brazilian playground lyrics

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Gui TavaresTrack 1 - "Pancada"

    Eu comprei um carro que demaistudo o que se pensa ele fazEu acho to bonitomas dizem que esquisito

    Na partida j sai de marcha rEmbaixo tem um furo pra frear com o pE quando tento mudar de direoo motor esquenta e tem exploso

    Esse o meu Pancada

    s vezes me mete em esrascadaVive paquerando as motoquinhasfazendo confuso na calada

    Em vez de farol tem lamparinaTem um apito no lugar da buzinaFalta uma porta e o capoTinha um estepe mas algum levou

    Por isso o meu carro demaisse no vai pra frente vai pra trsPra mim faz tudo o que pudermas s vou aonde ele quiser

    Esse o meu Pancadas vezes me mete em esrascadaVive paquerando as motoquinhasfazendo confuso na calada

    English :I bought a car that is the bestEverything you can think of, he doesI think he is really beautifulBut people say he is strange

    When you start him up he goes into reverseThere is a hole in the floor so you can use your foot as a brakeAnd when you try to change direction

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    The engine heats up and there is a bang.

    This is my nutty carSometimes he gets me in to troubleHe is always eyeing up the motorbikes

    Causing stir on the pavementIn place of lights he has an oil lampThere is a whistle in stead of a hornThere is no door or bonnetthere was a spare tyre but someone took it

    That is why my car is the bestIf it doesn't forwards it goes backwardsHe does everything he can for meBut he only goes where he wants.

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    Roberta STrack 2 - "Tum Tum Tum"

    No tempo que eu era s

    E no tinha amor nenhumMeu corao batia mansinho:Tum... tum... tum...(coro repete)

    Depois veio vocO meu amor nmero umE o meu coraoPs-se a baterTum-tum-tum, tum-tum-tum...


    When I was lonelyAnd had no love at allMy heart beat so softly:Toom... toom... toom...(Repeat)

    And after you cameMy first love

    My heartBegan to go like thisToom-toom-toom, toom-toom-toom...

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Luiz de AquinoTrack 3 - "Morena"

    O boi do sinhoEsse boi tem dono

    Morena, mulataMorena, mulata

    Morena, mulataMorena, mulata

    Samba samba sambalelSamba samba sambalala

    Samba samba sambalelPisa na barra da saia OH MULATA!


    This bull belongs to the master - this bull already has an owner -

    Step and step and twirl little girl - hold your skirt and whirl...

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Cludio JorgeTrack 4 - "Coco Sacudido Letras"

    Chacoalho o corpo, balance e estremeaQue pr cabea no se tem coisa melhorQueime um punhado de tuia-fundangaSolte essa franga e toque fogo no paiolBote pr fora esses troos estranhosE tome um banho de aroeira com timbPegue o mal de surpresa, d um nE despache a tristeza num eb

    Toque esse barco sereno, sem pressaNo entre nessa de remar contra a mar

    Se est gostoso no jante afobadoGuarde um bocado desse bolo pro cafQuem cospe brasa porque comeu fogoEsconde o jogo que depois se v qual Pegue o mal de surpresa pelo pE despache a tristeza pr Guin

    Faa da vida um cachimbo de barroQue at com sarro bom de se saborearV sempre em frente mas cuide do jarroNo deixe o carro na frente do boi passarAps os maus sempre vem bons instantesNo veio antes mas depois sempre virBote a melancolia num jacQue ele mesmo esvazia l no mar


    I shake my body, swing and shakeThere's nothing better for the headBurn some pine tree woodLet your hair down and rockLet go of your hang-upsTake a bath of aroeira1 wood with timb2Take evil by surprise, tie it downAnd send sadness away with an eb3

    Ride the boat with ease, no rushDont row against the tideIf it tastes good, dont eat in a hurry

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    Save some cake for the afternoon snackIf youre spitting embers thats because you ate firePlay it cool, wait and see what happensTake evil by surprise, grab its footAnd send sadness to Guinea

    Turn life into a clay pipeIt tastes good even with tarAlways move ahead but watch the vaseDont let the cart overtake the oxBad times are always followed by good onesThey havent come before, but theyll always show up in the endPut sadness in a basketAnd it will go away by itself into the sea

    1. Large evergreen tree2.

    Plant whose leaves have narcotic features3. Sacrifice of an animal for an orisha (deity in Afro-Brazilian religions)

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    MarissaTrack 5 - "Al, Al"

    Al, al, respondeCom toda sinceridadeAl, al, respondeSe gostas mesmo de mim de verdade

    Al, al, respondeResponde com toda sinceridadeAl, al, respondeSe gostas de mim de verdade

    Se no respondesO meu corao lgrimaDesesperado vai dizendoAl, alAi se eu tivesse a certezaDesse teu amorA minha vida seriaSeria um rosrio em flor

    Al, al, al, alCom toda sinceridadeAl, al, respondeSe gostas mesmo de mim de verdade

    Al, al, al, alCom toda sinceridadeAl, al, respondeSe gostas mesmo de mim...

    Al, alContinuas a no responderE o telefoneCada vez chamando mais sempre assimNo consigo ligao meu bemIndiferente no se importaCom os meus ais

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    Hello, hello, answerWith sincerityHello, hello, answer

    If you really like meHello, hello, answerWith sincerityHello, hello, answerIf you really like me

    If you dont answerMy heart will be full of tearsAnd it desperately will sayHello, hello

    If I were sureOf your loveMy life would beA bed of roses

    Hello, hello, answerWith sincerityHello, hello, answerIf you really like me

    Hello, hello, answerWith sincerityHello, hello, answerIf you really like me

    Hello, helloYou still wont answerAnd the phoneKeeps ringingThats the way it always isI cant get through,And my indifferent sweetheartDoesnt care about my pain

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Paulinho GuimaTrack 6 - "Eh! Sanfoneiro"

    Perambulando pelo Rio de JaneiroGrande sanfoneiro l do interiorNo meio da rua canta o dia inteiroPedindo dinheiro pra sobreviver

    Cantando Jazz numa sanfona antigaJazz com zabumba, tringulo e caxixiJazz Paraiba, jazz de forrozeiroJazz de brasileiro d prazer de ouvir

    Cantando jazz num sanfona antiga

    Jazz com zabumba, tringulo e caxixiJazz Paraiba, Jazz de sanfoneroAh, se o mundo inteiro lhe pudesse ouvir

    Eh! Sanfoneiro

    Wandering in Rio de JaneiroThe great accordion player from the interiorSings in the streets all day longAsking for money to survive

    He sings jazz with an old accordionJazz with zabumba1, triangle and caxixi2

    Paraba3 jazz, forr4 man jazzIts so good to hear

    He sings jazz with an old accordionJazz with zabumba, triangle and caxixiParaba jazz, accordion player jazzI wish the whole world could hear you

    1 zabumba: large double-headed bass drum in northeastern music, especially inforrbands.2 caxixi: small, closed wicker basket filled with seeds, used as a shaker.3 Paraba: a state in northeastern Brazil.4 forr: generic name for dance-oriented northeastern styles or dance at which they are


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    Nazar PereiraTrack 7 - "Forr No Escuro"

    O candeeiro se apagouO sanfoneiro cochilouA sanfona no parouEo forr continuou

    Meu amor nao v s'embora...nao v s'emboraFique mais um bocadinhoSe voc for seu nego chora...seu nego choraVamos danar mais um tiquinho...mais um tiquinho

    Qando eu entro numa farra,

    Nao quero sair mais noVou at quebrar a barraE pegar o sol com a mo.


    The lamp went outThe accordion player fell asleepBut the accordion never stoppedAnd the forr went on

    Don't go, sweetheart, don't goStay a little bit longer, just a little bitIf you go your man will cry, he will cryLet's dance a little bit more... a little bit more

    When I go to a party,I don't want to leaveI stay until daybreakTo catch the sun with my hand.

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Gabriel MouraTrack 8 - "Tem Fila"

    A fila no indianaEla no americanaEla no africanaEla no l da guinNem do gabo

    A fila do indianoEla do americanoEla do africanoEla do cidado

    Que sempre acorda atrasadoPega fila no banheiroEscova os dentes no chuveiroE no consegue se secar

    Todo molhado na fila da padariaA rotina continuaO dia j vai comear

    Tem fila l no ponto do buzuTem fila pra bater carto de pontoTem fila pra comer no bandejo

    Come correndoPra pegar fila no bancoSe no no vai dar tempo de pagar a prestao

    Tem fila pra pegar o elevadorTem fila pra comprar no camelTem fila pra falar no orelho

    Fala depressa preocupado com a senhaPois o nmero marcadoSe aproxima no telo

    A vida passaE essa fila que no andaVista de cima, pelas quadras serpentinaVista de noite, a calada o seu colcho

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    Onde ela dorme um sono agitadoUm olho aberto, outro fechadoNo d mole pra ladro

    A fila no indiana

    Ela no americanaEla no africanaEla no l da guinNem do gabo

    A fila do indianoEla do americanoEla do africanoEla do cidado

    English:The lines not indianIts not americanIts not africanIts neither from guineaNor from gabon

    The line belongs to the indianIt belongs to the americanIt belongs to the africanIt belongs to the citizen

    That always gets up lateGets in line for the bathroomBrushes his teeth in the showerAnd doesnt have time to dry off

    He gets in line for the bakery, all wetThe routine goes onThe days about to begin

    Theres a line at the bustopTheres a line to punch the clockTheres a line to eat at the cafeteria

    He eats in a hurryTo get in line at the bankOr he wont have time to pay the installment

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    Theres a line to catch the elevatorTheres a line to buy from the street vendorTheres a line to use the payphone

    He speaks fast because hes worried that

    His number is going to be called soonFlashed up on the screen

    Life goes onAnd the line doesnt moveSeen from above it looks like a serpentAt night the sidewalk is the matress

    Where it sleeps a restless sleepOne eye open, the other shut

    The lines not indianIts not americanIts not africanIts neither from guineaNor from gabon

    The line belongs to the indianIt belongs to the americanIt belongs to the africanIt belongs to the citizen

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Teresa CristinaTrack 9 - "Se a Alegria Existe"

    Marina cad a flor que arranquei pra lhe ofertar?Marina cad o amor que oc tem e no quer me dar?

    E ela foi embora levando poeiraE minha maneira eu tento viverTocando a viola um pouco mais tristeSe alegria existe, Marina cad?


    Marina, where's the flower that I picked to give you?Marina, where's the love that you have and don't want to give me?

    And she left kicking up dustAnd I try to go on living my own wayPlaying my guitar just a little more sadlyIf happiness exists, Marina, where is it?

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    O KaravaTrack 10 - "Xote das Meninas (Ela S Quer)"

    Mandacaru quando flora la na seca um sinal que a chuva chega no sertoToda menina que enja da boneca sinal de que o amor j chegou no coraoMeia comprida, no quer mais sapato baixoVestido bem cintadoNo quer mais vestir timo

    {Refrain:}Ela s quer s pensa em namorarEla s quer s pensa em namorar

    Ela s quer s pensa em namorarEla s quer s pensa em namorar

    De manh cedo j t pintadaS vive suspirando, sonhando acordadaO pai leva ao doutor a filha adoentadaNo come no estudaNo dorme nem quer nada


    Mas o doutor nem examinaChamando o pai de ladoLhe diz logo em surdinaQue o mal da idadeE que pra tal meninaNo tem s remdioEm toda medicina



    When the mandacaru1 blossoms during the droughtThats a sign that rains going to fall in the serto2All girls get tired of their dollsThats a sign that love has come to their heartsLong stockings, she doesnt want low-heel shoes anymore

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    Tight-waist dressNo more short coats

    {Refrain:}Dating thats all she wants, thats all she thinks about

    Dating thats all she wants, thats all she thinks aboutDating thats all she wants, thats all she thinks aboutDating thats all she wants, thats all she thinks about

    Early in the morning, make-up onSighing all the time, daydreamingThe father takes his sick girl to the doctorShe doesnt eat, she doesnt studyShe doesnt sleep, she doesnt want anything


    But the doctor doesnt examine anythingHe calls the father to the sideAnd tells him in a low voiceThat her illness is her ageAnd that medicineHas no cure at allFor his girl

    1. A kind of cactus2. Arid backlands of northeastern Brazil

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Adriana MacielTrack 11 - "Samba Dos Animais"

    O homem antigamente falavaCom a cobra, o jabuti e o leoOlha o macaco na selvaNo macaco baby meu irmoPorm durou pouqussimo tempoEssa incrvel curtioPois o homem, rei do planetaLogo fez sua caretaE comeou a sua civilizaoAgora j tarde

    Ningum nunca volta jamaisO jeito tomar um foguete comer desse banquetePara obter a pazQue a gente tinha quando falava com os animais


    In the old days, man could talkTo snakes, to tortoises and lions

    Look at the monkey in the jungleThat's not a monkey, babyThat's my brotherBut these amazingly good timesDidn't last longBecause man, the king of the planetSoon made an ugly face

    And began his civilizationNobody will ever go backSo let's ride a rocketLet's eat from this banquet

    To find the peace

    That we had when we could talk to animals

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    Gilberto GilTrack 12 - "Expresso 2222"

    Comeou a circular o Expresso 2222Que parte direto de Bonsucesso pra depoisComeou a circular o Expresso 2222Da Central do BrasilQue parte direto de BonsucessoPra depois do ano 2000Dizem que tem muita gente de agoraSe adiantando, partindo pra lPra 2001 e 2 e tempo aforaAt onde essa estrada do tempo vai darDo tempo vai darDo tempo vai dar, menina, do tempo vaiSegundo quem j andou no ExpressoL pelo ano 2000 fica a talEstao final do percurso-vidaNa terra-me concebidaDe vento, de fogo, de gua e salDe gua e sal, de gua e sal, menina, de gua e salDizem que parece o bonde do morroDo Corcovado daquiS que no se pega e entra e senta e andaO trilho feito um brilho que no tem fim

    Oi, que no tem fimQue no tem fim, menina, que no tem fimNunca se chega no Cristo concretoDe matria ou qualquer coisa realDepois de 2001 e 2 e tempo aforaO Cristo como quem foi visto subindo ao cuSubindo ao cuNum vu de nuvem brilhante subindo ao cu

    English :

    The 2222 Express has begun to rideLeaving Bonsucesso station to beyondThe 2222 Express has begun to rideFrom Central do Brasil stationTo Bonsucesso stationFor later than the year 2000

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    They say that there are so many people todayMoving ahead, leavingFor 2001 and 2 and so on through timeUntil the end of the road of timeUntil the end of the road of time

    The road of time, girl, the road of timeAccording to those who have taken the ExpressThe final station of the road of lifeIs there, around the year 2000In the mother land conceivedWith wind, fire, water and saltWith wind, fire, water and saltOh, girl, with water and saltThey say it looks like the cable carOf the Corcovado Rock hereBut you cant just get in, sit down and ride

    The rail is made of an endless lightAn endless lightAn endless lightOh, girl, an endless lightYou never get to the concrete ChristThe one made of matter or anything realLater than 2001 and 2 and so on through timeChrist is like someone whos been seen rising into the skyRising into the skyRising into the sky in a veil of shiny clouds

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  • 8/3/2019 Brazilian Playground Lyrics


    MoskaTrack 13 - "Marinheiro S"

    Eu no sou daquimarinheiro seu no tenho amormarinheiro seu sou da bahiamarinheiro sde so salvador

    , marinheiro marinheiromarinheiro s, quem te ensinou a nadarmarinheiro s

    ou foi o tombo do naviomarinheiro sou foi o balano do marmarinheiro s

    L vem, l vemmarinheiro sele vem faceiromarinheiro stodo de brancomarinheiro s

    com o seu bonezinhomarinheiro s

    L vem, l vemmarinheiro sele vem faceiromarinheiro stodo de brancomarinheiro scom o seu bonezinhomarinheiro s


    Im not from herelonely sailorI have no lovelonely sailorIm from bahia

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    lonely sailorfrom salvadorlonely sailor

    Oh, sailor, sailor

    lonely sailoroh, who taught you how to swimlonely sailorwas it the rocking of the shiplonely sailoror the sway of the sealonely sailor

    Here he comes, here he comeslonely sailorhes so elegant

    lonely sailorall in whitelonely sailorwith his cap onlonely sailor

    Here he comes, here he comeslonely sailorhes so elegantlonely sailorall in whitelonely sailorwith his cap onlonely sailor