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  • 7/29/2019 Carta de La Sociedad Civil Apoyando PMA ADPIC



    21 febrero 2013

    Estimados Miembros de la Organizacin Mundial del Comercio (OMC),

    Como organizaciones sociales preocupadas por el acceso a medicamentos, recursos educativos ytecnologas benignas ambientalmente y otros bienes pblicos y creaciones culturales, y ademspreocupados por los derechos de los campesinos, la seguridad alimentaria, la prosperidad de losseres humanos, el desarrollo industrial y tecnolgico equitativo en los pases menos avanzados(PMA), le pedimos a los miembros de la OMC que concedan sin condiciones una prrrogadel perodo de transicin como solicita el grupo PMA en su peticin debidamente motivadaal Consejo sobre los ADPIC (IP/C/W/583).

    El Artculo 66.1 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC concedi a los PMA Miembros una exencinrenovable de diez aos respecto de la mayor parte de las obligaciones establecidas en el Acuerdosobre los ADPIC en vista de las necesidades y requisitos especiales de los PMA Miembros, desus limitaciones econmicas, financieras y administrativas y de su necesidad de flexibilidad paraestablecer una base tecnolgica viable.1

    Al origen, esa exencin deba expirar el 31 de diciembre de 2005. Sin embargo, una decisin delConsejo sobre los ADPIC del ao 2002 (IP/C/25) exoner a los PMA de tener que implementar oaplicar patentes y obligaciones relativas a los datos de ensayos de los productos farmacuticoshasta el 1 de enero de 2016. Sin perjuicio de esa prrroga, el Consejo sobre los ADPIC, en sudecisin IP/C/40 prorrog el perodo de transicin para el cumplimiento general de todas lasobligaciones de los PMA bajo el rgimen de los ADPIC, a excepcin de los artculos 3, 4 y 5,hasta el 1 de julio de 2013 o hasta la fecha en que dejen de ser pases menos adelantadosMiembros, si esta fecha es anterior.

    El 5 de noviembre de 2012, Hait, en nombre del Grupo de los PMA, present una peticindebidamente motivada al Consejo sobre los ADPIC de la OMC en la que solicitaba unaprrroga del perodo de transicin hasta que un miembro deje de ser un PMA(IP/C/W/583). Se adjunta a la peticin un borrador de decisin para que sea analizado porel Consejo sobre los ADPIC. El borrador de decisin establece: los pases menosadelantados Miembros no estarn obligados a aplicar las disposiciones del Acuerdo, aexcepcin de los artculos 3, 4 y 5, hasta la fecha en que dejen de ser un pases menosadelantado Miembros.

    Creemos que el artculo 66.1 obliga al Consejo sobre los ADPIC a aprobar sin condicionesla peticin debidamente motivada presentada por los PMA. Por lo tanto, le pedimosfirmemente a todos los miembros de la OMC que apoyen urgentemente la peticin del

    grupo de los PMA y la aprueben junto con el borrador de decisin.Los PMA estn plenamente justificados para solicitar una prrroga ilimitada mientras un PMA

    1 El Artculo 66.1 del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC Habida cuenta de las necesidades y requisitos especiales de lospases menos adelantados Miembros, de sus limitaciones econmicas, financieras y administrativas y de la flexibilidadque necesitan para establecer una base tecnolgica viable, ninguno de estos Miembros estar obligado a aplicar lasdisposiciones del presente Acuerdo, a excepcin de los artculos 3, 4 y 5, durante un perodo de 10 aos contado desdela fecha de aplicacin que se establece en el prrafo 1 del artculo 65. El Consejo de los ADPIC, cuando reciba de unpas menos adelantado Miembro una peticin debidamente motivada, conceder prrrogas de ese perodo.

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    Miembro siga siendo considerado tal, ya que una prrroga de menor duracin, o incluso prrrogassucesivas, no le proporcionarn a los PMA tiempo suficiente para solucionar las limitaciones decapacidad y desarrollar una base tecnolgica competitiva y viable. Por definicin, los PMAenfrentan limitaciones humanas y de recursos, crecientes brechas tecnolgicas y tienencapacidades de innovacin dbiles. Para solucionar estos problemas se necesitan estrategiasespecficas al contexto, flexibilidad poltica, mayores recursos financieros, pero tambin lleva

    tiempo, dcadas, no aos.De forma similar, los PMA estn totalmente justificados para reclamar una prrroga conjunta, enlugar de prrrogas especficas a los pases y en reclamar prrrogas con respecto a todas lasobligaciones de los ADPIC, en lugar de algunas obligaciones. Los PMA, por definicin,enfrentan desafos de desarrollo similares y deberan tener una flexibilidad completa como grupo.

    Los PMA tambin estn totalmente justificados para no prometer mantener los niveles actuales deprotecciones a la propiedad intelectual. No se le debera pedir a los PMA que asumanobligaciones adicionales, como aquellas contenidas en el prrafo 5 de la decisin IP/C/40. Esteprrafo se basa en el artculo 65 de los ADPIC, pero solo se aplica a los pases en desarrollo, no alos PMA. Condiciones como las contenidas en el prrafo 5 de la decisin IP/C/40 reducen elespacio poltico disponible de los PMA al fortalecer reglamentaciones propias de la era colonial

    en cuanto a la propiedad intelectual y reformas mal asesoradas sobre el tema. Los PMA deberantener una flexibilidad y espacio poltico total como establece el artculo 66.1 de los ADPIC,inclusive la opcin de deshacer las protecciones existentes a la propiedad intelectual. El artculo66.1 de los ADPIC no permite al Consejo sobre los ADPIC agregar condiciones al otorgamientode una prrroga en caso de una peticin debidamente motivada por parte de los PMA.

    Que el Consejo sobre los ADPIC no le conceda a los PMA una prrroga sera desastroso para losPMA Miembros y sus ciudadanos. Los PMA deberan modificar inmediatamente sus leyes depropiedad intelectual para cumplir con el Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC y estaran presionados parahacerlo en muy poco tiempo. Lo que es peor, adoptaran altos estndares de proteccin eimplementacin de leyes de propiedad intelectual antes de tener una capacidad tecnolgicanacional real y antes de que un grupo importante de inventores, autores y creadores localespuedan aplicar el sistema de propiedad intelectual nacional a su favor.

    Es un hecho que en los pases menos avanzados las personas y empresas extranjeras son losprincipales beneficiarios del aumento de la proteccin de la propiedad intelectual y estos titularesextranjeros de derechos tienden a establecer altos precios monoplicos, que son inaccesibles parala mayor parte de la poblacin. Adems, histricamente, la mayor parte del desarrollo tecnolgicoen los pases en desarrollo e incluso desarrollados se dio a travs de un perodo de copia yadaptacin a tecnologas avanzadas inventadas originalmente en otros lugares.2

    Muchos PMA Miembros, siguiendo malos consejos, se han estado enfocando en cumplir con losADPIC. Consideramos que este no es el enfoque correcto ya que en general los PMA no seencuentran en la posicin de beneficiarse de un cumplimiento pleno de los ADPIC. De todasmaneras, el perodo de transicin de los ADPIC proporciona a los PMA una gran flexibilidad paraimplementar el nivel de proteccin de propiedad intelectual adecuado para los intereses ynecesidades individuales.

    Finalmente, aprobar la peticin del grupo de los PMA tambin extendera efectivamente la

    2 Esta tendencia la capta con xito Ha-Joon Chang: Cuando estaban atrasados en lo que se refiere a conocimientos,todos los pases ricos de hoy en da violaron alegremente las patentes, las marcas y los derechos de autor de otros. Lossuizos tomaron prestados inventos qumicos alemanes, mientras que los germanos tomaron prestadas marcasinglesas y los estadounidenses hicieron lo propio con materiales de copyright britnicos, todo ello sin pagar lo que en laactualidad sera considerado como compensacin justa.

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    exoneracin proporcionada a los PMA respecto de los productos farmacuticos (que deba expiraren 2016). Los PMA enfrentan la pasada carga de mltiples enfermedades. Por ejemplo, lamayora de los PMA se encuentran ubicados en frica subsahariana, una zona con una granconcentracin de la epidemia de SIDA. Por lo tanto, la peticin es importante para que los PMAcontinen teniendo la capacidad de acceder a medicamentos genricos accesibles de calidadgarantizada en contra del VIH/SIDA, la tuberculosis, la malaria y otras enfermedades infecciosas,

    dejadas de lado y no comunicables y para permitir a los PMA desarrollar su capacidadfarmacutica local. De hecho, los PMA Miembros podran ocupar un importante lugar en laindustria farmacutica fabricando medicamentos nuevos patentados ahora en pases productoresclave como India, que debieron comenzar a cumplir con los ADPIC en 2000 o 2005.

    El tema crucial de una prrroga de los PMA con respecto a los productos farmacuticos fueabordada por la Comisin Mundial sobre VIH y Derecho formada por ex jefes de estado yexpertos legales, de derechos humanos y VIH, y apoyada por el Programa de las Naciones Unidaspara el Desarrollo (PNUD) en nombre del Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobreVIH/SIDA (UNAIDS). En su informe final, la Comisin afirma que cuando el producto esfarmacutico, el resultado (de las reglamentaciones de los ADPIC) para los pases pobres conabrumadoras epidemias de VIH y otros desafos de salud ha sido catastrfico. Es una falla del

    actual rgimen internacional de PI que no ha dado como resultado un incremento en lainnovacin en medicamentos para tratar las coinfecciones de VIH tales como la tuberculosis, lahepatitis C o enfermedades relacionadas que afectan predominantemente a los pobres."3. Por lotanto, la Comisin recomend que "los Estados Miembros de la OMC deben exonerar por tiempoindefinido a los PMA de las clusulas de los ADPIC con respecto a los productos farmacuticos.Las Naciones Unidas y sus estados miembros deben movilizar los recursos suficientes paraayudar los PMA a mantener esta libertad de polticas4.

    1. Act V: The End of AIDS New York, London, Washington D.C. and Oslo.ACT Vs mission is to accelerate the end of theAIDS pandemic by supporting universal access to

    prevention, antiretroviral treatment and high qualityhealth care.

    2. AID FOR AIDS International (AFAI) A non-profit organization committed to improvingthe quality of life of people with HIV or AIDS inLatin America and the Caribbean and for immigrantsto the United States of America living with HIV.

    3. ATTAC An organization involved in the alter-globalizationmovement, active in some 40 countries, with over athousand local groups and hundreds of organizationssupporting the network.

    4. Consumers International A coalition of 240 member organizations in 120countries, to help protect and empower consumers

    everywhere.5. CUTS International An international consumer protection organization

    with over 300 member groups worldwide6. Development Alternatives with Women for

    a New Era (DAWN)A network of feminist scholars, researchers andactivists from the economic South working foreconomic and gender justice and sustainable and

    3 VIH y la Ley: Riesgos,Derechos y Salud informe final de la Comisin Mundial sobre VIH y la Ley p904 dem p99

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    democratic development.7. Dignity International An organization supporting partners worldwide in

    the frontline of the human rights struggle to bringabout lasting social change.

    8. Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) An international organisation enabling access toknowledge through libraries in more than 55

    developing and transition countries9. Friends of the Earth A global environmental network composed of 74

    member groups, 5,000 local organizations, and over2 million supporters

    10.Health Alliance International USA, Cote dIvoire, Timor-Leste, Mozambique.Promote policies and support programs thatstrengthen government primary health care andfoster social, economic and health equity for all.

    11.HIV Young Leaders Fund Mission is to enable new leadership in the HIVresponse among young people most affected by HIV.

    12.Global Network of People Living with HIV(GNP+)

    A global network that coordinates the efforts ofregional networks of communities living withHIV/AIDS

    13. International Catholic Movement forIntellectual and Cultural Affairs (ICMICA)

    Global network of Catholic leaders committed tojustice, peace and creation.

    14. International Civil Society Support CSSs objective is to develop and implement acomprehensive Civil Society HIV/AIDS agenda.

    15. International Grail Justice and TradeAgreements Network

    A coalition of groups working for peace and justicein 20 countries worldwide

    16. International-Lawyers.Org Lawyers working for global justice at the UnitedNations, the African Union, and other internationalforums.

    17. International Network of People who UseDrugs

    A network of 500 individual members that represent

    approximately 80 different drug user organisations.18. International Trade Union Confederation(ITUC)

    The International Trade Union Confederation(ITUC) is the main international trade unionorganisation, representing the interests of workingpeople worldwide. TheITUCrepresents 174 millionworkers in 156 countries and territories and has 315national affiliates.

    19.The International Union of Food,Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering,Tobacco and Allied Workers Association(IUF)

    An international union composed of over 330member organizations in 120 countries, representingmore than 12 million workers

    20.LDC Watch LDC Watch is a global alliance of national, regionaland international civil society organisations (CSOs),networks and movements based in the LDCs andsupported by civil society from development partnercountries.

    21.Mdecine pour le Tiers Monde - ThirdWorld Health Aid (Belgium)

    With head quarters in Belgium, supports right tohealth for all and has developed collaborations withSouthern groups around the world

    22.Mdecins Sans Frontires -AccessCampaign

    Medical humanitarian organisation advocating foraccess and innovation to drugs, diagnostics and

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    vaccines23.The Global Forum on MSM & HIV

    (MSMGF)A coalition of advocates working for effectiveresponses to HIV worldwide.

    24.Nord-Sud XXI A non-governmental organization co-founded byNelson Mandela that works to strengthen humanrights and development through the UN

    25.Observatorio Internacional de la DeudaOID-IDO/

    The International Debt Observatory is a network ofindividuals and organizations working on theproblems of debt.

    26.Oxfam International An international confederation of 17 organizationsworking in 90 countries fighting the injustice ofpoverty

    27.Peoples Health Movement A global network of health activists, civil societyorganizations and academics in approximately 70countries.

    28.PLUS Coalition Internationale Sida An international coalition fighting AIDS in Africa,Europe and North America

    29.Social Watch Network of organisations working towards povertyeradication and gender justice

    30.Third World Network An international network of organisations andindividuals.

    31.World AIDS Campaign An international campaign to pressure governmentsand policy makers to honor their commitments tofight AIDS

    32.World Democratic Governance ProjectAssociation

    A coalition of organizations working to restoreinternational institutions responsibility to definesocial and economic policies globally

    Inter-regional and Regional Networks

    33.ACP Civil Society Forum Network Represents 79 organizations in Africa, theCaribbean and the Pacific Islands

    34.African Biodiversity Network Represents 36 member organizations in 12African countries

    35.African Development InterchangeNetwork


    36.African Community Advisory Board(AfroCAB)


    37.Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network A faith-based network present in Africa and inEurope to promote economic justice

    38.Africa Faith & Justice Network (AFJN) A network of more than 34 organisations thatadvocate for U.S. economic and politicalpolicies that will benefit Africa's poor majority,

    39.African Services Committee USA and Ethiopia40.Africa Trade Network Network of civil society organisations in Africa

    working on economic justice41.AIDS Action Foundation West Indies42.Akiba Uhaki Foundation (Human Rights

    and Social Justice Fund)An emerging grant-making organizationdedicated to supporting and accompanyingHuman Rights and Social Justice related

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    organizations in East Africa i.e. Burundi,Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

    43.Arab NGO Network for Development(ANND)

    Represents 7 networks and 23 individualorganizations in the Arab region.

    44.Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants(APMM)

    A regional migrant centre working in the AsiaPacific region.

    45.Asia Pacific Network of People Livingwith HIV (APN+)

    A network of member organizations in 30 Asia-Pacific countries

    46.Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers Asia Pacific47.Asian-Pacific Resource & Research

    Centre for Women (ARROW)Asia Pacific

    48.Asia Pacific Transgender Network(APTN)

    Asia Pacific

    49.Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) Represent more than 15 million rural members(e.g. landless peasants, agricultural workers,fisherfolks, pastoralists, and rural youth) from33 organizations from Bangladesh, India,Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal,Pakistan, Philippines, and Sri Lanka.

    50.BUKO-Campaign against Biopiracy Europe51.Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty Europe52.Caribbean Congress of Labour Caribbean53.Center for Regional Integration and

    Sustainable Development in CentralAfrica


    54.EAC Civil Society Forum East Africa Community region55.Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale

    Farmers Forum (ESAFF)A network of small-farmer organizations basedin 13 African nations

    56.European AIDS Treatment Group(EATG)

    A network of more than 110 member

    communities in 40 countries across Europe andNorth America57.Eurostep - European Solidarity Towards

    Equal Participation of PeopleA network of autonomous European non-governmental development organisationsworking towards peace, justice and equality in aworld free of poverty

    58.Fundacin para la Integracin deAmrica Latina (FILA)

    Latin America

    59.Health Action International Africa A network of consumers, NGOs, health careproviders, academics and individuals in morethan 20 Sub-Saharan countries

    60.Health Action International Asia Pacific Asia-Pacific61.Health Action International Europe HAI Europe is an independent, European

    network, working to increase access tomedicines and improve their rational use.

    62.Health GAP USA, Uganda, Kenya63. Information Group on Latin America

    (IGLA)Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean

    64. International Community of women A network that operates in Burundi, Kenya,

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    living with HIV Eastern Africa) Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Djibouti, Eritrea,Ethiopia, Sudan.

    65. International Treatment PreparednessCoalition Middle Eastern & NorthAfrica

    Middle Eastern & North Africa

    66.Momentum Microdevelopment &Momentum Trust Kenya & Denmark67.Pacific Islands Association of Non-

    Governmental Organizations (PIANGO)A network of Pacific NGOs existing to facilitatecommunication, provide a common voice and toimprove the well being of communities that areserved by members of the NGO

    68.Pacific Network on Globalisation(PANG)

    A pacific regional network promoting economicjustice in globalisation

    69.Pan African Positive Women`s Coalition Africa70.Pan-African Treatment Access

    Movement (PATAM)Africa

    71.Red de Gnero y Comercio (AmricaLatina)72.

    Latin America

    73.Southern Africa Trade UnionCoordination Council (SATUCC)

    SADC Region

    74.South Asia Alliance for PovertyEradication (SAAPE)

    An alliance of journalists, academics, tradeunionists, human rights activists, NGOs andother civil society actors to fight against povertyand injustice in South Asia.

    75.South Asia Watch on Trade, Economicsand Environment (SAWTEE)

    A network of NGOs from five South Asiancountries: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistanand Sri Lanka

    National Organizations

    76.Sanayee Development Organization (SDO) Afghanistan77.S.O.S - Crianca E Desenvolvimento Integral De Angola Angola78. Foro Ciudadano de Participacin por la Justicia y los Derechos

    Humanos (FOCO)Argentina

    79.Foro Latinoamericano del Trabajo, la Innovacin e Integracin(FLATI)


    80.Fundacin para Estudio e Investigacin de la Mujer (FEIM) Argentina81.Sindicato del Personal de Dragado y Balizamiento (SIPEDYB) Argentina82.Red Argentina de Personas Positivas (Redar Positiva) Argentina83.Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) Australia84.Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO) Australia85.Presentation Sisters Lismore Australia86.Presentation Sisters Victoria Australia87.Presentation Sisters Of Western Australia Australia88.OeBV-Via Campesina Austria89.Angikar Bangladesh90.Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) Bangladesh91. Integrated Social Development Effort (ISDE) Bangladesh

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    92.Nabodhara Bangladesh93.Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour la Promotion de l'Agriculture

    et du Dveloppement (GRAPAD)Benin

    94.Social Watch Benin95.11.11.11 Belgium96.Centre National de Coopration au Dveloppement (CNCD) Belgium97.Lhak-Sam (BNP+) Bhutan98.Tierra Viva Bolivia99.Access to Knowledge Brazil100. Creative Commons Brazil101. Center for Technology and Society of the Getulio Vargas


    102. GESTOS Brazil103. Rede Brasileira pela Integrao dos Povos (REBRIP) Brazil104. Rede Social de Justia e Direitos Humanos Brazil105. Appui au Dveloppement Intgral et la Solidarit sur les Collines


    106. Action Dveloppement et Intgration Rgionale (ADIR) Burundi107. Women's Network for Unity Cambodia108. SILAKA Cambodia109. Association for Participation in Development Assistance (APD-


    110. Association Nationale des Jeunes Femmes Actives pour laSolidarit (ANJFAS)


    111. Cameroon TB Group Cameroon112. Center for Regional Integration and Sustainable Development in

    Central Africa (CIRDDAC)Cameroon

    113. Coalition 15% Cameroon114. Colibri Cameroon115. For Impacts in Social Health (FISS) Cameroon116. Mouvement camerounais pour le plaidoyer l'accs aux traitements

    (MOCPAT) CameroonCameroon

    117.People Welfare Services Cameroon118.Positive-Generation, Cameroon Cameroon119.Treatment Access Watch Cameroon120.Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Canada121.Global Compliance Research Project Canada122.l'Action des Chrtiens pour l'Abolition de la Torture et la Peine des

    Morts (ACAT RCA)Central AfricanRepublic

    123.Groupe d'Action de Paix et de Formation pour la Transformation(GAPAFOT)

    Central AfricanRepublic

    124.Derechos Digitales Chile125.Beijing Aizhixing Institute China126.Asociacion Ambiente y Sociedad Colombia127.Association NZrama de Bouake Cte dIvoire128.Lumire Action Cte dIvoire129.Ruban Rouge Cte dIvoire130.CENADEP (National Centre for Development Support and

    Participation Populaire)DemocraticRepublic of

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    Congo131.Femme PLUS ASBL Democratic

    Republic ofCongo

    132.PRODDES (promotion de la dmocratie et des droits conomiques etsociaux)

    DemocraticRepublic of

    Congo133. Organisation Djiboutienne de Bienfaisance et Dveloppement


    134.Institute For Peace and Conflict Studies Timor Lorosae East Timor135.Ecuador Decide Ecuador136.Red de Accin Ciudadana frente al Libre Comercio El Salvador137.Unidad Ecolgica Salvadorea (UNES) El Salvador138.Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights Egypt139.Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA-


    140.ACT-UP Paris France141.

    Sidaction France142.Therapeutic Solidarity & Initiatives Against HIV/AIDS (Solthis) France

    143.Syndicat du Travail Sexuel (STRASS) France144.Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (TANGO) The Gambia145.Worldview The Gambia146.Action against AIDS Germany Germany147.Bread for the World Germany148.BUKO Pharma-Kampagne Germany149.Federation of German Scientists (FGS) Germany150.World Economy, Ecology & Development (WEED) Germany151.Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana Ghana152.Ghana Trade and Livelihood Coalition (GTLC), Ghana Ghana153.Health Digest Foundation Ghana154.Centre du Commerce International pour le Developpement


    155.Haitian Advocacy Platform for an Alternative Development(PAPDA)


    156.Aalamba India157.All India Drug Action Network (AIDAN) India158.Ashodaya Academy India159.Ashodaya Samithi India160.Astitva India161.Bharatiya Krishak Samaj India162.Diverse Women for Diversity India163.Drug Action Forum - Karnataka (DAF-K) India164.LOCOST India165.Maharastra Trityapanth Sangatna India166.MUSKAN Sanstha India167.Initiative for Health & Equity in Society India168.Parrambh Trust India169.Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) India170.Research Foundation for Science Technology & Ecology India

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    171.Samarpan Trust India172.Sambhodan Trust India173.Sampada Grameen Mahila Sanstha (SANGRAM) India174.Sarvjan Gamin Vikas Evam Prishikshan Sanstha, India175.Talking About Reproductive and Sexual Health Issues (TARSHI) India176.Veshya Anyay Mukti Parishad (VAMP) India177.Indonesia for Global Justice Indonesia178.Comhlmh Ireland179.Presentation Justice Network Ireland180.Presentation Sisters North West Province Ireland181.Fairwatch Italy182.Zi Teng Hong Kong183.Campaign for Social & Economic Justice (CSEJ) Jamaica184.Globalization Watch Hiroshima Japan185.AIDS Law Project Kenya186.Inades Formation Kenya Kenya187.Kenya Ethical and Legal Issues Network (KELIN) Kenya188.Kenya Debit Relief Network (KENDREN) Kenya189.Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association (KEHPCA) Kenya190.Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Kenya191.Resources Oriented Development Initiatives (RODI-K) Kenya192.Southern And East African Trade Institute (SEATINI) Kenya193.Lesotho Library Consortium Lesotho194.Policy Analysis and Research Institute of Lesotho (PARIL) Lesotho195.Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy Liberia196.Lithuanian Research Library Consortium Lithuania197.International Code Documentation Centre -ICDC-IBFAN Malaysia198.Malaysian AIDS Council Malaysia199.Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group


    200.Wal Action-Sant-Population Mali201.Globe Mauritania202.Association pour le dveloppement et de la promotion des droits


    203.Associacion Nacional De Industriales De Transformacion a.c. Mexico204.Bialii, Asesora e Investigacin, a.c. Mexico205.Mujeres Para El Dilogo a.c. Mexico206.Red Nacional Gnero Y Economa (REDGE) Mexico207.Siembra, a.c. Mexico208.

    Tamaulipas Diversidad VIHDA Trans AC Mexico209.Union Nacional de Trabajadores Mexico

    210.Economic Justice Coalition Mozambique211.All Nepal Peasants Federation Nepal212.All Nepal Womens Association (ANWA) Nepal213.Child Workers in Nepal (CWIN) Nepal214.Children-Women In Social Service and Human Rights (CWISH) Nepal215.Forum for the Protection of Public Interest (Pro Public) Nepal216.General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) Nepal

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    217.Global South Initiative Nepal218.Institute of Human Rights Communication Nepal (IHRICON) Nepal219.International Institute for Human Rights, Environment and

    Development (INHURED International)Nepal

    220.Jagaran Nepal Nepal221.National Alliance for Human Rights and Social Justice Nepal222.National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nepal


    223.NGO Federation of Nepal (NFN) Nepal224.Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) Nepal225.Society for Legal and Environmental Analysis and Development

    Research (LEADERS Nepal)Nepal

    226.Both ENDS Netherlands227.Platform Aarde Boer Consument Netherlands228.Vrijschrift Foundation Netherlands229.The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) Netherlands230.Alternative Espaces Citoyens Niger231.Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l'Environnement Niger232.Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Centre Nigeria233.The Development Fund Norway234.The Norwegian Trade Campaign Norway235. STAR-STAR, Association For Support Of Marginalized Workers


    236.Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) Moldova237.Association de Lutte Contre le Sida (ALCS) Morocco238.Delta Foundation Pakistan239.HANDS Pakistan240.Confederation of Labor and Allied Social Services (CLASS) Philippines241.IBON International Philippines242.Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal

    Service (IDEALS)Philippines

    243.Resistance and Solidarity against Agrochem TNCs (RESIST) Phillipines244.Community Empowerment for Progress Oragnization (CEPO) Republic of South

    Sudan245.Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD) Rwanda246.Health Development Initiative (HDI)- Rwanda247.Africaine de Recherche et de Cooperation pour lAppui au

    Developpement Endogene(ARCADE)Senegal

    248.African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) Senegal249.Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) Sierra Leone250.Youth Partnership for Peace and Development Sierra Leone251.Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Network of Sierra Leone (WASH-Net

    Sierra Leone)Sierra Leone

    252.Development Service Exchange Solomon Island253.Somali Organization for Community Development Activities


    254.African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) South Africa255.AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA) South Africa256.Centre for Civil Society Economic Justice Project South Africa

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    257.Institute for Economic Research on Innovation (IERI) South Africa258.Labour Research Service South Africa259.South Durban Community Environmental Alliance South Africa260.Southern And East African Trade Institute (SEATINI) South Africa261.Section 27 South Africa262.Surplus People Project South Africa263.Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) South Africa264.Ecologistas en Accin Spain265.Forum Syd Sweden266.Alliance Sud Switzerland267.Berne Declaration Switzerland268.Health Innovation in Practice (HIP) Switzerland269.International Baby Food Action Network IBFAN Switzerland270.Organisation pour la Communication en Afrique et de Promotion de

    la Coopration Economique Internationale (OCAPROCE)Switzerland

    271. Tchad Agir Pour lEnvironnenment (TCHAPE) Switzerland272. Swissaid Switzerland273.Agenda Participation 2000 Tanzania274.CHOICE AFRICA-TANZANIA Tanzania275.Governance Links Tanzania Tanzania276.Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Tanzania277.Policy Forum Tanzania278.Tanzania AIDS Forum Tanzania279.Tanzania Alliance for Biodiversity Tanzania280.Tanzania Network of Women living with HIV Tanzania281.Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement Tanzania282.AIDS ACCESS Foundation Thailand283.Alternative Agricultural Network Thailand284.Drug Study Group Thailand285.Drug System Monitoring and Development Program Thailand286.Ecological Alert and Recovery Thailand (EARTH) Thailand287.Empower Foundation Thailand288.Foundation for AIDS Rights Thailand289.Foundation for Consumers Thailand290.FTA Watch Thailand291.Health and Development Foundation Thailand292.Health Consumers Protection Program Thailand293.Thai Holistic Health Foundation Thailand294.Thai NGO Coalition on AIDS Thailand295.The Thai Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (TNP+) Thailand296.

    Rural Doctors Foundation Thailand297.Rural Doctor Society Thailand

    298.Rural Pharmacists Foundation Thailand299.Social Pharmacy Research Unit, Chulalongkorn University Thailand300.Action Contre le Sida (ACS) Togo301.Action Group and Reflection on the Environment and Sustainable

    Development (GARED)Togo

    302.Aides Mdicales et Charit (AMC) Togo303.Institute For Peace and Conflict Studies Timor Lorosae East Timor

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    304.Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) Uganda305.ActionAid Uganda306.Action Group for Health, Human Rights and HIV/AIDs (AGHA) Uganda307.Aids Information Center (AIC) Uganda308.Alliance for Integrated Development and Empowerment (AIDE) Uganda309.Centre for Health Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) Uganda310.Center for participatory research and development (CEPARD) Uganda311.Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development (HEPS) Uganda312.Community Health and Information Network (CHAIN) Uganda313. Food Rights Alliance Uganda314. Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) Uganda315. Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER) Uganda316.Inter-agency Youth Working Group (IYWG) Uganda317.International Community of Women living with HIV Eastern Africa Uganda318.Jenga Africa Uganda319.Kabarole District NGOs/CBOs Association (KANCA) Uganda320.Kampala District Forum of PLHIV Networks (KADFO+) Uganda321.LungujjaCommunity Health Caring Organisation (LUCOHECO) Uganda322.Mariam Foundation Uganda323.Microjustice Uganda324.Muslim Centre for Justice and Law Uganda325.National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS Uganda326.National Forum of People Living with HIV/AIDS Network in

    Uganda (NAFOPHANU)Uganda

    327.NGO Forum Uganda328.Nakaseke Initiative (NIFAED) Uganda329.Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Uganda330. Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) Uganda331. Southern And East African Trade Institute (SEATINI) Uganda332. Summit Foundation (SUFO) Uganda333. The Aids Support Organisation (TASO) Uganda334. The Uhuru Institute Uganda335. Uganda Health and Science Press Association Uganda336. Uganda Reach the Aged Association (URAA) Uganda337. Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum Uganda338. Volunteer Efforts for Development Concerns (VEDCO) Uganda339. Womens Awareness Against Cervical Cancer Uganda340. Youth Development Forum (YODEFO) Uganda341. Youth Plus Policy Network Uganda342. Instituto del Tercer Mundo Uruguay343. Medact United Kingdom344. MedsinUK United Kingdom345. Presentation Sisters United Kingdom346. Roj Women's Association United Kingdom347. Stop AIDS Campaign United Kingdom348. War on Want United Kingdom349. World Development Movement United Kingdom350. HIV Prevention Justice Alliance and AIDS Foundation of Chicago United States

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    351. ACT-UP San Francisco United States352. AIDS Policy Project United States353. American Medical Student Association United States354. Asia Catalyst United States355. Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health (CPATH) United States356. Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) United States357. IP Justice United States358. International Presentation Association United States359. Knowledge Ecology International United States360. Moana Nui Action Alliance United States361. Presentation Sisters, Fargo United States362. Presentation Sisters of Staten Island United States363. Public Citizen United States364. Treatment Action Group (TAG) United States365. Universities Allied For Essential Medicines (UAEM) United States366. Voices Of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY) United States367. Human Rights Information and Training Center Yemen368. Abana Besu Project Zambia369. Centre for Trade Policy and Development Zambia370. Engender Rights Centre for Justice Zambia371. Positive Health Outcomes Zambia372. Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary Zambia373. Treatment Advocacy and Literacy Campaign (TALC) Zambia374. Zambia Health Community Initiative Zambia375. International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) Zimbabwe376. Southern And East African Trade Institute (SEATINI) Zimbabwe