工工系博士生獲智在家鄉數位社會創新競賽優等獎 · 東海新鮮事...

校園資訊 2019 年全球論文高被引學者 工學院院長張嘉修獲殊榮 科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)於 108 年 11 月 20 日公布「2019 年高被引學者名錄(Highly Cit- ed Researchers)」,自全球各領域中選出備受肯定 的自然科學家與社會科學家,獲選者的多篇高被引論 文被引用次數位於同學科的前 1%,顯示對科研同儕的 重要學術影響力。今年台灣本土學者共計 17 位進榜, 東海大學榮譽講座教授兼工學院院長張嘉修,也是國 立成功大學化工系講座教授及日本神戶大學客座教授 的他,以跨領域(cross field)項目獲選殊榮。 今年從各學科領域選出高被引學者,來自近 60 個 國家或地區。今年台灣除醫療、工程學、地理科學、材料科學、數學、物理等領域, 更有 8 位學者入選跨領域項目,展現台灣學術人才優異的多元主題發展及高影響的研 究能力。科睿唯安台灣總經理范永銀表示,從今年公布的高被引學者名錄可發現,台 灣學者在全球學術舞台充份展現不容小覷的科研實力。 張嘉修目前是東海大學榮譽講座教授兼工學院院長、奈米科技中心主任,也是國立 成功大學化工系講座教授及日本神戶大學客座教授。張嘉修於 1993 年獲得美國加州大 學爾灣分校博士學位,投入生化工程領域近 30 年、近年來更聚焦於微藻生技與工程以 及循環經濟之研究。 張嘉修獲得許多國內外重要的學術獎項及榮譽,包括美國醫學暨生物工程學會會士 (AIMBE Fellow)、國際生物程序學會會士 (IBA Fellow)、亞洲生物技術聯盟執行委員 會委員(AFOB Executive Board)、科技部特約研究員、科技部傑出研究獎 (三次)、東 元獎、有庠科技講座、侯金堆傑出榮譽獎、中國工程師學會傑出工程教授獎、李國鼎 榮譽學者、台灣化工學會金開英獎及台灣生化工程學會研究成就獎等。 其學經歷豐富,並擔任科技部化工學門及永續學門複審委員,另曾經歷包括行政院 經濟部中央標準局『化學工業』國家標準制訂委員會委員、台灣生化工程暨生物技術 學會理事長、中鋼公司顧問、工業技術研究院顧問等職務。 張嘉修院長也是十餘個國際知名期刊的編輯、副編輯及編委,共發表超過 470 篇 SCI 期刊論文,其中 Hi-Ci paper 計 16 篇,被引用次數超過 20,000 次,平均每篇論 文被引用超過 44 次,其 h-index 為 73 (Web of Science),並擁有近 50 項專利,且 是 2019 年 Web of Science 的高被引學者 (Highly Cited Researcher)。院長許多重 要研究成果已實際應用於產業界,有十餘項技術轉移案例並輔導成立兩家新創公司。 校園活動 工工系博士生獲「智在家鄉」數位社會創新競賽優等獎 本校工工系博士班陳治圩同學參加聯發科技「智在家鄉」數位社會創新競賽,擔任 「好撒馬利亞人」隊組長,提出「聽見 AED」構想,從 360 件參賽作品中脫穎而出,獲 得優等獎,並獲得獎金二十萬元。 聯發科技「智在家鄉」數位社會創新競賽邁入第二年,希望科技的力量讓每個人都 受惠,即使是一個小鄉鎮的問題,如果有人關心,就有改善的可能。好撒馬利亞人隊 成員除了陳治圩同學外,尚有中國醫藥大學醫學系學生黃彥霖,林口長庚醫院不分科 醫師黃碩焜,台中市政府消防局救護義消楊明姿小隊長,亞洲大學資工系碩士生吳嘉 恩同學。 「聽見 AED」構想是藉由深入探索民眾使用公共場所 AED 緊急救援的使用經驗,設 計出一外掛於 AED 的警示發報裝置,並開發原型機進行小規模場域實證,目前已獲得 重要的測試數據與使用者回饋,進行多次迭代設計,預計將能改善公眾電擊器使用率 低的問題。現正積極尋求各級公部門、保全業者與民眾等不同利益關係人的參與協 作,未來擴大落實的成果可期。 陳治圩同學本身也是急診部醫師, 他表示提案的構想是以拯救生命為初 衷,透過簡單具創意的物聯裝置,提昇 公眾 AED 的使用率(易找),也希望能 增加路倒民眾的存活率,實是深具社會 福祉。 東海 Story 歡迎教職員生、校友,將您在東海的溫馨小故事,與我們分享,字數 800 字內(本室擇優刊登) 東海新鮮事 歡迎學生針對系所或社團投稿,字數不超過 150 地址: 40704 台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段 1727 號 Email : [email protected] 徵文 你是東海人嗎? 你也愛東海嗎? 在東海有沒有令你難忘的青春歲月? 有沒有曾經在路思義教堂前擺出各種 POSE 拍照? 有沒有曾經在東海的某一角熬夜拼期末考? 有沒有曾經偷偷牽著誰的小手漫步在文理大道? 東海大學很想念你喔! 那你呢? 快點動手來幫東海大學按個讚吧! 也順便和聯絡老同學感情,看看東海最近的改變與發展。 東海大學官方粉絲團,需要您的「」助,快伸出食指按個讚!讓東海大學粉絲團成長茁壯! 東海粉絲團請點我,進去再按讚! 校園資訊 東海大學與手工具公會簽署合作備忘錄 將讓博物館智能化 東海大學與台灣手工具工業同業公會正式成為「產業+AI」合作夥伴!這場合作備 忘錄簽署儀式於 11 月 21 日下午在台中福華飯店舉行,東海大學校長王茂駿、副校長 王立志,以及台灣手工具工業同業公會理事長黃信德暨全體理監事出席此會。雙方共 同議定未來合作方向,將以手工具產業+AI 為核心,透過結合 AI 前瞻性合作與交流, 共同提升台灣手工具工業競爭力。 東海大學校長王茂駿致詞時表示,手 工具是台灣非常重要的產業,近年來每年 出口值超過 1,000 億台幣。東海在 AI 領 域建立了良好的基礎,除了結合亞馬遜雲 端 AWS 及台灣人工智慧學校共同建置 AI 環境,在校內也成立了 AI 中心、產業智 慧轉型中心、AI 體驗中心,積極培育 AI 產業的人才,並藉由這些平台和產業密切合作,協助產業走向 AI 化。王茂駿強調,期 許透過備忘錄的簽署,將東海既有的教學資源、研發能量和穩健的技術移轉到手工具 產業,帶動手工具產業的智慧轉型和數位轉型,進而提升手工具業在全球的競爭力。 王茂駿期望,未來無論在技術支援、實習場域、新知加值、人才培養、創新研發、企 業發展和精實等方面,東海與手工具公會都能有長遠的合作默契。 手工具同業公會理事長黃信德表示,很高興能和學界接軌,台灣手工具產業每年創 造逾 1,200 億元產值,超過四百會員廠家,規模在台灣 159 個產業公會名列前十名, 是台灣中部三大重要產業之一。自從接任以來,期許台灣手工具在 2022 年德國科隆展 能有至少五項亮點產品,讓世界更加看見台灣。在數位化、智慧製造持續進步的時 代,必須要有學界協助,讓新一代接班的過程中,擁有最新的資訊並長期合作發展。 產業進步需要學界來輔導,相互提供平台讓產學合作發揮最大效益。 台灣手工具工業同業公會了解 AI 新時代來臨,未來規劃手工具產業博物館之運 作,配合研提政府單位專案計畫、產業歷史與地方創生專題展、口述歷史的紀錄等, 擴展至手工具智能設計加速器的建置,加速手工具產業的能量。而東海大學也將串聯 該校雲創學院以及校內第一個 AI 體驗中心「圓廳」,以率先導入先進 AI 及互動設 計,結合人工智慧、智慧製造及 使用者體驗,未來配合全校性 AI 思維與程式語言教學,進一步提 供產業博物館的多元創意發想。 雙方亦約定擇期安排「圓廳」互 動參訪,在 AI 場域具體共創出產 業與學術的下一步 AI。 校園活動 The International College International College Brings Thanksgiving to Taiwan One of the many perks of being an Interna- tional College student is that you get many, many more holidays to celebrate. This week, students and faculty gathered on the IC office third-floor student lounge to enjoy a lunch-time feast, some fun activities and each others company. On their way up upstairs to join the gathering, students were served pumpkin pie and cake. While waiting for the feast to begin, students could participate in some activi- ties. There was a Gratitude Wall on which students could write about what they are thankful for, or students could take a guess at the number of candies that were in a big jar. The student who guessed the closest number to the actual number won the jar of candy! After a few short speeches from IC director James Sims and a few student represent- atives from the ICs SSE program, IBA program and visiting Chinese Huaqiao stu- dents, the hungry students rushed the food ta- ble like wild animals. In fact, there were so many students that the IC staff had to order some extra pizzas to feed everybody! Long af- ter the food was gone, people stayed around to chat with their friends and teachers. Eager to share the American holiday with the international students, the three Ameri- can IC student mentors enthusiastically planned and hosted the event. For most of the IC students, this gathering was their first experience of the Thanksgiving holiday and, for some, even their first time eating turkey. The event had everything that a tra- ditional American Thanksgiving might have: a full-sized turkey, pumpkin pie and, most importantly, family and friends. That day, with everybody eating delicious food and talking excitedly, the IC truly felt like one, big family. Making Banana Bread is Not That Hard After All On a Friday afternoon, students from local Chungming high school found their way to the Tunghai campus to experience a class in a college classroom. Lucky for them, they ended up in a class led by International College direc- tor Dr. James Sims. Their lesson that afternoon: how to make banana bread in a rice cooker. As they entered, the students wondered at the shopping bags full of mixing bowls, bananas, and other ingredients and the four rice cookers arranged in the front of the class- room. When all 77 students had found their seats and qui- eted down, Dr. Sims chose four volunteers to come to the front of the classroom to help prepare the pumpkin bread batter. Meanwhile, an IC student assistant and an IC student mentor wrote the ingre- dients and instructions on the blackboard. After the messy mixing, the students poured the batter into the rice cookers and returned to their seats, in anticipation of the sweet treat. Dr. Simss lesson for them was intended to be not only very delicious but also educa- tional. While waiting for the banana bread to bake, Dr. Sims introduced the English writing assignment. Because IC classes are all taught in English, Dr. Sims wanted to allow the visiting students to experience an English-taught class and get a chance to practice their English-writing skill. Dr. Sims taught them the structure of a process composition essay and asked them to write three short paragraphs that explain the process of making banana bread. They were encouraged to work together and were also able to use the information on the black board to help them along. Towards the end of class, Dr. Sims asked students to read their essays to the class. Although some students struggled with the assignment, in the end they were all sur- prised not only by how easy it is to make banana bread but also by their own English- writing ability. When the rice cookers finally clicked off, the fluffy, yummy banana bread was served to the whole class. The students left the class with happy tummies and a new skill to bring home to their families. 校園影音 本期電子報下載:東海大學第 1000258 期校園電子報 本刊發行日期: 2019 年 11 月 28 日 第 1000258 期

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Page 1: 工工系博士生獲智在家鄉數位社會創新競賽優等獎 · 東海新鮮事 歡迎學生針對系所或社團投稿,字數不超過150字 ... IC office third-floor student


2019 年全球論文高被引學者 工學院院長張嘉修獲殊榮

科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)於 108年 11

月 20日公布「2019年高被引學者名錄(Highly Cit-

ed Researchers)」,自全球各領域中選出備受肯定


文被引用次數位於同學科的前 1%,顯示對科研同儕的

重要學術影響力。今年台灣本土學者共計 17位進榜,



的他,以跨領域(cross field)項目獲選殊榮。

今年從各學科領域選出高被引學者,來自近 60個


更有 8位學者入選跨領域項目,展現台灣學術人才優異的多元主題發展及高影響的研




成功大學化工系講座教授及日本神戶大學客座教授。張嘉修於 1993年獲得美國加州大

學爾灣分校博士學位,投入生化工程領域近 30年、近年來更聚焦於微藻生技與工程以



(AIMBE Fellow)、國際生物程序學會會士 (IBA Fellow)、亞洲生物技術聯盟執行委員

會委員(AFOB Executive Board)、科技部特約研究員、科技部傑出研究獎 (三次)、東






張嘉修院長也是十餘個國際知名期刊的編輯、副編輯及編委,共發表超過 470篇

SCI期刊論文,其中 Hi-Ci paper 計 16篇,被引用次數超過 20,000次,平均每篇論

文被引用超過 44次,其 h-index為 73 (Web of Science),並擁有近 50項專利,且

是 2019 年 Web of Science的高被引學者 (Highly Cited Researcher)。院長許多重





「好撒馬利亞人」隊組長,提出「聽見 AED」構想,從 360件參賽作品中脫穎而出,獲







「聽見 AED」構想是藉由深入探索民眾使用公共場所 AED緊急救援的使用經驗,設

計出一外掛於 AED的警示發報裝置,並開發原型機進行小規模場域實證,目前已獲得







公眾 AED的使用率(易找),也希望能



東海 Story 歡迎教職員生、校友,將您在東海的溫馨小故事,與我們分享,字數 800 字內(本室擇優刊登)

東海新鮮事 歡迎學生針對系所或社團投稿,字數不超過 150 字

地址: 40704 台中市西屯區臺灣大道四段 1727 號 Email : [email protected]


你是東海人嗎? 你也愛東海嗎? 在東海有沒有令你難忘的青春歲月?

有沒有曾經在路思義教堂前擺出各種 POSE 拍照?



東海大學很想念你喔! 那你呢?






東海大學與手工具公會簽署合作備忘錄 將讓博物館智能化


忘錄簽署儀式於 11月 21日下午在台中福華飯店舉行,東海大學校長王茂駿、副校長


同議定未來合作方向,將以手工具產業+AI為核心,透過結合 AI前瞻性合作與交流,




出口值超過 1,000億台幣。東海在 AI領


端 AWS及台灣人工智慧學校共同建置 AI

環境,在校內也成立了 AI中心、產業智

慧轉型中心、AI體驗中心,積極培育 AI

產業的人才,並藉由這些平台和產業密切合作,協助產業走向 AI化。王茂駿強調,期






造逾 1,200億元產值,超過四百會員廠家,規模在台灣 159個產業公會名列前十名,

是台灣中部三大重要產業之一。自從接任以來,期許台灣手工具在 2022年德國科隆展




台灣手工具工業同業公會了解 AI新時代來臨,未來規劃手工具產業博物館之運



該校雲創學院以及校內第一個 AI體驗中心「圓廳」,以率先導入先進 AI及互動設


使用者體驗,未來配合全校性 AI




動參訪,在 AI場域具體共創出產

業與學術的下一步 AI。


The International College

International College Brings Thanksgiving to Taiwan

One of the many perks of being an Interna-

tional College student is that you get many,

many more holidays to celebrate. This

week, students and faculty gathered on the

IC office third-floor student lounge to enjoy a

lunch-time feast, some fun activities and

each other’s company.

On their way up upstairs to join the gathering, students were served pumpkin pie and

cake. While waiting for the feast to begin, students could participate in some activi-

ties. There was a Gratitude Wall on which students could write about what they are

thankful for, or students could take a guess at the number of candies that were in a

big jar. The student who guessed the closest number to the actual number won the

jar of candy!

After a few short speeches from IC director James Sims and a few student represent-

atives from the IC’s SSE program, IBA program and visiting Chinese Huaqiao stu-

dents, the hungry students rushed the food ta-

ble like wild animals. In fact, there were so

many students that the IC staff had to order

some extra pizzas to feed everybody! Long af-

ter the food was gone, people stayed around to

chat with their friends and teachers.

Eager to share the American holiday with the international students, the three Ameri-

can IC student mentors enthusiastically planned and hosted the event. For most of

the IC students, this gathering was their first experience of the Thanksgiving holiday

and, for some, even their first time eating turkey. The event had everything that a tra-

ditional American Thanksgiving might have: a full-sized turkey, pumpkin pie and, most

importantly, family and friends. That day, with everybody eating delicious food and

talking excitedly, the IC truly felt like one, big family.

Making Banana Bread is Not That Hard After All

On a Friday afternoon, students from local Chungming high school found their way to

the Tunghai campus to experience a class in a college classroom. Lucky for them,

they ended up in a class led by International College direc-

tor Dr. James Sims. Their lesson that afternoon: how to

make banana bread in a rice cooker.

As they entered, the students wondered at the shopping

bags full of mixing bowls, bananas, and other ingredients

and the four rice cookers arranged in the front of the class-

room. When all 77 students had found their seats and qui-

eted down, Dr. Sims chose four volunteers to come to the

front of the classroom to help prepare the pumpkin bread

batter. Meanwhile, an IC student assistant and an IC student mentor wrote the ingre-

dients and instructions on the blackboard. After the messy mixing, the students

poured the batter into the rice cookers and returned to their seats, in anticipation of

the sweet treat.

Dr. Sims’s lesson for them was intended to be not only very delicious but also educa-

tional. While waiting for the banana bread to bake, Dr. Sims introduced the English

writing assignment. Because IC classes are all taught in English, Dr. Sims wanted to

allow the visiting students to experience an English-taught class and get a chance to

practice their English-writing skill. Dr. Sims taught them the structure of a process

composition essay and asked them to write three short paragraphs that explain the

process of making banana bread. They were encouraged to work together and were

also able to use the information on the black board to help them along.

Towards the end of class, Dr. Sims asked students to read their essays to the class.

Although some students struggled with the assignment, in the end they were all sur-

prised not only by how easy it is to make banana bread but also by their own English-

writing ability. When the rice cookers finally clicked off, the fluffy, yummy banana

bread was served to the whole class. The students left the class with happy tummies

and a new skill to bring home to their families.


本期電子報下載:東海大學第 1000258 期校園電子報

本刊發行日期: 2019 年 11月 28日 第 1000258 期