
Wave technology for efficiency of heat and mass transfer for power plants Averina Julia company's chief executive

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Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Wave technology for efficiency of heat and mass transfer for power plants

Averina Julia

company's chief executive


1. Industry trends Reducing • all types of costs • energy consumption • the use of coolant (natural water) • harmful effects on the environmental • capital costs for modernization •0

Main - resource-saving innovations by • improving the efficiency of operation of heat exchange equipment, • exclude from the process expensive equipment • use for innovation already available equipment and of cooling tower (use the existing cooling towers pool)

2. Solution - intensification of heat transfer Q(heat quantity) = K(the heat transfer coefficient)*S(heat transfer area)*ΔT(temperature difference)

We suggest unique product for ↑S, using adapted to each other components of cooling towers

(nozzles, sprinklers, water traps, fans)


3. Technology Scientific novelty – using a combined evaporation-hydrodynamic vortex mass transfer devices significantly and instantly increase the area of contact of water with air for intensification of heat and mass transfer processes and to achieve a high degree of dispersion of cooling water in the cell tower, providing intensive heat exchange with the environment and intensification of evaporating processes. This technology is disruptive on a global scale.

We use for Fe oxidation

4. Competitive advantages • low capital costs • easy to use • compactness (portability/tightness) • no complex hardware design process and control systems • use for wide range of water parameters • easy integration into already existing systems • durability and simplicity of design (no moving parts) • ability to handle any volume of water in a short period of time

Better because: •provides high performance •optimize the use of water resources •simplify the structure, and as a result • make using ease •reduced accidents •offers complete automation of the cooling tower


5. Market Thermal power, mining and processing of ferrous and nonferrous metals, petroleum, chemical industry, gas processing

(«Газпром энергохолдинг», «ИНТЕР РАО ЕЭС», Группа Е4, ТЭЦ, ОГК и ТГК, «РУСАЛ», «СУАЛ», «Норильский никель», «Северсталь», «НЛМК», «ММК», «ОЭМК», «Сибур», «ТНК-ВР», «Крымсода», «Еврохим»

Russian market of heating is of strategic importance and is supported at the state level ("Mosenergo" introduced BOTE) Now in Russia is: •485 CHP(ТЭЦ) •about 6.5 million boilers capacity of 20 Gcal / h, •more than 100,000 small-scale boiler, •about 600,000 of autonomous individual heat generators 0

The total implementation of the heat in the country is 2.06 billion Gcal/year, including public sector 1.086 billion Gcal, industry and other users of 974 million Gcal. For heating consumes more than 400 million tce. / Year.

Each CHP have about 3 cooling towers.

cost 800 000 rubles (pump, wave device, installation) - facility about 1,000 m3/day

6. The Business Model Canvas Key Partners D. Mendeleyev University

Key Activities Design and engineering

Value Propositions Cost reduce

Customer Relationships mutually beneficial cooperation

Customer Segments Energy efficiency in heat power engineering and chemistry

Key Resource Intellectual human

Channels idirect mail

Cost Structure Variable cost Economy of scope

Revenue Streams Sale / Leasing


7. Team Manager - Julia Averina (General director “BINACOR-CHT”, lecturer in MUCTR, has previous startup experience in innovations , 28 publications, 2 gold medals VVC, prizes of 4 competitions of innovative projects and diplomas of 17 events) 0

Scientific adviser – Tigran Vagramian (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Materials Science and corrosion protection) 0

Chief engineer – Asnis Naum (Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow, author of patents)

Our company has specialists as high scientific potential (7 Ph.D.), a sufficient number of technical personnel and 3 managers experience with the commercialization of R & D


8. Current status and next steps selection of pilot object for implementation


hydraulic calculation 0

obtaining of all technical documentation in accordance with Standard 0

procurement and manufacturing of the equipment required, installation commissioning 0

detailed comparison with competitors (compact cooling towers, mini-towers "Dewdrop" tower GMVB, ejection cooling tower drift eliminators CPV, small cooling

tower drift eliminators BKPS, nozzles, blocks the catcher, technology "Cross-wave") 0


9. Investment offer Need $ 50,000 to carry out development work and test the technology on a real object

or assistance in concluding postpaid contract

offer 20% of the profits on the stage replication or

a discount for implementation in prepaid case


Thanks you for your attention

Julia Averina 8 926 1999 755 [email protected]