bazi day pillar - · ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this bazi day...


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Page 1: BAZI DAY PILLAR - · Ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this BaZi Day Pillar Forecast constitutes only one of the four pillars in your BaZi chart. The

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Mr Demos

Page 2: BAZI DAY PILLAR - · Ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this BaZi Day Pillar Forecast constitutes only one of the four pillars in your BaZi chart. The

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1. Personal Details

2. BaZi Astrology Chart

3. Introduction

4. Forecast for 2012 Based on your Day of Birth

• Overview

• Wealth

• Relationships

• Health

• Career

5. Monthly Astrology Forecast for 2012

Table of Contents

Page 3: BAZI DAY PILLAR - · Ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this BaZi Day Pillar Forecast constitutes only one of the four pillars in your BaZi chart. The












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Name :

Gender :

Date of Birth :

Time of Birth :

Country of Birth :

Self Element :

Celestial Animal :

Elemental Values :

Birth Season :

Noble People :

Gua No. :

Report Generated On :

Personal Details






Mr Demos


8 Jan 1976

11 : 00


Yin Earth


2 3 1 2 5


Monkey, Rat


20 Oct 2011

Page 4: BAZI DAY PILLAR - · Ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this BaZi Day Pillar Forecast constitutes only one of the four pillars in your BaZi chart. The

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BaZi Astrology Chart Mr Demos

Hour 时 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年


庚Yang Metal


己Yin Earth


己Yin Earth


乙Yin Wood



Yang Fire



Yin Earth



Yin Earth



Yin Wood

丁己 乙己丁 辛己癸 乙

81 71 61 51 41 31 21 11 1


庚Yang Metal


辛Yin Metal


壬Yang Water


癸Yin Water


甲Yang Wood


乙Yin Wood


丙Yang Fire


丁Yin Fire


戊Yang Earth



Yang Earth



Yin Fire



Yang Fire



Yin Earth



Yang Metal



Yin Metal



Yang Earth



Yin Water



Yang Water

癸戊乙 庚丙戊 丁己 乙己丁 戊庚壬 辛 丁戊辛 壬甲 癸

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IntroductionWhen most people think of Chinese Astrology, they immediately think of themselves in the context of being a ‘fierce’ Tiger or a ‘loyal’ Dog or a ‘sneaky and sly’ Snake. If you, like most people, have been reading up on your own ‘Chinese Astrology’ in this form, you would have by now come to realize that these simplified descriptions of your Chinese Astrology are really no more than a summary of the individual animal characteristics – and not an accurate description of your personal character or Destiny.

Any professional BaZi Chinese Astrology practitioner will tell you that it’s not very precise to read your chart by looking at only one of the Earthly Branches (your Animal Sign) in your BaZi. As there are eight characters in any BaZi Chart, the Earthly Branch of the Year Pillar constitutes only one of the eight characters. By relying solely on this Earthly Branch of your BaZi’s Year Pillar for your reading, you’re basing your Destiny (and the decisions you make) on information that is only 12.5% accurate!

In order to provide you with a more precise forecast for the year ahead, we make use of your Personal Day Pillar Jia Zi (甲子). This allows us a greater level of accuracy and more depth in the information we can glean from your BaZi Chart.

As I have mentioned in my forecasts and outlook for 2012, the year ahead will be filled with exciting ups and downs. This presents many of us with opportunities to grow, not just financially but also on a personal level. I have always said that there are no absolutes in Chinese Metaphysics – take a positive view of the circumstances and you derive a positive outcome. Take a negative view and it will naturally become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You should read your Annual Day Pillar Forecast much like you would a road map. It provides you an insight into what potential the year of the Water Dragon holds, a snapshot of your Destiny on a month-by-month basis. It’s not enough to simply read and understand your Destiny, I highly recommend you make an effort, take the necessary ACTIONS to capitalise on any opportunities that may be coming up or address certain areas of your life. Destiny is not carved in stone and my experience is that the outcome can be greatly tilted in your favour if you are willing to plan ahead and persevere.

Ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this BaZi Day Pillar Forecast constitutes only one of the four pillars in your BaZi chart. The only way to obtain a really specific idea of what the Year of the Water Dragon holds for you (or a more expansive reading covering a longer time frame of 10, 20 years or longer) is to have a professional astrology consultation with a BaZi practitioner. We highly recommend a comprehensive BaZi reading and would be happy to arrange this for you. Please do book your session via our website ( or get in touch with us at our office.

Mr Demos

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Forecast For 2012 Based on your Day of Birth

Ji Wei 己未 Day Master

OverviewThis year you’ll find yourself coming to terms with a lot of exciting new possibilities and changes. The time has come for you to unleash your true potential, and to produce work that will gain you attention and recognition for your abilities and skills.

But nothing in this world is a free ride! And hence, to stake a name for yourself, you are going to have to put in the necessary amount of work. The best way to ensure this works to plan is to have a plan! Execute your goals according to your aspirations – this will be the best way to ensure that they align and are synchronized.

In terms of your financial outlook for this year, you might want to focus your attention on real estate and property developments. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself moving house – or even acquiring a new one! But be sure to be up-to-date on your information and research first, and seek proper advice and read the fine print, before committing yourself to any form of investment.

Consider this a very good for year for you to make some concrete plans to multiply your wealth and make some far-reaching (in a positive way!) decisions about your financial wellbeing. Making smart and wisely-calibrated decisions where investment is concerned will yield huge benefits, so don’t hesitate to think deeply and ask around before making a decision. Act as if this is the year you’re going to get all that you want and deserve – and you will!

Mr Demos

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WealthWhere your wealth is concerned, things are looking good. But take a look around and realize that what is achieved really easily can also be lost just as easily and swiftly if you don’t plan in advance. Rash decisions should preferably be kept to a bare minimum.

Feel free to explore new opportunities as they come up, but be sure to vet these opportunities thoroughly before committing yourself to anything. This is not the year for you to fall into a rut because of a sudden, thoughtless decision brought upon by a need to be hasty and quick.

Avoid jumping onto the bandwagon simply because others have done so. This is a year to be wary of the crowds, as it will often be proven wrong! Plans you make must have a back-up – and ideally, your Plan Bs and Plan Cs will be as detailed and sound as your Plan A!

A lot of how your finances improve this year depends on your ability to make the most of whatever comes your way, and this means being brave enough to admit ignorance or lack of knowledge and consulting the right people for more information. Don’t let pride get in your way and allow you to wade into murky waters.

RelationshipsMen who are already in a stable and committed relationship will find this a good year to take the initiative to foster an even closer bond with your partner. In fact, don’t be surprised to find her popping the big `M’ question, either! Marriage may well be in the cards for you this year.

If you’re a married man, however, you may find yourself dealing with some significant problems this year – in terms of external distractions or temptations. The drive to look for enjoyment outside of your marriage may rear its unpleasant head, but that doesn’t mean you have to heed its call. Be on guard against dangerous moments and remember that your head is always in control of your impulses.

If you’re a woman, then your romantic opportunities will improve after the middle of the year. This is especially true during the autumn months of 2012. Focus on the positive aspects that will come about at the later part of the year as a means of providing you with happiness and enthusiasm. Be bold and creative in your romantic adventuring.

Try, if possible, to rid yourself of old assumptions and fears that may hold you back when it comes to matters of the heart. Remember that fortune does favour the brave – that’s why the saying has become such a predictable cliché! Consider dating men you wouldn’t normally consider “your type”, and just be open to meeting a variety of people in general. Life may get more complicated and difficult at times if you’re too naïve, but if you’re wise about it, it could become richer.

Forecast For 2012 Based on your Day of Birth

Mr Demos

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HealthThis year, you may find yourself having some health troubles brought about by emotional problems and stress. However, since stress is something that brews in the mind – you’ll be able to address the problem before it spreads and takes root.

If stress and emotional pressure become too much of a burden to the point that it gets in the way of you functioning as normal, then it might be wise to seek help or counselling from a trained professional. Do not allow things to build up to such an extent that it starts to spill out from you in surprising ways!

Focus more on spending time with the people who bring you joy. It might be the year to get tough and limit the amount of time you spend with emotional parasites – literally, those who literally suck the goodwill and energy out of you with their ill will and their complaints! Do the things that give you pleasure and satisfaction – more time on what makes life worth living, less time on the “extras” that bring you down.

There may be potential heart problems in store if you’re older than 40. Where matters of the heart are concerned – in this case, literally! – you’ll have to listen to what it’s saying before there are obvious signs of trouble. Go for a full medical, anyway, and ensure that all is as it should be in order to put your mind at rest.

CareerIt’s a good year for you in terms of career prospects, so you can look forward to professional endeavours with some degree of enthusiasm! It will be a year where you’ll generally find your sense of self enjoying a much-needed boost.

At work and in your professional life, 2012 will be a good year for you to push yourself further into unchartered territory, and to take on new challenges. It will be a good idea to volunteer for some positions or roles and to take on more (depending, of course, on your ability to do so – remember about that stress problem we talked about earlier!)

But bear in mind that doing things on an individual basis may bring you more challenges than you expect. So you’ll have to spend some time and energy this year into forging strong ties with your colleagues and superiors. Regardless of how capable you are, everyone needs help at some point – especially in the cut-throat environment of the 21st century workplace! Be gracious and give credit where it is due – and you’ll find your popularity rising, as well.

Forecast For 2012 Based on your Day of Birth

Mr Demos

Page 9: BAZI DAY PILLAR - · Ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this BaZi Day Pillar Forecast constitutes only one of the four pillars in your BaZi chart. The

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Go to and look under Consulting Services to

book yourself a BaZi Destiny Analysis Consultation with Joey Yap or

any one of Joey Yap Consulting Group’s BaZi Consultants.

A personalized BaZi Destiny Analysis Consultation will be undertaken

either in person, via Skype web-cam or over the phone with your very

own BaZi Consultant, who has specially trained under Joey Yap.

Our Consultant will cover various aspects of your chart and will

highlight specific opportunities and challenges you may face

throughout your life. Our objective is to provide you with practical

solutions to issues you may be facing and to help you achieve your


As an existing client of Joey Yap Consulting Group, you will enjoy

additional discounts off the existing BaZi Consultation fees – ask us

about your special discounts when you book your session.

Keen to get a more detailed, precise and comprehensive reading on your BaZi?

Mr Demos

Page 10: BAZI DAY PILLAR - · Ultimately, it’s good to bear in mind that this BaZi Day Pillar Forecast constitutes only one of the four pillars in your BaZi chart. The

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Monthly Astrology Forecast for the Year

1st month 壬寅(February 4 – March 4)

This will be an excellent month to forge and establish a partnership or joint-venture with another person. The month bodes well for such activities. Be sure to apply creativity and ingenuity to your ideas, and be adventurous in exploring new opportunities. This will bode well for your career and wealth.

What you’ll have to keep in mind this month is that opportunities may not present itself twice. In this regard, your business partner or associate may prove to be extremely valuable in providing the right form of input and viewpoints that will help you make the most of certain opportunities. It can be an extremely beneficial month, as long as you play your cards right!

2nd month 癸卯 (March 5 – April 3)

This month will make it apparent to you why your friends can be considered to be your source of wealth. Their suggestions and ideas may enable you to break out of a rut or crack the code of something that’s been troubling you for awhile. It’s a good month to be open and to listen carefully to what they (and perhaps even family members and relatives) have to tell you.

It’s also the ideal month to explore the road less taken. It may seem daunting or tricky at the start, but may well prove the quicker, smarter choice in the long run. Allow yourself to be challenged, because the results could prove fruitful.

3rd month 甲辰 (April 4 – May 4)

Be on guard when you embark on any physical or sport-related activities this month. You will be prone not only to illness this month, but also injuries. If you’re on vacation or on a retreat, especially, steer clear of extreme sports or physical activities that have an element of some risk.

You will suffer from weak health this month, as well, and may be more prone to illness and the occasional bug. Your immune system is not as strong as it usually is. It will be best for you to prevent any physical ailments rather than cure it, so take good care of yourself for the duration of the month.

Mr Demos

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Monthly Astrology Forecast for the Year

4th month 乙巳 (May 5 – June 4)

The same risks to your health of the previous month continue on to this month, so you will have to be on guard. In fact, this month brings about some measure of risk related to financial loss and ill-health. Therefore, review your medical health insurance policy – and if you don’t have one, now is the time to invest in one!

Be careful of injuries caused by metal or sharp objects. This means you will need to be less careless even in apparently benign situations like the kitchen or while doing gardening in your yard. It should also be noted that if you work in a profession that has you frequently using sharp and dangerous tools, you’ll have to super-careful at all times.

5th month 丙午 (June 5 – July 6)

It’s a good month for your career prospects this month. Matters appear promising and there are bright opportunities to look forward to. You will find that others recognize and credit you for your achievements and capabilities, and in all likelihood a long-awaited promotion may be yours.

Therefore, work hard in building up your sense of self-confidence, and indulge in activities that will boost your ego. Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries with your work projects, and be proactive in approaching your boss or superior with ideas, suggestions, and improvements. Ensure, however, that you back it up with the know-how – prepare yourself by doing your research first instead of being caught off-guard!

6th month 丁未 (July 7 – August 6)

You’ll have to guard against a motor mouth this month, and it will be yours! What you’ll need to be careful about is your level of tact and diplomacy. You may end up offending someone or saying the wrong thing. It wouldn’t matter if it was unintentional – the damage will still be quite significant this month. As your mother once said – if you can’t say anything nice, it might be best to say nothing at all!

Mr Demos

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Monthly Astrology Forecast for the Year

7th month 戊申 (August 7 – September 6)

While thinking is good and highly-encouraged, this month you’ll have to find a way to put those plans into action. Otherwise, you might be working your mental self to the bone while wondering why nothing is working out as it should. Don’t think too much or you’ll find yourself at the point of stagnation.

Plan ahead carefully and make according arrangements to help yourself achieve your goals. If you find yourself stuck, regardless, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and concerns with a friend or a trusted advisor/mentor.

8th month 己酉 (September 7 – October 7)

There will be problems on the homefront – arguments with your spouse or other half – that will affect how you perform at work. You will need to be professional enough to distinguish your professional life from your personal one. If not, you will have to deal with both the negative effects of a personal life seeping into your professional life and creating more problems.

But don’t just let matters at home slide. Ignoring may only let bigger troubles fester. Work on making matters work there, and strive to get to the root of the argument or problem. Otherwise, you may find yourself becoming increasingly distant with your spouse.

9th month 庚戌 (October 8 – November 6)

You’ll have to erect barricades this month to protect your territory from scheming, manipulative colleagues! You will find that others will be ever-willing to steal your ideas and thoughts and convey it to others without attributing it to you. Don’t be too nice to the point of naivete.

Therefore, work smart this month – and play your cards close to your chest. If it involves something significant, you will be better off not sharing it with anyone until you’re ready to unveil the plan. Be especially wary of overly-sweet fawning and compliments that come your way. Strive to understand the motives behind it!

Mr Demos

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Keen to get a more detailed, precise and comprehensive reading on your BaZi? Go to and look under Consulting Services to book yourself a BaZi Destiny Analysis Consultation with Joey Yap or any one of Joey Yap Consulting Group’s BaZi Consultants.

Monthly Astrology Forecast for the Year

10th month 辛亥 (November 7 – December 6)

You may find yourself feeling some indecisive this month, and feeling a bit woolly-headed when it comes to decision-making. It will be to your advantage to avoid making hasty decisions. Mull over your choices before committing to anything.

You should also refrain from reacting too hastily or jumping the gun when presented or confronted with something. This is a month where acting first and thinking later will only lead to many regrets. Share your thoughts with a trusted friend if you need some perspective in helping you make up your mind.

11th month 壬子 (December 7, 2012 – January 4, 2013)

You’ve been working very hard these last couple of months, and you may find yourself in need of some play. If so, take the time out to do it. Mind, soul, and body will need rejuvenation – and so this might be a good month to plan for a holiday. Even a weekend of R&R will go a long way toward restoring your energy.

Don’t be too worried if you’re compelled to make a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment decision! Sometimes, this is just what you need in order to help you feel alive again!

12th month 癸丑 (January 5, 2013 – February 3, 2013)

You’ll need to watch out for any health troubles relating to the eyes this month. If something has been bothering you with regards to your vision or problems affecting the eye region are cropping up, it will be best for you to get it checked out without delay.

Besides this, it’s generally a very easy-going month that is filled with peace. It will seem uneventful, but it will be a welcome chance to recharge your batteries.

Mr Demos

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Contact UsThis is a computer-assisted report generated based on Joey Yap’s BaZi formula and methods, and designed to be as close as possible to a live reading. However, this reading is limited to an annual assessment of only your Day Pillar. If you would like a more long-term reading, covering your personal Destiny for the next 10 or 20 years, with specially tailored recommendations to match your goals and ambitions – get a one-on-one BaZi Consultation with Joey Yap Consulting Group’s professional consultants. This will be a customised BaZi Consultation that considers all the four pillars of your BaZi chart; answering specific questions you may have on your personal financial goals, health issues, relationship concerns or any other areas of your life that you wish to improve.

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Relationships• Marriage and Compatibility Analysis

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• Marriage Date Selection • Caesarean Birth Date Selection• House-Moving Date Selection

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BaZi Profiling™ System (BPS) can be used effectively to unleash personal potential to achieve peak performance and for you to take the path of Least Resistance to Success.

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All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright © 2010 by Joey Yap.Tel : +603-2284-1213 | Fax : +603-2284-2213


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