balancing your life

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Balancing Your Life: Executive Lessons for Work, Family and Self by James G S Clawson University of Virginia, USA The single most common challenge people everywhere face was balancing work, family and personal life.” World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2010


  • 1. .. 3 2555

2. The single most common challenge people everywhere face was balancing work, family and personal life.James G S Clawson University of Virginia, USA World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2010 3. "Leadership is about managing energy, first in yourself and then in those around you. "Hope is not a strategy. 4. the Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia, MBA, Executive Education, Doctoral programs. David L. Bradford Educator of the Year 2009, OBTC the Harvard Business School, Northeastern University, the International University of Japan, Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, North America 5. 1979 Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston, MA, Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). Thesis: Developmental Aspects of Superior-Subordinate Relationships 1973 Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, Master of Business Administration (MBA). Major: Marketing 1971 Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Bachelor of Arts with Great Distinction (BA). Major: Japanese Language and Literature 6. 20 7. Balance Wheel 8. Explores the challenges of balancing ones work, family and personal life and introduces a Balance Wheel framework for doing that. 9. ? ? 10. 0 = zero development 10 = world class development (maximum potential of human race) physical professional financial 5 11. 12 12. ? 13. Summarizes what we know about predictable stages in human life and career. Invites the reader to make notes along the way about similarities in his/her own experience. 14. Erikson 8 1. Trust vs. Mistrust (01) 2. Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt (12) 3. Initiative vs. Guilt (24) 4. Industry vs. Inferiority (411) 5. Identity vs. Role Confusion (1217) 6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (1830) 7. Generativity vs. Stagnation (3049) 8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair (50) 15. 5 Erikson Erikson, E. (1950, 1963). Childhood and Society. W.W. Norton, New York. 16. 014: Growth stage Fantasy substage (age 410) is characterized by fantasy, role-playing. Interests substage (1112) emphasizes likes. Capacity substage (1314) emphasizes abilities.1524: Exploration stage Tentative substage (1517) is characterized by making tentative choices. Transaction (1821) by entering the labor market. Trial (2224) by beginning work.2544: Establishment stage Trial substage (2530) may see a change of occupation. Stabilization substage (3144), an effort to settle down. 17. 4566: Maintenance stage Holding on to what one has.65+: Decline stage Deceleration (6570) is the beginning of retreat from work. Retirement (71), a move out of the career.Super, D., J. Crites, R. Hummd, H. Moser, P. Overstreet and C. Warnath (1957). Vocational Development: A Framework for Research. New York: Teachers College Press. 18. A discussion of the challenges of defining success with some good examples and setting up the trade-offs one has to make between wealth, fame, power, family, love, health, recreation, resonance/flow, material things, etc. Presents a view of how to merge the static, cross-sectional view with the dynamic longitudinal view. 19. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 20. When youre at your best, confident, productive, unaware of time, not conscious, performing at your best in an easy way, and learning, how do you feel? 21. 1 168 Balance Wheel 22. A diary of an MBA student working horrendous hours in investment banking. 23. Nelson 24. Investment Banking Division Corporate Finance Division (Financial Advisor FA) 1. (debentures) (IPO) IPO Underwriter public offering right offering (private placement) 25. 2. (Mergers & Acquisitions M&A) due diligence valuation 3. debt restructuring 4. 26. financial modeling Analyst financial models due diligence presentation present admin 27. MBA MBA Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Chicago, Columbia etc Investment Bank Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch 28. MBA MBA Associate 3 Vice President, 3 Director 3 Managing Director (MD) career path 29. (pitching) Associate 1 Sign on bonus bonus 5 MD 1 Bonus 1-3 70 30. Goldman Sachs 30 perform internet website IB IB 31. An Iranian workaholic puts job ahead of self and family and nearly pays the price with his life as he falls asleep while driving and has a horrendous wreck. 32. .. 1993 Hassan 37 The Golden Boy Chief Financial Officer Iran Office Machines Center Co. Ltd. 7 3 2 33. Current member of the Japanese Diet who began as an investment banker in Europe and New York and then became the most popular of all 605 mayors in Japan and is a part of the reform movement in Japan. 34. Iwakuni Osaka .. 1936 2 7 Izumo 35. Iwakuni Nikko New York London Paris .. 1977 Tokyo 2 London Nikko 36. Iwakuni Morgan Stanley London .. 1984 Merrill Lynch New York Merrill Lynch Japan .. 1988 Izumo 37. Iwakuni Izumo .. 1989 38. Iwakuni Tree Doctors Santa Clara, California .. 1993 87 2 39. .. 1994 Izumo .. 1996 Iwakuni ( Diet) Setagaya-ku Tokyo 40. A free spirit entrepreneur who has successfully introduced a new product through GNC, lost large amounts of weight, become a fitness nut, and is able to resist the outside-in pressures of society to do things her own way. 41. Fisher Ririe Idaho .. 1987 2 2 Idaho .. 1996 GNC 42. Fisher 43. ..1996 Fisher Mel Rich Bodyonics Pinnacle Estrolean GNC Fisher Harvard Hawaii 3 44. A professor balances getting tenure, teaching, writing, consulting, serving on committees, having two kids, managing a long-distance marriage and her health. And then is asked to do more. 45. Erika Hayes .. 1969 Bermuda Pennsylvania .. 1971 5 Erika Missouri Pomona College Claremont, California organizational psychology University of Michigan (Sun Shine) 46. Erika Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana 3 Emory University Atlanta, Georgia 3 Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Jimmie James Exxon Houston, Texas 47. .. 2000 Houston Atlanta Baton Rouge 3 Washington, D.C. Northern Virginia 48. 1 1 49. A description of the early life and formative events in the life of Donna Dubinsky, founder of Palm and one of Americas most influential women. 50. Dubinsky southwest Michigan Benton Harbor Yale University New Haven, Connecticut Philadelphia National Bank .. 1979 2 Harvard Business School 51. .. 1981 Dubinsky Harvard Business School Apple .. 1987 Campbell Apple Claris Apple Claris Apple 52. .. 1992 Dubinsky Bruce Dunlevie Palm Computing CEO Bill Campbell Claris GO Corporation ( Palm Computing) 53. Describes Mr. Norris childhood, career advancement, rise to the top spot, lifestyle issues, indictment, imprisonment, and subsequent successes. 54. Edward T. Norris 32 Norris Times Square 55. New York 20 Baltimore .. 2000 Norris 56. .. 2002 $10,000 6 6 500 57. 6 Baltimore FM 105.7 58. Baltimore FM 105.7 The Ed Norris Show 4 10.00 14.00 . Norris Norris City Beats best talk-show host 59. An American who just became partner in Japan in a wellknown global consulting firm decides to take some time off to regain his health and figure out the meaning of life by cycling across the entire United States. 60. Shill Mississippi Connecticut Walter Shill .. 1960 6 .. 1979 Shill Virginia Tech the University of Virginia the Darden Graduate School of Business at the University of Virginia 61. Shill McKinsey Cleveland .. 1989 4 70 .. 1995 62. .. 1997 63. ? ( ) 64. The senior strategy officer for Marriott Corporation describes his life and career including his hobbies, lifestyle, typical week, relationships, and family. 65. Tom Curren 10 3 1 Tom Trinity College Hartford MBA Wharton .. 1967 .. 1968 -1971 66. McKinsey 4 Marriott Director of Corporate Planning .. 1977 3 67. 2 Tom 68. Mrs. Curren describes her husband and their relationship and lifestyle. Her children also comment. 69. Judy Moore Lutheran Pomona College sociology Allen Moore 2 9 MBA Stanford Marriott 4 Tom .. 1978 MBA 6 70. Tom 2 Tom New York Washington DC Tom 71. ( Tom Judy) 72. A successful Ameritech executive wrestles with whether to cancel a family vacation in order to participate in a very important corporate restructuring. 73. Jackie Cleveland, Ohio ..1947 Jack Gladys Dudek Muskingum College southern Ohio .. 1969 communication psychology Jack .. 1970 2 Ohio Bell Bell of Pennsylvania Ohio Bell 74. Bell 7 Ameritech .. 1986 Bell Communications Ohio Bell .. 1988 Chief Financial Officer Ameritech Chicago, Illinois 1989 Chicago Jack Ameritech Information Technology Department 75. .. 1991 Jackie .. 1992 ..1992 Ameritech ( teleconferences Ohio Bell) 76. Bob Johnson, just retired CEO of Honeywell Aerospace, has money, fame, power, and is facing a divorce and an uncertain future. Beset with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), he has learned to manage his career well. Hes offered a job in Dubai to establish a new aerospace industry there, but it will disrupt his intended retirement, family and new house-building. 77. Robert Johnson Zanesville, Ohio () General Electric (GE) Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 78. Miami University Oxford, Ohio 2 .. 1969 GE Aircraft Engines (GEAE) Dede .. 1972 2 1 .. 1982 GE aircraft 7 79. Johnson GE 24 AAR Johnson 13 2 49 Larry Bossidy AlliedSignal .. 1988 president CEO AlliedSignals aerospace marketing, sales, and service business 80. .. 1999 AlliedSignal Honeywell Honeywell International CEO aerospace operations Phoenix .. 2006 3 81. ADD OCD ADD OCD 82. 56 3 24/7 83. 84. An intimate view of the former CEO of Puget Sound Power and Light, Seattle Washington, including discussions of how he managed his career and his marriage and family life. Includes a comment by his wife about how sometimes she thinks he doesnt even SEE her needs. 85. Clawson .. 1899 Providence, Utah 10 8 2 Campbell 86. .. 1920 Utah State Harvard Business School Stone and Webber 87. .. 1928 Stone and Webber Seattle Puget Sound Power and Light Company (PSPL) Seattle PSPL 37 2 88. Jack 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 89. .. 1955 Jack Jack PSPL 90. .. 1965 Jack 5 Jack 91. Authors comments and suggestions on how to integrate all of this. 92. 3 1.) (Balance Wheel) 2.) (Chapter in Life) 3.) (Nature of Success) 93. () 76/2533 200,000 10 94. 4 1. 2. 3. 4.( 71) 95. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 5. ( 73) 96. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. ( 71) 97. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. ( 67) 98. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. ( 67-68) 99. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 ( 34) 100. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 ( 45) 101. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 ( 36) 102. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 ( 71) 103. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 ( 38) 104. 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( 75-79) 105. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 106. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 107. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 108. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) 109. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 110. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 111. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 112. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 113. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 114. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 115. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 116. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.