bible prophecy 101 week 1 an introduction to the subject of bible prophecy

Bible Prophecy 101 Week 1 An Introduction to the subject of Bible Prophecy

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Page 1: Bible Prophecy 101 Week 1 An Introduction to the subject of Bible Prophecy

Bible Prophecy 101

Week 1

An Introduction to the subject of Bible Prophecy

Page 2: Bible Prophecy 101 Week 1 An Introduction to the subject of Bible Prophecy

Topic Outline

• Introduction

• Objectives and Definitions

• Principles of Interpretation• Framework (Timeline, God Calling Out )

• OT Prophecy (Genesis, Exodus)

• Application & Lessons for Us

• Question / Answer Session

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Introduction• Relevance of the Subject

– People asked for this subject at previous seminar

– God’s prophetic message is important, urgent, and reliable -- and affects your salvation!

• Presenters– Christians who want to share their understanding of Bible

prophecy, convinced that God’s word declares certainty and hope and clarity and encouragement to a world that desperately needs such a message

• Material– Will cover selected, representative prophecies

– Workbooks contain a copy of the presentation slides, reference material, & note sheets for the Q/A session

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Objectives• Convince the unconvinced

– fulfilled Bible prophecy is evidence for the authenticity and reliability of Scripture

• Warn the wayward– the message is a ‘wakeup call’ to get right again with God before

time runs out

• Encourage the faithful– the message is also reaffirmation that God is in control and is

working out His purpose for good

• Give glory to God– God is pleased when His prophecy is proclaimed, and vindicated

when it comes to pass

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Definitions• Prophesy (verb)

– to speak forth the word of God, as “moved by the Holy Spirit” (2Peter 1:20-21); when future events are predicted, foretelling is involved

• Prophet(ess)– the man or woman who prophesies; Scripture warns about false

prophets (e.g., 2Peter 2:1-3)

• Prophecy (noun)– the spoken and/or written set of words by the prophet;

sometimes preceded with “thus says the LORD”; can be a whole chapter (e.g., Jeremiah 51) or even a whole book (e.g., Joel, the Revelation)

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Definitions (cont'd)• Fulfillment

– when the spoken or written word of God comes to pass, i.e., the message is acted upon, the event takes place, the predicted circumstance occurs etc. (e.g., Matthew 1:22-23 cites fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14)

• Initial Fulfillment– God's word is seen to be fulfilled immediately or in the near term, by

the initial audience (e.g., the child is born & the predicted events occur 7:15-17, 8:3-8)

• Future Fulfillment– the prophetic word is experienced or seen to be fulfilled many years

later by a different set of people (e.g., Jesus is born of the virgin Mary, Matt 1:18-21)

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Principles of Interpretation1. Pray to God for wisdom to understand

2. Read every verse in the passage/book for yourself, thoroughly; establish the context

3. Check out cross-references; use if relevant

4. Use clear, simple passages to explain the meaning of less clear, complex passages

5. Determine first what the message would have meant to the initial audience

6. Verify that any conclusions are in harmony with known, basic-Bible-teaching

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Prophetic Framework - Timeline















0 B








0 B





0 A





430 years1500 years

400 years gap

No scripture since

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Framework - God Calling Out People

2 sons:Cain (rejected) & Abel (murdered); 3rd son Seth (selected line)

3 sons: Shem (selected line), Ham & Japheth

2 sons: Ishmael & Isaac (selected); twins: Esau & Jacob (selected); 12 sons of renamed-Jacob grow into 12 tribes of Israel








Kingdom splits in two; both go into captivity; faithful remnant return and become a people waiting for Messiah

12 apostles chosen to preach gospel to whole world; both Jews and Gentiles became believers

“For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14)

slave-nation of Israel + God-fearers called to be chosen people; grow into the Kingdom of God in promised land



0 yr





00 y









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OT Prophecy - Genesis 1:3“And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.”

Who spoke it: God

When: In the beginning (in terms of Bible chronology, estimated to be around 4000 BC)

Audience: God’s angels?

Setting: First act of Creation.

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“Let there be light”

and there was light.

God’s Word was spoken (prophecy)

and it happened (fulfillment)

“Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him! For He spoke and it came to be;He commanded and it stood forth” (Psalm 33:8-9)

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OT Prophecy - Genesis 1:3 (cont’d)

When God speaks, the outcome is certain

• Isaiah 55:10-1,45:23 = God’s word will accomplish His purpose

“And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.”

• Kingdom of God on earth = the Christian hope (Acts 24:14-14, 26:6-7, Revelation 1:5-7, 5:9-10)

• Numbers 14:21, Isaiah 11:9, Habakkuk 2:14 = “as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of God”

Linkage #1

Application / Lesson #1

• Really believe the meek shall inherit the earth (Matt 5:5, Ps 37)• Pray for Kingdom to come for God’s will to be done on earth (Matthew 6:10)

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• 2Corinthians 4:6 quotes & interprets Gen 1:3 = fulfilled by Jesus

• John 8:12, 1:4-5, 9, allude to Gen 1:3 declare Jesus = the “light of the world”, enlightening men, shining in the darkness

Linkage #2

Application / Lesson #2

• Respond to Jesus the light, lest we stay condemned (Jn 3:19-21)

• Believers, who once were darkness, are also called the “light of the world” (Ephesians 5:8-11, Matthew 5:14)

Foretold the coming of Jesus into a world of darkness

OT Prophecy - Genesis 1:3 (cont’d)

“And God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.”

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The Outworking of Bible Prophecy

Genesis foundational prophecy

= fulfilled by Jesus + Believers ( then & now )

expanded and confirmed by

Old Testament prophets

quoted and extended by

New Testament teachers

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OT Prophecy - Genesis 13:14-17"The LORD said to Abram...

Who spoke it: God

When: Around 2000 BC

Audience: Abram

Setting: Abram, a nomadic shepherd wandering in the landof Canaan, let his nephew Lot take his pick of grazing the land.After Lot left for the good-looking land, God gave thesepromises to Abram.

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OT Prophecy - Genesis 13:14-17(cont’d)

{14} The LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, "Lift up your eyes, and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward; {15} for all the land which you see I will give to you and to your descendants for ever. {16} I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if one can count the dust of the earth, your descendants also can be counted. {17} Arise, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you."

• the land was explicitly promised to Abram + to his offspring• the inheritance of this land (of Canaan) was “forever”

Points of God’s Promise:

• Abram’s descendants would be virtually countless• Abram would personally walk through the land {but never own it}

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Canaan - the Promised Land





NWhere Lot separated from Abram

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OT Prophecy - Genesis 17:5-8“No longer shall your name be Abram, but ...

Who spoke it: God

When: earlier promise + 20 years, when Abram is age 99

Audience: Abram, about to be renamed Abraham

Setting: Abram still had no descendants, as Sarai his wife wasbarren. So Sarai gave Hagar her slave-maid as a wife to Abram; she bore him (at age 86) a son named Ishmael. 13 years pass,and then God comes to Abram with this promise continuation.

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OT Prophecy - Genesis 17:5-8(cont’d)

{5} No longer shall your name be Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations. {6} I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come forth from you. {7} And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. {8} And I will give to you, and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.

• new name prophesied exceeding fruitfulness {to be through Sarah!}

• multitude of nations + offspring of kings {more than Ishmael’s line}

Extended Points of God’s Promise:

• emphasis that the covenant & possession was to be everlasting • the core of covenant was a relationship: “to be God to you…”• explicitly names Canaan (today’s Israel) as the promised land

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Midian (Keturah)Ishmael (Hagar) Isaac (Sarah)

Esau [AKA Edom] Jacob [renamed Israel]

(twins - Rebekah)

12 sons (Leah, Rachel + concubines)

A Multitude of Descendants

•grew into the 12 tribes of Israel

•had 12 sons

•had 5 sons


Isaac (Sarah)

Jacob [renamed Israel]

The selected line

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OT Prophecy - Genesis 22:15-18"And the angel of the LORD called to Abraham ...

Who spoke it: God

When: prior promise + time for Isaac to become a young man

Audience: Abraham (and Isaac?)

Setting: Isaac was Abraham’s only son, whom he loved. God asked Abraham to personally sacrifice this ‘miracle’ son, andAbraham quickly and faithfully obeyed. God intervened at the last moment, and by His own existence, swore this final promise.

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OT Prophecy - Genesis 22:15-18(cont’d)

{15} And the angel of the LORD called to Abraham a second time from heaven, {16} and said, "By myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you have done this, and have not withheld your son, your only son, {17} I will indeed bless you, and I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore. And your descendant* shall possess the gate of his* enemies, {18} and by your descendant** shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves, because you have obeyed my voice."

• God swore by His existence = absolutely certain to be fulfilled

• stars of heaven, sand on seashore extend “countless” metaphor

Renewed & Extended Points of God’s Promise:

• descendant* is singular, based on “his” (Hebrew text) {= Jesus!}

• your only son (whom you love) = prototype of God and Jesus

• descendant** is singular, based on NT interpretation = Jesus

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A Special Offspring

Midian Ishmael


12 sons



Jacob [Israel]

JesusFuture Fulfillment

Initial Fulfillment

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- the land of Canaan to be possessed forever

Genesis 13 - initial promise (no offspring yet)

Genesis 17- expanded promise (had Ishmael)

Genesis 22 - extended promise (had only Isaac)

- to be exceedingly fruitful + Sarah would bare Isaac

- the everlasting covenant guaranteed by God’s oath

1. Each of the promises was to Abraham + his descendant(s), who turn out to include Ishmaelites & Israelites, as well as Jesus

2. This promised land turns out to be the center piece of God’s Kingdom on earth, which aligns with the “all the earth shall be full of the glory of God” basic Bible teaching discussed earlier.

Development of the Abrahamic Promises

- to have countless descendants

- to have a privileged relationship with God

- there would be a special single descendant, Jesus






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Genesis 13 - initial promise

Genesis 17- expanded promise

Genesis 22 - extended promise

• Num 23:10, Deut 10:22 = partially fulfilled by the children of IsraelLinkage

• Understanding the promises made to Abraham is essential to the faith and obedience of the Christian believer (Rom 4:12-25)

Application / Lesson

Outworking of the Abrahamic Promises

• Matthew 1:1, Galatians 3:14 = singularly fulfilled by Jesus• Rev 7:9 = ultimately fulfilled by people from every tribe & nation• Acts 7:5, Heb 11:13 state: Abraham never possessed the land = that part of the prophecy is yet to be fulfilled• Hebrews 11:19 = Abraham understood the hope of resurrection

• Gal 3:29 = Believers in Christ will be co-heirs with Abraham

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A Special Offspring

Future Fulfillment

Midian Ishmael


12 sons



Jacob [Israel]


Initial Fulfillment

• in Christ• share Abraham's faithBelievers

+ Spiritual Children

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OT Prophecy - Exodus 19:3-7“...Thus you shall say to...

Who spoke it: God

When: Around 1570 BC (430 years after promise to Abram)

Audience: Moses, who was to pass the message along to the nation of Israel, as recently delivered from Egypt

Setting: Shortly after Israel had been saved at the Red Sea crossing and just before God was to speak directly to the peopleat Mt. Sinai; afterwards, Moses served in the fundamental role ofa prophet, speaking on behalf of God, and writing down God’s word for the benefit of the people, and for generations to come

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OT Prophecy - Exodus 19:3-7 (cont’d)

{3} ... "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the people of Israel: {4} You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself. {5} Now therefore, if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my own possession among all peoples; for all the earth is mine, {6} and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel." {7} So Moses came and called the elders of the people, and set before them all these words which the LORD had commanded him.

• God initiated the covenant (agreement)

• The people of Israel were to be unique among the nations

Points of God’s Covenant:

• Israel was to be a holy (separate) nation, a kingdom of priests

• The core of the covenant was a special relationship with God

• v. 7 - Moses diligently performed his role as God's prophet

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• Ex 24:8 = the covenant is immediately agreed to by the people


• Ex 32:1-7 = within 40 days, had totally corrupted themselves!

• Deut 7:6-12 = but because God loved them, and was keeping the oath which he swore to Abraham, He would be faithful to His part of the covenant: He would destroy those who refused to obey His commandments, and bless those who kept them

OT Prophecy - Exodus 19:3-6 (cont’d)

• Jer 31:2-3, 36-37 = God's grace toward the survivors of Israel; His everlasting love means keeping covenant with Israel forever

• Rom 11:25-32 = despite all failings, Israel is still God’s elect

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Application / Lesson

• Rom 2:29, 4:11-16 = regardless of race, the believer becomes one of Abraham's spiritual descendants by sharing and practicing the faith of Abraham, the "father of all who believe"

• 1Pet 2:9-10 = Jew and Gentile believers are the chosen people

OT Prophecy - Exodus 19:3-6 (cont’d)

• Gal 3:27-29 = the connection of those "in Christ" with Abraham

For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.There is neither Jew nor Greek…slave nor free … male nor female;for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then youare Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.

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Jew and Gentile Believer in Christ

Jew &Greek

male &female

slave &free




The chosen continued to be all who trusted God and looked forward to the prophesied special offspring:

Jesus the Christ

Chosen not because of family connection butbecause they believedin God and His promises

From all peoples,from all the ages,can include us!

The calling

and choosing


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Review Genesis 1:3 is a foundational prophecy a) Let there be light… = God’s ____ immediately _________.b) This prophecy was also fulfilled by _____, the light of the world, as well as by those who _______ in him.

Genesis 13, 17, & 22 contain God’s promises to _______ a) The land of Canaan, today’s _______, was to be possessed _______. b) The descendants mentioned in these prophecies not only included sons Ishmael and Isaac, but in the long term, a singular person ______ and spiritual ‘children’ who share the ______ of _________.

Exodus 19:3-7 speaks about God’s covenant to _______

a) They were to be a special ______, a kingdom of ______, a ____ nation. b) This same description would be applied to those who believe in _____.

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Key Point To Take-away

All of these prophecies are fulfilled byJesus and extended to believers;

therefore, YOU want to be a willing participant.

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OT Prophecies to be discussed next week

(you can read in advance)

• Leviticus 26 - declaration to Israel: blessing if obedient to God, curse if disobedient

• Deuteronomy 28 - declaration to the next generation of Israel: blessing if obedient to God, curse if disobedient

• 2 Samuel 7 - God's promises to king David: a son whose kingdom will last forever.

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Question / Answer Session• List essence of questions on flipchart

• First answer questions related to presentation; then entertain remaining questions, as prioritized by the group

• If run out of time, handle after formal close or carryover to next week

• Answers will be brief, so that as many questions as possible will be addressed

• Presenters may not have a ‘good’ answer (may not know, answer may be disturbing)

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To be continued...