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  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book


    Blasthole Drillingin Open Pit Mining

    Second edition

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book


    At Atlas Copco, we strive to make your future more productive. By focusing not

    only on today, our goal is to offer reliable, lasting results for years to come.

    We put an emphasis on safety to give you a secure working environment.

    It's not just a business practice; it's an Atlas Copco state of mindSafety F!rst.

    A safe approach to your future

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    2 Foreword by Brian Fox Vice President Marketing

    Atlas Copco Drilling Solutions LLC

    Talking technically

    3 From gunpowder to Pit Viper

    11 Ergonomics and safety

    13 Personnel rig protection

    17 An introduction to surface mining

    23 Putting rotary drilling into perspective

    29 Automated surface blasthole drilling

    35 Tricone rotary blasthole drilling

    39 Optimizing the rotary drill string

    41 Increased productivity with DTH drilling

    45 Selecting the right DTH drilling tools

    51 Taking advantage of single-pass drilling

    53 Blasting in open cut metal mines

    63 Drilling in Arctic conditions

    65 The new mid range Pit Viper 235

    69 Development through interaction - Pit Viper 270

    73 Large diameter drilling Pit Viper 351

    77 Peace of mind

    79 The economic case for routine bit grinding

    83 Secoroc Jazz

    Case studies

    85 Aitik eyes top three efficiency Copper/Sweden

    91 Pit Vipers beat the chill Copper/USA

    95 Arsarcos choice: both diesel and electric Copper/USA

    97 Reopening of Copper Mountain Copper/Canada

    99 Innovation through interaction Gold/USA

    101 Unforgiving ground Gold/USA

    105 Penasquito powers up Gold/Mexico

    109 Secoroc hammers go for gold Gold/ Turkey

    113 Tough fast-track to Sydvaranger Iron/Norway

    117 Steep Wall Open Pit Mining at Zhelezny Iron/Russia

    121 Coal mining in eastern Australia Coal/Australia

    127 Boosting Siberian energy Coal/Russia

    129 Hidden treasure Coal/USA

    133 Finding a Perfect Balance Coal/USA

    135 Moving mountains Coal/USA

    139 Coal and Gold Mining in Kazakhstan

    Coal and Gold/Kazakhstan

    141 Drilling for coal in Vietnam Coal/ Vietnam

    Product specifications

    144 Drilling methods guide

    146 Specifications guide

    147 Blasthole drill rigs

    171 Drill rig options

    188 Hurricane booster

    189 XRVS Compressor

    190 Tricone rotary blasthole drilling

    196 Bit selection

    200 Sealed bearing

    205 When to change a bit

    206 How a rock bit drills

    208 Importance of records

    210 Air practices

    220 Rock formation & drillability

    223 Guides for best bit performance

    226 DTH hammer specifications228 Secoroc grinding tools

    236 DRILLCare

    238 Drill simulator training

    239 Glossary of terms

    244 Where to find us

    For latest updates contact your local Atlas Copco CustomerCenter or refer to


  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book



    These are exciting times in the surface mining industry. A lot

    has changed since the first edition of Blasthole Drilling in

    Open Pit Mining came out in 2009.

    Technology is advancing quickly in the industry, and we pride

    ourselves as being among the leaders. Our Rig Control System

    (RCS) has established itself as a very reliable platform from

    which to build advancing levels of automation. RCS is avail-

    able on all Pit Viper Series models today, and well integrate

    it to our smaller machines as we move forward. Teleremote

    operation and autonomous drilling are no longer futuristic

    thinking. We have demonstrated such advanced technology,

    and continue to test and prepare for commercial release.

    While we are moving towards unmanned operation of drills,we realize that it doesnt fit every application. Weve put a

    great deal of focus on the safety of mine personnel on and

    around the rig. Options designed to make it easier to access

    and service equipment are being developed by our Engineering

    team with heavy input from our customers.

    I was reminded recently of a long-standing quote in the mining

    industry. Ive never seen a shovel pass a drill yet. Very true,

    and as shovels and trucks get larger and faster, we must con-

    tinually improve the productivity of our machines. As world

    demand increases, the amount of material mined annually con-

    tinues to grow. Further, increasing strip ratios and lower ore

    grades require substantially more material movement to get

    the same output. Productivity improvements alone wont keep

    up. The availability and utilization of the rigs must continue

    to increase as well.

    Atlas Copco prides itself in building highly productive, reliable

    equipment. As the equipment is only as good as the support

    behind it, weve undertaken a major effort to improve our parts

    availability, service capacity (including manpower, competence

    and service outlets) and technical documentation. Were never

    satisfied with where we stand, and are always looking for inputfrom the mining industry to help guide us.

    Committed to Sustainable Productivityis Atlas Copcos brand

    promise. This second edition of Blasthole Drilling in Open

    Pit Mining contains some great case stories showing how our

    brand promise translates to real-world results.

    We hope you enjoy this second edition.

    Brian Fox

    Vice President, Marketing

    Drilling Solutions LLC

    [email protected]


  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    GunpowderThe application of blasting agents

    apparently began in Hungarian mines

    sometime during the sixteenth cen-

    tury. To make better use of the explo-

    sive force, miners star ted to place the

    powder in holes and it is certain that

    drilling and blasting were used in sev-

    eral German and Scandinavian mines

    early in the seventeenth century, for

    instance at the Nasafjll silver mine in

    Lappland in 1635, and in 1644 at theRros mine in Norway.

    One-man drilling with the help of

    a drill steel and sledgehammer was

    the established technology used in the

    eighteenth century. This physically

    demanding technique evolved only

    slowly but, despite the mechanization

    of other industries, remained in quite

    widespread use until well i nto the

    twentieth century. However, powered

    drills did start to mount a challenge in

    the 1800s, the competition in the USA

    being symbolized by John Henry who

    in 1870 hammered through 14 feet in

    35 minutes while the steam drill only

    completed nine feet.

    The first patented rock drilling ma-

    chine was a steam driven percussion

    drill invented by J. J. Couch in Phila-delphia in 1849 but it may have been

    prec eded by a ma ch ine ma nufac-

    tured by the Scottish engineer James

    Nasmyth ten years earlier. This patent

    spurred a period of rapid development,

    accelerated in the 1860s by Nobels

    inventions of the blasting cap and

    safe dynamite explosives. From 1850

    to 1875 some 110 rock drill patents

    were granted to American inventors

    and seven for drill carriers while 86

    patents were issued in Europe duringthis period.

    In 1851 James Fowle, who had

    worked with Couch, patented a rock

    drill that could be powered by steam

    or compressed air and could rotate the

    drill steel by means of a ratchet wheel

    controlled by the piston's back-and-

    forth movement. In the 1860s large

    scale rock drilling machines were built

    for tunnelling by engineers in Europe

    and the United States. One of the most

    successful of these early rock drills

    was the second refined version of the

    Burleigh rock drill, which was put into

    service in October 1866 at the Hoosac

    tunnel in Massachusetts. The perfor-mance at this tunnel project showed

    that rock drill development had taken

    the step from an experimental product

    to a proven and rather reliable technol-


    In 1871 the American inventor Simon

    Ingersoll patented a steam powered rock

    drill, later to be operated on compressed

    air. Ingersoll formed the Ingersoll Rock

    Drill Company in the same year. During

    the following year Ingersoll purchased

    the Fowle-Burleigh patents and alsomerged with the Burleigh company.

    The Pit Viper is designed for production drilling of large holes in hard rock conditions.

    From gunpowder to Pit Viper

    Drilling and blastingThe rotary blasthole drilling rigwas a long time coming. Gun-powder was invented in Chinaabout 1000 A.D. But in Europe atleast it took another 500 years ormore before miners started to useit for blasting and a further threecenturies for the introduction ofmechanized drilling in surfacemines. Mobile blasthole drillingrigs have been in use for onlysome sixty years.

    Drilling with sledgehammer was the establishedmethod before the development of the rock drill.

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    The new compact rock drill launched by

    Ingersoll was a simple and strong design

    with few moving parts. The designers

    had kept in view the tough conditions

    in which the rock drill had to work, and

    the contemporary technical opinion

    regarded his new rock drill as the best

    yet available on the market. During the

    years to come Ingersoll bought out many

    small firms and expanded his company.

    The Ingersoll Rand name came into

    use in 1905 through the combination of

    Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company and

    Rand Drill Company.

    The AB Atlas enterprise had been

    founded in February 1873 at a time

    when the Swedish railway net was

    being rapidly expanded. Three years

    later, now with 700 employees and the

    Stockholm shops completed, AB Atlas

    had delivered more than 600 railway

    wagons. Diminishing demand from therailroad sector, combined with years of

    losses, led to a reconstruction in 1890.

    During the years to follow new product

    lines were added, including compressed

    air tools, compressors, diesel engines

    and the first Atlas rock drill which was

    launched in 1905.

    Further development

    The design of the first Atlas rock drill

    featured an advanced rifle bar rota-tion but with a weight of 280 kg (617 lb)

    it was very heavy for manual use.

    Immediately and for the next 25 years

    Atlas focused on light weight hand

    rotated drills like the Cyclop, Rex,

    and Bob. The real Atlas winner among

    lightweight hand-held rock drills was

    the RH-65 from the year 1932. This

    machine had more efficient shank and

    chuck designs for better steel guidanceand longer shank life. Used with the

    new pusher leg feed system developed

    in the 1930s, the RH 65 was the most

    important element in what was later

    to become known as the "Swedish

    method" of underground drilling.

    In the United States Ingersoll-Rand

    expanded into pneumatic tools in 1907

    by acquiring the Imperial Pneumatic

    Tool Company of Athens, Pennsylvania.

    In 1909 the company bought the A.S.

    Cameron Steam Pump Works and en-

    tered the industr ial pump business.

    Ingersoll Rand also acquired the J.

    George Leyner Engineering Works

    Com-pany. This firm had developed a

    small, pneumatic hammer that could be

    operated by one man. This Jackhamer

    introduced in 1912 became a popularitem, and the company progressively

    developed the design as well as sup-

    plying compressors to the expanding

    construction and mining industries in

    North and South America

    Rock drilling tools

    The parallel improvement of drill steel

    quality had started dur ing the 1890s

    The Ingersoll rockdrill was a simple and strong design with few moving parts.

    In 1871, a number of patents were issued to the

    inventor Simon Ingersoll, who started the Inger-

    soll Rock Drill Company The machine produced

    by Ingersoll was at this time regarded as the best

    rock drill yet produced, and it was followed inthe mid 1880s by another success, the famous

    Ingersoll Eclipse machine.

    The first drill made by Atlas "pneumatic rock drill No. 16" had a weight of 280 kg (617 lb) and was heavyand difficult to handle - at least two men were needed to move it.

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    with development of heat treated drill

    steel that could better resist deformation.

    But sharpening the tips required exten-

    sive haulage of tons of drill steel between

    drilling sites and the work shops. The

    detachable drill bit was developed in

    1918 by A L Hawkesworth, a foreman

    at the Anaconda copper mine in Butte,

    Montana. The first versions used a dove-

    tail joint to the drill steel while later ver-

    sions were threaded or tapered. The rods

    were retained at the workings and used

    with new or re-forged bits.

    In Europe during the German col-

    lapse in 1918 a team was formed at

    the Osram lamp factory to develop

    cemented tungsten carbide as a substi-

    tute for industrial diamonds. In 1926 the

    first cemented tungsten carbide became

    available as a magical machine toolfor turning and milling operations. Early

    tests were made in 1928 trying to use

    tungsten carbide bits for rock drilling in

    German mines and before World War

    II promising results were obtained. By

    this time the research team had scattered

    and some members had been forced to

    leave the country. One of these, Hans

    Herman Wolff, found refuge in Sweden

    where he worked at the Luma lamp fac-

    tory. Dr Wolff manufactured a number

    of bits according to designs provided byErik Ryd at Atlas.

    The bits were tested in the Atlas

    test mine. In 1942 Atlas, Sandvik and

    Fagersta signed a cooperative agree-

    ment and it was not until 1945, after a

    long improvement process, that the new

    cemented tungsten carbide drill bits

    were as economical to use as conven-

    tional steel bits.

    The post-war years saw Atlas achieve

    further major advances. In 1948 the com-

    pany introduced an RH 65 upgrade, the

    RH 656, which was designed to use thenew cemented carbide tipped drillsteels.

    The superior performance of the Light

    Swedish Method was exploited world-

    wide and culminated in 1962 with the

    completion of the Mont Blanc tunnel.

    With development of highly mecha-

    nized drill rigs and with the introduc-

    tion in 1973 of the COP 1038 hydraulic

    top hammer drill Atlas Copco laid the

    foundation to become a world leader in

    top hammer drilling technology. (See

    article from wagon drill to SmartRig,Surface drilling, Fourth Edition 2008).

    Rotary bits

    Rotary drilling with drag bits was the

    common method used in oil drilling.

    These bits were suitable when drill-

    ing in soft formations like sand or

    clay but not in rock. The solution for

    drilling large diameter holes in rock

    was by using rotary crushing technol-

    ogy instead of trying to cut hard rock

    with drag bits. The roller cone bit wasdeveloped by Hughes and Sharp, and

    the US patent for a dual roller cone

    bit was issued to Howard Hughes Sr.

    in 1909. This new type of bit had two

    interlocking wheels with steel teeth,

    and penetrated the rock by crushing

    and chipping. The success of the new

    bit led to the founding of the Shar p-

    Hughes Tool Company, and after

    Sharp's death in 1912 the name was

    changed to Hughes Tool Company.

    The company continued develop-

    ment of the roller cone bit and in 1933two Hughes engineers invented the

    tricone bit. This bit had three conical

    rollers equipped with steel teeth.

    Drilling was accomplished by trans-

    ferring a pulldown force to drive the

    teeth into the hole bottom. The three

    roller cones turned as the drill st ring

    was rotated, and the teeth crushed and

    spalled the rock.

    While tophammer drills could be

    used for small blast holes in rock, this

    method was not suitable for large holediameters; for these rotary drills were

    the best alternative. However, as drillers

    sought to use the rotary system for pro-

    gressively harder rock formations so

    the feed force (pulldown) available had

    to be increased. Roller cones with long

    steel teeth were used in softer forma-

    tions for gouging the formation while

    roller cones with shorter teeth were

    used for crushing and spalling harder


    A parallel development of the tri-

    cone bits made it possible to use these

    high loads on bits. To extend the life of

    the bits in hard and abrasive rock the

    steel teeth were replaced by cemented

    tungsten carbide inserts. Tungsten car-

    bide inser ts have sign if icantly in-

    creased the number of blast holes thatthe roller cone bits are able to drill.

    The US patent for a dual roller cone bit was issued to Howard Hughes Sr. in 1909.

    The Secoroc Omega sealed bearing tricone bits

    are now regarded as the ultimate blasthole b it


  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    Improvements in materials have con-

    tinued to increase the life of the bear-

    ings so the cutting structures can be

    fully utilized. While the geometry of

    the roller cone bit is much the same as

    the original bit patented in 1933, the

    material and technology currently uti-

    lized is cutting edge.

    Downhole drillingtechnology

    Meanwhile, manual lightweight pneu-

    matic drills had also underpinned the

    expansion of bench mining in open cut

    mines and quarries. But in the 1930s

    downhole drills (DHDs ) were intro-

    duced for drilling deeper holes. The

    main initial development of this tech-

    nology took place in Belgium and the

    United States. Atlas designed a down-

    hole unit in the mid-thirties that was

    used with good results in two Swedish

    limestone quarries until the 1950s but

    the company then ceased further DHDdevelopment, only re-enter ing the

    market in 1969 with the COP 4 and COP

    6 down-the-hole hammers. Followed by

    the valve less COP 32 42,52 and 62 from

    1978, where still COP32 is in use. In

    the early 90s COP44,54 and 64 where

    introduce. A high pressure hammer

    based on a design from Secoroc, a high

    performance hammers series unbeaten

    in blast hole drilling until replace by

    COP Gold series of hammers in the

    beginning of 2000nds.

    In 1955 Ingersoll-Rand introduced a

    new downhole drill design and started

    to establish downhole drilling on a truly

    commercial basis. The Tandematic,

    which at the time was claimed to pro-

    vide the highest drilling speed ever

    attained by a downhole drill, was sup-

    plied in two standard sizes the DHD

    275 for 4* inch and 5 inch holes and

    the DHD 1060 for 6 and 6 inch . This

    later enabled the company to build drill

    rigs adapted to be used either for rotary

    drilling or with downhole hammers. The

    main difference is that downhole drill-

    ing requires more air, and consequentlythese drill rigs had to be equipped with

    a larger capacity compressor and a more

    powerful diesel or electric engine.

    Downhole drill technology went

    through rapid change in 1960s and 70s.

    In fairly rapid succession I-R developed

    the DHD 325 ( their first 6"hammer),

    DHD 325A, DHD 16, DHD 1060,

    DHD 1060 A and B models, DHD 360

    (all 6"drills) and corresponding larger

    and smaller models, up to the current

    line of DHDs. Probably the most sig-

    nificant change in DHD technology

    was the advent of the valveless DHD.

    Drill efficiency and lifedramatically

    improved with the elimination of the

    flapper valve. During the 90s the QL

    series of hammers came with the unique

    QL (Quantum Leap) design , a still valid

    patent. This features makes it possible to

    have the piston stroke pressurized 80%

    of its distance compared with 50% for

    other hammer design. The QL feature is

    also used in the TD hammers series for

    deep hole drilling.Of course higher pressure and vo-

    lume air from the air compressor advan-

    cements produced the performance one

    sees today. Re-entry to the downhole

    drill market at 6 bar** in 1969 also ena-

    bled Atlas Copco to take advantage of

    improved air compressors and develop

    more and more powerful downhole

    hammers, reaching 18 bar in the early

    1980s and more recently 25 bar and 30

    bar in the larger current hammer sizes.

    Big picture; Airpowered DM-3 with a DRD-2 Rotary head from the late 1950's. Inset; Tractor mounted

    Drillmaster, air powered with a DRD Rotary Head from the early 1950's.

    The Quarrymaster from 1948 was equipped with a huge 8" bore drifter. *1 inch = 25.4 mm, **1 bar = 14.5 psi

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    Drill rigs

    The mobilization of rotary and down-

    hole drills was linked to significant

    post-war changes in rotary drilling tech-

    nology. Up until then rotary drilling

    had been used in water well drilling and

    surface mining using f luid circulation

    to clean cuttings from the hole. Coal

    mines were using rotary drilling insoft overburden, removing the cuttings

    with augers. In the late 1940s it was rea-

    lized that air was an effective flushing

    medium with considerable advantages

    over water, doing a better cleaning job,

    protecting the bits and eliminating the

    difficulties of supplying water.

    Experience also proved that air flu-

    shing improved the penetration rate of

    rolling cutter bits such as tricone bits

    and extended their life. By using effi-

    cient air flushing to keep the bottomof the drill hole free from cuttings the

    rock breaking process became more


    In 1948, Ingersoll-Rand entered the

    large-diameter blast hole market by

    launching the Quarrymaster. It really

    was not a rotary drill, but a large self

    propelled mounting in the 40,000 lb*

    weight range, designed with on board

    air and a long drill tower to drill 6 inch

    to 8 inch diameter holes for mining

    and quarry applications. The original

    Quarrymasters were equipped witha huge 8"bore drifter, know as the

    QD8. This was a piston drill with

    the drill steel attached directly to the

    drif ter piston. The blow frequency

    was in the range of 200-300 blows per

    minute. The drifter used a large rifle

    bar rotation system. Achieving decent

    wear life between the rifle bar and

    rifle nut was sometimes a problem in

    tight ground. This was a single pass

    drill system, hole depth was limited

    by the tower length. The steel systemwas a heavy wall tubular product, in

    the range of 4"OD, and was extremely

    heavy. Since there was no steel change,

    the weight didnt seem to be much of

    an issue.

    Quarrymasters were used in some

    large iron mines in Canada and the

    Atlantic City Iron Ore Mine in Wyoming.

    Numerous Quarrymasters were used in

    the rock excavation for the St Lawrence

    Seaway in Canada.In the same year also Atlas intro-

    duced its first mobile rubber tired drill

    wagons for top hammer drilling, but

    these were not equipped with any tram-

    ming machinery and were intended for

    considerably smaller hole diameters.

    I-R development work with downhole

    drills in the early 1950s brought about

    changes to the drill mounting business.

    First, the Quarrymaster was equipped

    with the newly developed QRD rotary

    head, and this along with the new DHD325 down hole drill, made for a produc-

    tive but heavy and bulky package.

    The Drillmaster design, a somewhat

    smaller rotary drill, was introduced about

    1955. It produced the same performance

    as the Quarrymaster in a smaller and

    less costly package. Upgraded versions

    of the Drillmaster, the DM-1, DM-2

    and DM-3 followed in quick succes-

    sion. Originally equipped with sliding

    vane air compressors up to 900 cfm**,

    all were updated to the screw compres-

    sor design. The Drillmaster line was

    equipped with the DRD and later DRD 2

    rotary head to provide drill string rota-

    tion. As with the QRD rotary head the

    DRD was powered by a vane air motor

    and several steps of gear reduction.

    All of these drills only used hydraulic

    power, from an engine driven hydrau-

    lic pump off the cam shaft, to oper-

    ate the jacks, tower raising cylinders,

    break-out wrench, and dust collector

    drive motor. Neither rotary head was

    very useful in supplying straight rotary

    power for tricone bits, hence the future

    development of the T-4 and DM-4

    with hydraulic powered rotary head for

    straight rotary drilling. I-Rs first truck

    drill was called the Trucm package.

    The drill frame package was mounted

    on a customer provided truck, often a

    used Mack truck. However, none of thestandard truck designs proved very

    successful. The normal channel truck

    frames were not sturdy enough, result-

    ing in many cracked and broken truck

    frames. I-Rs answer to this problem

    was to join hands with Crane Carrier

    Corp of Tulsa, OK, and mount the drill

    components and tower directly on an

    I-beam chassis frame, often used for

    mounting construction cranes. This

    product became the TRUCM-3 and the

    same style mounting carried over to theT-4 and T4W introduced in 1968.

    A major new stimulus for blasthole

    drilling rig development generally was

    the introduction in the 1950s of mil-

    lisecond delay blasting. This allowed

    blaster s to desig n mult i-hole large

    volume blasts that could be used for

    mass production techniques in open

    The truck mounted T4BH was introduced in 1968.*1 lb = 0.45 kg, **100 cfm = 42.2 l/s

    Secoroc COP64 Gold downhole hammer.

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    cut drill and blast mines. In turn this

    required the introduction of large,

    mobile drilling rigs able to drill large

    diameter holes using tricone bits, aswell as the formulation of cheap bulk

    mining explosives based on ammonium

    nitrate and nitro-glycerine. These and

    other developments helped the mining

    industry to keep the costs of bench

    drilling substantially unchanged during

    the 1950s and 1960s, despite increasing

    wage costs.

    The Quarrymaster and TRUCM ma-

    chines were made progressively more

    self-contained through the 1950s. By

    the end of the decade the air supply was

    up to 10 bar and the marketing slogan

    Pressure is Productivity was promot-

    ed. The drill r igs and rock drills were

    sold together to maximize revenue but

    this did encourage other manufacturers

    to build competing rock drills.

    Hydraulics technologyadds to drillers options

    The similarities between the air requi-

    rements of rotary and downhole drill-

    ing made the design of rigs able todo both an economically attractive

    proposition. In 1965-66 Ingersoll-Rand

    started work on the switch to hydraulic

    powered rotation for rotary and down-

    hole drilling, launching first the truck-

    mounted T4W for water well drilling

    in 1968. In the same year this r ig was

    modified to make a truck-mounted

    blasthole rig with a 5-rod carousel, the

    Drillmaster T4BH, which could drill

    holes of up to 7 inch diameter and

    was successfully offered for coal minedrilling throughout the 1970s. The

    designers also used the power unit,

    tower and other components to create

    the crawler-mounted Drillmaster DM4

    blasthole dr illing rig. This machine

    was designed from the ground up

    for both rotary and downhole drill-

    ing. A 36 ft* high tower incorpo-

    rated a hydraulically indexed carousel

    housing seven 25 ft rods. The rotary

    head featured an axial piston hydrau-

    lic motor and single-reduction worm

    gear for rotation, providing 5.6 kNm

    of torque and rotation speeds from 0

    100 rpm. There was a choice of diesel

    engine or electric motor for the spring

    mounted floating power pack and a

    range of diesel or electric compres-

    sors, enabling use of either rotary or

    downhole drilling with the companys

    DHD-15, -16 or -17 downhole drills.The excavator style crawler undercar-

    riage had tracks with 22 inch triple bar

    grousers driven by hydraulic motor

    through a planetary gear drive and

    chain reduction.

    In the marketplace the DM4 com-

    peted with the more powerful electric

    top drive blasthole drill ing rigs. The

    late 1960s and 1970s saw heavy take-

    up of the DM4 rig by the Appalachian

    coal mines in the United States. And

    the combination of patented rig, drill

    and drill rod technology was very

    profitable for Ingersoll-Rand. The use

    of hydraulic power for rotation and

    non-drilling functions meant that more

    air could be made available for rotary

    and, especially, for downhole drilling.

    This engendered an air race in the

    late 1960s and 1970s. The independent

    downhole dril l manufacturers were

    able to build machines that could drill

    at 130 ft/hour in the 6 8 inch diameter

    hole range faster than a rotary drill

    could achieve in this hole size range,par ticularly when drilling in harder

    rock types.

    The development of screw compres-

    sors to supply air for drilling rigs at up

    to 20.6 bar led to the 1970s introduction

    of an airend to supply both low pres-

    sure and high pressure air. These units

    were used in portable air compressors

    and also onboard drilling rigs, where

    they enabled downhole drills to outper-

    form rotary drills in the 6 - 8 inch

    hole sizes in hard rock mines. However,

    rotary drills were still better for rock

    compressive strengths up to mediumhard limestone.

    The higher pressures were also very

    beneficial for water well drilling, in

    which air pressure must be sufficient

    to evacuate the ground water pressure

    from the hole while drilling.

    Expansion of theDrillmaster range

    Significant corporate developments and

    one major product launch impacted the

    Ingersoll-Rand drilling business in the

    mid-1970s. Firstly, in 1973 the company

    acquired DAMCO (Drill And Manu-

    facturing Company) in Dallas, Texas,

    who built mechanically driven pre-split

    drilling machines for quarrying and

    light coal str ipping. These expanded

    the Drillmaster range down to the

    20,000 lbf* bit weight class. The rigs

    also used the rotary table drive and kelly

    bar concept, which lightened the tower

    structure sufficiently to accommodate

    rod long enough to drill 40 50ft holesin a single pass if required. Ingersoll-

    Rand added their own compressors to

    create the DM20, DM25, DM25-SP

    (single-pass), DM35 and DM35-SP

    rotary rig models. Then, in 1975, the

    company bought the Sanderson Cyclone

    Drill Company in Ohio, USA, adding

    12 models designed for the water well


    The next extension of the size class

    range came with the launch of the

    Drillmaster DM50 with 50,000 lbf ofweight on the bit. In this machine the

    The DM50 could use bit loads up to 50,000 lbf

    and was launched in 1970.

    *1 ft = 0.304 m

    **1,000 lbf = 4.44 kN = 453 kilogram-force

    Rotary table and Kelly bar concept.

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    diesel engine drove the hydraulic power

    pack from one end of the crankshaft and

    the compressor was directly coupled to

    the other. This concept was also used on

    the next two drills to be launched. The

    first one was a new crawler mounted

    rig for rotary or downhole drilling, the

    DM45 with 45,000lbf weight on bit.

    This was followed by a conceptually

    similar top drive rotary or DHD model,

    the DM30 and a specialized rotary table

    variant, the DM-35I, which was intro-

    duced in the 1980s for drilling underwa-

    ter in phosphate mines. It featured a dual

    kelly system that allowed explosives to

    be charged through the annulus between

    the outer and inner kelly. The inner kelly

    would then be removed for blasting.

    Later the DM 40SPi was developed for

    drilling and shooting deeper holes.

    Development of largeblasthole drills

    Towards the end of the seventies, the

    company started designing drill rigs

    more specifically aimed at the base

    metal mining market, using power

    pack concepts developed for deephole

    drilling. So far, neither air-powered nor

    hydraulic drive rotary nor downhole

    drills had challenged the electric motortop drive rotary rigs manufactured in

    the United States for the 12 15 inch

    diameter hole market. These machines

    by now had very high weights on bit

    in the range 100,000 120,000 lbf,

    partly due to the weight of the electric

    motor for the rotary head, but were

    not suitable for live tower operation.

    Ingersoll-Rands first response was

    in 1979 with the development of the

    Drillmaster DM70, able to drill 10 inch

    diameter holes in metal mines and up

    to 12 inch holes at coal mines using8.6 bar air for rotary drilling. And in

    1979 the company launched the DM-H

    (Drillmaster Heavy), the fi rst truly

    modern large blasthole drilling rig to

    be used for low pressure rotary drilling

    of 9 7/8- 12 1/8inch holes with bit loads

    up to 90,000 lbf.

    The DM-H used hydraulics for both

    drilling and non-drilling functions

    and featured a hydraulic propel exca-

    vator type undercarriage with easily

    replaceable grouser pads and in-linecomponents on the deck. It was equip-

    ped with a rotary screw compressor

    and a live tower with patented angle

    drilling system. The tower pivot point

    was flush to the drill deck and within

    the dust curtain, reducing the length

    of unsupported drill rod. It was an all-

    purpose machine, with a single-pass

    version added in the mid-1980's. The

    machine has been upgraded over the

    years al-though replaced by the Pit

    Viper 351 for hard rock applications.

    At much the same time the company

    started to offer electric powered ver-

    sions of the DM 45 and other models

    if customers wanted them, for instance

    for use in open pits where the other

    key equipment was electric powered.

    However, although these machines

    had electric motor power packs they

    retained the hydraulic rotation system.The first electric drill rig was the

    DM7B delivered to Clarksburg in 1977,

    followed a year later by the DM100

    delivered to Rock Springs.

    After recovery from the recession

    of the early 1980s, Ingersoll-Rand

    launched a medium range Drillmaster,

    the DM-M designed for rotary drill-

    ing of 9 7/8inch holes with bit loads up

    to 60,000 lbf. Three of the first four

    DM-M's went into operation at Peabody

    Energy's new North Antelope &Rochelle Mine in the Wyoming Powder

    River Basin, now one of the two larg-

    est coal mines in the world. Now, over

    25 years later, the prototype DM-M is

    still in operation. The machine featured

    a carriage feed system with wire rope

    cables, resulting in a lighter tower and

    lower center of gravity.

    In 1989 this model was upgraded

    to the DM-M2 on which maximum bit

    load was increased to 75,000 lbf and

    the hole size capability extended up to

    10 5/8inch. Stability was improved aswell. In 1990-91 the company intro-

    duced the DML for multi-pass drilling

    to 180 ft hole depth.

    This new model could drill from

    6 to 9 7/8inch (200 250 mm) diam-

    eter holes in rotary mode, and 6 87/8inch using a downhole hammer.

    Following a development project based

    on a customer consultation exercise the

    DM-M3 was launched at MINExpo

    1992. Designed primarily for deep

    drilling of overburden for cast blastingin large coal mines, the first production

    Milestones in development

    Year Model Load on bit

    1948 Quarrymaster drifter

    1955 DM3 30,000 lbf

    1968 T4BH 30,000 lbf

    1969 DM4 40,000 lbf

    1970 DM50 50,000 lbf

    1979 DM-H 90,000 lbf

    1983 DM-M 60,000 lbf

    1990 DML 60,000 lbf

    1992 DM-M3 90,000 lbf

    2000 PV-351 125,000 lbf

    2004 PV-270 75,000 lbf

    2008 PV-235 65,000 lbf

    The DM-H, launched in 1979, could be used with

    bit loads up to 90,000 lbf (400 kN).

    The first Pit Viper 351 was launched in 2000 and

    used at the Morenci copper mine in Arizona.

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    DM-M3 went into operation in 1993 at

    Arch Coal's Black Thunder Mine, one

    of the largest coal mines in the world.

    For this new model, the designers rai-

    sed bit load to 90,000 lbf and the hole

    diameter range up to 12 inch while a

    new patented cable feed allowed the use

    of 40 ft long drill rods.

    The launch of the Pit Viper

    Although difficult market conditions

    restricted investment in the mid-1990s,

    during 1997 the company started work

    on a new generation blasthole drilling

    rig design.

    To differentiate this new range from

    the Drillmaster series, which initially

    was designed for drilling large holes

    in coal mining and soft rock, this new

    series was - from the very beginning

    - specified and designed for produc-

    tion drilling of large holes in hard rock

    conditions.The first one out was the Pit Viper

    351, which was successfully launched at

    MINExpo 2000. Weighing 170 tonnes,

    measuring 53 feet long, and equipped

    with a CAN-bus control system with

    seven on-board computers, the new Pit

    Viper 351 was at that time the largest

    and most advanced drill rig of its kind.

    The advanced control system allowed

    the drill pattern to be transmitted to

    the drill rig via a radio network, and it

    also featured production monitoring,

    rock recognition and a GPS navigation


    A few months after the Minexpo

    show, in April 2001, the PV-351 was

    put to work at the Morenci copper mine

    in Arizona for final testing and evalu-

    ation. The mine had a f leet of 16 drill

    rigs from a variety of manufacturers, so

    in addition to the new rig being used for

    drilling in the hard igneous rock condi-

    tions, this was an excellent opportunity

    for benchmarking the PV-351 with the

    other brands.

    The application required 12 inch

    diameter single pass drilling of 57 ft

    deep blastholes using up to 90,000 lbf

    weight on bit (of the 125,000 lbf capac-

    ity). The test was successful: the

    PV-351 drilled some 2.2 million feet by

    August 2004 at a recorded average rate

    of 60,000 feet per month and in some

    months even more than 80,000 feet per


    Later the same year the multi-pass PitViper 275 was launched at MINExpo

    2004. Based on the experience from the

    PV-351, combined with customer con-

    sultations, a project had been initiated

    for development of the PV-270 series.

    These drills were specified for a 75,000

    lbf bit load capacity and were featured

    a similar cable feed system and auto-

    matic cable tensioning to that on the

    larger PV-351. The multipass version

    PV-275 with a 195ft depth capacity was

    delivered for a test in December 2003 atPeabody's Kayenta coal mine in Arizona

    where it was used for cast blast drilling

    for removal of the overburden. This

    first machine is still in use there and,

    as a result of the good performance, the

    mine decided to invest in several addi-

    tional units. One of these is prepared for

    quick change between a multi-pass and

    a single-pass tower as an option to be

    adapted for different applications at the


    The first mine to use the single pass

    version, the PV-271, was the Barrick

    Goldstrike mine near Elko, Nevada.

    Since the PV-271 arrived at the mine in

    April 2004 it has been problem-free, and

    holds an impressive track record with

    an average penetration rate of 199 ft per

    hour. The long component life and also

    the automatic tensioning adjustments for

    the cables are much appreciated by the


    Following this t radition of product

    launches in Las Vegas, the latest addi-

    tion to the Pit Viper series - the PV-235- was shown at MINExpo 2008. This

    is an advanced mid- range drill for bit

    loads up to 65,000 lbf, with the RCS Rig

    Control System available as an option.


    Editors: Kyran Casteel and Ulf Linder

    Contributions: Guy Coyne, Ron Buell,

    Kenneth Moff it t, Brian Fox, John

    Stinson, Dustin Penn, Gunnar Nord,

    Sverker Hartwig, Jim Langford, DianeNorwood, Darwin Hollar, Ewald Kurt.

    Big picture: The electric PV-351E at the Boliden Aitik Mine. Inset: The workplace of today with RCS control

    and automated functions.

    The Pit Viper 235 shown at MINExpo 2008.

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    Ergonomics and safety foroperators

    Today much has changed with regard

    to operators, machines and machine

    interfaces. Twenty years ago the indus-

    try took a macro view of an operators

    ability to complete a shift without tiringor having an accident. Today designers

    work to a micro requirement; neither a

    hand nor a finger must be injured over

    a 30-year career doing the same func-


    In the past the requirements were for

    gauges and levers to be properly placed

    to avoid human strain during the work

    shift. Now engineers analyze site paths,

    a process of ensuring that natural hand

    motions are used to operate equipment.

    The drive for safety and efficiency areintegrated.

    Not only does the manufacturer look

    at drilling as the sole function of an

    operator. A multi-skilled operator may

    also manage drilling consumables, com-

    plete basic maintenance and repor t de-

    tails of bench conditions. These new

    roles also must be designed into the ma-

    chine interfaces.

    Also with regard to improved ergo-

    nomics and safety, Drilling Solutions

    engineers work to design systems that

    eliminate or reduce the hazards. In the

    late 1990s when the United States Miningand Safety Administration imposed stric-

    ter silica exposure limits for operators,

    engineers found that improved air qu-

    ality could not be achieved without re-

    moving the concentration levels in cer-

    tain applications. The drive then became

    to manage the dust rather than improve

    air quality through expensive filtration.

    The goal of Drilling Solutions is to al-

    low the operator to do what comes na-

    turally and to create a work environ-

    ment that provides superior comfortand safety.

    Operator cabins andmachine interfaces

    A rotary drill is recognized as one of

    two pieces of surface mining equipment

    that sits and works in its waste, heat and

    dust. The other piece is the shovel or ex-

    cavator. The operators cabin, or cab, is

    the device used to protect the operator,

    a design factor not seriously considered

    as late as 1995.

    Nearly everyone would agree todays

    automobiles are safer, quieter, offer asmoother drive and are very user fri-

    endly. The automobile is becoming the

    acceptable standard in industry when

    looking at operator cabins. The visual

    look of an operator cab has also become

    a design criteria, as personnel equate past

    operator cabs with a metal box that

    induces high fatigue. An automotives

    structure and safety systems keep

    passengers safe. Likewise todays drills

    are engineered to protect an opera-

    tor against hazards that once injured orkilled operators.

    Reference dust management improvement.

    Ergonomics and safety

    Machinedevelopments ina new decadeErgonomics today has taken on abroader meaning with the adventof safer work rules, higher workefficiencies and superior designtools. Today engineers can studyand design machines that are effi-cient to operate, maintain, buildand transport. Engineering tools,new materials, improved indus-try standards and new technol-ogy allow a designer to model amachine and actually simulateoperation under safer operatingconditions. During this decade not much haschanged with the technical perfor-mance of drilling as cutting struc-tures remain the same. Rather thedesign emphasis has been on effi-ciency, fewer accidents and easeof operation. Globalization of mi-ning to a higher level is also driv-ing changes. The HIV epidemic inAfrica is reducing the workforce atan unheard of rate. New depositsin arctic regions require a newemphasis. This article highlightsthe advances Atlas Copco DrillingSolutions engineers have made tomeet these new challenges.

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    The image above shows a rock fall

    that the operator survived without in-

    jury. Using proper de sign techniques

    and better materials. Atlas Copco en-

    gineers have delivered an operator cab

    that reduces interior noise levels signif-icantly below the industry benchmark

    of 80 dBA. For example, the Pit Viper

    351 with 1500 hp was measured below

    70 dBA when drilling.

    Like automotive climate control sys-

    tems are developed to maintain opera-tor comfort more efficiently, todays

    systems direct the cooling effort on the

    operator. The systems are also used to

    defrost windows in cold weather cli-

    mates just as automobiles do. Drilling

    Solutions engineers also are working to

    advance the cleanliness of the air the

    operator breathes.

    Engineers can use computer models

    to quickly improve line of site. Cabs

    now feature more window space, which

    improves visibility, due to glass and in-sulation technology. Camera technology

    allows an operator to watch the areas

    where visibility is restricted. The com-

    bined effect is to give operators a full

    view from the operators chair.

    The operator chair and flooring play

    active roles in reducing drilling vibra-

    tions, which add to operator fatigue.

    Now an operators chair is often referred

    to as an operators pod, and is adjust-

    able to fit a variety of shapes, sizes and

    weights. All machine interfaces are now

    within the operators reach.

    Technology can also play a role in

    protecting the operator from dangerous

    work conditions. Drilling Solutions en-

    gineers, working with suppliers, are

    creating a system that allows limits of

    operation to be defined and to give

    an operator feedback when an unsafe

    condition exists. As drilling conditionschange within the pit, the machine can

    be easily reprogrammed to fit the new


    The result of this combined effort

    is to deliver a safe, comfortable work

    environment that is suited for the long

    shifts required in surface mining.

    Maintenance ergonomics

    Nearly unheard of a decade ago, in-

    dustry standards now require safe, rou-

    tine and easy access to all maintenance

    points. In the 1990s the Australian New

    South Wales MDG-15 Act gave guide-

    lines for maintenance ergonomics that

    have become the accepted standard in

    industry today, and these standards, in

    addition to factors such as fatigue and

    safety, drive the machine design effort.

    For example, Australian studies sho-

    wed a very high incident rate for person-

    nel getting on and off machines. These

    results drove the international market to

    look at alternatives. As a result, place-ment of key maintenance points could

    only be in a zone from waist to shoul-

    ders, based on measurements for 90

    percent of the population. Until fairly

    recently, operator comfort and safety

    were only afterthoughts if they were

    considered at all. Now, what was once

    out of sight, out of mind, is a critical

    requirement at the forefront of design


    John Stinson

    Operator survived rock fall.

    Comfort combined with ease of operation in one


    The image shows digital readouts of weighton bit, rotation speed, torque and rate of

    penetration. It also can be programmed to

    give an operator visual feedback.

    The image shows a digital leveling device

    on which the background can change colors,

    sound an alarm or remove power when an

    unsafe angle of operation isexperienced.

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    Mining safety

    Since the implementation of the Mining

    Safety and Health Act of 1977, a lot has

    changed in the past 33 years. More spe-

    cifically, a lot of lives have changed or

    been saved. Safety is the obligation of

    every single individual in every single

    step of the entire mining process.

    As taught in the MSHA training

    class SLAM Risks (Stop Look

    Analyze and Manage) helps us dimin-

    ish workplace risks. SLAM was initiat-

    ed to focus the mining industry on the

    human factors in accident prevention.At Drilling Solutions, risk assessments

    and design simulations are involved

    in mitigating risks to the operator and

    maintenance personnel. We should

    con-stantly be assessing our surround-

    ing environment and risks that might

    be involved. It is something that we

    should consider in every action we take

    on a daily basis, from climbing off the

    machine, to walking out through the

    parking lot, to driving home that even-

    ing, to walking in that front door; safeand sound and fully intact.

    In order to facilitate what we should

    be doing on a daily basis versus what

    we actually do, this is a niche where we

    as the OEM are able to further develop

    safety into our products. We at Atlas

    Copco Drilling Solutions have spent the

    past year researching different scena-

    rios and situations to find areas that

    can further enhance the safety of per-

    forming a specific function or task.

    We have conducted open-floor meet-

    ings with major mining corporations,

    spent time on a wide-range of different

    mining sites, and coordinated with

    various teams world wide in order tofully understand develop, and offer you

    a multitude of Personnel Rig Protection

    opportunities for your machines. Our

    ultimate aim is to lead the industry by

    changing equipment designs to mini-

    mize the risk to all par ties involved in

    the mining process.

    Tower access restraintsystem

    This option provides the mine with adedicated resource providing a safe

    means of conducting maintenance in

    our towers. The Tower Access Restraint

    System meets OSHA Standards 1926

    and 1910, as well as Australian and New

    Zealand Standards 1891.2:2001.

    Drilling Solutions engineers have

    designed a set of stairs for access to the

    Tower while in the horizontal position.

    Each step is made of sturdy steel grat-

    ing, with an added slip-resistant grip

    strut. The Stairway also consists of a

    signed gate at the bottom, as well as

    the top of the stairs in order to prevent

    accidental entry. There is a continuous

    handrail that goes up both sides of thestairway and then a spacious work plat-

    form once you reach the top.

    Once you have reached the top and

    you are ready to enter the tower to per-

    form maintenance, you open the gate,

    clip onto each of the shuttles that are

    attached to two stainless steel cables

    that run the length of the Tower. The

    cables are permanently anchored to

    the Tower cords and include a shut-

    tle on each side on which to hook the

    harness. These shuttles are an integralpart of the st ructure and include a

    The safest place to be is the cabin of the drill rig.

    Personnel rig protection

    Built-in safetyfeaturesFor drillers, the safest place tobe is the cabin of the drill rig.Our equipment has many built-in features and options that helpto increase operator safety suchas ROPS and FOPS protection.Moreover todays cabins are alldesigned with smooth edgesand without protruding com-ponents that could conceivablyinjure an operator who omits towear a hardhat. But the fact is,

    the moment the operator stepsoutside, he or she is immediatelyexposed to dangers. Over theyears, technological advanceshave done a great deal to reducethe number of accidents and inju-ries. Atlas Copco is committedto this task and will continue toidentify risks and improve safetythrough our product design.

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    double-locking mechanism for safety

    purposes and are specially designed to

    withstand the vigors of a mining envi-

    ronment. They also allow the opera-

    tor full access to the Tower, as well

    as being able to smoothly move over

    transition pieces without the hazardous

    practice of having to unhook from the

    cable, allowing the individual to keep

    their hands free for tools and the task

    at hand.

    In addition to the Tower Access Re-

    straint System, the bottom of the Tower

    is also filled with fiberglass grate deck-

    ing. This is a continuous slip-resistant

    and sturdy surface for the individual to

    stand on while performing their duties.

    The final result of combining the

    above components is a safe and secure

    tool to utilize during regular Tower ser-vice intervals. In addition, this system

    provides improved safety and mobility

    for mine personnel.

    Access and egress

    A lot of emphasis and design hours

    went into the multiple options we now

    provide for getting on and off the ma-

    chine, always keeping ease and safety

    in mind. Atlas Copco now provides a

    number of different means to access

    the deck and cab on the cab side of the

    machine. These include your Standard

    Ladder, a Hydraulic Ramp, a Hydraulic

    Ladder, and Hydraulic Stairs. Each in-

    dividual step on the above ladders

    is comprised of either sturdy, slip-

    resistant steel or fiberglass g rating.

    One more added benefit to some of the

    ladders mentioned is the safety inter-

    lock that is built into the RCS control

    system. This interlock will not allow

    the rig to move while the ladder is in

    the down position.Some of the above options are obvi-

    ously more intricate than the Standard

    Ladder, but they do provide a more nat-

    ural means of accessing the machine.

    They can allow the operator or main-

    tenance personnel an easy approach

    onto the machine, opposed to having to

    hoist themself up a vertical ladder. This

    ease enables hands to be free for other

    needs, such as carrying tools. Even

    more so, the Hydraulic Ramp that we

    offer provides a flat surface that, can beutilized as an easy surface for dollies to

    be pulled up and, for example loaded

    down with a bucket of grease.

    When you need to climb on the ma-

    chine from the non-cab side you can

    either have a Standard Ladder or no lad-

    der at all with a handrail in its place.

    And in the event of an emergency we

    now also offer one or two Emergency

    Ladders on the Non-Drill end of the

    machine. These ladders flip out with a

    quick release and provide a swift means

    of escape if need be. When they are not

    in use they fold up onto the rig and re-


    The main emphasis of these new

    ladder options is not for aesthetics, but

    instead to fur ther ensure that there is

    a safe means of getting on and off the

    rig. The new options above allow for

    front or backwards ascent or descentfrom the machine. We want to try to

    get away from having to climb on the

    rig, but rather be able to easily access

    the decking in a more natural form.


    A main concern of all mines is working

    in a confined space. Drilling Solutions

    is currently exploring the balance of

    opening up workable areas as well as

    keeping the machines overall size in

    mind for transportation purposes and

    still allowing the mine to access those

    holes that might bring an operator close

    to the highwalls.

    We have developed options that will

    allow complete 360 access around the

    machine. This includes an option for

    complete walk-around access of the

    cab. This added selection can be used

    for inspection and for cleaning the win-

    dows for further visibility.

    Another part of the 360 access is

    a decking option that includes a builtin bit basket on the Drill-End of the

    machine. By adding this decking op-

    tion, you not only gain complete access

    to the machine, but also have a safe,

    secure, and dedicated spot to store bits

    and hammers. This option inhibits bits

    from being laid unsecured on the deck,

    opening up a possibility for them to

    shift and move during tramming.

    One more part of the 360 access

    option that is available is an Extended

    Cooler decking. Prior to this optionthe only way to access the back of

    PV-270 tower access stairs.

    (Part of tower fall restraint system)

    Tower fall restraint system with infill.

    Hydraulic ladder option.

    PV-230 standard ladder option.

    PV-230 spring assisted ladder option.

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    the coolers was by using a man-lift or

    some other similar means. By adding

    on this decking you add approximately

    2 feet (61 cm) to the non-cab side of

    the machine. This allows unconstrained

    access to the back of the coolers for

    cleaning, maintenance or a walkway

    to other areas of the machine.

    Energy isolation

    When working on any piece of machin-

    ery this size, there is the constant con-

    cern about isolating any energy, whe-

    ther it be electrical, hydraulic, or pneu-

    matic. The engineers at Drilling Solu-

    tions spend numerous hours designing

    and configuring different options with

    the goal of being able to give anyone

    with access to the machine a safe andsecure piece of equipment to work on,

    complete with fail-safes when applica-

    ble. We know that the easier we make

    the machine to work on, the happier

    and safer all entities involved will be.

    One of the new options offered is a

    Ground-Level Battery and Starter Iso-

    lation box. Inside this box are lockable

    turn switches that either engage or dis-

    engage the power or the starter. There

    are also long-life LED lights that are

    color coded to designate whether it isreceiving power, or if the power is off.

    The front cover on this box is comprised

    of a strong plexiglass piece so that you

    can see what energy state the machine

    is in without having to physically open

    the front cover. Again we are of the

    mindset that the quicker and easier it is

    to use, the more it will be used.

    Another example of how we are iso-

    lating hydraulic energy is by utilizing

    a series of Hydrau-Flo Valves. These

    valves are specially designed to prevent

    fuel spillage, in the event of over-fillingor tank rupture. Not only is this design

    a safe way to transfer fuel, but it is also

    environmentally friendly.

    Ease of maintenance

    There are many new options offered

    straight from the factory that have

    greatly enhanced the ease of working on

    our machines. Keeping confined spa-

    ces in mind, as well as the idea that the

    less often a component needs to be ser-viced, the more production the machine

    does in the dirt. When you choose the

    above option for cooler access decking,

    you also then have the opportunity to

    pick the Cooler Access Ladder. The

    Cooler Access Ladder is a stepladder

    integrated onto the decking and hand

    railing that provides a safe approach to

    accessing the radiator tank on top of the

    cooler for filling, checking, or mainte-

    nance. As a side note pressure-relief

    safety caps are standard on all machine

    radiator tanks. These caps allow the

    pressure that naturally builds up in the

    tank to safely be released without the

    danger of spraying out hot coolant onto

    the individual.

    In regards to the powerpack, we now

    offer a dipstick for the gearbox. Prior

    to this the sight glass for the gearbox

    was in a hard to see area. Now it is easyto access and it provides a means to ea-

    sily check the gearbox oil level daily

    or as required. We also have the new

    Oil-Centrifuge option that doubles the

    life of the engine oil. It achieves this

    without filters to change or clean.

    We are providing new ground le-

    vel service options in addition to the

    Ground-Level Battery and Starter

    Isolation. The first of these is a new

    ground level Live-Oil Sampling option.

    This option provides the ability to takesamples for Hydraulic Oil, Engine Oil,

    and Compressor Oil. The oil continu-

    ally circulates through this area so that

    all samples taken are fresh.

    Two more ground level service

    options that are available are the Quick-

    Fill Box and the Quick-Drain Box.

    These two boxes located on the non-drill

    end of the rig provide asimple means to

    either fill or drain the machine of its

    fluids. Each connection point is clearly

    labeled and consists of a safe quick

    connect, each differing in size to avoidcross contamination of fluids.

    Design teams at Atlas Copco are

    constantly getting feedback from cus-

    tomers or our own field service person-

    nel. They let us know if something is

    working great, what can be improved,

    or if something needs to be completely

    redesigned. One of the steps that we

    are taking as a company is trying to

    phase out weld ing, and instead use

    bolt-in par ts. This facilitates in both

    making it easier to change out partsand cuts down on possibly challenging

    PV-270 new decking and access options.

    PV-230 bit basket option.

    (Will be located on drum deck)

    PV-270 ground level battery and starter


    PV-270 overview of location of live sampling

    quickfill and quick drain.

    From left: Close up view of live sampling,

    quickfill and quick drain.

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    the integrity of the material by weld-

    ing and cutting. As an added bonus, the

    more components that we design to bebolted in rather than welded results in

    a more modular machine that can be

    customized specifically to the custom-

    ers orders.

    One of these newly redesigned bolt-

    in options is the sheave and cable

    retainers that are on the PV-270 and

    PV-351 towers. Previously, when it was

    time to change out the cables, these pins

    and sheaves had to be removed. Now it

    is just a matter of loosening a few bolts,

    changing out the cable, and reboltingthe roller back in. Another design that

    has been modified is the feed cylinder

    supports on the PV-351s. Again it

    used to be that you would have toremove the feed cylinders to replace

    the worn guides. The guides now bolt-

    in as well. By constantly keeping ease

    of maintenance in mind, Atlas Copco

    Drilling Solutions are hopeful that it

    will result in more productivity hours

    for you and your mine; less down time

    means more drilling time.

    Regardless of what drilling rig you

    may own, or what piece of equipment

    you may work on, we here at Atlas

    Copco Drilling Solutions want youto always be conscious of your every

    action on or around the mine site.

    Mining is not the safest in-dustry out

    there, but with everyone putting forth alittle more effort towards always think-

    ing SAFETY FIRST we feel that this

    will make a monumental difference

    in everyones life. As long as you do

    your part of ensuring that you are con-

    stantly thinking of your safety, you can

    rest assured that Atlas Copco Drilling

    Solutions will do all within its power

    when designing a machine to keep you

    just as safe.

    Maureen Bohac

    Options PV-270








    PV-351 DML DM45 DM30

    Hydraulic Hedweld Ladder

    Hedweld Spring Ladder

    Atlas Copco Hydraulic Ladder

    Emergency Ladders

    New Cab

    Tower Access

    Cable Reel

    Additional Tower Rest Water Tank

    Tropical Engine Roof

    Stainless Steel Battery Boxes

    Staniless Steel Electrical Boxes

    Ground Level Battery Isolation & Jumpstart

    Live Sampling

    Under the Deck Misting

    Secondary Rod Catcher

    Autcrane Option

    Wormald Fire Suppression

    Drum Deck Bit Holder

    Protective Hose Sleeving

    Dynaset Water Injection Pump

    Secondary Air Conditioning Unit

    Buddy Seat With Seatbelt

    Cooler (Radiator Tank) Access

    Engraved Hydraulic Schematic

    Centrifuge Engine Oil Filter

    Gearbox Dipstick

    Hydra-Flow Fuel System

    360 Walk-Around Decking

    Housing Option

    Quick Fill Box

    Quick Drain Box

    *SEOH = Non RCS, Standard Electric Over Hydraulic

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    An increasing demand

    Today, the population of the world

    stands at about 6.5 billion people. In

    simple terms, this means that every

    year approximately 10 tons of material

    is extracted using surface mining tech-

    niques for every person in the world.If one looks to the future, the UN esti-

    mates that in 20 years (2038) the worlds

    population will have reached about 8.5

    bil lion people. By simply applying

    the current utilization rate of 10 tons/

    person, one would expect the amount

    of material extracted yearly by surface

    mining techniques to climb to 85 billion

    tons. One must keep in mind, however,

    that today about 95% of the population

    growth is in the developing countries

    of the world. Based on their expecta-tions for improved living standards

    in the future, the actual estimate of ma-

    terials mined using surface mining tech-

    niques in the year 2038 is 138 billion

    tons (Bagherpour et al, 2007).

    The ability of the earth to meet this

    type of demand is not really a question

    of resources, since they are clearly

    there, but rather a matter of price and

    cost. In looking at the mineral resource

    base, one must conclude that, in gener-

    al, the mining conditions will be sign-ificantly more difficult than today. In

    addition, ever-increasing environmen-

    tal and health and safety conditions are

    expected to be in place. This means that

    the entire mining process from pro-

    specting to exploration to development

    to extraction and finally to reclama-

    tion will have to become much more

    advanced. In many places of the world

    today, mine closure must be fully and

    satisfactorily addressed before a surface

    mine can be opened. This translatesinto requirements for applying first rate

    engineering and technology for meet-

    ing todays requirements and especially

    those of the future. Atlas Copco is at

    the forefront in producing the equip-

    ment and technologies required today

    and for addressing the challenges of the


    A brief synopsis ofquarrying and open pit

    miningThis introductory chapter wil l focus

    on those surface deposits that require

    the application of drilling and blasting

    techniques as part of the overall extrac-

    tion process. Excluded from the discus-

    sion will be strip mining, the mining of

    sand and gravel deposits and the quar-

    rying of dimension stone.

    As indicated, large quantities of raw

    materials are produced in various types

    of surface operations. Where the pro-duct is rock, the operations are known

    Photo: Copper mine in the southwest USA.

    An introduction to surface mining

    The wealthof nationsA well-accepted principle is thatthe wealth of a nation comes fromthe earth. In the world of mining, acorollary to this is that If it cantbe grown, it must be mined.Surface mining techniques are theprincipal means used to extractminerals from the earth. Theyearly rock production yieldingmetals, non-metals and coal in theworld totals 16.6 billion tons*. Ofthis, the production from surface

    mines is about 70% or 11.5 bil-lion tons. Crushed rock, sand andgravel - the fundamental materi-als required for construction - arelargely produced using surfacemining techniques. Their yearlyproduction rate totals 23.5 billiontons. To this must be added thematerials needed for the produc-tion of cement, another 2.3 billiontons. Finally, the amount of wastethat must be moved in the processof extracting the valuable materi-als is estimated at 30 billion tons.Summing, one finds that the total

    amount of material extracted peryear using surface mining tech-niques is of the order of 67.3 bil-lion tons (Bagherpour et al, 2007).* 1 ton = 907 kg

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    as quarries. Where metallic ore or non-

    metallic minerals are involved, they are

    called open pit mines. There are many

    common parameters both in design and

    in the choice of equipment.

    When examining a deposit for poten-

    tial mining and even when expanding

    a current operation, one often employs

    a process called circular analysis. As

    shown diagrammatically in Figure 1,

    the process consists of five components.

    Although the figure applies specifically

    for the open pit mining of ore depos-

    its, a similar procedure is followed for


    One naturally begins with a descrip-

    tion of the deposit and using some as-

    sumed costs a preliminary pit design

    is obtained. By adding the desired pro-

    duction rate into the model a production

    schedule is generated.Based on the

    schedule, one determines the required

    equipment fleet, staffing, etc. to satisfy

    the schedule. This leads allows one

    to calculate the capital requirements

    and the operating costs. With these

    now-estimated rather than assumed

    costs, the ore reserves are re-examined

    and design alternatives evaluated.

    Eventually, an overall financial evalu-

    ation is performed. The double-headed

    arrows indicate the highly repetitive

    nature of the process.


    A rather simple but useful definition of

    a quarry is a factory that converts solidbedrock into crushed stone. Quarries

    can be either of the common pit type

    or, in mountainous terrain, the hillside

    type. Pit type quarries are opened up

    below the level of surrounding ter-

    rain and accessed by means of ramps

    (Figure 2). The excavation is often split

    into several benches depending on the

    minable depth of the deposit. When the

    terrain is rough and bulldozers cannot

    provide a flat floor, a top-hammer con-

    struction type drill rig can be used to

    establish the first bench. Once the first

    bench is prepared, production drilling

    is preferably carried out using DTH- or

    COPROD techniques.

    The excavated rock is crushed, scre-

    ened, washed and separated into differ-

    ent size fract ions, for subsequent sale

    and use. The amount of fines should be

    kept to a minimum. Not all types of rock

    are suitable as raw material for crushed

    stone. The material must have certain

    strength and hardness characteristics

    and the individual pieces should havea defined shape with a rough surface.

    Igneous rock such as granite and basalt

    as well as metamorphic rock such as

    gneiss are well suited for these purposes.

    Soft sedimentary rock and materials

    which break into f lat, flaky pieces are

    generally unacceptable. The final prod-

    ucts are used as raw material for chemi-

    cal plants (such as limestone for cement

    manufacturing, the paper and steel

    industries), building products, and for

    concrete aggregates, highway construc-tion, or other civil engineering projects.


    1. Capital and operating


    2. Revenue

    3. Cash flow statement

    4. Marginal ore utilization

    5. Rate of return

    Ore reserveanalysis

    1. Break-even analysis

    2. Drill-hole evaluation

    3. Pit design

    4. Marginal analysis


    1. Preproduction costs2. Working room

    3. Stripping ratios

    4. Sequencing

    5. Reclamation

    6. Operating schedules

    7. Financial

    8. Constraints

    Equipment and

    facilities1. Capital intensive

    2. Equipment selection

    3. Operating costs

    4. Capital depreciation

    5. selective mining

    Refined orereserves

    1. Cutoff grade

    2. Marginal analysis

    3. Design alternatives

    Figure 1. Financial optimization using circular analysis (Dohm, 1979).

    Figure 2. A diagrammatic representation of a quarry operation.

  • 7/22/2019 Blasthole Reference book




    Quarries are often run by operators who

    sell their products to nearby contractors

    and road administrators. Because the

    products are generally of relatively low

    value, they are transport cost sensitive.

    Hence, wherever possible, quarries are

    discreetly located as close as feasible to

    the market. Special measures are requi-

    red to minimize adverse environmental

    impacts such as noise from drilling,

    vibrations from blasting, and dust from

    crushing and screening to the neighbor-

    ing areas.

    Open pit mines

    Two major differences between open pit

    mining and quarries are the geological

    conditions and the demands placed

    on the characteristics of the blastedmaterial. For quarries, a majority of

    the rock products eventually delivered

    to the customers has only undergone

    crushing and screening in order to ob-

    tain the desired size fractions. An open

    pit meta l mine, on the other hand,

    attempts to deliver the ore as pure as

    possible via crushers to a concentrator

    consisting of mills, separators, flota-

    tion and/or biochemical systems, etc.

    The resulting concentrates/products

    are eventually sent for further process-

    ing before emerging as a final product.

    For certain metals, this latter process

    involves smelting and refining. The

    deposits mined using open pit meth-

    ods have a variety of sizes, shapes and

    orientations. Sometimes the distinction

    between the valuable material and the

    waste is sharp such as shown in Figure

    3 and in other cases the distinction

    is more subtle - based upon econom-

    ics. As in quarries, the minerals are

    extracted using a series of benches. If

    the orebody does not outcrop, the over-lying material must first be stripped

    away to expose the ore. As the initial

    pit is deepened, it is widened. The pit

    geometry is controlled by a number of

    factors including orebody shape, grade

    distribution, the stability of the slopes,

    the need to provide access, operating

    considerations, etc.

    For the geometry shown in Figure

    3, a significant amount of waste must

    be removed (str ipped) to access the

    next bench of ore at the pit bottom.Without jeopardizing slope stability, it

    is of prime importance to keep the pit

    slope angle as steep as possible, thereby

    keeping the excavated waste to a mini-

    mum. There becomes a point where the

    quality of the material contained in the

    next ore bench is not sufficiently high

    to pay the costs of the associated waste.

    At this point in time either the open

    pit mine closes or, if condit ions are

    favorable, continuation may proceed us-

    ing some type of underground method.

    Figure 4 shows the Aitik copper/gold

    mine in northern Sweden. It is Europes

    largest copper mine producing 18 Mton

    of ore per year. Currently at a depth of

    480 m it is expected to reach of depth

    of 800 m before decommissioning. The

    Bingham Canyon mine in Utah (Figure 5)

    Figure 4. The Aitik mine in northern Sweden (




    Good fragmentation needed

    Good slope stability

    Pit slope 45o

    Benchslope 72o

    Figure 3. General principles of open pit mining.

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    has been in production since 1906 and

    is one of the largest man-made struc-tures in the world, measuring 1200 m

    deep and 4400 m across the top. It

    has produced more copper than anyother mine in history and has many years remaining. With respect to waste

    removal, the fragmentation demands

    are simple. Since, the material is not

    required to pass through a crusher, the

    maximum size is controlled by the li-

    mitations imposed by the equipment

    used to load and haul the material to

    the waste dump. On the other hand,

    good fragmentation of the blasted ore

    offers great savings in the total costs of

    the mineral dressing process.

    Some forward thinking

    Extraction of the valuable mineral whe-

    ther in quarries or open pits requires a

    number of unit operations. Generally,

    the rock is drilled, blasted, loaded,

    hauled to a primary crusher and then

    transported further to a plant of some

    type for further processing. Figure 6

    shows a schematic of the process.

    Often, mines are organized so that

    the individual unit operations are se-

    parate cost centers. Although there areadvantages to this approach, one result,Photo: Blasthole drilling of 40 ft (12 m) benches at Newmont's Phoenix mine, Nevada, USA. See page 91.





    Primary crushing

    Secondary crushing




    Further treatment



    Figure 6. Diagrammatic representation of the

    overall mine-mill fragmentation system and the

    mine and mill subsystems (Hustrulid, 1999).

    Figure 5. The Bingham Canyon copper mine near Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. (

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    unfortunately, can be that the individual

    managers look at minimizing the cost

    of their center rather than on the overall

    objective of overall cost minimization.

    In reviewing the components in Figure

    6, it can be shown that they can be

    replaced by two operations, fragmen-

    tation and transport. In the simplified

    view shown in Figure 7, there are five

    different stages of fragmentation each

    with a different energy product pro-


    One must carefully examine the bestopportunities for applying fragmenta-

    tion energy in the various stages on

    the final product cost. For example, in-

    creased fragmentation energy can be

    relatively easily introduced in the mine

    by modifying the dr ill pat terns and

    explosive characteristics. This action

    may provide an inexpensive alternative

    to adding the fragmentation energy in

    the grinding circuit. This process of

    considering all elements of the frag-

    mentation system, logically dubbedmine-to-mill is a recognized part of

    mine-mill optimization. In addition

    to production, there are some other

    important customers for blast engi-

    neering.One is termed the Internal

    Environment and the other the Ex-

    ternal Environment. These are shown

    in Figure 8.

    Both for safety and economic rea-

    sons, it is important to preserve the

    integrity of the pit wall. Large diam-

    eter blast holes, energetic explosives

    and wide patterns will be used in the

    production blasts which will be subse-quently loaded out using large excava-

    tors and haulage units. Near the pit wall,

    much more precise techniques involving

    smaller diameter holes, specially de-

    signed explosives, and special timing

    procedures are employed to minimize

    wall damage (Figure 9). Unless great

    care is taken, large loading equipment

    can easily spoil the results of the trim

    blasting. The result is that special loa-

    ding and hauling fleets may be requi-

    red. Failure to protect the pit walls,translates into the need for flatter slopes

    and additional waste removal and/or the

    loss of reserves. These, in turn, translate

    into higher overall costs for the mining

    operation. In carrying out an evaluation

    of the appropriate drilling and blasting

    practices, emphasizing mine-to-mill

    aspects without taking into account

    the care of the slopes can result in lo-

    wer production costs but at the sake of

    higher investment (capital) costs due

    to greater stripping or lost reserves.

    Therefore care must be taken to include

    all the costs when making the analysis.The external environment component

    falls into the category of a potential

    show-stopper since if proper meas-

    ures are not taken to fully comply with

    standards, the operation could very well

    be shut down.

    Final remarks

    Atlas Copco has the advantage of long

    experience in all types of surface drill-

    ing operations, with a product range tomatch. With its history of innovative

    DrillingSpecified Drill Pattern

    External environmentMinimum: Flyrock, noise,

    airblast, ground vibration

    Loading & HaulageGood: Fragmentation,

    Pile shape, diggability

    Primary crusher

    High throughput andbridging preventation


    crushing & grindingEfficient crushing and

    grinding feed

    Internal environmentMinimum wall damage Blast Engineering



    Loading & Haulage

    Primary crushing


    Secondary crushing



    Further treatment



    Figure 7. The mine-mill system represented as

    fragmentation and transport unit operations

    (Hustrulid, 1999).

    Figure 8. Simplified view of the five different stages of fragmentation, each with a different energy -

    product profile.

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    ReferencesBagherpour, R., and Tudeshki, H.

    2007.Material handling in world-

    wide surface mines. Aggregates

    International. Pp 10-14. June.

    Dohm, G.C., Jr. 1979.Circular ana-

    lysis Open pit optimization.

    Chapter 21 in Open Pit Mine Plan-

    ning and Design (J.T. Crawford, III

    and William A. Hustrulid, editors).

    AIME. Pp 281-310.

    Hustrulid, William. 1999.Blasting

    Principle s for Open Pit Mining.

    A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.

    Fernberg, Hans 2002,New trends in

    open pits, Mining and Construction
