buzztimes january 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum pretium risus, vitae molestie dolor sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium pretium risus, in bibendum mi convallis nec. Aliquam tempor, nisl quis pretium cursus, augue felis gravida quam, eget hendrerit mauris ante ut ligula. Integer sed nisl in mauris congue porta id eu lectus. Aenean purus nisi, iaculis eget fermentum in, facilisis cgue augue. Maecenas eleifend viverra velit, id vulputate ligula sagitnec. Aenean et tristique est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam blandit ante vitae nibh mattis non adipiscing erat egestas. Etiam volutpat rhoncus interdum. Aenean orci felis, vestibulum et cursus feugiat, commodo quis quam. Donec posuere iaculis quam ac viverra. Maecenas et ante venenatis nibh fringilla feugiat. Nullam tortor dui, lobortis vel consectetur ac, porta eget nibh. Donec tincidunt venenatis metus sit amet rutrum. In at tellus enim, ut placerat purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean mattis congue neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementum.neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementu Donec lectus nisl, accumsan at vehicula a, viverra id eros. Nam at felis at diam adipiscing ultrices ac ac ligula. Donec at luctus nisi. Fusce nec ipsum in ligula commodo semper a non purus. Aenean condimentum ullamcorper dictum. Sed at lacus eget ante egestas vehicula. Curabitur hendrerit sollicitudin elit, in tempus tortor faucibus non. Vivamus id turpis auctor tellus adipiscing semper. Vivamus imperdiet metus a purus interdum hendrerit. Etiam nec leo vitae orci tempor hendrerit. Nunc sit amet arcu non odio porttitor convallis. Donec sem est, aliquet sed euismod sit amet, dapibus non risus. Morbi ut justo ligula. Integer in dui eros, in pellentesque augue. Suspendisse vitae malesuada augue. In a ligula diam, non semper libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam felis urna, volutpat vel consectetur ut, porttitor et lorem. Quisque mattis eleifend erat, vitae dictum tellus varius ut. Mauris laoreet blandit nisi nec mollis. Mauris interdum metus ut nisi rhoncus quis lacinia dolor interdum. Integer adipiscing est id lacus porttitor pretium. Vivamus tincidunt purus id enim accumsan facilisis at eget orci. In feugiat, turpis quis sagittis posuere, nunc orci eleifend felis, et vulputate sem nibh ac augue. Integer a nisi ac ipsum bibendum tincidunt vel at arcu. In iaculis orci id risus luctus pellentesque a sed metus. Proin sit amet quam massa. Proin velit leo, luctus id rutrum eget, pulvinar quis lectus. Etiam vitae volutpat lorem. Sed tempor pretium tristique. Curabitur elementum purus vel felis consectetur vel elementum mauris pulvinar. Nam faucibus massa ut augue rutrum a lacinia metus vulputate. Nullam eu ipsum orci, sit amet egestas nisl. Aliquam et accumsan dui. Fusce mollis volutpat neque, vel hendrerit enim laoreet iaculis. Phasellus pellentesque feugiat orci, eu bibendum tortor pulvinar et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus velit elit, porta a congue a, aliquet quis odio. Donec vel ante mi, ut posuere eros. Vivamus facilisis enim vitae lorem molestie blandit. Sed suscipit hendrerit erat ac dapibus. Aliquam dapibus gravida metus, a posuere risus gravida ut. Praesent non tortor sapien, quis scelesque diam. Proin ligula risus, ferentum in accumsan non, aliquet vitae erat. Vestibulum interdum mattis lectus, nec hendrerit arcu viverra non. Ut fringilla felis vel ligula egestas euismod. Lorem ipsum dor smet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermntum pretium risus, vitae molesto or sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium Connecng all kids who inspire, imagine and inquire! January 2013 Inspiring Courage

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Inspiring courage!


Page 1: BuzzTimes January 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum pretium risus, vitae molestie dolor sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium pretium risus, in bibendum mi convallis nec. Aliquam tempor, nisl quis pretium cursus, augue felis gravida quam, eget hendrerit mauris ante ut ligula. Integer sed nisl in mauris congue porta id eu lectus. Aenean purus nisi, iaculis eget fermentum in, facilisis cgue augue. Maecenas eleifend viverra velit, id vulputate ligula sagitnec. Aenean et tristique est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Etiam blandit ante vitae nibh mattis non adipiscing erat egestas. Etiam volutpat rhoncus interdum. Aenean orci felis, vestibulum et cursus feugiat, commodo quis quam. Donec posuere iaculis quam ac viverra. Maecenas et ante venenatis nibh fringilla feugiat. Nullam tortor dui, lobortis vel consectetur ac, porta eget nibh. Donec tincidunt venenatis metus sit amet rutrum. In at tellus enim, ut placerat purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean mattis congue neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementum.neque quis varius. Donec varius elementum turpis, sit amet lobortis diam luctus elementu Donec lectus nisl, accumsan at vehicula a,

viverra id eros. Nam at felis at diam adipiscing ultrices ac ac ligula. Donec at luctus nisi. Fusce nec ipsum in ligula commodo semper a non purus. Aenean condimentum ullamcorper dictum. Sed at lacus eget ante egestas vehicula. Curabitur hendrerit sollicitudin elit, in tempus tortor faucibus non. Vivamus id turpis auctor tellus adipiscing semper. Vivamus imperdiet metus a purus interdum hendrerit. Etiam nec leo vitae orci tempor hendrerit. Nunc sit amet arcu non odio porttitor convallis. Donec sem est, aliquet sed euismod sit amet, dapibus non risus. Morbi ut justo ligula. Integer in dui eros, in pellentesque augue.

Suspendisse vitae malesuada augue. In a ligula diam, non semper libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam felis urna, volutpat vel consectetur ut, porttitor et lorem. Quisque mattis eleifend erat, vitae dictum tellus varius ut. Mauris laoreet blandit nisi nec mollis. Mauris interdum metus ut nisi rhoncus quis lacinia dolor interdum. Integer adipiscing est id lacus porttitor pretium. Vivamus tincidunt purus id enim accumsan facilisis at eget orci. In feugiat, turpis quis sagittis posuere, nunc orci eleifend felis, et vulputate sem nibh ac augue. Integer a nisi ac ipsum bibendum tincidunt vel at arcu. In iaculis

orci id risus luctus pellentesque a sed metus. Proin sit amet quam massa. Proin velit leo, luctus id rutrum eget, pulvinar quis lectus. Etiam vitae volutpat lorem. Sed tempor pretium tristique.

Curabitur elementum purus vel felis consectetur vel elementum mauris pulvinar. Nam faucibus massa ut augue rutrum a lacinia metus vulputate. Nullam eu ipsum orci, sit amet egestas nisl. Aliquam et accumsan dui. Fusce mollis volutpat neque, vel hendrerit enim laoreet iaculis. Phasellus pellentesque feugiat orci, eu bibendum tortor pulvinar et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus velit elit, porta a congue a, aliquet quis odio. Donec vel ante mi, ut posuere eros. Vivamus facilisis enim vitae lorem molestie blandit. Sed suscipit hendrerit erat ac dapibus. Aliquam dapibus gravida metus, a posuere risus gravida ut. Praesent non tortor sapien, quis scelesque diam. Proin ligula risus, ferentum in accumsan non, aliquet vitae erat. Vestibulum interdum mattis lectus, nec hendrerit arcu viverra non. Ut fringilla felis vel ligula egestas euismod.Lorem ipsum dor smet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermntum pretium risus, vitae molestoor sollicitudin vel. Vestibulum risus sapien, scelerisque vel aliquam sed, euismod in velit. Aliquam pretium

Connec�ng all kids who inspire, imagine and inquire!

January 2013

Inspiring Courage

Page 2: BuzzTimes January 2013


What is Courage? Certainly it takes courage for a fire-fighter to rescue someone trapped in a burning building, but ordinary people exhibit it all the �me. Like being the first to make up a�er a fight or saying sorry when in the wrong or Courage to love the sick and the hungry and the homeless! There are many varied kinds of courage and each celebrate moments, big and small, that bring out the hero in each of us.

The theme for the next issue is Gra�tude! I read somewhere: If the only prayer you say in your life is Thank you that would suffice! How lovely is that! Gra�tude means thankfulness, coun�ng your blessings, no�cing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive.

God gave you a gi� of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say Thank you? No�ce and Appreciate Each Day’s Gi�s

It’s been all hands on deck in the BuzzTimes office this month as we had to sort through a lot of entries from all over India. I am delighted that BuzzTimes has generated such massive response and it’s honestly been a real struggle to narrow it down to 24 pages! Thank you to all the talented contributors!

From this issue we are introducing Buzzing Brains with brain teasers, riddles and Sudoku in the centrefold! You too could send in your puzzles and jokes!

Be thankful forever,

Anita Jaswal

PS: A Word For You One tree can start a forest; One smile can begin a friendship; One hand can li� a soul;One word can frame the goal; One candle can wipe out darkness; One laugh can conquer gloom;One hope can raise your spirits; One touch can show you care; One life can make a difference, BE that ONE TODAY.

Editor Writes...


Page 3: BuzzTimes January 2013

Courage is WillpowerCourage is like the insanity that comes into any human for only an instant that drives him into doing something daring. Something he may not even seem capable of.Courage is not only doing stunts or performing some sort of daring new thing, courage is the will power that summons you forward to make tough decourage to face problems and the courage to admit mistakes.To do these many things you need to feel strong from inside, you need to find your own way to do things beyond your capability, you need to open yourself to the challenges that lie ahead and are blocking your path.But courage isn’t easily found, it dwells deep inside you, �red of trying to help you but being blocked by your fears, your miseries and your ignorance. You need to have the willpower and courage to do things but human eyes can’t see through the mist of ignorance and cowardice. That’s why we should never be weak or le� behind but try figh�ng back with the deep source of willpower that lies inside our body - COURAGE.



Ansh Singhal10 yearsI'm Blessed And That Is Why I Share!

I'm Blessed and that is why I share! God gave me a li� and took me home

I didn’t know the place but it looked like Rome

I wanted to explore so I turned aroundbewildered to see,

there was no ground!

I asked him, Why have you brought me here?

Is the word going to end?Or is there some other fear?

‘no my child, I come to tell’You are blessed to share,

no one possesses such greatness In the hands that they bear!"

...And that is why I'm special... Ishita Sharma10 years

Page 4: BuzzTimes January 2013

Courage to be yourselfCourage is not something like killing a lion or a �ger. Courage is to follow your good conscience and to have daring to tell even the bi�erest truth, which even might hurt someone’s feelings. And courage is also about being true to yourself. Not to be scared by even the most silly things and choosing the right path. To be undoubtedly brave and never to be scared to admit your mistakes! To be op�mis�c E.g. In Wizard of Oz the lion wanted to be courageous and this is what he learnt: “Courage! What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk...”

Courage To Use Courage!!Courage is something that makes a person brave. Only some people use it at the right place and others have it but are not able to use it because, they are scared. If we are courageous enough, we can face any kind of problem in the world. It enables a person to face difficul�es. To survive in this world today, it’s very important to be courageous. For example, in the school, if we don’t understand a chapter or if we have a doubt, we should have enough courage to stand up and ask the ques�on in front of the class. Or in school buses, if someone is bullying us we should be courageous enough to face them. Thus, this proves that courage is the most important thing in a person. You don’t need to learn how to be courageous from others but, if you have a strong will to solve a problem, you will automa�cally get courage. Once, in my school, all my friends were telling me to hold their lunch boxes and carry it to the mess. There were so many of them and I was not able to carry them. I gathered courage and said a big NO to them. They got scared. And from that day onwards they never gave me their lunch boxes. This is the way courage has helped me. If you are not enough courageous to say no, then learn to. Be courageous and use it at the right place.

Courage is....


Tanishka Sahay 10 years

Sai Susritha.S

10 years

Page 5: BuzzTimes January 2013

Courage To Ask!It was my Hindi period and I realized I had forgo�en how to write ‘?’!I was ashamed of myself and thought everyone would laugh at me. Then I took courage and asked my Ma’am. She did not laugh actually she was proud of me that I took courage and asked. So never be scared to ask!

Avni Singh 8 years

Rohan Mi�al 11 Years

It Takes Courage To Be Who You Really Are.I won’t be able to stand like Anna Hazare and go against the government for corrup�on, but I can at least talk and discuss in small groups about the problems that currently we all face. I can create AWARENESS . . . Courage is not a display of power or an ability; it is just to BE YOURSELF. Courage is to stand with your thoughts, even if the world opposes you. I may not be able to die for my country like Bhagat Singh but I can support my country in everything it does. Suppor�ng ourselves and not going with the flow, and opposing the normal happenings is my defini�on of COURAGE.

Courage Makes You A Hero!In courage a hero takes place,and the villain can't escape. Courage to do something extraordinary, courage to fight with diseases. Courage to make people stand on their own, Courage to make own decisions, courage to succeed. All our dreams can come true if we have courage.

Amodh Mahajan 13 years


Page 6: BuzzTimes January 2013


Courage To Be With My Special BrotherMy brother is a special child. He is 10 years older than me and he is an Asperger. His mind gets very aggressive and at �mes he gets violent and hos�le, but I control him by giving lots of pa�ence and love. And now I have no�ced, he likes me and he has become one of my best friends. He will never go out from my heart.One day when I was playing in the park, my brother also came down for jogging. Some kids started teasing him and he came to me complaining. I felt very bad and got annoyed. I went to those kids and told them, “What pleasure do you get teasing him? He has got a problem, but in heart he is much be�er than us. He is not mean and will not tease anybody’.” A�er this incident, they felt sorry about it and apologised to my brother. Since then nobody teases him in our society. My brother is very happy and jogs around freely. Over the years he really put in hard work which helped him to become an ar�st. He does lovely pain�ngs in canvas and has exhibited his pain�ngs in Epicentre. Though he did not know what was happening around him, we were excited for him as all his pain�ngs were sold. Even media covered his exhibi�on. A�er his photograph appeared in the newspaper, he realized what was happening. And we all were very happy.Now, I have got a target to make him the best person in this world. I will never leave it at any cost. Do you all want to know his name! He is NEELESH and always remember: Special Children are equal to God. They are be�er than us with a purest mind.

Courage To Face Your FearFace what you fear

Learn how to be strong.Become braver in �me,

It will not take long.One may not have courage everyday...

But when it ma�ers most,One must not run away.

Pur�6 years

Bhavesh Ganesh11 years

Page 7: BuzzTimes January 2013


Courage to us!

Courage is something in which a person can stand up and give his/her opinion Nirva Mehta, 7 years

Courage is the ability to support your thoughts with power and if needed stand to support yourself. Even if you are le� alone, you should s�ll fight for it. Chaitali Raval, 14 years

The ability to express your thoughts to a person, elder or younger to you. Dhruv Shah, 12 years

Courage is a strong emo�on that allows one to do something which maybe, everybody can't do. Ariha Gandhi, 12 years

Khushi Chaitali Dhruv Ariha

Page 8: BuzzTimes January 2013


Courage In UsIt makes you stand up to your fear

Many people have died with itOthers hide in tears

What would you call it?

You guessed it rightIt’s called courage

It’s what we should have the most.I wish its spirit lives in everybody. As courage is now not with me.

Courage is a fireFlaming in your heart

That shows up in your eyesWhen you need it a lot.

Courage is whatWe people stand up with today

My eyes are burning With bravery right away.

Importance of Courage

सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे िदल में है,देखना है जोर कितना बाजु-ए-कातिल में है ।

These lines show the importance of courage. Courage is the most important human virtue. If you have courage, you can do anything. Every aspect of life including work and security needs courage.A beginning of new job, a beginning of new na�onal policy, fight against crime, fight for freedom; all need courage. History shows how our brave leaders and poli�cians fought in the freedom movement, how our brave soldiers guard our borders.26/11 incident showed the courage of our brave policemen and ci�zens, how they fought bravely against terrorists.Since the future depends on present ac�on. It is impera�ve that we sow a good seed today to reap a be�er crop tomorrow, so fight with courage against every evil to make a bright present, and shining future.

Harieshwar Vetri

10 years

Soumya Khemani

10 years

Page 9: BuzzTimes January 2013


Courage Means FirmnessCourage is a small word but it has big meaning hidden which we can feel. Courage means fearlessness, to be brave. Brave enough to speak truth. Courage means firmness, firmness to take a stand and to be bold enough to stand by it �ll the work is done. Courage also means heroism, guts to say sorry when you feel you have done something wrong. Courage means to have a daring resolu�on, to save and protect the weak.It’s not necessary that strong looking people only show courage; weak looking people also do great acts of courage. Nobody can teach you to be courageous if you are truthful and honest to yourself you will definitely find yourself on the path to that will make you courageous.

Rishabh Deshpande

11 years

Sanjoni Jain 8 yrs old

Page 10: BuzzTimes January 2013


Taruni Sunder13 years

Courage To Be TrueIf one can muster the strength to abstain from lies,To regard every situa�on through impar�al eyes,

To disturb a false tranquil for ul�mate peace,To make others welcome by sacrificing their own greed,

To stay true to themselves whatever may arise,To never be afraid to speak their mind,

To be pa�ent and kind and abundant in endurance,To be confident but suppress an ego when it makes an appearance,

To do what’s right in the midst of wrong, To encourage a winner with a victor’s song,

To venture into the world, aware of the challenges they’ll face,And live their life to the fullest, keeping a steady pace,

Then one will truly know themselves,As they will be full of courageous strength.

My Courage is Strong

It is the strongest people The kind you rarely seeWho have the will to display Courage!

My courage is when I tell the truth and not be afraid.Once while playing I accidentally gulped a video cell and I had the courage to tell this to my Mom and Dad. They were very apprecia�ve of me telling the truth and not ge�ng scared.

For me Courage is HonestyMy courage is speaking my mind without any worriesMy courage is being STRONG!

Malishka Kulchandra9 years

Page 11: BuzzTimes January 2013


Waking Up Courage Is Not Difficult!Courage is the ability to do something that one knows is right, good and necessary. It can be something easy, frightening or dangerous. For example some people are scared of heights but, out of all of them a few who will s�ll have the courage to jump from heights or stay at a high al�tude if need be. These are the courageous people. Now I will tell you a moment when I needed courage. It was around 5:30 in the evening, I

was playing with my friends in the month of July, year 2007. My friends were trying to assure me that it is not difficult to ride a bicycle without support wheels. But I was very scared and kept repea�ng “It is dangerous for me!”. At last I agreed to ride my friend’s brother’s bicycle (it was without support wheels!!!). I was si�ng on the seat, paddling, and my friend Shreya was holding the seat from behind. I did not realize when she le� the seat. As soon as I no�ced that, I jumped off the bicycle in shock. But I was so happy, because a�er all this I learnt to ride a bicycle without the support wheels. From that moment the courage in me had woken up.

“Courage Is Great Under Tear” - Ernest Herningway.A person is said to have courage if they do something brave which others think it is difficult or scary. It is the quality of mind or spirit that enables us to face difficulty pain, distress and �mes of difficulty.I would like to express my small experience where I witnessed moral courage in myself when I was just 7 years old. My friends and I were playing badminton in the backyard and by mistake the shu�le fell on the roof top of a college. There were no stairs and I climbed on to the roo�op with the help of a ladder. I went home a�er ge�ng the shu�le. I knew that my mum would scold me if she knew what had happened. I had a guilty feeling about not telling the truth. Later I couldn’t resist and blurted out the truth to my mother. As soon as I spoke, I felt an indefinable feeling of happiness. My mother didn’t scold but she told me not to do it again and that she was happy I had the courage to tell the truth. It gave me a lot of happiness that I have not forgo�en �ll today!Today even though we are not together, i remember the lovely �me I shared with him and i miss him a lot!True friendship goes a long way in life. We should keep making more and more friends and always try to be a good friend ourselves!

Anandi Ray10 years

V. Harshita13 years

Page 12: BuzzTimes January 2013


Meghana Munnireddy9 years

Courage To Keep On Trying One day, I and my family went to Coorg. In Coorg, we stayed in a Jungle Resort. In the resort there was a 50 feet tall rope. Nobody in my family could climb. The rope was not a s�ff one but it looked so scary. I did not give up �ll I could climb. A�er trying 5-6 �mes I s�ll was not able to climb but the 7th �me I could reach the tree top. I showed courage by climbing the tree and how I loved it to be on top of the tree!

The Will Within You!!When the baby takes it first step,

When first �me the bird tries to flyWhen one admits its mistake,

When guilt makes you cry.When one stands against wrong,

When one speaks the truthAsk the person doing so,

How much courage it took?Courage is not being bold,

Courage doesn't mean to fightCourage means to make a choice,Between what is wrong and right.Not the power, not the strength

But only the will within you,Is what make you courageous

In doing whatever you do.

Hridhima Tyagi 10 years

Page 13: BuzzTimes January 2013

Living A Blessed LifeI have-

A school to go to everyday,A roof above my head,

Caring friends and a loving family,To tuck me into bed.

Clean and clear water to use,Tasty and healthy food to eat,

Things like combs and toothbrushes,To groom myself and brush my teeth.

These things may seem common,Or even insignificant to you,

But they hold much more valueThan just things of daily use.

Not everyone in the worldLives a life like ours,

They live without educa�on,Electricity or cars.

This poem is my wayOf helping you realize,How blessed we all are

To live an easy life.

I will conclude this poem by saying,That with every passing day

I am grateful for the life I have,And I will try and give back to the world

In every way I can.


Dipali Lath 12 years

NatureHow lovely do the clouds look,

Like co�on in the sky,And there I sit reading a book,About a li�le bird soaring high!

How beau�ful are the range of mountains,

How natural they seem to be,But there are ar�ficial things

beau�ful, like fountains,There is one nearby--see!

How I wish these dreams would come true,

But that is not possible,At least I wish people

could keep nature �dy,And that is not impossible!

Anusha R. K11 years

Page 14: BuzzTimes January 2013


Best Lunch For My Friend Hippo and Rabbit were friends. Hippo lived in the river while rabbit lived under a tree on the bank of the river. They played together; they walked together and shared their things together. One day the Rabbit wanted to invite the Hippo for lunch. Hippo was happy. Now Rabbit was confused. What do I give him for lunch? So he went looking for the best lunch for his best friend. He met the Frog on the way. Frog asked him, “Where are you going rabbit?” Rabbit said, “My friend Hippo is coming for lunch. So I am looking for something yummy. Can you suggest? “Oh! Not a problem. I tell you bugs are very yummy. I am sure the hippo will like it.” Can I find some for you? But the rabbit was not so sure. So he said, “No thanks!” He walked further and met the snake. The snake asked him, “Where are you going rabbit?” Rabbit said, “My friend Hippo is coming for lunch. So I am looking for something yummy. Can you suggest? “Oh! Not a problem. I tell you rats are very yummy. I am sure the Hippo will like it.” Can I find some for you? But the Rabbit was not so sure. So he walked further and this �me he met a squirrel. Squirrel asked him, “Where are you going rabbit?” rabbit said, “I have hippo coming for lunch. So I am looking for something yummy. Can you suggest? “Oh! Not a problem. I tell you hazel nuts are very yummy. I am sure the Hippo will like it.” Can I find some for you? But the Rabbit was not so sure. The Rabbit was �red, he s�ll couldn’t decide. Just then he saw Mama Rabbit coming back from the field. Mama rabbit asked the baby bunny, “Where are you off to my li�le one?” “My friend hippo is coming for lunch today. I need to find him very yummy food. So can you suggest?” Mama looked at him and smiled. She said give him your favourite food and he will love it because he is your best friend. So Rabbit and Mama together made some carrot salad. Hippo had his best lunch that day!

Evelyn Jimmy8 years

Page 15: BuzzTimes January 2013


Dear Diary, I am a mosquito. And you might be thinking that being a mosquito is easy, BUT IT IS NOT!!! Do you know how many of my friends I have seen get killed by going too close to those big, clothed, ro�en, full of hair, disgus�ng creatures called humans? Of course their blood is so very tasty! And it is the best in these parts. But the threat is that they kill us. I mean do you know how bad it would hurt if you were smashed between two walls. It’s like two big, dirty human hands smacking you together. The last thing you hear is a clap noise! And some kill us with electrical bats! Like being zapped to death! I mean how could they have an animal cruelty law, but not a mosquito cruelty law? Some�mes I wonder if they are as smart as we think they are. And by the way things are going; sooner or later they will have an Olympic sport for killing mosquitoes! But their blood... it is SOOOOOO good! Uh, oh, another crazy human trying to kill us! Great now he's coming towards me. Oh well! The usual, run for your life or be shocked to death, not much. Well looks like it’s my turn, I cannot talk any longer. It is �me for me to BUZZZZZZZZZZ off!

- Blood Wing the Mosquito Pranay Kalagara

12 years

Sandra Ratnam Boola

12 years

Those Who Made Our Country Great Those who made our country great,

Never just sat and ate;They fought for us with all their might,

Always thinking of other's plight.

Never did they moan about,What they had and

what they'd have to do without;They inspired us with all they did,

I heard about them as a kid.

Now we have a lot to do,We must live unto our country too;

It’s our country's name at stake,Let’s do something for goodness sake!

Page 16: BuzzTimes January 2013


Suryadip Bandyopadhyay11 years

A Day in My Life A shrill alarm signal rings out the night. My brain switches into panic mode. Darkness is all around. I jump up and head to the bathroom. Yes, that is how my day begins! Every day, the same monotonous rou�ne takes hold. I brush my teeth vigorously, splash my eyes with a dollop of water and begin my breakfast. Breakfast is usually cornflakes and milk. A�er saying a hurried goodbye to my family, I rush to the gate to be picked up by my friend in his car and go to the bus stop. The daily commute is long and boring but occasionally, there are water fights and various other amusing things.

In school, I begin with an assembly in which everyone is too busy talking, to listen. I barely make it through Science and Hindi. Although I come out of my slumber during Maths, English and Social Science. My school is a very colourful area, but the food they serve is disgus�ng. There is even a joke that the cooks go to the local dump to bring back le�-over rubbish. A�er school, my friends and I pile into the bus and begin the lengthy journey home.

A�er a quick cold shower, I eat some snacks and go down to play soccer or basketball with my friends. I don’t know why, but there is always an alien, slightly rubbery smell to the grass in the fields. These days, in the chilly air, my sweat seems to freeze on my skin, leaving cold patches on my body. Coming home at seven o clock leaves me very �red. So, I rest for a few rushed minutes before I sit down to do my homework. My homework is overwhelming...there is just so much! At eight thirty, I eat a delectable dinner prepared by my mother. Sadly, I have to go to bed by nine o clock. So, I set my alarm clock, pull up the blankets and se�le in for a good night’s sleep.

Friends: Selfish and Nice Some of the friends are not able to keep secrets and some do.A friend needs to keep a friendship as friendship.There are very less true friends on earth.Friends need to share things with each other.So God make more friends be it girl or boy but true!

Ananta Bhatnagar

9 years

Page 17: BuzzTimes January 2013


New Goddess Perfec�on asked God to createa goddess divine"Make her perfect""Make her loving""Make her unique"Were part of Perfec�on's criteria For this unborn goddess

And so God did,Create a perfect creatureHe gave her beauty, borrowed from the roseHe gave her pa�ence, borrowed the treeHe gave her intelligence, borrowed from knowledge itselfHe gave her calmness, borrowed from the ocean

Everybody was amazed by the fact,That such a creature existed"But she doesn't have a name!"Perfec�on exclaimedAnd so began the hunt for A �tle for this magnificent creature

A�er several moments of hard thinkingGod finally a suitable �tleHe named the goddess;Mother!!!

Arunima Cheruvathoor12 years

Page 18: BuzzTimes January 2013



A buzzing quiz: 6 straight ques�ons with 6 straight answers.. 1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the par�cipants know the

score or the leader un�l the contest ends.2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward? 3. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?4. Only three words in Standard English begin with the le�ers ' dw' and they are all

common words. Name two of them.5. There are 14 punctua�on marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of

them?6. Using only addi�on, how do you add eight 8’s and get the number 1000?


One word answers!• I am the beginning of the end,

and the end of �me and space. I am essen�al to crea�on, and I surround every place. What am I?

• What always runs but never walks, o�en murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

• I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the hope of all, to live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?

• What English word has three consecu�ve double le�ers?

• I am the beginning of the end, and the end of �me and space. I am essen�al to crea�on, and I surround every place. What am I?

• How many 9's between 1 and 100?

Buzzing Quiz

Compiled by Arunima Jain

Page 19: BuzzTimes January 2013



Buzzing book

Hunger Games A world in its own.....

A bewitching book which appeals to the reader in a mesmerizing way!

Katniss Everdeen, the main character is a determined, unfortunate young girl who lives in the 12th district of her world, which is governed by the Capitol. The Capitol is the main administra�ve city which organizes games called the Hunger Games. Katniss volunteers to play in these violent games where you have to kill to survive so as to protect her sister, Primrose who was actually chosen. The other tribute chosen was Peeta Mellark, a boy who loved Katniss forever, without her being aware about that. The story unravels, making you lunge deeper and deeper into its depths and you cannot put it down. But there are certain inappropriate scenes and indecent words which might put in some wrong ideas into kids' minds. It is confusing at some places and suddenly keeps ge�ng atrociously violent which can make you wince.

All in all, not all kids can read it due the inappropriate scenes though it is worth it. You find yourself right inside that world as you read it, it is very intriguing, the book.

Ul�mately, my ra�ng would be 4.7 on 5.

Our Buzzing Cri�c is Roshitha Sai BheemaneniA Grade 7 in CHIREC, Hyderabad, she gorges on books, and loves wri�ng poems. She finds complete ecstasy in music and dance.

Page 20: BuzzTimes January 2013



Buzzing Moms :

There Is A Genius In Every Child!

As it happens, most of us culturally believe in academic success as a measure of intelligence. Undoubtedly it’s a good and valid measure. But does that really assess the child’s overall capabili�es?

And come to think of it –

Sachin Tendulkar is an undergraduate, Shankar Mahadevan quit his job as a so�ware engineer in Oracle Corpora�on to pursue his career as a musician and Saina Nehwal hasn’t completed her educa�on either.

Okay… so am I advoca�ng that less importance be given to educa�on?

Absolutely not!

The point I am trying to make is that there has to be “something unique”; “something extraordinary” about every child that needs to be recognized and nurtured. This includes finesse in academics; a penchant for a par�cular sport; an art form; a knack for public speaking or something else!

I believe that the onus lies with the parents to iden�fy that “something” and give a meaningful direc�on to it.

It’s nice to see that today a lot of parents are seemingly quite proac�ve on this front!. Today it’s a style statement that children are enrolled in many a�er-school ac�vity classes. But how many of these choices are made by the child?

The child in fact gets stressed out with too much on her plate and was finding it tough to take �me out for her homework.

My take would be: Iden�fy the strength. Encourage the child. Let the child explore. Include him/her in taking the decision. Inspire them but don't compare them. Stand by them in all eventuali�es. Don’t let them ever lose hope. Take pride in your child!

You must believe in them before they can start believing in themselves!

And with a solid anchor in their parent(s), the genius will succeed!

Charu Dar

Charu is a working mom of an 8 year old. She is a Manager Training in a Travel BPO.

Page 21: BuzzTimes January 2013


Letters to The Editor

It's really great. You have done a wonderful job of bringing the kids imagina�on to reality by highligh�ng their beau�ful thoughts to this world. Congrats to you in your venture. My son Bhavesh would like to connect with BuzzTimes. - Subramanian Ganesh I do feel proud to see that Harieshwar's wri�ng has improved so much from the Green Earth poem that he wrote 2 years back. I didn't know that he could think to such depth and write about it. I am enjoying seeing his work. BuzzTimes has given him focus and he enjoys wri�ng for topics given by BuzzTimes. I have informed my friends here and will spread the word more about BuzzTimes. - Regards VidhyaThanarajan

Beau�ful, Team Buzz�mes! The journal is exci�ng, pleasing to look at and the editorial takes my breath away! - Jagru� Gala, Crea�ve Director S2M

Kudos! For an Excellent BuzzTimes for kids!!It was truly inspira�onal... Wishing You and the Team of Milestones a Great Great Success & Good Times!! Pleased to see something worthwhile come up for kids to address their Higher intelligence and channel their poten�al to Crea�ve forums - Mrs. Shobha Lidder

In a long �me, I haven't read something which is completely "by the children, of the children, and for the children"! I am sure many-a-parent would like to thank you for the amazing thoughts you are sharing with their children, and more importantly, for orien�ng children towards thinking so maturely and understanding responsibili�es at such a tender age! For instance, I was overwhelmed to read an 11-year old child sum up his wri�ng with 'live your childhood to the fullest'! And I was impressed with a child who wrote, 'My first role is to save endangered animals'... this child, clearly, has set his OWN priori�es. He is not bound by what OTHERS think he should do, and that, is simply, amazing! And there's a child who feels free to say 'I don't like school'. If I am allowed being cri�cal, I would say, though, that I was expec�ng more stories, poems and write ups on 'friendship', which was the proposed theme. However, that notwithstanding, I thoroughly enjoyed the read, and certainly look forward to many more issues! - Neelakshi Kaushik Swami

Page 22: BuzzTimes January 2013


buzzing Contributors


Editor : Anita Jaswal Sub Editor : Nisha Ghai Lead Crea�ve Design : Ami Gandhi

New Delhi / Gurgaon Anandi Ray is in Grade 4 in the Lotus Valley Interna�onal School. She is a trained kathak dancer and she loves literature and arts. Ananta Bhatnagar is in Grade 3 in The Heritage School. Her hobbies are pain�ng, ska�ng and dancing. Ansh Singhal is a Grade 5 student of The Heritage School. He loves reading and is the author of a book at such a young age. He

hopes to encourage other children to enjoy reading and wri�ng about what's on their mind. Arunima Jain is a Grade 6 student of Bloom Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. She loves drama�cs, dance and art and cra�. Avni Singh is in Grade 2 in the Shikshantar School. She is very fond of Art and cooking. Bhavesh Ganesh is in Grade 5 in The Shri Ram School. Evelyn Jimmy is in Grade 3 in the Manav Rachna Interna�onal School. She is a very keen reader and reading is part of her everyday

life. she also likes colouring and drawing. Malishka Kulchandra is in Grade 4 in the Suncity School. A highly intelligent and sensi�ve child, she loves drawing, reading books,

art & cra� and collec�ng tags and leaves. Rohan Mi�al is an ar�culate, intelligent child. He is very focussed and clear in his thinking. He is a student of Grade 6 Amity

Interna�onal School. Sanjoni Jain is in Grade 3 in the Indus World School. She loves to draw, sing, and dance. Suryadip Bandyopadhyay is in Grade 4 in the Vasant Valley School, Delhi. He loves reading and playing basketball. Tanishka Sahay is a Grade 4 student of Lotus Valley Interna�onal School. She loves reading books and playing tennis.

Hyderabad Anusha R. K. is in the Grade 6 in the Chirec Public School. She enjoys reading mystery and adventure novels. She has also wri�en

three short mystery novels that form a part of series involving a girl detec�ve. Arunima Cheruvathoor is a Grade 7 in Chirec Public School. She enjoys wri�ng poems, and is also an avid reader. Dipali Lath is in Grade 7 in Chirec Public School. A literature lover; she also loves playing basketball, listening to music, art and

photography, and wri�ng. V. Harshita is in Grade 8 in the Sanghamitra School. She loves listening to music and reading adventure books. Her hobbies are

swimming, pain�ng, singing and playing chess. Ishita Sharma is a Grade 4 student in Chirec Public School. Sai Susritha.S is in Grade 5 in the Meridian School. She likes to read books, write poems, draw and play badminton. Sandra Ratnam Boola is in Grade 7 at Chirec Public School. She likes to read, sing, play the piano and swim. But most of all she

loves to write stories and poems.

Vadodara Amodh Mahajan is in Grade 8 in the Nalanda Interna�onal School. Ariha Gandhi studies in Delhi Public School, in Grade 6. She loves to express herself through dance, art and words. Chaitali S Raval is a home schooled 14 years old. She likes classical music, drawing, kathak, ayurveda and environment studies. Rishabh Deshpande is in Grade 6 in the Nalanda Interna�onal School.

Indore Hridhima Tyagi is in Class 5 in the Shishukunj Interna�onal School. She loves to read books and watch cartoons. She is learning

dance, piano and drawing. Soumya Khemani is a Grade 4 student of The Emerald Heights Interna�onal School. She likes to dance and make friends. She is

good in studies and though people tease her for her curly hairs she does not mind.

Bengaluru Harieshwar. R. Vetri studies in the Gear Innova�ve Interna�onal School, Bangalore, in Grade 5. He loves to read books and makes

stories while playing with his Lego toys. He occasionally writes them down as well. Science is his favourite subject and he loves to collect facts.

Meghana Munireddy is in Grade 4 in the Na�onal Public School Pur� is in Grade 1 in the Vibgyor School. She loves reading, drawing, pain�ng, colouring, role play, dancing and watching TV. Pranay Kalagara is in Grade 4 in the CHIREC Public School. He likes Basketball, Jogging and Swimming and playing video games. Taruni Sunder is in Grade 9 in the Gear Innova�ve School. She enjoys reading, wri�ng, cycling, and playing badminton.

Page 23: BuzzTimes January 2013

BuzzTimes is the sole ini�a�ve of Stones2Milestones

Stones2Milestones offers research based programs for children to iden�fy and nurture their inherent poten�al. We constantly encourage children to ques�on things they read, see and hear and give them opportuni�es to speak out without being judged and let their feelings and opinions be heard. Our organisa�on is the brainchild of the alumni from IIM & Harvard. We currently have centres in Gurgaon, Bengaluru and Vadodara

For sending ar�cles, poems, stories or any queriesContact us at buzz�[email protected]

Or call us at 9810221518 or