突突 -...

10-Day Tunisia Adventure 出發地 出發地 出發地 出發地:溫哥華 溫哥華 溫哥華 溫哥華、維多利亞 維多利亞 維多利亞 維多利亞、卡加利 卡加利 卡加利 卡加利、愛民頓 愛民頓 愛民頓 愛民頓 4 11 18 5 02 10 17 5 16 23 6 06 9 12 19 10 03 6 20 7 04 18 8 01 15 9 05 1 Home City Tunis Depart from home city for Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. 2 Tunis Tunisia, governed by France until 1956, is blended with French and Arabic architectures to form a unique style of its own. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel for dinner. (D) 3 Sidi Bou Said ~ Carthage Ruins (UNESCO) Proceed to Sidi Bou Said a seaside resort, for an authentic Tunisian afternoon tea. The next attraction is “Carthage Ruins”. Carthage was built in the 9th century BC, and was once a military stronghold under the sovereign of Phoenicians and Romans. (B/L/D) 4 Tunis ~ Medina Souk ~ Dougga (UNESCO) ~ Kairouan (UNESCO) After the Morning visit to the Medina Souk for indigenous products and souvenirs, proceed to Dougga was which built during the last century BC, commanding an excellent military strategic position. The best preserved is the Capitol Temple, dedicated to the gods Jupiter, Juno and her daughter Honey Nevan. The next place of visit is Kairouan. Along with Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, the four are known as the four holy cities in the Islamic world. A stop-over at a carpet factory will be made before dinner. (B/L/D) 5 Kairouan ~ The Great Mosque ~Sbeitia ~ Tozeur 西 10 10 10 10 $300 $300 $300 $300 獨家安排 ★ 四大「世界文化遺產」~迦太基,開羅安,伊利捷及 杜加 ★ 舉世聞名的斯貝特拉古城 ★ 家訪「柏柏爾人」 ★ 暢遊有花園半島之稱~Cap Bon ★ 遊覽撒哈拉沙漠之綠洲~杜茲 UNIQUE FEATURES Four "world cultural heritage" sites ~ Carthage, Kairouan, El Jrem & Dougga The world-renowned ancient town of Sbeitia Home visits to "Berber man" Stroll in the renowned “garden peninsula” ~ Cap Bon Visit the Sahara Desert Oasis ~ FC Vaduz.

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Page 1: 突突 - vancouver-charmingholidays.comvancouver-charmingholidays.com/PDF-2014/Explorer/PTNS10-Summ… · Ruins”. Carthage was built in the 9th century BC, and was once a military

10-Day Tunisia Adventure 出發地出發地出發地出發地::::溫哥華溫哥華溫哥華溫哥華、、、、維多利亞維多利亞維多利亞維多利亞、、、、卡加利卡加利卡加利卡加利、、、、愛民頓愛民頓愛民頓愛民頓 PTNSPTNSPTNSPTNS 11110000 (201(201(201(2014444)))) 暢遊:突尼斯、杜加古城、開羅安、斯貝特拉古城、吐澤、杜茲、曼廸亞、伊利捷、哈瑪麥德、那布爾 成人 小童 單人房 (附加費) 稅金 (連燃油附加費) 淡季 4月 11、18日; 5月 02日;10月 17日 2499 2099 599 649 起 中旺季 5月 16、23日; 6月 06日; 9月 12、19日; 10月 03日 2599 2199 599 649 起 旺季 6月 20日;7月 04、18日 ;8月 01、15日; 9月 05日 2999 2599 599 649 起 • 上列費用均以加幣每位計算,稅金及「燃油附加費」,正確數目須於出票日方能作準。 • 成人費用以ニ人一房,每位計算;小童費用適用於 2 -11歲小孩不佔床。 • 附加費 : 更改停留日期,每位 $150起 / 更改回程城市,每位 $250起。 • 費用如有任何更改,恕不另行通告。

1 原居地� 突尼斯 Home City ���� Tunis 是日乘豪華客機飛往突尼西亞首都-突尼斯。

Depart from home city for Tunis, the capital of Tunisia.

2 突尼斯 Tunis 突尼西亞長期被法國統治,至 1956 年才脫離法國而獨立,因此深受法國文化影響,市內法式建築融合著阿拉伯特色,極富歐陸情懷,別具風格。首都突尼斯有「非洲日內瓦」之美名,加上富浪漫地中海色彩的沿岸城市,擄獲了世界各地遊人到此度假的心。抵達後,由專車送往酒店休息。晚餐安排於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰El Mouradi Gammarth Hotel 或同級 (晚餐)

Tunisia, governed by France until 1956, is blended with French and Arabic architectures to form a unique style of its own. Upon arrival, transfer to hotel for dinner. (D)

3 西迪布賽伊德 ~~~~ 迦太基遺跡(世界文化遺產)

Sidi Bou Said ~ Carthage Ruins (UNESCO)自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。上午首先前往海濱小鎮~西迪布賽伊德遊覽。特別安排享用地道突尼斯下午茶。午餐於當地餐廳。面向地中海「白屋藍窗」之建築隨處可見,峽窄的街道彷如置身於希臘小島。遊罷前往突國發源地,兵家必爭之地迦太基帝國遺址「世界文化遺產」。迦太基始建於公元前九世紀,曾是盛極一時的大城市,亦曾受腓尼基人及羅馬人管治,他們留下的文化仍保存在繼牆殘柱、石碑、墓碑和公共浴室中,一睹其當年絢麗的風采。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰El Mouradi Gammarth Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐) Proceed to Sidi Bou Said a seaside resort, for an authentic Tunisian afternoon tea. The next attraction is “Carthage Ruins”. Carthage was built in the 9th century BC, and was

once a military stronghold under the sovereign of Phoenicians and Romans. (B/L/D)

4 突尼斯 ~~~~ 麥地那市集 ~~~~ 杜加古城(世界文化遺產)~~~~ 開羅安 (世界文化遺產)

Tunis ~ Medina Souk ~ Dougga (UNESCO) ~ Kairouan (UNESCO) 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。早上首先到達麥地那市集,這裡包羅萬有可選購地道紀念品,繼往建於西元前世紀末,位於海拔 600公尺小山丘上的-杜加古城。杜加古稱「Thugga」是石頭山的意思。古城遺址反映出當時羅馬帝國邊緣小鎮的風貌,如今尚存的半圓形的羅馬劇場、廣場、浴場、劇場、神殿、市民廣場、民宅,廁所等。保留最完整的就是神殿,神龕原本供奉著天神朱比特、天后朱諾及其女兒蜜妮娃。午餐於當地餐廳。餐後驅車前往開羅安。開羅安古城於 1988 年被列為世界文化遺產,並與麥加、麥地那、耶路撒冷並列為伊斯蘭世界四大聖城。抵達後前往參觀地

毯廠,這裡的地毯全是人手製造,手工精美。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰La Kasbah Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐) After the Morning visit to the Medina Souk for indigenous products and souvenirs, proceed to Dougga was which built during the last century BC, commanding an excellent military strategic position. The best preserved is the Capitol Temple, dedicated to the gods Jupiter, Juno and her daughter Honey Nevan. The next place of visit is Kairouan. Along with Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, the four are known as the four holy cities in the Islamic world. A stop-over at a carpet factory will be made before dinner. (B/L/D)

5 開羅安 ~~~~ 奧克巴清真寺 ~~~~ 斯貝特拉古城 ~~~~ 吐澤

Kairouan ~ The Great Mosque ~Sbeitia ~ Tozeur 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後前往著名的奧克巴清真寺。寺內有一百多根石柱都是從迦太基遺跡運來的,經過七次修整擴建













首首首首 10101010 名交訂報名名交訂報名名交訂報名名交訂報名 ((((每房每房每房每房) ) ) ) 最高優惠最高優惠最高優惠最高優惠可達可達可達可達 $300$300$300$300 ( 2( 2( 2( 2 人人人人 1 1 1 1 房計房計房計房計 ) ) ) )

獨家安排 ★ 四大「世界文化遺產」~迦太基,開羅安,伊利捷及杜加

★ 舉世聞名的斯貝特拉古城 ★ 家訪「柏柏爾人」 ★ 暢遊有花園半島之稱~Cap Bon ★ 遊覽撒哈拉沙漠之綠洲~杜茲

UNIQUE FEATURES ★ Four "world cultural heritage" sites ~ Carthage, Kairouan, El Jrem & Dougga ★ The world-renowned ancient town of Sbeitia ★ Home visits to "Berber man" ★ Stroll in the renowned “garden peninsula” ~ Cap Bon ★ Visit the Sahara Desert Oasis ~ FC Vaduz.

Page 2: 突突 - vancouver-charmingholidays.comvancouver-charmingholidays.com/PDF-2014/Explorer/PTNS10-Summ… · Ruins”. Carthage was built in the 9th century BC, and was once a military

才有今天的風貌。建城來自回教先知穆罕德的弟子Ogba Ibn Nafaa,因此成為當時阿拉伯帝國位於北非的首都(注意︰如適逢奧克巴清真寺舉行宗教儀式,只可安排在門外拍照)。繼而驅車前往參觀斯貝特拉古城,在古羅馬時代斯貝特拉以出產橄欖產品致富,其神殿雄偉壯闊,氣勢磅礡。午餐於當地餐廳。餐後驅車前往素有「椰棗國首都」美譽的吐澤,吐澤是突尼西亞在撒哈拉地區最現代繁華的綠洲城市。這裡一共種植了二百萬棵椰棗樹。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰El Mouradi Tozeur Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐) Proceed to “The Great Mosque”, built in 670AD with 100 pillars brought over from the ruins of Carthage. (Note: Photo-taking is allowed only outside the Mosque when religious ceremonies are in progress). Later on, coach to visit the famous ancient town in Sbeitia and then onto Tozeur, the most modern oasis town in all Sahara and popularly known as "Date Palm Capital". (B/L/D)

6 吐澤 ~~~~ 四驅車暢遊高山綠洲(自費項目) ~ ~ ~ ~ 沙漠動物園

4-Wheel Drive Excursion (optional) ~ Tozeur Zoo 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後團友可自由享用酒店設施或趁機參加自費項目,如乘吉普車,馳騁於滾滾的黃沙之上,進入接攘亞爾及利亞邊境沙漠內的三個高山綠洲,塔瑪哲位於海拔 900 米及擁有沙漠中的瀑布,險峻的峽谷也成為電影熱門拍攝場地。繼而前往米德斯,此地曾為綠洲山村,因被洪水沖毀而廢棄。續往歇比爾,風蝕岩壁和高山洞穴景觀,也讓人驚嘆不已。奧斯卡得獎名片 The English Patient(別問我是誰)其中一段亦於此地取景。遊罷驅車返回吐澤。於指定時間集合,午餐於當地餐廳。餐後前往沙漠動物園參觀,團友可看到沙漠動物如狐狸及毒蠍子等。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰El Mouradi Tozeur Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐) The free time in the morning will give ample time to tour members to enjoy the many facilities available in the hotel. Alternatively, they can, at their own expenses, go on a jeep ride through the billowing sand to the three alpine desert oasis. Afterwards, return to Tozeur for a subsequent visit to the Zoo, where foxes and scorpions present a rare view to all. (B/L/D

7 吐澤 ~~~~ 捷利德““““鹽湖”””” ~ ~ ~ ~ 杜茲

~~~~ 瑪特瑪它 ~~~~ 星球大戰幻靈 地穴 ~~~~ 家訪(柏柏爾人) ~ ~ ~ ~斯發克斯/ 曼迪亞

Tozeur ~ Chott El Jerid Salt Lake ~ Douz ~ Matmata ~ Family Visit ~ Sfax/Mahdia 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後橫過突國最大之捷利德「鹽湖」,此湖覆蓋 250平方公里,蔚為奇觀。繼而前往被譽為撒哈拉沙之門~杜茲進發。杜茲是最接近撒哈拉沙漠之綠洲,團友可自費參加騎駱駝活動,一嘗騎「沙漠之舟」的樂趣。稍後前往突國中部高原「柏柏爾」人的聚居地瑪特瑪它。特別安排於星球大戰幻靈地穴享用特色風味餐。這裡的人在山石中挖掘洞穴而居。名片「星球大戰」特地在此實景拍攝。特別安排柏柏爾人家訪活動,了解其生活習慣。遊罷驅車前往斯發克斯/曼迪亞。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰Mahdia Pal Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐) The tour begins the day by crossing the country’s largest “Salt Lake” spanning a total area of 250 square kilometers. Later on, proceed to Douz, renowned as “door to Sahara”. The next place of visit is the Matmata, the settlement of the “Berber”. A very special meal will be served inside a cave, where the epic movie of “Star War” was filmed. Arrangements for home-visits to the Berber will be made. Finally, coach to Sfax/Mahdia for overnight. (B/L/D)

8 斯發克斯/曼迪亞 ~~~~ 伊利捷 (世界文化遺產)~~~~ 康大維多 利亞港~~~~蘇斯~~~~哈瑪麥德

Sfax/Mahdia ~ El Djem (UNESCO)~ Port El Kantaoui ~ Sousse ~Hammamet 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後前往伊利捷古城參觀其「世界文化遺產」之競技場,長 148公尺,寬 122公尺,三層高,可容三萬觀眾。此處也是當時羅馬帝國懲治異教徒及奴隸的刑場。稍後驅車前往康大維多利亞港,海港旁的白色房屋與白色遊艇,搭配著地中海湛藍的海水,讓人倍感人曠神怡。午餐於當地餐廳。餐後驅車前往蘇斯觀光,舊城區的大糧倉及古堡,伴隨著大大小小進出港口的古老遊船,別有一番景致。遊罷前往哈瑪麥德。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰Vincci Taj Sultan Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐)

The first place of visit in the morning is the old town of El Djem. Its World Heritage Arena, was once served as a penal chamber for pagans and slaves during the era of the Roman Empire. The tour will then proceed to Port El. Lines of white houses doting along the harbor, and white yachts sailing on the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean city will thoroughly enthrall all. Later, coach to visit Sousse and finally to Hammamet for overnight. (B/L/D)

9 哈瑪麥德 ~~~~ 那布爾 ~~~~ 那布爾花 園半島 ~~~~ 突尼斯

Hammamet ~ Nabeul ~ Cap Bon ~Tunis 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後驅車前往那布爾,全國清真寺皆用此處所出產之七彩瓷磚。午餐於當地餐廳。餐後前往古樸自然的突國度假勝地,有花園半島之稱的Cap Bon,這裡土地肥沃,風景怡人,是當地人度假首選之地。首先參觀加利比亞城,可欣賞到當年迦太基帝 國 的 建築。城堡在十六世紀由西班牙人重建,拜占庭特色的堡壘,神秘又莊嚴。繼而前往蓋赫庫阿勒,這古城建築比羅馬時代還早,所以這裡的浴池也被羅馬人模仿,而此古城也反映出當年迦太基人的奢華生活。遊畢,驅車前往突尼斯。晚餐於酒店餐廳。 住宿︰El Mouradi Gammarth Hotel 或同級 (早、午、晚餐) Coach to Nabeul famous by the many colour tiles used for building all the mosques throughout the country. The next attraction is Cap Bon, known as the “Garden Peninsula”, and is the most popular choice by local residents as a holiday resort. The tour will visit the mysterious and yet solemn Libya Castle and Kerkouane, the very old town built before the arrival of Romans. (B/L/D)

10 突尼斯 ���� 原居地 Tunis � Home City 自助式早餐於酒店餐廳。餐後乘車前往機場飛返原居地。 (早餐)

At the time specified, all will proceed to the airport for a home bound flight. (B)

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D.O.I: January 08, 2014