c programming language

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C Programming Language. C ontents. Chapter 01 C 언어의 개요 Chapter 02 C 언어의 기본구성 Chapter 03 기본 데이터 타입 Chapter 04 기본 입출력 Chapter 05 연산자 Chapter 06 프로그램 제어문 Chapter 07 함수 Chapter 08 배열 Chapter 09 포인터 Chapter 10 문자열. C ontents. Chapter 11 구조체와 사용자 정의 Chapter 12 파일 I/O - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • C Programming Language

    ContentsChapter 01C Chapter 02C Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Chapter 05 Chapter 06 Chapter 07Chapter 08Chapter 09Chapter 10

    ContentsChapter 11 Chapter 12 I/OChapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 C

    Appendix A Appendix B

  • Chapter 01


    C (I)C?UNIX


    C (II)C

    C UNIX () (Embedded System)

    (I)1. 2. 3. 4. & 5. 6. 7.

    (II)CompilerLinker (*.c & *.h) (*.obj) (*.exe)

  • Chapter 02


    , Hello, World~!/* HelloWorld.c */#include

    int main(void){printf(Hello, World~!\n);return 0;}

    (I)#include #include . , .

    main() C .

    , , . () .

    (II)( ) .

    C . .

    , , .

    (III) .main() .

    . . . : // : /* */

    (IV)(ISO/ANSI C)

  • Chapter 03


    * .

    () short intO2-332768 ~ 32767intO4-2147483648 ~ 2147483647long intO4 -2147483648 ~ 2147483647unsigned short intX20 ~ 65535unsigned intX40 ~ 4294967295


    printf() %d, %o, %x

    int num;int a, b, c; // 3 int age = 30;// printf(I am %d years old. \n, age);printf(I am %o years old. \n, age);printf(I am %x years old. \n, age);

    : -127 ~ 128 ( ) ASCII (0 ~ 127) ( ) (Escape Sequences)

    printf() %c

    char grade; char gradeA = A, gradeB = 66;// printf(My grade is %c. \n, gradeA);printf(Your grade is %c. \n, gradeB);


    * .


    printf() %f, %e, %a, %lf, %le

    float a = 10, b = 20;double percent = a/100;double c = 0.3;printf(percent is %f. \n, percent);printf(percent is %e. \n, percent);printf(percent is %a. \n, percent);printf(a : %f , b : %e \n, a, b);

    , . .1 sizeof(char) sizeof(short) sizeof(int) sizeof(long)sizeof(float) sizeof(double) sizeof(long double)sizeof .

    ( ) ( ) Type Promotion( ) .() bool, char, short -> intStandard Type Conversion( ) .() int double ( ) () float f = (float)100;

    (I)? . , , , , . . . .; . . 0 .

    (II)? . , , , .

    int a = 123;//123 char gradeA = A// A double d = 3.141592// 3.141592

    const int MAXLEN = 20; //MAXLEN 20

    const double PI = 3.141592//PI 3.141592

  • Chapter 04


    getchar() (stdin) putchar() (stdout)

    #include int getchar(void);int putchar(int c);// EOF

    gets() (stdin) (\n) (\0) puts() (stdout) (\0) (\n) .

    #include char* gets(char* s);int puts(const char* s);// EOF

    (I) printf() ,


    int printf (const char *format, ...);


    %a, %A , 16%c %d, %i 10 %e , e, %E: , E%f , %g, %G %f %e, %E %o 8 %p%s%u 10 %x, %X 16 %%

    (III)printf() () , .

    - + , , , , # # , 0 0 . . %e, %E, %f , %g, %G , %s , l long int, unsigned long int L long double

    (I) scanf() printf() () (, , )


    int scanf (const char *format, ...);

    (II)scanf() & . & .%s .


    (, , , ) .

    fflush() .

    1 (A-Z) 1, (a-z) 2, (0-9) 3 0 .(EOF )

    A-Z .

  • Chapter 05

    +, - , *, / , %%() .++, -- .=, -=, +=, . =, ==,!= 1 0 &&, ||, ! 1 0 &, |, ~, ^ 0 * . & ( type) . . , -> ?1:2 1 2 (),[],{} .

    , , , ,

    ()1 -> +,-()2, -> *,/,%3, , -> +,-()4, ->


    ++a 1 a++ 1 --a 1 a-- 1


    (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, %=)

    int num1, num2 = 0;num1 = 100;num1 = num1 + 20;num1 = num1 + num2;a += b;// a = a + b;a -= b;// a = a - b;a *= b;// a = a * b;a /* = b;// a = a / b;a %= b;// a = a % b;

    () , , , true(=1), false(=0)

    < ?= ?> ?!= ?


    && : AND true true || : OR true true ! : NOT true false, false true

    (I) (0 1) (char )

    ~ (NOT)1 0, 0 1 & (AND) 1 1 | (OR) 1 1 ^ (Exclusive OR : XOR) 1

    (II) : : 1 : 0 : 0 1, 1 0


    : 15 2 (15

    () ( ) : ()

    int a;double b = 10.25;a = (int)b; //b a .

    if~else 3 : ? 1 : 2

    int a = 10, b;b = (a > 0) ? 1 : 0; //a 0 1, 0 a = (b == 1) ? 1 : 0; //b 1 1, 0

    . . 3 . 3 0 1 0xF120 ^ ^ . . ( ) : . : .

  • Chapter 06

    : ifswitchgoto

    : whiledo whileforcontinue & break


    if (condition1)statement1;else if (condition2)statement2;elsestatement3;condition1statement1condition2statement2statement3truetruefalsefalsecondition1 true statement1 false condition2 condition2 true statement2 false statement3 .

    if(II) if

    if (condition)statement1;if (condition)statement1;elsestatement2;

    if (condition1)statement1;else if (condition2)statement2;elsestatement3;

    if (condition1)if (condition3)statement4;elsestatment5;else if (condition2)if (condition4)statement6;elsestatement7;elsestatement3;


    switch (n){case value1 : statement1; break;case value2 : statement2; break;default : statement3;}n value1 statement1 . value2 statement2 . other value statement3 .


    char ch = A;switch(ch){case A : printf (A...\n); break;case B : printf (B...\n); break;case C : printf (C...\n); break;case D : printf (D...\n); break;default : printf (!!\n);}

    char ch = A;switch(ch){case A : printf (A...\n);case B : printf (B...\n);case C : printf (C...\n);case D : printf (D...\n);default : printf (!!\n);}


    goto label;statement1;statement2;statement3;label : statement4;goto label statement1, statement2, statement3 label statement4 .if (num > 10)goto labelA;goto labelB;labelA: num += 100;labelB: num *= 2;if (num > 10)num += 100;elsenum *= 2;


    while (condition){statement1;statement2;statement3;}statement4;condition true { } statement1, statement2, statement3 .while true

    while(II)while while while .

    int i=1, j;while (i < 10){j = 1;while (j < 10){printf (i : %d,\t j : %d \n, i, j);j++;}i++;}


    do{statement1;statement2;statement3;} while (condition)statement4;statement1, statement2, statement3 condition true statement1,2,3 .do-while false


    for (; ; ){statement1;statement2;}statement3; , true/false true statement1, statement2 . .for ,

    for(II)for for for .

    for ( int i = 1; i < 10; i++){for ( int j = 1; j < 10; j++){printf (i : %d,\t j : %d \n, i, j);}}

    continue & breakcontinue , .switch break switch .continue .

    break .break .

    10 .1 100 2 .1 100 . . . (for ) . . (, 0 .) . (0 ) , , , . 2 2*2, 3 3*3, 4 4*4, , 9 9*9 break continue .

  • Chapter 07

    . () ( ) .

    (reusability) (divide-and-conquer approach) , . .

    (I)#include int selectmenu(void);// int main(void){int sel, num1, num2, sum;sel = selectmenu();// if (sel == 1) sum = num1 + num2;else if (sel == 2) sum = num1 num2;else if (sel == 3) sum = num1 * num2;else if (sel == 4) sum = num1 / num2;}int selectmenu(void)// {int selmenu=1;printf(--- ---\n);printf( 1., 2., 3., 4. : );scanf(%d, &selmenu);return selmenu;}

    (II)int sel, num1, num2, sum;sel = selectmenu();int selmenu=1;printf(--- ---\n);printf( 1., 2., 3., 4. : );scanf(%d, &selmenu);return selmenu;

    if (sel == 1) sum = num1 + num2;else if (sel == 2) sum = num1 num2;else if (sel == 3) sum = num1 * num2;else if (sel == 4) sum = num1 / num2;

    step1. main() , . step2. main() . step3. sel num sum .

    (Naming Rule) . , .

    : float f_add(float, float), int i_add(int, int)

    : int GetNumber(void), char* GetLastName(char* FullName)

    , , .

    . , . ();

    . . . return . ( void .)

    (){ ; ;return ;}


    , .


    = ();

    (I) . .

    ( ) (call by value) (C ) . (call by reference) ( ) .

    (II)1#include 23void swap(int, int);45int main(void)6{7int i = 10; j = 20;8swap(i, j);9printf( i = %d, j = %d \n, i, j);10return 0;11}1213void swap(int n1, int n2)14{15int temp = n1;16n1 = n2;17n2 = temp;18printf( n1 = %d, n2 = %d \n, n1, n2);19}

    (III) (call by value).step1. main() 7 step2. swap() (14 ) step3. swap() 15



    (IV) (call by value) (contd)step4. swap() 17 step5. swap() main() 9


    (V)1#include 23void swap(int*, int*);45int main(void)6{7int i = 10; j = 20;8swap(&i, &j);9printf( i = %d, j = %d \n, i, j);10return 0;11}1213void swap(int* n1, int* n2)14{15int temp = *n1;16*n1 = *n2;17*n2 = temp;18printf( n1 = %d, n2 = %d \n, *n1, *n2);19}

    (VI) (call by reference).step1. main() 7 step2. swap() (14 ) step3. swap() 15




    (VII) (call by reference) (contd)step4. swap() 17 step5. swap() main() 9



    main(){fnA(); //-level 1 fnB(); //-level 1 }void fnA(){fnC(); //-level 2 fnF(); //-level 2 }void fnB(){fnC(); //-level 2fnE(); //-level 2}void fnC(){fnD(); //-level 3}mainfnAfnBfnCfnDfnEfnF

    (Recursive Function) .

    long factorial(int n){long res;

    for (res=1; n>1; n--)res *= n;return res;}long factorial(int n){long res;

    if (n > 0)res = n * factorial(n-1);elseres = 1;return res;}

    (/)- . . : .


    (n) 1 n .

    3 .

    1~10 .

    2 .

  • Chapter 08


    : : : ([ ]) : ( ) : 0



    , 0

    int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0,0};// .int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};

    (II) (contd) .

    const . . .int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};// 8 arr 8.const int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

    . .

    . : , .int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};// 10// : 0 19

    int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};arr[0] arr[2] arr[4] arr[6] arr[8] arr[1] arr[3] arr[5] arr[7] arr[9]


    // , , , , 5 int jumsu[5];// 5 int jumsu[3][5]

    (II)3 ( ........) 3 , 4 .

    // 5 2 int jumsu[3][5] // 3 10 5 3 int jumsu[10][3][5]// 6 10 3 5 4 int jumsu[6][10][3][5]

    (I) 1 .1 .

    //1 int jumsu[5] = {90,80,75,95,70};//2 int jumsu[3][5] = { {90,80,75,95,70}, // {92,70,75,85,80}, // {95,88,75,75,90} // }* jumsu[3][5] 3 X 5 .

    (II) (contd) . .int jumsu[3][5] = { {90,80,75}, // {92,70,75,85}, // {95,88} // }// 0 .int jumsu[3][5] = { 90, 80, 75, 92, 70, 75, 85, 95, 88 }// , 0 ?

    int jumsu[3][5] = { {90,80,75,95,70}, // {92,70,75,85,80}, // {95,88,75,75,90} // }


    10 int arr[i] 0 i .getchar() 10 char . 2 . .5 ,, .8 X 9 2 .3 X 4 2 4 X 3 2 .

  • Chapter 09

    ? . .

    int * pi; // char * pc; // double * pf;//

    [] * [];

    (*) , * .

    (&) , & .int num1 = 20;int num2 = 30;int *pi;pi = &num1;printf(%d, %d\n, pi, *pi);0x10000x10040x10080x100cnum1 = 20num2 = 30pi = 0x1000

    .() . . . . . .

    (I) . . . . 1

    int arr[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};int *parr = arr;


    arr arr = arr[0] = &arr[0][0]arr + 1 (int [2]) . arr + 1 = arr[1] = &arr[1][0]arr 2 2 . arr[0][0] = *arr[0] = **arr

    int arr[3][2] = {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}};int (*parr)[2] = arr;

    (III) int double .

    .int num = 10;double dnum;int *pi = &num;double *pd = &dnum;dnum = num;// .pd = pi;//~!!

    (IV), , (call by reference) . . ( ) . 1. 2. .1 //int 1 int arr_sum(int *arr, int size); //1int arr_sum(int *, int); //2int arr_sum(int arr[], int size);//3int arr_sum(int [], int);//4

    (V), , (contd) //int 3 X 2 int arr_sum(int (*arr)[2], int size); //1int arr_sum(int arr[][2], int size);//2

    //int 4 X 3 X 2 int arr_sum(int (*arr)[3][2], int size); //1int arr_sum(int arr[][3][2], int size);//2

    (**) .int num = 10;int * pi = &num;int ** ppi =


    printf(%d\n, num);printf(%d\n,*pi);printf(%d\n,**ppi);

    const(I) . .int num = 10;const int* pi = &num; *pi = 100; //~!!num = 100;//

    const(II) (contd) .

    //int 1 int arr_sum(const int *, int); // int arr_sum(const int *arr, int size)// {int i, sum = 0;for (i = 0; i < size; i++)sum += arr[i];for (i = 0; i < size; i++) arr[i]=0;//~!!return sum;}

    const(III) .

    . .

    int num1 = 10;int num2 = 20;int* const pi = &num1; pi = &num2; //~!!*pi = 100;//int num1 = 10;int num2 = 20;const int* const pi = &num1; *pi = 100; //~!!num1 = 100;//pi = &num2;//~!!

    NULL 0 NULL 0

    int * pi = 0; //int * pi = NULL;char * pc = 0;//char * pc = NULL;double * pd= 0;//double * pd = NULL;

    . . .typedef .

    // int, int int (*fct1)(int);// , double void (*fct2)(double,double);

    void ., , void . , .void . .

    int num = 10;char ch = A;void *vp; //void vp = &num;//int vp = &ch; //char

    3 X 4 2 4 X 3 2 . , .

    int . .5 ,, 3X5 int[5] . double Add, Minus, Multiply, Divide . .




    ? (high-level) : (low-level) :

    C 1972, ALGOL60 -> CPL -> BCPL -> B -> CC 1. : .2. : C .3. : C C .4. : C .5. : .

    , , C & (Source File) C .( : *.c)(Compiler)C . (Object File) ( : *.obj) (Library File) .(Linker) . (Execute File) .( : *.exe)

    /* Hello.c */ // . 2. include // .3.4. int main(void) //main() ! 5. { // .6. printf(Hello, World~!\n);// . 7. return 0; // 0 .8. } // .

    :Hello, World~! #include : #include #include #include mystring.h

    main() : int main(void)

    : { ......... ( ) ......... }

    ( ) : int num; int a, b; char name[5]=hong; const int MAXLEN = 20;

    : printf(Welcome to C World~!); strcpy(dest, hong gil dong); double tax = mytax(salary);

    : salary = 100; int annualsalary = salary * 12; a = (b==c);

    : int main() { return 0; } double mytax(salary) {return salary*0.7;}

    : /* : mytax : . : 2005 1 1 : */ // .

    C... . main . (;) . .int int . unsigned int = unsigned long int = long signed int = signed

    signed/unsigned signed . signed int = int signed short int = short int signed long = long

    . int int .

    8 16 8 : 0 8 16 : 0x 16 10 : 8 16 10 :int a = 10; int b = 012; int c = 0xa;



    int main(void){ int a = 30; int age = a; printf(I am %d years old.\n, age); printf(I am %o years old.\n, age); printf(I am %x years old.\n, age);} (Escape Sequences) \a : alarm \b : backspace \f : form feed \n : new line \r : carriage return \t : horizontal tab \v : vertical tab \\ : backslash \ : single quotation \ : double quotation \? : question mark \099 : 8 \x99 : 16



    int main(void){ char gradeA = A; char gradeB = 66; printf(My grade is %c !! \n, gradeA); printf(Your grade is %c !! \n, gradeB);}

    (floating-point number) . .

    ( ) , .

    C99 . : float _Complex, double _Complex, float _Imaginary, double _Imaginary[]


    int main(void){ float a = 10, b = 20; double percent = a/100; double c = 0.3; printf(percent is %f . \n, percent); printf(percent is %e . \n, percent); printf(percent is %a . \n, percent); printf(a : %f , b : %e, a, b);}

    [] sizeof


    int main(void){ char c = A; int i = 1; float f = 2.1; double d = 10.24;

    printf(value of c : %c \t & size of c : %d bytes.\n, c, sizeof(c) ); printf(value of i : %d \t & size of i : %d bytes.\n, c, sizeof(i) ); printf(value of f : %f \t & size of f : %d bytes.\n, c, sizeof(f) ); printf(value of d : %f \t & size of d : %d bytes.\n, c, sizeof(d) );

    printf(size of CHAR : %d bytes.\n, sizeof(char) ); printf(size of INT : %d bytes.\n, sizeof(int) ); printf(size of FLOAT : %d bytes.\n, sizeof(float) ); printf(size of DOUBLE : %d bytes.\n, sizeof(double) );

    return 0;}[] ,


    int main(void){ int a=1, b=10;

    int d1 = a/b; // double d2 = (float)a / (float)b; //

    printf("value of d1 : %f \n", d1); printf("value of d2 : %f \n", d2); return 0;} ( ) ( : _ )

    [] 0 #include

    int main(void){ char ch;

    while ((ch = getchar()) != '0') putchar(ch); return 0;}

    [] EOF(Ctrl+Z) #include

    int main(void){ int ch; while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) putchar(ch); return 0;}[] gets() puts() #include

    int main(void){ char answer[80];

    puts("How are you, today?"); gets(answer); // . puts(answer); // .

    return 0;}

    printf() printf() f (formatted) .

    [] printf() , , , #include

    int main(void){ char c1 = 'A'; char c2 = 66; char s1[20] = "Hong Gil Dong"; char s2[20] = "Student"; double d1 = 1.5e-4; double d2 = 1.5e-5;

    int i = 11;

    printf("c1 %c, ASCII %d.\n", c1); printf("c2 %c, ASCII %d.\n", c2);

    printf(" %s .\n", s1); printf(" %s .\n", s2);

    printf("d1 : %g \n", d1); printf("d2 : %g \n", d2);

    printf("i 8 : %o \n", i); printf("i 10 : %d \n", i); printf("i 16 : %x \n", i);

    return 0;}[] printf() #include

    int main(void){ int i = 10; double f = 1.5; char s[20] = "Hong Gil Dong";

    printf(" i : %10d.\n", i); printf(" i : %-10d.\n", i); printf(" i : %010d.\n", i); printf(" f : %f \n", f); printf(" f : %3.2f \n", f);

    printf(" s : %s. \n", s); printf(" s : %.10s. \n", s); printf(" s : %20s. \n", s); printf(" s : %-20s. \n", s);

    return 0;}scanf() scanf() f (formatted) .

    printf() %f, %e, %E, %g, %G float double scanf() float printf() , double l

    gets() , scanf() .[] #include

    int main(void){ int num1, num2;

    printf("Enter the 1st number : "); scanf("%d", &num1);

    printf("Enter the 2nd number : "); scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("summary : %d \n", num1+num2);

    return 0;}

    (operand) ,


    [] #include

    int main(void){ short a,b,c; a=20000; b=30000;

    c=a+b; printf("%d + %d = %d\n",a,b,c); // c ??? c=a-b; printf("%d - %d = %d\n",a,b,c); // c ??? c=a*b; printf("%d * %d = %d\n",a,b,c); // c ??? return 0;}

    [] char int + #include

    int main(void){ int a,b,c; char ch1 = 'A', ch2 = 'B', ch3; a = 10; c=a+(b=(c=5)); printf("%d\n",c); ch3 = ch1 + ch2; // . printf("ch3 : %c %d \n", ch3, ch3); return 0;}[] #include

    int main(void){ int a = 10, b, c = 10; printf("%d \n", a++); printf("%d \n", ++a); printf("%d \n", a--); printf("%d \n", --a); b = a++ + ++a; printf("b : %d \n", b);

    c = c++ + c++ + c++ + c++; printf("c : %d \n", c);

    return 0;} . (type promotion) (type demotion) .

    [] #include

    int main(void){ int a,b; const int c=30;

    a=10; b=5;

    c=a+b; //error C2166: l-value specifies const object printf("%d\n",c);

    return 0;}

    [ 100 1, 0 #include

    int main(void){ int num1, num2;

    num1 = 100;

    printf("Enter one number : "); scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("%d \n", num1 == num2);

    return 0;}

    [] #include

    int main(void){ int num1, num2, num3, num4;

    num1 = 100;

    printf("Enter 1st number : "); scanf("%d", &num2);

    printf("Enter 2nd number : "); scanf("%d", &num3);

    num4 = num1 0) ? 1 : 0; a = (b == 1) ? 1 : 0;

    printf("a = %d\n", a); printf("b = %d\n", b);

    return 0;}

    [] if #include

    int main(void){ int jumsu; printf( . : ); scanf(%d, &jumsu); if (jumsu >= 90) printf( : %d, \t : A \n, jumsu); else if (jumsu >= 80) printf( : %d, \t : B \n, jumsu); else printf( : %d, \t : F \n, jumsu);

    return 0;}

    [] , if #include

    int main(void){ int num1, num2; char op; printf( . : ); scanf(%d, &num1); printf( . : ); scanf(%d, &num2); printf( .[+, -, *, /] : ); scanf(%c,&op); if (op == +) printf(%d + %d = %d \n, num1, num2, num1+num2); else if (op == -) printf(%d - %d = %d \n, num1, num2, num1-num2); else if (op == *) printf(%d * %d = %d \n, num1, num2, num1*num2); else if (op == /) printf(%d / %d = %f \n, num1, num2, num1/num2); else printf( .);

    return 0;}

    switch expression int char .switch default . expression case .

    [] switch #include

    int main(void){ char ch; printf( . : ); scanf(%c,&ch); switch (ch) { case A : printf(A .); break; case B : printf(B .); break; case C : printf(C .); break; case D : printf(D .); break; default : printf( .); }

    return 0;}

    [] switch #include

    int main(void){ int num1, num2; char op; printf( . : ); scanf(%d, &num1); printf( . : ); scanf(%d, &num2); printf( .[+, -, *, /] : ); scanf(%c,&op); switch (op) { case + : printf(%d + %d = %d \n, num1, num2, num1+num2); break; case - : printf(%d - %d = %d \n, num1, num2, num1-num2); break; case * : printf(%d * %d = %d \n, num1, num2, num1*num2); break; case / : printf(%d / %d = %f \n, num1, num2, num1/num2); break; default : printf( .); }

    return 0;}goto .

    [] 10 labelA labelB #include

    int main(void){ int num; printf( . : ); scanf(%d,&num); if (num >= 10) goto labelA; goto labelB;

    labelA: printf(10 \n); num += 100; labelB: num *= 2;

    printf(num : %d \n, num); //num ~!! return 0;}while . .

    [] while 1 10 #include

    int main(void){ int num = 1; int sum = 0; while (num