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無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul? 身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless. The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ 誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers. 1 あげまき結び = 萬事吉祥 卍結び True Lovers’ Knot = 揚巻結び・入道結び・幕結び・感応道交結び 聖徳太子 法華実乗 聞法結縁 行道解脱 廃仏毀釈 祇園八坂

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Post on 18-Apr-2020




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  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    あげまき結び = 萬事吉祥 = 卍結び = True Lovers’ Knot = 揚巻結び・入道結び・幕結び・感応道交結び







  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.





    Peace-keeping servants = Children of God/Buddha

    Hoping that your child will grow up happily and healthily into a gentle andintellectual protector of global peace, you tie “agemaki” knot for him. If it is notstraight, what would you do as a parent?





    If your wife you love and respect from the heart became President and made herinaugural adress before the whole country, when her pearl necklace was not straight,what would you do? Would you not fix it for her as a husband?true lovers’ knot: a stylized or decorative knot used as an emblem of love



    んでいれば、妻であるあなたは、どうしますか? す


    If your husband you love and respect from the heart won a Nobel Prize and made hisacceptance speech, when his tie was crooked, what would you do as his wife? Youwould fix it, wouldn’t you?





    If a god you believe and worship was inshrined in a temple and you introduced it toits followers, when that knot tied for the holy curtain which symbolized the god wascrooked, what would you do as a Shinto priest?





    If you told your loved one that the chocolate you gave her was homemade but in fact it was bought

    at a store, would you feel at ease?

    a braided cord 組みひも 緒 一緒 臍の緒vocal cords(声帯)、umbilical cord(臍帯)、spinal cord(脊髄)、〔宇宙飛行士の〕命綱、lifeline; the silver cord






    If you should have used your hands and braided a cord from all your heart and with all your

    energy, then used it to create “Agemaki” knot, or a ceremonial, symbolic knot for your

    inshrined deity, but in fact you bought a ready-made “Agemaki” knot and another thinner string

    at a store and carelessly tied the knot to the holy curtain with the string, which was crookd

    and misformed, would you really be able to live with that?

    God and children

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    東西文化の結合: 萬字結(萬事吉祥結) True Lovers’ Knot; True Love Knot

    The True Lovers’ Knot Ring is a simple andtraditional love knot that wraps itself aroundthe wearer and if you look closely you can see it’sactually two hearts entwined. Often symbolizing

    eternity, this ring is regularly worn as a

    wedding band or a symbol of love and


    The association of knots with the symbolism of love, friendship, and affection dates back to antiquity. Throughout thelast few centuries, though, they've most commonly been regarded as a symbol of the connection between two lovers. This particulartype, often called the "true lover's knot", was a popular ring style for sailors separated from their beloved. It's made by interlockingtwo overhand knots in two parallel wires, so each one is flexible to move about the other, yet they're inseparable forever. (Aw!)Another fact about this type of knot: in Victorian times, to show if a young couple's love would last, each would take a small limb of atree and tie a lover's knot. If the knot held and grew for approximately a year, their love would stay true.

    * Some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” And He answered and said,“Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his fatherand mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joinedtogether, let no man separate.” [Matthew 19]

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    祇園神社・蘇民将来 [Matthew 25; 薬王菩薩品 23; beauty and the beast]


    である。Apollo, Daphne

    八雲立つ 出雲八重垣 妻籠みに 八重垣作る その八重垣を

    Izumo...My territory with the sea of cloud Here I will build fences and fences being ploud

    for sheltering my beloved wife O fences for our new life




    My wife told me, "'God lives in the hair' is written in the Holy Paper(Bible=papyrus)." My wife is really my life, awesome!

    I worship her.

    此(彼)の人の もし無かりせば 吾が心 低きに流れ 落ちにけるかも

    My wife is my life. But for her, my life would be worth nothing.

    A good wife and health is a man’s best wealth and vice versa.

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    しろがねも こがねも玉も 何せむに まされる宝 子にしかめやも

    What use to me The silver, gold and jewels? No treasure can surpass children

    「掌」 たなごころ わがまごころの 住めるなり

    此の身こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 水火信行

    まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしきひとに 尽形伝心

    わが玉を 秘め護らむと 菊結ぶ 鞠躬盡瘁、死而後已

    聞き結ぶ listen, hear and act on it たま・玉・玉志・魂・良心・無差別の良心・平等大慧の慈悲

    なにごと(眼に見えない良心・自分の気づかない良心の発現・啓示)の おはしますかは 知らねども かたじけなさに 涙こぼるる


    (平安末期の歌人、西行は伊勢の神宮にて)It was composed by Saigyō Hōshi (西行), a very famous poet and priest who lived in

    1118-1190. He wrote the waka when he visited the Grand Shrine at Ise (伊勢神宮), the superlative one of the shrines. The waka


    I do not know what kind of gods there are, but I am moved to tears because I feel blessed.

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.



    カミ → 祀 祇 神 祥 祭 禁 祥 祕 福 禊 禦 禱

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    Row, row, row your boat(live your life), gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

    いろはにほへと ちりぬるをわか よたれぞつねな らむうゐのおくやまけふこえて あさきゆめみし ゑひもせす ん

    色はに匂(丹生・薫・香)へど散りぬるを 我が世誰ぞ 常ならむ 有為の奥山 今日越えて 浅き夢見じ 酔ひもせず 無

    諸行無常、是生滅法、朝聞道,夕死可矣。 逝者如斯乎?

    Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers,which is here today, gone tomorrow

    and burned up in the oven. Will you gain anything if you win the whole world and lose your own soul?


    寒山寺の鐘 張継

    月落烏啼 霜満天

    江楓漁火 対愁眠

    姑蘇城外 寒山寺

    夜半鐘聲 到客船



    月(つき)落(お)ち 烏(からす)啼(な)き て霜(しも)天(てん)に満(み)つ

    江楓(こうふう)漁火(ぎょか) 愁眠(しゅうみん)に対(たい)す

    姑蘇(こそ)城外(じょうがい)の 寒山寺(かんざんじ)

    夜半(やはん)の鐘声(しょうせい) 客船(かくせん)に到(いた)る

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    Concerning Divorce

    19 When Jesus had finished these words, He departed from Galilee and came into the region of Judea beyond the Jordan; 2 and large crowds followed Him, and He healed them there.

    3 Some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” 4 AndHe answered and said, “Have you not read that He who

    created them from the beginningmade themmale and female, 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father andmother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one

    flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” 7 They *said to Him, “Why then did Moses command to give her a

    certificate of divorce and send her away?” 8 He *said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this

    way. 9 And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

    10 The disciples *said to Him, “If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” 11 But He said to them, “Not all men can accept this statement, but only

    those to whom it has been given. 12 For there are eunuchswhowere born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs whoweremade eunuchs bymen; and there are also

    eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    Go thrpugh the narrow gate and enter the kindom of heaven.


    The holy curtain

    Japanese sacred short curtain 幕

    O-fuda (御札 or お札, o-fuda, a charm) is a type of household amulet or talisman, issued by

    a Shinto shrine, hung in the house for protection, a gofu (護符). It may also be called shinpu

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    (神符). It is made by inscribing the name of a kami and the name of the Shinto shrine or of a

    representative of the kami on a strip of paper, wood, cloth, or metal.

    It is to be renewed yearly, typically before the end of a year, and attached to a door, pillar, or

    ceiling. It may also be placed inside a private shrine (kamidana). It is believed to protect the

    family in residence from general harm, such as a disease. A more specific o-fuda may be

    placed near particular objects such as one for kitchen to protect from accidental fire. A

    popular o-fuda called jingū-taima (神宮大麻) or simply taima (大麻) is issued by Ise Shrine. It

    is made from hemp cloth; the use of hemp as a material was common from antiquity.

    A portable form of o-fuda, commonly called omamori (お守り or 御守, o-mamori) is typically

    given out wrapped in a small bag made of decorated cloth. This originates from Onmyōdō and

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    Buddhism, but was subsequently adopted by Shinto. Both Buddhist temples and Shinto

    shrines give out these o-mamori. While an o-fuda is said to protect a whole family, an

    o-mamori offers support for personal benefits.The image of Ofuda Appeared by Taga-taisha









  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.


    大仏がオサラギさん?間違いだらけ奈良HP 読売新聞 5月 26 日(土)17 時 36 分配信






    例えば英語では、東大寺の「大仏」を姓と認識して「Mr.Osaragi(ミスター・オサラギ)」と翻訳。「仏(ほとけ)の慈悲」は「French mercy*http:/

  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.




    最終更新:5 月 26 日(土)20 時 27 分












    月(つき)落(お)ち 烏(からす)啼(な)き て霜(しも)天(てん)に満(み)つ

    江楓(こうふう)漁火(ぎょか) 愁眠(しゅうみん)に対(たい)す

    姑蘇(こそ)城外(じょうがい)の 寒山寺(かんざんじ)

    夜半(やはん)の鐘声(しょうせい) 客船(かくせん)に到(いた)る



  • 無数億「むしゅおく」の 虫の一つと さとりても なほ我が為の 世なりと惑ふ Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world and loses his own soul?身体(からだ)こそ 滅びて消へぬ 土の中 まごころは 移りて住みぬ やさしき人に The more grateful, the more graceful. The more intelligent, the more selfless.The more ignorant, the more arrogant. さはがしき 虫魚(チュウギョ)のごとき この身をば 草木のごとく 安んぜしめむ誰に縁り 結ばれたりし 此の身をば また誰が為に ほどき供へむ Not even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers.






