· b w kri....

B W Kri. vilr - »J » L t ; ^ d > ho. i» ^ = r r - r - -: I --- ------------------- = Hudd ISgri^ ilM ■reduledisHH July:= 8 - improving jH V '^ o vaccine and K y id testing mcth- Vemployc^- H it K dribblinfc, vaco- ^ E m ih by rclcasinff S ly . 300,000 shots 2 tuted undcr-'ncw H f adopted . s e V H^Thi>-wiiA_ths. . released lo r ^ K tin l Leooard Behee- H ^ i r c t i progrftm w»l ■io^ ^Bg;>]]7 < (^Another CoHTlcU huddle #dmllU!d t o . Uom wJth prlMi ^■££^ere. ' Wwhlaflon lUU ^K r ^ u d Ptdenen, W»IU. L*ler fumt ^■KhMpll*»-W»d. c«llbIttek*.. *fU r I ^ B ^ ^ tn to r Uwrenca ended. In » ahmkc hU lIlnfM hli* co»ertd & cotlcci Milo KU> hBmsnera an I Tho fhaUo^lown y ..^ -more-dayfc-prtw: »ssr."."5 K s>r.'‘:5.“s rwtM**P ^^■ fU b ihort term objec- ______^ , . ■■■, TwbTVia KSS;i"v°S: “Deficit ^■lri-t«*T *‘'l 'se i'P'W - - - * ^.« d o „-fo rin - - -;g ta te 5 ffle-uf BOISE. July 8 . ttic fiscal year Jun SS^bStlSon^k 3fl n.was re> vent a diriclt o( mo Mw-»iiindAr(la_— llonJdollai^M ondt ^KvTlc«<boinnounced It means that n)«"*« angln. go on.a_WBr ^^^Kncds* manufMtureni ably untU ttia (li Ireaueotiy w hen' neM -revenui Atsrcd&yJhOUs ^ ^B tu ^u o n ' iKlwcra to show In the book daumutuUcal in* 8tat« auditor N lovemmcnt." leaalnic hU Bencrnl ^ ^ B n r il the vaccine be for the IfiM-iS Ili ^ ■ u k ls M»ho. ih# »Ule that the «Uv^^-»U ^■SntvlU p a u It alone biennium nr acting Hcftim balance o( ».070.^ ^ ^ ■ ic £ a *111 not constitute frnnsfererA from ot ^ ^ p M S t or It, he added. »37.B7S.IOO n t th e i caiw off aoy 55 biennium. But I ^ ■ K tu tlo n proKrAm.% be- a two-yenr expen ooitrealc nhleh now Benerni fund ot ; ^B n let ptrsons In the took all ot the acci ^ «n P« BnomistFWonf Bver Credit Sp ^■HKGTOKT^'uty i (/P>—The Kovernm ^■akers are n bit worried abgut nn incri dgriny the current baainesa boom in the atdcK niurKc^~cbi wyliiK. Despite concern over mo fields, federal .policy maker.s si ^ ^ ^ Mn.lllllirect. rfiHip]- ih n n rtirp rf pnntrf ^ ^ g^btcomiiiRjInnKerously puffed up i inclination is •hone.Maii LUo"rS rr^ economic policy ^V ^V O ll ic rm ButUdocii noe * slblllly thnt Uie Siia^honr. vhk wn- bonrd. tor the thi « C0M8 In Twin market with a dir court Friday ik>ier ping mnrgin regu . The tidmlnlslra I*arkpr wn* nr- serve board-ls a 5"' " l>y vn«t buslncM inv M5Ucor.JUQaLol til* a: wnn ciockSll ' economic ‘hatj $0 mlfts ncr ''^nshlnRton are r “ .™nj,5* r.iS " ." .““T 30. CItlien cnnddcnt ^^K “=»J'k1sp f!rmr« tj.,1 P ''''‘S>nK licom e t jc^UolH- ^!Ld,nQ.-.pne .be hpmM. churches. — =_ . J.nclorlM ih a t did Wili nrif * 1 ^ i; ' ■'**"'f'*ioii;'Bii *1 111 vflJv York. Ch M,;;-rr ii«-cicflcs-nncL,i n>mtl rvi MllM.RukJ, “ '® ^‘‘“''0 Po' iiimn B«mM ‘"f'u'n »t 7 p. m ^ ----- -- *• euMion wiJJ be st ^ ■ .^ .N O T E n —V. .,Th6 convenUo '■'“'I IrncL Amerlcfln Uglon lend! Sundiy. \ -A Regional Newspaper S ~ p»[?urcu>-:sii'— ------- Youi im Rac tkskiUE a Twin Fnlla juU^ycur^old > 1^ road. Carol Lr i when nhe wa.s t: ofalfl4GFord 1 the ficvcn<meml niRnal for a left j youthful driver 9 New ] ^Irt ^ H B K July. ^ ^ ^ E B S h struck fas( mon Henry Raid tho water Mt. ^cet tnd the le riaoa oftleUia at ticnUy no drjvv ut« prbon, Walla ‘ Water from pui niarda entered the Luts owns 1.3U Bt lh*_r)ollof _had. !?n_d_on whi4 >» tiakedown that un- mnn IrrlRAtlOn p liectlon .of knlre*. creek. He l(n* bee I and baaebaU bata. grnln nnd benns o n will take a . few soon ks water wna im f1t*r «en.aboye are.Jock:.. Public limds ■ ' 9ck. tho siaa'ln Iha land have been J In the outer vltltlnf dlvldunls xpurred ephoto) on tho Buhl man -----■■TT --------------------- he plans lo sink saiions ■ S S rH -I-. Lutx sUrUd drl itF a c e s - “K ’S 'K .■mM- ■ I there would be wa 5 -M o n d ay « (in-Tdaho ended A part df Luu’i June 30 with a gen- »at«r rl^ t from n'tUb^^uou«h-lfl-PiaI t«d laat year to r more than two nOI- nrea west ot Bn ondan - - ....................v streama crossln* t iat"tJio“ 8UU 'nmsC Since Lutt has JUtrrant^bttsI*, prob- X® liaa been pum I first ol "the ycnr, molor.'Hrsftld. h enufl.from-tax laws Poi-tr compnny.i :Q$5 leglalatura beglnJi to hl^tPri. books. •iney«3nnirn r N. P. NlelMn. re- Lutt aald he dow irnl fund report today thorough test on 1 llacftl year, ahowed crop* i^a harvest- •aUrted off the laat f ' ------------- I on operating cash -w^ , -- fcxtensi ih other funds totaled -rv t he start of the lOM- I |o |V | I- lut this WM offset by f •*• Kpendlture Irom the i> i Is Am n r« t» ». c«liii>in O. WASHINGTO^ •1*1 P n le”talJ^^ will r .-X~XV/Vl. aiend oL six. a .- . . group snld todny. iplurge SiSls - sn»k,p river pfec; nm cnt's 'economic border, where u ncrcaso in (fn-the- P'£l"“ s,uS ';rbuySsifeag^ mountinR indebt- plan now Ln to a still Arc Inclined alxols_to_kecj> the haa-hcid-heorihR 4P on credit. 1 hat injlon here and 1) ifl Stronfr, and-it west. The «nKt ntnl -to ther-Eisen- ^ ^istration'a whole date. )licy. Idnlio Power - not exclude tha'po.i- the federal po« Uie • federnl rcwrve for coMUuctlon I W rd time this ytnr, stratfon—nnd the re- _ , , - Z Pair at. ( -H u rt- nlc policy mnkers In jqaHO PALL re Rind lo see the nn- y„r*old Llncoli rs give a big vote ot jnrdnn. wns Ir -IBT-c-rtMmlcTllWrt Jtiiifjij-Trttri >re m o n e t In the com- gj^j, hinrlru-{n. t which repre.ient the po,ice wld h!. tiding productive ma- rfrivfin' by V. ------------ -----------.-. ------- Gooding.- rollldi [fIinn»-|.pft-Dolm q: 'Hie Jeep rolle<l dently uMng his ex- borrow pit. T ne to buy more fuml- nnd two, ehlldrt LJRS. household nppll- bruised, but we intnot—Ihereby-cfent- -Jordoit—ha*^ new production orders since the accidi 'TnDrtmna'tictterpny* ------------------------ B.bclltllni Mie Imnnrl^ - .EIbT >lf aurplu* in bulldmg WASHINOTC nea. RChooln. nroTcs and W hite-Hou»*-i dJd *0 much last year lo o ff'^s' if M lOTtiy over a rt uPMion aooompany Uie. k strong factor In the for the Big Fou »-■ - ,,,, - It also said - - ; WtHerrt<rTia pen^nighti iliriinniinl-convrnlion .- — '-J&t ..■■s=as; |i“ .e_^'Be(l at Oprm7~Z Sdw of^ nUon, Vwhleh -wlll. bc buwd t>y_a_b'ariQUCt:ln • Ul* »ireet_i glon\hnlI nt-,7 p, m. cnsunitln 2.fe«tlirc!UjialncM.*e*.*- -be»a-of-penple lernl assembiy. a cnr .^ .-n of beei Bhoihone -fftlta nnd a win Falls. The event | " . er-Senrlng V -' J ^ ~ • TWIN r ithfulDri icings Cars rashJDea^:-' ll LnuRhiln, daughter of Mr. and a.s thrown from the hack-scat nf i ^ord at an intersection. Jamc.n I. lember jury thnt he did nnt see I I left turn at the intor.-tcclinn. T •ivera had been raciniic nlong the ^ Desert Aree rngaMFf^ luly. 8— A •well-.iiumi>inK-129 incht n-lhc desert of Castlef month at^M'i fcet.and pumphijj f)i .utz, Buhl, upon whose land the ater is now being pumped fronv le level i.t etill riflinjr; Ai)parentl; drjvw-down on .the rS’.'J'SJ'i Atlanti it Was the old Hnirer- Searcl nns on the Innd but ns ^ _ een ^iJcd^upon* by^Jn- YOnK have filed desert entry *fr nt *fft apptt not been announced. d drilling on Feb. 7 "in • CapI, Julius juld-»trtke-water.—He operations of ili nd definite indication* dlslrict. snld co wwatcTtSereblir'loof -plnnes andTihli Ie-*ald..Uie-wclLJa_th£ >n well In the area. *^uiire miles « Luu-s UOO ncres has n ot the my. :rom the Blue Gulcivlr- Coaii guard 1 Jlcuuthlch wai nrcnn- -^>!Li «l>peared r to bring wnter Co tlic iiopt-lcM aflrm P H iilmici-d U6cit irom -pnmiwler—wlio- ilnK-UieDruiieau desert. Jiour.otjadlo-i> t has no elecWc power early yeslerdny pumping with a diesel terror which n lid, however,- ^hnt^dBho -re*ciie-for«sr— nny plans to run a line _ The.mdlo^mci commVrcinl tug I doea not plan to ruh a wn* ahlase and st on It until after his sons aboard oi rvested In the fall. «fe preserver*. ________off after saying , * hnd surfaced r Iisionfor f f - costly hoax wai I Hearing ■ 1 long series of i .nnounced"" “•»“ 3TON. Juiy 8 W — A Bill run eight hours In* rrq ___ __ ^ e. a spokesman for the — I-il odny. ing open.1 Monday on lo nuthorlre a federal - JP Q l r Hells canyon stretch of along Uie Idnhn-Oreggn WASHmOTC :re Uiree prlvnlft power senate nnd hoi re been propo.ied. on a compromi nK'orlRinnlly was sched- elgn-ald ntith^r II to hold nn-nddltlonni Lvl23 million d Axlon.Friday. howfr’s request Interior AUbcommltlee controversy ove orifig« nn .IdeaUcaUcglir handling of pre ind In the'PaciflcHortn: ald funOs. -Acit BehKtc'sabcommlltee'np- new TUthorlTn 5lU. hut the full.Interior npprojied_ by, laa not announced a.vat- Uiere may b« cui.1 (hen. wer company l»n-' a^ked The sennle i , power commUslon for «,<08,000.000 i cllon llcensfs for ihree by the Presldi would flood the propo-icd with a H5' mil mny rule on the nppll- hnuw.. t monlh. Tlip aennle a -------------- --------- .. lion dollar Inei it Gooding , , money wns no rt-m-Mishsip PALLS, July 8 tf^ A 60- voice vole. Thi Incoln eoiinty man. Ray menjure to Ihi us In crltlcivl condlUon jjO roll, coll vi nrtcrnoon-nftci—a-colli ----- fft'n5e m ^l ru-ln. ^ ■■ ^ conference co Id his Jeep and a sednn V. A. Thompson. *]. „id ,,,« comn :oUlded-on.-JilfillWJli-_jyL ,h«ekMi-«-t^(li We<i*6ver-nnd-lrH<>; ll|e iion»-r?pmOT ;. Thompson. hH wiie rtpfen,„ illdren were ahnken nnd It were nol hospllnilwd. ,,„ve' -haa^eca-Jineoa'iclous ,,0,,, iccident. _ Tills was ii a Ians Trip IGTON, July 8 w —-iiicjjune Ju. in;iv u»*-sald today-it-‘'Jjc^^car.. ---------- ir-Mrs.-Elaciil'owrr will Tlie new .bll gif prf>Ulrnt to Geneva u^lch would I ; Four conference. ' mlnL^iration fi said tenlnllve plnns call ,jry nil mon^y lifmXemlf-at-IOUO.pJii. llnn-doUars-w l»L_is,.jl»oatd H itrJ;rM ;,- iou.-jyji.mtlinp'' ronal^ane.-Olt-t^nii: ^ clo-ted t h n t - I EES ^ ^ f e mW lVorHBlIrr ■romplMo'^ep nHImItcrTnuradny-alt-7 |i,|.ni(iWa'praiv Pcde.ilrlnna dashed for uoiirwero eni id_molorlsls rolled',; up , ' of Uielr cnr as the u w d down Uie mam v/ASHINGl - |dcntElaenho» unltlns-wrrr-wporlffl m tjrtiertioon lo ecplf..nfMrieiit8.«'J.q-!liL. :«t-iilft-Geitys: : bees la reported "mlM- Iwhlto House. - .i jrlght he_wUl. -''rrtiim Bunda; \—1 TW IN PALLS N FAT.T t; TTVrwh TTpli-lAY; ] ivers of 1 :s Blamec Itkof-EiJe: iund_drivP.iMi_nf twft p n r.‘L i i cL’’li(,--i’ fie-flircidcnt-two milCF^'est'oC l and .Mr.**. Jess Laughlin. died o . of a-1041 Chevrolet when it cn C .H L.. Mor«nn,,driver of’the I? ice Darrell E. McDonald. Filer, c . Testimony brought out nt tlu the road. Hliikle L. Wride. 45, ------------------------------- 15)47 Studc . T which the eals :;•£=; jnr-W-eiii--:- the speed ol nche.s of water ia in miles an houi Btleford. W ater wns Charles d, IK icKiui 01. June ts: J'f'ToS the well wns sunk, i,nd wnnied roni-a depth of 261 not appear a ontly there ia priic- Wnndn u u --------- ■■ ' dead girl, tc , . . . ■ to the iiccld U icA i-ea . ------ -------------Dr..V«m-A: i^ i E p d s; lle d P ra n k £ s t i OnK. July 8 OB-The 1 called-off .at 9:30 am . “‘®, * :a 31-hour aen nnd nlr accident In w a Dhnntom flshlnir-ves- Involved r{ffl.rt,Tr“ Borl-oL‘aU u. mo. oli?S K ; Of the-thlrd-conat-gunrd Id consl guard nnd navy I Tshlps-had-aearched-an vnuahn ilnri en ot npproxlmntely 3,700 ^-''‘^Bhn nnd :es'w1tiioul-Ilnd!ng‘ niiy - ' --=f= 0 mysterious "Bluo Star." ard InvesUgnlors pressed :ured to be nn nlmo.U - t rtu-mpt ti> idcnIlJy • Ult — illo-i>hone "dlatresi’.’ cnila _____ »_. . irdny told- a lule of-Sj:n A d , eh moblllMd all coaslai ^ -TVSl' o,mcs3nge pU krf VP by_.n sennte-hoUsc 1 tug said Uie "Blue Star" RKreed yestc tlontlnirlogrcxploded-and coo“ ipDroDt and ainklng with 21 per- construction rd or overboard wiUiout juiy i jugt ■ver*. The caller algned Elsenhower lying a foreign submarine w ith an e :ed nearby and "I don't „„non dolU ■II let me ulk any more." prmtlons.-tl otJiiDjerpatrftiSLflUtie ai5ua«i.ono « waa aerlousfy hampered and house n t .that no coast guard sla- ence bill bef been able. Uirouah- the House, but i ; of messages, to pick up The nlloc ilsslon. the conferee --------- ' followed Ihi n s E g w iil. 3 » .^ B i l U o n - ^ ^ treig n H e lp fS F s JGTON. July-a i^ T h e Montnnn: t I house completed action ^lie Uwl Cn iromise *3.283,800,000 for- Basin projei iithorlTJillon-'bill-yeaterday lo-begin’ wi i 10 Prealdrnti. Elsenhower, tfower plant flroir tT itn n-tiauygn etneiT ecT ih'TJiai: Ion dollnrs short of Elsen- work on U quest.<i. Wns spnrkejl by a ro ta oivlsli y over defense depnrtment « t In Waal if prevlqttalv voted military _AUocaUoc -Actunl-funds lo carry out cluded-Mlcl orlTntlons——be roOrT^Tinttn by both hoiwcs.. and inc. Idaho t , b. a move for further w^ nle at first accepted the o i X)0 authorlzaUen sought resident, but went .along S' million dollar reduction . *«..fimda.-¥Olcd_by_,tlie nle accepted a 22 mil- . The 'twU f Increase In-defen** sup- conUnuing- li npprwed by ihr house, traffic’ ncci Intrnord for Spain. Ihls ot MoiorVil IS not enrmarked for nny jng m wi,ic coimtry In the final draft. Buenn Vlsl 'nn'te’-npprffVArMmr'Dn'Tr ftjurflther-i . The house then sent the Mr. Boeh ,0 Ihe'Presldent on a 262» Twin FnlLn all vole. - .V i^eb. 28, 18J -lllrHe mar e commltcea whleh P™* "! ? 'j® -^ s' final version of the bill committee membera "were su„iyj„g *e department during the a.y. ol thr Ite.l yr.r t„ S t .. Mr. •save’ their approprlaUons m „. oofo, IS jiiefcrence to critlclsiiTii f^,u» dcpatCmenL-hadj)bllgivtc.d n half a million dollars of - voled arms nld funds on in?i' dAy ' 5nh^w^iscnr-y!j„j,,f^ w bill conlnln* a pfovTSlmi tuniT^lih ■uld hnve rcQUlrrrt che ad- j|,„ , nasto rsirnrreturmo-lhe-trrnsii .oneV In exces.^ of 200 mil- held In Ui« iis-whlch; hatL-tageiureyr =rT = tiroprlated but not.cMlgnj-{^ &i;. -ent-^-IHt^lhl-ir-ft^»»»'^t^ O vin in f a defense drpnrlment ’ _iubcommlH£.ir_ I'L, *£*«i _ _ _ _ _ _ .at Juntr23-.thnv-.">e-‘'®Pn>’t- _ . Uia imvf lu Hndrrtnke -to l Ttotld iuiL -rcprogntTnming^ ^tr-t^tW ltl^-ta praiUineftovenrppropTlnr {^e clerk!' .. t.nctM.- -v. ^ ,i; . artv, IiNs"'«iHSND ' •'* “ tNGTON, July 8 JWPrcal- nhow£r_wllHenveearlvjlil* explnlns a " lo spend- Ui7-,wcektFhd etlysburfl,-4’a..-farm— The term ne ili }use aald If the-wealhcr tMn rtrlve-ln .will fly. -He.prqbably wlir for the €01 anday'evening., , Fwo -]R( d foji-jp ik'ciit iu.thc_dciitIi_i)X. ________ _ )C-rilcr on the C4i)ver - . 1 :i of injitric.-i received ', cni!*hc<l into the-rear WASH 1041 Chevrolet. Inlil nnJ.V^n r. driver of the 4'ord, n* cnimtv the trial revealed t-he iS,membi 4r>, Filer, driver of n gee. If-\v iidebaker pickup, into The P he two cur.t crashed, schodulei w the collLiloii but did nol Y ork Iiil ;o cnrs rnclng prior lo the met by eslitii-d he-hnd slopped-for Itord^A ll n when the two cars crnsh- editor C Ills pickup. He esllmaled n,n„nzin, I of the Chevrolet nl 50 lourlTl Ihe lime of Impnet. ?"5Cn, -T D, Slraltord. Filer, a pna- ,0‘ " i -Wor/TflnV -cnr. said-Ihf the other car (McDoni.ldt ' ‘“*d W ' ed to rnce.'McDonnld did r a t the Inciue.nt. . Uughlln. 15. a sister ot the * , testified to events prior leldent but did not stnte of the vehicle at the Ume gouu, ' d n-Ahdcrsoa,-Pllor..was call- w!lvi^?.x»ir .. mtaicM tBiMony r.- nJurles'to^Uie dend Rlrl. Woodson Creed conducted st In Uie Jury room at the X ' Is county court-bulldlng.-r ,o^si iding of Uie Jury wns Uiat U was the result of nn ntiw jjv.^bt.n nirf .nln .1 ihc ™ fs of the Jury were«Edwnrd E. Kail. Wl.wEvnhVPnuI iJt^iA^hwcriillman^JLJE. -Hirdld-no ind Earl Kelt. ^jp = = = = = — ;------------- --- A 12-mt ICCt F und . RuM lnrie* ;ars Fi^Hre SlU hJ sked by Ike iter. .... •' Inf tn ul«l iilse . conference , commlltce m ^hlnen eslerday uyan a 8M5.541.- roprmlron lor reciamallon ;lon In Uie year thnt began lust about whBt President .er asked. . . _ ,n expected carryover of six lollars from previous appro- J J f J d - .-thls“would allow' tor a - -_• le must approve the confer- before it goes lo the White ut this Is normally. rouUne. llocntlons agreed upon ’by - frees foE.lndlvldual projects those voted by the aennte , WAsrti sday with one excepUon. the senate had approved foc-the-Talent-dlvlfllon-of n ne_w_gii ji River project In Oregon. " Iereac*-eommllle«-allowed I, " -V ),000 In plnnnlng money. t” ,„ ees approved four million J begln-wortc on the Yellow- ' I on the Big Honirj-lver In „n^„unnj i: >POO.OOO to start work on urceic unit or the Missouri ThMcs :°.S"orz's5,w “c";s 1 Uie powep-plftht of the furi for dslon-of the -Yakima pro]- on henv\ t'nshlngton. two per. < kllchnud-XlBUrldaho.-»320.v MUmnted rnBomtrTroVnr-Brde-Pump: /ears,-" io,«3.200.000: Palisades, Ida., The-re 0------------------------------------------costs lo T---------------------------- treasury ii’iff Probes to"*"?'' Iny over ;ath.byAiitoSS V in Ffllbi sheriffs office Is 000,000 I ng- llirinVejiUgaUon-6f-Uie lO-^jijntcI accident Uiree ■miles souUi " . - rVii corner Tliursdny morn- (nrrrA ■hlch-John L, Boehm. 70, 107 ,\7 d U , Vlsla street, was killed and oehm hnd been a resident of Obi since 1005. He wns born WASH 1885.'In Effingham counly. United S narried Lena-Hucttlg^n-1930 *760,000- Nev. He was a leUred farm- Iwl pinr 1-member of the yirat Chris- Soviet Je irch. ■ - ... Toul (Ing nre hb widow; two sons. June 23 sltTn7^"-»rteleyH3ofo--f^nd^fin»mjDICCn TwInPnlU; three daughters. U crew Ida Cahoon. Santa Clnrn. Amerlcni Mrs, Irene Lewis. ”Arco, and Tlie U Drotliy Burney., Twin Falls: Moscow Mrj...Luey_Nglsati, J.<rs- Cepl_"n. ilson nnd Mrs. Annn Ander* *hnre da ■JTwln-Fnllarnnd-Mrer-Mnry Mcw-oa. Elbn; nine grandchildren . • - -al services will-bo-cond^cted ^ OAZA' LJrtontlay-^LHifi_mi)MLmori f.«'--A ! ■llh the Rev. Richard DeVll- Isrucll n istor or_OisJirat.ChmallAaJtULSifli offfcfaUng. Final riUs will be on sever Uie Twin FnlU eemeter>'. ntlon of I!Dnye3n:Sa] /,,'r«:»»'LLlpavlng_thelr_u-nt^^« . -i-ttiBrettT-^nii|-» r« -n«v»n'-hy!r»r»lrtent; in^tlivoiild you.pny. y.our._WmJ|*d"j*virii rive-lii window-If the ^Itylm the c U one?" ', - ' ismali ce MftliaUfr Jowiih H. Lallmtjro -LaUm< « a “survey Is .being taken the city local propcrtj- ownBr* to-dc*|6thcrth ihclfeasjijmty oLJiulolllnsUnaJJie- -In window nl the city .hnlllldcnU'.* ’convjuilencft of.ciiMomcM.” . window. ■Id th* survey"io f»r ln*iwoulil'-t nng~Irrlgnttd~ldalr<rConhiir9~ ed Fan iVill lie ^ee^iei SIIINGTON, July 8 (IP)— A n i n farm pxnoiis to nee n'"fair ty fair." John Strohm, U.S. y nber Ruasiart' njrriculturnl del :-wc pass a farm,nnd they wai Ru.s.sinns now arc ----------- lied to arrive in New July 16. They .will be 1 /3 jy Strohm. editor -of AlmaniiiLand-aaaocittllc. _____ of Better Farming line, Raymond Christ- •_ngricultural' ecoriom- jiq ] the agrlcultvirnl' reaenrch ;..a«ul-two Intcrpreltrs-pro-. "L".,*' >y Uie slate department. W flpp im said the present tfnia- to buil hedule cnlU for the Rus- -\vater. 0 fly to j>.M_Moln^B, Jn., '__« , They are expected to spend i.ln Iowa.-two. days In Ne. W ater, travel across sautheastern of Roi • Dakota to Minneapolis, ----------- to - Chicago,' Cniifornin, r n iglon. nnd'bncK to Ncw^oric • • |- m B flight home. He snld n •*• ^ schedule would not be mnde ^ . Z".,?”; Ca: unlry-SO'to-ardays: — ==f Hentatlves of land-grant U i 1In the statea they visit will up ln*stnte schedules. . j,ONI im told a news conference ay—the-IUuiUn*^*ill “pay rythlng except the dinners ch Ihey-nre Invited.’,' Tlie ^noun •y will use lo trnvcl through SouUi_Dakola_4nd_Miune- j"“ __ III cost 860 a. day, he snld. •n of itn ow howmuclMlie ---------nOKi ip would-cost----- , former •mcmber group ot-Amerlcan rxperts will make a tour of y leaving New York "probably i,„„ed I" Strohm said lh(s,tr1p lo ^,,jy jb^t2.S00.- _____ . K I!! hope to show the Russians n DM section of-Americfln-#ffrl£ .".Strohm aald. "We are go- ..bnmbc ul«U n tnl nf fnrrM. mt-fll pro- Enx,v_ ; plnnu. fertlliicr plants, farm origRS. lery eawblisiimenta,-nnd see bjji—- lcniUn.solla-lSn-sidlL£QycLJUX —eour ihowlhjt them-what-we are, , nUaixi «n r*(> >. CoIsbib'II narrow ---------------------■ttrrltoj a id O lia y s iiiaiice'P lan IjhorWi 3n Highways jby pol SHINGTON, July 8 IW - A publle worka subcommittee ‘ ' d general agreement today on . . Plan to- flnnnce..a 42 billion rond-ouiIdlniT pro’gram by Uxes on hlghwagjueri-and approprlntlons. - . ■Tcom S ^ e s l d f n t E^^en? s proposnl for a'lpecinl cor- an-loJMue nbn-treaaury bonds - i r ■n,-.^mi,eh of the Program ^ le sources said the newest pro- ™ stin to bo worked out In de- 'ILvfor: . »« ln>>« nn» r^ £l2*^ ngaMliSe. four cenla on dlese moiuu or trucks. 10 cents a- pound ^ avy diSty truck tires, and n forfeit tr. cent hike In Uie excise tax their ucfc#:—ThfM>—would—raise—an event.. itedH'bllllon'dqllBnrover-ll genera -remaining money In federal f*turn lo be paid for oul ot genernl win b ry funds. prosec U present form. Uie plnn calls 24-billion dollar federal out- -n - ver Uie next 12 years for n f t p iwlde system-of new nnd Im- licdcral .h!gh>l*ys. The sUU* . , be-requlred io put up 12.400,i I S for such ronds_on a_BO-W-__ itcfilng-SasIs.— '• ndmln 10,000 Sought !S, =In P lane-G kim sS s SHINGTON. July 8 iift-Tht bonus d suites mny nsk Ruasip lo pny rus ilnhe destroyed off Alaska by comm ^ Jet fighters. n see nl dnmnges Involved in tly r„cr%- 23 Incident roulrt climb much Os3ini^uritida=th»rplatt^ rewmen nre determined by • United States yesterday told 3W in a note that It will ac- ° , nn unprecedei^M^red offer tp "f,*”,' S.m.strio IpFplsn.-.nanu on.a.SO^Q_toalS______________^ , 1 _________ pnri _ Ko_A<J.nEEMEjaiaEEH-------- UifiliS ZA^Bypt-lfcTflrPiilesniie.-July - But -A lter two lengUiy meeUngs, outer; ll'nndJEo-pllanJiliMfwntM'yis yfre ^fnr from y rw m em crm l ot border Un.slon. all. ' iibniir ner cent ot-locallwlthc ats:are;Ui^vor-«Ubs^U43^ lenfof .sucli a facility.-'He said lie.- t veiln wTndS<rcould-be-lnstalled stall' ,e clly hnll «t a compnrnUvely . He i cost;'-' 'tht 1 imore explains thnt allhouglt other :liy 1* not In compeUilon wlih nt th -flrm.’rlt-ls^n-fBvo^-ot-exl«nd- -X al he_bfcat-poislb!e, strYke Jo .rtails'ouli *-.-Jlf .Uie Idea of the drlve-ln and uw. t h r h u g h which persons time r-S*-«blt‘to-pay.::thtlr-blll* on-ci m Expi ! Shown m =em 1 itinerary of ‘' g r e a t ficxibilit: air rros.t sectio'ir of American t . puDlic reprcflcntalivp of tho lelegation, .taid tho visitors "wil ^•Rnt to stop,•^we'll stop.'.* anal Firm F “Water1irR( ;0LL1STER, July 8 The Salma , notice Thursday, announced it p'praprintc 450’Sdc‘Om} tc6t ot I uild two dams in the stream to ne-of lhe-dam«,-exp'ectcd to-Ri er, i.s to have it.«t outlet npproxii l<7ck -creek. Tho other^with a ----------:-------:— r —I— 7-7- Jeet, D ffn c o a tT rio T S an B e D e n ie d E n t r y f ^ ' U .S .“™‘ >NDON, July 8 (UU-Rea~Chlni BUCAn >uneed tonight that U has imatel tponed"-«he-r*Ua»*-of-thrt« let vj- coat American prlionera. The pmi .uneement was mad# by enm- mujt 1st Feiplnc radio aod monllored ,^ent ..................... ................. la'ter'. 5NO-KONOrJ«ly-8-fln— Tliree ler Amerlcnn soldiers who chose Bunlsm..ovB£_democrncy_nnd |® *“ , changed their minds may be ed 'from the Unlled StaUs K worked for Uie «cd Chinese rnmcntr-informed-iourcM- aald f r uTr^;, . t . » p c m j U. -BrltUli - cdlonyrToutsIderruw nboo curtain" al 1p.m. ,(l a.m. IBS, wnilnm Cowart aad Otho Fnt ........ - ------ -- ------------------- made wret*-faW-lhe-*nM-wlll»r*oel»e tmn- wl recepUon when they cross the the a row bridge which links British the fi Itory wllh the communist main- to in ‘-ing^ Held by BrIUsh ____ trnct he tliree men.wlll b* taken'Into Br»nl Sgy~by~BrlUali lininlgiatlon-au» ------- -llles and held uiitJJ theJr status •*7« been cleared up. J J hey will be met nt the .border , police and .a rcpresentaUve of T Brlttoh Red Crons society. A re- J ^r. photographer, and camera- \ WlU be on hand on a "pool" *, 0Jlce-wUl_bcliiK_the_thrc5_lnJ<l _ _ vlooo—In—aiilamobiles__and- put —TC m aboard a marine police launch NaUi the trip across the harbor to cemi tral ImmigraUon headcjuarlerson of ig Kong Island. «Pe< Will Be Inter»lewed_">^ Rum here S. M- Bacjee. hend j>t Oie ite general, will Interview them. Th Is expectcd ip aueaUon 'thfm meni elv on their acllvlUes during' the from ourwa aaid tlie men mny have time Idled American •ciUMnshlp by wi Ir work In Red China. In that acco nt.-Uicy aald, the tJ. S. consulate mun erat-wm-beJclltvcd of any re- Korc naibimy-for-UielrJuture^Ujelr -ei, irn home^ve.d. ihe men u,e i 1 be wnrned they face ponslble the secutlon by. American courts. of a In c fe se rv e P la n ^,2 :iIMig;Snagl VASHINGTON, July 8 (in— The to-a nlntstratlon’s compulsory m il- ai ry reserve progrnm mn Inlo new uble In congress todny, Sen. hnvi :hnrd B. Ru&sell suRgested'H be leve ii5^-fi;^favor_oCftli2!Mnt£2! lus-lnceiitlve plnn. w lusseli. D.. Gn.. olfcreil -hla rlvnl ) 5 t nmlliee which he hends opened second day of hcnrJngs on the ,er%-e progritm. ' F lussrll suggesled th t'th e govern-|Tli« vlceman wiio volotileers-for IhrM todi irS duly In the combat reserve trui the nrmy or marine corps; The A ministration plnn would mnke a reii AUot-Uve-ycars.ncllvc. *nd, re^ tne •ve aervlca compulsory on'i] ell-iKwl-Korean—watL-vcLi-yiU r - ----- . • ant tcry'*. would result ir veterans are q , 'eed-lnlo-the reserve-whUe an.ln- j_ , 'ssliicly large number of men are 1 -• '__________ cor Uiout.,gclUng_cut. ot IhcS c air D6U.»Jtn:W ttPl»tu>'ai-ot-Uip >jub-. -S. r.- the city feeU- obllgaud-to In-. sum rfaclllty.-^-::^ I ”, He said the for; paying of bills' only and Uiat. ^ her business would be conducted, , the regular counter aa usual, ' i ^ LaUmore feels a drlve-ln window: ,, jul{Li£i'r-uUmfUOt.''Wv®H”^®^ m Id would eliminate the walling me now.experienced byje*ldenU| ,- i-ctriaUulun._____•________ ^ EDITION III PRICE 6 CENTS 'l||M lerts::* ility" will permit yiaiting ll^ n m agriculture Jind “perhons B5 HB hd"forlh' vi.iit of a;' will 'see whnt they wnnt to i!3 |w Files on . | | tock Creek i i Imon River Cnn&l company, (oyU I it hha filed an nppllcatlcn lillfl )t w/iret In-Rack creck and- to fltorc 25,000 acre feet of ||M i-Rtore-lO.OdO ncrb-feet-of- jximately three miles south BB|u| 1 a capacity of 16,000 acre ^ I et, ifl to have itn outlet tyv flgjl I •oximfttcly_flix_mlle8..8outli. flftt I ' Rock creek. ' I Elmo Pnrrar, manager of tht niU nal compnny. said the 'fUlngt are MiiM I flood waters In Rock or'eek a n d ( |ijl| il-have-no-effect-on'tho-nc>rinaI«iMl iw of water In the stream. riie water-nied upon In thsinl -cam Is to be diverted at approx* K im lately tha same place ns the out* B iill :-tp-the'dnm neuerltoclrCreek.—JfflM Prousts against-the appUeaUou I bUH ust be filed with the state depart- T l» watershort 'SalmoiLirMt-has- R n|u :ra . lhvesUg-aUhg_niimertma w tn In lU augment ih^ supply of water to |m || le-tract, from -M m on ’ reaerrQU. H nlll :veral plans have been presented QbHIi] > the company and studied by Iti H fl :flclftl*. Amnnir th» nlnnn IW BH cfered Is one to bring water to th i (M m act-TrQm~Uie~JafbrdSmTernaid*M|H lethcr: Is J o r ;walcc2lro mtPsjlsad«s:«^B im which nor Is under eotuthio* n lM Fnrrnr said no plans have b e m ffln l le application Is panted. -Ho taid'ttyH :ie firm would have a year Iq w hleb'M H ) IhvesUgate the means of bring* 11 Ull Ig water from ths stream t o m 1||n | met should the appUcattcra'' M uMNi ranted.___ aBllll V^iolatig n s o f ||| K o re.aT erin s H _ C o n c e r n ,IJ.N . W -TOKYO.-^Jnir-«-ftB=Sop tr3BaTjmB inUons officials are ext^m ely con* ffi® emed about communltl vlolaUoos U M t the Korean annlsUce agreement, iSyD specislly the Illegal ereaUon of a nlMj tussln-supplled modem air fores In IflfflU torih Koreff,~lt 'was leari>ed~lure'tfl|raj The two-year-old armlsUce.agree* n B nent-prohibits ether side In Korea UfHj rom enlarging Its combat forces Bllni iBi'mid' tim"XHa' a im m n M -* l Ime ^ the cease fire. |(bB When the nrmlsUce w u signed, h IT iccordlng to U. N. officials, the com* unL nunlsta had no air force In TJnrOt M t Coren nnd,only one.useable airfield. BBB he communists have secreUjr.rusbecLjl^l he fcstnbllshment and expansion | ^ | )t a Jet air force in North Korea I H n clear vloIaUon of the arm U ^ce.lle • The'QUestldn -U. ,N. offlclalTface i M odny Is Uila: How far will the com* ffOI nunlsts bo permitted to gt> with this HlM llcgal. buildup? , . ■■A''tibTfi'erTu‘c 8 U o h b :'W m i;6 n ilM e a H n J I irtotnUaru'by'tha communlsU lead Inifl«? ■'^■ h II According to Infontintlon avsllsble hlffl hero, both of these quesUons' will iU n hnve lo be nnswered oa the pollUcsl m n level. jiyy Safeway Denies . ■ r E aw sT iolatioM p FORT WORTH. ‘Tex.. July 8 (in- fll Tlie. president of Safeway Stores. H jnc::ta-TeiinrKn>ctTy titalnT-flcnled~i todn^ thnt Snfewny vloU M antt*.- A terieral jcrnnd J u r .Indictment, returned here lale veslerday, named the store chain nnd two of'Its olfl- clnls.-The-gnind-Jury charged-thak- Snfcwny hns created a "super chain" and '‘lowered pfRtnirXeXii* tr. ,lr<lrnv m mrM-tltlnn." ' • _ ^ But lilngan A “V/«mn,-OaU«i<ii; OftUf.TSnrtwaj^rcflldenh-lfleued-aB- Joimediate- denial .In which -hs said, the chain ••hftt'InT" m r -an^^nll-tTTJKTTaST^mirsi mwUng competition in good falUi his ba- 'a'^pred\'cl^forMVg"c'^^ -thcHlve-day.-w^ftVher.foracasUra-. - oflved'vla Auocialed.Picss...v.._ . -r.'Tiu'-hittniiiiim-niyfumaw - on. though." emphaslied thi AJP- - reporter, rending thls report::. ^ "Continued raUijer cool thronftt' " We'dnesday-wllH : spotty showers. Temperature*. 5. ; to 10- degrees below ' oonail:- : (Probably.)

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Page 1: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

B W Kri. v i l r - »J

» L t ; ^ d > ho. i»^ = r r - r - -: I ---

------------------- =


ISgri^ i l M■reduledisHH

J u ly := 8 -

im p ro v in g j H V ' ^ o vaccine and K y i d testing m cth-V em p lo y c^ -H itK dribblinfc, vaco- ^ E m i h by rclcasinff ■ S l y . 300,000 s h o ts■ 2 tu te d undcr-'ncw H f adopted . s e VH ^ T h i > - w i i A _ t h s ..

released lo r

^ K t i n l Leooard Behee- H ^ i r c t i progrftm w»l

■io^^ B g ;> ] ] 7 < (^ A n o th e r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

CoHTlcU huddle#dmllU!d to . Uo m w Jth prlMi

^ ■ £ £ ^ e r e . ' W w h la f lo n lU U^ K r ^ u d P tdenen, W »IU. L*ler fumt^ ■ K h M p l l * » - W » d . c«llbIttek*.. * fU r I^ B ^ ^ t n t o r Uwrenca ended. In » ahmkc

hU lIlnfM hli* co»ertd & cotlcciMilo K U> hBmsnera an

I T ho fhaUo^lown y. . ^ -m o re -d ay fc -p r tw :

»ssr."."5 K s>r.'‘:5.“ srw tM **P^ ^ ■ f U b ihort term objec- ______^ , .■■■,

TwbTViaKSS;i"v°S: “Deficit^■ lri-t«*T *‘'l 'se i'P'W - - - * ^ . « d . « o „ - f o r i n - - - ; g t a t e 5

f f l e - u f BO ISE. Ju ly 8 .ttic fiscal year Jun

S S ^ b S t l S o n ^ k3fl n .w a s re> ven t a d iric lt o( mo

Mw-»iiindAr(la_— llo n Jd o lla i^M o n d t ^ K v T lc « < b o in n o u n c e d I t m eans th a t

n)«"*« a ngln. go on.a_W Br ^ ^ ^ K n c d s* manufMtureni ably untU ttia (li

Ireaueotiy w h en ' neM -revenui A ts r c d & y J h O U s

^ ^ B t u ^ u o n ' iK lwcra to show In th e book daum utuU cal in* 8 ta t« audito r N

lovemmcnt." leaalnic hU Bencrnl ^ ^ B n r i l the vaccine be for th e IfiM -iS Ili ^ ■ u k l s M»ho. ih# »Ule th a t th e «Uv^^-»U ^ ■ S n t v l U p a u It alone biennium nr

acting Hcftim balance o( » .0 7 0 .^

^ ^ ■ i c £ a *111 not constitute frnnsfererA from ot ^ ^ p M S t or It, he added. »37.B7S.IOO n t th e i

ca iw off aoy 55 biennium . B u t I ^ ■ K tu t lo n proKrAm.% be- a tw o-yenr expen

ooitrealc nhleh now Benerni fund o t ; ^ B n let ptrsons In the took a ll o t th e acci ^ «n P«

BnomistFWonf Bver Credit Sp^■HKGTOKT^'uty i (/P>— T h e K overnm ^ ■ a k e r s are n b it w orried a b g u t n n incri

dgriny the c u r re n t b aa in esa boom in th e atdcK niurK c^~cbi

wyliiK. Despite concern o v e r m o fields, federal .policy m aker.s si

^ ^ ^ Mn.lllllirect. rfiHip ]- i h n n r t i r p r f p n n t r f^ ^ g^btcom iiiRjInnKerously p u ffe d u p i

in c lin a tio n is

•hone.Maii LUo"rSr r ^ e c o n o m ic po licy

^ V ^ V O l l i c r m B u tU d o c ii noe * slblllly th n t Uie

Siia^honr. vhk w n - bonrd. to r the thi

« C0M8 In Twin m arket w ith a dir court Friday ik>ier ping m nrgin regu

. T he tidm lnlslraI*arkpr wn* nr- serve b o a rd - ls a

5"' " l>y vn«t buslncM invM 5U cor.JU Q aLol

til* a : wnn ciockSll ' economic ‘hatj $0 mlfts ncr ''^nshlnRton are r

“ .™nj,5* r.iS ".".““T30. CItlien cnnddcnt

^ ^ K “=»J'k1sp f!rmr« tj.,1 P ''' '‘S>nK licom e t

jc^U olH - ^!L d ,nQ .-.pne .be

hpmM. churches. — = _ . J.nclorlM ih a t did

Wili nrif* 1 ^ i; ' ■'**"'f'*ioii;'Bii *1 111 v f l J v

York. Ch M,;;-rr ii«-cicflcs-nncL ,i

n>mtl rvi MllM.RukJ, “ '® ^‘‘“ ''0 Po' iiimn B«mM ‘" f 'u 'n » t 7 p . m

^ ----- -- *• euMion wiJJ be s t^ ■ . ^ . N O T E n — V . . ,T h 6 convenUo

'■'“'I I rn c L Amerlcfln U glon

lend! Sund iy .

\ -A Regional Newspaper S

~ p»[?urcu>-:sii'— -------

Youi i m Ract k s k i U E

a T w in Fnlla juU ^ycur^old >1 road. C arol L r

i w hen nhe wa.s t:o f a l f l 4 G F o r d

1 th e ficvcn<meml niRnal fo r a left

j y o u th fu l d r iv e r

■ 9 New ] ^ I r t

^ H B K July..o p e rn t io n . in - th

^ ^ ^ E B S h s t r u c k f a s ( m on H e n ry

R aid t h o w a t e r Mt. ^ c e t t n d th e leriaoa oftleUia a t ticnU y n o drjvv u t« p rbon , W alla ‘ W a te r f r o m p u i n ia rda en tered th e Luts owns 1.3U Bt lh*_ r)o llo f _had. !?n_d_on w hi4 > » tiakedown th a t u n - mnn IrrlRAtlOn p liectlon .o f knlre*. creek. He l(n* bee I and baaebaU bata. grnln nnd benns o n will take a . few soon ks w ater wna

imf1t*r«en.aboye are.Jock:.. Public limds ■' 9ck. tho s ia a 'ln Iha land have been J In the ou ter v ltltln f dlvldunls xpurred ephoto) on tho Buhl m an -----■■TT--------------------- he plans lo sink

s a i i o n s ■ S S r H• - I - . Lutx sU rU d drl

i t F a c e s - “ K ’S ' K.■m M- ■ I there would be wa

5 - M o n d a y« (in-Tdaho ended A p a rt df L u u ’i

Ju n e 30 w ith a gen- » a t« r r l ^ t from

n'tUb^^uou«h-lfl-PiaI t« d laat year tor more th an two nOI- nrea west o t Bnon d an - - ....................v stream a crossln* tia t" tJ io “ 8U U 'nmsC Since L u tt hasJUtrrant^bttsI*, prob- X® liaa been pumI f irst o l "the ycnr, m olor.'H rsftld . he n u fl.f ro m -tax laws Po i-tr compnny.i:Q$5 leglalatura beglnJi to h l^ tP r i .books. • in e y « 3 n n ir nr N. P. NlelMn. re- L u tt aald h e dow irn l fund report today thorough test on 1 llacftl year, ahowed crop* i^a harvest-•aUrted off th e laat f ' -------------

I on opera ting cash -w^ ,

- - f c x t e n s iih other funds totaled - r v th e s ta r t of the lOM- I | o | V | I-lu t th is WM offse t by f ' « “ ‘ •*• Kpendlture Irom the i> i

Is Amn r« t» ». c«liii>in O. WASHINGTO^

• 1 * 1 P n le” t a l J ^ ^ will r. - X ~ X V /V l. aiend oL six. a

. - . . group snld todny.

iplurge SiSls- sn»k,p river pfec;

n m c n t 's 'economic border, where u ncrcaso in (fn-the- P '£ l" “

s,uS';rbuySsifeagm oun tinR indeb t- plan now Ln to a s ti l l Arc Inclined alxols_to_kecj> th e haa-hcid-heorihR 4P on c red it. 1 h a t injlon here a n d 1) ifl S tronfr, a n d - i t west. T he «nK t ntn l -to ther-E isen- ^^ is t r a t io n 'a w hole date.)licy. Idnlio Power -n o t exclude tha 'po .i- the federal po« Uie • federnl rcwrve for coM Uuctlon

I W rd tim e this ytnr,

stra tfon—nnd the re- _ , , -

Z P a i r a t . (

- H u r t -nlc policy mnkers In jq a H O PALL re Rind lo see the nn- y „ r* o ld Llncoli rs give a big vote o t jn rdnn . wns Ir -IBT-c-rtMmlcTllWrt J ti i i f j i j -T r t t r i >re m o n e t In the com- gj^j, h in rlru -{ n . t w hich repre.ient the po,ice w ld h!. tiding productive m a- rfrivfin' by V.------------ -----------.-.------- Gooding.- ro llldi[fI inn» - |.p ft-D o lm q : 'Hie Jeep rolle<l dently uMng h is ex- borrow pit. T ne to buy more fu m l- nnd two, ehlldrt LJRS. household nppll- bruised, b u t we in tn o t—Ihereby-cfen t- - J o rd o i t— ha*^ new production orders since the accidi 'T nD rtm na 'tic tte rpny* ------------------------

B.bclltllni Mie Im nnrl^ - . E I b T >lf aurplu* in bulldm g WASHINOTC nea. RChooln. nroTcs and W hite-H ou»*-i dJd *0 m uch la s t year l o o f f '^ s ' i f M

lOTtiy over a r t uPMion aooompany Uie. k strong fac tor In the for th e Big Fou » - ■ - , , , , - I t also said - - • ; W tH errt< rT ia

p e n ^ n i g h t ii liriin n iin l-c o n v rn lio n .- — ■ ' - J & t

..■■s=as; |i“

.e_^'Be(l a t Oprm7~Z S d w o f^nUon, Vwhleh -w lll. bc b u w dt>y_a_b'ariQUCt:ln • Ul* » ireet_ig lo n \h n lI nt-,7 p, m . cnsunitln 2.fe«tlirc!UjialncM.*e*.*- -be»a-of-penplelernl assembiy. a cnr . ^ . - n of beei Bhoihone -fftlta nnd awin Falls. T he event | " .

e r - S e n r l n g V - ' J ^

~ • T W I N r

i th fu lD r i icings Cars rashJDea^:-'ll L n u R h iln , d a u g h t e r o f M r. a n d a.s t h r o w n f r o m th e h a c k - s c a t n f i ^ o rd a t a n i n te r s e c t io n . Jam c.n I. l e m b e r j u r y t h n t h e d id n n t s e e I I l e f t t u r n a t t h e in to r.- tcc linn . T •iv e ra h a d b e e n raciniic n lo n g th e

Desert Aree rngaM Ff^lu ly . 8— A •w ell-.iium i>inK -129 in c h t n - l h c d e s e r t n o r th w e .s t o f C a s tle f m o n th a t^ M 'i f c e t . a n d p u m p h ij j f)i .u tz , B u h l , u p o n w h o s e la n d th e a t e r is n o w b e in g p u m p e d f ro n v le le v e l i.t e t i l l r if lin jr ; A i)p a ren t l; d rjv w -d o w n o n . t h e

rS’.'J'SJ'i Atlantiit Was the old Hnirer-

Searclnns on th e Innd bu t ns ^ _

een ^iJcd^upon* by^Jn- Y OnK

have filed desert entry *fr n t *fft apptt no t been announced. d drilling on Feb. 7 "in • CapI, Julius ju ld -» trtke -w a ter.— H e operations of ili nd definite indication* dlslrict. snld co

w w a tc T tS e r e b lir 'lo o f -plnnes andTihli Ie-*ald..Uie-wclLJa_th£>n well In the a rea . *^uiire miles « L uu-s UOO ncres h as n ot the my. :rom the Blue G u lc iv lr- Coaii guard 1 Jlcuu th lch w ai nrcnn- -^>!Li «l>peared r to bring w nter Co tlic iiopt-lcM aflrm P H iilmici-d U6cit i r om -pnmiwler—wlio- ilnK-UieDruiieau desert. Jiour.otjadlo-i> t has no elecWc power early yeslerdny pum ping w ith a diesel terror which n

lid, however,- ^hnt^dB ho -re*ciie-for«sr— nny plans to run a line _ The.mdlo^mci

commVrcinl tug

I doea n o t plan to ruh a wn* ahlase ands t on It u n til a fte r his sons aboard oirvested In the fall. «fe preserver*.— ________off a fte r saying

, * hnd surfaced r

Iisionforf f - • costly hoax waiI Hearing ■

1 long series of i.nnounced"" “•»“3TON. Ju iy 8 W — A

Bill run e ight hours In* r r q ___ __ ^e. a spokesman for the — I - i l open.1 M onday onlo nuthorlre a federal - JP Q l rH ells canyon stre tch ofalong Uie Idnhn-Oreggn WASHmOTC:re Uiree prlvnlft power senate nnd hoire been propo.ied. on a comprominK'orlRinnlly was sched- elgn-ald ntith^r

II to hold nn-nddltlonni Lvl23 million d Axlon.Friday. howfr’s request

Interior AUbcommltlee controversy ove orifig« nn .IdeaUcaUcglir handling of pre in d In the 'P ac iflcH ortn : ald funOs. -Acit BehKtc'sabcommlltee'np- new TUthorlTn 5lU. h u t the full.In terio r npprojied_ by, laa n o t announced a .vat- Uiere may b«

cui.1 (hen.wer company l»n-' a^ked The sennle i , power commUslon for « ,< 08,000.000 i cllon llcensfs for ihree by the Presldi would flood the propo-icd with a H 5' mil

mny rule on th e nppll- hnuw.. t m onlh. Tlip aennle a -------------- --------- .. lion dollar Inei

it Gooding, , money wns no

rt-m-MishsipPALLS, July 8 t f ^ A 60- voice vole. Thi Incoln eoiinty m an. Ray menjure to Ihi us In crltlcivl condlUon jjO roll, coll vinrtcrnoon-nftci—a-c o lli----- ff t 'n5e m ^ lru-ln. ^ ■■ conference coId h is Jeep and a sednn

V. A. Thompson. *]. „ i d ,,,« comn:oUlded-on.-JilfillWJli-_jyL ,h«ekMi-«-t^(liWe<i*6ver-nnd-lrH<>; ll|e iion»-r?pm O T ;. Thompson. hH wiie rtpfen,„ illd ren were ahnken nnd It were no l hospllnilwd. ,,„ve'-h a a ^ e c a -J in e o a 'ic lo u s ,,0 ,,,iccident. • _ Tills was ii a

Ians TripIGTON, July 8 w —-iiic jjune Ju. in;ivu»*-sald t o d a y - i t - ‘'J jc ^ ^ c a r .. ----------ir-M rs.-E laciil'ow rr will Tlie new .bll ■ g i f p rf>Ulrnt to Geneva u^ lch would I ; Four conference. ' mlnL^iration fi said tenlnllve plnns call ,jry nil mon^y lifm X em lf-a t-IO U O .pJii. llnn-doUars-wl»L_is ,.jl»oatd HitrJ;rM;,- iou.-jyji.mtlinp''r o n a l ^ a n e . - O l t - t ^ n i i :

^ clo-ted th n t - I

EES^ ^ f e m W lV o rH B lIrr ■romplM o'^epnH Im ItcrT nuradny-a lt-7 |i,|.ni(iW a'praivPcde.ilrlnna dashed for uo iirw ero eniid_m olorlsls rolled',; up , ' —

of Uielr cnr as theu w d down Uie m am • v/A SH IN Gl- |d cn tE laenho»unltlns-w rrr-w porlffl m tjrtiertioon loecplf..nfMrieiit8.«'J.q-!liL. :«t-iilft-Geitys:: bees la reported "mlM- Iw hlto House.

- .i jr lgh t he_wUl. - ''r r t i im Bunda;

\— 1 T W I N P A L L S

N FAT.T t; TTVrwh TTpli-lAY; ]

iv e rs of 1 :s B lam ec Itkof-EiJe:iund_drivP.iM i_nf twft pnr.‘L i icL’’li(,--i’ fie-flircidcnt-tw o m ilC F^'est'oC l and .Mr.**. J e s s L au g h lin . died o . o f a-1041 C hevro le t w h en i t cn C.H L .. M o r« n n ,,d r iv e r o f ’th e I? ice D arre ll E . M cDonald. F ile r, c . T estim o n y b ro u g h t o u t n t tlu th e ro a d . H liikle L . W ride . 45,------------------------------- 15)47 Studc

. T w h ich theeals :;•£=; jnr-W-eiii--:-

the speed olnche.s o f w a te r ia in miles an houi Btleford. W a te r w ns Charles d, IK icKiui 01. Ju n e t s : J 'f 'T o S th e well w ns su n k , i,nd wnnied

ro n i-a d e p th o f 261 not appear a ontly th e re ia p riic- Wnndn u u--------- ■■ ' dead girl, tc

, . . . ■ to the iiccld

U i c A i - e a .-----------—--------Dr..V«m-A:

i ^ i E p d s ;

l l e d P r a n k £ s t iOnK. July 8 O B -T h e 1 called-off .a t 9:30 a m . “ ‘®, *:a 31-hour aen nnd nlr accident In w a Dhnntom flshlnir-ves- Involved

r{ffl.rt,Tr“ Borl-oL‘aU u .

mo. o l i ? S K ;Of the-thlrd-conat-gunrd Id consl guard nnd navy I T sh lps-had-aearched-an vnuahn ilnri en ot npproxlmntely 3,700 ^ -''‘ Bhn nnd :e s 'w 1tiiou l-Ilnd!ng‘ niiy - ' --= f=0 mysterious "Bluo Star." ard InvesUgnlors pressed:ured to be nn nlmo.U - t rtu-mpt ti> idcnIlJy • U lt —

illo-i>hone "dlatresi’.’ cnila _____ »_. .irdny told- a lule of-Sj:n A d , eh moblllMd a ll coaslai -T V S l'

o,mcs3nge pU krf VP by_.n sennte-hoUsc1 tug sa id Uie "Blue S tar" RKreed yestc tlontlnirlogrcxploded-and coo“ ipDroDtand ainklng w ith 21 per- construction

rd or overboard wiUiout ju iy i jugt ■ver*. T h e caller algned Elsenhower lying a foreign submarine w i th an e :ed nearby and " I don 't „ „ n o n dolU ■II le t m e u lk any more." prm tlons.-tl o tJ iiD je rp a trf tiS L flU tie ai5ua«i.ono « waa aerlousfy ham pered and house n t .tha t no coast guard s la - ence bill bef been able. Uirouah- the House, bu t i ; of messages, to pick up The nlloc ilsslon. the conferee --------- ' followed Ihi

n s E g w i i l . 3 »

. ^ B i l U o n - ^ ^

t r e i g n H e l p f S F sJGTON. Ju ly -a i ^ T h e Montnnn: t I house completed action ^lie Uwl Cn iromise *3.283,800,000 for- Basin projei iithorlTJillon-'bill-yeaterday lo -beg in ’ wi i 10 Prealdrnti. Elsenhower, tfower plan t f lroir tTitn n-tiauygn etneiT ecT ih 'TJiai: Ion dollnrs sho rt of Elsen- work on U quest.<i. Wns spnrkejl by a r o t a oivlsli y over defense depnrtm ent « t In Waal if prevlqttalv voted m ilitary _AUocaUoc -Actunl-funds lo carry ou t cluded-Mlcl orlTntlons—m tlii—be roOrT^Tinttn

by bo th hoiw cs.. and inc. Idaho t , b . a move for fu rther w^

nle a t f irs t accepted the o i X)0 authorlzaU en sought resident, bu t w ent .along ■S' million dollar reduction .*« ..fim da.-¥O lcd_by_,tlie

nle accepted a 22 m il- . The 'tw U f Increase In-defen** sup- conUnuing- li npp rw ed by ih r house, traffic’ ncci

In trno rd for Spain. Ihls o t MoiorVil IS not enrmarked for nny jng m wi,ic coimtry In the final d raft. Buenn Vlsl

'nn'te’-npprffVArMmr'Dn'Tr ftjurflther-i . The house then sen t the Mr. Boeh ,0 Ihe 'P reslden t on a 262» Twin FnlLn a ll vole. - .V i^eb. 28, 18J

-lllrHe m are commltcea whleh P™* " ! ? ' j ® - ^ s' final version of the bill committee membera "were su „ iy j„ g

*e departm ent during thea .y . ol th r I t e . l y r .r t„ S t . . M r.•save’ th e ir approprlaUons m „ . oo fo ,

IS jiie fc re n c e to critlclsiiTii f^,u»dcpatCmenL-hadj)bllgivtc.dn half a million dollars of- voled a rm s nld funds onin?i' dAy '5n h ^ w ^ i s c n r - y ! j „ j , , f ^

w bill conlnln* a pfovTSlmi tu n iT ^ lih■uld hnve rcQUlrrrt che ad- j | , „ , nastors irn rre tu rm o -lh e - tr rn s i i.oneV In exces.^ of 200 m il- held In Ui«iis-whlch; hatL-tageiureyr =rT =tiroprlated but not.cMlgnj-{^ &i;.

-ent-^-IHt^lhl-ir-ft^»»»'^t^ O v i ni n f a d e fense drpnrlm en t ’

_iubcommlH£.ir_ I'L, *£*«i _ _ _ _ _ Juntr23-.thnv-.">e-‘'®Pn>’t - _ . Uia im vf lu Hndrrtnke - t o l Ttotld iuiL -rcprogntTnm in g ^ ^ t r - t ^ tW l t l ^ - t a praiU ine ftoven rpp ropT ln r {^e clerk!' .. t .n c tM.- -v. , i ; . artv,

I iN s " '« iH S N D ' • '* “ tNGTON, July 8 JW Prcal- nhow £r_w llHenveearlvjlil* explnlns a " lo spend- Ui7-,wcektFhd etlysburfl,-4’a..-farm — T he term ne ili }use aald If the-w ealhcr tMn rtrlve-ln .will fly. -He.prqbably wlir for the €01 anday 'even ing ., ,

F w o - ]R ( d f o j i - j p

ik 'c ii t iu .thc_dciitI i_ i)X . ________ _)C -rilcr on th e C4i)ver - . 1 :i o f injitric.-i received ', cni!*hc<l in to th e - re a r W A SH 1041 C hevro le t. Inlil nnJ.V^n

r. d r iv e r o f th e 4 'o rd , n* cnim tv th e tr ia l rev ea led t-he iS ,m em bi 4r>, F ile r, d r iv e r o f n gee. If-\v iidebaker p ickup , in to T h e P he tw o cur.t c ra sh ed , schodulei w the collLiloii but did nol Y ork Iiil ;o cnrs rnclng prior lo the m e t byeslitii-d he-hnd slopped-for I to r d ^ A ll n w hen the two cars crnsh- e d i to r C Ills pickup. He esllm aled n ,n „ n z in , I of the Chevrolet n l 50 lourlT l Ihe lim e of Impnet. ? "5 C n , -T D, S lra lto rd . Filer, a pna- ,0‘ "

i -Wor/TflnV -cnr. s a id - Ih f the o ther c a r (McDoni.ldt ' ‘“ *d W ' ed to rnce.'M cDonnld did r a t the Inciue.nt. .U ugh lln . 15. a sister o t the * “, testified to events prior leldent b u t did n o t stnte “of th e vehicle a t the Ume g o u u , ' d

n-Ahdcrsoa,-Pllor..was call- w!lvi^?.x»ir . . m taicM tB iM o n y r . - n Jurles'to^U ie dend R lr l.Woodson Creed conducted s t In Uie Jury room a t the X 'Is county cou rt-bu lld lng .-r ,o ^ s i iding of Uie Jury wns Uiat U was the resu lt o f nn ntiw

jjv .^bt.n n ir f . n l n .1 ihc ™

fs o f the Jury were«Edwnrd E. K ail. W l.w EvnhV PnuI

iJ t^ iA ^ h w c riillm an ^ JL JE . -Hirdld-no ind E arl Kelt. ^ jp = = = = = — ;------------- --- A 12-mt

IC C t F u n d . RuMlnrie*

;ars Fi^Hre S l U h J

sked by Ike iter..... •' ’ Inf tn ul«l

iilse . conference , com m lltce m ^ h ln e n eslerday u yan a 8M5.541.- roprmlron lo r reciam allon ;lon In Uie year th n t began lust about whBt P residen t .er asked. . . _,n expected carryover of sixlollars from previous app ro - J J f J d -. - th ls “ w ould a llo w ' to r a - -_•

le must approve the confer- before it goes lo the White • ut this Is normally. rouUne. llocntlons agreed upon ’ by - frees foE.lndlvldual projects those voted by the aennte , WAsrti

sday with one excepUon. the senate had approved

foc-the-Talent-dlvlfllon-of n ne_w_gii j i River project In Oregon. "Iereac*-eommllle«-allowed I, " -V ),000 In plnnnlng money. t” ,„ ees approved four million J begln-wortc on the Yellow- 'I on the Big Honirj-lver In „n^„unnj i: >POO.OOO to start work on urceic unit or the Missouri ThMcs

: ° . S " o r z ' s 5 , w “ c " ; s

1 Uie pow ep-plftht o f th e furi for d slon -o f th e -Yakima p ro]- on henv\ t'nshlngton. two per. <

kllchnud-XlBUrldaho.-»320.v MUmnted rnBom trTroVnr-Brde-Pum p: /e a r s , - " io,«3.200.000: Palisades, Ida., T he-re0------------------------------------------ costs lo T---------------------------- treasury

ii’iff Probes to"*"?''Iny over

;ath.byA iitoSSV in Ffllbi sh e riffs office Is 000,000 I ng- llirinV ejiU gaU on-6f-U ie lO-^jijntcI accident Uiree ■miles souUi " . - rVii corner Tliursdny m orn- ( n r r r A ■hlch-John L, Boehm. 70, 107 , \ 7 d U , Vlsla stree t, was killed and

oehm hnd been a residen t of Obi since 1005. H e wns born WASH

1885.'In E ffingham counly. United S narried L ena-Hucttlg^n-1930 *760,000- Nev. He w as a leU red farm - Iw l pinr

1-member of the y ira t C hris- Soviet Je irch. ■ - ... T o u l (Ing nre h b widow; two sons. June 23sltTn7^"-»rteleyH3ofo--f^nd^fin»mjDICCnT w InP nlU ; th ree daughters. U crew Ida Cahoon. S an ta Clnrn. Amerlcni Mrs, Irene Lewis. ”Arco, and Tlie U Drotliy Burney., T w in Falls: Moscow

Mrj...Luey_Nglsati, J.<rs- Cepl_"n. ilson nnd M rs. A nnn Ander* *hnre da ■JTwln-Fnllarnnd-Mrer-Mnry Mcw-oa.

Elbn; n ine grandchildren . • -

-al services will-bo-cond^cted ^ OAZA' LJrtontlay-^LHifi_mi)MLmori f .« '- -A ! ■llh the Rev. R ichard DeVll- Isrucll n is to r o r_O isJira t.C hm allA aJtU L S ifli offfcfaUng. F inal riU s will be on sever Uie Twin FnlU eemeter>'. n tlon of

I!Dnye3n:Sa]/,,'r«:»»'LLlpavlng_thelr_u-nt^^til f . t r « .-i-ttiBrettT-^n ii|-» r« -n«v»n'-hy !r»r»lrtent;

in^tlivoiild you.pny. y.our._WmJ|*d"j*virii r ive-lii w indow -If th e ^ Ity lm the c U one?" ', - ' ism ali ceMftliaUfr Jow iih H . Lallmtjro -LaUm< « a “ survey Is .being taken the city local propcrtj- ownBr* to -d c * |6 th c r th

ihc lfeasjijm ty o L Jiu lo llln sU naJJie - -In window n l the city .hnlllldcnU '.* ’convjuilencft of.ciiMomcM.” . window. ■Id th* su rv ey " io f» r ln*iw oulil'-t

n n g ~ I r r lg n t td ~ ld a lr < r C o n h i i r 9 ~

ed Fan iVill lie^ee^ieiSIIIN G TO N , Ju ly 8 (IP)— An i n fa rm p xno iis to nee n '" f a i r ty f a i r ." Jo h n S tro h m , U.S. y n b e r R uasiart' n jrricu ltu rn l d e l :-wc p a s s a fa rm ,n n d th e y w ai

R u.s .s inns n o w a r c -----------lied to a rr iv e in New Ju ly 16. T hey .will be 1 / 3 jy S tro h m . ed ito r -ofA lm a n iiiL a n d -a a a o c i ttllc . _____

o f B e tte r F a rm in g line, R aym ond C h ris t- •_ ng ricu ltu ra l' ecoriom- j i q ]the agrlcultvirnl' reaenrch

;..a«ul-two In tcrp re ltrs-p ro -. " L " .,* '>y Uie sla te departm ent. W flppim said the present tfn ia - t o b u i lhedule cnlU for th e Rus- - \va ter.0 fly to j>.M_Moln^B, Jn ., '__«, T hey are expected to spendi.ln Iowa.-two. days In Ne. W a te r ,

travel across sau theastern o f R o i• D akota to Minneapolis, -----------

to - Chicago,' Cniifornin, r n iglon. nnd'bncK to N cw ^ o ric • • | - m B f ligh t home. He snld n •*• ^ schedule would not be mnde ^ .

Z".,?”; Ca:un lry -S O 'to -a rdays: — = = fH entatlves of lan d -g ran t U i1 In th e statea they visit willup ln*stnte schedules. . ■ j,ONI im told a news conference ay—th e -IU u iU n * ^ * ill “pay ry th lng except the dinners ch Ih ey -n re Invited.’,' T lie ^ n o u n •y will use lo trnvcl throughSouU i_D akola_4nd_M iune- j " “ __III cost 860 a . day, he snld.•n o f itn ow how m uclM lie ---------nO K iip w ould-cost----- , form er•mcmber group ot-Amerlcanrxperts will make a tour of y leaving New York "probably i,„„ed

I " S trohm said lh(s,tr1p lo ^,,jy

jb^t2.S00.- _____ . KI!!hope to show the Russians n DM section of-Americfln-#ffrl£ ." .S trohm aald. "We are go- ..bnmbc ul«U n tnl nf fnrrM. m t-fll p ro- Enx,v_ ; p ln n u . fertlliicr p lants, farm origRS. lery eaw blisiim enta,-nnd see b j j i—- lcniUn.solla-lSn-sidlL£QycLJUX —e o u r ihowlhjt th e m -w h a t-w e are , , nUaixi «n r*(> >. CoIsbib'II narrow

■---------------------■ ttrr lto j

a i d O l i a y s

i i i a i i c e ' P l a n IjhorWi

3n Highways jby pol

SHINGTON, Ju ly 8 IW - A publle worka subcommittee ‘ '

d general agreem ent today on . . Plan to- flnnnce..a 42 billion rond-ouiIdlniT pro’gram by U xes on h lg h w a g ju e r i-an d

approprlntlons. - .

■ T c o m S ^ e s l d f n t E^^en? s proposnl for a 'lp e c in l cor- an-loJM ue nbn-treaaury bonds - i r ■n,-.^mi,eh of th e P r o g r a m ^ le sources sa id the new est pro- ™ stin to bo worked o u t In de- 'ILvfor: . »« •ln>>« nn» r ^ n t . t .g a l - £ l2 * ^

ngaMliSe. four cenla on dlese m oiuu or trucks. 10 cents a- pound avy diSty truck tires, and n forfeit tr. cen t hike In Uie excise ta x their ucfc#:—ThfM>—would—raise—an event.. i t e d H 'b l l l lo n 'd q llB n ro v e r-ll genera

-rem ain ing money In federal f*turn lo be paid for oul o t genernl win b ry funds. prosecU present form. Uie plnn calls 24-billion dollar federal o u t- - n -

ver Uie nex t 12 years for n f t p iwlde system -of new nnd Im- lic d c r a l .h!gh>l*ys. T he sU U * . ■, be-requlred io p u t up 12.400,i I

S for such ronds_on a_BO-W -__itcfilng-SasIs.— '•


10,000 Sought !S, = I n P l a n e - G k i m s S sSHINGTON. July 8 i i f t - T h t bonus d su ite s mny nsk Ruasip lo pny rus

ilnhe destroyed off Alaska by comm Jet fighters. n see

nl dnmnges Involved in t ly r„cr%- 23 Incident roulrt climb much „O s 3 in i^ u r i t i d a = th » r p l a t t ^rewmen nre determined by

• United States yesterday told3W in a note th a t I t will ac- ° , nn unprecedei^M ^red offer tp "f,*” , 'S .m .s tr io IpF p lsn .- .n an u

on.a.SO^Q_toalS______________^ , 1_________ p n ri _Ko_A <J.nEEM EjaiaEEH -------- UifiliSZA ^Bypt-lfcTflrPiilesniie.-July - But -A l te r two lengUiy meeUngs, outer; ll'nndJE o-pllanJiliM fw ntM 'yis yfre ^fnr from y r w m e m cr m l

ot border Un.slon. all. '

iibniir ner cen t ot-locallw lthc a t s : a r e ; U i ^ v o r - « U b s ^ U 4 3 ^ le n fo f .sucli a facility .-'He said lie.- t veiln wTndS<rcould-be-lnstalled s ta ll ' ,e clly hnll « t a compnrnUvely . H e i cost;'-' ■ ■ ' t h t 1im ore explains th n t a llhouglt other :liy 1* no t In compeUilon w lih n t th -flrm.’rlt-ls^n-fB vo^-ot-exl«nd- - X a l he_bfcat-poislb!e, strY ke Jo .r ta i ls 'o u l i *-.-Jlf .Uie Idea of th e drlve-ln and uw. t h r h u g h w hich persons tim e r - S * - « b l t ‘ to -p a y .: :th tl r-b lll* on-ci

m Expi ! Shownm = e m1 i t i n e r a r y o f ‘'g r e a t f ic x ib i l i t : a i r r ro s .t s e c t i o 'i r o f A m e r ic a n t . puD lic r e p r c f lc n ta l iv p o f th o le le g a t io n , .ta id t h o v i s i t o r s " w i l ^•Rnt to s to p ,•^ w e 'll stop.'.*

anal Firm F “Water1irR(;0 L L 1 S T E R , J u l y 8 — T h e S a lm a , n o t ic e T h u r s d a y , a n n o u n c e d i t p 'p ra p r in tc 4 5 0 ’Sdc‘Om} t c 6 t o t I u i ld tw o d a m s in t h e s t r e a m to

n e - o f l h e -d a m « ,- e x p 'e c tc d to-R i e r , i.s t o h a v e it.«t o u t l e t n p p ro x ii l<7ck -cree k . T h o o t h e r ^ w i t h a ----------:-------:— r — I— 7 - 7- J e e t ,

D f f n c o a t T r i o T S

an B e D e n i e d

E n tr y f^ 'U .S .“™‘>NDON, July 8 (UU-Rea~Chlni BUCAn >uneed tonight th a t U has imatel tp o n e d " -« h e -r* U a » * -o f- th r t« let vj- coat American prlionera. The pm i .uneem ent was mad# by enm- m u jt 1st Feiplnc radio aod monllored ,^ en t • ..................... ................. la'ter'.

5N O -K O N OrJ«ly-8-fln— Tlireeler Amerlcnn soldiers w ho chose B unlsm ..ovB £_dem ocrncy_nnd |® *“, changed th e ir minds m ay be ed 'from the Unlled S taU s K

worked for Uie « c d Chinese rnm cn tr-in fo rm ed-iou rcM - aald

f r uTr ;, . t . » p c m j U.-B r ltU li - cdlonyrToutsIderruw nboo curtain" a l 1 p .m . ,( l a .m .

IBS, w n ilnm Cowart a a d Otho Fnt........- -------- ------------------- made

w ret*-faW -lhe-*nM -wlll»r*oel»e tm n - wl recepUon w hen they cross th e the a row bridge which links British the fi Itory w llh the com m unist m ain- to in

‘ - i n g ^Held by B rIU sh ____ trnct

h e tliree m en.w lll b* ta k en 'In to Br»nlSgy~by~BrlUali l ininlgiatlo n -a u » --------llles and held uiitJJ theJr s ta tu s •*7« been cleared up. J J

hey will be m e t n t th e .border , police and .a rcpresentaUve of T Brlttoh Red Crons society. A re- J ^ r . photographer, and camera- \ WlU be on han d on a "pool"*,0Jlce-wUl_bcliiK_the_thrc5_lnJ<l _ _vlooo—In—aiilamobiles__and - pu t —TCm aboard a m arine police launch NaUi th e tr ip across the harbor to cem i

tra l ImmigraUon headcjuarlerson of ig Kong Island. «Pe<

Will Be I n te r » le w e d _ " > ^ Rum h e re S. M- Bacjee. hend j> t Oie

ite general, will Interview them . T h Is expectcd ip aueaUon 'th fm meni

e lv on the ir acllvlUes during ' the from

ourw a aaid tlie men m ny have time Idled American •ciUMnshlp by w i Ir work In Red China. In th a t acco nt.-Uicy aald, the tJ. S. consula te mun e ra t-w m -b e Jc lltv c d of any re- Korc n a ib im y -fo r-U ie lrJu tu re ^ U je lr - e i , i r n home li.ap p ^ v e.d . i h e men u ,e i 1 be wnrned they face ponslble the secutlon by. American courts. of a

— In c

f e s e r v e P l a n ^ , 2

: i I M i g ; S n a g lVASHINGTON, July 8 (in— The to-a nlnts tra tlon’s compulsory m i l - ai ry reserve progrnm m n Inlo new uble In congress todny, Sen. hnvi :hnrd B. Ru&sell suRgested'H be leveii5 ^ - f i ;^ fa v o r_ o C f tl i2 !M n t£ 2 !lus-lnceiitlve plnn. wlusseli. D.. Gn.. olfcreil -hla rlvnl ) 5 t

nm lliee which h e hends opened second day of hcnrJngs on the ■ ,er%-e progritm. ' Flussrll suggesled th t ' t h e govern-|T li«

vlcem an wiio volotileers-for IhrM todi irS duly In th e com bat reserve trui the nrmy or m arine corps; T he A

m inistration plnn would mnke a reii A U o t-U ve-ycars .nc llvc . *nd, re^ tne •ve aervlca compulsory on the .ci'i]

ell-iK wl-K orean—watL-vcLi-yiU r - • ----- . • an t

tcry'*. would resu lt i r v e terans a re q , 'eed-lnlo-the reserve-whUe a n .ln - j _ , 'ssliicly large num ber of men are

• 1 -• '__________ cor

U iout.,gclU ng_cut. o t IhcS c a i rD6U .»Jtn:W ttP l» tu> 'a i-o t-Uip >jub- . -S.r.- the city feeU- o b llg a u d - to In -. „s u m r f a c l l l t y . - ^ - : : ^ I ”, H e said th e wlndow -w for;

paying of bills' only and U iat. ^her business would be conducted, ,

the regular counter aa usual, ' i ^LaUmore feels a drlve-ln window: ,,ju l{ L i£ i'r-uU m fU O t.''W v® H ”^®^ mId would elim inate th e wallingme now .experienced b y je * ld en U | ,-i - c tr ia U u lu n ._____•________ ^


PR IC E 6 C E N T S ' l | | M


ility " will p e rm it y ia itin g l l ^ n m ag ricu ltu re Jind “pe rh o n s B5 HB hd"forlh'com .ing vi.iit o f a;' will 'see w h n t th ey w n n t to i!3 |w

Files on . | | tock Creek i iImon R iv e r Cnn&l com pany, (o y U I i t hha filed an npp llcatlcn l i l l f l )t w/iret In-Rack creck and- to fltorc 25,000 a c re f e e t o f | | M

i-Rtore-lO.OdO n c rb -fe e t-o f- jx im ate ly th re e m iles so u th BB|u| 1 a capac ity of 16,000 a c re ^ I e t, ifl to have itn o u tle t tyv flgjl I• o x im f ttc ly _ f lix _ m lle 8 ..8 o u tli . f l f t t I' Rock c reek . ' IElmo Pnrrar, m anager o f t h t n i U nal compnny. said th e 'fUlngt are M iiM I flood w aters In Rock or'eek a n d ( | i j l | il-h a v e -n o -e ffe c t-o n 'th o -n c > rin a I« iM l iw of w ater In the stream . r i ie w a te r -n ie d upon In t h s i n l -cam Is to be diverted a t approx* K i m lately tha same place ns th e out* B i i l l :-tp-the'dnm ne u erlto c lrC re e k .— J f f l M P ro u s ts a g ain st-th e appUeaU ou I b U H u st be filed w ith th e sta te depart-

T l» w atershort 'S alm oiLirM t-has- R n |u :ra . lhvesUg-aUhg_niimertma w t n I n lU

augm ent ih ^ supply of w ater to | m | | le -t ra c t, f ro m -M m o n ’ reaerrQU. H n l l l :veral plans have been presented QbHIi] > the company and studied by Iti H f l:flclftl*. Amnnir th» nlnnn IW BHcfered Is one to bring w ater to t h i (M m act-TrQm~Uie~JafbrdSmTernaid*M|Hle th cr: Is J o r ;walcc2lro m tP s jls a d « s :« ^ Bim which n o r Is under eotuthio* n l M

Fnrrn r said no plans have b e m f f l n l

le application Is panted. -Ho ta id 'tty H :ie firm would have a year Iq w h leb 'M H ) IhvesUgate the means of bring* 11 Ull Ig water from ths stream t o m 1| | n | met should the appUcattcra'' M uMNi ranted.___ • aBllll

V ^ i o l a t i g n s o f | | |

K o r e . a T e r i n s H

_ C o n c e r n , I J . N . W-TOK Y O .-^Jnir-«-ftB=Sop tr3 B a T jm BinUons officials are e x t^ m ely con* ffi® em ed about com m unltl vlolaUoos U M t th e K orean annlsUce agreem ent, iSyD specislly th e Illegal ereaU on of a n lM j tussln-supplled m odem a ir fores In IflfflU to r ih Koreff,~lt 'w as leari>ed~lure'tfl|raj

T h e two-year-old armlsUce.agree* n B nent-prohibits e ther side In Korea U fH j rom enlarging Its com bat forces Bllni iBi'm id' t im"XHa' a i m m n M -* lIme ^ the cease fire. | (bB

W hen the nrmlsUce w u signed, h I T iccordlng to U. N. officials, th e com* u n L nunlsta had no a ir force In TJnrOt M t Coren nnd,only one.useable airfield. BBB

h e communists have secreU jr.rusbecL jl^ l he fcstnbllshment and expansion | ^ | )t a Je t a ir force in N orth Korea I H n c lear vloIaUon of th e a r m U ^ c e . l l e • The'QUestldn -U. ,N. offlcla lT face i M odny Is Uila: How f a r will th e com* ffO I nunlsts bo perm itted to gt> w ith this HlM llcgal. buildup? , .■■A''tibTfi'erTu‘c8U ohb:'W m i;6n ilM eaH nJIirto tnU aru 'by 'tha communlsU lead In ifl :o .a-rensa.a l.o f-aclu ttl-flgh tln«? ■ ' ■h I I

According to Infontintlon avsllsble hlffl hero, both of these quesUons' will iU n hnve lo be nnswered o a the pollUcsl m nlevel. j iy y

Safeway Denies . ■ r E a w s T i o l a t i o M p

FO RT WORTH. ‘Tex.. Ju ly 8 ( in - fll Tlie. president of Safew ay Stores. H jn c ::ta -TeiinrKn>c tTy t i talnT-flcnled~i todn^ thn t Snfewny v lo U M antt*.-

A terieral jcrnnd J u r .Indictm ent, retu rned here lale veslerday, named the store chain nnd two o f 'I ts olfl- c lnls.-T he-gnind-Jury charged-thak- Snfcwny hns created a "super chain" and ' ‘lowered p fR tn irX e X ii*tr. ,lr<lrnv m mrM-tltlnn." ' • _ ^

B u t lilngan A “V /«m n,-O aU «i< ii; OftUf.TSnrtwaj^rcflldenh-lfleued-aB- Joim ediate- denial .In which -hs said, the chain • •h f tt 'In T " m r

-an^^nll-tTTJKTTaST^m irsi mwUng competition in good falUi h is ba-

'a '^ p red \'c l^ fo rM V g "c '^ ^ ‘-thcHlve-day.-w^ftVher.foracasUra-. -

o flved'vla A u o c ia le d .P ic ss ...v .._ . - r . 'T iu '-h i t t n ii iiim- n iy fu m a w -

on. though." em phaslied t h i AJP- - reporter, rending th ls report::. ^ •

"Continued raUijer cool th ro n f tt' " We'dnesday-wllH :spotty showers. Tem perature*. 5 . ; to 10- degrees below ' o o n a il:- :


Page 2: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

» ] i .P A G E TWO ,

g ' ^ F s F M i s E ^ i ^ r

P - ^ B r i n g D a m a g ^ ^

I iT o TlVcliiclesBcven M rt i n d o n ip fek u p ^ -

B r ; . - w ere dsmuBcd b u t no onB-ww In- i Jured In four Uftf/lo »eeldenU In

9 |iV Tw in Fftlls T hu iM ay-evcn ln j nnd i n i j i t r a d n y ta o m ln jf .' — : v

• PollM Mid Rny Ghun. <51 TJiIrd . ((S ft-i -»vcnu6 :wMU ftnd-Eltt-j-n A . NeUl.t. . ■ ;7 l! ' Kimberly, wero th e drlrcr* o f n 1050 l i . • Chevrolet Rnd iv 1BJ3 P»eltnrd which

collided on ElliAbetfi bouIevnrd m f I jnycco park Thur*day cvenlnic, •

lAt;> DftmftRo, ta IhB rltrht sldft ot the j 5} ' ; i - pftcknrd'w n* *et n t * ia . T h e ChCT- •,

rolct’J le ft fro n t fender w na dnm-'— • ------------- --------

‘. l i i j I In • second (lecldent Tliuriwl»y n i " t T f - 1052 DodgB driven, by Jonnne M, J •1* rf 1 lA nBa6nrBuW renltldftl“wltti-n:19W —

ll l l . • Chevrolet driven by Wsry e . Elnlnn-

1^1% block of Main nvenu* no rth . Dam- . ill 'f ftse wn* con.ildcrcd minor. - ..■m I ; I P rank M cQlpchlln. Jr., 327 Poiirili

uvenuo w ea t.'»nd Lnrty G lah. JMl •, ’"Pj ' M aple nvenu». w ere tlii* drlvem ot n • i

I .X I 1055 OMC pickup truck a n d a IMS Chevrolet w hich collided a t Bho-.

w j I ehone aU cet a n d S tfe n lh avenue n ,■ e l . enet Friday m o m in i. B o th car* ,«.l

were damaRed.' ' ' lei• I n th e aecond accident Friday Elln m Tj. Chew. « 0 O ak atrtet, n n d Her-

— — n if tn -A ,-la io e lt^ O -B lx lh _ jit£ n u c■ n o rth , were th o drivfr* o f a 1043 jje

; " Chevrolfll nnd a IWI Plym outh „ ; - w hich coUidcd aU- Seventh avenue jj , ■ y - and S ccond 'a tree t north. B oth ve- ^

, — ‘ h id e s were dnmaReiJ; ' « t-------------- N one- o t tho- Cftr* had Traffic be. -J, eafc ly Volunteer aUcker*.----------------- wi

......— • -----------J t

! : | , Loans Cited '•'' MOSCOW, Ju ly 8 in -O n e out o t th. every elitht farm * In Id ah o u re* In

n } celvlnir aome fo rm of ixasliinnce orJrom tho Farm era Home ndmlnis- w;

’ trtvUon, accordlnfc to Uio ajency'a vi . r top Idaho offlctal.

i ‘ -Mnurleo S o rcn w n . Bolw'rnddrcM- rc _ In* county aaen ta ot the FUA a t in

,J! th e opening: o f a tvro-day mecUnc su■■^2''. yesterday. siUd 1.0« loan* had fc

r ' “ been approved-In Id a lio in the pn»t te—--------- yea^ i-T hc^r-tot4l-valut..ho.8ftld .-l8 a i

J,. *7.220,000; yt

: i Hospitals: 'n -M affic V a llc jd U c m o ria l ?'

V latihg h o u r a ' .a t MnKic Valley

ADM ITTED. '»k r ' f " M r«r-Jack N ew ell.-C .'Q .-K elly . ^ l ^ i ^ -M ra . Jdhn -H all. M ra.'-R lchard-S lw . iFtf) ‘ ’ p lot. Pierce Roan. Jr.. M ra. Milford 55®!* ' Keeney, Mrs. Alt«n DeiUe. Mrs. » ^ T Cellii Rmtfh W_JW_ P r u . _i f f i) ) 1 sey, «U Twin F a lls ; M ra. Charles l | l | ‘L i—i^vini;,--M n. D onn ld-K onlctk- and ,{

■ i' WilUam B acss. s r ., Bhoahone, and $, ••'♦i j I.D onald-I* .'D avis. Pller. f

------ e---------------------- D I B M IB S E D ---------- ^ - -.» M rs. O . D. Anderson, M rs. Rnmon "

— r - r ^ t l a and - w i i . -M n r-H clen -D c a n : * iW: I -Mrs.i^'Willlam M cCom u »nd W ll- „ • f" ^ Ham T . Moore, a ll T »in F n lls; Mr*, f LJ A n i n w BherrU a n d ion. PUer, and ^ 5 :. I M ox Durtc, M urtauglu - ,

. ' D IR TIIS S-• A son was b o m F tlday to Mr. ■*

i n d Mrs. R ich a rd Simplot.' Tw in r ■ It rnllii. tn r t Thunt^iiy to Mr. and

, M rB.D usj3oB oren8dn,'B ura.

: ; ? S t . B c n c d ic t ’s, J e r o m e■ VlslUn* hou rs a t BU Benedict’*

• hosp ital a ro from 3 p. m . to « p. m . , i . - J a n d from 1 p. ni. to B p. m . i

■I ADMITTED ^I : j D ennla H um preya. H am m ett; M rs. “ Ihv;" ; , W arroa Adamson. Mrs. R obert W ar- "

te n and Mra. Lynn W ntklns. all " I ' ■ ‘ T w in Falla, n n d M m. Edw ard M ln- . r M ; : ; a lck . Filer. “, 'l ia 'f DISMISSED

, ’ • D avid O rr. Dlatrlch. a n d Mra. , O cnay-C ooley nn tt-ien , Jorom e.— :

:■ . r BIRTH S . . . ■ I' IT ...... Sonr-w ere 'b o m to Mr. and M rs. *

- v j. ■ W arren Adanison nnd M r. and Mrs. ^■ iVai. , l /ynn 'W atk in s. all.T w in Falls, and *8O T ‘ ‘ a dauRlit t r. i u UfUTgg "i? ? } f ; -^ W e s lfa l l .-J e ro in e :^ ^ ^ ^ C

■■"-ij'. CottaKeTBuflcy J• ADMITTER _ J

I tE iS n e v c f ly N c|«erl • and .'fw. »■ ] ■ LnRee W illiams, bo lh D urley; Fred-i it rT T * ' dlo-M cLaw j.-Rupprt.-.......... ............. - -" f . - - • DISMISSED t'm ,' • M n . Doris A nderson. Mr.-?. Oeorsia a

■ H ernander. M rs. Thtlma. Ooodwln. c - r ^ r i — O ounsnela-M artln« rB nd-M nr-E \'c - 1

I lyn Cm ne. 'a ll Burley; M rs, Ethel t ' m ] D ockstader, R u p e r t, nnd M rs. Mnudie \ ■> 1 ! Oreenw ell, Pnul..ilCil n iR T H R -.— ------A ion-w aa-bor«-lo-M r.-find-M rs. «;;i H erm a n Nelwert. Dutiey. j

liU;,', . ' G ooding: M e m o ria l •'y w u n i: hou rs at tlie Goodlne *

liwjl; I .County M emorial haspltal are-from ' ^ ; 3 p . m . to<:30 p . m . iind from 7 p. nv.

) • ^ TErnln Sievena. M :j. Pnul KaLitfud (I

ilUj-i- _aad-AIf«.-O rvme-Jonf,v n il Gaodmc. f m DISMISSED . • IM M rs. Fred B raRn. Wliiifim Prince m and K ath 'Iirn G olcorclirn. all OooU- !flB ; .li?g, and M arjorie Partrr. Chlcngn. _

►r t" I - — I.. .M * . , R u p e r t G e n e ra l . , ?

Illi'l ; ADMITTED l l i l i Mr*. Raymond Lopez. P au l: Bhcrr.' n : i f j _4_Pafm cr, Rttpcrt, nnd K ny ^rerr[tl, c : ) a . P au l---------------------------- ___________ ,I lH , DISCIIAnGED •. 0i m - - ] ------Elaln a..^Va rd,-E lb»r-and-Lnn<‘Uft -.,1, . Woodward. Durlcv. •

— I. u • I^ym ond-LopeTi' j Pfli il :^ — '

■ W e a t h c i -H ’’ : -• Macic- V a llrj:^F a lr jonlj[h i:.nK Il " f f l *

f: ■

H I Tor^ftni M ‘ ,M ItBtk-SBrlnr. --------- ;?_■ Ji-J X . -.— CUT ..... ...... « ; .'I ; ' •• ~~“ «i

, .s~iV»n» ........ <7 fc

K c c p ’ t h B ^ i V e n a y l j - o f S a f e ty F ly in g

t l h ^,| • : f /o w o n e d a tf w i th o u t a

i r a l f l e d e a th i n o u r M a g ic (' Valiev. - ' ' J

1 'I J

I Federal Fund

‘ By T. F. Aide' ■ City MannRtr Joseph K . L atl- ’ m ore-snld Thuraday 'a new fedw al

law permlU local housinR au th o rl- ' Ups to pay to cities, countlea and ‘ school boards /o r services rendered

federal housing projecU In lieu of laxea. v ............ .................

• Locally, I.aUmofe snld :sn aRree- : m «nt-]iad be«n.reaebed-betwcen th e• hoiislns a u th o ri ty and the city,' county ond school bosrd In w hich 5 t h a la tte r parties will .receive• money In lieu of Uxea from the

ftuthorlty. T lie am ount which willc be paid cUy and courfty aRencles

•will be e-itabllsh^d by th e au tho rity ,- J(-w )IK b»-JH S-than^ $1,000; a -y e a r ,

Latlmoro snld.T he houalns projects, o t 'w h ic h

t there are two In T w in Falls, W aah-• Ington courts anad Pioneer courts, e orlRinally were financed by bonds- which' w ere sold to prlvattf •indl- s viduals.

The bonds are beinu repaid by- re n t from th e m ld e n u tn the hous- t in s projects and if the ren t la n o l e sufficient to cover the bond-'*, the d federal Rovemment pnys the d lf- t fcrence, tn tim o re aald. Tlie bonds s A T o-to-ba-pald-off- ln -fu lU by-U i»

yenr 2000, a t which tim e . the 1 properties will revert ito . the city.

R enters in the projects pay no property taxes bu t receive city

■ se rvices,"'Inc ludlnK ' the use of- school facllltlesr like oUier resl-

.denU. .M onaser of tha local Jious-V Inc auUibrlty ia H, H. Hedstrom .

Member.1 o f Uie authority are Mrs._ Frttnlc W- Black. Fred M. In g ra -

hani. Ljiii> LAUUIlllQKe aiH>--ib« y._ Rev. D onald B. Blackstone.

? Draws Jail-Term'- ver n - M tt;imm n ;- n ; i5>~ g im street, was sentenced to n S 'd a y s in lh e county-Jall-and-asseau(t~eaitJ(

h of 13 in Tw in Palls JusUce court JYItlny a fte r ahe pleaded irullty of

earller-ln-the-dny:----- :i ' Pleadlne suUty. o f belnR d runk ' on a publlo aU ret, R ay 6 U « a r t, 44.

Caledonia hotel, and O erald R. 01bne7 . . J 2, Tw in Palls, were fined

“ MO each In Tw in Falls police court; The men ^ e re arrested Thursday.

- ^ M a g i c

F unerals;* RUPERT—Rosary will be recited

for Mrs. Leona Allec Rosa a t the Goodman chapel a t S p. m; Sunday

_ and requiem mass will be celebrated . ■ a t 10 a. m . Monday by the Rev, M al- ,, acky O'Neill a t St. Nlchola-V Catholic

. church. ConcludinK rlU s will be held a t Uia Pnul cemet«ry.“

. , JEROME — Funeral «ervlce.i for _ jiiw ph NteLwn will be held a t 4 p . m.

Saturday a t the Wiley funeral,hom e

^ ward.. officlaUnir. ConcIudlnR riles will be held a t tlie Jerom e cemetery.

^ RUPERT — Funeral services for Carl Chrlaten.<ifa -will be held a t 3 p. m'. Mondny n t the OoodlnR mortuary with LDS Bishop Melvin

_ Mnncur .offlclniins. CBnpludlnfLrllet h'HI be held a t the Rupere eemetcry.

1- ■ \------ T W IN - FA L L si^Punem l-servtces

for John L, Boehm will be held a t ia 2 p.m. Mondny a t W hite m ortuary n. chnpel_w U li_the-Rcv.-Rlohftrd-D e- c- Villlers. pnslor of tho F ln t C h rls- el tlon church, offlclntlne, F inal rites ile will be held In-Twln Falls cemetery.

JEROME — Funernl services for ■s. Mnt.'Mnbcl Qi:l|!lcy will b e -h e ld 'n t

2 p. li). Saturday n t the W iley fu­

ns Newman oOlcIntlnR, ConcIudlnR rllM w\ll be held a t the Jerom e

n, cemelcrj'.

T W m _ g A r j .? ^ F unpra'i arrviefs Tor^olin -p iH U T ntridecT lirtie to ii-

,d ducted a t 3 p.nv Salurdtiy a t W hileIE. m jirlunty_ chnpel__b}-_ prnncls__ e ,

Hrnhiion. D'ufinl will be* mnde In ee Sunset memorinl pnrk.

FILER—Punernl services for Mr.v -- F rfda-H nrn fi'-w nrbe-T m niU elsn iT

2:30 p, m . S a tu rd ay ,n t th r Filer• Mrthodl.1t church by the Rev. H, a .

^liirvey. ConcludinK services will be n t Flier cemeirry. Friend* may

»• enll n l th e Twin Falls 'm nrtunry- froiii-3-to-8-pr-m i-Frlday-antl-Jrom

0 a', m. to noon Saturday. ' '

iiWARBERfic-BROS.1r ph o n e

“ "hq;! specialist •= in-packing;!"^


~ 7 • " "

^ S ta tcG ran ge“77 C h ief Speaks^

F ^ M i^ t in g- - 'n r State O range m as-• ter. no te d th e "danRerous trend of

: Ui« dlaappearance of Uie fam llra lMf«rm " T hursday evening for the M ounla ln 'R ock OranRe n t tho Com-

■ m unlly hall. . ’ • .H e told of the Im porunce ol

subordlnalo-G ranges sendlnR reso­lu tions to Pom ona. S la te G rangt and N atfonal Grnnge " thus bring-

„ lOR th e problems from tha , grass roots on up." H e'also spoke on the

®. dnlry surplus problems and Uie Im- po rtanca -of establlshinR a public relaUona commltlee for the G range

— ■A '3nm rh6l«r” liryeamiBo-53-CTnt* or every dollar «»>ent fo r fn tm er’i producU came back to the farm er

;— T jr ttT 'e a r“ o iiIy ~ 4 l-e en ts -o n “ eacli• doliar camo back. T his shows ft drof

, e r’s produce in 10 years."Stftte T reasurer ' and Mrs. r. T

I C Creed .w ee visitors. Creed and-M rs W. E . Adam s spoke briefly.

‘II- I l w as nnnounced the Pom oni f a l O range will m eet a t 8:30 p-m. Sat- irl- urday a t Deep Creek G ranue. T hi md Pom ona picnic Is slated for Ju ly rred Kb N at-S oo-P ah . ..........................

of • A rep o r t w m m ads-on th a com-___ m unlty Bible school which w ss helcee- l{rU io“ b'uliaiHg for two weeks wiU th e »n pnrn llm fht nf ft? «-hHrirgn undei Uy, th e dlrecUon o t Mrs. Jacfib Kauf. Ich m an. ,!ive T h e program , under the dlrecUot th e of M rs. Merle Ewing featured Loulsi EVllI V nndenbaric,-G irls ' sta te • delegate :le« who spoke o n he r experiences a Uy the ses.iions. Jam es Vand<;nbarlc re sar, celvEd th e .p rl ie .lo r.U ie U lle s tjla l

story.i.h . * ^ e e roup has slated a picnic fo:

7:30 p jn . Ju ly 35 a l N at-Soo-Pah ^ Those a ttend ing a re isVrd to brim

a p icnic supper nnd table service d l- *>e furnished by thi. ' O range. *

S Jerome7Farmer—r SU- Taken by DeatFinds JEROM E, Ju ly J o s e p h Nlelscr th e 66. Je rom e farmer.-dieci-'niursdBy-a th e MbrIc V alley Memorial hospital ;ity. T w in Palls. 1no ''M r .'-N leU en w a i born Ja n . 2!

city 1889, a t een terfle ld ,'U tnh . H e m nr ~of ried Nellle-Lewis on Dec. 3. u>u ,4 j esl- W yoming. U iey moved to Jerom e li iu«. 1014 and farm ed In the F a ll Clt om. distxlct.4 n . Surviving are his widow'; on

son, Thom ** Nielsen, B urley; tw -Uif daugh ters. M rs. Nella Jo Rnsmus

sen ren irt3V 6X lt7 rind -V crlft41 l* I - sen, Boulder,-C olo ,; (our ’ m n d

ehlldrw i. and-tw o *lsl<rs,'Mrs. Nel I sena Christensen. Idaho Falls , an ' M rs. B ert H uehes. Sale T.nkA rit< Sim n i B t f i l sei^lces' will ^ held s s In 4 p jn . Sa tu rd sy a t th e W iley fu asU T ie ra r horaB"w ilh. W nl- W ard LD o urt B ishop ‘Lew S. P ra tt offlclatlni f of Concluding rites will be held a t th

Funeral Service i|«i Conducted fo r;

D ouble funeral servlcea fo r M r Don* Laughlln, Anderson, Mo., an

“ I he r m n d d a u g h U r,.C aro l Laughlli W e r , w ere conducted a t 2 p .n

----- F r td a r -a t^ h l tf r - m o H u a r y - c h a p .by. th e Re»TThomas S pau r and tli Rev. E rnest Trapp.

A duet was sung by M rs. Belt :lted H endrix and M n .' Belva Dexte jb e T h e F iler B aptist choir sang seven

loay aelectlons. Mrs. Nellie O strom Bak a ted cock was th e organist.

- Pallbearers fo r Miss . Laughll u* M L avem Thleman, Sam m y Mot held Jun io r Morgan. D arrel LitUe

Ray Michael 'and O icar Allen., Pallbearers fo r Mrs. Laughlln wei

■ Ed Andrews. B o b Brnckett, Lyl A bel,-K; D ..Abel, L eon .W righ t an

'?i«f O ' M- Johnson.—H iJ . ~F lnal-rlte*-were-conducted-lnH >i

lO O F cemetery. Filer.

Man Is Held for fl'vll ' Highway Assaulm e t _K A IL E ir.-Ju ly-B -a rovcr-C ro(A e

M ackcy,pteaded fnnocen^ttf chrirgt

Jlces falgned beforTProbale^Ju^R e'Voli a a t W right Tuesday. Com plaint wt Jnry filed by Mrs. Dorothy Miller, Idnli

P a i u r who c h n r g r t 'h e bea't hi i r is - „ i„ u t the face and body and. whe

she W.1S off her feet, kicked hi ‘er>. laee. •• M rs. M iller said Crocker b e a t h*)

o n iJu ly ^ S ra b o u l.o n e .m lle .east_ i,,, Carey on highw ay 83A. She w«

„ ^uB h rT 5 _ C arcy _ J)y _ ii_ p aascra l: and Deputy. Sheriff F ra n k Inam brought her to th e SunJTpJIcy hft p ita l 'where she Is sUll confined,

Crocker's Jury Ui«l hns been s< for Ju ly 15 In probate court.

5 ChiangesSlate^8 In' “ W ASniNGTON, Ju ly 8 (lh—Tl

navy s»ld todny th a l th e alrersi c arrier Midway w ill'en ter tho Bren

M „ , e rton ,navy ynrda Sept. 1 fo r mo< i n , ! ‘-emljatnon—and-lnstiU lntlO rt—b r ' Fiifr c a n te d .d ec k . T he-M ldw ay_haa_ {, a , crew of .about 3,000. , .

iinry I ,


t.jM, . ' ■ ■ —

a j S j m g g S j t g f i j i

..-;T !MES-XEWS.

TwiiiFaiUs-----^ D A V r A u x U la r r^ M e e t---------—‘\ 0 S tradley c h ap te r No. S, Dlsa

© American V eternns; a n d nuxll mas- will m eel a t 8 p . m . M onday a lrd“bf DATTMemdr-lanSBlldlnB:----------r a i s e ---------------------- --------- ------- ■:-------

Uie G raduaU d 'o m - LiEut. C had T . Hull, aon ot

a n d Mrs. A . T. H u ll, has been g * uaU d from flying; school a t Ell

to n a ir fo rce base . Houston,-Tex navigator. Ho Is yljIUng h la par and la ler will bo nwlgned to Mn

iT h e base, B ncram ento, Call

' . I n ' Trwck D river F lneS ‘ n"® Elm er P . M cwncr. 815 Fair

.waa.fined.t5-ftDtLt3..CO!lU_ln_: Fa lls Justice c o u rt Frldny i p leading guilty o f operating a t

-,n ch w iU »out-proper_m ud naps._Jie.

■ r s . S M i S K r

Two Millionsmona

Deficit Face -.«■ ‘ Stale^MondiI heldw ith l’«« 0"*>

uxJder lh e surplu.1. a n d left the 'ba lnn •Cauf- gome *738,000 a» of. Ju n e 3

_NlcUon aald n deficit will aj rction M onday when th e stnte Imii yiulse t3^00.000 from th e genernt-fur egale, th e public schools in the f irs t < es a l lerly Insta llm en t of the IS m :1c re - dollars approved by Uie la a t lei t j l a h lu re . io r . . the m ltilm um , _educ

program .ic for M rs. RuUi M oon, stnt« trea j i-Pah. sa id aho will s U r t Iwulng w ar bring M onday. , 'irvlee. “ I hbpc Vm w rong," she snld. f the r m n fra ld we'll be on a wa.

basis, o ff and on . unUI th e fit th e year."

She pointed o u t th a t addit-------- revenue-wH!-not,-cnmo IntA -tha

_ ' e ra l fund until Septem ber, wher a f h ond - h a ir paym ents on Income

aro due. More new revenue wil lelaen, pcnr i n ’O ctobcr. w hen cmpl lay-a t m n k o -th e ti-flr» t-rep o rta -o n -ln spiUkI, laxea w ithheld ^rom th e ir emp:

paycheck.^. . ______________li. 29, T lie 1955 legW ature convenef m nr- Jnnunry wlUi th o task of wlpln

il3r-ta nn natlclpated general fu n d d me in of a b o u t-10-m lllian dollars. , I City T o rem edy tills. Uiey pas.i

w ithholding t* x law, restored : one p er cent income tax reduction g ; two ed in IBM nnd ndded a n addli smus- per cen t surtax . r^lU U —n U 'p r new taxes expected lo xnnd= tb f t ic n e ra i .iu t l i i m .0Bumi.B lu . Nel.: th e h igher'levles-on-clgnrette i !. and liquor. -

CltV. . I —eld a t ■ ■ ta ^ J ■ m w •y fu- * 1 \ — • = ^‘ i-os r^ iia tlng. • f / » '*

>r2,n d Some people are so m u Uom

Jghlln,p .m ! aeea l y f o m .......................•

H Ry i i i

i her "W'ft


Iremifl ’ •Brem- ^ ^ A J I ’ .mod- M J k ^

iiSi/n n r r

Is l^ew siii Biief^---------- D io r ic t -v y w .^ » « t-s « t . .- . .>lsabled ' D istric t No. 6 of th e Veterj uxlllary Foreign W ara a n d aux llla r

a t the meet o t th e T w in Falls G rant —— - - 8unday.--A-poUuelc- lu n c h -* :------- - s« rved -a t-l-p .-m .-b« fo re 'thes

- f w . p is iu V illi Her* n « « ! . K enneui S. A gerter, dlrcc iminff adm lsslo lur a t S h a ttu A -

5 . ■J»«ribault.’ M inn., will v S t i ,* . ' nnd pa trons of the achool M other w ^ s t o p « i thi :.ui. - ■_____., O M ib ta r-J lo m ^ ------------------------

F irs t LlBul. a n d M rs. ArUiU ta lraa y , ore pa ren ts of a seven-pound i in Tw in—Id-JBoIsc.—C y stationed In E ngland w ith Ift truck M rs. G riff Is Uie

.iie was N orm »-Flnke,-Tw ln_Fall8—country . ______

M u i l . . . I.r. . n » .• M arriage licenses we^e iss

Uie T w in IViHs county .cJerlc'i ^ . T hursdny and Friday to B a r t S ver and Delores l : Durfee

Twin Falls, and LnM ont. H . J Twin Falls, and D okires R.;es _

1 Reports Accident . - r i a V M a 'ry T u m b u llr l< 4 T aylor

J reported to c lly police Frldn tho 1053 Plym outh she wns

lance of h it a .M ountain S U tc s Tel le 30. and Telephone com pany tru d I appear cd In U ie.100 block o t M ain jn n sfc rs easl'T irarsday. D am age to :« •fund to mouUi was term cd m lnor a 'St quar- truclc waa no l dam aged.■ million • -------------------

dlTcauon Report Give] = OnResiden S O f'Past Y

Rnymond L . .T ate rcpoi JdlUonnI Magic Valley M em orial 1 tha -gas- boa rd-m em bers-T liuradayin hen see- his year of adpilnlslrntloi me U xcs dency n l (he hospltnf, wilt a p - • -Northwestern un iversity , C siployers reccnUy conferred a degree i i-lncome u r-o f-* cten cc -ln -hosp ita l-a ' mployes' irn tlon on T a te . H e receli__ _ diploma la s t week. _______:ned la s t • T al« ihnnked board 'm em l iplng ou t their cooperaUon Uio p ast y d deficit will rem ain h e r e 'f o r ' a feu I. , untll h e completes arrangem i )as.ied a » poslUon a l anoUier hosplt •ed a 15 Mrs. Irene O liver, hospl •n g ran t- m lnlsiralar.-C ttve-ft report ddlUonal polio workshop program - a;

cussed new equipm ent net 1 lo keep the hospital, r tn e iu d * T -fih g -w o o ct^d _ a post-an ittes nnd recoverr'TOom '^ s ^ o - b c g in

Uons a l the hosplUil a t 8 a,

r V ^ B T T lie annual p icnic for employe* w lll'b e held a t .5:

t l t C . '■ nex t T hursday - In -H a rm o i ' H ospital board m em bers aii

llles nre Invited.C b n l rm ^ Glen B r i ^ s ^ ^

Oeorge H aney nnd C. D. ? confer w ith the .p ress over tl

I t i / te r of w llhholdlng nam es 5 ^ ^ tienta. . .

- nETU RN HOME ous they PAUL, Ju ly 8—M r.-and M; haven’l (Jer R au hlivo re lu m ed froi ________ couver.-Brltlsh-Coium bla, Ct


LEV ISICTo Be Givien

y i s i i

s t i , . Je'r<

V I S T ^ E i

[g — ■ a .- •

IBoeingGiv* iO rp oft^

t o n i j i ■ In- lJtah~2la w hnll BALT LAKE CITY, Jul i - w i i r b e B A l t ^ z t x e r c i t r y t i e m ^ - lo-sesslon, auxUlar)< a irpo rt and

- " land to Uie Boeing Airplane todn)" ns the site fo r a

ircctor o l guided missile p lan, I t was understood Uikt U

It a lum n i company was 'dellberaUng jool “ he re g a it l i k o ’ C ltr and ’ Denve th e P a rk jocatlon o t Uie factory,'w h

produce th e "Bomarc" mtsj ■ ing and klr force kpokesi

-------------- insisted— no— decision— I:thUr G riff reached, and none wouli nd daugh- nounced un til n ex t week. :._O rltf ,l i _ i„ _ c ._ R o m iie y ._ 8 a l l_ I h th e a ir commissioner In charge of e form er public properly, said Uie---------------o ffe rsd -to -se ll-o r. I ra s e J

a lrporl a n d ‘'surrounding •’ Boeing. Term s were not m«

issued-by u g said uoeing o fn c li lr rk'a of/lre (guested the sell or lease n r t C.'Bll- eeverni days ago.•fee, both EsUmntes on th e iosi I. Jenkins, bomnrc factory ranged ii R . Masse, million dollars. PredlcUoi

. number o iP jr so n s It wou ranged from 3,00ff to-20,00

, ■ . ' , Mennwhlle. In Coloradc - i r t V ColoTTVlr-Forco-SecreUi

rlday U iat g Talbott said there wot i ? . announcem ent.of Uie loctTelegraph -joposed ■ new guided mi ruck park - „ ‘'until the middle or I an avenue “/ y . t -Uie eat

denied an carller.rcpprt th r a n d Uic g „n i,ake'CUy were Uit

cities under consideraUor "Other places are being i

e n ' too .-.T a lb o U .s a id ..^

n c y Services Held Woman in B

JL c e l l . BURLEY. July 8—Funer M 'rtrrt to tor Mrs. EdlUi Beatrice

were beld Thursday afU rn Burley M ethodist church

tl? n r e f " ^ v rA r M ." m o m a s offlel tlon resi Rebekah funeral i, rwirftcn conducted under th e dh ■« ^ ‘ the RuUi Rebekah lodgi

wlUi_M r8.,.M 0llle_W 0ir

f S m ' “ " " w w n . Ncwco-mb >

S ' S “ p r n y , ? . - o l t o r f b r ,JS* TO £• (inrt riis- Toner, Lewis—FreymUlei

and John Brooks^AcUve i

ppd Bob Hunt... hosolU l Flowers were carried by

- 5 - 3 " p m R e y n o l d » . ^ . _ A ^ a _ ; « n n M?*- Millie ( FreymlUer, :a n d fam - Clnyvllie; LolltA P e t a n a la m Linqulst. Mrs, Elvenn p i^ ln ted

f'^H lnti'^ui “ u.ihers.r t h r m n l - ' Concluding rites wen les of p a - Plcnsnnl View cemetery.

_ MOTlfCR I t tE SHOSHONE, July 8—1Mrs. S a n - Finlayson has been calli

from V an- gon becaus* of th* Uln C anada , jno ther. .. .

E S J I T '

3 N SETrAwdy rr"


0 0 m........

rome=Golf Course


j a u d . . L — --------- r—J , A. McEwen demostri

’'A - •- cu t across s tre e t In midi: ^ Z V r e a . . r c o a t lS n g e r o h - p o i

• in fron t of dry cleanlni Ju ly 8 m — n jen l •. , . T anned 'g irl

x te p p ia r t r o m - r K n car il88 .»cres_ol 8 e e o n d -s tre « U w e s t_ .i; »ne com pany m g brown a n d yellow d

a proposed u,g from c a r of m atchir , Three ' glrU chatting In f

t Uie.Boelng Unfico' Credit- offices v in g betw een w alking along 'sU vet car nver fo r th e over a rm ; .-•.-Ernest O. which.would ipecUng Plerc# s tree t t ntssile. Boe- , , . postofflce emploj cesmen have ready for three-day coni —haa— be*n jit« ^ - 'Trtm nelt—P C tO ll auld be a n - second s tre e t w est . . . J k. blue Jeans . . ,. . B nilne

L ake C lly piano for outdoor dance of parka and k u IUc w llh .new hairdo . ihe c lly had w arberg In tow n fo r I e - th e ^ o ,_ i t ,- ,- rO u i- -o t^ s ta le —tom log lad d to i ^ u t a good place to es m ade publlo. fred May w earing sU a

:a ljrn Jra—re» M ary T urnbull uaitat8~ ose p roposal poHce JUUi . » (V. overheard: "T he way v

L vacaUon figured ou t UiU .1 i t w o n t be any money lefi

ado Snrlngs. Mrs. Eeona S H ? r Claimed byS He a r lie s t" He home here.S r D ™ J ; r r , 5 S 5 ,the prlQclpal CallT.r Bept.-ia.-IBM . B Uon. Idaho l n ^ » ^ « e r hi

ng considered “ s u n lv in ? ‘ aro two s Rosa and Vernon Roaipe rt; th ree grandchild:

A f r k v Mrs. Jenn ie 1Q l O r Angeles, and Mrs. J u

T hree River*. Calif. UUrlGY Rosary will be recltei , . Sunday a t Uie- O M m i

nera l aervlces r « u le m m ass will I ce Congleton Mondny 1ernoon a t the M„)gcky O'Neill, a t E

CnUiollc church. ConeflelaUng.........v’iirb e 'h e ld ~ iit~ th e -P ]il r itu a l was th e dlrecUon of t

k. . ? no° “ i Si _____>lf a» • noble ‘ V MAN IB 8EN TB BcHoIer, vice 's h o s HONE, Ju ly f t - L -K u n a u aa rlson. Tucson, A rl t, wi

, to . 10 daya In th e coi lb was soloist jusUce of the -P tace P r derson served being .d ru n lc .ln .a publ om pan isl. A wa^ arrested by PoUc« y F o rres t O. Devaney.______________

I P ra n k lller, G eorge .

“ KRENGOlorfleld. T ed I ------------------- - N (

by M rs. Irene I

PeU fion. Mrs: | - - ............. ’.----------------?era Glorfleld. I .d M rs. Mollle I C a ll US a t 48 i_ ju id_5K Q fl4 i— r i : --------- ^

a t

2: ^ \ILL \i-M rs . FrnpV ----- ' # •a iled to O r?- '* ff Ulness' of he^ K ^ V G .



^ Saturda

0* ^ A n y ]

r ;\ / ffil* i» at

A~ ~ i »f*“ to o lr n 9 f 6 ^ 'i r d

. j ' _fri*od» *9»in . . . anc

______ . I lbs)-tm »olb,.^r«i)ivi

-------- —' I— t —Q ueen, Remember. I'


jstraU ng ah o ru " aidd le of block - A parlclng m eter :

n lng Bsubllsh- -girl In shcirts

w dress emerg- *aldching colors, . . toIn fron t o f R e- growio.I - . - . . ’ W om sn Hecarrying pan ts Provide

( O. C ra n i^ in- In aet tennU court Uiert,ployes getting part of b2 ^ ^ I w n fa b r fv W lI - • Strohm

on ?,?**» c n r t r e S t ^ M. . Arlo Luke in Uielriineers seeking « e u ldn e e . . . . Yvonne *P«ak f t e t h M ^ ^ IaoTTTZoTA fm 7„?*^»w -W s S 3 ^ BBr the lum m er d l n , f i ) 3 ^ ^ Htou ris ts—asking sinn dettg»iif,n 0 c a t . . . J . Al- “ 71? « ld t h V U s ^ ^ H lUaw h a t . . . t o u m u n S ^ H B B -t< ra u rw i^ *“ ^ » '« l b l e ^ J T I a s ^ ■ UU on-. . . And — y we have theth is year, there SHOb hoks . > £ ^ ^ 1 le ft to pay Uie county c o m m U ib S ^ H

sck.” U» c Q u r th a u s T i^ ^ ^ ^ l

rR iSsa”)y Death o" paint^ I- M n . L to n i

n . « » a . , . n , . r

m in_Anabelm, .W « ^ ln |t g a ^ ^ BC S h B m e 'to " “»• Waho,r husband died "o r turfaeti,

alt dwelling0 aons, 'M elvin C c B t t ^ H Rosa, boUi R u- *11 T R I^a n d illdren,-tw o sU- ^ d ,l{ uu ty .bu lld la^ H

Brooks, Losl ^ u > re ;Jeasle Jenkins,! nor snd I n tn l c r ^ ^ H

metal wlndo*sited a t 8 p . m'. Squsre. 'dm an m ortuary Bids muitrill be celebrated to include m t t e i l ^ ^ lly by th e Rev. and nil «orkt St. N icholas' within 60 d in:oncludlng rites signed. . .j-pBU l-rem etery - No b ld s 'v t l lV I ^ ^ Hof the Goodman July 30tB iw

' Uie companr

• s p e S t o S B-ft^Rotterl'H ar--, waa s e n t e r ) ^ wssmniton O o e R i^ H

co u n ty JaU by T W D f . r A U l^ H1 P rank Dice for I A U T S O ttn ^ ^ Hpublic place^ He! _____By & i u u ^ loUc« C hief Com



486, W e a re eqnipiKj lo m y th in g T iB ro iran ffi5 3 ^ ^ ^H

u n c i O p e n in g


th Broadway in iu l f l


F l a v o rJ agsin" offer. We

'i rd fo seelhV^old ~ ,f.

•n d fneft,i;n9 new— _ ^ i

|-:-2Sc|froxen jii»f


i s ' i A S i E

Page 3: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

— — r

^ ^ V « | Ui( IMS D ^ e . lop pholo. In w hich Jc ^ H u ^ e c t t d b ; W. F. Bullock.- G oodinr. U ll i t ^ ^ B [ i n ASB Bullock, dau fh te r of M n . C llffor ^HM-Jas*un-Bre(hen-Wrecklnr^wle« clTi

(SUfl p h o to - tn iw tn n ) - ___Hay Restart Events Re

8PR IN O i5a LB. J u 1 r o g r s m Mrs. O ^ d e n L arsen &

»uppllM-of ^Sor^thy O n ls h l i f c

S ? » % I ! 1 o S 4 ,J I A .,. Mrs. R to tccA 'ITftc

i,™' " " " ' o " " " • '''■ = •“

* 7 , 2 , 7 , ^ ! " Ill

i r J'l^ K u . i n b * « . , u t o T . « S RIef'u';i H t h i n o i *eek or two.; ^ ^ BdBtmiri1 »>frAi«r)i Ilm t tTMtM " I D R . A L M A

»no « n i lo nm sd - I c n iR O P n “ 1 « RUJo N orlhc ^ B w tR U rr u aooft u IIIIL____ _____i . _____

' ''—^

^ B ^ ^ ^ c t L - J i t L A u i a J P s r t f f - ^ j v e - h f l| ^ ^ B j ‘^fw »N !-fttil-.n j(].i;(i|j|i(}5 tc-in '.'N T J^

V a c a tio n t r i fcomfor

' ^ K i t „ : ? ’“" ^*"1 Ones, will «nvo y O'"! " f O ur GOOD U SE D

® K A L L T R t O

'h(ili'<i rL.. iL ' ' •’M - f« m -y «ii-iuit. f ) th c r - rottr.n^ b w c r BC

^ T o P a R I~ ] p

ow Crash Impact

' * * ■ * *■

ll Jo h n L . Boehm. 10. Tw in F i t t i ; rw k lh e r o t R onald Dullock who w at bu rl ffo rd BuHo«k^»Ifo Inju r r t . Rottom p2 ) cVtckiDc th e —demolished 1952 tw o. tnvon .—Kimberlyi-4lrlT«r-o(-tHi>-Ctii«

Reported SHOSHONE. Ju. Ju ly » ^ M r. in d m eeting to r Cub 8 en uncWamlly, L«ko the Jwidcrshlp o f iI vlsltlHB M r. *nd o r a y v a s held Tfi luasen. n t the G ray homiII and niece, E dith o r# v #ro moving T T V ia il in iT - ttrm d ,

EBACK :| y / "RECTION J i L» n l »nd palnleM.____________________ _______________nay ba »ssoclftted - ^ .......motlsm . srth rlils . ■>■ •jm ach and tldney l A H I Hf you have Uled ____B n ielse. T iv Adjust- ^ W K a

M A H A R D IN l > I f OPRACTOR \ t m a i m9rlb_^rbo tM JC IU I __Wi

V i ' 'SED?!-h R ^ 'e - tt-h e r« — —r ~ t -------------------N’T j w r t f K c r t u r - - \ i i ----------— ^r . n w F R ■ ■ ■ 1 .- . .) U . ^

I P S - ^ « _ H :i f o r t - n n d - c o p ^ — W T V — | i gh A x c c a H O T l ^ — * - V = i r e you money. l a .ID R A D IO S.

p T T S - ~

L f l L I ^ A R i a i ■ V /t n •! hnve n very { K * K W ncludiiTg G. I. 1 H - ■

fo o ls iiiTvTHi?=?fIHiiri i f l i b . i I c n iQ tx r . .. a _• JBDW/ ^ n s l l r ’irn d • ry o u t^ -f jc K u ^r BO'u fciil';-"; - - - '- —v . y ^ ~ g

t to r Less nt

I — ^ >V . I' 'y

C r t *

>T S ^ & b -P h o n c ^ S T


ct Nehru I

■ ROME. July 8 flJ 3*wXb^-ti(iLNchbi

; t h t — Jdffi— th n t— ••frlend.^hlp" c«mi WMkncM. .

. Anybody i'ho .bf ' prejwnt pallcy «

<• • • ■• • .. .weakncM L« iiuffernlet«ly erronebus l

! totd A pre.u conle ; T lie Indian sU sU tem en i In replj ccrnln^ , hi* curr< tour o t Asian an< tries. AmotiR .the Ued wera Rawla,slavia. . --------

■ g j i " , . ■ ' N ehru met newK^'JCii-J. . X ■■ a tK r b rin s reiel w g m tL ’."" '" '.'\\r-— - nudtPncft b / “Pt>j)i o E B I t t X ‘. a V l S ^ audience conclud B^?*9n B > I ^ n S whirlwind visit t< R M M t i M M oUia'ATary-tool to

poJIclr.i,. una Nehru's the pope.'slthoui throURh Rom» s< V/orld. thn

Nchr;]_u:njL.toJrnpre-G eneva u lk s

N ehru made(h

e n t Ravslnn pollc ness Is xuCtrrinK i erronrou.'t Impres;

"I-cam e away I ^ y | B | n | j j j | j ^ H the J,. ^ chance tor pence

Uem ent tlian e found a very slroi

|k ^ ^ 9 Q B | 9 | H wherever I went."~ U n tff r exLitlnit

KnW^BHBS ''on in"People b(

w ithout co.exlstc B | l l j g H ^ ^ e | ^ g "are no t living on

the moon."

PILER. Ju ly «- P t. Lewis, Wash.; and

8' Qg . 9'--Oo

I* roda te hVa"(lealh ■TO' Oab u r l In the tn lihsp .

m pho to showra J a ko ___■ - ■ —®Iwo-dDor ChtTroIet

- n pr MEETisa I. I:, Ju ly 8 — 'Th# iM l!ub Scout den S under ^ 4U iI o f M r. snd Mrs. E. H . v I l i n C Jd Thursday atw rnoonhome. Mr. nnd Mrs,v lns t« Buriey.

f W i l_ / t e l h e r Qo!(

l A T O B P A y .^

= H W R P Y =

_ H Q t l Y rn h d _ I d £ ----------------- —

H appiest Band =io-WQHf©-4=enel--


lU N D A Y , J u "F REE RAI N I

ALSO:- FKEE CASH PRIZES!a o c w i s a o ^ ^


I F a v o P ^ t Fluorida-1 ' • ' Wia.1campaign ...oaJoNt

, ••*• new .tluorldatlo

nendshipr™S^^D';f ^ w . i n a t o . p , m w ■ " S i ’S S

i « . w S f ' n : S ?tio.bel^eves the.Soviets-

sz r '™ ':”'''™ ‘Jt slatM m sn made thereply lo queslloa-* eon- '

* n s l a l l « v i 1 and European coun- , , n - .u it nf * r . th e countries he vUi- * ? „ r » I 'frW »la^Poland and Yu«o- m. on th e "

new.,n,rn a t his hol^l reeelvfcl in a . private ' -P o p e -p iu s-X T ir-T iie neluded Hie prerliler-s " • s it to Italy, a country 4°"^-________

Trmiru's first mceltne with * * - * P thoUKh ho ha* pivfwed K IN G HILL, ne several times since L E- Dsvenp( ,■ ■ .' vlsltlnit her mfth " preM fonfrrenee', son,

t j j e n i r j e r . u i i r i o n jo r Mr. and M rs u lk s M ih BfliSb'lea'd- Reles, have bi

Mr*'. Dolphe these principal points'. Pally .ho ihlnks th a t the pres- ' ------^policy U 'due lo weak- n t i r t« 5 t< inK imder a completely u t a i - . ,ipres.tlon." ' RICHFIELDA-ay trom Moscow w ith Mrs. Davld-R) on th a t 'th e re U more )ence and peaceful ic l- ta , Colo., have ■n existed . before. 1 Mrs. Albert P strong desire for pcace Mrs. Orayso ent," Parnwan. U tstin* efrcunisla'nees. coi p n ren u ,'M r. i an Inevitable nccesislty." w»l-- 10 believe they can do i i ^ ^ S S i S S S rxlstence," Nehru aald. i r Y O U ' n . on 0,U r . r i h bu l OD p „ , „ , r f m

Molncs .gives Insurance Pi

'ING IN FILER ZO' . TOly V C p I. U rr y M ajor. C ontact: ash.. Is vtsltlntt his uncle s u Main No r. and Mr*. 8 . U F ra iler.

H i i r R D W O CU ^ 4 ^ T E ^granteed First Qua!

Buck Rake Teet P air Buck Teeth.- e Dak_Bu]ck=TeetKj^ Oak BUclrTeethr-ei

A R I t Y B A ILumber Comphe Kdad to. th e H ospital in

lla Weekend t

V July~9^ ^


u lyq r o w H ^ R t ) t

Fish Fr% t^iy-^uTd65£-fes;

HOLLY a n d His Go;S! . FREE-’CASH-ERIiS W J O O C » « W « » O C » ^ ^

■S. IDAHO ____

iation of- ~ atS^tarted'IE . Ju ly 8 - T h e cily s There Is'no itlon system was p u t to ' says a woi ie -( lrs t—tlm e -’rhursrtny* -automobllB" B ert T e r i 'y .-e U y w.iter. “ Exam iner ;n t,. reports, , ported toda;(n-w nsU nstaU ejj-^v-'ivr^ ■»-nman-frtr u^uieu^Iroui.: l l i e -W a ltL _QUlred-ab0U Ipment company. trom[ while taklr

equipm ent wna • piiN un t. .:rn ll coat was approxl-l K),'Terry snld. _entallve of Uie alate |{ > \vrtm en t In Bolip will be •W v Je Monday lo check on OnOVER, n m oim Pof (luorln r and year-old boy s will be m ade by city Ills playmatcj

IrrlKntlondltillWlon of fluorine cnme -The b o /w i f. .severnl m onths plan- of Mr. and - rlcs of cducntlonal pro-IU rovrr. • Mi :ie subject were held last had cnutlone D r. E. D. B n rn s .'S h d . froin'the-dlti

Ircs or financial n u ls l- fore lie was e -c lty were mnde by a

community orgnnl^ii-

______ !- ■ Momips TakenLL. Ju ly B -M r. and Mrs. • City Inport. B um s. Orr'.. are • No A(m other, Mrs. Lottie Wll- • No Ct

virs. Jesse Pn tly , T/is.An- - * ^ { t r c ”^ r r n vIsliltiR 'M r. nnd n HItesm an a n d ' Mrs. ■ ■ ■y ______ J . i3ts R e p o r te d . m e:LD, Ju ly B — M r. 'and -Ryan. D enver, and Mr. alTlek IKjan, Buena Vls- »ve been vlaltlng Mr. and; I^ellu’. . JS^yson O u rr and children.U U h. n re vlsltlpK her ■ ■ ■ ■ r r tn d M n . r . L: M an-

U D O N ’T D R IN K I | l | l |Risk M utual o f Des

ves you S tandard Auto ,Protection a t rate s—

T O lO r. LOWER! _ iI : A. G . HOLLAND | ,N orth - Pbone SOS ;

W H□llty Oak ; ' Reg,

: : I - W h i l

^ -----------

. e a . - ^ 2 . 2 5 I

C T r - r T r i 4 0 ! ------------- J

iR S Y - \ - ^pony jin Twiii Falls

^ J : fj

M A m

■ P I

II #3

r v l W '

Song I ^tlZ E S!- _ - L _a a o a B o t 3 ^ ^ “ ^ : . |

^ g o m S y . . . |L , “ KIIOMA CITY. July B (IP— N orth Ho. no Oklahoma law which j and Mrs.- w oman m ust drive anllB -ft-tth-hrrihoeron:----- |0*or8ft_Mner Tony Scaramuccl r e - L ' . r v K lay.lhat an unidentified >* '■frnm~Searcv. Arkr. • In- | ' bout.lhe-no-«liocs-rule:i- I . iklns a driver's llcen»^

oy Drowns i 7“^:R, Wyo,, J u ly 8 cru-A 3-; boy wnnderMi away from ; ate* yesterday, fell Into a p j - • d itch and drowned. . ' ' 'w a s Dickie EKKifsion. son:Id Airs. W ayne.EsKleaton.i •'Mis. EKttlcslon said ahe! oned th e boy Jo stay away I . d itch n o fflvB -m inu t* rbe-; ~,-as nils.icd. -I

he.yLiQ_Loan_! -...:rro Loans ' ' •■f Resident Loans y B ua lneu Bldg. Loans ' i A ppralssl Fe»Cornmlsalons *

I « m nol b* btsten ' 9D ■ ______. .e re ti- ra te f --------' ■ - V I

E. WHITE— XL ESTATE AOENC* ! »n 'E a a t . -phedeM ? .

estinghbuse A

gular 22.50 ^ | lile they Iasi' | 4

---- Westinghouse

T h f E o i i e i t I ro n Y ou ' y# E t e r

le g . 12.95 O . ' JEEGIAL.

^ K i l l T I

For GRIO L L U ■ o t i t lro lT u G -G E T y

K ills S tunO T S Iun I


a r i f f i n i - - - O H IU O _CnLO RnA

.O RTH A BO TA N O.l Com bination InseeU

ORTHO GARDEN 1 Makes as G allons e

1 ^ ««Otf£D ,

I L S i lE E ^ E iz H

^ iw rU unug f ^ w t ^ I —

-BOWNIE b u r n s I

s m O U E T S ‘

» J m L

..... T \

HAILEY G tlE BTH • • — -BY. Ju ly 8 -M fT a?id“ Mri; RUPBP

N. Broolu arid-Ed Brooks, a re a - a r e }lollywood, Calif’, (and Mr. Aberdeen rs.- Lnyton W lliu. Oakland, field da' a re aue.^ta of Mr. snd Mra county a;

•---------- ten denUTIM ES-NEW S 'WANT ADS,Iducted t




R E W A IAlfto 'Cu8tomcr«r-bec




5 - ’ ^

er Used!

.99*Regular 9

*lioseBugs<KEENER Lawns anc^ A PELLETS ,tTTnrdTV onnc—|irO tIN l> -B O X -J= =

{•Ounee Box _ . ..

D A N E .m iST

0. DE LUXE~GAItITE^^ U lJS t ’

N FUNGICIDBs of 8pr*y..„-......... ....................................


S S -s 1 ”■- __ AEI


AUF.TI . - . . . . . A ' y » y i f : r T l a . t T O ^ ^ ; y ^ S ^ f. r g f9 ;


^ ' ■PAGE j | [

- -.TOU R SLATED . / . : | M PERT. Ju ly e—P a rm e n In Ib ls ' IB B fl a r* - ln v l le d - to - th e - • i m u i l - ' | |} l | |

leen branch, experim ent sta tion | | | j Hday, Tuesday, July 13,' U ia - I I H I

,y agen t's office here h a .b e e n '- B M

nt-of the s u t lo n . sa id tha Bnnl .M M d tour will s ta r t a t I'O a. m . U ^ H

: KLIX ; "■ H

l"-V2" ' i. IC U TTER-------I

kRD Iiecaune V . . M


& Equip. I

T s ^ e a II MORE )V P«rf«e» Toott /\ Every Tlmt! ’/

HLIGHTS58- 49c& W e e d sn d G a r d e n s !

85c :• - - « » • .. ____

.......... POUND B O X 55 c T S___1.25.T:

...... ..._„._150o r t h o ' c o iKTCO-B-GON._____ 0 7 op

d r t h o b o t a n o d e l u x e .

In Dust- Sprayer Car> 1 M Ion, t -ooncea. . ;— i tW U

— O R T U Q isgR A T r r n : ---------I

s p r a y e r . Goea o n ' *) Q t your cardan hose___ 4 . 7 9


Odorless P U n l Food * i e ^ " TableU, SO U blels.----- - --

A E R O S O L .IN S E C T _____


I d '

Page 4: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

E ^ B FOxra ■ . - : r '


monUi i'-M v itl? «lx motilh* "I ' ■*■- ■lBlt|.1ir.ih« Tt*r. • —'l3l»U.-------- ■ ' DY MAlI^rAYADI.t: IK ADVAN« ,-lirut>l> M*h» tn4 Elk* C tuiir. - !3?; ,n / t>i* m»nn> ----------------------1-------------------

AH iMtlen i*f]ulr»>} i>r Uw i r hf ot.Ur «r ib i')urU>llctlon to b* pufa11>hxl w.*klr will b* D:V H -frh«r«l.y lui.« ot thU i..P .r puttu.M t . «il>.

& 5II B IG JO IH IE M A IN S^trfT ^ o u 'll-h f tv e -to -W ftltr - /iv 6 -^ en r« -f i 'l i l e a r n 'w h a t f in a l Rood will comt ;5 j ; iP rc 3 ld c n t 'H e rb e r t .Hoover’* sjcon '^ ij .p lo n o n o rg an iza tio n o f th e execui •l*£l'pl B ovcrnm ont.

i T h is com niiaslon officlRlly w en t 1 J u n o 3 0 ,-b u t it-h a s OO.dny-’< mo

• " . t o liqu ida te . T h is m ean* issuing u io rc e repo rus a n d lay in g th e grou

th o W hite H ouse a n d congress lo -• I, ‘362 xecom m endations.'• n . T h e f i r s t HooVer' com m ission■ £ irecom m endatlons on g o v e rn m e n t: ' , t io n In 1949.

' ! I n th e five y e a rs since th e n , I recom m cD datlons h ave b een c arrie

- • 'J ’n n d 80 in p a r t . E leven a re now ol .**^3<"6C ~hava~not-becn-actcd 'upon,-« i ‘‘.n> thcy a re a tiil co n sld c red -lm p o rta r

O ne o f th e kpy recom m endatlo i led on Is r e p e a te d jn th e second cc

1, l in a l repo rt.' 'I t u rg es t h a t th o 84 agencies noi

-i-d ire c tiy to th o P re s id e n t bo great ^ ? ', i ln n um ber. I t is considered neccss

ot th em c o n tin u e dJreclly- un d e r■ r d e n t. B u t 34 o f th e m could bo.rco

B t h a t th e y w ould re p o rt to 'o th e r ag__o r to W h ito House su bord inates.

• i I f th is w e re 'd o n e , th e P reslden ' ? JsiblUtics w ould b e red u ced by hal

}; b e r i f n o t In w o rk load. j — F if ty of th e second commls.Mo

• 1 m e n d a tio n s w ill re q u ire th a t reo ’..’.H.j;. p la n s b e -su b m itted to congress b j

■ *.cfene. I f e i th e r * o u s e ot congrcs i fc jj y isap p rav o a n y - o f th e s s“ rccomi '” ^;V /K hin 60 days, th e y w ill go In to c

jn u t ically-ATlthtn 00 d a ys:------ —T h e a u th o r ity . Io r . tw s itlnd’ o r :

tKMiltloii h a s b een ex tcndedno_^u ly_ l, ;p!t,>w iii give tlie P re s id e n t a n d congre; W}a jtlmo to ,a c t o n th e se jc c o m m c n d a I n H All t b s H oover recom m endation H a'V oviK w nri fo r th n P re s id e n t by th — - ^ r g a n tm t io n .a n r i m a n ag em en tJm i

iP F ln n n :ln th ft b u rc a n of th e budi t x ep o rt Is eaciJQcted e a r ly in July.

— .- “ -T h e -b u d g e t-b u re a u - is a lso re \ > 145 H oover com m ission recom

, I w h ich can b e c a r r ie d o u t by W li^' f executive o rd e r , o r by tho vario

, 'ithom £C lves,-w ithout re fe r ra l to c< i,i T h e H oover com m ission estln ia

^ { Id en tiflb le a c tio n s h a v e a lread y be

a n d th e e s tim a te is ex trem ely fuz 1 :;;5: F in a lly , th e r e a r e 167 H oover rei •'j' t lo n s w h ich w ill req u ire new Icf• M l congress. I t is d o u b tfu l if m any 0 :• ;ij' o m m en d a tio n s w ill be a c ted o n 'l

V th is y e a r . • •„ s - - j , m th e co m in g m o n th s ■while cor - - | - o f tow n, th e P re s id e n t a n d h is v

i',L/i>!’a n d b u d g e t b u re a u s ta f f w ill h s 7y^ji.-review -all-30- o f- th e -H o o v e r-rep t

. V b ig pack ag e d ea l m ay-be se n t to Ja n u a ry . . • .

1 . To a id i n p re p a ra tio n o f new ~ i\ o -H o o v e r-x o m m iss lo n -re ta ln ed „)ta|.iiW ood. fo rm e r ch lc f leg isla tive coi ,.|^ .;:-sen a te . H is jo b is to d ra f t b ills to 1 " f e e t th e v a rio u s recom m endations

ed fd r l jy congressm en . ~ ‘: r —M rrw;6Q 'dTia-S-aIrcady-drartca-4 i,ii : : .to im p lem en t 64 recom m cndalio

ltev6B4& ^t.2Q .«oro b lll&.w 1 .:-:' T h ir ty reo rg a n iz a tio n b ills hn jij . ' , Been i n t ro a n c c a m co n g rcssrso v e i -■*‘1 -rfonnel policy, fo u r m edical .lervlc b il I in g agency ac tiv rn cs. tw o tra '& i i B ollcy,j.Q nc_6urplu5_proporty- dls

! b u sin ess a c tiv itie s of governm en t ,pjj ' tlo n w ith p r iv a te Indu.stry, tw o dc

r — -— In -a d d i t io n rR e p r^ rd o n -G a n f lo '1 h a s In tro d u ced tw o b ills o n h is 'V»*'"would c a rry o u t 4,4.Hoovcr task fc ,is, I m e n d a tio n s o n .reo rg an iza tio n of j

, •, iegai_Bcryiccs_iiiid_D roccduxcs;,= . f i rP ^ '- .T h e ; s e n a to - com m ittee- o n - 1------;6poratIons-has-crcatcd_a_spcclR L{

ilUl u n d e r th e ch a irm a n sh ip o t Jo Hnl M ass., to ' consider reo^ ||m cosurcs.'Jfc wJ21 b eg in hearing.? , m ■ ^ b Jy -o n -su rp lu s -p ro p e rty -d l.T p o sa lIjS iL . T h e p o lc n tia l sav ings-to th e go^ - . II a ll bf th e second H oover commlssli ill • m en d a tio n s w cro p u t In to e ffcc t a r ■ 'pi! ro u g h ly a t over e ig h t b illion dollar i i^ 11 To thl.^ shou ld be a d d e d a one-shc ^ ['ever 10 billion d o lla rs . If m any f B l I) len d in g agencie.s w ere liqu idated

' c a p i ta l r e tu rn e d - to - th e • irea.sury,

■ “ S l IR P m B B irB Y - IK E1 ^ ^ ' , P re tty Joyce Bovlk. new ly elcctc

R m a n o f th e Y oung R epub lican Na eratlo r> 7-l9*eonv inced -P rea!den t : c a re fu lly re a d s th e m orning , news

A fte r I ly lng j n f ro m D enver. C dayo-ft^orw ho-V i'enM -o-th.erW hil^

-‘‘C o n g ra iu la llo n s o n w inn ing ti iy g y ,^ tc rd f ly .'.L K ft^ th o ..f ir .< ;t. th in g 1

.'.'Oh, .b u t It', w a s - la s t S a tu rd a y 1^ e lec ted ," s h e rep lied . •■ P ’ "No, I m 'e a n 'y e s te rd a y 's elcctloi

l l i l L y a u ^ c a i ^ f l l g n w orker.S i" - - 'T V e l l , th a t 's 'r jc w s ttfm e ,” s tam m g i l l led Jo y ce w h d ~ K d - le f t D envermfjj-b&iiotarwere-covntedr-r—-------- -—

L a te r she, ex c la im ed . " I n e v e r < •i^-r^QUldJ^e ' t a r P re^d fe r i t w h o .lo ld i sji: this cTcctlon.'*“ ^ •

^ WHII BuMt Wmu T-ln W AaHINGTOK—: ‘ * it iV 'i ’i suprem e couri'* 1

■ ,«cliool8 lins bcen flxi — r — ___ ____ 1 -Edwnrd CDunly. Vo...

jVAWCi • to Ui8 llilRfttlon lh


iiso ^

nt »«urt'»i'mp«lrnt «ib» DUhllilixl In th* Rar Tucktr M e. «ii>.i6> ^ 1, aiRnlflennt

• of lh e coilnlry IntoVS . JiffU# .In Dixie. •t r u - o r mOTi! to ------B«vetaluutLlaiuLio m e f r o m e x - pniindnn* H"''*

J l , »l<>n Uwi lhe *outli ■cond com m l.-;- jribun#!e c u tiv e b r a n c h ftwnkenins v .hen ,t^

nrrlvea.:n t o u t o f b u s l - B T u A x f f v n v m o r e I n w h ic h j,o n rd tirr /l It* h « t In g i l h a r “ tafiK‘ » liot.w hch i t rcjccl< r o u n d w o r k f o r tlon of th e Achools 1 , lo .nct on 113 ;;

.. - T h is Will produceio n m a d e 273 provlde-for llie del ;n t r e o r g a n l? .a - th e Kchoot p rop tny

teachers In whic« oi 1, 116 o f t h e s e • N c*t.-the bonrd a

In f u l l cftUonM corporntlor r r l e d o u t l n f u l i o u t {« $300,000 V o b s o le te a n d uon . T h e re»ponw : i - e v e n - t h o u g h fuu fund u w tu rM r t a n t . - - « to

‘Wo.ns no t a a t - ip iiiv A T i; rnvct I c o m m l s s l o n a 000 fund win pay 11

y e w . w hether they n o w r e p o r t i n g collected for coloret really rcduccd “i '

d e r t h e P r e s l - , iiir nu p mr e o r g a n iz e d s o jurl.nta n t WAAhlnst< r a g e n c y h e a d s iibcraio «i>e«i."—a s l u n illng. I t did noi

h a l f , I n n u m -nie lim ond, where

s-Mon’a - r e c o m - m nde. v in d n ia hits r e o r g a n i z a t io n « « « in ita *choola. s b y t h o P rc s l- - c o m m iss io n 1 jrcs.5 doc.? n o t m o n io s b . sw n ic y < o m m e n d a t io n s iw a y th e proB.lenri tO’e f f e c t a u t o - ita ruling on May_______:_________ . . ---------_ _ _ _ _ _ .mttt-p«mio.*ohooU-o r r e o r g a n l z a - nex t year, «nd they y -J» J .0 5 7 . ,T h l s ironlcoUi-. Nesro.. gre.^s p le n ty o f h lsh Mhool {or Nei n d a t lo n s . fnr be tter thnl io n s a r e b e in g

J /r ^ flcthsr—)U dge t. I t s X irs t cour f* decision. II/ , bo lh race.i wiU EiTre v ie w in g - t h e Mnny N esro youngi

c o m m e n d a tio n s " h m '^ " l e r ' W h l to H o u s e Bclf-*usinlnlns. i r lo u s a g e n c lc s0 c o n e r e s s . s e g r e g a t i o n

/ b e e n t a k e n in by B rocket T . w m iat-SU Ch a c n o p s M i « f fw -lm v e I.D1f u z z y . RCRrefintlon proftrai: r e c o m m e n d a - ‘" f

lEBlslatlon by I " 'y o f - t h e s e r e c - — :------i n b y c o n g re s s y j g ' ^ ' g

c o n g re s s Is o u t — d i s c i p l 3 W h i te H o u se Trouble «lemrp!ni . h a v e t im e to in “ >'“ nmion'.t cIoa r<>nnrLv A n d —s ' ' trouule-ciiCMlhiir cdi r e p o r t s . A n a ^ Educniion n.v to consrcss In n„,.i

In lino wlUi the iCW le g is la t io n , or aeendea now-s J ie d _ H e n r y . G . linrrt nny. Ii 'igno re counsel o r lh e f t 's . " ™ ™ ; ; ! ' . ' ! fn n n f in tf t « f «pokc.vnftn opines tl to p u t I n to e f - In 1,,^ „ntlotm l con.-

o n s . w h e n a s k - th a t - ih e muso u delln«iucncy."

s a " 4 ( r m e a s u r 6 s ‘ ■A s'uiiys-fi.r’ Uck m o n s . ^ e b e - th e cnnrw of thLt.l i^ A n u tc tu — — -T tn innvfir c»h~i>e~jz

h a v e a l r e a d y reRlonnl conferrnct ’v e n " c o v « T iu r= ‘ -w ucnxffr-m iu ' rv ice s , 18 l e n d - survey w ilu n r .u Im tr„ n .,p o r la llo nd lsp o sa lr-IO B T - T iS H T p S p I? .- '—

m l In c o m p c t l - . s o l i U nppnrcnl ) d e p o t u H llz a - much more ilinn w Tn ei i t p r op ci ' t^T -ntlwed ih e peln tn ii 11101(1,his own. They S '’,j‘;Ji'p„‘'" ‘ k f o rc e r e c o m - scoui,% a n d ou«er » o f g o v e r n m e n t ' Utn Boy scou ts wm

. -_____ _ -ilic*-_cvce-8ou*urw1 ■ g o v e r n m e n t - i t - u n - i- u ia t -u io . m M ibcom m ll- S I ; Jo h n F . K en -t c o r e a n t o l l o n w h tu ,c r l i ; irac B.? so o n , p r o b - —in d . flit ifw Irtwvri >Osai ■ ■ ' ■ •— -tloi»-w©-deny-lt—bii' g o v e r n m e n t irs s lo n a r e c o m - ^ h o are thormiRlily

t a r e e s t lm a ic d . "proffre.wlve“ rdyMi illar.<5 .in n i l a l l y . .viiooi.t :ihp isav ins.o ( ly g o v e r n m e n t p e „ n a it.■Jed a n d t h e i r "A ii timri*--/ « r y . - ■ niti,'>t be no cuil.tiliii

".''■If-c.vpiwJwi.'’J-—----- ----- ------ .• So iU.UlMC.AChool

................. moro w ith \\lil.iprri;_ctcd c o -c K a lr - j c p t i t l o m noi.- iw i N a t l o n a l T e S ^ -"TUTerncTTTinTTxipl

n rk® tvrom .T ''lnrpT l!e w sp a p e r .r . to u ie ir nnr. C olo ,, a f e w reK lilai|on*,c;inoiilyi t r ^ o i i a e - g t t r l r

r o T e i e c U o ^iB _ Ik e ^ ? a ld to .....TJie problcin. y.r.(;

S T t H a t i ; r v S " J ” '™ '" - ' - ■”' 1- ^ : .-P Je n iy -n fT e o o d I

: t lo n O f 'a ' R e - w h at u>-cic—ftb<rtint - Ik o —t d l d - t h o . -u lty JA A ita ish u n oi

rrle*.\M rrrgn imlff<

m m S r e d - s & r t - i J S ^e r b e f o r e S th e bnck th r ci\iir.c .nr i

— T he cauiC or.Ujis.

d m O .We_WO n. J* « ch cr4 J in d .to O h ^■ J te r a . - ^ o l3 8 Statem'a

[ I R L I G I G)K —TlJe P f tlc n i o r open delU nco o l iirf* edict againat MgreBation In publlo n fIxM deflftlteljMind finally In Prlnc#, Vfl...whlch-WU.<)0c.0f.thB.irve.part!es i n ' t h a t reaultcd In th e revolutionary

dccLslon. II Is-.poulble th a t bo lh ••white nnd, Negro children will re*

eclvo no educnUon In thi* c o u r ^ nex t year, and nlso In many oUiw

I. loenlUlea throughout the-rebellious J^'.'soulh.^ - ^ e - P r l n c « Edward eoun tr board - i l o t Wupervlson, which woji th e actual jS d e te n d n n l In the h lstory:m aking■ au iu . Is the official body o t rebel-■ Hon. nllhoijgh lu actions iindoubt' B edly reflect publle sentim ent In th a t ^ a n d m any-othw -reglona bfilow the

M uon and D lxon'llne. T he board’* icnnt, for 1» m ay shock oUier sections In to 'a renllrAilon'of the gravity of thU

mni mi.piir,lne«. newiipnp f r t and •'liber- hiivfl created—o r tried to—the Cnpre*- lu th will bow. grndunlly and eventually, junal's dictum. T hey are due for a rude c n .th e ,d a y for o p e n in g JM -fa ll U rm

.OF COtJNTV RUPERVISORB — The first ncncclul_bu^e_ffrcllve r t, Sum ter

cJcctcdTnJUdgef.of »327,OtlO for opern- oola durliig the 10SS«6S period. Instead.I the minimum required by aU te law, <0 cents fnr ench SlOO o t vnluallon. duce merely |I50WO. o r only enough-lo c debt aervlce and physical ugkeep ot. p trly . Tliere will, bo no money to pay ic« or Negro schools, nrd organl»-ed the-P rlnce Edw ardJEdti- -ntlon, a purely private group, and se t JO.OOO to /Jnance J t by private iub»crlp- )nne has been so enlhtulasU c th a t the l u r e i CoJ^WbuUoM iuve.r*nB ed Irom

3UCAT10N T O N D -T Ij U prlvale « 0 0 .- >ay (he salaries o( w hile teachers nex t they teach or n o t. No money haa been stored Instruclora, by th e w hiles o r by munlty.general belief th a t ne ither w hile nor s will open. alCliouRh 'o ffic ia ls are rupreme court's specific manriAie. T he nlngton snld lh a t there should be "de- ’■_A peculiar phrnse—In carrying ou t d n o t define w hat'consU tutes "dellber-

_____ ___________ .V..Prince- Edward, a n d o the r county offl- cd the buck to th e s ta te governm ent a t >ere the ultim ate dcclslon m ust be 1 haa a -)aw barring mlngUng o t Uie loola. ^ -

i x TO frriiD Y ■■ p n o iJt.r.M — Oov. nicy appointed ik SS-man commiM lon to lenras-xoon a* -thr«uprcm e court-m ade May 31. The commission urged the bc;alftlc.lM nrd-0{_educalloa,to.dcclftrc, ■onU hff nnfratfH nn » negregated-bftals.they compiled Xotthwllh. • ---------------

esro .lenders _concctte_.lh«t_the_ ♦8<0,000 r Nesroe.t Is one of the flne.U In the r thnn fKcllltlea for white children. B u t I. they ^vnnt, “no t be tter bulldliiRS.'' bu t

a result of Uie prospective Impii.vie, lo- H5=5nTnK<r=w<iraing.-ot=the=8uDremF 1. It Is probable U ia t Uie children of I EiTtloprlvcd^f~educnUon lo r a .year, oungjters. It Is fenred, will th en go_lo e r complete th e , selioollng th n t would e tle r citizen* a n d more economically

ION IN W :V ER.SE-The MonlRomcry o ris a scgregalloi) problem In reverse istltute In Alabamn. which'wn* founded W aahlncton. A few while*—no l mijny,

■e nnnllftl fnr nrfml.^Uw iinrf^r fh> nr^n.•ogram .-Tlir Instltutfl'S tn ia tees ,-w ho ' I. Jones.juul R «p .^ rances Bolton, Ohio, ted, and hnve n o t been a b lo 'to rench

S O F O T H E R SCIPLINK IN TIIK SCHOOLS nrplng from a brcnkdown o t-dlsclpllne I clsAirooins hns srow n so g reh t th a t n le cdmmisjfon hit.i r r p o t ^ tn tfic-N a- in n.«oclntioii I t Is ju.U nbout fclia' tench- ilem.

the thinking of so mnny o t IhU so rl ow -a.days, Uie commUsloo U kes .th e znorej tha.obvloujt nnd suggeals.a com- lacli -to tlie reiiied.v. TTie commlasioii.'a n<a Uie problem In "hne of a breakdown I con.iclfnce." and sny .i'the 'teachers feel

Is Uie same as tha cause of Juvenile

7tncklljur' Ilil-’ prnljlririnhB 'eommlsilon' a ,Mirvcy of 10,non le.tchem U A lerrrilne thLt.hrcnktlpwn'of tlL-wlpllne, l u e x ten t be 'aoiio n b o U n ira 'iu irU ie iirn 'iie rl tn n ' r enew In which "a piyclilnlrbtt. «_n a SocThT” Work^F would a ugm ent {he

Rl hniid knowledce.’' I t U'SURgested th a t mlRht dl.iclme "iv-lack of community i_M _J-«rcntlQ naL _fadllU eaT r/o£—th e

n rrn l tb n l the enmmlsslon hsA n't done nn ^ niind th r nlnrm. I t y ema to have

lence of Uhnt It ninv knQ JL ta-bnjrroog. thn t the younBsler* are n o t am en-

ilne. I t th n t were tru e th e n th# Boy her volunteer youth organltaU ons like s wnuld go ou t like a light. It. Indeed,siarw d.—------------------r —----------------------_U ia_l«aclinr*-ttr«H't.<iull«-eapabl6-ot Ituntlon, If they were left lo th e ir own iLUrrd-by—T cguIaU onk-U iat-are-iuxn.. .ne.true In Dol.»,e schools we wouldn’t know

rtntera ray, because of fsck o f Infornin- t—biiH t-b-rfffin ltely-trtlfr-lhat-ln s omr- lie cnuxe of dLiclptlne'a breakdown Is in I'clly to bemused sclioot.adm lnlstrntors fiRhly sold on Uia tricky phllosdphy of dyMilon.ool.t teachers complain th a l tho “m ile uniiinnngr.'xble.. and Uiere Li nothing

.11 do a b o u H t-b eca^-U ieir boMM. won’t

iodc:al_UiiJiicaJlukjiL R iL co8iaiJli£ tE .'t.tltinent of Die opportunity for youth 's

■choolj..boy,».and glrl»-don.’l.o ffcnd jiiiy . i-'perinr. or .iplibrill throwing or sur-

wTiUng, uhlch m ed to -b rlng prom pt rTxipliiinry ncllon. Now Uie youngsters

jnipiL-i c«n'i pawlbiy apply them.wlve.»nnd the ti-.iclier.i. bound by Idloilc

I only seethe Inwnrdly and get old bcfoi e

fWiie-BUro llin'FlliVy"are'*UBV6F31ViTl!r------ • - ._

nor nny more outlay for plnyRroiind

Md lencliers-n lready-know fuU well i l i m : niid *billd"w eicom e'*n~oppntni- £ ii.o u i the-m cM .-'rhtC TC £d-onlz22lB l Inilefekuble mle.v T lielr Uisk would be :u lfhec;iim ,of. th e b p M jth a U h a a .been a m i»r 111 effecl like .U ie'ohelTTnCTcr ’ .of tempofftnce durlhR prohibition.

Is so Almplr. U int ll could presently be ..control to Jhi*-imTiieiiMi-rrltet of ih»>ah^nnfrfang«-J»enCflPof-tha:.yo5\ne**

= S = : ± T I M E S i l E W S i i ^

' P O T _ ^ ;

S S h o t s j S fa ry |_______ ’ . •o lhr e . J7BEWOBICS FO B ADW.TS7 ,nty D ear P o t ShoU : 1iA r A nother thing m v D addy loi lous about tho Fou rth of July when

WM B JliUe boy. besides m aking lard cream apri lleklng the POddle, « lual oeelnc tho beautiful fireworks Ong soon na I t g o t dark, bel- I am 0 years old and I c a n 't a i b t ' tip u n til a fte r 10 o'clock a fte r Lhal ballgam e ta leo the Tw in Falls < th e firework*. F a r th reo years, on rd '* Pourlii o l July, m y moUier get* Ions kid* up a t 10 o'clock a* we go th is bed a t 1, and wrap*, us In blank

aod w« lit- In OUT yard to, wn' je r- tho .flrew orka.bu t w^ can 't see th rTT7 Yety .gf>o<l-bwiau«* wo-ftro-too-*l»

and m'y D addy w on 't take li* to ' , If; ball pa rk In our p a jam a s l.

My D addy say* ho guesie* In I atom ic age fireworks are fo r prov up*. Anyw ay,-1 would Jove to them .

win u.— P .-S ;;-M yrrandm pthe r-w roU .t

-ad fo r ua kid* b u t wo' lold h e r w hat . . . •

•_ KITTKNS FO B K IDS D E PT . ) o t _8hn ron K uest waa one gray i pay IVo w hile angora k ltlen i la i

away. All a re female. YoU'can phi •Ax,' T w in Fall* 3103 or stop a t tho K t ■“ '* placo one -and one-fourUi m J jp . souUt on th e a irpo rt road, tho - • • *

rom W HO DJD WJIATTShM lerl _____ ■

Boot Utis one a round for a wh :00.- will you? EveryUmo I pick up ■ next T - ^ o r IUt«a to the radio or ge >een le tU r from relaUves - back ei r by everyone 1* hollering about th e h<

I hav*' a pointed-nuesU ont w: no- heat?- re Already y e t ln‘_July we havo 1

TT,. to use tho furnace to ulco the c •rt, o ff the house, o iit W hy should we m erit »uch •'*:

^ c lat" a tten tion from the w eath 'm an? W ho a round here did whal

V.- th e w enlhennan7 -------------Jffl- - I. M. Chllljt a t (Twin Fall*

b e _____ . . .Uie - — ou irT IW .I.E T IN BOARD

Touche, Jerom e — Offliand,' v *ay_you'vc gone fnr ou t of y

„ way to hand ou t a bouquet. ‘We’d rade »‘» u t c lass .L_aor_LO U 9V ,l). o , , no doubt will tinderstand why y

, j „ ' c lear anslysls Is no t printed.

— A m e m o e T a j ^ ( J o ^ I « r = T parB 'phra*e"of 'a psalm ftpparer ha* gone through a revision or I

th e bu t It's reaUy quite old. T he f Ume we recall seeing I t w as whe:

bu t fellow nam ed Hoover wtw runn for reelectlon. Aiiywny. Uitinks.

, lo - --------«m ^ — A, y^'<>-i-f<-.rvi4 r.1 of avenne. 8ao '7Tranel*««‘= T h B i ^earT T o H y T b T lftH ltrT V trT irm ttin in0 to com er several yenra bro. ould .......' . ........ • • ' _•:ally FAMOUS LAST LINE

- . II broke hU h eart to *e good fisherm an catching (l*h i tu rn ing them Ioom when h e coult

T 5 *"*? » *>'*«•" • ■GENTLEMAN IN TH

______________ FOUBTM ROWwho-thio, •inch •

f . L Ha t a , - .

1 MIon.'*_____ ■ ■ . ..ow nfeel —

snile • —

i l o n ----- ------------------------------------------KIneie n t - ....... ........... .— .....— - -JT5T ------------------------------------------

m a tnlty

sopr . . .ii*ve • . .OOS- - ^ ■len-Boyllk r I ';.' - ■

iced, _________^ ■ ft . ■

B-ot —

-----------------how , ■ m n- • - -J----omfr — :---------- L A W N -B O Y -21^ 0E

itora ■. ........MODEL 1 F 2 0 ’, ' ' 5 9 9• ‘ newfw>iisutler.newqti

- • l:on hone enpne nei« I n - • “ ""Ii >'*''«■“» • 'i " ? Hylin? . new t»on| »ni i . o n t ------------

li£tc. _________ I ■'lUi's ----- U T. s . . _

*' ft'

m pi - ~ ~itcrs _ _ _

'lvr.»loUc . ------------- ------------- :— ;fm e - LAWN-BOY 1 8 " DE

miT= ^S n ir .. . Tnew re«iril« lcf • h'ew'qu •anr

— , ...hiiiii up-duitii-i-tdnncBt

•. ^ on-eli iinlliofl Iwilch-. ,w#ll ------r ." ' .—

S r - ^ ^ I Z T W I N ^ F A L L :« e n - - - - ---------c . ’ A N D K l

. C A I N ’S A P P i»lnr - . = p = = 7 7 ^ h T C E - ? r A m

; . • . R IS E R .C A I.N-----•••.-■---------- —

p — —lirs rT n rc lllp -M ftie rrii-f lC T r, ' baiter; w aa.too' h o t to handle *

. U nited Btfllea H ovem m ent thre o u t - o f - S t . - P I«aboU>'« - hospit f e d e n l cham ber:o t'ho rro rs ,-* t h e r go back to h e r e-

rS7 husband a o d i ^ e e children In B ethel, T

loved, ‘r h l D orothy n i o m p . ^ ™ b -

iM aon. a-no lshbo r in .V e r-

-Its .« m ont. haa w rlttea • her Judgm ent

■> .iflv M n . IbOUer U d e - e r th e rsnged . m a i n l y I,, h lv becauao th o vlcUm in Ut^ cn terU lned suspl- Tifi i s cions-of-«T>oHUcal « • • • » 'f f n w m o v e m e n t o f W«iJ.fook Pt ■ n k m w blch MUs Tliom pson Is a li w ^ 7 x Mlia T hom pson ha* never m et ^jUMpy T wniilh..llkft tf l_n tffL A Jm i to the com parison. Mia* Thompson

first-class professional w riter ' In th is own san ity will no t be qucatl irown- T here a re Ih o u u n d s o t sampi to see h e r work. W ilh apologies (or co

m enta to m e w hich a re Inexlr! ■Ipus woven In lo Mrs. M lller a text, 1 u , ujU m lt th e following le tte r wrltt^

“ “a t : E lltab e th 's a n d k ited out: "Dr. M r. Pegleri ^ ' ‘’F reedom sc en u so c lo u t

[>» ' now th a t I can alm ost feel It ‘ -J thU you h a re done for me.

though I t may be weeks before a .ilv e actually la m ine, ye t I havi pnone ,u „ n y «jueczed-up feeling thal

n i P*e ««'■ ^ 'Sh t 0mile* e<j2e of th e long-aw allcd. My regret Is U iat a ll these other

' devlla m ust be denied th is d alUiough they have never de^ ih t i blttercapU vlty.-T hey don 't

while; when freedom will come. The jp o u r n o t aure i t will ever come. II ' ge t a sad prospect to th ink th a t r

east, release will come only w ith dca

W hal ."T h n t m ight have been my t when I flrsv-wftd-troughlJJCTi

t« hnd chucked Into th e t i l e ward 8, 10 chill hnve fe lt anguish. I c a n 't reme

H um an t>elngs do no t reo ill an “spe- unless they con jure I t up, tortu

a ther- ly fo r th e race. I waa overcome lha t lo Joy w hen a copy of your May___ __ column was se n t to m e. Almosiiilly m cdlately.-Lw M Vninafcrrcd ti alls) Infinitely be tter w ard 4., Tho i

here a rc unhappy enough bu .. violent. I q the abadow .o f the . . wings of Pegler. I-w na^lm m u

;■ unhnpplncas a n d th e 52 othe matea were grea tly stlm ulale

c d say „ ad ln jr Uie Mny 13, N o nttemp '• m ade-tO 'U keJt-rtom m e.or-to y your o thers from read ing It. Whi ______o thers from read ing ll. Whlli

j S ? ^ a ' \ i l l l e , r ^ ^ d * j c r l f a i ^ irenuy luought I t would <iule6-,down. I 3r two. b o d y 't re a ted -m o -w lth -c o n sp l e f irst favorm snj which m igh t have an

* the leas fo rtu n ate If I hnd not^ unning op jn ly a t the nuraea nnd sta.

Ihelr obsequiousness and avoldi ceplanco o t th e ranke r favor*

! ^ h i « '" T h rn ^ 'iy ^ ril^ nrft mrrfiy~i in ui>» g j Pegler, U iafa all.' I assured-------- wlio exprcaied envy of-the “t

hnd. 'P eg lfr 1* Just na much protec tor aa m ln e .J Ie la und<

1 »e« a ders from God Almighty to p lh and ih e jn n o ce n l everywhere.'Tills 1 ouldn-t everybody aa a wonderful UU

nol qu ite credible. Ax the ' THR .tllpped by the routine slipped iV - le no rm al; No iflwela Sunday

i i u n - id-seMoidouble-

= 3 8

J ____ .Why_»immBr ,811' sum' Right now, a LAWN-BC • sua ran leed and givei

-■ p.- ' *79 J0 1 (T fio u san d jh

B O C A . ' the year. Lown-Boy Is - . 71. niR ged.'cuts to rrae es '

ipjce- '

™ ,; a lM h is on■ I .... Come's the fall and you

; — :----------------- logo -o f Ihls-special-ifv ip e n t «• penny for It-® ------- -- ------—leaver, tq - t iny partteli^ Rfeener l»v/n nex't sprli

JL T -latT vcn-as-H ie’-'rai^'rdi

;— j j - j 'J • . }JWH.BOy division (

w'quiei 2 h . f _______ • . '*tgKfiMHlnfc, ::r ,T ..i . j , ; : ;nc8d-tly l-n ;------ O r f - l f f t U n -

L S ^ \ . - r r ; - — - : - -)E R SO N C O M PA N Y •P P L IA N C E S T (5 R K '~ -------------i7?T )^vA T iirco : I .N -A P rL IA N G E . .. -

... -- ____

S S -A E E E A E JE B ;p > Q A iVl'lTi'Te ry -red - oriM oad*y-m om ln r> J^ -* M le ao the " ‘Elsenhower shipped it hrew U er Cambodl*,* I wouW aay loud tpitf i. ■ pr»«nce_ef-the_ braa^Th^» -« o d -le t lbe.caXcleil» woutdn t work i

,1 I t WM hot W T T a f t n i r t a r t last- week tho doctors auddi

P t M t o gan to flu tter around m e, u ivu le rly If th e dln iftr had

liking or If Uiere w u a k ' ^ a i I «-anted. I «lwaya replied H H j WANTED out: T h e oecaK j t i n U icrapbl e am s 'o u t* to - in yW SbK BWt- on U ie jw rch a n d qtfi ■ B n penclb, niiigh drawing pap«

-a n y th in g . W hen people a n ■ m b sU rted ilx h ln g I pointed ou t T W 11 m eant waa Uiat Pegler hi

baekand tak« ii-pokB » t,tli£ j Ftil.T 8 b ly .8oU ien rgoe« jp /e*< jf

t leader, and HUi c o j^ o a a M CTcryl ne t'M rs. Joleed. ■ ' '

. , •Thursday n igh t th e so

■ i . S ' & . S S t ' . S ' S K '“ "W S ' >1“ ‘ ‘ . a . In W « a »

• cftmoli- e r soap Is available. I t cornea xlrlcabty “bout 4 by 4 by 7. too big L I sub- *nil too hard lotdlvlde. IX 1r l t t i H t r ttw d oil Ju l- o f t.In th e tw o fc-ashrooma of- - - whleh h u to u r Uvatory-bo*

U one cake of Uils. I t ImaU i ? % while because nobody wll e V v S n But in ward 4 ,ln .ad d lU o n

IV . yellow block U ieit U often of whlto soap, broken in ha

t on th e T h u rsd a y n ight ther« My only »>'>»« « » P ao the s tuden t bt her poor ‘Miller, try to get ua a cake. I dellEht ^desVned »nd sho came back w llh th nitt'lknow m ore.U unZ h sd .fre racen -.irhey a re roar of acclaim w ent up

I t U a m ight of Pegler. A few t maybo pointed out th a t It probably death. whole July supply bu t thel

were drowned In sudsy nol y feeling snalchea of aong. acre and "Pridsy I w u pu tting on n e, I m ay wh'en'four w hlbr feot came m em ber, in, T hts w u the-brasa. T ht angulah mj* opinion o f psychiatry. I r

irtunate- replied It w u a racket. I « ime wlUt like a ll raekeU many of lU day t3Ui pnnla look money under, fa i i o ^ lm - lenses, made claims which Ui d to ilfls jjot fill.' p rac lleed 'frau fl'in c 10 people Uon knowingly, l e n t . th e ir , b u l no t and Influence Improperly, i

Uie long bribes and ahared In pollUcal mune to doing. They looked p retty sc th e r In- er auch a luh ln g .- "They a laled by you could change th is . In. impt WM u h a t would you do?' 'A re : r-to keep dla '7Ll-aaked-.Tbefl-I » l d e Vhlleyou cally. ‘I'd te a r Jt dow ni' h lle you ."Next day one of th e fan

a rij lic n > tim 8 u t-,a p tny-golng-aw ay I. Every- u u l a t BratUeboro. they goi isplcuoua packed a n d .lt U irned.out.thi ?anRered o ib son hnd no t InUnded to o tjtc re d me for two weeka more, sta ff for "I have spen t hours takli sided ac- iicre. They used to send a : or* p rof- Bioaltor all my converanUoi

l y i o r a a w ::— - ------- --------------•ed those "Olnd u I am to be nppi ‘ ‘p u ir I freedom ,'I do nol bcftrudRe ich your of tliU cnptlvliy because' tl« nder o r- wny to understand this bu 3 protec t business except to bfe cot Ils struck People vLiiting can pick up UUng If alRhta and sounds bu t you

e weeks live here, sleep here, e a t her ped back half a hundred unhappy, 1 ay n igh t people to understand. T ho U



n i r

ummer-behlnd-an.old.>ashion«d--movl-BQY SpBclal POWER M OW ER-lhat's i ives you a 'full 18" cu t—cosls you i s have sold a t $39,95,J Give your lawn ak-and-floUln on.Uiit-powar-mowor-bu 1 Is Ihe mow er-you'control— It's light es without scalping, trlm s lo v^illiin h

i n d d m u l c h o r , i e i

UUi:iUluil5fiJuujLf£iifiilebUnJakln8.*di 8 l-o»er;-Fo i-you 'll-o*n=w llh 'o tjt ha'

l t~ o m ulching attachm ent th a t ch I le lftr-an irfca lle rs - th'em'to'-'R lve"yo .p r l^ . You avoid leaf raking *nd gathet♦fdvof'fifB l -.

ion of Oulbojid, Mvint & Mlj. Co„ nwVetj ol

' »nd C v in r u d c M tafd mm


, G R B E N A W A L T ’S

- - - ^ B U R tE Y ^ —G R E E N A W A L T S ' .


■ S V s — N i l t i r e S u m l

i j K h S ' B o n er Mater:iddenly be - (T he m ost recen t wini , fcsktng'xno ceire th e " SO-«lume.*el ad been to cyclopedia A raerleana wi ^ anyUllog M onen, 833 T h i r d - S im lied u ii i t I Calif.)ecopauonal ---------------n y - n g u la r H ero 'i an aaaorlm ont-i offered m e bloopers. Som e I tp e r.p a liita r e c e i v e d f r o m ^ ^ ^ H around m e tn c h e ia . .* o m e -X ou t U ia t a ll r e « d 1 n '^ Vh'e : had come pocket B ook, ot th fm .jto b = .B o a a i* ,-* n d -a B b u ^ ^ H o f Uio 1 9 ^ era! Z picked t r y b o d ^ w hllo_a ranfer_U i

t h e h a t l o h a r ^ ^ D ^ L . I f you llko’B I ,am l^ the» - -----------M

I bad u the T* _ re.NoUUng in t h i ■

I S M w ^ o n - th o - f a iu In t

W hM 'a a t lUio bottom 0

^^ -'arrd ?“m onkeyi belongt To-Ui*

Ton true, ranger. Uiai n t c sk e fo rest ^ »*> whichh alf F l f t r o f ^ never se t fool

r ^ e l u T W hat'a a te rrap in? Il'i . « > . o f Uie h ighest order. -

Wb“ “ >ke. you got - A j j >oight n u rse ............~~*Jfthree cakes, « J L . . ^ _ . J t tin b e to n . A u W L rIP fo r Uie ■■ V i mw p tU enU » I bly waa ourJielr voices « V T •• ^n o lm a n d ^ y ' l M

■n m y ahoes no walking rhey u k e d -----Ip rom pU y ^

I «ald U ial '•lU parU cl- ' ' •: falM p w -I Uiey-could i a -Ih e a a n d .th a f* when 1■ nd 'decep- cUcd.------------------------------:lr.preaU Re Deflno adulL It'* k ma: Y. accepted stopped growing a t both ical wrong* n o t in Uie middle.I sober a f t - , A m an who hates- all ! u ic ed ‘I f is a mtsUetoe.

InaUtuUon -A n-oc t#pua.a lw aya hopre you k id - best. .................. •d em phaU - __A _rum inant .cfaews lU <

W h at Is th e plural of oi fans Jn Uie w h a t U you r sp inal eo r h e r have « r ,f h^tT?« wmn»vay ^ o th M tfown youF-back w hleh' go t m e V* from being aU leg* de w iU u t Judge n e c k . _________________

I to rem ove w h n t are Uio four.seoj .i,i„» . . . PePP**"' m usU rd and vlr sklng oolM _ w h a t .U ;a n a to m j '? jn i uoS« heavenly bodies.

*-ipptoadjing ~~Prom w h e r e - d o - w - g iRe nn hourtliere Is no looma la rgest to me u Ui bulrngcous tio n w rought by th e met commllled. board o f DO. No doubt eai up ghastly la virtuous b u t the aystem

OU have ' to T h is is lhe syalem whleh here 'nm ong e n t 'leadersh ip ' would llki y, harassed on entire American p 0 th in g U ia t_ ..w h o 'a loony now?

I save 'I oh a LA«

■ full 18" c u t j i

%(----- die-cast housing H

S J Bido trim ^

S •'«n»p^on''hindiM ^

“ non'fcalplnB"; f c 'w h e a r p la to m o n t-


^ I and!

— y-S— get-t-his

i r _ i > iS A i

„TREIo q . ! -

havingchews ^■you • .'

a tt

I T — r _ — : G O O ■ ' ' . ■ <- _ c

— ------- — — —7 ^ - — — —

— RUPa

T i • - the e«g,“ > -

“O w - ■

p p K c» ._ ---------

wlimer to re - •»« *« own r-K t- o l E n- 0‘Jera.I w u Eugene } ^"PlraU on Is -m- . ' Utet,.- Eureka, if^ ‘‘«P> y-w heti-25 , you expire,

Use wlielp In--. ^ n t- o f na tu ra l ' “ 'no ; bounding S S ■ — ■ • ‘ m itlliig whelii | | H H B | | | | A sure-footed■ H


' ' ^ k t In s nlw.i k

'W>^«t U a skrtetaivi :« t«« B .nu m al wlu, h li out«iiL? n too G rand *“ ■«

A Robiet Is a bbiIIm m of Uie sea? «'•«»«,■nt*. "??'** » Mt,m an and th e • * l« l« H |

fool? • : * ^ j" e n l ,o f lortunfBiI I - . » . „ „ i • ' S i . i

uc i. hi.

tW lini is I ptdjtt^

, eared

V/hnl Is a ne n a i »P“ ce H U ere.iie.prL

Define eSucusyli?,,. ■ Name the thr« l u

S S "S*.W h n u ,, p r ^

yon " '

len h e ’s ostra-

m an who h u t " * ' i30th ends bu t ild.rH, .SorrrTl .liiSrS

T»x/r ^2- a ll ' m ankind sAVB.uJiiSi’l:^,'*

hopes f o r - l h e -------------- U O N sn nR iC H F in i! , Jttij

l(S O W n.cub,_ cera presided^lUiiM )f ox? Oxygen. Won* club Tutsdsj.ii l^Mlumn? It'*

^ ; r E 7 . s T g s * i W T H....................NOTICE .or„*

J l . . j l u d y _ o I

I * .kjnd o t a _ w . a. u c co w ctib l ________________ tUlWKN - itlismwi 11

I th. :;;E-B:r":aSim enU l,healU i ih> ntin>4iA>ib t each o t UiemItem Is wicked i «mhleh Uie p rea- smh n .r »t u « .

like lo f u t e n ( d i s t r i c t coorrnU|_ in people." c i i r t '/ iS

- ; . PuMl.lit

s s s s a s s s a e g ? ^ ^


' ■ power- mower

ITEED n o w ^ 7 9 5 ®

w a s > 8 9 ^ 9 5 ■


IF MULCHER ^EE of extra cosfrE E - : o illi 1-aw n . bov s p k W ^ ^

) O D i N G T r r - — SG R E E N A W A W 3 '

ROME -- G R B E N a T V A t r S — ----------- ;

j p £ l ^1* •:___....................... ...... .....

a R E E N A W A L T ’S

Page 5: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

S: Z j , e r ' o m e F

B e f o r e

_JE R 0M E .L J,U ly_8^ Joined the -Jaycces In (or * poUOck picnic buaineR rm ectlnirTue* c o m rtllU ^-W cn a rg a : T?«inh oVuenwuy. Mr h&lter and M n . Max

M ra. Boyd Precm reported on th o '•Kee •Q ueen"'conteat he ldot -July In th# c ity pf th n t MIchtieleno Ken: of l i r . nnd MrB..Herb chosen aa Queen and were Jo a n HolTerao Jones.

' M rs. W Jlllom Jewe th e W elcome W tt<on; ed-th«M he-proJeet-la and newcom ers to Je we1oom«d-by-th»-coi:

A successful rumme ported .by Mrs.1 Paul

. reported th a t th e J b• rV .,U ( t enfT«»Inf) aMi*t*d th e Jnyceea

* * the vot« fo r th e reee * election.

, r i e C r a n e

Wed Gerratt Soit”- ’r.lS, “ta,

M ", ” d S c “ “ M .r - wguM « tttn d

sssc!i!?si.’?=?a:fffiduated Jrom picnic.

T'oJi'in lOSS «nd U M rs. O ene B erry ai \JV nm M 0f 8 ,T.Xx)we MlUcr. jr .. w in maki

“ I®mduated from D ur- * *

19M nnd la en - D IN N ER SIuBlnr «lih Ilia fnUier. p iL E R . • Ju ly 8 —

rfia-lini ‘l>een act. - - church cho ir he ld » — --------------- - [7 " T hu rsday evcn ln j- o:

ion Martin .Care

\ \ I “You a re n o t old I\ . \ /■ j < n \ ' * c a r w ithou t one of

\ "Y ou aro too youngf S w ^ u l l L A I — evening p n r y ^ "You

nTw -flXl . ' i . ' to kno w 'b e tte r thon' \ \ _ / ■ / you are In one plnci

,‘V a t nnother." T hese a

V \» \ \ l you“ a Brief. Uauoll •A U Xi V I Introduction to an-A l — - - 1 / -----wlM rem a in unaettlci

l \ "OV V .\ a d o to c e n t fee ls im i - H ■ _ \ _ \ \ L i . . co rrecU y,.lh ftt Jjla .B g o H ' ' \ \ \ to d o w ith th e m a ttc i

V ' 5 \ c i i i n tana^e iucc'\ ■ V should decide, and-

— 1—:------ \ — V c lde .-ls how -respom\ \ / \ person proved hlmse 1 1 , A I I I k 13-yc«r-old boy v

'\1 1 l l hla f a th e r w ho slla"

P V_J ___ I ' age a n d could be tnn \ \ ~ ' ' c n r ir th n o w - p e n j i i i

| n | j ^ r__ . . . I . ; , h e should, b u t Lhat hI V ^fi I ; a young peraon th e pk \ , tu rlty? W hen h e she

\ . \ \ \ a ([Irl tn h e r teens n - 1 U ' I w ord.-nhvDys goesI \ Rhe Is going, always W ) . t h e tUne aegrecd up<* I } to It. she should be t

I ^ in these directions. A^ ^ ■ ■ 1 I ^ people she asaoclnt'

L sound chankoter, no<a girl to take a drti

QOOQ L n e x t n ig h t apo t be<

n ^ d k e e p ^ r ^

^■HTBEPARATESIjwr lumm'er wardrobe k i — — * —

^ ^•iu ic l> w p a ra t« a l.8 « W - ' - ' f V l Q Q I C '

tUKl. Blouse'’w ith —^B)EiliM;.tlirr«aninrisIeeve I x O O l l l l I■ a a i r t u >our tBVorlte; "■ t r a t U r r .na .n lk ln t ^ " S r . S ,

ULwj Rir-ta la '.'H , ★ M E T A L AV

B n w i " " ’ " ' ■ * SID IN Gpnlifm Blvcs ★ IMSULATIC

* w e a t h e r ^ t W c . n i ; K s ; ' i 3 : - ^ - S T O R M ^DC

^ ■ “Ktin, wrc of TlniM- ★ M a fl ic Voll«^ ■ w fl< i).rtm rm ;232 J O H N S - M A^ ■ ’'" V o tk ll .N .V .P rln i ' A J A■ « *WrrM. WHI, io n p ! X ® ™^ ______________'.P .H Q M E .2 9 9 !

■ t N - N - 0 - u t r eH —^ I 'o -a p p o in tm e n t^ f—

» m t f r ot the*

■es o f ; Open > ; P im ic . - re-Rarley_ e ^ J .n y ^ C ;C il« a . ^ ^ |P 9 9a ln< lhe city p s rknle p rio r to - |h e l r < ' -rue»day7ilghr.T heLrga~lncluded:Mrs;

iMra. Fred Surk> w ’ThomjMSK--------

eem an. .chairm an. j & y EKeep Idaho O reen .eld on the .F o u rth y park . S he ita t« d Kennedy. dnughU r fTcrb KenAedy, waa

her-«ttendnnts 'eraon* a n d Linda

lewel. chairm an b( ton project, report-

0 Jerom e are being

Timage aale waa re- Pau l P ra tt, chair-1 Covin, chnlrm nn. **** . • ' 'e Jay-C -E ttea had ^;eea In gelling outrecen t achool bond * * _

..fir^rnS^Mr, andH Short cour*e a t , _ ........ ^

[cMlllan. prealdenl. 1 OIhe and Mra. Pree- JEROME. Ju ly 8 id a meeU nf W ed- j ,c o b C. Kulm. teal rw ln PalU to m ake county a ln ce . 182T • th e fou rth dla trlct thdp golden' wedd

• Sunday w llh a Ti y and Mra. Chariea Jerome grange hn nake arrangem enta invited between th< TJeeUDg. 5^ * Mr. and Mni.' Ku:I SERVED July 7. 1M5. a t

— The M ethodlal They began the ir d a no-hoat dinner a homealead which g -o n th e law n a t secured twtf yeara p . W Jnnlfred.LaH ue. iHttge. T hey left J

3 o f ^ u r ChileB y A N G E L O P A T R l

}Id enough to drive ahe wllla, even thou e of us beside you." no l IB 6r 20. ung to be a t a laU w hen a boy mak X2y .5« o ldenough aions_wlU».sound-j la n loT et uabelleve playing m aturity V plnce while you are car for th e afierno. « are th e troubled no t overload I t ao :ln n s .an d .th e cagac orerfluwa"tonhB~nn iu .lly I h i j . r e t l . ; i , „ u.™ c«u. He an argum ent th a t more." « id . th a t ia

:tUed b e cp a e every t „ „ m other ca ina tlneU M lr.-and th e £5771

ila .ageJia s-Jw th lng if i .-b u t-h e -h a a -a - rM pnn.lhlllty in th

nz p n w n l 'M n h a t aoUvlty and ahouI< 5h r« !l- ,d r « t j ^ c o r t t n i ly r u - l s noi lucceaafully. W hat 1,1, blrthdaya th a t d m d. doea de- of perjonat reaper pon^ble-thU -young Q ualltro rhU chnm

n h o ^ ^ U ^ ^ r f r ^ -driving a « r t h w ‘‘*'1slls-b /alde him. H , sapofislblllty beyond

SU , n . i K “S „ rSf i s r z u n S S 3rays comca home at 1 upon, or.very close ,„a ,„h . mu ,h«Sw be granted freedom o»n. Dr. rmri hu nu na. When the young «J>‘dates wllh are of !i t'» hi^. . / i Ttl , not likely to preas »i. autisa o. K»» Yoi drink, or go to the ~

, becauae I t la atlll1 I n u tx l to mi»k^ ' /clol engagements na ,

ic Cityng Co. 1 E«»«?K «ll<flCUIN& I - VRDANIKIJI jA W N IN G S i

T IO N . .ER S T R IP P IN G ' ] been lo brim

■ p o p R S ----------2 T i I Z T — 5^i® rorW IN D O W S '

'o l l e y ' s O n l y tisn of theM A N V I L L < : i A p p lic a lo r | a woman coi>95,coi-i.Egr-

or RO- came on th e I

“ 1 i T he ^

' [ beaat th a t

i. ' I mlleatone foiJ m aking the I

X ; - . ' 'A ia t Wl. I ____^....out o t 10 I


....... rrre vnluf an

' ber lh a t 1

H om t<


> ''o n D '— ! — r^weHraded-th

JS5Snlc* thn

I and l i w t h r e o " - ; 7 ------- -I children.-are a ll— ■ "— ' ~

uary MmmR v ic E - ^ B i E t t y i i f i


1 H ouse-toH onor-G

^ B 9 r 9 I

M ltrA T Jin tn tB T jA C O ii C.-KULM (HUff engravlnti

id Mrs. J. C. Ki C elebrate Anni'

uly 8—M r. a nd-M ra. cnme In Idnhn IrI. realdenta of Jerom e In the Amcrlcnn 182T.~wlll' celebrale Ihey fnrm td. Sin

w edding nnnlvcranry rome they hnvca ‘reception a t the Tlicy are inm bi

e hall. Friends a re Liithcriin church,n th e h o u rs -o f^ -a n d Ttie ten childr

are nll expecled 1i.'Kulm were m arried ’ ^'e

a t Rllsvllle. Wnah. C-irl 1 nrdliiR. > h e ir m arried life on prhlch Mr. K iilm h a d•ara prior to th e m a r- ^« . w „!,!n .u ,n .n a i;™;:*

- ■ ' I Mra. D eri Miller

ildrcn"--■5n]idren‘'-niTd'' 1I I I ^ 1 1 children, moat 0be hero.

• ' ' I ■ • * >

though ahe la 18 nnd W o i T l S n 0

makea hla own decl- 1 HStO 11 I und -sen a o -h * /la dla» . • — , — Ity. W hen he haa th e / \ f ( j | g Lernoon gam e he doea It ao U iat the -c row d - OLENNS FEtU iBTUnning~txniYda~atTJ lnnon I6r Mra, lin He aaya. ‘•Five. No wna held a t tho r

lat .ia_aetUed. Hla lO i M .of .ih e Won er can feel e w about Tue.idny. • ;ar. H e m n y -b e^ 7 . Or Wtw liorlioii W

uCcd lo tho dinli In thin flyiri of-socla l Newmnn, acn lorj ihould be trea ted a c- cn ilo iilo r rnenibe IS a a _ i a v 6 s U ^ lh a t decide th is m a tte r ; ' ,

y s ' ’,"*- ----—..."-nnracter. y , ,' look ahead a num ber ^trea i ihe lr children so . ,

.;5i;',™srtu": Fam.iver. ^111 never h a re to Dcuccndcnta ot Eumcnt JitM ui th e cnr, "Priest. 88. Burley or the midweek movie, men pnrk here n leople will tnke over fo r-n '-tom lly-re i islbly and succeMfully. and MO dtw endc people will hnve m a- lions nre expecle J w llh a ll th e ir lives p c = = ; ; d = ;II pnrents begin early I w r n ^ a V ' ' lem for auch m t . ■ .. I t V O a a X . -- ■ \ ■ \ Dally

leedodoV "btidr“n"-®* «‘ii { Entrance on all• /i T tm ^?r;-V "r. 0."l"o“ I W e Give S ftI ... Yctl. I». H. Y. . -

jl - ' ■__Glenn Jeni

^ One of Ihe grenteat acconthe ' American automobile

bring ownership of a cnr .'within alghi

orortiiinrini»»»'Tnaa6-it-r'>*»‘i>'"'<“'p»am ‘,'.ln every home. I have a aheaklng : ihoul the m o it Im porU nl o f a ll waa th )f th e oelt-aU rler In 1911.

le the ear really n family car for Uie flral n could Ihen .handle U. and she d idn 't

chauffeur. T linl'a probably aomethlng

ir go ahopplng. In the family car before 1th e scene;----- • — • ^

) aelf a tarle r aaved a lot t>l broken a m“ lKeT»>” «rrrlena~ tn» lr»d -o f 'a alubbeoth a t liad' to be rnnslantly battled. 11 liel

rorld's whole a tlltude to the m otor ear.

lo t of Ihlngs f ie now take for g ranted on •ICT- w n a-in iro d u c ed 'b r O eneral Molora, le followed ano ther flral In 1010, whci the flrat cloaed bodlea In any volume.

a t waa really aometlilne. because rven i) t 10 eara made were allll npen model*.

.lm es-ln .tlic_hu rly -bu rIy ..o f.liv ing .M t h»-vnUittbto-lcn.ion!!.t,toitl.tl1C ,!;»«»■ XglL If and Ihe lenderahlp .Uittt's been pncEet . th a i bccomcs a-lltU r aurprlalngjjlH . Ifa always been th a t way.

m tooling and ToliUle hlalrlnnle* aren eu rused r a r «alea preicntalloa.but.K c. i about Ihe th ree apcelal* Haled here. Se

m n V-8 CUSTOMUST. F o i iD o lt s r red-U ils-lrom -boujht4Ji«-catJitw_LoiV-m

II.I.YR HARDTOP wllh radio, hcnler. ov ll th n ta h o w l th e care ics alngle owner pi


-Eptiple— Stat6-Di ■ ■ I b I I H ^ p e a lc '

— In Je-1JETtOMg.. Ju

' ' sta te ra reporf?week n t Bolae J

_ College of Idnhi';:;v£ S 3 S 9 k ^ H H | Jcan"Let(iaii p a

luck picnic Wei ^ l y pnrl(.

iiiT .Tl,-.* — H ie .p rog ramhall W’llh

'7 3 - m ander. prealG irls ' alale wei Oaaa. Jean Ej Kowlanda, Cnn delegate, waa

^ t r ^ S o B ^ I ^ S H a a tnters S ^ ^ a j H p r j B K B i n were inlroduct I S S B F S v j f l ^ ® ® ! T he re'portlng '

N eal, who wnn s l o n ^ e a l ^ l

S i K '■'ho wn.1 elecle b riefly and cor

» • ~ ,JM aR aa iE ^]:3M lalW c 'acaaruii,~ ' Asalatlni; Dn E lliott, T heron

,.'.w."-aa a i .syih-ftnd-OoiiH •'*'« m iow liiK thi

ary and poal * . ------ ^ meellnga.--------

• A t Iho poa

l \ U i m movie projectfl-•-* .. —- Sl. Benrdlct'a

niversdry heSJ’wou'ho In i o n and aeltled ” *^"e5ort'oV ‘ •lean Falla area, where m ju e eV n a nu . Since coming to Je - o f f ^ r a will b lavc opernled a farm. g u „ meeting, lembera of St. Paul'* lurch. j-~. ' Iihlldren of the couple i p jned to be here for the . ^ u p i children Inclu'Be Mra. HAILEY. Ju

IR. Mra. Dnve Block. H cckerl and Iv :ock. A lbert Kulm nnd were m arried m. all Jerom e: Mrs: the-C om m unll ;. Twin Falls: Mrs. the Rev._Clydi Icolt, B uhl: Mrs,-A. R. th e y w ere i ro Woolly. W ash., and Mrli. Andrew £ .tiller. John D ny,'O re. Mr*. John IU ms have 34 grand- nebccca,:id two great-grand- T hey will' r oat Of whom 'also will “ Owe where ^

.. - the Aa.vjclal«d~ rr " _ ‘ ■ ~

n of Moose11 Recorder .___. vplenns Ferry I *FERRV. July fe=jMt<U: ____________•a, iiniph Clark, recorder, tho rcRUlar'aocIal meet- Women! of th* Mooae

• voeetiton v.8r^^UCTlb- clialrm en-by.M r*. Jack ^ w ork 0 nlor regent. O ne appll- ch ibersK lpw asrcadand — - -» w o w ' •iiUnf mm m ltt^a .. a p - __ ><la|«|[n

' for cards w ent to Mra. tecond-hlgh...M rs...Fern _ . . —T»_ijr- low. i^rs. Je.u Edwards. x V j l .

lily to'Meet pk ■il2-$U-Ml8--M6rg a r ti-E . _ ■ r ,urley. will m eet a t H nr- ^ ju U U u L Iere a t 10 a. m. Sunday — ------------/-reunion,-Botw ccn-225 --------------------:endcnts In five genera- ' peeled a t Uie event. ‘

ITFDtishing] ijDally Service-

OM PHOTOm nlley by Wiley Drug j SftU Green S U nps

- 't

^ Kj l

enkins_______ ^ S__iccompllahmenta nf r’)blle Indiialry hns . ;alght of everyone. . - _ y-

to 'p o t-a -ea r.-o r---------- - 7^ -;i -------clng'h’u n r h 'th a t-------------------- 7 -------IS th e Introdue- ' «

I flrat Ume. becniisa .Idn 't have in tnke ' '.hlng you've never • .•U U lw -th ii-U ds-lo ------- -------- ------[ore Uie aelt ila r le r '

I arm s, too, and * bbem.- Inhuman----- -ry— -II helped chan te -

fd on every'far, the vlBlora .-T hal-lam oua-— ------- ------when OM iinried

me. ,

ren'l)}^ Ifllfl'nTne' ^ -------tl'«. for today, w a. , .You can acf loriay^___ ' ■■ j ._nclud InJ'o Ctirvro* . -: when you remem- \,"i

I a re n 't number ••:1t.w e.arc.en lhus=_-------- --------::.4— Le. See them and I

SEDAN. Th* mnn ' - ^ iff-mllensc.e ar too, wllh rn d l^ .J J ____

ir. overdrive, A very =- icr provided. • _____j

^ undais - Z z r rp j~ i

- Q t

.S, IDAHO, "

B e l e q d t e s C ^

c - f c r - M e e f f f l n P

l e r o m e H a l l^ u l y - t —B oy-and -G Irl 3rfrtr~t>venla of the ir j,‘>. r ^ Jun io r collcRfl nnd the tnlio'fo'llowln); nivAnief^ post nnU'a'uxlIinry pot'^

W edncadny nigh t In Uio •

am -w aa.held . aL .U ioJ^- llh B e r t TInrtw(,-lI. com- . .residing, AcUvlUca n t i were reviewed by Anltn

Enaton nnd M nrgnrct - 3nro1e Hoamnn. nnoiherj; - . . m g i aa unnble to alU nd. ■ • era . and ' Ihclr parenlal. '• . ^ luced by H ubert Coala.l ’. . . U g * ng waa niAde by Rlchncdj; \,«d!S3^gQ

aponaored by the L e .i^y jSB S^W g _lntfQdur.fH '•rhn. n aTrvMpS3g» p^^ ;cied governor. He apoke M riBM W il conducted a mock legla- E j^ B R ita B iIli.- ' i ^ i ^ g s sDniey Were Nenl. Johnron Nel.icn. D anny Fnr- t S ^ K fg Hoiii[lnn-BroK(loih~— ------- r l S i S K s B i't h e program th e auxlll- DEVoal he ld ahort bualheaa . . . whoae---------- - Lundy, aen

poat m eeting membera Creek, h a s t iircha.ifl'* 16 niillimclcr pa rw taT ^Ir •ctor fo r the benrlJ i o t llnnaen. Nn Ca hoaplinl and nlan for act. (Staff < . T hey nlso have pur- '

used allm lliic llghUng rM the Legioh hall. P I q I

o t Ihe nom lnnling rom - _ mnde by Hubcrl Conla. T lie Supr

ll be elected' n t Ihe Au* circle. Mnglc Ig. made plnns '

•<i» * * of Mra. Rn;I , , , luck picnicpie United pn^lc. Weml

Ju ly 8' — Mra. Evelyn J ' h1 Ivan NLwon; both Boise, n ’ uir'm ^^ ed Salurdny evening nt m lly B npttai church by 1 lyde WlLion. • —A PPL I'e a ttended by Mr. and: w S e lander and "Mr. nndl y*®*

Rooney and daughter.l Detweller'

r m ake Uielr hom e- I n ' ---------e Nlsaon la employed by. ph it<d aUllona.________ II

l a ^ - f n a i e s .

' separatei are wonderfule tion p loym olei. Il'i no ________

k al all lo keep. Ihem.freih __1___ou ldoo r aporii, d a y o r ___ . . . ,

i A Y m i R . : ^

■ ' f ;

' 1 ^

. Z ■ ■■ i f f t t . , . . . ^

_____ V __J

- l i i : hK; ||

______ .2 ^S t r o O s t i t p o U r i ^ o n ’W m o k . i

: n g q g e d l _ ; ~ M i n i c

^ u e e r :LDS SUki atake conventlor —T v tm iB

S r : / . . V auna J t- general b(

cjaUon £

-•;v conducted

by th e siU k ! priesthoot

board a t t

lEVERLY TREATwe e n g a irm e n t to i J t r r y B fV O en of E. C. Lundy. Rock R ’ V IS been announced by h e r . \MFTanffTlTr.. J.-If. T rea t. - No wedding d a u baa been tt engraTlngl jm T T ^

a n s P i c n i cLiprcnie Forest Wo<Mmnn iRlc Vnlify grove No. 19. ns Wc^dncsdn:^ a t th e home Rny Reynolds for a pot- nlc Ju ly 17 a t Hnrin<|n . d em bers-m ay .bring.gueats. . M . E. .Erwin furnished the ' M 'phnn l won by M rs. N ora

~ ^ = 1 mPL iA N C E R e p a i r

fears experience w ith I ^ ller'a and Music C enter ^

U 6 EN E S M I T H - - i ------------Phone 1231-W ' NO^ - - = ^ — / T '



i: ; M - - • - : ■

-■ ■■

- ' '

f e

HI V, r

j l t o y • s & P r o b f • a u o n a

i d o k o - S t o k e — 1 1 - ^ - - , . :

Dsts“ P f1 m ary L____ !l A e e t a t R u p e r t i ' Sa iT _ jm j- ..8 - Ih e _ M ln I ila k aAke wna h6.1t to R afi river grounds.A redncadny._ni_the_Prlm ary____ .Jon In the LDS Ubernncle. • OLEN^ HBmlcB-EtnierRcr-ana“Mra: hold"a «

Jacob-ien. S a lt I jike City Jewelry .a bonrd ot the Primary a.MO- uanl lo a prwlded. Elile M clnllrr. Ir.atlon tc

Ea slake TOnmry ' prealdenl ted. A prlesthood repi'MenU'i- ' M omlr -eaclr-wnrd-w aa-preaent.- -• have the: morning aesalon waa allended nnd . fM( 1 slake board, m em bera .and-Pnli.-M t ood repreaentaUvca. Lunch fried ch rved .by th« Minidoka stnke nnd tab t t noon. fu rn lah .

^ J l 2 0 W O R D S P E R I

O S Y M B O I S • NO M A C H l WSSO U SVl Pon'l Imt «lih

pay—L«arn SpeC' ” ’ You can q u a i l

FREE TRIAL «tenograpchr 1^- LESSON wrlUng shorUiai

T i ^ T T T l ABC»=Ia so simpn C T T youl You will I

- e t A s s E ^ . S - “

There are thousi

M O N O A Y ^ S f f h T p .

j u L Y i s . . S n r c ‘ ; s ;j jc m o n a lrn tlo iL j


----------------F O R -T H E -B tiS IN E S S - l

T l a e f i n e s - ± Q T l y e s L i

- S T R A I O - H T B O T J :

n o w i n t t i l s ' " i i 'a i& d s d in e ’n e w p

^ 'e ptoudi^Ptetent mlMa ha'nd»

ptelcage Uie' Hnett Centuiy Club-___ , boulid in iudltUnguiified 71 ye

____; liliioty..Enioy.Centuty.Club:tanI|

- ' /• • ' i - '* - " '- ' . J ' - ^V*.

n a ^ X M s t m o ^

P A G B F T ^ I j l

3c ia I-Garenda t HX R -^T he Town a n d .C o u n tn lf l will hold a family poUuck p l e | | n t^ 0 .p jn . .S u n d a y .a t . th a . l a l r W j

ENN3 FERRY -^The MYl»‘w if lB a cooked iDod sale a t M a rto ' I S ry .store.' All proceeds wUr’b RH lo aend membeni of tho organ M

m lnnsiaft club members' wllijill th e lran n u a l picnic for famUlelSnti .friends Sunday a t N at-S o a]M .M em bers nre asked to bilni|JlD' , chicken, covered dish, p u a c n M table service. The club w iuy jl

lah.U ie Ice cream and c o t f e e j j

HINES • i S s a f c J " ; I

ipeedwrYtlna and Achieve I t l . | | | a l l f y - a i a fast, accurato In only n weeksl Bpeed-

Uiand la WTltten wllh tho linple'lo masterTlfw ill a m a u '111 quickly, easily develop %

words pe r-m ln u to — — 'cnFn-BtrTln) i t<iulramen U I lousands of Job w aiting . . MrtunlUes offering glaroou^ , I ' p a y ' to- yoUrltf tH O f l l tn r a r ^ p e ed w rlterrtak e -y o u r plplcl - urself—come In for a Fre* _in T.fMnn-

, 1 ' -

MESS COLtEGE XARE W A ITlN iS '- , S-TRA1NED"---------- ---------

iSfc -■ - Ii . r s I ■

S ' ft J R B O l T T I ■

' p a o f c a g i e — ^ f i—

jfijtoma new _

Hubevei _ , 9I year • .'•^ i;l

lomoHtl . . . y _ J

O L D ■


Page 6: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

S != ^ ^ o re f f le a t ’ P re d ic te d fo r

M E aste r n P ^ tiBIP B r U n lle d -r re»? L ^ i r ‘ “ ni nn w ouldn't chanKC iy g l i f Hia tu ne todny. All lia ,w o u )a - 'fy l 9 l ' J WM "moro h eau" — . ^ fi S K ( ----- •Jt-WJfllnR-htftt-WAV*fiblaalcoi«laV lri th o luiUon'd m te r n two UiiriU lor [ " t v . ■ th o n in th nU-ninht day- nnrt the 'L a iu .•Rcalhcr forccnatera a n l d t h e y f f S i i cou ldn 't do ft thing about U. r ^ T '' • ■ 'T h o 'v u t In im of muRuy n lr ba t-

- -tled-w lth-airB dvBnofnarcooltejatU n I f f lC th e v t t t , aettinK off lornadoes In I P • M innesota nnd Ncbmaka. a d illd

w aa klUed and nino o the r perconn i K ; • wero Injured when a U 'later h it n -?5r - * - M a n h a l l , - M inn,, farm ~]irc^_Ja3t

n lgh tjjic iL A noU icr to rnado .ripped »fl,-ny roofa early today In Uie io u p

I •'C liy.-Nel!T.,'8rea;— — ---- --------------I 4 |[3 PrcMuro P rw en li{ l |L --------The-»<<irzne-<aui#d-4»me-temptiauIH rv : tu ro drops; b u t forocaatera said a

t>J maaalvo h igh pressure centered off . I J ’- I th e 'S o u th CaioJIna c o m would

- V , '! p robably keep m w t of the castr-**Ptc—•»e>terln(j-throu8h-tho v.'eek.cnd-----, ' I n Newark, N. J.. Jt was *o hot

l h a t th e aUlp Uaaers n t MlnakV* a .w i b burlesque s ta r ted complalnlns. A

" w young w oman w e n t wandering • • Dl • th ro u g h th e atreets of Bloux K.ill#.„ I, S. D„ fn th e nude, expinlnJng. lo

' ■ police ahe waa Eve looklnft for . ‘ . Adam ,J, 5; Tem pera healed up w llh the ' ■ « ■wenther ahd work acemed Jc.w nnd ; , J’ Jeai a ttrac tive . I n D etroit, fo r in ,; Btnnce, tho muggy w fntjier wiw

/ b lam ed for walkouts n l Ihfi Clirj'alct ' p la n t which evenUjnlly. Jdlcd 7,000

I J ' j 1 1 m tm ils,**# 11 T h e h eat also conllnticd to Uke ft J - . N J to ll In lives. A lO-moniii-oid Mftdl- i*I’ ' )* eon, Wls„ girl suffocalrd when «Ue f ' ' ~ waa trapped In he r faiher'a parked

( e a r w here th e aun hen led lhe tem*. ?' 1 ' p e ra tu re to 130 degrees-^A t Tltla-

r ~ ^ ‘Tj\irglS7T’4 T T n to m a n w en t-to Uie--------- foof of h e r home to seek relief and

f I fell 35 fee t to hec denUi.LW..i . f ‘ ' ■ n ig h -te m p em tu re s yc3terdfty-;ln- i ~ ^ , -d u d cd a alKJlne J07 At PrwltJlo,I Tex., and 103 a t Carlabnd. N .‘M.L )s ‘ S ioux CUy. Ia-> had 07, nnd Chlcngo

B l 04. w hile th e mercury stayed underI.-------^ 0 (n o r -m ir ttn tr ttm o -a in c e ;8 n tu rd a y

In New Y ork Clly,

1-. J l ' Predictions for todny called for : r « a no ther fiO-degree acorcher tn New

1 York, hnBTvrr.—nnrt -CIUcngnan.1

Uw-Keds4)enounce-— ; Asia Inclusion

i -T O K Y O , Ju ly 8 W>—Communist2— ? r t —Chlna-B nd-N orth-V ict'-N am -todfty

r 1 .accUMd tho United Btatea of-vlol«u I W n l InB tho Geneva agreem ent on In-

tloclilna b s Including tho free alnlcs i f f r ’ o t Soutli V iet N junJiH oa-auiljC am . SVt l ci i — pr oKct ed aren ol I m q lj th e Bouthenat Asia trea ty organlza-

T h e denunciation w aa m a d e In a ' Jo in t communiQUo signed by Red; 1 C hlna’a cluilrm an M ae Tze«tung and

! , prcslderil Ho Chi M inh of the com-!---------U m u n it t Indochinese a la te — ____ ...[• ' T ho commuhique; broadcast by 5 ‘v- ; rad io Pelplog as Ho flew lrom Pclp- ■ ' I 1 In* for Moscow, olao-xcTtaled 'a n l-A., I . ; extensive e ld program by lled China

‘ - lo r 111 new communist-dominated neighbor.

: I Idaho YoutWlS,! KilledbyTractor, REXBDRO, Ju ly 8 Lfl—A tractor ‘ overturned in B u rton yesterday

■ * t < killing Merw>'n,Beardall. 13.! 1 j ( M r. and M rs. Jo h n It. Beardall.; • 1 , . B urton , the parent.-t o f the boy.! C- « w ere a ttending a funeral. W ille

I ■ t h f v w(»r,. gone.. M cnvyn. nnd two„ ___ ». U -o ther- chD3rcn cro5se<lTn>'c KucBt

from the Beardnll fnn« m ui-stnrt- • ed playing w llh th e mnchlne, •

W ith Merwj’n sleerlnB tlie tractor •; -V ,. • a n d th e tw o other children riding

o n back, they JiCaded down, nn In- ■ cllne. T he front w heel h i t a bank

i ,( a n d tu rned fldewnys. • ovcxturnlng l i c l , £ A h e trtc lo r . T lie d th e r two children

‘ {-.TWCffi-nol-htirt------------- -------------------i I Merwyn died en rou te to .a Rex- •• 'l ‘ ; ! . bu rg hospital.

, ‘ ~ Record Set~r~V MOSCOW, Ju ly 8 Lfl-A HoUteln

f t .' .• cow cow ned by th e Unlver.'-lly otJ i l ; Id ah o has s e t a new sta le producUonC,L'. '. record, the HoIslcin-FrcBlan as.ioel-I ' i i L J n tlon ol America nnnounccd yester-

■ T h e assoclntion aald Idaho' B utter [_>2 i K in g Nelly produced 700 pound.'* of 7 i> * ' \ ^■ i\tW lT 4rrronr3!J,tnrpoiindrofnnllfc . i?j > In 'lO m onths on two da^.^n llk tngs. “ f * , a tiP-iiUu- *ct ' hiKli ualTln r - rn iu ln:»I' , • ' m ent.1 _____ _

-Official Named -BOISE, Ju ly -8 WWDr. H arry H .;.

' ■ H enderson li.-u been appointed .^talc • k,8=7iYr-dlf®6lor of prevcnUviuiicdlcliH'. IW K**' •cPedlnj.'D r. S tanley J . Lebnrt. S ;.

l le a l lli D irector L. J . Peterson a n - rL—. - nounced.___ j!f l lS n Peli'r.'(j[» saTdTTCiidcv.'iominrl.'n^' Ih H aumed hw d u tto a fte r cnmlnK in|* l u BoLio from Slifrldnn, Wyo^ wliorcl" ll{ S . ■—3iaA ad jiccn-cugased-la-U>e pr.irLlfff.I I r i 'i pediatrics. |

itaj i r i l f ^ IMAW u . r m i f M L L S "

* T ;i7 7 ^ ''y XX-'<XXXKKVW>J tMi>SXVwtKX?00 i

,, P A N DANIELS - i l R O O F iN G eO T :K l lL . M aster Rogfcr'*POlk

IjJMrfc- • INSULATION-—— _

^ j l F -llfcr'- N o J o b H o b - L o rg b — ' -m i ’f ■ ■ oVSmoJl - ;■ - E H A T E K M S

— ^S3£ff-O BEEN -STA SlP3'— • |

S l j i t p h o n e 2 9 7 5 COLLECTPff.-F" • “OlvB m e a place-to atand — - h f i 't ': - t n d - r a roof-£he w orld.- • !

p Magic A1± ._K L IX ___ _

* t <1510 lO LO CX CtES■— •ADO— JMuiu.1 *“ 3 __FHIDAT

p k ii. Kiuh Skow na ) 'I J «:!» W«>ihrr • *'*'>^ « :« IKull-n Ir.(or jjiO ^ - i j J i j !

V:4B M K lofi?»"e n«« S 'iijy lKlIO Cuwb.>»t Iliirbill Kl• t - I9t<>-lAi<kr CaiiK-Tlnit *I-in __ JiJ2.i1In lomo *(i

llld BAIUnDAT jO-M Tft'lno Clll t/> r f i r« r ' .

ItSO fihinn SotiBd. on- ‘ W)UP TllD ‘ Uirtin A(ronil<7 -T int.’ C

lloo'tll.m in*r^'l<?w l i ‘ "«:^o'*C Siis Hnllr't t'oltlrt «i09 •] mos •ni» Jen .i>d ____ iBtoa •}

i a loiso •m cikUti ciub - iisoo A

‘if* ^

* ..SlSS Jn» Cl»tn«nli. lonrU ‘ .•:10 Ti A (Ist» ttarrcuirila far Anorie* - *:ISK

!um 7;0S Tlm» »:ho*(-su e «;owi<or4 uutS iii »:'0 *i. lo to::ia l.’iciir Utaem TIim *:«3 Cl

. ! 5 ! «

I Idaho to Have So" Drop in Costs

Of InsuranceBOISE. Ju ly • B • I,n'— Idnhoani

j-rt wliose homes nre protected by fire m . departm onta will be able to insure I , , them a t lower cost.iiex l week., lj,e _U ow cver.' I t .w ill take ..abou t .a ,„{) monUi to draw up nev.- schedules

wlilch raise th e rales for most m er- jn . cau tlle .establishm ents nnd iheli jjo conlents. L . O . F litlne r, mnnnger jvr! o t tho Idaho.Surveying and Rating ICQ burenu ,sa id .,lcr ' Stem From OrderInv —n»o-rato-ohangca-wrrn-nifldp. noa;

nible n ite r D istric t Judge M. Olive: (or Koeisch algned •an order reversing lew S tato In suranco Commissioner Let u u O 'C onnell.' O’Connell had re]eclctl 100 tho pfoposed. jrnto_i<ciKUliie-i_iasi

yenr by iho bureau, w hich scis r/»le? . lo r m ost Jn jiifrtnci comp.iHJeii op-

—; pn itln th f state. ^ — Fllltne r sa id the schedules, pro-

i f l vldlng lower r a te s—fo r-p ro tec ted *.* dwellings nnd public buildings,

would be m ailed lo compnnlea andl»y B genta-this-w eelr--------------------- —r«U -------'T e rm s Changed ' -- ,

T h e schedule changes tiie “term Tnctor” also. • 'In ste n d of pay lnc Tircmtumn'Tiir livn ■ y fX H T Jn n n iPsured for th ree . Idahoans now will pay premiums for two and nne-haH ycara. A five-year policy will cost

>.!• (i’o prem ium s for four years Instead o t -th ree . However, F litln e r said Uie total premiums for protected hom es still would bo less Uian they Tinw nre. . . ...

T lio new- scliedule also will pro: «n ’'I'*® reducUons for certain types ol

jjjJJ business p ro p er^ .

Employment Hits New U.S. Record

WASHINOTON. Ju ly 8 l^w sec - re tary of “L abor M itchell reported

A new high Inst m onth nnd added: . 'T i lls should be th e bcsi year In

history fnr American labor." MJtchell nnnounced Uiat June

J ' employment Ilgures. which will, be ‘“Jr released In detail Friday, show a

‘'«m nllrr tlini'l Bfusonal Tlac i n un-em ploym ent."-............. ' —

ArjscrUng Uiij will tmuII- In n , , jiensnniilly-adjusted unemployment ‘0^ level which- would b e ilio lowestII In ft year .and a half, he ndded:‘“J " I t seems to me thoC wc cnn rx -

peel lncrea.ned employment nnd de- cllnlng unem ploym eni-In the fall."

~ • .. iN V A SfO lT----------------•TOKYO, Ju ly 8 (m -A huge flock

nf winged nnta forced officials t6 In i'U tlm

clly niRht. T he an ts crowded a round light.'? nnd neon signs a n d in -

ot vrtdcd home.-t through screenJess win- lon dbws. All nliL-inpls to chnje them ,5l . failed and the blnckout wns ordered fj.. ns a last resort.

I W ANT to MOVE? |Z Anj-whefe^Ahy-Dlstftncft----- <•

[T.|-_=^1Se-227— IJ . For Local D ra y ag e - « i . - . - R lc lc u p nnd Delivery of — 1

• « G eneral CommodlUes •!• | COMMKltCIAL STORAGE %

! r |— F -O R -D -^ I& S to ro q o C o . ^

1— Your Ttcin Falls Dr

„ • C O M F O R T . • C O N V E

■ ------- ^ A D M IS S IO N -P R IC E S —

lEEm cB]— s a t /


■ ri.T:.s ■ / "•'I'

7 T — flrON._■ H umphrey. BoKart,Au<lrcy'}-{cp-' i . burn, W iliiani Holden ■

= ^ ^ B R I N A —

i l S B B B P B M i

Valley-Radio {K EEP _ K T FIA

(ItSCTKILOCyCEEa) (rnB T O L O : DS ill«nB«vllU Nttws'rk xMOO

•-------r« o * T -- ^ ------ - - - r w o"o Th»'lUniaut J • '»l6#7Sportj”R.lU •Edw»W I t Uorrew (lU.Slx*rUtMaiSliSKi.”.- 'iJ» •Amei 'n An4r . S:l|TopTunr4 :00 T>nn«ir« KrnU . « '0SiOntM*n :J» Htito W nt.tli6l.f *,|1 FImI N«» :noK K rP H fw i- 5:J# CivileiiS. :1S 'P tr r r Come...................J9;0a xNrwi ol

! ! l i ! « S .S 1100 D l« .t lo Ja Mu.1. U iSUiVll! »«“■

j i t W nura itoundue ’ iJO “:0», • c n a .s tm c f Anurlei »i>>» Top Tun#

i09 •Jtotert q. U >U , lO-lJ Jlom" To«

J .- C ,„ H o „ lU .::>« a>l»rd» Mu>l« lUll ItM >Mnn«nr:no DiiflnMVlth Dir# llJo HonorItoll i.Dt •i4»kAiv»Tfariromb_„ «:00 xK«iunhoi :38 ‘Tom lUrmns Snnri*:D0 nutillii* »nd ruhm . «:>(i »Cood 01» :10 Tftn* In W«tl»rn tnd Tnri 1:00 furad* of: l t Kt;ti:P Ntwt -r::oiMonU<r::in .Sau NU* Country Strlt SiOi xUoo inri:!0 ‘T-o Knr th« Uon«r »:0® xMon I 't l a a c n a s t^ t . » n i N inftiiM

'( laM lluilrri »;}9 xUnnllnrlOB Kron. Mule CHr-.- UiOJ Muiln lo 1

i Bids for School ta Rejected as Hig

® AMERICAN FA LLS.-July.S W The .American Falls school bon

' C O turaed down nJJ bids yesJcrdny .construction of a proposed S538.C

lioans elem entary school building./ fire Members aald the board was ti nsurc able to g ran t the contrnct to a

o t th e b idders because'nil bids e u l a ceeded lhe_bond.Issue by a t let ■dules »0M 02 ."m er- 'T l ie board Instructed Sinck Wl th e ir burn, S a lt Lake ,Clty architect,,

nnger delete nll ltem s possible In th e «i aUn^ building In hopes of bringing co:

of tl)o building within lhe bo: llmlU

S Hail Damage SeT At-Four-MillioT

rMe--' ,BILLINGS. Mont.. In ly a « . - .pamagft from a 28-mlnule Blllii

dfty a t more_Lhnn.four million d ffno counting crop losses!', H all—some stones baseball sin' jn ju rcd several persons la te W(

^ nriiday, sh 'atleftd 'lhousnndB'ofw : dow phn e s.'an d damsg'cd 100 a

avin^ planes. ^J L i - -T h e-lo ss-esU m ale -w as-m ad o -

*i,T Gordon Hnuck. mannaer o l n clai , ^ , i ad justm en t agency for severnl I

"*} surnnce firms. He term ed Jt "cc

said ■ ^

'S ; Schools’ Merger -TM= — Qkayed in Balk« * o t WALLACE. July 8 tfl — Vot

ehoso (his week (o consolidate . norUi Idaho school districts.

Resului in the Wallace dlstr ■'* showed 373 votes for consolldaU.

25 against. - • ■ i l U Returns from Burke, Osba -Sec- Black Cloud. DuUile and Murr >orted gave ' 3GS votc.i for cbnsolldaU )SB to and 103 against. • dded: | - •• --------

ow a - ^ ^ j o m m j u / i u m E u i i k Z J i

g - N O W ! ^ ’i S ^ . f S .

i r ^ - c - i v i ' i r N i w /?V,. ft H iT M USICALlCy

-.eom Z


Si'Srl^iDIERJfflOND "i: i^ ^ J N N HIlUR- = r~~-Rl)SST»MBlYll_tl maB-LtMM-aiiMM-iiiw

❖ j I Ab* U t*it W.TuI. 11 » ll« Km. » Uc CMU.

Vrive-in Theaters-Offer—


i— •-F A M IL Y E N JO Y M E N T --

[ Q P B ®E N D S S A T . ■

_ ^ - ^ S U N D A Y - - . “cp -' . CINEAtASCOPB ■

' 'T B e Egypflqn"-'—■ - — M i c r o n - - - "

.■ . TIMES;NEWg. ■]

) S c h e d u l e s ^l A M - F M . K B A RiL O ^ .T T a E G :),'- - r ( i a t t - M ^ x c i

WMlDAt^---------rtj ^ R i r l n r ' ■ ~ ‘

• - : ; i : K s ! S s K . .. ::0n Mr. DMrift Allo

MtC»* ,," 5 .n '.r .m llr 'j l Ji . .d . o’f Mii.l. . 30=» » “« '• “ “‘I* 1«

V - i at ur oat -i**lo l:b o 8untl»» Uo*le TilATURDAT . - ,!■» a r t t f A,";?o'i;rr

T;4>. KUAA Kofff* Kl UonlaK » :« T^li-TUn* T«l

« 1 1 Arrt. »;»a Ki-School.TwUrI of Ui^Wotld }l!ooiv«k"Ki>d*N*fw»Tun* Tim* ..........I I II«<]<ittttullT - Vmimmm-i-gaiUam----- l l UfWfw, .ad Bporuiltor - i:;Ol Vtm»• Towp lltporlir l:OJ »Mur<Iir Timur ai r Carnir l iM Wwk K(i< }itwt

, • rorsiiD TSii’. r iin iiI ^nti- *A:l(waumm«r S^ • «rtlONrwi.tilnr ' <:Ar. ThMUr MirgnMirn s llo n i lti C l t Idilui N*«aunborn ( l i t Wr«k End N *nlfl«ii-EdllJo»----------- «.!0 Dli.n.r-Mu.1.—do of KlU ' . .« ;ll lnl«rn*tlan>l Na]1“ ? llo i JI.7tpin"tr.M 'nUor 7:30 Ntvt.Tc/M.irrH itllor . . l lo a N o t. ADCOrtbc ./Hi m B41tha _ l t « W»lkB 'y m ,1nl»h» ______ 10Im Nl»htnid*«r°*"*‘

$10,000 Cas Filed in Coi• 8 w —

1 board W. A. Parilow wss nam ed d dny la r a n t in a tlO.OOO dam age su i »538.000 T hu rsday In Twin Falls dUU-lcI

by Jue rgen (Jerrene) Kruie. .'as tin- K ruse seeks |S,000 compen to any dam age arid -tS.OOO exem plar Ids ex- punitive damages plus eosl ( it least su it. L as t Dec. i . K ruse was :

u nder a Jl.OOO pence bond* k W in- com plaint, filed in Tw in Fall lect, to tr lc t c o u rt by Parslow, he' «ew ■"Accordirig'to the compUlnt, g cosla .lulfered Injury to his good nam s bond millntion"and needless expenst

resu lt d t the charge. Parslov charged in ,h is complaint Uiat

, ih rcfttenedno’do’h lm 'bodliyhi i t K hJse says h e was arrested

presence ot his wife and child;

ionsa (ifk— ■Ure‘'c h ’a 'r W ”nTarnst him fcei

Bllllnss m t«cd when h e appeared Jn •....I—- gftlb -p robs te court ..on-M ari n„ dol- IKS'. E arl ETW alkcr i r i t c m i« ! .? 9 L KTTue.--------------I slie— • ___B W ed- . CONDEMNS LAND ■ofwin= - B 0 I S E r 7 u ir 8 ''^ f = P e d c r f t r00 aif-i CTiBse- A.-Clark hns grante'd i

. «n im e n t re()uest for condem lado-by- -of-ieO-acres-oMnndHn-Butte t1 claim s lo r use o t 'the alomJc energy Tnl in - mission.t "con-

i l l o t - B g S i S S S-V oU rs

, F R I . - - S A T .d istric t Jo h n .Wayne . Susan Hayw IdaUon,

c . .o ™ ! " R E A P T H EM ^ r .v i W I L D W I N D ' ^lldallon______ CARTOON. SERI

| ] " ^ S

5 ' NOW!/ - . F in a T SHOW SAT. 11:1


i f t L I _ _ ; i « x 4 5 _ B £ g i s m 6 : i : * ■*• *

^ i — SUNDAY

6 i TW O GUYS FROM ^ A H H A P O L IS ! ... .

I] • ' w ith their ow n wai

A U l lo l------• I -—.W . . . . . . - .A S t U I t - '

i\OEREK-LYNNm : % n v m n ic a u n H Y i

E M - : Vnd

— . ; 'g a M t : c d M t o Y t ~ ~ ~ ^


■ ■ • S oJons AgEC lO n F iS n d if

XCLEBl- — ■- 3 - N e w - D_____ _____!.w A S H iN ardN . ju iy .e «v........ -t___senntf rnn fereM -ngrccA -y

to recommend fu n d s to stj strucUon of th re« new dam Paclfio northw est.

Aii«n»r Compromising dlfferencci two version* of th e public w

bin ' proprlaUons bill, th e confer' I u«i along w ith senate approva

________million dollam for_constnilee H arbor dam In Wai

T int ISOO.OOO In construction ar lion N>«« nlng for Cougar dam and iklufc construction and plar«.i .;-T— H llls^C retk 'dain .-both In C

_______ T he house a n d senate -rtapprove (he confe^rcifce~C(

V e ^ bill before t t c an be seni — 111 -W ate House for-pres>denUi

■ w W arren O . M agnuB<P. D on M agnuson. Wa

m il aiwn Deiuoc ra ta-ftnd-membera-ot. uonlni ference com m ittee, snld npi

, the le e H arbor s ta r t result assurances given house :

_ _ Uinl over-fishing rn lh e r tht dams a re fesponslble' fo r c

Nf«» sali^on runs In the.Colum I House members hnve reje

" r 8hn» lower Snnke riv e r p ro jec t Ui irtbMira^ I n 'p a s l years on grounds ■iw.ijfii. damage fish runs..n .t-an i. . jiay.iong eouferenc------- '■----- pertained to Item s of thi

■Northwest, resu lted In aim m P acceptance of th e hl(

a t e f i g u r e s . ----------

O nrt p j g ^ g

s u u S d -POCATELLO, Ju ly 8111-^ Lrlci court conserraJfonlst Jn Pocntcllo. i . A. Berg, has been chosen fioensatorv lowship a l H arvard unlvera .law and Berg, of m e soil conservafc I t of Uie lee. will en ter th e gradua l

n d - o n - f t Ihu -In ll— ' ----------------------F'alU dls-

” 1 8 1 1 8slow hnd I m i m r f f n m m:iat K ruse I

N o w ^ s S t-^illdren on I ^ ’ C h ild ren 2laiye. H e I .... -S ,liitn i tiis t Avere dls- I, Jn T«'Jn I r J ^ T l H i ? J.tarch 33,1 I ^ynicT'Rn'

IErfttT U dgr r K “

a gov- I lem natlon I

county l - ^ ^ m - p f J H B c - *com- I

r " '

;R iA L j

C T O w e s^ . l S u » M A » COLI

- 1 . w e— cAsws ..JM.M.NIW.-

j A lio '-L otcjh 'N ew

13:15 I-----------------------------------lE S r ■ . 1 ■ "

m *• ••V * \

_. •,. - - •s t a r t s !

W LIP N C) AYw W B a V w lu ra A i r ‘2T06-4:05

n - - '— :a : i o , . j a a : £ i f l 3 s : ^

P L .

■ee Firearm Trai

' p o C A T S X O . Ju ly 8r \ . tello boya 13 and over i

l a m e invited to take-some freeU / < t l l l 9 j ^ _ j 5 - ^ „ < n e - n r e i 6B—H ouse- iM iii sportsm en wlU

L-W stenlay. th e - t ra ln ln g ^ .s ta r t con-i - T lie Ideii. Ir-b ac k ee

lam s-la th e W right, - area conservat nnd K lless Brown. Ihfoi

ices In th e fleer fo r Uie Idaho flsi:c works u p - deparUnent. i .ferees w en t “ — ; T7“

■ ExtraditiiVashlngton; ~H O ‘N O L rE U r3 u lr8 «

and p la n - Oliver, who financed i :nd »310.odo vacation wiUi bad chec ilanntng- of extrad ited to Boise, Ida., n O regon, chnrges of ImpyrsooaUni i-rtow m u st officer, police, sald 'todn j ^ o m m itte f f - O l l v e r ^ ^ - a * ^ t f » lent to th e m onths In. Jail .for. p u

. wllh iTJOffus cheskrM e WMWnBWn Uie nirporr-w hlle try; ^ r’i i l L ^ f ^ ^ f o r c h e m a tn la n d . -

of I suited from

~ ^ ^ excavatijm bla river.•ejected the - f( B A S E M E N T S . ;U iree tim es SE W E R L I N E S -ds t t w ould . J t r e n c h i n g

e n c e ,-a s -U ★ S p j I C T A N K Sthe Pacific .* • B L A ST IN G

kimost com-hlgher sen - F ree EsUmates - -R(

• r PricesI'

]« Call Collcel i e s ^ JE R O M E 1!IV ^T hearea • - . ^ •

n “ o?^«TfeT A l h e a T/erslty. C o n s t r u c t i o n

S r . S i •'E l'OME. IDAa tJ I f i rv a rd


mW f f i l H ~ ' l ’ I , V A

In tU -» — . - H — V —1 — 0 ' i l i i kfier 5 1 20* i

i H I S O U N $ P U

MniBiIan I f f iOorolArMoJantl B h

T • DOROTHY MI « ,t.n*t«w s£Jiniofm

IS' I fm itl emm I “ w ^ L * sA

^ ...........^ I'l m i i ^ j — ' 7 /''«

■«« w josy« mwr H Mm / REGULAR LOW P

lining jl N o t l m n

^ ^ b u t h sr 8 tfl—Poca- yesterday for jnaklr •r soon will be le f t tu rn w hich T rrce InstrucUon J u d jb M . D . E tstonire iinn* -« fc ly .l T unkc;----------------------wiU underU kc Judge-E ts ton . r j— L..— ;------L -U ie - ta x l; sa id hf! wiked—b r -D le k -iin e -fo r-lh e -d rlv e r^ vatlon officer, - H arring ton . T he ma' [iformatlon of- ,‘r h e Judge said h e > fish and game] B arring ton , 40, to r

legal tu rn because :-------- h u rry to gel to court

U a A ' Pa tro lm an Wllllf I l c U ■ spo lU d the-m aneuvj rflB=Robert-L , >........................

la., soon to face Ung-fumUltary

tM ced .to -th reepaying a - » l o Vloyal H aw aiian ^ ^HeTraa-cfTOghttryjng to-leave A l l . W . * * *

■ NORTH ahd E^— —c r i Tf c e w

TinM- ' f i K ^ v s O U T n


; s -

K s

-Reasonable■HiUI » » i

i „ . HOIDEN-PARI j g ,

rf— Coming SUDn Co. OrsorJP'OAHO "M on W ith o

r l f l F j F ? s S

' sn x s ia E Z S sa , W a rm e r

w M m iB i t - i o

v / A R ^ F


• 2 n d BIG H IT •

@ 8M > <M(M ta BOUM u m nt'u timtnac CMUSO LATEST W O RLD NEW S

L I g - J -

V-j A nya 8etc\ i gensatloU novel ilaiV: - to llf< V; the son

rM u U N E tF R P V IK E S ^^ ^n rn i:w ''i^ i,'< u « K im n c K 24q |/P R IC E S I I------------A fTER . C h ild re n - -A D D E D ,— . -2:00 X 2 0 * , W o o ajW o


•er s ell-B,- maxim um Is » . SJSlrt h e directed Mrs. ^to m a k e .th e l l . n i o M ^ . « o . ise h e v,*ai In a ItebetTaourt. auS'^Sf b"'l lllam V ane tU 5 ^ 2»euv_cr. not cfi u o ^

■ciiry’ h a s in o sa t- @ 3 3 3 1 1 1

■ I ^ k I endst(

-SA T. T^ejROlJ

^ 0 ^ CAUFOIIMcCrea .

' RAMR(j ^ D A Y 1 ^ - - ^

— THUWa■ { { ^ ^ ■ | | | | John pny n t. Uiji

stortT^^ Ra IliiiL W P A Y J URAiil

• Tae Map CONFIDtMiCTPom= . -~ cosmi

- i a ^ H D lN -O H

(D(H])H I

i w i nK : | | i^ R C O L O R . 1


g H

eton'atlonal U U IS T lM

roBTHrtiz z i p y j

w oodpecker S T A U I IRTO O N ---^-------uiifiHi___ ^ 5 hlE!I1rO N E .N E Wg ' _

Page 7: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

n ^ , . » 5 5 . . . . • ■ ■

f lr b o y sJ ^ u m i

o f - T ^i o v r b o > f l P ^ h e C ow boys to o k -tw c

V m e , . . t h . n ig h tc n p

imp Leads A f t( king 20-Foot F'® ?hnm sou o f -A u s tra lia s tro k e d .horr ° y y X 18 th g rce i^ T h for

, a ? . a

fcSSS«B raves:S:D oub leh .

/1 ,r„ S /F ro m 'R uJ ,nd he BOISE, Ju ly 8 Wl-Ihtr hole irnD* '''on bo th Kniritt of“ S T .d i t a m i a . 1,0 W I .T I ,u*0l *nfl n ' • increaae the ir Ploncc

y McHnle th ree sam ea. T h e I tlttn sh o t seven-lnn lns opener

m S a 70 ulftUon n ig h u a p O-S,l« »'>'* ” . ROIflR I. IDAIH

rABcrlcan to score nny- M.h# K.lii . '.h « •'ii.ii, lood rouiiU '‘■us Jo h n - ,k 4 . I ji'mo^ t^ursh . wl‘0 2 . ,f 2 I OTM

Jtua Ihe lie'tl *« fo*" Ma«un cf 1 I o:mo

flisd Tliomson cnme .t ..u Ii l o u m i ■;Rfotlsnd, w ith 140 irinh« y-«ili..............

SrB tro»rJT iaiIir3(m n nai»»-T,-T -.r .— , : - r . - ? V Joteie. .11 w ith

U t »J were Scollttnd's 8rr!n«”''r

md A rgenllnas s«rHuk t. T - i '.ii.. Btrbltfl. _ D0I9E I. lUAIIl

iTJvmakeS - 7 v g < T z L ^ f i — SSuiiii-iiSS g S ’D ^ T - l l Mullln If' > t a O.J.,

? iT .» l ’ " . AMo”n<- « I 1 » :iHo

i l s lii!?

(f« in * rro r-ln the ln*l ------ ........ 'i m a i v nlBlU ns .the c „Cltr Beej tnnpped -Bill- r,,n» ty z. ii«iift.n. i!ip i «ln »trcak; 5 - t. Wrni.m. li.url.J ^ In tlve n inth. Lron sh»- 1| Wpl* de«p to tho le ft SK— Tr t mr i

fl»nd*‘Dlck IlB?rl™Pet« I-oti!TidIhl!‘V»{iri^iii!


ta S m * ncroaa to end S t a n d i n g s .

u n I. nilXiNCS t ■ PIONEKR t I.*k* o >

lliAr<ra'2b * J ; J }!" y 'ii'....................

It t tn-Hliiritnn I 0 »-« K>II-I>4V* Cltr-............n n R . r r a • 1 » 7 O KACIC VALl.EY ........IM I «.f" Ib 4 1 « n t.t .h o Kull. ...................

Ilrll ih 4 0 : 'i> Illlllniif 4 i 1 I “ *'**'* .......................*•■

!! ? n n " ' AHKHtCANH ( A-n.liurn * J[ J J N.w Ynrk

|[|-ll‘ tili t t " P lihir*. iiiaii; Toi»ii S311 IT 12 .......................n«w«>lnnln| mn unir^V- r '" r " -----------

J.‘> ---------v-T.hintirn j ::;;:;;:;;::::'to Jlu ln tlh . • ....ll!lil"II!".o"«*onb lo a - l NATIOSAI.

1 '^ ’''^" -j-“— ...........Kilin., MmltK«rm‘in. M1l> >> iiikb. Nknll., Ilarkr. Chkiin ............ ..........■i-am” ]’*"'''!; 'u "" ' iV’V ? i~ l '" “ u ...................toTijli>Trl»«r1rl«-tn Walimi i’WUflflphii-..............■OJ-eiJHut, p,u jt, J')}l/bu«h ...................

|ii'ki"l»w7,"lU"- S»n l> l'I«...... ...... —...i. Cronin «. T -2H I. ..................

1 S ' S h o r t s r S i - E E E :

B4lil)d.-July s u n — - - ------

M K U iIT i 'il lS i. 'K e 'll P a c i n g U .

____ nnd field tciim pn

'" c m ir ln ey won lh« M i while BlW 100-m ete r , d n a h 'I t

. u r in . .n M a tc r m i

Ijuiinprt tn iiirir sa lp iii 'I^aKlie.

S*"™! NOIEUVERY— I -------• . o n . . . . -------- .................................... ^

“ a s o l i n e s , ^ ^


j « Q s e s = ^ : g r g g m i

nited I a r ;■CO., Inc" I

i p - B a n n o d i s e T o n ig l i 10 G a m e sJ a n n o c k a 1 0 -1 h e r e T h u r .sd a y n i^ s.s A vith le a g u c -lw u iin K B oi«e B r a tw o - K a m e s o f t h e f o i i r - K a m 'c 'sc i p W c d n p s r i a y r n v a j r i i o d , m i n t '------- --------— th e K iim e w a s

IcaK uc c iir fo w i l | - * f ^ Jo h ri'-n tiac r's f(

cnmblnpa >sllh tv — , triple, niid three

, doom fo r ttio Bimn. | r i : l . r . l - l . , ____ 8B m t:of.U io .«rle*

. The »corc should !«/• /.i, . l by ano ther homeric te n d l l l j r - c l ia m - . ru led-M lkc-Y «rm r lo m c a 2 0 - f o o t tlie th ird wna.a iw- f o r a 0 8 a n d . a circuit hit. ynrei

— l ’h B ~ h im d r «»H-«nlnitrfltron g ":___1-_____________ _ oft tho centcrfield

boys.declared Yar« to * Bround

. ‘- ' .T ’Lv i m H .___ il'<“ umpires .IIiour:* Cnmpiinii took (

sheader ir,.?sri’.S'£homer ncored Johtv

‘-i -i c c a I-C ' - ' n'lt A th rtr-snckcr. L l l S S d S .iliiijlcd. BBlloped hi I Bolsc‘8 BmvM ' ’'I',,

of a , doubleheader I h ;, T l .u r .d w njB hl 10 5™ ,

nns.;".r;S.Kin,* M ‘l ^ 1 1 S^ 'fc li scored wl

>b a 1 0 2 nected for a bounc oTtfturr t t J 0 : a In Hie eighth,

! i : 1 ■'"■•■■“ I “flIHirlnirr 3b S i l t rtflce and rcached eiMoifr lb J “ * • slMKlPd. Woiidrft, 0! ; S S ,V J i i ! rar«!^i=D.a5_ «,

______ mill Wondrn cai: | Touii . , « * i l i s Switch talllpd hla

.....-fSn Sif l‘OCl\lp|lo pUihCt

HfJ. MulHn. Morir. lUII- WTOt JO accond W}j« Ifr.Jlll-M ullln. Ktrln*. cd Into ibe Cowb( M li jE ^ lu v rV a ^ ^ ^

tliftt pcrml\t«d Du.>AII» PAt I q « cnuKht%uechp.)AIIU FA l.lJ a , VAKfS: ' 1Bd-O*™* ______ ____ riv imia ■ .h h n - i 'Yn,-,in-------- <l>h n T Hfl'Ufmin >• J I) »U-

! = - i : ! i - i t f l

iE^Fj^TTFEH^irs:iHorlbm»n lb » 0 1 3 Miui«r 3U J n s f ' O'lUtU ‘C 4 1 1] S Wfrrman 9 0 0 0 OJ

n i S s m i ^ j T T t T ^ ‘for wiiii»tn» In »ih.

.............. 010 o:o jo .-< V»I>7C«r<nl<h»l,-'Uurir'ti lt-'-‘<«huirm*n. ]I«n

BTfn 3, Jacul'X. Unl»r, 31111 — Jn:HII-Mullln. s - j« i. l .r . c.tni..n., 1.•n«rr. WP—Wliilim. J. «n,nnrfr«,wTIIiIJI,.'” 4. i,.m p.T i! V •I. nnu. * . .T - : : i« .A -

• ■ ' ------------- In r i '/ a rK iinrciiT!_ _ I. so —Kln« 1. i'ltlilfi r § ----- -------------- H rM r^llil5R LKAr:t'E n i—Cini<lnn.-T—j!l

W L rtt . .GU _________

L W a l k e r

= ; = ! 1 : j ] j , : A l b c r t s i

J i ' I ; 4 " 0 G••—.....5; •Ja 2 ''{ Tommy Wftikcr......... Jl ijj ‘ ,.. tlnued lt.i wlnnlnR'-".......n !i« !»»» 11’ IfftRUff Th'uradny :........ ij‘ .<* -"5 . AlbiTtaon'a 4-0 '»

1 ( t IJ J i} ’ Itn R U e -th e K in_____ * '•’ trounced the ExcllAi. i.KAnrK Tlic Tommy V

• w I, PfU • oil four runs In the......— JI . , , , . Nelaon, Alberlso:... ;;;;'"44 ^ ;»n; lii.J ihcm acoreleia fc.""....l«o 40 .iM i«!j (jnmc. Nctsoii (t'ol....... - • ! ,, J Al s u m s . Tomn!.........” l i ;«!; i l w ith a slnsle In......... ;» ..* i...5 ii Jii!4 Oeorff* Srmbft JiJ

5>i5T t«y .;»____ 5H i« .i9K Kimberly Merc....... ••fj *" * . of th e 17 rutw In’- r - r alxth-to pul-thfi «:::Z'.:;!.«4 <■: .n« n t i • D utch Sherm ai...........*J « >5 and Bob Wllloi;..........[I J: ,1: i i homerun each fi

* , M cCarthy colled/i, m for th e only cxtr

J. S. Team-and. Ju ly 8 W—Tom forfeit from Jei E cnlham _unli:p .i?liy fnough playera «l ^ f-U i»-;inlvfrm i,v tlf s - t c n a --------- —

piTl*ta to u r of P in- EixclianRe Cliib iKimberly _____ I

I th e fiOO-metcr r.vrnt M cCarthy • nnd • B lair cap tured the and Cole,:t' In 10.8. yestcrdny Tommy W nlker .. n a t io n a l m e t t . j _ _ Albertanti's .........

L E B R A - T E ^ . .■ P a r l i e s r G o n v e n t i n n B r A i i l l -

. at Ihe

^RTHSIDE C: - a ^ ^ A T U F

B W ^ d m| j | p 1 % ' "■ ANC

p a n

I L O N l A s f l ia n d - r h i s ' o r c h e s t r a

-a^G oodTM ne-oL thejlsrlh '^ t f c « 2 - ; J W < > M M P K - l i e 5 E l i w

- . ■ ' -T IM E S

c k s j W e e1 j ' Ply flihernw n-

- - - early practice an ' I , ' • th li week-end o:

- - - » - rem ain Rood,• . - . . . . Tom Mlzcr,' -II

I------ . . . ____o f.llcer.-aald-Jlii;

n i g h t t h e M a g ic B r a v c a a t J a y c c e '

c s e r i e s w i t h ' t h o ___a t l i v e - a l f w h e n ii

v a s c a l le d b y th o U QW r u le .r's fou r-h lt p lU h ln s. -h two hom eruns. a -------------------- - -iree doubles, spelled T k ' i

i f p s o x jlould have been upped TVT . ■ / " • im er b u t tho um pires I X a t S 0 - . “ •«rm rch«cfc-s-clour-|n - L -W .l - 0 _ M _ ta lwo.bB(^ftcr and no t o , i

p C Y C M t lfield dock . T he Cow- Hy The Av Y arcm chuck was cn- BMtnn’s storm ound ru le hom er bu t uo the ir seventh j liouR hl.dlffcrcntly . _ Z r w a J b S n

deeb lvc ‘seventh, lie f rs t, sa llli^ U over Jaekle Jen.ien ).ii( rd J n cenu rfle ld . n u «hnrp n in th Innii Johnson who hnd laid susce. cker. Swlech. who hnd a i Kansas Clly ■ed home on Johnson’s dUnli turned loc

power to smotlie ond.-lnnlnK , W oolard A's 0-1 a.i'U 'rry

to second on a wild roiind-trlppers o d on ft passed ball and { r i jc a ^ u l^ l «o; jn Hermon's slnale. another.1 h l l by n pitched ball Al Detroit, \V. th e seventhrH e-reach- o u t- s -c ra n d - is l Swlcch's double and knocked in Mve

;hcr wlW pitch , ChlcnRo W hite '{cd when Johnson con- over the DeLroli lounclnR sInRle. ■ In N ational In lith, McDnde singled. burRh. the Brook econd ou lU eder's.sac- ft tw o-run ninth e h ed 'lh ird as Herm on ihe P lu itti 4-3, Irn. on nnother slnRle, Loes struck oul de niid both .H ermon '‘ Uli two men oi

cnnie— IJome— wKeri a |tn la« ‘ two dele 1 hla hom er. ChlcnRO. thu sh e ^a ci'o ss ' Ita only <Sefeated Clilcas. liird n fter-ScJiucrm iin Un'c. 3:2 to moi on W oolard’* error. He " ‘‘ciid -of the Cu i When th e bnJJ boune- :owboys- dUROut. Luc-and_S.churgnj^n-CMM.on a fielder’s choice .

d D urnn to reach f irs t icchpsl n t M c o n d , P h i l l i e s 8-5

u . rocATKl.i.o T series,i-C-AJlmt v . i i > r ________ At Cinclnnnti.\ ?“ ■,, - . ' - i b h -g ^ rn th - ln n in n 'h o r

I 2 0 fi-t!ch t s a i l Loul.1 Cardinals vletOTT^

) n n,Yiri|ieh.iii 1/ 4 2 J 0 Redlegs.) 0 0,Mc"B'iX‘ “ 4 5 S S AMKniC ) 0 l|m nlir » S 0 0 1 W»hli>flnn . ......

.- , -.— ‘‘rn'r"«ffl>H. Sh>.-----.'"T ■ ~T...... ~ tT»fi>y; KinSrTTOrJ « l! ' Ti.1.1. »> U 27.IZ <UtitUmL-----------r-f>Tr-K1nj-t:nfni:-----• ICaniii Clly . .r ............ iini <ino ooo— 1 <;»rfU, M>i»l ini

. . .'..,110 niio -tn Ofcf.r.lll, Rain (»lI. ll«rmgn,^_Wcin(lf..^Swlfch l,r«lh. ' ‘.on, Wjolnri” Vni— Dtlrnll— J'lhiimn. 2II1I — lliiih. Rc.novAn in.l U1., V.ifmehiik. um —bur. Cfl.l*nl» <«l. 7,ii<rlr<‘h .1. Jnhnnun 2, Cumpanit lOiiir ■•mn ich

Io Meluil^r in Jnhnwu ; ~ NATION )•>!• In Jnhnpnn, Wlnn'r— rhIltiMphIn .......

^ |||IP -.W om lr4 hr-Kinc. rum 111. -T—::0J. A—400 .iMllniil^ n ii.h iir* r ... ...

and llootll

e r B l a n k s

■ t S o n ’ s ■ .. Jnfkion^iy anit Hi

I G a m e - "■■“ 1 ™

S S S n : ' “ C u b s H a

r.;':K-!r.h?“S= For-Mac■ Kimberly • M erchants - DBS MOINES ExchanRB club 17-8. ChlcaRo Cubs i

ny W nlkers scored nil new mnnnRcr fc th e flrsk InnlnR. Clint team In Che Sc

ertson’fl. pitcher, held T lie posltloh aa for Uie rest of the Peden. form erII Roi the only h i t o(f Moines Bruins, rommy W alker pitcher, he Is quitting le In the th ird frame, uon.-DA h it two for three lo Ikers In hltU ng for Uie

M erchnnt.t scored nine! F ' ^ T I S j x'i In the bottom of the 3 I 1 % Jth e (tame-on-lee______ I;rm an. Perry Freestone I ... ' ____TiVIllouRhby collected a l ;eh for the M erchanti.! —Lollected A two bnERtrl r a . l C l l ex tra base h i t for the]

jb . ' — V / i rcJena^ w rre awarded ai I Jerom e Co-Op. Not! era showed up to m ake]

tub 020-051 " 0 ^ S 9 1____ oi5 2 o a x - n i i•n n d Sweel: Shockley. ----------- --

ker .,..400 000 0—4 « O' F O R F......... OOP 000 0 - 0 1 3 | , ' L O N

~ I - G* * ]R.H j / ^ c c a s i o f t ------- -- ---------------- j —


i n e^wpeelSWyT-faCyw ^ - ’ l ^ 'Z l ^ 'S T :

\ N 0 __________ '

N C Em a S «r a P A l

i r t h s i d e ^ C l u h l . . • S

J E S - N E W S . T W I N P A L U

i e k - E n d ^riwn-cnn get In .wme creek .has beo. e and take a few fish However, he fc id ou ' several s tream s a re "wild and

.............. ; pressure.'r. Ilallcy conservation Silver creek -J liu rsd a y .ih a t-S ilv c t a n d - ls .c lea r.

x _ E d g e _ , _ | l Q a n , p .

6..5lor__ LLs S■ 1 T O T . I T iiursdiu ' t

Iitb W ii v - ,. w u t M i w . . .itormlng Red Sox hunttl 'C nm pvw ou m ih stralRhl victory. 0-5.' on,pr week.iBton ThurAtlfty-Jilehtoni .....n ie -n ti-^ tcnth-lnnlnR sUiRles by, cnm pnnella n (ind Ornrty H n ttonond : jy ,,^ , , Innlns.relief by Qcorgc

I Clly, the Cleveland In - O ' . . 1 d the ir hom erun ^ o o f t l iiother-Uie K atuas City jt'rry Poby smashed two * • • i :r.i over the left field.l.« 0 3 e n ch lp p c d ln w lih J

t, W alt Dropo pounded | 7 r w i » T ,id-tsiiim--hom crun*"nnaMve ru iu In leadlnR the SEATTLE,ilte Sox to a 12-1 romp 1,.,,,^ . lo s

s " i s r „ , . , . t P „ „ .3rooklyn DodKcrs c u rb c d j. ilnth innlnif rally to bent 4-3, niR hthanded Billy “ 7 “

, oul Roberto Clemente"'1 Sy% s;o. the Milwaukee Brnve.^ c-.»t>Q < i»i ilcaso a second stra lR ht ) m0vc liita“MC0mJT)lnce le Cubs by a slnale per- "nu— - - _____ — 1 8-4 'fork. W illie Mays clout- Th«f«dny n(i . nnd 27th homeruns as ^ ‘” 8 Mnsle ' ■ofK-omntr-ovcrcnme-»- to defeat the Phlladel- W alls slnRli

fhf.S;:.';;i -5 J - S n h -l n . l . V o U . r r ^ . * « l i i s " s . ™ !lofy uvyr.U in"Clni:llllliCO; ;

___. ] ' SKALS 7. .StKniCAN l^r.AOCK SACRAME

Jon o''j| “"2-* I; J] Gene Beard« Sh». 0 . rnd-K ir.n»«M : Ic a e u tj lc lo r

rTOrKiiw* i*i ana Whlto.. _4Snn .Fmnclsi

.r .m .t.“"r,Ii'l».''H»7 ln 3 “ ' ' Hr'anclsi In i<i, ii«rb«ri'ia> «n<L Aa. Sscrnm ento . ‘ „.r. , r A ■• Beiirden, I..........SS ?,S5 J 'd r. 1 1 ' Cer;Rii'a "l.nlUr! M>». Itlrrrr [il. JonU (7), JC . ZinfrlnV 11) aixl llouie.ra ■thrJulr.ll.__________^ BKAVERS 4TIONAI, i,KACi;f: OXKCXNT ............. JJi; Si'"-} !* ; pojtcd hU

o . Suom l7) and llafman. Wm- Portland _....

. . . . Mo_j t 1 OaWand ..'....' ' "oio'Joo uo-'—n n —I— W erie-nnd

io-iiiTxiine. yti»nd.i*j ..n.i and Swlfl.

C»n.i;ili''''3<,n« "."nV M.Cu“ E n J ( ] (...... ..! CIO lo n -i II 1 BAL-nMO - - ••■'iV,' “l.prtm *,‘‘l-i*Ind lli.rhrlnV': w'u.h.ll. Kll.i.>: " t, PurdUC^man |Tt, Hlack (Kj anU ilur- MlS-l&^l, 1<*'■_____________ ’ CO.lrtl of till

^ . National Fo0[ave Opening (aeon Pilot—INES; la .rJu ly B n5-T liO -JQCICEV- T ubs are ' scarchlnii for a SALEM. I (er for the ir Macon iG a,) H artack rod le South Atlnnllo lenRue. dny a t Aril Itloh .wns offered to Les lU s.le jd oV'mer m anaR er 'o f 'lh c Dea the . nntlo i■ulna, bu t he announced H artack nc ting th» Cubs’ bntanlzA” than Shoen


RAWffiRRIE^I n Y o u r C o n t a i n e r - - - Y

ch Open S u n . , J u l y

4 m i l e n o r t h o f - W n a h i n g t o i ■ B l u e L a k e s B o u l c v a i

z=fcAy etJ=3MAR!

R F A S T - T G R I N D f N G A

P N G H a s t i n g s a t i s

'J,- If -Buy,...:. ° ll Simonds

RINDING W------- '~AbiO~ttsh-fpr- -Simoi

- a n d - R E D T A K G J E I L


; - - 4 f K iS 2 iU i r W « r ( T r u c k ; L a n « )

.1 ^ . IDA HO

P i s h i n g Pbeon good th e week, dropplnR an le aald tro u t In th o stream for th e week and wary" b u t p resent In any k ind of

on nlRhtcrareeic.-liaa.plenty, of m ou u well’ n.') n !ar_B lR ^.W ood river U - M a s ic rea

pandlaOutIDUROH. July 8 )* -T } ie l O i l l * 1 iJD .od .tcJL s:nm iounccd . 1 3 - £ U L J y th a t Roy Cnmpanclla . _ _ y itould no t catch In the I |

a n examination by tloc- ^ew York, It wns decided

a-.»rx .M cr-,»cr ,„K “ “ 'S T : ella h u r t his le ft knee ■ ' dI-dV.-I

^ - fS'lV*tie Beats _ ' S i .els 8 to 4Loop GainL.E. Ju ly 8 tf l-S e a tl le dc- "38 AnRcle-1 8-< Thursday T..1.H i iv ln j to w ithin two Rnmcj A -s irifk lace San DIcko. r —w^iv ite n .....220 OOQ 000-4 . 7 2 C r« i K.IU .............003 013 10x-:a 12 0 Oert.r........C hu rch .<31. B auer tCi and hickwcll, Jnnaen (3), Ken- .irf, Ki.irr. i: rind Olnsberg. . ._•-------

, PADRES 4 ■ tiuw rf? ; iiW OO Q .yuly.; fl- (in-Tlwce „ » 0 - e n in th fimlng gave Holly- {,g',j.n j so -4 victory over San DleKO i i i i- i:r« n .:

n(RhC. C uU .naber(s‘ tir- Je to center scored Bobby * ^V U h-the-ty lnrruu-w sd-U a --------nRle to righ t sen t home I r i Q Q *-ho h ad gono to second on ^

:o ..’.....',000 002 200—4 10 . 2 A <

iiW > n * ^ t9 » ^ a ^ d -B a U w S ^ C T P j Bowman (7), K ina (8), COMME:

—■ — thiR In \.SOLONS S York wnltl

MENTO, Calif., Ju ly 8 tR - u ,e fields irden picked up hUi 13th T lio pu :tory__Thur.idny nlfth t when calls, out: irlsen defeated SncmmrnW —

“ tTTef iii cci iclsco....303'Dl0 0 00-7 12 0 !„ rlRhttleito „ .....I0_0 200 0 00 -3 14 1 imposslbn, F isher (By~a'nd Rltcbey; brothers i :r.‘Rhlno (4 ).H n rrla l <S).R. vnnkeo o , Johnson <0) and Balch. ^ o t acc

S 4, ACORN-S 1 J e ^ j i , ^ kl'NDr3Ulir8*M%-'BUl vvtjrrn:'—,U n t h victory Thiirsdny irue the Portland Beaver^ de- „myinR h

ikJnnd 4-J. {/.nii teaai;......r,-020 .000 020-4 8 a .-‘'■I’sVmad

..........OlOl OOO 000-1- 8- 0 b r i S :nnd-Robort*on;-BambcrEer.

1 . mcrce. Ol ------------------------ make ROO<

Coach NamedMORE. Ju ly 8 tifl — Tom sta ture,"who p lay td coIIcrc footbsll certainly lue and the U niversity of become 111

loday waa nnm cd end. Y ankee othe Diiltlmoro C olls of the T he ,twlFootball leasue. high scho

■vcd as line conch a l tlie InR outfli.y of N orth D akota for the the class.g y^prni —— -—r-------~ a"*taTni tei

’- t a k e s - l e a d . .7". Rb ad ; t i{. N. H-. 'July nn-WllIIe rode th ree w ln n c u yester-

VrllnRton park to lenflthen over Wlllle Shoem aker In

tlonal jockey " has 201, five more

oemaker, who was Inactive ,/ • . . • ' ■_______

<-Sn.oo► . L , PER FLAT 'You P ick '

ly 1 0 , 8 a . m .

to n ^c h o o llo n ____ ____v ard . , . :

g t R E N - I —

A N i n . b N G 7


r ~ ^ T Z ‘ z

■ 1 ' E ■ ■ ' '■

s I ^# L :z ■ s

/HEELS^ o n d a ’- -------------------------- --------

i U S ^ o t ~ ~

BIVISION, - S U P p U I E 5 : r r ^ n S ^ Z l_ P h o n o .-2 4 8 5 — ;

- r o s p e e t sand qult« clear. Prospects use "fai

eek-end n re Rood for alm ost largo alti . of ba ll o r u c k le . Catches Plshlnj n - M p o rtw l-U ie -p a a i^ e e k leld-are crawler* and salm on eggs M artin 1 .■J artific ia l liirr.''. 33ie_uppreaecvQtr wns described aa fnic fu t

. , ,---------r"*-------------South B‘ M Smokey

/ ( , Luther} ){ >n 'I - J / J Reneffad

I /Cl )/ *’*''? P'I f y ^ angler a1 /7 \ \M -M Catchi* - > ^ • BIr Sm

- - ' week wllbelnR tl

lm S h o r ts_ -l|; i Electrics1 0-2.r;Ol^llt. • .hooi£j:N, Ju iy 8 (A> — T h e Ogden g.iid, 'a lt the O ren t Falla Clcctrlc.V ' He unir f irs t place a dnmaRliiR throwlnm rsdny-nlR lit by -tak ing an lijh.nlo;•2 decision. "BumpDKS I#. fJKKAT KAl.tfl J u ,cm hr

" ■! provide4 z : o;Tt».,ua» |( 4 I i I curjeni

f 4 1 0 0 11. s 0 i«n L utheri " l i i - i i l l T h e .ll, lllrv’ tl • 4 1 0 '| for Ihlj

I I s n!i'.,i„r Jb 4 2 2 2 said A.r 1 p .4 2 « » p,nr « 0 0 0 ' p ast we

i i : : .......................0 0 0 o| . • for fllM

krcl Amaya In gih. dralnaR....................... I"' «"<> said llK...

lylor ;. r.atl. CooVf 2. K-^>ri<an.K m .

Krtlalil. Clwn7I,rJ«l>n, Kl.I.r. Itlll X > l . a, i;i..ti,..'<(iln, Trfailw.,. Kurhl, „

i : r £ r ^ l & . i S S ^ G o e

A-Tm. .• Jolp Vn— . w est le

I ofTVIaiitles fankee Squad-: S rfapPuture=WERCE. -Okla., Ju ly 8 « V -jo m e d 1 IL's 1 M7 a nd_you ara i lU m e ir tfr

Y ankee stndfum In New ----------nltlnR fo r the Y anks to take d» ■ ^ ■ public nddre.ia announcer ^ —

It: ___— ---------- ^J m r- trn c n f lH d . n « v M a n - W •ccnlcfrrcTd;‘MrcTcey'Mftntte: ^ ' ttleld, Roy .M antle." kulbIe_ilrcnm .l_T luee.M anU e 3 ' a playlnR togetlier - a s the %

outfield? ^nccordlnK to M araliali la h - % now h igh school coach a t ^ 'Okla.^^,___________ .________%Ird of th e d ream already is I ?1th Mickey now lu a t 23 and ^; h is f it th season of Amer- W ague baseball. ^ael coached th e ' o ther two % f , tw ins Roy and Ray, d u r- ^ ilrhlj:h*TChool 'dnyB-nt-Com>c • r — ’

Okla., and h e ’ll b t t they ^[Ood In th e m ajors. . . % nol a u ra .th a t th e twins will kJ

jproach M ickey^ trem endous « •," Ishm ael M id. " B u t' I’ll ^ ly be surprised If they don’t %■ the o ih e r tw o-thirds of t.^e ! outfield ." J l n,twlns Ju s t two years ou t o f W. J :hool a n d only 10,"are play- ^ . 9 itfleld fo r M o n r (^ _ L a ..- ln m " u w O ^ C o lto n ''S & te8 league. O

of tho Y ankees. «

T IM E S iN ^ B :W A O T _ A p B , f e


^ A I N "

........ — ■ - - - H e re ’s - A - (t o B e a t —


’ W e ’r e D o i n g A T R I D e S o t o ^ a n d P ly m o u S e l e c G o n o f U secT C E

\ Y E


_______ — T H E N ^ R E

— J u s t “A“ P a r t i i

D E S O T O v - 8 H A R IC T D E S b t O y - 8 S E D A N

- ’.= > 3 _ D E S 0 T 0 •■6” S E D A N ---> S r)~ P r3 Y M 0 U T H - ^ R A N B I

: - I . Q 3-I

r r ™ y ^ i6 0 2 -M ft in - A v c n u e - S o w t h -

5’■fair" the past week, ^ m e alao fish have beea Uken. brcvi l n r laai week-end In the F a ir - s area-wa«-deseribed-»5-poor-br n Luther, conaervatlon/otflcer. O SIPS ' jpper-JJolae,river should offer 5 ) ,e t^ - flih lng this w crt-end. T he c I Boise U high ShUe the Dig fZ ey Is .reported low and. clear, i h e r ’ Tepon-i «atchcs on •fllcAjconUnt e late afternoon and evenlns. reputat jndes and royal,coachm an-^ remark

proved popular ''with both physics r and fUh as well as-the single papers : salmon egg. ■ lo r thexhes on spinning gear In the Thro Smokey «ere noted the past m an s i with a red and whlto daredevil been g

■ tlie favorite/' my pn>ijt examined by Luther showed wide r were fccdltiR on n recent h a ich nsed b Imon-fllea. Hp fcporti-aucktra —O'Mi other bottom , fish movliiR Into Campi

with m utt ti'out taken In fast waa nr-op-on-rllflesr-:-------------- O'Malli.ihtnR in AiiRUst and September “I t «

urged fW iermen lo refrain from Onl; ivhiR suckers and other bottom m ajor along ihe’bnnkj.of the.atream s. 400._ci np them on Uie head nnd throw S tan I back In the wnteK They will - •Ide food for o ther f^sh and< Uie ' ■ ■ ; n l ' will wash them away," H I lersUKi^ested, ■ !le'M nckay nrea sppear.v Rood | ^ | lhla_wcek-end. Boyd T hleticn

Antelope duilnage Is ' going 1 and Is clears Fly fishing haa

plckhiR up- aroud Mackay the week with several large catches

rt«d.ilg Lo.^l river should t e good - lle.i." T hletten aald. Copper basin described ns good "If the weathern ’l chanse,"I Jakes Jn the Biff L o a t.rJw r nage opens on July IS, T hletten the trout In Uiose spots a re now

Jne to,f»pawn.

•aves’ Fielder ^ >es to Yaiiiina (3I8E. July 8 w '— A rthur Lee •» 0 left the Boise Braves today to M Yakima o f the class B N orth- .

, league aa th a t club's cen ter-ler.----------------------------------------— --------ie Pioneer league team assigned0 outrigh t to Jacksonville o( •£ » » so u lh A tlantic leatfue and > ha ln In .turn_i{entiMwjc_fO-yUtoB. ftyerw ttarw itn-j5oise-l(jrr«b(nir

of the 1054 season and had ed the tearn again about a.

>Resei^eMAGiC V /


HORSE JJuly 14-15


=-22n-Maln-Avenuc W . ■ Get Your Tickets ^

O ^ E ' :ED C A B

602n C V E N l T E “ S O T J T

. - C o m b i n a t i o n - T h a t ’s.~H — Q u a l i t y U s e C C a r a - i


i lE M E N D M jS 'B ^ u s ^ in e i s ) u t h C a r s , w h ic h y e g u l t s C a i ^ w e V e “e v e r h a x fT

E SUGGEST YOU E BY COMPARISOEEUSEJLOlffiC®t i a l r - L i s t r o f :G u r P r e s e n t

DTOI*. !r.4_FjO_RDJ\N ’31 CH RY S^N ■ ’51 -C H R Y S

^ R g O it^ _ ^ _ d X 5 3 ^ 1, H O M :

m i E i t s Z O QTHF.a S -

r v p c '

1 ED CAR!, - — Open~E\-er

i’M a l l e y i 3 |

y B i g S i i i t " . - - ^ROOKLYN, Ju ly 8 U n -^ W a l lH I

lion dollar su it Thursday by ll l |H H to r w h 6 'o p e ra t« t 'o n 'U t» '1 u n d i^ ^ | ’ cam panella, Dodger c a t c h ^ ^ H

^ 0 plaintiff. Dr. Sam B h e n k m J |^ D Unds '0> ia lley damaged utaUon with alleged slaaderdB llW larks to. the press ..when u [ l iH | rslcan' served Campanella .w Hifj JU lers for collection ot a >S,SOO 1 {IjlriU the operation. ' k D H

'hrough his attorneys. D r. S h e n f iW | n sla ted th a t "while I have ne^HMHi n Rullty of any misconduct profe.ulon and have enJoyed)1HBI

le reputation. I have beea do i ^ I H :d by Mr. O’Malley.” - |w M 3‘M aner'ennie 't o 'th e defenie n l H mpanella, w ho'claimed the (Sa I ^ H s much too s le ^ .. A t th e t l i ( j n |

’J t appears Dr, S h e n ^ a n t h ^ l ^ |

Only two active''ptii}-ers In ^ l l l njor leagues, have h it more th ff liU 0._doublM, Mickey Vernon i | W

it leaves you | | i |. breathless »

S m i w a f l l—^--^ODKAjl

irSeats^'ALLEY ^ ” 1

S H O W I5-16-17 ' I4 SALE : ' ’ I

Now! I

S : " ' -

R S -■ ■

T H --------------- ,

rH a»i .................

3_at= ._ .

iSFACTION -!ss' on~5uF-New ■ itsini th e F in es t-^ -^

i p t i

M E Z Z Z Z Z Zi n t - S t o c k - ^ - - ^ . - —QjyiCToniA YSLEU IMPERIAL ‘ YSI;ER-WINDSOR ,— U-CUST0M-V-8 -—

s . s y : : : z i : 5i\-enlngy and'3ttndays~~~»~^

Page 8: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

■ a • ACROSS*. ll.Tt>lafa ' . l i 9 — rst««p*—• ,.* 7 ;“ —- " - '— hi

i IW - ; < ■ & ‘ ’ ' . ! ! : j ; " ‘ “' ' 1

■• rlTw • Mk : . . „ « c « n p o j . . •2 : - . tw e lM iu p t ........ *«

—- j 7 T iti tf la r-------tD.DUl--------------F i i : S u b » r Bl. H irer W«Bd 3. a

S i ' l l .C o u r« «W l - J l r O b t n e t— — — i-C

. t e . 16.Q ro * n 8B.W«l?a j . yZ n _____ Inward____ --I -____DOWN /■ - n >

- M .SU pperr I.Dl*eour. 8.L

M ‘j " j E M

' ‘to w Wi * W ^ \

' j ^ w # ^

' ^ ^ ^ ^

'■j ■--------- -B O A R D I N G H O U S E -

T 1 5 ^ / rti.":•'; , . 5US6e5T.BUT«5MTtrACT-i ‘)^}\

■ ; IFICIAU? ^MILINS ATTHIS^ v*^?; : I f

^ ■5 ■ EVER SAVJ'f— H O W / S u T ^ ^

I Jl i^ jl N o lm f to ti c o s t u w t s '^ S S ^ I I

''■-$ L I F E ’ S U K E T H A T

■ii' J ■ - ■'T m not nfrnld to Rct.riirty, 1

% ' w orth tho spanking I’ll get."

S i ' — t h e g u m p s -- - —

I ]v-'OU.SSV.^lACKS Jto'^uvM • \C M D l£ 'M tK \S .P - - R E A a Y - L a E ^ - - ( - A ^ i S s rI • CANDLEVMICK?/ ) _. BALL. D£/

W - - - - T i o ^ r a T a ^ T - T i iK

i i : ' BOjfl I [ pjr.-r^E OC 'r "^

' B y S ^ p W /

' Solution. «r Ytitarda/i.puzxl*

3.Ad«ra-i ‘ l.-D rlTlnr- ' crind|>pn fhownr•»»oU . I.D enth ,-<• Cubla-------- -— nntle*-------------------

------ ifcjurot— :.— — ■“ ■ L e^ n 'w •___

8. LonsMM

I , 1 \„ t -wor co t 10 n • : . , s n « r f--------- — — — .JJ .T ear" ■ 2 4 .0 td rr« n eh77- — — — colli ' JS.Socond ■

---------------------imitlleiit‘•U to : »hbr. ,

— rm 2T.VrequflnU7

— 'r ^Si S " ^ is i sn ir o><mlcklT

! ^ j r --------- J2.Y e»rlr35 .Frolk» • ;

31------— —• as.LenK»t«p .38. Makfl hripp7 '

— 39 .0 ld h o ri«<O.Kroth

— ll.G lrl'in M n *42. Turns rlsbV.*1. Arrow

__ poUon« 45, Clo««----- - -

______4«.W blrlponlSS 48. KryplUB

i l l l *WI

j : - M A J O R h 6 ^ l e " ~

kM SOO TURhi O P P \( m ! H 6 I- i e - t0 l ^ ‘ PLAV£RAC-^AlD-H6— ;-----V M iM o re .w c 'S M /if i 'A v e o n>B055 WANTS T H I? ^peO P u & lM i H O T - l ‘D JU ST ^ -W S CHICAGO

,J6iCfiti.SNAP_«3UjLF4e£JfUi£M . _ _ ^D W ttJ^lN TO A r ^ H E w A S l ?

_ _

P B y N E H E R

^ ( v f e t e l

ly, b u t i ’m w onderin ' i f i t ’ll ba


: 0_LE=r,AND 7 V

■ “ T O U T O U R W A Y - —

fa:iL9S^MW'TH1& l& J u s r ATOM ' ■ ly W - GlgPEg-THEgE-SA -J 16’ • •■ r m V as t LOT STUFP V a n — -H i4 "G o re c » rH e« 6 rtn c e ^ —Kt

miSf TK H0I&T5 WITH Bid} \ HE S g PCUM2- AMO CASLE&., I HE

■. ^«^.fiTC.>-ALLW■PIFFt^R'^-/_Ml / . V paTO S PA R T M E W T S--y-«- \ 1 . / IM THIS VAST £+OP.' C h U ‘ -n -^ A iY irc e T O T C o T - \ ' J p - ALLAKOUNPTOHEEP V” r II TH‘ STUFF COMM" AMP I

. i p tM A t ^ - ^

S I D E g l a n c e s

“ Well, M r. Schu ltz , w h a t 1< TTied up fo r th a p r ic e o f nt^nl

” “ puiri7m t"5 ia 'tir0U B ht'0T n iB -

C A R N I V A i ;

\ THS ^

■ - COHffOI,iA\'TV 'X9<ifto m ra___

'T o jret r ig h t to th e poln • m oney to f ig h t o v e r l”


HErte l!M / . / - / ' - AVSJJTE S ^

T IM E S - K E W S ..X



A ■ a H O p p iK rw rrH 'i'w eix 'H C S — f fF ^ l



. ^ 7.»— .— ---------

la t k in d o f excu.-^e h nv « y o u drui U^nk th i s y e n r? A ra you g o in g n im g a in ? '* ------------- ; ----------------

B y D IC E T U R N E E

di : I I I - ' •■■

^ WTD - : f i

r ^

point, m y w lfo nnd I need n lit

^R K X ii^ lL lE U T E m N r W is- • >AViO(OD V REA aV 'BewNy'THe . E7 ^ O I P ' - H E ATTENDS ALL — ,.--^ H IG H C U S S .P » R T IE 5 .r_ r^HlS,V6BVAPPeARAK>CE LENT ^ PRESTIGETO V3UR aX LL- 1 ^ '

n I I | - | | - ' 3 I 7

j a V T O T 'A TiT A n ? A H q =

S -------- — I ' A 9—7-— ^ - ^-M-TUCI- iTEteaRAAVMijsju—

V T HABPES. CAMS<HOW ^ , 1 W M lLB>OyV\«B)v^


^ 7 w ^ ^ w ^ y - i D t v T A UH $0 GCOO, AMC

^ I ~ p — h | ;tooic'i>ppay o ^

■ 1 _ X — B i i t M E r i — A B O S S L

“ T “ ffl

i E . y ^ p H W

= - ^ A e o y ^ B e

i m m— I I ' W K f f l i i ll

M»VK.StV.yOVi|OF r l • '■ Mvyw6£T j c y j 1 _ . « w t _ S ^ t B

. 0 '

•JS f l Chubtx Vcolc done, r ■ y a 9 ^ J<*- J[L^___ ; LiA“ = - i — t i N

f A i ' ^ m . r a j Kt L . : I f e w B

^ : r a MY I II -

ru m - ■?.-Tt f CHECK AW

------------- ts------- fclt(-SPCClAt.-5-ANU W ^ ' yg? BO\StC.r


® s


— u— i N m f ^ W W - - n i N


— ; I

' T > “ ^ H i 3 e . — u . m ™ I ¥ |

G - M M i l A k A ■ / M v i w .v J * N [ i i l i i W M I :

C K kS K S E T T O B ia - l iH im r T y m u T E S ! ^

u t t i o H - m ' M— — g . .,—

1 _ j J l - /^ A h w i l lN O T T •1 I GREEN,TKAMK t -A H IS A IO O "


S r = t . 3 ! C- i — . - B " . ' ^ ■ . ; .

r R A ■r „ ■... —■■: — * -—


v j c w P B o e w R f i —


«•?/ NONE OPUfr r a S TW HOtH I 'ttR rr5s.REE0Y. WITH 0UICIA6TTE61

S I Ivnlvv'L'EX I lI so o Q W K H i J VOO pM t^N C MW M W W W iy V Jat \ S O

o w S ^ ‘ r n _ ^ ^

■ ■ ■ ■ \ f 1T'$ been TVS V 'o w ^ h ^ W | V hard days'uork.l <did


E P i r ^ | H | ni i jg '

^ ^ T sc w a m T ^I DON'T ■ ^ * 1 I'K

V XWANTAMV I I *AN*-\-OF-YOuR---------------H3 r , OUNK/ y • b t t

^ T i i r

p i g j j

? S S § 5 ^ ^ ^ v J i w F s l r i f t c H m‘ • '^ G O T I CflMUTOE

5ELCw Y Bim)€N €N W :U 'l ^NEVES’ B a c W -?

• - a n ' a h 1 ^ ^ V>■— a g i n ) % ‘j ru R N A N V < ^i K v o '. ' f > 5 S Dic t a t o r - v - yo — — -J ~ - V.RIOV-J i t i . T R E D 1 < /

____ L

Y f i f r / . / r j j

w s 5 i» t ; .'z.*:;,:w

3u'c:a, r " i l . - , r i r ^ IGN5“ -jOU WANT,'iXL ) __ - . N ;

J i

p ||Bi l H

. - w t ■ H i <MVi.-Vk:hVi < 3 \« t ft>5roi ' _ Z T X o□C09TT VjPWlitNWOiTO W f f lU — ,

^ w m o T \b ( ^ I c e t S yaid vco w nted W y

d i^ t jO U y Z s_ tfiat fbr notliiiK

l i - / f T* j Ta

S^Ms i g i S a

Eff MWO ABOUT " W w W T A R E >t?U ^ i l c w e r t h a t ^ e o J S T O P O J

] f O T*fSftSM AV B iM Jf,^ V , t!MCOU^^£D ■!

L . \ p E f r f . u s r r - M ^

.OWMlI l / ^ M K S , r u|6g w

T H 'tf lD t 'P E r T M n r; I

Page 9: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

( a f k e t s anc

- — \ =r<vflDBK;=3UIlt^l-on—,1

“s : ;. 1 fUi«p » .i« : »uppir.i»fi;S 'iT SS" “ •“ ■*-

* ' Ion*: •■kl'O oruund sUiti))'„ ' i « '“' t i , - . - ' c l . . 3 ' . s . s

|«r >•"« No. 1 mill l:p«IU

^ Wf." ’"’"'■'•‘'V ■ - BAN f'llANCIPHAS'VHANCI8CO. Juir »■**■ —* ,,l,lil« »5«! Mm

..III- • . .. . ;» / . i r .n m.oa-u.60; i.uiii _iii l IW h*V "i'"_kil» lh< in*reinl rvW»£ “ . f t i r i — - «!■.•••;;

'S-Sr^U»«»* r»«llnB

s " s K i . - . S S v r - : a i . ! K ! i « ' > 5 s K ~ . f ' ■ '? ;” v ; t! iSatl *'*"* i2i‘ wllh Iu l Wffk. nioilrrslrly

S,lCw<i 71 1a«*r; MW* about aWsJJli; Nil D*>' . i \ 3 UI*-S«U lb. burrow, y* ijjuil*'*' ■niur.JM. *».00 »turj !••

" J S 'f f f l K *!’■ " S L n 'a . lU

i“is ssv~,va'“.-h'.„ilTm l'l* .UuihliT l.mb. ao ju-si.oo

I|t’ P.p»'r„ ;.»• Is S1.S6 oorlr; <«ur Jo» f !;>■ . i i ' ,',V r»«Wl« *'* VJi! .(iu«li(er-;<«»« N*>.ii‘ f : r . i ;.% tr.’i . :x s '; , : . ; rall SCA _ , *•,,* il.M; i>lb«r guud <in<i «lu

I l i t llm* U.OU-H.O#: modt cul ; jU»Tol>l‘ I <«,?. ,Uu,M«f «*W ».OI>-».tV


I {rSfCil w"». " c m ik for w>»'i *,**»:


*il‘ rtbl *1)"'’ • nliuV^uiur" •na funtmc'lfiSl'tlo* J*" !*•“ : *'*'

M , M la ;a.«i) mrly; iilllUr*!»!-y.|r,Vl f . l \ lt.tU.|»,UO! <-llll .luwi. U

jllSEu^'jrnl___<! , . ««ljihu'to'*l*.o!(’ wllb.BiiKiTlTMl Mta Tuf-ltr omoU M ti|l,l«IU l l ' i i **r w k IK HUD'aCBANCK llaUKhlrr IDClng

! SK-u ;v:/“;-.'V«V'r,-;‘il:___ / . , ■“ ‘».ia with > « , Unl.nlntCT w m - r ; : “is’',r '.nJV ,M i vii:**i J0«rl"f " • r,„p (hnrn' Um1>« «mlni«»< II.on; «<>n<! •n ilrho ir#

1-----^ .....- ..... . - los’ ancki• ------;------ , - r J'lS I.(W ANCKI.KS. Juljr »

......... .......... - t-B i;«lll> olmbU !4tf! frw ■•••— ——....■*■■«•■« Iwlf lo4-l ninolljr th.ilco ».............. .■ ------ 2:.75; om Inl mmll)- f<---------- -- ; •;• ];;ni Ullliir •»d W mn.m.rrUj

= | = i “^ » a y ! I r*------------------- 111' OMAHA- r - OMAHA, Julr •— . . 1 nr Bioro hlfhrri US I U

, lb>. lMW».tO,Averages'

----------------------- - J 1I,S».|J.10; fonnrn «n<l

4^ RiiU Util. >llnfV« No »li«p.M ,P,', • tittCAiriRJ nu•M lll.l t;,l 1<»,>

I wllll' ThurtJor'

in Falls '(ock Prices

. J.nnm .nrt »«llrr« .rl( ' "■' Iniiu «l»»-lr: »r.l»r< il« '

laiUTfstwk prlccs nre hta*> * T * .r «T»lnP#ll»Llvcalock J,“ o7.i r,lw. i r « . “j.oo i Msp»ny bs.vd on re- u n ».in).is.:i: uiiili» ' «Ucn Hie July C.----------«05t)-J33,80 ‘ i.-WS jon- tn .ik .l /naWfen.,»Ii)i6.j2i],80 .i.' nn . i^ r i . . ,« i

Klim _.'.T H.0n-Sl0."5 'T™ * .......... '■WH-^ZTJISSOttlC.ltf J

Potatoes-!CuicAfK‘•■t I tn-\v~,| fuiiitr. CKICACO. July k jUI

o u i i i j h7 i> : *y jW H ;j^ ^ l..,e itrr mo-l.r.w. d.m

~~ —■ i.Hin.t ftili'.l.tll.l.CS.

CompletedpInn* !.n-»r-\Vi*,?5; r'i*r*'

tW o ^tllo u .’*.. nmcl _W rr*li«W i^kU fw 8lj

lhe E110.-01011C t |« V ‘ »hlrr*,i!’u .''

J“a »iii r fpivB 11,p ■ -------------------f ' 0^11,8 «i s p n .A N -D EM O N S

will lir HOLLISTER. July *« Ju'j' J9 m efllnc IVncl Chf^Yii 4 -H cl

;3 7 „ “ , ■ “ ■ (Umoiuu-ftuon Of -

J lv iirE ^ il^ M a fkets-...........OiVN.

■,r~~--------------- - Ci*»l S'nrlhrrn. Nn l'«.__ ' j * I'l"''"* m.<i

IT ------------- 111,00 oiiol.llun. for •«---- «IUO Kioru to ««nu Inwtr f.

,-~lL r^ C a »•» «U0linf‘ ”


■ t e

f*i^TTOvrR-7K^— ------------

id F in a n c« . * * *

t o c k “ 7 “^ ^ G r a iiN .- . ruiCA cn, July r i n -

TJi. m i pf lh.-„,,v»lt ■‘■••I •’ilhtr. .Ilh^uBh I. Inrludn X4 iIomWm Iho .fMl.ia fo^ i.|B , „ ItuihKr Umb., onr ' ' ' - ' J » -i.m J .

>r mor* Inw.r Julr « 4 \.ii ; rr« untV.r»i)r: f»w.m.ll ]<iu ^>* .l.u .hlfr .print .n'l laiil 11■hnrn ISl Ib; olxish- • kunrlrMl m>umlt >

Cahh «;rj_ . CIII<!Ai;«. Jul). *11

Julr » (IIP)-C.III. J l ’;,*.romw.rrd wllh I.H u - .i.,.- , n .' . '

oboul .t.oJr. lo- i^Vl« n^Li, ’ Tl' “ VoWT—1«|—itMr*,r«Bd.*ooJ ii«lHlhl«r___ .•. ..r™-'i“v.'K' Hi'k«1f.-.V'I«:ill>-li'.Ki; ‘ifjiiiin* tnw.'.Tiil nil".iH. ul!lllr «nJ com. j Xl i S i i . M r n ^ i u i ^ i r ' . k r ! ' i'li,.I »■>« •Iis’i j'lli'’'iJiT'lo.’l.! Too'"lb. * = "‘’‘

1».00; e»lr»« >.|. , , , , . , ,.vwnpeml-willr^lM t ^ V * ' i 'iii ’- ! l«itl„ . .l«ui ’r i -

.nrt .t.uihur i, " • ■'! ’ , m.ODi «n* lol « l S . ,llllr »~1 tomBtrtUl *•._ ■*■T . i v C n ' o o ' - •j;;:

J (,W «boic. JUli lii. s,,.’;. };„«,.VV ».600; romp.r.4 " 7 , I'";!;'r.lflr .rllv.i .p.Infi hlfhtr; yc.rllai. v.tvu>ii i"cVol/.^tJilTp^ln'S KANSA.n cm ^ j^ l" T;i.00 : <IB.11 .hliimtnl fiirV 1* i : r

S 1 3 i ! 5, ^‘’Hn. u ,tu i t s i ! Nu7 r ^ M l'V '.h ?.. il wfu XMfJIiir w.lbrr. i i ’t l r ' ' ‘i .cv■»V >liin‘ .’f j liA .

- i- r o r j- r r ie n - o f rn .r if,' Wf ,i<>«» : tn.tV.l unr«.n, ill li'j i* IUs'.Ts'.' <in lBi-r»«*».l Shnrli In IH.tO-.-.1-b*ir*r«-.ifnrtrr • ■ --------------.Ir t» bithtr; «j"i» I.

i lE E s S i Butter anio'frd brif.ra :l.eo>. nrt I...J. SB.<I1M|.«0; ' -------I'; ulllllr <u»>* Il.M. ClIICACn, Julr K iui nnirrtl.l bull. K.iO. a .Iiln .nrt I'mthnrntt l.OO*'llnJ “m2" !C’'l'i 'irir5**‘V;M; V?-*l

Vfl'mnfi IIJ* J, : .nil ti-nli“B-il'iirnr-wiNllam« I, !l;t«.?},;0 : t.-«vl-r , r.<rlpU rtln }.0fl- O 50 i f>w ^ -------

v stt 'iv iS Gontinuam On “Stan

Ir.-twiul/ to-*''®"*: ........... - ----------"i-rlm. .prlnr i«tnh« BOISE. July 8

'™i’^mrrlwa«'’ i» "lii Sh6pplnK CetiUm 3 .o.iinK » niM- Adiv county dlsiflct •• frrtrr.; ^ coiiUiiuiince In llie

.u m p " = . . . Ill>olr. tl.uibl.r ••>■> slorcs.

iJtl.L.*! 18-Ulr » un-iK SM N i- Okny. w hich earll• '‘ I'* .i - 'j i ■i*.*i»: pc rm lu lon to enter! 'V "rt 'b ^ f-r . m n " dercnaiin t. Bnlil In IIrrUl/Aw. iS-ri-u.ei): t h n t Snfcw ny-v.'b»»,6i>.ii.:i; <.iv« ..I- unccrUiin" In lla alli„ .r t , i j : t lb.. 11.00. enfewny crmtcnds... b e nllowL-d to cul '^ — . . . thb*e itlp u ljited by.u n -H o * . i.tooi H fR'r w ies lnw to m 1 u I trart. iii>.:i« from alores ofrerlns

; |5 € S x i Funeral H< r.~:'C!Z'.vs jjesiden___ • . BUHL, July 8-1:a (;u 1 fo r Mr«. M innie MeiU n-iliai»A » n t the F lrn t Method

.irin* n S a n y ^v^th■Ul6^^e^ ^ .r ' . k v r r .c : '•I»» offlclltlnR .

• Duels were lUiis ogSw/'ii' - nnd Oalr Conner,. JOO / .I .u ,hu r .I.*r> Mr«. W. O . Klnyon’ preluda A nd poaUud « iJ;. VuiV; Pftllbenrers w er >o i.oo I - " : Gcorc# B llck. D.ili

.‘"^ni” '*J'” lnw “ s.. H rldel.-Jolm W. Blli.OO |.*«nn.r. .nrt Olt- Bmbb.,.lUr ■ «n4 rommfrri.l ConcludhlK StrvlC

to prim. N«l*n 3 ^ ,,! g,ty cemcltO'.

T d k p i. __________ ____ _ M r5 ....S i« lK _ (^ k

_ , (lupeni-lsor ot rcwi

,s-OmonsI -—* F nlli rriildent, «'!

CAHO ^pfnker n l 1:30 p.n^^turi-rut^ i y i_ A XiDS sixth v.'nrd »cr

rt.m.nd ,ncJ. m.rii-.l -Sp(ctn l-iiT nin i:tirmnde for. nn Inforr

Arlwn. rounil — ^ ------ -

amt.-lon« J ^ y C G ^ I MBOrt.r.1 <l.m»ad »o«d, H A IL E Y ^July 8.iT V s I ubIoo .I.I..I: mecUnK of Jaycee*i>'w iii>i>M i iiieh .ml sundnv At Anictlc

rx tO T ir s K iu ra n i^iVi; nnd-ml*er~KiH=b«--

w (Inhn tnodlom M<>: for delCRAtCA.>. • 7i" 'i s * " liivlled to attend. J

•• ~ - • - low . • •3NSTRATI0N ^

s 3 s - B 3 a iid cookie JudRlUR At ■ ■ ■ i H H_fyodic#jiiot<o»«

|l.a:»<itinUiirIT.H» •

Ig rifg" bnathltsr .i jE 4 S ,- . r ^ -

lii i’. J.i,_i I..I..I..I

|jc Sir PitttrSannJlfl>.


; Butterfatlt C e = : HiT2TCS

¥ . « , BOISE: July 8 tm -a received »n avcraRi•QItFT"'-----Pouna-roy-binCrRE

C U 1 .I . production during \

Anierlcnn cheew i ■uEb Impcovini Uli In ftvernsr o t fit cenlA n , , .r l r « .I ,I« .. the USDA «dded7 ;'^o -7 r‘‘f.> i ’V.VW' P«. s ln«»r lo s Mlhrr • totaled ICS jBtli.rso.1 10 S hi(h>^. Which wn» 13 mlllli'rt*7J ln r r 'l a “‘5 ' “W-UBila hishrr. J u i / i i . t t . poundii Riore I

ftvernRe, aecordlnn ,'M V -W hr.i M«- ,• f f n t report,

i.rU Ml). i-cfB No. 1 Cream ery 'bu lter • J i . c s . o .i . N n .j Mily amoimlwi to -..i-iM m-»i l^ n ] ^ iiu' vohimt

" i vTi-nnii ■ j I o a r d V-

II irE |T c^ ^ <^I l y _ E o ( U c ^ i i

i;f’ illi iiir f a r m ''l '.*r; .*i\; SER\

. .(■.■. .‘ IS .<1VSi’’ i i ' ' \ + g a s o m n ij..j,, |,.1,, j.j.j,] , * P IE S E L I'-

i !■!;,' * i . i i b r i c a '‘ q u n k t r a i J i ,

5 " f U ’-w h .ii, i.u . J k . c u k a s e- B .„ . i i„ . .

s in « . ” " •*• t i r e s - Dunrhinort to Jowbi<. ii.TnK:,.v»; j tK<« I

and Eggs :...............— KBOl "

hnrB«*'s«'^-^7” 'frB ir* 'l J J u l j 1# Uiroi■ e i‘'Nf>A I I yaw .nrt

ni.rUft, ! »hli> * «;nn--mn.Tlii.TiBHllam.-a:.:-.).nH,rrt*-3| I K.-'ntr.l.1; rtlrtl« S>f;.,thKli. » , . 7 MO-rfl..l« S ti____________ _________ «:0H— nf lh.

ance Eye3“ i i s s s s ’s. . ^ « iaiii»-SuB<l.TT~

amp Case:I 8 W -T h e Okay * •rsn_.< :,.,ri!'^^:cni yesterday nskrd J Woib. b-. w strict court lo Krnnt ■ liio Ii 'J I .. nf'iif! n llie so-called " trad - • ^ iis -n .itb u r d . so lUed by Bafeway !«nnrl t c

* li.lO—Mrrrr UIHi been Mhed'uUd-tor i —V "iw ’'i’iB^rJ»H

■ ( earlie r was Rrinlcd : V” «-?lm"'fh.''l;

enter th e cnw m a * a:M-niirna ..rt . I in m in e R dem urrer .WB» ••Indefinite nnd •"hfi .nrt aUl allepatlOTis, J jniin-TV Tbr.ui tends U in U t Miould , , n ; 0(i-Mor>.in* llcul It* prices below • •

:d. by. th a .Jtnte’s .u n - ^ 1 , -to m eet compeUUon a f V I U T Ce rln j trad ln e lU m pi- 3 f hem

I Held for ” '; ; iS ” w n"'.v r'w

lent of Buhl8 - ru n e rB l serv ices!: 4:n-ch«tihii s i

le McBride were held ij *=’1’- ;“ " ^ ,Bihodl.nt church W ed- c'-id—c n s K.w.ji6HeV.'T*on*rd-ClArk «:«s—Weilihn- am

• • TiOO—Jo. r.looliiluiij b y Oconre Bllck ■ |i52“T',"iu Ann. iner, •ecom pan lcd .b j . , »:oo—i:nr Ixunu nyon w ho also played ■MUudc.w e r o Ed Conrod. , lofoi—i.s i .r iIm D.ile KlatUr*'. Earl « J’

V. Bllck-jind Bteve A, ; •■ WrDKFJ

services wera held M ■ .;8a_T:Br«r. p.n

p & d „ „ i ' i i i ; ? !_ O n ^ . _Provo. U tah. Mrrrr MtlkRcnernl eJucnUon of ,and widow of Uie latft ■ JiJS l^v i^b .r .r

Oak.-*, former Twin ■ T;n»—Mr. ninrint. will be featured .0 p . m . Sunday a t the ■ Arnod services. Tha public , » ;jn-n.rii»t svjuiZ---------------------1____ _, io:Oft-Ti...i«.U ainctm eiils-hnvB ^bren t - i ? 1oo-S'?r‘SS^*ii Informnl InHt.fesi (or , —

rMeet-Set- \——Jly 8.— A sU io board ; ,:«_w ob..b -. w ycees'wlU be held on , PobhI. w« m erlcnn LeRlnn hnll. * ; ' J l i ! n \ w a iun i(iy* irtm tclrlunch .“ - J ^ o o ^ .T - .r T .i U=be-heW’ B t:the::hali n = tie = tlU n a tl 3. le ,. Jtiy-C.ElK.1 are ^ | snd. A dnnec will fot- 2 tibft-Knmrir ki

z ( l i t—C.pUlB.Vl _____________— *' »;jl>-cns N.w.CIS—Wt.lbir

p " :00—TUinK. Alli*

in o g e ju k c ) * 5 ____ !

‘ * .t|30—.^T.tch _lof

:s “ = TiiE&§»':10-C03^^iw.

— -------- - , .«Ji»“ Th. JUtlr; t:nn-Y «u.. far

R i .y 4 .L — — ; ioioo-H *»b.ii. H f l n H B i B B I jOilO—<(>lurrt.>

:E 5 -N E W S . t w i n f a l l s

t tP a ^ e n t F ^ P r a(SntO)r0D n o u a ro K .

T . - ^ P o llce ja ld todi I tm - ld a h o dairym en w ho ^ k « In' fcr^aBa-of ^ c e n u a H uxnlturtcom B c ria i used (or .b u tte r bn tte red open ins M a y -3 cerita leiw fe ll awfully fo ous monUi, th e agrU n ^ ,t„, i»«nt f c p o r l ^ - ^ « y . - ^ ^ n d ro f eow w ,e e « fiielodc* paid ah | _ ^ _______lenis a pound li\ May, — ■ _ -

' R C D O tproduelloti dttrlnc • ' ’ ic : million ■ pound/i, SUOSHONS. million pounds above c*mp were . output and 37 m il- of th e M erry. V lore than Uia 1019-53 meetlnR Thursd rdlnii to the depart- Uie tender,*Mn.

. . * ■ rich . M emberi u lle r churned durlns »lsltora.. d to 3,300,900 pounds, DemonsirAtioi ahimft.iar,. th e , m onth M yrna McCIur■ departm ent aald. C arol T h iel, T lr r :------- -------- ----- w ill_5rK eltrJu ltD TO MKET ■■ I I -

July s —T he icliAol ret a t 8 p,m. Monday-•h/v't . ; I _____________

i J i s j w f c h e d — : . ' p ,

DELIVERY ' ■ •^RVICE 1 f u r n i -LINE 0 5:l r u E L ICATING O I I ^Slaie • pnilUps H i} . ; .

SE • •■■ ■ ! • S ) • MncjnUlan - 1 . -

l -B A T T E IU E S : i

| F

I 2 PhoneUirouc'h Ja ly 16' 264 .i;n r*t r,M.’nil 7t»B icn!i)_ 2 4 0 M oin

; t w i n *

------------1 _ L• S»»t»l.rr * ' .nf Ih. TownrK»inrTiiMtit------------------------___»ll Xror.hA.rrt ■ ■ ■

“ i w\V:M,’7cm H,r D.r rl t CorriJ Ulllimu)

»7r?d"’w«wn\* Htwale rielur.

fiScis*' ■' ..nrt AlSrrt ■br.l.rInc lU.rtllBt* U

itorola - ( -h o n t 2 6 4 - NiipjinAY r.M.

V.'wn'rld*wUh'. W.11I.iiir AccouBlnf Mf. ,

‘{••t.Jn rlrlurM OT a nd 1£D01-N.w»

' AnnnuBCrtri.rbnuM lull 5rnr«bo.rrt

tRi.atrr Th.ilrr

!lB«V(..Sl'lnM •

DSEHDAr r .M j' • PSw• J V

• Q. u i l . JCDS) / \ # 5 ^ nur AccoUBt" r l i Corral- . ........ _■ Ullliin.n ■ f . i r1rTn»nlr«------ : ---------------- I ~ In rlrlur«y r .Bd^KIlOl^N.w. . V

»r .nd^rUod. (CBS) » (#Arnold Show / ' 3t Rqu.rt I fhrnU SforfUunl t ■' tc J£» rduoU ^t« ltf-----;----------

gnovox—Jio n e .2 6 4 ::.....ICIIWDAY r.M. .in'. Wnrld wlik I. Wain.; Phnw our ArrouBi•rT .ifi-------------- --------- ‘------ ---------------. fA S " & r . i i : ---------------^

. . ' f f t » v iN.w. Ik PirturM , < bir B3d KBOl N .X I- .. Jlia.r ,w T h.lM .n- .<I ll.».l|it- UfTr.'.!'.*.- --- - . ■■ *

------------------- — t r ^

i i tc o r•Kone 2 6 4 .. .l>l»inAT-P.Mj;^^--------- :------ -------- ------?n-l* World'-'^lh I. w .m . ^

J» Cl.Mir. i ] ^ 'N.w. Ib rielnrM 1 ;.h.r .Bd Knot N .« \ ',11 .nrt fi«4l«ll» . V '■ ■d S m irrtS ^ f^ . . . .

'nlni IlMrtllBM • | \ | -A T tinnA T >iC - - ~ “ P h O n

=i--2642< 0 M ill

— - J w - a ’S'.Ci-' -. . Nl-

L 8 ,- n > A - H 0 - ; -

-------------------------------- 1 . - . DRIV

r a c t i c e - ^ k g S ° “M, Tcx.—lu jy 8 (uv- juned |3 a n d : « J a y th a t th e buntlar i tho Peae« Prai

In to the Sunnlland |a c h n rjc of < imBanyJM C.ni8ivt»nd. en a safe m u it havo ] Chief Con Dei • foolljh,stock.M fe on dUipIay TW.-TfiurempJr-------- r ; ----------- p Q ]

c r t s M a d e 5 GE, 'Ju ly 8—neporLi on . p .rere given by membersi " •y M aids 4-H club a t a | ' ' ' P n l . irsday a t . t h a home o{ . , t n . Ja ck Edwards, D iet-,

. r u ,. c m ,

tion* wero RlVen by 3 0 5 7 ( ;iure, J a n e t . Orr and) f»_

T lie nex t club meeting;»• ■ jl ' J

w Ji J

’ o b lic n A L U C l4ITURE and HOUSEHO as advertised June 16 aii

Starting A t 1 P.

S0 turday,.JulyT o Bo' H eld a t i h t


W o r « h o u » — 2 1 7 W a l l Si

le H jB T j l iH B P

l J I m^Qi

I r l a g i K:___FA new n o -s to o p

■ ^ , , 4 , ^ -------- -

( ^ T u n i i

. i l K f ! i l l - g I ^


- t l i o t r im b e a u t y o f t h ^ i n s t r-------------------- p ic tu r o -w h ic h -a p p c a

. - O u t s to h d in f f pii C h r o m a to n e O p t ic a l F i l le r ,

____S u p e r b s C u n ^ y ^ U m £m IW

' . w a l n u t t r im o r c h e r r y c a b in '

= = E A G IO R a i^

1 3 X C E l!S 9 i

I 'a tp

i a . a a a a a > a a a a « « a i T . » « . « a . c ix

UVKRS.nNEn— ' ---------- .- .-----H enry---------------

iorth-of-Bho»hone. wm ------ - ’ ~ •Id 13 cosu by Justice of * r “ , Tank Dlc« Wednewjay on . UC if-driv tngw an expired ■ -

O R - ^ A - t E - : ------

GRAVES.B lock 20 . T w in ^^nll« C em e te ry ! ■

W R IT E l ^ H,R L R . OUSON ; r G ran d A venu*ORden. U tnh

3 K - ~ “

: t i o n ^l O L D G O O D S

and 23rd . . .


y 9 t h f


S tre e t 131 ;

Jr ON THIS U N I • ■ • ■ • a a a a a a i

gnificent '■

avoirl e v i s io n . - A

p co n ven ien t j

O 0 E I

No Other TV O These Extra V

. .-_^A _com ploteIy new T V j t y l in a ’m o d e m ^ ^ in p a c t-c a b i M n tro la are CQnveniently in to thft top o f tho cabirfefc w ith a slid ing p an e l w hich

jt r u m e n t— gives th e illusion of K&rs t< rb e a to o s t .a s b ig a s .a 2 p ic tu re q u a lity is th e re s u l t o f ler, A lum in izea T u ^ a n d Refle< twpes.a, 12' a n d 5|;^ipeaker w ith

)incrs o n conraaled sw ivel ca'stc


c i ^ 0« Tflis'UK»~ • 'a a 'a a ' i i ' i i i

: z lP I ^ C l ! I

A L L IS -C H i^

W 0-4»-T fti«t«i-w tth-Tw *peiutcfr POWER-CRATER Engin*

F orage Hervoctor-for fiig-Capacity ro ra g * ftlow ar for Unloading a t th* ahow you tho AUis-Chalmi w ea th e r 'to y ou r crops.- H ere is a — for grecn-leediog, for grass or”' chopped h a y a n d straw — and tbe is priced lo r hom o ownership.

rowii oAui u

7onn taA l l , . d a y . YflltlSC


HOWARD T R A CI 3 rd A r* . W « tt

B_PJione_„ __K1


4 2 0 M ain s . * .»------ TW IN JiS

FALLS ! ;g

' ■ i»w■


^ ^ g a ^ n s t T i

I n ^

I ^ I m I I K i V f V ) 1*'*: ' l / l i '

' 4M

•' .............


—•:------ ? _ . r —- - . _.. . .1:':

Offers Air~ f Values.,.ty l in g c re a t io n . 'ttb in e t r A U ' ; ~ ~ —ly recessed . . .■.________ t,\fet a n a co ncea led __ 4,,ich en h an ceso f a 21-inch v : .- ,J|:a 24-inch sc ro o a t- ., - ^ ; - ^ — Jj of c o ra b ln in g a . - • ’ j' flection B a r r ie r . J*ith _ ■ s a iM s S iil tS J g g,^

. . . >..

i H | . :ehM e Z t

f ^ S M ~ 2 4 0 ^ M ain S. !i S | R | g | ^ 'T w ii i ,

lim n s TEAM f litch-Pow«i“ Controi-ond---------MM9

:ify Flow Chopping * ■ , j® | 8

ibncrs w ay to bea t tbeis a rea l tonnage team p> W lor'row -crop silage, for i |n Mtb e w hole combination . | | M

C T O I ^ O .P h o n i '2 7 5 | | |

k1KL’s & ' 3 J J |Ja ly le U iroaib July 16 ' > H H l

ai}NDAT P.K. ■ 'H H

i-.oo—Ufa araji.7 ’ ■ illfll

1 i ^ Yw ra ■ BO T

|[]»-VoDd.?u^UaM— • d « —W *Utd* ^ ' '" — _______

' ' j § i 'rHB=~ncn«'forTtttili"--------------H iA?3tSffl.WS . IlSiOfr—Dure, and Al|.a a uHflij]»—Tbe-aUr aad tU OI«r - ■ ■ ■9 )ka

ItiflS—Mandir NI«ht Bazlsi B IR IIU.W -H.W . _____ S . l ^

M agnavoxPhone 2 6 4 3 n | |

/TUtaOAT ‘ - J t lffl l<tA-Tlila1(0urLaBl . a iA W

nt D..U)** "<:i90~W|U Bin Rfefcok ' ' - Ifl ^■ lan—N nr. and InUrrhira . S RMiiiiK-niK PiiThatk a 'S n«U *-W a.U w rrktaf»- ■ i MTiM—To n» AnnouBcol ■' ^ fn|U

: - l.;J |w u n u iiA T • Iffi

t iH W«4»m4iv HaU>o« * V ll*’Atunti« n ifb r _ iQDI

4 U » - W « U r t - ^ . ; i|M. : ||

" 5_m

aiioZsu?<!lrt i^ i M . S q iJ ‘tSUw^lh* " A

JSmart r » l l l l ^ , * 1

PHILCO l l"'l^raURBDAT ; 'Z* * n H

«:SS—WMlb.r ;fiO*—China Smllfc • '— ‘7l3ft-n.di.^7U ■ I!;!t5rsfsi,':;s;,- □>:0»—ICA T ltyhm * a

.^ l:ia ^ n a rl iiiu a Club. -.^ il5 = K “ uw ^W J«----------------9 ~

. '■Cllr LlmlU"1#:«-N iw i • I

. M o to ro la ^----------Phono -2(64-------------

* ruoA T \ *“

..d iU —W«tUni-Xla«------------------ S—'•R.ndr nid» ATana" ■

— 7— : -'4 :ia—N.wi and^lnt*rr|m' B

Tll»—niii-TlB-TIo .a .

■ lifr -To n* AnaouBr.4 ■

______ HATURDAT_______ » -r ^ i l * iWMli iil'TnS. ■ a—

l:««—Uuilo Tlao ■ .' Ili^Cow^y _______ ■ •.

■ - ” — dilU-TbU 1* Our-l>aad--------- a . l

«tl(U.SII19P . • .

l;5E5szi/$l..*« > :7

fVa'a'a'a « i ' l «■ a ■ a a a ■ ■ ■’U 'lf

Page 10: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

ib t e i r 'T E N — r - ; -------------

At the Ch

-----------riMTTTCTnbnnn--------■ lh»hoa» *r>d Ko«rth •••» C.W. A. MicArlhir. •jlnliUr

■U Y»-. 1:10 t>.mi Munilo. llor 6<ouli md n.m.. 7

Kfij’s S J S : S '- ,T S S .“

|c;t V8Ca tlreln tn»U Jihiir-.I.y M /nllo.i! p.m. >h j l> Ift. 1. Mtluck rilnntr In clDr {<•'>>■ > P-” -- *'«>i f t n to. :! Mr>. Kr>H Inirihtm. l;:o )<.»■: Nn.I lj _ . Mr*. MlHon r«, j;jn p.m.: Nn. *,

I * K . ' — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i m r t - cI ^ i . CliniHTIAN HCIKSX8 Ilflnk.

! ' 'p U'Cctrno •ml >lc«llh WUh Kr/ In tht Kcrlp- >1 >!•r,r«- hr Mtrr lUk.r K.!dr_wlU r.llx .

;': .y ^hrVont>"»ln*T»"w«*"*«'il '-' ^"nnc Jhot»LM* Ifsm tlrlfnr* <nd lloUh: -A<k ?i>ur.

r« lih r^ J- .* ‘ "r‘TruIh »nd L0V.7 If .n. rlil 'nI <!«y. Vour frulli will l>roi« wh»l Lhl l<' „ h* unclrfilindin* ul '■■»! liilnsi tn m»« >*llir L >•.:« tg|;g Aik-Ui. Th* CDU*n,-T»>l ti Jram IlrX ■ I .tvlilcu* ••.'*r>'tl* unlo yll ih» »c,r. .lumlr ' r r»««llon nf lh» »hllilt«n nf Urj»I. »nd Jnhnu

r i lINITKD'nHKTIIllHS•nilfrf .vrnui •ml Third ilfMl »t.l

; / 1# ,,m.. Sumlur •ch'~l. 11 ••"■•.I -rrcnnn hr tti> Ikv.. Vrrn ()>l>irn. JrrnRir,p,ni„ CKrIiiliin Kmlcvl.r .».! lUfvr.lfri, '

, ■ . I).m.. worthln; nirmon l>y lh. ll'». Vt- wrn. I p.m. TuMil«r. M»n'* Hfoth.rh"o.|««." n r : «u«i » r.m. W^n«d4r,

J .V J ii,hop I.ior.1 Khr -III •?«!>.

i j r N e i g h b o r i n g ! i | ’;

— : - f € h u ' r e h ' e s — ^

1 T ' ■■" ■ ' *" ■ ' * TurtJiI. 1 . • nCIII. CKKIKTIANk.huli I!ro»Jwir •! IVi’l»r ------*'** B.» I_ A»1<l. KlnUl.f

I 10 i.m.. lllbl* *rhoo1. Th* Itumpliiillil'rt .: ind >ounC «HuU illbir KbMl rlttm >111 H

I I » » nn mudoof •fr-rlc. .1 NuuSocI-.h ntf }\

r;,- • uck dinner *l nu«n: ll<ir HopVini will JVi" *"

r-'i .“S^ »ill b«'ln UuKI: rtprriffnUllvt* from All cIau.

1 ^ .t tU CbrlnUn «hurch«‘or t nit

k ^ U ;*llr«1»«f« p.m. » p.m., *on«:SnK«‘i ‘n': .V r:'oV;-^’r .l '.; .^ '.T c :rn ':" ^ l i s .

I - * Janf.unc. for .dulU *l Ktlthilin Julr 11* •dJ»U'

|« a r t .•rm«dUU» «t K»«£um 7 uliT3P Jr-n r* li. Htr. I • r j * bUnU.tor .11 ef Iht.., »«nir* •"*1 fnf.S'>r* l, !uftr>t«BC«» ««:»B-ihi thuMh-Bfflc*.I w * ' ■ BUIII. n lisT WARD U)R elt'.Vl u l l •:>» a.m.. prinlhood mMIInr lB:>t *.m.,I H t i nntlnx. II n.m.. «unilir xhcH.I.I B i P '"- •*<'<>>>*•'1 niKlInK u fonawi;“ChocM lh», Itlihl": invocilliin.‘-< c !- i W s h ' r U U SI ' Orlntbood Fitsld'*: ilrli pretram ipoli- chure ( -. ,.- |r. Dflon* S«ia.ppl! »uhj*:l. "Oppaitunl. !• th.J 'U « {gr B«r»lc« In lie r.ItU rri)»t*m"! VO.

r T :U eela. U lnn QuIfWri moln upfiktri. K.1la< ''aul Huat *nd Conloa l)l>rl«k; ioni. I.lnf

i , . ; |"(k>a U* Wllh You-: b«ntdkltnn. It» ihllJh,\ I riwmpMn. »»g ium. n u r td tr , I'rlnnrr.

BUHL SECOND WARD I.BS 'prinlbooil niMtlnr. Klilo t.m.. ID.

^••*!-;8UBd»r leBoo!. » p.m..-»««r*m»nl«l ifn» f!»fr I 'M ien (ollooti Soni. "lllfh en tha U»un- n.m.. !• W « I"'#'*"®"- 'Vlllltm J. MIlLr: •’liod;U ' » I |»clBlur«l r»»illnr. Dorothr D. Ow«m : aae- J ir .,I IraniBUl *oni, "Ntarar Ur Clod toThra"! pr*]>< I . , ,1 iKwilitn. Sharldan Owaiia nnd Bhiion Hob.[ .. '. ‘ l*rla: vocal aolo, Laulia Jebnian; tpokrrt.(•'(i:, ‘l*m!dtnt W»U»r Turu»» and Urt. Tiir-

' l jUr* of tha praaldincr nf thp Haw.lUn ml.-, , Itlon; aonc. "Cnma O Thou Kins of KlnKi": 10I ‘ ! .(wnadltllon. Harr UI1l>r.J« p.n. W«lnr» X p.' : . ' t <»7, KIA. ItTa-m. i'ftdar. T'lniarr. l*afHI ^ ^ itiiilrLw i i WKNDELI. METHODIST► r- 1 J . D. Ctaia, putorI : . . . .. 1«!l* ■-m,, thureh »i aludr. 11:10 a.m..

't>r«.Khe«l rtliatM. TlJO p.m.. MVK. Hob- »;Ji.t*a .,ila r Ihniush Hilurdijr murnlnr. Intrrnit* Inr r . \ Idlala camp al Kawloolh UtthiHll.l camn n«tb ',/*■ W th ot Kalrl!»ld: a llilh .T lh and >lhi ; v ‘ yhVriday!*WSCs’'i 'nf«T m«irn7i

plcnlei brim Ubla atrrica.l l i l l ' i i Biriii. m sfn A p T W T . <it cJ lW '. ! ... <00 >4onh Ninth a.Mu.- prr.f

Ik . .... .. . ahlp; conerxatlonal hrmntlnK and Hrmon. .! ••Wh.n Naw Cloth Shrink.." X p.m. W..|. «:<■ i ' n.ailar. Hour (or Tow.r. 3 p.m. 'Thiiriclar. riaia.|l* - :, Wom.B'a'JflMloB .oclety al th. .hurrh; 'ThaI -AoparLilhroD-tlrtl^ ln ♦hMt«of-‘ba-P.e- p-m.-

I . gran and lh« Alira llarlon'clrcl* hoit.ib|llf. ■ nA(iEn>iAN H irH onisT ^;J t ‘ J. D., pa.tar

■'iM I K ath^U l M l^“MrlhV(‘ X fW .|;‘au'«!h.- '^ 1 ."ith aigd Klh iradlra nf laat rrar » .|. , i..B[n ieomr.iS P.m. W.-ln«rf.T, W6CS: Ifwral r : r l ; t l t n ^ l |»I_»»_th. bom.a «t Mra. htnr.1 IIU-

i i p j r ----------------------------------------------------—

M i < A J y t r * ' -------1 JCROUe BIULE DArTI.<iT.

i f t :101 I |]0 p.m!’ xiiin* rcaplt. * r.m.. prf»thiat.| ^

M ft r^ ’' ‘d 'ii"H ’dli''‘ r I

'I 'p -i^ ' Thunday. p rir tr mr^tlng.___

i p ^ E ^— ^D U R IN G BALANC

I |M G I N |pB M I n i ta l ta t io n

I j j i V A B O R CH A R<

■ l i • C ^ ™ P ^ c ^ ® 'S t o c k - F o r d Iif t — ---------------^ - M o d e l s C a r s - a n t

S i "O ther-iT i'o tces o f Com pora

t T U K f O N i v « > T (f e ........... ...... "

- ; J ~ ................ ...............' • ’ ■ _

h m : e e h e s - - l lIB jM llU llc H -b F ^ IIl l T JB

Cor««r.'w . >;1l»" (;rM"..P«iar ‘

a .il am Hiindar *<hlMil. .lu:l* » inhIp; »ato. ->1;«-

i s : i " J s “ -" i s? i ; ; si?V rld .r . Caravan pro.ram f«id Utav... ' ■ »•


i.i>» —, , l k tk i.' ___ru^h-VnirTHlti'r.n ftm

a*lD o n. H'm.lar. 1-natd "I I tu tlm pTl nil'lin^nLj^tdutAUgg. ^

"suid-rti l l r^ " 'a o J '’r a r« :t? 'p.m. —---------- rvm sT -ciiiiik iiA N —

nithari n.Vill.r., mlnl.t.r “ >'*

s h ; ; . t . r t a " ; £ S s “ ; r j

nh?loi" n r ^r* iclllnii'. J

__ ■ TAiBT. »;uWAUi>-» rxT rnn .it; ^

l?.li" 4 I'.m. W^.'l«»ar m ..., a LVii/MjIon.; .'tituntar aflrr.'»on.. th . '.« * nf cir.i KrW.r and ' " ' " ' I V

„|rr <la» .c"ri<iel«l In «h«rfti h*''Urtdar and Thur.dar avantn*. . .W V.m-

- I'liw T ’im Ftiht -;-----NIiitK avrnu.’at •‘ hn.Hnr.a «.»» »H. K. Cf«w. Pa“ «',.„ - ,, 111 am.. -«or.hlpj aarnwn, "«n»‘ } « « __1, i br^r«unVlnkl.r.^llj.n.;.^n^n.j _

rin .tT cDi

„ ' . 1 , s s r . - i s ’* . ™ I.., 5n - . :

l« ,h ip . 1 B.m.. Ma"

VAU.Bv'ciiVriBTUN, “ '{I.'.‘?';;'-;’.V rbtl:'‘;lVi' u ii

Ihureh: a r . ^ " ‘ trr i5« ^"'d*™ *ThTr*aar'.*CbfliHan Wom.n'. I.X

L .hlu'^l Iha rr»-l n«»<* r«l'l«nc. I’al. v Chl^nho and CY»-,.

IhU-Wt^W. _____ . »Ai:hA cr BiuLK t

. Jto TJilrrl avrnu. north 577M.rjl B. N.mnKh. paalar

10 a.m . Hundar aihool. l l a.m.. •oraWp; « Oaf» Baundata wlll-btln*. Iha mCM '- •f!i^ia‘ii!iTVoJ th-i^uiii.^” - tT .;: ^daV Youih"mbl, achool. • P.m. Vfri«..0./. r f t t i i t tnaftin*. _ _ _ _ '•**


a IfJL worih n TIJO p.m. .W«ln.idar. «

lnJ‘*ra%'?”and «‘rmSn ' J„ ,h almkln.. ______ •



'^ V*"«o.M”c«ri» !« ' Daiuior.." i I f, 1 -

Asp h a lt Pavinf l _ |pD R IV E W A Y S . i

i ( P A R K IN G LO T S !2 L E L A ^ ^ .u ^ R E A S - ,--------------- : _


Pre« -EallmftlM — Very J — “ U c a s o M W r r ic c s " j-P lnA nclns Can Bo A rrnngedl— ^

C a l l C o l le c t .JE R O M E 1 5 - ^

~1 S l l i T d _ - W 6— C o i i s t r u c t i a n C o . p


S C E OF^ .lU LY — ^

■CHANGtS ■Installed For Only, S

[l E n p i n c s F o r - A l l — - • — an d -T ru c k s— — . ------- —lo r a t lv e U w P r ic e s ! . ' ' a

r O R S 7 l N C r - f

V PE R S O N A L S •,W lbO,*.^o., not drlnK,«r 1

In corraapond with «.nl1«m»n lh«t UW ~ti« alfohallt*; r s f h l W " >''•>•'>*••• “ ■

Wrila Iloa W.;« t /o Tlm«..N>».. •<iA R D OF T H A N K i. . w ahl'u thank ail tha-tnid-TSin

>h» Irnt th .lr irmpalbr anil trip in our hour of na.<». , Nn v.rallh nn r.rlh li aa valiiaWa aa frlrnJ*. To t:o<l. nur Doclcira yl • nd’ frirnd. wa ».t.nH our humlila.1

■’lO T nJ^T T a^ir^ lB tiK ^ ^In In all th . lo.clr nur.t. InIha hoipllal a v .rr alnr.r. anirbrartfrll ^ frtiiB^ ef ll* j;®;| *‘il“a"« a*M»Pl oiir ■1.»l>».t aff.rll-.n and thankt. U In tha fului.. wa In nr^d a*.In.of au«h i^rvlr., » . ahall, hi.ld nn Jrclln* of ilaubl lo lh» <ai. w. will r< rk». Trun In >mif Jnrtnr., nur.n. an.) /alth In (lod brln» /..rlh rnlf.riM w. tfMom b.ll»ta In. In T«ln Kail, and Ih. vall.r may ilahllr W Iiruiid of _ out anJ .j.

’ Si<^UUl Coiaauar«.~MiL l ^ l a uantiui. !!0 tnJ «Mnn« w i . rh on r^m i^ . -

Ali:UIIULI(;a Anonjnioui. Wninaad^' <1>9 ” *“l‘s9.H *- " T R A V E L - a - l i E S Q m _____

' H/UNIHHKD ealdna : Itar, w»»k or mtinlh.• •■Ctrnr Ceva" 10 mll^ >ip Waim Sprint..

K.irhum. Writa l>oi il« . Tocatallo.' • Mahn. . ■_________ : ___________‘ ULAIIK-MlLI.KU fuaal taiieb op.B tor Iha' *ro‘nr«ll*"«ri.'''Df'^?.‘ cUrk?VhoBa*r«J." 102 SIh Av.nix-Nnrlh.: LO ST A N D F O U N D

, »-l)UNO: Th. I'«.l plac. In 'f- ln Kalla lo bur or traila lawnmow.ri. InUrraaunUla

'■ a’r “ ATf:0^^^j,^narlh f l>'f Ti’f l'b 'i"J r n /r t>lfV.nn. n;:t^.J«. Kil«r.

I LOSE MONEY■f L ON YOVR LAST MOVE? •y . i i_____ ._ ,.H E N T _,:, ,,— ., -» T rucks—Autos’

IDAHO U-DRIVEI - IIol. (ia«i-a..Wa.t.i iMlnll ' Phnna 33:T*ot l4 0 J -» hour. Dallr

1 S I T M ^ I O N S W A N T E D ~f CHa'roX-haj'-btullnr-and-alatklnr^-J’hon*b g». n i.r . •__________________[; WANTKU eualem bar ballnt. m a B «1. 01»;-UII. Jamm>. ___ ____I- KNOX Curula Lausarr. » H «Ui Avasua

“ ir* ^ L IN('‘‘°tV**‘ l >r»tf 1 ~ 'in«. rhana i» > W . _________ j_

CUHTUM^^UAV haulmt and au«kli>«.

, ALL TVl'ES al botiaawork. WalU. calllnit.ll 1-hoiia «T.nlni«.________________" rAMILY^^roBln^.^mM'i laundrr. «urlalBa

f WANTKDi Cuilom bar balim, wlra «r iwlnr. rhona John rifr.on. m?UW.

O'UCLL NUlUmT^ CHIJ «ar». day at. hour. Pbona S;i«H-ll. Twin l.alU.------

ClIKTUH bay ballni, wlra lla. Call li:»-Nlt W(er* T a.m.—a fl.r « n.m.

ll UUti'l'UM uueklas w»iiu3! All farm . oroduela. I'bone 0:7»-Ill2. Twin fal'..■•. tbcmitKi^eUD lan<lKap.r. K a r d a n a r .I. wanta work. Call 74( .Tanlnii. A.k far

" uVritirACToilY cualom baiina. 2 h W a n alrlnf Hr.. Uoni Uarir, llaniaa. UAr>, ______tlUSKV Mii.uurl bny. llj wuulil Ilka work on'farnl er dairy, or "whal hava yuu."

: Lof.l raf.r.nt..- Phun. 1I3M._______n. CKHUiT work! Uriviwaya. aldawalka. •* (loera. paliea. porcbra.‘Ulock worL l'r«« r. rftlmalaa. I'hona lVO»-n •v.nin*..

ClisTUM ^ay or a ll . . . rbopplnr liar bai. Inc. tirin i or wlralTr.' Call KImbarIr a d tr < p.m. RArfi.lJ I*S4IT. KaroldKrlfVa<m.__________ ;_______________

p. CAKI’tJ4TKR WOUK—All hmaa. N.w r. aon.tniclion or ratnodrl. brl.k vanMr am It plailarlnf. Dy hour er job. Pbooa UI»>W

nr 0!4tltl. ___________LAWNHUWrum to •aarp.n. I’owar l4Tug,

Hand t^OD. KoUry 'tI.lO. . F m pickup■ nd dtllrary. InUrmoimUln Vual Cob.

I" yM ai^'^allry . KTp.ri.B<*<l ep.rator hai "• N.w IlollanH Iwlna baler. Call afi.r

t p.m. «2TM(I. A. J. Call.non, llouN No. 1. Twin Kalla. I.lahn._____________

in . To Call iU M t,.. Far aprarlnct l:arwi(i. aphli. laathop.’1 __MAOIcVaiXkY ptST ,tONTR

1. ^RAVISO"j Comslata Paat Cnalml il.rrUa (er traaa.* UwBj. <al(la and hulldlnia.



DandellOM. T ro « ,-6 h ru b » ,.e lc - -

. ------------------- EHONE-MQ________ __

I ~ h e l p ~ w a n t e p ^ f e m a l 1 ~U:.'(I-KI<I»NCKI) lady coek. Apply In par-

j>:XJ-t.lUKNCKC) '.><"• n;otnln» ahitT

U:NllUt;ltATIIII.t fnr .Hr .llrarlory o.iliidr ■ wn.y. Api'lr ISO Main . nnrlh.___

E' H E L P W A N T E D — M A L E

>lffilllK.SCKI> hnrn. avpli««r. and T.l ^

nl]!;r»«’!*'i” rn":- ^;^r.Mui'''‘rr u 'U 'Z 'rm^lh. Kamllr hoaplUl .urKlral and Ilf. Iniuranf. Wn.dl.. D.p.rtm-n^l, alo ra di.-(InaBtV arHtl*'wH*h tn.ny «'l*»n‘*»'*.»nfl'r'mpr»ia"tfrvlra-<iprralliin, —Wa In.


. -llnn.n.«-.iippBrtnr«tty—for—rtWHrnfrd- ', qg»lUIta,n..n ta nn».gL3uulhrrn Idih-'i. |:

dlilnni, pald^aeallen and Iniuranca ban.(il>.

; -.I^ITCWW.I^KONT- t o m - tA L M —I ___• i'iiu . * a ; - i L - _ _ -

i _ - w a n t e d ; .; ,■ I;:■ R e f r ig e r a t i o n , n iiri :

; —- - M a in tcna ticc^M nn • !—M ual B« Experienced—

. Good Sninry .''' s ic n d j\~ ^ > T r - '■ Around Position.. Csll or W rite :

' ' ' " . ' j a c k D f F E ^ K

Elko, Nes'dijn ,

— ' ‘-TIM ES-N EW S,


^ ul»ja n..'.I .. or” r 'u.iib»rt?"M o‘*K'imb.rlr iload. ,ho TuUKft-MAN IR 10 :2 l« undarali a i. Junior ri^uli^r. Naad^lrpl"* and roi

'lin <|i!^l(‘rallont and raqunC Inlarviaw. PJ .III Ilnx 'KO.

H E L P W A N T E t r " *11; M A L E A N D FE M A L E• n<! TKa'cHKIIM NKKDKU. Callfucnia. w»

arn alatr.,. .Salarita tt.VUU up.. T.achi Spwlall.t* lliirrau. Ilniild.r. Cnlnrailn,

_______ S A L E S _ H E L P _ W A M T E D ,.2-* n i n n n u A n i o i i n j ^ ^S tI -.>W*Ra»pl» anJ D.lalla— ------------

‘V« HaVaa ap.ninir a.ailabla (nr r..P«n.lbl __ .aal.anan le call on r.lall li

p lla n c . (urnilura and. bad ns llnM Only m.n wllh prev.n aal« ahllUr ri.

1 ^ alrins.a aal.a (ulura applr. Hal. nil. Uanaiar will work is (i.Id wllh ma: ■'‘®' chot.n. In rrply «i.a a»«. a.illni ai

rta! U Iloa W-H a/» T imr.-N.wa.' ''HJ. I

” B U S IN E SS O P P O R T U N IT IE11.- MII.K roula for ial». W.OOU. Wrlla I

___ W.til. f/» Tlnin-Nfwi.• ra. FUK TIIAOK—Nnl for .al.. IMinil mo■-• .Vrnnm hnuir. I’bnn* aiBK._______■_a to FIIIST Cl.ASH 5-l-iy arrvif. .lailonUln Iratr. July l«. Lo<al.<l on Ualn aln

far. FOR LKASE tnod.ta larvKa alailon. (1 bip. lotallon. Sailing nallonally advartl _ _ nrciluflc Call l.l.nhona number 3. __ j tWl'KUiaiX ln ,Maiilc _Vajtey'a IuP

HMAI.I.• fnr—dnsT-ln-or-mhrr—^ I ’nua.- Ph.

c :u . Fiikf. • . _____for aal.. Conlacl Hon Walk.r al Iha II

-KaUU Cmttr.-- irmel -Owyhtf. Bo Phnna 4».*>3. S; . . .ninif. J-<Hli-.

" I FUll MALK: .Small cafa ^dolnk *|kkI bi

Hena Ft>IC~8Al;K—»>ll—liKAMK.—fiifly—an“ip^ Inl.rnl fortra »al«.' 'ja rk Oior.ll

i:i.nni K.rry. Phuna SBll or i

7^ . Ualn North. Pbena 3»»l* *, BEAUT-Y. iS H Q P & ; ^

CUMKLKTt; modars baauiy a.rrlea by ulna wVvrtf l/.00°ap. Arll.tle tlaaulr Ba___ Uauty *<tvlca i l a4«a<IKk. (tuiIaBU at' raduead pricti. Jonlor 1:rn :---------------F U R N tS H E D R O O M S’ * ' COUL, pri.ala .ntranca. t i P«r w..).,

’ • ' aLKKI-lNli room nrar balh. 444 4th t ^nua Nnrlh. I'boM |li'Jt-M.________

aiVtih asc'fi.M.144(" PLKA8ANT nwin. cJo.a In, (;.nllaman~i

^Jfi" IIKDKCUIIATKD bairmcnl^rMRi^for it

;*(i; LlliliX, IIOUaKltKKPIN^i: rwtn for ail

rS Tn Pl,KAMAf^T; sch»I W . nrar bath.^Pri' UAr. anlrailc.: r.aionabla. 4)1 !nd ava

F U R N IS H E D A P A R T M E N T’ i “ UUaa, up. Prlvata balh. I4U. Talrpt

a[iarlmrnt. Ne t

1 7 ^ UUUKIIN. ciran aparlmanu Adi

« iw D11PI.K.X. rlo." in'. Nn’chlldr.n o7 i

Nllil.\ CI.KAN ona rtfum Bparlnanti~Ad jkug onir. -'.'.2 tih Ha.l._______

—— *>n>, d'lih.i. 3nd'. nnrlh. •*haifouN ] ^(l)()»l,S. P '^a ls ualh_^ ^.Mra

UIIUU.NU I'LUURi tuum and balh. Ad “ n nnlr. ulillli.. furnl»h.J. I’h.ina 1411.

o»- rl.'an iiH /a l^ ^^ l’h^ aml^^nifa^^^

• jl'WO' apartmrnta: * 4 -room. ' and—— - rwni-and^-balh. H»»t. hot jj '* '"

~ n U r^ F U R N IS H E D A P T S .Uliri.KX iinfi|rnl.hH aparimrnl fnr 1

4.ROOM. l_:.<mr.r tloor., hot wi

MIKDIIOOM. ,|lip. _Norta Loeu.l“ «p

~ ilrand r

---- I'I.AUCK riwni., ni.Klarnr“ I3iir-4rvir

PARTLY (urnlihni 1.4 room. In KImba

S.— 2 UKLIJtOOM with flrrplar..-|.ar»a III ___ r.>nm anark biir. Il.nU (or liO a moi

J lIliuM unfuriiiahrO. a ir.n l r.frlc<^a

-E _ J limtiiiiMM. Phnn. ai'in.w. TwiTTT

(m W ^aliM Jrrr---------- :?= ■ ____ ; - r r r— U N F U R N IS H E D H O U SE S

' II.NUi' unIMIKC) ;.l.wlmnm hnu»..'Uali£---- 3 IIUUH.S and balh. Cloaa In. Wat.r pS _ I'hoiT l>. ____________

MOIIKIIN :.i.rdriKim. fcil|^n*.

' [[j' 7 IIKUIIIJli>lT lliilana rania aiid furn

S,‘f J.HKIIKUUM Arim. wil^ atok.r W

• In. ” ?:ar!i'^'^tiUtrPhVn.'^^^^^^^

----- jTirKiiTniDMr cumpl«ir|y miflri‘n~Uar— I i..rlU -W n"..J..-..ah , 4»,. . . . I J.m

J IIKUi:0(t.'t.'i. Kar.^r; .ultahirfnr~r01. . " l l . . * . '7 " —!!.!.j ' ' . V ‘ u


~ ; - - - - - t :__________________: . r . - -

S M IS C E L L A N E O U S F O ^ ^

' ’*'*>!»ln iMith Phnn*."--*’"

. T R U 6 K S F O R R fcN -T t


E A S T 5 ,P O I N T S S E R V I C I.pnhNi: I50J

? N : F A i ; L S , : ! D A H 5 : — -

■E M tSCELU N EO U S FOR M .ontaal TAllLUl aad chain fer all oceaa -___ InlanaouBUln PnaL Fbsna IM.

r -^ -H O M E 5 :F O R ::s7 a :E =ad. 3 IIKUROUM hema ler aala. I l l Ran

Twin Fall.,________________ -----I rom. 4.RUUM bouia U b* noyad. lUreld Ur

i:..n.l MI.r. Phona 14S-U.P - 0* “ “ “ BKllN ^hnuj«^ on lar,a“ nT;3

IN JKRUMK: 2, Badroom. n.w. FuU m.nt. Kood Inrallon. T12 Kaal

wait. » IIUUUH aod baltk AJr.adr lackad > tch.ri mo».. Phnna flljt-R;. Buhl. CharlM :

FAKMKll.S—Warn a tananl hou .a tl p naw^Ana-badroon. tbaapi Phona (<A

Plai... LOVKI.Y NKW 1 brtroom brirk hon .ui.lli, Aluiraa Driva. altaehni la ri tr ; (Ir.i

~ai«»-J t~r aprM'lntmrnl..________

■ quarVar7.''^ol»l'llV.'?«a'S7Vi:^„|i,la- -nKDUCED PRICK, sou.1 homa.

I Avanua Kail. .Now only 11.000. •;* 1 NKAIlt.Y NKW, «la»n, Iwo b*lrooL V r : K . t , Jra iK IN S_______ l;,t )<~aln Avanua" Wr.l

' SPIC AND SPAN. 4 rsoma. CarP' ' livlnc >num. Ilai.manl, alokar, le

_______ yald. >li»alnln s s imiCK > Wdrimm.. D.n, Carp.Irtt.-n i S i •wirh“rhl. 0" . “' *____ _ CKCII, C. JONES_moi.l.| Up.talr. llank^A Jm .r^ Boo

7„~ I MrmWr nf°Mult?iV. M.lin«

3 f =>arl(.ad ' LOTS O F LO TI ____,a wrll plai.i.rd on. flnor hom.rm ln<-! &U::o. liral.Ioi. AttraeUvt.,«Aleoul*| and.ronno .rran|a<l for ronvanli Nrwa, I an'l rntiifnrl. 1 brdrnoma, livinff ri .icu.k I anil a.paral. <llnlnc room ara rarp.

eralliinl IJ>:o kllch.n. (Itlllly room wllh ilr r S e „ : - A ^ d i f d -y u

— l>‘rnv*<la ..llln i. Prlea 113

'’•Bot.I I R R I G A T E D ---------------1. I L n n d .s C o m p n n yhaaUll* r**""* *‘®“ '

Thla lo..1y hnmaj>n al r 34* j ["Ir'-ljn ..ll. l^^b.jdroom. on (1_____ li'*U..m.n*i''‘»llh"f4 T!a!h’. Till. "______ha. Iha .«tra.~waiar agfl.nrr. .!

'"*• fnJlni?i!”r In '"Iilo“ *8hould'’'aVa*■ plara i-i ap|ir«lala iL ,

E , W T M c R O B E R T S ' “‘salon’! ' C o m p a n y

~ ' - - j h o n c 3 9 0 'nd «elJ I ■ _______

: C O Z YJl.ra ll a ll(lla, hom.^Inrala.

_____ f.*on'y !;.;OoI'[mnr.i'la*a*^«aaaIa«

------------ T -W iN -F A L L S —.r man.; R c ji l ty & I n s u r a n c er",i„';r,i m Main Avanua FU»l

Phonaa l««l anrt >11 J’ri.ala MKUULR MUt.TIPt.r: LISTlNl avanua SERVICE

n t T ., ---------tirphona 2illtOIlOok IIOMU Cl®.j ,■■■- 'I Iha builaa*. .ll.trirl. wllh baau

P*Hl yard and (lowara. Oil (urnae# h.a- Koud homa (or >nmK>na whn want

' ill.tanra of ihnppln* .liMrltl. Sat* an.I Uadcin eonililrrad.

Adjni,l , L L O Y D R O B E R S O N

r r r ^ . ' l A K cncy227 shoshon# Street North

__ _ _ | Phone 5_U • TVln F

I f l l• jAduliaj rtny-«lrp.*aHT"m.*r'ha"?m

a. ion! -NKw'wKU.’ CONSTIIllirTKD «m. r~Ti~2 *’"w i*di4* 'r’*'*5''r r (iip-j m«.lrrt. Wifh.n, '"pi»^n>r hMilMn., '

r a rr .ja . nul.lil, ■rllr^lmlll.^ '1 :____ WK lUVK HKVKIIH Mill ACIIKA

I T ! ; !r . K . A D A M S '

«p»ri-| Oftlce Jn n«tilenc<»—— 311 Ftllmore Phone

rv iiw r — -

Imbarly. KXrHPTIONAI.I.Y NH'K 1.|IKI>II( :|7. hnma wllh addlllonal ha.|i,..m an>l i

______I N T ^ ’J.Y RKMOIlKr.Klt J.W iC homr. i.arl hai.o'anl. am|.:. I..i _____ a,l.|lih>oal hnn... wrll l,<aiH nn Nn »;all..! I.IK'UII. Mi~lrrn ' «<rrpl hr.l. P.r V mh' ' O'llrk .a’.. ImmHlala p«»»

j •Will laka «nnd loan.

!o.'h«aa: -.^z irJn^I-W ilfaU A O E N C Y -

'ES . Miiliipla I.iillmC j iU l ' rha.. 5. l.oon.r-V;..nlni. Ph. i: .r p.ld.'. . _____________________________ _

t a k e t h b ' l a n d l o r d -_____ I O FF YOUR PAY ROLL

r i . . . .» l , wall . arranar-l 1 Will

B B j t a a g ! ? J g ? g 3 j y

Jii.l ..M .nnii*h'ln ha.a Iba (Ina — alrwcllp and >ounK .ni|U|h In l.. 1

_____ r»«fii,.nl, xar>>f. (tnc.d r«r.| '

_____ ; .in.UI<J_",llh-lhL.l.ul-ot.l£Uin-------

------ ^ -H JA U O -m C A L T Y - .-

— ■ .J3ui_dtan-elBM'Xn.Jigm».ii«i-ll.

tENT~^ >".I-fu-rnae.. Only .... :................. tlFr 4411] 1 ll..|„,.,n^hnm., out a way., b.|t,*

■ - .n.f.douhl. l a r . i a, r.,yi lii„

' f Fnr p*rtnnal alt.n'lnn le

WRB nO B rN SbN -P E L C m .U NL i J ^ . ----------- ^ l) .lv .- l» llr»l"’l»,_:.~„[(3 2 >l.„._Ar.nua W „i.., ; |„ ,

M.mhrr Mullliila I.Mmr

RENTi — HOMESTFOR S M tnS iH L C7l6i>M medarn heuaa. lornl.kM

“ homV”en‘‘pirr'c“ s i r iu ' 'w i! r., „ Kull baiamant. »arafr. plca hi' *'™ • flmall down «paym»au Inoulra W'

A .." ..!—I I on Wooil rlraf. Cloaa to town iVallrr. «e.!.rn .i t .p t

<■ - huU... l.lfphona, achopi hua. Iull h u .. anoi (nf .umm.r hnuta'or r.l v.nua 11 Ownrr I. .mploya<I aUawh.r.. an

up-? a l a aarrltica. WrlU Bo* A-l. </•

(JArmid ~ ^

m J : Z Z T I H O M E - Z :

— “ H f O R S A X t e :

S i l l : . B j^ O w n e r

f i k u V i " ^ G . 1 . A p p r o v e c

---------- !j . 144 T y le r -

arn.l.d W— leraly - --------

rd.oll. 1 NEW CINDEIl BLOCK H(

'** ; lit.' n.u'V’iJllV fo'r“un,l.'«pinr*.llnin; rnnm. two*K)int. k

Boom I . iialh. ullllly ro<im. ^Iraplaca am • I iilalrsla»i windowa. Lar». wai

* I Kilra amount of cablnit renni—

1 liulll In wllh houir. Hard and t /Wr>.'Ili>ua« iii3g. dnubir lii.i (lara*. :o»:4. Ixil ISiiSCU. W^N

lAletloc. unpnrr Pioal anil'liunanlanea ; hleh point o( around, Cno.1 lawn( room I (ri.,ind for (rult, (ardrn. a<r. Kiirpalnl. . rirlvtway, '.Mlehl rnn.ld.r ira<l.1 drain. | _,u«jni,lltr.liou«a jropeclyJoca’I'anlan i ~n«..lon-';-wll.-Wa.t-tmm-No,111 000 Mrnadway on lll»hway 30. lluhl.113.000 I Siaplaion. lluhl.


• ~ ~ ~ r.AU'iK OH HMAt.t. Any parl n— t -prnprr-rrrrmanU-fnr-all-tyiwa.af1 alrr.t I and In any plica ranta. ll.a tln (ItMir, • iratlor of your rhoica. your nwnrdroom. I or wa ran provide plana. 01. ia hou.. I eonv.ntli>nal (inan«lnf.----- —

jU;?;- 1 — ^ a u 3 M o ^ - M o W t >^ anil : Tiirdioom, 5^5^Ju«*Sr mova laa Ihla | 1*00.00

Sm u.'barura you build ar buy.

, S W L M I N V E S T M E N T .............. PHONE 581 „

I J-IIKDHDOII nmCK—(n.w). Vi■Had on ' mrnl with ap.elnii. tp^r.ailona laka. ; pill, two nmra Udr.nma ami r i'rna ra - ' bath. Allachr.1 laraia. Onlyha prica ; K.WO » 1H 1>»"'II'',t|«s.---- : S.IIKDIIOOU illlICK nr.r n.

‘ arhn.)!. Flirplara. rarpal.-l. loval_______ . UUUuana-aJ^Ut-ulllHy-tnnm. P

S.IIKBIIOOM Hon.. on KIm.a : Full bMrm.nt wlih racrrallon r

fiirnarr. dUhwath.r anil dlinuai rlMfl - nl>ba<l nr iinlurni.h.d. Only .' jmmRliaia poiirMion. 10% do

* KIMnERLY L„n.-I.o»a1 homa. A rral l>riuly. and pri

' I Qulek aala. Eic.llcnl Krm>.■ M a R ic V a l lc y R e a l

haai. A a n d I n s u r a n c e C o m p

Phona’” . ‘“ ' ” K."nTiI MEUUKR MIII.TIPI.E LISl

SKRVICF.)N I--------------------------- — :—

R EA L E ST A T E FO R !irth !i---------- ------------------------------iF A iu T O B U Y O R S E L

= T S T O T E L S '' ■ - 'I £ee Don Wklker - Heal

hom.. I ATTHK HEAL FISTATE CE: Ho:<rOwyliee LoUby - BoL*

>.rr«ni: Phone 4«SS3S; Evening 3

iMMl.ln I ------:::"T iii i r a n c h e s : ; . r a n g .n iui.r. I "We Hnve 28 of T lirir

I • .Come I n nnd See Ui IKAT.ka allKKP OUTFIT. !.nno c VOUR 7»»lnr an.l fnra.l riithl.. I-.tnhln _______ ()n d^f.W lyd . tamp w.roiia,

I {liM.klnr’‘lh"a'to.* »~I "own! I nn lh. balancr.

ne 304 (i 'ilnd FHAl"oml’ in -" .'h .r^I rntnl dr.lfnara to hpip lou pi

" " “*nf»Ti»imiirh»nnd'f»rmfTTiand aold Ihroiith—'

n-l'rui! ' K I R K - A N D SO Nnil • - lOTThlrd (Ica. ! Phona 41S

'»0. K‘- ~

Wroom SPKCIAI. NOTICE TI) VCTK• /■•r an Only 1 lafl. Naw 2 Uilruum hu n I 'jrth l>a l»nithl for i n rath.• •r»lon. all hat. hardwnn.1 fWita, (lf;f_ _ ; ,lll» halb»-wlih-ahowar.,’ S.a

; .noSX JlVV .I^foft roiUouLaL

* ahad~Hiwn*anVun<li«M^

- __ J ITO AflliK (•ATTI.K nA scili_____ 2:1 yrar a>n,<nd. II.. i

- Tailnr ir.ilK f rlihl. |nn-|nrhrID — \ • -Prl‘V‘ »?j“ 00;'s»% 'V « iT ‘!0 )jIj Iha balincr.^m , . R E A L j ; S T A T E

I** »<•'• , 62B Mnln Ave. N. Phoi Ina ron. ’ MEMBER MULTIPLE Lli

rmiihM- ;

« Jnly- 4TI£ O P JULY SPEC■ X JIH.KH n io H ^ V IN l Al.l.;

: .JJAi411>£ji«lti(M£jlultk-**l<--a

--------UJ: imnrnv.mrnta in.irm, ,....... .......I IH-^Vdu-n.^Thl. da. I ' ” ^nnl I

• TiTA\TiTF7:^mrc;.'i7iMr.d,"45!]

It,a (Ina , Jiumr. luoil uulbultdinfi. tIO.OUO ..lj:,000 ; Duwn.Mll h 7 .~ : ;A"VKiry PI.KA-'ilNli'ai.-.l .il.Ii>calli>n. : MriMim hum.. NIra lirlnt ..... .rtltroBO------»r.iriar,i#-hartr<.om..niumy^,„I le your i r r '^ " ' ' *'"* "

llollOU. »J,JOB, Down. '


i 'i ,T » r ■. - . rb n „ ,V „ •r ’ JIa.. IiO*.niH«.|U — tt^n.l.u

- R E A L - E ^ A T E Foir*^r»dll^ '*ln* 'pho ”/18iI j .°n paymaaL tTik jklcoMB

I hi* yard. ‘Fallil Tb.B- wrlla la Bes r »0 riarea Tlmr«.Nawa.

lnTnd‘«u” I MOTEL .I. all.ronm Wa hava tsday'i bail buyu DaauUful Falli. Frama and hriek ronilrtrallrrmant. unila aemplrWy furnl.had an

, an Will aril nnm homa (or ll»ln» Quarlrn, </o TImaa. throuchoul wllh hot walar hai______ _tarn. Planly of room lo build ir---------- .,M a Irallar park. Tourli— I I, now en with profllabla Int— — _ iSMi lILhaadllai’t-WlllOllil ------- ------ 1 .cmZEN'6-AQENO

_____ 1 -phona-lCt-_____ _ lit.- 11Ii I . •. Mambar MullWa U.H.


Vary food Nertbilda KO ae_ j -- :--- 1 ^ *Mll.l>tata p( aie d . ' fair Improyamanla. Land. .I laya wall............ ...... —Want 10 aril that lood 10 W__ , , ! farm. Sr» ui now. .- RO BINSON-FBLtm<

Driva-In Rraltora —I 1 T4T Main Avanua Waal

HOUSE I ■" ..........—daaoralln*. 40 ACIItUS. Wanrlerd thla 4 1*. Uvln«. too. If. only * mllr* (rom I. kllrhan. ihara. watar. 1 2-ba.lroom and laria oulbniidlnii. Thli la a lool < wardrobai. diiellva farm. Haa tha tropa onm. Fur. ua an offrr.bairmant. J. £. WHITE ADEN'■Hi? u..iall iMlsa. Cha.- S. I.n»inar—Kranlnfa P

liumpf"! In • ’ ----.wn. iolof' • EXTRA COOD *» ACHE FAU

• la irowin*. Fall poaicaalon.;------------ --------------DEWEY CAUOHE---------- in <lh au. Filar. Idaho 1E S ■ ------—

lL"f mI!i- .DA«pj:_4'3. A C llM .w .n j, r^hTTon. hkhJay 10 halwran Twin—: Iiwn plan. Klmbarlr. Homa la nica and a. I FHA or *”«'• Sliown appolnlmtn l,_r.iA or I au.iuiri Uuy.r. Saa Ihla loday

I l« ACRU, food boma------' : ~»7inTSn~annirHnlHl Illi] lovad aoon. , jjy vANDESnARK RE

ns Shoahena Bu Soul

r 4 0 .A C K E S

‘1-----------E ro d u c tiv f l L n r

--- ------ h ALL MODERN 3-BEDilXn roJi’rT 1‘i/'i'ii.ood! ' 3 Miles From Bul

n.w.-bifh .- . - O W N E R O J iV iw a Tnvaly pallo.■ V.I.M.1 ~

::’r~‘.m?o'i K . V . E L K I N A G I .[’y’.tii^Mo! Phone lOa ' Bul

Vie rd 7o“ ' FARM IMPLEMEFOR KAI.K; lu-lnrh Ruprr po, Jalty Alll*.Chalm»ra II nr C ir

t^pany “ ilrrrn, rw.trllo”l°“‘k MASSEY IIARRIH "U" Uinrl.m ini, lie* lion. 12.000. Saiabruih srub .ISTINK . I Horma plow. 10-fo,il tand.m - —•<!l»tr»c-Wiollom-plowT-Phoi

^ - ^ ^ 1 B A L E D H A

3LL ■ . . Loaders5: ~ fOADF-ltS'NOW' VAll3 TIUICK RKDS-TRAItteftltor * TERMS IF DE3IRFCENTER |.AUI, RODKRTSJoLie. Idft. wEi.niNO and manukaI 3. 002a WEST .or HOSPITAL-1:

r a iE S 'l l -irin!* ; GUABANTEEDI

• Field Pickup - G round

Ini.;:;:; ■ BALED HJ>. S “' S i -------LOADERJ

' • AdJuaUtblB for AH H . p.i.r.1 hr. I WE HAVF POTATO H?"r.:‘?ou; ! ACME MACHINE V

__ I___________ Filer. Idnha^ 1. I3u»lil I'll I 7 1,.,ON____ '

' BALED HAY L0>, A p roven londer BALED HAY ELEVA. i Z ' . " " ; ...... P O T A T tT B I D 'G IilKfurnif~. . For furrcwlns ou t • '* .Slnillnr In atylo uLaLiiiii al., . —lEosllah-mnde.HldgC i r i l S • P A U L E Q U I P M l

a n d W e ld in g Sh

..^« n,nn”h | P ftu l-B ilr ley Phon« 028

!o' jrar on | ----, ■ - ■ ~l ' ^

P E B A L E R S -

hone 1245 • I95I MM IIAI.F..O.MATH; w Y jcyrtMn ' " cui)illliun and rll-lbllNQ ■ 1*411 1NTKIINATI1JNA1. 10.1I;......>1aka an.oHrr.,

' t OAHK-N»'M-hand-»la-b ----------- .1 «hoic« foi- ins.: . - - lE I lA C I O R S

l.l.« >in h|. ' ’® Iraelor. nooa' W

JJ -uh'if;'.'' T»N'V()ii'i)'tiiyi5F;rAT■ ■J‘ l’*‘‘ ' pric-L_______ ___r T'IN Vonn.FKniaiBON ■_ v.rr I..W prlrai-

: ^M T H rm nA -N K (oui I'r Juo i J DUNCAN .Sla.k.r and M-I- , __I.lkt_naw'..l440,»l*af>nl t • 1 Uaa.1 nKAIIIIOItN alila dal.... dlnln* ' ___ raVa_.,,,....„_„ .,-....

S ,r ; ;- ^A h /D


! Your Servlcc-Mlni ..l.UMM - FO RD TRACTOR D]

r — b e e T j I T ^> R - S A t r - P o ,u i„ , _ ^

: ■ „ ™ " - 4 ;

aoll. naat- Twin L - ■ 1ie« w .io. a/o -

.uV In Twin- inilrujlJon. 12 1 1-H4* j-qhd Ti. ^

i^C ornrim "1 down J,ay. I >-"A" [ , n j , «•»Ainlt.-at*-iu _______htifkj n o y ------ •

.Iitln, I l-f^A S n ja , ^’I Y E 3 ; . . w , „ ^

SALE I .A 'irw »llh.Fiiurt?,^

3TMAN I S C B F o riiF II^ -g j " " Tal. I ts “fo r NEW la j j

" • TnACRjRs*

hU C M R E .M C E w’i

raA C T on ii^W.1 rlr.n prr- " '«1 StIlVlci, j

" ■”* ' 2M .2fld Ave,‘ENCY rh a ..„

Pbona MI ________ ‘t.lilln* . ----- -ra PX . --- ------

--------------- ®*l£ii3FAUM. North ,

l l ! ' ' * T a r ' r i i i ' “ ' ' 'IHEV : '

. ’ HCASI; . 1,.I onir .

■II l o t a l a d en : „ ,, . — i.In Fall, and* ‘nd aoll I. vary ■ •. . J I ”imanl only lo S—JOHN ni rnr_,

™ A L T r ' " “ ; - - - - - - - - - - - - -. 1MW i ; ,.__■ J' I CnUll jiu lll -------------------- ------ —aJ»»/«.«,Y__

. - UntL EQUtnmrnt-ftf ,] 3EDROOM ■ i f you Mn MtdlijKi

,fnrm equlpmwl Bulil ml

^ ^ ' V N , , . g e n e L A R S E V i: --------------------CO.—

A g e n c y ■ p h o n e m . w ' o aB uht. Id ah o ( L _ _ ___________

r^|w.lhul. d l is r j ^ 'FA R M E R S. n k l l n ( A l a n i r d ' a

i i a r r T I U . c o n d u l " G O O C J , U s r fKrublMr. (irahamj r

. H A Y J H 5 U I E

J - . „ . _ I; __ ,nA Y BAinjl A X • i l-NEW llOLLA.SDTri, A.l S)«(».: * S - V — r i I — I N T E n f i A T I O K U l H IV A l L A t l i . K - j l - ' N T K M A T i O H A l W I JAILERS.JIRED , 4_CAS»:'-n.fc>lRTS [ ' «lrn. JUST HAKEUI

^ I I ? . ^ A Y *10 I M O ' ^l [ J—fNTKnNATIOXJtHu*

- - ~ | t-1NT>:iINATI0K>LTni> n f 'U n * ‘ 1—UEAnilUn.VMalSuH :LY ______ ' .•-«MV>;Rr.f»alTr.&«;e d i ■ i - U A V i D i i a m t n u #

und D riven ’ i - r - ' ' T ' ‘ ’ r r f a < i

l A Y ■ :p o ------------r ________ ____ BAKa__

I HelBhtS I )_DEAItllon.SI«.L».> H ILLERSl I I_0i,ivf:n>-k.rii4.»a«E W O R K S I 2- N E i v i q r . A * w . i a .n o , 1— J O H N D m E < .W i

— i-ju h ii.. roRP ___

j O A D R R ' ” tZ iM 43^i*^V rl Tfj g y y r n n n n v i

-PHioB.— - . — -:VATORS AlM.MlnUW*


> M E N T ' ■ "

■ S h o p a n d IM fL E ®02B3J5-ld«. C6MPAl''i'

I — . _ . . y o u B rw oraw -;' ■" ■ ■ , m i i J M i l u l t

! phca* Jn*.®

I'i r h « p . '^ = -^ ~ L I V E S T O C K - i^ t« .T tiring lu.

l a - 1 l 7; . - - T i » 7 : - J M n i r h X r - a ^ g - j ^

it.=!—for pulllni t-TI-Hi — ^

IN traalora at lioutrNo‘ ^ ,g ! liif - -a • e'uiin

' , » « m b l n a W l l t r " i i i i . i i l h i — b y " . i n M l j j

I i V -------- alin-J'afii***' >77- <jya dall.ary . ?!..i .nndltWa.: ......... . t I I » ' l l . j r f J S S ^

' t O B P .

Page 11: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

S ^ - S

^ S i ^ S■ ^ r S S T ^

lei l<xWr box of

” ^ p s = e = i - ■“" • ' ■■.......Mirfilfc.m’J siLssst’iz

e t p lace ^ v a l ley

MG G O O D S - I A U T O S r

r . s p b T c /

(^t'iin'T’n 'ilr '’' ' CLEAN

A - Highw'

— -P 'A Y-<4 i ^ . i i « « .v n » .> » i.i . , .T or'C LEA l

- ^ s E r c

;;:"s ,?';s ; K i " K — ^ ^ —,!!: . . „ r -FM-| ®’! '° ‘’ - ' ^

4 , ; j i 5 5 £ j ’S ;- j OUR n e w

'S .K 1

' L r S s ;

& TRAILERS m i 1

k '/wik!;. b..h, » ■nii» isM CHKvnnun

J PA V K -

i l & s H i B . . ^ ?

j too Bl.-'k K..I Tr

F O R F O R D S ■ ° ” " *•'


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d.w. -i-io".' 50. UNIT;'• ^tci’n wllh flAl h f t

°°'* .z J j _ eASYU SED C A R S Here Aro JuM

U th o f Je ro m o kokd ii.u.

l iE ir i

R = L G E - . - . - = - = -

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I!?a 3 0 : ' ' | i _ _ b a j

.................... ........i -PO N T rA O

S i ^ v;

TKROM E— ■ ; ciwed Bundo

Iftj- 10 A.M. to f l'P J .t.- I---- ^ ' —

" ' - J l . " ■ WA

IS FOR SA U E ^-J. ------AUTOSr


Q U ArhcstP rlccs ' VSED-CAI

. Y -G -A -S -H - miirj'iU^

I rtdo or cash. - You'll i t i i vonn v-i

IS-ROEMER ■ ' ' " i i r c s R EOT ~ "” "T.™5.Vi

— “ ’ — , TWIIv

I ANI) VISIT US I ' e q u ip j ie :


i s s ’

; ; K r ; : . x r . ; r r " ; 1

' a ; e . s : i : . ; r t , ? ! ; ; s ' Z Z ' Z ^ ' ' .

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O al You Any M«Ho ” " * " '” “ u . r . , . D l i a . v l n , . m ,T U m « ,

iS-ROEMEK II" n™™.*. 1 . -M A ,

» DEALERS ro n _ _

* . . - ' \ QMAC Ter

' ~ ll GLEN C

“» ” . . . 3

3ED-CARS ii________

V(! Arc Golnit to Bril -


) S S . . Y OUR G A IN GARS c U s Ail O ffer!.

,SY T ER M S- ■ —

.'.'(imri'w.... - I... MOTO


r r - — : ■ .j

lAO -C A D ILLA C [ '. cDMMEti

n M E S r N B w s ---------


________ •• , - - ___ •

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J A L I T Y 1 " " ™CARS '& TRU CK S | Wil ?ni5S°

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”“ SN G. JENKINS .... s k :"2 6 th Y ea r” | f ™

L E A N E S T . ■JS IN TOWN! 1™°^

L'!^ h « u T »i.ii*w.ii ii>.t. ' 13 f r :ir-threonoui ------------t l » i L«

'•H O '-

, . . , l

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SPAETH ',otor CompanyL p 3 ^ - C M C ^

■'■ - i -A I U Y C A RS w h e r e ' 1' rn,

Y O U -G E T

'.' 1 •'"”? JU A R A N T E liT itA T 1 _: '■•:

COUNTS! . “ =i1.'3 tID A i’ SPECIALS" ^

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iGE BYCO ftlPA 'R l'SO N T '—R

‘0 p a y 'M ORE j

___H U SEET-r'A R-;---------- p - ! ! l n

-C L E A R A N C E ’-’- -- ■ |-ll- j-!

IM.YM^iimVillr r l l l o k ! » ' OOl”:

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iO R E U S E D C A RS j

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R D fePT . SE L L S CA RS '■“

“SH O P V _____ERE CARS I ^ P ROLLINO | ,„ o

V F in e Selection . . i


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A R R O W '■ ON E A S T M A IN v -

1=50 ■ - 0B U I C K

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ii FEr Eiv'fiEii'EE"! Fli1(7 MNIIAO _ l^

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UNION MOTORS, Inc;, - ..

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“& N G "• AT T H E T X rr.O N THE "


m Xk e an o f p e r o n 'T h k e T 7

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. A BSOLUTELY F R E E H I W ilh A ny o( th e Follow ing | R


'. '. .E e e T h e r n T |


2 Big L o ts ' V i


t j n ifiMaUiloa. Mtt.wywi. I-


l« l ClIKV^CT

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Page 12: · B W Kri. vilr - »J »L t;^d> ho. i»^ = rr-r--: I ----------------------= Hudd ISgri^ ilM

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M D ;^N uI)m 3e9"T ‘ 7i

I^He^U Glam 3iH During Jaunt -liSr’ " 'i i C T R o r r . J u ir f l'n n = iJu n n eM I H 3l>rlmB M in u ter U Nu IndlcnKd today " ' W Jhft-would c lam up nbi|W 'o f hl» lour of th e XInllcd SUle* be .K ‘ '^cau*a of the conlrovcrsy caused by iK |^ •■bl* cftrllcr -rem arlu. , . ka ■I?!' ! ."The more -I meet w ith yourU ie * ” 5 ^ ’ r.itiore I begin to feel i t U dnnserous iS f l r t o “ ttiura'er-que*tlon»."-Ute premier *«,

Itold reporters n t ft pre»# conferenw o i 1^1 .’yeBterdfty. " I am io rry to come to R ' i t h U ’declilon.” • . " J

'CV. S' M»ke« Comment '■ita: V—T rN u -u iR d o 'th la to m m en l-w h o n rS tii H repo rtcra-trlcd-to-ffe t-W m -to-tftlfc B|J.W ‘ I nbout h is etatem ent In New York Jh

tJjftt ho hnd ‘drawn- tho Imprewlon Im ■ m jli l r o tn tnlka In WftshlnRton th a t y i i . . »'mn>it .of the re»pon»lblB peopla nre CH

( i n r t no t ivBciln«t th e numiasioh oi i-eiplnir « c I ’ll t t o tho u n ite d Nations." ' P»

K Sen. S tyles UrldRCs. R.. N. H-. »l ' W l Rflulekly dem anded the name.'* of the D( ■ y- r esMna l bl e offlclaJs" who. Rave u Sh

v » ‘iN u thi.i impression; ' ArLi_p. .*— Scnatc-Bepubllcnn. lender Wllllnm Pt

K now land' called.the prime m ln-• "III Ifller'B stn lcm ent T ftth er unfor- M'■ ® tuna te." Dl - t. ;; C ltrlfle* B U lem tn l M

4 t o a "clnrlfylnj" stntem ent re- wl ‘ i'etiiwd Jn D etro it j-eslertfny, U N u joj

A ' ' Mi d "thn question lof ndmllUnR ro '•11 ^ R e d China to the U. N.) did no l : J! come un ns an lltm of discuss on o i

durlnR my stay In WnshlnRton. ov / T lio prim e minister n a ld he had jo

> m erely derived hl» ImpreMlon from „i ••Reneral tnllcs on the m a tte r of cas-

' InR tensions between tho United ti Kjii, nnd ChJjin." , ,>; h 11 Ho sa ld jio had rxpres.ied tl^e view

l> .J lC -th a t-R c d C hlna.lhould .be nented.m ‘t - i ^ th o - U r - N . to eaM-lha-Unslons.— 1.=:; «

' T e lli of Answer . .f I*'* "W hen th is wm menllonert." h e _ I fnirt, ‘'Ihe nnsw cr- 1 go t w-ns tn a t

China shoOTdlielVavo firitC , J "F tom th is I formed th e impres- “

-• lo o , fo r w hich I .a s su m e so le .re- •'*B‘ ' BponWblllty; th a t the en try lo th e “

1 people’s R epublic of Chinn Inlo Ute > „• U nited N ations wns therefore ft m a t- ,. 1 >■ te r of tim ing." ^ _

I : — r ’*----TT Mil n-111 fnmplftfl h l l ylltit to 2. 1-, -u D etroit, th o th ird stop In his .lour, “ i

I » todny. Hlg next_S tO P _W lll_«_*!. ‘ K noxville. T enn . ________

-Sr^choal Scheduled— « L j E o i x B u r e a u - H e f E j ;

i i l - ^ / T n m k A. Patterson. W ashington, l l l 9 O.. wll! conduct r customer rela- u ■ ' ; | y U oM and s a l e s ^

1-* R e ta il l b i e ^ ^ U - T ) u r e « tn i f - t h e •?; 1 ^ i '.C h a m b er.o f Commerce. J1f 5 ? r . r - Pn lteriio -reccnU y h u completed !v^{ ''^B lm ll[ir/ceu r«s In S a lt L ake-O ity y,

and Ottden. U U h: - Phoenl*. Arls., „ H i S antf H o u sto n . Tex. H e has been In ,■ 1 if th e felllnE business since 102S and g

y WM a n officlnl public speaklnR . « u coach of th o w ar production -bonrd g■J!!, '2-<l“>'lnS-W\ejwaj^ ' ____ _

■'Ho Is a charier member or^Ui# ,,---------5*-8ale*-ExecuUvea'. club o( W whljna- v^ ' , 'f ton . D . 0 . Som e as local firms hnv4 _

5 F i ' ' u ‘«*sned a lready io r-tho clinic which ,, . I .r iw m bo »taRed In th a Junior h igh r

h,v . J w h o o l auditorium . . bS . ' P

.iisl j p o k in g Fines sl i p o A t«U ] o f l i o In bonds w u posted I

• ' j J J TwlJ' Thursday for; |{5 overUmo p axk ln j Wolatfons. . - ®

• /1 (in Posting bonds wero C. S. Looney, f "S il. I " W . L aPontalne. Mary Lathnm. Don- i

(S, a id Heller. Jo h n Hancock Insurance t ' / ' i 'l l, company. E . Welker. Wllllnm H end- ° ' , I rlcka, E. Anderson and . J . E. D umw . ^

L > '- r : '= - PRODUCTION- TOTAW D — ® * ' ! BUHL, Ju ly 8—A cow. owned by J

Chorle9-A i-Beed,-Buhlr-pr<K luced > 'i ? 3 t i r« ' 110.203 pounds of milk and 3,34S

pr pounds of bu tte rfa t In eight y enn . \ , V irfL th e H olstein-Frleslin association of * u:*M- hc-Atnerlcft r e p o r t s .___ _«

I S N A K E R IV E R R EPO R T . I S^ -------------------- — !j.fty : ! * SNAXt RIVER wXTER RCrORT AN

JULT T. IIU . .i - ; ;

r ;:]:.',;;..... teS l.,. m x.™ |m u . 1

■ ircisrrsiJ f' llliekfont ............ ,"011 >,tlQ - t%t ■

- - Am. r .iif n»». .S90(i) \• ! <; I , N«l»y ......... . 1 ,H06 l,9>9 »,:i#

• nl I ?!! ■^ VJIn'r Low i.ift., 'six P

■ iH l ' 23 lT o i«u u m • 1.H9 0 N S In (ioodlni.

Iij; r A I^ltral . , ( i r 1,110 >,1U!*" .Milner N .•« J-nnj

l i ^ l l DIv Shtll.y.Hlkfl J ,:w *1 3,»<\ lin , '• ) Aer»-fett: otliir qunnllilM In •*coniI-

pt ' '^ r r V l i ’nt'7unB^riU»Y.^^ - i---- . ' Dliltlel Kinlne.r'

111: I Change ‘Over ^

" ^ T u/ ^ er " ■ jijy„ iL tmiviNG., r .■ » h T Wash - Wax -

= h - ~X^~w^ation - I : P f l B - - G A S . r O I L . : ’ V

-W a-~Cg|l f o 'r g P T J e l l ^ \ "

j g S r j i ^ P E N ^ S U N D A Y ^ ^ '

c'JI r Westeott-Conoco ^ i ^ t ^ o u r T - ! d o w . n t o w | _

g ^ J - - | - ^ e n r i c ( T ^ h r t i o i i ~ j g "

i '

-T w o -P e a n u t dlvlnlon-hurlefs-nnd -one In th e Peewee loop to.ued shu t- « ou t sam es durlnn play Ip the Times- re News K nothole leo8:ue l^hursday. ai

Allowlne o n e -h i t , B re n t MUIcr w sparked th e K T F I SluRRcr* to ' an ti l-O w in over the Id ah o Power. Kilo- . w atts.' s ieve H um phreys wns the m loslntf.pltchcr. A trip le was h ll by ii O ll'P u tn am while Lyle Browning of o: tho SluRRcr* ftnd Humphreys #c- o counted for doubles'. - - P

C harles Stickler was credited w llh u th ftJba -K ln .ihejnyA ns-B edJfc.rA M ^

• Rained over (lie C. C. Andersonc T hun d tc lti^ C o rk 'y ^ cn a rd 'w 'a s 'M ie TJ loser. -------- - ................- 0I In o th e r P ennot K«me*, the MnRlc ‘ J C lty .MentbiUU d ru b ied the Keith 's ^

ptichlnR of Jim Sharkey. Jlni Beck- .. w ith w as the losing moundRitinn. r Double*, wern h i t by Dave Slimp,; Shnrkey, Lrroy L lndelf nnd Leonnrd f

Andemon of ihe Mealbftlls and Jim i 1 Perkins o f the loser*, I

A 4-3 loss was racked up (nr the t- Moose'LodRi; Cubbefs lo the Slerllnir (

Dlamondeerf. Allowing one h it, l Mike Bnles wns credlteil w ith the

- w in .and Dnnny Schw nrU with the i u JoM- CfllvJn C raner scored on- • ; B roundtrlpper. . i t A hom erun-by Bruce Bril of the I n OuUaws aided h is team'n n-lO win I

over tho Dodgers In the Peewee loop. I tl Jo h n Fcldm nn was the winnlnjt -

p itcher nnd Bobby H all wns chnrRrd i ' w ith Uie loBS. T h e Dodger*' Chris i “ Tftlklnglon-blasted two doubles.

T he Shcruood S/uggcfx H'ounff up '* on Ihe short end of a 31-lB decision 1 . lo - th e -.B u U e r-JU e le rs -w ltli- .T o m . *■ ■Bnlrd’ c e tT tiii^ c re d ll fo r" ihe”wln: •

Mlko W nlson pitched for the lu e rs . , , Tho Rame wns m nrked by three- hom erun* » ] . tho Steelern. Doubles were hlliby the. SlUBRers' O eorge Haney. andrC had g O allovny-and Steve T h o n en of th e , . Bleelers.. T he Bnttlem took the Y anks 33-8

with Dennl* C ain on ih e winners’0 mound nnd J e rry OrovH losing. fl 8 inn~Voyleir-nicfced-up-two-double* ,t for tho losers.

HuRhs of th e W lldeal* ndded to his • tenm’a 10-0 w in over tha Braves,

k u r t S ^ l W as'chBrRed~w ith"the

X double of the game.^ —T h y B a m n rd A um -WraTiRlrni took

Ihe U nion M olor Thmund«rblrd.i 30- ■* 11 w ith c red it fo r the w in going to ” plU ;hC t_Rax-C la*k.-D nn-K ellfr-w ss I® th e loser. Heavy h lltln it marked U»e •“ game. wUh D ary l Thompson nnd

J im C lnrk of th e T hunderblrds and Ray C lark a n d J c n y Packer of the W rnnglers aH 'coIIecllnt; homeruns, Packer scored with two htm ers.

‘J T riples were h i t by th e WrnnRlers’ Bill C ra ft nnd L arry Miller nnd dauWe.1 by Bob Magee and Lflrry

° Elke of th e T hunderblrds.. _Swcct:a.aiuggcnL.edgcd-out.«,clQae ‘® lO-a victory over B cnnell’s Painters.

P ra n k — cm f.:= .u-aa_L h ft^w lnn lng m oundam nn.n«dT om B alten tynethe

^ loser. A hom erun wns collccled by G ary D eFord of Ihe Painters, .triples

- by F ra n k Cliff of the Slugeeri and P rank Nelson. Painters,

, • T ho K im berly Klowns won ft l*p- ' sided game over the Hansen Fire

. Balls w ith 17 tallies to the losers' tloglo run . D avid T aylor was given c red it fo r Iho w in a n d Loren Walker

, charged wlU» th e loss. T he Klowns' ■J' D on P am es h i t a Ulple and Uie Fire ' ' B alls 'D e a n K endrick ' blasted a i® double., , Two trip les by John K eith of Ihei

W asps aided h is team 's 10-4 win over th e Roxy Rockcta^Robert Miller

hv pitched for the W asps and Max °J U oyd for th e Rockets, id l i n i i e M id6«t"loop.“ Davli1 H ana1 pitched hU Pepsi Cola Pepsi's to a

0 .4„w ln . over .the Detweiler W ran­gler's w ith 'Mike O reche ‘ehnnie'd

- v l t h th e loss. T he w inning 'team ’s “ I Dick ■ LtnRiiaw scored ft homenin

nnd Jim Llngnnw n doiiblp, Dunne I Ba«m usscn-of ihe -W ranR lm h it-a

triple.A 12*4 score ended tlif game be*

» . tw ccn -.D ftcn .K end rlck .Philipp, M Ju n io r Bruins nnd Moore’s. Well- DrllllnR Typhoon.^ w ith the Bruins on th e long end. Bob Learner pitched

JW th e -B ru liia .an d Jlm .M oorr. J a r .th e losers. A triple v jia 'c red ited to Bob

run Reynolds ot th e 'B ru in s while his

r;.r.Ti-i— ^■■TTmnTTTfTT


" ' '’REYNOLD: _& AVALKER ; ; • OENKiiAi. J ,

- , CONTRACTOR • Phbne MR.

? . ■ .-T w in FslU-


~Songsof 1920; y -lQ.^OWmSee

Big PopularityI'd -jfEW -YORK:;J»JlyB-flB—T here-al-‘l* ways are some old tunea snd sonRS -»• relum ing to popularity , b u t chances

are th n t during th e nex t yenr people ler will be w hlsUmg more and more an tunes of th e la te IKO'a and 1030's, lo- . A record called "Love M e.or Lenve •he Me" Is sliding upw nrd on the best- by selling charw . T h e song 1* 28 years o t old. "Love Me or Leave Me" I t one

>e- of the older tune-f th n t hns hnd color , pu l bsck In It* checka for another llh tu rn before tlie foolljRhts.MK "U's A Sin to T ell A Lie," whlcli ran K ro"S m ltK -n ![?a -T 0 -8 tn trm re r-th i Mie T adH rm -lO Se.-tt-bR ck-ln-thft-R U ^

of a bnnjo num ber played bj ifflc Som ethin ' Sm llh , "T lio 'B recze am Lh's I" nnd "ParllnRV Je Vous Almr Brny.

Coup- are f lth rr .v o t cnrlY ek- being 'hend again, mn. Only B e tin flln rfnp, Bui. as Uie Interlocutor u.wd ti nrd Miy, thn t's only Uie bcRlnnlnR. W on Ilm hns come from Hollywood,' th a t in;

portan t detour of T in Pan allej the U ia f ’stan d ard " tune* 20 or 30 year ling old will be gelUng th o m ost plug h it. In movies in m on ths to come, the U 's b e c a u se 'o r the kind of movi the muslcnl occupying th e m njor studio

»- a r ig h t now—th e bnckstnge ssaa . An ■■ th e era. th a t seem s lo be fnsclnalln

the Iho producers mo.u Is the ronrln win twenties and the- no t-w -soarin Dop. thirties- 'ling - The (tlm biography of Ruth E tlln -Rrd provided th e Im petus fo r the revlvt hris of the UUa song. "Love Me or Leav

Me." nnother num ber from the flln [ uo "I'Jl Never S top Loving You," a li nlon is on th e clim b ns a single recprtr o m ------ 1— O t h c n . t o ^ - l l e m d ---------

~Ttnw.TTrom~the-»amie-»ra-i»lll-l: lers. given a w h lr l'w h e ft MGM relensi ‘ree nim version o f 'lh e Lillian Tlot J o r autoblography.-^^l'U-Cry. Tomorrow the T lien there will be a cascade-<

had 1030 awing m usic w hen Uc)lvcrsj th e c o m c s 'o u fw ith "T h e Benny Qooc

m an Story." a n d th e snme msulci 23-8 epoch Is the sub jec t of Columbia lers’ (orUicoming "Eddy D uchln Storyling. — ----------------------------------------

lenn im nlerN eirY O S tFhlt^fc 'doubl The Equitable In surance T errlei

rllke i>ehlnd~thB"pltchlng-ot-B l(f~Em e ' hl« son. racked u p a -10-8 win ov.‘. ' 'f i NlcljQn—Investment's _ U_rntU_“ the Kings. Joa K enny plU hed for U

nnly. pnilM in M ' ^■ Jenkins of the T erriers and RodRi

loo'f IHlcllllWoftnoTCtnjB; .120- D oughnut division play snw U g to 'W nrbetg-H eatcf*-coll«ot-^-l6-4-vl ■was to iy over th e K fengel Cardlna! Uie David Johnson p itched for tl

nnd H ea le rfo an d Fred Rosch fo r U nnd Cards.the •• A nother lopsided game waa plnyi

un», be lw efn^lha Arctic Circle Bulldo lers, and th e Tw in Falls E lectric Slu; lera' gers w ith th e Bulldogs on Uie hen' and end of a 21-5 score. L arry M aup

arry p itched lor tb e Bulldogs and On H ansen waa chanted wlUi th e lo:

Jfla t Jacobs of th e Bulldogs scored tcrs. hom erun ond HU tcarrim ates alK n jng and s to ne h i t tjlplca. _• the The Seven-U p BuIiaoRi defent 1 by the Royal j j ry a ta l S a lters 8-4 wl iDles DcnnlK B lrfcll credited w ith th# w ■nd imd R onald Cooper charged wi

tha loss. T he S a lte r’s Ronald Coo; 1«D- h i t a homerui) and a triple. D ai F ttt Heilman of Uio S a lte rs also blast

u t n ' a ’trip le and D lnnU Blrrell of t •Iven Bttlldogi h i t a double, i i v , . Larry R o u tt p itched .a two-hlH .tvM- to gtva th e W alker Tiger* a l i F i r . win over B ernard Auto W rangle

H . Ray C lark w as th e losing mound m an. A trio o t TlRcr*. Jo h n Ulrlc

, Max B a r lle tt and E arl M orris ‘ *cored doubles.




r . Uie I ORVAL JOHNSON, ZM M adroni^ S j’bi m i.. N. KimWrlr RJ. To.«t,l lull Fur

. . v 3 0 - » o s y ^IfipW p' . . . s o l i

RED TO RRA FTEF1^=77---------------- ^nCT-«fr-f»anufA aiiL

, cbi«l l>r 1.r T T f W J T j ^ m ' nu .uiy.lU l ___n fn tly wrMtd tngclli

__ JliOLAt?.*''’!

p ^ Y ~ 1 EHBTirT


; D isarm ain en t] e — 'M aiorJtem. WASHINOTON; Ju ly 8 - ^ m e f v th e beat Informed m en In the r - J - c rn m c n t believe th e Ruaalans-w .o-aU th£y_raectr.P rtJldcn t:.B seT ^w «tonR* Oenevft 10 dnys from now— inces m ake th e ir moet spectacular n- •odJc on lh» iMue of disarm am ent, more - T h e RuMlnn*,' they think, MO'S, e ith er o ffer new conceaalons or >ftve to force Uia Unlled S tales to do beat- T hey have'ylelded more In the ] years few m onths th a n la th e pastI one year*. ’ __color A nd Elsenhower, Judging ,f other hla remark* a t h is W ednesday r

conference, may be considering < vhlch cessions lo Uie Russians. W hal r - t h e 6<> ld r* o u n d « < U a -a -w a y ^ 6 Ja j guise ■ , ' .................... .......—

; .n5 Relief Requested S i — O n ^ o v i n g - E e

■* BO ISE. .July 8 tf t-C a llfo rn la rd bfl a.iked lo mnke It l i s s expei w nrri fo r Idaho household moving « t Im- panics to send the ir trucks wl „,,7v its borders.v ia r i Mover*, w ant California to

Uie load weight over which l« inusl pny the sta te license fee. J Lnw E nforcem ent. Commlss

w dlM E“rl« Koehler reported. T h e f a S waa reccnUy lowered from 24,0

I nrnf f M otor c a r r i e r adm lnlstr ja rlM from U western s ta te s will me

S a lt Lake City Sept. 12-14 W puinff tow ard a Uniform truck Ucei ^v lval reciprocity agreement.

Robert Hodge, administrative . , i i _ tls ta n t to Oov. Robert -E.. Sr

aald-Uie sta io would s tek a n In f fn r i f agreem ent wJth Callfomi*

- ■ such a western sta les com psct --------- Jrito-effect.--------- — ---------------

Ai^ih^Obstacle Laws Remo\

G ood- -VTENNA;-Austrin.-July 8 (in- isulcnl fou r power allied control cc m bla'a tor Austria today removed thi Story." legal obstacle to the establish — =— of an Austrian national arrnj loubla; —Thercounell form ally-caneel frrlcrs. decision of Dec. 10, 1045., ' E m er- dlasolved-all-A ualrian-m Uitarj I over para-m Ullary organlxatlons. n l u m lawed Austrian m ilitary trr o r 'th 'e 'and'prohlbllcdlhe-govem inen? y Bill nrocurtng tilartes, glldera and ■todger ta ry weapon*.

_Ev.entaRelate(r " th e DIETRICH, July 8 — Em midr tho servy .hns gone lo Rexburg t

rnnge for. entering 'Rieka collePlnvcd Ihe fall.Ulldogs - • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pa tten , I

Slug- ley, Calif., ara j i l t i n g M r. and I henvy Jo h n Millard..laupln Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben W alker I G ary been vlslUng Mr, and Mrs.le loss. Casper nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, Lee C )red a In Albertson, Mont.

r a i k ^ pw yiiB T w iiH

Cooper . . ]o B, David t sblasted . - i - " Z * ; | Tof th e • J M

)-h ltt* ri 11 A g a x ta lfl-3 }[ . r?-;.''". -tnglers. ^ '-.WP~lounds- k J P L

S 'rto n . S o sm ooth- i t j c » o you

breafhltss ^

I , m tx i ts t tutMc


d rona I

o l itfto tn < 0 5 1 ! ;?TER.S m til in thfw b.irtA. aaikcd-.'f''"’ »cln-tf.l k.ln- lir l.imbtf ot llir IniJWU ' of clear. tiiml>« »ie iictmn- , oKclhrr inlo one coniintiou* ffatfd uniJrrr*tTtm«.t»*»-------— , , —cd to 'tlie fiBCt oifvMiire

to '•'«■'■« -' ' I *■>' - >■— ^

ftwrncy. Thtjr'te <lniKnfd to

. . tfo lOP iiiiiBiHMHmUm

-------------------1 ------------ .---------------------rT^K-™aigrn>AHO-

tissue CotUd Be n at Big Four M(JS T oT foT w harT heT tusalinB 'M ld-lfts le gov- about InspecUon procedure*, - w h e ti T h is L5 a quick h isto ry i iwerHh world- dlaafm am ent problem w -w lU p a in o -y e a r s r te ls s c o p u ir th e : move of th e Russians on one aid ~ the w estern allies- — th ek, will S lates, B rita in , jm d. r w n c e — or try other:-

I do so. T he RuMlnna* pa iition un i he p a s t M ay;- - ; ' ; - - - - - • }ast 10 I. T here m u st bA. nn Imn

e n d 'to m aklfig atom ic weapo t from nil .those now 's to red up m ly news’eon- • a,; T he na tio n s should redue 'h a t he arm ed forces o n a percentagi »t-CCll° -^.^•Q iera-could be-no .la tern-----------ln*peclJon-tcam *r-«uch-*

• proposed-allow ed I n any . ( t l i to sen -tha t I t w u no t cheal

m aking atom ic weapons.N A P R T h is haji been th e allied p<

~ 1.H A iu a a fm m ucn iiam en t n la will g radual one. atep b y step, un cpenslve nlly atom ic w eapoha were ac ig com- 3. A rm ed forces reduced 1 I w ithin ft fixed lim it' on th e ir alze.

f t'pereen tage basis as th e R to raise tpant«d.1 trucks ^ ^ ^ ^ = ^ ^ = = 1= =e .Jdahoilssloner,e figure34,000 to '

I'strnto’rs,m eet In -to w ork .licensing f |

itlve as- Smylle,

; Interim !a un til le t w ent

councilth e laa t .................. . . . .

Itshm entrrny. ' " ■

., w hich ^ta ry -a n d ------ — -------- :r:-r :- r —*13. ou t- ; . ....train ing

e n rf ro ra -------!-------- :-------------- ---------nd m ill- 'i _______ i

;ftd:____t :im a Me-1 ■ ■

ollege In

n, B crke- ............ ’ • 'a n d Mrs.

leer Have:s. D . C, "(0 Casper

■' I .W\ r l - ’- ”JKA , .

KSr-- L(..... ..... _


------------g g ] , | .

L _ ■ S crv ic

3 — V ' ......-

s;-Internationalf t - . BtaUoned in every b ig co\i V fu ll 'fr e e d o m - to -« h e c > ^ « 'i r _ to sea there waa no chea

o f U i e They were willing W agre m - ln th e o f-tha west’* dem ands.-ln .

^ d 7 n n d *A ^T hey agreed t& 'th t ft UnlU d gradual d isarm am ent. e-rrOB'the 3. T hey accepted_tha_»

.. of a fixed, lim it_on . ann unUl laat T hey agreed, alm ost unci................ the! very figure* proposemm edlate west: A lim it of 1 4 ml ipons and each for th e U nited S tat

m ust be and Red C h ina: and 65— ' each for B rita in a n d Frni

duce the ir , Tliey agreed, fo r Uie flge baaU. in te rnational tm a u o n n l i>nm ha a taU oned-ln Rua . lbe-w e.« a Upilted > a y . • f. country T hey dem anded . tt leaUng on ______

ipo slllo ^ T M iiilng TEETH REf

'Sniil-'fln- W hilo Y ou W o l r r a

1 Russians w. m .u i.h u Im I

M d. . C'C

g ^ ^ u G e i i '

- ’®t NowiV r p A K

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M l' ; ^ \ \ \ i>

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nolds> j g e n e r ;

h iJgrM ulS i-iom -b- C

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1.1 ana A R M f

. ^ Uling th is country cc

w a a :n .a r- lU -Iy l-a U g e s

s r . : : . ™ R Z A D T M m - > n n » B i

~ - N e r v o u s 7IrS'feSS B m 't F e d h iL ihchanRcd, to ~ I f you aw w aa jia* i osed by 'th e old a f a - , foemillion m en dupce—ed. o r aoffar

itates,-R ussiac25i-iE£:7J

nl Inspection v ilam iw ailussia, bu t In yaa ne>d awffai

~ t h l“ uH lted “ S T O P S U F F I


A L' O N T A C Twml e r s U C a n t i

V p f f e r i n g ; t h e ' f i n e s t “ Qnc

i n M n g i r

1 2 TON 1

Q uick W

Equipped with★ SS foot CRANIh


★ 1/2-YARD BACI . or trenching. .

...............' \

" 1 ' ______:

* * :AL G0NTRA1— Ph^fier288S ~

fo -Re^riol^s'j-MI -On T hei-gn-jy^Kie TRUCK GRANE-E

Ihiilt for OuMandina.Pert

iOtDMACHINiL B r o g d w a y- Id a h O 'F a l l

' t H

"rSSii ~piLER*Sf«i B'■ar; X ’i

could ■ ha rd ly been n a m ^ » S * ,d d isa rm am en t Oregon Miuie

r Look “Okl Before four b J M

kd for Batura’a __ N E a i t k ^ l • and xoiaenla. T b « , affae no mora. dumjB; tW

fFERING - 7- W N O T T . . .

• f t l i a n d a a w 7our body. T b aa Only } i ^

>LINGER-S pharma

^St?|i e r ^iractoT - twin ' J

i n d - l a r g e s t ^ R U G K - M O U l J

lie Va l l ey , wi th their np»7B


^ a y CRANE I

h:“ 7 ~ IIING BOOM I

TTACHMENT 1CK-HOE, f o r excavfl

W h n iffv w r y f lu r cwstruclion na i j

. » c 8 _ u s '-b e fo re , you^proceed. H QH

. . . . E X C A V A T IN G . . . jS f iA o f l

' ' C U R B -an d '-G U T T E R . . . S l O *

. . . H O M E S — convenlionol Of *

c o t e d . w a r e h o u s in g o n i l

•B U IL D IN G S— cpnvcniionol or p ®

c o r e d o f s t « l o r w o o d . ^ - ^ B


— F R E E - E S T l M A I f i

! f - y p u w o n t work~dQ~ne

e x p e n s iv e ly o n d s a f e l y b y

. ■ - m c n , - w i t h J h e _ b c 5 t j n .cciu ipy l'

ilker In- ■ - T t f i n f


- E X C A Y A T O f t - v Z ;

e r j j ^ a n c e - ]

N E R Y ^ C O .JtF a lli .d ilQ liO - ^ ^ " - = % ?"*■ - -p .