carlos iii university of madrid

º º The largest offer of bilingual studies (XVII Professional Placement Study of 2011 graduates) 2014 2015 81% of UC3M graduates entered the labour market in a job related to their degree



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Presentation of the Carlos III University of Madrid.


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The largest offer of bilingual studies

(XVII Professional Placement Study of 2011 graduates)

2014 2015 81% of UC3M graduates entered the labourmarket in a job related to their degree

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Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) is a public universitycharacterized by:

• Quality teaching.• Excellence in research.• Evaluation based on effort and individual merit .• Graduate placement .• Bilingual education.• International prestige and mobility of our students.• Comprehensive humanistic education for all students.• Student participation in university life .• Solidarity , cooperation and respect for the environment.

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Where isUniversidad Carlos III of Madrid?

Puerta del Sol-Getafe:18 min.Atocha-Getafe: 16 min.Atocha-Leganés: 18 min.Moncloa-Colmenarejo: 45 min.

Close to the Madrid city centre!

To reach us, you have all the best direct means of transport: Renfe local trains, Metrosur and buses.

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Undergraduate StudiesPioneers in adapting to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

With the largest offer of bilingual studies in all Spanish universities.

4 years of study with 240 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System).

1 ECTS credit = 25 hours of student workload

Structure of Undergraduate Studies

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Structure of Undergraduate Studies

BASIC EDUCATION = 60 ECTS CREDITS, mainly in the fi rst year

Basic education in subjects in field of study……betwee n 36 and 42 ECTS credits

Basic education in subjects of other fields……………........ ....up to 6 ECTS credits

Common basic education………………………....…………………….18 ECTS credits• Humanities……………………………………….6 ECTS credits • Languages…………………………………….....6 ECTS credits• Skills (Writing and Communication/Information)………………………………………..6 ECTS credits

In-company internships in all the study programs, o ptional or compulsory, depending on the degree.

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What is our teaching model?

• In class: it is essential that you attend class from day one.

• Ongoing assesment: based on your effort and active involvement in classes, projects, exercises and practical classes.

> Exams will never carry more than 60% weight

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• Each subject is organized in:

� 3 classroom hours per week, divided into 2 sessions

THEORY ORIENTED� One 90-minute session in a group of 120 students maximum

PRACTICAL ORIENTATION / APPLIED LEARNING � One 90-minute session in a group of 40 students maximum

�If you study an engineering degree and have an experimental subject, you will also have a minimum of 6 laboratory or computer lab hours per subject, over the entire 4-month term.

What is our teaching model?

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Degrees in SOCIAL SCIENCE AND LAW• Audiovisual Communication (bilingual option) G

• Business Administration GC

• Business Administration (English option) G

• Economics (English option) G

• Employment and Labour Relations G

• Finance and Accounting (bilingual option) G

• Finance and Accounting (English option) G

• International Relations (English option)* G

• Law GC

Degrees in HUMANITIES• Humanities G• Humanities (blended learning) G

• Journalism (bilingual option) G

• Library and Information Science

(blended learning) C

• Library and Information Science G

• Sociology G

• Statistics and Corporate Law G

• Philosophy, Politics and Economics** G

• Political Science G

• Tourism C

* Pending verification by ANECA. Implementation planned in 2014-15

* * Degree with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

What can I study atUniversidad Carlos III of Madrid?

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What can I study atUniversidad Carlos III of Madrid?

• Aerospace Engineering (only in English) L

• Audiovisual System Engineering

(bilingual option) L

• Biomedical Engineering (only in English) L

• Communication System Engineering

(bilingual option) L

• Computer Science and Engineering LC

• Computer Science and Engineering

(bilingual option) L

• Electrical Engineering (bilingual option) L

• Energy Engineering (only in English) L

• Industrial Electronics and Automation

(bilingual option) L

• Industrial Technology Engineering

(bilingual option) L

• Mechanical Engineering (bilingual option) L

• Telecommunication Technology Engineering

(bilingual option) L

• Telematics Engineering (bilingual option) L


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What can I study atUniversidad Carlos III of Madrid?

Double degrees• IT Engineering and Business Administration C

• Law and Business Administration GC

• Law and Political Science G

• Law and Economics G

• Journalism and Audiovisual Communication G

• Journalism and Humanities G

• Political Science and Sociology G

Joint degrees• Philosophy, Polítics and Economics (with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

and Universidad Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona) G

> You study 2 degrees simultaneously in 5 years and receive 2 degrees

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What can I study atUniversidad Carlos III of Madrid?

Double degree programs with international universities

> International agreements of Dual Bachelors in Soc ial and Legal Sciences:• Dual Bachelor in Business with European Business School. Germany

• Dual Bachelor in Economics with State University of New York-New Paltz. USA

> International agreements of Dual Bachelors in Eng ineering:• Supméca - Institut Supèrieur de Mécanique. France

• École Nationale Superieure D’Arts et Mètiers. France

• Telecom Bretagne. France

• Helsinki University of Technology TKK. Finland

> Upon successful completion of degree courses, you will receive a degree from each university

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Don’t cut yourself out because of the cut-off grade

Cut-off grades change every year and depend on a university’s available spaces in each degree program and student demand.

> If you’re interested in doing your undergraduate studies at our university, apply. Don’t just go by the cut-off grades from previous years

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What are the advantages of studying a degree in English or studying with the bilingual option?

> Degrees taught in English: 100% of program in English

> Degrees taught in the bilingual option: At least 50% of the program is taught in English

> In the English studies, all of the classroom instruction, projects, papers and exams will be carried out in English

Bilingual degrees:

• open doors for you in the working world

• give an international profile to your CV

Don’t think these programs are out of your reach. You don’t have to be perfectly bilingual to begin to study a degree in English or a degree in the bilingual option.

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You need to pass a B2 level exam.

THIS YEAR you can take the exam:

• beforehand in July

• upon being accepted at UC3M

You can also accredit your English level by presenting an official certificate from Cambridge, EOI, TOEFL, among others.

> If you pass one of these exams you can also study the degree program in which you enroll in the English or bilingual option

What level do I need to study anundergraduate degree in English orin the bilingual option?

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Complementary learning for all undergraduate degrees

You can take subjects from other degree Programmes to broaden your education.

Complementary learning: • enriches your capabilities, broadens your education and opens more

doors in the labour market for you. • is certified in the European Diploma Supplement .

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Language Center

If you wish to learn, improve or perfect a foreign language, you can do so through the courses organized by the UC3M Language Center.

The Center has an “Aula de Idiomas” on each campus.

In this space, you have access to all the material you need for your language studies as well as support activities aimed at improving your foreign language skills.

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Company internships and employment orientation

UC3M provides outstanding support for job placement of its students through its company internship programs with:

• more than 3,000 companies collaborating

• professional training

• professional careers guidance sessions

• a job bank

and Forempleo (“First Job” Fair).

*(XVII Study on Graduate Job Placement for UC3M class of 2011, carried out by UC3M and ACCENTURE)

84,7% of UC3M students gain work experience before graduating, chiefly through company internships.

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> 1st spanish university and 3rd in Europe in international mobility

Will I be able to study abroad?

You will be able to arrange your studies at top European universities with ease; studies which will likewise facilitate your entry into the working world.

At UC3M you will study alongside international students from world-class universities.

> Each year, more than 900 UC3M students take part in the Erasmus program

You may also opt for a non-European mobility program in 24 different countries (USA, China, Canada, Mexico, etc.).

> The universitycurrently has 882 exchange agreements with 440 universities

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European Agreements

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International Agreements

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Take a look at UC3M’s facilities

Computer rooms and WIFI accessin the entire university

Classrooms adapted for Undergraduate studies


Language Rooms

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Specialised laboratories in the different branches of engineering

Take a look at UC3M’s facilities

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Totally equipped television studio, editing rooms

and radio studios

Courtrooms for your practical exercises in Law

Take a look at UC3M’s facilities

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“Abril Martorell” Residence Hall,

Leganés Campus

“Fernando de los Ríos” Residence

Hall, Getafe Campus

Take a look at UC3M’s facilities

“Gregorio Peces-Barba” Residence Hall, Getafe Campus

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Sports Centre

Take a look at UC3M’s facilities


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All students can earn ACADEMICALLY RECOGNISED CREDITS for participation in cultural, sporting, student representation, charity and cooperation activities .

ROYAL DECREE 1393/2007, 29 October, establishes the organization of official university studies (art 12.8)


out of the total amount for the study programme taken

Activities outside of class with credit recognition

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Activities outside of class with credit recognition

Social/Cultural Activities. Reading Club. Film Club. Exhibits. Literary walks and guided tours . Debate Society. Social/Cultural workshops. Cultural trips

Orientation Activities. Personal improvement program. Conflict resolution workshops. “Compañeros” program

Arts Room Activities. Attending Auditorium performances. Activities with outside cultural institutions. Summer courses and workshops. Cultural passport. Music Room workshops and courses. Dance Room workshops and courses. Theater Room workshops and courses

Student-led Activities. Cultural, sport, and solidarity projects. University representation in academic competitions and

in international conferences. Volunteering in non-profit organizations outside UC3M. Volunteering within UC3M

Sport activities. Fitness activities. Water activities. Extramural competition. Sports courses. “ CARLOS CORRE” program. Sport tournaments

Events. “Día del Libro” (Book Day). Green Week. Solidarity Week

> Students who take part in sports teams, the Unive rsity chorus, orchestra, and theater and dance groups wil l receive credit for these activities

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Aid and scholarships

• If you have a good academic record and you enroll in our university, you can opt for one of the scholarships for new students.

• Have a look at the Alumni Scholarships for students with a good academic record and limited financial means. 3000€ a year for the entire undergraduate study period.

• The University offers financial aid for undergraduate students who encounter hardship in paying their University fees and tuition.

• In addition there is work study employment available in different University services. Totally compatible with your studies!

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Student Residence Halls

There are 4 UC3M Student Residence Halls with 1,300 places on the Getafe, Leganés and Colmenarejo campuses.

The Residence Halls offer:

• Double or single rooms with bathroom • Some rooms with kitchen • Sports and cultural activities • Wifi and cable internet connection in all rooms • Cafeteria-dining hall • Computer room/television lounge/library/ study room • Bicycle and ‘car sharing’ service • Cleaning service • Laundry room

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Integration Program for Students with Disabilities

Personalized attention for your needs

• Curricular adaptations, specific study materials and computer resources.

• Accessibility to classrooms and facilities.

• Personal support: Sign Language interpreters, note-taking, direct assistance, etc.

• Adaptations for participation in sociocultural and sporting activities, etc.

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And when I have finished my studies?

81% UC3M graduates find work, and do so in their field of studies.

These are some of the reasons why …

…87.5% UC3M graduates say they would choose our University all over again for doing their studies.

(XVII UC3M Career placement study. Class of 2011)

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Telephone number-informationand assistance for futurestudents: 916246000

[email protected]

UC3M ranks among the top 50 universities in the world under 50 years of age *

*QS World University Ranking





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