9,3 pt 24/26 pt 9/10,6 pt

    It was a cold, wintry morning in december and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walk ing up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, Seba stian was on the doorstep, arms out wide and grin ning with childish pleasure. Full of anticipation he

    It was a cold, wintry morning in december and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eager ly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arriv ed! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, Sebastian was on the doorstep, arms out wide and grinning with childish pleasure. Full of

    It was a cold, wintry morning in december and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, Sebastian was on the doorstep, arms out wide and grinning with childish

    It was a cold, wintry morning in decemb er and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cotta ge was eagerly awaiting the post. He was al ready on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, Sebas tian was on the doorstep, arms out wide and

    The 364 new letters are unattended. Feed them sparingly but water them

    It was a cold, wintry morning in dece mber and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had fin ally arrived! Even before the postman

    It was a cold, wintry morning in de cember and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledo wn cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had fin ally arrived! Even before the

    It was a cold, wintry morning in December and Sebastian of 29 Tum bledown cottage was eagerly await ing the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had fin ally arrived!

    It was a cold, wintry morning in December and Sebastian of 29 Tum bledown cottage was eagerly await ing the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had fin ally arrive

    Sebastian had his letters. he carefully took out the large, white env elope that was attached to the lid,







    Avenir Next Ultralight Condensed

    Avenir Next Condensed

    Avenir Next Medium Condensed

    Avenir Next Demi Condensed

    Avenir Next Bold Condensed

    Avenir Next Heavy Condensed







  • enheit aufgebaut. Alles ZuknftiAvenir Next Bold Condensed

    is built upon knowledge from the past. nos expriences du pass.

    8 l 9 Avenir Next

    It was a cold, wintry morning in december and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even be fore the postman had made it to the porch, Sebasti an was on the doorstep, arms out wide and grinning with childish pleasure. Full of anticipation he was at

    It was a cold, wintry morning in december and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eager ly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arriv ed! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, Sebastian was on the doorstep, arms out wide and grinning with childish pleasure. Full of

    It was a cold, wintry morning in december and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrived! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, Sebastian was on the doorsteparms out wide and grinning with childish pleasu

    It was a cold, wintry morning in december and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was al rea dy on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arriv ed! Even before the postman had made it to the porch, Sebastian was on the doorstep, arms out wide and grinn

    Clean all that characte thorough after use. Vowe ls are mischievous an ver

    It was a cold, wintry morning in dece mber and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledown cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had fin ally arrived! Even before the postman

    It was a cold, wintry morning in de cember and Sebastian of 29 Tumbledo wn cottage was eagerly awaiting the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar foot steps walking up the drive. His parcel had fin ally arrived! Even before the

    It was a cold, wintry morning in December and Sebastian of 29 Tum bledown cottage was eagerly await ing the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had fin ally arrived!

    It was a cold, wintry morning in December and Sebastian of 29 Tum bledown cottage was eagerly await ing the post. He was already on his third cup of tea when he heard the familiar footsteps walking up the drive. His parcel had finally arrive

    He opened it and read the not inside. Important! it informed him. Never leave this secret let







    Avenir Next Ultralight Condensed Italic

    Avenir Next Condensed Italic

    Avenir Next Medium Condensed Italic

    Avenir Next Demi Condensed Italic

    Avenir Next Bold Condensed Italic

    Avenir Next Heavy Condensed Italic

    7/9,3 pt 24/26 pt 9/10,6 pt 12 pt







  • ge ist im Gegenwrtigen scho Avenir Next Heavy Condensed

    The future can already be found in the present. Le futur existe dj dans le prsent.

    Dutch design is often one step ahead of the rest of the world. The City of Amsterdam was the fi rst metropolis to fully adopt Avenir, thereby winningthe coveted Dutch Corporate Identity Prize in 2003.

    Niederlndisches Design ist oftmals einen Schritt voraus. Als erste Metropole setzt die Stadt Amsterdam ganz auf die Avenir und gewann damit den begehrten Dutch Corporate Identity Price 2003.

    Le graphisme hollandais est aux avant-postes de linventivit. Amsterdam est la premire capitale qui adopta lAvenir et remporta le trs convoit Dutch Corporate Identity Price 2003.

    Diversity by Unity

    Thanks to systematically harmonized stem weights in various widths and degrees of boldness, Avenir Next is now perfectly suitable for complex design solutions. 24 weights including true small caps provide a wide variety of indi-vidual application possibilities, while still ensuring a unifi ed overall appearance.

    Aufgrund der systematisch aufeinander abgestimmten Schriftschnitte in verschiedenen Breite- und Fettegraden eignet sich die Avenir Next nun in idea-ler Weise fr komplexe Design-Lsungen. 24 Schriftschnitte mit echten Kapitlchen bieten eine groe Vielfalt an individuellen Anwendungsmglichkeiten, wobei ein einheitlicher Gesamt-eindruck gewahrt bleibt.

    Avec ses dclinaisons de graisses conues en harmonie, dclines dans de nombreuses chasses, lAvenir est aujourdhui parfaitement adapt aux probl-matiques de design complexes. 24 graisses intgrant de vraies petites capitales permettent un large panel dutilisations, tout en offrant une cohrence visuelle de lensemble.

    Vielfalt durch Einheit Cohrence diversifi e

    Le graphisme hollandais est aux avant-postes

    premire capitale qui

  • ge ist im Gegenwrtigen scho Avenir Next Heavy Condensed

    The future can already be found in the present. Le futur existe dj dans le prsent.

    10 l 11 Avenir Next

    The corporate identity of the City of Amsterdam was developed by Eden Design & Communication in close collaboration with Thonik.

  • n vorhanden. Und wenn es wertvolAvenir Next Ultralight Condensed Italic

    And if it is valuable, Si une chose est prcieuse,

    Modern design demands state-of-the-art typo-graphy : a grand entrance for Avenir on sport-themed postal stamps.

    Moderne Gestaltung braucht aktuelle Typografi e: Groer Auftritt fr die Avenir auf Briefmarken fr den Sport.

    Le graphisme contem-porain ncessite des caractres de haut niveau. La thmatique sportive de cette collection de timbres est une entre en matire rve pour lAvenir.

    As seen here, Avenir is highly convincing in everyday use with its attractive forms and easy legibility.

    Die Avenir berzeugt in der Alltags-kommunikation wie in den gezeigten Anwendungen durch ihre Formschnheit und gute Lesbarkeit.

    Comme vous pouvez voir ici, lAvenir, avec ses formes lisibles et attractives, est trs convaincant dans un usage de tous les jours.


    Go for the Olympic spirit 13.8. 29.8.



    Go for the Olympic spirit 13.8. 29.8.



    Go for the Olympic spirit 13.8. 29.8.


    Go for the Olympic spirit 45+26

    Go for the Olympic spirit 13.8. 29.8.


  • Ausstattungsmerkmale Integrierter Luftionisator fr bessere Raumluft Hochleistungsfiltersystem Flsterbetrieb (Reduziert den Schallpegel um bis zu 3 dB (A) Turbo-Betrieb fr schnelle Raumkhlung Luftleitlamellen (auf und ab) ber Fernbedienung einstellbar Auengerte mit Blue Fin Beschichtung Automatischer Wiederanlauf nach Stromausfall Infrarot-Fernbedienung mit LCD-Display 24-Stunden-Echtzeituhr mit Timerfunktion Warmluftstart (WP-Ausfhrung) Separater Entfeuchtungsbetrieb Abnehm- und abwaschbares Frontgitte

    Heiz-/Khlgerte mit Multisplit


    Hochleistungsfiltersystem, das in der

    Lage ist, der Raumluft Verunreini-

    gungen wie Pollen, Viren und

    Bakterien zu entziehen. Auch

    Zigarettenrauch wird annhernd

    neutralisiert. Die Umgebungsluft ist

    angenehm feucht und gesundheits-


    Heiz-/Khlgerte der Spitzenklasse

    mit Multisplit Inverter

    Hochleistungsfiltersystem, das in der

    Lage ist, der Raumluft Verunreini-

    gungen wie Pollen, Viren und

    Bakterien zu entziehen. Auch

    Zigarettenrauch wird annhernd

    neutralisiert. Die Umgebungsluft ist

    angenehm feucht und gesundheits-


    Ich bin Blindtext. Von Geburt an. Es hat lange gedauert, bis ich begriffen habe, was es bedeutet.

    Welches Klimagert passt zu Ihren Anforderungen?




    Alle Klimagerte im Vergleich


    Heiz-/Khlgerte mit Multisplit


    Hochleistungsfiltersystem, das in der

    Lage ist, der Raumluft Verunreini-

    gungen wie Pollen, Viren und

    Bakterien zu entziehen. Auch

    Zigarettenrauch wird annhernd

    neutralisiert. Die Umgebungsluft ist

    angenehm feucht und gesundheits-


    n vorhanden. Und wenn es wertvolAvenir Next Ultralight Condensed Italic

    12 l 13 Avenir Next

    Thanks to Avenir Nexts diversity, the possibilities of usage are universal.

    Die Avenir Next bietet universelle Einsatzmglichkeiten durch groe Vielfalt.

    Du fait de sa diversit, le potentiel de lAvenir est universel.

    SUMMERSUMMER is coming . . .is coming . . .

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  • Adrian Frutiger est considr comme un des meilleurs cra-teurs de caractres du XXe sicle. N en Suisse en 1928, il a appris dans son jeune age, le mtier de compositeur. Cest son mmoire de fi n dtude Le dvelop-pement de lalphabet latin incluant huit gravures sur bois de haute qualit, qui a dfi nitive-ment trac lAvenir de crateur de caractres du jeune Frutiger.

    Cest de la main de Frutiger que sont apparues les fontes de renomme internationale tel lAvenir, le Linotype Centen-nial, le Frutiger, le Icone, le Meridien ou encore lUnivers.

    Avec 40 ans de carrire derrire lui, Frutiger a contribu dans une large mesure au dveloppe-ment de la composition plomb, photocompostion photo et typographie numrique.

    De nombreux prix ont honors ses travaux dans les domaines de la typographie et du graphisme.

    Adrian Frutiger is considered one of the most important typeface artists of the 20th century. Born in Switzerland in 1928, he trained in the craft of typesetting at a young age. His outstanding diploma thesis entitled The Development of the Latin Alphabet included eight xylographs and marked the beginning of Frutigers in-ternational career as a typeface designer.

    Frutiger has been the creator of such internationally renow-ned typefaces as Avenir, Linotype Centennial, Frutiger, Icone, Meridien and Univers.

    In his over 40 years of typeface experience, Frutiger took major infl uence on the development of type design for hot metal, phototypesetting and digital typography as well.

    Numerous prizes distinguish his pioneering work in the fi elds of typography and the graphic arts.

    Adrian Frutiger gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Schriftknstler des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1928 in der Schweiz geboren, lernte er das Handwerk des Schrift-setzers. Mit seiner herausragen-den Diplomarbeit Die Entwicklung des lateinischen Alphabets , die aus acht Holzschnitttafeln bestand, begann Frutigers internationale Karriere als Schriftgestalter.

    Aus Frutigers Hand entstanden weltbekannte Schriften: z. B. Avenir, Linotype Centennial, Frutiger, Icone, Meridien und Univers.

    In ber 40 Jahren als Schrift- schaffender hat er die Entwick-lung vom Bleisatz ber den Fotosatz bis hin zum digitalen Satz mitgestaltet.

    Zahlreiche Preise honorieren sein bahnbrechendes Schaffen auf typografi schem und freiknstlerischem Terrain.

    Adrian Frutiger Adrian Frutiger Adrian Frutiger

    ll ist, dann ist es das Fundament fr dAvenir Next Condensed Italic

    it becomes a foundation for elle sera le fondement de

    Aside from his famous Univers family, Adrian Frutiger has created many other

    well known typefaces such as Linotype Centennial and Meridien,

    the versatile Vectora or evenVersailles as well as many other

    typefaces which are also available from Linotype.

    Adrian Frutiger schuf neben seiner berhmten Univers viele weitere bekannte Schriften wie z. B. die Linotype Centennial oder auch

    die Meridien, die vielseitige Vectora oder auch die Versailles, sowie viele weitere Schriften, die bei der Linotype erhltlich sind.

    Outre son fameux Univers, Frutiger a cr des caractres typographiques de renomme mondiale tel le Linotype Centennial, le Meridien,

    ou encore le trs puissant Vectora, le Versailles, et de nombreux autres caractres galement disponibles chez Linotype.

  • 14 l 15 Avenir Next

    The Exclusive Collection

    The Platinum Collection is an exclusive series of optimized classic typefaces from Linotype. In close collaboration with world-famous type desigers, Linotype has produced re-worked, expanded typeface families that are both techno-logically and aesthetically up to date. These new typeface families have fine, harmoni-ous weights; some have new italic weights and often come complete with Small Caps and Old style figures. All Platinum Collection typeface families have fine-tuned and perfected character fitting and forms.

    The Linotype Platinum Collection currently includes the typeface families listed below. Further projects are in prepara-tion.

    Die exklusive Sammlung

    Die Platinum Collection bildet die Exklusivserie von Linotype, in welcher die Linotype Klas-siker perfektioniert wurden. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit den berhmtesten Schriftgestaltern entstanden grundlegend ber-arbeitete, vollstndig ausge-baute Schriftfamilien, die tech-nologisch und gestalterisch auf dem neuesten Stand sind. Diese neuen Schriftfamilien haben feine, harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmte Strichstrken, sind teilweise mit neuen Kursivschnit-ten ausgestattet und enthalten oft umfangreiche Ergnzungen mit Kapitlchen und Medival-ziffern. Alle Familien wurden in Form und Zurichtung verfeinert und perfektioniert.

    Zurzeit besteht die Platinum Collection von Linotype aus unten aufgefhrten Schrift- familien. Weitere Projekte sind in Vorbereitung.

    La collection de luxe

    La Platinum Collection est la srie de luxe de Linotype, offrant une version perfection-ne des classiques de celle-ci. En troite collaboration avec les crateurs de caractres les plus minents sont nes des familles de caractres profondment remanies et compltes qui rpondent aux exigences contemporaines, tant pour la technologie que pour lesthtique. Ces nouvelles familles se caractrisent par des paisseurs de trait lgantes, harmonieusement accordes entre elles, certaines comportent de nouvelles graisses pour les italiques. Souvent, elles offrent aussi des complments impor-tants de petites capitales et de chiffres elzviriens. La forme et la chasse de caractres de toutes ces familles ont t affines et perfectionnes.

    A lheure actuelle, la Platinum Collection de Linotype se com-pose des familles de caractres ci-dessous. Dautres sont en prparation.

    Adrian Frutiger Platinum Collection Platinum Collection Platinum Collection

    ll ist, dann ist es das Fundament fr dAvenir Next Condensed Italic

    it becomes a foundation for elle sera le fondement de

    Avenir NextCompatil

    Frutiger NextOptima novaPalatino nova + Aldus nova

    Sabon NextLinotype Syntax

    Linotype Univers

  • Linotype GmbHDu-Pont-Strae 161352 Bad HomburgGermanyTel +49 (0) 6172 484-418Fax +49 (0) 6172 [email protected]

    2004-2006 Linotype GmbH, typeset in Avenir Next. We reserve the right of errors and changes.

    Avenir, Aldus, Linotype Centennial, Compatil, Frutiger, Icone, Linotype, Linotype Library, Meridien, Optima, Palatino, Sabon, Syntax, Vectora, Versailles und Univers are trademarks of Linotype GmbH, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.Futura is a registered trademark of Bauer Types SA. Avant Garde is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation.






    die Zukunft.the future. notre avenir. Adrian FrUtiger