catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du musée du caire. graeco-egyptian glass.pdf

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  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf



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  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf



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  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf


  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf


  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf


    r rCATALO(iUI'] (iENKI'.ALDi:s



  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf


  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf




    A NT 1 U ITE S t (i YPT J 1^: i\N \l SDU MUSKE 1)U CAIRE

    K^ 32/101-32800





  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf


  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf



    The inalei'ial ticscriljod in this volume of the Calaloirue gnieral consuls almostcnlirely of Mown jjlass of Roman, Hyzantim; and Arabic limes'''. The le\l waswiillon in i()o3, and the few vases which have since heen ac(juired are cala-l()j;uod in the Appendiv. The eleven plates, which were made from the pholo|jraphsof 15ru{j;sch Hey, contain illustrations of all the shapes : ihcy are of course farfrom conslilutinj]- a complete table of Graeco-Efivptian forms, for ihoujjh thecollection is a fairly (jood one, there are still a jjreat many types which are notrepresented in it.

    it was perha[)s in K|;y[)t that the art of makin|j [^dass oi'ijjinated, and Ejjvptianwork in this material, from the polychrome vases of the Will ' dynasty to the{Treat enamelled lamps of the xiv ' century A. D., is justly renowned. In theliterature of Roman times we find several references to the {jiass-workers ofEgypt'-^l But the vases catalogued in the following pages are not of the sortthat would have attracted the admiration of a Roman connoisseur. They are ofordinary blown glass with lillle or no decoration. It used to be thought thatglass-blowing was practised in Egv[)t from a very early jeriod. Certain sceneswhich occur on the walls of Ejj^ptian tombs were regarded as representations ofglass-blowers at work' *'. Rut no blown glass earlier than Hellenistic or perhapseven Roman times has yet been discovered in Egypt, and the wall-paintings arenow intcrj)reted dillerently ' '. The earlier Egyptian vases, such as the variegatedbottles of the XVIII ' dynasty, were modelled by hand on a core'^'. \Micn and wherethe art of glass-blowing was discovered is a problem that has not yet been solved.

    ' N 3273.' , wliirli is iii;i(lc (if llM(l^ lijiic |;l;iss, lias more proljably bi'i'ii inodcllcd : I Lave noclue as lo ils a^jc. N 29.-j9.rf is aiiotlicr uiii(iui' sporiincii.

    ''^' Stial)0, XVI, 758; Allieiiaciis, 786 r; [seller ol' lladiinn lo Scivinnus. Sec also Description tieVF-flliptc, \() . IX , ]). 2 1 3 IT. Cilass .scpiiis lo liavc jjooii one of llic cliioi' arlirlcs of pxporl froin l'>|;y|)t(Mii.NK, Euiipt under Human Utile, ]). iG3).

    ''' \Vii,Ki.\S0N, Anricnl Efrtipiians, \ot. I(, p. 1/10; IJiLMNKn, Technolofrie iind Tcrminoloffic , vol. IV,p. Sgi.

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    From a passane in Seneca wo jjalher llial in liis linio it was rc|jai'J('(l as qnile amodern invention'''. Pliny speaks of it incidentally as one of various molliodspractised by the artificers of Sidon, who were the most famed jjlass- makers inthe Roman world' '. On general prouirds it seems most probable that the blow-pipe was fii'st used in the eastern corner of the Mediterranean, either in Phoe-nicia or in Epjpt, the two chief centres of the industry. A careful record of findsand excavations would do a Pi-eat deal towards determining; the place and dateof its introduction. In Cyprus, where we should expect to find it early, blownp;lass is said to be charactei'islic of late Ptolemaic as well as of Roman tombs' ''.In E{]y|)t, so far as I know, it has not yet been observed in pre-Roman finds''',lliouyh that may of course be partly the result of accident. The Ptolemaiccemeteries of the Fayoum have yielded ])lenty of pottery but no vases of the sortin question. Nor can anv of the blown nlass found in Alexandria be definitelvassijjned to the Ptolemaic period'^'.

    Rlown glass is very plentiful in Env[)t, but we have very little informationabout the circumstances of the finds. It is not yet possible to follow the progressof the art or to date the separate pieces with any certainty. A com[)arative studyof the Roman glass found in other countries would no doubt help to establish theages of certain types, thougli the material elsewhere is itself in much need ofbeing- worked at and classdied. In the meantime it may be useful to put togetherthe following scraps of information which bear directly on the collection before us.

    A {>oo(l deal of glass was found by Mr. Petrie in the Ilawara cemetery in 1888.It all came from the later burials and not from the tombs which containedmummies with cartonnage masks or panel portraits. Hence, roughly speaking,it belongs to the period between 300 A. D. and the beginning of the vi ' century.

    ''' Ej>ist. xc, 3i. Cupcrpm Posidonio vitriarium oslcnilero, qui splrilu vitrum in piiirimosliahltus format, qui vix diligpnli nianu ollln;;oronlur. Ha-c invenlasuni poslquam sapienlem invcnircdcslvimus. He is coinbulin^j llie view of l*osidonius dial Ihc meclianical arts were invented bv thesajiienlcs.

    '-' Hist. Nat., \X\M, GG. Pliny's account of Ihc invention of jflass l)v llie Plicrnicians is ofcourse a fal)ie, Itul some aulliorilies woulct credit them witli the discovery of liow to mal

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    A share of lliis find is in llio Miisouiii (sec Index, Ilawara). Oilier vases aroli{',ur(Ml in Ilnwara, Biulimu and Arsiimr, where more exact (hiles arc assijrnod toa few of iheni. On plale XIX, amid a small j;ioii|. of hollies from a loinh whichaccordinjf to Pelrie's reckoning- is earlier lliaii the roiiilh cenhiry, \v(; (ind formsoxaclly like n * 82527, 32G77, 32G80, to meniion oidy the more ohvious casesof resenihlance. Plale XX, n' 1 5 , 1 G , 17, which also come from one lomh, are ofthe same lyjje as n' 32GG3,32G29,32G3^t; while n 3 on the same j)lale issimilar ton 32 G8G, n 5 to n 82 5 18, and n ^ may he compared with n 82 08/1.In Illithitn, Kdludi and Gurob, j)late XXIII, there is shown a very inlerestinP{ri'on[)of vases, most of which wore found in one lomh supposed to he ahoul the timeof Constantine. Of these n 1 (cf. also ir h and 5) is of exactly the same type asour n 32 588; the small hotllc u 7, whose hody is composed of two heads hackto hack, is a counlerpart of n 32578; and n ' 1 1 and i5 are like duplicales ofthe Fayoum vase n 82753, which Grenfell and IJiint have dated on independentevidence to the in ' or i\ ' century. Amouj; some other vases fi^jured on the sameplate as the tomh-^^roup hut said lo he later we hnd a hottle like n 82710 andshapes similar to some of those on [)lales VII and VIII. It should he noticed thatone vase, n i3, is ihou^jht to he as late as the via ' century from the clolhinffound with it : it is not one of the types that are represented in our collection.

    Several of the vases shown on plate X were found in the Fayoum hyMessrs. Grenfell and Hunt, to whom I am indehted for the followinj;- information.N 82751, which comes from Sela, was found alonj;- with various small ohjecls,amonp- which was a piece of v ' century papyrus. The others come from Fa{>- cl-(lamus, a cemetery ahoul six miles south of Ruhayyat : 11 ' 82758 and 827G0,which were found to{jelher, are prohahly 111''' or iv ' ccntur\ ; n ' 82750 and8275G were likewise found to(}other and are prohahly iv ' lo vi '; while the othersmijfht he of any date from 11' ' to vi ' century so far as the external evidence [joes.Still another {jroup of Fayoum vases is descrihed in the Appendix, n ' 82779-82788. These were found quite lately at Karanis (Kum Ushini), a town whichseems to have existed from the Ptolemaic period to about the time of the Arabconquest ' .

    At Oxyrynchus Grenfell and lliinl have found dark Idue hollies of the sameshape and fabric asn 3:>7 1 2 amid v ' or vi ' CL'uliir\ remains. A vase of thick jjreen'[;lass liken 32G77 was obtained in a r' century stratum, hiitit seems questionablewhether it did not {jet there by some accident : it is certain at least that bottles

    ''' GnENFELL, Hunt, IIocAnTii, Fai/um Tnivjis, p. an.

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    of llio same Ivpo orcur in finds of much later date. N B-jyo'j, pi. X, is alsoan Oxyrynelius vase and is dated to tlic iiT'' century A. D.

    A few jdass hollies from Alexandria of the same form as n' 82620 and32GG7 arc puhlishod in the Uulhi'm dc la Soc. arch., n 3, pi. IX. According-to H. Thiersch, the author of the report, the lomhs IVom which they come seemto cover ahoul a hundred years of the Roman period , helongin^ for the most partto ihe de(diue of the Empire (p. 20, 30).

    Of the individual pieces in the collection the most remarkahle is the hiehlyornamented vase n 32731. N 827/10 is a good example of cut decoration. Thesmall sauc

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    inluniiatioii uImiuI llio slalc ol llic iiuliisLr\ a liimdrcil \i'ars aj'o. I'arL of llionialcrial in our colloclioii l)olon{js in all [tioltahililv to the Araliic period,tliou{]h nalurally it is iinpossiMo as yet to make any stiict division. N' 3;?786-^^799 {^^^ '' '^') coni[)ris(' a {jroii[) of jjlass Ixdlles wliicli wen- lalrlv I'oiindon the site of Memphis. Some scrapsof Arabic manuscripts''' were dtijf up at lliesame time, and tlioujfh tlie various oli|ecls were not found tojjclliei' in one spot,I have little douht that they are all ([iiite late. Vases of similar kind are {generallyknown amon{j dealers and collectors as Arabic {jlass, probably owinjj; to so mau\of ihem beinjj found in the mounds of old Cairo'-'. Small hollies like u 3-.? 7 i (1-827 ig (often will) cut patterns) and like n ' 3^7^1-327:70 are amoiii;- thecommonest of those late types. The technifjue of the ornamentation of n' 32 73(jand 3278. ) is the same as that of n' 3-.) 'i7r)-32 '17(5 , and the lallei- may also beassijjned with probability to the Arabic period. A' 32677 '^^ ' 3 2 7 30, perhapsalso n 32O08, may well be Arabic, as they came into the Museum aloujj withsome of the above-mentione

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  • 8/13/2019 Catalogue Gnral des antiquits gyptiennes du muse du caire. Graeco-egyptian glass.pdf





    GRAECO-EGYPTIAN GLASS.32401. Round plate. Hcijjlil o iii. o/i cout., diainolor o in. i?,j cent.

    Bou{;l.l, 1887 (pi. I).Stands on a rinjj-fool. Tlie central pari, witliin llic circumfiTciicc ol' the ring, is

    concave on lliu inside with a swellinjj in the middle and is hordored l)y a sunkenline. Tlie zone bclween lliis and llie sides is convex. The sides, which curve upwardsrather sharply, are nearly perpendicular. Rounded rim with slijjhl outward projection.

    CoLOL'n : Lijjhl green, transparent glass.Teciiniqik : IJlown fairly thin ; mark of separation from rest of glass in centre of outside.

    The central part is rather uneveidy shaped.PnESEnvATioN : Some dark iridiscenl patina here and lliere on outside, especiallv about

    base.Bini.. : Journal d'eiilrce dii Mum, \\ 281.TH.

    32402. Round plate. llei{>lil o iii. o/if) mill., dianiolcr o iii. ^3.') mill. Houfrht, 1887.

    Of same shape as n 3q/ioi; impression round outside of rim.CoLoun AND TECHNIQUE : Same as n S-.i/ioi. Not very evenly sliaped, one side being a

    good deal higher than the other.PnESEnvATio : Iridiscent patina here and there as on n 3^/ioi.BiBi,. : Journal d'cnlrce du Music, n t>.8il>().Ciilal. du Mutee, n Sa'ioi. i

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    2 CATALOGUE DIJ MUSKE DU CAIUE.32403. Round plate. IIoi;;liL o in. oTjo mill., diani. o m. aBf) mill.

    Same type as ii S^/ioi; tlic inside, however, is llaller and llie sides less perpendicular.Coi.ouri : Pale jjreen linjje.TixiiMouK : Same as n 3-?Zioi. Unevenly shaped, one side heinjj much higher than

    liic other.PnKSEnvATioN : Some iridisccnl patina on outside; incrusted dirt on inside.

    32404. Round plate. Heiyhl o in. ook mill., diam. o m. 2 3 cent.Same type as ii 3a/ioi.Cor.oun : Pale green tinge.Teciiniouk : Like n 'i-ihoi; ihin-hlown and rather unevenly sliaped.PnnsERVATioN : Incrusted with dirt.

    32405. Round plate. HoI{>lit o in. o'l cent., diam. o m. tV3 cent.Same type as n Sq'io i ; impressed line round inside of rim.Colour : Yellowish green tinge.Tkciimque : Like n 3a/io/i.PitESKiivATioN : Incrusted with dirt.

    32406. Round plate. IIei{>lit o in. o/i4 mill., diam. o in. 212 mill.(i,i. I).

    Same general type as n 82/101; no impressed line round central part; the sides curveinwards at the top and the rim is no lliicker than the rest of vase.

    Colour : Pale ])luish green tinge.Teciimqui; : Like n Sa/ioi; usual mark of separation on outside of hase; rather deep

    marks of shaping ])elow rim. Thin-hloun.Preservation : Incrusted with dirt.

    32407. Round plate. Hei{]hl o in. o35 mill., diam. m. 173 mill, (pl.l)-Same shape as the preceding, hut smaller : the rim has a slight outward projection.Colour : Very pale green tinge.Technique : Tliin-hlown ; usual mark of separation on hasc.Preservation : Dirty.

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    'CATALOGUE DU MUSl'E DU CAIRK.32412. Elliptical plate. Hoi]lit o in. 0A7 mill., lon{lh o in. 9 05 mill., hioadlli

    in. lyl) mill.

    Slinperl like 11 3->/i 1 1 ; lower odjje of ring-fool forms a curving line.(loi.oun AND TixiiNioiiK : Like n 3- ^i 1 1 , l)iil not so truly niiule; the breadlli of the rim

    vjiries a good deal.Piif.skhvation : Intacl.

    32413. Elliptical plate. IIeif>hto m. 0/1 3 mill., lenj>lli o m. -I'm mill., hroaJllio m. 1 Gy mill.

    Same shape as n 02/1 1 9.Coi.oun : Yellowish llnge, hut nearly colourless.Teciiniquk : Like n 3'>/i 1 1; fairly regular.Preskiivation : Small chip on base; two slight cracks.

    32414. Elliptical plate. Hoi|]lit m. oG cont. , len[>;lli o m. 9. 1 5 mill., hroatltlio 111. 17 cent.

    Same type as ir3i /i0(S s(j.; low ring-fool with slanting impressions; groove round outsideof rim.

    Colour : Nearly colourless, bul hrown tinge in the ihicker parts.Teciinioui; : Mark of separation on hase; fairly regular, hut broader al one end than at

    the other.Preservation : Intacl.

    32415. Elliptical plate. HcijjliLo m. oof) mill., Icngili m. iSa mill., Iji-oacUh111. 1^ cent. (pl. I).

    Similar to preceding; the ring- fool spreads outwards and has the usual slantingimpressions.

    Colour : Greenish tinge.Teciinioue : Mark of separation on hase; shape fairly regular; one or Iwo air-hubhlcs.Presehvation : Intact.

    32416. Elliptical plate. Hoij;lil o m. oST) mill., Icnjjlli o m. 2 1 5 mill., breadllio m. 17 colli. Boiijjlit, 1887.

    Similar lo preceding; ring-fool like that of n 3 2^1 1 5 bul lower; usual swelling in centreof inside.

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    C.IUECO-ECVl'TIAN GLASS. 5Colour : Vcllowisli {jrccii tiiijjc.TECiiNtQUR : Mnrk of sepanilioii on Imse; faiill in rim al ono place, sIkiuIii;; iIimiIv liow

    it has been doublcil over; s(;vcral aii-ljiil)iik's.PnESKiiVATioN : Inlacl.liiiii,. : Jinniial d'entree du Miisce, n 2771)').

    32417. Elliptical plate. IlcipJil 111. 0^1 cenl., I('ii{;lli o m. 17; ) mill., hicadlliIII. 1 li cent.

    Like n .3>)/ii(), l)ul smaller.CoLoun : Green tinge about base.Technique : Mark of separation 011 base; rim very irregular.Preservation : Intpet.

    32418. Elliptical plate. Ileijjlil o in. . ). ) mill., loni;lli o m. i ()H mill. , hnsulllio III. lA cent. Hoii{;lil, 1887.

    Like n Sa/ioS sq. , willi low, narrow ring-foot.Colour : Green tinge.Technique : Mark of separation on base; fault on one side, tlie glass projecting like asmall spike; fault also on run; shape rather irregular.Preservation : Intact.BiDr,. : J()iirii(d d'cntrcc du Mu.sce, n 277^(5.

    32419. Elliptical plate. Ileijjlit in. o^i cent., ionjjili o in. 1 G cent., bioadlliIII. 1 i5 mill. Boujjlit, 1887.

    Small plate like the preceding; no impressed lines on ring- foot; usual swelling inmiddle of inside.

    Colour : Pale green tinge.Technique : No mark of separation on l)asc; shape fairly rei;ular.Preservation : Intact.BiiiL. : Jounin d'entirc du Musec, n 377

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    6 CATALOGUE DU MUSI'E DU CAIRE.Coi.ouii : Piile {jrecn liiifjL', Iml iii'ai'ly colourless.TixiiMQUK : Fairly rcfjular, llioiijjh raliicr liiglier on one side; no mark of separation on

    hasc.PnESEiivATioN : Inlact.

    Bun.. : JoiirnnI d'enlrfc dii M)isce, n ^y^ijS.

    32421. Shallow bowl or saucer. IIeij;lit o m. o^ cent., dlam. n in. lA ) mill. Uouplil, 1887 (|)l. I).lloinid saucer willi romulcd rin[;-foot and doiibled-ovcr rim lurncd inwards. Swelling

    in middle of inside and sunken line round about, just above ring-foot.Coi.nuii : Pale blue tinge.Technique : Regularly shaped and fairly fine-blown; mark of separation on base.PiiESERVATioN : Iridesceiit palina on base (partly peeled o(T).I'ir.i.. : .loiiriKil d'oilirc dii Miiaca, u 28 1 '1 1


    32422. Bowl. Iloij^hl o in. 0.^)8 mill., diain. o m. iGf) mill. (pi. I).lioiuiil bowl witb curving profile; stands on outward-spreading ring'-fool; central pari

    of inside is conve.v and there is a deep line of division round about; fairly thick rimw ilh impressed line round inside.

    Colour : Pale bluish tinge.Technique : Fine-blown, but not very regular; mark of separation on base.PnESERVATioN : Slight iridescence here and there; incrusted wilh dirt.

    32423. Shallow bowl. Height o m. oSa mill., tliam. ni. iG cent. ([)1. I).Stands on spreading ring-foot witii slanting impressions (cf. n 3->/i 1 5); the sides curl

    outwards from base and then turn upwards in an almost perpendicular line with aslight inward curve; large doubled-over rim, projecting outwards; usual swellingin centre, above the mark of separation.

    Coi.ouii : Greenish brown tinge.Technique : Blown fairly thick; mark of separation on base; rim not of uniform size.PiucsKRVATioN : lutact.

    32424. Shallow bowl. IleiyliL o in. o5 cent., diamoler o ni. i55 mill. Boiij;lil, 1887.

    Same type as n 3aia3.(loi.ouR : Green tinge.

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    (illAKCO-KC^ I'll AN GLASS. 7Tkciiniqik : .Mark of suparaliuii on l)usc; one side very irrcfjularly sliapcti; base lull of

    alr-l)ull)les.PriKSKiivATioN : Crack on one siilc.Dim.. : Journal d'cntrce dii Mu.icc, 11 27800.

    32425. Shallow bowl. llei^^liL 111. o'ly mill., diaiii. o m. 1 G ceiil.Similar lo n 3-?/'i-^3, but shallower; iniprcssecl line roiiiid inside of rim.CoLoun : Greenish brown.Teciiniquk

    : Mark of separation on base; rejjularly shaped; air-l)iihlilcs in I)asc.PnESEnvATioN : In lad.

    32426. Shallow bowl. Ilcijjiil, o m. o55 mill., diam. 111. 1/1 ceiiL. (pi. I).Like n 3- /it 3, i)ul with less curve in llie sides.CoLoun : Green.Technique : Mark of separalion on base; full of small air-bul)bles.PnEsunvATioN : Intacl.

    32427. Shallow bowl. Hoifjlil o m. ooa mill., diam. m. iG5 mill.Of same type as n 3a/i23; the perpendicular part of the sides has no inward curve.Coi-oun AND TECHNIQUE : Likc if SstlisZ.Preservation : Intacl.

    32428. Shallow bowl. llei|;liL o m. oh cent., diam. n m. i3 coiil.Small vase of same shape and colour as n 3 9/1 2 3; impressed line round inside of rim.Technique : Mark of separalion on base; shape rather irregular.Preservation : Inlact.

    32429. Shallow bowl. lloi^jhl o m. o(\ cent., diam. m. lO cont. ([tl. I).Like the preceding, but without so sharp a curve in the sides.Coi-ouR : Greenish brown.Technique : Mark of separalion on base; shape not very regular; several air-bubbles.Preservation : Intact.

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    8 CATALOGUE DU MUSKK DU GAIIU'.32430. Shallow bowl. Iloifjhl o in. o'j8 mill., diaiii. o in. i.j5 mill. ([ . 1).

    Flat vase willi still loss nirve in tlic sides tliaii n 3>/i2(); nn(j-foot of usual shape hutwith scarcely any marks; rim curved inwards.

    Coi.oiin : Green tin|fi'.Tk(;iiniiuk : Mari< of separation on hase; one side mudi hi[jh(;r ihan the other; fidl of

    small air-l)ul)hles.PnKSEnvATioN : Crack on one side.

    32431. Shallow bowl. Ileijjhi o m. oA'i mill., diam. o m. i35 mill.Like n 3a/i3o, hut smaller; marks on rin{j-foot.Coi.oun : Greener than n 3a/i3o.TkciimkTIje : Mark of separation on hase; small huhjjles in {jlass.PniiSKRVATioN : Foot chipped in t\\o places.

    32432. Shallow bowl. IIeij|lil o in. oG cent., diam. o in. iG cent.Like n ' 3 /i3o and 3- /j3i, hut ralher higher; short thick ring-foot uilh usual

    impressions.Gdi.ouii : Green, which changes to hrown on one half of hase.TixiiNiQiiE : Usual mark of separation; shape not very regular.PnKSEiivATioN : Intact.

    32433. Vase. Iloiglil o m. o8 cent., diam. o m. ih^ mill. (pi. 1).Cup or howl with spreading ring-foot marked in the usual way; the sides curve

    upwards and llien outwards; large douhled-over rim, more or less perpendicular;usual proluherance in middle of inside.

    Coi.oun : Urownish green.Teciinioue : Mark of separation on hase; lines round rim; several air-huhhies.PiiESKnvATioN : Intact.

    32434. Vase, Ileij'lit o m. oG8 mill., diam. o m. 12G mill.Of same shape as n 3 9^1 33, hut smaller.CoLOun : Rather hrowner than n 39/i3/i.Teciinioue : Mark of separation on hase; several air-huhhles.PnESERVATioN : Foot chipped; crack on one side.

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    (iliAKGO-EGVl'TlAN CLASS. 9

    32435. Vase. llcijjlil o in. o^y mill., iliiun. ( in. i o. ) mill.Similar Id llir iirocediiij;, liiil >,lill siiiallrr.Coi.oun AM) TKi;iiM(.)i r. : Like if ',]:i/i'Mi.PitESF.nvAi'ioN : liilacl.

    32436. Vase. IIi'i|;lit o m. oO. ) mill., diiim. o m. lo ) mill.([il. I).Same type as n 3-. /i3.']; Ilir lop (if lli(3 fool is narrower.CoLoun : Pule {jreeii.Tkciimouk : .Mark of separalion on base; rim accidcnially pincli( il oiil nt one place;

    sniall air-l)ul)i)lL's.PnESERVATioN : Small chip on rinfj-fool.

    32437. Vase. IIlmpIiI u in. oGa mill., dium. o m. ad ceiil. |{ou|;lil, 1887.Of same type as n 3ai33; liie upper part is comparalivdy wide and llie rim lias a

    sliglit inward slope.Colour : Pale green.Tecii.mouk : Mark of separation on base; windinfj marks round l)odv; full of small air-


    PiiESEiivATio.N : Inlacl.

    BiHL. : Journal d'cnUcc du Music, 11 ayyfiy.

    32438. Vase. II('i[lil m. oG cent., diam. m. i35 mill.Same sliape as n 3 3^37.Colour : Pale brown.Technique : Usual mark of separation; lines round rim; several large air- bubbles.Preservation : Crack down one side.

    32439. Vase. IIei|;lil o m. oyo inill., diain. m. iG5 mill. ([) . I).Large bell-sbaped cup willi doubled-over rim and spreading ring- foot with usual

    markings.Colour : Brownish green.Technique : Hather unevenly shaped; mark of separation on base; hollow beneath rim

    in one place; air-bubbles.Preservation : Intact.Calnl. du Musce, n 3'j'ioi. a

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    in CATALOGUE I)U MUSKH DU CAIUE.32440. Vase. IIoi{>Iil o in. ()8y mill., diain. o ni. if) cenl. (pi. II).

    Plain howl willi spreading ring-fool and douhlcd-over rim; indislincl markings on foot.Coi.oiin : Pair green.Tf.ciimqui': : No mark on base; several very large air-l)ulil) cs.PnESEiiVATioN : Inlart.

    32441. Vase. Iloinlil o m. oG8 mill., dlani. o m. io5 mill.Small bowl of same shape as n ?>-?.hho; usual markings on ring-fool.Colour : Brownish green.Teciinioue : Mark of separation on base and corresponding protuhcrance on ihc inside;

    great many particles of dirt embedded in the glass.PreskIivation : Intact.

    32442. Small vase. Height o m. oF) cent., dlam. o m. o85 mill. (pi. II).Cup with spreading ring-fool (plain) and thick, rounded rim.Colour : Green.Teciinkiue : Evenly shaped; usual mark on base.Preservation : Intact.

    32443. Cup with stem. IlelfjIiL o m. ogB mill., dlam. o in. 135 mill. (pi. II).The howl of the vase is of the same type as u'SqASS. Piound, solid stem spreading

    out below and covered uith impressed markings.Colour : Brownish green.Technique : Shape fairly regular; mark of separation on base; winding marks on bowl;

    full of small bubbles and roughnesses.Preservation : Crack in one place.

    32444. Cup with stem. Ileip^ht o m. o83 mill., dlam. o m. i'i5 mill. Fayoum (lahel) (pi. II).

    Flat bowl with upright sides and doubled-over rim; stem like that of n 3; /i'ii).Colour : Stem brown and brown tinge on upper part.Technique : Shape fairly regular; mark of separation on base.Preservation : Intact.BinL. : Notice, 1899,-1897, 11 SaA; Guide, 1902, p. qGC), n 32/i.

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    GUAECO-KCVI'TIAN CF^ASS. 13Tk(:iiM(.u:i; : M.irk iil scjiiumIidii on liiisc; foot laulliK riiailcI'liKSKiivATioN : Uasc sli{jlilly iriilcscciit; some iiicnishillon.liiiii.. : Joimicit il'oilrcc dii Miisce, u liooij'i (?) : il so, rii>;ii Mil lialiiiicl].

    32455. Vase. IT(ji|;lil o m. 06 cent., diam. o 111. () coiil. (|1. II).Cu[) or siiiJiU LohI with profiled liiise, ll;il iiiiilcriu'atli; hli;;liL jji'oovi; roiiiiJ iicck, rim

    |irojt'(lin[j oulwards a lilllc; mark on inside round jiinclioii ol liase and [iroluhcruncein llic middle.

    C01.OUI1 : I'ale l)luisli {jrcen linjjc.

    Tkciimqii; : Mark of separalioii on base.I'nKSKiiVATiON : Sonic inrnislalion.

    32456. Vase. Ilcijjlit in. oGT) mill., diam. o m. of) cciil. (pi. II).Hound-hodomed rup willi oulward-curviny, sliarp-cnl rim; llic sides curve sli[jdilly

    inwards loHiirds llie neck.Coi.oun : Colourless.Teciiniquk : Fairly finc-hlown; cut o(T round rim, icavinjj a slinrp, rough edge.Preskiivation : llim slijjhlly chipped; iridescenl and incrusled in places.

    32457. Cup. Iloijjlit 111. 0G8 mill., diam. o m. OQf) mill. ([)1. II).Ralhcr wide ciip wilh upiigiil sides and oiilward-curving rim; rounded ring-fool in

    middle of l)ase; proluberance in middle of inside.Colour : Pale bluish green tinge.Teciimquk : Mark of separalioii on base; many small buljbles in jjlass.Preskhvatjon : Some incruslalion.

    32458. Cup. IlcijjliL m. 078 mill., diam. o m. o()') mill. Mil Ualiiiicli(,d. II).Widens out sligiilly towards top; the sides are nearly straiglit and curve into the base

    without any abrupt transition; narrow rounded collar round outside a little belowtop; slightly projecting rim; swelling on inside of base.

    Colour : Pale bluish green.Technique : Mark of separation on base; the collar, which was no dou )t applied

    separately, has overlapping ends.Preservation : Iridescenl scum on base; some incruslalion.BiBL. : Joiininl d'ciitrce dii Miixcc , 11' 3oo(j3.

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    l/i CATALOGUE DU MUSKE DU CAIUE.32459. Cup. Ilc'ijjlil o ni. 081 mill., tliaia. in. io3 mill.

    Satiie sliapo and colour as ii 3->A5S; mark of separation on l)aso, wliich is decidecllyliollow niidcrncalli.


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    Ifi CATAr^OGUE 1)U MUSKI'] DU CAIIiE.32469. Small vase. Ilcijjlil o in. 067 mill., cllam. of rim o m. o5 oeiil.(pi. 111).

    The walls, ulilch jut rou{jlily pcrpi'nflicular, liavc ])cen pressed in on four sides; llierim spreads outwards and is rallier sliarp-cul; impressed lines round outside ofrim; round-ed{;ed base, slightly hollow underneath.

    (loLoiiii : Milky iilni, perliaps accidental; ollicrwise colourless except for faint {jreentinge in base.

    PnicsKHVATioN : Intact hut rallier dirlv.Uiiii.. : Maspkuo, Slii)-ailiil

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    CIIAKCO-IifiVl'TIA.N nf.ASS. 1732473. Vase. IIc'i{;l>l(.i.o,Sn.,il...lKii..,r nil. o ,m. .,(i7 in,|| _ |{,hi..|,1

    1885(1.1.111). '

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    C.UAKCO-KGVl'TIAN (.I.ASS. 1032481. Vase. llcijjlil u in. i ij l-ciiL, duuii. u iii. 08 criil.Sami' as tlic nrcfudiiij;; haso iiialforiinHl.

    PnESKi(v\rii)N : liilail.

    32482. Vase. llcijjlil m. I'l; ) mill., diain o in. oyH mill.Same as iirccediiijj; biisc is (|iiile even.PnESKHVATioN : Inlac'l.

    32483. Vase. H('i{;lil o m. 286 mill., diiim. o in. 10 ceiil. (pi. III).Of same jjeneral Ivpe as n'iJti/iyc); roiiiidecl rim and small tliick projcclm;; l)ase.

    Kiicirrled near lop hy several lines of very (ine-drawn j;lass.(ioi.oi II : lirowii liiijjc al lower end, liiil iiasi- is dark |[rcen.TixiiMfjUK : Kegiilarly shaped; mark of sepaialion on liase; iiii|js round l)od\ have hecn

    added separately; [;ood many bubbles in [jlass.PiiKSF.nvATioN : liilael.

    32484. Vase. Hoij^lil d m. -2 1 cciil. . diam. o in. lu coiil. (j)l. 111).I.Ike n 39/183, with rounded rim and base. The upper pari is encircled by a larjje.

    wavy strip of (jiass wilh small projeclions, perhaps a branch; sides sliijhtly concaveal this part.

    CoLOiiit : Green lin|je, varying to brown towards base.Teciimquk : Similar to n 3a/i83; very line-blown.PnESKiwATioN : Small break on one side; dirty.

    32485. Vase. IIei{;lil m. 1 ^^ cent., diam. o m. o63 mill. .\Ii;ir, i8()A(pi. Hi).

    Of same shape as n Sii/ijfj , with a small base like that of n 3 9 A 83. Encircled near thetop by a wavy branch with leaves springing; from the upper side. Lines round bodyas on n 82^75.

    Colour : Pale green tinge; the branch and leaves arc blue.Technique : Sharp-cut rim; no mark on base; fine-blown glass.Presehvation : Small chip in rim.iJiBL. : Journal d'eiitrce du Musce , i\ 3o8o3.


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    20 HATALOr.UE DU MUSKE DU CAIP.R.32486. Vase. rioifj^hl o in. i3 cenL., diain. o ni. oGy mill. Mcii'. i8()'i.

    Same ;is n 3;i^i85; some of llic leaves arc willioiil slalks ami llie rim is ratlierroiijjiily ('III.

    Pkf.servation : Rim chipped.lilRi,. : Jniiriml il'viitirc tin Mtisi'c, n ;?o853.

    32487. Fragment of vase. H(Mj;IiI o m. i i cciil. Ilawara, from llicfiiulsorMr. Petrie, 1 888 (pi. III).

    I'l'om a vase of same shape as n .'5u/iS5 hiil larjjer; sharp-nil I'Im. Pallerii of lozeiijjesor inlers(.'cliiijj ziip.ajjs roiiiul upper part.

    Colour : Pale green; ihe paltern is added in lines of hlue as on n 3i>/i85.Prkskuvation : The fragment is from ihe lop of the vase, including part of rim.liiRi.. : Journal d'cnirec ila Mitucc , n'aSlUia.

    32488. Vase. Hoijjlil o ni. i i cent., diam. o in. oG ccnl. (pi. III).Of same general shape as n So/iyc); rounde

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    CliAKCO-KCVl'TI \\ GI,ASS. j]32491. Vase. Iloijjljl o in. : o coiil., diaiii. u m. u88 mill. (pi. Jllj.Of same {jcncral shape ns llic prcccdiii};, willi poinlcd base iind sliaip-ewl rim lurviiii'

    oiilwards and upwards. Encircled l)y a {;ood many line lines as (in n' .'J'f/iyi).Coi.oiin : Pale hluisli green.TrxiiNKiiK : Kvenly shaped; rim cut; some Haws in jjlass.PiiKSKiiVATiON : Small cliip in ilni.

    32492. Vase. llL'ijjhl o in. i :> cent., diam. o ni. oG.j mill.liike n 3'.)'i()i hnl mucli smaller.(iiii.oiin : Pale ))lnish green.I'liKSKiivATioN : Intact.

    32493. Vase. IkMj;lit o m. ir^T) mill., dinin. o m. oG ] mill. (pi. III).Like n 3 sir) a hut streaked with blue.PiiESEnvATioN : Intact.

    32494. Vase. licijjlil o ni. 126 mill., diam. m. Qi){j mill.Same as n Sa/iijo, l)nt without any lines round body.Cor.ouii : Pale green.PiiKSKiwAiioN : Slightly iridescent fdm.

    32495. Vase. Ilcij^iil m. 11 ceiiL. , diam. m. o.^)5 mill.Like the preceding, but with rounded rim; no lines round body.Technique : Mark of separation on base.I'liESEnvATioN : Intact.

    32496. Vase. IIci|;lil o m. 102 mill., diam. o m. o. )b mill.Exactly like n .'J-j/iyB.PnESicnvATioN : Intact, hul rather dirty.

    32497. Vase. Hoiglil o m. 1 12 mill., diam. o m. 007 mill.Same as n' 3- Ac)r)-3;>.'i(jl}.PnKSERVATioN : Intact, hut soiled.

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    32498. Vase. Heij;lit o in. i i ?. mill., diain. o in. ofiy mill.Same as n' 3'>A().')-3oA()-y, l)ul sliijliliv heavier.PnKSF.nvATio> : Iiitail, hiil soileil.

    32499. Wine-glass. Ilcijjiil o m. of)8 mill., l)roaiUli o m. 07 conl. (pi. IV).Rnlher lall l)o\vl willi rounded rim, wiiicli curves oiiUvards a lillle; narrow thread of

    jjlass round middle of howl; short stem wilh Hal foot, liie upper side of which iscovered with scorin

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    chaeco-ecvi'tian class. -2-s(ioi.oiii : ^I'llowlsli ijrccii tin|;r mi IodI; hiidv mIiiiosI roloiii'k'SS.Tkciimiji'i; : M;iik of s('|i;ii:ilioii on hasc; ;i few iur-l)iilil)lcs.PnKSKn\ ATioN : Loiijj crurk (Idwii one sidr; imIIkm' dirly.

    32504. Wine-glass. Ilcijjht o in. imj. ) mill., diaiii. o in. ixS ccnl.liil. I\ ).Same sli;i|)(' ns n S-.iOoo and n 3 > .') o .T


    (ioi.oun : IMuish gi-eeii.'rKciiisioui-: : HalliiT iiiiovcii in shape; tlie stem is aslant and lias nuulf a deiil on liase of

    l)0\vl; mark on base (?).l*RKSKnv.vTio> : liilacl.

    32505. Wine-glass. llei|;lil o in. i ). ) mill., diam. u m. 07.') mill. l' ii\oiim(lal)L l)(i)l.lV).

    The sides of ihe howl are sliglilly convex and ihere is a doiiblcd-over rim roiuul lop;the base of the bowl is sealed on a thick-rimmed saucer surmounlin{; a tall laperinjjstem with spreadinjj fool.

    Coi.oun : Pale blue or bluisli fjreen.Tkciinkjue : Mark on base.PitKSF.nvATioN : Glass rather filmy.15ini.. : Xolicc, 18;)-; - iHfjy, 11 ; ai.

    32506. Vase. Ilcijjlil o m. 09 conl., bivadlli o in. 098 mill. (|^11^)llalher {jlobular howl with wide mouth and concave neck; stands on spreadinu fool

    with usual markinj;s on upper side; ornamented with several narrow lines in lowrelief round shoulder.

    Coi.ouii : (IrecMi tinge.Tkciimquk : Very evenly shaped; mark of separation on base; mark of turninjj-over on

    rim; lines round shoulder applied as usual.Piu;sEiivATioN : Intact.

    32507. Vase. Hcijjlit o m. 10. ) mill., hreadlli o m. 108 mill, (pi- IV).General shape like ihat of 11 ;J;?5o(i, with short neck and spreading fool of usual type;

    Ihe rim is douhled-over and is comparatively tiiick; lines in relief round middle ofbody; on each side an undulalin|; strip of glass descends from rim to lower part ofl)0(lv, Ihe to[) of it being twisted over into the form of a small handle.

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    2/ CATALOCUK 1)11 MlJSKl' DU CAIlil'.(ini.iu R : Tlio main pari of llie vase is lljjlil purple, and llie strips down oadi side arc


    TixiiMQUE : Evenly sliaped; mark of separalion on las( ; lines roinid ])odv rathercarelessly applied in one lonjj spiral; jjrecn strips of ronrse attached separately.

    I'liKSKiiv.vTioN : Intact.

    32508. Vase. Hoij^lil o ni. 088 mill., hiciidlli o in. (X). ) mill. (i>l.lV).llound-hodied vase with neck and rather sharp-edjjcd, inward-curving rim; stands on

    spreailing fool with usual markings on upjier side. A strip of glass is applied inlarge roughly shaped zigzags round middle of hody, and on each side is a hroadvertical strip, the upper part of which is twisted into the shape of a small handle.

    (^(ii.oi H : Yellowish green.Tkciiniouk : Shape not very even; mark of separation on hase; handles and ornamentation

    nllached as usual, the former after tlie latter; pressed in on one side hy applicationof pattern.

    Piu:si;iivvTioN : Slight hreaks on one handle and on pattern; rim chipped a little.

    32509. Vase. Hoijjlil m. oqT) mill., Iircadth m. oq coiit. (j>l. IV).Uound-hodied vase with in-drawn neck and wide-spreading rim; ihe rim has a rounded

    edge and seems to he donhled inwards; fool of usual type; open-work zigzag patternhelween shoulder and edge of rim.

    (loi.oun : Green.TECirNinuE : Evenly shaped; mark on hase; ornamentation altached as usual.PiU'SKnvviioN : End of zigzag strip hrokeu olT.

    32510. Vase. Hei{>lil 111. i3 cent., hi'caillh m. t i coal.Vase of same general type as n o-^Sof) with large neck and wide-spreading rim; edge

    of rim douhled inwards; spreading fool with rather faint markings. A thread of glassis coiled several times round upper part of neck (rather roughly), and there is azigzag strip helween rim and shoulder as on n 3-*i)0(j. Mark on hase.

    Coi.ouii : Main part of vase yellowish green; zigzag strip a purer green.PnKsi.iivvrioN : Larg(> chip on rim.

    32511. Vase. Hoijjhl m. 1 ^i cent., lireadtli m. 1 ? cent.Same shape as n 3'i5o() hut with less Hal rim and comparatively small fool. The sidesare presscd-in in four or live places, rather roughly; there is a fairly thick ring round

    outside of neck; zigzag pattern helween rim and shoulder as on n S-jooq.

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    (;i .VKCO-Ki;\l'TlAN (.I.ASS. 25

    ToLorn : V'llowisli |ji-eeii.

    I'liHSKnvATiDN : I'l'ajjiiR'iil l)i'ok(.'ii out (if iiiiildli' of l)0(ly and iiir|j.'^)i i. Tlie sides are pressed-in in five

    places; fairly thick strip coiled irrejularly round neck; zijj'zag pattern hclwrcn rimand shoulder as on n 3t?5o().

    Coi.oun ANn TECiiMQUE : Like n . ]. r)0().PnKSKnvATioN : Intact.

    32513. Vase. Heijjlil o iii. i-ih imll., diaiii. o iii. i i cciil.Very smular to n '.]->.\) i o but \\ilhout any ruijj round neck; fairly deep marking on foot.Coi.oun : Green.Technique : Mark on base.PnESEnvATioN : Mended break on one side.

    32514. Vase. Hoijjlil o in. o85 inill., hrcadlli o in. o~ cent.Small vase like n 3a5og; rim doubled inwards; sides pressed-in in si\ places; tliin

    strip coiled several limes round outside of neck; zifjxajj pattern between neck andshoulder as on n 3a5o3or); usual /.i|;za(j pattern between rim and shoulder.Coi.ouii : Yellowish green; ^igzaj strip a j)uier j[reeii but streaky.Techmque : Like n 3a5oy.PnESERVATioM : Intact.

    32516. Vase. Ilcijriilo m. oyi mill., broadlli o m. o8 cent. ([> . IVWide-mouthed little vase with drawn-in neck and spreading run vmiIi thick rouiuled

    edge; widens slightly from base lo shoulder; rather sharp curve at shoulder; ring-Catat. du Mmee , ii* 3j'ioi. It

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    2G CATALOGUr: 1)U MUSKE DU CAIKI'.loot, slijjUlIy spreadin;;, willi faltit markings on upper side; zlj;zajj pall(M-n l)ehvecnrim and slioiildcr as on n '.]'.>.\>()i.).

    CoLoun : Blue; zi|jza{] strip {jroon.Tkciimoue : Mark on hase; several long bubbles and Haws.Prkskrvation : Siigblly cracked in two places.

    32517. Small vase. Ilciglil o in. oor? mill., iM-eadtli o m. or); ) mill. (pi. I\ ).Like n 3'.>r)i/i bill wilboul any fool, tlio base being sligblly linllow undernealh;

    sides pressed-in in five or six places; rounded rim; zigzag pattern l)et\vcen rim andsbouldcr.

    CoLoui : Pure green linge.Teciimque : Like n 3t)5o5 1 7 but witliout the zigzag ornament; sligbtconcave curve in outline of body; liollow in jjase; rounded rim (doubled inwards?).

    Coi.oun : Colourless except for wbilisb film.l^nESEnvATioN : Intact.

    BiBL. : Maspkuo, Sllp-Cdliiloffiie , u 3iG-2: Journal d'cnlvcc (lit Miisce, 11 if)r)'i3.

    32519. Vase. Iloi{jIit o m. o'ly mill., broacUli m. of) cent. (pi. IV).Small vase of same type as n S-iT) 1 8; round l)ody: hollow in base; impressed vertical

    lines round upper part of body, very faint.Colour : Colourless.Teciimoue : I' ine-blown glass but with I'alber rough surface; rim of irregular thickness.PnESEDVATioN : Inlacl.

    32520. Vase'''. Iloijjlit m. o5q mill., breadlli in. of) cent. ITawai-a,IVom Iho fimls of Mr. Petflc, 1888 (pl.IV;

    Small vase of same type as n 3->5i() but less squat; round bottom with small hollowin centre; decorated with incised lines, fairly broad and firmly cut, one round neck,one round shoulder, two round middle of Itody and one round lower part.

    I'l I'rom tlie same lomb as 11' .^aTja.'), SaOS^, Sa.'igS.

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    GIIAI'CO-I'GVI'TIA.N CLASS. -21Colour : Faint {jrecii liiijje.TF,CIl^I()UB : Vurj evenly sliii])ecl; mark of separation on hasc; irregular rim. Tin' ['lass

    is comparatively thick and llie lines liave hern ml dm IIh; liarilrncd snrfai-i;.PiiESEiiVATioN : Inside incruslcd.

    IJiiii.. : Journal d'ciitirc ilii Mttsee , n aS.'iS'i.

    32521. Vase. IIoi{;lit o in. o^y mill., hrcadlli o iii. of) conl. (jil. IV).Like n -ItU) ;) Imlwilli lori|;rr nock; rather larj;(' rim; impressed vertical lines round

    body.Colour : Almost colourless; faint (jreen litijje on rim.TeciiM()uf, : Thin-hlown; not very even.Preservation : Slightly iridescent on one side.

    32522. Vase. II(Mj;lit o in. o33 mill., hrciidlh o m. o3 mill. (pi. IVTniy vase of same type as n .'5'-i5iS hut less S(pial; prolile of hody slightly concavi;;

    large rounded rim with line on inside.(Colour : Whitish.Preservation : Somewhat iridescent; incrusted in places.

    32523. Vase. lleiplil o m. oy cent., brcacUh o in. u(j3 mill. ([>l. IV).Larger vase of same type as the preceding; broadest across upper part of body;

    concave base; neck spreads outwards and ends in a larjje doul)led-over rim ason n 3-.i5i8.

    Colour : Green.Preservation : Slightly iridcsccnl.

    32524. Vase. Ileijjiil o m. o5i mill., Lreadlli o in. o'ly mill. (pi. IV).Same type as the preceding; round hody and slightly convex base; neck spreads

    outwards; the body is covered ilh sjiiral i-ihbing, tiie lines of which have beendrawn upwards from base and taper o(T towards the neck.

    Colour : Faint green linge, but almost colourless.Preservation : Intact.

    Bibl. : Maspero, Slip-Calalojur, n o-ioc).

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    iS, CATALOGUE DU MUSEE DU CAIHE.32525. Vase. Hoif>lit o m. 097 mill., liroadlli o ni. o-j'i iiiill. Ilawara,

    Mr. Potrlo, 1888 ) (pi IV).Of same type as the preceding, l)iil narrower in proportion to its size; liollow in base;

    no sharp curve between neck and shoulder; rim as on n 3a5Q3; the lower part isdecorated with vertical lines in relief at about o m. oj cent, distance from each other.

    CoLoun : Colourless except for whitish fdm.Technique : Very evenly shaped; slight flaws in the glass.Preservation : Intact but dirly.ISiBi.. : Journal d'ciilicc (hi Mush , n a83iVj.

    32526. Vase. Heij^ht m. o-'iT) mill., hroaclLli aciosH lop m. o38 mill.(pi. IV).

    Of same type as n SoSao, but with larger neck in proportion to its size; the rim hasbeen doubled inwards and has a projecting edge on the inside; usual hollow in base.

    Colour : Green tinge.Technique : Rather unevenly shaped; mark of separation on base.Preservation. Small crack on one side; slight iridescence in places.

    32527. Vase. lloijjht m. oh cont., breadth across top m. o3o mill.(pi. IV).

    Small vase with drawn-in neck and spreading rim; greatest breadth across upperpart of body; slight hollow in base; rim flat on top (doubled back).

    Colour : Colourless except for whitish film.Technique : Perfectly even; cloud of small bubbles on one side.Preservation : Intact.

    BicL. : Maspero, Slip-catalogue, n 8189.

    32528. Vase. Height o m. oh cent., hroadth across top o m. o3() mill.Similar to n 82537 '' * ^*'*'' shorter neck; profile of sides slightly concave.Colour : White film on the glass.Technique : Not so even as n 3 9 5a 7.Preservation : Inside incrusted and discoloured.

    Cl From same tomb as n SaSao, 83537, Sa^gS.

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    (JIIAKCU-KCVI'TIAN CLASS. 2932529. Vase. Ilcijjlil u ni. o. ). ) mill., lucadtli across t(t| u in. o'lGiniiJ.(pi. IV).

    Small vase willi sliaifjlil, perpendicular sides, drawii-iii neck and \vide-spreadin{]moulli; base slilil o 111. oO cciiL, breaillli o m. o'i8 mill. (pi. IV).Small, sijuat-bellied vase wilb lonjj, slijjhtiy widening neck and doubled-in rim; large

    hollow in base.Coi-oun : Green, like n Saoali.Technique : Several flaws and dents in the glass.PnESEnvATioN : Mended break on neck; two or three long cracks in body; dirty.

    32532. Tiny vase. Heijjhi o m. o35 mill., hreadlli across top o 111. 098 mill.(pi. IV).

    ]''or shape see illustration.Colour : Green tinge in base, otherwise colourless.Technique : Very uneven; mark of separation on base; liin doubled inwards.Preservation : Intact.

    32533. Tiny vase. Heijjht m. o3;2 mill., bi'eadlli across lop m. 028 mill.Like n 3q53q , but without any bulge in middle of body.Colour : Nearly colourless.Tkchniquk : Halher uneven; rim doubled in; (law in glass.Preservation : Intact.BiBL. : M\ , Slip-catalogue , n 3i5i(?).

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    CllAliCO-ECVrTlAN GLASS. SICiil.ncii : V;\\r I)i'0\Mi Iiiij;i'(?).Tki;iimiju1'; : IJiidly iikhIo, iicck lulslcd ,ui(l hiisc Ml vi'i-y ri)ii;;li: rliii iIdiiMciI iiiu;ii-(Is.PiiKSKRVATioN : IiicrustL'il oil inside.

    liiiii.. : Mam'kho, Slip-CnltilnjiK' , ii I5()88.

    32539. Tiny vase. lIcijjliL o in. 02 'i mill., hrcuillli o ni. oi>3 niill.( |)1. IV).Si[u;il body and coniparalively loiii; nock, widcniii;; towards lop.(idi.oiii : I'idi jjrccii liiiijc.

    Teciiniquk : Mark on Ijase.l'ni;si;nvATH)N : Iiilacl.

    32540. Jug. 1I(M{;1iI m. 18-2 mill., hreadlli o m. 08 cent. B()U|;lil, i885(1,1. V).

    Cyiiiulrical body, wideninfj vt-ry sli{;lilly towards slioiildcr; flat base; narrow nockwilli tiiriiod-ovor rim and depression round lower end. Hroad, sbarp-anjjled liandlewilli tbroc llutinj]s on onlside; it widens out at lower end; ibc two outer llutin{;sare open below and the two inner ribs end in sliarp points like claws; tbe upperend is allaclieJ to top of neck, and llie doubied-over lip is stuck vertically afjainstrim. The body is encircled by three horizontal {jroovcs at some distance from eachother.

    Colour : Palo bluish green.Teciimque : Very evenly shaped; rim apparently turned over and then douhled upwards;

    handle of course made separately. The grooves have been cut with the aid of a wheel,and then are narrow wheel-made lines all the way up to shoulder.

    l'i\i:sKiiv\TioN : Slightly iridescent; surface more or less incnisled.Dint. : Journal d'eiilrce du Muscc, n flOSticj.

    32541. Jug. lleijjliL o m. 178 mill., hreadlh ii m. ofjy mill. Hoii^jlil,3 December 1 88 (?) (pi. V).Tall rectangular body; flat base, ornamented with two concentric circles in relief; slight

    concavity round lop of shoulder; roun

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    3-2 GATALOCUI': DU MUSI'E DU CAIRE.32542. Jug. lloljjlit o in. 2 i ccul., hieacltli o in. 07 c. Goiirnali, Dec. 1809

    (pl.V). horly wilU llic sharp edges rounded olTat shoulder; flat or sll^jhlly conrnvebase; round neck; spreadiiij; inonlh wilh rliifi; round underside; broad liandle, flutedon outside,

    (loi.oiin : Green; handle and ring helow moulh nearly black.Tkciinique : Fairly thick glass with rather rough surface; evenly shaped; handle and

    ring attached.PnESEnvATioN : Inside incrusted wllli some dark substance, making the glass look much

    darker than it really is.Rini,. : Maspero, Slrp-calaloiruc , n H-joa; Journal d'enlvee du Miisie , n G189.

    32543. Jug. Hoij>lil o m. lyB mill., hreadlh o ni. 078 mill. (pl.V).Cylindrical body wilh slight depression just helow shoulder; concave base; narrowing

    neck and spreading moulh; very broad llal handle with upper end doubled back; around strip of glass is coiled round upper part of neck, ending on lower edge of rim.

    Coi.oun : Yellowish green; handle paler and without any tinge of yellow.Teciiniquk : Evenly shaped; mark of separation on base; handle and ring allached.PnESEHVATioN : Inside incrusted with dirt.

    32544. Jug. Hei{]ht o in. i8ij mill., broadth m. 075 mill.Similar to n 3 3 5 6 3 in very respect.PRESEnvATioN : Inside incrusted with dirt.

    32545. Jug. Height o ni. ih cent., hi'eadlh o m. 007 mill. Fayoum(^Journal^ (pi. V).

    Same type as n 3a5/i3; narrows sliglilly towards base; bulge round shoulder; ringbelow mouth; flat handle, very broad at lower end.

    CoLoun : Green.Technique : Like n 395A3, but without mark on base.PnESERVATiON : Long crack down one side.liiBi,. : Journal d'entree du Muscc, n 2

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    r.RAF.CO-ECVPTIAN r.F.ASS. :i:5spreadinij iiioiilli; iiii|; rdund lowci- ji.ul of iicik iind roil of rinijs roundu|)[)pr. I' lal li:iii

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    3/, CATALOnUK I)U MUSEE DU CAIHE.32551. Jug. Hel};lit o ni. oGg mill., broadlli o ni. o5 cent.

    Siiiall vaso like n 3355o; very sharp -angled handle; thin coil round lop of neck.Coi.ouit AND TEGiiiNiQUK : Likc n Sao.'io; several (laws in the glass.I'uKSKnvATioN : Intact.

    32552. Jug. H(ii{}lil o m. 198 mill., broadlli o m. 080 mill. (pi. V).Small jug with long neck, s(|ual i)ody and hroad hasc (concave underneath); the

    neck narrows and then spreads out into a fairly wide mouth; thick handle of sametype as on n SsBAG fi . with groove down hack; ring round lop of neck and thincoil round fool.

    Colour : Pale Iduish green originally; handle a deeper green.Technique : Evenly made; mark of separation on base.I'liESEiivATioN : Decomposed and iridescent.

    32553. Small jug. Iloifjlit o m. oOy mill., breadlli m. o/i5 mill. (pi. V).Round hody and concave base; funnel neck widening slightly at lop; handle of usual

    type; long narrow coil round top of neck.Coi.ouii : Yellowish green tinge.Technique : Not very even; mark on base; dark blotches in glass.PnESEiivATioN : Intact.

    32554. Amphora. Height o m. 188 mill., hi-cadlli o m. 1 1 cent. (pi. V).Stands on spreading foot with slanting impressions on upper side; body curves into

    neck without any distinct transition and neck spreads out into mouth; rather irre-gularly twisted handles; ring round neck.

    CoLOun : Green with yellowish tinge.Teciimoue : Mark of separation on base; rim doubled in on one side; separately altached

    accessories.Preservation : Inlacl.

    32555. Amphora. Hoi{;lil o m. 91 conl., hreadlh in. oqG mill. (pi. V).Foot like thai of n S-iBS/i; body more or less globular; long neck widening at top;

    rounded rim; vertical handles attached against neck; long coil round neck.Colour : Yellowish green.Technique : Mark on base; rim doubled in; accessories altached. Flaw on neck.Preservation : Discolouring incrustation on inside.

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    GIIAECO-ECYI'TIAN CLASS. 3532556. Small amphora. Ilcijjlil o in. oq cent., hroadlli o in. 07 ccnl. Mil

    Ualiincl. ([) . V).

    (iloldiliir l)0(ly willi sllj;liliy concave base; narrow neck ami rounded, projeclinij rim;sliarp-auji'led liaiidles, curved at lop and ending below in thick lilobs.

    Coi.oLii : (ireenisli \ellow.Teciimque : Mark of separadon on iiase; rim douhled inwards.I'nESEnvATioN : Surface partly iiicrusted witli dirt.IlitiL. : Journal d'cnlice ilii Mii.scc, u SooyS.

    32557. Amphora. Ilcijjiil m. 1.^) ccnl., hroadlli o m. 08B mill. ([il. \).Fool like liiat of n 3'j55A; jjrealcst widlh across upper part of body; funnel neck,

    widening slijjlitly al lop; twisted handles as on n 'i'.>.i>\}fi; rinjj round fool of neckand coil of live rings round top.

    Colour : Green.Teciimque : Mark of separation on base; separately attached accessories.Preseiuation : One handle and part of neck broken olT; inside dirtv.

    32558. Bottle. Iloijyhl o m. 2 iT) mill., breadtli m. iSf) mill. (pi. \1).Broad-bascd body with greatest widlh nearer to base than to neck; base slightly concave;

    long neck with depression round foot and spreading mouth with doubled-in rim;thick collar round upper part of body with semicircular projections pinched out alintervals.

    Colour : Pale green tinge.Technique : Evenly shaped; no mark on base; collar of course added separately. One

    or two flaws in glass and a good many small air-bubbles.Preservation : Perfect.

    32559. Bottle. H(M|;lit o m. ^u 5 mill., hrcadlli m. i35 mill.Same as n 3 Q 558 in every respect.Preservation : Perfect.

    32560. Bottle. Ileijjlit o m. 9o5 mill., hrcadlli o m. i3i ) mill.Like n 3 a 5. ) 8 except that body is more globular; small vertical lines in relief al intervals

    round middle of body; collar like that of n 3^558.

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    :5G CATALOGUE DU MUSHI': DU CAIRR.Coi-oun : Pale green willi yellowish linge.Teciinioue : Like n S-srjfjS.PnESEiivATioN : Sii(;lil iridescence on one side; rallier dirty inside.

    32561. Bottle. Ileijilil o ni. iA5 mill., breadlli o m. oST) mill.Same shape as n 3 -1558 and wilh similar collar.Coi.oun : Yellowish lingc; collar green.Technique : Fine-hlown glass; evenly shaped except that rim is hadly finished olT; no

    mark on hase.PnESEiivATioN : One side of hody hroken; dark suhslance in neck.

    32562. Bottle. Height o m. i5 cent., ])roa(Uli o m. 09 cent. (pi. VI).Similar to n''3- 5r)8, hut less glohular; concave hase; neck and collar like those of

    n 3-^5r)8.Colour : Yellow tinge; collar green.Technique : Mark of separation on hase; one side of rim douhled in.PfiESEnvATioN : Rather dirty Inside.

    32563. Bottle. Hoiplit m. 07^ mill., breadth m. oGa mill.Similar to n 39 5Gti in every respect.PnESEnvATioN : Neck entirely ])roken off.

    32564. Bottle. Iloighl m. io3 mill., breadth m. oG cent.Same type as n 3 -1.^)6 ; deep depression round foot of neck; ring round underside of

    mouth, and usual collar.Colour : Nearly transparent originally (?); collar green.Technique : Like n 3 a 5 G q .Preservation : Iridescent.

    32565. Bottle. Height m. 170 mill., breadth o m. 1 t cent. Fayoum(label) (pi. VI).

    Glohular hody willi concave hase; narrow neck, widening out ahove like a reversedcone; douhled-in rim; ring round foot of neck; row of elliptical impressions roundmiddle of hody.

    Colour : Nearly colourless; the ring is green.

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    CliAKCO-KCVI'TlAN (.LASS. 37TECiiPirQUE : Fiiic-l)lo\vii ;uiil cvpiiIv sliapcil; llic rim is not well rnil>lii'(l olT, ntid llii;

    impressions on body are rallicr irrrjjiilar; rollar allaclicd.PiiESKiiVATioN : Inlacl hiil tlirh.BiRi,. : ^oUcc, i8f)a-i8(j7, u SsS.

    32566. Bottle. llci^jlil o tii. lOG mill., hrcatllli u in. i i cciil. Houjjiil,2 1 May 1887 (pl.M).

    Sniiiiar to n 3: 5G3 except llial Itody is encirided by sliort verlical lines in relief alabout m. o5 cent, from eacb otlicr.

    CoLoun : Pale (jrcen.Technique : Kvenly shaped; full of small air-bubbles.PiiESEnVATioN : Ulm broken.Bint. : Journal d'cntrcc du Music , 11 2771)1.

    32567. Large bottle. Iloiu'lilo in. a.G cent., brcadlli m. -^o ccul. Botijjlit,97 OcLober 1 887.

    Wide body with {jrcalesl diameter a little above tbc middle; concave base; depressionround fool of neck; slightly narrowing neck and spreading mouth with ring roundunderside. Very evenly shaped.

    CoLocn : Bluish green.PnESERVATioN : Iridescent in places.BiBL. : Journal d'cntrcc du Muscc, 11 aSiSi.

    32568. Bottle. Ileijjlil o m. ;?o5 mill., brcadlli o in. i5 cent. Boiijjht,27 Oclobci- 1887 (pi. VI).

    Same shape as n 395G7 except that body is more globular; slighl bulge round outsideof mouth; upper pari of body is covered willi spiral ribbing (very indistinct).

    CoLOL'n : Pale green.Teciimijuk : ICvenly sliaped; nol clear how ornamentation has been put on; no trace

    of piece-mould.PnESEitvATioN : Large pari of surface covered with incrustation.IJiDL. : Journal d'enlree du Music, 11 28182.

    32569. Bottle. Ilei^flil m. i5o mill., broadlli o m. 1^1 cent. DoiJ{flit,27 Oclobor 1887.

    Like n 33 5G8, bul wider and shorter in proportion; spiral ribbing or lluling roundupper part.

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    38 CATALOGUE DU Ml'SEE DU CAIIIE.ThXiiMi.iLK : Like ii .T^^fiS; spiivil marks al)oiil slioiikler and neck.PitKSKiivATioN : Moiilli l)roken oil'; iridescent all over; Inside choked up with soil.Biiii,. : Journal d'eiilree dii Miisce , n a8i3C.

    32570. Bottle. II('is;hl o iii. o85 mill., broadlh o ni. 098 mill. ([)1. VI).Wide, Hal hody wilh slightly concave hase; narrow neck and projecting, dou )led-in

    rim; slight depression round foot of neck; middle of hody is encircled hv faintlyimpressed vertical (lutings.

    Cor.oun : Green.Technique : Not very even; tool-marks round fool of neck.PnKSEnvATioN : Intact.

    32571. Bottle. II('i{;Iit o m. 198 mill., lrea(llli m. to5 mill. ([)1. M).For shape see illustration; hroad, concave hase; tapering neck, surmounted hy large

    Hat rim. The hody is covered wilh a lozenge pattern formed hy lines in low relief;impressed hand round hase, at lower end of pattern.

    CoLOun : Almost colourless; slight green tinge.Tkciinioue : Perfectly even; mark of separation on hase; no trace of piece-mould.PiiESKnvATioN : Intact hut dirty.BiDL. : Journal d'cnlrce du Musce, n SaijCi.

    32572. Bottle. Ileijjlit m. 08 conl., bread lli m. oGq mill. Hoii{}lit,SDecombor i884 (pl-^I)-

    Round hody covered wilh small round studs; hase sullicently flattened to stand on;narrow neck and spreading mouth.

    Teciimoue : Body hlown in a hipartite mould, the suture of which is very conspicuous;neck added separately.

    PiiKSEiivATioN : Rim hroken; iridescent and dirlv.I)iiii.. : Journal d'enlrec du Mu.see , n aCioo.

    32573. Small bottle. Hoiolit o m. 08 cont. , broadlli m. o45 mill. TJoiigbt,Sopleinbor 1891 (pi. VI).

    The hody is composed of two masks hark to hack; the faces are framed hy flowinghair, rendered hy small round studs; hoth are heardless. Flat hase; long neck andspreading mouth.

    CoLoun : Pale green originally (?).

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    GRAECO-KCVI'TI.W (,I,ASS. 39Tkciimquf. : Body blown in a Ijiparlilo mould.I'liKSERVvrioN : ISlin broken; rovered with iridescence.Itiiii,. : Journal d'cnlicc du Miixic, n -Mjli-^h.

    32574. Small bottle. llcijjlit o in. ooS mill., Itroadlii o m. o'i3 mill. llawara, Mr. I'elii.', 1887-1888 (pi. M).

    l'car-sli;i|)e(l l)()dy willi hroud, llal base; narrow neck wilb depression round lowerend; bolli body and neck are covered wilb spiral ril)binjj.

    CoLOUii : Almost colourless orI|jinaily; fainl {jrecn tinge about base.Tkciimquf. : Mark on base; ribbiuj; made by lwistin{j ibin strips round i)odv from base

    upwards; rallier irrcj;ularly applied.PiiESKiivATioN : llim broken off; inside dirlv.Bini.. : Jniiriiid d'cntrcc du Muscc, u aSG.^Q.

    32575. Tiny bottle. Heijjlit in. 0^5 mill., hioadlli o m. 03 5 mill.Pear-shaped body ornamcnled with vertical rii)l)injj, ratiier wide apart.Colour : Pale blue.PnKSERVATioN : Neck broken off.liini,. : Masi'ebo, Guide, i883, p. 112, n 31/19.

    32576. Tiny bottle. Iloijjhl o m. o53 mill., breadlli o m. oSG mill.Same shape as n 3'- 57i so far as preserved , but withoul any ornamentation.CoLOun : Originally colourless.Teciinique : .Mark on base.PnESEnvATioN : Ilim broken off; iridescent.

    32577. Tiny bottle. llcijjlil m. o3(j mill.,l)i-oa(llli o m. o3 cent. Bon;;lil(pi. VI).

    Cylindrical neck and globular body. The body is covered with impressed lozenges(cf. n 82571); there is a slight depression round middle of neck, above andbelow which are impressed slanting lines; impressed lines round root of neck andstuds on base.

    C01.OUU : Almost colourless.Teciimque : Like n 3'.>57i.PnESEnvATiON : Him chipped; inside dirty.BiDL. : Journal d'cntrie du Mu.see, n' 09884.

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    /lO CATALOGUE DU MUSKE DU CAIRE.32578. Bottle. Hei;;iil o in. i >8 mill., LroadLli o in. loT) mill.

    (jlol)ular body willi unusually concave base; narrow nnrk.Colour : Fainl bhiisli linjjo.I'ltESEiiVATioN : Upper pari of neck broken ofl ; surface incrusled.

    32579. Bottle. IIei;;lil o m. iSo mill., breadlh o m. i35 mill. (pi. VI).Globular body with small, slifjblly concave base; narrow cylindrical neck willi depres-

    sion roiuid lower end. |]olb bodv and neck are encircled at intervals bv sets of narrowlines.

    (loi.oun : Pale bluisli green originally (?).Tur.iiMouic : Very evenly shaped; lines apparently incised by aidofwlieel on the hard glass.PnESEnvATiON : Iridescent and incrusled in places.DiRi.. : Jouriinl d'cnlrcc du Mitsce, n aO.TijS (?).

    32580. Bottle. Ileijjlit o m. i i cenL, bi'cadlli o m. oyt? mill.Same shape as n 'S-?.^)j(); slighlly bulging rim.Colour : Pale bluisli green.Preseiivation : Hole in one side; incrusled in places and slightly iridescent.CinL. : Journal d'cnlrcc du Muscc, n aCSSg (?).

    32581. Bottle. II(M{;lit o m. oc)3 mill., breadlh o m. oG5 mill.Similar in shape to n ' .^i^oyQ-SaGSo except that neck is thicker in comparison and

    widens out slighlly at lop.Preservation ; Iridescent all over; inside incrusled.

    32582. Small bottle. Heijylit o in. o5G mill., breadlh o in. oh(j mill.Wide body with slighlly concave base and narrow neck. Comparatively thick glass.Colour : Pale blue.Preservation : Top of neck broken off.

    32583. Small bottle. Ileifjht o m. 07 f? mill., breadlh m. 067 mill.Broad concave base, long neck with widening mouth.Colour : Colourless.Technique : Rather unevenly shaped; glass full of small bubbles and not quite pure.Preservation : Base broken and cracked; inside dirlv.

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    (illAI'CO-liCVI'TIA.N CLASS. /,i32584. Bottle. 1I(Mj;1i1 o m. i 'i ,viil., I)iv;ullh o m. .,85 mill. _ |{,)iip|,|.

    -jy Oclok'r 1887 (pi. M).Lonj, sllijlilly IIMlToulii;; iick iiiul S|.iv;uliii;f iiioiilli ullli liiiiicd-iii liiii; u idesl iicross

    ii|)|)('r |i;iil (if l)oil\ ; Hal l)asc.(ioLoin : I'ale {jrccii.ThCiiNKiUK : Kveniy sliaped; good uork.Pi Ksi:iiv\TioM : One side of iiiouth liinkrii ol]'; Iriilrsiriil and inrrusled.Hiiii.. : Journal d'cntvcedii Miiscc, u -ii^i'.i'i.

    32585. Bottle. IIc'ij;lil o m. i i') mill., hivadlli (. m. oHT) mill. i;(iij.|il,97 OcloluT 1887 (pi. VI).

    Long neck wideninj; louards lo], and sll|;litly lul{;in|; rini; wide l.odv and conravcbase.

    CoLoun : Pale green.Teciinkiue : Evenly made; like a . JaGS/l.PiiESEiivATioN : IridcscenI on one side; surface partly incnisled.BiDL. : Journal d'cnlrce dii Music, n 281 35.

    32586. Bottle. lIei{jliL o m. 16 coiiL, hn-adlh o 111. 1 if) mill. (pi. M).Long wide neck willi spreading moulli and doubled-in rim: wide Hal hody and

    concave base.Coi.oun : Greenish yellow linge.Teciim(3ue : Evcidy made; mark of separation on base; jjood many impurilies in the

    {jinss.PiiKSKii\ATio.\ : Inside incrustcd.

    32587. Bottle. Ilcijjlilo m. 1 conl., breadlli m. oS'i mill. Hoiu-hl i885(pi. VI).

    Pear-sliaped body willi Hal base; sbort neck \itli depression round low or end andspreading nioulh.

    Colour : Greenish yellow originally (?).Teciimque : Evenly made; good work.PnESERVATioN : Iridescent and incrusled.HiDi.. : Journal d'cnlrce du Music, u 2G8()8.Cnlnl. (Ill Miixre, ii' .'iii'ioi. R

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    /i2 CATALOGUE 1)U MCSKE DIJ CAIUE.32588. Bottle. IleijijiL o in. liC) mill., hi'cadlli o m. i85 mill. Favoum

    (pi- VI).

    Poar-shiiped l)0(ly; flat hasc; depression round junclion of neck and body; spreadingmonlli Willi lliick ring round underside. Tlie l)odv is ornamented willi fainllv marked,verlical lluliujfs.

    Colour : Pale green.Ti;(;iiM(}iii; : Truly shaped; ring )elo\v rim added separately.Piu:si;nvATioN : Intact.

    Bini.. : Jouriud d'ciiliie du Miisec , u ayHao; l.ihclled ii OSof).

    32589. Bottle. II(m;;1iI o m. i g ccni., l)i'eaJlli o m. I'ly mill.Larger vase of same type as n 3'>38(S, luit willi concave base and without Ihiting on

    body.Coi.orn : Creen.Tkciimoue : Not so even as n 3a. )88; mark of separation on base; tool-marks al lower

    end of neck; ring added separately; rim doubled in.Phkservation : Inside dirty.

    32590. Bottle. IleijiliL o m. i i-?. mill., Ki'cadlli o m. oy cent. Favoiim(pi. VI).

    Same type as n .TtiSSS; base slightly concave and surrounded ])y a thick ring; nofluting on ])ody; thick ring round underside of mouth and long lliin coil imme-diately below.

    Colour : The rings are green, but the rest of the vase seems to have ])een nearlvcolourless originaliv.

    TixiiNinuK : Evenly shaped; mark on base; rings and coil added separately.PiiKSKiivATioN : Inside incruslcd.

    BiBL. : JouviKil d'cntrcc du Miisec , n 2982/1 : laliollcil 11 ('iRio.

    32591. Bottle. lloi|>liL o m. iG conl., hreadlli o m. oqG mill. (pi. VII).Pear-shaped vessel with slightly widening neck; rim rounded inwards; flat ])ase. The

    body is decorated with verlical hues in relief at about m. 02 cent, from each other.Colour : Colourless.Tkciinique : Thin-blown and evenly shaped.Preservation : Iritlescenl on one side; good deal of incrustation.

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    GUAECO-MCVl'TIW (il.ASS. /,332592. Bottle. llcijjhl u in. -j.-j'o mill., hrcadlli o iii. xho mill. Koplos


    Pcar-sliiippd liody, ohioiii; in liorl/oiiliii srclioii .-md iniicli ILilIrr (in nnc Nidc ondiL' odicr; dfcp liollow in base; widening neck, surmounled l)y slij;lidv slopin;; roofon llic lO|) of whirli is a small cylindricfd opening.

    C01.OLI1 : Pale blue or Iduisli (jrcen.Tkciimquk : Roii|[li mark of separalinn on base; j;lass nidier ronj;b ami full of bohliles;

    llalncss of body accidental (V).I'ltESEiiVATioN' : Perfect.

    liiBl,. : Journal d'citlicc du Music, n -i-Ji'iij; Masi'EHo, Slip-raUdofjuc , n ISj'U.

    32593. Small bottle. H(>i{;lil o m. oGf) mill., hrcadlli o m. o3G mill. llawiu-a. Ml-. l>(di-io,i888 ) (pi. VII).

    Pear-sba|)ed body, oblon;; in liorizonlal section and with one side pressed in (acci-dental?); concave base; depression round foot of neck; spreading moulb.

    CoLoun : Colourless.Tecmmquk : Kine-bloun but not very even; mark of separation on base.PnESEnvATioN : Two boles in body and lon{j crack between tbeni; dirtv.DiBL. : Jounud d'ciitirc du Muxcc , 11 u8335.

    32594. Small bottle. HlmjjIiI o m. 09 cciil., hroadtli 111. o'jfi inill. MilHaliincdi (i>l. VII).

    Pear-sbaped body; bumel neck; projectinj;, doubled-over rim.CoLOun : Pale green orijjinallv.PnESEiivATioN : liiin cbipped; decomposed and iridcsccnl.I5iiiL. : Jrniniiil d'culrcc du Music, ii Do too.

    32595. Small bottle. Iiei{;lit m. oG ceiiL, hfoaillli o 111. o35 mill.Same sbape as n SaSy/j except llial rim is not doubled over.CoLoun : Blue.Pheservation : Most of moutb broken off; somewhat iridescent.

    ' From same loiiiL a> ii W-i'nu, SaTiaT) and liaDliT.

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    ih CATALOGUE DU MUSKE DU CAIRE.32596. Small bottle. II('i{;lil o in. 07 5 mill., lireadlli o m. o38 mill.

    llawara, Mr. Polrie, 1887-1888 (pi. VII).Loi);; |)oar-s]in|)i'(l l)Of y; concave l);tse; sliorl neck with depression round lower end;

    large proji;clin{j rim (turned over and douljled back).Goi.oun : lias been colourless originally.PitESEiiVATioN : Inside incrusled and discoloured.liiliL. : Joiinuil d'cnlrec du Miisee, n 28337.

    32597. Small bottle. HeijjliL o m. o/i3 mill., lnvadlli o m. 02 A mill. (pi. Vil).Sliaped like n 3'>5()(); spreading moulli and douMed-nver rim.Colour : lias been colourless orijjinally.Teciimquf, : i\lark of separalion on base.

    * PiiESERVATioN : liiside coaled ilb brown sul)slance.

    32598. Bottle. Hoi{>;lil m. 1 t5 mill., hrcadlli o m. (iG4 mill. ([)1. MI).Pear-shaped vase like n 3q5()/i bnl willioiil any division between neck and l)ody,

    large hollow in base; projecting rim, dnidded inwards.Cor.ouR : Pale green.Teciiniqub : Very unevenly shaped; mipurilies in glass.Puf.seiu'ation : Intact but dirty.

    32599. Bottle. IIoij;lil o m. 058 mill., hfoadlli o m. ()3.5 mill.Small bottle of same type as n 3i>5f)7 with lliick unevenly sliaped base; not well made.(]oLOUR : Colourless.Preservation : Rim broken o(T; inside dirty.

    32600. Small bottle. IIei|]hl m. o/i conl., Li-eadlh m. oi?5 mill.Similar to n 3'>F)()7; rim is doubled in.Colour : Green.PiiESERVATioN : lucrusted with decomposed mailer.

    32601. Tiny bottle. IIoi{ fliL o m. oo3 mill., bi'cadlli m. oili mill.Similar lo n 3- 5()7 but with narrower body ; rim doubled in.Colour : Green.Preservation : Intact.

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    32602. Small bottle. llcijjliL o in. o'y.i mill., Invadlli o in. u'M] mill. 15()Uj;lil, ; i May 1887.

    i.ikf n 3c>rM) I)iit widnr ;il l)fisc.(loi.ouii : Colourless.Tkchnique : Mark of s('|)ariilioii 011 )asc.PnESKiivATiON : Moulli hrokcii olT; iiisiilc diily.IJnii.. : JuKi-Hiil (l'c)ilrcc dii Miiscc, n -jyiSoi.

    32603. Small bottle. Il('ij;lil o m. oBq mill., l)r('a(llli o m. oAS mill. Boujjiil, 2 1 May 1 887.

    Same lypc and sainu fabric as 11 . { .(ioo; sides slijjlilly more convex; colourless.Pheskhn ATiiiN : Moiilli broken olT; loiiij verlical crack; ilirly.liici.. : Joiiriud d'eiilrcc dtt Mu.scc, n '2780-2.

    32604. Small bottle. lieijjIiL o in. oGi mill., brca

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    /i6 CATALOGUE Dli MUSI'E I)U CAIHE.32607. Small bottle. Ilcijjlil o in. oGi mill., Ijreadlli o m. o3:> mill.

    MiLlUiinch([)l. VJJ).Slraiglil-sldcd body, nnrrowing sligiiliy towards top; fiat base with rounded edges;

    rounded slioulder; funnel neck.Coi.oun : Dark blue.I'iii;si;ii\ ATioN : Moutli broken oil ; slijjlilly decomposed.Iliiii,. : JoiiriKil d'culicc (III Miisci', \\ ,3oi02.

    32608. Tiny bottle. Ileiglil o in. o9.\ mill., hreaJlli o in. oii mill. l5onphl(i.l.VII).

    Oval body; laqje neck uilli depression round lower end and spreading nioulli willidoubled-in rim; Hal base.

    Coi.our. : Dark blue.I'nESEiiVATioN : Inlacl.

    i'lni,. : Journal d'ciitrec da Miisce, n 2f)88G.

    32609. Small bottle. II('ij;lil o m. o3i mill., broadlli o m. o3conl.(|l. VII).I'lal rounded body witli concave base; cylindrical neck wilb mouldings.Coi.oun : Green.Technique : Made of comparatively tliick glass; mark of separation on base.PiiESEnvATiON : Sligblly corroded.

    32610. Small bottle. IIei{ht o m. o68 mill., broadlli o m. o33 mill. (pi. VII).Globular body wilb sligblly llattcned base; long neck; doubled-down rim.Goi.oun : Green.TixiiNioui: : Full of small air-bubbles; not very even.PnESEitVATiON : Intact.

    32611. Small bottle. lleiplil o m. oG cent., lireaillh o m. 028 mill.Similar to n 3aGio in every respect.

    32612. Bottle. Height o in. 127 mill., hreadlli m. oh-j mill. (pi. VII).Small round body willi flat base; long neck; flat projecting rim, doubled inwards.

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    CRAKCO-KCVI'TIAN (il,ASS. hi(ioi.ouii : Pale jjrccii.'I'liciiMciUK : Mark of scpaiMlion oti Imsi;.l*iii;si:iiv.\riON : Slijjlilly indcscenl.

    32613. Bottle. llc'i{;lil o in. i^?.H mill. , hrcjullli o m. o'lT) mill.Shape like n Sal) i a.Coi.ouii : Nearly colourless ori{jinally; pale green lliijje.I'nESEnvATioN : Neck and body broken apart : iridescent and dirty.

    32614. Bottle. Ik-i{;lil o m. i ;> cfiil., hroadlli o m. oVi mill. IIoupIiI , i (S85.Similar to n SaO i 9.Goi-oun : Pale green originally.PnESEnvATioN : Iridescent.Bliif,. : Journal d'vnlrfc dii Music, 11 yG8G5.

    32615. Bottle. Heij^lil 111. iG5 mill., brcadlli o m. oy cent.Like n SaG 1 >. but a little larger; base slightly concave.Coi-oun : Pale green originally.PnESEnvATioN : Iridescent and dirty.

    32616. Bottle, Ilcijflit m. 192 mill., brcadlli o m. o'lG mill.Similar to the preceding.Coi.ouu : Pale bluish green.PiiESEnvATiON : Slightly iridiscent.

    32617. Bottle. II(M{;1iIo m. i33 mill., lircadlh o 111. 0^17 mill. Mil llaliiiicli..Similar to the prccediujj.Coi.oun : Pale green originally.PitESERVATioN : Pale, slightly iridescent patina.l}inL. : Journal itentree du Music, n 3ouQf).

    32618. Bottle. II('i{];lit m. i3 cent., broadlli ni. o/j8 mill.Similar to n 3->()i2 in sliapc, colour and lechniquc.PnESEiivATioN : Somewhat iridescent and dirty.

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    /j8 CATALOCLK I)L' MUSI'E I)U CAir.K.32619. Bottle. Ilcijjiil o in. 108 mill., hreatllli o 111. oG cent. (|)l. VII).

    Siiniliir to llie preceding Liil w illi sliorlcr neck.Coi.oun : I'jile Miic or Miiisli green.l*iircsi:iivATiiiN : Soniewlial iriilescenl.

    32620. Bottle. Ilciglit m. ofjG mil ., breadlli m. oG3 mill. (pi. VII).Siiiiiliir lo llie preceding Liil willi hroiuler base.(ioLOUR : Pide l)lnc or bluish green.PiiESEiiVATioN : Sliglilly decomposed and iiidescenl.

    32621. Bottle. Iloijjlit o m. 17 cont. , breadth o m. 07 ceiil.Similar lo n 3QGi 0, hnl willi rattier liiglier body encircled by a narrow impressed band;

    large hollow in base.Coi.ouit : Pale green.Prkskiivation : Upper part of neck broken olT; dirty and slightly iridescent.

    32622. Bottle. llcijjlit o m. i58 mill., breadlli o m. of) conl.(|)l. VII).Like n 3 3 6 90, but willi sliglilly concave sides; concave base.Coi.oun : Very pale green lingo.PitESiinvATioN : Top of neck broken o(T; slight iridescence in places.

    32623. Bottle. ITeigbt o m. 10 cent., breadth m. 096 mill. Boiip-ht, 188. )(pi. VII).

    Of same {[eiieral type as the preceding; narrow, comparatively high body with depressionround upper pari; similar depression round foot of neck; base slightly concave.

    Coi.ouit : Pale green tinge.PiiESERVATioN : Half of rim broken oil'; more or less iridescent.BiiiL. : Journal d'cnlrcc (In Musee, u aC'jQ.'].

    32624. Bottle. Height m. 16G mill., broadlh m. o35 mill. (pi. VII).Of same general type as the preceding; broad, concave base; deep depression round

    middle of body; neck narrows slightly toward the middle.Preservation : Iridescent and dirty.

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    (;iiAi'X(j-i;(;vi'Ti.\.\ class. /,932625. Bottle. Hci{;lil o m. 171 mill., Iiicadlli o 111. (.i mill. HouyliL i885.

    Simijjir lo a ,3;)G-)-), bul llie sides slope more.(ioLOun : Pale biuisli lin^je.{reservation : Toj) of neck lirokeii olT; iridcsi-enl.Itiiii.. : Jiniriud d'cnlrcc du Mii.scc, if jfiSOi.

    32626. Bottle. 1J(M{;1iI o m. i3 cciil.. Itrcadlh o m. 08 conl.Urojid, nearly (lal base; coiiical body, but willi a slijjlil ciiive in llie sides; usual lonjj

    neck; spreadiiig nioulli willi small, doid)lcd-iii rim.Colour : Pale jjreen ori

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    ,0 CATALOG II R DIJ MUSKE I)U GAIRE.L'oi.ouit : Palo jjroen.Teciinioue : Mark of soparalion on l)nsc; jjlass full of air-l)iil)i)los.PIlESEIlVATIo^ : Inside incriislcd wiLJi dnl.

    32631. Bottle. llolpjlil. oiii. 197 inill.,])roa(llli o in. 080 mill. l5oiiu;lil, 1887(pi. VII).

    Like llie preceding hul willi flaller Ijody; concave base.C01.0UH AND TECHNIQUE : Like n 3-i()3o; marks round fool of nock.PitESEiivATioN : Inlacl.

    32632. Bottle. Il('lj;lil. n m. 1 G cent., Iireadlli ni. oc) ) mill. (|)1. MI).Broad, extremely flal body and concave base; long neck and spreading moulb like

    lliat of n 3-1020.Colour : Almost colourless originally.PnESEnvATioN : Dirly; sligbl iridescence.

    32633. Bottle. Hoijjlit o m. 07 cent., breadlh m. o'li mill.Small vase of same type as n 3a03;i.CoLOun : Colourless.Technique : Glass full of bul)i)les; marks round fool of neck.PnESEnvATiON : Inlacl.

    32634. Bottle. Ilciglil o ni. iG. ) mill., breadlh ni. 107 mill. (pi. MI).Conical body ; rounded base wilb liollow in ccnlre; comparalivoly ibick, sborl neck

    willi doublod-in rim of usual tvpc.Colour : Green.Technique : Mark of soparalion on base; marks round foot of neck.Preservation : Inlacl but dirly.Bini,. : Maspero, Slip-calnlogue , n Saa'i.

    32635. Bottle. lleijjiil o ni. 17 cent., breadlh m. 10 cent.Like n 0263/1 bul wilb sligblly narrower and lallor body.Colour : Palo groon iban n 3ti03/i.Preservation : Inlacl; sligbl incruslation.

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    (illAKGO-KCVl'TIAN (il.ASS. jl32636. Bottle. Ilcijjlil o m. i(j. ) mill., lucadlli u iii. oO-j mill.

    Conical body, slijjhlly concave base, loni; neck and doiiblcd-in rim of usual type.PiiKSEiiVATioN : Hiiu brokcu ; ini'ndcd lircak in nock; iiicrusted uilli dlrl and iridcsccnl


    32637. Bottle. llrijjiil om. l>o3 iiiill.,biX'a(Jtli u lu. oycj mill. iJuiijjIil, 18H7(,>1. VIII).

    Same type as n 32G3G.Coi.ouii : iJluisii jjreen.Teciimque : .Mark of separalion on base and marks round fool of neck.I'nKSEiivATioN : Inlact.

    liini.. : Joiininl (I'ciilicr du Mitxcc, 11 aSo'i'l.

    32638. Bottle. llcljilil o m. ly cent., hrcadlli o m. o')'d mill.Like n 3yG37.Coi.ouii : (ireen, very opaque.l*iiESERVATioN : Discolourcd on one side.

    32639. Bottle. Ilcijflit o in. io3 mill., hieatllli o m. o'lS mill. Uouj^jjl,ai May 1887 (pl.VllI).

    Small vase of same {jeneral lype as tlie preccdmjj i)ul \villi very Hal body; base nearlyflat.

    (k)i.oun : JJluisli jjrecn.Teciimijue : Mark of scj)aration on i)ase. Tbc ;;lass is as ibick astliat of n 3; (')37 aiifl

    is full of small air-i)ui)bles.PriESEnvATioN : Inlacl.IJini.. : Jouriwl d'ciilrcc

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    52 CATALOr.UE OU MIJSKE DU CAIRE.32641. Bottle. Ilcijjiil o ni. loo mill., breudtli o in. oGG mill.

    Smaller vase of same sliape and roloiir as n SaG'io; flat base.PnESEnvATioN : Inlact.

    Biol. : Maspero, Sliii-ailnlo^nic , n .laaS.

    32642. Bottle. Iloijjlil o m. i i . ) mill., hreadlli o m. o.jG mill.Similar lo n 3-iG/i i in sliape and colour, hut smaller and rather darker green.PriKSERVATioN : Iridescent decomposition here and there.Binr.. : Maspero, SUp-cnl/iInffiic , ii Half).

    32643. Bottle. IleijjliL o m. i^i.^ mill., hroarlth o m. oGT) mill. Sa([(|anili,AiigusliSGo ([>l. VIII).

    Very like n 3i>G/i i , hut a more pronounced green.PnESEiivATioN : A few iridescent spots.BiRL. : Maspero, Slip-cataloirue , n 287a; Jouninl d'citlree dti Musee, n i i5(j'i.

    32644. Bottle. Ilci^jlil o m. 19 cent., hi-eadtli m. 07 C(miI.Same type and quality of glass as the preceding; base concave.Coi.oun : Green.PdESEnvATioN : DIrly; slight signs of iridescence.

    32645. Bottle. Iloij^lit m. i3 cont., breadlli m. o.^-> mill.Small vase like the preceding; concave base.Colour : Green.Preservation : Partly covered with iridescent decomposition.BiDL. : Maspero, SHp-cntnlogue , n Saod.

    32646. Bottle. Hei^jlit o in. 1^7 mill., hreadlli n m. o'lG mill.Small vase like the preceding; ratiier lall hodv and narrow neck; concave base.Colour : Green.Preservation : Good deal of whitish decomposition.RiRf.. : Maspero, Slip-cnlaloiruc , n 3o55.

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    GItAKCO-IK.Vl'TI.W (;i,ASS. 5332647. Bottle. Ik.i|;lil .. .. ,.'..-, mill., JMca.lll, o 1.1. ,.(i mit. (pi. \1||;.

    Vnse of same {jencral type and same (inalily of ,jlass a.s ll,r [,n.r,.,li,;; il. ||v,however, is more |)car-sli;i|)r(i; siniili loncave J)ase.CoLoi'n : Bluish {jreeii.PnESKnvATio.N : Inlacl.

    32648. Bottle. IWi^Ul i. 1 1 .', .,,,11., b.-oadlli o i.i. u/i,, null.Small vase of same shape as ii St.G/.y; impressed line round middle of hody; hascsli(jhlly concave.(ioLoiin : Ligiit bluish jjrcen.PnESEnvATiON : Him broken olF; more or less iridescent.

    32649. Bottle. Ilei^jhl o in. ,12 mill., breadth in. of, conl.Small vase like n Safi'io; base llal.CoLoun : Green.PnKSF.nvATioN : Decomposed and discoloured; rim broken.IJiBi.. : .Maspkro, Sliihcalalojiw , i\ 3.899.

    32650. Bottle. Hoijrj,t o in. 110 ,i||., I.readtli o ni. o5 conl.Small vase like n 3 9 6/10; base slightly concave.Colour : Pale greenish tinge.Technique : Mark of separation on base and tool-murks round fool of neck.Piiesehvation : Inlacl.

    32651. Bottle. Ileij-Jit in. i5G mill., broadlli in. of, cent. SafiqarahAu{;ust iHGo (i)l. VJII).Like Ihi- preceding; long narrow neck; slightly concave base.(^oi.oun : (ireen.TECiiNiQaE : Like n .'JaGSo.Piieservation : .More or less decomposed and opacine.IJinr.. : Masi-ebo, Slip-calaloffue , n 37.39; Jouriud d'enUce du Musce, n 1 iSCi.

    32652. Bottle. Hpijfht o in. i;3 cenl., breacllli o in. o5 conl.Like the preceding; rather long neck; flat base; marks round fool of neck.

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    5^1 CATAI.OCUK 1)U MIJSHH DU CAIIU:.(loi.oiiii : Gi'ccn.l'iu:sKn\ \TioN : liilacl.

    BiDi.. : Masi'ERO, Slip-rnla'oijuf, n lio.j'i.

    32653. Bottle. IIcij;lil o in. i ^i C(MiL., broadlh o m. o'i/i mill.Liko n 3ti().')2; neck widens sligliliy towards top; liollow in l)nsc willi mark of

    separation.CoLOun : Green.I'liiiSERVATioN : I'arLly decomposed and ii-idescenl.RiDL. : MASPKno, SiHii-calalojjM , n oiUO.

    32654. BoUle. lIoi{;lil o in. \-y.h mill., broadlli o m. o'i3 mill.Like 11 3?>()/io nr.; small liollow in base willi mark of separation.(ioi.oiin : Green.I'liESEiiVATioN : Sliglit decomposition here and lliere.Bull,. : Masi'kro, S/^jj-crt/rt/oT-ui', n 3o8a.

    32655. Bottle. I1(mj;1iL o m. 2t> cent., hroadlli o m. oy. ) mill. (pi. Mil).Pear-shaped l)ody and Ion

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    GHAKCO-KiiVI' riAN (il.ASS. 5532658. Bottle. llcijjiil o in. I'lij mill., lucadtli o in. uT) ((miL

    Like 11 ?)-?A]ly-j nnd envi-lopoil in similar wrappings.CoLouii : Green, rallicr pale.PiiESEiiVATioN : Holllc iiiliicl ; wrappiiijjs rallii'i' loose.

    32659. Bottle. IIelj;lil o iii. to cent., hreadlh o in. u.) ceiil.Lonij-necked i)ol(le of same type as liic preceding' willi remains of \vra|)piiij;s round

    l)ody. The inner wrappinjjs are seen to consist of narrow threads of lihre diverjjii)|jfrom a knot below (lie base of llie vase

    (loLOun : Nearly colourless, hul lilled witli elonijaled i)uhbles.PnESEBVATioN : BoUle intact.

    32660. Bottle. IleijjliL o m. i33 mill., brcadlli o m. ol)~) mill.Lonjj-necked bottle like n 3- ()/io (P.; remains of wrappiiijjs round body and neck.(ioLoiin : Green.PnESEnvATioN : Boltle inlaci; wrappiiijjs much decayed.

    32661. Bottle. IIei{jlil o lu. i;>5 mill., bieadlli o in. of); ) mill. l'\iyoiiin(pi. VIll).

    Small, lonj;- necked bottle willi very larjjc rim, enveloped in wrappings and furnishedwilh a jjrass stopper. On one of the ouler fibres is an inscription, wrillcn in capitalletters (indistinct) : AOOAEATOY (?).

    PiiESERVATioM : Hotllo inlacl and wrappinjjs in {jood condition except that there is a gooddeal of loose libre below rim.

    ]iin\.. : Joiii-iuil d'cntrcc (Ik Miiscc, ii* liosfjG.

    32662. Bottle. Hoi{;liL o m. i i > mill., hceadlli o m. o;Vi mill. Hmijjlit,1887.

    Small bottle of same type as n ,'5 >()( 1 and similarly wrapped up; broad rim, doubledin in the usual way.

    PnESEiivATioN : Bottle intact; wrappings decayed and worn,liini.. : Journal tVeiilrec tlu Muscc, n '.>8o'ii.

    32663. Small bottle. Iluij; ] o in. 07 cciil., jjioadlli o m. oh cent. Labyriulli, Octo