brochure grammaire gcse

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  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE




    pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopadfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv





    GCSE !E"C# $E"SES !E%&S&'" ('')*E$

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  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE



  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    Sommaire1S&"G $E"SES22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

    $#E 4!ESE"$ $E"SE222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 $#E 4E! EC$ $E"SE22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 $#E &,4E! EC$ $E"SE222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 $#E 1$1!E $E"SE2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 $#E &,4E!+$&%E2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222!E *E7&%E %E!(S22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

    &" $#E 4!ESE"$ $E"SE2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222&" $#E 4E! EC$ $E"SE222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

    $#E C'"9&$&'"+* $E"SE22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 $#E 4*14E! EC$ $E"SE22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222E" < 4!ESE"$ 4+!$&C&4*E22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

    $#E 4!ESE"$ S1(>1"C$&%E22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222?& @ SE"$E"CES222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

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  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE




    $he present tense describes what is happening nowD at the present time orwhat happens regularly2

    >e vais l@Fcole ce matin2 & am going to school this morning2&l vend des glaces aussi2 #e sells ice cream as well2

    Elle joue au tennis le samedi2 She plays tennis on Saturdays2

    $he expressions depuis and ça fait… que are used with the present tensewhen the action is still going on -

    >e l@attends depuis deux heures2 &@ve been waiting for himfor two hours2

    a fait trois mois que je travaille en rance2 &@ve been working inrance for three months2

    &n the present tenseD most verbs use a regular patternD depending on whetherthe ending of the inHnitive ends in -er, -re or -ir.

    Cha ter ItosingJ

    !tte dre ItowaitJ

    Choisir ItochooseJ

    & >e chante >@attends >e chois is ou IsingularJ $u chant es $u attend s $u chois is#eKsheKone &lKElleK'n

    chant e&lKElleK'nattend

    &lKElleK'nchois it

    Le "ous chant o s "ousattend o s

    "ouschois isso s

    ou IpluralJ %ous chant e" %ous attend e" %ouschois isse"

    $hey &lsKElleschant e t

    &lsKEllesattend e t

    &lsKElleschois isse t

    ,any common verbs are irregular2 +t the back of your textbook you will Hnd avery useful verb table2 *earn themM


  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    !CTI#IT$ % - Complete the following letter-

    !CTI#IT$ & ' illNin the grid Iirregular verbsJ

    IN(INITI( +"G*+&S4!ESE"$

    +ller To )o >eOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


    (oire $uOOOOOOOOOOO


    SalutM >e IPtreJ OOOOOOOOOO ton nouveau correspondant franQais2 >em@appelle ClFmentD et j@ IavoirJ OOOOOOOOOO quinze ans2 9ansma familleD nous IPtreJ OOOOOOOOOO cinq2 &l y IavoirJOOOOOOOOOO mes parentsD mon frRreD ma s ur et moi2 "ousIavoirJ OOOOOOOOOO aussi deux chats2 Et toiD IavoirJOOOOOOOOOONtu un animalT "ous IhabiterJ OOOOOOOOOO *a !ochelle2 >I?aimerJ

    OOOOOOOOOO bien la ville2 >e IprendreJ OOOOOOOOOO le buspour aller au collRge2,es parents ItravaillerJ OOOOOOOOOO dans un magasin de sport2$oute la famille IadorerJ OOOOOOOOOO le sportD sauf moi2 ,as ur IjouerJ OOOOOOOOOO au basketD et mes parents IjouerJOOOOOOOOOO au tennis2 ,oiD j@IadorerJ OOOOOOOOOO lamusique2 Et toiD tu IaimerJ OOOOOOOOOO la musique aussiT *e samedi soirD je IregarderJ OOOOOOOOOO des Fmissions demusique la tFlF2 Et quelquefois je IallerJ OOOOOOOOOO unconcert2 Et toiD qu@estNce que tu IfaireJ OOOOOOOOOO samedi soirT + (ientUtDClFment2

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE










    ,ettre >eOOOOOOOOOOOOOO22








    %enir "ousOOOOOOOOOOO


  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE




    !CTI#IT$ ' 1ne interview avec une journaliste2 illNin the article with the correctform of the verb-

    !CTI#IT$ ' illNin the conversation

    N $u IPtreJ OO2 es OO22 franQaiseTN "onD je IPtreJ OOOOOO22 amFricaine2N 9@oV IvenirJ OOOOOO22NtuD exactementTN >e IvenirJ OOOOOO22 de "ew ork2N $u IallerJ OOOOOO22 au college ici TN 'uiD je IallerJ OOOOOO22 au lycFe international2 ,es parents IPtreJ

    OOOOOO22 profs au lycFe2N $u IcomprendreJ OOOOOO22 bien le franQais2N ,erci2 "ous OOOOOO22 le franQais au lycFeD et j@IessayerJ OOOOOO22

    de parler franQais avec mes amis2N IPtreJ OOOOOO22Ntu contente d@Ptre ici TN +h oui2 >e IcroireJ OOOOOO22 que vivre dans un autre pays est une trRs

    bonne expFrience2


    N 4endant le festival du cinFmaD on Iex2 lireJ lit beaucoup d@articles dans la

    presse2 &sabelle *efRvre IPtreJ ............ une des journalistes au festival2

    &sabelleD qu@estNce que vous IfaireJ ............ quand vous IarriverJ

    ............ Cannes TN 9@abordD je IregarderJ ............ beaucoup de Hlms2 a IcommencerJ

    ............ 8h3/ du matin2 + midiD j@IavoirJ ............ juste le temps

    de manger un sandwichD puis l@aprRsNmidi je IfaireJ ............ desinterviews2

    N EstNce que les acteurs IaimerJ ............ donner des interviews TN 'uiD mais quelquefois ils IdonnerJ............ quarante interviews dans la

    journFe2 &ls IavoirJ ............ l@impression de rFpondre toujours aux

    mPmes questions2 +lorsD je ItravaillerJ ............ beaucoup avant2 >e lis

    les interviews dFj donnFes et je IprFparerJ ............ bien mes

    questions2 Et pendant l@interviewD j@IFcouterJ ............ bienD parce que

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE



    $he perfect tense is used to describe what happened in the pastD an actionwhich is completed and is not happening now2&t is made up of two parts- either avoir or Ptre in the present tenseD and a pastparticiple2

    Samedi dernierD j@ai chantF dans un concert2 I *ast SaturdayD & sang in aconcert2J

    #ierD ils sont allFs *a !ochelle2 I esterdayD they went to *a !ochelle2J

    !egular verbs form the past participle as follow-

    Ner verbs change to N * eg2 t ravailler becomes travaillF Nre verbs change to N u eg2 attendre becomes attendu Nir verbs change to W Ieg2 Hnirbecomes Hni ,any verbs have irregular past participles2 *ook them up in your verbs tableM

    ,any verbs form the perfect tense with avoir 2 $his includes many commonverbs which have irregular past participlesD such as-


  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    +voir eu (oire bu Comprendre

    compris ConnaXtre connu Croire cru 9evoir dY 9ire dit Etre FtF

    aire fait ,ettre mis 4ouvoir pu 4rendre pris Savoir su %oir vu %ouloir voulu


    thirtheen verbsD mostly verbs of movement like aller and partir D form theperfect tense with Ptre 2 ou need to learn them2 #ere is a picture which couldhelp you to memorise them-

    !CTI#IT$ %' underline all the verbs in the perfect tense-


    Lith avoirD thepast participledoesn@t change toagree with thesubject

    Lhen you form the perfect tense with PtreD the past participle agrees withthe subject of the verb2 $his means that you need to add an extra Ne if thesubject is feminineD and to add an extra Ns if the subject is plural Imore thanoneJ2

    Chers ,2 et ,me *acanD >e suis parti de 4aris avec une heure de retard et je suis arrivF

    *ondres dix heures du soir2 ,es parents sont venus mechercher l@aFroport et nous sommes rentrFs la maisonaprRs minuit2

    >@ai passF des vacances merveilleuses chez vous2 >@ai vubeaucoup de choses et j@ai beaucoup aimF la visite du ,ontN SaintN,ichel2 >@ai trouvF les repas dFlicieux24endant mon retour en ranceD mon frRre est allF en &talie avecdes amis2 &ls ont voyagF en voiture et ils ont fait du camping2&ls ont mangF beaucoup de spaghettis2 &ls ont visitF 4ise et ilsont vu la cFlRbre tour de 4ise2 &ls sont rentrFs la maisonvendredi21n grand merci toute la famille2+mitiFsD9ominique

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    !CTI#IT$ &' +voir oY PtreT or each of these verbsD decide whether you needto use ?avoir@ I+J or ?Ptre@ IEJ in the perfect tense2

    +rriver OOOOO2 $rouver OOOOO2

    %enir OOOOO2 +ller OOOOO2

    !entrer OOOOO2 %oyager OOOOO24asser OOOOO2 aire OOOOO2

    %oir OOOOO2 ,anger OOOOO2

    +imer OOOOO2 %isiter OOOOO2

    !etourner OOOOO2

    !CTI#IT$ ' illNin the gaps with the correct form of a oir or /tre 2Ex2 >@ ai vu des peintures superbes dans un musFe2

    0J ,2 et ,me *evert vu une cFlRbre peinture italienne au *ouvre2:J *uc montF au troisiRme Ftage de la $our EiZel23J "icole et Claire trouvF des vPtements pas chers au marchF

    aux puces2;J #FlRne visitF "otre 9ame2=J "ous ....... allFs sur les ChampsNElysFes2

    6J 4ierre et marc pris le mFtro la %iletteD oV ils visitF unmusFe des sciences2

    !CTI#IT$ '

    illNin the sentences with the complete form of the perfect tense

    Ex2 >@ ai pris un cafF dans le restaurant du musFe2 IprendreJ

    0J Sophie et Charlotte une glace dans un jardin public au

    centre de 4aris2 ImangerJ


  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    :J +ndrF ,ontmartreD oV il le SacrF

    C ur2 IallerKvoirJ3J ,oiD j@ l@+rc de $riompheD oV j le

    tombeau du soldat inconnu2 IvisiterKvoirJ;J *ise du shopping dans un grand magasin et elle

    des cartes postales2 IfaireKacheterJ=J 9ans un centre d@art moderneD jean et Christophe

    l@escalier jusqu@au cafFD oV ils une limonade2

    IprendreKboireJ6J "ous le mFtro ,arneNlaN%allFeD et nous

    la journFe 9isneyland 4aris2 IprendreKpasserJ

    !CTI#IT$ 0' illNin the questions2Ex2 ! e" - vous pass* un bon weekNend T IpasserJ

    0J [u@estNce que vous . T IfaireJ:J Comment Nvous T IvoyagerJ3J . Nvous au restaurant midi T ImangerJ;J [u@estNce que tu comme plat principal T IchoisirJ=J EstNce que tu une glace T IacheterJ6J [u@estNce que vous au musFe T IvoirJ

    5J $a mRre NtNelle beaucoup de photos T IprendreJ8J Et ton frRreD NtNil un souvenir T IacheterJ


    $he imperfect is used to describe something that used to happen frequently orregularly in the past -

    [uand j@Ftais petitD j@allais chez mes grandsNparents tous les weekNends2ILhen & was smallD & used to go to my grandparents@ every weekend2J

    &t is also used for description in the pastD particularly of weather- >@Ftais en vacances2 &l faisait beau2I& was on holidays2 $he weather was


    EstNce qu@il portrait des lunettesT ILas he wearing glasses TJ

    &t describes how things used to be-


  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    + cette FpoqueD il y avait beaucoup moins de circulation2 I+t that timeDthere was much less tra\c2J

    &t often translates ?wasO ing@ and ?wereOing@-

    [ue faisiezNvous quand j@ai tFlFphonFT ILhat were you doing when &phoned TJ

    &t can be used to describe something you wanted to doD but didn@t2

    "ous voulions aller parisD mais il y avait une grRve des transports2 I Iwewanted to go to parisD but there was a transport strike2J

    &t describes something that lasted for a long period of time2

    En ce tempsNl D nous habitions ,arseille2 I+t that time we lived in,arseilleJ

    C@Ftait < adjective can be used to say what you thought of something-C@Ftait magniHque2 I&t was great2J

    C@Ftait aZreux2I&t was awfulJ

    $he imperfect tense can also be used for making excusesD for example in thefollowing expressions-

    Ce n@Ftait pas de ma faute2 I&t wasn@t my fault2J >e croyaisKpensais queO I& thought thatOJ >e voulais seulementO I& only wanted toOJ

    >e ne savais pas queO I& didn@t know thatOJ

    &t is also used with depuis to show how long something had been happening2&ls habitaient l Nbas depuis 0/ ans2 I$hey had been living there for 0/yearsJ

    !CTI#IT$ %' 1nderline the verbs in the imperfect tense


    (ormi ) the imperfe+t te se '

    $he endings for the imperfect tense are the samme for all verbs -

    >e Oais "ous Oions $u Oais %ous Oiez

    &lKElleK'n Oait &lsKElles Oaient

    $o form the imperfect tenseD you take the ous form of the prese t tenseDeg2 nous allons2

    $ake away the nous and the Nonsending2 $his leaves the imperfect stem Nall2

    Exception - /tre 2 $he stemis FtN2

    >@Ftais "ous Ftions

    2es ar3res da s 4a i44e.

    9ans la ville oV vous habitezD il y a probablement des arbres dans les rues et dans les parcsD mais ce n@ *tait pas toujours comme Qa2 +vant l@an 0=//D il n@y avait pas d@arbres dans les villes en Europe2 ,ais pendant le 06 e siRcleDquand on faisait des expFditions dans les pays FtrangersD les explorateurs y dFcouvraient une grande variFtF de plantes et d@arbres nouveaux2 &ls ramenaient des graines dans leurs paysD et les botanistes essayaient de les faire pousser dans les jardins royaux ou sur les places urbaines2 9e nos joursDen EuropeD il y a plus de ;// sortes d@arbres qui existaient autrefois

    uniquement dans les pays Ftrangers2 En ranceD par exempleD les expFditions qui partaient au *iban rapportaient tant de beaux cRdres du *iban qu@aujourd@huiD il y en a plus dans les villes franQaises qu@au *iban2 Et quand vous admirez les arbres dans votre jardin publicD n@oubliez pas que le magnolia poussait autrefois en +mFrique du "ord et le marronnier montrait ses belles ]eurs roses aux habitants de la grRce2

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    !CTI#IT$ &' 1se the verbs from the box to HllNin the text-

    2a f/te de 5 d6a *e.

    *o^c et Christophe ont organisF la fPte et +6*tait vraiment super M $ous nos

    amis ........... l 2 #eureusementD il .......... un temps splendideD le soleil

    ..........D et nous .......... manger dans le jardin2 $out le monde ..........

    un short ou quelques Hlles .......... une jupe courte ou une robe2 *e buZet

    .......... dFlicieux et il y ......... un grand choix de boissons2 *es glaces

    ......... les plats les plus populaires et on ......... choisir entre quatre

    parfums - vanilleD fraiseD chocolat ou citron2

    !CTI#IT$ ' 1nderline the correct word

    Ex2 $ous les samedisD IjeKilKnousJ allions au marchF du village2

    0J [uelquefoisD IjeKilsKnousJ jouions aux boules2:J I>@KElleK%ousJ aimais me baignerD quand InousKtuKj@J allions la riviRre23J 4endant les vacancesD on IprenionsKpreniezKprenaitJ tous les repas en

    plein air2;J &l IfaisaitKfaisaientKfaisiezJ beau tout le temps2=J [uand j@IFtaisKFtaitKFtaientJ trRs petitD je IvoulaitKvoulaisKvoulionsJ

    toujours aller 9isneylandD mais mes parentsIprFfFraitKprFfFraientKprFfFraisJ les vacances la campagne2


    avait brillait Ftaient

    Ftait Ftaitfaisait portaient portaitpouvait pouvionssemblaient

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    !CTI#IT$ illNin the gaps with the verbs in the correct form-

    N [uand tu IPtreJ .. *t ais l@autre FcoleD estNce que tu IaimerJ ....ais lefootball T

    N 4as tellementD mais j@IadorerJ .......ais la natation2N [uand tu allais au CollRge 'lympiqueD estNce que tu IconnaXtreJ

    ........ais ,ichRle et 4aul *enoir TN 'uiD trRs bien2 ,on frRre IsortirJ .......ait quelquefois avec ,ichRle2N EstNce que tu joues dans l@orchestre l@universitF TN "onD mais au collRge je IjouerJ ........ais du saxophone et je IfaireJ

    ........ais souvent du jazz2N &l y a quatre ansD nous IhabiterJ ........ions Grenoble2 $on frRre

    ItravaillerJ ........ait autrefois ChamonixD n@estNce pas TN 'uiD c@est Qa2 &l IPtreJ .......ait moniteur de ski2

    !CTI#IT$ 0' illNin the gaps with verbs in the imperfect2


    ChRre louiseD >@espRre que tu as reQu ma carte de #ennequeville2 "ous Iex2passerJ passions toujours nos vacances l Nbas quand j@IPtreJ

    ............... petite2 >e me rappelle que chaque jourD onIorganiserJ ............... des excursions dans la rFgion et que

    tous les soirsD nous IjouerJ ............... au football avec nosamis du village2 &l me semble que le soleil IbrillerJ ...............presque tout le temps2Eh bienD cette annFe il IpleuvoirJ ............... trRs souvent et lesamis qui IhabiterJ ............... autrefois au village ne IPtreJ

    ............... plus l 2 ,ais on s@est fait d@autres copainsD et on apassF de bonnes vacances2Et toi T !aconteNmoi tes vacances aussi M + bientUtDCaroline

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE



    $he future tense is used to describe what will Ior will notJ happen at somefuture time-

    *@annFe prochaineD je passerai mes vacances 4aris2 I"ext year &@ll spendmy holidays in 4aris2J

    [u@estNce que tu feras quand tu quitteras l@FcoleT ILhat will you do whenyou leave school TJ

    $he future tense must be used after quand if the idea of future tense is implied2 >e lui dirai de vous tFlFphoner qua d il rentrera2 I&@ll ask him to phone youwhen he gets homeJ

    $o form the future tense of regular -er and -ir verbsD you just add the endingsto the inHnitive of the verb-

    $ravailler je travaillerai 9onner tu donneras

    inir il Hnira

    4artir nous partirons >ouer vous jouerez Sortir &ls sortiront

    $o form the future tense of regular -re verbsD you take the Hnal -e oZ theinHnitive and add the endings-

    4rendre je prendrai +ttendre j@attendrai

    Some common verbs don@t form the Hrst part of the verb in this way2 (ut theystill have the same endings-

    +**E! <

    &" &"&$&%E - ou can use the present tense of the verb aller followed by aninHnitive to talk about the future and what you are going to do-


    +cheter j@achRterai +ller j@irai +voir j@aurai Courir je courrai 9evoir je devrai Envoyer j@enverrai `tre je serai

    aire je ferai 4ouvoir je pourrai !ecevoir je recevrai Savoir je saurai %enir je viendrai %oir je verrai %ouloir je voudrai

    $he endings for the future tense are the same asthe endings of the verb avoir in the present

    tenseK >e Oai "ous Oons $u Oas %ous Oez

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    [u@estNce que vous allez faire ce weekNendT ILhat are you going to dothis weekend TJ

    >e vais passer le weekNend paris2 I& am going to spend the weekend in4aris2J

    !CTI#IT$ %' $o say what you are going to do and whenD use the correct part of the verb a44er followed by an i 5 iti e'

    !44er I 5 iti e

    Ex2 & am going to leave >e vais partir2

    0J ou are going to play2 $u OOOOO2 OOOOO2

    OOOOO2:J #e is going to stay here2 &lOOOOO2 rester ici23J She is going to watch $%2 ElleOOOOO2 OOOOO2

    OOOOO2 la tFlF2;J Le are going to work2 "ousOOOOO2 travailler2=J $hey are going to leave tomorrow2 &ls o t OOOOO2

    OOOOO2 demain26J $hey are going to sing2 EllesOOOOO2 OOOOO2


    !CTI#IT$ &' underline the verbs in the future tense-

    Charlotte 9upont a dixNsept ansD et elle habite (ordeaux2 Cet FtFD elle passerases vacances comme monitrice dans une colonie de vacances la montagne2

    N $u prendras le trainD Charlotte TN "onD je partirai en car avec les enfants2N Et tu passeras combien de temps en colonie TN >e resterai trois semaines en colonieD puis je passerai une semaine chez

    ma tante qui habite dans la rFgion2

    ,ichel 9upont a quinze ans2 &l passera dix jours en +ngleterre chez soncorrespondantK

    N $u voyageras en avionD ,ichel TN "onD je prendrai le train2 ,on correspondant habite prRs d@+shford dans le

    )entD donc avec l@EurostarD c@est trRs pratique2


  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    !CTI#IT$ ' read the text and underline the verbs in the future tense-

    !CTI#IT$ ' !Fponds aux questions-

    Ex2 [uand partirasNtuTI3 aoYtJ 7e partirai 4e ao8t.

    0J oV irasNtu en vacances T I*a !ochelleJ

    ...................................... :J 'V irasNtu T I#UtelJ...................................................... 3J $u prendras le train T InonO voitureJ

    ....................................... ;J [ue ferasNtu T Ipromenades vFloJ

    ........................................ =J [uand reviendrasNtu T I08 aoYtJ


    !CTI#IT$ 0' illNin the messages-


    2e mo de 9 46a e ir.

    *e monde l@avenirD comment seraNtNil T 'n vivra plus longtempsD maisestNce qu@il y aura assez de nourriture pour tout le monde T EstNcequ@on fera plus pour protFger la planRte T Si le nombre de voiturescontinue augmenterD les routes deviendront impossibles2 EstNce qu@oninventera de nouveaux moyens de transport T EstNce que beaucoup depersonnes feront des voyages dans l@espace T

    'n verra plus de gadgets FlectroniquesD Qa c@est certain M 'n n@enverraplus de lettres ni de cartes postales par la posteD on fera toutes lescommunications par internet2

    'n dit que mPme les maisons seront intelligentes2 *es ordinateursDcachFs dans les mursD feront tout pour les habitants2 &ls sauront

    prFparer des repas et pourront ouvrir et fermer les fenPtres2EstNce qu@on ira toujours l@FcoleD oV estNce qu@on devra apprendre sescours par l@internet T

    *e monde l@avenir sera certainement trRs diZFrent M

  • 8/17/2019 Brochure Grammaire GCSE


    0J "icole a telephone2 Elle est maladeD alors elle n@......... pas au concert

    demain soir2 IallerJ:J *@agence de voyages a tFlFphonF2 %os billets ............... dans deux

    jours2 'n les ............... directement au bureau2 IarriverD envoyerJ3J *uc a tFlFphonF2 &l t@............... au CafF de la gare 0Ah2 IattendreJ;J *e photographe a tFlFphonF2 %os photos ............ prPtes mercredi

    prochain2 .............Nvous aller les chercher avant le weekNend T IPtreD



    $o tell someone to do somethingD you use the imperative or command form2

    +ttendsM LaitM Ito someone you call tu J!egardezNQaM *ook at thatM Ito people you call vous J

    &t is often used in the negative2"e fais pas QaM 9on@t do thatM

    "@eZacez pasOM 9on@t rub outOM

    $o suggest doing somethingD use the imperative form of nous2

    +llons au cinemaM *et@s go to the cinemaM

    &t is easy to form the imperative- in most cases you just leave out tu Dvous ornous and use the verb by itself2 Lith N er verbsD you take the Hnal Ns oZ the tu form of the verb2

    !CTI#IT$ %' 1nderline the correct form of the imperative

    Ex2 IEntrentKEntreKEntresJ dans la maison2

    0J I,etsK,ettreK,ettonsJ tes aZaires l 2:J IGoYteKGoYtentKGoutesJ ce g teauD c@est dFlicieux23J ISersNtoiKServonsNnousKServezNvousJ du fromageD si tu veux2;J I*itK*isentK*isJ cet articleD c@est amusant2=J I+ttendK+ttendsK+ttendentJ un moment26J $u as des photos T I aisK aitesK aireJ voir M5J "@IoubliezKoublieKoublionsJ pas de tFlFphoner tes parents28J $u te couches T +lorsD IdormezKdortKdorsJ bien M


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    !CTI#IT$ &' aire du babyNsittingD c@est durM ICharlotte is giving orders2 illNinher sentences in the imperativeD using the ?tu@ formJ

    Ex2 7oue avec ta petite s ur2 IjouerJ

    0J OOOOO2OOOOO2 l@histoire2 IFcouterJ

    :J OOOOO2OOOOO2 le chien tranquille2 IlaisserJ3J OOOOO2OOOOO2 tes aZaires2 IrangerJ;J OOOOO2OOOOO2 ta pomme2 ImangerJ=J OOOOO2OOOOO2 un livre2 IchercherJ6J "e OOOOO2OOOOO2 pas trop de tFlFvision2 IregarderJ5J "e OOOOO2OOOOO2 pas sur les murs2 IdessinerJ8J "e OOOOO2OOOOO2 pas la porte2 IfermerJAJ OOOOO2OOOOO2 ton pyjama2 ImettreJ

    0/J OOOOO2OOOOO2 au litM IallerJ

    !CTI#IT$ &' Chez le mFdecin2 Icomplete these sentencesD using the ?vous@formJ

    0J OOOOO2OOOOO2 ce medicament2 IprendreJ:J OOOOO2OOOOO2 la maison2 IresterJ3J OOOOO2OOOOO2 un autre rendezNvous2 IdemanderJ;J OOOOO2OOOOO2 la pharmacie2 IallerJ=J OOOOO2OOOOO2 un moment2 IattendreJ6J OOOOO2OOOOO2 Nmoi la jambe blessFe2 ImontrerJ5J OOOOO2OOOOO2 l@hUpital2 ItFlFphonerJ8J OOOOO2OOOOO2 la rFception2 IpayerJAJ OOOOO2OOOOO2 la bouche2 IouvrirJ0/J "e OOOOO2OOOOO2 pas aujourd@hui2 IsortirJ


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    !CTI#IT$ %' lexique2 IComplete2 ou can use a dictionaryJ

    fra çais anglais

    to enjoy oneself s@appelers@approcher IdeJ

    to stopse baignerse coucher

    to hurrys@ennyuers@habillers@intFresser I J

    IinJ to wash IoneselfJ

    to get up


    to deal IwithJK to be busy IwithJ

    to go for a walk Ior rideJto rest

    se retourner

    se rFveillerse trouver

    !CTI#IT$ &' Hll in the gaps and write the english2 Sentences in the negative2

    Ex2 >e e me 4< e pas2

    I do ot )et up. = I am ot )etti ) up. .

    0J "ous ....... nous levons ........2 ..................................................................

    :J *es enfants ....... s@occupent ........ de leurs devoirs2 ..................................................................

    3J Elle ....... s@amuse ........2 ..................................................................

    ;J "ous ne ....... promenons ........ aujourd@hui2 ..................................................................

    =J ,on frRre ....... s@intFresse ........ au sport2 ..................................................................

    6J 'n ....... ........ couche pas tard ce soir2 ..................................................................


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    5J *a $our EiZel ....... se trouve ........ *ondres2 ..................................................................

    8J *es touristes ....... se dFpPchent ........2 ..................................................................

    !CTI#IT$ ' des questions et des rFponses2 ill in the sentencesEx2 N $u te r* ei44es quelle heure en semaine T Ise rFveillerJ

    N >e me r* ei44e sept heures2 Ise rFveillerJ

    0J N [ui se le premier chez vous T Ise leverJ

    N ,a mRre la premiRre chez nous2 Ise leverJ

    :J N Comment t@ Ntu de prFfFrence le weekNend T


    N *e weekNendD je en jean et pull2 Is@habillerJ

    3J N 'n se quelle heure normalement chez vous T Ise


    N 'n vers onze heures2 Ise coucherJ

    ;J N EstNce que tu t@ bien avec tes parents T Is@entendreJ

    N 'uiD en gFnFral je bien avec mes parents2


    =J N *es cours se quelle heure T Ise terminerJ

    N *es cours quatre heures2 Ise terminerJ

    !CTI#IT$ ' [ui parleT

    $homas I$J et Claire ICJ parlent de ce qu@ils ont fait hier2 *is les phrases puisdFcide qui parle2 !egarde les participes passFs M

    Ex2 >e ne me suis pas levF de bonne heure2 T


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    0J >e me suis levF dix heures2 OOOOO:J >e me suis levFe neuf heures2 OOOOO3J >e me suis reposFe dans le jardin2 OOOOO;J >e me suis promenF en vFlo2 OOOOO=J >e me suis habillF en short et en $Nshirt2 OOOOO6J >e me suis bien amusFe2 OOOOO

    !CTI#IT$ 0' 1n jour qui a changF ma vie2 ill in the article which explains howSerge@s life changed2


    $he conditional tense is used where ?would@ or ?should@ are used in English2 &t isa polite and less abrupt way of asking for something2

    >e oudrais partir maintenant2 & shou4d 4i@e to leave nowPourrie" Nvous m@aiderT Cou4d you help meT

    >@ aimerais aller au [uFbec2 &Ad 4o e to go to [uebec2


    1n jourD serge Ise rFveillerJ de bonne heureD

    dFcouragF - encore une journFe sans travail2 4uis tout coupD il Ise

    dFciderJ faire quelque chose2 &l Ise leverJ

    D et il a Fcrit tous les restaurants et les cafFs de

    la ville2 [uelques jours plus tardD un restaurant a demandF Serge de se

    prFsenter pour une interview2 Serge Is@habillerJ D il

    Ise coiZerJ et il Ise prFsenterJ

    au restaurant2 &l Is@entendreJ bien

    avec le chef de cuisineD et la semaine suivanteD Serge a commencF

    travailler au restaurant2

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    &t is used to say what would happen if a particular condition were fulHlledKSi j@avais beaucoup d@argentD jeferais le tour du monde2 I&f & had a lot of moneyD &6d tra e4 round the world2J

    !CTI#IT$ %' +nswer the questions2 [ue ferais tuO Iwhat would you doTJ

    02 Si tu voyais un voleur dans le jardinT


    :2 Si la tFlFvision tombait en panneT


    32 Si tu avais oubliF de faire tes devoirs de franQaisT


    $o form the conditional -

    (uture stem B imperfe+t e di )s

    >e oudr ais & should like $u oudr ais ou would like&lKElleK'n oudr ait #eKSheK'ne wouldlike"ous oudr ions Le would like%ous oudr iez ou would like&lsKElles oudr aient $hey wouldlike

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    ;2 Si tu voulais acheter un nouveau dictionnaireT


    =2 Si tu gagnais mille livres dans un concoursT


    62 Si ta voiture tombait en panne en pleine campagneT


    52 Si tu devais choisir quatre matiRres Ftudier pour les +SNlevelsT


    82 Si tu voulais devenir musicien professionnelT .....................................................................

    A2 Si tu devais trouver un emploi demainT


    0/2 Si tu voulais perfectionner ton franQaisT



    $he pluperfect tense is used to describe something that had already happenedbefore something else occurred or before a Hxed point in time2

    Elle Ftait dFj partie quand je suis arrivF2 IShe had already left when &arrivedJ

    $he pluperfect tense is formed by using the imperfe+t tense of avoir and Ptre and the past participle2 $he same rules about which verbs take avoir and which


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    verbs take Ptre and about agreement of the past participle apply to both theperfect and pluperfect tenses2

    ?ire !rri er >@avais ditI&had saidJ >@Ftais arrivFIeJI&had arrivedJ$u avais dit $u Ftais arrivFIeJ &lKElleK'n avait dit &lKElleKon Ftait arrivFIeJ "ous avions dit "ous Ftions arrivFIeJs %ous aviez dit %ous Ftiez arrivFIeJIsJ &lsKElles avaient dit &lsKElles Ftaient arrivFIeJs

    !CTI#IT$ #ave a go and try and put these sentences in the pluperfect tense-

    Ex. “J’ai fini mon déjeuner à six heures”

    ⇒ Il a dit qu’il avait fini son déjeuner à six heures.

    1. “J’ai pris le train à cinq heures trente.” _________________________________________________________________

    2. “J’ai u le oleur entrer par la fen!tre.” _________________________________________________________________

    ". “J’ai discuté le pro#l$me a ec papa.”

    _________________________________________________________________ %. “J’ai trou é les questions difficiles.” _________________________________________________________________

    &. “Je n’ai pas oulu aller au tra ail.” _________________________________________________________________


    En < present participle is used when you want to describe two actions whichhappen more or less at the same time-

    En sortant de l@hUtelD tournez droite2I+s you go out of the hotelD turnright2J

    &t translates the English expressions ?whilstKwhile Ning@ and ?by Ning@- >e me suis cassF la jambe e faisa t du ski2 I& broke my leg IwhilstJ



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    :2 Elle prend sa douche et elle chante toujours2

    N Elle chante toujours sa douche2

    32 >e fais du yoga et je me dFtends2N >e me dFtends du yoga2

    ;2 &l allait au thF tre et il a rencontrF une amie2

    N &l a rencontrF une amie au thF tre2

    =2 $u parles le chinois et tu auras moins de di\cultFs en Chine2

    N le chinoisD tu auras moins de di\cultFs en Chine2

    62 *es joueurs s entraXnent tous les jours et ils ont gagnF le match2

    N tous les joursD ils ont gagnF le match2

    52 "ous travaillons dur et nous rFussirons2

    N durD nous rFussirons2

    82 'n lit le journal et on se tient au courant de l actualitF2

    N le journalD on se tient au courant de l actualitF2


    $he subjunctive is used after certain link words- avant que IbeforeJD pour que Iso thatJD bien que IalthoughJD and to express-

    • + necessity

    &l faut que tu partes2 I ou must leaveJ


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    • + possibility$u viendras samediD moins que tu ne doives travailler2 I ou@ll come onSaturdayD unless you have to workJ

    • + doubt >e ne suis pas sYr que mes parents puissant venir2 I &@m not sure that myparents can comeJ

    • +n opinion Ibut not a certaintyJ >e ne pense pas qu@il soit l 2I& don@t think he@ll be there2J

    $o form the subjunctive-

    N $ake the ilsKells form of the present tenseD e2g2 ils travaill e t 2N $ake oZ the N e t to leave the stem tra ai4-N +dd the endings INeD NesD NeD NionsD NiezD NentJ

    $he following common verbs are irregular in the subjunctive-+ller NN que j@aille `tre NN que je sois 4ouvoir NN que je puisse %ouloir NN que je veuille +voir NN que j@aie

    aire NN que je fasse Savoir NN que je sache

    !CTI#IT$ %' 2e pr*se t du su3Do +tif #er3es r*)u4iers

    Exemple - &l faut que tu OOOOOOO22 tes devoirs2 IHnirJ&l faut que tu Hnisses tes devoirs2

    02 >e veux que tu OOOOOOOO2 au restaurant2 IvenirJ:2 >e ne pense pas qu@elle OOOOOOOO un enfant2 IattendreJ


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    32 &l faut que nous OOOOOOOOOOO22 cinq heures2 IarriverJ;2 >@ai peur qu@il ne OOOOOOOOOO2 pas la bonne solution2 IchoisirJ=2 &l souhaite que je OOOOOOO22 en rance2 IpartirJ62 Elle est contente que vous OOOOOOOO2 ce soir2 IjouerJ52 >e ne veux pas qu@il OOOOOOOO22 la question2 IrFpondreJ82 EspFrons qu@elle OOOOOOOO bientUt2 IHnirJA2 &l va terminer le livre avant que nous OOOOOOOO IpartirJ0/2 >e doute qu@elle OOOOOOOO22 les conditions2 IaccepterJ

    !CTI#IT$ & ' 2e pr*se t du su3Do +tif #er3es irr*)u4iers

    Exemple - &l faut que tu OOOOOOO22 tes devoirs2 IfaireJ&l faut que tu fasses tes devoirs2

    02 >e veux que tu OOOOOOOO2 au cafF avec moi2 IallerJ:2 >e ne pense pas qu@elle OOOOOOOO prPte pour l@examen2 IPtreJ32 &l faut que nous OOOOOOOOO le nFcessaire pour rFussir2 IfaireJ;2 >@ai peur qu@il ne OOOOOO22 pas m@accompagner2 IvouloirJ=2 &l souhaite que je OOOOOOO22 en rance2 IallerJ62 Elle est contente que vous OOOOOOOO2 venir ce soir2 IpouvoirJ52 >e ne veux pas qu@il OOOOOOO faim2 IavoirJ82 EspFrons qu@elle OOOOOOOO mieux2 IallerJA2 &l va partir avant que nous le OOOOOOOO IsavoirJ0/2 >e doute que tu OOOOOOO peur des serpents IavoirJ


    Sentences which contain two partsD one of which is an ?if@ clauseD normallyfollow one of the following pattern -

    Si < present tenseD

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    Si tu m@ a ais t*4*pho * plus tUtD j aurais pu venir2 I&f you hadphoned me earlierD & could have comeJ

    !CTI#IT$ % ' $raduire en anglais- Iyou can use a dictionaryJ

    02 Si j@avais su la vFritF je ne serais pas venu le weekend dernier2


    :2 Si tu veuxD on pourra aller voir le spectacle demain2


    32 Si tu Ftais plus intelligentD tu aurais de trRs bonnes notes2


    ;2 "ous n@aurions rien ditD si tu nous avais prFvenus plus vite2


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    =2 *e chUmage diminuerait si le gouvernement prenait les mesuresnFcessaires2


    62 Si on recyclait plus de matiRres en plastiqueD l@environnement seraitprotFgF2


    OOOOOOOO52 Si vous prFparez un bon repasD j@achRterai une bouteille de



    82 >e ne me serais pas plaint si le service avait FtF meilleur2


    A2 Si l@on introduisait la semaine de 3= heures au !oyaume 1ni tout lemonde serait trRs content2


    0/2 &ls n@auraient pas manifestF si les autoritFs avaient changF la loi2



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    'eco(ni)in( time frames and er# tenses is a si(n of s*ill in lan(ua(e learnin( and is ital if +ou,ish to reach the hi(her (rades. Reminder: Je révise - I re ise I’m re isin( Je vais réviser - I’m (oin( to re ise

    J’ai révisé - I re ised Je réviserai - I shall re ise I’ll re ise Je révisais - I used to re ise I,as re isin(

    !CTI#IT$ %' Show you can recognize time frames by translating thesesentences2 1se a dictionary2 02 Ce matin j@ai Hni mon petit dFjeuner huit heures2

    :2 En gFnFral je prFfRre le rugby au football232 9emain matin je vais aller retrouver ma copine en ville2;2 &l y a 0/ ans j@allais l@Fcole primaire2=2 4endant les vacances j@ai logF dans une auberge de jeunesse262 >e n@ai pas Hni mes devoirs heir soir252 *e weekend prochain je regarderai le nouveau Hlm de >ames

    (ond282 En ce moment je fais un exercice de grammaire2A2 9emain soir je vais surfer sur &nternet20/2 [uand j@Ftais petit je regardais trop de tFlFvision2002 *@annFe prochaine j@aurai 05 ans20:2 "ormalement nous faisons une promenade la campagne2032 Samedi dernier nous avons gagnF le match : /20;2 9emain aprRsNmidi nous allons partir : heures20=2 &ls ont terminF leur examen 3 heures2


    !CTI#IT$ &' "ow try these harder ones2


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    02 En 0/66 les "ormands ont gagnF la bataille de #astings2:2 >2)2 !owling a Fcrit = livres de #arry 4otter232 1n jour un astFro^de dFtruira la planRteM;2 >e roulais 0// kmKheure quand l@accident s@est produit2=2 +rsenal va gagner la *igue des Champions un jour262 >e suppose que tu as vu le dernier Hlm de Star $rek252 >@adorais les ,ercedesD maintenant je prFfRre les (,L282 *e !oyaumeN1ni est devenu membre de l@1nion EuropFenne en

    0A532A2 &l y a dix ans je fumais rFguliRrement 0/ cigarettes par jour20/2 *@Fconomie chinoise se dFveloppe trRs rapidement2


    S>1E TR!NS2!TI>NS'

    #ave a go at these to practice you rench2 #and them in for correction toimproveM

    E!S$ TR!NS2!TI>NS

    Prese t te se F%G

    #ello2 ,y name isO22 & am 0= years old and & live in !iponD a small townin the north of EnglandD near ork2 & have two sisters and one brother2 ,ybrother is called 9avid and my sisters are called Erika and Claire2 Le livein a large house in the centre of town2 &n our house there is a loungeD fourbedroomsD a dining roomD a kitchenD two bathrooms and a garage2 Lehave a small garden behind the house2

    &n my bedroom there is a computerD a hi HD a deskD two chairsD a wardrobeDa chest of drawers andD of courseD a bed2 & spend a lot of time in myroom2 or exampleD & do my homeworkD & listen to musicD & talk to myfriends on the computer and & practise my guitar2


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    &n my spare time & play the guitarD & watch $%D & play football with myfriends at schoolD & go out at the weekend and & like to read2 Sometimes &help my mother in the kitchenD but & don@t like working in the garden2

    Prese t te se F&G

    ,y best friends are !obert and %icki2 Le often go out into town at theweekend2 !ob likes to go to the cinemaD but %icki prefers to go shopping2!ob goes to the same school as meD but %icki goes to school in #arrogate2'n Saturday we go into the town centre2 Le usually take the bus2 &ntown we drink a coZeeD eat a cakeD buy a C9 perhaps and look at theclothes in the shop windows2

    !ob never buys clothes !ob@s mum buys them2 %icki buys somethingnearly every week2 She spends a lot of money2

    9uring the holidays & go to !ob@s house and we watch a 9%9 or play onthe computer2 %icki usually goes to rance with her family during thesummer holidays2 #er parents have a small house in the south of rancenear (ordeaux2 Lhen we go on holiday we stay in an appartment inSpain2 Le travel by plane2 $he weather is nice and there is lots to do2

    Prese t te se F G

    & wake up at 52//D then & stay in bed for ten minutes and & liosten to theradio2 & get upD go to the bathroom and have a shower2 & get dressedDthen & go downstairs for breakfast2 & usually have cereals and orange

    juice2 Sometimes & drink coZee with my parents2 & go up to my bedroomDprepare my bag and leave the house at 820=2

    & take the bus to school2 & arrive at 823/ and lessons start at A2//2 $hereare six lessons each day2 Le have a break at 0/23/ and & go to thecafeteria for lunch2 *essons Hnish at 323/2 ,y favourite day is $hursdaybecause we have technology and 42E2

    +fter school & return home immediately and do my homework2 1sually &work for about an hourD then we have dinner2 &n the eveningD & relaxD playon the computerD listen to music or watch $%2 &n the summer & sometimesgo out with friends2

    Perfe+t te se F%G


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    Saturday morning & stayed in the house2 & Hnished my homeworkD &watched $%D played on the computer and read my new book2 & had mylunchD then & decided to go and see my friend 4aul2 Le went into townD wemet some friends and then we went to the cinema2 Le saw the new (ondHlm2 +fter the Hlm we went to ,c9onalds and had a burger and chips2 &returned home by bus at 0/ o@clock2

    +fter the Hlm we went to ,c9onalds and had a burger and chips2 &returned home by bus at 0/ o@clock2 'n Sunday & stayed in bed until 00o@clockD then & got upD had a shower and got dressed2 & went down to thekitchen and had my breakfast2 & listened to the radioD then & read thenewspaper2 & phoned 4aul and we went to the park together to playfootball with some friends2

    Perfe+t Te se F&G

    *ast year Sarah went to rance during the summer holidays2 She stayedin 4aris for three daysD then she took a train to (ordeaux2 &n 4aris shevisited the main attractions2 She went up the EiZel $owerD she visited the*ouvre and she had a meal in an expensive restaurant2

    &n (ordeaux she saw some rench friendsD she drank some nice red wineand she hired a car to visit the region2 $he weather was very niceD exceptone day when it rained2 Each night she stayed in a diZerent hotel and atethe specialities of the region2

    +fter a week she returned to 4aris by train and stayed with a friend in thenorth of the city2 She Hnally returned to England by plane2 She had goodfun in rance and spoke rench a lot2

    Perfe+t Te se F G

    *ast night & went to a restaurant in town with my parents and my bestfriend to celebrate my birthday2 Le parked the car near the cinemaD thenwe walked to the restaurant opposite the railway station2 or starters &chose the patFD then & had beef in a sauce with vegetables2 or dessert &had chocolate ice cream2 ,y parents had an &talian dish W pastaD with asald and red wine2 & drank coca cola and water2 ,y friend )atie hadchickenD chips and apple tart for dessert2

    +fter the meal we went to the cinema2 Le bought some coke andpopcorn2 Le saw a new +merican Hlm2 Le returned to the car and came



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    Imperfe+t Te se

    Lhen & was young & used to live in *ondon2 & went to a primary schoolnot far from the railway station2 & used to get up every day at 8 o@clockand & went to school by car with my mum2 *essons started at A20=2 &used to like art and music2 & didn@t like maths & preferred science2

    & used to play football in the park with my friends and & used to watchprogrammes for children on the $%2 & didn@t eat tomatoes andmushroomsD but & loved pizza and pasta2

    +t the weekend we used to go out into the countryside in the car2 Le

    used to go and see my grandNparents who lived in Essex2 Le went forwalksD we had lunch in a pub and sometimes we went to the seaside2Le used to play on the beach or go to the funfair2 Lhen the weatherwas bad we would stay indoors and watch a Hlm2

    Huestio s Fprese tG #elloD Chris2 #ow are youT

    ineD thanks2 Lhat are you doing at the momentT

    &@m Hnishing my homework2 +nd what about youT

    ,e too2 Lhat subject are you doingT

    ,aths2 &t@s very hard2 +re you doing ,aths tooT

    "oD rench2 &t@s quite easy2

    +re you going out on SaturdayT 9o you want to go to go into townT

    es2 Lhat time shall we meetT


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    9o you want to meet at the station at 0/ o@clockT

    ')2 Lhat do you want to doT 9o you want to go shoppingT

    es2 +nd youT 9o you want to buy any C9sT

    ,aybe2 #ow are you going into townT (y carT

    "o2 Shall we go by busTine2 See you SaturdayD then2

    Huestio s FpastG "owD ,r Smith2 & have a few questions for you2

    Lhat time did you leave the houseT

    #ow did you go the the airportT

    9id you go by carT

    Lhere did you leave the carT

    9id you go alone or with another personT

    Lhy did you leave your luggage at homeT

    Lhen did you arrive at the airportT

    Lho did you see when you arrived at the airportT

    Lhat did you buy at the airportT

    9id you eat or drink anythingT

    9id you telephone your wife before your departureT

    Ne)ati es

    & don@t like meat2 & never eat carrots and & never drink wine2 & don@t eat

    cabbage and & don@t drink coca cola2 & don@t eat anything for breakfast2& don@t eat mushrooms any more2 & never go to the restaurant and &never eat at ,c9onalds2 & have nothing for breakfast2

    esterday & didn@t eat lunch at school2 Lhen & returned homeD noNonewas ion the house2 ,um didn@t return until 8 o@clockD so & didn@t havedinner until A o@clock2


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    $his evening & shall go home at ;2//2 &@ll take the bus as usual and &shall arrive home at ;23/2 Lhen & get home & shall have a cup of coZeeand &@ll eat some biscuits2 ,um will return home at 62//2 Le shallhave dinnet at 5 o@clockD then & will do my homework2 &@ll have ,athsDScience and Geography2 $hen & shall watch televison a bit2 & shall playon the computer for an hour and & shall go to bed at about 00 /@clock2

    $omorrow morning &@ll get up early and & shall leave for shool at 823/2 $his weekend &@m going to watch a Hlm at the cinema and &@m going toplay football for my club2 ,y friend Eric will come to the house and weshall watch a 9%9 or we shall play computer games2 4erhaps we@ll eata pizza2


    TR!NS2!TI>N % Pass* Compos*

    & have just returned from my holidays in Spain2 Le enjoyed ourselves verymuch2 Le caught the plane from *ondon on the 0st of +ugust2 $he ]ight tooktwo and a half hoursD too long for me as & am scared of ]yingM Lhen we arrivedat ,alaga the weather was superb the sun was shining and the temperaturewas 3/ degrees2

    'n the Hrst day of our holiday we stayed at the hotel and spent the day next tothe pool2 Le drank a lotD swamD ate lunch in the hotel dining room and in the


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    evening went into town to look at the shops2 'ur room had a spectacular viewof the sea2

    'n Sunday we hired a car and did a trip to Granada where there is a beautifulpalace with magniHcent gardens2 Le had lunch in a lovely restaurant in thetown centre2 & had paella and my mother had chicken with salad2 +fter havinglunch we entered the castle and did a guided tour2

    $he best moment of the holiday was when we visited the beautiful historic cityof Seville2 Lhat a fantastic placeM & took lots of photosD bought some souvenirsand visited two interesting museums2

    TR!NS2!TI>N & !rti+4es=pro ou s

    Shopping W & love itM Each week & go to the supermarket in the car and buyloads of things there2 ,eatD HshD vegetablesD fruitD drinksD breadD cakesDbiscuitsD as well as frozen food and dairy produce2 *ast week & bought a kilo of salmonD some lemon and herbs in order to prepare a meal for my parents whowere staying with us2 ,y mother particularly likes Hsh and seafood in generalDand & always buy them when she comes to stay2 $he salmon was deliciousDespecially with the lemon and herbs2

    *ast weekend we went out to a rench restaurant near the station2 & decided totry snails for the Hrst time2 $hey were prepared with garlicD butter and parsley2

    & can@t say that & particularly liked them2 or the main course & had beefD greenbeans and a green salad W very traditional2 or dessert & had chocolate icecream2 & didn@t choose cheese because & don@t like it very much2

    ,y favourite food is &talian2 & like it because it@s simpleD cheap and tasty2 &n theevening & often prepare pasta with a sauce which & eat with a nice red wine2

    TR!NS2!TI>N (utur

    "ext year & intend to stay at school in order to study four subjects for +Nlevel2 &f & get good marksD & hope to study mathsD chemistryD economics and rench2Lhen & am eighteen & shall go to university to do a degree2

    &n the future & plan to get married and & shall have childrenD but & do not want toget married too young2 & would like to travel and & hope to have a goodD wellN


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    paid job2 & shall probably stay in EnglandD but it is possible that & shall go andlive abroadD perhaps in rance2

    ,y friend >oe says that he will leave school2 #e will try to Hnd a job straightawayD but it will be di\cult2

    Lhen & Hnish my +Nlevels & shall travel to +ustralia2 & have some friends thereand & hope to Hnd a job in a bar or in a shop2 $he weather will be nice and &@ll beable to see some interesting places2

    Tra s4atio 1oda4 er3s Fpou oir, ou4oir, de oirG

    N Can you come down )evinT our dinner is readyM

    N &@ve got to Hnish my homeworkD mum2 $he rench teacher wants to see my essay tomorrow morning2 Can & have my dinner laterT

    N +ll rightD but &@ll have to put it in the oven2 Lhat would you like for dessertT

    N + yogurtD some iceNcream or some fruitT

    N &ce creamD pleaseD mum2

    )evin wanted to Hnish his work as quickly as possibleD but he had to use thedictionary a lot and couldn@t always Hnd the words he wanted2 #e knew hewould have to spend at least an hour on this homework2 Lhat a boreMEventually he Hnished his essayD put his books in his school bag and he wasable to go downstairs to have his dinner2

    N Could you Hll the dishwasher after your mealT

    N 9o & have to do itT 'hD all rightD but &@d like to watch a bit of telly before & go

    to bed2 ,ay &T

    TR!NS2!TI>N 0 Pass* Compos*=Imparfait

    Lhilst & was walking down the street the other day & saw an old friend who usedto go to school with me in *ondon2 Lhen & saw him & was really surprised and &asked him what he was doing now2 #e said he was working in an o\ce not farfrom the railway stationD for a company called Superprint2


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    & asked him if he had children and he said that he was married and that he hada son and a daughter2 #is son was called 9avid and his daughter elicity was atuniversity2 She was studying rench and German2

    & told him that & was working in a small school on the edge of the town2 #easked me if & liked my job and & replied that & found it interestingD but that thepupils did not always want to work2 #e said that his job was quite boringD but

    that he earned a good salary2Le then decided to go to the coZee shop2 Le talked about our familiesD our

    jobs and our plans for the future2 & was very happy to see my old friend again2

    TR!NS2!TI>N 1iJed te ses

    *ast night & decided to stay at home and watch a Hlm on television2 & watched*es ;// Coups D a rench movie by ranQois $ruZaut2 & don@t normally watchforeign Hlms nowD but a friend recommended itD so & thought & would make aneZort to watch a Hlm in a diZerent language2 Lhen & lived in rance & often usedto watch rench Hlms2

    &t@s about a young boyD +ntoine 9oinelD who lives in 4aris and who hates school2#e parents look after him badly2 #e misses lessonsD goes to the cinema and

    steals from shops2 #e hides in the house of a friend2 'ne day he tells theteacher that he missed lessons because his mother was dead2 $hen his motherarrives at school so he is punished2

    Eventually the police arrest +ntoine and he has to go to a special centre foryoung delinquents2 (ut he decides to escape and in the last scene we see himon a beach2 #e@s looking at the sea and we wonder how his future will be2

    & liked the Hlm a lot and & would now like to see more Hlms by $ruZaut2

    TR!NS2!TI>N K Huestio s

    #elloD Chris2 #ow are youT

    ineD thanks2 Lhat are you doing at the momentT


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    &@m Hnishing my homework2 +nd what about youT

    ,e too2 Lhat subject are you doingT

    ,aths2 &t@s very hard2 +re you doing ,aths tooT

    "oD rench2 &t@s quite easy2

    Lhat did you think of the match last nightT & missed it2& didn@t watch it2 9id you watch it on that new televisionT

    eahD why didn@t you watch itT 9id you go outT

    & had to go out for a meal2

    Lho did you go withT

    ,y parents2

    +re you going out on SaturdayT 9o you want to go to go into townT Lhere doyou want to goT

    es2 Lhat time shall we meetT

    9o you want to meet at the station at 0/ o@clockT

    ')2 Lhat do you want to doT 9o you want to go shoppingT

    es2 +nd youT 9o you want to buy any C9sT

    ,aybe2 #ow are you going into townT (y carT

    "o2 Shall we go by busT

    ine2 See you SaturdayD then2

    TR!NS2!TI>N L Co ditio a4

    &f & won an enormous sum of money & would spend it very quickly2 & would buy abrand new carD a errari probablyD a house in rance for my parents and & would


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    have a swimming pool built in our garden2 & would certainly put a lot of moneyin my bank account2 #oweverD & would not change my lifestyle2 & wouldcontinue my studies at school and university and & would Hnd an interestingDwell paid job2 $he only diZerence is that & would come to school in my errari2

    & would give some of the money to a charity which works for the $hird LorldDchildren or which Hghts against serious diseases2 ,y parents said thatD if they

    won the national lotteryD they would stop working and go to live in +ustralia2 $hey would also do a tour of the world as they love travelling2

    Lhat would you do if you won a million poundsT 'ne of my friends thinks thatshe would not like to win the lottery because it would change her life too much2& don@t agreeM