class, object, constructor &destructor web viewkendriya vidyalaya, afs, gurgaon. win. ter break...

KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, AFS, GURGAON WINTER BREAK HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (2016-17) CLASS-12 HINDI 1. जजजज जज जजजज जज,जजजज जजजजज जज जजजज जज-जजज जज जजज जजजजज जजज जजजज ? 2. जजजज जज जजजजजजज जज जजजजज जज जजजज जजजजजजजज जज ? 3. जजजजज जजज जजज जजजजजज जजजजज जज जजजजजज जजज जजजज जजजजजजज जज जजजजज जज जजजजजज जजजजज 4. जजजज जज जजजज जजजजजज जज जजजजजजजज जज जजजजजज जजजजजज जज जजजज जजजजज 5. जजजजजज जजजज जजजजजजजज जजज जजजजज जज जजजजज जजजजजज जज ? जजजजजज जज जज जजज जजजजज जज जजजजज जजजज ? 6. जजजजजज जजजजज जज, जज जजजज जजजज जजजज जजजजजजज जजजजज जजजजजजजजज जज जजजज जजजज जजजजजज जज जजज जजजजज जजज जजजज ? 7. जजजजजजजज जज जजजज जजजजजजजज जज ? जजज जजजजजज जज जजजजजजज जजजजज जज जजजजजजजज जजजजजज जजजज जज ,जजजज जजजजज जज जजजजजजजज जजजजजज जज ? 8. जजजजज जज जजजजज जज जजजज जज जजजजज जजजजज जजज जजज जजजज जज जजजज ? जज जजजज जजजज जजजज जजजज जजजज जजजज जजजजज जजजजजज जज ? 9. जजजजजज जजजजजज जज जजज जजजजज जजज जजजज जज जजजज जजजज जजज जजजजजज जजजज ,जजज जजज जज ? 10. जजजज जज जजजजजज जज जजजजजजजजज जजजज जजज जज जज जजजजज ? जजजजज जज जजजजज जज जज जजजज जजजजजजज जजजजज जजजज जज ? 11. जजजज जजजज जज जजजजजज जजजजजजजज जजजजज जजज जजजज जज जज जजजजजज - जजजज जज जजजजजज जज जजजजजजज जजजज जजजजज 12. जजजजजजज जज जजजजज जजज जजजज जज जजजजज-जजजजजज जजज जजजज जज जजजजजजजजज जजजज जजज जजजज जजज जजजज जज जजजजजज जज जजजजजजज जजजज जजजजज 13. जजजजज जजज जज जजजज जजज जज जज जजजजज जजजज जज जजजज जजज जजजज जज जजजज जजजजज जजज जजजजजजज जजजजजज जज जजजजज जजजज जज ? 14. जजजजजज जजज जजजजजज जज जजजज जजजज जज जजजजजजजजज जजजजज 15. जजजजज जजज जज जजजज जजजज जज जजजजजजजजज जजजजज 16. जजजजज जजज जज जजजजजजज जज जजजजजज जज जजजजज जजजजज

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Page 1: CLASS, OBJECT, CONSTRUCTOR &DESTRUCTOR Web viewkendriya vidyalaya, afs, gurgaon. win. ter break holiday homework (2016-17) class-12. hindi. जहां पर दाना है,





1. जहां पर दाना है,वहीं नादान भी होते है-कविव ने ऎसा क्यों कहा होगा ?2. भाषा को सहुलि�यत से बरतने से क्या अभिभप्राय है ?3. कैमरे में बंद अपाविहज करुणा के मुखौटे में लि*पी कु्ररता की कविवता है –स्पष्ट कीजिजए ।4. भारत का मंग� अभिभयान और इन्टरनेट पर समाचार विवषयों पर आ�ेख लि�खिखए ।5. भलि8न अपना वास्तविवक नाम �ोगों से क्यों *ुपाती थी ? भलि8न को यह नाम विकसने और क्यों दिदया ?6. भलि8न अच्छी है, यह कहना कदि>न होगा क्योंविक उसमें दुगुAणों का अभाव नहीं �ेखिखका ने ऎसा क्यों कहा होगा ?7. बाजारुपन से क्या तात्पयA ह ै ? विकस प्रकार के व्यलि8 बाजार को साथAकता प्रदान करते ह ै ,अथवा बाजार की

साथAकता विकसमें है ?8. �ोगों ने �डकों की टो�ी को मैंडक मंड�ी नाम विकस आधार पर दिदया ? यह टो�ी अपने आपको इंदर सेना कहकर

क्यों बु�ाती थी ?9. �ुट्टन पह�वान ने ऎसा क्यों कहा होगा विक मेरा गुरु कौई पह�वान नहीं ,यही ढो� है ?10. �ेखक ने चा�J का भारतीयकरण विकसे कहा है और क्यों ? गांधी और नेहरु ने भी उनका साविनध्य क्यों

चाहा है ?11. विवद्या�य खु� चुके है विकन्तु पुस्तकें बाजार में नहीं आई है । समाचार-पत्र के संपादक को लिNकायती पत्र

लि�खिखए ।12. परीक्षा के दिदनों में खु�े आम संगीत-समारोह बंद करने की प्राथAना करते हुए अपने नगर विनगम के महापौर

को लिNकायती पत्र लि�खिखए ।13. �ाहौर अभी तक उसका वतन है और देह�ी मेरा या मेरा वतन ढाका है जैसे उदगार विकस सामाजिजक

यथाथA का संकेत करते है ?14. हरिरवंN राय बच्च्न की भाषा Nै�ी की विवNेषताए ंलि�खिखए ।15. तु�सी दास की भाषा Nै�ी की विवNेषताए ंलि�खिखए ।16. विनम्न में से विकन्हीं दो विवषयों पर विनबंध लि�खिखए ।

वि�शेष टि�प्प्णी - प्रथम प्री बोर्ड� परीक्षा के तीनों से� हल करने हैं ।


Page 2: CLASS, OBJECT, CONSTRUCTOR &DESTRUCTOR Web viewkendriya vidyalaya, afs, gurgaon. win. ter break holiday homework (2016-17) class-12. hindi. जहां पर दाना है,


Solve all the sets A,B & C of  the FIRST PREBOARD question paper provided .


Ques 1. Solve all the three set of pre board exam 2016 papers within 3 hr. + 15 min. time duration. Revise all the chapters well beforehand. (attempt both options although afterwards).

Ques 2. Attempt last 3 years of cbse question papers either in 1 hr duration for each section or 3 hr & 15 min as is convenient.

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Ques 3. Write article on each for 120-150 words

1. Rights of girl child2. How safe are women in India3. Need of imparting value education4. Importance of discipline5. Demonetisation and its impact on general mass6. Pollution and healthcare7. Importance of yoga


1. 1ST pre board question paper set A,B andC to be solved in the


2. Complete CBSE project ( practical file).

3. Specific project no. 1 –segment reporting of financial results for

the quarter and year ended 31st march 2016 of DCM SHRIRAM

Industries limited .

4. Specific project no. 2 -Analyse cash flow statement of JSW

Energy LTD.

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Objective for holiday homework:

To get better understanding of the subject and to get prepared for the exams.

1)Project work:

Topics has been described in the class into various groups.All students have to complete their projects.

2)Make a project on MAP from each chapter.

3)Learn and write the answer of the questions given below-

Write in 50 words:-

Role of DharmaMahamattas,Andal and Karaikal,Babur,Bardoli Resolution(1922),SanchiStupa,Milkiyat,Drainage system in Harappa,DuarteBarbosa,Tamilveda,6TH centuryBCE is regarded as a turning point,Ashoka,Why were town maps useful?

PrayagPrashasti,Ashokan policy of Dhamma,GulbadanBegum,Paharias,Alwars and Nayanars,Seals,Jati,Varna and Jati

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panchayats,Lahore session of Indian National Congress in 1929,Lotteree committee, two causes of decline of Indus Valley Civilisation, Mahajan Padas,Ibn Batuta,Megasthenes,Marshal,Wheeler,List of raw materials for craft production in Harappa Civilisation,Megalith,Ashokanscripts,Kushans,Tripitakas,ColinMackengie,Hampi,Aims of census,Communalriots,Objectiveresolution,DraftCommittee,CabinetMission,Direct Action Day,ChauriChauraIncident,Round Table Conferences.

4)Solve and submit all the questions of Set A,B and C that has been asked in pre board 1st examination.


1. Take the printout of Practical File (Programs List is Enclosed below) with output screen of each program.

2. Write the Program No. and Program Name in Multiline Comment Section.3. Insert the Header in the file of your Name and Page number.4. Make the Index page – S. No, Program No., Program Name, Page no. and

Teacher’s Sig.5. And also make the Front page - Heading is (“Practical File on- C++ and SQL”).

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6. Take the printout of Project File (Projects as allotted to you already) with output screen of each menu you made in your project.

7. Insert the Header in the file of your Name and Page number.8. Make the Index page – S. No, content, Page no. and Teacher’s Sig.9. And also make the Front page - Heading is (“Project Report on- C++” and your

Project Topic name).10. Submit the Practical File and Project File positively on 16/01/2017 (Monday).11. Practice and solve any 3 Sample Papers in your Homework Notebook.12. Practice and solve All sets A,B,CFirst Preboard-2016 paper in your Homework



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Class XII

CLASS, OBJECT, CONSTRUCTOR &DESTRUCTOR 1. Define a class HOTEL to represent records of 10 customers with the following

data member. i) Room No ii) Name of the customeriii) Type of Room (A for AC-Room N for Non-AC Room) iv) Tariff (per day) v) Bill

The class also contains member functions to do the following:-

(i) Create an account of new customer (ii) To Calculate the bill of Customer as per following specifications: *AC- Rs. 500 per day

*NON AC- Rs. 300 per day

(iii) To Display the data member (iv) Exit

2. Write a C++ Program using classes and objects to simulate result preparation system for 30 students. The data available for each student includes roll no, name and marks in 3 subjects. Percentage marks and grade are to be calculated as - percentage marks are the average marks and the grade is calculated as:Percentage marks Grade

<50 ‘F’

>= 50 &<60 ‘D’

>=60 &<75 ‘C’

>= 75 &<90 ‘B’

>= 90 &<100 ‘A’

3. Define a class CLOTHING to represent fabrics details with the following data member. i) Code (Integer) ii) Type (String)

iii) Material (String), iv) Qty (Integer). v) Price (Float)vi) Bill (Float) The class also contains member functions to do the


(i) Create a new order (ii) To calculate the price as per specifications:

Type price


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SHIRT 1200

for material other than "COTTON" gets reduced price by 25%.

(iii) To calculate the bill iv) to initialize the data members. (Constructor)

(v) To Display the data member (vi) Exit

4. Make a class RETAIL by using constructor overloading and destructor with following details:i) Category (String) ii) Type (String)iii) Qty (Integer). iv) Price (Float) v) Bill


DATA FILE HANDLING5. Write a menu driven program in C++ using following user defined functions

To Create a text file called abc.txt To count the characters present in text file. To count the words present in text file. To count the lines present in text file. To display the content of text file on screen Exit

6. Write a menu driven program in C++ using following user defined functions To Create a text file called DATA.txt To count Total no of HE and SHE word present in text file. To count the total no of lines starting with character ‘A’. To count the total no of words starting with character ‘s’. To display the content of text file on screen Exit

7. Write a menu driven program in C++ using following user defined functions To Create a text file called CHARACTER.txt To count Total no of Vowels present in text file. Total no of spaces present in text file. Total no of digits present in file To display the content of text file on screen Exit

8. WAMP in C++ by using a class Hotel whose objects are written in a binary file called “HOTEL.DAT” and performs following operations on it.

1) Add a new record in binary file.2) Display all records of binary file.3) Copy records into another binary file “REST.DAT”4) Search for a matching record depending on the name of

Customer.5) Exit

ARRAY9. WAMP in C++ to perform following operations on 1-D Array:-

1. Create an array of 10 integers2. Sort the array using bubble sort

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3. Search for a given integer from the array using linear search.4. Search for a given integer from the array using binary search.5. Display resultant array6. Exit

10.Write a menu driven program to perform following functions on 2-D Array -1) Accept one matrix of mxn order.2) Sum of each diagonal of a given matrix.3) Sum of each row of a given matrix.4) Product of each column of a given matrix.5) Sum of alternate elements of given matrix.6) Transpose of a given matrix.7) Exit

11. Write a menu driven program to perform following functions on 2-D Array -

1) Accept two matrices of mxn and pxq dimensions.2) Sum of Matrices 3) Exit

12.Write a menu driven program to perform following functions on 1-D Array -1) Accept two 1-D arrays containing M and N Element resp.2) Sort the array using selection sort in descending order.3) Merge both arrays in third array in ascending order. 4) Display third array.5) Exit

STACK AND QUEUE13. Write a C++ program to implements a Stack using Array. The stack

stores integer data. The program should allow the user to PUSH elements into the STACK, POP elements from the STACK & display the elements of the STACK.

14.Write a C++ program to implements a Stack using Linked List. The stack stores integer data. The program should allow the user to PUSH elements into the STACK, POP elements from the STACK & display the elements of the STACK.

15.Write a C++ program to implements a Queue using Array. The queue stores float data. The program should allow the user to insert elements into the queue, delete elements from the queue & display the elements of the queue.

16.Write a C++ program to implements a Queue using Linked List. The queue stores float data. The program should allow the user to insert elements into the queue, delete elements from the queue & display the elements of the queue.

17.Write a C++ program to implements a Queue using Circular Queue. The circular queue that stores float data. The program should allow the user to insert elements into the queue, delete elements from the queue & display the elements of the queue.


18. Answer the questions on the basis of the following tables SCHOOL and ADMINSCHOOL


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1001 RAVI SHANKAR ENGLISH 12/03/2000 24 10

1009 PRIYA RAI PHYSICS 03/09/1998 26 12

1203 LISA ANAND ENGLISH 09/04/2000 27 5

1045 YASHRAJ MATHS 24/08/2000 24 15

1123 GANAN PHYSICS 16/07/1999 28 3

1167 HARISH B CHEMISTRY 19/10/1999 27 5

1215 UMESH PHYSICS 11/05/1998 22 16










Write the SQL Queries: 4

i) To display TEACHERNAME, PERIODS of all teachers whose periods less than 25.

ii) To display TEACHERNAME, CODE and DESIGNATION from tables SCHOOLandADMIN.

iii) To display the total number of teachers in each subject.

iv) To display CODE, TEACHERNAME and SUBJECT of all teachers who have joined the school after 01/01/1999.

Write the output of the following SQL commands:


ii) selectteachername, gender from school, admin where designation='coordinator’ and school.code=admin.code;

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iii) select designation, count(*) from admin group by designation having count(*) <3;


19. Consider the following tables GAMES and PLAYER. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii)

Table: GAMES

GCode GameName Number PrizeMoney ScheduleDate

101 Carom Board 2 5000 23-Jan-2004

102 Badminton 2 12000 12-Dec-2003

103 Table Tennis 4 8000 14-Feb-2004

105 Chess 2 9000 01-Jan-2004

108 Lawn Tennis 4 25000 19-Mar-2004


PCode Name Gcode

1 Nabi Ahmad 101

2 Ravi Sahai 108

3 Jatin 101

4 Nazneen 103

(i) To display the name of all Games and players with their Gcodes.(ii) To display details of those games which are having PrizeMoney more than 7000.(iii) To display the content of the GAMES table in ascending order of ScheduleDate.(iv) To display sum of PrizeMoney and max and min prizemoney also for each of the

Number of participation groupings (as shown in column Number 2 or 4)(i) Select COUNT(DISTINCT Number) FROM GAMES;(ii) SELECT MAX(ScheduleDate),MIN(ScheduleDate) FROM GAMES;(iii) SELECT SUM(PrizeMoney) FROM GAMES;(iv)SELECT DISTINCT Gcode FROM PLAYER;

20. Consider the following tables Employees and EmpSalary Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii)

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Table: Employees

Empid Firstname Lastname Address City010 Ravi Kumar Raj nagar GZB105 Harry Waltor Gandhi nagar GZB152 Sam Tones 33 Elm St. Paris215 Sarah Ackerman 440 U.S. 110 Upton244 Manila Sengupta 24Friends street New Delhi300 Robert Samuel 9 Fifth Cross Washington335 Ritu Tondon Shastri Nagar GZB400 Rachel Lee 121 Harrison St. New York441 Peter Thompson 11 Red Road Paris

Table: EmpSalary

Empid Salary Benefits Designation010 75000 15000 Manager105 65000 15000 Manager152 80000 25000 Director215 75000 12500 Manager244 50000 12000 Clerk300 45000 10000 Clerk335 40000 10000 Clerk400 32000 7500 Salesman441 28000 7500 salesman

Write the SQL commands for the following :

(i) To show firstname,lastname,address and city of all employees living in Paris.(ii) To display the content of Employees table in descending order of Firstname.(iii) To display the firstname,lastname and total salary of all managers from the tables Employee and

empsalary , where total salary is calculated as salary+benefits.

(iv) To display the maximum salary among managers and clerks from the table Empsalary.Give the Output of following SQL commands:

(v) Select firstname,salary from employees ,empsalary where designation = ‘Salesman’ and Employees.empid=Empsalary.empid;

(vi) Select count(distinct designation) from empsalary;(vii) Select designation, sum(salary) from empsalary group by designation having count(*) >2;(viii) Select sum(benefits) from empsalary where designation =’Clerk’;

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