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04/28/23 IIM INDORE LVR 1


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What we intend to discuss

• Investment in long-term assets• We should consider several investment criteria

when making decisions:1) Payback period2) Average Accounting Return3) Net Present Value4) Internal Rate of return5) Profitability Index

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Good Decision Criteria

• We need to ask ourselves the following questions when evaluating decision criteria

• Does the decision rule adjust for the time value of money?

• Does the decision rule adjust for risk?• Does the decision rule provide information

on whether we are creating value for the firm?

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Project Example Information

• You are looking at a new project and you have estimated the following cash flows:

• Year 0: CF = -165,000• Year 1: CF = 63,120; NI = 13,620• Year 2: CF = 70,800; NI = 3,300• Year 3: CF= 91,080; NI = 29,100• Average Book Value = 72,000• Your cost of capital for assets of this risk is 12%.

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1. Payback Period• How long does it take to get the initial cost

back in a nominal sense? (how long it takes to recover the cost of investment?)

• Computation - Subtract the future cash flows from the initial cost until the initial investment has been recovered

• Decision Rule – Accept if the payback period is less than some preset limit

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Example• Assume we will accept the project if it pays back within

two years.• Year 1: 165,000 – 63,120 = 101,880 still to recover• Year 2: 101,880 – 70,800 = 31,080 still to recover• Year 3: 31,080 – 91,080 = -60,000 project pays

back in year 3• Payback period = 2 + 31080/91080 = 2.34years• Do we accept or reject the project?• Reject, because payback period> 2 years

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Payback

• Advantages– Easy to understand– Adjusts for uncertainty

of later cash flows– Biased towards liquidity

• Disadvantages– Ignores the time value of

money– Requires an arbitrary cutoff

point– Ignores cash flows beyond

the cutoff date– Biased against long-term


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2.Average Accounting Return (AAR)

• AAR=Average net income/average book value– Average book value depends on how the asset is depreciated.– If straight-line=>

Average book value = (Initial cost+Salvage)/2• Need to have a target cutoff rate• Decision Rule: Accept the project if the AAR is greater than a

preset rate.

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• Assume we require an average accounting return of 25%

• Average Net Income:– (13,620 + 3,300 + 29,100) / 3 = 15,340

• AAR = 15,340 / 72,000 = .213 = 21.3%• Do we accept or reject the project?

– Reject, because AAR<25%

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Advantages and Disadvantages of AAR

• Advantages– Easy to calculate– Needed information

will usually be available

• Disadvantages– Time value of money

is ignored– Uses an arbitrary

benchmark cutoff rate– Based on accounting

net income and book values, not cash flows and market values

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3. Net Present Value (NPV)• The difference between the market value of a project

and its cost• How much value is created from undertaking an

investment?– The first step is to estimate the expected future

cash flows (CF).– The second step is to estimate the required return

for projects of this risk level (r).– The third step is to find the present value of the

cash flows and subtract the initial investment.

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NPV Decision Rule• If the NPV is positive, accept the project• A positive NPV means that the project is expected to

add value to the firm and will therefore increase the wealth of the owners.

• Since our goal is to increase owner wealth, NPV is a direct measure of how well this project will meet our goal.

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NPV formula














NPV = - (Cost of Investment) + PV(Cash flows)

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• Using the formulas:– NPV = – 165,000 + 63,120/(1.12) +

70,800/(1.12)2 + 91,080/(1.12)3 = $12,627.42

– Do we accept or reject the project?– Accept, because NPV= +ve ( >0)

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Decision Criteria Test - NPV

• Does the NPV rule account for the time value of money?

• Does the NPV rule account for the risk of the cash flows?

• Does the NPV rule provide an indication about the increase in value?

• Should we consider the NPV rule for our primary decision criteria?

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Why Use Net Present Value?

• Accepting positive NPV projects benefits shareholders.NPV uses cash flowsNPV uses all the cash flows of the projectNPV discounts the cash flows properly

• Reinvestment assumption: the NPV rule assumes that all cash flows can be reinvested at the discount rate.

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The Net Present Value (NPV) Rule

• Net Present Value (NPV) = Total PV of future CF’s + Initial Investment

• Estimating NPV:1. Estimate future cash flows: how much? and when?2. Estimate discount rate3. Estimate initial costs

• Minimum Acceptance Criteria: Accept if NPV > 0• Ranking Criteria: Choose the highest NPV

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Calculating NPV with Spreadsheets

• Spreadsheets are an excellent way to compute NPVs, especially when you have to compute the cash flows as well.

• Using the NPV function:– The first component is the required return entered as a

decimal.– The second component is the range of cash flows

beginning with year 1.– Add the initial investment after computing the NPV.

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The Discounted Payback Period

• How long does it take the project to “pay back” its initial investment, taking the time value of money into account?

• Decision rule: Accept the project if it pays back on a discounted basis within the specified time.

• By the time you have discounted the cash flows, you might as well calculate the NPV.

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4. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)• This is the most important alternative to NPV• It is based entirely on the estimated cash flows

and is independent of interest rates found elsewhere

• Definition: – IRR is the return that makes the NPV = 0

• Decision Rule: Accept the project if the IRR is greater than the cost of capital

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IRR formula






10 .....

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• If IRR =15%==> – CF0 =63120/(1.15)+70800/(1.15)2+91080/(1.15)3=168308

• if IRR =16%==> – CF0 =63120/(1.16)+70800/(1.16)2+91080/(1.16)3=165380

• if IRR =17%==> – CF0 =63120/(1.17)+70800/(1.17)2+91080/(1.17)3=162536

• 16%<IRR<17% ==>IRR=16.13%

• Do we accept or reject the project?– Accept since IRR=16.13% > r = 12%












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Computing IRR For The Project with Constant Cash Flow

)IRR1()IRR1()IRR1( 32140040040076.994

Example: A project has the following Cash Flows: Year 0 = -$994.76, Year 1-3 = $400, Calculate the IRR.

Annuity: PV = C*PVIFA(r%,t)

994.76 = 400*PVIFA(IRR%, 3)

2.4869 = PVIFA(IRR%,3)

From Appendix : IRR =10%

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NPV Profile For The Project











0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22

Discount Rate


IRR = 16.13%

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Advantages of IRR

• Knowing a return is intuitively appealing• It is a simple way to communicate the value of a

project to someone who doesn’t know all the estimation details

• If the IRR is high enough, you may not need to estimate a required return, which is often a difficult task

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Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

• Disadvantages:– Does not distinguish between investing and

borrowing– IRR may not exist, or there may be multiple

IRRs – Problems with mutually exclusive investments

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IRR: Example

Consider the following project:

0 1 2 3

$50 $100 $150


The internal rate of return for this project is 19.44%

32 )1(150$




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NPV Payoff Profile

0% $100.004% $73.888% $51.11

12% $31.1316% $13.5220% ($2.08)24% ($15.97)28% ($28.38)32% ($39.51)36% ($49.54)40% ($58.60)44% ($66.82)

If we graph NPV versus the discount rate, we can see the IRR as the x-axis intercept.

IRR = 19.44%




-1% 9% 19% 29% 39%

Discount rate


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Calculating IRR with Spreadsheets

• You start with the cash flows the same as you did for the NPV.

• You use the IRR function:– You first enter your range of cash flows,

beginning with the initial cash flow.– You can enter a guess, but it is not necessary.– The default format is a whole percent – you

will normally want to increase the decimal places to at least two.

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Problems with IRR Multiple IRRs Are We Borrowing or Lending The Scale Problem The Timing Problem

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Mutually Exclusive vs. Independent

• Mutually Exclusive Projects: only ONE of several potential projects can be chosen, e.g., acquiring an accounting system. – RANK all alternatives, and select the best one.

• Independent Projects: accepting or rejecting one project does not affect the decision of the other projects.– Must exceed a MINIMUM acceptance criteria

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Multiple IRRsThere are two IRRs for this project:

0 1 2 3

$200 $800


- $800






-50% 0% 50% 100% 150% 200%Discount rate


100% = IRR2

0% = IRR1

Which one should we use?

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NPV Profiles• A graphical representation of project NPVs at

various different costs of capital.


0 $50 $40 5 33 2910 19 2015 7 1220 (4) 5

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Drawing NPV profiles









5 10 15 20 23.6

NPV ($)

Discount Rate (%)

IRRL = 18.1%

IRRS = 23.6%

Crossover Point = 8.7%






.. .

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Comparing the NPV and IRR methods

• If projects are independent, the two methods always lead to the same accept/reject decisions.

• If projects are mutually exclusive …– If WACC > crossover rate, the methods lead

to the same decision and there is no conflict.– If WACC < crossover rate, the methods lead

to different accept/reject decisions.

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Reasons why NPV profiles cross

• Size (scale) differences – the smaller project frees up funds at t = 0 for investment. The higher the opportunity cost, the more valuable these funds, so a high WACC favors small projects.

• Timing differences – the project with faster payback provides more CF in early years for reinvestment. If WACC is high, early CF especially good, NPVS > NPVL.

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Reinvestment rate assumptions

• NPV method assumes CFs are reinvested at the WACC.

• IRR method assumes CFs are reinvested at IRR.

• Assuming CFs are reinvested at the opportunity cost of capital is more realistic, so NPV method is the best. NPV method should be used to choose between mutually exclusive projects.

• Perhaps a hybrid of the IRR that assumes cost of capital reinvestment is needed.

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Since managers prefer the IRR to the NPV method, is there a better IRR measure?

• Yes, MIRR is the discount rate that causes the PV of a project’s terminal value (TV) to equal the PV of costs. TV is found by compounding inflows at WACC.

• MIRR assumes cash flows are reinvested at the WACC.

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Calculating MIRR

66.0 12.1



-100.0 10.0 60.0 80.0

0 1 2 310%

PV outflows

-100.0 $100

MIRR = 16.5% 158.1

TV inflows

MIRRL = 16.5%

$158.1(1 + MIRRL)3


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Why use MIRR versus IRR?

• MIRR assumes reinvestment at the opportunity cost = WACC. MIRR also avoids the multiple IRR problem.

• Managers like rate of return comparisons, and MIRR is better for this than IRR.

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5. Profitability Index (PI)• Measures the benefit per unit cost, based on

the time value of money• A profitability index of 1.1 implies that for

every $1 of investment, we create an additional $0.10 in value

• This measure can be very useful in situations where we have limited capital

• Decision Rule: Accept the project if the PI greater than 1 (implies NPV is positive)

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The Profitability Index (PI)

• Minimum Acceptance Criteria: – Accept if PI > 1

• Ranking Criteria: – Select alternative with highest PI

Investent InitialFlowsCash Future of PV TotalPI

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Profitability Index

• Profitability Index=PV(future cash flow)/Initial Cost

• PI=(NPV+Initial Cost)/Initial cost– =(12627.42+165000)/165000– =1.0765

• Do we accept or reject the project?– Accept since PI > 1

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Profitability Index

• Advantages– Closely related to

NPV, generally leading to identical decisions

– Easy to understand and communicate

– May be useful when available investment funds are limited

• Disadvantages– May lead to incorrect

decisions in comparisons of mutually exclusive investments

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NPV versus IRR

• NPV and IRR will generally give the same decision.

• Exceptions:– Non-conventional cash flows – cash flow signs

change more than once– Mutually exclusive projects

• Initial investments are substantially different• Timing of cash flows is substantially different

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So…what is the decision?

1. Payback Period Reject2. Average Accounting Return Reject3. Net Present Value Accept4. Internal Rate of Return Accept5. Profitability Index Accept

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Conflicts Between NPV and IRR

• NPV directly measures the increase in value to the firm

• Whenever there is a conflict between NPV and another decision rule, you should always use NPV

• IRR is unreliable in the following situations– Non-conventional cash flows– Mutually exclusive projects

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The Practice of Capital Budgeting

• Varies by industry:– Some firms use payback, others use accounting

rate of return.• The most frequently used technique for

large corporations is IRR or NPV.

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Summary – Discounted Cash Flow• Net present value

– Difference between market value and cost– Accept the project if the NPV is positive– Has no serious problems– Preferred decision criterion

• Internal rate of return– Discount rate that makes NPV = 0– Take the project if the IRR is greater than the required return– Same decision as NPV with conventional cash flows– IRR is unreliable with non-conventional cash flows or mutually exclusive projects

• Profitability Index– Benefit-cost ratio– Take investment if PI > 1– Cannot be used to rank mutually exclusive projects– May be used to rank projects in the presence of capital rationing

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Summary – Payback Criteria• Payback period

– Length of time until initial investment is recovered– Take the project if it pays back in some specified period– Doesn’t account for time value of money, and there is

an arbitrary cutoff period• Discounted payback period

– Length of time until initial investment is recovered on a discounted basis

– Take the project if it pays back in some specified period– There is an arbitrary cutoff period

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Summary – Accounting Criterion

• Average Accounting Return– Measure of accounting profit relative to book

value– Similar to return on assets measure– Take the investment if the AAR exceeds some

specified return level– Serious problems and should not be used