cgst library ebscohost 推廣訓練課程 religion & philosophy col. sep 21st, 2005 welcome

CGST Library EBSCOhost 推推推推推推 Religion & Philosophy Col. Sep 21st, 2005 Welcome

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Religion & Philosophy Col.

Sep 21st, 2005


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Embargo• Nearly all aggregated databases have embargo periods

on some full text journals

• EBSCO is the only vendor who makes it easy to obtain this information

• Value varies depending on the length of the embargo, the extent of the backfile and the quality of the journal

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Religion & Philosophy Collection

• 304 a&i titles / 255 peer-reviewed

• 302 full-text titles / 254 peer-reviewed

• Dated from 1975 (earliest)

• 180 full-text titles also exist in ATLA

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• Academe• Acta Orientalia • Africa • American Historical Review• American Indian Quarterly • American Journal of Psychotherapy • American Journal of Sociology • American Scholar • Americas • Anglican Theological Review • Annals of the Association of American Geographers

180 FT Titles also exist in ATLA

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• Anthropological Quarterly • Antiquity • Arabian Archaeology & Epigraphy • Arabica • Archaeology • Asia Journal of Theology • Asian Affairs • Asian Folklore Studies • Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies • Asian Survey • Atlantic Monthly • Biblical Interpretation

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• Bioethics • British Journal of Sociology • Buddhist - Christian Studies • Bulletin of Hispanic Studies • Bulletin of Latin American Research • Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research • Canadian Review of Sociology & Anthropology • Catholic Biblical Quarterly • Catholic Historical Review • Christian Bioethics • Christian Century • Christian History

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• Christianity Today • Chronicle of Higher Education • Chronicle of Philanthropy • Church & State • Church History • Commentary • Commonweal • Contemporary Review • Counseling & Values • Critical Quarterly • Cross Currents • Current Anthropology

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• Currents in Research: Biblical Studies • Dialog: A Journal of Theology • Dutch Review of Church History • Early American Literature • Economist • Ecotheology • Ecumenical Review • Ethics • Ethnology • Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology • European History Quarterly • European Journal of Theology

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• Evangel • Evangelical Quarterly • Evangelical Review of Theology • Exchange • Family Relations • Feminist Issues • Feminist Studies • Feminist Theology: The Journal of the Britain & Ireland

School of Feminist Theology • First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion & Public Life • Folklore • Futurist • German Life & Letters

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• Greek Orthodox Theological Review • Harper's Magazine • Hastings Center Report • Historian • Historical Research • History & Theory • History of Religions • History Today • Humanist • Humanities • Inquiry • International Bulletin of Missionary Research

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• International Journal for the Psychology of Religion • International Journal of Comparative Sociology • International Review of Mission • ISIS: Journal of the History of Science in Society • Islam & Christian-Muslim Relations • Jewish Social Studies • Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion • Journal for the Study of Judaism: In the Persian Hellenist

ic & Roman Period • Journal for the Study of the New Testament • Journal for the Study of the Old Testament • Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha & Related L

iterature • Journal of American Ethnic History

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• Journal of Analytical Psychology • Journal of Arabic Literature • Journal of Asian & African Studies • Journal of Biblical Literature • Journal of Church & State • Journal of Cultural Geography • Journal of Cuneiform Studies • Journal of Developing Societies • Journal of Ecumenical Studies • Journal of Education & Christian Belief • Journal of Humanistic Psychology

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• Journal of Marriage & Family • Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology • Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs • Journal of Near Eastern Studies • Journal of Pacific History • Journal of Pastoral Counseling • Journal of Pentecostal Theology • Journal of Philosophy of Education • Journal of Progressive Judaism • Journal of Psychology • Journal of Psychology & Theology • Journal of Religion

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• Journal of Religion in Africa • Journal of Religious Ethics • Journal of Religious History • Journal of Religious Thought • Journal of Social History • Journal of Social Philosophy • Journal of the American Oriental Society • Journal of Women & Religion • Judaism • Mankind Quarterly • Method & Theory in the Study of Religion • Modern Age

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• Modern Theology • Monist • Muslim World • Near Eastern Archaeology • New Republic • Nieman Reports • Nous • Novum Testamentum • Numen: International Review for the History of Religions • Oceania • Orbis Litterarum • Philosophical Investigations

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• Philosophy East & West • Policy Review • Political Studies • Prooftexts • Psychology Today • Religion & American Culture • Religion & Theology • Religion, State & Society • Religious Education • Renascence • ReVision • Science & Christian Belief

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• Scottish Historical Review • Second Opinion • Semeia • Sewanee Review • Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society • SJOT: Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament • Skeptic • Social Compass • Social Forces • Social Science Quarterly • Society • Sociological Quarterly

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• Studia Theologica • Studies in Philology • Studies in World Christianity • Teaching Theology & Religion • Telos • Theological Studies • Theology & Sexuality: The Journal of the Institute for the

Study of Christianity & Sexuality • Tikkun • Transformation • Vetus Testamentum • Vigiliae Christianae• Vivarium • World Archaeology• Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science

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ANDchaos theory AND economy AND AsiaFIND : A and B and C

ORcollege OR university OR graduate schoolFIND : A or B or C


car AND domestic NOT chryslerFIND : A or B not C

Boolean Searching

( ( ( alcohol OR drugs ) AND driv* ) NOT teen* )

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Word found :

read, reid or reed...

Word not selected:red


re?d walk*

Word found :

walk, walked,walkingor walkway...

Wildcard(?) and Truncation(*) Searching

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