canada geospatial data infrastructure -...

1 Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure SDI အေကာင္အထည္ေဖၚျခင္း - င္ငံေတာ္ အတြက္ စီပြားေရး င္အျခားေသာ တန္ဖိုးမားကိဖန္တီးျခင္း Eric Loubier, ဒါရိုက္တာ ကေနဒါ မပုံေရးဆ ေရး င္ကမာၻ႔ပတ္ဝန္းကင္ လ့လာေရး ဗဟိုဌာန မလ ၂၀၁၆

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Page 1: Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure - · 4 . CGDI . ဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ? CGDI ဆိုသည္မွာရင္းျမစ္မ်ား


Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure SDI အေကာငအထညေဖၚျခငး - ႏငငေတာ အတြက စပြားေရး ႏင

အျခားေသာ တနဖးမားက ဖနတးျခငး

Eric Loubier, ဒါရကတာ

ကေနဒါ ေျမပေရးဆြေရး ႏင ကမာၻ႔ပတဝနးကင ေလလာေရး ဗဟဌာန

ေမလ ၂၀၁၆

Page 2: Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure - · 4 . CGDI . ဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ? CGDI ဆိုသည္မွာရင္းျမစ္မ်ား


ပထဝဝငသည ကေနဒါ ႏငငအတြက အေရးႀကးပါသည

Presentation Notes
Geography is important to Canada - and we have a lot of it…. ကမာၻာေပၚတြင ဒတယ အႀကးဆးျဖစ – ဧရယာ စတရနးကလမတာ ၁၀ သနးေကာခန႔ ကမးရးတနး အရည ၂၃၄၀၀၀ ကလမတာ (Nick Crane…) Halifax, Nova Scotia မ Vancouver, British Columbia က ၇ နာရေကာၾကာ ပသနးရ။ စေတာခနေပါငး ၆ ခ ရ။ သဘာဝရငးျမစမားသည ကေနဒါႏငင၏ စးပြားေရး တြင အေရးႀကးေသာ အစတအပငးမ ပါဝငပါသည။ ႏငငတြင စြမးအငသကႀကးမားမ သစေတာအပႀကးမားအထ ႏင မားျပားေသာ တြငးထြကသတ ႏင ဓါတသတမား အစရသည ႀကးမား ေျမာကမားစြာေသာ သဘာဝ ဥစၥာဓနႀကး ရေနပါသည။
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ဘယမာလ ဆသည စကားသည ဘယသလ ဟေသာ စကား ကသ႔ပင အေရးပါ ပါသည။ ဘာလ? ဘာေၾကာငလ? ဘယအခနလ?

ဘယလျဖစသလ? Where can we find more resources? Whose property is it? Which communities, species and habitats will be affected and how? Which areas are at risk of flooding? What’s the fastest transportation route for first responders? How large is the ore body? What’s the best site for locating solar panel arrays? How are our forests changing? How fast is sea ice melting? What area is affected by the power outage? Where are the best locations to deploy vaccinations? Which populations are most at risk? Have Aboriginal communities been consulted? Where are the most promising markets? Are there health and safety issues for field workers at this site? What changes are occurring?

Geospatial နညးပညာသည မဟာဗဟာကေသာ ကယပင ပစၥညး တခ ျဖစပါသည။

Page 4: Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure - · 4 . CGDI . ဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ? CGDI ဆိုသည္မွာရင္းျမစ္မ်ား


CGDI ဆတာ ဘာလ? CGDI ဆသညမာ ရငးျမစမား၏ online ကြနယက

တချဖစပါသည။ ၎မ ကေနဒါ ႏငငအတြငး တညေနရာ ေဒသ ႏင သကဆငသည အခကအလကမား ခြေဝျခငး ၊ အသးျပျခငး ၊ အခကအလကမား ေပါငးစညးျခငး တ႔က တးတကေစပါသည။

အႏစသာရအားျဖင ၊ CGDI သည ကေနဒါႏငင၏ တညေနရာက အေျခခေသာ အခကအလကမား အားလး ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြက သည နညးလမးျဖင သဟဇာတ ျဖစေစရန၊ လအပေသာ မဝါဒ ၊ စခနစညြနး ၊ နညးပညာ ၊ မေဘာင စသညတ႔ အတြက ဆမတ တခ ျဖစပါသည။

CGDI မတဆင၊ ကေနဒါ ျပညသျပညသား မားသည အခကအလကမားက ရာေဖြျခငး ၊ ဝငေရာက အသးျပျခငး ၊ ပျဖငၾကညျခငး၊၊ ေပါငးစပျခငး၊ ျပနလညအသးချခငးတ႔ ျပလပႏငသည။ CGDI က ျပညသျပညသားမားက လမႈေရး၊ စးပြားေရး၊ သဘာဝပတဝနးကင ကစၥမား က ရႈေထာငအသစျဖင ၾကညႏငေစရန ေပးထားပါသည။

CGDI အစတအပငးမား ႏင လမးညြနေပးေသာ အေျခခမမား

CGDI – Overview; CGDI Vision, Mission and Roadmap:

Presentation Notes
The CGDI is an online network of resources – but more specifically, as seen in the graphic here, that network consists of four key pillars – framework data, enabling policies, standards, and technologies and is built upon ten guiding principles, including openness, trust, sustainability and user needs. Collaboration and partnership is the glue that holds all these components together. Most provincial and territorial governments, as well as many municipalities, have developed standards-based portals to discover and access location-based information. These resources are built upon common standards and policies. Also, the federal, provincial and territorial governments collaborate on GEOBASE, a collaborative program that produces common base layer maps for Canada. Many innovative online applications make use of CGDI’s authoritative data – to help people locate hiking trails, to alerting people to natural hazards or weather related events, to tracking infectious diseases. Today, the CGDI: Aids in governing Canada and its provinces and territories Makes geospatial information and data available, often for free Contributes data and maps to policy and decision making processes Helps to fosters innovation and economic growth
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လပငနးလညပတဖ႔အတြက မႈဝါဒေတြက ဘာလ? အခကအလကမား၏ ျဖစစဥ မားႏင ဆကႏြယသည

ကစၥရပမားက ေျဖရငးျခငး။ (စေဆာငးျခငး ၊ စမျခငး ၊ ျဖန႔ေဝျခငး၊ အသးျပျခငး စသညျဖင)

အဖြ႔အစညး၏ ေန႔စဥ လပငနးမား တြင အသးချခငး။

အခကအလကမားက အသးျပျခငး မားက အေထာကအပ ျဖစေစမည လကနာရမည နညးလမးမား ၊ ၫႊနၾကားခကမား ၊ လပထးလပနညးမား ၊ ႏင လကစြစာအပမား စသညတ႔ ပါဝငေစျခငး။

၎သည မဟာဗဟာ မဝါဒ ႏင မတ ကြျပားပါသည။ မဟာဗဟာ မဝါဒသည အဖြ႔အစညး၏ အဆငျမင ကစၥရပမားက ကငတြယၿပး ၊ အဖြ႔အစညး၏ ေရ႕ဆက သြားမည အနာဂါတ လားရာက ေရးရႈပါသည။

Presentation Notes
Now, to focus a little on one of CGDI’s four components: policy; and in this discussion I’m focussing directly on OPERATIONAL POLICIES. The first thing to understand about operational-level policies is that they are distinct from strategic level polices. For example, think of a municipality who has decided to buy into the concept of “Open Data” – making the release of data and information their default position, in order to be accountable and transparent to their citizens. That’s a strategic decision – a high-level policy that pushes the organization into a new way of doing business, in order to reap specific benefits. But with that decision would appear a number of operational issues, which would need lower-level policy decisions and support. Licensing is one example. The organization would have to consider whether to adopt this licence or that, consult with legal counsel, consider what others are doing, then make a selection and implement it. Another area is privacy – there are legislative requirements around protecting the privacy of individuals – the Privacy Act and PIPEDA – so there would need to be a means of assessing data before being released as open data, to ensure no privacy breaches occur. These sorts of policies are what we refer to as operational policies. They help organizations in their day-to-day operations.
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Geospatial စခနစညြနး ေတြက ဘာေတြလ?

ပထဝဝင အခကအလကမားက နာလညးေအာင ႏင အသးခတတေအာင အေထာကအပေပးျခငး။

အခကအလကမား ရယႏငမႈ ၊ ဝငေရာက အသးျပခြင ၊ ေပါငးစပျခငး ၊ ေဝမေပးျခငး စသညတ႔က တးျမႇငေပးျခငး ႏင စနစမား တခႏငတခ အၾကား အျပနအလန အခကအလကမား ကးေျပာငးႏငေအာင ပပး ေပးျခငး။

ဌာနအတြငး ၊ ေဒသအတြငး ႏင ကမာၻတဝမး Geospatial အေျခခ အေဆာကအဥ မား တညေထာငရာတြင လြယကေစျခငး။

ေရရည တညတခငျမသည ဖြ႔ၿဖးတးတကမႈ လပငနးမား တြင ပါဝငေထာကပကညျခငး။


Presentation Notes
In geographic information standards: Support the understanding and use of geographic information Increase the availability, access, integration and sharing of geographic information ... So, in other words, enables interoperability between geographic information systems. They contribute to a unified approach to addressing global environmental and humanitarian issues Facilitate the establishment of geospatial infrastructures on local, regional and global plans and Contribute to sustainable development.
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…“သမားရးကနညး” - အစးရ၏ အခနးက႑ သည Geospatial စနစက တညေဆာကဖ႔ ႏင တနဖးမားက ျမႇငတငဖ႔ အမာခ အျဖစ မပါမျဖစ တညရဆ

မမတ႔၏ “အမာခ Geospatial” သည.. core framework & thematic data land parcel surveys and administration engineering and construction surveys international and national boundary definition electoral boundaries national parks treaty or land claim surveys

… အပစးဖ႔ ႏင တနဖးမားက ဖနတးဖ႔ အတြက အေျခခအခက ျဖစပါသည။

land regimes for taxation secure property rights land use planning urban development infrastructure sighting resource exploration and monitoring public safety and human health navigation – safety and efficiency technological innovation

NRCan is currently delivering on the largest land reform project in the history of


Page 8: Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure - · 4 . CGDI . ဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ? CGDI ဆိုသည္မွာရင္းျမစ္မ်ား


ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကမႈ ႏင စနစမား အတယဥတြ လပေဆာငႏငမႈ ဖကဒရယ ျပညနယ ၊ ခရငမား ၊ တငးေဒသ ၊ ျပညေထာငစ အစးရမား ၊

ပဂၢလကမား ၊ သငၾကားေရးမ အငအားစမား အၾကား ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကျခငး ၊ မတဖြ႔ကာ လပေဆာငျခငး ႏင တညေသာ ေရ႕ေလာကမည လမးစဥမားက စနစမား အတတ ယဥတြလပေဆာငႏငမႈ က ေသခာေစပါသည။

မေဘာင အခကအလကမား ၊ မဝါဒမား ၊ စခနစညြနးမား ႏင ကေနဒါႏငင၏ အခက အလကမားက သဟဇာတ ျဖစေအာငလပဖ႔ လအပေသာ နညးပညာမား စသညတ႔ တေနရာ စဆျခငးေၾကာငသာ စနစတခ ႏင တခအၾကား အတယဥတြ လပေဆာငႏငမႈက ရရပါသည။

Presentation Notes
Collaboration and a common way forward is what causes a convergence of framework data, standards, technology and policy. Pictured here are many geospatial access portals stood up by provincial and territorial governments across Canada. They are based on common standards, policies and technologies. They are a clear demonstration of several of the guiding principles of the CGDI: accessible data kept closest to source, from a trusted provider.
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ကေနဒါ ႏငင၏ Geospatial အပခပမႈ ႏင အဖြ႔အစညးပငးဆငရာ စစဥထားျခငး …

ကေနဒါ ပထဝမဟာမတ အဖြ႔ Multi-stakeholder engagement for the development and implementation of a Pan-Canadian Geomatics Strategy.

ကေနဒါ Geoinformatic ေကာငစ federal, provincial, territorial cooperation to facilitate data collection, interoperability and integration between jurisdictions.

ကေနဒါ ပထဝတညေနရာအမညမား ဘတအဖြ႕ provincial, territorial and federal National coordination providing authoritative, standardized geographical names.

ကမာၻေျမ ေလလာေရး ဖကဒရယ ေကာမတ establishing strategic direction on federal policy, interoperability, and infrastructure relating to geomatics and Earth observation.

… ဖကဒရယ ဌာန ၂၁ ခ ၊ ျပညနယ ၁၃ ခ ႏင နယျခား မတဖကအဖြ႔မား ၊ ပဂၢလက ႏင သငၾကားေရး အဖြ႕မား အၾကား ပးေပါငး ေဆာငရြကၾကျခငး ျဖင ဆနးသစမႈ မားက ျမႇငတငေပးေန

Presentation Notes
At the national level, the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG), brings together federal, provincial and territorial representatives to build partnerships and to share information, data and related activities Cdn Geosp. Data Infra. And the Geographical Names Board of Canada (GNBC) a national coordinating body working through the jurisdictions of its members to preserve the toponymic heritage of Canada Geomatics activities are further supported by the Canadian Geomatics Community Round Table which is comprised of Federal, Provincial, Territorial, academia and private sector stakeholders who are undertaking the collaborative development of a Pan-Canadian Geomatics Community Strategy. Within the federal government 21 departments are collaborating through the Federal Committee on Geomatics and Earth Observations (FCGEO).
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Geospatial အခကအလကမား အေရးႀကးပ … ကေနဒါႏငင

GDP သ႔ ႏစစဥ တနဖး $20.7B ခန႔ အေထာကအပ ျဖစ ခန႔မနး။ လြတလပစြာ သးခြငျပသည geospatial အခကအလက မားေၾကာင

တနဖး $600M ခန႔ရေသာ လပငနးမား ျဖစေပၚေစၿပး ကနထတစြမးအား တးတကလာမႈရ။

ကမာၻ႔နငငမား အဂၤလန ႏင ေဝးလ - 2008-09 ခႏစတြင တနဖး £320M ခန႔

လမႈဝနထမး လပငနးမားတြင အကးသကေရာကမႈ ရသညဟ ခန႔မနး။ နယးဇလန - 2008 ခႏစတြင $1.2B (NZ) ခန႔ ကနထတလပငနး

တးတကမႈ ရလာ။ ၾသစေတးလ - 2006-07 ခႏစတြင $6.43B မ 12.6B (AUS) တနဖးခန႔

အကးသကေရာကမႈ ရသညဟ ခန႔မနးရ။ ကမာၻတြင ဗဒယဂမး လပငနး မားထက ႀကးမားေသာ ဝနေဆာငမႈ

လပငနးမား ရသည ဟ ခန႔မနးရ။ ကနးေပၚႏင ေရထတြင ရေသာ သယဇာတမားက ရာဖ႔အတြက


“Data is Canada’s new natural resource”…

Treasury Board Minister, Tony Clement, July 2012

…and ensuring the government’s geospatial data is managed effectively is

essential to decision-making, innovation, and

productivity “…အခကအလက အေကာငးဆး ရတ ႏငငက ႏငမာပ…” Kevin Lynch

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ဝနေဆာငမႈ မးစက ေပးရသည လပငနးမားတြင Geospatial က ပးတြ အသးျပပါက ကနထတလပမႈ သသသာသာ တးလာေၾကာငး ေတြ႔ရရ …

ေရနႏင သဘာဝဓါတေငြ႔

GIS က သတသကက ပစေဖၚႏင၊ ထတလပမႈ ပထေရာက၊ ပမ လျခ ကနထတလပေရးတြင အကးသကေရာကမႈ~ 5%

သတတြငး တးေဖၚေရး

အငယစား ႏင အႀကးစား လပငနးမား အေပၚ မႈတညၿပး အသးခပ ကြျပား ကနထတလပေရးတြင အကးသကေရာကမ ~ 4% to 7%


သးေသာသက သသာေသာ အားသာခကမား ရရျခငးေၾကာင လငျမနစြာ ႏင ကယျပန႔စြာ အသးျပလာၾက ကနထတလပေရးတြင အကးသကေရာကမႈ ~ 6 to 7%

Geospatial အသးျပျခငးေၾကာင ကနထတလပမႈ တးတကလာျခငးမ ကေနဒါ ႏငင၏ စးပြားေရးက ပါဝင ေထာကပႏငမႈ ပမာဏ မာ - C$20.7 billion in GDP

Presentation Notes
analytical techniques are increasing the value of data, changing the way we do business open data will underpin new waves of productivity, generating significant financial value and societal benefits no single source to view and analyze federal geospatial information together
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Sector Organization Productivity Impacts Other Benefits

Environment/ Conservation

Ducks Unlimited Canada (not-for-profit)

$1.7 million annual savings due to reduced travel and staff costs

• Ecosystem benefits • Improved eco-literacy

Resource Development

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. (private sector)

~$3.75 million annual savings due to standardized geospatial information products and processes (represents cost reduction of ~60%)

• Ecosystem benefits • Protection of market share • Contribution to Open Data

Engineering / Construction

Golder Associates Ltd. (private sector)

20-30% increase in productivity due to use of geospatial information and technologies and more enhanced service offerings

• Decision-making • Protection of market share • Health and safety

Public Health BC Centre for Disease Control (government)

lives saved and impact of reducing the severity of a disease outbreak due to e.g. location allocation for clinics for targeted disease prevention

• Reduced public health risk • Better decision-making • Accountability/reporting

Government (Asset Management)

City of Ottawa (government)

reduced asset management costs and citizen inconvenience

• Enhanced collaboration & planning

• Safety and social benefits

Real Estate Altus Group (private sector)

savings as appraisals now done for $15-$20 using spatially-enabled tools vs. $250-$400 without

• Social benefits (enhanced city design)

• Decision-making

Insurance RSA Group (private sector)

“significantly faster” development of insurance premium quotes due to use of automated geospatial tools in analysis

• Better risk assessment • Protection of market share

… စးပြားေရး မဟတသည အျခား အကးအျမတမား ၏ မခငလညးတျဖစ-

Summary of Value Study Case Studies

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Geospatial အခကအလကမား ၊ အထးသျဖင “ဖြငထားေသာ” အခကအလက မားသည – ေျပာငးလႏငစြမး ရေၾကာငး သကေသထေန ..

ဒါေၾကာင သပ တနဖး ရတာေပါ႔ဗာ

ဖြငထားေသာ ေဒတာမား၏ အကးသကေရာကမႈ

Geospatial အခကအလကမား အသးျပထားျခငးရ ဖြငထားေသာ အခကမား မပါပ။ Geospatial အခကအလကမား မပါပ။

ဖြငထားေသာ Geospatial အခကအလကမား၏ အကးသကေရာကမႈ

စးပြားေရး ညြနကနး (အလပကငရရမႈ၊

ထတကန ၊ စသညျဖင)

2007 2009 2011 2013

“…ဖကဒရယ အစးရ၏ geospatial အခကအလက မားသည ကေနဒါ အစးရ၏ Open Data portal” ထတြငရေသာ တနဖးအရဆး အခကအလကမား ထမ တခ႕ျဖစပါသည။ – Honourable Tony Clement, ဘ႑ာေရး ဥကဌ ၊ 2013 Press Release

C$0.6 billion in GDP

GI : Geospatial အခကအလကအသးျပ နညးပညာ

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d Be



Increased Adoption

Network Benefits

Public Benefits

Private Benefits

ေျပာငးလျခငးသည နညးလမး အသစ တခ ကငသးျခငး ႏင တြလက ျဖစသည – က႑မးစ အတြက ေစာေနပါေသးသည

Productivity Improvement

Sector Early

Adopters Majority Laggards Industry

Applicability Impact Factor

Open Data

Crop production (except greenhouse, nursery and floriculture production)

0.1 0.06 0.02 32% 0.0189 10%

Forestry and logging 0.07 0.04 0.01 100% 0.0400 10%

Fishing, hunting and trapping 0.1 0.05 0.01 97% 0.0503 3%

Support activities for crop and animal production

0.1 0.08 0.06 83% 0.0666 10%

Support activities for forestry

Conventional oil and gas extraction

0.06 0.06 0.06 100% 0.0600 0%

Non-conventional oil extraction 0.07 0.07 0.07 100% 0.0700 0%

Coal mining 0.1 0.05 0 100% 0.0500 0% Iron ore mining Gold and silver ore mining Copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining

Other metal ore mining Stone mining and quarrying Sand, gravel, clay, and ceramic and refractory minerals mining and quarrying

Diamond mining Other non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying (except diamond and potash)

Potash mining Support activities for oil and gas

Support activities for mining




100% 0.06


Electric power generation, transmission and distribution

0.013 0.013 0.013 100% 0.0130 10%

အရညအေသြး ပေကာငးေအာင လပျခငး

သးစြခြင တးျခငး

သးစြမႈ တးျခငး

Table continues…

Network Benefits

Public Benefits

Private Benefits

ေမးခြနး - Geospatial အခကအလက မားက ေျပာငးလ အသးျပၾကဖ႕ ဘယလမး အားေပးမလ။

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ကနထတစြမးအား တးျမႇငဖ႔ ၊ ဆနးသစတထြငဖ႔ ႏင လ႔မႈအကးအျမတ ျဖစေစဖ႔ အတြက ရညရြယကာ Geospatial အခကအလက မားက ေျပာငးလ အသးျပေစျခငးက ပပးရန

ႏင တးခ ႕ အသးျပေစရန ဘကေပါငးစမ မဝါဒမားက ဖနတးေပးဖ႔ လအပပါတယ။

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အစးရမဖကမ မဝါဒ မားက ဥးစားေပးဖ႔ အတြက တငျပရာတြင Geospatial အခကအလကမား အသးျပမႈ တးပြား လာသည။ သ႔ေသာ ပဂၢလက မာ ကနရစ ေနဆ …



Oil & gas exploration in Canada’s high arctic with high resolution

elevation data

သဘာဝ ပတဝနးကငက အကျဖတ ေလလာျခငး ႏင ေျပာငးလမႈမားက ေလလာျခငး ၊

တာဝနယမႈ ရသည သယဇာတ ဖြ႕ၿဖးေရး လပငနးမား အတြက ႀကတင ခန႔မနး ေျမပေရးဆြျခငး ႏင အခကလကစ ပါဝင အသးျပသည ဆးျဖတခကမား ခမတျခငး

အခန အေရးေပၚ အေျခအေန အတြက GI ဝနေဆာငမႈမား

Ice breakup monitoring, Peace River, Alberta (2014)

Note: Field validation photo courtesy of Parks Canada.

Presentation Notes
Provide the geoscience knowledge necessary for private sector exploration companies to guide investment decision Landforms / geological features are powerful indicators of possible oil & gas deposits The explosion of higher resolution elevation data (CDED 1: 50,000) over the last 5 years has dramatically enhanced the ability of geologists to identify high potential areas As an example, oil & gas traps are more easily detected from the newly available higher resolution elevation model Preliminary office work such as Remote Predictive Mapping becomes much more effective, preparing for better focussed and more fruitful field work
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ဝနေဆာငမႈ မးစ ေပးရသည လပငနး အမးအစားတြင GI နညးပညာက ထသြငး အသးျပၿပး ေစာစးစြာ ေျပာငးလ လပကငေသာ သမားသည ထတကန သသာစြာ

ပမရရ လာေၾကာငး ႏင အျခား အကးအျမတ မားလညး ခစား ရေၾကာငး …

(စကရမ ေျပာငးလလာေသာ ထတကန ရာခငႏႈနးက ၾကညျခငး အားျဖင) အမးသား အဆင ထတကန ထေရာကမႈ ရျခငးသည GI နညးပညာမား အသးျပထားျခငး ေၾကာငဟ ခန႔မနး ရသည။ ေအာကပါ က႑မား အတြက သသာ ပါသည (>1.0%) - သတ တးေဖၚေရး ၊ ေရန ႏင သဘာဝ ဓါတေငြ႔ (4.54%)

သယယ ပ႔ေဆာငေရး ႏင ကနသေလာငမႈ (1.64%)

ေရ ၊ မး ႏင အျခား (1.58%)

အမားျပညသ အပခပေရး (1.51%)

တညေဆာကေရး (1.23%)

စကပးေရး ၊ သစေတာ ၊ ငါးလပငနး ၊ ေတာလကျခငး (1.22%)

ကမၸဏ ႏင လပငနႀကးမား အပခပမႈ (1.08%)

Mine design and environmental studies, Golder


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ကြငးမဆငးမ ရးတြင GIS က အသးျပခပါက ၊ သစေတာ ကြမးကငသသည ပမ၍ လပငနး တြငကယေစပါသည။

အဓက အကးခစားမႈမား - ေဂဟစနစ အကးရရမႈ: သစေတာ ထခကမႈ ႏင

သားရငး တရစာၦန တ႔က ဆနးစစမႈ ၊ စညမဥးစညးကမး အကျဖတျခငး

ေစးကြက ခြေဝမႈက ကာကြယျခငး - ျပငပလပဂၢလ မ လြတလပစြာ အကျဖတျခငး လပငနးမား အတြက ရမျဖစ အခကအလကမား

ဖြငေပးထားေသာ အခကအလကမား - ကမၸဏမ အခကအလကမားက ျပညနယ၏ သစေတာ ဖးလြမးမႈ အေျခအေန အတြက အသးျပျခငး

သကသာမႈ ႏင ထေရာကမႈရျခငး - ဆနးစစျခငးက လအေလာက လပေဆာငေစျခငး ႏင ကြငးမဆငးမ ရးထတြင အစအစဥမားက ႀကတင ေရးဆြႏငမႈ ရျခငး

“Canfor has standardized every geospatial information product and process to work with every operation and automate a lot of tasks, producing major productivity improvements.” - Jordan Kirk, Woodlands Information Management Coordinator By 2013, this standardization reduced the cost of GI use by nearly 60%, for estimated annual savings of $3.75 million.


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“Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) မာ ျပလပတ ဆးျဖတခက တငးနးနးမာ ပထဝ အသပညာက အေရးပါ ပါတယ”

“…GIS နညးပညာဟာ ထနးသမးေစာငေရာကေရး မာ တနဖးရတ ကရယာတခ ျဖစလာပါတယ ။ အဒါတင မကပါဘး ၊ သက ေျမပေတြန႔ ပေဖၚၿပး အျဖစအပက ေတြက ျပနလညေျပာျပ တအခါ မာလညး အစြမးထကတ ပေျပာသ ျဖစပါတယ။


အဓက အကးခစားမႈမား - ေဂဟစနစ အကးရရမႈ: ေရႀကးမႈ ကာကြယေပးျခငး၊

ေရသန႔စငျခငး၊ ေျမေအာကေရ သေလာငျခငး၊ ေျမဆလြာတကစားမႈ ေလာနညးျခငး

ေဂဟ-အသပညာမားလာျခငး - ေျမပဆြသည tool မားသည အလႈရငမား ၊ ျပညသမား ၊ ေထာကခသမားအား ေရတမေဒသ ထနးသမး ရနအတြက အေရးႀကးပ က ျပပါသည။

သကသာမႈ ႏင ထေရာကမႈရျခငး - လပသားမားမ စမကနး လပရန မလအပသည ေနရာမားက လြယလြယကကန႔ ခပျမနျမနပင ဆြထတေပးႏင

“ခရးသြားျခငး ႏင ကနကစရတမား က ေလာခ ႏငျခငးေၾကာင ႏစစဥ 1.7 သနးခန႔ သကသာသြား” - Brian Kazmerik, Director of Information Systems

and GIS

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“GI နညးပညာ သးေနျခငးေၾကာငသာ Golder [Associates] ဟာ အမားန႔ ယဥၿပငႏငစြမး ရတာပါ…”


“…GIS နညးပညာက သးေတာ ကနထတမႈက ၂၀-၃၀ ရာခငႏႈနး အထ တးလာတယ။ ကြ နေတာတ႔က ပၿပးေတာ ေကာငးေအာင ဝနေဆာငမႈေတြ ေပးႏငလာတယ ၊ ၿပးေတာ အမားႀကး ပၿပး ထထေရာကေရာက အလပလပ ႏငလာတယ။”

- Robert Murdoch, GIS & IM Manager

အဓက အကးခစားမႈမား - ဆးျဖတခကမား ပမ ေကာငးမြန လာေစျခငး -

အေျခခ အေဆာကအဥ စမကနးမား ၊ ဘမဆနးစစေလလာျခငး၊ သဘာဝ ပတဝနးကငက ဆနးစစ အကျဖတ ေလလာျခငး

ေစးကြက ခြေဝမႈက ကာကြယျခငး - ပမ ရႈပေထြးေသာ ဆနးစစနညး ၊ ရပပမားျဖင ျမငသာေအာင ျပလပျခငး တ႔ လပႏငစြမး ရေသာေၾကာင ေစးကြကတြင ယဥၿပငႏင။

သကသာမႈ ႏင ထေရာကမႈရျခငး - စားပြခတြငသာ ထငၿပး ေလလာႏငျခငး ႏင ကြငးမဆငးခင ႀကတင ဆနးစစႏငျခငး

ကနးမာေရး ႏင လျခမႈရျခငး - ကြငးထမ အေျခအေနမားက သရႏငေသာေၾကာင ပကစးဆးရႈး ၊ ထခကမႈမားက ေလာခႏင

Page 21: Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure - · 4 . CGDI . ဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ? CGDI ဆိုသည္မွာရင္းျမစ္မ်ား


မမတ႔၏ Geospatial အခကအလကမားက ဆးျဖတခကမား ခမတရာတြင တကယ အသးဝငမႈ ပမ ရေစရန ျပလပေပးျခငး …


Arctic SDI

UN-GGIM Americas

… ပးေပါငးပါဝငဖ႔၊ ဆနးသစဖ႔ ၊ တရားစရငေရးမ အတပးေပါငးလပေဆာငဖ႔ လအပပါမည

Presentation Notes
In closing, ensuring the usability of our geospatial information to better support decision-making will require inter-jurisdictional collaboration, co-operation and innovation. We look forward to continued collaboration with UN-GGIM members, Permanent Committee on Spatial Data Infrastructure for Americas (PC-IDEA) members, Arctic SDI partners and the many countries with whom we have working relationships to ensure that geospatial information is used to its fullest potential to address pressing global issues.
Page 22: Canada Geospatial Data Infrastructure - · 4 . CGDI . ဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ? CGDI ဆိုသည္မွာရင္းျမစ္မ်ား


ထပမ သရလပါက …

Canadian Geomatics Environmental Scan and Value Study Summary Report

Eric Loubier, Director, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation [email protected]