citizen pollution mapping made easy

轻松制作公民互动污染地图 Citizen pollution mapping made easy Hao Xin (Executive Director, Green Zhejiang) 忻皓(绿色浙江总干事) Portland, U.S. May 6 th , 2012

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Citizen pollution mapping made easy

Hao Xin (Executive Director, Green Zhejiang) 忻皓(绿色浙江总干事)

Portland, U.S. May 6th, 2012 �



Collaborative Interactive Map

•  Map development •  Functions •  Ushahidi Platforms

Applications in Water Adovocacy

•  Ushahidi and Water •  Qiantang River Map

Creating a Pollution Map Now

•  Brain Storm: Map Topics •  Instructions •  Share result map

Content 内容

Head news 头条新闻


~2000.8.6 �千年环保世纪行 Eco bicycling tour

2002.4.13 �

2004 �

2001.6.4 �首场大型活动:广场义演 The 1st big activity: Square Show

协会成立大会 Founding ceremony

获全国百优志愿服务集体 Top 100 National Voluntary Groups

2005 �

忻皓先后获“母亲河”奖和中国青志愿服务金奖 VP, Hao Xin, was honored the National Mother River Award and the Golden Medal of the National Voluntary Service

Towards Pollution Map 走向污染地图


~2000.8.6 �千年环保世纪行 Eco bicycling tour

2002.4.13 �

2004 �

2001.6.4 �首场大型活动:广场义演 The 1st big activity: Square Show

协会成立大会 Founding ceremony

获全国百优志愿服务集体 Top 100 National Voluntary Groups

2005 �

忻皓先后获“母亲河”奖和中国青志愿服务金奖 VP, Hao Xin, was honored the National Mother River Award and the Golden Medal of the National Voluntary Service

2006 �制作中国水污染地图 Start the project of Ma Jun’s China Water Pollution Map

Towards Pollution Map 走向污染地图


~2000.8.6 �千年环保世纪行 Eco bicycling tour

2002.4.13 �

2004 �

2001.6.4 �首场大型活动:广场义演 The 1st big activity: Square Show

协会成立大会 Founding ceremony

获全国百优志愿服务集体 Top 100 National Voluntary Groups

2010.1.16 �杭州市生态文化协会成立大会 HZECA Founding ceremony

2010.8 �中国水环保组织首次论坛 The 1st Forum of China’s 13 water advocacy NGOs

2005 �

忻皓先后获“母亲河”奖和中国青志愿服务金奖 VP, Hao Xin, was honored the National Mother River Award and the Golden Medal of the National Voluntary Service

2006 �制作中国水污染地图 Start the project of Ma Jun’s China Water Pollution Map

Towards Pollution Map 走向污染地图

2008.6 �留学美国克拉克大学 Study in Clark University in MA, U.S.


~2000.8.6 �千年环保世纪行 Eco bicycling tour

2002.4.13 �

2004 �

2001.6.4 �首场大型活动:广场义演 The 1st big activity: Square Show

协会成立大会 Founding ceremony

获全国百优志愿服务集体 Top 100 National Voluntary Groups

2010.1.16 �杭州市生态文化协会成立大会 HZECA Founding ceremony

2010.8 �中国水环保组织首次论坛 The 1st Forum of China’s 13 water advocacy NGOs

2010.12 �

2005 �

忻皓先后获“母亲河”奖和中国青志愿服务金奖 VP, Hao Xin, was honored the National Mother River Award and the Golden Medal of the National Voluntary Service

2006 �制作中国水污染地图 Start the project of Ma Jun’s China Water Pollution Map

Towards Pollution Map 走向污染地图

2008.6 �留学美国克拉克大学 Study in Clark University in MA, U.S.

建设钱塘江水地图 Create the Qiantang River Water Map


~2000.8.6 �

2012.1 �

千年环保世纪行 Eco bicycling tour

2002.4.13 �

2004 �

2001.6.4 �首场大型活动:广场义演 The 1st big activity: Square Show

协会成立大会 Founding ceremony

获全国百优志愿服务集体 Top 100 National Voluntary Groups

2010.1.16 �杭州市生态文化协会成立大会 HZECA Founding ceremony

中国江河观察行动Establish China River Watch Alliance

2010.8 �中国水环保组织首次论坛 The 1st Forum of China’s 13 water advocacy NGOs

2010.12 �

2005 �

忻皓先后获“母亲河”奖和中国青志愿服务金奖 VP, Hao Xin, was honored the National Mother River Award and the Golden Medal of the National Voluntary Service

2006 �制作中国水污染地图 Start the project of Ma Jun’s China Water Pollution Map

Towards Pollution Map 走向污染地图

2008.6 �留学美国克拉克大学 Study in Clark University in MA, U.S.

2011.6 �学成归国 Back to China

建设钱塘江水地图 Create the Qiantang River Water Map

Collaborative Interactive Map


Map development 地图发展

Specialization 专业化 �

Computation 电子化 �

Interactivity 互动性 �

ì  New sites 新地点

ì  Errors 错误

View 浏览

Search 搜索

Report 报告

Analysis 分析

ì  Sites 点 ì  Polygons 多边形 ì  Waterways 河道

Functions 功能

ì  Chicago Conference (June 2011) ì  Chinese NGO Map

ì  My Hawaii Trip (June 2011)

Google My Places 谷歌我的地图

ì  The first Ushahidi platform was launched during Kenya’s post-election violence in January 2008. Ushahidi means “witness” in Swahili. The Ushahidi platform is free and open source. 第一个“见证”平台出现在2008年1月肯尼亚总统选举之后的暴力事件中。Ushahidi在当地语言中的意思为“见证”。“见证”平台是开源和免费的。

ì  The software allows individuals and groups to collaborate in creating live multi-media maps for all kinds of projects. For example, the Ushahidi platform has been used for projects focusing on local governance, environmental monitoring, public health mapping, human rights monitoring, citizen-based election observation, nonviolent protests, disaster response and crisis mapping. “见证”平台允许个人和团队协作创建为不同项目的实时多媒体地图。例如,“见证”平台在区域管理、环境监测、公共健康地图、人权状况监测、公民选举观察、非暴力抗议、灾难救助和危机中发挥作用。

Ushahidi platforms “见证”平台

ì  Ushahidi builds tools for democratizing information, increasing transparency and lowering the barriers for individuals to share their stories. “见证”平台提供了民主化的信息,增强了信息的透明度,降低了公众分享其言论的障碍。

ì  The Ushahidi Platform allows anyone to gather distributed data via SMS, email, web, Twitter, Facebook and voice mail and visualize it on a map or timeline. “见证”平台允许任何人通过手机短信、电子邮件、微博等社交网站或是语言留言收集或分配数据,并将相关信息实时可视化。

ì  Ushahidi’s goal is to create the simplest way of aggregating information from the public for use in crisis response, early warning, development and anything you may have in mind! “见证”平台的目标是创建一个能够在危机处理、早期警报发展和其它各种能想到的工作中,从公众汇集信息的最简方式,

Features 特点

Ushahidi applications “见证”平台的应用


Applications in Water Advocacy


WaterSMS 水短信

Photo by Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation (SWSS) Project

WaterTrackers 水踪迹

iWitness Pollution Map 见证污染地图

The iWitness Pollution Map is produced by the Louisiana Bucket Brigade (LABB). This map was created so that you - fenceline communities, workers and concerned citizens - can speak out about how petrochemical pollution is threatening your livelihood, your health and the ecosystems you rely on.


Advocacy �


Patrol & Mapping �


Laws & Supervision �

Qiantang River Waterkeeper 钱塘江护水者

浙江省节水大使 雅典奥运会游泳冠军

Goal in Chinese 中文目标

Water map 水地图

An interactive collaborative map was developed to visually illustrate the pollution sites. Volunteers could use the platform to report pollution to the government and media and finally try to solve the problem. “钱塘江水地图”是钱塘江水环境公众协作互动型信息平台的俗称,是以Ushahidi开源系统为基础研制的,这个系统被用在许多危机与灾难情况中,在去年 海地、智利地震以及今年日本地震的救灾工作中发挥过卓越效力,为救援者指明道路、受灾地点、受灾人数等信息,为救援提供了便利。“钱塘江水地图”是一个关 于钱塘江水环境信息收集、可视化以及互动绘图的一个平台。制作“水地图”的绿色浙江环保组织曾经监测出多处钱塘江污染源,为防治钱塘江水域污染做出了杰出 的贡献。

Survey & green map 调查与绿地图

In May 2011, we launched a survey of drinking water source in the Qiantang River wastershed. Volunteers from universities drew a green map to show the locations of their observations. 2011年5月,我们针对钱塘江流域的集中式饮用水源进行调查。来自大学的志愿者们还做了绿地图记录他们的发现。

Training class 培训班

Build and launch a systematic waterkeepers training class with UNEP EPLC and Kid’s Asian Union and several other Japanese environmental NGOs. 与联合国环境规划署生态和平领导中心与亚洲青少年联盟合作搭建系统的钱塘江护水者培训班。

Smart phones & iPad 智能手机和iPad应用


2nd drinking water protection area (6.6 km). 二级饮用水源保护区

1st drinking water protection area (22.6 km). 一级饮用水源保护区

Protection area 饮用水源保护区

The core patrol area is the 29.2 km drinking water protection area of Hangzhou City. 核心巡护地是杭州市29.2公里的饮用水源保护区。

Patrols 日常巡护

Weekly patrols are conducted every Saturday. We have patrolled more than 2,600 km in financial year 2011. 每周六我们进行常规巡护。2011财年我们总共巡护里程超过2600公里。

CAFOs 集约化畜禽养殖场

Yongfeng swine operation 永丰养猪场

桐乡华林五金制品公司 Acid water was discharged from the plant. 酸水从桐乡华林五金厂源源不断冒出。 �

Tongxiang Metal Case 桐乡华林五金案例

Dongyang Case 东阳六石电镀案例

Dongyang Liushi Electroplate Factory direclty discharged the acid water into Dongyang River, which is the tributary of the Qiantang River. 东阳六石电镀厂将高强度的酸水渗入溪中,致使两米开外的溪水呈强酸性,而该溪流最终汇入东阳江。

Lanxi Chemical Case 兰溪嘉华化工案例

Our waterkeeper found waste water was directly discharged into Mei River and hundreds of acres of the farmland were polluted. We collected related documents and then summarized a pollution report to the Zhejiang Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. A week later, the local environmental protection bureau ordered to suspend production for rectification. 护水者发现兰溪嘉华化工有限公司的污水直排梅江,至少数百亩水土被污染,志愿者收集相关证据后将材料上报省环境执法稽查总队,一个星期后当地环保局勒令该厂停产整顿并对污染的农田进行处理。 � �

The fish market just at the ferry. A lot of dead fish and trash could be seen over there in the 1st class drinking water protected area of the Qiantang River. 闻堰码头的鱼市的死鱼和垃圾随处可见,正影响着一级饮用水源保护区的清洁。 �

The dumping site of the out-of-service ships in the 1st class drink water protected area of the Qiantang River. 一级饮用水源保护区的废船堆积。 � �

The emails between the Waterkeeper and Luo Rongqiang, the director of the Department of Ecology at the Hangzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. The first email was the Waterkeeper sending the observations to Mr. Luo with photos in the attached document. The second was Luo’s feedback. He said that they would take care of the issue and welcome volunteers to participate in the solving problem processes. 忻皓与杭州市环保局生态处处长、三江两岸办公室主任骆荣强的邮件交流。当护水者将发现的问题给骆处长时,对方回邮会关注这些问题,并欢迎志愿者参与解决问题。 �

Dock environment case 码头渡口环境案例

Supervisor 监督员

The Waterkeeper Hao Xin was appointed as a supervisor of the Zhejiang Environmental Protection Bureau in August 2011. According to the appointment, the local government endowed the Waterkeeper the rights to request the local environmental protection bureaus to solve the problems reported by the Waterkeeper. 忻皓被聘为省环保厅政风行风监督员。该项任命同时赋予其要求环境局解决问题并进行监督的权力。

Local NGOs cooperation 区域组织合作

In May 2011, nearly 20 water advocacy groups in Zhejiang gathered to disscuss the way to protect our water. 2011年5月,浙江近20家水保护组织共同讨论如何保护水源。

In May 2011, nearly 20 water advocacy groups in Zhejiang gathered to disscuss the way to protect our water. 2011年5月,浙江近20家水保护组织共同讨论如何保护水源。

River Watch Alliance 江河观察行动

We has already taken executive role of the China River Watch Alliance which was co-founded by 20 water advocates Chinese NGOs. 我们已经发起并承担20家中国水保护组织共同建立的中国江河观察行动的执行工作。

Ambassador 大使

The waterkeeper Hao Xin was named as Water Conservation Ambassador by Zhejiang Zhejiang Water Resources Bureau, . “钱塘江水地图”是钱塘江水环境公众协作互动型信息平台的俗称,是以Ushahidi开源系统为基础研制的,这个系统被用在许多危机与灾难情况中,在去年 海地、智利地震以及今年日本地震的救灾工作中发挥过卓越效力,为救援者指明道路、受灾地点、受灾人数等信息,为救援提供了便利。“钱塘江水地图”是一个关 于钱塘江水环境信息收集、可视化以及互动绘图的一个平台。制作“水地图”的绿色浙江环保组织曾经监测出多处钱塘江污染源,为防治钱塘江水域污染做出了杰出 的贡献。

The Waterkeeper Hao Xin was recruited as an official Water Conservation Ambassador of Zhejiang Province by Zhejiang Water Resources Burean and other 7 governmental agencies from 2012 to 2015. 忻皓被省委宣传部、省水利厅等八家单位共同聘为“浙江省节水大使”,任期从2012年至2015年。

Awards 获奖

The Qiantang River Waterkeeper has been awarded the UNEP EPLC Award, the National Water Conservation Persons of the Year 2011 etc. 过去一年间,护水者项目先后荣获联合国环境规划署生态和平领导项目资助和中国水环保公益年度人物提名奖等重要奖项。

Creating a Pollution Map Now


Installing & Creating your

platform 安装和创建


Modifying the Setting of

your platform �修改地图设

Managing your platform �管理你的地

Processing the incoming

information �处理得到的


Embedding the map in

your website �在你的网站嵌入地图

Instructions 建图指南

ì  Downloading Ushahidi platform and installing it on your server

ì  Go to

ì  Fill the form

ì  Receive an e-mail with the link to the platform

ì  Install it on your server

ì  NOTE: you need to have some PHP skills to be able to do this by yourself, otherwise you need an IT person or a PHP developer.

ì  By going to Crowdmap server and have it hosted on the Ushahidi server

ì  Crowdmap is designed and built by the people behind Ushahidi.

ì  Crowdmap allows you to set up your own deployment of Ushahidi without having to install it on your own web server.

ì  NOTE: This installation is easy and simple but doesn’t allow you to customize your platform as much as the installation on your server.

Installing 安装

ì  Go to 去此网站

ì  Sign up 注册

Creating a Crowdmap 建立Crowdmap平台

Signing up now 现在注册

ì  Your deployment is now up and running. 你的应用已经可以开始了。

ì  To start the customization click on Admin Dashboard and you are ready to manage your Ushahidi platform. 要个性化你的地图请点击管理面板即可。

Manage account 管理帐户

Installing & Creating your

platform 安装和创建


Modifying the Setting of

your platform �修改地图设

Managing your platform �管理你的地

Processing the incoming

information �处理得到的


Embedding the map in

your website �在你的网站嵌入地图

Instructions 建图指南

ì  If you have the platform hosted on Crowdmap 如果你有Crowdmap的地图平台

ì  If you have it installed in your server 如果你已经安装在自己的服务器上

ì  If you have a crowdmap platform your username is you e-mail address. 你的Crowdmap 的用户名就是你注册的邮箱。

Log into your platform 登录你的地图

From the main admin dashboard go to Settings to start modifying the settings of your deployment. 从管理面板中点击设置来开始修改你的应用设置。 �

Go to setting 进行设置

Insert your Settings and click on Save Settings. Remember that the Twitter Hashtag you will put in the Twitter Search Terms will be the one that people will use to send you communication related to your platform. 填入你的设置并且点击保存设置。 �

Setting the site 设置站点

Setting the map 设置地图

Set up your map: 设置你的地图 �ü  Choose a location

选择一个地方 ü  Decide which base

map you want to use 确定一个基础地图

ü  Configure the zoom of the map 设置

Set up your SMS provider. You can choose in between FrontlineSMS and Clickatell. 设置你的短信提供商。 �

Setting the SMS sync 设置短信同步

set up your e-mail account details. 设置你的电子邮箱帐户信息。 �

Setting the e-mail 设置邮箱

Installing & Creating your

platform 安装和创建


Modifying the Setting of

your platform �修改地图设

Managing your platform �管理你的地

Processing the incoming

information �处理得到的


Embedding the map in

your website �在你的网站嵌入地图

Instructions 建图指南

From the main admin dashboard go to Manage to start managing your deployment. 从主管理面板进入管理从而开始管理你的应用。 �

Go to manage 进入管理

To set up the categories of your deployment, you need to click on the Add/Edit button on the top of the page. 为建立你的应用的类别,你需要点击页面上部的增加/编辑链接。 �

Manage the categories 管理类别

From the window that will open edit or insert all the information relative to the category. Use the scroll down menu to decide if that category is a top level category or a sub-category. 打开编辑或插入有关类别的信息窗口。利用下拉菜单来确定类别本身的级别。 �

Add or edit a category 增加或编辑类别

Using the pages setting you can create additional pages in your Ushahidi platform. 利用页面设置,你可以创建新的页面。 �

Manage pages 管理页面

The news feeds section allows you to choose the RSS feeds that you want to have displayed on the home page of your deployment. 新消息部分允许你选择RSS信息,从而可以显示到地图的主页上。 �

Manage new feeds 管理新消息

The Layers button allows you to add layers to your map. 图层按钮允许你在你的地图上增加图层。 �

Manage layer 管理图层

Installing & Creating your

platform 安装和创建


Modifying the Setting of

your platform �修改地图设

Managing your platform �管理你的地

Processing the incoming

information �处理得到的


Embedding the map in

your website �在你的网站嵌入地图

Instructions 建图指南

The dashboard 控制面板

Reports is referred to incoming reports, entering the platform as web-submissions and also reports already approved and created by other sources. To approve or delete or verify a report just click on the corresponding word. 从各消息源过来的新消息可以通过点击右侧的链接来选择通过和认证。 �

Reports 报告

In this section you can see al the incoming SMS. From here you can answer back to the sender, asking for more information, delete the message or create a report out of it.

Message: SMS 消息:短信

你可以在这里看到短信,你可以在这里联系发送消息人问询更详细的信息,删除消息或是从中创建新报告。 �

In this section you can see al the incoming E-Mails. From here you can delete the e-mail or create a report out of it.

你可以在这里删除邮件或从这些信息中创建报告。 �

Message: e-mails 消息:电子邮件

In this section you can see all the incoming Twitter messages that are marked with the hashtag related to your platform. From here you can delete the message or create a report out of it.

Message: Twitter 消息:微博

你可以在这里删除邮件或从这些信息中创建报告。 �

In this section you can see all the incoming Voice Messages. From here you can listen to it, delete it or create a report out of it. 在这里,你可以看到所有的语音消息。从这里你可以听到、删除或是新建报告。 �

Message: Voice Mail 消息:留言

By clicking on create report you will be sent to a Create Report page where you need to insert all the information relative to that message. This process is the same for E-Mail, Twitter Messages and Voice Mail.

Create  a  Report  

Create a report 创建报告

Create Report page is where you will add a title [1], description [2], category, location[3]. You can also mark if something is “actionable” [4], meaning that it needs an action to be taken, and return to update the report if action is taken.

Create report form 创建报告

Check the box next to the category that best fits the topic of the report. Each main category pulls down into sub-categories. Click the “+” next to the main category to access sub-categories. You can choose also more than one category. 选择最适合报告类别在左边的框内点击上。每一个大类会有相应的小类,点击“+”可以展开。你可以选择超过一类。 �

Choosing a category 选择合适的类别

If the report contains location information, you will need to find that location on the map either manually (scroll and zoom) or using the “Find Location” search function.

�如果报告有地位信息,你需要在地图找到其具体地点,或者用“查找位置”寻找功能。 �

Location 位置


Check the time and date, and make sure they correspond to the time and date of the event you are reporting. If you need to, change it. 检查时间和日期,确信他们反应的是提交报告的准确时间和日期。如果需要的话,你可以更改它们。 �

Data and time 日期和时间

*  To approve the report, go to the “Information Evaluation” box in the lower left corner.

*  Where it says “Approve this Report?” [1] choose “Yes.”

*  Where it says “Verify this Report?” [2] leave it as “No.” Only if you have the assurance that the information reported is 100% true you should mark report as verified.

*  You can leave “Source Reliability,”[3]and “Information Probability” [4] blank or add there your impressions on the reliability of the source and the likelihood of the information reported.

Approve and verify 通过和认证

Enjoy your deployment 享受你的地图

Installing & Creating your

platform 安装和创建


Modifying the Setting of

your platform �修改地图设

Managing your platform �管理你的地

Processing the incoming

information �处理得到的


Embedding the map in

your website �在你的网站嵌入地图

Instructions 建图指南

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" style="" scrolling="no" height="390" width="575">Browser not supported</iframe>

ì  Copy the URL from your browser ì  Paste your URL in the <iframe> tab ì  Add #map to the end of your URL

ì  Set the height and width as 390 and 575 pixels

Embed map by iFrame 嵌入地图到你的网站

Go to your website and see how it looks like.���᠋᠌᠍去你的网站看地图看起来如何。 �

Remember  to  put  a  link  to  your  map!  

Embed map by iFrame 嵌入地图到你的网站

Test your deployment 测试你的地图

See-wall Project 视觉海塘项目  

Starting ceremony 启动仪式

Painted seawalls in Okinawa, Japan. 日本冲绳的彩绘海塘。 Qiantang seawalls before being painted.


Arts selection 作品遴选

90 best art works were selected from the total 1,300 ones. 从上报的1300多幅作品中,90幅优秀作品脱颖而出。

Raising funds by green sales 义卖筹资

More than 1,000 volunteers from 60 voluntary groups in Zhejiang were sold green products supported by Suncha Co. to successfully raise more than US $ 33,000 for the Qiantang River seawalls. 来自全省60个社团的1000位志愿者为海塘绘画义卖双枪低碳产品,共筹资21万元。

Whiten the seawalls 海塘刷白

More than 100 volunteers from Zhejiang Gongshan University whitened the seawalls by themselves. 来自浙江工商大学的100位志愿者将墙刷白。

Seawall paintings. 海塘绘画作品。

Paint seawalls 彩绘海塘

Slogans & Logos 标语和标志

More than 500 kids and their parents, volunteers painted the seawalls on Dec. 4, 2011. Leaders from the Chinese Youth League, the Qiantang River Administration and the Zhejiang Television delivered the awards to the kids. 2011年12月4日有全省500名儿童和他们的家长、志愿者参加了彩绘活动。团省委、省钱塘江管理局、浙江电视台的领导为孩子们颁奖。

Awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式

Record seawalls 记录海塘

During the four months, we launched the largest green sales in China. We also got supports from Wal-Mart, Century Mart and Vanguard. The seawall also records the five major processes of the activity: starting, green sales, work selection, whitening and painting. The AD value exceeds 8 million US dollars.

在近四个月中,我们发起了中国环保界最大规模空间的大义卖,也得到了沃尔玛、世纪联华、华润万家三家合作超市的积极支持。此外,整个活动的每个环节——启动、义卖、遴选、刷白、绘画都以画作形式留作海塘,并产生了将近5000万的广告价值。 � �

New painted seawalls 新彩绘海塘

New painted seawalls 新彩绘海塘

E-seawalls 电子海塘

E-seawalls are constructed to illustrate the paintings on the real seawalls. 能够展示实际海塘绘画作品的电子海塘也在开发中。



New Image 新形象

Contact Us 联系我们


野风现代之星2204室 Add: Rm.2204, Yefeng Modern Star Tower, 337 Shaoxing Rd., Xiacheng District, Hangzhou, China 310014

电话Tel: 0571-85900500 87755197



@绿色浙江 �

tHAnk yOu!

Forward FOR WATER!

Many thanks to Heather Leson (Director of Community Engagement at Ushahidi Group) Chia-Rung Yang (Clark University) for their contribution to this presentation.