belovai tamás cv

Tamás Belovai Phone number: +36 (20) 481-1150 E-mail adress: [email protected] Adress: 21 Kukovetz Nana Street, Szeged, Hungary. Date of birth: 13th April 1985. Place of birth: Szeged, Hungary QUALIFICATIONS / EDUCATION: 2013-2015 Eötvös József College Technical and Economics Faculty, Baja Specialised engineer of Flood Management, postgraduate degree 2005-2010 Eötvös József College Technical and Economics Faculty, Baja Civil engineer, specify of watershed, canalization and flood protection Studying: flood pevention, Watershed control in hilly areas, Hydraulics, Hydrology Flatland watershed control, River management, Hydrogeology, Geotechnics, hydraulic structures, Planning urban drainage, flood protection works, sluices, weirs, outlets, irrigation systems, geodesy. 2004–2005 Széchenyi István Technical College, Szeged - Technician of environment and water management WORK EXPERIENCE: 2016- General Directorate of Water Management, Department of Flood Control and River Management, Specialised engineer of Flood Management Organizing, managing and supplying technical objectives of flood control, and Making reports for Ministry of Interior Keep contact with Ministry of Interior and other 12 regional Water Directorates.(making reports of actual flood situation, if neccessary, in general daily works, and actual projects statues) Participate in working Flood Risk and Hazard maps project Participate in working in National Technical Managemant Comittie (in Flood situations) Working in the coordination of water management in nation-wide Cooperation in National projects

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Tamás Belovai Phone number: +36 (20) 481-1150 E-mail adress: [email protected]: 21 Kukovetz Nana Street, Szeged, Hungary.Date of birth: 13th April 1985.Place of birth: Szeged, Hungary


2013-2015 Eötvös József College Technical and Economics Faculty, BajaSpecialised engineer of Flood Management, postgraduate degree

2005-2010 Eötvös József College Technical and Economics Faculty, BajaCivil engineer, specify of watershed, canalization and flood protectionStudying: flood pevention, Watershed control in hilly areas, Hydraulics, Hydrology Flatland watershed control, River management, Hydrogeology, Geotechnics, hydraulic structures, Planning urban drainage, flood protection works, sluices, weirs, outlets, irrigation systems, geodesy.

2004–2005 Széchenyi István Technical College, Szeged - Technician of environment and water management


2016- General Directorate of Water Management, Department of Flood Control and River Management, Specialised engineer of Flood Management

Organizing, managing and supplying technical objectives of flood control, and Making reports for Ministry of Interior Keep contact with Ministry of Interior and other 12 regional Water Directorates.(making reports of

actual flood situation, if neccessary, in general daily works, and actual projects statues) Participate in working Flood Risk and Hazard maps project Participate in working in National Technical Managemant Comittie (in Flood situations) Working in the coordination of water management in nation-wide Cooperation in National projects Technical assisant in projects : KEHOP 2014-2020 project period (Flood safety in Raba River Valley,

Builing the flood protection dikes for the designed water level at Lower-Tisza, and Middle-Tisza River.)

2015 - 2016 Lower-Tisza District Water Directorate, Department of Floodcontrol and Rivermanagement, flood control engineer

Participate in making development and conceptual designs preparation of water management, and flood control management.

Preparing of implementation the high water management plans in Lower-Tisza district area

Making flood protection operation plans, and technical support to endangered settlements.

Expert assisantance in Water managemant Offical requests. Technical preparation/design of investments for flood protection (river regulation,

slope protection) works, large-scale maintenance tasks, and other reconstruction tasks.

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2009-2015: West-Transdanubian Water Directorate, Department of Water Damages Protection. – flood protection and watershed advisor.

Participate in flood control duty center works, and planning temporary flood protection structures. (dam heightening, protection against sandboils, seepage route increasing,

Making daily flood reports about flood control situation, meteorological background, hydrological situation, flood route, and flood protection works.

Experting and commenting flood control and urban drainage programmes. Help to find the best technical sollution.

Making regional and settlement's flood protection plans Participate in Hungarian-Slovenien project:Development of Mura river flood protection system. Making expert opinions with arises flood waves, calculating river bed parameters (slope,flood

discharge, water height) Determinating flood inundation areas near settlements, giving advices about storm reservoirs Participate in flood protection in our territory, on river Rába, Zala and Mura. Protection works against of excess-water in Lake Kis-Balaton After floods, measureing the flood levels near bridges, making documents about notable floods Maintenance works in river Zala Geodesy works: surveying river beds, and resrvoir’s structures, using navigation systems Participate in flood protection on territory of North-Hungarian Environmental and Water Directorate

on Tarna riverbasin and in Ónod urban flood protection works. Comunication other Water directorates (helping in flood protection on greater rivers) Making minor projects of river’s oxbows revitalizations. Dutch experinces- Introducing the Dutch flood protection and flood forecast system. (Maaswerken

project and the Dutch Ship navigation system, barrage building). Participate in making flood risk and hazard map project ( EU Flood directive 2007/60/EC), –

management of flood risks, Three metod: 1- detecting preliminary flood risk areas, 2- Data collecting, and measuring, 3- Making Flood risk and hazard map, and prepare reducing flood risk


Mother tongue: Hungarian Fluent speaking in English language.


High skills (MS Office programmes, LOTUS NOTES, Internet) AutoCAD Computer Aided Drawing: (making layouts, longitudinal and cross-sections, drawing channels, dimensioning, building terrain models, computing earthworks),

ArcWiev/ArcGIS: (making maps, basic GIS works, visualization of geometric datas and orthophotos)

HEC-RAS: ( 1D hydraulic modelling, bulinding basic modells – preparation of river geometry, adding modell boundaries, run modells, making reports).

MIKE 11, 21: (hydrodynamic modelling software using in flood forecast)

Member of Hungarian Hydrological Society (2008) Elemér Sajó Award (2004): Modelling of river and lake regulation Won the Hungarian Hydrological Society (spatial orgazation of Baja)

award:Experiences of riverbasin Cuhai-Bakonyér, which show the main problems near the river, high flood risk and missing of maintenance

Woldemar Lászloffy

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