clinker burning system

HOFUF CEMENT PLANT 5 th & 6 th EXTENSION PROJECT Burning System 烧成系统 Burning System 1. 概述 General 烧成系统包括生料均化库的生料出库系统和生料入窑(337/338 子项)、烧成窑尾(417/418 项)、烧成窑中(437/438 子项)、烧成窑头(447/448 子项)、熟料库及熟料输送的进库系统(457/458 子项)、旁路放风及回灰输送(427/428)共 6 个子项。 本系统的核心部分:烧成窑尾、烧成窑中、烧成窑头的主机分别由 SINOMA 提供了在线旋喷 式分解炉和双系列六级预热器组合成的窑外分解系统;SINOMA 提供了 Φ6.2×92m 回转窑;IKN 供了中部带辊式破碎机的推动篦式冷却机; PILLARD 提供了窑和分解炉燃烧器系统等,另外配置有 旁路放风系统。 本操作规程是根据本系统特点和要求,为保证系统正常运行和生产而提出的主要操作事项。操 作人员须在全面掌握规程中各项操作要领的同时,还必须通晓系统中每台设备的性能和操作维护等 方法与要求,以便在实际生产操作中能及时解决随时可能出现的各种问题,并可根据实际情况灵活 调整,系统中每台设备性能和操作维护的详细方法与要求,请参阅各相应设备供货厂商另行提供的 单机使用说明书。当其内容与本操作手册有矛盾时,以设备供货厂商提供的单机使用说明书为准。 本操作手册仅限于 HOFUF CEMENT PLANT 5TH/6TH EXTENSION PROJECT 2×10000t/d 熟料水泥生产线的烧成系统生产操作使用。 The burning system includes the raw meal delivery system of a raw meal homogenizing storage and a total of six subitems, such as raw meal into kiln (Subitem 337/338), calcinating kiln inlet (Subitem 417/418), calcinating kiln middle (Subitem 437/438), calcinating kiln outlet (Subitem 447/448), clinker storage and storage entry system for clinker conveyance (Subitem 457/458), and bypass and returned ash conveyance (Subitem 427/428). For the core part of this system, the main machines for the calcinating kiln inlet, calcinating kiln middle and calcinating kiln outlet, SINOMA has provided the on-line rotary spray precalciner and the outside-the-kiln decomposition system combined by Two-string six-stage preheaters , SINOMA has provided the Φ 6.2 × 92 m rotary kiln, IKN has provided the pendulum grate cooler for the middle roll crusher, and PILLARD has provided the kilns the precalciner burner system, etc. Besides, a bypass system has been arranged. This operating procedure has some main items put forward according to this system’s characteristics and requirements, and for ensuring its normal running and production. An operator shall thoroughly understand the performance, operation, maintenance and so on of each piece of equipment in the system at the time of grasping various operating essentials in the procedure so as to in time solve various problems that may appear at any time in actual production and operation, and according to an actual circumstance, shall make flexible adjustment. For the detailed methods and requirements for the performance, operation and maintenance of each piece of equipment in the system, please refer to a single machine instruction book provided by a corresponding equipment supplier. If the contents of the book with those of the single machine instruction book provided by equipment supplier conflict, those of the single machine instruction 1 / 120

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Page 1: Clinker Burning System



Burning System

1. 概述 General

烧成系统包括生料均化库的生料出库系统和生料入窑(337/338 子项)、烧成窑尾(417/418 子项)、烧成窑中(437/438 子项)、烧成窑头(447/448 子项)、熟料库及熟料输送的进库系统(457/458子项)、旁路放风及回灰输送(427/428)共 6 个子项。

本系统的核心部分:烧成窑尾、烧成窑中、烧成窑头的主机分别由 SINOMA 提供了在线旋喷式分解炉和双系列六级预热器组合成的窑外分解系统;SINOMA 提供了 Φ6.2×92m 回转窑;IKN 提供了中部带辊式破碎机的推动篦式冷却机;PILLARD 提供了窑和分解炉燃烧器系统等,另外配置有旁路放风系统。


本操作手册仅限于 HOFUF CEMENT PLANT 5TH/6TH EXTENSION PROJECT 2×10000t/d熟料水泥生产线的烧成系统生产操作使用。

The burning system includes the raw meal delivery system of a raw meal homogenizing storage and a total of six subitems, such as raw meal into kiln (Subitem 337/338), calcinating kiln inlet (Subitem 417/418), calcinating kiln middle (Subitem 437/438), calcinating kiln outlet (Subitem 447/448), clinker storage and storage entry system for clinker conveyance (Subitem 457/458), and bypass and returned ash conveyance (Subitem 427/428).

For the core part of this system, the main machines for the calcinating kiln inlet, calcinating kiln middle and calcinating kiln outlet, SINOMA has provided the on-line rotary spray precalciner and the outside-the-kiln decomposition system combined by Two-string six-stage preheaters , SINOMA has provided the Φ 6.2 × 92 m rotary kiln, IKN has provided the pendulum grate cooler for the middle roll crusher, and PILLARD has provided the kilns the precalciner burner system, etc. Besides, a bypass system has been arranged.

This operating procedure has some main items put forward according to this system’s characteristics and requirements, and for ensuring its normal running and production. An operator shall thoroughly understand the performance, operation, maintenance and so on of each piece of equipment in the system at the time of grasping various operating essentials in the procedure so as to in time solve various problems that may appear at any time in actual production and operation, and according to an actual circumstance, shall make flexible adjustment. For the detailed methods and requirements for the performance, operation and maintenance of each piece of equipment in the system, please refer to a single machine instruction book provided by a corresponding equipment supplier. If the contents of the book with those of the single machine instruction book provided by equipment supplier conflict, those of the single machine instruction

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book provided by equipment supplier will be finalized.

This operating manual is used only for the production and operation of the burning system of the clinker cement production line in the Hofuf Cement Plant 5th/6th Extension Project 2 ×10,000 t/d.

2.生产工艺流程简述 Brief Description of Production Process Flow





The range of the burning system starts from raw meal gas filling and unloading in the homogenizing storage, preheating in the predecomposition system, the calcination into cement clinker in the rotary kiln after precalcining system, the cooling and crushing of the pendulum grate cooler, and ends at the sending to the top of the clinker storage by the chain bucket conveyor.

This system may be divided into the six parts, including raw meal into kiln, raw meal preheating and precalcining (calcinating kiln inlet), kiln outlet hot wind introduction into the precalciner (tertiary air duct) and clinker calcination (calcinating kiln middle), clinker cooling, waste gas treatment and kiln outlet combustion system (calcinating kiln outlet), clinker conveyance, bypass, and returned ash conveyance.

The range of the burning system starts from raw meal gas filling and unloading in the homogenizing storage, preheating,precalcining in the system, the calcination into cement clinker in the rotary kiln system, the cooling and crushing of the pendulum grate cooler, and ends at the sending to the top of the clinker storage by the chain bucket conveyor.

This system may be divided into the six parts of raw meal kiln entry, raw meal preheating and precalcining (calcinating kiln inlet), the hot air out of kiln outlet introduced into the precalciner (tertiary air duct) and clinker calcination (calcinating kiln middle), clinker cooling, waste gas treatment and kiln outlet combustion system (calcinating kiln outlet), clinker conveyance, bypass, and returned ash conveyance.

2.1 生料入窑 Feeding Raw Meals into the Kiln

生料均化设置了一座Φ28m、储量为 40000t的连续式生料均化库(337SB1/338SB1),生料经过库底外环区轮流分区充气均化,进入中心混合仓,在混合仓被充气搅拌均匀后,由流量控制阀(337DV1,DV2/338DV1,DV2)卸出,DV1 与DV2 互为备用,卸料能力:1000t/h,卸出的料经空气输 送 斜 槽 ( 337AS2/338AS2 ) 和 胶 带 斗 式 提 升 机 ( 337BE4/338BE4 ) 再 经 空 气 输 送 斜 槽(337AS3/338AS3)入生料计量仓(337BI1/338BI1),生料计量仓的容量:250m3。通过计量仓的

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称重传感器(337LI1/338LI1)控制库底流量阀(337DV1,DV2,/338DV1,DV2)开度,保证计量仓内有相对的固定料位。计量仓内的生料经过仓底流量控制阀(337DV3,DV4,DV5/338DV3,DV4,DV5)、固体流量计(337FM1,FM2,FM3/338FM1,FM2,FM3)后,再由空气输送斜槽(337AY1,AY2,AS4,AS5,AS6/338AY1,AY2,AS4,AS5,AS6)、胶带斗式提升机(337BE5,BE6,BE7/338BE5,BE6,BE7)、预热器顶部斜槽(337AS7,AS8/338AS7,AS8)输送,经回转锁风阀 (337RF7,RF8/338RF7,RF8)、气动闸板阀(337SGL,SGM/337SGL,SGM)分别喂入窑尾双系列预热器(417PH1/418PH1)。计量仓底流量控制阀至喂料提升机为两用一备。其中仓 底 流 量 控 制 阀 ( 337DV3/338DV3 )、 固 体 流 量 计 ( 337FM1/338FM1 )、 空 气 输 送 斜 槽(337AS4/338AS4)、喂料提升机(337BE6/338BE6)为备用系统。另外提升机出口设有多个电动开关阀,用于控制生料是入窑还是返回均化库。


A Φ28m continuous raw meal homogenizing storage (337 SB1/338 SB1) with a storage capacity of 40,000t has been built. An raw meal passes the storage bottom outer ring area for alternation zoning gas filling and equalization, enters the central blending bin, and after the gas filling and uniform agitation in the bin, is unloaded from the flow control valves(337 DV1, DV2/338 DV1, DV2). DV1 and DV2 is on stand by for each other. The unloading capacity is 1,000t/h. The unloaded material enters the raw meal measuring bin (337 BI1/338 BI1) through the air slide (337 AS2/338 AS2) and the belt bucket elevators (337 BE4/338 BE4) and through the the air slide (337 AS3/338 AS3). The capacity of the measuring bin is 250m3 .The weighing sensors(337 LI1/338 LI1) in the measuring bin control the spans of the storage bottom flow valves(337 DV1, DV2, /338 DV1, DV2) to ensure that the measuring bin has a relatively fixed material level. An raw meal in the measuring bin passes the bottom flow control valves(337 DV3, DV4, DV5/338 DV3, DV4, DV5),the solid flow rate gages(337 FM1, FM2, FM3/338 FM1, FM2, FM3), then is transported through the the air slide (337 AY1, AY2, AS4, AS5, AS6/338 AY1, AY2, AS4, AS5, AS6),belt bucket elevators (337BE5,BE6,BE7/338BE5,BE6,BE7) and the preheater top chute(337 AS7, AS8/338 AS7, AS8), and finally is fed into the kiln inlet double series preheaters(417 PH1s/418 PH1s) through the rotary air-lock valve (337RF7,RF8/338RF7,RF8) and the pneumatic paddle valves (337 SGL, SGM/337 SGL, SGM) respectively. For the flow control valve of on the measuring bin bottom and the feeding elevators, two of them are in use and one is on stand by. Among them, the flow control valves on the measuring bin bottom (337 DV3/338 DV3), solid flow rate gages (337 FM1/338 FM1), the air slide (337 AS4/338 AS4) and the feeding elevator s(337 BE6/338 BE6) are standby systems. In addition, an elevator outlet is equipped with many dynamoelectric switch valves, used for determining whether a raw meal is to go into a kiln or return to the homogenizing storage.

A flow signal of a solid flow gage controls the span of a storage bottom flow control valve to ensure that an raw meal is stably fed into the kiln inlet system at a preset flow rate. The aim of a standby outlet built on the measuring bin bottom is that when the main outlet has a fault, an raw meal will be fed in via a standby outlet.

2.2 生料预热与分解(烧成窑尾)Preheating and precalcining of Raw Meals (Calcinating Kiln Inlet)


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The kiln inlet system uses double-serial six- stage preheaters and consists of cyclones, connecting pipes, feeding pipes, an on-line rotary spray precalciner, etc. A top cyclone is Class 1, namely C1, and a bottom cyclone is Class 6, namely C6. The specifications of a: 4-C1: Φ 6200 mm, 2-C2, C3: Φ 8400 mm, 2-C4: Φ 8800 mm, 2-C5, C6:Φ 9000 mm. After measurement, raw meal powder is sent into a C2 cyclone gas outlet pipe from such conveyance equipment as an elevator, etc. is immediately dispersed and suspended in an air flow by the agency of the air flow, and with the air flow, enters a C1 cyclone. The material powder passes a heavy bob flap valve to enter a C3 cyclone gas outlet pipe after the separation material out off gas, and with an air flow, enters a C2 cyclone. Thus after five-level heat exchange, raw meal powder receives full preheating, and after the separation of a C5 cyclone gasified material and through a heavy bob flap valve, is fed into the precalciner. After a material absorbs heat and is decomposed in the precalciner, it will enter a C6 cyclone, and after separation, it will be fed into a kiln. At this time, the decomposition rate of the material can attain to 95% or so. And the waste gas will rise along various cyclones and gas outlet pipes, and finally is discharged by one air duct and sent by high temperature induce draft fan (337 IF1s, IF2/338 IF1s, IF2) to a raw material powder mill and a kiln inlet waste gas treating system.

In order to prevent an air flow from returning along a discharging pipe so as to influence the separation efficiency, a discharging pipe in each cyclone is equipped with a flap valve with heavy bob balance. In normal production, check whether the movement of each flap valve motion is vivid or not. When it's necessary, adjust the position of a heavy bob and make sure that the movement range of a flap valve is small and frequent so as to ensure a material flow is smooth, continuous and even and to avoid significant pulse discharge. In order to prevent the conic section of a cyclone and a discharging pipe from surface crusting and blockage, the inflection points at the conic sections of the C6~ C3 cyclones and C6~ C4 cyclone discharging pipes are equipped with air cannon(417 BQ1~ K/418 BQ1~K) blockage-clearing system.


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The precalciner(Φ 8.8×37 m) uses the on-line rotary spray form. The tertiary air needed by the combustion in the precalciner enters the two sides of the conic section in a disrotatory way, forming a spiraling-up air current. The fumes from the kiln inlet smoke chamber go in from the bed of the precalciner and are wrapped up in the middle, making the oxygen concentration form a distribution of being high on the outer ring and low at the center. The lower part of a precalciner column is equipped with 4 burners (417 BU 1~4/418 BU 1~4) at intervals of 90 °with each other. The ejected air current from the 4 burners forms a rotary flow field. The annular rich oxygen concentration zone provides a good combustion condition for the annular flame zone that the 4 burners form. A material is fed in from the two sides of the lower part of the precalciner columns. Because of the descending inertia resulted in by a feeding falling head, the moment the material goes into the furnace, it is struck onto the distribution board and dispersed. The spiraling-up air current from the furnace bottom enhances the dispersion effects, and together with a rising air flow, is quickly decomposed in an ascending air current.

为分解炉配置的4个燃烧器由Pillard供货,可燃烧原油和天然气。燃烧器的总能力:260GJ/h,每个燃烧器的燃油量(5200kg/h,normal;5900kg/h,max)或燃气量(6900Nm3/h,normal;7900Nm3/h,max)。4个燃烧器燃油或燃气时,分别由4个燃油(417VT2~5/418VT2~5)或燃气( 417VT7~a/418VT7~a ) 的 小 阀 组 控 制 , 而 4 个 燃 油 或 燃 气 的 小 阀 组 又 分 属 于 燃 油(417VT1/418VT1)或燃气(417VT6/418VT6)的大阀组控制。原油由专供分解炉的双联高压泵(L37FP1/ L38FP1)送至燃油的大阀组。一般情况下,燃料量的调节是在中控室通过调节大阀组上的流量阀实现,小阀组上的阀需要现场调节,通常调试好后基本保持不变,通过阀组的显示仪表判断各燃烧器的工作状态。燃烧器的燃烧空气的4~6%由燃烧器风机(417FN1/418FN1)提供,风机的性能参数为:风量:473.3m3/min,风压:12000Pa,功率:160kW。该风机除提供燃烧器的燃烧空气外,在系统正常或故障停机时,用于燃烧器的冷却。

The 4 burners arranged for the precalciner was supplied by Pillard, and they can burn crude oil and natural gas. The total capacity of the burners: 260 GJ/h, the burnt oil capacity of each burner(5200 kg/h, normal;5900 kg/h, max)or the burnt gas capacity (6900 Nm3/h, normal;7900 Nm3/h, max). While the 4 burners are burning oil or gas, they are respectively controlled by 4 small valve train for burning oil( 417 VT 2~5/418 VT 2~5) or 4 for burning gas((417VT7~a/418VT7~a).The 4 small valve train for burning oil or gas are controlled by the big valve train for burning oil(417 VT1/418 VT1) or for burning gas(417 VT6/418 VT6). The crude oil is sent by the duplex high pressure pumps (L37FP1/ L38FP1)special for the precalciner to the big valve train used for burning oil. Under a general circumstance, the adjustment of a fuel quantity is carried out by adjusting a flow rate valve of a big valve train in the central control room, while a valve of a small valve train needs to be adjusted on the spot. Usually, the debugging is kept fundamentally constant. From an indicating instrument of a valve train, you can judge the operating state of each burner. 4~6% of the burnable air of the burners is provided by the burner fan (417 FN1/418 FN1). The performance parameters of the fan are: air volume: 473.3 m3/min, air pressure:12,000 Pa, power:160 kW. In addition to providing burnable air for the burners, the fan is used for the cooling of a burner after the system’s normal or disorderly closedown.

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预分解系统中的每级旋风筒的出口风管上均设有温度、压力测点,旋风筒锥部设有压力测点,料管设有温度测点。分解炉中部和出口设有温度、压力测点。窑尾烟室、分解炉出口、C1 出口风管均设有在线气体分析仪,C6 下料管上设有在线热料取样和送样系统,可随时可监视系统的预热、煅烧、分解和运行状况。

正常情况下,系统的总阻力损失为 5800~6500Pa,出一级筒飞灰量约 70g/Nm3,废气温度为280~310℃。炉出口温度可控制在 860~880℃之间,入窑物料表观分解率可达 90%以上。


The outlet air duct of each cyclone in the precalcining system is furnished with temperature and pressure measuring points, the conic section of a cyclone has pressure measuring points and a discharging pipe has temperature measuring points. A kiln inlet smoke chamber, a precalciner outlet or a C1 outlet air duct is equipped with an on-line gas analysis instrument, and a C6 discharging pipe is furnished with an on-line hot material sample-taking and sample-sending systems, which can at any time monitor the preheating, calcination, decomposition and operation in a system.

Under a normal circumstance, the total resistance loss of the system is 5800~6500Pa, the outlet air duct of C1 dust content is about 70 g/ Nm3, and the exhaust temperature is 280-310 ℃.The furnace outlet temperature can be controlled at 860-880 ℃, and the apparent decomposition rate for a kiln-entering material can reach 90% or above.

As in the raw material for this project, the chlorine content has exceeded the standard, bypass air vents have been built on a kiln inlet ascending smoke flue. For the contents of this part, see the special-subject introduction at the back.


Though the project is equipped with a bypass system, it is necessary to fully value the surface crusting and blockage phenomena that may occur in the procedure in production and sternly guard against them in production and operation. Generally, a part of the system with easy surface crusting or blockage has ash-clearing holes or material-poking holes, which, according to a concrete production circumstance, can periodically help clear off the surface crusting or treat accumulated materials. It is verified from long-time production experience that some otiose holes may also be sealed dead to reduce air leaks in the system. Besides, the system has also reserved some installation holes for air cannons. You can adjust the installation position of an air cannon according to a concrete circumstance of surface crusting or blockage in actual production.

2.3 窑头热风引至分解炉与熟料煅烧(烧成窑中) Leading hot air at the kiln outlet into the Precalciner and clinker calcinating (Middle of the Calcinating Kiln)

两根外径为 Φ3000mm 的三次风管(437TD1,TD2/438TD1,TD2),一端与篦冷机的前端两侧取风口连接,另一端与分解炉连接。其作用是把篦冷机回收的高温气体引入分解炉。三次风管上设

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有电动闸板阀(437TV1,TV2/438TV1,TV2),通过调节窑尾的 ID 风机的转速和电动闸板阀的开度来控制三次风的用量。

For one of the two tertiary air ducts (437 TD1, TD2/438 TD1, TD2)with an outside diameter of Φ 3000 mm, one end is connected with the tuyeres of the front-end two sides of a grate cooler, and the other end, with the precalciner. Its function is to guide the high temperature gas recovered by the cooler lead into the precalciner. A tertiary air duct has electric dampers (437 TV1, TV2/438 TV1, TV2), which control the amount of tertiary air by adjusting the revolving speed of kiln inlet ID wind machine and the span of an electric dampers.


A tertiary air duct’s electric dampers are also equipped with cooling fan (437 FNM, FNN/438 FNM, FNN), used for cooling the paddle to lengthen its useful life.


The decomposed hot material powder separated from a C6 cyclone follows a discharging slope to be fed into the rotary kilns(437 KL1/438 KL1), and relying on the rotation of a rotary kiln, slowly move toward the kiln outlet. During the period of the movement, the powder is going on with exchanging heat with the hot fumes inside the kiln, realizing the serial chemical reactions in the kiln, and finally, at a burning zone, the combustion heat provided by the kiln outlet burners makes the powder sintered into cement clinker.

Φ6.2×92m 的回转窑,斜度为 4%,三档支撑,窑尾配有汽缸压紧式密封装置,并配有两台空压机(437CP1,CP2/438CP1,CP2),一用一备;还配有多点式干油泵(437LQ1/438LQ1),用于密封装置的润滑。窑头配有钢片式密封装置,并配有冷却风机(437FN1/438FN1)。该窑配置有双传动,主电机(437MM1,MM2/438MM1,MM2)功率 1050kW,变频调速,调速范围:0.4~3.98~5r/min。除主电机外,还设有辅助传动电机(437AM1,AM2/438AM1,AM2)和柴油发电机(437DE1,DE2/438DE1,DE2),供特殊情况下使用。该窑还配置有双液压挡轮系统,分别设在窑的第三档和第 二 档 。 液 压 挡 轮 共 用 一 套 挡 轮 油 泵 站 ( 437HD1/438HD1 )。 正 常 情 况 下 使 用 窑 尾 挡(437KT1/438KT1),该档故障时可用窑中挡(437KT2/438KT2)替代。液压挡轮系统用于限制调节筒体上、下窜动。各托轮、轴瓦为油润滑和水冷却,并设有温度监测。小齿轮设有喷雾润滑系统(437LQ4/438LQ4)以满足窑的传动齿面的润滑。窑的筒体配置有筒体扫描温度监测系统,可随时监测烧成过程中烧成带及前后的筒体表面的温度变化情况。在烧成带及后部设有 16 台筒体冷却风机(437FN6~L/438FN6~L),以用于筒体表面的冷却,该系列风机设有轨道可根据需要调整其位置。一、二号轮带两侧设有 4 台冷却风(437FN2~5/437FN2~5)机用于冷却轮带的垫板和间隙。

For the Φ6.2×92m rotary kiln, the gradient is 4%, with three supports, the kiln inlet has a cylinder compression type sealing apparatus and two air compressors(437 CP1, CP2/438 CP1, CP2), one in use and one on standby, multipoint grease pumps (437 LQ1/438 LQ1) are also provided, used for the lubrication of a sealing apparatus. The kiln outlet has steel sheets sealing apparatuses and cooling fans (437 FN1/438 FN1).The kiln is equipped with twin drive. For the main motors (437 MM1, MM2/438 MM1, MM2), power: 1050 kW, with frequency control. Speed adjustable range: 0.4~3.98~5 r/min. In addition to the main motors, there are also auxiliary motors (437 AM1,

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AM2/438 AM1, AM2) and diesel generators (437 DE1, DE2/438 DE1, DE2), to be used under a special circumstance. The kiln is also equipped with double hydraulic thrust roller systems, respectively established in the third and second supports of the kiln. The hydraulic thrust rollers share a set of thrust roller oil pump stations (437 HD1/438 HD1). Under a normal circumstance, the kiln inlet shelves (437 KT1/438 KT1) are used. If the shelves malfunction, the kiln middle shelves (437 KT2/438 KT2) may be used instead. The hydraulic thrust roller system is used for restricting and adjusting the upward or downward movement of the kiln. Each supporting roller or axle bush is lubricated by oil and cooled by water, with temperature monitoring. A pinion has fog lubrication systems(437 LQ4/438 LQ4) to satisfy the lubrication of a drive flank. The body of a kiln is equipped with a kiln body surface scanning temperature monitoring system, which can at any time monitor the temperature change of the firing zone and its front and rear cylinder surfaces in the process of calcination. The burning zone and its back have 16 cylinder body cooling axial fan (437 FN 6~ L/438FN 6~ L), used for cooling a cylinder body surface. The serial axial fan have tracks, whose positions can be adjusted according to demands. The two sides of No. 1 or No.2 tyre have 4 cooling fans ( 437 FN 2~5/437 FN 2~5), used for cooling the liner plate and clearance of a tyre.

2.4 熟料冷却与废气处理和窑头燃烧系统(烧成窑头)Clinker cooling, exhaust treatment and kiln outlet calcining system(Calcinating kiln outlet)

窑内煅烧所需的燃料主要是原油和天然气。原油由专供窑头的双联高压泵(L37FP2/ L38FP2)送至窑头原油控制阀组(447VT1/448VT1),通过调节阀组上的流量阀来调节燃烧器的喷油量,再结合对燃烧器一次风的调节,使窑内火焰满足窑内熟料的烧成要求。燃气时由天燃气阀组(447VT2/448VT2)控制。窑头燃烧器(447BU1/448BU1)与分解炉燃烧器一样为Pillard提供。窑头燃烧器为多通道燃油、燃气燃烧装置,含有三个空气通道分别为轴向风(外圈)、旋流风(次外圈)、中心风(第4圈),一个燃气通道(第3圈)),一个燃油通道(内圈油枪),一个点火通道(内圈)。燃烧器喷出的燃料与一次风机(447FNG/448FNG)的冷风和来自冷却机的二次风一起进入窑内充分混合燃烧,为熟料的烧成提供所需的热量。与一次风机并联的还有一台备用风机(447FNH/448FNH)和事故风机(447FNI/448FNI)。事故风机用于在一次风机、备用风机停车时,及时吹风冷却,保护燃烧器而不被损坏。燃烧器悬挂在电动移动小车支架上,移动小车由悬吊的轨道梁支撑,燃烧器可在一定范围内上下、左右调节、前后移动以满足煅烧要求。

The main fuels that calcination needs inside a kiln are crude oil and natural gas. Crude oil is sent from the duplex high-pressure pumps ( L37 FP2/L38 FP2) provided particularly for the kiln outlet to the kiln outlet crude oil control valve train (447 VT1/448 VT1). Adjusting the flow rate valve of the valve train to control the amount of oil injection of a burner plus the accommodation of primary air to the burner can make the flame inside a kiln satisfy the requirements for clinker calcination. Burning gas is controlled by the natural gas valve train (447 VT2/448 VT2). The kiln outlet burners (447 BU1/448 BU1) as well as precalciner burners were provided by Pillard. The kiln outlet burner is a multichannel oil-burning and gas-burning combustion train, containing three air channels for axial wind(outer ring), spiral-flow wind (second outer ring) and center wind(fourth ring)respectively, one gas-burning channel(third ring), one oil-burning channel(inner ring oil gun) and one ignition channel(inner ring).The fuel a burner ejects, the cold air from the primary air fans and the secondary air from the coolers enter the kiln together for sufficient mixture and calcination, providing heat needed for the calcination of clinker. Together with a primary fan are a standby fan(447 FNH/448 FNH) and an emergency fan(447 FNI/448 FNI).The emergency fan is used for

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timely blowing and cooling when the primary fan and standby fan stop so that the burner is protected from damage. The burner is suspended on the support of an electric moving cart. The cart is shored by a suspended track beam. In a certain range, the burner can be adjusted up and down, left and right, and move to and fro to satisfy the calcination requirements.

烧结后的高温熟料出窑落入推动篦式冷却机的篦床上。篦冷机(447GQ1/448GQ1)由IKN公司供货,能力:11000t/d,篦床有效面积:250m2。冷却机分为前后两段冷却,两段篦床均分为固定篦床和活动篦床两区域。固定篦床区域均采用梁供风形式,活动篦床区域采用室供风形式。前后两 段 活 动 篦 床 均 采 用 液 压 传 动 , 分 属 液 压 油 泵 站 ( 447HD1/448HD1 ) 的 两 个 传 动 装 置(447MD1,MD2/448MD1,MD2),篦床速度可根据篦下压力调节以保持一定的熟料层厚度,篦下风室,各配有单独的风机,各室间隔密封,风量、风压均可单独调节,从而确保冷风能克服相应区段的篦板及料层阻力,均匀穿透物料层,使篦床上熟料得到有效的冷却。冷却机分为前后两段,两段之间设有辊式破碎机(447CR1/448CR1),出窑熟料温度为 1400℃,经前段的冷却,然后经过辊式破碎机的破碎,95%以上的熟料粒度小于 25mm。破碎机的型号:6×4.8m,辊直径Φ490mm,辊长度:4800mm,装机:6×18kW,辊速:3~5 r / min,辊的工作温度约 150~200℃。破碎后的熟料在经后段篦床的冷却,出冷却机熟料温度可降至环境温度+65℃以下,经冷却机末端的卸料口卸到熟料链斗输送机(457DP1/458DP1)上,由链斗输送机送入熟料库。前端固定床的端部,设有 9 台空气炮(447BQ1~9/448BQ1~9),通过循环工作,帮助推动此处的熟料运动。熟料在通过篦板的往复推动中,偶尔通过篦孔落入风室的小颗粒收集在灰斗中,前段篦床灰斗中的细熟料颗粒由灰斗的气力输送系统(简称PHD系统)(447PC1/448PC1)送入熟料的链斗输送机上,后段篦床灰斗中的细熟料颗粒由灰斗的气动锁风阀(447FV1~FV6/448FV1~FV6)在料位和时间控制器的控制下,直接送到熟料链斗输送机上。前段篦床固定床和活动床前部通过物料层换热后的气体可分别作为二次风直接入窑和作为三次风抽往窑尾分解炉锥部入炉。后部多余的废气(约 250~300℃)将通过窑头电收尘器(447EP1/448EP1)净化后,由窑头排风机(447FNF/448FNF)导入烟囱(447SK1/448SK1)排入大气。电收尘器的气体处理量:1100,000m3/h,收尘面积:361m2,净化后的气体含尘浓度:≤20mg/Nm3,高压硅整流器的电压:66kV,额定功率:66kW。熟料电收尘器捕集的粉尘由分别由4 台熟料拉链机(447CV1~4/448CV1~4)和叶轮喂料机(447RF1~4/448RF1~4)送到汇总的熟料拉链机(447CV5/448CV5)中,再送至熟料链斗输送机。窑头排风机的风量:1150,000m3/h,风压:2000Pa,装机功率:1050kW,可变频调速调节风量。

After leaving the kiln, the sintered high-temperature clinker falls onto the grate bed of a pendulum grate cooler. The grate cooler (447 GQ1/448 GQ1) is provided by the IKN company, with a capacity: 11000 t/d, grate bed effective area: 250m2. The cooler is divided into two sections, front and rear, for cooling. Each of the two grate bed sections is divided into two areas of a fixed grate bed and a movable grate bed. The fixed grate bed area uses the beam-providing-wind form, while the movable grate bed area involves the chamber-providing-wind form. The two front and rear movable grate bed sections use hydraulic drive, belonging to the two drive units(447 MD1, MD2/448 MD1s, MD2) of the hydraulic oil pump station(447 HD1/448 HD1).The speed of a grate bed can be adjusted according to the pressure under the grate so as to retain a certain clinker layer thickness. Each under-grate wind chamber is equipped with a single fan. Each chamber is airtight, with its air volume and air pressure adjustable alone, thus ensuring that cold air can overcome a corresponding section’s grate plate and material layer resistance and evenly penetrate a material layer, making the clinker on the grate bed receive effective cooling. A cooler is divided into two sections, front and rear, and between them, there is a roll crusher (447 CR1/448 CR1).The temperature of the kiln-leaving clinker is 1,400 ℃. The clinker is cooled by the front

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section and crushed by a roll crusher so that the fineness of more than 95% of the clinker is less than 25 mm. The type of the crusher:6 × 4.8 m, roller diameter Φ 490 mm, roller length:4800 mm, loader:6 × 18 kW, roller speed:3~5 r/ min, working temperature of the roller: about 150~ 200 ℃. After the crushed clinker is cooled by the rear grate bed, the temperature for the clinker to leave the cooler can decline to an ambient temperature below +65 ℃. Through the unloading mouth at the end of the cooler, the clinker is unloaded to the clinker chain bucket conveyor (457 DP1/458 DP1), which sends the clinker to a clinker storage. The end of the front fixed bed is equipped with 9 air cannons (447 BQ 1~9/448 BQ 1~9), whose duty-cycle operation helps push the movement of clinker here. While clinker is passing a grate plate in reciprocating push, the small particles occasionally passing grate holes and falling into a wind chamber are collected in an ash bucket. The fine clinker particles in the front grate bed ash bucket are sent to a clinker chain bucket by pendulum (briefly called PHD system) (447 PC1s/448 PC1s). The fine clinker particles in the rear-section grate bed ash bucket are sent directly to the chain conveyors by ash bucket air-lock valves (447FV1~FV6/448FV1~FV6) under the control of material level and time controllers. The gas after the heat exchange of the material layers at the front grate fixed bed and in front of the movable bed may directly enter a kiln as secondary air and may be discharged to the conic section of the kiln inlet precalciner to enter the furnace. The rear exhaust (about 250-300 ℃) is purified by the kiln outlet electrostatic precipitator (EP) (447 EP1/448 EP1) (447 FNF/448 FNF) and guided to the chimney(447 SK1/448 SK1) and into the atmosphere by the kiln outlet fan (447FNF/448FNF). Air flow of an EP: 1,100,000 m 3/h, Cross area: 361 m2, dust concentration after gas purification: ≤ 20 mg/Nm3, voltage of high-voltage silicon rectifier: 66 kV, rated power: 66 kW. The dust caught by the clinker EP is sent to the general clinker chain conveyor (447CV5/448CV5) by 4 clinker chain conveyor (447CV1~4/448CV1~4) and rotary valve feeders (447RF1~4/448RF1~4) respectively and then sent to the clinker chain bucket conveyor. The air flow of the kiln outlet vent air fan: 1,150,000 m3/h, air pressure: 2,000 Pa, installed power: 1050 kW, with adjustable frequency control air volume.

2.5 熟料输送

2.5 Clinker Conveyance


After being conveyed by bucket conveyer (457DP1/458DP1) and divided by the diversion chute, the clinker will go into the clinker bulk silo after being controlled by the switch valve (457SG1/458SG1) and conveyed by the clinker bucket conveyer (457DP2/458DP2), and the clinker storage silo after being controlled by the switch valve (457SG2/458SG2) respectively. A central silo has been set up in the clinker storage silo for storage of unqualified clinker. People could send the clinker to the central unqualified clinker silo by selecting the electric switch valve (457SG4/ 458SG4) or the qualified clinker silo by selecting the electric switch valve (457SG3/458SG).

2.6 旁路放风及回灰输送

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2.6 Bypass and Returned Ash Conveyance


Due to over-standard chlorine content of the raw material used by this plant, the precalcining system will be crusted and blocked. Therefore, the bypass air outlet is set up on the uptake at the kiln inlet in order to carry out the bypass and decrease the circulation and concentration of harmful gases.

当需要开启旁路放风系统时,窑尾高温废气由旁路放风口抽出经旁路放风装置时与一次冷却风机(417FN2/418FN2)掺入的冷风混合,再与二次冷却风机(417FN3/418FN3)掺入的冷风混合成 200℃左右的废气,经系统袋收尘器(427BF1/428BF1)净化后由旁路放风系统的排风机(427FN1/428FN1)经烟囱(427SK1/428SK1)排入大气。旁路系统的放风量通过调节排风机的转速和调节阀(417DA3/418DA3)的开度实现。旁路放风量小,可开启冷风阀(417DA6/418DA6)来替代二次冷却风机。系统故障时,也是优先开启冷风阀作为短暂保护。一次冷却风机的风量:300,000m3/h,风压:2100Pa,功率:280kW;二次冷却风机的风量:300,000m3/h,风压:1800Pa,功率:250kW,变频调速。一次冷却风机不可调,正常情况下一次冷却风机全负荷操作, 二次冷却风机可根据袋收尘器进口的温度调节供风量。袋收尘器的处理风量: 900000m3/h,出口含尘浓度:≤20mg/Nm3,气体温度: 正常 180℃~220℃,袋收尘器的阻力: ≤ 1700 Pa。系统的排风机的风量: 920000 m3/h,风压: 3800Pa,功率: 1450kW,可变频调速。

When the bypass system is started, the hot gas of the kiln inlet will be drawn out through the bypass air outlet, and then become the waste gas of about 200 ℃ after being mixed with the cool air from the primary cooling fan (417FN2/418FN2) and the cool air for the secondary cooling fan (417FN3/418FN3); and then, the waste gas will be purified by the system bag filter (427BF1/428BF1) and exhausted to atmosphere by the exhaust fan (427FN1/428FN1) of the bypass system through the chimney (427SK1/ 428SK1).Regulation of the air volume of the bypass system could be realized through adjustment of the rotation speed of the exhaust fan and opening degree of the adjusting valve (417DA3/418DA3). When the air volume of the bypass system is small, the cold-air valve (417DA 6/418DA6) could be opened to work instead of the secondary cooling fan. When the system failure occurs, the cold-air valve will also be opened first as temporary protection. The air volume of the primary cooling fan:300,000m3/h, wind pressure: 2100Pa, power efficiency:280 kW; the air volume of the secondary cooling fan: 300,000m3/h, wind pressure: 1800 Pa, power efficiency: 250 kW, frequency control. The primary cooling fan is not adjustable. Under normal circumstances, the primary cooling fan will be operated with full load, and the air supply volume of the secondary cooling fan could be adjusted according to the inlet temperature of the bag filter. Air volume the bag filter: 900000m3 /h, outlet dust concentration:≤20 mg /Nm3, gas temperature:180℃~ 220℃normally, resistance of the bag filter:≤1700Pa.Air flow of the exhaust fan of the system: 920000 m3 / h, wind pressure: 3800 Pa, power efficiency: 1450 kW, frequency control.


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After being conveyed by the drag chain conveyor (427CV1,CV2/428CV1,CV2), revolving plow rotary feeder (427RF1,RF2/428RF1, RF2), transfer drag chain conveyor (427CV3,CV4/428CV3,CV4) and the elevator (427BE 1/428BE1), the dust collected by the bag filer will be fed into the bulk bin (427BI1/428BI1).The dust could not be returned to the burning system due to rich contents of noxious constituents such as chlorine and alkaline, so it will be discharged to the bulk tanker for transportation to other places through the bulk loading machine (427 BS1/428BS1) after being controlled by the screw gate valve (427SG1/428SG1) under the bin and conveyed by the rotary feeder (427RF4/428RF4).


3. Operation Instructions of Major Equipment Units of the Burning system

3.1 概述

3.1 General Description


This section only introduces the operation and maintenance of major equipment units of the burning system. For detailed equipment performance, configuration situation and operation requirements please refer to the process equipments table and equipment instruction manuals. If unconformity between the manuals provided by us and those provided by the manufacturers occurs, the manufacturers' manual should be taken as final.

3.2 范围

3.2 Scope


This regulation is applicable to the operation and maintenance of major equipment units of the burning system , that is, the equipments used from raw meal aeration and discharging to clinker warehousing.

3.3 目的

3.3 Objective


Objective of this regulation is to standardize the operation and patrol system, improve working quality and provide accurate information on operation and maintenance matters of major equipment units that require attention, in order to help operating personnel determine equipment failures correctly and take correct and effective treatment measures, establish the concept of " safe production and quality first” and guarantee the long-term, safe and efficient operation of equipments.

3.4 操作摸式

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3.4 Operation Mode

各设备控制均有“集中程控”、“机旁控制”两种状态,现场有“开”、“停”、“闭锁”开关,正常生产时各设备都处于 “集中控制” 状态;现场进行单机试机时,设备处于“机旁控制”状态,开单机时设备不参与联锁控制,但停单机时,设备受联锁控制,主要是考虑设备的安全操作、防止设备内积料过多而导致故障等方面因素,从而达到安全、可靠生产的目的。

All of the equipments have two control modes, namely, the "centralized program control" and "local control". There are "Start", "Stop" and "Lock" switches at the field. During regular production, all of the equipments are in the mode of "centralized control"; during single unit test run at the field, the equipment is in the mode of "local control". When a single unit is started, the equipments will not participate in the interconnected control; when a single unit is stopped, the equipments will be controlled by the interconnected control in order to guarantee the safe operation of equipments and prevent equipment failures due to material deposits in the equipments, thus realizing the objective of safe and reliable production.

3.5 主要设备单元的操作规程 Operating Instructions of Main Equipment Units

3.5.1 回转窑 Rotary kiln设备概述 Equipment Summary

回转窑是烧成系统的主要热工设备之一,主要由窑筒体、传动装置、支承装置、挡轮装置、窑头密封装置、窑尾密封装置、窑头罩等部分组成。The rotary kiln is one piece of the main thermal technical equipment of a burning system , consisting mainly of a kiln cylinder, drive unit, supporting apparatus, thrust roller device, kiln outlet sealing apparatus, kiln inlet sealing apparatus, kiln hood, etc.主要技术性能 Main Technical Performances

规格 Specification(m): Φ6.2×92m

有效内径 Effective inside diameter(m):


斜度 Gradient(%): 4(正弦)(sine)

支座数(档)Number of support abutments:


产量 Output(t/d): 10000

窑转速 Kiln revolving speed(r/min):

用主传动时调速范围 Speed adjustable range at main drive:0.4~3.98~5

用辅助传动时 At auxiliary drive:0.105

传动型式 Drive type: 双传动 Twin drive

挡轮型式 Thrust roller type: 双液压挡轮 Double hydraulic thrust roller

窑 头 密 封 形 式 Kiln outlet sealing form:

钢片密封 Sealed by sheet steel

窑 头 冷 却 方 式 Kiln outlet cooling mode:

风冷 Air cooling

窑 尾 密 封 形 式 Kiln inlet sealing form:

汽缸压紧端面密封 Sealed by pneumatic cylinder pressing end surface

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HOFUF CEMENT PLANT 5th & 6th EXTENSION PROJECT Burning System 主要结构和控制元器件概述 Summary of Main Structures and Control Components

1)窑筒体Kiln shell


The kiln shell is the trunk of the rotary kiln and has been slantwise installed on three pairs of supporting rollers. The lower end of the cylinder is equipped with thermostable and abrasion-proof kiln outlet guard boards, constituting a casing space, and with exclusive-use fans to cool the kiln outlet. Along the length of the kiln cylinder, there are three tyres, under which there are floating liner plates. They may be adjusted or replaced according to the clearance after operation to acquire the best clearance. The liner plates have the functions to increase kiln cylinder rigidity, prevent the kiln cylinder from abrasion because of the relative slip of the tyres and the kiln cylinder in the circumferential direction and lower the surface temperature range inside and outside a tyre.


The kiln cylinder inside has 3 brick-blocking circles, and along the length direction and according to different temperatures and functions, there are firebricks with different performances to protect the shell. For the sake of helping the cylinder surface cool, the burning zone and its rear are equipped with 14 cooling fans, whose positions may be properly adjusted as required. For the sake of monitoring the cylinder surface temperature, an on-line shell temperature scanner has been set. It can always monitor the temperature change of the cylinder and display curves and pictures in the central control room.

2)传动装置 Drive unit


The drive system uses twin drive. Each side has a main drive motor to drive a main reducer and a pinion, arousing the rotation of the kiln cylinder by jointly using a gearwheel. Each main reducer has one main reducer thin oil station. For the purpose of ensuring that the main power supply can still control the working of the kiln at power failure, preventing the kiln cylinder from being bent and facilitating an overhaul, an ancillary drive unit has been installed.

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传动电动机Driving motor:

主 传 动 Main drive 辅 助 传 动 Auxiliary drive

型 号




Rated power



转速Rated rotary speed




Speed adjustable range


型 号



功率Rated power




Rated rotary speed


1PQ4560-6CM90-Z 1050 1197 120~1197~1504 1LG4223-4AA 54 1770


主 传 动 Main drive 辅 助 传 动 Auxiliary drive

型 号


总中心距Total center



speed ratio



总中心距 Total center



speed ratio

H3SH24-31.5 1570 31.5 H3SH9-56 580 56


The power supply for the main drive motor and auxiliary drive motor is equipped with an interlocking device. When the power supply for the auxiliary drive motor is switched on, the power supply for the main drive motor will be automatically switched off and vice versa. The local drive in the kiln and the central control room are furnished with communication signals.


For the safe and reliable implementation of the switchover of a main drive motor and auxiliary drive motor, the system is equipped with an electromagnetic brake. The power supply of the electromagnetic brake is switched on or off simultaneously with the auxiliary motor, that is, the moment the auxiliary motor is powered on, the brake will be powered on and unclenched, while the moment the auxiliary motor is powered off, the brake is powered off, arresting motion instantly.


For the safe and reliable implementation of the switchover of a main reducer and an auxiliary reducer, the latter is equipped with an overrunning clutch. Its action lies in that while using auxiliary drive, the clutch is engaged. The dynamic force that auxiliary drive passes an auxiliary reducer and spreads to a main reducer, further arousing the rotation of a kiln. While using main drive, the clutch is disengaged and the dynamic force of the main drive can not spread to an auxiliary reducer.

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The high-speed shaft end of a main reducer has 3 Pt100 bearing temperature measuring sensors and one Pt100 oil temperature measuring sensor as well as 2 vibration measuring sensors. Temperature or vibration exceeding a limit will send out an alarm. A main reducer’s thin oil station has a water cooling system.



As twin drive is adopted, it is also necessary to consider the synchronization requirements. There is automatic tracking in the drive system’s control.

Concerning the lubrication of the drive gears, a fog lubrication system has been provided on the tooth face of a pinion. Oil is provided intermittently and the setting of the interval time may be adjusted pursuant to an actual employment circumstance. When a spray nozzle is jammed, a sensor on the oil route distributor will send out an alarm signal. The central control room will display an alarm signal.

3)支承装置 Supporting Unit


The supporting unit bears the complete weight of the kiln cylinder, and have the positioning action to the kiln cylinder, making it operate safely and steadfastly. The supporting unit is of core-adjusting sliding bearing structure. The bearing bush and oil are equipped with a temperature measuring alarm. Each bearing has a gear pump, providing lubrication at the early stage of kiln starting. The bearings of a supporting roller have a water cooling system.

4)液压挡轮装置 Hydraulic thrust roller unit


Hydraulic thrust rollers are installed at the downside of tyres of bearing sets at the middle part and charging side of the rotary kiln. The hydraulic thrust roller forces the tyre and the kiln shell to reciprocate on the supporting roller in the direction of kiln center line at the certain speed and distance together, in order to make the tyre and the supporting roller worn evenly at the full width, so as to increase their service lives. Under normal circumstances, the main control thrust roller at the charging side of the kiln will be used. When the failure of this thrust roller occurs, the standby thrust roller at the middle of the kiln could be set as the main control thrust roller.

双挡轮共用一套挡轮油泵站。每个液压挡轮配置有油温报警装置。每个液压挡轮配置 5 只行程

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开关,双挡轮共配置 10 只。窑运转时只能是一档上的行程开关起作用,即正常生产时窑尾档是主控挡轮,此时它上面的 5 个行程开关接通,控制挡轮油泵站的动作,而窑中档的行程开关全部断开;异常情况当将窑中档液压挡轮作主控挡轮时,则其上的行程开关接通而窑尾档的行程开关全部断开。

This pair of thrust rollers shares a set of oil pump station of thrust roller. Each of the hydraulic thrust rollers is equipped with the oil temperature alarm unit. Each hydraulic thrust roller is equipped with 5 travel switches, so, this pair of thrust rollers are equipped with 10 travel switches. During running of the kiln, only one set of the travel switches could work, that is, during regular production, the thrust roller at the charging side of the kiln is used as the main control thrust roller, and the 5 travel switches on which are switched in to control actions of oil pump station of the thrust roller, while all of travel switches at the middle of the kiln are switched off; Under abnormal situations, when the hydraulic thrust roller at the middle of the kiln is used as the main control thrust roller, then the travel switches on it will be switched in while all of the travel switches at the charging end of the kiln will be switched off.

5 个行程开关的的动作分别代表窑的 5 个位置,由 5 个行程开关的信号分别控制挡轮油泵站的油泵和电磁换向阀的动作,从而调整窑体上行或下行,如此循环。若窑偏离正常情况向上窜或向下窜,行程开关的信号会指挥发出报警信号,若窑继续偏离正常情况向上窜,行程开关的信号会跳停主电机。

Actions of the 5 travel switches stand for 5 parts of the kiln respectively. Signals of the 5 travel switches control actions of oil pump and electromagnetic directional valve of the oil pump station of the thrust roller respectively, in order to adjust the kiln body to go up or down, and then circulate in this way. If the kiln and goes up or down deviating from normal condition, the signal of the travel switch will direct to issue alarm signals, and if the kiln continues to goes up deviating from the normal condition, the signal of the travel switch will lead to trip of the primary motor.

挡轮油泵站还配有磁感式电接点压力表 用于监控液压系统的压力,当系统压力超过其上限设定值和下限设定值(此压力值现场调定)时,分别发出报警信号。通知巡检工查明原因,排除故障,使系统恢复到正常工作。

The oil pump station of thrust roller is also equipped with magnetic-induction type electro connecting pressure gauge for monitoring of the pressure of the hydraulic system. When the system pressure exceeds the setting value (the value of the pressure could be set up at the field) of its upper limit or lower limit, the alarm signals will be issued respectively to notify the patrol personnel to find out the reason, clear the fault and restore the system to normal operations.

挡轮油泵站在油箱中装有热电阻,用于测定油液温度并在中控室监控,当油温高于 55℃时,发出报警信号,通知工人打开油冷却器冷却水球阀. 当油温低于 35℃时发出报警信号,通知工人关闭油冷却器冷却水球阀。

The resistance temperature sensor is installed in the oil tank of oil pump station of the thrust roller, in order to measure the temperature of the liquid oil and monitor it in the central control room. When the oil temperature is over 55℃, the alarm signal will be issued to notify the worker to open the cooling water ball valve of the oil cooler. When the oil temperature is lower than 35 ℃, the alarm signal will be issued to notify the work to close the cooling water ball valve of the oil cooler.


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The filter is equipped in the oil pump station of thrust roller. When blocking occurs in this system, the pressure difference signal sender will issue alarm signals. The worker should be notified to wash and replace the filter element.


5) Sealing Device of the Kiln Outlet


The sealing device of the kiln outlet adopts the GP (sheet steel) radial contact sealing method, which could automatically compensate the deflection and axial reciprocating motion of the kiln shell during running, and has favorable sealing property. The wind cooling cover is used at the combining part of the kiln outlet and the kiln hood, and the cooling fan is installed there. In order to prevent accumulation of fine particles of clinkers in the hood casing, the ash hopper is installed at the bottom. The ash hopper is directly connected with the grate cooler through the material-guiding chute. The fine particles of clinker will be sent onto the grate bed of the grate cooler directly. Two air cannons have been equipped to help transport the materials.


6) Sealing Device of the Kiln inlet


The sealing device of the kiln inlet adopts QD type of air cylinder pressing end-surface contact type. The entire sealing ring is under even stress, and it could eliminate the adverse effect generated by installation and deflection of the kiln shell. Two air compressors have been equipped for sealing of the kiln inlet, one for use and one standby, to provide power for the cylinder. Moreover, an electric multipoint consistent grease pump has been equipped. It could feed the lubricating grease into the contact surface of the friction ring for lubrication in order to reduce the frictional resistance and decrease abrasion. The grease pump is set as interrupted oil supply at fixed time, and the pause time is adjustable.

7) 窑头罩

7)Kiln hood


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The kiln hood is hood-shape equipment connecting the kiln and the cooling machine tightly. The legs on the two sides of the kiln hood are located on the operating platform of the kiln outlet. The firebricks or castables are laid or poured in the kiln hood. A pair hanging and movable kiln Door is installed at the outer end surface of the kiln hood, so that workers could enter into the kiln to do works such as overhaul and laying of the kiln lining and so on. The sight window and TV probe have been set on the kiln door. People could observe the calcinating situation in the kiln by using the tools at the field or remotely; the temperature probe is also installed on the kiln door for monitoring of the temperature of the calcinating zone. Measuring points of temperature and pressure are set on the side of the kiln hood, in order to monitor the temperature and pressure of the gas at the kiln outlet. In addition, the entry & exit hole of kiln burner is opened on the kiln door. 开机前的准备 Preparations before Startup

1)窑体 Kiln body


a, Confirm whether an erection bolt of a kiln access sealing guard board or a kiln outlet cover iron is loose or not;


b, Confirm whether sufficient graphite lithium based grease has been added to the space between a tyre and a liner plate.


C, Confirm whether there is foreign matter on the interface between a tyre and a supporting roller.


d, Confirm whether a tyre and supporting roller run into other bodies while revolving.


e, Make sure that the firebricks inside the kiln are intact and their thickness can satisfy the startup requirements.

2)托轮 Supporting roller


a, Confirm whether each part’s bolts are loose or not.


b, Confirm whether a shaft temperature detection apparatus is intact or not.


c, Confirm whether a lub oil level valve or a cooling water valve is unbolted or not.

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3)传动装置 Drive unit


a, Check the engagement, abrasion and lubrication circumstances of a gearwheel or a pinion.


b. Check whether the lub oil route of the pinion bearings is unimpeded or not and the tooth face oil injection apparatus is normal or not.


c, Check the oil amount of an oil tank;


d, Confirm whether each part’s bolts are loose or not.


e. Check whether the thin oil station’s cooling water is unimpeded or not.


f Check whether each measuring element is intact and each alarm system is normal.


g. Check whether a main or auxiliary clutch can work normally and is in an exact position, and whether a limit switch can act accurately.


h Check whether each valve or pipeline is normal and leaks oil.

4)液压挡轮 Hydraulic thrust roller


a, Check a hydraulic thrust roller bearing, oil tank and oil quantity and whether the oil quantity can satisfy the requirements;


b Check whether all the pump suction side valves are unbolted and whether the gas inside the oil delivery pipe route is all discharged;


c, Confirm whether the indexes of each filter are placed in normal positions or not;


d, Check whether the set pressure of a pump safety valve is a rated value;


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e, Check whether the motion of each hand operated valve is flexible and whether there is a leakage or damage phenomenon. If there is, replace the valve immediately.


f, Check the black lead lubrication circumstance of a hydraulic thrust roller, and maintain the good interface of a black lead cake and a thrust roller.


g, Check whether a pressure gauge with electric contact has a damage and abnormal phenomena and whether a needle pointer is put on the stated control point.


h, Check whether each measuring element is intact and an alarm system is normal.

5)窑头罩 Kiln hood


a, Confirm whether a refractory material meets laying requirements and the sealing of a burner going into the kiln is affixed.


b Check whether the kiln hood rubs with a revolving part.开停机顺序及注意事项 Startup and Shutdown Sequence and Matters Need Attention

1)开停机顺序遵循的原则 Principles to be followed for startup and closedown sequences

开机时遵循的原则是:a)开保护系统的设备,如冷却水、润滑系统等;b)启动尾部设备;c)启动主体传动设备;d)筒体冷却设备。而关机时遵循的原则是:a)停主体传动设备;b)停尾部设备;c)停润滑设备;d)停筒体冷却设备;e)停保护系统的设备如冷却水系统。1) Principles to be followed for startup and closedown sequences

Principles to be followed for startup are: a) turning on the equipment of a protecting system, such as cooling water, lubricating system, etc.; b)starting tail equipment; c) starting master drive equipment; d)cylinder cooling equipment Principles to be followed for closedown are: a)stopping the master drive equipment; b)stopping tail equipment; c)stopping the lubrication equipment; d)stopping the cylinder cooling equipment; e)stopping the equipment of a protecting system, such as a cooling water system.

2)开停机顺序 Sequences for Startup and Closedown


The sequences for startup and closedown have already been set up in the centralized control system, and there are startup sequence control and interlocking relations. The simple introduction here is for understanding their relations more adequately.

A)开机顺序 Sequence for startup

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托轮的水冷却系统→减速机稀油站水冷却系统→启动多点式干油泵(437LQ1/438LQ1)→启动窑尾空压机(437CP1/438CP1)→启动支撑装置的轴瓦供油的齿轮泵(12 台)(437LQ5/438LQ5),启用支撑装置的温度监测系统→打开窑尾档的 5 个行程开关(窑中档的 5 个行程开关必须是关闭状态)→启动小齿轮喷雾润滑系统(437LQ4/438LQ4)→启动减速机稀油站(437LQ2,LQ3/438LQ2,LQ3),消除窑力矩→启用减速机的温度、压力、振动监测系统→确认主辅传动的超越离合器脱开→启动窑主电机(437MM1,MM2/438MM1,MM2)的同时启动挡轮油泵站(437HD1/438HD1)→启 用 双 传 动 同 步 监 测 系 统 → 窑 头 冷 却 风 机 ( 437FN1/438FN1 ) → 轮 带 冷 却 风 机(437FN2~5/438FN2~5)→筒体冷却风机(437FN6~L/438FN6~L)

Water cooling system of a supporting roller → retardance machine thin oil station water cooling system → starting multipoint grease pump(437 LQ1/438 LQ1) →starting kiln inlet air compressor(437 CP1/438 CP1) →starting 12 gear pumps(437 LQ5/438 LQ5)whose oil is provided by shoring apparatus axle bush and starting shoring apparatus temperature monitoring system →unbolting 5 travel switches(5 travel switches of the kiln middle must be in closed status) at the kiln inlet →starting the pinion fog lubrication system(437 LQ4/438 LQ4) →starting retardance machine thin oil station(437 LQ2, LQ3/438 LQ2, LQ3), removing the kiln moment of force →starting retardance machine temperature, pressure and vibration monitoring system →confirming the disengagement of main and auxiliary drive overrunning clutches →at the time of starting kiln main motors(437 MM1, MM2/438 MM1, MM2), starting thrust roller oil pump station(437 HD1/438 HD1) →initiating twin drive synchronic monitoring system →kiln outlet cooling fan(437 FN1/438 FN1) →tyre cooling fans(437 FN 2~5/438 FN 2~5) →cylinder cooling fans(437 FN 6~ L/438 FN 6~ L)

B)停机顺序 Sequence for Closedown


At the time of stopping kiln main motors(437 MM1, MM2/438 MM1, MM2), stopping thrust roller oil pump station(437 HD1/438 HD1) →main and auxiliary drive overrunning clutch engagement → starting auxiliary motor →entering slow running control procedure →stopping thin oil station of retardance machine →stopping cooling fan according to temperature requirements →stopping kiln inlet air compressor →kiln slow running ending, the temperature of bearings and axle bushes of the equipment satisfying requirements, stopping water cooling system.

3)注意事项 Points for attention


a, Prohibit the kiln moment of force not being eliminated to avoid damaging the actuating unit when the main kiln motor starts;


b, When the main kiln motor starts, the kiln speed shall be set at the lowest value;


c, If the kiln is stopped for an overhaul, empty the kiln of materials as far as possible.

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d. Do not start an oil pump and drive unit without oil.


e, Confirm the position of a clutch.


f, Do not turn on a hydraulic thrust roller oil pump when the kiln is shut down;

g、托轮的油温、瓦温超过 70℃时,应检查原因并采取降温措施。

g, When the oil and bush temperatures of a supporting roller are more than 70 ℃, find out the cause and take measures for temperature reduction. 运转过程中的检查 Inspection During Operation

1)传动装置的检查 Drive unit inspection

A.电动机: Motor:


a, Check the running circumstance of an motor and whether the current is a rated value. If it is enlarged suddenly, find out the cause and handle it in time;

b、 检查有无异常振动、不正常响声及异常气味;

b, Check whether there are abnormal vibration, noise and odor;

c、 检查地脚螺栓有否松动现象。

c, Check whether the foundation bolts are loose.

B.减速器 Reducer

a、 检查运转是否平稳,齿轮啮合声音是否正常;

a, Check whether the operation is steady and the gears engagement sound is normal;

b、 检查有无异常振动及漏油现象;

b, Check whether there are abnormal vibration and oil leakage;

c、 检查稀油站冷却效果是否良好;

c, Check whether the thin oil station cooling effect is good or not;

d、 停窑时,根据需要可以打开齿轮罩上观察门盖,检查轮齿有无点蚀、磨粒磨损等不良现象。

d, While the kiln is not in use, as required, it is allowable to unbolt the observation door cover of a gear hood to check whether a gear tooth has such bad phenomena as pitting corrosion, abrasive particle abrasion, etc.

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e、 检查减速器油泵站工作参数是否正常,检查冷却水流量是否正常。

e, Check whether the working parameters of a reducer oil pump station are normal and the flow rate of cooling water is normal.

C.联轴器 Coupling

a、 检查联接螺栓有无松动,组合联轴器的夹层板是否有不允许的变形;

a, Check whether the adjoining bolts are loose and the sandwich panel of a combination coupling has unallowable deformation;

b、 检查有无摆动现象。

b, Check whether there is a swinging phenomenon.

D.传动大、小齿轮及轴承 Driving Gearwheel, Pinion and Bearing

a、 检查齿轮传动装置运转是否平稳,有无敲击声;

a, Check whether the operation of a gear drive apparatus is steady and has knock sound;

b、 检查大、小齿轮齿面接触斑点,沿齿高不少于40%,沿齿长不少于50% ;

b, Check the contact patterns on a gearwheel or pinion tooth surface and make sure that they shall not be less than 40% in tooth depth and not less than 50% in tooth length;

c、 大齿轮的径向、轴向摆动情况;

c, Check the radial and axial swing circumstances of a gearwheel;

d、 检查喷雾润滑效果是否良好,齿面油量是否充足,油的粘度是否合适,有无不正常冒烟现象;

d, Check whether the effect of fog lubrication is good or not, a tooth face oil quantity is ample or not, the oil viscosity is appropriate and there is an abnormal phenomenon of smoke emission;

e、 检查传动轴承温升是否正常,密封装置是否有效,有否漏油和不正常现象;

e, Check whether the drive bearing temperature rise is normal and the sealing apparatus is effective, and whether there are oil leakage and other abnormal phenomena;

f、 传动装置地脚螺栓及其它联接螺栓有无松动,是否产生振动或摆动。

f, Check whether the drive unit foundation bolts and other adjoining bolts are loose and whether there is vibration or swing.

2) 轮带及支承装置的检查 Inspection of tyre and supporting apparatus

a、 检查轮带与垫板之间的间隙是否正常,有无异常响声,挡块、挡环是否有效;

a, Check whether the clearance between a tyre and a liner plate is normal, whether there

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is abnormal noise, and whether a baffle block or baffle ring is available;

b、 检查轮带与托轮的接触情况及其表面的磨损情况;

b, Check the contact circumstance and surface abrasion circumstance of a tyre and supporting roller;

c、 检查窑筒体窜动情况,并及时调整托轮和控制窑筒体的上、下窜动。各对托轮推力方向应一致。一般判别推力方向的方法是观察止推圈与衬瓦端面是接触还是有缝隙。当推力向上时,缝隙应保持在托轮轴的下端(热端),上端应接触无缝隙。若托轮止推圈是在托轮轴的内侧缝隙应保持在上端(冷端),下端应接触无缝隙。当推力向下时,缝隙保持的方位则与上述情况相反。判断托轮推力大小可以根据止推圈与衬瓦接触处所形成的油膜的厚度。油膜少而薄说明推力大,反之则小。


c, Check the axial slinging of the kiln cylinder, and in time adjust the supporting rollers and control the upward and downward axial slinging of the kiln cylinder. The thrust direction of each pair of supporting rollers shall consistent. The general method for judging a thrust direction is to observe whether a thrust washer and a lining tile end contact or have a gap at joint. When the thrust is heading up, the gap at joint shall be kept at the lower end (the hot end) of a supporting roller spindle, and the upper end shall contact no gap. If the thrust washer of a supporting roller is inside the spindle, the gap shall be kept at the upper end (the cold end), and the lower end shall contact no gap. When the thrust is getting down, the orientation that the gap retains is contrary to the above-mentioned circumstance. Judging the value of a thrust may be based on the thickness of an oil film formed at the contact place between a thrust washer and a lining tile. The less and thinner an oil film is, the bigger the thrust is, and if conversely, the thrust is smaller.

The positive pressure borne by various supporting rollers shall be even. Generally, its identification method is based on the degree of luster of the interface between a tyre and a supporting roller. If the surface of contact becomes bright, the bearing force will be big, while if the surface of contact becomes dark, the bearing force will be small. Identification may also be based on observing the thickness of an oil film on the axle neck of a supporting roller. If the oil film is thin, the bearing force will be big, while if conversely, the bearing force will be small;

d、 检查球面瓦内冷却水是否畅通,管路有无漏水现象;

d, Check whether the cooling water inside the spherical tiles is unimpeded or not and whether the pipeline has water leakage;

e、 检查托轮轴的表面油膜是否均匀和清洁,有无出现拉丝和沟槽。观察托轮轴承组油标的油位是否符合要求,有无漏油现象;

e, Check whether the surface oil film on the axle of a supporting roller is even and clean and whether there is wire drawing and grooves. Observe whether the level of a

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supporting roller bearing pack meets a requirement and whether there is oil leakage;

f、 检查托轮轴承温升是否正常;

f, Check whether the supporting roller bearing temperature rise is normal;

g、 检查挡轮转动是否灵活,有无因受力过大而引起挡轮表面发亮、起毛及轴承发热、响声等不正常现象;

g Check whether the rotation of a thrust roller is flexible and whether there are such abnormal phenomena as surface brightening and fuzzing caused by oversize force, and a bearing emitting heat, noise, etc;

h、 检查支承装置地脚螺栓有无松动或断裂现象;

h, Check whether the supporting apparatus foundation bolts are loose or ruptured;

i、 检查基础有无震动和局部沉陷。

i, Check whether the foundation has dither and local settlement.

3) 液压挡轮及挡轮油泵站Hydraulic thrust roller and thrust roller oil pump station

a、 泵的油量是否稳定,油压波动范围是否正常;

a, Check whether the oil quantity of a pump is stable and whether the oil pressure fluctuation range is normal;

b、 检查轮带与挡轮间的接触和磨损是否均匀,有无受力过大和出现表面损伤等情况;

b, Check whether the contact and abrasion between a tyre and thrust roller are even and whether there are oversize force, surface damage, etc;

c、 工作泵噪音及各部异音是否过大,气缸活塞行程是否达到规定值;

c, Check whether the noise of a working pump and each part is oversize and whether the cylinder piston stroke attains to a rated value or not;

d、 检查各点油温是否正常;

d, Check whether the oil temperatures at all points are normal;

e. 检查油箱油位,使之经常保持在规定的油量内,注意工作油的透明度,以及油的起泡情况;

e, Check the level of an oil tank, make it often kept at a specified oil quantity and note the transparency and effervescence circumstance of power oil;

f. 各限位开关的动作是否准确、灵敏;

f, Check whether the motion of each limit switch is accurate and sensitive;

g. 检查各部位是否有渗、漏油现象;

g, Check whether each part has oil leakage;

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h. 使用水冷却时,检查冷却水流量是否正常

h, Check whether a cooling water flow rate is normal while using water for cooling.

4) 窑筒体的检查 Inspection of kiln Shell

a、 检查窑筒体表面温度变化情况,以防掉砖红窑事故及提供在何处何时更换耐火砖的依据。特别提醒注意的是:窑筒体表面最高温度不允许超过400℃,否则将会由于窑筒体钢板强度和刚度的显著降低,引起产生裂纹的危险;

a, Check the kiln shell surface temperature change in order to prevent an accident of bricks dropping into the kiln and to provide references for where and when to replace firebricks. What is specially reminded is that the kiln shell surface’s maximum temperature is not allowed to be more than 400 ℃ otherwise the remarkable reduction in the strength and rigidity of the kiln shell steel plates will result in a hazard of generating cracks;

b、 检查窑筒体对接焊缝有无裂缝;

b, Check whether the kiln shell butt joint soldering seams have cracks;

c、 检查窑筒体有无严重摆动现象,窑筒体窜动是否稳定;

c, Check whether the kiln cylinder has a severe swing phenomenon and whether the axial slinging of the kiln cylinder is stable;

5)密封装置的检查 Inspection of sealing apparatus

a、 检查密封装置的零部件,有无严重磨损或损坏,润滑部位是否完整有效,联接螺栓有无松动和脱落;

a lubricated part is integral and available and whether the adjoining bolts are loose and have come off;

b、 密封元件是否完整有效,密封摩擦部位是否接触良好,是否有严重漏风现象。

b, Check whether the sealing components are integral and available, whether the contact of a sealed friction part is good and whether there is severe air leakage. 日常运转中的维护及注意事项Maintenance in Routine Running and Matters Need Attention

a、 传动系统、支承装置、挡轮系统必须经常(每小时)检查,发现有噪音、振动和发热等不正常情况时应及时处理;

a, A drive system, supporting unit or thrust roller system shall often(per hour) be inspected and such abnormal circumstances as noise, vibration, heat generation, etc shall be handled in time;

b、 所有的润滑点的润滑是否正常,应严格遵照润滑制度,经常检查油量是否充足;

b, Check whether the lubrication of all lubrication points is normal, strictly observe the lubrication system and often check whether the amount of oil is ample or not;

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c、 托轮衬瓦每小时要检查一次轴承温度及其润滑情况;

c, For a supporting roller lining tile, check the bearing temperature and its lubrication circumstance per hour;

d、 根据轮带与其垫板之间在一转中的相对位移,来判明间隙及磨损情况;

d, According to the relative displacement of a tyre and its liner plate in one revolution, judge the clearance and abrasion circumstance;

e、 注意窑筒体有规律的上下窜动情况(每班上下窜动一次);

e, Note the regular axial slinging of the kiln cylinder(one upward and downward axial slinging per shift);

f. 注意各冷却水出口是否水流畅通,以及托轮下部水槽水面的高度,高度不适宜应利用水位调节器进行调整;

f, Note whether the flow of each cooling water outlet is unimpeded and note the level of the water trough under a supporting roller. It is not suitable to make use of a water level regulator for adjustment;

g. 经常注意窑筒体温度。窑筒体温度可通过红外线扫描装置的自动记录仪上来判明。窑筒体表面温度 最高不得超过400℃ ;

h, Often note that the kiln cylinder temperature. The kiln cylinder temperature may be judged from an automatic recording instrument of an infrared scanning device. The maximum kiln cylinder surface temperature shall not be more than 400 ℃;

h. 对检查中发现的问题,应根据问题性质适时地进行处理和记录;

i, For an issue discovered in inspection, carry out treatment and recording in good time according to its nature;

i. 维护工作应与窑的操作工紧密配合,加强联系。检查及处理中务必注意安全,有些项目的检查处理应在停窑后进行。

j, The maintenance work shall closely fit the operation work for the kiln, and coordination shall be intensified. Pay attention to safety in the inspection and treating. The some inspection and treating of some items shall be conducted after stopping the kiln. 基础不均匀沉降的检查 Inspection of Unequal Foundation Settlement


The rotary kiln is a piece of big and heavy equipment. The kiln cylinder is shored on many separate isolated foundations, so the foundation settlement is ineluctable. But if the settling

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volume is oversize or each kiln foundation shows unequal settlement, it will directly influence the linearity of the kiln, making the kiln generate abnormal bend and deformation and endangering the safe operation of the kiln. At the same time, the kiln outlet and the kiln outlet hood and are connected with each other, and the kiln inlet is connected with the kiln inlet equipment, so the unequal settlement of the kiln and these pieces of equipment damages the connecting parts and directly influence the sealing effects of the kiln outlet and the kiln inlet. Therefore it is very necessary to inspect the settling volumes of the equipment foundations.

1)窑墩基础沉降的检查 Inspection of kiln pier foundation settlement


True height survey points have already been installed on each side of a kiln pier and at the time of equipment installation, and the true heights of these points were measured and recorded. These are the reference for measuring kiln pier settlement. From the beginning of the installation of the rotary kiln on, the changes of the true heights of these points shall be observed and measured:

a. 从设备安装到试运转的这段时间内,窑墩基础可能有最大15mm的垂直沉降,所以试运转前需对基础下沉量进行测量,并根据测量结果对支承装置托轮的位置进行调整,以使窑筒体中心线恢复到设计位置;

a, During the period from equipment installation to test running, a kiln pier foundation may have the perpendicular settlement of maximum 15 mm, so it is necessary to measure a foundation settling volume before test running and adjust the position of the supporting apparatus of a supporting roller according to the measurement results to make the kiln cylinder’s center line restored to the designed position;

b. 在回转窑运转初期的6 个月内,窑墩基础还可能有最大5mm的沉降,所以在这期间应经常对窑墩基础沉降进行测量;

b, Within the early 6 months of the operation of the rotary kiln, a kiln pier foundation may have the settlement of another maximum 5 mm, so in this period, it is necessary to often measure the kiln pier foundation settlement;

c. 在回转窑运转6个月以后,窑墩基础还可能有每年1mm的沉降,所以必要时亦对基础沉降进行测量。

c. After 6 months of the operation of the rotary kiln, the kiln pier foundation may have the settlement of another 1 mm each year, so when it's necessary, the foundation settlement shall also be measured.

2)基础沉降的分析与处理 Analysis and treatment of foundation settlement


The relative perpendicular settlement of each pier of the rotary kiln is allowable, but the slant settlement of the equipment foundation is not because slant settlement is very difficult to treat:

a、 当各窑墩的垂直沉降差超过3mm时,就应对相关支承装置的托轮位置进行调整,调整时应

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a, When the perpendicular settlement difference of each kiln pier exceeds 3 mm, the supporting roller positions of the related supporting devices shall be adjusted. , During adjustment, note that the included angle between the center of two supporting rollers and the center of a tyre should satisfy the requirement of 60°± 2;

b、 窑头档窑墩及窑尾档窑墩与其相应的冷却机(或窑头罩)、窑尾设备基础的沉降差超过 25mm是不允许的。如果已超过或已经对密封产生影响,则必须对有关部件进行处理,以达到满意为止。

b, The settlement difference exceeding 25mm for a kiln outlet pier and a kiln inlet pier, and a cooler or kiln outlet hood, and a kiln inlet equipment foundation corresponding with them is disallowed. If the difference has been exceeded or has already generated impacts on sealing, it is necessary to treat relevant parts until attaining satisfaction. 停机后的维护保养和主要零件的磨损与更换 Maintenance and Upkeep after Closedown and Abrasion and Replacement of Main Parts

a、 确认轮带的内径与轮带下垫板外径之间的间隙达 20mm 时,应做相应的处理。

a. When the clearance between the bore of a tyre and the outside diameter of a liner plate under the tyre reaches 20 mm, corresponding treatment shall be given.

b、 轮带发现断面磨损了 10% (这时应对其应力及刚度核算),或表面磨成锥形、多边形,以及局部出现穿通裂纹时需进行更换;

b. If the cross section of a tyre is found to be abraded by 10%(its stress and rigidity shall be examined and calculated at this time), or the surface has been ground into a taper or polygon and a local part has shown continuous cracks, replacement shall be needed;

c、 当托轮厚度磨损了 10% ,挡轮的轮缘厚度磨去 20% ,或托轮表面磨成锥形、多边形或其他异形,或托轮与挡轮的轮缘有穿通裂纹时,必须更换或修理。更换托轮时,如轴也要换,其相应的衬瓦必须重新配研;

c. When the thickness of a supporting roller has been abraded by 10%, the rim thickness of a thrust roller has been ground by 20%, or the surface of a supporting roller has been ground into a taper, polygon or other abnormal shape, or the rim of a supporting roller or thrust roller has continuous cracks, replacement or repair shall be needed. When a supporting roller is replaced, the shaft shall also be replaced and its corresponding lining tile shall be re-faced up;

d、 传动齿轮的齿厚磨损了 30%或 0.5 模数时;或轮缘具有不可恢复的损伤时需更换;

d. When the tooth thickness of a driving gear has been abraded by 30% or the modulus of 0.5 or a rim has non-recoverable damage, replacement shall be needed;

e、 窑筒体段节有裂纹或局部变形时,要进行修理或更换;

e. If a kiln shell segment has cracks or local deformation, repair or replace it;

f、 确认托轮润滑石墨块的消耗情况,必要时更换。

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f. Determine the dissipation circumstance of a supporting roller lubrication black lead cake, and replace it when it's necessary.

g、 确认冷却水是否正常,润滑油是否更换和补充。

g. Determine the flow cooling water,lubrication is good and enough, and replace it when it's necessary.

h、 确认窑头、窑尾密封装置的磨损情况,必要时更换。窑尾密封装置的固定摩擦环和活动摩擦环的厚度磨损了 2/3 时必须进行更换。

h. Confirm the abrasion circumstance of a kiln outlet or kiln inlet sealing device, and replace it when it's necessary. If the thickness of a fixed friction ring or movable friction ring of a kiln inlet sealing apparatus has been abraded by 2/3, replacement shall be done.

i、 检查窑口护铁及窑衬厚度,必要时更换。

i. Check the thickness of the kiln cover iron and the kiln lining, replacement shall be done when it's necessary.

j、 检查窑、窑头罩等处的耐火材料,掉砖必须补,蚀薄大于 1/3 必须更换。

j. Check the refractory material of the kiln, the kiln outlet hood, etc. A dropped brick shall be supplemented. If the corrosion thickness is greater than 1/3, replacement shall be done. 常见故障分析及处理 Common Fault Analysis and Treatment


If a fault appears in a procedure in production, it shall be differentiated according to a different circumstance. For an important question, a user, manufacturer and designer shall investigate and analyze the cause, and discuss a treating way together. The causes and treatment processes of some common faults and their causes are briefly described as follows:

常见故障Common fault

产 生 原 因


处 理 方 法

Treatment process


The quality of the kiln lining and its laying are poor or the lining is ultra-thin after corrosion but no replacement is done on time, causing bricks to drop in the burning kiln.


Select high-quality firebricks, replace with new bricks after stopping the kiln, raise the laying quality and strictly forbid pressed repair.


Bricks dropping in burning kiln


The hanging of kiln coating is not good.

加强配料工作,提高操作水平Intensify raw meal admixture work and raise the operating level.

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process


A burner is not good.

检查燃烧器 Check the burner.


A tyre and a liner plate are abraded severely, the clearance is oversize, and the kiln shell radial strain increases.


Strictly control the clearance between a tyre and a lining plate near the burning zone. If the clearance increases, replace the liner plate or add packing sheets for adjustment in time.


The kiln cylinder center line is not straight.


Periodically calibrate the kiln cylinder center line.


The kiln shell is superheated to deformation, and the inside wall is rough.


The burning kiln must be stopped. The kiln cylinder with oversize deformation shall be trimmed or replaced in time.


The kiln cylinder vibrates The kiln cylinder is heated unevenly, the bending strain is oversize and a supporting roller has come off.


Accurately adjust the supporting roller.


The engagement clearance of a gearwheel and a pinion is oversize or undersize.


Adjust the engagement clearance of the gearwheel and the pinion.


A girth gear interface bolt is loose or has been broken and dropped.


Tighten or replace the bolt.


A spring lamination soldering seam cracks.


Give recalibration and repair welding.


A drive pinion is abraded severely, generating steps.


Replace the pinion.


The kiln cylinder vibrates

基础地脚螺栓松动 紧固地脚螺栓

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process

A foundation bolt is loose. Tighten the foundation bolt.


The kiln cylinder vibrates.


See the above description and handle it accordingly.


The surface temperature is too high or the red kiln burns down the kiln cylinder, and the strength and rigidity are weakened.


Repair the kiln cylinder again and give reinforcing soldering.


The propping force of some supporting roller is oversize.


Accurately adjust the supporting roller and reduce the load.


The kiln shell cracks.


The cylinder steel plate material has flaws or the soldering seam quality is poor.


Use a metal defect detector to examine the internal defects.


After stopping the kiln suddenly, the kiln does not rotate for a long time.


Mark a bending part of the kiln and stop the kiln for a few minutes when the kiln turns to the mark, making it restored.

窑筒体弯曲偏斜The kiln cylinder is bent and deflected.


A kiln pier foundation subsides, and the position of a supporting roller is moved.

根据测量数据,正确调整托轮位置Accurately adjust the position of a supporting roller according to the survey data.


The kiln center line is not straight, and the force on the lining tile is oversize.


Correct the kiln center line and adjust the force on the supporting roller.


The supporting roller is out of square and the bearing thrust is oversize.


Adjust the position of the supporting roller.


A supporting roller lining tile is overheated.


The cooling water pipe inside a bearing leaks water, use of oil is not appropriate the lub oil deteriorates or the oil inside has other dopants.


Replace the oil, repair the water pipe and clean the lining tile.

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process


An oil dipper fails, or an oil pan or oil groove is blocked.


Clean up the oil groove and restore the oil dipper.


The lining tile quality is bad and it has scum or other dopants.


Replace with lub oil with great viscosity or replace the lining tile.

托轮衬瓦拉丝 A supporting roller lining tile is drawn into wires. 油内混有铁屑,熟料粒及其它硬度较大杂


The oil is mixed with scrap iron, clinker particles and other dopants with higher hardness.


Change the oil and clean the lining tile.


The supporting roller radial force is oversize, causing the frictional force between the axis and the lining tile to increase and breaking the oil film.


Adjust the stressed state of the supporting roller, replace the lub oil inside the bearing, enlarge the cooling water quantity of the bearing and adopt other cooling measures.


The supporting roller axial thrust is oversize, making the stress of the thrust washer oversize, generating strong friction.


Adjust the supporting roller, reduce thrust and keep the thrust of the supporting roller even.


The local high heat of the kiln cylinder radiates a bearing, making the lub oil viscosity drop and the oil film become thin.


Replace with lub oil with higher viscosity temporarily and increase heat insulation measures.


The cooling water inside the bearing has been discontinued for a long time, making its temperature rise and damaging oil viscosity.


Restore the cooling water, keep it unimpeded and replace with new lub oil.


A supporting roller lining tile generates sound and vibration.



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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process

At low temperature in winter, the lub oil viscosity inside the bearing is on the high side, with poor liquidity and presenting an oil starvation status.

Replace winter lub oil in time, and turn on a heater to heat the oil.


The time of slow kiln rotation is too long, making the oil amount of the oil dipper undersize and not meeting the lubrication requirements of a lining tile.


Turn on the oil pump or do temporary manual oiling to raise the speed of the kiln.


The lubricating device inside the bearing breaks down.


Do restoration and straightening in time, and supplement new oil.


The contact point of the axis and the lining tile does not meet the requirement.


Fix and pare the lining tile again.


The inclination of the supporting roller center line is oversize, the contact is not

en, and partial unit pressure increases. ev



The surface o


Adjust the supporting roller, reduce skewness and increase contact area with the tyre.


he supporting roller radial force is oversize.


Adjust the supporting roller and reduce the load.


The poor axial slinging of the kiln body and the long-term running at one position cause the supporting roller to generate shoulders. Another slinging will break the contact surface.


Suppress a shoulder, and keep the flexibility of the upward and downward slinging of the kiln cylinder.


f contact of a supporting roller and a tyre generates fuzz, shelling or bruises.


The sliding friction between a tyre and a supporting roller increases.


Adjust the supporting roller and ensure the position of the supporting roller is correct.




Adjust the supporting roller and reduce

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process

A tyre lateral baffle ring bites fuzz or drops scrap iron, and sheds off.

The supporting roller axial thrust is oversize, making the frictional and compressional force between the tyre and the lateral baffle ring oversize.

the thrust.


The supporting roller radial stress is oversize, making the rotation of the supporting roller and the tyre abnormal and increasing the sliding friction between them.

调整托轮,减轻负荷。 轮带与垫板间加润滑脂。

Adjust the supporting roller and reduce the load. Add albany grease to the tyre and the liner plate.

轮带内表面与垫板间隙太小,温度过高或间 隙 内 有 粉 尘 、 油 污 、 杂 物 等 。 The clearance between the tyre internal surface and the liner plate is too small, with too high temperature, or there are dust, greasy dirt, dopants, etc. in the clearance.



Adjust the clearance and clear off the dirty.

Blow air to the tyre and the liner plate for cooling.


The internal surface of a tyre and a liner plate are seized.


The kiln shell turns red as firebricks come off, and the kiln cylinder’s radial expansion is oversize.


See the above description and handle it accordingly.


Resulting from abrasion


Replace the liner plate or add packing pieces.


The axial slinging of the kiln cylinder is poor and the rotation at a fixed position is too long.


Root out a shoulder and keep the flexibility of the axial slinging of the cylinder.



The clearance between a tyre internal surface and a liner plate is oversize, the cylinder rigidity declines, and the contact surface between a driving gearwheel and a pinion shows a


Check whether the installation position of the thrust roller.

调整挡轮位置 。

Adjust the position of the thrust roller.

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process



The kiln cylinder bends, and a gearwheel and a pinion collide.

调直窑筒体 。

Straighten the kiln cylinder.


The gear tooth manufacture of a gearwheel and a pinion has errors


Fix or replace the tooth.


The engagement clearance between a gearwheel and a pinion is not appropriate.


Adjust the engagement clearance.


The pinion axle and the coupling center line are of disalignment.


Correct the center line.


A bearing tightening bolt or foundation bolt is loose.


Do tightening in time.


The foundation mat rigidity is not enough.


Reinforce the bottom plates and raise stability.


The drive bearing swings and vibrates.

轴承损坏 A bearing is damaged. 更换轴承 Replace the bearing.


The kiln cylinder vibrates and has impact and overload.


See the description above


The oil is not clean, has dopants or its viscosity is not enough.


Clear away the dopants and change new oil.


The gear surface material has fatigue and its strength is not enough.


Replace the reducer gears when it's necessary.


The main reducer’s gear surface generates damage such as pitting corrosion, cracks, flaking, etc.


The gears engagement is bad and its stress is nonuniform.


Make adjustment in time and guarantee good engagement.


油少、不清洁、冷却水中断。 补加油或清洗换新油,及时恢复冷却水或采用临时降温措施。

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process

The oil is little and is not clean, and the cooling water is discontinued.

Add oil or clean it to change new oil, restore the cooling water or take measures to reduce heat in time.

The main reducer housing body surface temperature is high.


Subjected to the kiln cylinder radiation


Intensify heat insulation.


A foundation bolt is loose.


Tighten the foundation bolt.


The motor and the coupling center line are of disalignment.


Correct the center lines.


An motor vibrates


A bearing is damaged, and the rotor and the stator produce friction.


Replace the bearing, and check and adjust the clearance.


The wiring is loose or broken off.


Afresh connect the wiring, and it shall be firm and reliable.

通风不良 Bad-ventilated 采取临时降温措施,加强通风。

Take measures for temporary heat reduction and intensify ventilation.


Subjected to the kiln cylinder’s heat radiation


Intensify heat reduction


The motor shell emits heat.


The rotor or stator coil is damaged.


Dismantle and install it for an overhaul.


The kiln skin grows thick and long.


Reduce wind, coal and materials, and treat the kiln skin.


Rings are formed inside the kiln.


Treat the formed rings.


The supporting roller thrust direction is of anticoincidence.


Adjust the supporting roller, and keep a correct thrust direction.


The lubrication of a supporting roller bearing is bad.


Improve lubrication and intensify management.


The motor current increases.


The kiln cylinder is bent.


See the description above.

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common fault Cause Treatment process


The cylinder rotation gets difficulty.


Check the oil dipper, etc.


The electric motor fails


Make detailed inspection and replace the defective accessories.


The oil pump breaks down.

检查油泵 Check the oil pump.


The oil temperature is on the high side.


Take measures for heat reduction.


The thrust roller oil pump station’s oil pressure is low. 油量调速阀未调节合适。

The oil amount speed control valve is not adjusted properly.


Adjust the oil amount speed control valve to a proper position.


The kiln body’s axial downward slip force is great.


Adjust the stressed state of a kiln body tyre and a supporting roller.


The thrust roller oil pump station’s back oil speed is too quick.


The working of a stop valve is not normal.


Replace a stop valve.


The clearance between the kiln outlet sheet steel and the air cooling set is oversize.


Adjust the heavy bob and enlarge the tightening force.


The clearance between the two friction rings at the kiln inlet is not even or oversize.

检查气缸或进气系统,并及时处理 Check the cylinder or the air inlet system, and give treatment in time.


The sealing of the kiln outlet and the kiln inlet leaks air seriously.


The kiln inlet radial sealing packing fails.


Replace the packing.


Note: For the concrete maintenance and accident disposal for the main drive, speed reduction unit and thin oil station, see the equipment manual.

3.5.2窑及分解炉燃烧器 Kiln and Precalciner Burner

本项目的窑及分解炉燃烧器系统由PiILLARD公司提供,窑及分解炉燃烧器系统分别由窑燃烧器及供油、供气系统和分解炉燃烧器及供油、供气系统组成。The kiln and the precalciner burner system for

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this project are provided by the PiILLARD company. The kiln and the precalciner burner system consist of a kiln burner, oil and gas supply system and a precalciner burner. 主要技术性能 Main Technical Performances


内 容


技 术 指 标

Techincal Date

1 窑燃烧器输出(设计值)

Kiln burner output(design value) 168.5 MW


Burner output(maximum) 188 MW


Burner hot end length 7 m


Total length(approx.) 12 m


Total weight including fire-proof lining(approx.)

13 000 kg

耐火衬砌厚度 Refractory lining thickness 80 mm

主要空气流速 Main air flow rate 18 800 Nm3/hr

设计油流速 Designed oil flow rate 14 740 kg/hr

最大油流速 Maximum oil flow rate 16 500 kg/hr

设计天然气流量 Designed natural gas flow rate

19 850 Nm3/hr

最大天然气流量 Maximum natural gas flow rate

22 600 Nm3/hr

2 分解炉燃烧器输出(每个燃烧器的设计值)

Precalciner burner output(design value for each burner)

67 MW


Burner output(maximum) 75 MW

数量 Quantity 4

燃烧器热端长度 Burner hot end length 1.1 m

耐火衬砌 Refractory lining 60 mm

主要空气流量(4 个燃烧器)

Main air flow rate(4 burners) 25 450 Nm3/hr

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内 容 技 术 指 标 序号No. Contents Techincal Date

4 个燃烧器用油的总流速的设计值

Design value of total current velocity for 4 burners’ oil consumption

23 440 kg/hr

4 个燃烧器用油的总流速的最大值 Maximum value of total current velocity for 4 burners’ oil consumption

26 400 kg/hr

天然气流量的设计值(4 个燃烧器)

Design value of natural gas flow rate (4 burners)

31 220 Nm3/hr

天然气流量的最大值(4 个燃烧器)Maximum value of natural gas flow rate (4 burners)

35 160 Nm3/hr

3 窑燃烧器的一次风机

Primary fan for kiln burner

静压 Static pressure 20 000Pa

流量 Flow rate 20 400Nm3/hr

装机功率 Installed power 200kw

电机转速 Motor revolving speed 3588rpm

4 分 解 炉 燃 烧 器 冷 却 风 机 Cooling fan for precalciner burner

静压 Static pressure 12 000Pa

流量 Flow rate 28 400Nm3/hr

装机功率 Installed power 160kw

电机转速 Motor revolving speed 3586rpm 窑及分解炉燃烧器系统的简单描述 Simple Description of the Kiln and the Precalciner Burner System


The kiln burner is shored by a hanging cart and has an electric moving apparatus. The burner can be adjusted for 3 °up and down, left and right respectively. The fuels to be used in this project are natural gas and base oil, therefore on the kiln outlet platform, the natural gas and crude oil control valve train respectively control the fuel dosage of a burner. The control valve train for natural gas is directly connected with the gas supply pipeline of a pressure reduction station. The control valve train for crude oil is directly connected with the oil supply pipeline and crude oil pipeline for a high pressure pump on the kiln outlet. 8~10% of combustion air is provided by the primary fan, which has a standby fan.

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分解炉燃烧器有 4 个,直接由支架固定在分解炉炉体上。窑尾 3FL(42.040m)平面上设有天然气和原油的主控阀组。当燃天然气时,由燃气的主控阀组分别控制 4 个天然气的独立阀组,4个天然气的独立阀组分别控制 4 个燃烧器的燃气用量。当燃油时,由燃油的主控阀组分别控制 4个原油的独立阀组,4 个原油的独立阀组分别控制 4 个燃烧器的燃油用量。天然气的主控阀组直接和降压站的供气管道相连。原油的主控阀组直接与分解炉高压泵的供油管线和回油管线连接。燃烧用空气的 4~6%由分解炉燃烧器风机提供。


There are 4 precalciner burners, which are directly fixed on the precalciner body with brackets. The kiln inlet 3FL(42.040m)plane surface is equipped with main control valve train for natural gas and crude oil. While natural gas is burned, the main control valve train for burning gas respectively control 4 independent valve train for natural gas, and the 4 independent valve train for natural gas respectively control the gas-burning quantities of 4 burners. While oil is burned, the main control valve train for burning oil respectively control 4 independent valve train for crude oil, and the 4 independent valve train for crude oil respectively control the oil-burning quantities of 4 burners. The main control valve train for natural gas is directly connected with a gas supply pipe line of a pressure reduction station. The main control valve train for crude oil is directly connected with an oil supply pipe line and oil return pipe line of a precalciner high-pressure pump. 4~6% of combustion air is provided by the precalciner burner.

If the viscosity of the crude oil purchased by the factory is on the high side, a heater in the high-pressure pump oil supply system shall be started to ensure the atomization of the crude oil at a burner nozzle. 启动前的准备 Preparation before Startup

a. 核实所有管件、所有器械(泵,压力计)、所有控制开关、所有自动阀门的状态(正常开启,正常关闭)都按说明书或图纸被很好的连接并符合使用条件;

a, Make sure that the states(normal opening and normal closing) of all pipe fittings, apparatuses(pumps, pressure gauges),control switches and automatic valve are under good connection and conform to the service conditions in accordance with the manual or drawings.

b. 核实所有电器柜总开关都已关闭、所有控制柜都停止供电、所有线路的连接都符合说明书或图的技术要求;

b, Make sure that all electric apparatus cabinet master switches have already been shut down, all control cabinets have been powered off and the connection of all wirings meet the technical requirements of the manual or drawings;

c. 核查所有连续式报警系统和热保护装置都已经到位,可确保不同流体的使用性能;

C. Make sure that all continuous alarm systems and thermal protection devices have all been in place and can ensure the functional performance of a different fluid;

d. 泵和鼓风机能自由地手动进行旋转,所有手动阀安装正确,调节灵活;

d. A pump and a fan can revolve freely by hand operation, and the installation of all hand operated valves shall be exact, with flexible adjustment;

e. 所有的安装符合安全要求,经过必要的安全测试。

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e. A pump and a fan can revolve freely by hand operation, and the installation of all hand operated valves shall be exact, with flexible adjustment; 启动程序 Startup Procedure

1) 窑燃烧器的启动程序 Startup procedure of kiln burner

A.燃油 Fuel Oil

a. 在启动窑燃烧器以前,按计划先启动供油的高压泵和循环系统;

a. Before starting the kiln burner, first start the oil supplying high pressure pump and circulating system as scheduled;

b. 接到点火指令后,再一次核查燃烧器的阀门位置和燃烧器位置设定已符合规定的要求,确认点火器和喷枪在规定位置;

b. After receiving an ignition command, recheck whether the settings of the position of burner valve and the position of a burner meet the specified requirements and confirm whether a lighter and a blow gun are at the stipulated positions;

c. 开启一次风机检查出口压力;

c. Turn on the primary fan and check the outlet pressure;

d. 点火器的安全启动联锁允许点火器工作;

d. The safety starting interlock of a lighter shall allow the working of the lighter;

e. 启动点火器并检查点火枪是否形成了一定能量的稳定火焰;

e. Start the lighter and check whether a firing gun has formed a stable flame with certain energy;

f. 打开窑头燃油阀组的流量阀;

f. Unbolt the flow rate valve of the kiln outlet oil-burning valve set;

g. 等燃烧器火焰出现,打开中心风至规定位置 8,打开径向风和轴向风阀门并通过调节开度和比例来稳定火焰;

g. Wait for the appearance of a burner flame, unbolt the central wind to the specified position of 8, unbolt the radial wind and axial wind valves, and adjust the span and proportion to stabilize the flame;

h. 当火焰形成并稳定,关闭点火枪;

h. When a flame has been formed and stabilized, close the firing gun;

i. 记录如下内容:每一路风的压力、阀的位置、燃油的压力,这些数据被用于以后燃烧器点火启动参考。

i. Record the contents as follows: Air pressure on each circuit, the position of a valve, fuel oil pressure. These data are used as references for the later ignition startup of a burner.

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B.燃气 Gas Burning

a. 燃气的启动程序与燃油基本相同,所不同的是,不需要启动供油的高压泵和循环系统,而是启动天然气降压站的供气阀门。

a. The startup procedure of gas burning is fundamentally the same as that of oil burning, but what is different is that it does not need to start an oil-supplying high pressure pump and circulating system, but need to start the gas supply valve of a natural gas pressure reduction station.

b. 点火枪火焰形成后,打开窑头燃气阀组的流量阀。

b. Unbolt the flow rate valve of the kiln outlet gas burning valve set after a firing gun flame is formed.

2) 分解炉燃烧器的启动程序 Startup procedure of precalciner burner

A.燃油 Oil Burning

a. 在启动分解炉燃烧器以前,按计划先启动供油的高压泵和循环系统。

a, Before starting a precalciner burner, first start an oil supplying high pressure pump and circulating system.

b. 再一次核查燃烧器的阀门位置和燃烧器位置设定已符合规定的要求;

b. Recheck whether the settings of the position of a burner valve and that of a burner have met the specified requirements;

c. 分解炉出口温度可满足点火要求,并接到分解炉燃烧器点火指令;

c. The precalciner outlet temperature shall satisfy the ignition requirement and a precalciner burner firing command has been received;

d. 开启分解炉燃烧器风机并检查出口压力

d. Start the precalciner burner fan and inspect the outlet pressure.

e. 安全启动联锁允许分解炉燃烧器启动

e. The safety startup interlock shall allow the startup of a precalciner burner.

f. 启动分解炉燃烧器。启动分解炉燃烧器的程序有两种选择:同时启动 2 个或同时启动 4 个。

f. Start a precalciner burner. There are two procedures for starting a precalciner burner for selection: simultaneously starting 2 burners or simultaneously starting 4 burners.

g. 打开分解炉燃油阀组的流量阀

g. Unbolt the flow rate valve of the precalciner oil burning valve train.

h. 记录如下内容:每一路压力值、阀的位置、燃油的压力,这些数据被用于以后燃烧器点火启动参考。

h. Record the contents as follows: each path pressure value, valve position, oil burning pressure. These data are used as references for later burner ignition startup.

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B.燃气 Gas Burning

a. 燃气的启动程序与燃油基本相同,所不同的是,不需要启动供油的高压泵和循环系统,而是启动天然气降压站的供气阀门。

a. The startup procedure of gas burning is fundamentally the same as that oil burning, but what is different is that gas burning does not need to start an oil-supplying high pressure pump and circulating system but needs to start the gas supply valve of a natural gas pressure reduction station.

b. 启动分解炉燃烧器后,打开分解炉燃气阀组的流量阀。

b. Unbolt the flow rate valve of the precalciner gas-burning valve train after starting a precalciner burner.

3) 加热器的启动 Heater Startup


The heater apparatus is connected in series in the high pressure oil pump system. The startup or stopping of the heater is controlled by the outlet temperature. When the oil temperature is lower than or higher than a preset temperature, the heater will automatically start or stop an electric heater.启动后的调整 Adjustment after Startup

a. 窑头燃烧器点火成功后,应根据窑的升温要求调节燃烧器的升温速度。而实施燃烧器的火焰调节,应根据燃烧器的操作说明书的要求分步进行。

a. After the successful ignition of a kiln outlet burner, it is necessary to adjust the temperature rise speed according to the kiln temperature rise requirements. But the flame adjustment of a burner shall be done in steps in accordance with the requirements of the operating manual of the burner.

b. 要注意区分“冷窑点火”和“热窑点火”的操作。

b. It is necessary to distinguish the "cold kiln ignition" operation from the "hot kiln ignition" operation.

c. 要注意无燃料通道的供风冷却

c. It is necessary to note the air supply cooling of a no-fuel channel.

d. 窑头、分解炉燃烧器的调节基本是根据系统的工艺要求和安全控制要求进行,因此应按照Pillard 操作说明书对燃烧器及火焰形状的调节要求进行。

d. The adjustment of the kiln outlet and a precalciner burner shall be basically in accordance with the process requirements and safety control requirements of the system, therefore it is necessary to adjust the burner and the flame shape according to the Pillard operating manual.

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HOFUF CEMENT PLANT 5th & 6th EXTENSION PROJECT Burning System 停车及事故应急处理 Shutdown and Emergency Treatment

a. 正常停车是根据窑系统的烧成情况,逐步减料和调燃烧器阀组的流量阀。当分解炉燃烧器停车后,分解炉燃烧器风机应调整流量保持运行,直到安全温度以下。

a. The normal shutdown shall be according to the burning circumstance of a kiln system, gradually reducing materials and adjusting the flow rate valve of the burner valve train. After the precalciner burner stops, the flow rate of a precalciner burner fan shall be adjusted to keep operation until reaching a safe temperature.

b. 分解炉燃烧器停车后,会立即启动阀组的吹扫、保安程序。

b. After a precalciner burner stops, the purging and security procedure of the valve train will be immediately started.

c. 窑头燃烧器停车后,应保持一次风机的运转,直到安全温度以下。若长时间停窑,应拉出窑燃烧器,以免烧坏烧嘴。

c. The operation of the primary fan shall be maintained after the shutdown of a kiln outlet burner until reaching the low of a safe temperature. If the kiln is not in use for a long time, a kiln burner shall be pulled out in order to prevent it from being burnt down.

d. 窑燃烧器停车后,会立即启动阀组的吹扫、保安程序。

d, After a kiln burner stops, the purging and security procedure of the valve train will be immediately started.

e. 若窑头燃烧器的一次风机机械故障必须停机,可预先启动备用风机替代。若两台风机均出现机械故障必须停机,则需启动停窑程序,然后停燃烧器并启动事故风机对燃烧器喷嘴进行冷却。当然该种情况出现的可能性极小。

e. If a kiln outlet burner’s primary fan has to be stopped because of mechanical trouble, you may start the standby fan in advance. If both fans have mechanical trouble and have to be shut down, it is necessary to start the kiln stopping procedure, then stop the burner and start an emergency fan to cool the burner nozzle. Certainly, the possibility for this circumstance to appear is infinitesimal.

f. 分解炉燃烧器的风机出现机械故障必须停机,则分解炉燃烧器将进入停车程序。

f. If a fan of a precalciner burner has mechanical trouble, it has to be shut down, and then the precalciner burner will enter a shutdown procedure.

3.5.3 篦冷机 Grate Cooler

本项目的篦冷机由IKN公司提供,篦冷机分别由篦冷机的本体、篦床驱动系统、辊式破碎机、送灰系统、空气炮系统及相应的控制系统组成。The grate coolers for this project are provided by the IKN company. A grate cooler consists of a grate cooler main body, a grate bed drive system, a roll crusher, an ash-feeding system, an air cannon system and corresponding control systems.主要技术性能 Main Technical Performances

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内 容


技 术 指 标

Technical Index

1 生产能力 Productive capacity 11000 t/d

2 篦床有效面积

Grate bed effective area


3 单位篦板有效面积负荷

Load on unit grate board effective area

44 t/m2.d

4 进料温度

Charging temperature


5 出料温度

Discharging temperature


冲 程 次 数 ( 额 定 ) Stroke frequency (rating)

15 次/min


床Grate bed 冲程 Stroke 140mm

液 压 传 动 hydraulic drive

2 段 2 sections


篦 床 传动 装 置Grate bed drive unit


Motor power

3×150 kW (其中一台备用)

(One motor for standby)


Model and specification

6×4.8m, 6 个辊子,工作宽度:4.8m

6 × 4.8 m, 6 rollers, working width:4.8m


Discharged particle size

95% <25mm


Working temperature of roller



Rated speed 3~5 r/min


熟 料 破碎 机Clinker crusher


Drive unit 6×18kW 主要结构和控制元件概述 Summary of Main Structures and Control Elements

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1) 篦冷机的本体 Main body of grate cooler

篦冷机的篦床由进口的 KIDS1#、1#段篦床、辊式破碎机后部的 KIDS2#和 2#段篦床组成,KIDS1#、KIDS2#为固定床,1#段篦床、2#段篦床为活动床。固定床 KIDS1#共计 10 排篦板,配有3 台冷却风机,为梁式供风,前 4 排篦板,其喷嘴底部分别设有 6 个热电偶。1#段篦床有 74 排篦板,分成 7 个室,配 7 台风机,前面两室的喷嘴底部分别设有 6 个和 2 个热电偶。固定床 KIDS2#有 4排篦板,2#段篦床有 31 排篦板,分成 3 个室,配 3 台风机。KIDS1#和 1#段篦床的冷却风机的风量调节均采用变频调速,KIDS2#和 2#段篦床的风量调节采用进口风门调节。而 KIDS1#头部的篦板风量分配靠 Y 形进风管上的翻板和风管上的调节板调节。

Grate beds of the grate cooler includes KIDS1# and 1# section grate bed at the entry and KIDS 2# and 2# section grate bed at the back of the rolling breaker. KIDS 1# and KIDS 2# are fixed beds, while 1# section grate bed and 2# section grate bed are movable beds. The fixed bed KIDS1# has 10 rows of grid plates in total, and it is equipped with 3 cooling fans. The beam style air supply is adopted. 6 thermocouples have been installed at the bottom of each coanda nozzle of front 4 rows of grid plates respectively. The 1# second grate bed has 74 rows of grate plates, and it is divided into 7 chambers and equipped with 7 air-blowers. 6 and 2 thermocouples are equipped at the bottom of coanda nozzle of front two chambers respectively. The fixed bed KIDS2# has 4 rows of grate plates. The 2# section grate bed has 31 rows of grate plates, and it is divided into 3 chambers and equipped with 3 air-blowers. The frequency control is adopted for air regulation of the cooling fans of KIDS1# and 1# section grate beds. The inlet ventilation door adjustment is adopted for air regulation of the KIDS 2# and 2# section grate beds. While the air distribution of the grid plate at the head end of KIDS1# is adjusted by the turning board on the Y-type air-supply line and regulating plate on the air pipe.


All of the access doors on the grate cooler are equipped with security protection system, and have been interlocked into the system.

2) 篦床驱动系统 Driving System of the Grate Bed

液压系统主要由以下几个部分组成:液压泵站、1#段篦床的驱动液压缸 1#和 2#、2#段篦床的驱动液压缸 3#、配电柜、带控制系统和操作面板的现场控制台。

The hydraulic system mainly includes following parts: hydraulic pump station, 1#and 2# driving hydraulic cylinders of 1#section grate bed, 3#driving hydraulic cylinder of 2#section grate bed, switch cupboard and the field control station with control system and operation panel.

液压泵站装备有 3 台驱动泵(GD)、油/水冷却器、油过滤的油温控制电路(OTC)、油罐、空压站、液压控制台(HCB)。正常情况下,3 台驱动泵中有 2 台工作, 1 台备用。2 台工作泵中,其中一台泵承担主要负载,另外一台承担峰值负载。在运行状态,主要负载泵和峰值负载泵的任务周期性的变化来确保两个泵的负载均匀。3 台驱动泵之间的运行也可以互换。篦床驱动系统中的控制系统的监控内容包括:油温、油位、油过滤器、泵阀位置、油冷却器的水量、液压油的含水量等,并在液压控制台上均有显示。

The hydraulic pump station is equipped with 3 driving pumps (GD), the oil/water cooler, oil temperature control circuit of oil filter, oil tank, compressed air station, and the hydraulic control board (HCB). Under normal circumstances, 2 of the 3 driving pumps work, and 1 driving pump is standby. One of the working pump bears major load, and the other working pump bears the peak load. Under running conditions, the tasks of the major load pump and the peak load pump vary periodically in order to guarantee the even load of these two pumps. Functions and operations of these 3 driving pumps could be exchanged with each other. Monitoring contents of the control

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system of the grate bed driving system include: oil temperature, oil level, oil cleaner, pump valve position, water quantity of the oil cooler, water content of the hydraulic oil and etc. These contents are all displayed on the hydraulic control board.

篦床的驱动是通过液压缸 1#、液压缸 2#推动篦床 1#,液压缸 3#推动篦床#2 实现的。液压缸的冲程由比例阀、电磁位移测量、控制阀等组成的油路控制系统控制,设计冲程 140mm,但运行中的真实冲程需通过 IKN 现场调试工程师在操作面板上做出调整,并且以后也不能改变。篦床的运行速度由液压缸的冲程次数确定。汽缸冲程次数的设定是根据实际需要,在中心控制区,设定好的篦床移动速度通过 PLC 传输给轴向运动控制系统。轴向运动控制系统计算出速度值送给相应的电控元件控制驱动。液压缸内的位移传感器将信号反馈给轴向运动控制系统。轴运动控制系统利用这个信号计算出篦床的真实速度,与设定值对比,以实现运行速度的控制。篦床的额定速度是 15 次/min。

The driving of grate beds is realized by hydraulic cylinder 1# and hydraulic cylinder 2# pushing the grate bed 1#, and hydraulic cylinder 3# pushing the grate bed #2.The stroke of the hydraulic cylinder is controlled by the oil way control system, which is composed of the proportioning valve, electromagnetic displacement measurement and control valve and so on. The designed stroke is 140 mm. While the actual stroke in running need to be adjusted on the operation panel by IKN field debugging engineer, and should not be changed afterwards. The running speed of the grate bed is determined by the stroke times of the hydraulic cylinder. The number of cylinder stroke times is set according to actual demand. In the central control area, the setting travel speed of the grate bed will be transferred to the axial motion control system by PLC. The axial motion control system will work out the velocity amplitude and send it to corresponding electric component control driving. The displacement sensor in the hydraulic cylinder will send the signal to axial motion control system. The axial motion control system will use this signal to work out the true velocity of the grate bed, and compare it with the setting value, in order to realize the control of running speed. The rated speed of the grate bed is 15 times/min.

3) 辊式破碎机 Coller Crusher

辊式破碎机位于 1#段和 2#段篦床之间,用于将大块熟料破碎。破碎机的辊面是曲面,并配有辊套,共有 6 个辊子,每个辊子配有驱动电机和行星齿轮减速装置;每台电机的温度及电流和旋转方向均被控制系统监控;每辊的轴端装有叶片,通过接近开关对转速计数,实现对速度的控制。由集中润滑系统对辊两端的球面滚珠轴承润滑,控制系统对润滑系统的润滑时间间隔、润滑时间和油罐的油位实施监控;轴承的温度由热电阻测温仪监控;每个辊都配有独立的水循环冷却系统,并对回水的流量和温度实施监控,辊式破碎机的框架梁设有风冷却系统,机旁和中控均配有控制屏,在中控和现场都能监控破碎机的运行情况。

The roller crusher is located between the 1# section and 2 # section grate beds, and is used for breaking of big pieces of clinkers. The roll surface of the breaker is curved, and is equipped with a roll ring. There are 6 rollers in total. Each of the rollers is equipped with drive motor and heliocentric-type reducer. The temperature, current and rotation direction of each motor are monitored by the control system; Blade are installed on the shaft end of each roller, and the rotation speed of the blade is counted by the proximity switch, thus realizing the control of the speed. The centralized lubricating system lubricates the spherical surface ball bearings at two ends of the roller. The control system monitors the lubrication interval, lubrication time and oil level of the oil tank of the lubrication system; The bearing temperature is monitored by thermal resistance thermometric indicator; Each roller is equipped with an independent water circulation cooling system, and the flow rate and temperature of the returning water are monitored; The frame girder of the roller crusher is equipped with the wind cooling system. The control boards are equipped at both the local and the central control; therefore, the running condition of the breaker

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could be monitored both at the central control and at the field.

4) 输灰系统 Ash Conveying System

该篦冷机的输灰系统包括两部分:第一部分是 1#段篦床底部配置的 PHD(Pneumatic Hopper Drainage)系统。该系统是在 1#段篦床 7 个风室的底部设置了 14 个集灰箱,分属两条排灰管道,由气力输送将灰送到集灰仓,然后通过溜子送到熟料链斗输送机。每个集灰箱的输灰时间和输灰频次均由时间控制,集灰箱上部设有料位计,当料位计探测到的高料位信号会在中控显示,若 3 次排料循环后仍探测到高料位,则 将发出报警信号,通知需要检查处理。第二部分是 2#篦床的底部设置的排灰系统简称滑动门(Slide Gate)系统。该系统在 2#篦床的底部的 3 个风室设置了 6 个集灰斗并配有 6 个气动闸门,闸门打开积灰将直接落入熟料链斗输送机。闸门的开启可由料位控制和时间控制。若采用料位控制,则控制方法如下:每个集灰斗闸门的开启时间和开启频次均由时间控制。集灰斗上部设有料位计,当料位计探测到的高料位时闸门也会开启。时间控制将被自动重新设定。若某料斗闸门开启时间过长将报警,必须迅速检查闸门。若 10 次循环中每次都有高料位信号,则系统也会给出报警。若采用时间控制:则每个闸门设有固定的开启时间和延时,而实际开启时间加延时为监控时间,若监控时间超时,则将发出报警信号,通知需要检查处理。若中间遇到高料位,闸门也会自动被打开。

The ash conveying system of this grate cooler includes two parts: The first part is the PHD (Pneumatic Hopper Drainage) system configured at the bottom of the 1# section grate bed. This system sets up 14 ash-collecting boxes at the bottom of 7 air chambers of the 1# section grate bed. The ash-collecting boxes belong to two ash pipes respectively. The ash will be transported to the ash-collecting bin by air delivery, and then sent to the clinker bucket conveyer by the chute. The ash conveying time and frequency of each ash-collecting box are controlled by time. The charge level indicator is installed at the top of the ash-collecting box. The high material level detected by the charge level indicator will be displayed at the central control. If the high material level is stilled detected after 3 discharge circulations, the alarm signal will be issued to notify the worker to check and handle it. The second part is the ash system installed at the bottom of the 2# grate bed, which is called the Slide Gate system for short. This system sets up 6 ash-collecting hoppers equipped with 6 air-operated gates at the bottom of 3 air chambers of the 2# grate bed. When the gate valve is opened, the ash deposit will fall into the clinker bucket conveyer directly. The opening of the gate valve could be controlled by the material level or by time. If the material level control is adopted, the control method is as follows: The opening time and opening frequency of each gate valve of the ash-collecting hopper are controlled by time. The charge level indicator is installed on the top of the ash-collecting hopper, and when the charge level indicator detects the high material level, the gate valve will also be opened. And, the time control will be reset automatically. If the opening time of a bunker gate is too long, the alarm signal will be issued, and the gate valve must be examined rapidly. If the signal of high material level has existed for 10 circulations successively, the system will also issue the alarm. If the time control is adopted: The fixed opening time and time-delay of each gate valve are set up. While the opening time plus the time-delay is the time being monitored. If the time monitored is overtime, the alarm signal will be issued to notify the worker to examine and handle it. If the high material level occurs between openings of the gate valve, the gate valve will also be opened automatically.

5) 空气炮系统 Air Cannon System

在篦冷机的进料端设有11台空气炮,其中两台8升的空气炮为窑头密封装置灰斗的卸灰管清堵。9 台空气炮为篦冷机 KIDS1#部分的清大块和过度的料堆。空气炮的运行分自动和手动两种模式。当选用自动模式时,每台空气炮的运行会按设定的程序进行。选择手动模式,可有选择的运行。正常情况下,选用自动模式。非正常情况下,选择手动模式。

11 sets of air cannons are installed at the feed end of the grate cooler, among others, 2 sets of 8-litre air cannons are used for blocking-clearing of the ash-discharge pipe of the ash hopper of the sealing device of the kiln outlet.9 sets of air cannons are use for clearing large pieces and

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excessive material piles for the KIDS1# part of the grate cooler. The operation of the air cannon has two modes, the automation and hand motion. When the automation mode is selected, each air cannon will run according to the setting program. When the hand motion mode is selected, the air cannons could be operated by selection. Under normal circumstances, the automation mode should be selected. Under abnormal circumstances, the hand motion mode should be selected.

6) 控制系统组成 Composition of the Control System


According to functions of the grate cooler, the control system is divided into several independent control systems: the grate bed driving system, roller crusher system, ash conveying system and air cannon system. Relative interlocking signals of these systems are connected with each other, thus forming the control system of the grate cooler. 开机前的准备 Preparation before Startup

1) 篦冷机的本体 Main part of grate cooler

a. KIDS1#部分的所有调节板全开,Y 形风管的所有调节板置于中间位置。

a. All adjustable plates of the KIDS 1# part and all adjustable plates of a Y-shape air duct shall be placed at a middle position.

b. 冷却机冷却区域内的卸灰滑动门全部开着。

b. All the ash-unloading slide gate inside a cooler’s cooling realm shall be open.

c. 风机启动前应除去砌筑时留有的杂物。

c. The dopants left during masonry shall be removed before a fan starts.

d. 清除沾粘在篦缝周围的杂物,尤其注意清除掉篦缝中的焊条、钢片等。

d. Clear away the dopants stuck around a grate seam, especially the welding rods, sheet steel, etc. dropped into a grate slot.

e. 再按风机所管辖的区域,开足风机,用软木锤敲打篦板两侧,通过振动和风机的喷吹力,进一步清除沾粘在篦缝周围的杂物,保持篦缝清洁、整齐。但要注意敲打的力度,以免损坏篦板。

e. Aiming at the realm controlled by a fan, turn on the fan to the full extent, use a soft wood hammer to knock the two sides of a grate plate and by relying on vibration and the spray blowing force of the fan, further clear away the dopants stuck around the grate slot so as to keep the slot clean and tidy. But it is necessary to note the strength of the percussion in order to avoid damaging the grate plate.

f. 在烘窑阶段应在 KIDS 部分覆盖上 20~30mm 厚的碎耐火砖或冷熟料,以避免烘窑的高温辐射热损坏喷嘴。

f. At the stage of drying and heat-up the kiln, the KIDS part shall be covered with 20~30 mm-thick rubble firebrick or cold clinker to prevent the high-temperature radiant heat from drying the kiln from damaging a nozzle.

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g. 严禁点火的油滴入未覆盖料的篦板上,以免堵死篦缝。

g. Strictly forbid the ignition oil dropping into a grate plate that is not covered with a material in order to avoid stop up a grate slot completely.

h. 进行完上面的工作后关闭所有检修门。

h. Close all access doors after finishing the above operations.

2)篦床驱动系统 Grate bed drive system

a. 确认泵的接线和旋向正确

a. Make sure that the wiring and revolving direction of a pump are correct.

b. 确认篦床驱动系统的管路、储压罐、驱动液压缸等已清洗完毕并确认不泄漏,然后按要求重新注油。

b. Make sure that the pipeline, pressure storage tank, hydraulic drive cylinder and so on for a grate bed drive system have been cleaned and confirm no leakage, and then afresh inject oil as required.

c. 液压系统脱气、篦板驱动液压缸系统的压力试验、系统中减压阀的调整完成。

c. The degassing of the hydraulic system, the pressure test for the grate drive hydraulic cylinder system, and the adjustment of a reducing valve in the system has been completed.

3) 辊式破碎机 Roller Crusher

a. 辊式破碎机设有远程控制面板和就地控制面板,检查控制面板上的显示信号灯是否完好。单个启动每一个辊,检查辊的旋向,确认实际旋向三统一。即实际旋向与远程控制面板与就地控制面板显示统一。

a. The roller crusher is equipped with a remote control panel and a local control panel. Check whether the signal display lamp on a control panel is intact or not. Start a single roller, check the revolving direction of the roller, and make sure that an actual revolving direction and what are displayed on the remote control panel and on the local control panel are unified.

b. 确认水冷却、风冷却、油润滑管线的连接完好,无泄漏。

b. Make sure that the connection of the water cooling, air cooling and oil lubrication pipe lines is intact and they have no leakage.

c. 确认破碎辊的过载保护、速度检测、轴承的温度检测装置有效、显示正确。

c. Make sure that the overload protection of a crushing roller, speed examination and a bearing temperature-detecting device are effective and have correct displays.

d. 确认破碎机已回复到它的运行位置,并已按规定固定。

d. Make sure that a crusher has already returned to its operating position and has been fixed by rule.

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4) 输灰系统 Ash Conveyance System

a. PHD 系统的阀门、管线、控制信号的调试已完成并确认符号规定要求;

a. The debugging of a valve, pipe line and control signal of the PHD system has already been completed and make sure that the debugging meets the specified requirements;

b. 确认 PHD 系统中的料位计有效,信号正常。

b. Make sure that the charge level indicator of the PHD system is effective and its signals are normal.

c. 灰斗卸灰的滑动门轨道、导向螺栓、滑板运行正常,密封正常;

c. The unloading slide door track, guide bolt and sliding plate of an ash hopper shall function and shall be sealed normally;

d. 确认管线连接完好,无泄漏,压缩空气的供气压力符合要求。

d. Make sure that the connection of the pipe line is intact and has no leakage, and the compressed air supply pressure meets the requirements.

e. 确认料位计有效且信号正常,接近开关和电磁阀信号正常,控制系统显示与现场一致。

e. Make sure that the charge level indicator is available and its signals are normal, a proximity switch and a solenoid valve have normal signals, and the control system display is consistent with that on the site.

f. 两套输灰系统符合运行要求。

f. The two ash conveyance systems shall meet the service requirements.

5) 空气炮系统 Air Cannon System

a. 确认管线连接完好,无泄漏;

a. Make sure that the pipe line connection is intact and has no leakage;

b. 控制系统工作正常;

b. The control system shall work normally;

c. 压缩空气的供气压力符合要求。

c. The compressed air supply pressure shall meet the requirements.

6) 控制系统组成 Control System Composition

a. 确认控制系统信号正常,远程、就地、现场信号一致;

a. Make sure that the control system has normal signals, and its remote, local and site signals are consistent;

b. 控制面板显示信号正确。

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b. The control panel shall display correct signals. 启动程序 Startup Procedure


冷却风机#11~#14→冷却风机#4~#10→冷却风机#1~#3→篦床#2 的液压驱动→辊式破碎机→篦床#1 的液压驱动→滑动门,PHD→空气炮单元


After the clinker conveyance, dust catchers and vent air fan have been started, the grate cooler system’s normal group startup sequence is as follows:

Cooling fans #11~#14 → cooling fans #4~#10 → cooling fans #1~#3 →grate bed #2 hydraulic drive →roller crusher →grate bed #1 hydraulic drive →slide door, PHD →air cannon unit

The normal group closedown sequence is contrary to the above-mentioned sequence.

1) 篦冷机的本体 Main Part of Grate Cooler

a. 设备启动前一定要关闭所有检修门

a. Before equipment startup, you must close all access doors.

b. 在窑的点火、烘窑阶段,如果需要开冷却风机,应该开 KIDS1#部分后面的风机,作为燃烧用空气。

b. If at the stage of kiln ignition and drying, it is necessary to turn on cooling fans, you should turn on those at the back of the KIDS 1# section to provide combustion air.

c. 窑在升温阶段要注意,如果喷嘴的温度上升至 80℃,应启动风机,并在最小流量下运行。

c. At the stage of kiln temperature rise, it is necessary to note that if the temperature of a nozzle rises to 80 ℃, you should start a fan and have it run at the lowest flow rate.

d. 当 KIDS1#部分的熟料堆到 1.5m 时,应启动 KIDS1#部分的 3 台冷却风机。

d. When the clinker at the KIDS 1# part has been piled up to 1.5 m, you should start 3 cooling fans at the KIDS 1# part.

e. KIDS1#部分的冷却风机流量调节应参照 IKN 提供的流量曲线或由按 IKN 的调试工程师指定的要求进行。

e. The cooling fan flow control of the KIDS 1# part shall conform to the flow curves that IKN provides or to the requirements that IKN debugging engineers designate.

f. 如果熟料被吹离 KIDS 表面,应减少风机的供风量,保持住熟料在 KIDS1#上的斜坡。

f. If clinker is blown off the KIDS surface, you should slash the fan air volume to retain the slope of the clinker on KIDS 1#.

g. 注意推动篦床的速度、风机、空气炮调节应适当,使熟料层能覆盖住 KIDS1#部分的篦板,而不至于烧坏篦板。

g. Note that the adjustment of a speed for pushing a grate bed, of a fan and of an air cannon

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should be appropriate, making a clinker layer able to cover the grate plate of the KIDS 1# part so as not to burn down the grate plate.

h. 在开始阶段,如果需减小 KIDS1#部分的料堆高度,可加快 1 段篦床的推动速度。

h. If at the beginning stage, it is necessary to reduce the material stack height of the KIDS 1# part, you may quicken the pushing speed of the section-1 grate bed.

i. 在操作期间,所有的冷却风机调节必须按 IKN 提供的流量曲线或由按 IKN 的调试工程师指定的要求进行。

i. During the period of operation, the adjustment of all cooling fans shall conform to the flow curves that IKN provides or to the requirements that IKN debugging engineers designate.

j. 当窑连续输出熟料时,篦速的调节必须按 IKN 制订的要求或按 IKN 的调试工程师现场给定的要求进行。

j. While the kiln is outputting clinker continuously, the adjustment of a grate speed shall conform to the flow curves that IKN provides or to the requirements that IKN debugging engineers designate on the spot.

k. 为保证最优化的篦冷机操作,每次只能调整一个参数,等待结果,这样窑和冷却机的操作才能稳定。

k. In order to ensure the optimal operation of a grate cooler, only one parameter may be adjusted each time to wait for a result so that the operation of the kiln and the cooler can be stabilized.

2) 篦床驱动系统 Grate bed drive system

a. 篦床的驱动是通过 1#、2#液压缸推动篦床 1#,3#液压缸推动篦床 2#实现的。汽缸的冲程由比例阀、电磁位移测量、控制阀等组成的油路系统通过 PLC 实现篦床的运动控制。

a. The grate bed drive is realized by hydraulic cylinders 1# and 2# pushing grate bed 1# and hydraulic cylinder 3# pushing grate bed 2#.The stroke of the cylinder is measured by a proportioning valve and electromagnetic displacement. The oil route system consisting of control valves, etc. uses PLC to realize the motion control of a grate bed.

b. 操作中只要根据篦床 4#风室的显示压力,来设定 1#篦床的速度。而两者的关系按 IKN 提供的压力与 1#篦床速度曲线即 P~GS 曲线调节。或者按窑产量与对应的 1#篦床速度的样板表格调节。

b. In operation, it is necessary to set the speed of grate bed 1# according to a pressure value displayed at the grate bed 4# air chamber. The relations between the two shall be adjusted according to the pressure and 1# grate speed curves or P~GS curves provided by IKN or to the model table of the kiln outputs and their corresponding 1# grate bed speeds.

c. 2#段篦床速度按照 1#段篦床速度的相关比例因子自动或手动调节。

c. The speed of grate bed 2# shall be adjusted automatically or manually according to 1# grate bed speed-related scale factors.

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d. 在篦床运动过程中的温度、压力、油位的监控由控制系统自动实现,但控制系统一旦发出报警,必须及时采取相应的排除措施。

d. The monitoring and control of the temperature, pressure and oil level during the process of the grate bed motion are automatically realized by the control system, but once the control system sends out an alarm, it is necessary to take corresponding measures in time for troubleshooting.

3) 辊式破碎机 Roller Crusher

a. 辊式破碎机内部的启动程序:

a. Inner startup procedure of roller crusher:

b. 启动水冷却系统→启动冷却风机→按标准操作启动辊破→由 DCS 显示辊的旋向→显示辊子的电机电流→查看电机温度的监视→查看速度监测→查看轴承温度监测→查看水温和流量监测

b. Starting water cooling system →starting cooling fan →starting roller crusher pursuant to standard operation →DCS displaying the revolving direction of roller→displaying the current of roller electric motor →looking into electric motor temperature monitoring →looking into speed monitoring →looking into bearing temperature monitoring →looking into water temperature and flow rate monitoring

c. 辊式破碎机在运行过程中,若遇大块、或铁块辊的电机会有过载报警,若在自动控制模式,过载辊会自动执行过载保护操作。若在手动控制模式,必须手动执行过载保护操作。

c. If during operation, a roller crusher meets a big chunk or iron cake, the roller’s electric motor will send out an overload alarm. In the automatic control mode, an overloaded roller will run the overload protection automatically. In the hand control mode, hand operation shall be used to run overload protection.

d. 辊式破碎机的控制系统设有远程控制和就地控制,轴承温度、电机温度、速度、润滑、油位、水温、水量等均由控制系统进行实时监控,控制系统一旦发出报警,必须及时采取相应的排除措施。

d. The control system of a roll crusher is equipped with remote control and local control. The bearing temperature, electric motor temperature, speed, lubrication, oil level, water temperature, water amount, etc are all under the real-time monitoring of the control system.

4) 输灰系统 Ash Conveyance System

a. 篦床 1#的 PHD 系统卸灰和篦床 2#的灰斗移门卸灰系统都配有自动控制系统,根据时间或料位控制卸料,并对系统的运行实时监控。

a. The ash-unloading system of grate bed 1# PHD and the grate bed 2# ash hopper slide door ash-unloading system all have automatic control systems. Discharging shall be controlled according to time and charge levels and the system operation shall be under real-time monitoring.

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b. 当篦冷机接到启动命令,该系统按规定的开机顺序启动该系统,并选择自动模式。

b. When a grate cooler receives a startup command, the system will be started according to stipulated startup sequence and select the automatic mode.

c. 只要 2#、3#冷却风机的压力大于等于 50mbar 时,PHD 系统就能启动工作。对灰斗滑动门卸灰系统而言,只要压缩空气供气正常系统就能启动工作。

c. As long as the pressure of cooling fans 2# and 3# is greater than or equal to 50 mbar, the PHD system can start operation. For the ash-unloading system of a ash hopper sliding door, as long as compressed air supply is normal, the system can start operation.

d. 运行中控制系统一旦发出报警,必须及时采取相应的排除措施。

d. Once the control system in operation sends out an alarm, it is necessary to take measures for troubleshooting.

e. 在输灰系统工作时,有粉尘逸出。检查排障时必须戴上安全手套和防尘面具。

e. As an ash conveyance system works, dust escapes out. During inspection and troubleshooting, it is necessary to wear safety gloves and dustproof masks.

5) 空气炮系统 Air Cannon System


You may select the manual operation mode when the kiln system ignites a cold kiln or there is an abnormal operation. When the kiln runs normally, select the automatic mode. Start the system according to the stipulated startup sequence.运行维护、停机维护及注意事项 Running Maintenance, Shutdown Maintenance and Points for Attention

1) 篦冷机本体及用风 Main part of grate cooler and air use

a. 正确的调节用风量,能使熟料均匀散布到后面的 1#移动篦床上。通过改变两侧的用风量能使 KIDS1#左右的粗细料均匀分布,来回调节 Y 形风管的挡板,可调节左右边的供风。

a. Correctly adjust an air use volume to make clinker evenly spread on the 1# movable grate bed at the back. Changing the two sides’ air use volumes can make the thick and thin materials on the left and right sides of KIDS 1# uniformly distributed. Adjusting the baffle of the Y-shape air duct backward and forward can regulate the air supply on the left and right sides.

b. 增加供风的一边会使料堆变得平坦,减少供风的一边会使料堆变的陡峭。

b. The side with increased air supply will make a material stack become flat while the side with decreased air supply will make a material stack become steep.

c. 当料床上的料层厚度均匀,则调节就完成,熟料的冷却也变得均匀。

c. When the material layer thickness on a bed becomes even, then the adjustment will be terminated and the cooling of the clinker will also become even.

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d. 熟料的粒度因煅烧条件的变化会改变。(如临时的冷窑或改变燃料)细的熟料流动性好,因此,在 KIDS1#面上向下的输送速度快,KIDS1#上的保护熟料层会减薄,从而引起喷嘴的温度提高。

d. The fineness of the clinker will vary with the change of calcination conditions, such as a temporarily cold kiln or the alteration of fuel. Thin clinker has good liquidity, therefore, the downward conveyance speed on the KIDS 1# surface is quicker, and a protected clinker layer on the KIDS 1# will become thin, thus raising the temperature of a nozzle.

e. 如果 KIDS1#的喷嘴温度超过 80℃,KIDS1#区的风机供风量每次按 10%的速率减少。

e. If the KIDS 1# nozzle temperature is more than 80 ℃, the air supply volume of the KIDS 1# area’s fans will be reduced at a rate of 10% each time.

f. 如果 KIDS1#的风机流量减少了 30%以后,篦板温度仍不能降低,则应降低 2#段篦床的推动速度。

f. If after the KIDS 1# fans’ flow rates have been slashed by 30%, the rate plate temperature is still unable to be stepped down, then the pushing speed at section 2# shall be lowered.

g. 如果 1#段篦床的喷嘴温度超过 80℃,则应降低 1#段篦床的推动速度。

g. If the nozzle temperature at section 1# grate bed is more than 80 ℃, then you should lower the pushing speed of section 1# grate bed.

h. 在自动模式下,篦床的推动速度由 KIDS1#后的 1#室的篦下压力控制。篦床上的料床厚度应该恒定,并保证空气和熟料的热交换最佳为宜。

h. In the automatic mode, the pushing speed of a grate bed is controlled by the pressure under the grate of 1# chamber at the back of KIDS 1#.The material bed thickness of a grate bed shall be constant, and it shall be ensured that the heat exchange between the air and the clinker will be the best.

i. 如果 1#室的篦下压力增加,说明料床厚度增加,则篦床推动速度要增加。

i . If 1# chamber’s under-grate pressure is increased, it will be shown that the material bed thickness has been increased, and the grate bed pushing speed shall be increased.

j. 注意:如果通过流量控制的冷却风机的流量恒定,篦床速度控制是唯一的。如果 1#室的用风量增加,则会引起压力增加,也会引起篦床速度加快,则无故导致料床变薄。

j. Note: If a cooling fan flow rate with flow rate control is constant, the grate bed speed control is exclusive. If 1# chamber’s air use volume increases, it will cause pressure to increase, and will also cause the grate bed speed to be quickened, thus leading to a material bed becoming thin without cause.

2) 液压驱动系统 Hydraulic drive system

a. 液压系统在运行时或断开后都处于高压状态,只有等关闭、卸压、冷却后才能进行维修。

a. The hydraulic system is placed in a high-pressure status while it is in operation or is powered off. Only after shutdown, pressure unloading and cooling will repair and

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maintenance be allowable.

b. 在篦床驱动液压缸脱气时,禁止从冷却机的上部或下部进入篦床和风室。

b. During the degassing of a grate bed drive hydraulic cylinder, entering the grate bed and air chamber from the upper part or the lower part of a cooler is prohibited.

c. 在液压系统脱气和进行压力测试时,油有可能喷射出来,小心受伤!戴上防护手套和防护目镜。

c. During the degassing of the hydraulic system and a pressure test, oil may be ejected. Take care not to get hurt! Put on protective gloves and goggles.

d. 在每次计划停窑前,做好液压管路泄漏和损坏的检查工作。

d. Before planning to stop the kiln each time, check whether the hydraulic pipe line has leakage and damage.

e. 长时间停窑,应排出油/水冷却器和管道中的水,然后用压缩空气清除残余的水。而在霜冻天气下必须做。

e. If the kiln is not in use for a long time, you should discharge the water in an oil/water cooler and pipe line and then use compressed air to clear away the remaining water. It must be done in frosty weather.

f. 清扫液压动力机组时不要用棉线清扫容器和零件,因为细线会破坏系统。用清扫刷或无绒毛的抹布和煤油或汽油。

f. During cleaning a hydraulic dynamic machine, do not use cotton threads to clean a container and accessory because the fine threads will damage the system. Use cleaning brushes or downless duster cloth added with kerosene or gasoline.

g. 油过滤在第一次运行 100 小时和以后每运行 3000 小时,过滤器都需检查。如果需要,应更换。

g. After operation for 100 hours for the first time or operation for every 3000 hours since the first time, an oil filter shall be checked. It shall be replaced when necessary.

h. 每月检查油位。如果需要,通过 10μm 的过滤器重新注油。在试运转时,经常地检查油位,来判断油在管道、液压气缸的损失和泄漏。

h. Check the oil level monthly. If necessary, the 10 μ m filter will be used for injecting oil afresh. Often check the oil level during a test run to judge the oil loss and leakage in a pipeline and a hydraulic cylinder.

i. 在第一次运行 500 小时后应换油;在此之后每运行 2000 小时检测油一次,如果需要,应更换。

i. Change oil after operation for 500 hours for the first time. Examine oil once after operation for every 2000 hours since the first time. Replace the oil if necessary.

j. 注油通气阀必须每年更换一次。

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j. An oiling vent valve shall be replaced once each year.

k. 油/水冷却器的维护只能在水回路无压状态进行,测压仪必须显示在 0bar。

k. The maintenance of an oil/water cooler will only be done in the status that the water loop has no pressure, and a load cell shall be shown at 0 bar.

l. 储气罐、油罐、储压罐、油泵、驱动汽缸的维护、更换必须参照相关的操作手册,按规定程序进行。

l. The maintenance and replacement of a gas tank, oil tank, pressure tank, oil pump or drive cylinder shall be according to a related run book and shall be done pursuant to a stipulated procedure.

3) 辊式破碎机 Roller Crusher

a. 注意检查所有破辊轴承温度的监测,检查集中润滑的操作是否恰当,风冷和水冷的操作是否恰当;

a. Monitor the temperatures of all crushing roller bearings and check whether the operation of the concentrated lubrication is appropriate and the operation of the air cooling and water cooling is appropriate;

b. 注意检查中间的辊在过流的情况下能够反转;

b. Make sure that an intermediate roller can turn over under the circumstance of overcurrent;

c. 遇有较长的停窑时间应对辊圈和硬面进行检查,每年至少应检查一次,IKN 推荐,满负荷一年,辊硬面应更 换

c. If the kiln is not in use for a long time, we should check the roller rings and hard surfacing, which shall be done once at least every year. IKN recommends that a roller hard surfacing be replaced after one year of full load.

d. 齿轮装置应按规定时间和要求换润滑油

d. For a gear unit, replace lub oil pursuant to stipulated time and requirements.

e. 油量、类型、换油周期参看技术数据表,换油间隔对操作条件的影响参看齿轮装置说明书

e. For an oil quantity, type, oil changing period, refer to technical data tables. For the impacts of oil changing intervals upon the working conditions, refer to a gear unit manual.

f. 停机换油时,由于润滑油温度高,当心烫伤,操作时必须穿戴防护用品。

f. Beware of burn when stopping the machine for oil replacement as the lub oil temperature is high. It is necessary to wear protective supplies during operation.

g. 拆装后辊轴密封套一定要紧固。如果密封套内钻入熟料粉尘,必须清理后重新固定。

g. The dismantlement or installation of a rear roller sealing sleeve shall be fastened. If clinker dust has entered the sealing sleeve, it is necessary to reinstall it after cleanup.

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h. 为了修理、维护需要,破碎机需拉到它的维修位置,或破碎辊磨损后需更换,此时的拆装和复位操作必须 按设备的操作说明书进行。

h. For the sake of repair and maintenance, a crusher shall be pulled to its repair position. When a crushing roller needs replacement after abrasion, the dismantling, installing and resetting operations shall conform to an equipment operating manual.

i. 复位后的破碎机调试前,应检查确认齿轮装置的润滑油是否加。

i. Before debugging a crusher after being reset, check whether the lub oil of a gear unit has been added or not.

j. 复位后的破碎机应先通过试运行检查各项功能,才能投入正式生产。

j. A crusher after being reset shall first pass a test run to check various functions before being put into formal production.

k. 如果破碎机较长时间停止工作,必须排空辊内和软管中的冷却水,以防冷却水结冰冻坏冷却水管。

k. If a crusher is not in use for a long time, it is necessary to empty a roller and hose of cooling water in order to prevent the cooling water from freezing and frosting a cooling water pipe.

l. 集中润滑是为球形滚珠轴承和破碎机的迷宫密封服务的。该集中润滑的控制与破碎机一起启动。

l. Concentrated lubrication serves the labyrinth seal of a spheroid ball bearing and a crusher. The control of the concentrated lubrication is started together with a crusher.

m. 给集中润滑的储油器加油,必须停电源,以防旋转搅动可能会引起伤害。油的要求见技术参数规范,油不能被污染。

m. Oiling an oil receiver in concentrated lubrication will demand the power supply to be cut off in order to prevent revolving agitation from causing harm. For the oil requirements, see the technical parameter specifications, and the oil shall not be polluted.

n. 如果在加油前储油器已完全空,加油后则应该保持 10min,直到泵恢复它的全部输出。

n. If before oiling, an oil receiver has been completely empty, 10 min shall be reserved after oiling until a pump restores all its output.

o. 集中润滑通过泵和泵元件把送给润滑给油器,由给油器把油脂通过活塞的动作。将油脂慢慢地送到给油器的各出口即分配到轴承和破碎机的迷宫密封,每个活塞的动作都有一个接近开关监控,如果出现堵塞和储油器空,接近开关就不能探测到活塞的运动,将发出报警。此时必须处理。

o. Concentrated lubrication uses a pump and pump elements to pass grease to an oil feeder, which relies on the motion of a piston to slowly send grease to each outlet of the oil feeder, namely the labyrinth seal of the bearing and the crusher. The motion of each piston has a proximity switch for monitoring. If blockage appears and an oil receiver is empty, the proximity switch can not detect the motion of a piston and will send out an alarm.

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Treatment shall be given at this time.

4) 输灰系统 Ash Conveyance System

a. PHD 系统如果不再有料传输,在通常情况下冷却机操作中也能清除堵塞。气动滑动闸门在维护期间应保持关闭,然后必须按 IKN 的操作说明书执行。

a. If the PHD system no longer has material conveyance, under a general condition, the operation of a cooler can also clear away blockage. A pneumatic slide gate shall be kept closed during maintenance. Then observe the IKN operating manual.

b. 冷却机操作中的清堵应注意在滑动闸门阻断热熟料、排料管内熟料冷却后进行,以免烫伤。

b. Clearing away blockage in the operation of a cooler shall be conducted after the slide gate has blocked off hot clinker and the clinker in a discharging pipe has been cooled in order to prevent burn.

c. 灰斗滑动门卸灰系统在维护或检查以前,压缩空气的供气开关必须关,并确保不能启动。

c. Before maintenance and inspection of an ash hopper slide door ash unloading system, the air supply switch for compressed air shall be off and no startup shall be ensured.

d. 移门工作时,会有粉尘串出,现场工作必须穿戴防护手套和面罩。

d. While a movable door is working, dust will come out. For site work, wear protective gloves and masks.

e. 每次停窑期间,必须检查滑板的滑轨和导向螺栓,以免磨损,必要时更换;检查滑板的泄漏、螺旋连接、供气管线、接近开关和电磁阀。

e. During kiln closedown each time, it is necessary to check a sliding track and a guide bolt of a slide plate in order to prevent abrasion. Replace it when it's necessary. Check whether a slide plate has leakage. Check screwed connection, an air supply pipeline, a proximity switch and a solenoid valve.

f. 注意检查密封,如有泄露,密封应重新调节。

f. Check sealing. If there is leakage, sealing shall be readjusted.

g. 在长时间停窑时,所有的仓斗和排料管道都需排空,以免形成涂层而堵塞管道。检查所有仓斗是否全部清空。

g. While the kiln is not in use for a long time, all hoppers and discharging pipes shall be emptied in order to avoid forming a coating to block a pipeline. Check whether all hoppers are emptied. 常见故障分析及处理 Common Fault Analysis and Treatment


If a fault appears in a procedure in production, it shall be differentiated according to a different

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circumstance. For an important question, a user, manufacturer and designer shall investigate and analyze the cause, and discuss a treating way together. The causes and treatment processes of some common faults and their causes are briefly described as follows:

常见故障Common Fault

产 生 原 因 Cause

处 理 方 法 Treatment Process

红河 Red river

粗、细料不均匀,并被分离。 Thick and fine materials are nonuniform and are separated.

1.通过调节 KDS1#l 两侧的用风比例;


3.如果是进口形状不合适,应在下次停窑期间调成适合的形状,必要时不对称也可以。 1.Adjust KDS 1# two sides’ air proportions; 2.Reduce outside air or increase intermediate air; 3.If an inlet shape is unsuited, adjust it into a suitable shape while the kiln is stopped next time, and unsymmetry may also be allowable when necessary.

堆雪人 Snowman


2.掉窑皮、结大块 1.Fine materials are glued; 2.Kiln skins are dropped and formed into big pieces.



3.转换空气炮开关到手动模式,选择射击,并调整 KIDS1#区风机的供风量和比例。


5.必要时在停窑期间重新排列空气炮,以便今后处理大块更有效。 1. Shorten the time interval of air cannon operation and destroy big pieces; 2. If the snowman is formed by fine material, increase the KIDS 1# fan flow rates. 3. Convert the air cannon switch into the manual mode and select Shoot, and adjust the KIDS 1# area’s fan air volume and proportion. 4.If these operations are unsuccessful and lengthening operation is also impossible, then stop the kiln, and after cooling, manually treat the snowman.

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common Fault Cause Treatment Process

5. When it's necessary, rearrange the air cannon during a kiln shutdown so that big pieces will be treated more effectively from now on.

跑生料 Kiln rushes


2.原、燃料成分突然改变,条件混乱1.The kiln does not working appropriately. 2. The ingredients of a raw material and fuel change suddenly and the conditions are in confusion.


2.篦冷机尾部的熟料温度高并继续延伸,篦板速度必须被减(转手动)或停,以保护破碎机或熟料输送设备。 1.The kiln must be set to Slow Run or Stop. 2. If the temperature of the clinker in the rear of a grate cooler is high and continues to rise, the grate plate speed shall be reduced (Use hand operation) or stopped to protect a crusher or clinker conveyer.

储油器空。 The oil receiver is empty.

给储油器加油。并注意除去泵内的空气。Inject oil to the oil receiver and remove the air inside a pump.

油脂内混有空气。 Gr

A pump fo

ease inside has air.

启动中间的润滑。松开出口的减压阀,等待直到油内的气泡排出。 Start intermediate lubrication, loosen the outlet reducing valve and wait until the bubbles in the oil are discharged.

用了不适合的油。 Oil out of character is used.

换油 Change oil.

泵元件的吸入孔被堵塞。 Pump elements suction-eyes are stopped.

卸下泵元件,清洁吸入孔。 Remove the pump elements and clean the suction eyes.

泵元件的活塞磨损。 The piston of a pump elements is abraded.

换泵元件。 Change the pump elements.


r concentrated lubrication can not work.

检查泵元件的止回阀是否有缺陷和堵塞。 Check whether the nonreturn valve of a pump elements has flaws and blockage or not.

换止回阀。 Change the nonreturn valve.


The concentrated

lubricating system is blocked.

润滑点、管子、给油器堵塞。 A lubrication point, pipe or oil feeder is blocked.



3.检查管路,排除堵塞 1.Repair or change the blocked oil feeder. 2.Inspect a nonreturn valve. Replace it

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常见故障 产 生 原 因 处 理 方 法 Common Fault Cause Treatment Process

when it's necessary. 3. Inspect a pipe line and rule out a blockage.

PHD 系统没有料传输 The PHD system has no material conveyance.

排料管堵塞。 The PHD system has no material conveyance.

清除堵塞。 Clear away the blockage.

滑板不能到达最终的位置。 The slide plate can not arrive at the final position.

The ash hoppe




4.检查滑板是因为积料或大块卡住 1.Inspect the cylinder. 2. Inspect the air supply pipe line. 3.Inspect a solenoid valve. 4. Check whether a slide plate accumulates material or is blocked by big pieces.


r slide gate ash-unloading system slides with failure.

滑板不能运动。 The slide plate can not move.



3.检查滑板是因为积料或大块卡住 1.Inspect the air supply pipe line. 2. Check whether the sealing is too tight or not. 3. Check whether a slide plate accumulates material or is locked by big pieces.

3.5.4 电收尘器 Electrostatic Precipitator 设备规格、参数 Equipment Specifications and Parameters

编号 No.: 447EP1/448EP1

用途 Use: 窑头废气电收尘 Electric kiln outlet gas dust collection

型号 Model: 2×31/12.5/5×8/0.45 1/4(上进气,水平出气)(Upper air entry, horizontal air exit)

处理风量 Treated air volume: 1,100,000m3/h

废气温度 treated air temperature: 250(max450℃)

入口废气含尘浓度 Inlet gas dust ≤80g/Nm3

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出口废气含尘浓度 Outlet gas dust concentration:


设计压力 Design pressure: -4000 Pa

设计阻力 Design resistance: ≤250 Pa

横断面积 Cross sectional area: 361 m2

电场风速 Electric field air speed: 0.85m/s 开停机顺序及注意事项 Startup or Closedown Sequence and Points for Attention


Startup sequence: Turn on the heater first, and then follow the sequential control to turn on the front output equipment; Send heated air for heating the electric field, and after the inner temperature of the electric field is higher than the dew point, send electricity to the electric field.

停机顺序:停止向电场供电,2 小时后,停振打装置,待物料送完按顺控次序停输送设备。

Closedown sequence: Stop power supply to the electric field. After 2 hours, stop a vibrating apparatus, and after materials have been sent, follow the sequential control order to stop a conveyer.

注意事项:Notes for Attention:


Except for an emergency shutdown, either the first time’s shutdown or a later normal shutdown shall conform to the following requirements.

1) 确认工艺系统已允许电收尘器停运。

1) Make sure that the process system has already allowed an electrostatic precipitator (EP) to stop running.

2) 停止向电场供电。

2) Stop power supply to the electric field.

3) 切断主回路和控制回路的电源。

3) Cut off the power supply of the major loop and the control loop.

4) 如停机时间超过 8 小时或要进行设备检修,应将隔离开关切换到电场和变压器的高压输出均接地的位置,并在各电控柜和高压隔离开关切换手把处挂“警示牌”,保管好安全联锁钥匙。

4) If the time for a shutdown is over 8 hours or an equipment overhaul is needed, you should cut over the isolating link to the position for the high-voltage outputs of the electric field and the transformer to be grounded, hang a warning sign on the changeover handle bar

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of each electric control cabinet and each high-voltage isolating link, and take good care of the safety interlocking key.

5) 停止向电场供电后,应继续运行各振打装置和输灰装置 2-4 小时,以确保电场内和灰斗内的粉尘彻底排出。输灰装置应在振打装置停止运行后继续运行 0.5 小时。

5) After stopping power supply to the electric field, continue to run each rapping apparatus and ash conveyance apparatus for 2-4 hours to ensure that the dust inside the electric field and an ash hopper has been discharged thoroughly. The ash conveyance apparatus shall continue to run for 0.5 hour after the rapping apparatus stops running.

6) 如停机时间超过 24 小时,则在停止向电场供电的同时可切断电加热器电源。

6) If the shutdown time exceeds 24 hours, cut off the power supply to the electric heater at the time of stopping power supply to the electric field. 电收尘器的投运 Putting Electrostatic Precipitator into Operation

1) 电收尘器投运前应提前 4 小时将全部电加热装置送电加热。投运前应将全部的振打装置和下游的输排灰装置启动并运行正常。

1) Within 4 hours in advance before an electrostatic precipitator is put into operation, send electricity and heat all electric heating apparatuses. Before the operation of a dust catcher, start and normally run all rapping apparatuses and their downstream ash conveyance and discharging apparatuses.

2) 电收尘器投运前应先通烟气加热电场,当电场内部温度高于烟气露点后才能向电场内送电。

2) Before the operation of an electrostatic precipitator, first send fumes to heat the electric field. Only after the inner temperature of the electric field is higher than the fume dew point will electricity be able to be sent into the electric field.

3) 确认全部的控制均已选择在自动。

3) Make sure that all the controls have already been selected at Automatic.

4) 确认全部的检查门或人孔门都已关闭。

4) Make sure that all the inspection doors or manhole doors have already been closed.

5) 按负载试运行的要求向电场供电,并观察一、二次电压、电流是否正常,电气设备有无异常现象。

5) As required by a load test run, supply power to the electric field, and observe whether the primary and secondary voltage, and current are normal, and whether the electric equipment has abnormal phenomena.

6) 观察各振打装置是否运行正常,各输灰装置、锁风装置是否运行正常。

6) Observe whether each rapping apparatus, ash conveyance apparatus and air locking apparatus run normally.

7) 观察工况参数是否正常,观察烟囱的排放情况是否达到要求。

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7) Observe whether the operating condition parameters are normal and the emission circumstance of a stack has attained to a requirement or not.

8) 以上各项的观察应在控制室和现场分别进行,投运后一般应连续观察以上各项半小时以上,确认均工作良好才可进入日常的巡检程序。

8) The above various observations shall be carried out respectively in the control room and on the site. After operation, generally, you should observe the above various items continuously for half an hours. Only after making sure that all work well will you be able to enter a daily patrol checking procedure. 运转中的检查 Examination during Running

1) 应严格控制工艺参数,尤其是烟气的温度一定要保持在合同规定的范围内,以免使内部件产生变形。如发现这种情况应立即调整工艺参数并停机进行检修,以免事故的扩大或难以修复。

1) Strictly control the process parameters. Particularly, the fume temperature must be kept within in the contractual specification in order to prevent the inner parts from being deformed. If this circumstance is found, immediately adjust the process parameters and halt a machine for an overhaul to avoid the amplification or difficult restoration of an accident.

2) 检查全部的振打传动装置运转是否正常;

2) Check whether all the rapping and driving apparatuses run normally;

3) 检查电控室的高、低压电控装置,尤其要监视高压电控的一、二次电压、电流值,发现不正常应找出原因进行排除;

3) Check the high-voltage and low-voltage electric control apparatuses in the electric control room. It is particularly necessary to keep watch on the high-voltage electric control primary voltage and secondary voltage values, and current value. For any abnormality discovered, find out the cause for troubleshooting;

4) 检查输灰装置和锁风装置是否运行正常;electrostatic precipitator

4) Check whether an ash conveyance apparatus and air locking apparatus run normally;

5) 观察烟囱

5) Observe whether a stack discharges smoke normally. 停机后的维护保养 Maintenance and Upkeep after Shutdown


Before entering the electric field, take such safety measures as cutting off the high voltage power supply first, grounding the discharge electrode system of an electrostatic precipitator, putting up warning signs, unbolting the manhole doors to make sure that there is no dangerous gas inside, etc. The contents of the electric field internal inspection include:

1) 检查放电极和收尘极系统有无变形,极间距有无变化,放电极线是否松动或脱落,收尘极板

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1) Check whether the discharge electrode and dust collecting electrode systems have been deformed, the interpole gap has changed, the discharging pole wire is loose or shed off, and the dust-collecting plate and discharging pole have accumulated dust.

2) 检查放电极和收尘极振打锤轴系统是否完好;放电极振打的拉杆部件是否正常,提升锤的提升角度是否仍为安装时的角度,转动是否灵活。

2) Check whether the discharging pole and dust collecting rapping hammer axis systems are intact, the tension bar parts for discharging pole rapping are normal, the lifting angle of a lifting hammer is still the angle during installation, and the rotation is flexible.

3) 检查全部收尘极振打杆是否在一个平面上,全部振打杆的砧子是否仍在一条直线上。

3) Check whether all dust collection rapping bars are on the same plane surface and all the rapping bar anvils are still on a straight line.

4) 检查绝缘套管内部及防尘管的内部是否有积灰、顶部挡风板和两侧边缘挡风板的位置是否正常、内部走台上的挡风板和灰斗阻流板的位置是否正常。

4) Check whether the insides of a insulating sleeve and a dust-proof pipe have already accumulated dust, the positions of the wind shields on the top and on the two sides are normal, and the positions of the wind shields on the internal walking platform and the ash hopper baffle boards are normal.

5) 检查内部走台上部和灰斗内是否有严重的积灰。

5) Check whether the top of the internal walking platform and the inside of an ash hopper have serious accumulated ash.

6) 检查气体分布板是否变形或磨损,是否有脱落的现象或趋势。同检查放电极和收尘极振打系统一样检查气体分布板振打系统是否完好,同时检查传动装置与振打轴之间的“接手”是否在正常的位置上。检查分布板下部与进气口底板之间是否有积灰或卸灰不畅的情况。

6) Check whether a gas distribution board has been deformed or abraded, whether it has a shedding-off phenomenon or trend. In the same way of checking a discharging pole and dust-collecting pole system, check whether a gas distribution board rapping system is intact. At the same time, check whether a “catcher” between a driving gear and a rapping axis is at a normal position. Check whether there is accumulated ash or impeded ash unloading between the lower part of a distribution board and an air inlet bottom board.

7) 检查箱型顶梁内的绝缘套管是否损坏,电加热器是否完好,温控器是否完好,穿墙套管是否完好,高压导线接线是否牢固。检查绝缘棒是否完好,绝缘棒两端的全部连接是否牢固,紧固螺栓是否有松动现象。检查箱型顶梁内部是否有积灰。

7) Check whether the insulating sleeve of a top box girder has been damaged, an electric heater is intact, a thermostat is intact, a wall-piercing sleeve is intact, and a high-voltage wiring connection is firm. Check whether an insulating bar is intact, all the connections at the two ends of the insulating bar are firm, and the tap bolts are loose. Check whether the inside of a top box girder has accumulated ash.

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8) 检查电缆进线箱,电缆终端盒、整流变压器、阻尼电阻等是否完好,全部绝缘部件是否有积灰。检查全部接地是否良好。

8) Check whether a cable entrance box, cable terminal box, rectifier transformer, suppressor resistor, etc. are intact, and all the insulating parts have accumulated ash. Check whether all grounding is good.

9) 及时更换易损部件。如:收尘极和分布板振打、放电极振打、全部绝缘体、气体分布板、阻尼电阻等有损坏应及时更换。及时运转设备的加油及调整、各种控制测试仪器的检查和调整、接地极的检查测试和处理、电场内部、电气柜和绝缘材料处的清扫等工作。

9) Replace easily worn parts in time. If a dust-collecting pole and distribution board rapper, discharging pole rapper, all insulators, a gas distribution board, suppressor resistor, etc, have been damaged, replace them in time. Carry out in time the oiling and adjustment of equipment, the inspection and adjustment of various control and testing instruments, the inspection, testing and treatment of an earth electrode, the cleaning of an electric field inside, electric cabinet and insulating material, etc.

3.5.5 袋收尘器 Bag filter 设备规格、参数 Equipment Specifications and Parameters

编号 No. 427BF1/427BF1

用途 Use 旁路放风收尘Bypass dust collection

型号 Model LJP5046-2×5 处理风量 Treated air volume 900,000m3/h

过滤面积 Filtrating area 15200m2

过滤室数 Number of filtering chambers 2×5 个

滤袋规格 Filter bag specification Φ160x6000mm 入口浓度 Inlet concentration ≤60g/ Nm3

出口浓度 Outlet concentration ≤20mg/Nm3

阻力损失 Resistance loss ≤ 1700 Pa 压缩耗气量 Compressed air consumption 8 Nm3/min

压力 Pressure 0.3 MPa 开停机顺序及注意事项 Startup Sequence and Points for Attention

开机顺序: 先启动刚性叶轮给料机、拉链机,再启动脉冲喷吹装置。

停机顺序: 开机顺序的逆过程;

Startup sequence: First start the rigid rotary feeder and chain conveyance, and then start the pulse injecting device.

Shutdown sequence: reverse process of the Startup sequence;

注意事项:Points for Attention:

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1) 排风机停后应继续让收尘器输灰系统工作一段时间;

1) After an exhaust fan is shut down, continue to let the dust catcher ash conveyance system operate for a period of time;

2) 经常检查气压、脉冲喷吹装置、差压,避免袋子堵塞。

2) Often check air pressure, a pulse injecting device and differential pressure to avoid bag blockage. 开机前的准备Preparations before Startup

1) 检查滤袋是否完好,如有损坏应及时更换、糊袋应及时清理;

1) Check whether a filter bag is intact. If there is damage, replace the bag in time, and a pasty bag shall be tidied up in time;

2) 检查油雾器内是否有油;

2) Check whether there is oil inside an atomized lubricator;

3) 放出气水分离器内的水;

3) Discharge the water in air-water separator;

4) 检查袋收尘入口阀门是否打开并调整到适当位置;

4) Check whether a bag dust-collecting inlet valve has been unbolted and adjusted to an appropriate position;

5) 检查人孔门是否密封好;

5) Check whether a manhole door has been well sealed;

6) 检查各螺栓是否松动、脱落;

6) Check whether each bolt is loose or shed off;

7) 检查是否有足够压力的压缩空气。

7) Check whether the compressed air has enough pressure. 运转中的检查 Inspection during Operation

1) 检查压缩空气压力是否正常,根据出口气体含尘浓度判断布袋有无损坏;

1) Check whether the compressed air pressure is normal, and according to the outlet gas dust concentration, judge whether a cloth bag has been damaged;

2) 根据系统负荷状况调整挡板开度;

2) Adjust the span of a baffle according to the system loading condition;

3) 及时放空气、水分离器内的水;

3) Empty an air-water separator of water in time;

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4) 根据润滑卡片添加油雾器内的油;

4) Add oil to an atomized lubricator according to a lubrication card;

5) 根据声音判断各阀工作情况,根据压差情况调整脉冲周期;

5) Judge the working condition of each valve according to sound, and according to differential pressure circumstance, adjust a pulse period;

6) 检查盖板是否盖严,系统是否漏风、灰斗是否积灰;

6) Check whether a cover plate is closely sealed, the system leaks air and an ash hopper has accumulated ash; 停机后的维护保养 Maintenance and Upkeep after Shutdown

1) 检查滤袋是否正常,糊袋、破袋及时调整、更换;

1) Check whether a filter bag is normal. A pasty or damaged bag shall be adjusted or replaced in time;

2) 提升阀密封情况,灰斗是否积灰,盖板是否变形;

2) Check the sealing circumstance of a lifting valve, and check whether an ash hopper has accumulated ash and a cover plate has been deformed;

3) 差压取样管是否堵塞,袋笼是否完好;

3) Check a differential pressure sampling pipe is blocked and a bag cage is intact;

4) 检查各螺栓是否松动、脱落,并及时紧固、更换。

4) Check whether each bolt is loose or shed off, and tighten or replace it in time. 袋收尘常见故障处理及处理 Constant Fault and Treatment for Bag Filter

1) 排出气体含尘量超标

原 因:滤袋破损;粉尘输送设备堵塞


1) The dust content of a discharged gas exceeds a standard.

Cause: A filter bag is worn out; a dust conveyer is blocked.

Treatment process: Replace the filter bag; Inspect and restore the dust conveyer;

2) 排气量减少

原 因:糊袋;收尘管道堵塞


2) The air displacement is reduced.

Cause: A bag is pasted; a dust collecting pipeline is blocked.

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Treatment process: Check whether the high-pressure gas pressure is normal, and whether a pulse back blowing apparatus and differential pressure are normal; inspect a dust collecting pipeline.

4.系统启动前的准备工作 Preparatory Work before System Startup



Before startup, all the equipment of the system shall be earnestly inspected, repaired, maintained and adjusted. Not only at the trial production stage, but also in later normal production, it is also necessary to follow this production operating procedure so as to ensure the safety, stability and long-term normal operation of each set of equipment and the whole system.

Before the system startup, the bypass system is not put into operation, so the system shall be isolated from the kiln system.

4.1 操作前的准备工作Preparatory Work before Operation

(1) 在所有应该润滑的部位,按规定量、规定品位加足润滑油,并确认不漏油。

(1) To all parts that should be lubricated and the by a specified quantity and variety, add enough lub oil, and make sure that no oil is leaked.

(2) 清除各油路系统中的一切污垢,保证管路畅通。

(2) Clear away the dirt in each oil route system and ensure that a pipe line is unimpeded.

(3) 检查并清除设备内的一切杂物 ,关闭好检查门、清扫孔等。

(3) Inspect and clear away all the dopants inside the equipment and close an inspection door, cleaning hole, etc.

(4) 拆除膨胀节的保护连杆,检查风管连接及保温情况是否良好,管道密封是否严密。

(4) Remove the protective connecting lever of an expansion joint, and check whether the air duct connection and thermal insulation circumstances are good or not and whether the pipeline sealing is tight or not.

(5) 检查所有设备状况良好,防护安全措施切实可靠。

(5) Make sure that all equipment conditions are good and the protective safety measures are actually dependable.

(6) 给水、排水、供气等有效无误,能满足设备或系统运行时的操作要求。

(6) Make sure that the water supply, water drainage, gas supply, etc. are available and without any error, and can satisfy the operating requirements of the running of the

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equipment or the system.

(7) 检查测量元件、控制与调节仪表、连锁与信号装置是否完好,对应是否一致,安装是否正确,控制盘上及现场的开关是否灵活。

(7) Check whether the measuring elements, control and adjusting meters, interlocking and signal apparatuses are intact, whether their corresponding is consistent and installation is correct, and whether the switches on a control panel and on the site are flexible.

(8) 对设备巡视、工作平台楼梯、异常情况紧急处理等场合,均应认真清理,扫除杂物;同时还需检查挡板、栏杆、警告牌等劳保设施是否安置妥当。

(8) For the situations such as equipment patrol checking, a working platform stairway, emergency treatment, earnest cleanup and dopant sweeping shall be carried out. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether such labor protection facilities as the baffles, rails, warning signs, etc. are installed properly.

(9) 对检查中已发现的部件损坏、设备异常、水气供应不畅等情况,必须及时进行修理,并确认完全可以立即投入正常运行。

(9) For such circumstances as parts damage, equipment abnormality, the blockage of water and gas supply, etc, it is necessary to carry out repair in time, and make sure that they can completely be put into normal operation immediately.

(10) 防热衣、面罩、检修工具、照明用具等配备齐全,所有的生产辅助材料备量充足,保证可以随时取用。

(10) Heatproof clothes, masks, overhaul tools, illumination appliances, etc, shall be well-found, and all production auxiliary materials shall be ample so as to ensure that they can be taken for use at any time.

4.2 确认事项 Matters Need to be Confirmed

(1) 确认与本烧成系统相关的其它生产车间操作前的准备工作一切就绪。

(1) Make sure that the preparatory work before operation in other workshops related to this burning system is ready.

(2) 确认传动机构、设备旋转运行方向与工艺要求无误。

(2) Make sure that a driving mechanism and the revolving and running directions of equipment are consistent with the process requirements without any error.

(3) 确认各种阀门、闸板等的操作位置与状态显示正确对应。

(3) Make sure that the operating positions of various valves, flash boards, etc. correctly correspond with their status displays.

(4) 设备的单机性能要求按其说明书调试验收,试车后应确认各设备的主要监控参数(如振动、轴承温度等)无异常,设备性能达到铭牌或生产要求。

(4) The single machine performance requirements of the equipment shall conform to

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its manual for debugging acceptance. After the trial run, make sure that the main monitoring parameters such as vibration, bearing temperature, etc. are not abnormal, and the equipment performance attains to the nameplate or production requirements.

(5) 所有现场的自控元件和仪表等完好可靠,并能与中控室的显示一一对应,反应灵敏、准确。

(5) All site automatic control components, meters, etc, shall be intact and reliable, and shall correspond with the displays in the central control room one by one, with sensitive and accurate responses.

(6) 系统每一机组连动、联锁,模拟各种故障停车、报警保护等检验均有效可靠。

(6) The inspection of the linkage, interlocking, shutdown simulating various faults, alarm protection, etc. for the system’s each machine shall be effective and dependable.

(7) 确认中央控制和机旁控制均可进行正常的开停操作,并能快速、有效、灵活地处理异常事故。

(7) Make sure that the central control and machine-side control can be turned on and off normally, and can treat an accident fast, availably and flexibly.

(8) 中控室、各车间、各岗位之间的通讯设施完备、联络畅通。

(8) The telecommunications facilities between the central control room, each workshop and each post shall be complete, with unimpeded handshaking.

(9) 确认 417DA3,DA4,DA5/418DA3,DA4,DA5 处于关闭状态。

(9) Make sure that 417 DA3, DA4, DA5/418 DA3, DA4 and the DA5 are placed in off position.

4.3 系统耐火材料的烘干 Drying of the System’s Refractory Materials


After the laying of the refractory materials for the burning system or before operation with lowering of charge, there is a process of temperature rise for drying to avoid direct ignition to the kiln and too quick temperature rise, which make firebricks, poured charge and brickwork joint puddle suddenly heated to cracks and come off by layer, influencing the life of the internal lining, so after the no-load trial operation of the equipment or after the system has been stopped for the overhaul and replacement of the internal lining, setting about the drying of the system’s refractory materials is very indispensable.

4.3.1衬料烘干前的准备 Preparations before Drying Lining Materials

在遵循上述 4.1 节和 4.2 节有关内容的同时,还应做好以下准备工作:

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At the time of observing the relevant contents of the above-mentioned Sections 4.1 and 4.2, it is also necessary to complete the following preparatory work:

(1) 在烧成系统的所有设备安装完毕后,应对单机空载连续运行 48 小时进行考核,在此过程中对控制、测量、调节与联锁保护装置等也同时进行考核。若常规的系统停车检修更换内衬,则在衬砌工作完成后,也应进行持续适当时间单机空载运行的考核。

(1) After the installation of all the equipment of the burning system , the no-load operation of a single machine for continuous 48 hours shall be examined. During this process, the controlling, measuring, adjusting and interlocking protective devices, etc. shall also be examined. If the system is stopped for the routine overhaul and replacement of the internal lining, then after the lining work is terminated, the no-load operation of a single machine lasting for a suitable time shall also be examined.

(2) 全面检查、排除旋风筒、分解炉、回转窑、冷却机内的一切杂物,管道畅通无堵。

(2) Overall inspect and clear the cyclone, precalciner, rotary kiln and cooler of all dopants, and the pipeline shall be unimpeded without blockage.

(3) 核实耐火材料是否按设计要求施工安装,必须注意窑及烟道的热膨胀缝是否砌筑完好、旋风筒及冷却机内吊顶砖是否吊挂牢固。

(3) Check whether a refractory material conforms to the design requirements in construction and installation. It is necessary to note whether the thermal expansion seams of the kiln and the smoke flue have been built well, and the ceiling bricks inside the cyclone and the cooler have been hung firmly.

(4) 打开系统中的烘干排气孔,关闭旋风预热器和分解炉所有的人孔门、清扫孔等。

(4) Open the drying air discharge holes in the system, and close all manhole doors, cleaning holes, etc, of the cyclone preheater and precalciner.

(5) 打开各级旋风筒的下料翻板阀,并用铅丝固定处于常开状态。

(5) Unbolt the discharging flap valves of all- stage cyclones and use lead wire to fix the valves to make them normally open.

(6) 关闭至原料磨管道上的热风阀,使烧成系统不受外界因素干扰。

(6) Close the hot air valves to the raw mill pipeline to make the burning system free from outside interference.

(7) 涉及到其它相关系统中的有关设备,应做好随时运行的准备,如窑头电收尘器电场内的预电加热备妥就绪等。

(7) The relevant equipment to be involved in other related systems shall be got ready for operation at any time. For example, the electric heating in advance inside the electric field of a kiln outlet electric dust catcher shall be got ready.

(8) 确认中控室、各系统、各岗位之间的通讯联络畅通。

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(8) Make sure that the telecommunications handshaking between the central room, each system and each post is unimpeded.

(9) 根据衬料材质、砌筑厚度、含水量、砌筑方法等实际情况,制定出切实可行的升温烘干方案。

(9) Draw up an actually viable temperature rise drying scheme according to the actual quality, laying thickness, water content, laying method, etc. of a lining material.

(10) 燃料油或天然气准备足够。

(10) The reserves of fuel oil or natural gas shall be enough.

4.3.2预热器和回转窑耐火材料的烘干操作要求 Drying Operation Requirements for Preheater and Rotary Kiln Refractory Materials

(1) 通过调节一级旋风筒出风管上的排气阀(417DA1,DA2/418DA1,DA2)开度来控制窑尾负压约-50~-100Pa 。如该控制有困难或系统内抽力不足,也可直接起动袋收尘器前的引风机(327FN1,FN2/328FN1,FN2),通过调节阀门(327LDD,LDE/327LDD,LDE)开度来控制窑尾负压。

(1) Adjust the spans of the air relief valves(417 DA1, DA2/418 DA1, DA2) of the Class-1 cyclone air outlet conduits to control the kiln inlet negative pressure at about-50~-100Pa.If the control encounters difficulty or the system’s internal draft is scarce, you may also directly start the induced draft fans (327 FN1, FN2/328 FN1, FN2) in front of a bag filter and adjust the spans of the valves(327 LDD, LDE/327 LDD, LDE) to control the kiln inlet negative pressure.

(2) 要注意控制入袋收尘器的温度,若≥200℃时要开启袋收尘器前面的冷风阀(327LDK,LDL/327LDK,LDL)。

(2) Control the temperature of a bag filter. If it is ≥ 200 ℃, open the cold air valves (327LDK,LDL/327LDK,LDL)in front of the bag filter.

(3) 起动一次风机,一次风机阀门开度可视窑内燃料燃烧状况而定。

(3) Start the primary fan. The span of a fan valve may depend on the fuel burning conditions inside the kiln.

(4) 按照实际制定的烘窑升温曲线要求,适时调节喷油量(或天然气量)及窑内通风量,保持良好的燃烧状况。建议升温速率不高于 30℃/h,以免引起耐火材料的开裂和剥落。

(4) According to the requirements of the actually established kiln drying temperature rise curves, opportunely adjust an oil injection quantity (or natural gas quantity) and ventilation quantity inside the kiln, and keep a good burning condition. It is suggested that the temperature rise rate be not higher than 30 ℃/h, in order to prevent a refractory material from cracking and coming off.

(5) 在升温的过程中,如需要调节一次风阀门的开度,应注意每次调节的幅度尽可能小,避免一次风机吹灭火焰。

(5) If in the process of raising temperature, it is necessary to adjust the span of a

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primary air valve, it shall be noted that the span adjusted each time shall be as small as possible to prevent the primary fan from blowing out flame.

(6) 点火燃烧后,可慢慢地调整喷油(天然气)量,继续加热升温,但切记每次调节量不要使温度急剧变化。另外烘窑操作希望长火焰稳定燃烧,防止烧成带过热或局部高温;一般控制窑衬温度不超过 1000℃、筒体温度低于 300℃为宜。

(6) After ignition for combustion, you may slowly adjust an oil (natural gas) injection quantity, and then go on heating to raise temperature, but you must remember that the adjusted quantity each time will not make the temperature change dramatically. Besides, it is hoped that in kiln drying operation, the flame will be stabilized to prevent the burning zone from being overheated or local high temperature. Generally, control the kiln lining temperature at not more than 1,000 ℃, and the kiln body temperature at less than 300 ℃.

(7) 适时调整系统的通风量,以控制和保持预热器及回转窑内各部位相应合适的温度。若窑尾温度过高,一级旋风筒出口温度偏低时,可适当加大通风量;若窑尾温度偏低,一级旋风筒出口温度偏高时,可通过适当关小通风量来调节,必要时还可启动三次风管高温调节阀适当的开度。注意上述调整通风量的过程中一定要保持火焰的稳定和良好的燃烧状况。

(7) Opportunely adjust the ventilation quantity of the system to control and keep the corresponding suitable temperature of the preheater and each part inside the rotary kiln. If the kiln inlet temperature excessively high but the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature is on the low side, you may appropriately enlarge the ventilation quantity. If the kiln inlet temperature is on the low side but the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature is one the high side, you may turn down the ventilation quantity appropriately for adjustment, and you may also appropriately open the tertiary air duct high temperature regulating valve when it's necessary. Note that in the process of the above-mentioned adjustment of a ventilation quantity, you must keep the stability and the good burning condition of the flame.

(8) 窑头进风量不足时,可起动冷却机 KIDS1#部分后面的冷却风机,同时关闭窑头罩和冷却机的人孔门;另外也可加大一次风阀门的开度。当冷却风机气流过大时,也可启动熟料电收尘器的引风机,通过改变风机前阀门的开度来控制窑头负压在-20~-50Pa。

(8) When the kiln outlet’s incoming air volume is scarce, you may start the cooling fan behind of the cooler KIDS 1# part, and at the same time, close the manhole doors of the kiln outlet hood and the cooler. Moreover, you may also enlarge the span of a primary air valve. When the cooling fan air flow is oversize, you may also start the induced draft fan of the clinker EP and alter the span of a valve in front of the fan control the kiln outlet negative pressure at -20~-50Pa.

(9) 在整个升温烘干过程中,应根据窑尾温度,用辅助传动慢转窑,大体要求如下:

(9) In the whole process of temperature rise for drying, you should use auxiliary drive to slowly rotate the kiln according to the kiln inlet temperature. The general requirements are as follows:

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Kiln inlet temperature


Revolution of kiln


Revolving time interval


Below 100 以下 0 不慢转 No slow rotation

100~250 1/4 60

250~450 1/4 30

450~650 1/4 10~15

Above 650 以上 1 连续慢转 Continuous slow rotation


Note: While it is raining, you should correspondingly shorten a slow rotation time interval according to an actual circumstance.

(10) 当一级旋风筒出口温度达到 300℃左右时,要使这个温度持续保持时间不得少于 24 小时,使得系统内衬中的水分能充分蒸发干燥。对已经生产过的窑,保温时间不必过长。

(10) When Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature attains to about 300 ℃, it is necessary to make this temperature sustain a time not less than 24 hours so as to make the moisture in the system’s inside lining be able to fully evaporate. For a kiln that has undergone production, its heat insulation time shall not be too long.

(11) 在烘窑的前面阶段及窑尾温度在 250℃以下时,可打开旁路放风系统的阀 417DA3,DA6/418DA3 , DA6 , 以 帮 助 旁 路 放 风 装 置 内 的 耐 火 材 料 的 干 燥 。 417DA4 ,DA5/418DA4,DA5 必须关闭。等到窑尾温度在 250℃以上时,应关闭 417DA3,DA6/418DA3,DA6,使旁路放风系统与窑系统隔离。

(11) At the front stage of kiln drying and when the kiln inlet temperature is lower than 250 ℃, you may unbolt the bypass system’s valves 417 DA3, DA6/418 DA3, DA6 so as to help dry the refractory material in the bypass apparatus.417 DA4, DA5/418 DA4, DA5 shall be closed. When the kiln inlet temperature is more than 250 ℃, you should close 417 DA3, DA6/418 DA3, DA6 so as to isolate the bypass system and from the kiln system.

(12) 当一级旋风筒出口温度达到 300℃左右,并保温 24 小时以上时,一般可以接着进行投料运转,一方面能充分利用系统内的烘干蓄热量,减少燃料消耗;另一方面可使内衬不必经受时热时冷的应力损失,并缩短点火至投料的烘窑时间。但若有必要进行检查烘干后内衬的情况,可以分步减少燃料供给直至熄火,调节系统通风量,力求使内衬得以缓慢渐冷,万万不可骤冷。待完全冷却后进入预热器及回转窑,全面认真地检查烘干后内衬的情况,如发现有大面积衬砖剥落、炸裂且深度超过耐火砖厚度的三分之一,应考虑其重新更换。补砖时要注意不使经烘干的内衬再次受潮,更换部分不必再次进行单独烘干,可随以后的正常点火操作同时进行,酌情考虑适当延长烘窑升温时间。

(12) When the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature attains to about 300℃ and if the

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temperature has been kept for more than 24 hours, generally, you may carry out operation with lowering of charge immediately, on one hand, being able to make full use of the drying heat storage in the system and reducing fuel dissipation, and on the other hand, being able to make the inside lining not experience stress loss due to the change from cold to heat or from heat to cold and shorten the kiln drying time from ignition to the lowering of charge. But if it is necessary to inspect the inside lining after drying, you may can step by step reduce fuel supply until flameout. Adjust the system’s ventilation quantity to try hard to make the inside lining turn cold slowly and gradually. Never attempt to give sudden cold. After the complete cooling, enter the preheater and rotary kiln to overall and earnestly check the circumstance of the inside lining. If it is found that the lining bricks have large-scale flaking and cracks whose depth of 1/3 of the thickness of a firebricks, replacement shall be considered. During repairing bricks, take care not to make the dried inside lining affected with damp again. A replaced part need not be dried alone again, and it may be dried with the normal ignition operation later. Appropriately lengthening the kiln drying time shall be considered.

(13) 上述这种烘干方法,一是对于以后系统耐火材料大、中检修更换、重新烘干具有一定的适用性,二是操作要求不可能完全与实际情况一一吻合,因而可以根据现场操作或初次点火取得经验加以适当修整。

(13) The above-mentioned method has certain compatibility for the later major or medium overhaul, replacement, and re-drying of the system’s refractory materials. As the operating requirements do not completely fit together with the actual circumstances one by one, you may acquire experience for appropriate trimming according to site operation or the first-time ignition.

4.3.3 三次风管耐火材料的烘干 Drying of Refractory Materials of Tertiary Air Duct


For the drying of a tertiary air duct refractory material, two schemes can be adopted. One is auxiliary drying, and the other is independent drying. 辅助烘干 Auxiliary Drying


Auxiliary drying is extracting the hot air of cooled clinker from the kiln outlet hood for drying, with the condition that after the drying of a preheater and the kiln, lowering of charge has to be operated with low output. This drying mode has a longer drying period, and its operating time of low kiln output is long. Its merit is that it can ensure that a tertiary air duct can be dried as far as possible, and the temperature changes slowly, and that drying does not need to increase heat sources, and it can be used together with the drying of cooling fan refractory materials.

(1) 预热器及窑耐火材料烘干后,继续升温到投料状态,稳定后开始逐步增加投料。

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(1) After the drying of a preheater and kiln refractory material, go on to raise temperature the status for lowering of charge. After being stabilized, start to increase lowering of charge gradually.

(2) 窑以低产量操作,平衡稳定后,通过调节三次风管闸阀,逐步加大窑头罩三次风抽风量,控制进分解炉三次风温度。

(2) The kiln shall be operated at low output. After being balanced and stabilized, adjust a tertiary air duct gate valve, gradually enlarge the kiln outlet hood tertiary air ventilation quantity and control the temperature of the tertiary air entering the precalciner.

(3) 当三次风温度 500℃时,应持续恒温一段时间,以便使内衬中的水分能充分蒸发干燥。然后继续升温超过 600℃。

(3) When the tertiary air temperature is 500 ℃, keep it for a period of time in order to make the moisture in the inside lining be able to evaporate well. Then go on to raise the temperature to more than 600 ℃.

(4) 逐步加大进分解炉的生料量,且密切监测炉内温度变化,随时调节三次风管热风阀开度、喂煤量和生料量。

(4) Gradually increase the quantity of raw meal entering the precalciner, closely monitor the temperature change inside the furnace and adjust the span of a tertiary air duct hot air valve, coal feeding amount and raw meal quantity at any time.

(5) 不断增加燃料量、喂料量,保证风、燃料、料的良好配合,达到正常操作。

(5) Continuously increase an amount of fuel and feeding quantity, and ensure that the good proportions of air, fuel and charge satisfy normal operation. 单独烘干 Independent Drying


This drying method is suitable for the situation in which the refractory material moisture is on the high side inside a tertiary air duct, but the trouble brought immediately is to increase drying heat sources.

(1) 在窑头罩中适当位置架设一个钢架或冷却机篦床上铺设冷熟料后,铺适量干燥木柴,浇少量柴油。

(1) Spread an appropriate amount of dry firewood and sprinkle a little amount of diesel oil after at an appropriate position of the kiln outlet hood install a steel frame or laying cold clinker on the grate bed of a cooler.

(2) 依靠系统内抽力或窑尾高温风机来控制三次风管内的通风量。

(2) Rely on the system’s internal draft or the kiln inlet high-temperature fan to control the ventilation quantity of a tertiary air duct.

(3) 点燃木柴,并不断从窑头罩人孔门或冷却机人孔门增添木柴,旺火直至三次风管内耐

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(3) Light the firewood, add firewood continuously from a kiln outlet hood manhole door or cooler manhole door, and keep the vigorous fire until drying the refractory material inside an air duct. If the temperature is on the low side, then appropriately lengthen the time of the constant temperature.

(4) 烘干后熄灭热源,控制三次风管内通风量至最低值,切记保温渐冷。

(4) After drying, put out a heat source, control the ventilation quantity inside a tertiary air duct to the minimum value and have to remember thermal insulation and gradual cold.

(5) 完全冷却后清理灰渣,全面检查烘干后衬砖的情况,如耐火砖崩裂剥落严重应考虑重新更换。

(5) After complete cooling, clear away ash dirt and overall inspect the lining bricks after being dried. If the cracking and peeling off of the firebricks are severe, replacement shall be considered.

4.3.4 篦式冷却机耐火材料的烘干 Drying of Refractory Materials of Grate Cooler


For the drying of a grate cooler refractory material, you may make use of the clinker heat transfer by radiation and do not need to carry out independent drying, so no special drying apparatus will be set up. But for the drying operation, you should overall consider the running circumstance of the burning system .

(1) 尽可能采用长时间自然通风干燥。

(1) Adopt long-playing natural draft drying as far as possible.

(2) 为防止冷却机耐火材料温度骤增,窑低产量运转应不少于 48 小时,操作可兼顾三次风管耐火材料的辅助烘干同时进行。

(2) In order to prevent the temperature of a cooler refractory material from increasing suddenly, the low-output operation of the kiln shall not be less than 48 hours. During operation, simultaneously give consideration to the ancillary drying of a tertiary air duct refractory material.

(3) 如果窑的运转负荷在投料初期就较高,也可采用加快推动速度,加大供风的操作方法,来减慢烘干速度。

(3) If the operation load of the kiln is high at the early stage of lowering of charge, you may also adopt the operating methods of quickening a pushing speed and enlarging air supply so as to slow down a drying speed.

(4) 若操作运行前确认冷却机耐火材料有必要进行强制烘干,还可采用在篦床上焚烧木柴的办法,但必须事先在篦床上铺设冷熟料或耐火砖,防止局部过热造成篦板变形。

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(4) If before operation, it is necessary to compulsorily dry a cooler refractory material, you may also adopt the method of burning firewood on the gate bed, but you will have to spread cold clinker or firebricks on the grate bed in advance so as to prevent local overheating from resulting in grate plate deformation.

4.3.5 衬料烘干操作的注意事项 Points for Attention of Lining Material Drying Operation

(1) 稳定燃烧的火焰,火焰长、细,完全燃烧。

(1) Stabilize the flame, and the flame shall be long and thin, with complete combustion.

(2) 防止烧成带耐火材料经受急剧的局部过热。

(2) Prevent a burning zone refractory material from experiencing sharp local overheating.

(3) 防止由于窑筒体不均匀受热变形及热膨胀,造成对支承装置不良影响。

(3) Prevent the kiln cylinder from deformation and thermal expansion because of the kiln body being subjected to uneven heating, which cause bad impacts on a supporting apparatus.

(4) 随时注意监控窑筒体、窑尾及一级旋风筒出口的温度。

(4) Monitor the temperatures of the kiln body, the kiln inlet and the Class-1 cyclone outlet at any time.

(5) 密切监测窑托轮、液压挡轮、减速机等的轴承润滑状况和轴承温度。

(5) Closely monitor the bearing lubrication condition and bearing temperature of a kiln supporting roller, hydraulic thrust roller, speed reduction unit, etc.

(6) 系统升温情况不得较大地偏离拟定的烘干升温曲线要求,并注意适时慢转窑。

(6) The system’s temperature rise shall not considerably deviate from the determined requirements of the drying temperature rise curves, and take care to slow down the kiln in good time.

(7) 烘干过程中,一定要注意喷油(天燃气)量、各类风门开度的调节幅度不得过大,以免造成超温超载而损坏内衬或设备。

(7) During a process of drying, you must note that the amplitudes of accommodation of an oil(natural gas)injection quantity and the spans of various throttles shall not be oversize in order to prevent overheating and overloading from damaging the inside lining or the equipment.

(8) 烘窑时间,切记由于窑内温度及二次风温较低,燃料燃烧状态不稳定,有爆燃回火或突然熄灭的危险。需注意安全。

(8) During kiln drying, remember that as the temperature inside the kiln and the secondary air temperature is lower and the fuel calcinating status is unstable, having the hazards of deflagration or sudden extinguishment. It is necessary to pay attention to safety.

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5.投料试生产 Commissioning with Lowering of Charge

5.1第一次投料运转 First operation with Lowering of charge

烧成系统耐火材料烘干结束后,如确证没有必要熄灭进行内部检查,一般接着进行投料运转。操作时应持稳妥、积极的态度,既要做好充分的准备,又不可过于紧张,不敢大胆操作;要力争抓住时机,较快地达到稳定燃烧,挂好窑皮,提高产量。经验证明:对于窑外分解窑,产量过低反而易出工艺故障,产量高时却有利于稳定操作,故应打破陈规,如无设备故障,应力争稳定地突破“操作死区”,在初次点火投料后 3~5 天内基本上达到正常生产。

If after the drying of a burning system ’s refractory material ends, it is certainly unnecessary to put out the flame for an internal check, generally, operation with lowering of charge shall be carried out immediately. During operation, you should have a steady and progressive attitude, make full preparations, should not be too nervous to operate boldly, work hard for grabbing an opportune moment, realize stable calcination quickly, hang the kiln skin well and raise the output. Experience proves that if the precalcining kiln outside has too low an output, a process fault is easily led to, while if the output is high, it will be advantageous to stable operation, so you should smash conventions. If there is no equipment failure, you should contend for stably breaking through the "dead zone of operation". Normal production shall be basically reached in 3-5 days after the first ignition and lowering of charge.

5.1.1投料前的进一步确认工作 Further Confirmation before feeding

(1) 记录烘干后耐火材料的情况。

(1) Record the circumstances of a refractory material after being dried.

(2) 确认检查门、人孔门、清扫门等全部关闭。

(2) Make sure that all the inspection doors, manhole doors, cleaning doors, etc. have been closed.

(3) 确认各级旋风筒锥部吹堵的压缩空气管路畅通。

(3) Make sure that the compressed air pipe line of the conic sections of all-level cyclones are unimpeded.

(5) 进行系统各部位温度的检查,投料前 1 小时内要拆除各级旋风筒下料翻板阀的固定铁丝,并调整妥当。

(5) Inspect the temperature of each part of the system. Within one hour before lowering of charge, remove the fixed iron wires on the discharging flap valves of all-level cyclones and make good adjustment.

(6) 确信系统所有机电设备、各种计测仪表能够正常连续工作。

(6) Make sure that the system’s all electromechanical equipment and various meters can work continuously and normally.

(7) 核实油库中的油(或天然气来源)、均化库中生料能满足生产初期的要求储量。

(7) Make sure that the oil(or natural gas source) in the bulk plant and the raw meal in

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the homogenizing storage can satisfy the demanded reserves at the initial stage of production.

(8) 选择好熟料输送线路并确信链斗输送机能长期正常运行。

(8) Select a correct clinker conveyance route and make sure that a chain bucket conveyor can run for a long time and normally.

(9) 若烘窑前就计划准备一次投料运转,最好预先在冷却机的 KIDS1#部分覆盖上碎耐火砖或冷熟料 20~30mm,以避免烘窑的高温辐射热损坏篦板喷嘴。

(9) If before drying the kiln, an operation with lowering of charge is planed and prepared, it will be best that the KIDS 1# part of a cooler will be covered with broken firebrick or cold clinker with thickness of 20~30 mm to prevent the high-temperature radiant heat of drying the kiln from damaging a grate plate nozzle.

(10) 原料粉磨与废气处理、生料均化与入窑等其它相关车间应做好随时负载运行的准备、通讯联络顺畅。

(10) The raw mill and waste gas treatment, raw meal homogenization and kiln feeding, and other related workshop shall be got ready for load running at any time, and their telecommunications handshaking shall be smooth.

(11) 准备好各种清理、捅料、检修、安全防护等设施与设备,保证能随时取用。

(11) Get ready various facilities and equipment for cleanup, charge-poking, overhauling, safety protection, etc. and ensure that they can be taken for use at any time.

(12) 旁路放风系统已与窑系统隔离。

(12) Make sure that the bypass system has been isolated from the kiln system.

5.1.2投料操作 Operation of Feeding 开始喂料 Beginning Feeding

(1) 增加窑头喂油(天然气)量,按照点火升温曲线继续升温。

(1) Increase the kiln outlet oil(natural gas)feeding quantity and go on to raise temperature according to the ignition-temperature rise curves.

(2) 按启动顺序起动冷却机的各台风机、熟料电收尘器引风机以及其它设备。注意风机起动前应关闭相应的调节风门。

(2) Follow the startup sequence to start each fan of a cooler, clinker EP induced draft fans and other equipment. Note that the corresponding damper shall be closed before the startup of a fan.

(3) 调节系统通风量及窑头燃烧器燃烧的一、二次风量,监测系统各部位的温度和压力。

(3) Adjust the system’s ventilation quantity and the primary and secondary air volumes of the kiln outlet burner and monitor the temperature and pressure of each part of the system.

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(4) 控制窑尾温度 950~1000℃ ,一级旋风筒出口温度 360~400℃时开始投料。

(4) Control the kiln inlet temperature at 950-1000 ℃. When the class-1 cyclone outlet temperature is 360-400 ℃, start feeding.

(5) 开始以总喂料量的 20~30%喂料。

(5) To begin with, feed 20-30% of the total feeding capacity.

(6) 系统投料后,及时将窑的辅助传动改为主传动,并采取低速转窑的方案,防止大量生料涌入烧成带。尽可能保证首批物料的烧成,以避免物料生烧引起扬尘,从而降低窑内的能见度,给操作观察窑内状况和进一步加料带来困难。喂料之初,烧成热耗约为1100~1300kcal/。

(6) After the feeding for the system, change the ancillary drive of the kiln into main drive and assume the scheme of rotating the kiln at an idle speed to prevent a great deal of raw meal from swarming into the burning zone. Possibly ensure that the first batch of charge will be burned to prevent incomplete calcination from resulting in rising dust, which lowers the range of visibility inside the kiln and brings difficulty to the operating observation of the condition inside the kiln and further charge. At the early stage of feeding, the burning heat loss is about 1100-1300 kcal/

(7) 密切观察窑内状况,注意窑尾,一级旋风筒出口的温度和压力,随时调节风、燃料、料的匹配。

(7) Closely watch the condition inside the kiln. Note the temperature and pressure of the kiln inlet and the Class-1 cyclone outlet, and adjust the matching of air, fuel and charge at any time. 加料操作 Charging-up Operation

(1) 根据窑内及预热器情况,逐渐加快窑速,并相应逐渐加料至设计能力的 50%左右,燃料量随喂料量逐渐增加,加油(天然气)的操作应缓慢、稳定。

(1) According to the circumstances inside the kiln and the preheater, speed up the kiln by degrees, and correspondingly and gradually feed about 50% of the designed capacity. The fuel quantity shall be increased by degrees with the feeding quantity, and the operation of adding oil(natural gas) shall be slow-moving and stabilized.

(2) 加料幅度不宜大,可控制≤40t/h,每次加料为 5~10 t 左右。

(2) The charge span shall not be big, and it may be controlled at ≤ 40 t/h. The charge each time shall be about 5~10 t.

(3) 加料过程中,窑尾温度应控制在 950~1100℃,一级旋风筒出口温度在 320~380℃。若窑尾温度低于 950℃时应减缓或停止加料。

(3) In the charging process, the kiln inlet temperature shall be controlled at 950-1100 ℃, and the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature, at 320-380 ℃.If the kiln inlet temperature is lower than 950 ℃, you should decelerate or stop charge.

(4) 根据加料量、加燃料量及系统温度、压力的变化,及时调整风量。在此期间,应注意

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(4) According to a charge quantity, fuel quantity and the system’s temperature and pressure change, adjust an air volume in time. During this period, you should note the temperature and pressure change of each part of the system and not break the stability inside the kiln. At the same time, rigorously note the movements of all- stage cyclone discharging flap valves, intensify patrol inspection, and for a discovered blockage circumstance, handle it resolutely and in time.

(5) 调整火焰活泼有力,明亮完整,不冲刷耐火砖或窑皮,初次投料开始到挂窑皮结束约需 48 小时。

(5) Adjust flame to alacrity, vitality, brilliancy and integrity. Do not scour the firebricks or the kiln skin. It takes about 48 hours from the first lowering of charge to the completion of hanging the kiln skin.

(6) 在分解炉未投入运行时,窑运行时的喂料量控制不能超过设计能力的 50%。但应该尽快过渡。

(6) Before the precalciner is put into operation, the feeding capacity during the running of the kiln shall be controlled at not more than 50% of the designed capacity. But the transition shall be done as soon as possible. 冷却机的操作 Operation of Cooler

(1) 冷却机的操作应按 IKN 的操作手册执行。窑在升温阶段要注意,如果篦板喷嘴的温度上升至 80℃,应启动风机,并在最小流量下运行。

(1) The operation of a cooler shall conform to the IKN run book. At the stage of the kiln being heated, it shall be noted that if the temperature of a grate plate nozzle rises to 80 ℃, you should start a fan and make it run at the lowest flow rate.

(2) 窑内熟料开始卸落到篦床时,当 KIDS1#部分的熟料堆到 1.5m 时,应启动 KIDS1#部分的 3 台冷却风机。

(2) When the clinker inside the kiln starts to be unloaded to the grate bed and when the clinker at the KIDS 1# part has been piled up to 1.5m, you should start 3 cooling fans at the KIDS 1# part.

(3) KIDS1#部分的冷却风机流量调节应参照 IKN 提供的流量曲线或由按 IKN 的调试工程师指定的要求进行。

(3) The flow control of a cooling fan at the KIDS 1# part shall conform to the curves of discharge that IKN has provided or to the requirements that the IKN debugging engineers have designated.

(4) 如果熟料被吹离 KIDS 表面,应减少风机的供风量,保持住熟料在 KIDS1#上的斜坡。

(4) If the clinker is blown off the KIDS surface, you should slash a fan air volume and keep the clinker slope on KIDS1#.

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(5) 注意推动篦床的速度、风机、空气炮调节应适当,使熟料层能覆盖住 KIDS1#部分的篦板,而不至于烧坏篦板。

(5) Note that the adjustment of a grate bed pushing speed, fan and air cannon shall be appropriate, making the clinker layer able to cover the grate plate of the KIDS 1# part so as not to burn down the grate plate.

(6) 在开始阶段,如果需减小 KIDS1#部分的料堆高度,可加快 1 段篦床的推动速度。

(6) If at the beginning stage, it is necessary to reduce the height of the charge at the KIDS1# part, you may speed up the pushing speed of section 1 of the grate bed.

(7) 当窑连续输出熟料时,篦速的调节必须按 IKN 制订的要求或按 IKN 的调试工程师现场给定的要求进行。

(7) While the kiln is continuously outputting clinker, the adjustment of a grate speed shall conform to the requirements that IKN has drawn up or to those an IKN debugging engineer gives on site.

(8) 为保证最优化的篦冷机操作,每次只能调整一个参数,等待结果,这样窑和冷却机的操作才能稳定。

(8) In order to ensure the optimized operation of a grate cooler, you may only adjust one parameter each time and wait for a result so that the operation of the kiln and the cooler will be stabilized.

(9) 加料、加燃料的同时,逐渐加大各室风量,一般原则如下:



在投料初期,高温段风机风门相对大些,低温段风机风门相对小些,并与熟料电收尘器引风机一起按窑头罩负压-20~-50Pa 来调节风门。

(9) At the time of charging and adding fuel, enlarge the air volume of each room by degrees. The general principles are as follows:

Cooler air-increasing sequence: High-temperature zone first, low-temperature later;

Cooler air-decreasing sequence: low temperature zone first, high-temperature later;

At the initial stage of feeding, a high-temperature zone fan air cock shall be a little big relatively, and a low-temperature zone fan air cock shall be a little small relatively. An air cock shall also be adjusted together with a clinker EP induced draft fan according to the kiln outlet hood negative pressure -20~-50Pa.

(10) 熟料应均匀散开并能保持一定的厚度;根据篦床上熟料红亮程度、熟料分布情况、IKN的推荐数据及窑与分解炉的风量要求,分别调节各风室风量,从而尽可能提高二、三次风温,不至于造成风量过大吹穿料层短路。

(10) Clinker shall be evenly spread out and keep certain thickness. According to the brightness of the clinker on the grate bed, the distribution of clinker, and the data

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and the air volume requirements for the kiln and precalciner recommended by IKN, adjust the air volume of each air chamber so as to raise the secondary and tertiary air temperatures as far as possible and to prevent an excessive air volume from blowing through a charge layer and from causing a short circuit.

(11) 当窑的产量达到正常指标时,要检查冷却机出口熟料温度并依此来调节冷却风量;当总的冷却风量超过窑和分解炉燃烧的需要时,应通过篦冷机废气引风机在控制窑头罩负压的基础上将多余废气排出。

(11) When the output of the kiln attains to a normal index, check the cooler outlet clinker temperature and depend on this to adjust a cooling air volume. When the general cooling air volume runs over the demands of the kiln and the precalciner, discharge the redundant gas on the basis of the grate cooler Vent air fan controlling the kiln outlet hood pressure .

(12) 当冷却机废气温度超过 300℃时,可打开冷风阀掺冷风,并根据温度调节阀门开度。

(12) When the cooler waste gas temperature exceeds 300 ℃, you may unbolt a cold air valve to vent cold air and adjust the span of the valve according to the temperature.分解炉投料运行 Precalciner Operation after Feeding

在稳定运行 2~4 小时后,一般可进行分解炉的燃烧器的启动操作。

Generally, you may carry out the startup operation of a precalciner burner after stabilized operation for 2-4 hours.

(1) 注意进入分解炉内的热风温度要达到 600℃以上。若温度偏低时,可调节冷却机的操作,尽可能使三次风温大于 600℃。

(1) Note that the temperature of the hot air entering the precalciner shall attain to over 600 ℃. If the temperature is on the low side, you may adjust the operation of a cooler and make the tertiary air temperature exceed 600 ℃ as far as possible.

(2) 起动分解炉燃烧器系统,确保分解炉内喷油(天然气)正常燃烧,并进一步缓慢提高三次风管热风阀的开度,增加三次风量。

(2) Start the precalciner burner system, ensure the normal combustion of the oil (natural gas) inside precalciner, further and slowly increase the span of a tertiary air duct hot air valve and raise tertiary air volumes.

(3) 逐步加大喂料量,严密监视炉内的温度变化。

(3) Gradually enlarge the feeding quantity and closely monitor the temperature change in furnace.

(4) 窑喂料量增加 300~350t/h 左右。

(4) The kiln feeding quantity shall be increased to about 300-350 t/h.

(5) 逐渐增加窑速,最终为 3~3.5r/min 之间。

(5) Increase the kiln speed by degrees, and its final speed shall be 3-3.5 r/min.

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(6) 加大烧成系统的排风量,最终使一级旋风筒出口负压约 5000~5800Pa,CO在 0.5%以下,O2在 3.5%左右。

(6) Increase the air discharge volume of the burning system and finally, cause the Class-1 cyclone outlet negative pressure to be about 5000-5800 Pa, CO to be below 0.5% and O2 to be about 3.5%.

(7) 调整窑与分解炉的喷油(天然气)的比例,增加分解炉的喷油(天然气)量,最终热耗为 730Kcal/ 左右,窑与分解炉的燃料耗用比例是:


(7) Adjust the ratio of the oil (natural gas) injection of the kiln to the precalciner, increase oil(natural gas) injection quantity of the precalciner and finally, cause the heat loss to be 730 Kcal/, The fuel consumption ratio of the kiln to the precalciner shall be:

Kiln﹕Precalciner=35-40 ﹕ 60-65

(8) 根据综合判断、及时加料加油(天然气),最终窑喂料量加料至 680~710t/h。

(8) Add charge and oil (natural gas) in time according to comprehensive judgment. The final kiln feeding quantity shall go to 680-710 t/h.

(9) 加料同时,增加系统排风量与冷却机各室风量,增加冷却机篦床速度,调节三次风管热风阀至最佳状态。

(9) At the time of charging, increase the air discharge volume of the system and the air volume of each chamber of a cooler, increase the cooler grate bed speed and adjust a tertiary air duct hot air valve to an optimum condition.

(10) 分解炉投料过程中,由于总喂料量大幅度增加,窑内工况变化大,操作应密切注意系统温度、窑负荷电流、窑尾与分解炉的压力变化,密切观察窑内情况,及时调整各种参数,加料量、燃料量、排风量调整幅度不宜过大,处理好风、燃料、料、窑速的平衡,稳定系统热工制度。

(10) As during a process of feeding for the precalciner, the general feeding quantity is significantly increased and the operating conditions inside the kiln changes considerably, in operation, you should closely note the system temperature, the kiln load current, the kiln inlet and precalciner pressure changes, closely observe the condition inside the kiln and adjust various parameters in time. The adjustment range of a charging quantity, fuel quantity or air discharge volume shall not be oversize. Handle well the balance of air, fuel, charge and a kiln speed and stabilize the system’s hot engineering system.

(11) 烧成系统各部位的主要操作参数大体如下:

一级旋风筒出口温度: 290~350℃

一级旋风筒出口O2含量: 3%左右

一级旋风筒出口 CO 含量: <0.2%

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分解炉内温度: 850~900℃

窑尾温度: 1050~1150℃

窑尾O2含量: 1.0~2.0%

烧成带温度: 1350~1500℃

窑头罩负压: -20~-50Pa

二次风温度: >950℃

三次风温度: >860℃

烧成带的窑筒体温度: 250~400℃(视筒体冷却风机的开停而定)

(11) Generally, the main operation parameters for each part of the burning system are as follows:

* Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature: 290-350 ℃

* Class-1 cyclone outlet O2 content: 3% or so

* Class-1 cyclone outlet CO content: <0.2%

* Temperature inside the precalciner: 850-900 ℃

* Kiln inlet temperature: 1050-1150 ℃

* Kiln inlet O2 content: 1.0-2.0%

* Burning zone temperature: 1350-1500 ℃

* Kiln outlet negative pressure: -20~-50Pa

* Secondary air temperature: >950 ℃

* Tertiary air temperature: >860 ℃

Kiln body temperature of burning zone: 250-400 ℃(depending on the startup and shutdown of a kiln body cooling fan)

(12) 系统热工制度稳定后,确认各类计测仪表、机电设备正常,即可投入中控回路自控操作(包括篦冷机“三元”控制、喂料仓料位控制及窑头负压控制等)。

(12) After the system’s thermal regulation has been stabilized and after making sure that various meters and electromechanical equipment are normal, automatic control operations (including cooler "ternary" control, feeding bin charge level control, kiln outlet negative pressure control, etc.) with central control loops may be put into use.

(13) 系统操作完全正常后,可根据窑尾热料的氯离子检出情况或根据业主多年的生产经验,确定何时投入旁路放风系统。

(13) After the system operation is completely normal, determine when to put the bypass system according to the detection circumstance of kiln inlet hot charge chlorine ions or according to the owner’s production experience of many years.

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5.2 投料操作原则 Principles for Operation with Feeding


The operation of a large rotary kiln with a precalciner is comparatively sophisticated. Particularly during the process of feeding from ignition to normal operation, the burning system ’s operating condition changes are more frequent, so it is necessary to ensure that the lowering of charge of the system will be successful at a time and to emphasize and keep to the several principles as follows:

(1) 控制住窑尾温度 950~1000℃,一级旋风筒出口温度 320~360℃,并能平衡稳定一段时间后才开始投料。

(1) Control the kiln inlet temperature at 950-1000 ℃ and the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature at 320-360 ℃, and balance and stabilize the temperature for a period of time before starting feeding.

(2) 随时监测系统主要控制点的温度和压力,因为这是运转操作中调节燃料、料、风的主要参数。

(2) Monitor the temperature and pressure of a main control point of the system at any time, because these are the main parameters for adjusting fuel, charge and air in operation.

(3) 系统投料后在生料进入烧成带之前,将采取“留火等料”的操作方式,既要保证烧成带有一定的高温,砖面发红,又要防止过高温度使耐火砖烧融;既要保证挂好窑皮且致密平整、使熟料结粒细小均匀,又要严防结大块跑生料,所以采取略低 KH 值与 SM 值的配料方案、严格控制生料化学成分、稳定烧成温度在 1400℃左右、调整良好的火焰形状与燃烧状态。

(3) After the system’s feeding and before raw meal enters the burning zone, adopt the operating mode of "keeping fire and waiting for charge", not only for the purpose of ensuring that the burning zone has a certain high temperature and the brick face gets red, but also for the purpose of preventing the excessive high temperature from making the firebricks melted, and not only for the purpose of ensuring that the kiln coating will be hung well and it will be compact and neat, but also for the purpose of strictly preventing big pieces from running to raw meal, so adopt the admixture scheme with slightly low KH value and SM value, strictly control the raw meal chemical compositions, stabilize the burning temperature at about 1400 ℃,and adjust flame to a good shape and burning status.

(4) 从熟料进入冷却机开始到正常生产的整个操作过程中,应保证冷却机的冷却效率,控制合适的冷却风量和篦床速度,尽可能地提高二、三次风温,这对确保窑内燃烧气氛和烧结能力,以及分解炉顺利点火投料并较快地达到正常运行尤为重要。

(4) During the whole operation process from clinker entering a cooler begins to normal production, you should ensure the cooling efficiency of the cooler, control a suitable cooling air volume and grate bed speed, and the secondary and tertiary air

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temperature as far as possible, which is particularly important to ensuring the burning atmosphere and sintering capacity inside the kiln, and that the precalciner will be smoothly ignited for lowering of charge and reach normal operation comparatively fast.

(5) 操作应持稳妥、积极的态度,敢于大胆操作,善于抓住时机,力争较快地突破易使系统热工制度紊乱的“操作死区”,达到正常的稳定运行。

(5) During operation, you should have a steady and progressive attitude, do bold operation, be good at grabbing an opportune moment, and try hard for fast breaking through the “operation dead zone” easily making the system’s thermal regulation messy to reach normal and stable operation.

(6) 另外,具体操作中尤其需要注意以下三点:




(6) Moreover, in concrete operation, particularly note the following 3 items:

* Air, fuel, charge and a kiln speed shall be matched well and their amplitudes of accommodation shall not be oversize.

* When there is hot clinker on the grate bed, you should make every effort to avoid stopping the cooling air. Even if the kiln and the grate bed stop running, you should also blow the clinker (at least the high-temperature zone) on the grate bed completely to cold before stopping air air.

* Intensify the site patrol inspection, closely monitor the pressure of each part of the preheater and for an accumulated-charge blockage circumstance discovered, treat it resolutely and in time. It is specially accentuated that the charge cleaning shall be safe and careful. Take strict precautions against an accident such as a scald.

5.3 旁路放风的投入运行 Putting Bypass System into Operation

系统内有害成分Cl-的富集有个时间过程,因此点火期间可不开启旁路放风系统。但要关注Cl-的含量。何时开启旁路放风可采用两种方式:(1)参考工厂原有生产线,窑点火后旁路放风系统投运的时间。(2)通过C6 旋风筒下料管热料的分析,监控Cl-的含量,当热料中的Cl-的含量超过 2.0%将启动旁路放风系统。

The enrichment inside the system of the harmful component Cl- has a time process, so during an ignition period, the bypass system need not be started. But you shall pay attention to the Cl- content. For when to start the bypass system, you may adopt two modes:(1)making reference to the time for a bypass system to be put into operation after a kiln ignition for the original production line in the factory;(2)Analyzing the hot charge of a C6 cyclone discharging pipe to monitor and control the Cl- content. When the Cl- content in the hot charge exceeds 2.0%, start the bypass

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旁路放风系统操作中的注意事项:Points for attention in the operation of the bypass system:

(1) 旁路放风系统启动后,尽快将放风比例调整到 10%,然后在根据热料中的Cl-的含量逐步扩大放风比例。设计中正常的旁路放风比例约为 22%左右,实际放风比例应视热料中的Cl-的含量定。

(1) The air proportion shall be adjusted to 10% as soon as possible after the startup of the bypass system, and according to the hot charge Cl- content, enlarge the air proportion gradually. The regular bypass air proportion in the design shall be about 22%, but the actual air proportion shall depend on the hot charge Cl- content.

(2) 旁路放风的比例是通过调节旁路放风系统排风机(427FN1/428FN1)的转速和旁路放风风管上调节阀(417DA3/418DA3)的开度联合控制的。

(2) A bypass air proportion is jointly controlled by adjusting the revolving speed of the bypass system fan (427FN1/428FN1) and the span of the bypass air duct regulating valve(417 DA3/418 DA3).

(3) 旁路放风系统中,袋收尘器(427BF1/428BF1)的进风管道上设有测温点,正常的温度为 180~200℃,由此温度控制二次冷却风机(417FN3/418FN3)的转速,当温度高于 180℃时,将提高转速,当温度低于 150℃时,可降低转速。

(3) In the bypass system, the air inlet pipeline of the bag filter (427 BF1/428 BF1) is equipped with temperature measuring points. The normal temperature shall be 180~ 200 ℃, which will control the revolving speed of the secondary cooling fan (417 FN3/418 FN3). When the temperature is higher than 180 ℃, the revolving speed will be raised, while the temperature is lower than 150 ℃, the revolving speed will be lowered.

6.系统起动及停车操作 Startup and Shutdown Operation of the System

6.1 正常点火操作 Normal ignition operation


A normal ignition has no refractory material drying and no kiln coating hanging operation, meaning that it is an operation process of re-starting after a short-time shutdown. Even if sometimes inside the kiln, the precalciner, the tertiary air duct and the preheater, fireproof inside linings are replaced locally, no special operation will be needed. It is only necessary to lengthen the temperature rise time appropriately. Going on to hang the kiln coating when starting lowering of charge will be able to lead to a smooth operation. The operation methods are fundamentally the same.

6.1.1正常点火操作前的准备 Preparations before Normal Ignition Operation

(1) 确认各种计测仪表、显示报警装置处于可工作状态。

(1) Make sure that various meters and displaying alarms are placed in workable states.

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(2) 确认各种风机的风门、各类阀门、三次风管热风阀等操作灵活,并处于下限位置。

(2) Make sure that the air cocks of various fans, various valves, tertiary air duct hot air valves, etc. are operated flexibly and are placed at the lower limit.

(3) 确认操作要求、控制程序与选择设备一一对应。

(3) Make sure that an operation requirement, control procedure and the selected equipment shall be of one-to-one correspondence.

(4) 所有自控回路的自动、手动选择开关置于操作要求位置。

(4) All the automatic and manual selection switches for automatic loops shall be set to the positions as required in operation.

(5) 检查所有润滑点的润滑情况,冷却用水、排水情况符合要求。

(5) Check the circumstances of all lubrication points and make sure that cooling water and water drainage meet the requirements.

(6) 检查所有检查门,清扫孔关闭。

(6) Make sure that all inspection doors and cleaning holes have been closed.

(7) 检查预热器上升烟道及废气管道,清除系统中积料。

(7) Check the preheater ascension smoke flue and the waste gas pipeline, and clear away the accumulated charge in the system.

(8) 确认系统各部位下料翻板阀,活动件能活动灵活自如。

(8) Make sure that the discharging flap valve of each part and movable parts of the system can be moved flexibly.

(9) 检查窑液压挡轮,其它设备传动、制动装置等处于可工作状态。

(9) Make sure that the kiln hydraulic pressure thrust rollers, other equipment drive, arrests, etc are be placed in workable states.

(10) 确认有足够点火用燃料,点火装置可靠、齐备。

(10) Make sure that there is enough ignition fuel and the ignition apparatuses are reliable and ready.

(11) 检查冷却机及熟料链斗输送机运转可靠,尤其是篦板完好。

(11) Make sure that the operation of a cooler and a clinker chain bucket conveyor is reliable, and a grate plate is intact.

(12) 检查窑内、预热器和分解炉,冷却机、燃烧器、三次风管的耐火材料状况和窑皮状况 并确认符合要求;了解窑、三次风管、冷却机内的物料残留量;仔细落实点火的必要条件,制定出切合实际的点火升温曲线。

(12) Check the refractory material condition inside the kiln, preheater and precalciner, cooler, burner and tertiary air duct and the kiln coating condition, and make sure that

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they meet the requirements. Understand the residual quantity of charge inside the kiln, tertiary air duct and cooler. Carefully carry out the necessary conditions for ignition and draw up practicable ignition heating curves.

(13) 联系熟料入库号及进行熟料输送路线选择。核实储油库中的储油量(或天然气的供应量)、均化库中生料能满足生产初期的要求储量。

(13) Contact the number for clinker to enter the storage and select the clinker conveyance path line. Make sure that the oil storage quantity in the oil tank (or natural gas supply quantity) and the raw meal in the homogenizing storage can satisfy the demanded reserves at the initial stage of production.

(14) 确认熟料电收尘器及其引风机、冷却机风机、一次风机等关键设备能够长期连续运转。

(14) Make sure that such key equipment as a clinker EP, cooling fan, primary fan, etc. can operate for a long time and continuously.

(15) 窑及分解炉的高压油泵及循环系统的设备、控制元件能够长期连续运转。

(15) The high-pressure oil pumps of the kiln and precalciner, and the equipment, control elements of the circulating system shall be able to operate for a long time and continuously.

(16) 对设备巡视、工作平台楼梯、异常情况紧急处理等场合,均应充分清理,扫除杂物;同时还需检查挡板、栏杆、警告牌等劳保设施是否安置妥当。

(16) To the situations such as equipment patrol inspection, working platform stairways, abnormal circumstance emergency treatment, etc. full cleaning shall be done and dopants shall be cleared away. It is also necessary to check whether such labor protective facilities as inspection baffles, railings, warning signs, etc. have been installed properly.

(17) 检查清扫、捅料、检修、照明、安全保护等用具准备齐全。

(17) Make sure that appliances for cleanup, charge-poking, overhauling, illumination, safety protection, etc are in readiness.

(18) 确认综合检查结果,烧成系统所有设备可以运转,通知现场岗位工人及中控室操作人员。

(18) Confirm the comprehensive inspection results. Make sure that all equipment in the burning system can operate and notify the site workers and central control room operators.

6.1.2 正常点火操作 Normal Ignition Operation


Based on the above drying operation of a system refractory material and the operation with lowering of charge for the first time, the normal ignition operation method is basically similar to this, and no unnecessary details are given. However, the following several points shall need attention:

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(1) 根据实际情况控制升温速率,防止温度骤变。

(1) Control a temperature rise speed according to an actual circumstance and keep the temperature from chopping about.

(2) 预热器虽然都是固定的壳体,但投入使用前最好先进行通风试运转,持续时间不要少于 8 小时。在试运转中和试运转后,要详细检查各部位的异变情况。

(2) Although the preheater is a fixed housing body, but before use, it is best to first do a ventilation trial operation with duration not less than 8 hours. During and after the trial operation, it is necessary to check each part in detail for a changed circumstance.

(3) 在窑运行稳定 2~4 小时后,就可启动分解炉燃烧器的运行,无需待三次风管耐火材料的烘干。

(3) After the kiln operation has been stabilized for 2-4 hours, you may start the running of a precalciner burner and do not need the drying of a tertiary air duct refractory material.

6.2 正常操作原则Rules of Normal Operation


For a large rotary kiln of with a precalciner, you need to attain to the aims of fine quality, high output, low dissipation and long-run, safe and stable operation and have to attain "five stable"(namely stable feeding, stable calcination, stable air ventilation, a stable kiln speed and a stable Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature), as a result, it is necessary to accentuate and keep to the following several operating principles:

(1) 注意把握好点火关。正确地制定不同情况下的“点火升温曲线”做好开车前的各项准备,其要点是让系统热工制度符合喂料量递增所需的热量。

(1) Grasp the ignition operation. Draw up with accuracy the "ignition heating curve" under a different circumstance, make various preparations. Its key point is to let the thermal regulation of the system match the heat quantity needed for an increasing feeding capacity.

(2) 以炉为主,稳定窑头,稳定风、料,同步调整窑速和燃料量为操作指导思想,综合判断工况条件,实现安全稳定运行。

(2) Regard the furnace as the main part, and regard the stabilizing of the kiln outlet, air and charge and the synchronization of a kiln speed and fuel quantity as the operating guideline. Comprehensively judge the operating conditions and realize safe and stable operation.

(3) 整个运转过程中,应保证冷却机的冷却效率,尽可能地提高二、三次风温,降低熟料出料温度,控制合适的冷却风量,在此期间,还应重视合理地配用一次风量和轴径向风比例,控制好风、燃料比例及配合,从而保证其燃烧效率和理想的火焰形状。

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(3) During the whole operation process, the cooling efficiency of a cooler shall be ensured. Raise the secondary and tertiary air temperatures as far as possible and lower clinker discharging temperature and control a suitable cooling air volume. During this period, you should also value the reasonable coordination the ratio of a primary air volume to the axial and radial air, well control the ratio and matching of air to fuel, thus ensuring its combustion efficiency and an ideal flame shape.

(4) 掌握好三次风量和窑内通风量的比例,掌握好分解炉用燃料量和窑头用燃料量的比例。对于控制参数的调节,应稳宜慢,切忌大起大落;应综合兼顾,处理准确、果断、有效。

(4) Grasp the ratio of a tertiary air volume to a kiln-inside ventilation quantity and the ratio of a precalciner fuel quantity to and a kiln outlet fuel quantity. For the accommodation of the control parameters, it shall be stable and slow. Avoid considerable fluctuation. It is necessary to synthesize and give attention to every side, and give treatment accurately, resolutely and effectively.

(5) 在系统长期运转中有效地控制烧成带温度,窑尾温度,六级筒下料温度,五级筒下料温度,各旋风筒锥体负压、一级筒出口废气成份等重要参数,并密切监视本系统主机设备的安全报警。

(5) During the system’s long-run operation, effectively control such important parameters as the burning zone temperature, kiln inlet temperature, Class-6 cylinder discharging temperature, Class-5 cylinder discharging temperature, each cyclone conic body negative pressure, Class-1 cylinder outlet waste gas compositions, etc, and closely monitor the safety alarm of the system’s main equipment.

(6) 有较好技术和责任心的操作人员,通过勤看火、勤观察、勤检查、勤联系,在各种情况发生时能迅速综合判断,采取正确的应变措施,使系统工作状态时时稳定在理想的操作控制范围内。

(6) Operators with better technique and sense of responsibility shall see the fire frequently, observe frequently, check frequently and contact frequently. Under various circumstances, they shall be able to synthesize and judge quickly, assume exact emergency measures and make the system’s operating state always stabilized in an ideal operational control range.

(7) 具体操作中还需注意以下几点:

(7) In a concrete operation, it is also necessary to note the following several points:

a. 根据一级旋风筒出口废气分析来控制系统足够的通风,其风量不宜过大、过小,从而保证窑炉燃料完全燃烧,同时监测废气温度及 CO 的含量来保证收尘器的正常工作。

a. According to Class-1 cyclone outlet waste gas analysis, control the enough airing of the system. Its air volume shall not be oversize or undersize to ensure the complete combustion of the kiln fuel. Monitor the waste gas temperature and CO content in the meantime to ensure the regular work of a dust catcher.

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b. 冷窑点火或废气温度过低,均不能接通电收尘器的高压。

b. For cold kiln ignition or if the waste gas temperature is too low, the high voltage of an electric dust catcher shall not be connected.

c. 检查冷却机风室有无漏风及串风现象。

c. Check whether a cooler air chamber has air leakage.

d. 操作中若有掉篦板现象发生,要及时停窑处理,防止篦板掉入破碎机中,造成破 坏事故。

d. If in operation, a grate plate has dropped, it is necessary to stop the kiln for treatment in time so as to keep the grate plate from dropping into a crusher, which may result in a breakage accident.

e. 密切监测烧成带窑筒体温度不得超过 400℃,保护窑皮和筒体。

e. Closely monitor the burning zone’s kiln body temperature. It shall not be more than 400 ℃ so as to protect the kiln coating and body.

f. 进行熟料质量检验,生料与热料的品质检验,并根据反馈数据,实施各部分控制参数的调整。

f. Examine the quality of clinker, raw meal and hot charge, and according to the feedback data, carry out the adjustment of the control parameters of each part.

g. 密切注意窑尾负压与各级旋风筒负压来检查预热器有关部位是否积料、堵塞、结 皮,一旦发生应及时处理,特别注意清扫工作要安全、仔细,严防烫伤等意外事故。

g. Closely note the kiln inlet negative pressure and all- stage cyclone negative pressure to check whether a relevant part of the preheater has accumulated charge, blockage and surface crusting. Once it occurs, you should handle it in time. In cleaning work, particular attention shall be paid to safety and carefulness. Take strict precautions against an accident such as a scald.

h. 原料粉磨系统的开停及有关风门等设备的操作,应预先和中控操作人员联系并同意后方可进行。

h. For the operations of the startup or slowdown of a raw mill system, relevant air cocks, etc, you should contact an operator for central control in advance and get approval before doing so.

6.3 正常停车 Normal Shutdown


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Before the system shutdown, notify the workshops for the raw mill, crude oil tank, high-pressure pump house, etc, of a shutdown plan, make them make full preparations and make contacts at any time in order to get mutual coordination. In principle, it is hoped that after the shutdown of the system, the kiln, raw meal storage and transport equipment will be empty, but mainly according to production demands, the time length for stopping the kiln and the limitation of the process equipment, you will be expected to decide whether to empty the raw meal storage and determine the remaining quantity of the raw meal in the silo. Moreover, when the raw mill system needs to close a hot air valve or makes the hot air change its direction, you must contact an operator for central control and get permission before operating related equipment. Take care not to make the air flow of the burning system change suddenly, which interferes with the operating condition of the kiln.


When this system is shut down, generally, the equipment that has an automatic regulating loop shall be changed over to a manual position. The normal shutdown sequence shall be: the furnace and kiln reducing fuel and charge; reducing the bypass air volume; cutting off the bypass system; first stopping the furnace, stopping charge, and then stopping the kiln. The concrete operation steps are as follows:

6.3.1分解炉的停车操作 Shutdown Operation of Precalciner

(1) 根据热耗与温度,逐步减燃料、相应减料。

(1) Reduce fuel and correspondingly reduce charge gradually according to heat loss and temperature.

(2) 根据O2含量的变化,调节窑尾高温风机转速和阀门开度。

(2) Adjust the revolving speed of a kiln inlet high-temperature fan and the span of a valve according to the change of the O2 content.

(3) 当分解炉内温度下降到 820℃左右时,这时适当减料。当分解炉内温度下降到 800℃以下,适时停止分解炉燃烧器的燃料供应。但保持分解炉燃烧器冷却风机的运行,调小风量冷却喷嘴。

(3) When the temperature inside the precalciner descends to about 820 ℃, reduce charge appropriately. When it descends to below 800 ℃, stop fuel supply to the precalciner burner in good time. But keep the running of the precalciner burner cooling fan and turn down the air volume for cooling the nozzle.

(4) 同时调整一级旋风筒出口负压与系统排风量,减少冷却机各风室的风量。

(4) At the same time, adjust Class-1 cyclone outlet negative pressure and the air discharge volume of the system to reduce the air volume of each air chamber of the cooler.

(5) 同时降低入窑喂料量,维持在 SP 窑操作状态。

(5) At the same time, lower the feeding quantity into the kiln and maintain the mode of

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operation for the SP kiln.

(6) 根据分解炉内温度变化和窑内情况,随时调节三次风管热风阀开度至合适状态。

(6) Adjust the span of the tertiary air duct hot air valve to a suitable status at any time according to the temperature change inside the precalciner and the condition inside the kiln.

(7) 适当地降低窑速来保持正常烧结,同时调整窑头燃料供给。

(7) Properly lower the kiln speed to keep normal sintering and at the same time, adjust the kiln outlet fuel supply.

6.3.2.窑的停车 Kiln Shutdown

(1) 继续逐步减料。

(1) Go on to reduce charge gradually.

(2) 同步缓慢降低窑转速,调整系统排风量和冷却机各室的风量。

(2) Simultaneously and slowly lower the kiln revolving speed and adjust the system’s air discharge volume and the air volume of each chamber of the cooler.

(3) 当窑尾温度偏高,一级旋风筒出口温度降低时,可以全闭三次风管热风阀。

(3) When the kiln inlet temperature is on the high side and the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature is lowered, you may shut the tertiary air duct hot air valves completely.

(4) 随时调节窑头燃料供给量,既保证相应的烧结温度,又不要使窑尾温度和一级旋风筒出口温度过高。

(4) Adjust the kiln outlet fuel supplies at any time in order to ensure a corresponding sintering temperature and not to make the kiln inlet temperature and Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature excessively high.

(5) 当一级旋风筒出口温度下降到正常偏下且不再回升时,应立即停料。逐级翻动下料翻板阀,清理各级旋风筒内的积料,必要时用吹堵系统清理。若停料后,一级旋风筒出口温度过高,可打开一级筒人孔门或冷风阀。

(5) When the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature descends to a normally low and no longer rises, you should stop feeding immediately. Step by step, turn over the discharging flap valves and clear away the accumulated charge inside all-stage cyclones, and use a blockage-blowing system for cleanup when it's necessary. If after stopping charge, the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature is too high, you may unbolt the Class-1 cylinder manhole door or cold air valve.

(6) 窑开始慢转。当窑内物料基本排空时停燃料、停一次风机,同时起动事故风机以冷却保护燃烧器不被灼伤。待燃烧器冷却至一定程度后,拉出窑头罩,切忌一次风量过大,使窑皮骤冷垮落。

(6) The kiln begins to run slowly. When the supplies inside the kiln basically empty, stop fuel and the primary fan, and at the same time, start the accident fan to cool and

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protect the burner from scald. Pull out the kiln hood after being cooled to a certain extent. Prevent by all means a primary air volume from being oversize, which makes the kiln coating become suddenly cold and collapse.

(7) 减风或停止窑尾高温风机。注意此刻一定要使窑内温度缓慢下降,保护好窑皮和内衬。注意一级旋风筒出口温度高于 100℃时,应慢转窑尾高温风机,防止叶片变形。

(7) Reduce air or stop the kiln inlet ID fan. Note at this moment that you must make the temperature inside the kiln drop slowly and protect the kiln coating and inside lining well. Note that when the Class-1 cyclone outlet temperature is higher than 100 ℃, you should slow down the kiln inlet high-temperature fan to prevent the vane from being deformed.

(8) 停窑操作过程中,窑慢转间隔要求大体如下:

0~1 小时,连续慢转

1~3 小时,每隔 15 分钟转 1/4

3~6 小时,每隔 30 分钟转 1/4

6~12 小时,每隔 60 分钟转 1/4

12~24 小时,每隔 120 分钟转 1/4

24 小时以后,根据窑内温度情况而定

(8) During the process of kiln shutdown operation, the intervals for the kiln to rotate slowly are as follows:

0-1 hour, continuous slow rotation

1-3 hours, rotating by 1/4 every 15 min

3-6 hours, rotating by 1/4 every 30 min

6-12 hours, rotating by 1/4 every 60 min

12-24 hours, rotating by 1/4 every 120 min

After 24 hours, they shall depend on the temperature circumstance inside the kiln.

6.3.3 冷却机的停车操作 Shutdown Operation of Cooler

(1) 根据窑、分解炉、预热器的风量要求,及时调整冷却风机的转速和风门开度。

(1) According to the air volume requirements of the kiln, precalciner and preheater, adjust in time the revolving speed of a cooling fan and the span of an air cock.

(2) 窑缓慢减速、同步降低篦床速度,当窑停止向冷却机卸料后,应停止篦床推动,以保持熟料层。若冷却机检修,则应排净篦床上物料后才停车。

(2) Slow down the kiln and simultaneously lower the grate bed speed. After the kiln stops unloading charge to the cooler, you should stop pushing the grate bed to keep the

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clinker layer. If the cooler is overhauled, you should empty the grate bed of charge before a shutdown.

(3) 篦床停止运行后,应将篦床上的熟料完全吹冷后方可停冷却风机,以保护篦板。若需排净篦床上物料时,也应在冷却风机运转时进行。

(3) After the grate bed stops running, you should blow the clinker on the grate bed to completely cold before stopping the cooling fan to protect the grate plate. Emptying the grate bed of supplies shall be done while the cooling fan is running.

(4) 熟料破碎机位于 1#篦床之后,1#篦床停机后停熟料破碎机,然后再停 2#篦床,但水冷、风冷系统要等设备冷却到安全温度以下才能停。

(4) The clinker crusher shall be located behind the 1# grate bed. After the 1# grate bed stops, stop the clinker crusher and then stop the 2# grate bed, but the water cooling, and air air cooling systems shall be stopped only after the equipment is cooled to below a safe temperature.

(5) 待各风室内的细碎熟料全部排空后,才可停卸灰系统。

(5) Only after all the fine crushed clinker of each air chamber has been emptied may you stop the ash-unloading system.

(6) 停冷却机各部分的润滑系统。

(6) Stop the lubricating system of each part of a cooler.

(7) 各冷却风机全部停止后,停熟料电收尘器及其引风机。注意引风机停车前, 一定要控制住窑头负压,以免热气体从窑头罩冒出、发生伤人事故。

(7) After each cooling fan stops, stop the clinker EP and its induced draft fan. Note that before stopping the induced draft fan, you must control the kiln outlet negative pressure in order to prevent hot gas coming out from the kiln hood from injuring a person.

(8) 待熟料电收尘器回灰及设备内的余料排净后相继停止熟料输送系统。

(8) After the back ash of the clinker EP and the remaining charge inside the equipment are emptied completely, go on to stop the clinker conveying system.

6.3.4 其它 Others

(1) 待预热器、窑、冷却机停机后,才能停止系统内的其余辅助配套设备,才能停气、停水。

(1) Only after stopping the preheater, kiln and cooler may you halt the other auxiliary and matching equipment in the system, and air and water supply.

(2) 关闭各种计测仪表、电气设备。

(2) Shut down various meters and electric equipment.

(3) 记录停机时间和停机情况,报告生产调度。

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(3) Record the shutdown time and circumstance and report to production dispatching.

6.4 故障停车和重新起动 Trouble halt and restart

6.4.1 故障停车 Trouble halt

故障停车包括设备故障停车和工艺故障停车两种。对于设备故障停车,一般说来其停车顺序、速度均取决于设备之间的联锁关系或 PC 控制,不能在现场人为地加以干涉,而工艺故障停车在许多情况下其停车顺序、时间都可以人为地加以选择,也往往需要对 PC 控制解锁来灵活实施处理故障的手段,但不管发生哪一种故障,我们建议其操作处理原则必须遵循以下步骤:

Trouble halt include equipment trouble halt and technology trouble halt. For equipment trouble halt, generally its sequence and speed of halt depends on connection or PC control between the equipments. No interference is allowed onsite. For technology trouble halt, the sequence and time of halt allows casual selection in many circumstances, but it often requires unlocking PC control to flexibly implement the means of trouble shooting. No matter what kind of trouble happens, we suggested that principle for its operation and treatment shall follow these steps:

(1) 根据仪表的显示及报警,对故障原因、排除故障所需时间,对工艺生产、设备安全的影响程度及时作出准确的判断,并找出有效的处理办法。

(1) According to display and alarming of the instruments, make timely judgment about cause of the trouble, time for trouble shooting, degree of impact upon technology production and safety of the equipment, and then find the effective solution.

(2) 尽可能在中控室进行处理,尽可能快地恢复正常生产。

(2) Try to make treatment in the central control cabinet and recover the normal production as soon as possible.

(3) 设备单机停车。

(3) Halt of single equipment.

(4) 分系统停车。

(4) Halt of sub-system.

(5) 全系统停车。

(5) Halt of whole system.

此外,无论任何原因造成的停窑,都必须使窑系统的冷却过程尽可能缓解,尽量减少进入系统的冷风量,以避免窑皮和内衬受骤冷损坏。当停窑时间估计不超过 4 小时,且故障能很快排除,可实行保温措施,间隔或连续地在窑头喷入少量燃料,从而为系统重新起动,尽快投入正常运转创造条件。

Additionally, halt of kiln due to any reason shall mitigate the cooling process of the kiln system as possible and reduce the cold air amount into the system, so as to avoid any damage of abrupt cooling down incurred to the kiln surface and lining. When the time for halt of kiln is estimated less than 4 hours and the trouble can be eliminated immediately, heat conservation measures can be implemented. Small amount of fuel is sprayed in into the kiln outlet at interval or continuously, so

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as to create condition for restart of the system and quick commencement of normal operation.

6.4.2 重新起动 Restart


When the kiln is restarted, change in temperature of the kiln should be noticed. Judgment shall be made whether the fuel is sprayed in directly or sprayed through ignition, so as to prevent the gas not combusted accumulating in the kiln and the pipe of preheater and thus inducing explosion. Therefore, following operational principles shall be followed:

(1) 短时停窑后,重新给窑升温时,应确保窑温度可满足燃料直接燃烧要求,才能直接喷入,否则要点火助燃。

(1) After short-time suspension of the kiln and heating of the kiln is made anew, it shall be ensured the temperature of the kiln can satisfy requirement of direct combustion of the fuel before it is sprayed in directly; otherwise combustion shall be promoted by ignition.

(2) 喷燃料时,必须调整风量,避免产生还原气氛。

(2) When fuel is sprayed, air volume shall be adjusted to avoid production of reducing atmosphere.

(3) 若窑的温度较低或在调整火焰时,燃料增加要缓慢,不要突然增加。

(3) If temperature of the kiln is low or when the flame is adjusted, increase of the fuel shall be slow rather than abrupt.

(4) 若需要调节一次风和二次风时,要缓慢地进行,切忌猛增猛减。

(4) Adjustment of primary air and secondary, if any, shall be conducted slowly. Sharp increase or decrease is forbidden.

(5) 分解炉的投入应视故障停车时间的长短和重新起动时的系统工况条件酌情而定。

(5) Input of the precalciner shall be determined as per time of the trouble halt and system working conditions in time of restarting.

(6) 若故障停车时进行窑慢转而造成冷却机一段篦床上堆积物料过多,重新起动时要进行篦板的检查,并在起动初期尽快送出堆积熟料。

(6) In trouble halt, if slow rotation of kiln causes excessive accumulation of materials on a stretch of grate bed on the cooler, inspection to the grid plate shall be conducted in restarting and accumulated clinker shall be sent out at the beginning of starting.

(7) 故障停车较长时间后的冷窑重新起动,重新点火、升温、投料可参考前述有关条文并酌情调整。

(7) Restarting, re-ignition, reheating and material inputting of cold kiln after long time of trouble halt can refer to relevant articles afore-mentioned and are subject to proper adjustment.

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7. 常见故障及处理 Common troubles and handlings

(1)窑头燃烧器系统 Burner system of the kiln outlet

常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings


Forking of flame


There is impurity at the inlet of the burner


Nozzle of the burner deforms

清除 Clear

更换 Replace

2. 火 焰 形 状 不佳

Poor shape of flame


Poor proportion between radial and axial airs


Excessive high or low volume of primary air


Speed of air at the burner outlet is low


Adjust corresponding valve on the burner


Properly adjust openings of the primary air inlet


Reduce pressure loss in the pipe and the valve


Air used for the kiln oven is poorly matched


Adjust rotation speed of main ventilation fan at the kiln inlet of opening of the valve


System has insufficient ventilation amount and combustion in the kiln isinsufficient


Adjust rotation speed of main ventilation fan at the kiln inlet of opening of the valve


Negative pressure of the kiln inlet is too large


Clear away crusting blockage of the system

3. 窑 尾 温 度 偏低

Temperature of the kiln inlet is relatively low


Temperature of the secondary


Properly reduce opening of valve of the

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常见故障 可能的原因或现象 主要操作处理 Common fault Possible cause or phenomenon Main operational handlings

air is relatively low cooling fan

4 .一次风机停车

Primary fan halt


Fan lubrication is poor


Temperature of the bearing goes beyond limit


Electric trouble, etc.


Start the backup fan and the system go on operating


If the backup fan cannot start, shut off flow valve for the fuel used at the kiln outlet.


Outflow valves of the burner onsite are opened. Make emergent start of the accident fan or, in necessary situation, consider whether to pull out the burner.

d.窑尾主排风机慢转,系统保温冷却。Main ventilation fan of the fan kiln inlet rotates slowly and the system is cooled and conserves heat.


The kiln slowly rotated in succession or at interval

5.窑头燃油/燃气 供 应 断Supply of fuel oil/fuel gas at the kiln outlet breaks off


backup system trouble


Electric trouble

3.CO 气体严重超标

CO gas exceed the standard seriously


Stop operation of kiln, or supply of material or precalciner fuel; otherwise raw meal will be produced and temperature of the kiln will be reduced too fast, making it easy to restart.


Adjust air volume of the system and cooling air amount of the cooler, and slowly rotate the kiln.

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常见故障 可能的原因或现象 主要操作处理 Common fault Possible cause or phenomenon Main operational handlings


Halt the grate bed

d.查明故障,尽快处理。Locate the trouble and make treatment as soon as possible.

(2)分解炉燃烧器系统 Precalciner burner system

常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings

1.分解炉燃烧器 熄 火Precalciner burner extinguishes


Temperature in the precalciner is too low


Excessive volume of tertiary air


Properly reduce opening of the Tertiary Air Duct., slow down speed of the grate bed, increase cooling air volume in the high-temperature zone and reduce cooling air volume in the low-temperature zone.

2.分解炉内温度 过 高Temperature in the precalciner is too high


Excessive amount of feeding fuel


Properly reduce feeding amount of the fuel

3 分解炉燃烧器断油或断气Precalciner burner breaks supply of oil or gas


(cause for trouble is the same as the kiln outlet burner)


Reduce kiln feeding amount


Shut off the tertiary Air Duct and opening of the hot air valve.


Control fuel amount of kiln burner and kiln speed according to calcinations situation and change of temperature.


Adjust rotation speed of main ventilation fan of the kiln inlet or opening of the valve

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常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings and cooling air volume of the cooler.


Intensify monitoring over working of the kiln inlet, cyclone and feeing flap valve. Make regular blow-out, so as to prevent material accumulation.

(3)烧成通风系统和生料系统 Burning ventilation system and raw meal system

常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings


Poor lubrication of the fan;


Temperature of the bearing exceeds the limit;


Halt material supply and precalciner burner. If necessary, halt the kiln outlet burner also and pay attention to heat conservation operation. Shut off the tertiary air.


Kiln cylinder slowly rotates at interval of in succession. Pull out burner properly according to situation, so as to prevent distortion and deformation.


Reduce speed of the cooler gate bed till it stops. Reduce the volume of cooling air. Pay attention to change of negative pressure at the kiln outlet.


Large air leakage of the system causes super load


Intensify monitoring over the preheater system. Strictly prevent material blockage and make clearing regularly.


Halt of main ventilation fan of the kiln inlet


Electric trouble, etc.


Find out cause of the trouble and make treatment as soon as possible.

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常见故障 可能的原因或现象 主要操作处理 Common fault Possible cause or phenomenon Main operational handlings

2.熟料电收尘器引风机停车Fan halt caused by EP for the clinker

(同上)(Same as above)


Pay close attention to change in negative pressure of the kiln hood. Strictly prevent deformation of the fan in heat.


If estimated time for trouble shooting is long, reduce the material and fuel, till it halts.


Reduce cooling air volume in the low-temperature zone of the cooler, till cooling fan in the low-temperature zone halts.


Observe cooling of clinker on the grate bed and strictly prevent the grid plate from being burnt down.


According to hardship of the system operation and degree of impact upon safety of the equipment, decide whether to halt the kiln.


Find out the cause and shoot the trouble.


Halt of raw meal feeding system


Ventilation layer of the chute is agglutinated tightly or damaged;


Air supply or air pressure of the chute is insufficient;


If trouble of the feeding system can be eliminated immediately and no long-term material supply of the system is caused, the precalciner burner can be halted. Adjust air volume of each part of

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常见故障 可能的原因或现象 主要操作处理 Common fault Possible cause or phenomenon Main operational handlings


Control position of the pipe valve is improper;


Roots blower trouble., etc.

the system and implement heat-conservation operation.


If the trouble results in too long-term material halt of the system and seriously impacts operation of the kiln system, halt the kiln in reference to relevant part in aforesaid “Normal Halt”.

(4)窑及预热器系统 Klin and Its Preheater System

常见故障Common fault


possible reasons or phenomena


main operating handlings

1. 跑 生 料Leakage of raw meal


The temperature in the klin inlet decreases too much, fuel feeding amount is too little;


The material of the preheater collapses, the raw meal enters into burning zone;

3.窑电流下降,烧成带温度及NOx 浓度降低,窑头负压波动,窑内发浑,冷却机篦床速度偏快,窑头、冷却机冒灰。

The current of the klin decreases, the temperature of burning zone and the NOx concentration decreases, the negative pressure of kiln outlet fluctuates, the speed of graterplate of the cooling machine is a little faster, the kiln outlet and cooling machine generates ash.


Reduce material feeding amount, increase fuel feeding amount.


Slow down the turning speed of klin.


If the raw meal enters into the burning zone, it’s should to reduce the material feeding amount, after the klin current and the temperature of the burning zone raises or has the tendency to raise, then increase material feeding amount, raise the rotation speed of klin, adjust fuel feeding amount. Be aware of the added feeding amount of material and fuel can not be too much.

1.烧成带温度或窑筒体温度变 a.调整火焰,窑内热负荷不宜过高。

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常见故障Common fault


possible reasons or phenomena


main operating handlings


klin coating falls down


The temperature of burning zone or the temperature of cylinder of klin changes sharply.


The integrality of the original klin coating is not good.


The klin current quickly exceeds the normal value in short time; the temperature in local of cylinder is very high.


The klin coating is seeable and the color is wine.

Adjust flame; the heat load within the klin should not be too high.


Properly slow down the turning speed of klin, repair and level the klin coating, slowly restore the turning speed of the klin after the inner of the klin is normal. Start and stop the air cooling machine of cylinder based on actual situation.


If the temperature of the cylinder from which the klin coating falls, then the klin should be stopped.

3. 回 转 窑 停 车rotary klin is stopped


The lubrication of driving gear and the bearing of supporting roller are not good and are worn seriously.


The Hydraulic thrust roller system failure.


The seal rings at the kiln outlet and kiln inlet are damaged and the air leakage is serious.


The contact between big and small gears, supporting roller and tyre is not good.

5.电机故障。Engine failure.


Stop the reduction furnace and kiln outlet burner immediately, stop feeding material, reduce the cool air amount of the air cooling machine, adjust the turning speed of the induced draught fan of the clinker EP to prevent too much cool air enters into klin, keep the temperature of the klin.


Reduce the turning speed of main air exhauster in the kiln inlet or the opening of the valve, and be aware of avoiding the temperature of the exhaust gas goes beyond limitation.


Use associate driving device to turn the kiln slowly, be aware of the material

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常见故障Common fault


possible reasons or phenomena


main operating handlings accumulations in the kiln inlet.


Slow down the speed of the grater bed of cooling machine, but don’t make the hot clinker to burn out the grater board.


If the failure can not be eliminated after a long period of time, it’s should be considered to stop the whole system.


Find out the reason and handle it.

4. 预 热 器 塌 料the material of preheater collapses


The exhaustion amount in the kiln inlet suddenly decreases.


The material is suddenly pushed out while cleaning the cyclone or pipe, showing that the negative pressure suddenly decreases.


The temperature in the end of klin decreases greatly.


The negative pressure of kiln outlet decreases and maybe shows positive pressure.


If the falling of material is serious, then handle the failure as same as the failure of outputting raw material, refers to the above mentioned process. But pay attention to the adjustment of the negative pressure of kiln outlet to avoid the hot airflow rushes out and hurt people.


For slight falling of material, in ordinary, there is no need to take special handling, it’s can properly increase the fuel feeding amount and adjust operation correspondingly.

5. 预 热 器 堵 塞停车

the preheater is blocked and stopped


The temperature inside reduction furnace is a little higher, the stickiness of material is increased which


Judge the material blocking position based on the display of negative pressure of different level cyclones.


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常见故障Common fault


possible reasons or phenomena


main operating handlings makes materials gradually cumulates in the cone part and haven’t been cleaned in time.


The material in the cone part of cyclone falls down and blocks the material feeding pipe.

3.下料翻板阀长期窜风,下料管本身结皮。The feeding flap valve leaks air for a long time, the feeding pipe forms agglomeration.

If the material blocks seriously and the anti-block and cleaning and blowing system is fail, then it’s should to poke the blocked material manually, in this case, it’s should pay much attention to personal safety.


If the failure can not be eliminated, it’s must to stop feeding material and fuel, stop klin. It’s forbidden to handle the blocked material by increasing exhaustion of kiln inlet within 4 hours after the klin stopped due to material blockage. The concrete stopping sequence can basically refer to “normal stopping”


Basic operating steps for eliminating blockage:


Identify the blocking position and observe from the corresponding highest inspection hole.


Hoist up the all feeding flap valves hereinafter the blocked cyclone by using iron wire.

(3)根据堵料位置,用高压风管捅料棒从物料的上面向下处理,尤其要清除结皮。Based on the blocking position, poke from up-down by using material poking stick for high pressure wind pipe, particularly to clean up the formed agglomeration.


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常见故障Common fault


possible reasons or phenomena


main operating handlings 岗位注意安全,防止冲料凶猛、烫伤人。

The klin can not be turned while handle faults, at the mean time, notice relative posts to pay attention to safety to avoid the material rushes out and scald people.

(5) 清理堵料前,下级旋风筒所有孔洞均须关闭。

Before clean blocked material, all holes in different level of cyclones must be closed.

(6) 关闭空气炮系统 Shut off air canon system

(7)堵料清除完毕后要仔细检查 Carry out detailed check after the blocked material is cleaned up.

下料翻板阀动作不灵活、卡死the feeding flap valve cann’t move freely or is deadly blocked


Adjust the feeding flap valve to make it moves freely.


the harmful components exceed indexes

检查有害成分含量 check the content of harmful components

增加旁路放风的比例 raise the proportion of bypass ventilation

(5)冷却机及冷却风机系统 Cooling Machine and Air Cooling Machine System

常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings

1. 冷 却 机 篦 床停车

Grater bed of cooler stop

1. 液 压 系 统 故 障 hydraulic system failure

2 . 熟 料 破碎 机 故 障 clinker crusher failure

3.电气故障 electrical failure


Stop klin based on the sequence of “normal stop”.


Continue ventilation to cool clinker, adjust the turning speed of the backward induced draught fan of clinker EP, and change the flow direction of the wind so

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常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings as to reduce the secondary air volume.


It’s forbidden to spay fuel into kiln outlet to keep its temperature while there is someone working within the cooler.


grater board damaged


Continue to output clinker till it is finished, it’s also can stop grater bed, be aware of don’t letting grater board drops into crusher as much as possible, pick up grater board.

2. 冷 却 机 篦 下风室堵死

the air chamber under the grater of cooler is deadly blocked


The grater board is damaged and leaks lots of materials.


There is too much fine stuff in the clinker.


The pressure under the grater of cooler increases.


The air temperature inside the air chamber increases.

a.检查篦床上熟料冷却情况和漏料温度。Check the cooling situation of clinker in grater bed and the temperature of leaked clinker.

b.及时更换损坏零件。Replace damaged parts in time.

d.按控制要求停窑。Stop klin according to control requirement.

3. 冷 却 机 进 料口堵塞

the feeding opening of cooler is blocked


The clinker agglomerates in big block or big block drops from klin coating skin.


The feeding opening of cooler agglomerates which results in material accumulation.


The grater bed is stopped due to fault whereas the klin still works and feed material.


Increase cooling air amount and the exhaustion amount of induced draught fan of clinker EP.


Increase grater bed speed.


Avoid abnormal running of klin, check the chemical component of clinker and make control of its.


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常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings


The material of preheater falls down or suddenly collapses while clean blockage.

5.二次风温偏低。Secondry air temperature is a little lower.


Stop klin, clean the inspection hole from the side of cooler and poke the material and eliminate blockage in time.


4. 篦 床 上 出 现“红料流”

"Red material flow" occurs on the grate bed.


See the part of grate cooler


See the part of grate cooler


Forming the snowman


See the part of grate cooler


See the part of grate cooler


The particle size of the clinker is too small.

提高窑头温度,检查熟料率值 SM 是否过大

Increase the temperature of kiln outlet, and check to see whether SM, one of the modulus values of clinker, is too big or not


"Red material flow" occurs on the grate bed.


See above.


The cooling air volume of the air chamber is too big, and the clinker layer is blown through.


Decrease the air volume of this air chamber, and slow down speed of the grate appropriately


The cooling air volume of the air chamber is too small to cool the clinker completely


Increase the air volume of this air chamber, and accelerate speed of the grate appropriately

6. 篦 板 温 度 偏高

Higher temperature of the grate plate


Large-size clinkers appear on the grate bed


Accelerate the speed of the grate appropriately

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常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings


The speed of the grate bed is too fast, and the material bed is too thin


Slow down the speed of the grate appropriately


Insufficient cooling air volume


Increase the air volume of relevant air chambers appropriately


The speed of the grate bed is o fast to


Slow down the speed of the grate appropriately

7. 冷 却 机 出 料温度偏高

Higher temperature of the material discharged from the cooler


“Red material flow” or large clinker block occurs on the grate bed


See above.

8. 冷 却 机 的 冷却 风 量 不 够Insufficient cooling air volume of the cooler


The clinker layer is too thick.


The second-section low pressure could not get through the clinker layer due to improper rate between speeds of grate beds.


Clinker deposit on part of the grate bed

a. 检查篦板与压力设定值比较是否合适。如有必要的话,改变压力设定值加快篦速。

Check to see whether the setting value of the pressure is proper for the grate plate. Change the setting value of the pressure and accelerate the speed of the grate if necessary.

b. 改变篦床速度之间的比率,加快二段篦速,减薄熟料层。

Change the rate between speeds of grate beds, accelerate the grate speed of second-section, and thin down the clinker layer.

c. 增加相应风室的风量。

Increase air volume of relevant air chamber.

9. 冷 却 风 机 停车

Shutdown of the cooling fan


Lubricant starvation of the fan


Over-limit bearing temperature


a.如果篦板下面的一台风机跳停,其相应的篦板驱动在 5 分钟后必须停止(防止Coanda 喷嘴的冷却缝被细的熟料堵塞),其后按正常停车处理

If tripping of a fan under the grate plate occurs, the corresponding drive of the grate plate must be stopped after 5

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常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings

Motor failure and etc. minutes, in order to prevent the cooling seam of the Coanda nozzles from being blocked by fine clinkers. The normal shutdown process should be abided by afterwards.

b.如果篦板下的所有的冷却风机跳停,相应的篦床应在 1 分钟内停止,再过 5 分钟停窑。

If tripping of all cooling fans under the grate plate occurs, the corresponding grate bed must be stopped within 1 minute, and the kiln must be shut down after 5 minutes.


Pay attention to variation of the negative pressure of the kiln outlet, and adjust the rotation speed of the exhauster behind the electric precipitator of clinker at all times.


Blackout of the whole plant


Cut off start switches of all equipments.


Switch on emergency power for the emergency fan and auxiliary drive of the kiln, and start up interval slow running urgently.


Haul out the burner from kiln hood.


Pay attention to the interval slow running of the fan of kiln inlet.


Make sure that the kiln system is cooled slowly, and create possibility for restart due to possible power-on within a short period of time.

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Page 120: Clinker Burning System


常见故障Common fault


Possible cause or phenomenon


Main operational handlings


Clean up material deposits in discharging pipe of the preheater and smoke chamber of the kiln inlet before restoring the system to normal operation.

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