birthmarks 1.doc

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  • 7/27/2019 birthmarks 1.doc


    Birthmarks are coloured marks that are visible on the skin. They are often present at

    birth or develop soon afterwards.

    There are several different types of birthmark and some of them are very common.

    The two main types of birthmark are:

    vascular birthmarks (often red, pink or purple) caused by abnormal blood vessels in

    or under the skin

    pigmented birthmarks (usually brown) caused by clusters of pigment cells

    Vascular birthmarks usually occur in the head and neck area, mainly on the face. However,

    both types of birthmark can appear anywhere, including inside the body.

    If surface blood vessels are affected, a vascular birthmark will appear red, purple or pink. If

    the affected vessels are deep, the birthmark will appear blue.

    Pigmented birthmarks are tan or brown coloured skin marks.

    Vascular birthmarks

    Some of the most common types of vascular birthmarks are described below.

    Salmon patch (stork mark) red or pink flat patches that can appear on a babys

    eyelids, neck or forehead at birth. They are the most common type of vascular

    birthmark and occur in around half of all babies. Most will fade away within a few

    months but salmon patches on the forehead may take up to four years to disappear.Patches on the back of the neck often last. They are often more noticeable when a

    baby cries.

    Infantile haemangioma a raised mark on the skin that is usually red and can appear

    anywhere on the body. These are also known as strawberry marks. Sometimes,

    they are deeper in the skin, in which case the skin can look blue or purple.

    Haemangiomas are also common, especially in girls, and affect around 5% of babies

    soon after birth. They increase in size rapidly for the first six months but will

    eventually shrink and disappear by around seven years of age. Very bulky

    haemangiomas, those that rapidly increase in size and those that get in the way of

    vision or feeding may need treatment.

    Port wine stain red or purple flat marks that affect around 0.3% of newborn babies.They can vary in size, from a few millimetres to several centimetres in diameter. Port

    wine stains often occur on one side of the body and usually appear on the face, chest

    and back, although they can appear anywhere. Port wine stains tend to be sensitive to

    hormones and may become more noticeable aroundpuberty,pregnancy and the

    menopause. Most are permanent and may deepen in colour over time.

    Pigmented birthmarks

    Some of the most common types of pigmented birthmarks are described below.
  • 7/27/2019 birthmarks 1.doc


    Caf-au-lait spots coffee-coloured skin patches. Many children have one or two of

    these, but if more than six have developed by the time the child is five, see your GP as

    it could be a sign ofneurofibromatosis.

    Mongolian spots blue-grey or bruised-looking birthmarks which are present at

    birth. They are more commonly seen in darker-skinned people and usually appear

    over the lower back or buttocks, but can also appear elsewhere on the body or limbs.They may last for months or years, but usually disappear by the age of four. They are

    completely harmless and do not need treatment. They may be mistaken for a bruise.

    Congenital melanocytic naevi (CMN) also known as congenital moles. These are

    relatively large brown or blackmoles that are present at birth. They are fairly

    common and are caused by an overgrowth of pigment cells in the skin. Most CMN

    become proportionally smaller and less obvious with time, although they may darken

    during puberty or become bumpy or hairy. They can range in size from less than

    1.5cm to more than 20cm in diameter. The risk of CMN developing into skin cancer

    is low, but this risk increases with the size of the CMN.

    What causes birthmarks?

    It is not understood exactly why birthmarks occur, but they are not usually inherited.

    Vascular birthmarks are caused by abnormal blood vessels in or under the skin, while

    pigmented birthmarks are caused by clusters of pigment cells.

    It is thought that port wine stains occur because the nerves that control the widening or

    narrowing of the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) do not function properly, or there are not

    enough of them. This means that blood is constantly supplied to the skin in that area, which

    makes it permanently red or purple in colour.

    Port wine stains are sometimes related to other conditions, such as Sturge-Weber syndrome

    and Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome. Read more about thecomplications associated with


    Is treatment needed for birthmarks?

    Most birthmarks are harmless and do not need to be treated. Some types of birthmark will

    fade over time whereas other types, such as port wine stains, are permanent if they are not

    treated. In some cases, a birthmark will need to be treated for medical reasons, for example if

    a haemangioma blocks the airways, affects vision or becomes ulcerated. Some people may

    seek treatment for cosmetic reasons.

    Read more about treating birthmarks.

    Last reviewed: 03/04/2012

    Next review due: 03/04/2014
  • 7/27/2019 birthmarks 1.doc


    Most birthmarks are harmless

    Contrary to their name, birthmarks aren't always present at birth. Some, such as a

    hemangioma, develop weeks later. And though most are permanent, a few types of

    birthmarks fade as a child grows.

    Most birthmarks are harmless, but some may require treatment for cosmetic reasons or

    because of rapid growth. Still others may be a sign of an underlying disease. Take this visual

    tour of cafe au lait spot, port-wine stain and other common birthmarks, and find out when

    your child might need to see a doctor.