churches of brussels

felicia.pps La pas prin Bruxelles - 9 -

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Page 1: Churches of Brussels


La pas prin Bruxelles - 9 -

Page 2: Churches of Brussels


Notre Dame du Sablon Church

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Saint – Jacques sur Coudenberg Church – Sec. 18

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Saint – Jacques sur Coudenberg Church – Sec. 18

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Catedrala Sfinţii Michael şi Gudula

Cea mai mare şi mai frumoasă catedrală din Bruxelles, a fost construită pe parcursul a trei secole, începând cu 1225. Este un exemplu clasic de operă de artă în stil gotic brabantin. In interior sunt vitralii din sec. 16 şi un superb anvon baroc din 1699.

Catedrala este numită în cinstea Sf. Mihail, patronul oraşului, dar omagiază şi pe Sf. Gudula, o sfântă din sec. 8, ale cărei relicve se află în catedrală.

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The St. Michael and Ste. Gudule Cathedral is a beautiful church in Gothic style from the 13th century, although there are parts of it that are as old as the 11th century. On first impression what it reminded me of was Notre-Dame de Paris and de Montreal and a little bit of Votivkirken in Vienna.

The Cathedral got its name from the patron saints of Brussels, St. Michael (the archangel) and Ste. Gudule (her relics are in the Cathedral), and it's used for Catholic services, royal marriages (like the Crown Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilda in the late 1990's) and state funerals.

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felicia.pps The St. Michael and Ste. Gudule Cathedral

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felicia.pps The St. Michael and Ste. Gudule Cathedral

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The St. Michael and Ste. Gudule Cathedral

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The St. Michael and Ste. Gudule Cathedral

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The St. Michael and Ste. Gudule Cathedral

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Biserica Sf. Nicolae - este o mică biserică, veche de aproape 1000 de ani, cu o arhitectură mai bizară – axa sa principală fiind frântă. In interior , între alte opere se păstrează Fecioara cu copilul adormit, atribuită lui Rubens.

The Église St-Nicolas is a delightful little church behind the Bourse in Brusells. It is surrounded by fine old houses that seem to huddle under it. This small church is almost 1,000 years old, but little remains of the original structure. Its 11th-century Romanesque lines are hidden by a 14th-century Gothic facade and the repairs made after the French bombardment of 1695. A cannonball fired by the French in 1695 is still lodged in one of the pillars.The church holds a small painting by Rubens of The Virgin and Child

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The Église St-Nicolas

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The Église St-Nicolas

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The Église St-Nicolas

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Biserica St. Jean Baptiste au Béguinage a fost construită în sec. 17. Faţada în stil baroc este una dintre cele mai frumoase din Belgia. Béguinage erau instituţii religioase pentru femeile necăsătorite.

Béguinage Church of Saint – Jean-BaptisteAttributed to the architect L. Fayd'herbe, this church is a remarkable illustration of the Italian-influenced Flemish Baroque style of the 17th century. Its façade is considered to be one of the most beautiful in Belgium.The church was restored after it was ravaged by a fire in 2001.

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Béguinage Church of Saint – Jean-Baptiste

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Béguinage Church of Saint – Jean-Baptiste

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Ste. Catherine Church

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Biserica Regală Sf. Maria - este singura construcţie religioasă în stil bizantin din Bruxelles.

Arhitectura este minunată, cu o cupolă mare decorată cu stele, turnuri multiple şi contraforturi elegante.

Uşile din bronz au 32 panouri gravate, iar clădirea este împodobită cu cei patru evanghelişti şi simbolurile lor.


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Église Sainte-Marie (St. Mary's Church) is the only Byzantine-style church in Brussels. St. Mary's Church, whose full name is Eglise Royale Sainte-Marie à Schaerbeek, was designed by Louis Van Overstraeten. The architecture is lovely, with a large dome decorated with stars, multiple soaring towers and elegant flying buttresses. The bronze doors feature 32 engraved panels and the building is adorned with the Four Evangelists and their symbols.

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St. Mary's Church

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Biserica Fecioarei din Laken

Biserica a fost construită, în 1854, de Regele Leopold I pentru a comemora moartea soţiei sale Louise-Marie of Orléans, prima regină a Belgiei. Construcţia a continuat până în 1908.

The Our Lady's Church of Laken

The church was built in 1854, during the reign of King Leopold I, to commemorate the death of his wife Louise-Marie of Orléans, Belgium's first queen . The construction continued until 1908



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St. Boniface Church

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Abaţia de la Cambre a fost o mănăstire cisterciană fondată în anul 1201. Altădată în afara oraşului, se află acum pe teritoriul comunei Ixelle (cartier al oraşului Bruxelles).

The village of Ixelles originated with the foundation of Abbaye de la Cambre , which was established by the Sisters of the Cistercian Order in the Middle Ages.

Photos internet

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Abbaye de la Cambre

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Bazilica Naţională du Sacré Coeur este un lăcaş religios modern. Incepută în 1905, a fost finalizată abia în 1970. Construită din cărămidă, beton şi piatră are dimensiuni impresionante - cupola se ridică la 90 m, iar transeptul măsoară 108 m lungime.

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart (situated in the Suburb of Koekelberg) is labeled "the national Basilica of Belgium".

In 1905 king Leopold II laid the first stone. The church was eventually finished in the late 1960's with the construction of a dome and dedicated to the war victories of 1918 and 1944.felicia.pps

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The national Basilica of Belgium

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The national Basilica of Belgium

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The national Basilica of Belgium

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The national Basilica of BelgiumThe interior decoration is in 1930's Art Deco style with use of marble.

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The national Basilica of Belgium

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Photos & made by:

G. Verdi – NabuccoChorus of Hebrew SlavesJohn Hong - Organ
