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;w '• f CIHM A ^ Microfiche Series- (IMqnographs) * fi^' fCMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) C«nadian IntiituM fo^ttorical MIcrofaproducttont / Itittityt canaiiian da microraproductiona historiquaa m

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    ^ MicroficheSeries-


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    fCMHCollection demicrofiches(monographies)

    C«nadian IntiituM fo^ttorical MIcrofaproducttont / Itittityt canaiiian da microraproductionahistoriquaa


  • qu«s

    TMhniMl and Btbliofripliic Noi«« / NoM« ttchnKium mt lMb4io«*«phM|y*«

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    OK £c;lin(;i()N, voNCiK si.,

    rms i.niLrvoi.rMK is kksi'KCIii uivinscUihki.

    ; < HV TUK AUTHOR,

    AS \ SI. Kill r TOKKN OK KSH-K.M

    AND GRArnUfJK. . ^


    - I'BlNTEl) BY Bt3^00U|H, MOORK A BENGOl'CiH,

    55 and 57 AOKAIUB St^KBT KAST,








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    w;th the valise.A NEW POEM


    —rb—ARTHUR L. WtiSON, ESQ.,

    . or BOUNOTCW, YON^ ST.,


    r/the author,

    as a/«light token of esteem




    5$ and 57 adbumdb 8th«btlAtT,




  • >



    v.. ^

    i^''v'' 7

    ,. ' I y




  • PREFACEt* v*»f *• «* *


    The tuthtjr of thin little volume l» of opinionthtt in

    exntanttion of hit rcawins for writing it may beneccH»«ry

    towards insuring it a gicatermeasure of •uccea^ Hj

    live, in the Townahip of MrKellw. m the Diit ct ofParry Sound, where he ha« a large

    family of small chil-

    dren. It is a new and a rouKh countryat the l)cst, and

    it is harder work to obtain the nc<esnarics of life up there

    than in this more avoured lectlon. In thetownship

    snd vilUge of McKellar," Truck " reigni a kmg upon »

    throne of empty store barrels and boxes ;and those who

    have been mainly instrumental inplacmg hifn in iK)wer

    arc a small company or firm of (;overnmentroad con-

    tractors, and contractors for getting o^ iaw logs for theLumber Companies, who own the greater part

    of the

    village of McICella|fia»d whpse dailyschemmg and

    nicMly dreaming halrlen to obtain a monoi^lyof all

    the business transacted in thatsection of the coyntry.

    It haa been one of the author'a greatestmisfortunes In

    life to have been obliaed by thecircumstances in which

    he was placed to work for and deal withthese persons

    for years, and Uke his pay at the hands of KingTruck

    in goods out of their store in McKellar,at an Average of

    about twice as much as such goods would have costhim

    in the town of Collingwood or the cityof' 1 oronto.

    One of the business maxims upon which theyappeared

    to depend most for success in life was togive as little aa

    possible for what they had to buy, and get asmuch as po».

    iible for what they hadto sell. Is it anv wondert»«t under

    such a system the authorshould have found itvery difficult

    to provide for the preaaing wants of a largefamily of little

    ones ; that it it requif«d his utmoat efforts,hia incessant

    exertion* to keep them suppped with the bare necessanq

    of life, and that he and his family have oftensuffered

    from an insufficient supply of food and clothingunder

    . f-

  • rmrACt

    lh€M dieutntttnfw? ??iirely, kind Wfndi, vmi will mbUme him for gtcatly tlctirmg « change for tnc betteryyu will not blame him for eameitlv wlthing for mm•venue of eacape from mch t lUtc of lervile vatMlUgrf^om iuch • tMUt of Egyptian iKinclagc •urcly you will

    not wonder that under »uc h < ircumitam ct he should fwi

    anxious to try lomething that would place him abtm

    the necewity of working under the tyrannical rule of

    old King Truck ; and, kind friends, will you not aid him

    in this object ? It will f this preface

    in his present course of action. Hu eldest ion, at anearly age, and urider the influence of a few months'

    .schooling in one winter season, showed a strong propcfr

    sity for writing rhymes. He learned to write ai if byinspiration, and his talents were developed bv the ftoii* 1

    ana poetry he read in the first numbers of the Canadian

    scries of school books, i^d he wrote so well and so

    fluently, that he was promised, as a reward for his ex-

    ertions, that his verses would be printed. Accordingly,

    after they had reached to a sufficient number for an ex-pgrimental volume of a tuflfcient

  • OCR TMVltVBH WfTH 1%1 VAMtl. J*

    rent* ih«T wtrt wriilcii mil in •brtitf h«i»d by lh«

    S;; wflUtn for them, th.ywcr pUrecl »" the printe •

    hIn.U 'l1tc writer wm cnahkd. ihruuMh ihc i«f«'*»«"y

    (knidv of ioni, to obttiln lh« on« thingeinwwiiy

    ^JLn to^c-rrytng

  • r-r

    -1 *.,

    fi -J^/ '»^i- "^sp?** ^p^l

    go and •© copies in one day ; and in CoWngwood, when

    e WM a comparative ^stranger, he sold 30 copies in less X^than one day. The names of most if not all of these kind "*

    friends will be found in the last pages of this little vol-

    ume. "As the season was so far advanced when he

    started to sell the book, he had to leave 500 copies in

    Toronto, and it was to look after these books—to at-iend to the publication and disposal of " Our Traveller

    with the Valise," and for other reasons, that he left hit

    home in the Township of McKeliar #bout noon on Sat-urday, the 19th day of November. As he expected to

    find a boat leaving Parry Sound for CoUingwood on

    Monday morning, and he did not like to travel on Sun-day, he left McKellar village, 15 miles from Parry

    Sound, at about half-past a o'clock p. m. The roadswere of rough, frozen clods, not very pleasant to travel

    oyer on foot, and a slight fall of snow made travelling•till more wearisome from its badly balling the heels of

    his boots, to 0iat in his occasional efforts to rid himself

    of this anwoying encumbrance he knocked the heel off

    one of them, but he did not discover his loss until he

    waa taking thenu2£Hate at night, preparatory to resting

    his weary limbs in a-not very comfortable bed in a bleak

    and bare room in Juke's Hotel, in Parry Sound. This

    place has grown up in a few years from a small hamlet

    to the sice of a small town, and it a great place of resort

    Iqtihe summer time for wealthy people from Toronto

    and elsewhere, seeking health and recreation ftom pure

    air and betutiful scenery. There are two old established

    hotels; and >A splendid new hotel, the Belvedere, has

    feonitly been erected in a commanding poaition on

    Belvedere HUl. It i» intended as a place of resort for

    iummer tourists and visitors. Last summer there were

    tbree >teamen lunning between Parry Sound and

    CoUingwood, and between Parry Sound and Wau-

    tmihetie, and the competition between them wa^ to keen

    that fiOet went down to at low a figure at 95c. between

    Pttry Sound and Collingwood. What Pyny Sound needsto rapidly raise her to the statut of a sraidl dty it a rail-

    way, to that the can be easy of accest .at all teaaont of

    the yeir. M^- J. C Miller, our ettecmed and tatentedlocta ikMmb^Tr iMirhilid lecenU^r erected for hno n kutge



    .nd betutiful retidence.quite m paUitml building for


    vounHpUce. Thu. illowing. hat

    C k thThe ha, faith in ih: future of Parrybound.

    May hii^^

  • \..t




    V-^ 15T ^j f ^- ,^9^ i this world'spossessions are concerned. Mr. Coatsworth is himselfthe owner of one or niore of these beautiful buildings.Some parts of the village are as beautiful as a dream ofFairy Land. In Parkdale the writer came across an OldAurora friend and acquaintance, in the person ofTommy Todd, who conspicuously displays his cogno-men to the admiring gaze of passers-by,. inthe single window of a little, ding^, dusty flourandoatmeal store, on Qneen-street, not far west

    Iof the railway crossings. Another person withwhom the writer beaune acquuainted whilestopping in Parkdale^and to wfa

  • yf|w^7«» y*»


    nted witli tlie

    0Qt 1«AttLLim WITH THlVAUSl. J

    Object of .ecuring ..ubtcription but '^W;^^; '^^^^^^^

    Tiohwd up. poor f«"«^J>*^*^Xo •aSei-G,^.« nf life a rather rugged road to

    travel—i^oa ncip

    Mm m next^n to whom appUcation wa. made,^'«ih .uccew.w Mr. John Powel, who, in partner.

    .to^Ahb .^(r^arkilbly fine and hand«>me youngrnlnU^Sps • promion and grocery

    itore on Church-

    SrTet^Richmond-«treet>o.onta Some 3Sor more

    vJ^^ wMr. Powel wf. working ^r thewriter^.«

    ln(^Xd concession of the Town-hip of York,by the

    month, for he does not rememberhow many monthi.

    And U\«. while he wm thus employed^hathe became

    i^qu^nted with and married hisestiibab e i^fe. who

    -«\h*nworkinH as a hired servant Birl m the fismily of^"SlSmCSSfSq WherttheyUitwMtosUrtlife oTa bush (arm. in the "Queen's bush."


    lives offer a useful lesw)nand an example to others

    who imty wish to travel on theroad that l€?d» to » com-

    fortablc competence. The ncrt persoa- ^

    to whom the writer applied washis

    own cousin, on his mother'sside.

    Shfc was, less than one yeara^o, a

    Miss Jane Johnson, a poors«m-

    stress. working hard for herdaUy

    bread, a good, a modest, jjd a virr

    tuous old m.aid, and r« one of

    the homeliest looking,the ugliest

    old maid^ asiaras foce featureswere

    concerned, the wjiter has«ver _ - . .

    SeT What prompted a reapectaWe-lookfag cAd

    SSy«d a marvel too deep for aay Une of r^^^^^TSSment or conjecture in the wnter's poeseision


    S^llJSthom ; however, he can at »?~^«^*^P*


    In lolve the enigma. Very likely Mr.Robertson, being


    ^ 'SK.^Srcertain^ would find hei- a (aitWul^tion she might be placed ; or at

    anv rate^ or at au

    mnS? heTperionS^ offer^sUght

    taeSdmorality. to attempt a fhrtationwiA her.^old

    ^I^^SuMyiM^ Yc^ he thinks he has

  • ^*^- ..J^^.J,,



    It now. Haf what f Why, that he has obutnrd a clueto thf solution 6( this difficult questiun. He sectthrough it all now as clearlv aa he could sec the sunthrough a piece of smoked glass. She was one of thefirst persona to take » hook ttom "Our Traveller with theValise." ^ing a poor girl at that tinne, he gave her aff«e copy ; but she asked him for another one, and paidfor it ; andt again, exclaiming ^* I want another one,"

    she got a third copy, and paid for it alsa And the wri-ter has half an idea that she used otic of these little vol-

    umetua stepping-stone to help her into Mr^obert-•on's heart and home ; and how greatly flattereoncfeelsto think that his little book should have been the meansof bringing about such imporUnt fcaultt ; and in one

    at )«ast, have helped to lift one poor person onhoncback-; though upon secondthoughts he half regrets it ; for,being so greatly elevated, she

    looked down upon this poor manwith contempt ; she would hirdlynotice him Oi his magaaine. So

    , he shook the dnst off his feet as

    A testimony against her, and cameaway and took ap his pen to write

    : thehiirtory of this mystery.- He'. left Toronto at hilf-past three,

    pm., OB Tuesday, the «— of Dec.,

    I bystagefor Richmond HiU,a beau-

    tiful, p^os^Ous, Mid busy village on Tongc-atreet, about

    14 miles from Tori>nto ; hereiie stayed over ni^ht and left7the next momiog to see his old Mends in Aurora.On his way up tfie street he visited the hos|itsble homeOf Walteif Scott, Esq., an old friend and near nelgbboiirof th« writ^, during Uie fint yeais of his marri^ lifein the township of Kmg. Mr. Scbtfs lifb wouU|> ^jullywritten out, yield many» useful lesson to tniny othersItiuggliiig ofver tiftiV tugged patliw«y; it woidd serve if a

    besoon hgfat toshcNir the right waV to sucoesii, Wh^hMr. Sciov first started In lilie in Kki$, mam$oft9n ago,be was not woriK $h io jnoi^cyi now he is worth about«s niariy thousimds, he has a tee fsitd of ndsr soo-acres near the southern iimits of the luge and thriving



  • \ T



    town of Auror.. with • ftnc dminrof »»>?^V^' 5


    fine pure bred Durham bull, 7 »»««»o^

    ****"*'Kr"iu ofofother .tock. Mr. Scott had newly buihel. of

    uSTror the .eMon of .880, w.d on ihi.he l^t n«.ly

    Jreally lower then Uuui 4ixweeksortwomonth.^^^^

    fu^ in life he owed to P«^«"]»8/«

  • w•"'" '^;pr«t^^ wi^tx^.y^-^JFHVACft

    ukfjA Mr. Keefer to uke one of hit little booka, •• itWIS only ten centt, but he refuted On beini^Mked hitreMont for refuting, hit reply wai : *' Mqncy it lootCMCfr" Now, for a man in hit pUce, the Elitor of oneof the village papert, thia aniwer rea|ly looked Uke a tlur

    or a libel on the village. If he had qualified hia anawer

    by adding " with me, " it micht have been all right

    llie writer left Mr. Keefer, under the impreatioo that he

    hadvcome acroat a man with an Itraelituh catt of coun-tenance. After leavinff the Hifw/jciRct, he crotaed the

    street to the office of the Richmond Hill Ltkmf^ wherehe found the editor and proprietor, Mr. Stewart,a genuine

    gentleman, he paid him for two copies ni hla book un-

    aaked. On telling hit buainett to Mr. Stewart, he wentabout thit butinett in a butinei»-like manner with a

    figured rule in hit hand, tod he came to the ^condutionthat he. could manage the whole thing for about 550.pcrpa^e, hardly half at much at they atked for the jobat thc\£r«mAf office. It may perhapa be aaked why aptfraon in tueh needy circumaaince. ahould care to atop

    at ahotel at all To thit heantwert, that beiogJn honourbound to prepare hit book-for the printer, he detired to

    fiimh tfciaWineat with «a little delay ae poaaible; andat hte could not well attend to thia and the biiaM>eta of

    canvatting Tor it at the tame time* he reaolved to attendto the more important buainett firat, and to thia end liegreatly deaired a few daya nnintenipted leiaure hi a

    quiet and comfortable place, end tbiihe hat found to

    hit heart'a content, at Ifr. Hewiton't Ro^ Hotel in thebeautiful village of kichiliond Hill ; « moe warm roomto write in, an amply rappUed and Immkmiltf fbmiahedtable, agooddean feather bed, and kltM* tfctlBeiit, atUie very reasonable rate of $3 per wedt. And now, kindfriends, my task is about finished. It only remains toappend the names of the kind fiicnds wiio |Mir6bi|ped hisfint volume in the ftOlof 1880, as far na this can bedone, for a good many had not nr^id not pot thevnames down at ell, and

  • ^


    Ob a miW wd misty mominfc 'In the brown month of October,


    Forth there i*ued from the dwelUnic

    Of Mletieei C t ntu Wetton inllaft,


    MU EUlOIt*

    A nther tftll mod lonrlew*** t,wft\\€t iIn hit hand a iquare. black ^»^„ ,^FiM'd with booki of poemt and


    Written by a youthful geniua

    Of the Townahip of lift'Kellar,

    In quite a picturesque region

    Of our long and wide Do-

    minion, .;rt ^r--\

    Full of lakei wkh ripp»»n«waters,

    Full of rocks, and full of

    nirers, ';• .,

    Wood-crown*d hWf, and

    rocky ridgea, „lntef«ined with fenile vajleya, m

    Londy lakes that on their bosoms

    Mirror the bhia vault above them.

    And the treea that on their borders

    Watch likejtotinela around tham.

    Chief among them, Manitowabljy

    With its inlets and its isUnds,

    With its quadruple of nvers.

    Three to enter, one to leave it, . ^

    One, thf iwo^iraiiched Segum nver.

    In a shanty on the border

    Of this Uio Mankowaba,Divdt tWa yoottg, aapinng genius,

    Whither vent he with hia parents, .' When aUttle ignorant urchin* .;^ -r

    y^w the jMii that then he numbered.

    • *»



    • \.


  • ^^J"


    ^ *t

    ^ •'

    EA '," ".^..-^-s

    As dweller on earth's lurface.Ai ytMn ftdvanced he developedQutte • Ukfit for T«r«e-in«kin^ '^ v^

    ^ verae-making ind rhjrme-wnllngFew could eciuiil or surpMt him,Hit yemra and other thinga contidercd.

    The reault, a |ona-lei

  • ^fffll tut VaUM.' # • •

    To a houM of ehteruinment,In a long And tif^ggHnU ^>1"K«'

    tittlcM, Ugging,we*trrn villaKC,

    FainUy itirrtntt, feebly itriving, ^

    Very poor and dilapidated .

    In coropariion with other*

    That dot our noble, new Dominion.

    Iti ihopi datened, houKi vacant,

    TeMf a ttory of decadence, _Not of progreM iwift advancing

    With the itrident rtept of gianti


    Yet a few fine houiai in it,

    But id very few in numbaf? ^ ^^^You can count them on your


    And have ton)* ftnaeri left forothers

    That perhapt may be erectad

    Ere thi« century is «nd«S ;^ >In the bar room of this Hotel

    . In this house of enteruinment,

    At the west end of the village.

    Sat a lot of lasy loafers

    On whose (aces dissipation .^^Had set her seal with heavy ftngers.

    Them they sat together drinking,

    Drinting rum, ind babblingnonsensf


    A worthless lot of lasy loafers,Lazy, idle, dissipated ^ ,^_^As is the (ashion of these ^^^^WitKlheir fuss and fudge and


    And their foolish iildle features,

    And their funny flights of fancy,*

    'And their mm^rfa^ ^2!^,^>And their frittered WIen fortunes,

    "Their fat« fixed fearfullyftKever

    : Mere Our Traveller with thjsVaUse,

    Green as any goose organder

    ^^Th«t evercacUeAoii a cwroon.




  • .V


    mm nuvitijni

    Ycl on« old fellow with a vJaagcBadly blotched, beer- blown, and trfoatcd*Did accept a proffered volume. •

    Then, unnoticed by its owner,Sly tlipt into hia pocket

    The little book enlrutlcd to himIn the faith he would act juitly^JFooliah (aith—vain expectation I

    Can one gather Agt from thiitlea }Can on< other grapoa frotn muitoiiia IdrwIHW < t


    v^ kind Providtnce watch o'er him, ."Make hia bnaineaa quite lucccseftil.Goods turn to gold benealh hia fingef%

    * BctpokAboc1^ fa^kalf the manej^U-'



  • vrm t«B fAi4Mb n

    And •omctioi* altef pwd th« *»*»^«

  • ^m»



    lc Yv*^naKi|%Ntar th« city o(f TiWith bravt and nol>lc-hikrt«d pcopk,id hia time or «pacc pemlc It % .*But whoae fiAoica, If jrou pcruac it.You will see within tlua voliiaie. n /But three old patrkfcha, rtridinirWithin the limita oT thk TownhiMore than^aervt a paiaii

    '* DiMrre a onplcr or a volTo recford their de^da and

    ^ Frauffht with wiadooa and inatruction, Wise life Icaaona, good esampiet,"* Their white hcada crown'd with years

    oun. , fWiUiUni lfaf«e and WUliftm Duncin^ .Andk pfktriiurch itiU moni aged,


    WflHa Jackaoo. AU icaidiiifUpon the third aM iMiitlioonccaaloni •• r ior thia lane and vwllhir Tovnahlp,Maternal TowBthipof Toranto^When 8h« waa yet an iolMit fiUH^.

    QoM Ciljrof our MvtknMiioa.^nd nichreaiilia hsve beoi «ehiev«d


    and hon-

    ... r-'if-


  • ill -n •


    f* «ia^

    By twiiMil uUmI An^ |ictrr«T«r*nc«.

    AtidOw fmviiltf with iii« v«iitt 'Humbly ckUwt f«* !»»«« oW hwjtt

    (UhiUI • VUluft, Of • (Hy, *»« ?

    Of •Town in out IkMninkm tB€ ffccted Of iuiiiMifWd^Without « r»r« of hartJy ytomHH » ^^

    Settled in the ciMintry rouoJ it

    With &•• ptWMI Ol^ t^t' labcHin,With their countenance and cu«oi«?

    Honour, then, to th««« oUl ytomcn

    Who havt foufhl UfeibiUtk bf«iftiy»And all ohtud«t tumiounted,On th« roMl to indrpendcnct;By prudent fofttifht, weU provided

    • With the cowfortt aarth can cive them.

    When life'i tvtninf tiHIight thickent

    On the road that man mu»t traval.At kHig as Earth shall have eiUtcnre,

    May Ctod bkts them, and protect them,

    Take them to Hb Heattnly kinidomWhen their dayf on Earth are ended,

    iMtdthey art gathefcd to theiriather*

    Bidden at last fiireweU iarever

    %o thie world, and an ita eorrowp,AM its liw. wid all Ha •orrowi,


    -Mi tti MdncM. licknom, tishlng.Mew, Our Tra?«lkf with the V«ll«WIBwvcrttoothertttbtoi,

    ^Hmt tai attention—^a•k ditcuiaion,

    And reqiMre some wplanatioofcOtli«tbiaf> must bt tteacrtbad,

    Aahtptoe»«ii upon hii journey.

    With thotigkn intent upon hit nuipion,

    SdUiig b«^|^ aod takkig iketcMie ^OfMefiSpnom wd placw. ^i kTaking oncti and etching outliDflt

    Of bfci mioua dvotttre^

    Ai he tmftJited witto W» ^»»« „ ./^hiibookof pooMMui baUao^




  • It



    few wcie thoie vHb umI Mm roui^^* ^And rcftiNd to buy hk iMUadi,


    Many tlMM who uwd him kindly, ZBought hli hook of poems and ballada.


    AndlM would, Wkh trnthitil pencil, — ' ^Draw the portrailB of tome pcmmi-^«i-^^Sonepfeturet of peeiiUtr |>Mplc * »^Whom he met wkh fai hia tnveli, ^ ^ vAad enoouotered on hia )ouniev; '

    Sketch their fceturea and their lacea*J^

    v \

    And their ll|uica ftee and Ihlly, -, .- *!''••;'/ '

    Mot from fimcy, hut Aom natuit,

  • '.f -.^i^pl'Tfi^- '^*''*%, ft





    Showing ihty w««^J^f^/ ;WhohwIhcMtitofcdfer^!!? ''^Amooilhelbiiiier.oiitoldWwf ^^

    He wUl tkttch for an vum^ sy ^An tttmpk and a ^'^[""J,.,^ c^To olhwi whoW fodlftwBlwM,Thii old feUow, ThomM Lao^uey, ^ i

    liTtt upon the FimConcMtton %;

    Of YorkTowMhip. n-f Toronto^AvtJiynameandderijpMtioii M^iV

    it th« one that he poiieiiti ;^ Ttom old tUnei the dedgnatooft

    : CK a low-hocn menialtenrant—

    r" Tromptb 40 hii maatei't Wddtog,

    ¥ And for nothing elae in M*«^.*iS^Twr3tt with the Vahie ^^ Take a pendl—diiwr a picture

    An example and a wMning. t^

    Ai a warning unto othert

    Bo#ed andbent ininainmonjj2^Hflfc we lec thu grim old Wlo# svx*

  • Ho


  • :^im.:

    WITH Tiii'tAUBt

    rr^ ^' • #i


    G R ,M'rt.'Tho«. MttllholWuKl

    J, H. Wiuoii

    j.CUtfto f n '1. OIbbW.H. Moorefl«lMiGibb ^Mriw AIM. Olbb •

    Mrs. Moonlira. Wa. Gorman.Onike3fdC0m,0/Y&rk,

    JoMph Petemuui . ^ f.William Jacki^fiMr«.BarrIfr. Pratt ^ > :William McOw iFrancit WataonWlUiamCUrkJohn E. Clark /

    % Bfock:,,^:;-^/:,,,:;.:^', .Stooo /,^.,,, .Bridgdand


    fcP.Bttli; J. P. f

    ra. LennoxCbarlei Rankin f > :

    JqImI Ooulding =\Vim«A BoakeMiaaPraierRobert ClarkPtterWardlawIfra. Ann llcDonilld^Robert BnllPraiicb Jaclnonlliai M. A^ J»ck8onIfiaJwikMHi 'R^^bettVhitiidBerSdwardQMkeWcdt^ClafkeBiirtlMOBiiiw Bim

    "W^ittj'vMia ' m'mm «Omik»j0kC0m.o/ypf**

    Ifra. SaOilwoaTkoe. Bull|fra.Cam«y|fra.Jack86nA. 1. GrMltkDaniel Martin



    lohnljameiI.E.!Mrs. I



    On ^Jjg^*^';^Jamea Rniherwrdl>eo«fd BllkAt

    Robert BtUottDr.B«oim nKateElUotl r '

    hnNeea • ^,n. T.Morton V

    Mra. HarperThoeJohnatoM

    .Tvoa.Mra.'Mra.Gf«XoryMrs. Rob«rt BoakejwneeBrodiep. H.McKenikA. StodtaJohn SteeraitWaker Scott JobJohn HntcbinaoB

    lnAmr9m,vahg*Jamea CoHhaipBAnnie Coltkam .,Hattte Rejmolda/'LD.Bck , 'Ellen Bmne^Ellen Herman

    krt.R. Brett'


    Edward SlirteMMWnvUnloBM.&tiUii#tMrHenry DaArapka

    iohn McDonaldm. wmu

    w.r. Aa4iiwrJohntrncjr


    * -*;

  • \^:- ^f

    Si.' '

    Mn. K. j. SvAoiLoadyftBrotlMr

    ImAiirtrm,M. LMMTlln.Halk^

    luam Anwny 1.41.Un.KakmMm. Jtha WAugh ;,lU^MVt Bojct


    Wii.IianuHi Jt'j'i;WflUaa i«|tli ^ ^:link iMnwrtfai t/-i;?v -^

    Mil* Stonon . -



    .; t-

    -Mhitt. Ltvt'


    Miu Annie TInkJtrMra, CaracnddtsAn\;gr Sttwartohn Cairns ,rucy Andrews „,

    Sarah Saigcon. 4 v./ ;^

    Ann B«)mafc*-.;«i' ^ '' '. «vTho^ PolliotjtAgnes RogttsMrs. JenMrs. Tbom.George Mastermaii{ohnBeyaaa 'I.Thomastohn Bevnanlobert BeynanMrs. LanesdaleJohn FleuryAlexander FleuryMrs. BallMrs. took --^--.. " -^^.

    Edward Clarke ;^ . .MrsL Gambia /).J.Ellbtt


    In ColUngwood,

    P. B. Collary, dothii^p anddry goods, direct impofttr

    Charles Patton, boot jmdshoestora

    W. J. Frame^ dry gooda.groceries

    a; Smith, salesmanMcConnell^drygoods, croc|ii<

    A. Gibson, grocer« pin»iiii<dealer -

    J. M. Fyli^ ft Co., tinsmkltand scovf dtaltfs

    B. R. Lenjfc ktndcMirllfBfor grange wpiBlisa

    Miller ft Pet^^jii Bti Hiv*chenp groctfy 91019

    James Morton, adtinetsBaktrMtt. J. MiUer, ^b(tsem


    S. 0its