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  • 8/13/2019 Balkan - Bibliografija


    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Adam, Bernard and Zymberaj Sevdi,Kosovo: la poudrire des Balkans(Brussels: GRIP, 1998), 30 pp.Adam, Bernard (ed.),La guerre du Kosovo(Brussels: Editions Complexe & Grip, 1999), 179 pp.

    (ed.), La Nouvelle architecture de scurit en Europe (Brussels: Editions Complexe & Grip,1999), 194 pp.

    Akhavan, Payam & Robert Howse (eds.), Yugoslavia, the Former and the Future: Reflections byScholars from the Region(Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1995), 188 pp.

    Les Albanais,La Nouvelle Alternative, (1994) 33.Les Albanais : portrait dun peuple en deuil, Courrier international, Paris, no. 443, 23 April 1999,pp. 34-43.

    Albanian Question Self Determination, Thema, (1993) 12-13.The Albanian National Question,Balkan WarReport, (1994) 24, pp. 3-16.The Albanian National Question: the Post-Dayton Pay-off ,Balkan WarReport, (1996) 41, pp. 3-4 &

    pp. 25-50.Albanie, Bulgarie et Serbie en bullition,La Nouvelle Alternative, (1997) 45.Albert, Sophie,Les Rfugis Bosniaques en Europe(Paris: Montchrestien, 1995), 200 pp.Albrecht, Ulrich & Paul Schfer (eds.), Der Kosovo Krieg: Fakten, Hintergrnde, Alternativen(Kln:

    Papy Rossa Verlag, 1999), 266 pp.Ali, Rabia & Lawrence Lifschultz (eds.), Why Bosnia? Writings on the Balkan War (New Haven:

    Pamphleteers Press, 1993), 353 pp.

    Allain, Marie-Franoise et al. (eds.), LEx-Yougoslavie en Europe: De la faillite des dmocraties auprocessus de paix(Paris: LHarmattan, 1997), 340 pp.Allcock, John B.,Explaining Yugoslavia(New York: Columbia University Press,2000),499 pp.Almassy, Eva et al., Carnet de Sarajevo 1 (Paris: Gallimard, 2002), 208 pp.Alternatives serbes: y en a-t-il aprs la Bosnie ?,Migrations Littraires, (1992) 21, 107 pp.Analis, Dimitri T.,La Crise yougoslave(Lausanne: Lge dHomme, 1993), 61 pp.Anastasakis, Othon and Vesna Boji!i"-D#elilovi", Balkan Regional Cooperation & European

    Integration(London: London School of Economics, July 2002), 86 pp.Anastasijevic, Dejan (ed), Out of Time: Draskovic, Djinjic and Serbian Opposition against Milosevic

    (London: IWPR, 2000), 175 pp.Ancel, Jacques,Peuples et nations des Balkans(Paris: CTHS, 1992 [1930]), 220 pp.Anderson, Lisa (ed.), Transition to Democracy(New York: Columbia University Press, 1999), 316 pp.Anderson, Richard D. et al., Postcommunism and the Theory of Democracy (Princeton: Princeton

    University Press, 2001), 201 pp.An$eli", Neven,Bosnia-Herzegovina: The End of a Legacy, London: Frank Cass, 2003, 228 pp.Andrani, Gilles & Pierre Hassner (eds.), Justifier la guerre? De lhumanitaire au contre-terrorisme

    (Paris: Sciences Po, 2005), 364 pp.Andri", Ivo,Au temps d'Anika(Lausanne: L'ge d'Homme, 1992 [1972]), 96 pp.

    ,Llphant du vizir(Paris: POF 1977, [Le serpent plumes, 2002], 293 pp.,La Soif et autres nouvelles(Lausanne: L'ge d'Homme 1993 [1980]), 153 pp.,La Demoiselle(Paris: Robert Laffont, 1987)., Titanic et autres contes juifs de Bosnie(Paris: Belfond, 1987), 154 pp.,La cour maudite(Lausanne, L'ge d'Homme, 1990), 111 pp., Omer Pacha Latas(Paris: Belfond, 1992), 297 pp.,Inquitudes(Paris: Griot, 1993), 190 pp.,Le pont sur la Drina(Paris: Belfond, 1994), 407 pp.,La chronique de Travnik(Paris: Belfond, 1997), 511 pp.,Mara la courtisane(Paris: Belfond, 1997), 237 pp., Contes de la solitude(Paris: Lesprit des pninsules, 2001, 175 pp.,Innocence et chtiment(Brussels: Complexe, 2002), 93 pp.Die Angst vor der Freiheit: Beitrge zur Psychoanalyse des Krieges(Tbingen: Diskord, 1993).Ash, Garton Timothy, History of the Present: Essay, Sketches and Dispatches from Europe in the

    1990s(London: Penguin, 2000), 494 pp.Ashdow, Paddy, Swords and Ploughshares. Bringing Peace to the 21stCentury(London : Weidenfeld

    & Nicolson, 2007), 338 pp.LAtlas 2000 des conflits,Manire de voir, (2000) 49, 98 pp.Une Autre Serbie,Les Temps Modernes, (1994) 570-571, 208 pp.Quel Avenir dans les Balkans avec Kostunica?,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (2000) 67.Quel Avenir pour les Balkans?, Courrier international, (2001) 545, pp. 36-41.

  • 8/13/2019 Balkan - Bibliografija


    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Bacevich, Andrew J. & Eliot A. Cohen (eds.), War over Kosovo: Politics and Strategy in a Global Age (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001), 223 pp.

    Badie, Betrand,LEtat import: loccidentalisation de lordre politique(Paris: Fayard, 1992), 334 pp., Un Monde sans souverainet: les Etats entre ruse et responsabilit (Paris: Fayard, 1999), 306

    pp., La diplomatie des droits de lhomme: entre thique et volont de puissance (Paris: Fayard,

    2002), 324 pp.Bak%i"-Mufti", Jasna and Nada Ler-Sofroni" (eds.), Socio-Economic Status of Women in Bosnia andHerzegovina(Sarajevo: Je#, 2003), 145 pp.

    Bali", Smail, Die Kultur der Bosniaken: Inventar des Bosnischen Literarischen Erbes inOrientalischen Sprachen(Vienna, 1978), 108 pp.

    Balkans et balkanisation,Hrodote, (1991) 63, 197 pp.Balkans: limplosion?, Confluences Mditerrane(Paris: L'Harmattan, 1993), 173 pp.Balkans: Kosovo,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1999) 59, 28 pp.Balkans: Dmocratisation et replis identitaires, Confluences Mditerrane (Paris: LHarmattan, no.

    38, Summer 2001), pp. 9-73.Banac, Ivo, The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics(Ithaca: Cornell University

    Press, 1991), 452 pp.Barriot, Patrick,Laffaire Handke(Lausanne: Lge dHomme, 2006), 159 pp.

    Baruch-Wachtel, Andrew, Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation: Literature and Cultural Politics inYugoslavia(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998), 302 ppBatakovic, Dusan T., The Kosovo Chronicles(Belgrade: Plato Books, 1992).

    ,Kosovo: la spirale de la haine(Lausanne: Lge dHomme, 1993), 93 pp.Batt, Judy (ed.), The Western Balkans: Moving On(Paris: Institute for Security Studies, Chaillot Paper

    no. 70, October 2004), 135 pp.Batt, Judy, The Question of Serbia(Paris: Institute for Security Studies, Chaillot Paper no. 85, August

    2005), 75 pp.Bayart, Jean-Franois (ed.),La greffe de lEtat(Paris: Karthala, 1996), 404 pp.Bayart, Jean-Franois, Lhistoricit de lEtat import (Paris: CERI, Les Cahiers du CERI, No 15,

    1996), 44 p.,Lillusion identitaire(Paris: Fayard, 1996), 307 pp.,Le gouvernement du monde. Une critique politique de la globalisation(Paris: Fayard, 2004), 452

    pp.Bazzocchi, Claudio, Bijelo Polje (BiH): la stabilit etnica (Rovereto: Osservatorio sui Balcani,December 2002), 20 pp.

    , La balcanizzazione dello sviluppo: nuove guerre, societ civile e retorica umanitaria neiBalcani (1991-2003)(Bologna: Il Ponte, 2003), 173 pp.

    Beckmann-Petey, Monika,Der Jugoslawische Fderalismus(Munich: R. Oldenbourg, Sdost-Institut,Untersuchungen zur Gegenwartskunde Sdosteuropas, vol. 29, 1990), 376 pp.

    Begi", Midhat,La Bosnie, carrefour didentits culturelles(Paris: LEsprit des Pninsules, 1994), 250pp.

    Behar, Pierre, LAutriche-Hongrie, ide davenir: Permanences gopolitiques de lEurope centrale etbalkanique(Paris: Desjonqures, 1991), 190 pp.

    , Vestiges dempires: la Dcomposition de lEurope centrale et balkanique(Paris: Desjonqures,1999), 174 pp.

    Bekkering, David, The World of Bosnian NGOs: An Introduction to the World of B&H NGOs andB&H Assistance(Gornji Vakuf: UNOV, second edition, 1997).

    Belloni, Roberto, Building Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Denver: University of Denver,Human Rights Working Papers, no. 2, January 2000).

    Benbassa, Esther and Aron Rodrigue,Juifs des Balkans(Paris: La Dcouverte, 1993), 415 pp.Bennett, Christopher, Yugoslavias Bloody Collapse: Causes, Course and Consequences(New York:

    New York University Press, 1996), 272 pp.Beri", Gojko,Letters to the Celestial Serbs(Sarajevo, 2001), 402 pp.Bernard, Antonia,Petite histoire de la Slovnie(Paris: Institut dtudes slaves, 1996), 151 pp.Bernard, Antonia (ed.), La Slovnie et lEurope. Contributions la connaissance de la Slovnie

    actuelle(Paris: LHarmattan, 2005), 171 ppBianchini, Stefano and George Schopflin (eds), State Building Agenda in the Balkans: the Dilemma on

    the Eve of the 21stCentury(Ravenna: Longo Editore, 1998).

    Bib, Istvn,Misre des petits Etats dEurope de lEst (Paris: Albin Michel, 1993), 430 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Bieber, Florian, Post-War Bosnia: Ethnicity, Inequality and Public Sector Governance(Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), 224 pp.

    Bieber, Florian (ed.), Montenegro in Transition: Problems of Identity and Statehood (Baden-Baden,Nomos, 2003), 194 pp.

    Bieber, Florian & Zidas Daskalovski (eds.), Understanding the War in Kosovo(London: Frank Cass,2003), 350 pp.

    Bildt, Carl,Peace Journey: The Struggle for Peace in Bosnia(London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998),434 pp.Biolley, Jacques, Un Gnocide en toute libert(Fribourg: Mandre, 1993), 157 pp.Biserko, Sonja (ed.), Yugoslavia: Collapse, War, Crimes (Belgrade: Centre for Anti-War Action,

    Belgrade Circle, 1993), 276 pp. (ed.), Srpsko-albananski Dijalog: Ulcinj 23-25 juin 1997 (Belgrade: Helsinki Committee for

    Human Rights in Serbia, 1997), 140 pp. (ed), International Community and Kosovo (Belgrade: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights,

    1998), 98 pp. (ed.), Kosovo: Law and Politics - Kosovo in Normative Acts before and after 1974 (Belgrade:

    Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, 1998), 118 pp.Bittermann, Klaus (ed.) Serbien muss sterbien(Berlin: Tiamat, 1994), 206 pp.Bittermann, Klaus and Thomas Deichmann, Wie Dr Joseph Fischer lernte, die Bomben zu lieben: die

    Grnen, die SDP, die Nato und der Krieg auf dem Balkan (Berlin: Tiamat, 1999), 207 pp.Blaku, Rifat, Actions menes par LEtat serbe en vue du nettoyage ethnique de la Kosove et autresterritoires albanais occups, (Geneva: Centre dinformation de la Rpublique de Kosove, 1995), 33

    pp.Bogdan, Henry,Histoire des pays de lEst: des origines nos jours(Paris: Perrin, 1991), 638 pp.Bogdanovi", Bogdan,Die Stadt und der Tod(Klagenfurt: Wieser, 1993), 66 pp.Boji!i", Vesna, Kaldor, Mary & Vejvoda, Ivan, Post-War Reconstruction in the Balkans (Brighton:

    Sussex European Institute Working Papers, 1995), 35 pp.Borden, Tony (ed),Breakdown: War and Reconstruction in Yugoslavia(London: War Report & hCa,

    1992), 79 pp.Bose, Sumantra, Bosnia after Dayton: Nationalist Partition and International Intervention (London:

    Hurst, 2002), 295 pp., Contested Lands. Israel-Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, Cyprus, and Sri Lanka (London: Harvard

    University Press, 2007), 336 pp.Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers, BiH Medium Term Development Strategy PRSP(2004-2007)(Sarajevo, March 2004), 282 pp.

    Bosnia, Home again?, Transitions, (1998) 8.Bosnie: la honte continue,La Rgle du jeu, (September 1994) 14, pp. 41-162.Bosnie: la guerre des intellectuels,Libration, (14-15 September 1996), p. I-VIII.Bosnitch, Sava,Franja Tudjmann: une carrire ambigu(Lausanne: Lge dHomme, 1993), 32 pp.Bougarel, Xavier,Bosnie: Anatomie dun conflit(Paris: La Dcouverte, 1996), 175 pp.

    , Islam et politique en Bosnie-Herzgovine(Paris: Institut dtudes politiques, 1999) ; thse nonpublie.

    , Travailler sur lIslam dans une Bosnie en guerre, Cultures & Conflits, (2002) 47, pp. 49-80., The Role of Balkan Muslims in Building a European Islam(Brussels: European Policy Center

    (EPC Issue paper No. 43), 22 November 2005), 31 pp.

    Bougarel, Xavier and Nathalie Clayer (eds.), Le Nouvel Islam Balkanique: Les musulmans, acteurs dupost-communisme(Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 2001), 509 pp.

    Bougarel, Xavier, Elissa Helms, and Ger Duijzings (eds.), The New Bosnian Mosaic. Identities,Memories and Moral Claims in Post-War Society(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), 332 pp.

    Boulanger, Philippe, La Bosnie-Herzgovine: Une gopolitique de la dchirure (Paris: Karthala,2002), 177 pp.

    Bovy, Yannick and Barbara Delcourt (eds.), Que nos valeurs sont universelles et que la guerre est jolie(Cuesmes: Editions du Cerisier, 1999), 319 pp.

    Brahimi, Ladkar,Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operation(New York: UN, A/55/305-S/2000/809, 21 August 2000), 58 pp.

    Brehm, Bruno, Cest ainsi que cela commena(Paris: Calmann-Lvy, 1936), 337 pp.Bremer, Alida (ed.),Jugoslawische (Sch)Erben(Osnabrck: Fibre, 1993), 207 pp.Brey, Hansjrg & Hopf, Claudia (eds.), Five Years of Stability Pact: Regional Cooperation in

    Southeast Europe(Munich: Sdosteuropa Gesellschaft (Sdosteuropa Mitteilungen, Special Issue44:4), 2004), 127 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Bringa, Tone,Being Muslim the Bosnian Way: Identity and Community in a Central Bosnian Village(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995), 288 pp.

    Brossat, Alain and Jean-Yves Potel, Au miroir de la guerre : Rflexion sur la guerre du Kosovo (LaTour dAigues: Editions de lAube, 2000), 165 pp.

    Broz, Svetlana, Good People in an Evil Time, (Sarajevo, Promet, 2002), 375 pp.Brunner, Georg & Boris Meissner (eds.), Verfassungen der kommunistischen Staaten

    (Paderborn/Mnchen/Vienna: Ferdinand Schningh, 1979), 534 pp.Bryden, Alan & Hnngi (eds.), Security Governance in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (Mnster, Lit,2005), 290 pp.

    Bndnis 90 / Die Grnen (ed.), Kosovo ein Jahr danach(Berlin: Bndnis 90 / Die Grnen, 2 June2000), 82 pp.

    (ed.), Materialsammlung zum zweiten Jahrestag der militrischen Intervention der Nato imehemaligen Jugoslawien(Berlin: Bndnis 90 / Die Grnen, 9 March 2001), 39 pp.

    Burg, Steven L. and Paul S. Shoup, The War in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ethnic Conflict and InternationalIntervention(New York: Sharpe, 2000), 499 pp.

    Cabanes, Pierre (ed.),Histoire de lAdriatique (Paris: Seuil, 2001), 682 pp.Cabanes, Pierre and Bruno Cabanes, Passions albanaises : de Berisha au Kosovo(Paris: Odile Jacob,

    1999), 280 pp.

    Calic, Marie-Janine,Der Krieg in Bosnien-Hercegovina: Ursachen, Konfliktstrukturen, InternationaleLsungsversuche(Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1995), 257 pp., Kosovo Policy Study: A Three Step Approach to Conflict Prevention in Kosovo (Ebenhausen:

    SWP, 30 June 1997), 21 pp.,Kosovo vor der Katastrophe?(Ebenhausen: SWP, Aktuell 20, 1998), 4 pp., Vor dem Frieden im Kosovo?(Ebenhausen: SWP, Aktuelle 35, 1999), 8 pp.Campbell, David, National Deconstruction: Violence, Identity, and Justice in Bosnia (Minneapolis:

    University of Minnesota Press, 1998), 305 pp.Canivez, Patrice, Question de responsabilit, (Paris: Colibri, 1994), 37 pp.Caplan, Richard,Europe and the Recognition of the New States in Yugoslavia(Cambridge: Cambridge

    University Press, 2005), 229 pp., International Governance of War-Torn Territories. Rule and Reconstruction (Oxford: Oxford

    University Press, 2005), 302 pp.

    Caplan, Richard and Batrice Pouligny, Histoires et contradiction du state building, Critiqueinternationales, (2005) 28, pp. 119-138.Carlen, Jean-Yves, Stve Duchne and Jol Ehrhartd, Ibrahim Rugova: le frle colosse du Kosovo

    (Paris: Descle de Brower, 1999), 149 pp.Carothers, Thomas, Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve (Washington, DC: Carnegie

    Endowment for International Peace, 1999), 409 pp., Critical Mission: Essays on Democracy Promotion(Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for

    International Peace, 2004), 300 pp., How Democracies Emerge,Journal of Democracy, 18 (2007) 1, pp. 12-27.Carothers, Thomas (ed.),Promoting the Rule of Law Abroad(Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment

    for International Peace, 2006), 363 pp.Carothers, Thomas & Marina Ottaway (eds.), Uncharted Journey: Promoting Democracy in the

    Middle East(Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2005), 302 pp.

    Carlson, Scott, Wendy Betts and Greg Gisvold, The Post-Conflict Transitional Administration ofKosovo and the Lessons-Learned in Efforts to Establish a Judiciary and Rule of Law, (SaintPetersburg: World Bank, 8-12 July 2001), 15 pp.

    Castellan, Georges,Histoire des Balkans XIV XXe sicle(Paris: Fayard, 1991), 532 pp.Castellan, Georges and Antonia Bernard,La Slovnie(Paris: Puf (que sais-je ?), 1996), 128 pp.Castellan, Georges and Gabrijela Vidan,La Croatie(Paris: Puf (que sais-je ?), 1998), 126 pp.&eki", Smail, The Aggression on Bosnia and Genocide against Bosniacs, 19911993 (Sarajevo:

    Institute for the Research of Crimes, 1995), 440 pp.Champseix, Elisabeth and jean-Paul Champseix, LAlbanie ou la logique du dsespoir, (Paris: La

    Dcouverte, 1992), 307 pp.Das neue Chaos der nationalen Egoismen(Chur: Regger, 1993).Chandler, David,Bosnia: Faking Democracy after Dayton(London: Pluto Press, 2000), 254 pp.

    , From Kosovo to Kabul: Human Rights and International Intervention (London: Pluto Press,

    2002), 268 pp.,Empire in Denial: The Politics of State-building(London: Pluto Press, 2006), 221 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Chevalier, Eric,LONU au Kosovo: leons de la premire MINUK(Paris: IES, Occasional papers, no35, May 2002), 32 pp.

    Chiari, Bernhard and Agilolf Kesselring (eds.), Wegweiser zur Geschichte Kosovo (Paderborn:Schningh, 2006), 240 pp.

    Chiclet, Christophe and Bernard Lory (eds.),La Rpublique de Macdoine : nouvelle venue dans le

    concert europen(Paris: LHarmattan, 1998), 190 pp.Chiclet, Christophe and Bernard Ravenel,Kosovo: le pige(Paris: LHarmattan, 2000), 287 pp.Cinq ans aprs Dayton,Revue de lOtan, (Winter 2000-2001) 48, 34 pp.Clarinar, Raymond and Julien Collette, Kosovo: les batailles de linformation (Paris: LHarmattan,

    1999), 185 pp.Clment, Sophia, La prvention des conflits dans les Balkans: le Kosovo et lARY de Macdoine

    (Paris: Institut dEudes de Scurit, Cahier de Chaillot, no. 30, December 1997), 83 pp.Clark, Howard, Civil Resistance in Kosovo(London: Pluto, 2000), 266 pp.Clark, Wesley C., Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo and the Future(New York: Public Affairs,

    2001), 304 pp.Clayer, Nathalie, Aux origines du nationalisme albanais. La naissance dune nation majoritairement

    musulmane en Europe(Paris: Karthala, 2007), 794 pp.Cohen, Ben and George Stamkoski (eds.), With No Peace to Keep ... United Nations Peacekeeping and

    the War in the former Yugoslavia(London: Grainpress, 1995), 184 pp.Cohen, Samy, La Rsistance des Etats, les dmocraties face aux dfis de la mondialisation (Paris:Seuil, 2003), 263 pp.

    Colas, Dominique (ed.),LEurope post-communiste(Paris: PUF, 2002), 693 pp.&oli", Velibor,La vie fantasmagoriquement brve et trange d'Amadeo Modigliani(Paris: Le Serpent

    plumes, 1995), 91 pp.&oli", Velibor,Les Bosniaques(Paris: Galile, 1993 (Le serpent plume 1994)), 138 pp.&olovi", Ivan,Bordell der Kriege(Osnabrck: Fibre, 1994), 172 pp.

    , The Politics of Symbol in Serbia(London: C. Hurst & Co, 2002), 328 pp.Cosic, Dobritsa,La Yougoslavie et la question serbe(Lausanne: L'ge d'Homme, 1992).Cot, Jean et al. (eds.), Dernire guerre Balkanique? Ex-Yougoslavie: Tmoignages, analyses,

    perspectives(Paris: LHarmattan, 1996), 253 pp.Cot, Jean,Demain la Bosnie(Paris: LHarmattan, 1998), 175 pp.

    Council of Europe,Bosnia and Herzegovina in Europe(Sarajevo: Council of Europe Link Campaign,IPC, 2001), 158 pp.Council on Foreign Relations, Balkans 2010: Report of an Independent Task Force (New York:

    Council on Foreign Relations, 2002), 120 pp.Crnobrnja, Mihailo,Le Drame Yougoslave(Rennes: Apoge, 1992), 175 pp.Cudic, Sanda, Multikulturalitt und Multikulturalismus in Bosnien-Herzegowina. Eine Fallstudie zur

    Herausbildung, Bedeutung und Regulierung kollektiver Identitt in Bosnien-Herzegowina(Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2001), 290 pp.

    Daalder, Ivo H., Getting to Dayton: The Making of Americas Bosnia Policy (Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press, 2000), 204 pp.

    Danek, Georg,Bosnische Heldenepen(Klagenfurt: Wieser, 2003), 344 pp.Dareste de la Chavanne, Franois Rodolphe,Les Constitutions modernes. Recueil des Constitutions en

    vigueur dans divers Etats dEurope, dAmrique et du monde civilise (Paris: Augustin Challamel,troisime dition, 2 volumes, 1910, tome I,xxiv- 767 pp. & tome II), 789 pp.

    Datchitch, Jivon, O.,Le martyre du Peuple Serbe(Geneva, 1918), 158 pp.Davies, Robert, Compliance with Dayton: The Question of Economic Conditionality (Sarajevo: ICG,

    May 1997).Dawisha, Karen and Bruce Parrott (eds.), Politics, Power, and the Struggle for Democracy in South-

    East Europe(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999 [1997]), 472 pp.De Vergottini, Giuseppe & Evans, Robert H. (eds.), Strategies for the Future of Bosnia-Herzegovina

    and Croatia(Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore, 2001), 215 pp.De Wale, Jean-Michel, Lmergence des partis politiques en Europe Centrale(Brussels: Editions de

    lUniversit de Bruxelles, 1999), 354 pp.De Waele, Jean-Michel(ed.),Partis politiques et dmocratie en Europe centrale et orientale(Brussels:

    Editions de lUniversit de Bruxelles, 2002), 228 pp.

    Dgts directs et accords collatraux, Courrier international, (12 May 1999) 445, pp. 40-45.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Del Ponte, Carla,La Caccia. Io e i criminali di guerra (Milan: Feltrinelli, 2008), 416 pp. withLaCaccia. Io e i criminali di guerra(Milan: Feltrinelli, 2008), 416 pp. with Chuck Sudetic.

    , Madame Prosecutor. Confrontations with Humanitys Worst Criminals and the Culture ofImpunity(New York: Other Press, 2009), 410 pp. with Chuck Sudetic.

    Dell Erba, Nunzio, Storia dellAlbania(Rome: Newton & Compton, 1997), 93 pp.Delwit, Pascal & De Waele, La dmocratisation en Europe centrale. La coopration paneuropenne

    des partis politiques(Paris: LHarmattan, 1998), 203 pp.Dempsey, Gary T., Fools Errands. Americas Recent Encounters with Nation Building(Washington,DC: Cato Institute, 2001), 224 pp.

    Denaud, Patrick and Pras, Valrie, Kosovo. Naissance dune lutte arme(Paris: LHarmattan, 1999),197 pp.

    Denitch, Bogdan, Ethnic Nationalism: The Tragic Death of Yugoslavia (Minneapolis: University ofMinnesota Press, 1996 [1994]), 259 pp.

    Drens, Jean-Arnault, Bosnie-Herzgovine: Une nouvelle Palestine au cur de lEurope?(Montpellier: hCa/AEC, September 1992), 35 pp.

    ,Balkans: La Crise(Paris: Gallimard (folio), 2000), 375 pp.,Kosovo, anne zro(Paris: Editions Paris-Mditerrane, 2006), 379 pp.Drens, Jean-Arnault & Laurent Geslin, Comprendre les Balkans. Histoire, socits, perspectives

    (Paris : Non lieu, 2007), 362 pp.

    Le Dernier tango rat de Milosevic, Courrier international, (12 October 2000) 519, pp. 18-20.Le Destin des petites nations,Le messager europen, (1991) 5, pp. 9-66.Dhotel-Velliet, Claudine,Rendez-vous sur le pont(Lille: Le Pont du Nord, 2004), 80 pp.Dialogue Development Unit, Survey of Bosnian Civil Society Organisations: Mapping, Characteristics

    and Strategies(EU Commission Phare, consulting report no. 96-1024.00, 1996).Dialogue Development Unit, Bosnia Civil Society Development: Mapping, Characteristics and

    Strategies, (EU Commission Phare, consulting report, 1997).The Dialogue was possible,Helsinki Charter(Belgrade: Helsinki Committee, 1999), 55 pp.Diamond, Larry, Marc F. Plattner and Yun-Han Chu (eds.), Consolidating the Third Wave

    Democratization: Themes and Perspectives (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997),343 pp.

    Diamond, Larry and Marc F. Plattner (eds.),Democracy after Communism (Baltimore: Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, 2002), 288 pp.

    Dimitrijevi", Vladimir, Yougoslavie. La stratgie de l'aveuglement (Lausanne: L'ge dHomme &Institut Serbe de Lausanne, 1992), 27 pp.

    Divjak, Jovan, Sarajevo, mon amour(Paris: Buchet / Chastel, 2004), 298 pp.Dizdarevi", Zlatko, Journal de guerre: Chronique de Sarajevo assige (Paris: Spengler, 1993), 209

    pp.,Portraits de Sarajevo(Paris: Spengler, 1994).Dizdarevi", Zlatko and Rondeau, Grard,Le Silence, et rien alentour(Arles: Actes du Sud, 1994), 75

    pp.Dizdarevi", Zlatko and Riva, Gigi,J'accuse l'ONU, Paris: Calmann-Lvy, 1995, 208 pp.'ilas, Aleska, The Contested Country: Yugoslav Unity and Communist Revolution, 1919-1953

    (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996), 453 pp.'ilas, Milovan,La nouvelle classe dirigeante(Paris: Plon, 1957), 272 pp.

    ,Pays sans justice. Mmoires (1911-1926)(Paris: R. Laffont, 1959).

    , Conversations avec Staline(Paris: Gallimard, 1962), 225 pp.,L'excution(Paris: Calmann-Lvy (Le Livre de Poche 1973), 1966, 287 pp.,La socit imparfaite. Le communisme dsintgr(Paris: Calmann-Lvy, 1969), 283 pp.,La guerre dans la guerre. Yougoslavie 1941-1945(Paris: R. Laffont, 1980)., Tito mon ami, mon ennemi(Paris: Fayard, 1980).,Le destin des voleurs(Paris: Syros, 1982), 95 pp.,Ecrits politiques(Paris: Belfond, 1982), 205 pp.,Menschenjagd(Munich: Nymphenburger, 1985)., Welten und Brcken(Munich: Nymphenburger, 1987).,Jahre der Macht. Memoiren 1945-1966(Munich: DTV, 1992), 472 pp.'ilas, Milovan and Gace, Nade#da, Un Bosniaque: Adil Zulfikarpa!i"(Zurich: Bosniakisches Institut,

    1996), 294 pp.'oki", Dejan (ed.), Yugoslavism: Histories of a Failed Idea, 1918-1992 (London: Hurst, 2003), 356

    pp.'uri", Ivan,Le Crpuscule de Byzance(Paris: Maisonneuve & Larose, 1996), 435 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Djuri", Ivan, Glossaire de lespace Yougoslave(Paris: LEsprit des Pninsules, 1999), 303 pp.Dodenhoeft, Bettina, Wem gehrt Kosovo? Entstehung ethnischer Konflikte am Beispiel des Balkan

    (Schwalbach/Ts: Wochenschau Verlag, 1999), 51 pp.Dogo, Marco, Storie Balcaniche. Popoli e stati nella transizione alle modernit (Gorizia: Libreria

    Editrice Goriziana, 1999), 173 pp.Doit-on ngocier avec Milosevic? Courrier international, (15 April 1999) 441, pp. 36-45.

    Dolecek, Rajko,I Accuse!(Prague: Dauphin for Forma Studio, Questions and Opinions Library, vol. 3,1999).Domenach, Jean-Marie and Alain Pontault, Yougoslavie(Paris: Seuil (petite plante no 25), 1963), 189

    pp.Donia, Robert J. and John V.A. Fine, Bosnia & Herzegovina: A Tradition Betrayed (New York:

    Columbia University Press, 1994), 318 pp.Dopo la guerra, liMes, (1999) 2, 284 pp.Dor, Milo,Leb wohl, Jugoslawien(Salzburg: Otto Mller Verlag, 1993), 141 pp.Dorich, William (ed.),Kosovo, (Kosovo Charity Fund, 1992), 176 pp.Dragnitch, Alex N., Serbs and Croats. The Struggle in Yugoslavia (San Diego: Harcourt Brace &

    Company, A Harvest Book, 1992),xxi-202 p.Dragnitch, Alex N. and Slavko Todorovitch, The Saga of Kosovo: Focus on Serbian-Albanian

    Relations(Boulder: East European Monographs, 1984.)

    Drakuli", Slavenka,Les restes du communisme sont dans la casserole(Paris: Bertoin, 1992), 239 pp.,Balkan - Express(Paris: Mentha, 1992), 167 pp.,Je ne suis pas l(Paris: Belfond, 2002), 254 pp., They Would Never Hurt A Fly. War Criminals on Trial in The Hague(London: Penguin, 2004),

    209 pp.Dreano, Bernard (ed.), Dmocratie, citoyennet, contre les Etats-nations? (Quimperl: la Digitale,

    1995), 93 ppDrezov, Kyril, Gokay, Bulent & Kostovicova, Denisa (eds), Kosovo: Myths, Conflict, War (Keele:

    European Research Centre, 1999), 109 pp.Drouet, Michel and Richet, Xavier (eds), Vers llargissement de lUnion europenne lEurope du

    Sud-Est(Rennes : Presses Universitaries de Rennes, 2007), 251 pp.Ducase-Rogier, Marianne,A la Recherche de la Bosnie-Herzgovine : la mise en uvre de laccord de

    paix de Dayton(Paris: Puf, 2003), 543 pp.

    Duffield, Mark, Social Reconstruction in Croatia and Bosnia (Birmingham: Centre for Urban andRegional Studies, Birmingham University, 1996)., Guerre postmoderne: laiuto umanitario come tecnica politico di controllo(Bologna: Il Ponte,

    2004), 234 pp.Duijzings, Ger and Dusan Janjic & Shkelzen Maliqi (eds.), Kosovo-Kosova. Confrontation or

    Coexistence(Nijmegen: Peace Research Centre, 1996), 215 pp.Dvornik, Sr$an & Christophe Solioz (eds.),Next Steps in Croatias Transition Process. Problems and

    Possibilities(Baden-Baden: Nomos (Democracy, Security, Peace, vol. 184), 2007), 157 pp.Dyker, David A. and Ivan Vejvoda (eds.), Yugoslavia and After: A Study in Fragmentation, Despair

    and Rebirth(London & New York: Longman, 1996), 268 pp.D#aja, Sre"ko, M., Konfessionalitt und Nationalitt Bosniens und der Herzegowina:

    Voremanzipatorische Phase 1463-1804(Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1984), 303 pp.,Bosnien-Herzegowina in der sterreichisch-ungarischen Epoche (1878-1918): Die Intelligentsia

    zwischen Tradition und Ideologie(Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1994), 278 pp., Die Politische Realitt des Jugoslawismus (1918-1991): Mit besonderer Bercksichtigung

    Bosnien-Herzegowinas(Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 2002), 317 pp.D#aji", Azra (ed.), Srebrenica: Remembrance for the Future (Sarajevo: Heinrich Bll Foundation,

    May 2005), 181 pp.D#aji" Azra, Srebrenica. Remembrance for the Future (Sarajevo: Heinrich Bll Foundation, May

    2005), 181 pp.D#ihi", Vedran,Intellektuelle in der Jugoslawischen Krise: Rolle und Wirken der postjugoslawischen

    unabhngigen Intellektuellen in Wien (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, European UniversityStudies, vol. 470), 2003, 213 pp.

    D#ihi", Vedran, Nadjivan, Silvia, Pai", Hrvoje and Stachowitsch, Saskia,Europa verflucht begehrt.Europavorstellungen in Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kroatien und Serbien(Vienna: Braumller, 2006),301 pp.

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    Edwards, Michael and Gaventa, J. (eds.), Global Citizen Action: Perspectives and Challenges(Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 2001), 328 pp.

    Edwards, Michael & Hume, David (eds.), NGOs, State and Donors: too Close for comfort?(London:Mc Millan, Save the Children Fund, 1997), 309 pp.

    L'Eclatement yougoslave(La Tour d'Aigues : Editions de l'Aube, 1994), 190 pp.Ekmecic, Milorad (ed), Response to Noel Malcolms Book Kosovo. A Short History, Belgrade:

    Institute of History of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2000, 193 pp.Elssser, Jrgen (ed.),Nie wieder Krieg ohne uns, Hamburg: Konkret, 1999, 164 pp.Lmergence de la socit civile en Europe centrale et balkanique, La Nouvelle Alternative, (1992)

    27.Emerson, Michael, On the Forming and Reforming of the Stability Pacts: from the Balkans to the

    Caucasus(Brussels: CEPS, Policy Brief, no. 4, May 2001), 12 pp.Lpuration dmocratique,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1996) 42.Ethnische Politik, Widerspruch, Zurich, no. 30, 1995.Europe centrale et orientale 2000-2001. Vers lintgration europenne et rgionale,Le Courrier des

    pays de lEst, (June-July 2001), 1016, 241 pp.Europe centrale et orientale 2001-2002. Une croissance prenne. Un jeu politique rod. Des socits

    dsenchantes,Le Courrier des pays de lEst, (June-July 2002), 1026, 266 pp.Europe centrale et orientale 2002-2003.Lancrage dans lunion europenne sur fond de tropisme

    amricain,Le Courrier des pays de lEst, (June-July-August 2003), 1036-37, 256 pp.Europe centrale et orientale 2003-2004. Retrouvailles europennes, Le Courrier des pays de lEst,(July-August 2004), 1044, 267 pp.

    Europe centrale et orientale 2004-2005, Le Courrier des pays de lEst, (July-August 2005), 1050,287 pp.

    Europe centrale et orientale 2005-2006,Le courier des pays de lEst, (July-August 2006), 1056, 308pp.

    Europe centrale et orientale 2006-2007,Le courier des pays de lEst, (July-August 2007), 1062.LEurope du Sud-Est, Cadmos, (Spring 1992) 57, 117 pp.Europeace,Politikinitiativen(Zurich: PIN, no. 1, 1992), 35 pp.European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Transition Report 2001: Energy in

    Transition, London: EBRD, 2001, 216 pp., Transition Report 2002: Agriculture and Rural Transition(London: EBRD, 2002), 263 pp.

    , Transition Report 2003: Integration and Regional Cooperation(London: EBRD, 2003), 234 pp., Transition Report 2004: Infrastructure(London: EBRD, 2004), 204 pp., Transition Report 2005: Business in Transition(London: EBRD, 2005), 208 pp., Transition Report 2006: Finance in Transition(London: EBRD, 2006), 204 pp.European Commission for Democracy through Law, Societies in Conflict: the Contribution of Law and

    Democracy to Conflict Resolution(Strasbourg: CoE, Science and Technique of Democracy No 29,2000), 213 pp.

    European Stability Initiative (ESI),Lessons of Institution Building in Bosnia andHerzegovina(Berlin:ESI, 1999), 3 pp.

    , Reshaping International Priorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Part One: Bosnian PowerStructures(Berlin-Sarajevo: ESI, 14 October 1999), 18 pp.

    ,Reshaping International Priorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Part Two: International Powerin Bosnia(Berlin-Sarajevo: ESI, 1 March 2000), 65 pp.

    , Reshaping International Priorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Part Three: The End of theNationalist Regimes and the Future of the Bosnian State(Berlin: ESI, 22 March 2001, 28 pp.

    ,In Search of Politics: The Evolving International Role in Bosnia and Herzegovina(Berlin: ESI,6 November 2001), 8 pp.

    , Lessons from Bosnia for Kosovo: Part 1: Governance and Development: A Real Life Story ofPrivate Sector Growth in Bosnia and Herzegovina(Berlin: ESI, 13 February 2002), 18 pp.

    , Western Balkans 2004: Assistance, Cohesion and the New Boundaries of Europe: A Call forPolicy Reform (Berlin-Brussels-Sarajevo: ESI, 3 November 2002), 16 pp.

    , The Road to Thessaloniki: Cohesion and the Western Balkans(Berlin: ESI, 12 March 2003), 12pp.

    , Making Federalism Work: A Radical Proposal for Practical Reform (Berlin: ESI: 8 January2004), 11 pp.

    , Governance and Democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina(Berlin: ESI, 2004), 50 pp.

    ,Breaking out of the Balkan Ghetto: Why IPA Should Be Changed(Berlin: ESI, 1 June 2005), 11pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Ex-Yougoslavie: vaincre limpuissance,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1992) 3.Sur l'Ex-Yougoslavie(Paris: Collge International de Philosophie, 6 March 1993), 71 pp.Ex Yougoslavie: dlit de Grandes Puissances,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1994) 27-28.Ex-Yougoslavie: laprs Dayton,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1996) 39.

    Faber, Mient Jan (ed), The Balkans: A Religious Backyard of Europe(Ravenna: Longo Editore, 1996),

    269 pp.Fanzun Jon, & Lehmann, Patrick, Die Schweiz und die Welt. Aussen- und sicherheitspolitischeBeitrge der Schweiz zu Frieden, Sicherheit und Stabilitt, 1945-2000 (Zurich: ETHZ, ZrcherBeitrge zur Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktforschung, no. 57, 2000), 362 pp.

    Faye, Jean-Pierre,La Frontire: Sarajevo dans larchipel(Arles: Actes du Sud, 1995), 173 pp.Fejt, Franois, Histoire des dmocraties populaires. 1.- L're de Staline(Paris: Seuil, 1952 [points

    1969, 1979, 1992]), 382 pp., Histoire des dmocraties populaires. 2.- Aprs Staline (Paris: Seuil, 1969 [points, 1979]), 381

    pp.,Requiem pour un empire dfunt(Brussels : Lieu Commun 1988 [Paris: Seuil, points 1993]), 467

    pp., La fin des dmocraties populaires. Les chemins du post-communisme(Paris: Seuil, 1992), 568


    Feron, Bernard, Yougoslavie. Origines d'un conflit(Paris: Le Monde Editions & Marabout, 1993), 178pp.

    Filipovic, Zlata,Le journal de Zlata(Paris: Laffont, 1993).Fisera, V. C.,Les peuples slaves et le communisme(Paris: Berg international, 1992).Fink Hafner, Danica & John R. Robbins (eds.), Making a New Nation: the Formation of Slovenia

    (Brookfield: Dartmouth Pub. Co, 1997), 330 pp.Finkielkraut, Alain, Comment peut-on tre Croate ?(Paris: Gallimard, 1992), 154 pp.Fischer, Gero & Milos Okula (eds.), Terra Bosna(Klagenfurt: Wieser, 2002), 504 pp.Fischer, Martina (ed.), Peacebuilding and Civil Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina ten Years after

    Dayton(Berlin: Lit, 2006), 483 pp.Fleiner-Gerster, Thomas, What Principles have to be respected by International Community and

    Republican Authorities in Solving the Actual Conflict (Fribourg: Institut du fdralisme del'Universit de Fribourg, 1992).

    Forbrig, Joerg and Pavol Deme%(eds.), Reclaiming Democracy: Civil Society and Electoral Change inCentral and Eastern Europe(Washington, DC: German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2007),254 pp.

    Freedom House, Nations in Transit 2003: Democratization in East Central Europe and Eurasia(Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003), 704 pp.

    , Nations in Transit 2004: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia(Lanham: Rowman& Littlefield Publishers, 2004), 704 pp.

    , Nations in Transit 2005: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia(Lanham: Rowman& Littlefield Publishers, 2005), 700 pp.

    , Nations in Transit 2006: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia(Lanham: Rowman& Littlefield Publishers, 2007), 710 pp.

    , Nations in Transit 2007: Democratization from Central Europe to Eurasia(Lanham: Rowman& Littlefield Publishers, 2007).

    Friede nach dem Krieg? (Graz: Alpe Adria Alternativ, vol. 4, 1992).Fukuyama, Francis, State-Building. Governance and World Order in the 21stCentury(Ithaca: Cornell

    University Press, 2004), 137 pp.Furkes, Josip & Schlarp, Karl-Heinz, Jugoslawien: ein Staat zerfllt(Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1991), 208


    Gabriel, Karl, Bosnien-Herzegowina 1878. Der Aufbau der Verwaltung unter der FZM HerzogWilhelm v. Wrttemberg und dessen Biographie(Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Peter Lang, 2003), 253

    pp.Gagnon Jr., V.P., The Myth of Ethnic War: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s(Ithaca & London: Cornell

    University Press, 2004), 217 pp.Gaisbacher, Johann & Kaser, Karl (eds.),Krieg in Europa(Linz: Sandkorn, 1992), 234 pp.Garapon, Antoine & Mongin, Olivier (eds.), Kosovo, un drame annonc(Paris: Michalon, 1999), 294

    pp.Garde, Paul, Vie et mort de la Yougoslavie(Paris: Arthme Fayard, 2000), 480 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    ,Les Balkans(Paris: Flammarion, 1994), 127 pp.,Journal de voyage en Bosnie-Herzgovine(Strasbourg: La Nue Bleue, 1995), 142 pp.,Fin de sicle dans les Balkans, 19922000: Analyses et chroniques(Paris: Odile Jacob, 2001),

    265 pp.,Le discours balkaniques. Des mots et des hommes(Paris : Fayard, 2004), 479 pp.Gaume, Myriam,Kosovo: la guerre cache(Paris: Mille et une nuits, 1999), 95 pp.

    Gautier, Xavier,L'Europe l'preuve des Balkans(Paris: Bertoin, 1992), 271 pp.Gelhard, Susanne,Ab heute ist Krieg(Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1992), 160 pp.Gnalogie et consquences d'un principe: du droit inconditionnel des nations lindpendance, Les

    Temps Modernes, (1993) 563, pp. 103-192.Ghebali, Victor-Yves & Warner, Daniel (eds.), The Operational Role of the OSCE in South-Eastern

    Europe. Contributing to regional stability in the Balkans(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001), 172 pp.Glamocak, Marina,La Transition guerrire Yougoslave(Paris: LHarmattan, 2002), 287 pp.Glenny, Misha, The Fall of Yugoslavia(London: Penguin, 1992), 194 pp.

    , The Balkans, 1804-1999: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers(London: Granta, 1999), 726pp.

    Gligorov, Vladimir, Task Force on Economic Strategy for South Eastern Europe (New York: East-West Institute, advanced copy, April 2000), 46 pp.

    ,Aiding Balkans(Vienna: wiiw, January 2006), 18 pp.

    ,Balkan Endgame and Economic Transformation (Vienna: wiiw, December 2006), 17 pp., Transition, Integration, and Development in Southeast Europe (Vienna: wiiw, January 2007), 43pp.

    , Task Force on Economic Strategy for South Eastern Europe (New York: East-West Institute,advanced copy, April 2007), 46 pp.

    , Mary Kaldor and Loukas Tsoukalis, Balkan Reconstruction and European Integration(Vienna:wiiw, October 1991), 56 pp.

    and Sndor Richter et al., High Growth Continues, with Risks of Overheating on the Horizon(Vienna: wiiw, Research Reports, No. 341, July 2007), 139 pp.

    Goldstein, Ivo, Croatia: A History(London: Hurst & Co., 2004), 281 pp.Gordon, Dane R. and David C. Durst, Civil Society in Southeast Europe(Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004),

    177 pp.Gossiaux, Jean-Franois,Pouvoirs ethniques dans les Balkans(Paris: PUF, 2002), 217 pp.

    Gow, James (ed.),Bosnia by Television(London: British Film Institute, 1997), 180 pp.Gow, James,Legitimacy and the Military: The Yugoslav Crisis(London: Pinter, 1991), 300 pp., Triumph of the Lack of Will: International Diplomacy and the Yugoslav War (London: Hurst,

    1997), 343 pp., The Serbian Project and Its Adversaries: A Strategy of War Crimes(London: Hurst, 2003), 322

    pp.Gnesotto, Nicole,Leons de la Yougoslavie(Paris: Institut dEudes de Scurit, Cahier de Chaillot, No

    14, March 1994), 44 pp.Grigorova-Mincheva, Lyubov, Comparative Balkan Parliamentarism (Sofia: International Center for

    Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, 1995), 180 pp.Grmek, Mirko D.,La vie, les maladies et lhistoire(Paris: Seuil, 2001), 290 pp.

    ,La guerre comme maladie sociale et autres textes politiques(Paris: Seuil, 2001), 264 pp.Grmek, Mirko D. and Marc Gjidara & Neven Simac (eds,), Le Nettoyage ethnique Serbe (Paris:

    Fayard, 1993), 340 pp.Gros, Daniel & Brenton, Paul (et al.), A Comprehensive Trade Policy Plan for the Western Balkans: a

    Bold Initiative to bring more Stability and Prosperity to South Eastern Europe (Brussels: CEPS,Working Document, No 146, 2000).

    Grozzky, Johannes,Balkankrieg. Der Zerfall Jugoslawiens und die Folgen fr Europa(Munich: Piper,1993), 201 pp.

    Grupe, Claudia and Sini%a Ku%i", Innovative Entrepreneurship in Croatia. Is there a Market forVenture Capital? (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005), 140 pp.

    La Guerra in Europa, liMes, (1993) 1-2, 298 pp.Guerre dans les Balkans,Le Monde diplomatique, (May 1999), 98 pp.Les Guerres en ex-Yougoslavie: tragdie europenne,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1993) 9.Gutman, Roy,Bosnie: Tmoin du gnocide(Paris: Descle de Brouwer, 1994), 285 pp.Gyarmati, Istvan & Vesel Scott (eds.), Security Sector Governance in the Western Balkans 2004

    (Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2004), 236 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Had#ikaduni", Emir, Od Dejtona do Brisela(Sarajevo: ACIPS, 2005), 201 pp.Had#iselimovi", Omer (ed.), At the Gates of the East: British Travel Writers on Bosnia and

    Herzegovina from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries (New York: Columbia UniversityPress/Eastern European Monographs, 2001), 520 pp.

    Hajdukovi", Dragan, Montenegro. Towards the First Ecological State (Lugano: InternationalMontenegro Foundation, 1993), 36 pp.

    Halpern, Joel M. and Kideckel, David, Neighbors at War: Anthropological Perspectives on YugoslavEthnicity, Culture, and History(University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000), 477pp.

    Hnsel, Heiko & Stobbe, Heinz-Gnter, Die deutsche Debatte um den Kosovo-Krieg : Schwerpunkteund Ergebnisse. Versuch einer Bilanz nach drei Jahren(Berlin: Heinrich Bll Stiftung, 2002), 136

    pp.Hartmann, Florence,Milosevic: La Diagonale du fou(Paris: Denol, 1999), 443 pp.

    , Paix et chtiment. Les guerres secrtes de la politique et de la justice internationales (Paris:Flammarion, 2007), 221 pp.

    Hassner, Pierre,La violence et la paix. De la bombe atomique au nettoyage ethnique(Paris: EditionsEsprit ,1995 (Seuil, points, 2000)), 371 pp.

    ,La Terreur et lempire, Paris: Seuil, 2003, 414 pp.Hassner, Pierre and Roland Marchal (eds.), Guerres et socits: Etat et violence aprs la guerre froide

    (Paris: Karthala, 2003), 615 pp.Hatschikjan, Magaritsch and Stefan Troebst (eds.), Sdosteuropa: Gesellschaft, Politik, WirtschaftKultur ein Handbuch(Munich: Beck, 1999), 570 pp.

    Hatzfeld, Jean,L'Air de la guerre(Paris: L'Olivier, 1994), 348 pp.Hayden, Robert M., Blueprints for a House Divide: the Constitutional Logic of the Yugoslav Conflict

    (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), 208 pp.Hayoz, Nicolas, Jesien and Leszek Jesien, Wim van Meurs (eds.), Enlarged EU Enlarged Neigh-

    bourhood: Perspectives of the European Neighbourhood Policy (Bern: Peter Lang,Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 2, 2005), 392 pp.

    Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Human Rights and Accountability. Serbia 2003(Belgrade; Helsinki Committee, 2004), 596 pp.

    Hemon, Aleksandar,De lesprit chez les abrutis(Paris: 10/18, 2003 [Robert Laffont, 2000]), 263 pp.,Lespoir est une chose ridicule(Paris: 10/18, 2007 [Robert Laffont, 2003]), 306 pp.

    Hensell, Stephan, Staatsbildung und Staatszerfall in Albanien. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Staates inbergangsgesellschaften(Hamburg: Universitt Hamburg, IPW, Arbeitspapier 2, 1999), 142 pp.

    Hermey, Guy,Les Dsenchantements de la libert. La sortie des dictatures dans les annes 90(Paris:Fayard, 1993), 336 pp.

    ,Histoire des nations et du nationalisme en Europe(Paris: Seuil (points), 1993), 312 pp.Hoare, Marko Attila,How Bosnia Armed(London: Saqi, 2004), 172 pp.Hoare, Quintin and Noel Malcolm, Books on Bosnia: A Critical Bibliography of Works Relating to

    Bosnia-Herzegovina(London: Bosnian Institute, 1999), 207 pp.Holbrooke, Richard, To End a War(New York: Modern Library, (revised edition) 1999), 411 pp.Holzgrefe, J.L. and Keohane, Robert O. (eds.), Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and

    Political Dilemmas(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), 350 pp.Horvat, Branko, The Yugoslav Economic System: The First Labor-Managed Economy in the Making

    (New York: Sharpe, 1976), 286 pp.

    Howard, Dick (ed), Constitution making in Eastern Europe(Washington, D.C.: The Woodrow CenterPress, 1993), 215 pp.

    Hubrecht, Jol,Kosovo. tablir les faits(Paris: Editions Esprit, 2001), 176 pp.Huntington, Samuel P., The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century (Norman:

    University of Oklahoma Press, 1991), 366 pp.

    Ignatieff, Michael, Empire Lite: Nation-building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan (London:Vintage, 2003), 134 pp.

    Les Intellectuels et la guerre,Les Temps modernes, (1994) 576-578, 192 pp.International Commission on the Balkans, The Balkans in Europes Future(Sofia: Centre for Liberal

    Strategies, 2005), 64 pp.International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, The Responsibility to Protect: Report

    of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (Ottawa: International

    Development Research Center, 2001), 110 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    International Crisis Group (ICG), Brcko Arbitration: Proposal for Peace(Sarajevo: ICG, 20 January1997).

    , Bosnias Stalled Police Reform: No Progress, No EU(Brussels: ICG Europe report no. 164, 6September 2005), 23 pp.

    , Grave Situation in Mostar(Sarajevo: ICG, 1997)., State Succession to the Immovable Assets of Former Yugoslavia (Sarajevo: ICG, 1997).

    ,Media in B&H: How International Support Can be More Effective(Sarajevo: ICG, 1997)., The State of the Balkans(Brussels: ICG Balkans Report no. 47, 4 November 1998)., Why Will No One Invest in Bosnia and Herzegovina?(Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 64, 21

    April 1999).,Kosovo: Lets Learn from Bosnia(Brussels: ICG Balkans Report no. 66, 17 May 1999).,Back to the Future(Brussels: ICG Balkans Report no. 70, 28 June 1999)., Rule over Law: Obstacles to the Development of an Independent Judiciary in Bosnia and

    Herzegovina (Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 72, 5 July 1999), 26 pp.,Is Dayton Failing? (Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 80, 28 October 1999), 74 pp., Rule of Law in Public Administration (Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 84, 15 December

    1999), 33 pp., Denied Justice: Individuals Lost in a Legal Maze (Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 86, 23

    February 2000), 20 pp.

    ,Reunifying Mostar: Opportunities for Progress(Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 95, 31 May2000)., Bosnias Municipal Election 2000: Winners and Losers (Sarajevo/Washington, DC/Brussels:

    ICG Balkans Report no. 91, 28 April 2000), 16 pp., Bosnias Refugee Logjam Breaks: Is the International Community Ready? (Sarajevo: ICG

    Balkans Report no. 95, 31 May 2000)., War Criminals in Bosnias Republika Srpska: Who Are the People in Your Neighbourhood?

    (Sarajevo/Washington, DC/Brussels: ICG Balkans Report no. 103, 2 November 2000), 83 pp., Bosnias November Elections: Dayton Stumbles, Sarajevo/Brussels: ICG Balkans Report no.

    104, 18 December 2000), 22 pp., Turning Strife to Advantage: A Blueprint to Integrate the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    (Sarajevo/Brussels: ICG Balkans Report no. 106, 15 March 2001)., No Early Exit: NATOs Continuing Challenge in Bosnia (Sarajevo/Brussels: ICG Balkans

    Report no. 110, 22 May 2001), 28 pp., Bosnias Precarious Economy: Still Not Open for Business (Sarajevo/Brussels: ICG BalkansReport no. 115, 7 August 2001), 58 pp.

    , The Wages of Sin: Confronting Bosnias Republika Srpska(Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no.118, 8 October 2001).

    , Bin Laden and the Balkans: The Politics of Anti-Terrorism (Belgrade/Podgorica/Pristina/Sarajevo/Skopje: ICG Balkan Report no. 119, 9 November 2001), 37 pp.

    , Bosnia: Reshaping the International Machinery (Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 121, 29November 2001), 30 pp.

    , Courting Disaster: The Misrule of Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo: ICG BalkansReport no. 127, 26 March 2002).

    , Implementing Equality: The Constituent Peoples Decision in Bosnia and Herzegovina(Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 128, 16 April 2002).

    , Policing the Police in Bosnia: A Further Reform Agenda (Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no.130, 10 May 2002).

    , Bosnias Alliance for (Smallish) Change (Sarajevo: ICG Balkans Report no. 132, 2 August2002), 31 pp.

    , Thessaloniki and After (I): The EUs Balkan Agenda(Brussels: ICG Europe Briefing, 20 June2003), 10 pp.

    , Thessaloniki and After (II): The EU and Bosnia (Sarajevo/Brussels: ICG Europe Briefing, 20June 2003), 11 pp.

    , Thessaloniki and After (III): The EU and Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo (Brussels: ICGEurope Briefing, 20 June 2003), 12 pp.

    , Bosnias Nationalist Governments: Paddy Ashdown and the Paradoxes of State Building(Sarajevo/Brussels: ICG Balkans Report no. 146, 22 July 2003), 53 pp.

    ,EUFORIA: Changing Bosnias Security(Brussels: ICG Europe Briefing, 29 June 2004), 11 pp.

    , Bosnias Stalled Police Reform: No Progress, no EU(Brussels: ICG Europe Report no.164, 6September 2005), 18 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    ,EU Visas and the Western Balkans(Brussels: ICG Europe Report No 168, 29 November 2005),23 pp.

    , Kosovo: The Challenge of Transition (Brussels: ICG, Europe Report no. 170, 17 February2006), 31 pp.

    ,Kosovo Status: Delay is Risky(Brussels: ICG, Europe Report no. 177, 10 November 2006), 23pp.

    ,Kosovos Status: Difficult Months Ahead(Brussels: ICG Europe Briefing no. 45, 20 December2006), 14 pp.,Kosovo: No Good Alternatives to the Ahtisaari Plan(Brussels: ICG Europe Report no. 182, 14

    May 2007), 49 pp.Islam et politique dans les Balkans occidentaux,Politorbis, (1997) 43, 71 pp.Ismajli, Rexjep,Die Albaner im ehemaligen Jugoslawien(Osnabrck Mnster: LIT, 1993).Ivanji, Ivan, Titos Dolmetscher. Als Literat am Pulsschlag der Politik (Vienna : ProMedia, 2007), 206

    pp.Ivekovi", Rada (ed.),La Croatie depuis leffondrement de la Yougoslavie(Paris: LHarmattan, 1994),

    127 pp.Ivekovi", Rada and Dunja Bla#evi"(eds.),Hommage Sarajevo: Destruction de limage/images de la

    destruction(Paris: LHarmattan, 1997), 112 pp.Ivi", Pavle and Nicolas Samard#i"et al.,De limprcision la falsification. Analyses de Vie et Mort

    de la Yougoslavie de Paul Garde(Lausanne: Lge dHomme, 1992), 137 pp.

    Janjic, Dusan and Shkelzen Maliqi (eds.), Conflict or Dialog? Serbian-Albanian relations andintegration of the Balkans. Studies and Essays(Subotica: Open University, 1994), 347 pp.

    Janning, Josef and Martin Brusis (eds.),Exploring Future for Kosovo: Kosovo Albanians and Serbs inDialog - Project Report(Munich: Research Group on European Affairs, Forschungsgruppe Europa,Arbeitspapier no. 4, August 1997), 71 pp.

    Jean, Franois and Ruffin, Jean-Christophe, Economie des guerres civiles (Paris: Hachette (pluriel),1996), 595 pp.

    Job, Cvijeto, Yugoslavias Ruin: The Bloody Lessons of Nationalism(Lanham: Rowman & LittlefieldPublishers, 2002), 303 pp.

    Joffrin, Laurent, Yougoslavie. Suicide d'une nation(Paris: Mille et une nuits, 1995), 63 pp.Jones, Francis and Lovrenovi", Ivan, Reconstruction and Deconstruction (Sarajevo: International

    Forum Bosnia,Forum Bosnae, vol. 15:02, 2002), 315 pp.Judah, Tim, The Serbs: History, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia(New Haven: Yale UniversityPress, 1997), 350 pp.

    ,Kosovo: War and Revenge(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000), 348 pp.,Kosovo: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), 184 pp.Judge, Lindsay,Advice Centers in Bosnia: a Feasibility Study(Oxfam, 1997).

    Jugoslavia: Tra scontro interetnico e scontro di classe(Rome, Che fare, 1991), 87 pp.Jugos-was ? lien: Dokumentation gegen den Krieg( Zurich: GSoA, 1992).Juka, Safete Sophie,Kosova: The Albanians in Yugoslavia in the Light of Historical Documents(New

    York: Waldon Press, 1984), 70 pp.Julliard, Jacques, Ce fascisme qui vient(Paris: Seuil, 1994), 202 pp.

    ,Pour la Bosnie(Paris: Seuil, 1996), 319 pp.Jurekovi", Predrag and Frederic Labarre,From Peace Making to Self-Sustaining Peace: International

    Presence in South East Europe at a Crossroads? (Vienna: National Defense Academy, 2004), 330pp.

    Kadar, Ismail, Oeuvres I, (Paris: Fayard, 1993), 576 pp., Oeuvres II, (Paris: Fayard, 1994), 635 pp., Oeuvres III(Paris: Fayard, 1995), 511 pp., Oeuvres IV(Paris: Fayard, 1996), 593 pp.Kaldor, Mary,Neue und Alte Kriege: Organisierte Gewalt im Zeitalter der Globalisierung(Frankfurt

    am Main: Suhrkamp, 2000), 279 pp., Global Civil Society. An Answer to War(Cambridge: Polity Press, 2003), 189 pp.Kaldor, Mary and Ivan Vejvoda, Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe (London:

    Continuum, 2002 [Pinter 1999]), 194 pp.Karabasic, Mersiha, La Bosnie et Herzgovine entre Dayton et Bruxelles (Geneva: Universit de

    Genve, Institut Europen), 2005, 139 pp.Karahasan, Dzevad, Un dmnagement(Paris: Calmann-Levy & Maren Sell, 1994), 95 pp.

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    Kardelj, Edvard, Les Contradictions de la proprit sociale dans le systme socialiste (Paris:Anthropos, 1976).

    Kaser, Karl, Freundschaft und Feindschaft auf dem Balkan: Euro-balkanische Herausforderungen(Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag, 2001), 353 pp.

    Kebo, Ozren Bienvenue en enfer: Sarajevo mode d'emploi(Paris: Nue bleue, 2005), 171 pp.Kempe, Iris (ed.),Prospects and Risks beyond EU Enlargement: Eastern Europe: Challenges of a Pan

    European Policy(Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2003), 280 pp.Kelmendi, Nekibe,Ethnische Suberung in Kosova(Bern: LDK, 1995), 32 pp.Kesselring, Agilolf (ed.), Wegweiser zur Geschichte Bosnien-Herzegowina (Paderborn: Schningh,

    2005), 168 pp.Ki%, Danilo, Un tombeau pour Boris Davidovitch. Sept chapitres dune mme histoire (Paris:

    Gallimard, 1979), 159 pp.,Encyclopdie des morts(Paris: Gallimard, 1985), 191 pp.,La Mansarde(Paris: Grasset, 1989), 179 pp.,Le Cirque de famille(Paris: Gallimard (l'imaginaire), 1989), 493 pp.,Homo poeticus(Paris: Fayard, 1993), 168 pp.,La leon d'anatomie(Paris: Fayard, 1993), 357 pp.,Le rsidu amer de l'exprience(Paris: Fayard, 1995), 308 pp.,Le luth et les cicatrices(Paris: Fayard, 1995), 145 pp

    Klingan, Katrin and Ignes Kappert, Leap into the City. Chisinau, Sofia, Pristina, Sarajevo, Warsaw,Zagreb, Ljubljana. Cultural Positions, Political Conditions. Seven Scenes from Europe(Cologne:DuMOnt Literatur und Kunst Verlag, 2006), 598 pp.

    Kohl, Christine von and Wolfgang Libal, Kosovo: gordischer Knoten des Balkan, (Wien:Europaverlag, 1992), 175 pp.

    Kohl, Christine von, Christophe Solioz, and Vedran D#ihi"(eds.),Bosnien-Herzegowina: 8 Jahre nachDayton Krisen, Kritik und Perspektiven (Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, BalkanDiskurs #1, 2003), 112 pp.

    Kohl, Christine von, Vedran D#ihi"& Dardan Gashi (eds.), Kosovo 2004: Ein Schritt vorwrts, zweizurck kritische und konstruktive Analysen und Perspektiven(Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag, BalkanDiskurs #2, 2004), 123 pp.

    Krber Stiftung, Die Zukunft Sdosteuropas auf dem Weg zur europischen Integration(Hamburg:Krber Stiftung, 2003), 184 pp.

    Kosovo in Crisis, Transitions, (1998) 4.Kosovo: la guerre annonce,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1998) 52, pp. 4-21.Kosovo,Helsinki Charter(Belgrade : Helsinki Committee, 1999), 79 pp.Kosovo, liMes, Rome, (April 1999), 143 pp.Kosovo: Scnarios pour une fin de guerre, Courrier international, (6 May 1999) 444, pp. 40-48.Kosovo: UCK, les secrets de lArme de libration, Courrier international, (20 May 1999) 446, pp.

    44-49.Kosovo: Journal de guerre, Courrier international, (27 May 1999) 447, pp. 62-65.Kosovo: la guerre dans les mdias serbes, Courrier international, (3 June 1999) 448, pp. 54-59.Kosovo: telle guerre, telle paix, Courrier international, (10 June 1999) 449, pp. 10-13.Kosovo, Confluences Mditerrane(Paris: LHarmattan, Summer, no. 30, 1999), 203 pp.Kosovo : les piges de la paix, Courrier international, (29 July 1999) 456-458, pp. 22-27.Kosovo: la guerre derrire la paix, liMes & Golias, (1999), 129 pp.

    Kosovo: Kouchner face une paix bancale, Courrier international, (23 December 1999) 477-478,pp. 16-19.

    Kostovicova, Denisa,Parallel Worlds: Response of Kosovo Albanians to Loss of Autonomy in Serbia,1989 - 1996 (Keele: Keele University, Department of Politics, Keele European Research Centre,1997), 83 pp.

    Kostovicova, Denisa & Vesna Boji!i"-D#elilovi" (eds.), Austrian Presidency of the EU: RegionalApproaches to the Balkans (Vienna: Centre for the Study of Global Governance & Center forEuropean Integration Strategies in cooperation with the Renner Institute, 2006), 183 pp.

    Kouchner, Bernard,Les Guerriers de la paix(Paris: Grasset, 2004), 492 pp.Kova!, Mirko,La Vie de Malvina Trifkovic(Paris, Rivages, 1994 [1992]), 101 pp.Kova!, Mirko,Le Corps transparent(Paris: Rivages, 1995), 165 pp.Kova!, Nikola,Bosnie, le prix de la paix(Paris: Michalon, 1995), 170 pp.Kramer, Helmut and Vedran D#ihic, Die Kosovo Bilanz. Scheitert die Internationale Gemeinschaft ?

    (Wien: Lit, 2005), 274 pp.Krasniqi, Mark,Kosova today(Prishtina, 1992), 43 pp.

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    Krasniqi, Mark,Der Unterricht in der Primar und Sekundarschule in Kosova(Bern: LDK, 1992), 16pp.

    Krastev, Ivan (ed.),Human Security in South-East Europe(UNDP, August 1999), 48 pp.Krastev, Ivan, The Balkans: Democracy Without Choices, Journal of Democracy, 13 (2002) 3, pp.

    39-53., Weak states as a security threat, Sdosteuropa Mitteilungen, 44 (2004) 4, pp. 102-16.

    Krestitch, Vassili, Un peuple en otage. Les Serbes de Croatie face l'Etat Croate , Lausanne: L'ged'Homme, Institut Serbe de Lausanne, 1992, 63 pp.

    Kre#la, Miroslav,Le Retour de Philippe Latinovicz(Paris: Calmann-Lvy 1988 [1957]), 250 pp.Kre#la, Miroslav, Enterrement Thrsienbourg (Paris: Minuit (Toulouse, Petite Bibliothque

    Ombres) 1994), 92 pp.Kre#la, Miroslav, The Banquet in Blitva(Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 2004), 348 p.Kre#la, Miroslav,Die Glembays(Nordestedt: Books on Demand, 2006), 187 pp.

    Krieg in Europa(Berlin: Taz, Journal no. 1, 1991), 98 pp.Krulic, Joseph,Histoire de la Yougoslavie de 1945 nos jours(Brussels: Editions Complexe, 1993),

    252 pp.Kubli, Olivier Ladislav, Du Nationalisme yougoslave aux nationalismes post-Yougoslaves (Paris:

    LHarmattan, 1998), 252 pp.Kullashi, Mouhamedin, Humanisme et haine. Les intellectuels et le nationalisme en ex-Yougoslavie

    (Paris: LHarmattan, 1998), 206 pp.Kumar, Radha,Divide and Fall? Bosnia in the Annals of Partition(London: Verso, 1999), 207 pp.Kujund#i", Enes,Memoria Bosniaca: References of Bosnia and Herzegovina(Sarajevo: Me$unarodni

    centar za mir, 2001), 197 pp.Ku%i", Sini%a, Privatisierung im Transformationsprozess. Das Beispiel der Republik Kroatien

    (Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitts-Verlag, 2001), 304 pp.Ku%i", Sini%a (ed.), Path-Dependent Development in the Western Balkans The Impact of

    Privatization(Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005), 220 pp.Kymlicka, Will & Magda Opalski (eds.), Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? Western political theory

    and ethnic relations in eastern Europe(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 440 pp.

    Le labyrinthe yougoslave,M, (August-September 1996) 84, pp. 6-46La Serre, Franoise de and Christina Lequesne, Christina & Jacques Rupnik, LUnion europenne:

    ouverture lEst(Paris: PUF, 1994), 185 pp.Laignel-Lavastine, Alexandra,Esprits dEurope: Autour de Czeslaw Milosz, Jan Pato#ka, Istvn Bib

    (Paris: Calmann-Lvy, 2005), 354 pp.Lallo, Angelo & Toresini, Lorenzo,Il tunnel di Sarajevo. Il conflitto in Bosnia-Erzegovina: una guerra

    psichiatrica?(Portogruaro: Nuova dimensione, 2004), 175 pp.Lambrichs, Louise L.,Nous ne verrons jamais Vukovar(Paris: Philippe Rey, 2005), 476 pp.Lampe, John R., Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country (Cambridge: Cambridge

    University Press, 2000),xxi-487 pp.Langer, Alex,Il viaggiatore leggero(Palermo: Sellerio, 1996), 337 pp.Laplace, Yves,Lge dhomme en Bosnie, (Lausanne: Editions den bas, 1997),96 pp.

    , Considrations salutaires sur le dsastre de Srebrenica(Paris: Seuil, 1998), 190 pp., Outrages, (Geneva: Mtropolis, 2005), 166 pp.

    Le Brun, Annie, Les Assassins et leurs miroirs: Rflexions propos de la catastrophe Yougoslave(Paris : J.-J. Pauvert, 1993), 93 pp.Le Gloannec, Anne-Marie and Aleksander Smollar (eds.), Entre Kant et Kosovo: tudes offertes

    Pierre Hassner(Paris: Presses de Sciences PO, 2003), 560 p.Lefort, Claude,La Complication. Retour sur le communisme(Paris: Fayard, 1999), 259 pp.Lentze, Matthias, Ethnizitt in der Konfliktforschung. Eine Untersuchung zur theoretischen

    Fundierung und praktischen Anwendung des Begriffs ethnischer Konflikt (Hamburg:Forschungstelle Kriege, Rstung und Entwicklung, Arbeitspapier 1, 1998), 123 pp.

    Lepage, Dominique and Muhamedin Kullashi (eds.), Ex-Yougoslavie: Une Europe du Sud-Est enconstruction(Paris: LHarmattan, 2002), 168 pp.

    Lvy, Bernard-Henri, Le Lys et la cendre: Journal dun crivain au temps de la guerre de Bosnie(Paris: Grasset, 1996), 552 pp.

    Lvy-Vroelant, Claire and Isaac Joseph,La Guerre aux civils: Bosnie-Herzgovine, 19921996(Paris:

    LHarmattan, 1997), 263 pp.Libal, Wolfgang,Das Ende Jugoslawiens(Vienna: Europaverlag, 1993), 216 pp.,Mazedonien zwischen den Fronten(Vienna: Europaverlag, 1993), 152 pp.

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    Lohmel, Edith (ed.), LEurope centrale et orientale: Dix ans de transformations (19891999) (Paris:La Documentation Franaise, 2000), 333 pp.

    Loquai, Heinz, Der Kosovo-Konflikt Wege in einen vermeidbaren Krieg: die Zeit von EndeNovember 1997 bis Mrz 1999(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2000), 183 pp.

    , Weichenstellungen fr einen Krieg: Internationales Krisenmanagement und die OSZE imKosovo-Konflikt(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2003), 201 pp.

    Londres, Albert,Les comitadjis(Paris: Christian Bourgeois (10/18), 1998), 222 pp.Lory, Bernard,LEurope balkanique de 1945 nos jours(Paris: Ellipses, 1996), 207 pp.Lovrenovi", Ivan,Bosnia: A Cultural History(London: Saqi, 2001), 254 pp.Lovrenovi", Ivan and Francis R. Jones (eds.),Life at the Crossroads(Sarajevo: Forum Bosnae, 2001),

    297 pp.Lowe, Paul,Bosnians(London: Saqi Books, 2005), 172 pp.Lugert, Alfred C. & Wemer Varga, Die Zukunft von Bosnien und Herzegowina (Vienna:

    Landesverteidigungsakademie, 2005), 398 pp.Luthard, Catherine, Gopolitique de la Serbie-Montngro(Brussels: Editions Complexe, 1998), 144

    pp.Luthard-Tavard, Catherine, La Yougoslavie de Tito cartele 1945-1991 (Paris: LHarmattan, 2005),

    566 pp.Lutz, Dieter S. (ed.), Der Kosovo-Krieg: Rechtliche und rechtsethische Aspekte (Baden-Baden:

    Nomos, 1999), 366 pp.

    Maga%, Branka, Croatia Through History (London: Saqi, 2008), 743 pp.Maga%, Branka, Ivo (ani" and Noel Malcolm (eds.), The War in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina

    (London: Frank Cass, 2001), 383 pp.Magris, Claudio,Danube(Paris: Gallimard 1998 (folio 1991)), 562 pp.

    , Trieste. Une identit de frontire(Paris: Seuil, 1991), 288 pp., Utopia e desincanto(Milan: Garzanti, 1999), 326 pp.,A laveugle(Paris: Gallimard (larpenteur), 2007), 438 pp.Mahmut"ehaji", Rusmir, Bosnia the Good: Tolerance and Tradition (Budapest: Central European

    University Press, 2000), 233 pp., Sarajevo Essays: Politics, Ideology, and Tradition (New York: State University of New York

    Press, 2003), 287 pp.

    Malcolm, Noel,Bosnia: A Short History (London: Macmillan, 1994), 360 pp.,Kosovo: A Short History(London: Macmillan, 1999), 492 pp.Maliqi, Shklzen,Kosova: Separate Worlds(Pec: Dukagjini & Pristine, MM, 1998).

    ,Kossovo: Alle radici del conflitto(Nardo: Besa, 1999), 113 pp.Mappes-Niediek, Norbert, Balkan-Mafia: Staaten in der Hand des Verbrechens Eine Gefahr fr

    Europa(Berlin: Ch.Links, 2003), 216 pp., Die Ethno-Falle. Der Balkan-Konflikt und was Europa daraus lernen kann(Berlin: Ch.Links,

    2005), 223 pp.Marko, Joseph (ed.), Gordischer Knoten Kosovo/a: durchschlagen oder entwirren? Vlkerrechtliche,

    Rechtsvergleichende und politikwissenschaftliche Analysen und Perspektiven zum jngstenBalkankonflikt(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1999), 281 pp.

    Marko, Joseph & Tommislav Boric (eds.), Slowenien Kroatien Serbien. Die neuen Verfassungen(Vienna: Bhlau, 1991).

    Maspero, Franois,Balkans - Transit(Paris: Seuil 1997 (points 1999)), 472 pp.Masson, Diane,Lutilisation de la guerre dans la construction des systmes politiques en Serbie et en

    Croatie, 1989-1995(Paris: LHarmattan, 2002), 352 pp.Matthias, John, & Vladeta Vuckovic, The Battle of Kosovo. Serbian Epic Poem (Athens: Swallow

    Press, 1987).Matvejevi", Predrag (ed.),Ex-Yougoslavie: Les Seigneurs de la guerre, Paris: LEsprit des Pninsules,

    1999, 155 pp.Matvejevi", Predrag et al.,Le Miroir bris(Paris: Le Temps des Cerises, 1994), 144 pp.Matvejevi", Predrag,Brviaire mditerranen(Paris: Fayard, 1992), 261 pp.

    ,Epistolaire de l'Autre Europe(Paris: Fayard, 1993), 342 pp.,Entre asile et exil(Paris: Stock, 1995), 499 pp.,Le Monde ex(Paris: Fayard, 1996), 275 pp.

    ,La Mditerrane et lEurope(Paris: Stock, 1998), 135 pp.,LAutre Venise(Paris: Fayard, 2004), 159 pp.

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    Maurer, Daniel, Europische Sicherheit: Konfliktmanagement am Beispiel Ex-Jugoslawien, Zurich:ETH (Zrcher Beitrge zur Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktforschung, no. 59), 2001, 192 pp.

    Maurer, Pierre, La rconciliation sovito-yougoslave 1954-1958. Illusions et dsillusions de Tito(Crousset: DelVal, 1991), 474 pp.

    Mazower, Mark, The Balkans: A Short History(New York: Modern Library, 2000),xliii189 pp.Meckel, Marcus, Die Folgen des Kosovo-Konflikts und seine Auswirkungen auf Konfliktprvention

    und Krisenmanagement (Brussels: NATO Parliamentary Assembly, AT 120 PC (00) 4, 28 April2000), 29 pp.Meier, Viktor, Yugoslavia: A History of Its Demise(London: Routledge, 1999), 279 pp.Mendelson, Sarah E. & Glenn, John K., The Power and Limits of NGOs: A Critical Look at Building

    Democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia(New York: Columbia University Press, 2002), 300 pp.Mercier, Michle, Crimes sans chtiment(Brussels: Bruylant, 1994),x323 pp.

    , De Sarajevo Pristina. Lengagement de la Chane du Bonheur dans les Balkans de 1992 1999(Geneva: La Chane du Bonheur, 2000), 66 pp.

    Merkel, Reinhard (ed.),Der Kosovo-Krieg und das Vlkerrecht(Francfort am Main: Suhrkamp, 2000),245 pp.

    Mertius, Julie A., Kosovo: How Myths and Truths started a War(Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1999),xxii-378 pp.

    Meurs, Win van and Alexandros Yannis, The European Union and the Balkans: from Stabilization

    Process to Southeastern Enlargement (Gtersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation, September 2002), 33pp.

    Meurs, Wim van (ed.), Prospects and Risks Beyond EU Enlargement. Southeastern Europe: WeakStates and Strong International Support(Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2003), 303 pp.

    Michel, Andre,Justice et vrit pour la Bosnie-Herzgovine(Paris: LHarmattan, 2001), 148 pp.Miljus, Branko,La Rvolution yougoslave(Lausanne: L'ge d'Homme, 1992), 247 pp.Mink, Georges & Jean-Charles Szurek, La Grande conversion: le destin des communistes en Europe

    centrale(Paris: Seuil, 1999), 311 pp.Minority Rights Group (MRG),Kosovo: Oppression of Ethnic Albanians(London: MRG, 1992), 8 pp.

    , The Regional Implications of War in Kosovo(London: MRG, 1993).,Preventing the Spread of War in the Balkans(London: MRG, 1993), 19 pp.Morand, Charles-Albert (sous la direction de), La crise des Balkans de 1999. Les dimensions

    historiques, politiques et juridiques du conflit du Kosovo(Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2000), 324 pp.Morin, Edgar,Les fratricides(Paris: Arla, 1996), 123 pp.

    Morozzo della Rocca, Roberto, Kosovo. La guerra in Europa(Milan: Guerini e associati, 1999), 147pp.

    Motes, Mary,Kosova - Kosovo: Prelude to war 1966 - 1999(South Florida Pedland Press, 1999), xii-308 pp.

    Mrak, Mojmir, Rojec, Matija & Silva-Jauregui, Carlos, Slovenia: From Yugoslavia to the EuropeanUnion(Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 2004), 446 pp.

    Mudry, Thierry,Histoire de la Bosnie-Herzgovine: Faits et controverses(Paris: Ellipses, 1999), 431pp.

    Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina & Krastev, Ivan (eds), Nationalism after Communism. Lessons Learned(Budapest: Central European University Press, 2004), 287 pp.

    Musliu, Fahri & Banjac, Dragan, Untying the Kosovo Knot, a two side view (Belgrade: Helsinki

    Committee for Human Rights (Helsinki files 20), 2005), 300 pp.Mustovic, Marina & Vucic, Vedran, Human Rights and Ethnic Minority Rights (Subotica: ECCCR,1993), 44 pp.

    Nahoum-Grappe, Vronique (ed.), Vukovar, Sarajevo... La Guerre en Yougoslavie (Paris: Esprit,1993), 295 pp.

    Nationalismes: la tragdie yougoslave,Manire de voir, (1993) 17, 98 pp.Nguyen-Lazarus, Viet, Civil Society Development and Peace Building in Bosnia & Herzegovina

    (Canada: Care, 1996).

    ODonnell, Guillermo and Philippe C. Schmitter, Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: TentativeConclusions about Uncertain Democracies (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989),84 pp.

    Offe, Claus, Varieties of Transition: The East European and East German Experience (Cambridge:Polity Press, 1996), 249 pp.

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    Or%oli", Marko,Zlodusima Unato#: Novinski Intervjui 19882002(SarajevoRijeka: IMIC, 2003), 317pp.

    Ott, Katarina (ed.), Croatian Accession to the European Union: Economics and Legal Challenges(Zagreb: Institute of Public Finance & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2001), 303 pp.

    (ed.), Croatian Accession to the European Union: Institutional Challenges(Zagreb: Institute ofPublic Finance & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2002), 339 pp.

    (ed.), Croatian Accession to the European Union: Facing the Challenges of Negotiations(Zagreb: Institute of Public Finance & Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2003), 297 pp. (ed.) Croatian Accession to the European Union: The Challenges of Participation (Zagreb:

    Institute of Public Finance & FES, 2006), 404 pp.Ottaway, Marina & Carothers, Thomas (eds.), Civil Society Aid and Democracy Promotion

    (Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2000), 340 pp.Owen, David, Balkan Odyssey: An Uncompromising Personal Account of the International Peace

    Efforts following the Break-up of the Former Yugoslavia(London: Gollancz, 1995),xxvii-436 pp.Oxford Research International,The Silent Majority Speaks(Sarajevo: UNDP, 2007).

    La Paix guerrire, TransEuropennes, (1998) 8, 126 pp.Palau, Josep & Kumar, Radha (eds), Ex-Yugoslavia: From War to Peace (Madrid: hCa & MPDL,

    1993), 343 pp.

    Papi", (arko (ed.), International Support Policies to South-East European Countries: Lessons (Not)Learned in Bosnia & Herzegovina(Sarajevo: Mller, 2001), 256 pp.Papi", (arko, Ranka Ninkovi" and Omer &ar, Integrity in Reconstruction: Corruption, Effectiveness

    and Sustainability in Post-War Countries(Sarajevo: IBIH-BiH, 2007), 225 pp.Paseka, Angelika, Jrgen Schick and Lejsa He"imovi", Gender perspektiva u nastavi (Sarajevo:

    Fondacija Heinrich Bll, 2004), 144 pp.Pavlowitch, Stevan K., Serbia: The History behind the Name(London: C. Hurst & Co, 2002), 252 pp.Peaslee, Amos J., Constitutions of Nations(Den Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, volume III, 1968), 1315 pp.Pejanovi", Mirko, Through Bosnian Eyes: The Political Memoirs of a Bosnian Serb (Sarajevo:

    )ahinpa%i", 2002), 238 pp.Perroche, Grgory, Histoire de la Croatie et des nations slaves du Sud (Paris: F.-X. de Guilbert

    (O.E.I.L.), 1992), 560 pp.Perry, Valery, Constitutional Reform and the Spirit of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Flensburg: ECMI,

    ECMI Brief # 7, February 2002), 14 pp.Peskin, Victor, International Justice in Rwanda and the Balkans. Virtual Trials and the Struggle for

    State Cooperation (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 272 pp.Petritsch, Wolfgang, Karl Kaser and Robert Pichler, Kosovo-Kosova. Mythen, Daten, Fakten

    (Klagenfurt: Wieser, 1999), 363 pp.Petritsch, Wolfgang and Robert Pichler, Kosovo-Kosova. Der lange Weg zum Frieden (Klagenfurt:

    Wieser, 2005 [2004]), 412 pp.Petritsch Wolfgang and Christophe Solioz (eds.), Regional Cooperation in South East Europe and

    Beyond. Challenges and Prospects(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008), 187 pp.Petritsch, Wolfgang, Bosnien und Herzegowina 5 Jahre nach Dayton: Hat der Friede eine Chance?,

    Klagenfurt: Wieser Verlag, 2001, 482 pp., Russia, Kosovo and Europe - A Case Study in Post-Cold War Conflict Management,

    Sdosteuropa Mitteilungen, (2008) 1, pp. 6-17.

    Petrovi", Rade, Il fallito modello federale della ex Jugoslavia (Soveria Nannelli: Rubbettino, 2005),464 pp.

    Petrovi", Ruza and Marina Blagojevi", The Migrations of Serbs and Montenegrins from Kosovo andMetohija. Results of the Survey Conducted in 1985-1986 (Belgrade: Sebian Academy of Scienceand Arts, Department of Social Sciences, Demographic Studies, volume III, 1992).

    Pfister, Stphane, Les avantages comparatifs de lUnion europenne dans la gestion des crises et lasortie des conflits(Geneva: Institut Europen (euryopa vol. 25), 2004), 225 pp.

    Pipa, Arshi and Sami Repishti (eds.), Studies on Kosova, (Boulder: East European Monographs, no.155, 1984),xiv-279 pp.

    Placzek, Nobert, Der Kosovo Konflikt. Genese und Perspektive (Hamburg: Universitt Hamburg,Institut fr Politische Wissenschaft, Arbeitspapier 2, 1996), 41 pp.

    Pommer, Franziska, Vergleich der EU-Tauglichkeit von Kroatien und Bosnien-Herzegowina (Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2008), 226 pp.

    Podkaminer, Leon (ed.), Transition Countries in 2002: Losing Steam (Vienna: WIIW ResearchReports, no. 285, 2002), 89 pp.

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    Selective bibliography on former- & post-Yugoslavia Christophe Solioz


    Popovi", Alexandre, Les Musulmans yougoslaves 1945-1889. Mdiateurs et mtaphores (Lausanne:L'ge d'Homme, 1990), 69 pp.

    Popov, Neboj%a (ed.), Radiographie dun nationalisme: Les Racines Serbes du conflit (Paris: LesEditions de lAtelier, 1998), 336 pp.

    Popovi", Neboj%a and Kosta Nikoli" (eds.), Vojislav Ko!tunica A Carrer (Belgrade : YUCOM,2007), 547 pp.

    Pschl, Josef, Bosnia and Herzegovina: New Hope of Economic and Political Progress (Vienna:WIIW, Current Analyses and Country Profiles, no. 11, May 1998), 26 pp., Bosnia and Herzegovina after Five Years of Reconstruction(Vienna: WIIW, Current Analyses

    and Country Profiles, no. 15, April 2001), 54 pp., The Economic Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Vienna: WIIW & Bank Austria

    Creditanstalt, April 2002), 34 pp.Pouligny, Batrice,Ils nous avaient promis la paix. Oprations de lONU et populations locales(Paris,

    Presses de Sciences PO, 2005), 356 pp., Peace Operations Seen from Below: UN Missions and Local People (Bloomfield: Kumarian

    Press, 2006), 295 pp.Poulton, Hugh, The Balkans Minorities and States in Conflict, (London: Minority Rights Group, 1993),

    261 pp.Pour comprendre cette guerre qui menace lEurope,LExpress, Paris, special issue, 3 July 1992, pp.

    22-41.Pour que personne ne puisse dire Sarajevo? Je ne savais pasLe Nouvel Observateur(Paris, specialissue, 24 December 1992).

    Pour quand la paix en Yougoslavie?, Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1994) 18.Pribitchevitch, Svetozar,La dictature du Roi Alexandre. Contribution ltude de la dmocratie. Les

    problmes yougoslaves et balkaniques(Paris: Pierre Bossuet, 1933), 324 pp.Pridham, Geoffrey and Attila Agh (eds.), Prospects for Democratic Consolidation in East-Central

    Europe(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2001), 244 pp.Prifti, Kristaq (et al.), The Truth on Kosova (Tirana: Encyclopaedia Publishing House, Academy of

    Sciences, Institute of History, 1993, 351 pp.Priti, Peter R., Confrontation in Kosova: the Albanian-Serb Struggle, 1969-1998 (Boulder: East

    European Monographies, no. 537, 1999),xiv-310 pp.Problmes de la formation du peuple albanais, de sa langue et de sa culture(Tirana: Acadmie des

    sciences de la Rpublique populaire socialiste dAlbanie, 1985), 366 pp.Przeworski, Adam (ed.), Sustainable Democracy(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 141pp.

    Pugh, Michael and Neil Cooper, War Economies in a Regional Context. Challenges andTransformation(Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2004), 273 pp.

    Putnam, Robert, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy (Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1994), 258 pp.

    Que reste-t-il de Sarajevo ? ,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1996) 40.La Question serbe ,Hrodote(Paris: La Dcouverte, October-December, no. 67, 1992), 178 pp.Quigley, Kevin F.F., Conversations on Democracy Assistance (Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson

    International Center, 1996).Quigley, Kevin F.F., For Democracys Sake: Foundations and Democracy Assistance in Central

    Europe(Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center, 1997), 190 pp..Qusja, Rexhep,La question albanaise(Paris: Fayard, 1995), 326 pp.

    Radovi", Vjekoslav, Spectres de la guerre(Lausanne: L'ge d'Homme, 1992), 220 pp.Ramet, Sabrina P., Balkan Babel: The Disintegration of Yugoslavia from the Death of Tito to Ethnic

    War(Boulder: Westview Press, 1999),xxviii-354 pp., Thinking about Yugoslavia: Scholarly Debates about the Yugoslav Breakup and the Wars in

    Bosnia and Kosovo: Scholarly Debates About the Yugoslav Breakup and the Wars in Bosnia andKosovo (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pres, 2005), 346 pp.

    , Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia at Peace and at War: Selected Writings, 1983-2007(Munich: Lit,2008), 304 pp.

    Ramet, Sabrina P., Conrad Clewing and Reneo Luki" (eds.), Croatia since Independence: War,Politics, Society, Foreign Relations (Oldenburg, 2007), 430 pp.

    Ramet, Sabrina P. and Davorka Mati" (eds.), Democratic Transition in Croatia: ValueTransformation, Education, & Media(Tamu: Texas A&M University Pres, 2007) 432 pp.

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    Ramet, Sabrina P. and Vjeran Pavlakovi" (eds.), Serbia Since 1989: Politics And Society UnderMilosevic And After(Washington DC: University of Washington Press, 2006), 446 pp.

    Rauert, Fee,Das Kosovo, eine vlkerrechtliche Studie, (Vienna: Braumller, 1999), 252 pp.Raufer, Xavier and Franois Haut,Le Chaos balkanique(Paris: La table ronde, 1992), 191 pp.Rathfelder, Erich (ed.),Krieg auf dem Balkan (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1992), 192 pp.Rathfelder, Erich, Schnittpunkt Sarajevo(Berlin: Schiller, 2006), 250 pp.

    Razumovsky, Dorothea, Chaos Jugoslawien(Munich: Piper 1992 [1992]), 192 pp.Reconstruction of Bosnia,Balkan WarReport, (1997) 51.Recchia, Stefano, Beyond International Trusteeship: EU Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    (Paris : ISS, Occasional Paper no 66, 2007), 39 pp.Reed, John,La guerre dans les Balkans(Paris: Seuil, 1996), 334 pp.Regan, Patrick M., Civil Wars and Foreign Powers: Outside Intervention in Intrastate Conflict(Ann

    Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000), 172 pp.Rehnicer, Raymond, L'Adieu Sarajevo: Rflexions sur lenvironnement humain au cours dune

    guerre civile(Paris: Descle de Brouwer, 1993), 139 pp.Reissmller, Johann Georg,Der Krieg vor unserer Haustr(Stuttgart: DVA, 1992), 191 pp.Reiter, Erich and Reinhard Selten (eds.), Bosnien und Herzegowina. Europas Balkanpolitik auf dem

    Prfstand(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005), 255 pp.Reiter, Erich and Reinhard Selten (eds.), Zur Lsung des Kosovo-Konfliktes: Die Anwendungen der

    Szenariobndelanalyse im Konfliktmanagement(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2003), 187 pp.Reka, Hazir, Walking through the Darkness: Kosova 1988-1990(Dodona, 1991), 162 pp.Remacle, Eric, La Politique trangre Europenne: de Maastricht la Yougoslavie(Brussels: GRIP,

    dossier no. 167, 1992), 60 pp.Reuter, Jens,Die Albaner in Jugoslawien(Munich: R. Oldenbourg, Sd-Ost Institut, Untersuchungen

    zur Gegenwartskunde Sdosteuropas, vol. 20, 1982), 140 pp.Richards, Roger,Remember Sarajevo(Los Angeles: Zone Zero, 2004), 78 pp.Il richiamo dei Balcani, liMes, (1995) 3, 304 pp.Rieff, David, Slaughterhouse: Bosnia and the Failure of the West(London: Vintage, 1995), 240 pp.Riegler, Henriette (ed.), Transformation Process in the Yugoslav Successor States: Between

    Marginalization and European Integration(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2000), 103 pp.Riegler, Henriette (ed.),Beyond the Territory within the Nation(Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2005), 99 pp.

    , Nation Building between National Sovereignty and International Intervention (Baden-Baden:

    Nomos, 2005), 114 pp.Rosandi", Ru#ica and Vesna Pe%i", Warfare, Patriotism, Patriarchy (Belgrade: Centre for Antiwar

    Action, 1994), 127 pp.Rose, Gideon, The Exit Strategy Delusion,Foreign Affairs, (January-February 1998), pp. 56-67Roth, Hugo,Kosovo Origins(Belgrade: IKP Pasic), 1992.Roth, Klaus (ed.), Soziale Netzwerke und soziales Vertrauen in den Transformationslndern(Vienna:

    LIT, 2007), 332 pp.Roux, Michel (ed), Nations, Etat et territoire en Europe de lEst et en URSS (Paris: LHarmattan,

    1992), 294 pp.Roux, Michel,Les Albanais en Yougoslavie(Paris: Maison des Sciences de lHomme, 1992), 546 pp.

    ,La Guerre du Kosovo: dix cls pour comprendre(Paris: La Dcouverte, 1999), 127 pp.Rb, Matthias,Kosovo. Ursachen und Folgten eines Krieges in Europa(Munich: DTV, 1999), 192 pp.Rugova, Ibahim,La Question du Kosovo(Paris, Fayard, 1994), 263 pp.

    Rupnik, Jacques (ed.), De Sarajevo Sarajevo, l'chec Yougoslave (Brussels: Editions Complexe,1992), 150 pp.

    Rupnik, Jacques (ed.), Les Balkans: Paysage aprs la bataille (Brussels: Editions Complexe, 1996),169 pp.

    Rupnik, Jacques (ed.), Les banlieues de lEurope. Les politiques de l ?union europenne, Paris :Sciences PO, 2007, 203 pp.

    Rusinow, Dennison (ed.), Yugoslavia: A Fractured Federalism (Washington, DC: Woodrow WilsonCenter Press (Perspectives), 1998), 182 pp.

    Rtten, Ursula, Am Ende der Philosophie? Das gescheiterte Modell Jugoslawien (Klagenfurt:Drava, 1993), 232 pp.

    Sain, Zeljko (ed), Bosnia and Herzegovina Competitiveness Report 2002(Sarajevo: MIT Center, vol.2, no. 2, 2003), 228 pp.

    Salvoldi, Valentino,Kossovo - dove la non-violenza vita(Bologne: Gorle, 1994), 24 pp.

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    Salvoldi, Valentino & Gjergjl, Lush, Resistenza nonviolenta nella ex-Jugoslavia (Bologne: EMI,1994), 95 pp.

    Samardzic, Radovan (ed), Le Kosovo-Metohija dans l'histoire serbe (Lausanne: L'ge dHomme,1990), 351 pp.

    Samary, Catherine,Le March contre l'autogestion: L'Exprience Yougoslave(Paris: Publisud, 1988),332 pp.

    ,La Dchirure Yougoslave: Questions pour lEurope(Paris: L'Harmattan, 1994), 175 pp.Samary, Catherine and Drens, Jean-Arnault, Les Conflits Yougoslaves de A Z, (Paris: Editions delAtelier, 2000), 432 pp.

    Les Sanglots longs des peuples du Kosovo ,Diagonales Est-Ouest, (1999) 58, 36 pp.Sanguin, Andr-Louis, Amal Cattaruzza & Emmanuelle Chaveneau-Le Brun (eds.),Lex-Yougoslavie

    dix ans aprs Dayton. De nouveaux Etats entre dchirements communautaires et intgrationeuropenne, (Paris: LHarmattan, 2005), 263 pp.

    Sans, Anne-Laure, Lintervention de lOSCE dans les Balkans. Heurs et malheurs de la Mission devrification au Kosovo (octobre 1998 - juin 1999) (Geneva: Graduate Institute of InternationalStudies, PSIS Occasional Paper no 2, 2004), 67 pp.

    Sarajevo, (Paris : Libration, collection no. 10), 1992.Sarajevo, Sarajevo,La Rgle du jeu, (1994) 13, pp. 65-213.Sarenac-Petrovic, Tanja, Lconomie dans la question Yougoslave: Facteur de dsintgration ou

    vecteur de la coopration future? (Geneva: Graduate Institute of International Studies, PSISOccasional Paper no. 1, 1996), 79 pp.Sarhandi, Daoud and Alina Boboc, Evil Doesnt Live Here: Posters from the Bosnian War (London:

    Laurence King, 2001), 199 pp.Schiffer, Daniel S.,Le temps du rveil(Lausanne: L'ge d'Homme, 1992).Schirrmacher, Frank (ed),Der westliche Kreuzzug. 41 Positionen zum Kosovo-Krieg, (Stuttgart: DVA,

    1999), 256 pp.Schmid, Thomas (ed),Krieg im Kosovo(Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1999), 284 pp.Schubert, Peter, Zndstoff im Konfliktfeld des Balkan: die albanische Frage (Baden-Baden: Nomos,

    1997), 99 pp.Scotto, Giovanni, Peace constituencies e alleanze per la pace: Esperienze in Bosnia-Erzegovina,

    (Rome: CeSPI, no. 5, 2001), 39 pp.,Friedensbildung in Mostar. Die Rolle der internationalen NRO(Mnster : LIT, 2002), 269 p.

    Scotto, Giovanni and Emanuelle Arielli, La Guerra del Kosovo: Anatomia di unescalation (Roma:Editori Riuniti, 1999), 214 pp.Le Sisme yougoslave, Migrations Littraires, (1991) 18-19, 167 pp.Segert, Diter (ed),Postsozialismus. Hinterlassenschaften des Staatssozialismus und neue Kapitalismen

    in Europa(Vienna: Braumller, 2007), 228 pp.Sejmenovi", Amela and Ivan Barbali" (eds.), Osam godina daytonske BiH: nove vizije za Bosnu i

    Hercegovinu?(Sarajevo: Fondacija Heinrich Bll & ACIPS, 2004), 144 pp.Sejmenovi", Amela, Milan Podunavac and Srdjan Dvornik, The Rule of Law, Security in the Region

    and Human Rights(Sarajevo : Heinrich Bll Foundation, 2004), 191 pp.Selimovi", Me%a,Le derviche et la mort(Paris: Gallimard, 1977), 399 pp.

    ,La forteresse(Paris: Gallimard, 1981), 405 pp.Sellier, Andr and Jean Sellier, Atlas des peuples d'Europe centrale (Paris: La Dcouverte, 1991),

    192 pp.

    Seroka, Jim and Rados Smiljkovic, Political Organizations in Socialist Yugoslavia (Durham: DukeUniversity Press, 1986), 321 p.

    Shawcross, William,Deliver us from Evil: Warlords and Peacekeepers in a World of Endless Conflict(London: Bloomsbury, 2001), 420 pp.

    Siani-Davies, Peter (ed.), International Intervention in the Balkans since 1995 (London: Routledge,2003), 224 pp.

    Sidjanski, Dusan, Union ou dsunion de l'Europe ? La Communaut europenne l'preuve de la criseyougoslave et des mutations en Europe del'Est(Geneva: IUEE, 1991), 127 pp.

    Silber, Laura and Allan Little, The Death of Yugoslavia(London: Penguin Books-BBC, 1995), 400 pp.Smillie, Ian, Service Delivery or Civil Society? Non-Governmental Organisations in Bosnia and

    Herzegovina(Ottawa: Care Canada, 1996), v24 pp.Smillie, Ian (ed), Patronage or Partnership? Local Capacity B