bressan tpd lesson_plansecondary1


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Período de Práctica: Nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: Colegio Santa Eufrasia

Dirección: Maria Olguín 653 Río Cuarto - Córdoba Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 1er año A Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 42 estudiantes Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Alguien que admiro Clase Nº: 1

Fecha: XX/04/2016 Hora: 7:30 a 8:50 hs.

Duración de la clase: 80 minutos Fecha de primera entrega:

Teaching points: Revision present simple Revision of questioning and answering Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able …

- To develop their reading skills by working on prediction, skimming and scanning. - To develop their writing skills by practicing with simple sentences.

- To practice their reading skills by reading a short text about people being admired.

Language Focus:

Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation

Revision Frida is a very good painter.

She is very friendly.

Trains /z /

New Oboe, summit,


. I am good at...

Studies /IZ/

Teaching Approach: The lesson is based on Krashen's Natural Approach and organized under PPP as proposed by Jeremy Harmer.(Third Edition 2001)

Materials and resources: Images from famous people and "Samantha Larson, an

amazing girl" text. Pedagogical use of ICT in class: Mini LED projector for images.

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Seating Arrangement: Students will be seated in groups of two students as they

usually work in regular classes.

Possible problems/difficulties and their possible solutions during class: Children tend to talk if the class gets boring, so it is quite important to maintain their

attention activated trough the use of a real context, clear instructions, making the classroom interactive with students and using the board for writing sentences.

Teacher always assists students during the class. Potential problems students may have with the language: They may have

problems with the meaning of some words, or remembering how to use them. So I will use exemplification in order to promote understanding. It is important to

contextualize them so students can enhance comprehension.

Assessment: What will be assessed and how: understanding, identification of cognates by asking students about already known words. Comprehension will be

assessed by checking activities provided in class.


Routine: 5 minutes

Purpose: To greet students and let them know the class has started. T: Hello everybody!! Sts: Hello teacher!! T: How are you today??!! Sts: We are doing fine!! T: That is great!! Ok, let's start learning!!

Transition: I will stick images on the board to make them start paying attention to

the lesson.

Warm up: 15 minutes

Purpose: To contextualize the topic of the lesson and begin with the class.

T: Look at these images, do you know any of them? Are you familiarized with their

lives? Sts: Yes!! They are Adam Sandler, Ricky Martin, Mother Teresa and Frida

Kalho. (If sts do not recognize them, I will try to help by making them pay attention

to their appearance, contextualize their work and the like: T: Look at this lady, she

has a special clothing, that's because she is a nun, she is Mother Teresa)

T: Are they famous? Why?

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Sts: They are all famous. They are an actor, a singer, a nun and a painter. T: Good!

They are famous because they have done special things. The one I admire is Mother

Teresa. She helped thousand of very ill people no matter what, I think she is special.

Which is the most special one for you? Who do you admire to? Why? Sts: Ricky,

because he sings great and he is very handsome!! Frida, she was a very good

painter!! Adam, he is a very funny actor!! If they cannot produce sentences by their

own, I will write some examples on the board to help them.

Transition: OK, now we will start reading.(I give them a copy of the text)

Presentation: 20 minutes

Purpose: To expose students to the target language and the previous work done.

T: Ok, I have been reading a very simple text, and it is about a girl, an extraordinary

one: "Samantha Larson, an amazing girl" (this will be written on the board)

She is a young girl who likes climbing, music,

dancing, swimming. Samantha is a girl to


T: What about reading the text? Before you go further, look at this chart (on the

board) and circle the words you thing may be present in the text. If you do not know

the meaning of any word, I will help you with the meaning. (I will help them by

miming, or by the use of the words into context, for instance)

Airplane - Climbing - Mountain - Clinic - Egg - Student - Orchestra - Gym -

Knife - Young

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After they have decided which words may be included, they will share those words

and the reasons why they chose them. St: I chose mountain because there is a girl

on one of them. Then, students have to start reading.

T: The first reading has to be fast without paying much attention to details, so you

will be able to tell me about activities this girl does.

Source: "My life". Pearson, 2013.

T: Ok, what the activities does Sam do? Sts: She climbs, go to the gym, plays the


T: Very good!! You are right!! Tell me, which words did you find familiar in the text?

Sts: Dance, university, orchestra, continents, Aconcagua, South America!! T: Great,

these words are familiar to you because they are very similar in their spelling and

meaning, they are cognates. Now, while you will read the text again, pay attention to

certain details to find this information. You can do it in pairs.

Laura is _______ and very beautiful. (A: young)

She knows the ___________ peak. (A: Aconcagua)

She studies at ______________ university. (A: Stanford)

Her favorite instrument is ______________. (A: the Oboe)

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T: Let´s listen to your answers!! (Here students share their work with the rest of the


Transition: Very good!! Now, let's move on to the following activities.

Development: 30 minutes

Activity 1: 10 minutes

T: Now, after reading the text, you will have to complete the following chart with information about Samantha. You can do it in pairs. (Enhancing their group working skills)

Personal Information




Places she knows:

Place where she studies:

Transition: Great!!! Let's do the following activities.

Activity 2: 10 minutes

T: Now, you can answer the following questions taking into account the chart you already filled.Write your answers in your notebook and then read them out loud.

1. Does Samantha go climbing with friends? 2. Does she like dancing?

3. What instrument does she play? 4. Does she practice sports?

Transition: Great!!! Now, let´s move to the next task.

Activity 3: 10 minutes

T: Now, you will have to write three sentences using your own information as in the

text. Write about things you like doing, those which may make other people to admire

you, talk a bit about it with a partner. Let's look to an example on the board.

"I sing very nice songs" "I'm good at riding my bike"

Once they have finished, we share the activities with the whole class by writing some

of their own sentences on the board. The idea is everyone listen to their partner's sentences.

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Transition: Very good job, you have worked really nice!!

Closure: 2 minutes

Purpose: Here I tell students the class has finished.

T: Ok, here we stop. See you next class!!!