cfm overview slide show 2014.pdf

Connect and Grow Together A networking event for companies and young professionals ARTICO | NOVEMBER 28 | 16:00

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Connect and Grow Together !

A networking event for companies and young professionals ARTICO | NOVEMBER 28 | 16:00


Page 2: CFM Overview Slide Show 2014.pdf

Acesta nu este un târg de carieră

• Avem planificat acest eveniment bazîndu-ne pe feedback-ul primit de la studenţi şi companii deoportivă în urma desfăşurării tîrgurilor de cariere. !• Această încercare va servi drept

oportunitate de colaborare dintre tinerii specialişti şi agenţii economici.

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Aceasta este o oportunitate

• În cadrul acestui eveniment veţi avea posibilitatea de a lucra cu studenţii în scopul recrutării, de a stabili contacte şi a lărgi reţeaua socială pentru a cunoaşte mai bine forţa de muncă actuală. !• Prin jocuri și activități veți avea şansa de a

exprima nevoile și interesele dvs. ca companie, vei juca de asemenea un rol important în planificarea carierei tinerilor profesionişti care vor participa la eveniment.

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• Conectarea companiile cu studenții pentru a crea un cadru informal în care tinerii și companiile să poată construi relații profesionale.

• • Reunirea companiilor cu tinerii reprezentanți ai

societății civile, sectorului public sau privat, organizații internaționale, ministerelor și instituțiilor de învățămînt superior. !

• Implicarea tinerilor și oferirea oportunității de a interrelaționa cu potențialii angajatori , de dezvoltare/învățare a abilităților de comunicare, de branding personal.

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• Implicare, distracție, interactiv • Împărtășirea cunoștințelor • Schimb de idei • Interrelaționare • Cooperare • Dezvoltarea spiritului de antreprenorial • Noi oportunități • Încurajarea tinerilor • Face-ți contacte • Înțelegera realităților și oportunităților

oferite de piața muncii

Cuvinte Cheie

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15:30-16:00 - Sponsor companies set up their tables and booths !16:00-17:00 - Workshop “Connect: Values of Networking” (for youth) - Workshop “The value of task-based hiring” (for companies) !17:00-17:20 - Coffee Break !17:20-17:30 -Official opening of the event !17:30 -18:00 - 30 Second Pitch: Speed introductions by companies and students !18: 00-18:30 - Informational Interviews: skills for employment balloon game !18:30 -19:15 - The Beauty of Business - 4 stories told by local small business owners 19:15 - 20:00 - Cranium Challenge - team building workshop for companies and students !20:00-21:00 - “Moldova Are Cariere” 6 companies do 5-minute presentations about youth opportunities !21:00 -21:30 - Closing remarks, reception/networking


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Learning about employment opportunities

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Discovering new companies

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Healthy treats

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• Ne-ar plăcea foarte mult dacă ve-ți fi prezenți alături de noi la acest eveniment în calitate de participanț! Suntem, de asemenea, disponibili pentru activități de promovare și sponsorizare

• General Admission   • Silver Sponsorship • Gold Sponsorship • Platinum Sponsorship • Diamond Sponsorship

Be a part of it

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Promote yourselfGeneral Admission 500 LEI Silver Gold Platinum Diamond

Free Entry for 1 Entry for 1 person + 1 Entry for 1 person + 2 Entry for 1 person + 3 Entry for 1 person + 4

Career For Me profile in company catalog

Career For Me Company Profile

Career For Me Company Profile

Career For Me Company Profile

Career For Me Company Profile

Workshop 60 Min. “The Value of Task-Based Hiring”

Workshop: “The value of Task-based hiring and untraditional hiring models”

- 60 min.

Workshop: “The value of Task-based hiring and untraditional hiring

models” - 60 min.

Workshop: “The value of Task-based hiring and untraditional hiring

models” - 60 min.Workshop: “The value of Task-based hiring and untraditional hiring models” - 60 min.

Coffee Breaks 2 Coffee Breaks (2) Coffee Breaks (2) Coffee Breaks (2) Coffee Breaks (2)

Name listed in Agenda Name listed in Agenda Name listed in Agenda Name listed in Agenda Name listed in Agenda

Company name listed in agenda Contact information of young

professional participants interested in employment

Contact information of young professional participants interested

in employment

Contact information of young professional participants interested

in employment Contact information of young professional

participants interested in employment

Company name listed in agenda Greyscale logo listed in Agenda Coloured logo in Agenda Coloured logo in Agenda

Promotional material at general resource table

Promotional material at general resource table

Promotional material at general resource table

Official company resource table Official company resource table Official company resource table

Company Banner displayed at the event

Company Banner displayed at the event Company Banner displayed at the event

Speaker in: “Moldova Area Cariere” contest Speaker in: “Moldova Area Cariere” contest

Company named in Press Release Company named in Press Release

Listed as General sponsor on the Career For Me website

Official sponsor badge on CFM company profile

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Let’s connect and grow together

• social media icons?

• just contact info?

• icons of companies from past event?