bala dev 1000

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  • 7/31/2019 Bala Dev 1000




    rBalabhadra-sahasra-nmaA Thousand Names of L ord Balarma

    Text 1duryodhana uvca

    balabhadrasya devasyaprvipka mah-mune

    nmn sahasra me brhiguhya deva-gaair api

    Duryodhana said: O great sage Prvipka, please tell me the thousand names of Lord Balarma, names kept

    secret from even the demigods.

    Text 2r-prvipka uvca

    sdhu sdhu mah-rjasdhu te vi mala yaah

    yat pcchase param idagargokta deva-durlabham

    rPrvipka said: Well done! Well done! Well done! O king, your fame is spotless. Your question has been

    answered by Garga Muni in words rarely heard by even the demigods.

    Text 3nmn saharsa divyn

    vakymi tava cgratahgargcryea gopbhyo

    datta k-tae ubhe

    I wi l l tell you L ord B alarma's thousand transcendental names, names that Garga M uni gave to the gops onthe beautiful bank of the Yamun.

    Text 4o asya r-balabhadra-sahasra-nma-stotra-mantrasya gargcrya ih anuup chandah sa karaah

    paramtm devat balabhadra i ti bja revatti aktih ananta i ti klaka balabhadra-prty-arthe jape vi niyogah.

    O . Of the mantra-prayer of the thousand names of L ord Balarma the sage is Garga M uni, the meter i s anuup,the Deity is Lord Balarma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the bja is Balabhadra, the akti is Revat, theklaka is Ananta, and the purpose of chanting the names is the pleasure of Lord Balarma.

    Text 4 (b)

    atha dhynamsphurad-amala-ki ra ki ki -ka karha

    calad-alaka-kapola kuala-r-mukhbjamtuhina-giri -manoj a nla-meghmbarhya

    hala-musala-vila kma-pla same

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    MeditationI glori fy L ord Balarma, decorated wi th a gl it tering crown, bracelets, tinkl ing ornaments, movi ng locks of hair

    on His cheeks, splendid earrings on His handsome lotus face, and garments dark like monsoon clouds, holding agreat club and plow, fulfilling all desires, and handsome like a mountain of ice and snow.

    Text 5o balabhadro rmabhadro

    rmah sa karao 'cyutahrevat-ramao devahkma-plo halyudhah

    O . L ord Balarma is supremely pow erful and happy (balabhadra), the supreme enjoyer (rmabhadra and(rma), al l -attractive (sa karaa), infal l ible (acyuta), the lover of Revat(revat-ramaa), the splendid SupremePersonality of Godhead (deva), the Lord who fulfills desires (kma-pla), and He who carries a plow-weapon(halyudha).

    Text 6nlmbarah veta-varo

    baladevo 'cyutgrajahpralambaghno mah-vro

    rauhieyah pratpavnHe is dressed i n bl ue garments (nlmbara), fair-compl exi oned (veta-vara), splendid and pow erful (balade-

    va), the elder brother of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead (acyutgraja), the killer of Pralamba(pralambaghna), a great hero (mah-vra), the son of Rohi(rauhieya), and very powerful (pratpavn).

    Text 7tl ko musalhal

    harir yadu-varo balsra-pih padma-pir


    He bears the insigni a of a palm tree (tl ka), holds a club (musal), holds a plow (hal), takes away al l that isinauspicious (hari), is the best of the Yadus (yadu-vara), is powerful (bal), holds a plow in His hand (sra-pi),has lotus hands (padma-pi), holds a club (lagu), and plays the flute (venu-vdana).

    Text 8klind-bhedano vro

    balah prabalah rdhvagahvsudeva-kalnantahsahasra-vadanah svar

    He div ided the Yamun (kli nd-bhedana). He is a heroic (vra), powerful (bala, and prabala), exal ted (rdhva-

    ga), a plenary expansion of Lord Ka (vsudeva-kal), and limitless (ananta), has a thousand heads (sahasra-vadana), and is independent (svar).

    Text 9vasur vasumat-bhart

    vsudevo vasttamahyadttamo ydavendromdhavo vi-vallabhah

    He is opulent (vasu), the goddess of fortune's husband (vasumat-bhart), the son of Vasudeva (vsudeva), thebest of the Vasus (vasttama), the best of the Ydavas (yadttama), the king of the Ydavas (ydavendra), the god-dess of fortune's husband (mdhava), and dear to the Vis (vi-vallabha).

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    Text 10dvrakeo mthureodnmnmah-manh

    prah purah puruahpareah paramevarah

    He is the king of Dvrak (dvrakea), the king of Mathur (mthurea), generous (dn), noble (mn), noble-hearted (mah-man), perfect (pra), the ancient Supreme Personality of Godhead (pura), the Supreme Person(purua), the Supreme Master (parea), and the Supreme Control ler (paramevara).

    Text 11paripratamah skt

    paramah puruottamahanantah vatah eobhagavn prakteh parah

    He is the perfect Supreme Personali ty of Godhead (paripratama), the Supreme Personal i ty of Godhead di rect-ly (skt-parama), the Supreme Person (puruottama), limitless (ananta), eternal (vata), Lord ea (ea), thesupremely opulent Lord (bhagavn), and beyond the world of matter (prakteh para).

    Text 12jvtm paramtm ca

    hy antartm dhruvo 'vyayahcatur-vyha catur-veda

    catur-mrti catu-padahHe is the father of all l ivi ng entit ies (j vtm), the Supersoul present i n everyone's heart (paramtm and antart-

    m), eternal (dhruva), imperishable (avyaya), the origin of the catur-vyha expansions (catur-vyha), the author ofthe four Vedas (catur-veda), the origin of the catur-vyha (catur-mrti), and the master of the four worlds (catu-pada).

    Text 13

    pradhna praktih sksa ghtah sa ghavn sakh

    mah-man buddhi-sakhaceto 'ha kra vtah

    He is pradhna (pradhna), prakti (prakti ), the wi tness (sk), accompanied by His associates (sa ghta,sa ghavn, and sakh), nobl e-hearted (mah-man), and the best counselor (buddhi -sakha). He is consciousness(ceta), and ego (aha kra). He is accompanied by H is associates (vta).

    Text 14indriyeo devattm

    j na karma ca arma caadvi tyo dv itya canirkro nira janah

    He is the master of the senses (indriyea), the Supreme Personality of Godhead (devat), the Supersoul (tm),know ledge (j na), action (karma), auspiciousness (arma), one wi thout a second (advitya), di ff erent f rom theindividual living entities (dvitya), a person whose form is not material (nirkra), and not touched by matter(nira jana).

    Text 15virsamrmahaugha cadhrah sthsnu cariumnphandrah phai-rja ca

    sahasra-phaa-maitahHe is the entire universe (vir), the supreme monarch (samr), a great flood (mahaugha), the maintainer of all

    (dhra), unmoving (sthsnu), going everywhere (cariumn), the king of serpents (phandra, and phai-rja), andthe serpent with a thousand hoods (sahasra-phaa-maita).

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    Text 16phavarah phasphrtih

    phutkrcitkarah prabhuhmai-hro mai-dharo

    vitalsutaltalHe is the king of serpents (phavara, and pha), the Supreme Personality of Godhead who has appeared in

    the material world (sphrti), a hissing serpent (phutkr, and citkara), the supreme master (prabhu), and decorated

    with a jewel necklace (mai-hra, and mai-dhara). He resides in Vitalaloka (vital), Sutalaloka (sutal), andTalaloka (tal).Text 17

    atalsutalea captla ca taltalah

    rastalo bhogitalahsphurad-danto mahtalah

    He resides in Atalaloka (atal), and is the king of Sutalaloka (sutalea). He resides in Ptlaloka (ptla),Taltalaloka (taltala), and Rastalaloka (rastala). He has great hoods (bhogitala), and glittering fangs (sphurad-danta). He resides on M ahtalaloka (mahtala).

    Text 18vsuki h a khacbho

    devadatto dhana jayahkambalvo vegatarodhtaro mah-bhujah

    He is V suki (vsuki ). He is splendid l ike a conch-jewel (a khacbha), is the benefactor of the demigods(devadatta), and is the winner of wealth (dhana jaya). H e is K ambalva (kambalva). He is the fastest (vegatara),the king (dhtara), and the hero of mighty arms (mah-bhuja).

    Text 19

    vru-mada-matt gomada-ghrita-locanah

    padmkah padma-mlcavanamlmadhuravh

    He is intoxi cated by drink ing vru (vru-mada-matt ga), H is eyes roll in intox ication (mada-ghrita-locana), His eyes are lotus flowers (padmka), He wears a lotus garland (padma-ml), and a forest garland(vanaml), and His fame is sweet (madhurav).

    Text 20koi-kandarpa-lvayo

    nga-kany-samrcitahnpurkaistrcakaakkanak gad

    He is more handsome than mil l ions of K madevas (koi-kandarpa-lvaya), and He is worshiped by the nga-kanys (nga-kany-samrci ta). H e wears tinkl ing ankl ets (npur), a bel t (kaistr), golden bracelets (kaak), andgolden armlets (kanak gad).

    Text 21mukukualdaikhakhaa-maalkalih kali-pri yah klo

    nivta-kavacevarahHe wears a crown (muku) and earrings (kual). He carries a staff (da). He wears a peacock featHer

    (ikha), and a khaa-maala (khaa-maal). He likes to fight (kali and kali-priya), He is time (kla), andHe is fitted with armor (nivta-kavacevara).

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    Text 22sa hra-kd rudra-vapuh

    klgnih pralayo layahmahhih pinih stra-

    bhy-krah pata jal ihHe destroys the universe (sa hra-kt). H e is the forms of the Rudras (rudra-vapu), the fi re of ti me (klgni),

    the destruction of the universe (pralaya and laya), a great serpent (mahhi), Pini (pini ), the author of commen-taries (stra-bhy-kra), and Pata jali (pata jal i ).

    Text 23ktyyanah pakv imbhah

    sphoyana ura gamahvaikuho yj iko yaj o

    vmano hario harihHe is Ktyyana (ktyyana), and He is glorious (pakvimbhah and sphoyana). He is the serpent Ananta

    (ura gama). He is the master of the spiri tual w orld (vaikuha), the performer of yaj as (yj ika) yaj a itself(yaj a), Vmana (vmana), fair-compexi oned (haria), and Lord Hari (hari ).

    Text 24ko v iur mah-vi uh

    prabhaviur viea-vitha so yogevaro krmo

    varho nrado munihHe is Ka (ka), Vi u (v iu), M ah-viu (mah-viu), all -powerful (prabhavi u), all -knowing (v iea-

    vi t), l ike a swan (ha sa), the master of yoga (yogevara), K rma (krma), Varha (varha), N rada (nrada), anda great sage (muni).

    Text 25sanakah kapilo matsyah

    kamaho deva-ma galadatttreyah pthur vddha

    abho bhrgavottamahHe is Sanaka (sanaka), K apil a (kapila), M atsya (matsya and kamaha), the auspici ousness of the demi gods

    (deva-ma gala), D atttreya (datttreya), Pthu (pthu), Vddha (vddha), abha (abha), and the best of the Bhgudynasty (bhrgavottama).

    Text 26dhanvantarir nsi ha ca

    kalkir nryao narah

    rmacandro rghavendrahkoalendro raghdvahahHe is Dhanvantari (dhanvantari) , Nsi ha (nsi ha), K alki (kalki ), Nryaa (nryaa), Nara (nara), and

    Rmacandra (rmacandra, rghavendra, koalendra, and raghdvaha).

    Text 27kkutsthah karu-sindhu

    rjendrah sarva-lakaahro darathis trt

    kaualynanda-vardhanahHe is the most exalted (kkutstha), and ocean of mercy (karu-sindhu), the king of kings (rjendra), all glori-

    ous (sarva-lakaa), heroic (ra), the son od Daaratha (darathi), the great protector (trt), and the bliss ofKaualy (kaualynanda-vardhana).

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    Text 28saumitrir bharato dhanv

    atrughnah atru-tpanahni gkavackhag

    arjyhata-kohakahHe is the son of Sumitr (saumitri), Bharata (bharata), a great bowman (dhanv), atrughna (atrughna and atru-

    tpana), a great bowman (ni g), a warri or weari ng armor (kavac), a warri or carry ing a sword (khag), and agreat bowman (arand jyhata-kohaka).

    Text 29baddha-godh gul i-trahambhu-kodaa-bha janahyaj a-trt yaj a-bhart

    mrca-vadha-krakahHe wears the shoulder and finger armor of a bowman (baddha-godh guli -traa). He broke Lord iva's bow

    (ambhu-kodaa-bha jana). He protected the yaj a (yaj a-trt and yaj a-bhart). He ki l led M arca (mrca-vadha-kraka).

    Text 30asurris takrirvibhaa-sahya-kt

    pit-vkya-karo harvi rdhri r vanecarah

    He is the enemy of the demons (asurri ), the enemy of Taka (takri), the all y of Vibhaa (v ibhaa-sahya-kt), a son who followed His father's order (pit-vkya-kara), (har), happy (virdhri), and the Lord who wan-dered in the forest (vanecara).

    Text 31munir muni-priya citra-


    kabandhah daakeormo rjiva-locanah

    He is a sage (muni), dear to the sages (muni-priya), a resident of Citraka forest (citrakarya-nivsa-kt),the ki l ler of K abandha (kabandhah), the master of Daaka forest (daakea), L ord Rma (rma), and lotus-eyed(rjiva-locana).

    Text 32mata ga-vana-sa cr

    net pa cavat-patihsugrvah sugrva-sakho

    hanumat-prta-mnasahHe wandered in M ata ga forest (mata ga-vana-sa cr). H e is supreme leader (net). He is the master ofPa cavatforest (pa cavat-pati ). H e has a graceful neck (sugrva), and is the fri end of Sugrva (sugrva-sakha). InHis heart He loves Hanumn (hanumat-prta-mnasa).

    Text 33setubandho rvarirla k-dahana-tat-parah

    rvayrih pupakasthojnak-v irahturah

    He buil t the bridge at Setubandha (setubandha), i s the enemy of Rvaa (rvari ), burned L a k to the ground(la k-dahana-tat-para), i s the enemy of Rvaa (rvayri) , traveled in a fl ower-chariot (pupakastha), and wasdistressed in separation from St (jnak-virahtura).

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    Text 34ayodhydhipatih rmal

    lavarih surrci tahsrya-va candra-va

    va -vdya-viradahHe was the king of Ayodhy (ayodhydhipati), handsome and glorious (rmal), the enemy of Lavasura

    (lavari ), w orshiped by the devas (surrci ta), born in the Srya dynasty (srya-va ), born i n the Candra dynasty(candra-va ), and expert at playful the fl ute (va -vdya-virada).

    Text 35gopatir gopa-vndeo

    gopo gopatvtagokuleo gopa-putrogoplo go-garaya

    He is the master of the surabhi cows (gopati), the master of the gopas (gopa-vndea), a gopa (gopa), surround-ed by hundred of gops (gopatvta), the master of Gokula (gokulea), the son of a gopa (gopa-putra), the protec-tor of the cows (gopla), and the shelter of the cows (go-garaya).

    Text 36ptanri r bakri ca

    tvarta-niptakahaghri r dhenukri capralambri r vrajevarah

    He is the enemy of Ptan (ptanri), the enemy of Baka (bakri), the killer of Tvarta (tvarta-niptaka),the enemy of A ghsura (aghri ), the enemy of Dhenuka (dhenukri ), the enemy of Pralamba (pralambri ), and theki ng of V raja (vrajevara).

    Text 37aria-h kei-atrur

    vyomsura-vina-ktagni-pno dugdha-pno

    vndvana-latritahHe is the ki l ler of A ria (aria-h), the enemy of Ke(kei-atru), the ki l ler of V yomsura (vyomsura-vina-

    kt), the swallower of a forest-f i re (agni-pna), a child who drinks mi lk (dugdha-pna), and a boy w ho stays amongthe f lowering vines of V ndvana forest (vndvana-latri ta).

    Text 38yaomati-suto bhavyo

    rohin-lali tah iuh

    rsa-maala-madhya-sthorsa-maala-maaahHe is the son of Yaod (yaomati-suta), glorious, charming, handsome, and auspicious (bhavya), a child who

    plays with Rohi(rohin-lalita), a child (iu), the dancer in the middle of the rsa-dance circle (rsa-maala-madhya-stha), and the ornament of the rsa-dance circle (rsa-maala-maaa).

    Text 39gopik-ata-ythrtha khaca-vadhodyatah

    govardhana-samuddhartakra-ji d vraja-rakakah

    He yearns to enjoy pastimes wi th hundreds of gops (gopik-ata-ythrth). H e is the ki l ler of a khaca(a khaca-vadhodyata), the l i f ter of Gi vardhana Hil l (govardhana-samuddhart), the warrior w ho defeated Indra(akra-jid), and the protector of Vraja (vraja-rakaka).

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    Text 40vabhnu-varo nandanando nanda-vardhanah

    nanda-rja-sutah rahka srih kliyntakah

    He is the groom King Vabhnu chose for his daughter (vabhnu-vara). He is bliss personified (nanda andnanda), delightful (nanda-vardhana), the son of King Nanda (nanda-rja-suta), the master of the goddess of for-tune (ra), the enemy of K a sa (ka sri ), and the subduer of K liya (kl iyntaka).

    Text 41rajakrir muikrih

    ka sa-kodaa-bha janahcnurrih ka-hant

    alris toalntakahHe is the enemy of a washerman (rajakri ), the enemy of M uika (muikri ), the breaker of K a sa's bow

    (ka sa-kodaa-bha jana), the enemy of Cra (crri ), the ki l ler of K a (ka-hant), the enemy of la(alri), and the killer of Toala (toalntaka).

    Text 42ka sa-bhrat-nihant camalla-yuddha-pravrtakahgaja-hant ka sa-hant

    kla-hant kala ka-hHe is the ki l ler of K a sa's brothers (ka sa-bhrat-nihant), an expert wrestler (malla-yuddha-pravrtaka), the

    ki ll er of an elephant (gaja-hant), the kil ler of K a sa (ka sa-hant), the kil ler of K la (kla-hant), and the ki l lerof K ala ka (kala ka-h).

    Text 43mgadhrir yavana-h

    pu-putra-sahya-ktcatur-bhujah ymal gah

    saumya caupagavi-priyahHe is the enemy of Jarsandha (mgadhri), the killer of Klayavana (yavana-h), the ally of the Pavas

    (pu-putra-sahya-kt), four-armed Lord Nryaa (catur-bhuja), dark-complexi oned L ord K a (ymal ga),gentle (saumya), and dear to A upagavi (aupagavi -pri ya).

    Text 44yuddha-bhd uddhava-sakh


    vra-h vra-mathanaha kha-cakra-gad-dharahHe is a warrior (yuddha-bhd), the friend of Uddhava (uddhava-sakh), a counselor (mantr), expert at giving

    counsel (mantra-virada), a killer of great warriors (vra-h and vra-mathana), and the holder of a conch, disc,and cl ub (a kha-cakra-gad-dhara).

    Text 45revat-citta-hart caraivat-hara-vardhanah

    revat-pra-ntha carevat-priya-krakah

    He charmed Revat's heart (revat-ci tta-hart), deli ghted Revat(raivat-hara-vardhana), is the Lord of Revat'sl i fe (revat-pra-ntha), and i s the del ight of Revat(revat-pri ya-kraka).

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    Text 46jyoti r jyoti mat-bhart

    revatdri-vihra-ktdhta-ntho dhandhyako

    dndhyako dhanevarahHe is splendor (jyoti), the master of Jyotimat(jyotimat-bhart), the enjoyer of pastimes on Mount Revata

    (revatdri-vihra-kt), the master of patience and tolerance (dhta-ntha), the final judge (dhandhyaka), (dnd-hyaka), and the master of wealth (dhanevara).

    Text 47maithilrcita-pdabjomnado bhakta-vatsalah

    duryodhana-gurur gurvgad-ik-karah kam

    His lotus feet were worshiped by the people of Mithil (maithilrcita-pdabja), He gives honor to others (mna-da), He loves His devotees (bhakta-vatsala), He is the guru of Duryodhana (duryodhana-guru), He is devoted toHis guru (gurv), He taught the art of fighting with a club (gad-ik-kara), and He is tolerant and forgiving(kam).

    Text 48murrir madano mando'niruddho dhanvin varahkalpa-vkah kalpa-vkkalpa-vka-vana-prabhuh

    He is the enemy of Mura (murri), handsome like Kmadeva (madana), gentle (manda), invincible (aniruddha),the best of bowmen (dhanvin vara), a kalpa-vka tree (kalpa-vka and kalpa-vk), and the master of a forestof (kalpa-vka trees (kalpa-vka-vana-prabhu).

    Text 49

    symantaka-mair mnyogivkairavevarah


    He is the owner of the Syamantaka jewel (symantaka-mai), glorious (mnya), the friend of Arjuna (giv),the king of the Kauravas (kauravevara), the killer of Kumbha (kumbha-khaana-kara), and the killer ofKpakara (kpakara-prahra-kt).

    Text 50sevyo raivata-jmt

    madhu-mdhava-sevitahbaliha-pua-sarv gohah puah praharitah

    He is the final object of devotional service (sevya), the son-in-law of King Revata (raivata-jmt), served byL ord K a and the residents of M athur (madhu-mdhava-sevita), most powerf ul in every l imb (bali ha-pua-sarv ga), happy (ha and praharita), and stout and strong (pua).

    Text 51vras-gatah kruddhahsarvah pauraka-ghtakah

    sunandikharilpdvivi ga-nidanah

    He traveled to Vras(vras-gata). He may become angry (kruddha). He is everything (sarva). He killedPauraka (pauraka-ghtaka). He carr ies the sword Sunanda (sunand), w ears a crown (ikhar), i s art istic (i lp),and ki ll ed Dvi via (dvi vi ga-nidana).

    Note: Sunanda is the name of Lord Ka's sword.

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    Text 52hasti npura-sa kar

    rathkaurava-pjitahviva-karm viva-dharm

    deva-arm day-nidhihHe dragged the ci ty of Hastinpura (hastinpura-sa kar), i s a great chariot-w arri or ( rath), i s worshiped by the

    K auravas (kaurava-pji ta), created the universes (viva-karm), i s the giver of reli gon to the universes (viva-dhar-m), is the happiness of the demigods (deva-arm), and is an ocean of mercy (day-nidhi).

    Text 53mah-rja-cchatra-dharo

    mah-rjopalakaahsiddha-gtah siddha-kathah

    ukla-cmara-vjitahHe holds the royal parasol (mah-rja-cchatra-dhara), has al l the qual i ti es of a great ki ng (mah-rjopalakaa),

    is glor i f ied by the siddhas (siddha-gta and siddha-katha), and i s fanned w ith white cmaras (ukl a-cmara-vj i ta).

    Text 54trkah kransa ca

    bimbohah su-smita-cchavi hkarndra-kra-kodaahpracao megha-maalah

    His eyes are glittering stars (trka), His nose is graceful like a parrot's beak (kransa), His lips are bimbafruits (bimboha), His gentle smile is splendid and glorious (su-smita-cchavi), His arms are elephants' trunks(karndra-kra-kodaa), He is ferocious (pracaa), and He is splendid like a host of monsoon clouds (megha-maala).

    Text 55kapa-vakah pn sah

    padma-pda-sphurad-dyutihmah-vibhtir bhteobandha-moksamkaah

    His chest is a great door (kapa-vaka), H is shoulders are broad (pn sa), H is feet are splendid lotus f lowers(padma-pda-sphurad-dyuti ), H e is very powerful and glori ous (mah-vi bhti), He i s the master of al l li vi ng enti-ti es (bhtea), He is the l iberator f rom material bondage (bandha-mok), and He is the most w ise and intell igent(samkaa).

    Text 56caidya-atruh atru-sandho

    dantavakra-nidakahajta-atruh ppa-ghnohari-dsa-sahya-kt

    He is the enemy of iupla (caidya-atru), the end of His enemies (atru-sandha), the ki l ler of Dantavakra (dan-tavakra-nidaka), a person who has no enemy (ajta-atru), the destroyer of sins (ppa-ghna), and the ally of LordK a's servants (hari -dsa-sahya-kt) .

    Text 57la-bhuh lva-hant


    gomat-tra-vsa-ktHis arms are li ke palm trees (la-bhu). H e is the ki l ler of lva (lva-hant), a pil grim ( trtha-yy), the mas-

    ter of all living entities (janevara), a pilgrim to Naimiraya (naimiraya-ytrrth), and He who lived by theGomatriver (gomat-tra-vsa-kt).

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    Text 58gaak-snna-vn sragv

    vaijayant-virjitahamlna-pa kaja-dharo

    vipsoa-samplutahHe bathed in the Gaakriver (gaak-snna-vn), wears a garland (sragv), is splendid with a Vaijayantgar-

    land (vai jayant-virji ta), holds an unfading lotus (amlna-pa kaja-dhara), v isi ted the Vip ri ver (v ip), andbathed in the Soa river (soa-sampluta).

    Text 59prayga-trtha-rja casarayh setu-bandhanah

    gay-ira ca dhanadahpaulastyah pul ahramah

    He visited Prayga, the ki ng of holy places (prayga-trtha-rja), and He also visited the Saryu river (saray),and Setubandha (setu-bandhana). He touched His head to the holy city of Gay (gay-ira). He gives wealth incharity (dhanada). H e visited the sage Pulastya (paulastya), and He visted the rama of the sage Pulaha (pul ahra-ma).

    Text 60ga g-sgara-sa grth


    tmraparvaodakHe vi sited Ga g-sgara (ga g-sgara-sa grth). H e is the master of the seven Godvars (sapta-godvar-

    pati). He is the Ve(ve), Bhmarath(bhmarath), God (god), Tmrapar (tmrapar), and Vaodak ri vers(vaodak).

    Text 61

    ktaml mah-puykaverca payasvi n

    pratcsuprabh vetrivesaraypam

    He is the Ktaml) (ktaml), Mah-puy (mah-puy), Kaver (kaver), Payasvin (payasvin), Pratc(pratc), Suprabh (suprabh), Ve(ve), Trive(tri ve), and and Saraypam rivers (saraypam).

    Text 62k pamp narmad ca

    ga g bhgrathnad

    siddhramah prabhsa cabindur bindu-sarovarahHe is the K (k), Pamp (pamp), Narmad (narmad), Ga g (ga g), and Bhgrath ri vers

    (bhgrath). He is all sacred rivers (nad). He is Siddhrama (siddhrama), Prabhsa (prabhsa), Bindu (bindu),and B indu-sarovara (bi ndu-sarovara).

    Text 63pukarah saindhavo jamb


    jmadagnyo mah-munihHe is Pukara (pukara), Saindhava (saindhava), Jamb (jamb), and Nara-nryarama (nara-nryara-

    ma). He is the master of Kuruketra (kuruketra-pat). He is Lord Rma (rma). He is Paraurma (jmadagnya).He is a great sage (mah-muni).

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    Text 64ilvaltmaja-hant ca

    sudma-saukhya-dyakahviva-jid viva-ntha ca

    triloka-vijayjayHe killed Naraksura (ilvaltmaja-hant), delighted Sudhm (sudma-saukhya-dyaka), conquered the uni-

    verse (viva-jid), is the master of the universe (viva-ntha), is the master of the three worlds (triloka-vijay), andis victorious (jay).

    Text 65vasanta-mlat-kargado gadyo gadgrajah

    guravo gua-nidhirgua-ptro gukarah

    He is glorious with vasanta and mlatflowers (vasanta-mlat-kar). He is strong like a great mace (gada). Heis expert at fighting with a mace (gadya). He is the elder brother of Gada (gadgraja). He is an ocean of virtues(gurava and gua-nidhi), and a reservoir of virtues (gua-ptra and gukara).

    Text 66ra gavall -jalkronirguah saguo bhat

    dah ruto bhavad bhtobhaviyac clpa-vigrahah

    He is decorated with v ine-f lowers (ra gavall ), enjoys water-pastimes (j alkra), is beyond the modes of mate-rial nature (nirgua), is filled with transcendental qualities (sagua), is the greatest (bhat), is seen by the greatdevotees (da), is heard by the great devotees (ruta), and is the present (bhavad), the past (bhta), and the future(bhaviyat). He is the Supersoul, whose form is so small He stays in every atom (alpa-vigraha).

    Text 67

    andir dir nandahpratyag-dhma nirantarah

    guttah samah smyahsama-d nirv ikalpakah

    He is without beginning (andi), is the beginning of everything (di), is bliss personified (nanda), is theSupersoul who stays in everyone's heart (pratyag-dhma), is eternal (nirantara), is beyond the modes of nature(gutta), is equal to all (sama, smya and nirvikalpaka), and sees everyone with equal vision (sama-dk).

    Text 68gha-vyho guo gauo

    gubhso guvtahnityo 'karo nirvikro'karo 'jasra-sukho 'mtah

    He is concealed (gh) and He is openly manifested (vyha). He is filled with transcendental virtues (gua,gaua, gubhsa, and guvta). He eternal (nitya), imperishable (akara), unchanging (nirvikra), undying(akara), always happy (ajasra-sukha), and like nectar (amta).

    Text 69sarvagah sarvavit srthahsama-buddhi h sama-prabhahakledyo 'cchedya pro

    'oyo 'dhyo nivartakahHe is all-pervading (sarvaga), all-knowing (sarvavit), the most valuable (srtha), equal to all (sama-buddhi and

    sama-prabha), untouched by water (akledya), unbreakable (acchedya), perfect and complete (pra), never driedor withered (aoya), and never to be burned by fire (adhya). He is the destroyer of the worlds (nivartaka).

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    Text 70brahma brahma-dharo brahm

    j pako vypakah kavihadhytmako 'dhibhta c-

    dhidaivah svrayrayahHe is Brahman (brahma), the origin of Brahman (brahma-dhara), the origin of demigod Brahm (brahm), the

    supreme teacher ( j paka), all -pervading (vypaka), and the greatest phi losopher (kavi ). H e is present i n the heartsof all living entities (adhytmaka). He is present in the material elements (adhibhta). He is present among the

    demigods (adhidaiva). H e is the shelter of al l shelters (svrayraya).Text 71

    mah-vyur mah-vrace-rpa-tanu-sthitah

    prerako bodhako bodhtrayo-vi atiko gaah

    He is the great wind (mah-vyu). He is a great hero (mah-vra). As the power of action He stays in every body(ce-rpa-tanu-sthita). He inspires the living entities (preraka), and enlightens them (bodhaka). He is the mistwise (bodh). He is the master of the demigods (trayo-vi ati ka-gaa).

    Text 72a a ca narveo

    'vatro bhpari-sthitahmahar janas tapah satya

    bhr bhuvah svar iti tridhHe expands in many incarnations (a a). He appears as a akty-vea incarnation (narvea). He descends

    to the material world (avatra and bhpari -sthita). H e is M aharloka (mahah), Janaloka (j ana), Tapoloka (tapah),and Satyaloka (satyam). He is the three planetary systems: Bhloka (bh), Bhuvarloka (bhuvah), Svarloka (svah).

    Text 73

    naimit ti kah prktikatyantika-mayo layah

    sargo vi sargah sargdirnirodho rodha timn

    Although He appears in the material world (naimittika and prktika), He is eternal (tyantika-maya). He is cos-mic devastation (laya), cosmic creation (sarga), the secondary stage of cosmic creation (visarga), and the begin-ning of creation (sargdi). H e is the greatest obstacle (nirodha and rodha), and the greatest protector (timn).

    Text 74manvantarvatra ca

    manur manu-suto 'naghahsvayambhh mbhavah a kuhsvyambhuva-sahya-kt

    He appears as the M anvantarvatras (manvantarvatra). He is M anu (manu) and the sons of M anu (manu-suta). He is sinless (anagha), self-born (svayambh), and a fri end of L ord iva (mbhava). He is li ke a great l ance(a ku) . He is the ally of Svyambhuva M anu (svyambhuva-sahya-kt).

    Text 75surlayo deva-girirmerur hemrcito girih

    girio gaa-ntha cagairo giri-gahvarah

    He is the home of the demigods (surlaya), the mountain of the demigods (deva-giri), Mount Meru (meru),splendid like gold (hemrcita), and a great ountain (giri). He stays on a mountain (giria). He is the master of thedevotees (gaa-ntha) and a friend of Lord iva (gaira). He stays in a mountain cave (giri-gahvara).

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    Text 76vi ndhyas triko mainkah

    subalah pribhadrakahpata gah iirah ka kojrudhih ai la-sattamah

    He is the Vindhy mountains (vindhya), Mount Trika (trika), and Mount Mainka (mainka). He is verypowerful (subala). He is the pribhadraka tree (pribhadraka), the sun (pata ga), the wi nter season ( iira), Yama(ka ka), Jrudhi (j rudhi), and the best of mountains (aila-sattama).

    Text 77kla jaro brhat-snurdar-bhn nandikevarahsantnas taru-rja ca

    mandrah prijtakahHe is Kla jara (kla jara) and Brhat-snu (brhat-snu). He stays in a mountain cave (dar-bht). H e is

    Nandikevara (nandikevara), the santna tree (santna), the king of trees (taru-rja), the mandra tree (mandra),and the pri jta tree (prij taka).

    Text 78jayanta-kj jayant go

    jayant-di g j aykulahvtra-h devaloka caakumuda-bndhavah

    He is vi ctorious (j ayanta-kt jayant ga, jayant-dig, and jaykula). He is the ki l ler of V tra (vtra-h). He is theplanets of the demigods (devaloka), and the moon (aand kumuda-bndhava).

    Text 79nakatreah sudh-sindhur

    mgah puyah punarvasuh

    hasto 'bhi j ic ca ravaovaidhtir bhskarodayah

    He is the moon (nakatrea), an ocean of nectar (sudh-sindhu), the star M gara (mga), the star Puya(puya), the star Punarvasu (punarvasu), the star Hasta (hasta), the star Abhijit (abhijit), and the star ravaa(ravaa). He is the vaidhti formation of the stars (vaidhti), and He is the sunrise (bhskarodaya).

    Text 80aindrah sdhyah ubhah uklo

    vyatpto dhruvah sitahiumro devamayo

    brahmaloko vi lakaahHe is the star Aindra (aindra). He is Sdhyaloka (sdhya). He is the auspicious conjunction of stars (ubha). H eis the bright fortnight (ukla). He is the astrological condition known as vyatpta (vyatpta). He is Dhruvaloka(dhruva). He is the bright f ortni ght (sita), the iumra-cakra (iumra), the planets of the demigods (devamaya),and Brahmaloka (brahmaloka). He is beyond the material world (vilakaa).

    Text 81rmo vaikuha-ntha ca

    vypvaikuha-nyakahsvetadvpo j i ta-pado


    He is Lord Rma (rma). He is the master of Vaikuha (vaikuha-ntha and vaikuha-nyaka). He is all-per-vading (vyp), the master of vetadvpa (svetadvpa), the Lord who has conquered everything (jita-pada), and theL ord who stays on M ount Lokloka (loklokcalri ta).

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    Text 82bhmi-vaikuha-deva ca

    koi-brahma-krakahasa khya-brahma-patir

    golokeo gavm-patihHe is the master of Bhmi-vaikuha (bhmi-vaikuha-deva), the creator of millions of universes (koi-brah-

    ma-kraka), the master of countless universes (asa khya-brahma-pati) , the master of Goloka (gol okea),and the master of the cows (gavm-pati) .

    Text 83goloka-dhma-dhiaogopik-kaha-bhaah

    rdharah rdharo ll-dharo giri-dharo dhur

    He resides in Goloka (goloka-dhma-dhi aa). The gops' embraces have become His necklace (gopi k-kaha-bhaa). He is the master of the goddess of fortune (rdhara). He is the master of all handsomeness, glory, andopulence (rdhara). He is playful (ll-dhara). He lifted Govardhana Hill (giri-dhara). He is the maintainer of theworld (dhur).

    Text 84kunta-dhrtrilca


    gaja-carma-dharo gajHe is Lord iva who carries a trident (kunta-dhrand tr il), w ho is terri fyi ng (bbhats), w ho roars ferocious-

    ly (gharghara-svana), who with His trident attacked an elephant (la-scy-arpita-gaja), who wears an elephant-skin garemnt (gaja-carma-dhara), and who rides on an elephant (gaj).

    Text 85


    vetla-bhd bhta-sa ghahkma-gaa-samvtah

    He is Lord Nsi ha who wears a garland of entrail s (antra-ml). H e is L ord iva who w ears a neckl ace ofskulls (mua-ml), who is ferocious (vyl), who carries a club (daaka-maalu), who is accompanied byVetlas (vetla-bhd), who is accompanied by ghosts (bhta-sa gha), and who is accompanied by K mas(kma-gaa-samvta).

    Text 86

    pramatheah pau-pati rmno mo vahktnta-kla-sa ghrihkah kalpnta-bhairavah

    He is Lord iva who is the master of the Pramathas (pramathea), the master of the Paus (pau-pati), the hus-band of Prvat(mna), gentle (ma), powerful (va), the ki l ler of H is enemi es (ktnta-kla-sa ghri), mostexalted (ka), and who appears as Bhairava at the end of time (kalpnta-bhairava).

    Text 87a-nano vra-bhadrodaka-yaj a-vightakahkharparsvicaakti-hastah ivrthadah

    He is K rtti keya, who has six heads (a-nana). He is V rabhadra (vra-bhadra). He destroyed the Daka-yaj a(daka-yaj a-vightaka). He eats from a bowl that is a skull (kharpars). H e drinks poison (vi ), hol ds a akt iweapon in His hand (akti-hasta), and grants auspiciousness (ivrthada).

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    Text 88pinka-a kra-karacala-jha kara-npurah

    paitas tarka-vidvn vaiveda-phrutvarah

    When He releases arrow s from His bow i t makes a great twanging sound (pinka-a kra-kara). H e wears tin-kl ing ankl ets (cala-jha kara-npura). He is wise (paita), a master logi cian (tarka-vidvn), learned in the Vedas(veda-ph), and the master of the Vedas (rutvara).

    Text 89vednta-kt sa khya-str

    mm skaa-nma-bhkkdir gautamo vd

    vdo naiyyiko nayahHe is the author of Vednta (vednta-kt), learned i n Sa khya (sa khya-str), learned i n M m s (mm s),

    know n by the name K ada (kaa-nma-bhk and kdi), known as Gautama (gautama), and expert in phi losoph-ical debate (vd, vda, naiyyika, and naya).

    Text 90vaieiko dharma-strsarva-strrtha-tattva-gahvaiykaraa-kc chando

    vaiyysah prktir vacahHe is learned in the Vaiea phil osophy (vaieika), learned in the dharma-stras (dharma-str), l earned in all

    the scriptures (sarva-strrtha-tattva-ga), the author of grammar (vaiykaraa-kt), learned in the meters of poet-ry (chanda), the Vysa's son (vaiyysa), nature (prkti), and speech (vacah).

    Text 91prar-sa hita-vi t

    kvya-kn naka-pradahpaurikah smti-karovaidyo vi dy-viradah

    He is learned in the Parara-stra (prar-sa hita-vit), the author of poetry (kvya-kt), the giver of dramas(naka-prada), learned in the Puras (paurika), the author of the Vedas (smti-kara), the first physician (vaidya),and very learned (vidy-virada).

    Text 92ala kro lakartho

    vya gya-viddhanavad-dhvanih

    vkya-sphoah pada-sphoahsphoa-vtti ca srtha-vitHe is the ornaments of poetry (ala kra), the secondary meanings of words (lakartha), the hinted meanings

    of words (vya gya-vi ddhanavad-dhvani), and the meaning that fi rst comes to mind when one hears a statement(vkya-sphoa, pada-sphoa, and (sphoa-vtti). He knows the meanings of words (srtha-vit).

    Text 93 gra ujj valah svaccho'dbhuto hsyo bhaynakahavattho yava-bhojca

    yava-krto yavanahHe is decoration ( gra), splendor (uj jvala and svaccha), w onder (adbhuta), joki ng (hsya), f ear (bhaynaka),

    the banyan tree (avattha), and the philosopher Kada (yava-bhoj, yava-krta, and yavana).

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    Text 94prahlda-rakakah snigdha

    ail a-va a-vi vardhanahgatdhi r ambar govi gdhir gdhin varah

    He is the protector of Prahlda (prahlda-rakaka), affectionate (snigdha), the glory of the Aila dynasty (aila-va a-vivardhana), f ree of anxi ety (gatdhi), A mbara (ambar ga), Gdhi (v igdhi) , the best of Gdhi'sdescendents (gdhin vara).

    Text 95nn-mai-samkro

    nn-ratna-vibhaahnn-pupa-dharah puppupa-dhanva su-pupitah

    He is decorated with many jewels (nn-mai-samkra and nn-ratna-vibhaa) and decorated with manyflowers (nn-pupa-dhara, pup, and su-pupita). He is Kmadeva who holds a bow of flowers (pupa-dhanva).

    Text 96nn-candana-gandhhyo

    nn-pupa-rasrcitahnn-vara-mayo varo

    nn-vastra-dharah sadHe is fragrant with sandal paste (nn-candana-gandhhya), anointed with the fragrant juices of many flow-

    ers (nn-pupa-rasrcita), decorated with garments and ornaments of many colors (nn-vara-maya), glorious(vara), always dressed in opulent and elaborate garments (nn-vastra-dhara sad).

    Text 97nn-padma-karah kau



    He holds many lotus f lowers in H is hand (nn-padma-kara), i s dressed in si lk garments (kaunn-kaueya-vea-dhk), wears a jewel cloak (ratna-kambala-dhr), and is dressed in splendid clean garments (dhauta-vastra-samvta).

    Text 98uttarya-dharah puro

    ghana-ka cuka-sa ghavnptoah sitoo

    raktoo dig-ambarahHe wears an upper garment (uttarya-dhara). He is perfect (pura). H e wears strong armor (ghana-ka cuka-sa ghavn), a yel low turban (ptona), a whi te turban (sitoa), or a red turban (raktoa). Someti mes Hewears the four directions as His garment (dig-ambara).

    Text 99divy go divya-racano

    divya-loka-vilokitahsarvopamo nirupamo

    golok k-kt gaahHis l imbs are splendid (divy ga), He is decorated wi th great splendor (di vya-racana), the residents of Devaloka

    gaze on Him (divya-loka-vilokita), He is the best of all (sarvopama), He is without peer ( nirupama), and He stayswith His associates in the realm of Goloka (golok k-kt gaa).

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    Text 100kta-svots ga-go lokah

    kual-bhta sthi tahmthuro mathur-dar

    calat-kha jana-locanahHe stays in Goloka (kta-svots ga-goloka), He is L ord Ananta (kual-bhta), He is al l -pervading (sthi ta),

    He stays in M athur (mthura), He gazes at the sights of M athur (mathur-dar), and His eyes are l ike restlesskha jana birds (calat-kha jana-locana).

    Text 101dadhi-hart dugdha-haro

    navanta-sitanahtakra-bhuk takra-hrcadadhi-caurya-kta-ramah

    As a child He is a yogurt thief (dadhi-hart), a milk thief (dugdha-hara), an eater of butter (navanta-sitana),a drinker of buttermilk (takra-bhuk), a thief of buttermilk (takra-hr), and exhausted by stealing yogurt (dadhi-caurya-kta-rama).

    Text 102prabhvat-baddha-karo

    dmdmodaro damsikat-bhmi-crcabla-kelir vrajrbhakah

    As a child His hands were tied by His powerful mother (prabhvat-baddha-kara), He was tied up (dm), Hewas tied at the waist (dmodara), He was tied up (dam), He crawled on the ground (sikat-bhmi-cr), and Heenjoyed the pastimes of a child (bla-keli). He was a child in Vraja (vrajrbhaka).

    Text 103dhli -dhsara-sarv gah

    kka-paka-dharah sudhhmukta-keo vatsa-vndh

    klind-kla-vkaahA s a chil d al l H is l imbs were sometimes covered wi th dust (dhl i-dhsara-sarv ga), He was decorated wi th

    crow's feathers (kka-paka-dhara), He was intelligent (sudh), His hair was sometimes dishevelled (mukta-kea),He stayed with the calves (vatsa-vnd), and He gazed at the Yamun's shore (klind-kla-vkaa).

    Text 104jala-kolhalkl

    pa ka-pr gana-lepakah

    r-vndvana-sa crva vaa-taa-sthi tahHe played in the Yamun's waves (jala-kolhal), and on its shore (kl), As He crawled in the courtyard He

    became anointed wi th mud (pa ka-pr gana-l epaka), He wandered in Vndvana forest (r-vndvana-sa cr),and H e rested at Va vaa (va vaa-taa-sthi ta).

    Text 105mahvana-nivscalohrgala-vandhipah

    sdhuh priyatamah sdhyahsdhv-o gata-sdhvasah

    He resided i n M ahvana (mahvana-nivs), He was the king of Lohrgalavana (lohrgala-vandhipa), H e wasa great saint (sdhu), the most dear (priyatama), attainable by the devotees (sdhya), the Lord of the devotees(sdhv-a), and fearless (gata-sdhvasa).

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    Text 106ra ga-ntho vialeo

    mukti -ntho 'gha-nakahsu-krtih su-yah sphto

    yaasvra ga-ra janahHe is the L ord of Ra gaketra (ra ga-ntha), the L ord of V iala (vialea), the Lord of l iberation (mukti -ntha),

    the destroyer of sins (agha-naka), glorious (su-krti, su-ya, sphta), and yaasv), and the delight of the devo-tees (ra ga-ra jana).

    Text 107rga-ako rga-putro

    rgi-ramaotsukahdpako megha-mallrah

    r-rgo mla-koakahHe is the six kinds of rgas (rga-aka). He is the rgas Rga-putra (rga-putra), Rgi-ramaotsuka (rgi-

    ramaotsuka), Dpaka (dpaka), M egha-mallra (megha-mall ra), r-rga (r-rga), and M la-koaka (mla-koa-ka).

    Text 108hindolo bhairavkhya ca

    svara-jti-smaro mduhtlo mna-prama casvara-gamyah kalkarah

    He is the ras Hindola (hindola) and Bhairava (bhairavkhya). He is love born by hearing beautiful melodies(svara-jti-smara). He is gentle (mdu). He is graceful musical rhythms (tla and mna-prama). He is melody(svara-gamya), and He is graceful singing (kalkara).

    Text 109amymatnandah

    ata-ymah ata-kratuhjgarah supta suptahsuuptah svapna urvarah

    He self-controlled (am). He is dark-complexioned Lord Ka (ym). He has a hundred blisses (atnanda),He forgi ves a hundred offenses (ata-yma), H e performed a hundred yaj as (ata-kratu), He is awake and alert(jgara), He sleeps (supta, supta, suupta, svapna). He is great (urvara).

    Text 110rjah sphrjo nirjara ca

    vi jvaro j vara-varjitah

    jvara-j i j jvara-kart cajvara-yuk tri -j varo jvarahHe is power (rja), and glory (sphrja). He is free from the fever of anxiety (nir jara, vi jvara, jvara-varji ta, and

    jvara-j i t), He l ights the fever of anxiety in the demons (j vara-kart), He is passionate (jvara-yuk), He is the threepassions (tri-jvara), and He is passion (jvara).

    Text 111jmbavn jambuksa k

    jambudvpo dv ipri-hlmalih lmali-dvpahplakah plakavanevarah

    He is Jmbavn (jmbavn), He does not trust the demons (jambuksa k), H e resides in Jambudvpa (jambud-vpa), He killed an elephant that attacked Him (dvipri-h), He is lmali (lmali), He resides in lmalidvpa(lmali-dvpa), He is Plaka (plaka), and He is the master of Plakavana forest (plakavanevara).

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    Text 112kua-dhrkuah kaus

    kauikah kua-vigrahahkuasthal-patih k-ntho bhairava-sanah

    He holds a blade of kua grass (kua-dhr, kua, kau, kauika, and kua-vigraha). He is the king of Dvrak(kuasthal-pati), the king of Vras(k-ntha), and the master of Bhairava (bhairava-sana).

    Text 113drhah stvato virbhojo 'ndhaka-nivsa-kt

    andhako dundubhir dyotahpradyotah satvatm-patih

    He is the great descendent of King Darha (drha), and a great king of the Satvata dynasty (stvata), theVi dynasty (vi), and the Bhoja dynasty (bhoja). He stays among the kings of the Andhaka dynasty (andha-ka-nivsa-kt and andhaka). He is glorified by the sounding of Dundubhi drums (dundubhi). He is glorious (dyotaand pradyota). He is the master of the Satvatas (satvatm-pati).

    Text 114raseno 'nuviayo

    bhoja-vy-andhakevarahhukah sarva-nti -j augraseno mahogra-vk

    He is rasena (rasena), He is Anuviaya (anuviaya), He is the king of the Bhoja, Vi, and Andhaka dynas-ti es (bhoja-vy-andhakevara), He is A hka (huka), He knows what is ri ght (sarva-nti -j a), He is Ugrasena(ugrasena), and H e can speak very fi ercely (mahogra-vk).

    Text 115ugrasena-priyah prrthyah

    pryo yadu-sabh-patihsudharmdhipatih sattva

    vi-cakrvto bhiakHe is dear to K ing Ugrasena (ugrasena-pri ya), the devotees off er prayers to H im (prrthya), H e is the Pavas

    (prtha), He is the leader of the assembled Ydavas (yadu-sabh-pati), He is the leader of the Sudharma assembly(sudharmdhipati ), He is existence (sattva ), He is surrounded by the Vis (vi-cakrvta), and He is thesupreme physician (bhiak).

    Text 116sabh-lah sabh-dpah

    sabhgni ca sabh-ravihsabh-candrah sabh-bhsahsabh-devah sabh-patih

    He is an exalted member of the assembly (sabh-la), He is a lamp shining in the assembly (sabh-dpa), thefire of the assembly (sabhgni), the sun of the assembly (sabh-ravi), the moon of the assembly (sabh-candra),the splendor of the assembly (sabh-bhsa), the Deity of the assembly (sabh-deva), and the master of the assem-bly (sabh-pati).

    Text 117prajrthadah praj-bhart

    praj-plana-tat-parahdvrak-durga-sa crdvrak-graha-vigrahah

    He fulfills the desires of the citizens (prajrthada), maintains the citizens (praj-bhart), protects the citizens(praj-plana-tat-para), guards the Dvrak fort (dvrak-durga-sa cr), and stays in Dvrak (dvrak-graha-vigraha).

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    Text 118dvrak-duhkha-sa hart

    dvrak-jana-ma galahjagan-mt jagat-trt

    jagad-bhart jagat-pi tHe removes all suff erings from D vrak (dvrak-duhkha-sa hart). He is the auspici ousness of Dvrak's ci t-

    izens (dvrak-jana-ma gala), the mother of the universes (jagan-mt), the protector of the universes (jagat-trt),the maintainer of the universes (j agad-bhart), and the father of the universes (jagat-pi t).

    Text 119jagad-bandhur jagad-bhrt

    jagan-mitro j agat-sakhahbrahmaya-devo brahmayo

    brahma-pda-rajo-dadhatHe is the friend of the universes (jagad-bandhu, jagan-mitra, and jagat-sakha), the creator of the universes

    (jagad-dht), and the Deity worshiped by the brhmaas (brahmaya-deva and brahmaya). He respectfullytouches the dust of the brhmaas' feet (brahma-pda-rajo-dadhat).

    Text 120brahma-pda-rajah-spar

    brahma-pda-nievakahvipr ghri-jala-pt go

    vipra-sev-paryaahHe respectfully touches the dust of the brhmaas' feet (brahma-pda-rajah-spar), He serves the brhmaas'

    feet (brahma-pda-nievaka), He purifies Himself by sprinkling on His head the water that has washed the brh-maas' f eet (vipr ghri -j ala-pt ga), and He devotedly serves the brhmaas (vipra-sev-paryaa).

    Text 121vipra-mukhyo v ipra-hito

    vipra-gta-mah-kathahvi pra-pda-jalrdr go

    vipra-pdodaka-priyahHe is the best of the brhmaas (vipra-mukhya), the auspiciousness of the brhmaas (vipra-hita), the supreme

    master whose glories are sung by the brhmaas (vipra-gta-mah-katha), and the supreme master who sprinkleson Himsel f the water that has washed the brhmaas' f eet (vipra-pda-jalrdr ga and vi pra-pdodaka-pri ya).

    Text 122vipra-bhakto vi pra-gurur

    vipro vipra-padnugah

    akauhi-vto yoddhpratim-pa ca-samyutahHe is devoted to the brhmaas (vipra-bhakta), the guru of the brhmaas (vipra-guru), a brhmaa (vipra), a

    follower of the brhmaas (vipra-padnuga), accompanied by an akauhimilitary division (akauhi-vta), agreat warrior (yoddh), and manif ested as fi ve Deit ies (pratim-pa ca-samyuta).

    Text 123catur a girh padma-vart


    He is Catu (catu), A gir (a gir), and Padmavart(padma-vart). Samnta M uni w orships His feet (samntod-dhta-pduka). He is powerful l ike ten mi l l ion elephants (gaja-koi-prayy). H is f lag of vi ctory f l ies over the defeatof ten mil li on chariot-warriors (ratha-koi- jaya-dhvaja).

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    Text 124mahratha ctiratho

    jaitra syandanam sthi tahnryastrbrahmstr

    raa-lghraodbhaahHe is a great chariot w arri or (mahratha and ati ratha). He ri des a vi ctory-chariot j ai tra -syandanam-sthi ta).

    He wields the nryastra weapon (nryastr) and the brahmstra weapon (brahmstr). He is a famous war-ri or (raa-lghand raodbhaa).

    Text 125madotkao yuddha-vro

    devsura-bhaya karahkari-kara-marut-prejat-

    kuntala-vypta-kualahHe is a ferocious warrior (madotkaa), a hero in battle (yuddha-vra), and frightening even to the demigods and

    demons (devsura-bhaya kara). M ovi ng in the wind, His long hair and earri ngs are li ke a great elephant's ear (kari -kara-marut-prejat-kuntala-vypta-kuala).

    Text 126agrago vra-sammrdomardalo raa-durmadah

    bhaah pratibhaah procyoba-varutoyadah

    He is the first before all others (agraga). He crushes the enemy warriors in battle (vra-sammrda, mardala, raa-durmada, bhaa, and pratibhaa). He is glorious (procya). He rains a shower of arrows on the enemy (ba-varand iu-toyada).

    Text 127khaga-khadta-sarv gah

    oabdah a-akarahvra-ghoah kl ia-vapur

    vajr go vajra-bhedanahWi th H is sword H e cuts the enemy to pi eces (khaga-khadta-sarv ga). H e is a sixteen-year-old youth eter-

    nall y (oabda). He does not suff er the six material di stresses (a-akara). He makes a heroi c roar (vra-ghoa).He brings distress to H is enemies (k l ia-vapu). His l imbs are powerful l ike a series of thunderbol ts (vajr ga). Hebreaks apart the thunderbolt weapons of His enemies (vajra-bhedana).

    Text 128rugna-vajro bhagna-dantah

    atru-nirbhartsanodyatahaa-hsah paa-dhrahpaa-rj -pati h pauh

    He breaks apart the thunderbolt weapons of His enemies (rugna-vajra). He breaks His enemies' teeth (bhagna-danta). He rebukes His enemies (atru-nirbhartsanodyata). He laughs loudly (aa-hsa). He wears silk garments(paa-dhra). He is the husband of a noble queen (paa-rj -pati ). He is very intell igent (pau).

    Text 129klah pataha-vditrohu kro garj i ta-svanah

    sdhur bhakta-pardhnahsvatantrah sdhu-bhaah

    He is time (kla). Paaha drums are sounded to celebrate His victory (pataha-vditra). He roars ferociously(hu kra and garj i ta-svana). He is saintl y (sdhu), submi ssive to His devotees (bhakta-pardhna), independent(svatantra), and decorated with the ornaments of saintly qualities (sdhu-bhaa).

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    Text 130asvatantrah sdhumayahsdhu-grasta-man mank

    sdhu-pr iyah sdhu-dhanahsdhu-j tih sudh-ghanah

    He is not i ndependent (asvatantra). He is dependent on His devotees (sdhumaya). His heart i s rapt i n thi nki ngof His devotees (sdhu-grasta-man). He loves His devotees and they love Him (sdhu-priya). He is charitable toHis devotees (sdhu-dhana). H e is His devotees' k insman (sdhu-j ti). He is a monsoon cloud of nectar (sudh-

    ghana).Text 131


    iti nmn sahasra tubalabhadrasya krtitam

    He stays among His devotees (sdhu-crand sdhu-vs). His devotees stay in His heart (sdhu-citta). He isthe abode of auspiciousness.

    These are the thousand names of Lord Balarma.

    Text 132sarva-siddhi-prada n

    catur-varga-phala-pradamata-vara pahed yas tu

    sa vidyvn bhaved ihaHe becomes wise who a hundred ti mes recites these names, which give the four goals of l i fe and all perfection.

    Text 133indir ca vimrti c-

    bhijana rpam eva ca

    bala-bhoja ca pahantsarva prpnoti mnavah

    One who recites these names pleases Lord Balarma and thus attains all wealth, glory, good descendents,and handsomeness.

    Text 134ga g-kle 'tha klind-

    kl e devlaye tathsahasrvrta-phenabalt siddhih prjayate

    By reciting these names a thousand ti mes on the Ga g's shore, on the Yamun's shore, or in the Lord's temple,by Lord Balarma's mercy one attains perfection.

    Text 135putrrthlabhate putradhanrtho labhate dhanam

    bandht pramucyate baddhorogrogn nivartate

    One who desires a son attains a good son. One who desires wealth attains wealth. One who is imprisonedbecomes free from prison. One who is diseased becomes cured of his disease.

    Text 136 - 137ayutvrta-phe capurcarya-vidhnatah


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    paala paddhat stotrakavaca tu vidhya ca

    mah-maala-bhart synmaito maalevaraih

    One who performs purcarya, recites the paala, paddhat, stotra, and kavaca, recites these names ten thousandtimes, offers homa and tarpaa, gives cows in charity, and worships the brhmaas becomes a great king decorat-ed with a great host of vassal-kings.

    Text 138mattebha-kara-prahit

    mada-gandhena vihvalala karoti tad-dvara

    bhramad-bh gvalbhamPushed by an elephant's ear, and maddened by the sweet fragrance they find there, a host of bees decorates his


    Text 139nikraah pahed yas tu

    prty-artha revat-patehnmn sahasra rjendra

    sa jvan-mukta ucyateO great k ing, one who w ithout any personal moti ve, only to pl ease Lord Balarma, recites these thousand names,

    is said to be liberated in this life.

    Text 140sad vaset tasya ghebalabhadro 'cyutgrajah

    mah-patky api janah

    pahen nma-sahasrakamLord B alarma, the elder brother of L ord K a, eternall y resides in the home of even a great sinner w ho recites

    these thousand names.

    Text 141chit tv meru-sama ppabhuktv sarva-sukha tv i ha

    part para mah-rjagoloka dhma yti hi

    O great k ing, that person destroys a host of sins equal to M ount M eru. H e enjoys great happiness, and then He

    goes to the realm of Goloka, which is above the highest place in the spiritual world.

    Text 142r-nrada uvca i ti rutvacyutgrajasya baladevasya pa c ga dhtimn dhrtarrah saparyay sahitay

    paray bhakty prvipka pjaym sa tam anuj pyia dattv prvi pko munndro gajhvayt svra-ma jagma.

    rNrada said: After hearing these five procedures for worshiping Lord Balarma, the saintly son ofDhtartra worshiped Prvipka Muni with great devotion. After giving his blessings, Prvipka, the king ofsages, left Hastinpura and returned to his own rama.

    Text 143bhagavato 'nantasya balabhadrasya para-brahmaah kath yah ute rvayate taynanda-mayo bhavati .

    One who hears or repeats these descriptions of l imi tl ess Lord B alarma. the Supreme Personali ty of Godhead,becomes fil led with bli ss.

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    Text 144ida may te kathita npendra

    sarvrthada r-balabhadra-khaamoti yo dhma hareh sa yti

    viokam nandam akhaa-rpam

    O great king, thus I have recited for you the Balarma-khaa, which fulfills all desires. Anyone who hears it

    goes to Lord Ka transcendental abode, which is eternal, full of bliss, and free of any suffering.The End