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    Es descriuen a continuaci les obres utilitzades en la catalogaci dinstruments i en lelaboraci dels

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    Histria dels instruments cientfics

    La literatura sobre la histria dels instruments s enorme i creix constantment. La llista que segueix

    noms inclou referncies que han estat prviament citades en les fitxes descriptives dels instruments. Per

    obtenir ms informaci sobre aquesta qesti, es pot consultar la bibliografia que publica peridicament

    la Scientific Union of the History and Philosophy of Science en el seu web Per a ms informaci sobre publicacions relacionades amb la

    histria de la cincia, es pot consultar la base de dades History of Science, Technology and Medicine

    http.//eureka.rtg/org/, que cobreix des del 1975 fins a lactualitat i que integra quatre bibliografies: Isis

    Current Bibliography of the History of Science, Current Bibliography in the History of Technology

    (publicada per la revista Technology and Culture), Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della Scienze i la

    publicada per la Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine. Per al cas de

    publicacions en castell, el repertori bibliogrfic que anualment editava la revistaAsclepioi que ara es pot

    consultar tamb en lnia:

    ANDERSON, R. (1995), Connoisseurship, pedagogy or antiquarianism? What were instruments doing in the

    nineteenth-century national collections in Great Britain?,Journal of the History of Collections, 7(2), 211-225.

    ANDERSON, R. G. W.; BURNETT, J.; GEE, B. (s.a.),Handlist of Scientific Instrument-Makers' Trades

    Catalogues 1600-1914, National Museums of Scotland, 99 p.

    ARCHIBALD, T. (1988), Tension and Potential from Ohm to Kirchoff, Centaurus, 31, 141-163.

    AUERBACH, F. (1904), The Zeiss Works and the Carl-Zeiss Stiftung in Jena. Their Scientific, Technical and

    Sociological Development and Importance Populary Described by ..., London, Marshall, Brookes & Chalkely

    Ltd., 146 p.

    BALPE, C. (1999), Constitution d'un enseignement exprimental: La physique et chimie dans les coles

    centrales,Revue d'Histoire des Sciences, 52, 241-283.

    BENNET, J. (1984), Spectroscopes, prisms, and gratings, Cambridge, Whipple Museum of the History of

    Science, 24 p.

    BENNET, J. (1989), A viol of water or a wedge of glass. En: GOODING, D. PINCH, T.; SCHAFFER, S.

    (eds.), The uses of experiment. Studies in the natural sciences, Cambridge, University Press, 105-114.

    BENNET, J. (1997), Museums and the establishment of the history of science at Oxford and Cambridge,British Journal for the History of Science, 30, 29-46.

    BENSCHOP R., R.; DRAAISMA, D. (2000), In Pursuit of Precision: The Calibration of Minds and

    Machines in Late Nineteenth-century Psychology,Annals of Science, 57, 1-25.

    BERG, A. (1949),Ernst Leitz Optische Werke, Wetzlar: 1849-1949, Frankfurt, Umschau.

    BLANES NADAL, G., G.; GARRIGOS I OLTRA, L.; GILABERT, P. (1998), Nuevas aportaciones a la

    historia de la colorimetra: el procedimiento de anlisis de los ndigos de Houton-Labillardire,Revista de

    Qumica Textil, 139, 58-74 p..
  • 5/21/2018 Biblio Graf i Av



    BLONDEL, C. (1989),Etudes sur l'histoire des instruments scientifiques. actes de VIIe Symposium de la

    Commission "Instruments scientifiques" de l'Union Internationale d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences,

    Paris du 15 au 19 septembre 1987, London-Paris, 290 p.

    BLONDEL, C.; DORRIES, M. (1994),Restaging Coulomb, Florence, Olschki.

    BLONDEL, C. (1997), Electrical instruments in 19th century France, between makers and users,History ofTechnology, 13, 157-182.

    BLONDEL, C. (1998), Les physiciens franais et l'lectricit industrielle la fin du XIX sicle,Physis, 35,


    BOWERS, B. (2001), Sir Charles Wheatstone FRS, 1802-1875, London, The Institution of Electrical

    Engineers, 235 p.

    BRACEGIRDLE, B. (1986),A History of Microtechnique, Linocolnwood, Science Heritage Ltd., 392 p.

    BRAND, J. (1995),Lines of Light: The Sources of Dispersive Spectroscopy, 1800-1930, Gordon and Breach


    BRENNI, P. (2000), Gli instrumenti di fisica dell Istituto Tecnico Toscano Elettricit e Magnetismo, Firenze,

    Le Lettere.

    BRENNI, P. (1986), La galvanomtrie aprs Nobili. En: Cardot, F.,Actes du colloque international d'histoire

    de l'lectricit, Paris, 195-222.

    BRENNI, P. (1993), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. I: H-P Gambey,Bulletin of the

    Scientific Instrument Society(38), 3 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1993), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. II: The Chevalier Dinasty,Bulletin of

    the Scientific Instrument Society(39), 4 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1994), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. IV: Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff

    (1803-1877),Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(41), 5 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1994), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. III: Lerebours et Secretan,Bulletin of

    the Scientific Instrument Society(40), 4 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1994), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. V: Jules Carpentier (1851-1921),

    Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(43), 4 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1995), Gli instrumenti di fisica dell'Istituto Tecnico Toscano, OTTICA, Prato, Giunti, 240 p.

    BRENNI, P. (1995), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. VI: The Triumph of Experimental

    Acoustics: Albert Marloye (1795-1874) and Rudolph Koenig (1832-1901),Bulletin of the Scientific

    Instrument Society(44), 5 p..BRENNI, P. (1995), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. VII: Paul Gustave Froment

    (1815-1865),Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(45), 6 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1995), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. VIII: Eugne Ducretet (1844-1915),

    Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(46), 6 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1995), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. IX: Louis Joseph Deleuil

    (1795-1862) and his son Jean Adrien Deleuil (1825-1894),Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(47), 4


    BRENNI, P. (1996), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. X: The Richard Family,Bulletin of

    the Scientific Instrument Society(48), 5 p..

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    BRENNI, P. (1996), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. XI: The Brunners and Paul Gautier,

    Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(49), 6 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1996), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. XII: Louis Clement Franois Breguet

    and Antoine Louis Breguet,Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(50), 6 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1996), 19th Century French Scientific Instrument Makers. XIII: Soleil, Duboscq, and TheirSuccessors,Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society(51), 10 p..

    BRENNI, P. (1997), Physics Instruments in the Twentieth Century. En: J. KRIGE; D. PESTRE (eds.),

    Science in the Twentieth Century, 741-759.

    BRENNI, P.; Mazzolini, R. G. (Ed.) (1997),Le collezioni scientifiche del Ginnasio Liceo "Giovanni Prati" di

    Trento. A. Gli strumenti scientifici., Trento, 161 p.

    BRENNI, P. (1998), La funzione degli instrumenti scientifici nella didattica fra Settecento e Ottocento, Studi

    Settecenteschi, 18, 421-431.

    BRENNI, P. (2001), Scientific and technological heritage; collections and instruments: what to do?. En:First

    Spring School on "History of Science and Scientific Popularisation: the Museums", Ma, Societat Catalana

    d'Histria de la Cincia - Institut Menorqu d'Estudis, 82-88.

    BUCHWALD, J. (1996), Scientific Credibility and Technical Standards in 19th and Early 20th Century

    Germany and Britain, Dordrecht, Kluwer, ix + 182 p.

    BUD, R. (1997), History of Science and the Science Museum,British Journal for the History of Science, 30,


    BUD, R.; COZZENS, S.E. (1992),Invisible Connections. Instruments, Institutions, and Science, Washington,

    SPIE, 306 p.

    BUD, R.; WARNER, J.D. (eds.) (1998),Instruments of science: an historical encyclopedia, New York,

    Science Museum, xxv + 709 p.

    CAHAN, D. (1985), The institutional revolution in German physics, 1865-1914,Historical Studies in the

    Physical Sciences, 15, 1-65.

    CAJORI, F. (1994),A History of the Logarithmic Slide Rule and Allied Instrumen, Astragal Press.

    CANTOR, G. (1989), The Rhetoric of Experiment. En: GOODING, D. PINCH, T.; SCHAFFER, S. (eds.),

    The uses of experiment. Studies in the natural sciences, Cambridge, University Press, 159-180.

    CARPENTIER (1971),J. Carpentier 1851-1921, Paris, CNAM 31 p.

    CENTRE (1959-1960), ... national d'histoire des sciences. Inventaire des instruments scientifiques

    historiques conservs en Belgique, Brussels, 2 vols. vols.CERUZZI, P. (2000),A History of Modern Computing, Boston, MIT, 398 p.

    CLERCQ, P. (1985),Nineteenth century scientific instruments and their makers. Papers presented at the

    Fourth Scientific Instrument Symposium, Amsterdam 23-26 October 1984., Amsterdam, Editions Rodopi B.

    V., 275 p.

    COLLINS, H.; SHAPIN, S. (1989), Experiment, Science Teaching, and the New History and Sociology of

    Science. En: M. SHORTLAND; A. WARWICK (eds.), Teaching the History of Science, Oxford, Basil

    Blackwell, 67-80.

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    COMITE (1964), ... national franais d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences. Inventaire des instruments

    scientifiques historiques conservs en France, Paris, Centre de Documentation d'histoire des Techniques, 140


    CORBIN FERRER, J. (1979),Monografa Histrica del Instituto de Enseanza Media "Luis Vives" de

    Valencia, Valencia, Ayuntamiento de Valencia, 183 p.CHAMOUX, H. (2002), Constructeurs d'instruments scientireplace pour les tablissements publics au XIXe

    sicle. Documento electrnico: [ ].

    CHILD, E. (1940), The Tools of the Chemist ..., Nueva York, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 220 p.

    DAUMAS, M. (1963), Precision of Measurement and Physical and Chemical Research in the Eighteenth

    Century. En: A. CROMBIE (ed.), Scientific Change, 418-430.

    DAUMAS, M. (1953),Les instruments scientifiques aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles, Paris, PUF.

    DUCRETET, B. (1971), Eugne Ducretet (1844-1915), Paris, Ondes Courtes Information, 18.

    DUNKEL, M. (1973), Geschichte der Firma E. Leygold's Nachfolger, 1850 bis 1966 ... , Kln, E. Leybold's


    DURANT, J. (1992),Museums and the public understanding of science, London, Science Museum, 109 p.

    EGIDO, A. et al. (2000),Instrumentos cientficos para la enseanza de la fsica : estudio realizado por el

    Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa de la coleccin histrica de instrumentos cientficos de la Facultad

    de Ciencias Fsicas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Ministerio de Educacin, Cultura y

    Deporte, 399 p.

    ERKER, P (1994), The challenge of new technology: trnsistor research and business strategy at Siemens and

    Philips,History and Technology, 11, 131-143.

    FERRIOT, D.; JACOMY, Bruno (1998), Problmatique d'une rnovation: muse des Arts et Mtiers. En:

    SCHIELE, B.; KOSTER, E.H. (eds.),La Rvolution dans la Musologie des Sciences, Lyon, Presses

    Universitaires de Lyon.

    FERRIOT, D. (2001), Les muses de la science,La revue, 32.

    FIELD, J. (1988), What is scientific about a scientific instrument,Nuncius, 3(2), 3-26.

    FORBES, R. (1948),A Short History of the Art of Distillation, Leyden, Brill.

    FOX, R. (1971), The Caloric Theory of Gases. From Lavoisier to Regnault, Oxford, Clarendon Press.

    FRISON, D. ([1966]),Henri van Heurck Museum. Geillustreerde Invetaris van de HistorischeMicroscopen

    Onderdelen en Uitrusting, [Anvers], Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde.

    GARCIA DEL REAL, M. (2001), Un gran patrimonio al descubierto: Los materiales cientficos utilizadospara la enseanza en los institutos andaluces,Andaluca Educativa, 25, 18-20.

    GARCIA MOLINA, R.; VILLADA LOBETE, L.A. (2000), Instrumentos Antiguos de Fsica: recuperacin

    de patrimonio y uso didctico,Revista Espaola de Fsica, 14(3), 47-55.

    GARCIA MOLINA, R. (2002), Recuperacin de los instrumentos antiguos de fsica del Instituto "Jorge

    Juan", de Alicante. En: Garca Molina, Rafael,Azimut, 2 p..

    GARCIA MOLINA, R. (2002), Jos Soler Snchez i altres hmens de cincia alacantins, Quaderns de

    Migjorn. Revista d'estudis comarcals del sud del Pas Valenci(4), 1-25.

    GARCIA MOLINA, R., R.; VILLADA LOBETE, L.A. (2002), Un gabinet de fsica a cavall entre dos segles:

    els instruments antics de fsica de l'Institut "Jorge Juan" d'Alacant. En: Garca Molina, Rafael; Villada Lobete,

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    Luis A., Quaderns de Migjorn. Revista d'estudis comarcals del sud del Pas Valenci , Alacant, Quaderns de

    Migjorn, 1-29.

    GARCIA MOLINA, R.; VILLADA, L.A. (2000), Instrumentos antiguos de fsica: recuperacin de

    patrimonio y uso didctico. En: Garca Molina, Rafael; Villada, Luis A.,Revista Espaola de Fsica, 9 p..

    GARRIGOS I OLTRA, L., L.; MILLAN VERDU, C.; BLANES NADAL, G. (1999), Precursores de lacolorimetra: los intentos de cuantificar el poder decolorante del carbn,Revista de Qumica Textil, 145,

    18-31 p..

    GARRIGOS I OLTRA, L., L.; MILLAN VERDU, C.; BLANES NADAL, G. (2001), The contributions of

    Payen and Labillardire to the development of colorimetry,Bulletin of the History of Chemistry, 26(1), 57-65


    GOLINKSI, J. (1994), "The Nicety of Experiment": Precision of Measurement and Precision of Reasoning in

    late eighteenth-century chemistry. En: N. WISE (ed.), The Values of Precision, Princenton, Univ. Press,


    GOLINSKI, J. (1994), Precision Instruments and the Demonstrative Order of Proof in Lavoisier's Chemistry,

    Osiris, 9, 30-48.

    GOODAY, G. (1990), Precision measurement and the genesis of physics teaching laboratories in Victorian

    Britain,British Journal for the History of Science, 23, 25-51.

    GOODAY, G. (1991), Teaching Telegraphy and Electrotechnics in the Physics Laboratory: William Ayrton

    and the Creation of an Academic Space for Electrical Engineering in Britain 1873-1884,History of

    Technology, 13, 73-111.

    GOODAY, G. (1995), The morals of Energy MeTering: Constructing and Deconstructing the Precision of the

    Victorian Electrical Engineer's Ammeter and Voltmeter. En: N. WISE (ed.), The Values of Precision,

    Princenton, Univ. Press, 239-283.

    GOODING, D.; PINCH, T.; SCHAFFER, S. (1989), The uses of experiment. Studies in the natural sciences,

    Cambridge, University Press, xvii + 481 p.

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    Espaola de Fsica, 13(1), 40-44.

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    BIO-RAD (1978),Materials, Equipment and Systems for: chromatography, electrophoresis, membrane

    filtration and immunochemistry., Richmond, Bio-Rad Laboratories, 160 p.

    BLOT-GARNIER & CHEVALIER (1921),Horlogerie lectrique, systme brevet S.G.D.G., Paris, MaisonPaul Garnier, 12 p.

    BRAND, R. (1975),Fbrica de aparatos para laboratorio de vidrio y material plstico, termmetros y

    bombas de vaco. Wertheim/Main Glashtte., Wertheim am Main, Rudolf Brand, 15 p.

    BRUKER (s.a.),Magnetic susceptibility systems. Gouy Faraday., Usa, Bruker, 11 p.

    BRUKER (s.a.),Magnetic susceptibility systems, featuring Faraday and Gouy methods, New York, Bruker, 3


    BUCHI (s.a.),Aparatos de laboratorio para determinar el: punto de fusin, punto de ebullicin, peso

    molecular, punto de reblandecimiento, Suiza, Bchi, 6 p.

    BuCHI, W. (s.a.),Fontavapor-61 appareil automatique distiller l'eau de ville, Suisse, W. Bchi fabrique

    d'appareils en verre flawil, 5 p.

    CALCULO (s.a.), Clculo del punto eutctico de una mezcla, s.l., 5 p.

    CALORIMETRO (s.a.), .... de hielo de Bunsen., s.l., 5 p.

    CAMBRIDGE (s.a.),Instructions for the use and care of Cambridge Standard Cadmium Cells, London,

    Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd, 2 p.

    CAMPOS RODRIGUES (1902), Kurvenlineal fr Kreisbgen. En: Campos Rodrigues,Deutsche

    Mechaniker-Zeitung, Beiblatt zur Zeitschrift fr Instrumentenkunden und Organ fr die gesammte

    Glasinstrumenten-Industrie, s.l., 1 p..

    CARBOLITE (1972),High temperature laboratory furnace, Bamford-Sheffield, Carbolite Co. Ltd., 2 p.

    CARRE (s.f. [s. XIX]), ... et Cie. Brevets (S.G.D.G.) Mdaille d'or de la Socite d'Encouragement.

    Manoeuvre de l'Appareil Domestique., [Paris], 1 fol. p.

    CASADEMUNT, M. (1885), Catlogo general ilustrado de los sucesores de ... Barcelona y Madrid, s.l., s.e.,

    206 + 25 p.

    CATALOGO (1852), .... de los instrumentos, mquinas y aparatos existentes en el gabinete de fsica y

    qumica de la Universidad literaria de Santiago, formado y publicado por orden del Rector de la

    Universidad, Santiago de Compostela, Universidad literaria de Santiago de Compostela, 15 p.

    CATALOGO (1886), ... de los productos naturales y artificiales instrumentos aplicables la farmacia,qumica e insdustria, Madrid, Hijos de Carlos Ulzurrun, 84 p.

    CATALOGO (1913),Instituto General y Tcnico de Burgos. ... del Gabinete de Historia Natural, Burgos,

    Imp. y lib. de los Hijos de S. Rodrguez, 127 p.

    CATALOGO (1921), ... del material fotogrfico obtenido en el Observatorio del Ebro , Tortosa, Imp.

    Moderna del Ebro de Alguer y Balges, 5 p.

    CATALOGO (1981), Catlogo General LAB-7, Espaa, AGPOgraf., 161 p.

    CATALOGUE (1908-1909), Catalogue of the "N. & G." cameras, (Gold Medal, Paris 1900), Shutters,

    Changing-Boxes, and other Photographic Apparatus, 1908 to 1909., London, Newman and Guardia, 199 p.

    CEDAC (19??),El pH: sus fundamentos electroqumicos y sus aplicaciones, Barcelona, CEDAC, 3 p.

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    CLAVE, S. (s.a.),Pices dtaches de haute prcision pour construction de telescopes & rfracteurs

    astronomiques, instruments dptique spciaux., Paris, Ets. S.R. Clave, 8 p.

    COBOS (s.a.),Manual de usuario. Balanzas mecnicas 301 y 501, Espaa, Cobos S.A., 6 p.

    COLEMAN (s.a.), Coleman model 33. carbon-hydrogen analyzer, for rapid, accurate, automated

    determinations., U.S.A., Coleman, 4 p.COLEMAN (s.a.), Coleman Model 33. Carbon-Hydrogen Analyzer for rapid, accurate, automated

    determinations, Maywood, Coleman, 5 p.

    COLEMAN (1967), Three automated nitrogen analyzers, U.S.A., Coleman, 6 p.

    CONDUCTIVIDAD (1971), .... trmica., s.l., 6 p.

    CONDUCTIVITY (s.a.), .... meter CM 25, Saffron Walden, 3 p.

    CRISON (s.a.),Instrumentos para determinacin de pH, pX-electrodos in-selectivos, Redox, mV., Espaa,

    Crison, 3p.

    CRISON (s.a.), ... los pH-metros, Alella, Crison Instruments, S.A., 4 p.

    CRISON (s.a.), Standard 414, pH/mV-Metro analgico de bajo coste, Alella, Crison Instruments, S.A., 2 p.

    CRISON, P. (s.a.), Crison Instruments, S.A. Presentacin, Alella, Crison Instruments, S.A., 3 p.

    CROMATOGRAPHY (s.a.),Ancillary equipment for chromatography, Cambridge, Saffron Press Ltd., 7 p. +

    1 h.

    CRYOPHYSICS (1973), .... Newsletter., Ginebra, Cryophysics S.A., 9 p.

    CRYOPHYSICS (1973), .... Newsletter., Ginebra, Cryophysics S.A., 8 p.

    CULTURA (1927), ... Eimler-Basanta-Haase (S.L.), Madrid, 24 p. + 56 p. con lams.

    CULTURA (1952), .... . Material cientfico de Enseanza. Catlogo No. 60., Madrid, Cultura

    (Eimler-Basanta-Haase S.L.), 88 p.

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    novedades 1955-56, Madrid, Cultura- Eimler, Basanta, Haase S.L., 40 p.

    CULTURA ([1928]),Microscopios "Hetto" ..., Madrid, Cultura- Eimler-Basanta-Haase S.L., 15 p.

    CHAUVIN-ARNOUX (s.a.),Le polygraphe. Enseignement - Laboratoire., Paris, Chauvin Arnoux, 16 p.

    DALMAU, F. (1877), Catlogo General. Aparatos Instrumentos para las Ciencias, Artes Industria.

    Cuaderno 1., Barcelona, Francisco Dalmau Hijo pticos-Constructores, 128 p.

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    enseanza, la industria, al comercio y las artes. J. Dalmau Montero, S. en C. constructores. , Barcelona,

    Dalmau Montero constructores, 143 p.DANFOSS (1999), Thermostats, differential thermostats, type RT, s.l., Danfoss.

    DAVIE, O. (1999), The Wartime Double Beam Oscillograph, Transmission Lines, 3(2).

    DEMESTRES (s.a.),Instrumentos electromedicin ... , sistema "bobina mvil", Barcelona, Demestres S.A., 2


    DEMESTRES (1989), Seleccin 1989-90 instrumentos electromedicin, Barcelona, Demestres, S.A., 4 p.

    DEMESTRES (1994), Catlogo general. Instrumentos medicin elctrica, Barcelona, Demestres, S.A., 17 p.

    + 2 p. + 2 p.

    DEMESTRES (2000), Catlogo 2000, Barcelona, Demestres, S.A., 29 p. + 1 p. + 2 p.

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    DEYROLLE (1901),Les Fils d'mile ... . Catalogue du Mobilier et du Matriel d'Enseignement. Pour les

    Enseignements Maternel, Primaire, Secondaire et Suprieur, Paris, Les Fils d'mile Deyrolle, 160 p.

    DEYROLLE (1907),Les fils d'Emile ... Catalogue mthodique. PHysique. Instruments de Prcision. Matriel

    de Laboratoire. Cabinets de Physique et de Chimie, Paris, Les fils d'Emile Deyrolle, 160 p.

    DEYROLLE (1930),Les fils d'Emile ... Matriel de Laboratoire, Paris, Les fils d'Emile Deyrolle, 176 p.DEYROLLE ([1927]),Les fils d'Emile .... Catalogue des modeles d'Anatomie Humaine Compare et

    Vgtale, [Paris], 112 p. grab.

    DINTER (s.a.),Aparatos e instrumentos de laboratorio., Barcelona, Dinter s.a., 40p.

    DIRECCION GENERAL DE ENSEANZA MEDIA (1965),Enseanza por Radio y Televisin, Madrid,

    Ministerio de Educacin Nacional, 49 p.

    DISTESA (s.a.), Una gama completa de polmetros que cubre todas las necesidades., Madrid, Distesa, 2 p.

    DU PONT (s.a.), 900 differential thermal analyzer, Delaware, Du Pont, 17p.

    DU PONT (s.a.), The Du Pont modular thermal analysis system, Wilmington, Du Pont Instruments, 28 p.

    DUBOSCQ, J. (1863), Catalogue raisonn des spectroscopes construits dans les ateliers de...... constructeur

    d'instruments d'optique, Paris, J. Duboscq, Opticien, 6 p.

    DUBSOCQ, J. (1885),Historique & Catalogue de tous les instruments d'optique suprieure appliqus aux

    sciences et l'industrie, Paris, Maison Jules Duboscq, 113 p.

    DUCRETET (s.a.),Ateliers ... Relais renforateur microtlphonique. Enregistrement des

    radiotlgrames.Procds Tauleigne, Ducretet et Roger, Bts S.G.D.G., Paris, Ernest Roger Constructeur, 5


    DUCRETET (post. 1904), ... Ateliers E. ... Poste rcepteur portatif de tlgraphe sans fil pour signaux

    horaires et applications diverses, Paris, F. Ducretet & E. Roger Constructeurs, 7 p.

    EBULLOSCOPIA (1971), ...., s.l., 5 p.

    EDWARDS (1960), "Speedivac". The "Vacustat" Miniature McLeod Type Gauge, Crawley, Edwards High

    Vacuum Ltd., 2 p.

    EDWARDS (1967),Edwards vacuum/compressor pumps. Consistently reliable vacuum or pressure at the

    touch of a switch - simplest `do it yourself' maintenance., Crawley, Edwards Vacuum Components, 8 p.

    EDWARDS (1971),Rotary vacuum pumps, Crawley, Edwards Vacuum Components, 19 p.

    EDWARDS (post. 1960), General vacuum accessories. Seals. Extracted from Edwards Vacuum Components

    catalogue., Crawley, Edwards Vacuum Components, 8 p.

    EDWARDS (post. 1960), General vaccum accessories., Crawley, Edwards Vacuum Components, 16 p.EEL (s.a.),Flame Photometer, Londres, Evans Electroselenium Limited - Diffusion Systems Ltd., 3 p.

    EEL (s.a.),Flame Photometer M100. Operation Instructions, Londres, Diffusion Systems Ltd., 10 p.

    EEL (s.a.),All photocells for all instruments formerly made by EEL are now exclusively manufactured by

    Diffusion Systems, Londres, Diffusion Systems Ltd., 1 p.

    EEL (s.a.),M57 Hazemeter, Londres, Diffusion Systems Ltd., 1 p.

    EHRHARDT & METZGER (1901), ... Nachfolger ... Fabrik und Lager chemischer, bacteriologischer und

    electrochemischer Apparate und Gerthschaften. Eigene mechanische Werksttten und Glasblserei etc.

    Specialitt: Vollstndige Einrichtungen und Ergnzungen chemischer physikalischer, b, Darmstadt, 864 +


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    ELDORADO (s.a.), Short form catalog. Digital instruments., Concord, Eldorado Electrodata Corporation, 4


    ELECTRONICA ERGA (1970), Catlogo electrnica Erga, S.L. ., Zaragoza, Electronica Erga S.L., 18 p.

    ENOSA (s.a.),Enosa, al servicio de la enseanza. Qumica, equipos didcticos., Madrid, Enosa, 10 p.

    ENOSA (s.a.), TA-2, Termologia, Madrid, Enosa, 120 p.ENOSA (s.a.),EA-2, Electricidad, Madrid, Enosa, 228 p.

    ENOSA (s.a.),MA-2, Mecnica, Madrid, Enosa, 188 p.

    ENOSA (s.a.), OA-2 ptica, Madrid, Enosa, 78 p.

    ENOSA (1962),Manual de experiencias de ptica, Madrid.

    ENOSA (1963),Manual de experiencias de mecnica, Madrid, 262 p.

    ENOSA (1963b),Manual de experiencias de calor, Madrid, 137 + tablas.

    ENOSA (1964), ... Equipo Modelo EB. 62-03. Manual de experiencias de electricidad, Madrid, Enosa, 279 p.

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    Nacional de Optica, S.A. (Enosa), 279 p.

    ENOSA (1966),Manual de experiencias de calor . Equipo modelo EB. 6202., Madrid, Empresa Nacional de

    Optica, S.A. (Enosa), 139 p.

    ENOSA (1967),Manual de experiencias de microscopa: biologa I, Madrid, Enosa, 208 p.

    ENOSA (1968),Prcticas de Fisico-Qumica. Variacin del punto de ebullicion.. Acero Saez, Eduardo (dir.),

    Madrid, Enosa, 19 p.

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    1 p.

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    Enosa, 1 p.

    ENOSA (1968),Prcticas de Fsico-Quimica. Diagrama de solubilidad en tres componentes.. Acero Saez,

    Eduardo (dir.), Madrid, Enosa, 20 p.

    ENOSA (1968),Prcticas de Fisico-Qumica. Diagramas de ebullicin y equilibrio. Acero Saez, Eduardo

    (dir.), Madrid, Enosa, 26 p.

    ENOSA (1968),Ebullicin y equilibrio . EN 412005-2. Plano de montaje.. Verde, Jose Luis; Perez, Madrid,

    Enosa, 1 p.

    ENOSA (1969),Prcticas de Fisica-Qumica. Calor de neutralizacin y disolucin.. Acero Saez, Eduardo

    (dir.), Madrid, Enosa, 39 p.ENOSA (1969),Prcticas de Fisico-Qumica. Calor latente de vaporizacin.. Acero Saez, Eduardo (dir.),

    Madrid, Enosa, 25 p.

    ENOSA (1969),Prcticas de Fisico-Qumica. Coeficiente de reparto. Acero Saez, Eduardo (dir.), Madrid,

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    ENOSA (1972),Manual del equipo, electricidad II., Madrid, Enosa, 262 p.

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    Cosmografa inventados por D. C. Toms Escriche y Mieg, Guadalajara, Imprenta y encuadernacin

    provincial, ix + 29 p.

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    ESTEVA MARATA, J. (1914), Catlogo general ilustrado de material instructivo moderno para escuelas

    elementales y normales, institutos, universidades, etc., etc., Barcelona, J. Esteva Marata, Bazar Ibrico, 400 p.

    FAVAG (1928),Horloges lectriques, Neuchtel, Favag, Fabrique d'Appareils lectriques Societ

    Anonyme, 92 p.

    FAVAG (1928),Liste de prix des horloges lectriques, Neuchtel, Favag, Fabrique d'Appareils lectriquesS.A., 4 p.

    FAVAG (1928), Quelques appareils de notre fabrication, Neuchtel, Favag, Fabrique d'Appareils lectriques

    S.A., 4 p. + 2 p.

    FAVAG (1928?),Appareils pour la mesure du temps, Neuchtel, Favag, Fabrique d'Appareils lectriques, 29


    FAVARGER (1913), Catalogue B. Instruments de mesure et de controle pour les sciences et l'industrie ,

    Neuchtel, Favarger & Cie., Fabrique de tlgraphes et appareils lectriques, 50 p.

    FAVARGER (1921), Section Horlogerie lectrique, Neuchtel, Favarger & Cie., Fabrique de tlgraphes et

    appareils lectriques, 8 p.

    FAVARGER (1922), Cronografo modelo del Sr. Campos Rodriquez, Director del Observatorio de Lisboa,

    construido por la Casa Favarger y C. del Neuchatel (Suiza), segun presupuesto del 3 de Noviembre de 1921,

    hecho para el Observatorio Astronmico de la Universidad de Valenc , s.l., 1 p.

    FAVARGER (1924), Section B. Appareils tlegraphiques et tlphoniques, Neuchtel, Favarger & Cie., S.A.,

    15 p.

    FAVARGER (1924), Section B. Appareils tlegraphiques et tlphoniques, Neuchtel, Favarger & Cie., S.A.,

    Fabrique d'Appareils lectriques, 11 p.

    FAVARGER (1925),Echappemment palette de Hijojo au pendule seconde, s.l., 1 p.

    FEEDBACK (1980),Electronic wattmeter EW604, Crowborough, Feedback Instruments Ltd., 30 p.

    FERRER VERT, F. (s.a.),Material de Enseanza. Historia Natural. Fsica. Qumica. Catlogos., Barcelona,

    Felipe Ferrer Vert, 42 p.

    FERRO ENAMEL (s.a.),Equipo y accesorios para el artesano, artista, alfarero y estudiante de cermica,

    Castelln, Ferro Enamel Espaola, S.A., 27 p.

    FISONS (s.a.),Destiladores automticos , s.l., Fisons, Hucoa-Erlss, 2 p.

    FISONS (s.a.),Destiladores automticos , s.l., Fisons, Hucoa-Erlss, 2 p.

    FLUKE (1977