b.ing (74-78).docx

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  • 8/10/2019 B.ING (74-78).docx


    (B) Comprehension

    Read the passage carefully. Then choose the most suitable answer andwrite its number in the brackets provided.

    The raccon looks like a cat. It sleeps all day and comes out only at night.

    The raccon eats frogs, fruits and even wood. It drink a lot a water and uses its paw

    to wash its food before eating it. The Germains called it the washing bear.

    Another animal that washes its food is the water-hen. It is found in Europe.

    It is afraid of dogs and hunters. It dive into the water on seeing them. The water-

    hen eats fish and frogs. It holds its food in its beak and dips it into the water to

    wash it before eating.

    1. The raccon in the day


    (2)moves about

    (3)looks for food

    (4)plays with the cat

    ( )

  • 8/10/2019 B.ING (74-78).docx



    The raccon does not eat .






    ( )

    3. The raccon is known as the washing bear because it



    lives in Germany

    (2)drinks a lot of water

    (3)washes its every day


    washes its food before eating it

    ( )


    The water-hen escapes from the hunter by .


    hiding in the cave

    (2)climbing up a tree


    civing into the water

    (4)digging a hole in the ground

    ( )

    5. The water-hen holds its food in its beak to .







  • 8/10/2019 B.ING (74-78).docx


    (B) Comprehension

    Read the passage carefully. Then choose the most appropriate answerand write its number in the brackets provided.

    Whales live in the sea, but they do not belong to the fish family. They are

    sea mammals. A baby whale feeds on its mothers milk.

    Whales have big heads but no necks. They breathe through their lungs.

    Their air-pipes are not joined to their mouths. This means that a whale can swim

    underwater with its mouth open and not drown.

    Under the whales skin is a thick layer of fat called blubber. People hunt

    whales because blubber can be used as oil and whale meat can be eaten.

  • 8/10/2019 B.ING (74-78).docx



    According to the passage, whales

    (1)cannot swim

    (2)live on land


    belong to the fish family

    (4)drink milk when they are young

    2. Whales use their to breathe.







    A whale can swim with its mouth open without








    Blubber is found

    (1)on the whales skin

    (2)in the whales air-pipe


    under the whales skin

    (4)inside the whales eat


    People hunt whales for and oil.





  • 8/10/2019 B.ING (74-78).docx


    Chemical Engineering

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    Chemical Engineering

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