basco batanes feasibility study

Upload: jessica-tyler

Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Basco Batanes Feasibility Study


    Situational Analysis:

    Batanes has identified as the countrys potential gateway to East China. Basco is the capital of Batanes .

    Being the capital of the province, it is where the provincial Capital as well as the provincial offices of

    most national government agencies is located. It is also the center of the commerce and learning in the

    province with the large business establishments and collegiate institutions all based in the town.

    Location of Bacso Batanes Municipalty:

    Batanes lies at the northernmost tip of the Philippines, where the Pacific Ocean merges with the South

    China Sea. It has three major islands, namely: Batan, which contain the capital town of Basco, Sabtang,

    and Itbayat. Close by are seven islets including Amianan, which is the closest to Formosa. Basco is

    located at the level area at the tip of Batan Island bounded on the east by Mount Iraya and the on the

    west by Basco Bay.

    Population of the Area:

    The population of Batanes, as of May 1, 2000, stood at 16,467 persons. This was higher by 1,441 persons

    or 9.6% compared to 1990 figure. Basco accounted for the 40.79% of the provinces population or 6,717

    persons and is the most urbanized among the six towns of the province.

    Land Coverage:

    The municipality of Basco, covered 3,549 hectares, about 85% of which have slopes of more than 8%.

    Most of its flatlands were occupied, with very little room of urban expansion. The scarcity of level land

    resulted to fairly high land price especially within the poblacian. About half of the municipalitys land

    area has slopes of the more 30%. The islands topography and geography limited water absorption and

    storage, although it received more than 3,000 millimeters of rain annually. Bascos limited forest cover833 hectares only served to exacerbate the situation. These are concentration in Mt. Iraya. Grassland

    cover more than 40% of the municipalitys land area.

    Basco Land Use in Hectares

    Build-up 117

    Agriculture 885

    Forrest 833

    Grasslands 1,629

    Utilities/Institutional 85

    Main Source of income:

    1. Fishing2. Farming3. Livestock raising4. tourism

  • 8/12/2019 Basco Batanes Feasibility Study


    Industrial Sector:

    The municipally has very thin industrial sector, consisting mostly of garments and woodworking


    In the municipality of Basco Batanes all families had 100% access to safe drinking water. There were two

    main sufficient sources of water before July 2000 earthquake:

    1. Miaga: the estimated yield 192 cubic meter a day or 96,000 cubic meters annually.2. Mt. Iraya: the estimated yield 880 cubic meter a day or 316,000 cubic meters annually.

    After July 2000 earthquake ten deep-well water pumps were purchased and installed. In November

    2002 two deep-well water pumps were non-operational. In 2001 average monthly bills collections was

    42,000 and for the period January to July 2002, spare parts costing more than 100,000. With total supply

    from the Miaga and iraya sources reaching only about 380,000 cubic meters a year maximum.

    Municipality would have to take drastic steps:

    1. Control the use of water2. Start seeking new sources to meet its inevitably growing needs.

    Demand was estimated to exceed the supply of water between 2006 and 2009. More recent

    information however, suggested that the municipality might reach its limits even before 2006.

    The nearest source that could substantially supplement the municipalitys water need was located

    within the jurisdiction of Mahatao, a neighboring town. Failing that, the remaining alternative is the

    installation of large scale rainwater collectors, or a desalination plant.