bibstalk magazine- december 2011

BIBS talk The Official Magazine for Beanstalk International Bilingual School June 2011 Young Reporters ♦ Athletic Department Update ♦ On the Bulletin Board 小记者 体育部更新 公告栏 Beijing, People’s Republic of China - 北京,中国 HALLOWEEN PICTURES Includes 还有: Photos • Write Ups Year 2, Issue 1 The Path to Success Deputy Director Frank Carolan presents BIBS Pathways, the curricular philosophy for the BIBS schools 通往成功之路 万圣节照片 副总校长Frank Carolan阐释 青苗课程体系

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The Official Magazine for Beanstalk International Bilingual School Year 2- Issue 1


Page 1: BIBStalk Magazine- December 2011


BIBStalkThe Official Magazine for Beanstalk International Bilingual School

June 2011

Young Reporters ♦ Athletic Department Update ♦ On the Bulletin Board小记者 ♦ 体育部更新 ♦ 公告栏


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- 北京,中国



Photos • Write Ups

Year 2, Issue 1

The Path to Success

Deputy Director Frank Carolan presents BIBS

Pathways, the curricular philosophy

for the BIBS schools



副总校长Frank Carolan阐释青苗课程体系

Page 2: BIBStalk Magazine- December 2011

BIK Kindergarten1/F B Building, No. 40 Liangmaqiao Rd.,Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-64669255

BIBS Primary SchoolNo. 6 North Rd of East 4th Ring Rd.Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-51307951

BIBS Senior Schools(Old Middle/High)No. 38 Nanshiliju Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-84566019

BIK Kindergarten1/F B Building, No. 40 Liangmaqiao Rd.,Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-64669255

Page 3: BIBStalk Magazine- December 2011


Principal’s AddressEvents calendarMeet your TeachersBIBS NewsTeacher piecesPhotos


The Bridge


BIBStalkThe official magazine for Beanstalk International Bilingual School


The Path to SuccessMr. Frank Carolan, Deputy Director, tells us about his vision for BIBS, and the new curricular philosophy for the entire school, BIBS Pathways.

BIBStalk is the official magazine for Beanstalk International Bilingual School. It is a collaborative effort between, teachers, students, parents and ad-ministrators.

senior schools


Photos and updates from our Athletic Director, Andrew Sobol.

ReceptionGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6

Middle school newsArt work Ib Diploma students



Project Leader • 杂志负责人: Hazel Sellar

Head Editor • 总编: Peter Mothe

Photo Editor & Head Photographer • 摄影编辑&总摄影师:

Chris TatarynPublications Committee • 出版委员会:Jennifer Hsieh, Carol Kim, Nate Ruhter,

Chris Tataryn, and Peter MotheContributing Writers • 撰稿人 :

Andrew Sobol, Mick Haward, Hazel Sellar, Nate Ruhter, Frank Carolan, Mike Weeks, Anna Davies

Young Reporters • 小记者:Abigail Lumilan (5GF), Audrey Pan (3AJ),

Isabella Han (3AJ), Nini Chen (3AC), Sophie He (5GW), Leon Lin (6MC), Bryan Tobler (3AJ), Dora Youn (3RL), Shafira Ananda (3CC), Lucy

Jin (3CC)Translators • 翻译:

April Liu 刘杰Layout Design • 布局设计:

Peter Mothe

[email protected]











on The BulleTin Board


初/高中部 B t

cover sTory

BIBStalk 是青苗国际双语学校的官方杂志。这是在教师、学生、家长以及学校管理者共同努力的结晶。

Sports Update

Halloween Photos

The Path to Success[Cover Story] 169


BIBS Senior Schools(Old Middle/High)No. 38 Nanshiliju Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-84566019

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Principal’s Address

Welcome back to another academic year at BIBS. This magazine is a great way to stay in touch with what is happening at BIBS as well

as pick up some helpful hints on many topics. Through-out the year you will also see great examples of student work in many areas of the curriculum. This years’ Spring Show is shaping up to be one of the best ever and the magazine will be highlighting the lead up as well as the final performance.

This year our main areas of focus continue to center on student and school safety along with preparing to become a fully accredited WASC School (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). In order to accomplish this task we will continue to focus hard on our ‘Self Study’ which began over a year ago after the first visit by the WASC Team. As this year unfolds some parents will be asked to help serve on one of our advi-sory committees.

It is wonderful to see that our Middle and High School is expanding in numbers and quality. We will have our first graduating class this spring and offers from some US Universities are already starting to arrive for one of our students. We expect 100% graduation rate along with

University acceptance for all of our graduating class. It is exciting to see the school be granted IB Candidate sta-tus and know that soon we will be a fully accredited IB School. This allows our current students and parents to rest easy knowing that at BIBS all students can start in any grade and continue through to graduation and be comfortable in knowing that their graduation diploma will be accepted and recognized worldwide by the top universities.

Testing of your children will be a major priority this year with two Assessment tests (one in November and

the other in May), in addition we will be introducing a new more rigorous testing system for all new applicants before they can be

admitted into our school. The school is working hard on the new website which

will greatly improve our communication with parents. The website will become the main form of communica-tion between the school and our parents and we will ask that you check it daily for new information. We will let you know as soon as everything is completed.

This year is shaping up to be one of the best ever for BIBS.

Primary School Principal Mike Weeks welcomes us back to school for the 2011/2012 school year, and gives us a taste of what is ahead of us

The Year of the Giant

“This year is shaping up to be one of the best ever for BIBS.”

By Mike Weeks, Primary School Principal

BIBS’s PTA Organizes its Welcome Back BBQ

Image by Ruth Lemon

The sun was shining and the burgers and sausages were flying off the griddle and being devoured by around 300 par-ent, student and teacher participants in this year’s Back to School BBQ. Events like this provide a great opportunity for our new and returning parents, stu-dents and teachers to mingle with one another in an informal setting promot-ing better relations all-round.

Big thanks go to Rachel Gong PTA Chairperson and volunteers from the PTA and parent community for all their hard work in organising another fantastic Back to School BBQ!


非常感谢PTA主席Rachel Gong和家长志愿者们,以及家长委员会的各位朋友在组织这场非常棒的返校BBQ活动中所付出的辛劳。我们非常期待下一场盛会!

The event, held at the BIBS soccer pitch on Sept. 29th, was a huge success ■ By Hazel Sellar


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Meet your Principal

✴BIBS Press Agency

Powered by Beanstalk’s Young Reporters

Young Reporters Leon Lin (6MC) and Dora Youn (3RL) offer us two profile pieces on BIBS prin-cipal Mike Weeks

Mr. Weeks is differ-

ent than other principals that you might know. First of all, he is a prin-

cipal that has traveled to over 20 countries and has come to visit China every year for the past 30 years.

But he has not always been a principal. Before, he was a teacher, a vice-principal, and many things like this.

The reason that he came to

this school is tricky. He met Miss Kathy, which is Direc-tor of the school. She invited Mr. Weeks to come to BIBS.

“I liked this school the first time I saw it,” said Mr. Weeks.

Actually, Mr. Weeks has not been the only princi-pal at BIBS. Mr. Fischer

and Miss Victoria Vaughan became principals after him. But they both left, and last year Ms. Kathy asked Mr. Weeks to come back, so he is our principal again!

A Different Kind of PrincipalBy Leon Lin. 6MC

“I liked this school the first time I saw it”

Mr. Weeks is the princi-pal at BIBS. He thinks this is the best school; he likes this school very much.

He has worked at 9 or more schools. But he thinks this is the best school. So, he has worked in this school for 7 years.

He really likes the new school uniform, because all the students wear the same uniform every day.

Mr. Weeks is 60 years old.

Mr. Weeks thinks this is the best



I [heart] BIBSBy Dora Youn, 3RL




By Mike Weeks

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Date TBC BIBS Giants Soccer Cup Challenge 1 2 3 1

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2011 - 2012School Events Calendar

12 Sports Day14 School Holiday

29 Student Orientation Day

3-7 National Day Holiday1 China's National Day

23 Student Council No Uniform Day

16-20 Literacy Week

5 ISAC U11 Boys Soccer

9 Parent Information Evening

30 Professional Development Day29 Back to School BBQ

12 Mid-Autumn Holiday

14-28 Student Council Charity Clothing Drive

9 BIBS U12 Boys & Girls Table Tennis Challenge

26 JISAC Boys & Girls Soccer28 Halloween Activities29 BIBS Soccer Challenge U12

5 International Volunteer Day

4 Tomb Sweeping Festival APRIL MAY

21 Interim Reports Published25-26 Parent -Teacher Conferences

7 JISAC Handball U11/9 Boys & Girls at BCIS

23 BIBS U11 3on3 Basketball Challenge

18 JISAC U11/U9 Boys & Girls Softball

6 World Health Day

9-13 Student Council Used Book Sale

19 Family Fun Day

30-4 May Day & Spring Holiday13 Interim Reports Published

17-18 Parent-Teacher Conferences

2 Summer Camp BeginsDate TBC BIBS Upper School Track & Field

26 JISAC U11/U9 Boys & Girls Softball

26&27 Open House30 May Holiday Begins

PYP Celebration of Learning

1 Children's Day

21-25 Numeracy Week


17 Spring Show



2 Christmas Holiday11 & 12 Student Council Bake Sale

3 ISAC U11 Boys & Girls Table Tennis at WAB

13 Half Day CNY Activities



12 Elementary Track & Field at BISS

24 BIBS U12 Mixed Handball Challenge

6-10 Student Council Spirit Week 10 End of Semester Reports Published 2 Sudent Council Multicultural Day

16-27 Chinese New Year Holiday

30 First Day of Term 2

4 ISAC U9 Handball

16 Half Day - Christmas Activities

Important! This calendar may be subject to change.

2-3 Professional Development Days

Date TBC 27 or 28 End of Year Event

19-30 Christmas Holiday

12-14 Student Council Candy Gram Sale

25 ISAC Handball U11 Boys & Girls at German IS

18 JISAC Badminton U11/9 Boys & Girls at CIS

14 & 15 Parent-Teacher Conferences17 Student Council No Homework Day

Teacher Appreciation Party

Event’s Calendar 2011-12

Save the Date: BIBS releases its updated events calendar for the current school year

Important: This cal-endar may be subject to change

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Beanstalk’s Young Reporters, Fall 2011

Beanstalk’s Student Council, 2011-12

Tuesday Crew Thursday Crew

Leon Lin, 6MC Dora Yun, 3RL Lucy Jin, 3CC

Brian Tobler, 3AJShafira Ananda, 3CC

Isabella Han, 3AJ

Sophie He, 5AB

Audrey Pan, 3AJ

Nini Chen, 3JHAbigail Lumilan, 5GF


Faculty Advisor: Arjee Janda

Grade 1: John Hao (1RW), Grade 2: Bei Bei Wang (2CK), Jason Liu (2CB), Jun Park (2MP), Hee Won Jeong (2MM), Grade 3: Isabella Han (3AJ), Sonia He (3AJ), Kei Goto (3JM), Grade 4: Victoria Morales (4AF), Timmy He (4MR). Felix Zhou (4MR), Mike Qian (4MR), Grade 5: Erika Yang (5GW), Laura McCraine (5GW), Daniel Nam (5GF), Kai Goto (5GF), Andrew Liu (5GF), Grade 6: Chigozi Nwosu (6SC), Paris Crosland (6SC), Shosuke Noma (6HR), Tatyana Loyko (6SC), Keving Yang (6SC), David Xu (6SC), Alice Lam (6SC), Scarlett Jiang (6SC)

Student Council students work hard under the leadership of Ms. Arjee Janda. This year, students interested in participating in the organization had to apply in order to secure a spot. Amongst some of their porjects was the recent donation drive for an Elemntary school in Qinghai.

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by Shafira Ananda, 3CC

Mr.Tataryn is an ESL teacher at Beanstalk. But

that is not the only thing he teaches. He can do yoga very well, so he has a place to teach yoga; it is called Tataryn Yoga.

Mr. T, as the students call him, can pull his hand off be-cause his grandfather showed him, but it is just a trick. Some of his other tricks are playing the guitar and harmonica; he really likes to play music.

He likes to bike because he likes to have freedom.

“My best friend is Mr. Ruhter,” said Mr. Tataryn. “He

is kind of nice.”He also can speak French,

Korean, and some Chinese. He also can speak a little bit of Spanish.

Mr. T has a wonderful, beautiful house full of flowers in Canada.

Mr. Tataryn came to Beijing because he really likes Chinese culture. He has lived in Beijing for 14 months, but he doesn’t like Beijing because of the bad air. Before living in Beijing, he lived in Shanghai.

He really wants to go back to his country because he can see his friends and family and eat good food.

T is for...Chris Tataryn




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Meet your TeachersPowered by Beanstalk’s Young Reporters

By Isabella Han, 3AJ

Ms. Meng, is a Chinese lan-guage teacher at BIBS. Al-

though she says she is the same as other people, she is actually very different: sometimes when she talks, she says things twice! “I’m the same as other people,” said Ms. Meng. “I don’t sleep in the afternoon; I sleep six hours

at night!” Ms.Meng is 55 years old, and was born on June 10,1956. She has been working in Beanstalk for 3 years.“I know a little bit of English, and I like to eat fruits and go on vacations,” said Ms. Meng. Her favorite color is coffee color, and her favorite shape is square.

Ms. Terry Saez is a music teacher at

BIBS. She is 35 years old, and was born in the Phil-ippines.

Ms.Terry has stayed in China for more than 6 years. She sometimes wants to go back to her country.

“I like my job in BIBS,”

said Ms.Terry. “I like the children in BIBS.”

Ms.Terry’s favorite subject when she was in school was music. She likes to bake stuff and play the piano.

She knows three lan-guages: English, Tagalog, and a bit of Chinese.

Music!Young Reporter Audrey PAn writes about BIBS music teacher Terry SAez

Mr. D is an ESL teacher at BIBS. He is 34 year

old. He is from Russia.He likes working with

children, because he be-lieves that deep inside he is a child as well.

“I don’t like my job,” Mr D. said. “I love my job.”

He has been in China for five years.

His favorite food is roasted chicken. His fa-

vorite subject in school was English. His fa-vorite book is Treas-ure Island. He is a fun


Mr. D Sokolove

From Russia with SokoloveLucy Jin, 3CC, interviews Mr.Dimitri Sokolove, the grade 3 ESL teacher from Russia

Ms. Catherine Pan

[email protected]

a Different tyPe of teacHerYoung Reporter Isabella Han interviews her favorite Chi-nese teacher, Ms. Meng

By Abigail Lumilan, 5GF

Ms. Catherine is a lover of art!! She believes art is a fabulous subject! Ms. Cath-erine has loved art since she was a child. She started at drawing.

Ms. Catherine says that she loves teaching art. But she also says that is also hard.

“It’s not all about teaching art, it also involves cleaning and preparing,” she said.

She also likes other things like reading, swimming and music. She began teach-ing art two years ago. She always wanted to be an art teacher, ever since she was a child.

She has taught art in

other schools. When she was looking for a job, she looked for a school that of-fered a job for becoming an art teacher. That’s when she found Beanstalk. So two years ago she started work-ing at Beanstalk.

Ms.Catherine was born in China and said she had only lived in Beijing when she was young. And she still lives here now.

Her favorite artist is Piv-en. Piven makes art and also saves the world! Amazing isn’t it? Piven uses dirty, old trash and turns it into b e a u t i f u l , m a r v e l o u s art.

The Artist, the Teacher

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On Friday, October 28, BIBS celebrated Halloween with a big party. The party

was magical and scary, and a fun mood could be felt in the whole school.

There were many events in this year’s celebration, such as the witch’s room, the haunted house, and pumpkin bowl-ing.

“I think it was fun because we

had lots of games and lots of can-dy,” said So-phie, a student in 4AF.This Halloween, every one of

us did a great job at helping make the school look beautiful, and had a great time playing games, and most

of all, eating candy!“I thought it was very successful

and fun for all the students and the teachers,” said Ms. Janda, the Stu-dent Council teacher advisor who organized the event.


Young Reporter Sophie He tells us how the BIBS primary school celebrated Halloween

✴BIBS Press Agency

Powered by Beanstalk’s Young Reporters

Photo by Chris Tataryn

By Sophie He, 5GW

Meanwhile, in Beanstalks’s other caMpuses...

Halloween at Senior SchoolS

Halloween at BIK- 21St century

Halloween at BIK- Wanda Plaza

Halloween Comes to BIBS

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Halloween at BIBS Primary SchoolBeanstalk’s Little Monsters


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“Excuse me, err, duibuqi, wo yao, err, qing jiezhang? Err,

the maidan?”The restaurant was hot and rowdy,

just like an Australian summer, ex-cept we were indoors and the tem-perature outside was nudging zero.

The waitress gave me a beg-to-differ look of dismay and I slowly realized my mistake. In a flurry of charades I opted out of my role as volunteer host and let my Chinese friend Donald take over the order-ing.

“Nice try Michael, but you are confusing her. You mean the menu, yes, not the bill?” He smiled and turned to the waitress. “Qing gei wo kankan caidan.” She giggled and went to retrieve another menu.

I was sweating and it wasn’t over my excruciating mangling of what little Mandarin I could muster. I gladly nodded assent, relieved that I could look on and let my mind wan-der…


The connections were every-where; so obvious that we were not conscious of saving them for the purposes of individual memory (such slim return from that part of the brain nowadays, even for an ar-

chivist).So, the brain electrifies and fires

up the stew of cultural references, and the associations peer back at us from out the hot pot like bobbing mutton eyes.

Growing up in 1970’s Australia, China seemed like a faraway place of legend, yet it was closer to hand than we realized.

The connections were in our fam-ily. Parental cousins twice removed could claim Chinese connections and heritage through marriage.

As children we visited the restau-rant owned by that side of the fam-ily only when driving through that particular outer Melbourne suburb when we were hungry.

Our own mother nearly married a Doctor from Hong Kong. What went wrong there?

It was she that warned us, when digging holes to lay our childish traps, that if we kept going we’d dig all the way through to the Middle kingdom – coming from Down Un-der, the world was always going to seem topsy-turvy, even if only us-ing a bucket and spade made for the beach.

But mine weren’t the only visible connections between Australia and China. Our two countries share a

union born of discovery, adventure and the stubborn refusal to give up on and forget a collective identity.

Going way back, the 1850’s saw our own Victorian Gold Rush and boom in prospects – the bush was temporary home to a cross-section of nationalities, including the im-migrant ‘coolies’; the hard working laborers from Canton who traveled south through Malaysia to set up camp on the gold fields in the hope they might strike it lucky or simply earn enough to take back home.

(I disagree with the term’s use as a pejorative or slur. Dunce that I am, I had always thought it applied to the conical hat worn by the labor-ers, these invaluable contributors to a nation’s glory days and develop-ment, to protect themselves from the sun.)

Empowered by the new wealth spread round thick as some strange yeast spread, the Australian govern-ment of the day was quick to invest in inland country cities built on the rich vein of opportunity; cities that provided a new home for many Chinese immigrants, who were not slow in catering to the expanding tastes of the other citizens and fel-low travelers.

So, we had the emergence of what would become a mainstay to this

*Mick is the 6th grade ESL teacher at BIBS. He is a teacher, a writer, a foodie, and an archivist from Melbourne, Australia.

The Years of the Plastic RoosterMr. Mick Haward* exposes the deep connections that exist between Australian and Chinese cultures, and gives us a gift to delight our taste buds.

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day of country town culinary de-lights: the obligatory Chinese res-taurant, where, still by white Aus-tralian standards of the 1950’s, you could take from home a saucepan to the local Cantonese place and have it filled to overflowing with piping hot chop suey. A whole new twist in the tale of the ‘take-away’ concept.

Then, as a 20th Century varia-tion on a theme, consider the hum-ble ‘dim sim’ – a meat dumpling inspired snack food sold at Aussie Rules football, alongside other cul-turally borrowed ‘food stalls’ like Greek owned British style fish and chip shops.

The Great Southern Land was truly a melting pot of migration to the New World.

Memories come alive at the thought of firecrackers (so synony-mous with Chinese inventiveness and celebration) that could once be bought at the now almost obsolete local street corner Milk Bars.

It seemed like an essential part of the teenage years to spend pocket money (before the age when music and girls became all-consuming) on these short lived attempts at py-romania; when the urge to explode things was so strong we couldn’t wait until it got dark (the sound

of these little-big-bangs then suf-ficed).

Other unwitting exposure to things Chinese included helping an ‘uncle’ to construct a table-tennis table which, when set up in the ga-rage on long summer days, meant the family car’s duco blistered in sacrifice to the sun.

The term ‘made in China’ meant nothing more than the family went budget conscious clothes shopping for me and my sister at Target or K-Mart; Formosan Tea mysteriously found its regular way into the su-permarket trolley and pantry, be-coming a household hit, while we remained ignorant of its origins; TCM was resorted to when Western medicine left us wanting for effective treat-ment of chronic illness.

A generation of Grade Four and Five kids raced home after school to watch Monkey (before or after Doctor Who?), little realizing the origin and influence of the classic 16th Century novel Journey to the West, by Wu Cheng ‘en.

A beginner’s course in Tai Chi was undertaken in an ambitious bid to woo girlfriends smitten by alternative lifestyle choices (at 18?).

China Town was a curious place

full of different and mystifying sights and sounds, where, unless you were taken there for a family treat to celebrate a birthday, you were only likely to stumble into as a shortcut and get lost on the way to see a movie (let’s say, Back to the Future, or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off).

Chinese New Year in Melbourne meant that we as twenty-some-things had no excuse not to head back to China Town or the local park where gathered members of the Chinese community to cele-brate the signs o’ the times: sharing to understand – food, songs and fun in the January sun, with fami-lies and friends from all walks of

life uniting as one.But, where does that leave the

mythical Land of Oz? What have we ever given China in return?

Not much.We reach out and back to China

on the world stage through the me-dium of our fluent Mandarin speak-ing former Prime Minister and cur-rent Foreign Minister, Kevin Rudd.

“The term ‘made in China’ meant noth-ing more than the family went budget conscious clothes shopping for me and my sister at Target or K-Mart”

Gold coins, sold by the Australian treasury are an example of the deep influence of Chinese culture on Australia

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And, since Melbourne has again been recently voted as the world’s most livable city, we could maybe provide an alternative resource as export to China: bottled oxygen from Melbourne for oxygen deprived Beijingers to enjoy on smoggy days.

But since that won’t happen anytime soon. Here is one final gift from me.

It might seem like sacrilege to some, and yet our two cultures are oddly matched in our respective tradition of ‘foodie’ pursuits incorporating ‘creepy-crawlies’ or cute n’ cuddly symbols of ancient fauna into the other great melt-ing pot that is contemporary ‘fusion’ cuisine.

So, even though you would never eat a giant panda, we Aussies have no problem eating our national symbol, Skippy the adorable bush kangaroo. And this is the best way to do it:

***Fire up the bbq and see how it’s done

– best marinated and served as a blood sport, cherished so rare.

Go on, get some bush tucker with a difference into you!

The kangaroo in the following recipe (courtesy of the Kangaroo Industry of Australia – and not too far removed from my own preconceived idea) re-ally needs to be marinated in a glass or ceramic bowl for as long as possible before cooking – ideally one hour re-frigerated.

Once done, plate as desired to tanta-lize the eye buds.

Serve with a glass of Gramp’s Grenache or Tarrawarra Pinot Noir in an outdoor setting beneath a rising moon.

Oh, and be sure to invite someone…

Sesame Kangaroo with Asian Greens

Serves 4-6 Quantity Ingredients

2 Tsp Minced garlic 2 Tsp Minced ginger 3 Tbs Soy sauce 3 Tbs Oyster sauce 4 Tbs Plum sauce 500 G Lean kangaroo topside cut into thin strips 900 G Hokkien noodles Spray or olive oil 2 Each Sweet potato julienne 2 Each Bok choy 1 Each Green capsicum, sliced 1 Bch English spinach, trimmed 3 Tbs Toasted sesame seeds 60 G Snow pea sprouts

Method1. Combine the garlic, ginger, soy sauce, oyster sauce and plum sauce in a glass or ceramic dish 2. Add the kangaroo and toss to coat. Cover and marinate for 15 minutes 3. Drain the meat and reserve the marinade 4. Put the hokkien noodles into a large heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water 5. Leave to stand for 2 minutes, pushing gently with a wooden spoon to separate the strands 6. Drain well and set aside 7. Spray a non stick wok or frying pan with oil and heat 8. Stir fry the meat in 2 or 3 batches over high heat for 2-3 minutes or until browned. Set aside 9. Reheat the wok, add sweet potato and capsicum and stir fry for 3 minutes then add the reserved marinade and bring to the boil 10. Add the spinach leaves, bok choy and toss until just wilted 11. Stir in the noodles, kangaroo, sesame seeds and snow pea sprouts and toss to heat through

the recipe

aBout the author

Mr. Mick Haward is a teacher at BIBS. Although he lives in China, his home country is Australia. Mr. Mick works in the ESL department at BIBS.

Mr. Mick was born in Melbourne, Aus-tralia, and came to China to teach English. Before living in Beijing, he lived in Yang-shou.

He loves the Beatles and riding bikes.

“Riding a bike is really cool,” said Mr.Mick.

He loves barbecue food, especially meat.Mr. Mick is 42 years old, but he says age

is not important.“How old you are does

not mean you feel that old,” said Mr. Mick.


IBS Press Agenc y✴

Powered by Beanstalk’s Young Reporters

Mr. Mick Haward By Brian Tobler, 3AJ

Who would have thought

that the cute ‘roo would

ever make it to your

dinner plate?

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Tucked away behind Xindong Lu near the Yuyang Hotel, Very Siam serves authentic Thai food at a price that is

generally hard to find in Beijing. The entrance of the restaurant is flanked

on both sides by separate smoking rooms – a plus for non-smokers (no need to worry about a dinner punctuated with that lingering smoky haze). The restaurant space itself is warm and inviting. Low ceilings combined with soft lighting and a unique floor plan give the restaurant a hutong feel, while still offering enough space for each table (providing a sense of privacy usually absent from hutong dining).

We were seated promptly (with reserva-tions). A complimentary spicy/fishy/salty ‘green beans in chili paste’ was placed on our table, which was great nibbling as we at-tempted to filter through the extensive mul-ti-lingual menu (pictures helped). The usu-al Thai favorites are there, and then some.

We started with Tom Yum Kung and Vi-etnamese style spring rolls. The Tom Yum soup was packed with flavor and chilies - be sure not to let the fire below the chafing dish die (best eaten hot). The black and white

sesame crusted spring rolls were fantastic and definitely recommended.

We then moved on to pineapple stir fried rice, red curry with chicken, red curry with vegetables, Penang curry beef, and morning glory with chili paste - all washed down ap-

propriately with Singha la-ger served in tin Thai style mugs. The pineapple rice, served in a half pineapple, was sweet and savory. The red curries, as expected, were creamy and fresh, packing some heat and all the usual flavors you expect

form a Thai curry. The Penang curry was a sweeter and less spicy alternative to the red –killer over rice. The only disappointment in the mix was morning glory with chili paste, which had an overwhelmingly strong fishy flavor that didn’t work well with the other dishes – at the end of the meal it had barely been touched.

Overall the service was prompt and at-tentive without being intrusive, and prices are reasonable given the decent sized por-tions. If you are looking for a more authen-tic experience than your typical Beijing Thai eatery, Very Siam delivers without breaking the bank.

The Foodie Corner

Very Siam, Indeed

Looking for an Authentic

Thai Experience?

“Very Siam Delivers with-

out Breaking the Bank.”

Very Siam offers authentic Thai food at a reasonable price

Nathan Ruhter, the ICT Coordinator atBIBS, loves to eat.

with Nate Ruhter

Other recommendations from Mr. Ruhter:

Home PlateGreat American Southern style BBQ. Be sure to try the fried pickles.35 Xiaoyun Lu courtyard, Chaoyang District朝阳区霄云路35号院(东三环北路,过霄云路路口,往北走20米,到第一个路口右转)

CornerstoneThis American-Italian joint offers comfort favourites. More importantly, their piz-zas taste great cold.Guomao (China World Trade Center) 国贸Unit 105, World Financial Center, 1 Dong-sanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District朝阳区东三环中路1号环球金融中心105

The Mughal’s RestaurantSolid Indian/Pakistani menu. Sanlitun 三里屯4/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District朝阳区三里屯路81号那里花园4层

Tori Tei YakitoriExcellent and authentic Japa-nese grilled kebabs.Sanyuanqiao 三元桥8, Xinyuanli Zhongjie, Chaoyang District朝阳区新源里中街8号

Xindong Lu and Xinyuan XiLi 新东路新源西里

10A Xinyuan Xili Dongjie (in the alley northwest of Yuyang Hotel), Chaoyang District朝阳区新源西里东街甲10号渔阳饭店西北胡同内

Very Siam

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☞ Cover story

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The Path to SuccessMr. Frank Carolan, BIBS’s Deputy Director for all 4 campuses, discusses BIBS Path-ways, the curricular philosophy adopted at all Beanstalk schools

By Frank Carolan

Browsing our School Calendar, I find it hard to believe that almost an entire semester has

passed since the start of the new aca-demic year. Both professionally and personally, my time at BIBS has been

an exciting journey of discovery and learning. What has sustained me on this challenging journey is the knowl-edge that BIBS offers a warm and collaborative environ-ment where we value diversity and empower students to discover their talents and reach their full potential. On this journey, I am buoyed and reassured by my fellow voyagers, our teachers and administrators, a fine crew of seasoned professionals dedicated to imparting the knowledge and skills necessary to function successfully and effectively in an increasingly multi-cultural and technological society.

Prior to joining the Beanstalk family, I served in Thai-land for eighteen of the past twenty years as an interna-tional educator and administrator. I was proud to work as part of a committed team of professional educators and administrators that built our school from a student population of just over eight-hundred (1992) to one of Thailand’s largest and most reputable and credible inter-national schools: the most reputable in terms of the suc-cess achieved by our graduates in securing placement in the world’s most prestigious and respected universities and colleges. Indeed, not only did our students secure placement in the world’s most prominent universities, but a significant number of our graduates received gen-erous and highly-competitive academic scholarships to assist them to engage in their studies.

My time at BIBS has convinced me that this school also possesses incredible potential and that the possibilities are limitless. Having just secured license and approval to offer the Cambridge International General Certifi-

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 – 1945)

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Cover story

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cate in Secondary Education (IGCSE) to our Year Nine and Ten students, I see us advancing in so many ways in terms of our academic credibility and international reputation. In May 2012, we will be applying for Inter-national Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) Candidacy. Within the next twelve months, we will advance from being an International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) Candidate School to be-ing recognized and acknowledged as a fully-accredited IB DP School. Within eighteen to twenty-four months, I see us progressing from being a Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Candidate School to being a fully-fledged WASC School, enabling and en-titling BIBS to take its rightful place among the most reputable schools, not only in Beijing, but across the Asia-Pacific.

Having worked continuously with WASC and the IBO for the past twenty years, I feel confident in stat-ing that BIBS certainly has the potential to become a proud and respected members of both associations but, as in the case of most endeavors that are worthwhile, securing and maintaining membership of WASC and IBO demands school-wide commitment to honest and transparent self-evaluation, self-criticism and self-im-provement. I believe that this is a commitment that we at BIBS are ready to make!

In terms of what we deliver through our curriculum, I am convinced that the BIBS Pathways Programme of-fers the best curriculum programme available to inter-national educators today. Why? Simply because I have seen this curricular combination work to great success at my previous school and at some of the world’s most

reputable and credible international schools. The BIBS Pathways Mission is as follows: “In partnership and col-laboration with all key stakeholders (students, parents, teachers and administrative staff) and in a nurturing, safe and developmentally specific campus, BIBS is committed to empowering students to realize their in-dividual academic potential through engagement in the world’s most reputable and established international educational programmes and curricula, facilitating en-try to the programme of their choice, in the university of their choice, in the country of their choice.”

I firmly be-lieve that we can collec-tively realize the school’s in-credible poten-tial through the continued commitment and collabora-tion of all stakeholders (parents, students, teachers and administrators) in working towards a better school for all of our students; through a sustained commitment and dedication to a shared vision as to what this school can and will become; and through the investment of our collective time and energy into making this com-mon vision a reality. I am thankful that the educational partnership at BIBS grants us the privilege of providing a safe, nurturing and challenging environment for chil-dren to develop those skills essential to the realization of their individual potential and the pursuit of their educational goals.

Frank Carolan is the new Deputy Director at BIBS. He has extensive experience in international education.

“BIBS is committed to empowering students to realize their individual academic potential though engagement in the world’s most reputable and established international educational programmes and curricula, facilitating entry to the programme of their choice, in the university of their choice, in the country of their choice.”

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在青苗工作期间,我意识到,青苗同样是具有惊人潜力和无限可能的。已经获准向9、10年级提供剑桥IGCSE课程,我看到了我们在学术信度和国际声誉上各个方面的优势。2012年5月,我们将申请IB的小学课程候选资格。12个月之内,我们将先从IB DP的候选学校成为正式IB DP的学校。在18到24个月时间内,我们将由美国西部院校联盟(WASC)的候选学校获得正式资格,确保青苗不只是在北京,而是整个亚太地区最富盛名的学校中占据应有地位。






-Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

通往成功之路Frank Carolan 先生作为青苗四个校区的副总校长,探讨青苗课程体系和采用的新的课程。

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the Bridge

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Educational Quote

“What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child.”


-George Bernard Shaw

What’s the least number of chairs you would you need around a table to sit four fa-thers, two grandfathers, and four sons?

A petshop owner had a par-rot with a sign on its cage that said “Parrot repeats eve-rything it hears.” A young man bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it and it didn’t say a word. He returned the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied about the parrot. How can this be?

1. Four. The four fathers could be grandfathers and are definitely sons already.

2. The parrot is deaf

BIBS Opens New Kindergarten in Wanda Plaza青苗在万达广场开设了一所新的幼儿园

Beanstalk International Bilingual School is proud to present the open-ing of its new international kinder-

garten in the heart of the Central Business District.

The new campus, located in the Wanda Plaza tower, is a state-of-the-art facility, and provides our students with everything they need to grow as individuals as they take their first steps into schooling.

CurriculumThe new Benastalk Bilingual Kindergar-

ten (BBK) provides a comprehensive cur-riculum based on themes and activities, focusing on developing children’s sense of happiness and wonder. Through inquiry, exploration and cooperative learning, the curriculum emphasizes the development of innovative, independent, and confident learners.

Our curriculum combines the IPC core curriculum-- delivered by native English speaking international teachers-- with a Chinese curriculum, thus providing a bal-anced bilingual education in a crucial mo-ment for a child’s language acquisition.

For more information on BBK, or to in-quite about admissions feel free to contact us at the number provided here.

Beanstalk Bilingual KindergartenWanda Plaza, Building No. 7 Jianguo Road No,93,

Chaoyang District, Beijing.Tel: 86-10-5960-3887


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This year BIBS sent 70 students to represent the GIANTS at the first JISAC event of the year, held at BCIS on Wednesday 26th October. Seven teams represented our school in the U/11 and U/9 boys and girls competitions. Luck-ily the weather held, and great soccer was played by all of our BIBS teams.

As usual there were some stand out performances. Congratulations to the boys U/11 team coached by Mr. Ca-sey who won all their games, and to Mr. Eddy’s team who were undefeated in the U/9 boys tournament. Special thanks to all the school coaches and parent volunteers who helped on the

day. Without them this event would not have happened. Well done to all the students that participated in yet an-other successful JISAC event.

今年青苗派出70名学生组成GI-ANTS队参加在BCIS举行的第一场JISAC比赛,比赛的时间是10月26日(周三)。七支队伍代表我们学校参加U/11 和 U/9的比赛。天公作美,所有的青苗代表队都发挥出了很棒的水平。

和往年一样,孩子们有很多突出的表现。祝贺Mr.Casey率领的U/11代表队获得大满贯,也祝贺Mr. Eddy的队伍在U/9男子比赛中获胜。特别感谢学校教练和家长志愿者,他们在全天的比赛中提供了很多帮助,没有他们,这场活动将不能进行。所有参加活动的孩子们都很棒,又是一个成功的JISAC赛季。

Athletic Department Update


Beanstalk students continued their participation in ISAC and JISAC tournaments, achieving some great results ■ By Andrew Sobol

On Saturday 28th October, BIBS hosted another successful U/12 Boys Soccer Challenge Cup with 5 International Schools involved. Unlike last year where the Giants made the final, this year the team had some terrible luck which saw

them miss the playoff round. Un-der the able guidance of Coach Ca-sey, the boys at times played some fluid soccer which will hopefully pay off during the next tournament. Lets hope Lady Luck will be with the team too!

Congratulations to all the boys who participated and a special thank you to all the parents and teachers who came along to support and volunteer on the day.


JISAC Soccer 2011 at BCIS, OCt. 26


U/11 Boys – Coach Mr. CaseyWon 4

U/11 Boys- Coach Mr. TatarynWon 1, Draw 1, Lost 2

U/11 Girls- Mrs Zhang (Parent Volunteer)

Draw 2, lost 2U/9 Boys- Coach Mr. Matthew

Lost 5 U/9 Boys- Coach Mr. Eddy

Won 1, Draw 3U/9 Boys- Coach Mr. Andrew

Draw 2, Lost 3U/9 Girls- Mrs. Helen (Parent Volunteer)

Won 1, Lost 3

BIBS U/12 Soccer Challenge at BIBS, OCt. 28

Gigantic Results

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This year BIBS Giants entered two teams into the prestigious ISAC event held on Saturday November 5th at Dulwich College. There were record number of International Schools at this year’s event and the Giants were fielded into the 1st and 3rd Divisions with a tough group.

Coach Casey was really pleased with the 1st team and with a little more luck they could have progressed further, however they held their own against schools like Dulwich, WAB, DIP and CISB returning home with 1 win, 2 draws and 2 losses. Stand-out performer was Jacky Zhang who

displayed football smartness, great awareness, touch and passion in all of the games played.

The 2nd team, who were also un-lucky, lead in many of the games. Defensive lapses however, cost them several games, and one tough decision by the referee cost the team another match. In the end, their record stood at 1 win, 1 draw and 3 loses. Stand out performers were Kai Goto and Mi-chael Yang who scored 2 goals each on the day.

Overall it was a great performance by the squad and a big improvement from last year. The Giants displayed great sportsmanship during the day and a special thanks to all the coaches (Mr. Casey, Mr. Weeks, Ms. Wayne and Mr. Andrew) and parents who at-tended.

ISAC Soccer 2011 at DulwICh, NOv. 5

今年BIBS Giants队派出两支队伍参加了周六(11月5日)在Dulwich举办的ISAC活动。今年的活动很多国际学校参赛,Giants 被分到第1和第3小组。Casey教练对第一组非常满意,稍微幸运一点儿他们就能更进一步,尽管他们在比赛中对抗比他们年纪大一些的Dul-wich, WAB, DIP 和 CISB队,还是获得了1胜,2平,2负的成绩。表现最突出的是Jacky Zhang,他展现了足球比赛的敏捷、团队意识、碰撞和激情。第二支队伍在大多数比赛中也不太幸运。防卫空挡导致他们丧失了很多机会。裁判员的一次判罚导致本队丢掉了另一场比赛。最后,他们的成绩是1胜,1平,3负。Kai Goto 和 Michael Yang表现突出,在当天的比赛中各进一球。总体上来说,各队的表现非常棒,相对于去年取得了很大进步。Giants队在比赛中充分展现了运动员精神。特别感谢所有参与比赛的教练们(Mr. Casey, Mr. Weeks, Ms. Wayne and Mr. An-drew)和家长们。

Sports Photos

Andrew Sobol is the Athletic Director at BIBS

BIBS Soccer challenge, at BIBS, oct. 28

JISac Soccer

at BcIS, oct. 26

ISac Soccer

at DulwIch, oct. 26

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On the BulletinBoardA run-through of what has been go-

ing on during these first months of the year in our Primary school grades

Reception....................23GRade 1........................24GRade 2.......................25GRade 3.......................26GRade 4......................27GRade 5.......................28GRade 6.......................29

In this section:

◊ Student work 学生作品

◊ Pictures


◊ Teacher write-ups


◊ And more! 还有更多!


Welcome back to school!


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on the Bulletin Board

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人在学校和家庭中的各种各样的角色和职责。 为了庆祝完成学习任务,

For their “How We Organ-ize Our-selves” Unit of Inquiry,

the students in Re-ception learned all about the organi-zations and people that make a com-munity. They discovered the various roles and responsibilities of the peo-ple in both their school and home communities.

What is a Community?Reception students learn about their roles in the commu-nity through a role playing exercise

Doctors, Nurses,

Waiters, Chefs, Cashiers,

and Firemen

Came to Reception

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on the Bulletin Board

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The first grade students at Beanstalk International Bilingual School

compared past and present generations in the Unit of Inquiry called “Where We Are in Place and Time.” The cen-

tral idea of the unit was: “ S o m e of our e x p e r i -

ences are similar to past generations”. Learning about the past was a great way for students to better understand their roles in generational lines.

Throughout the unit, students dis-covered what clothes, homes, and

schools were like when their parents and grandparents were young. As a fun learning activity for this unit, the stu-dents invited their parents and grand-parents to come to BIBS on Friday, No-vember 4th. Parents and grandparents told stories from the past, shared food and books that they enjoyed when they were young, and showed the children clothing and pictures from their child-hood.

We hope that through this expe-rience, students gained respect for their elders and identified the positive changes that have been made in China in the past hundred years. It was truly a wonderful day of learning!



G r a de 1

Lessons from the PastGrade 1 students learn about the past from their parents and grand-parents during their second Unit of Inquiry

A Day at the MuseumAs a part of this same Unit of Inquiry students in Grade 1 visited Bei-jing Capital Museum, visiting an exhibition about Old Beijing

“Learning about the past was a great way for students to bet-ter understand their roles in generational lines.”

Grade 1 parents and grandparents shared experiences from their past during the Nov. 4th event





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on the Bulletin Board

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Grade 2

S tudents in grade 2 ex-plored the water cycle and weather through

literacy, nu-meracy, and science ac-tivities. Fol-lowing the scientific method, students participated in designing and performing experiments

related to evaporation. They researched various kinds of weather and practiced

m e a s u r -ing tem-perature. Students also used

weather concepts and vo-cabulary in fictional writing assignments.

Grade 2 students explore weather and the water cycle through classroom experiments



G r a de 2

Young Scientists

“Students participated in design-ing and performing experiments

related to evaporation”

Student Work

Top Left: If I Were a Weather Woman by Yucia, 2MM

Top Right: Experiment Steps, by Shuna, 2ES

Bottom: Extreme Weather by Ryan, 2CB



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on the Bulletin Board

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G r a de 3

Grade 3 students just finished a unit under the theme “How we organize ourselves”. The

central idea was: Communities pro-vide services and systems to allow them to work. This was a fun unit that both students and teachers en-joyed.

One of the most exciting parts of this unit was a fieldtrip to Hou Hai Lake. Students spent the afternoon walking around Hou Hai while plot-ting different services that they had found on a map. Further, students interviewed local community mem-bers with questions they had gener-ated. The fieldtrip was a great way for students to apply what they were learning in class to their own com-munity in Beijing.

Exploring Communities

On the right is the work of Karen Qi 3AJ. One of the first assign-ments that students did was to plot different symbols on a map that represented various commu-nities. Students came to the con-clusion that communities all over the world can share commonali-

Our final assignment for this unit was to write a report on a country while explaining the services

and systems that the country had. To the right is the report of Richie Zhang from 3AJ.

Grade 3 students explore communities in their Unit of Inquiry

Country report: Kenya by Richie Zhang, 3AJ



右边是3AJ班的Karen Qi的作品。学生们做的其中一项作业是在地图上标注不同的标志,标志们代表各种各样的社群。学生们必须解释他把标志放在这个位置的原因。当所有学生完成他们的地图,他们可以发现大家把标志放在了不同的地方。学生们还得到了“世界上的社群都存在共同点”这样的结论。


右边是3AJ 班的Richie Zhang的报告。

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on the Bulletin Board

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4JK designed their own country. This was Phil’s!4JK的学生设计了他们自己的国家。这就是Phil的!

In 4MR, Felix undertook research on his family as part of our commu-nity inquiry unit.在4MR,Felix着手做了一个关于他的家庭的研究作为我们的团体探究单元的一部分。

Angela from 4AF wrote a fabulous letter asking for less homework. Mr Weeks made a special visit to the class to give her a reply!4AF的Angela写了一封很棒的信要求减少家庭作业,Weeks校长到班里进行了特殊走访,并给她做了回复。

G r a de 4

Grade 4 has had an amazing start to the year. Inquiry fo-cused on rights and respon-

sibilities involved in being a citizen of a community. Students found out about the communities they belong to by researching their families. They also prepared amazing posters of a community of their creation and pre-sented these to the class. In writing, students focused on persuasion and how to use language to get what you want, something they were keen to find out more about!


4JK worked collaboratively using base ten blocks to explore place value.4JK全班团结协作利用10个基础街


Students from 4MR prepare posters for their community project.4MR的学生在准备他们团体课程的海报

In 4AF students did a report on a tool of their choice and presented this to the class.





t W



At Work

Exploring Communities IIGrade 4 students explore communities in their Unit of Inquiry

Country report: Kenya by Richie Zhang, 3AJ

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on the Bulletin Board

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G r a de 5

At the beginning of the year, our class cre-ated time capsules. We spent some time preparing them. The class brought plas-

tic bottles and photographs to place inside, but they weren’t ready yet. We still had to write down our goals for the year as well as a note to ourselves to place into the bottles. Our time capsules were now finished!

We had to bury the capsules underground. So Miss Grace bor-rowed a shovel and asked for permission to dig into the ground. The class worked together to

dig two big holes. The girls and boys took turns to use the shovel and we dug up many interesting insects! We saw earthworms, larvae, spiders, grasshoppers and millipedes. We can’t wait to open them up at the end of the school year. I wonder how much we will change.


Our Time CapsulesGrade 5 students write their goals for the year and bury them in the BIBS soccer pitch

■ By Abigail Lumilan, 5GF

Students in 5GF worked hard to dig the holes in which they burried their time capsules

“We had to write down our goals for the year as well as a note to ourselves to place into the bottles.”



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The students in grade 6 have been studying the life sciences. They have

looked at the structure of DNA and have built a giant model of a chromosome in the class. They also extracted DNA from an onion and isolated it in a solution which can be seen in the photographs.

Grade 6 has also been studying the First World War and Rememberance Sunday which is symbolized by the red poppy. In class, students made their own poppies. 6年级的学生还学习了第一次世界大战和星期天纪念,在这一天人们用小红花作为标志表达对战争的纪念,学生们还亲手制作了这样的小花。

In mathematics they have studied and con-structed the only five existing 3D shapes that that fit perfectly together. These are the tet-rahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the do-decahedron and the icosahedron. You can see these in the photo of the classroom. 在数学课上他们还学习和建造了5个唯一的3D模型,它们非常完美的结合在一起。这些模型有四面体、立方体、八面体、十二面体以及二十面体。大家可以在教室的照片中看到这些模型。

In Albert’s Footsteps


Did you see Albert Einstein

teach the 6th Grade

Students about DNA at


6th grade students learned about DNA from Albert Ein-stein himself

G r a de 6

Find out what is going on at the BIBS Senior Schools



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senior sChools

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This year BIBS Senior School students will be participating in the Fourth Annual Session of Model United Nations at International Schools

of China (MUNiSC) held on March 1-3, 2012. This conference will be hosted by the International School of Qingdao and will take place in the seaside city of Qingdao, China.

Model United Nations (also known as Model UN or MUN) is an academic simulation of the United Na-tions which aims to educate participants about cur-rent events, international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda.

Participants role-play as diplomats representing a Nation or NGO in a simulated session of an organ (committee) of the United Nations, e.g. the Security Council or the General Assembly. Participants re-search a country, take on roles as diplomats, investi-gate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult, and then develop solutions to world problems.

Our students will be participating at the General Assembly on the following issues:

1. International cooperation on Humanitarian As-sistance specifically in nuclear disaster and disaster relief development.

2. Protection of Human rights and minimizing ter-rorism.

3. Consolidating gains and accelerating efforts to control and eliminate Malaria in Developing Coun-tries, particularly in Africa, by 2015.

4. Implementation of the United Nations Conven-tion to Combat Desertification in those Countries experiencing serious Drought and/or Desertification, particularly in Africa.

This event will provide opportunities for all stu-dents to be Global Citizens by developing their confi-dence and leadership skills through experience.

For further information on MUNiSC, please go to

BIBS Senior Schools Students Will Partici-pate in Model United Nations 2012


模拟联合国(也称为Model UN 或者MUN)是联合国的学术模拟活动,致力于培养参与者对于时事、国际关系、外交政策以及联合国议程的认知和理解。


我们的学生将参加联合国大会的以下议题:1. 关于人道主义援助的国际合作,特别是在核灾难和救灾援助方面。2. 保护人权和减少恐怖主义。3. 在2015年之前,巩固和促进在发展中国家控制并消除疟疾,尤其是在非洲地区。4. 关于对抗沙漠化联合国公约在严重干旱或者沙漠化的国家的实施,尤其是在非洲地区。

通过活动实践他们可以发展自己的自信心以及领导能力,从而成为更为合格的地球村公。 更多信息请通过http://munisc.qmischina.


Off to Changethe World

This event will provide op-portunities for all students

to be Global Citizens by developing their confidence

and leadership skills.


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There are two areas of focus in the IB Visual Arts subject. The

first is studio (practical work) and the second is the research work-book. The Visual Art program aims to teach the student about design, structure and the aesthetic develop-ment of work. The candidates must demonstrate creative and personal thinking, feeling and interaction with their work.

The following photographs are examples of Coco Ho’s and Michael

Ma’s research workbooks. These books aim to show their journey over two years of study. They docu-ment art and design history that is relevant to their exploration of ideas and will also contain notes, sketches, photographs, mind-maps and pictures of inspiration, devel-opment and final works.

Coco HoCoco’s work is ex-ploring and cross-ing the boundaries between fashion, fine art and craft.

Michael MaMichael is explor-ing street art values of situating work in non-art contexts, challenging the nor-mal view of what an artwork is.

Beanstalk’s Global ArtistsIB Diploma Programme - Vis-ual Art - Grade 11 & 12

By Anna Davies

IB视觉艺术科目有两个重点领域。第一个是工作室(实践操作),另一个就是研究手册。视觉艺术课程通过作品教授学生关于设计、构造和审美开发的内容。候选人必须证明自己的创造性并表达个人观点、感受以及与作品的交流。下面的照片是Coco Ho 和Michael Ma的研究手册作品。他们的手册的意图在于展示他们两年来的学习旅程。他们将与自己的探险思想相关的艺术文档化并设计历史,其中也包含笔记、草图、照片、构思和灵感图片,发展和最终的作品。



SMART!Eploration through Art

Page 32: BIBStalk Magazine- December 2011

BIK Kindergarten1/F B Building, No. 40 Liangmaqiao Rd.,Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-64669255

BIBS Primary SchoolNo. 6 North Rd of East 4th Ring Rd.Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-51307951

BIBS Senior Schools(Old Middle/High)No. 38 Nanshiliju Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-84566019

BIK Kindergarten1/F B Building, No. 40 Liangmaqiao Rd.,Chaoyang, BeijingTel: 85-10-64669255