coastal erosion prevention

31 屆海洋工程研討會論文集 國立中興大學 2009 11 Proceeding of the 31 st Ocean Engineering Conference in Taiwan National Chung Hsing University, November 2009 海岸柔性保護工法之初步現地實驗研究 彭大雄 1* 詹錢登 2 1 國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系博士候選人 2 國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系特聘教授 摘要 為了保護海岸避免海岸侵蝕,以往大多採用剛性的保護工法,但此類工法的建置成本 較高,工時較長,有時功能不如預期,或有礙於自然景觀,而且不容易遷移。因此進行柔性保 護工法的現地實驗研究,希望能建立成本低、施工易、效果好的海岸柔性保護工法。本研究中 之柔性工法,係將間距 50 公尺的兩個不銹鋼鋼索石籠作基礎,外面掛滿廢輪胎製成的柔性葉片 環圈,兩個不銹鋼鋼索石籠中間以「消能網」連結,利用保護工法中柔性材料、柔性葉片及多 孔性的特性將通過之波浪能量減低,減少海水攜帶泥沙之能力使泥沙落淤,以達防止海岸侵蝕 之功能。本柔性保護工現地試驗設置在八掌溪出口南岸(雙春海岸),於 98 年 6 月完工,迄 今歷經蓮花颱風及莫拉克颱風之考驗,保護工之結構完整,沒有受到損壞,並且實際測量保護 工已經使泥砂落淤約 0.5 到 0.8 公尺,有效保護海岸。 關鍵詞:柔性葉片環圈、消能網、防止海岸侵蝕、柔性保護工法 Field experimental study on a soft protecting method for coastal erosion prevention Ta-Hsiung Peng * Chyan-Deng Jan *Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Chen Kung University ABSTRACT The structures which are used to protect coastal erosion are very expensive to construct and it is important to protect these structures from damage. Usually those structures like: embankments, breakwaters, jetties etc. are constructed by concrete and very rigid methods like tetrapod, groyne etc are used to protect those structures. But those rigid methods are not very effective always, because very high energy could not be absorbed by those methods. To protect the coastal erosion by reducing the energy, a flexible device is introduced which will reduce energy and protect coastline economically and environmentally as well. The flexible device is a combination of flexible wire net and stack of rings with soften blades attached with used tires. This flexible wire net is placed in between two stack of rings with soften blades. The stack of rings with soften blades is used to hold the flexible wire net and the flexible wire net is used to reduce the energy gently which helps to deposit the sediment in the coast. The device is placed at Shuang-Chun coastal area in Tainan County on June, 2009. The length of the device is 50.0 meters. The wave energy usually coming from sea is absorbing gently by the device and a typhoon called Linfa and Morakot passed on the device. The device has worked effectively during normal period and typhoon period as well and it has developed a very good amount of sediment deposition around the device. The observed results revealed that the sediment deposition depth around the device various from 0.5m to 0.8m. Keywords: Stack of rings; soften blades; flexible wire net; reduce energy; coastal protection

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1. 31 2009 11 st Proceeding of the 31 Ocean Engineering Conference in Taiwan National Chung Hsing University, November 2009 1*2 1 2 50 98 6 0.5 0.8 Field experimental study on a soft protecting method for coastal erosion prevention *Ta-Hsiung Peng Chyan-Deng Jan *Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Chen Kung UniversityABSTRACT The structures which are used to protect coastal erosion are very expensive to construct and it is important to protect these structures from damage. Usually those structures like: embankments, breakwaters, jetties etc. are constructed by concrete and very rigid methods like tetrapod, groyne etc are used to protect those structures. But those rigid methods are not very effective always, because very high energy could not be absorbed by those methods. To protect the coastal erosion by reducing the energy, a flexible device is introduced which will reduce energy and protect coastline economically and environmentally as well. The flexible device is a combination of flexible wire net and stack of rings with soften blades attached with used tires. This flexible wire net is placed in between two stack of rings with soften blades. The stack of rings with soften blades is used to hold the flexible wire net and the flexible wire net is used to reduce the energy gently which helps to deposit the sediment in the coast. The device is placed at Shuang-Chun coastal area in Tainan County on June, 2009. The length of the device is 50.0 meters. The wave energy usually coming from sea is absorbing gently by the device and a typhoon called Linfa and Morakot passed on the device. The device has worked effectively during normal period and typhoon period as well and it has developed a very good amount of sediment deposition around the device. The observed results revealed that the sediment deposition depth around the device various from 0.5m to 0.8m. Keywords: Stack of rings; soften blades; flexible wire net; reduce energy; coastal protection 2. 2m 1.1 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 ()2.3.4 2.3.5 4 1.2 2.3.6 1 1 1.3 3.1 2007 2 28 2009 1 3 6 2007/2/28~2009/1/3 11 2 1 2005 5 27 2009 1 3 1 2005/5/27~2009/1/3 4() 13.4 3 0.552m 0.774m 6 2 7 ( 2.1 ) 75 50 3.2 A. 5 (98.05.17) (98.08.15) 0 4 44M 1 B. 14,886M 2.2 C. 2 2 50m 4m 3. 3. (2000)2000 25807004. (2001)2001 25806505. (2002)2002 6. (2003)2003 2580600 7. (2004)2004 2580550 8. (2008) 25805009. (2004) 2580450158750158800 158850 10. (2000) 5 (() m) 11. (2005) ()3/3 50M 12. (2006) (98 ) 13. (2007) 100M 150M ( NSC97-2622-E006-024-CC1) 1. (1998) 2. (2000) 4. 1 2 2007 2009 32005 2009 5. 4 1 1 () H(m) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 H1(98.05.17)-0.619-0.820-0.835-0.816-0.801-0.660-0.715 -0.815 H2(98.07.26) 0.115-0.123-0.141-0.064-0.011-0.107-0.469 -0.246 H3(98.08.15)-0.067-0.104-0.072-0.044-0.027-0.058-0.042 -0.046 H0.552 0.7160.7630.772 0.774 0.6020.673 0.769 6 6. 2 () (m) 0102030405060 708090 100 110 98.05.17()0.681 0.383 0.085 -0.213 -0.511 -0.746 -0.956 -1.176 98.07.26 1.62 1.132 0.92 0.70.480.260.04 -0.14 -0.183 -0.402 98.08.15( 1.67 1.316 0.961 0.673 0.482 0.292 0.105 0.0480.015 -0.056 -0.167 -0.35) : 75m 7 2